Oil Of RosesChapter 63 free porn video

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Monday 10/09/06 04:40 AM

After the Saturday night/Sunday morning they'd had, Harry, Carol, Margo, and Kelly had arrived home mid Sunday afternoon, hugged and kissed submissives right and left, crawled into bed and slept the sleep of the well-and-truly exhausted.

Carol rolled over in the massive bed, debating if she really needed to go pee, or if she could convince her bladder otherwise and get a little more sleep.

Then her stomach woke up and she woke up with it.

Making her way carefully out of the puppy pile of people, she chuckled to see Camille was 'back on the chain', cuddled next to Harry's side.

On his other side, however ... Nicki had come over some time in the night, crawled into bed as well, and glued herself to his side. Carol wished she knew some way to soothe Nicki's guilt. No one besides Harry was out of sorts about it, but nonetheless her guilt was unhealthy ... understandable, but unhealthy.

Scratching herself and stretching, she found herself picking her way around submissives sleeping on the floor. Radhika, Margo's new ladies maid, and Twilla, Kelly's new body servant, weren't at Dominique's. She would have to move them before Harry got up. With the leg brace on, he would valiantly try to avoid stepping on them, might even succeed, but she didn't want to put him through it.

She shook the two of them awake and shifted them to another of the rapidly disappearing clean patches of floor.

Sitting on the toilet, she wondered whether her hunger was going to demand serious food, or if she could get by with a snack.

Four apples later, she was back in bed asleep.

10/09/06 07:36 AM

"I smell bacon," Margo murmured. "Angela, why am I smelling bacon?"

The adorable little blonde raised her head to stare at her Madam.

"It's actually a very complicated biological process involving scent molecules and refined nerve endings in your nasal passages..."

"You're far too smartass for this early in the morning. Go find out who's cooking and tell them I'd better be smelling coffee soon as well."

"It's Harry," Kelly said, pausing to take her lips away from Twilla's swollen breast. "He and Candy are thinking a truly epic breakfast. They've been waiting to start the coffee until you were awake. I think they wanted to wait on the bacon as well, but hunger won out."

"Angela, go tell them to start the coffee," Margo said, sitting up and looking over the bed and its tangle of bodies. "I see Nicki came in some time last night."

Harry's sister was still asleep, tangled in sheets.

"Yes, Madam," Angela said, crawling out of bed. "I woke up to find her on your husband's cock, and Camille on his face. She went back to sleep afterward."

"Well, sounds like someone had a good morning," Margo muttered.

From beneath a pillow Billy said, "I've got a perfectly good erection if Madam would like to borrow it..."

When the family was settled around the table, inhaling food almost as fast as it hit the table, Candy and Camille filled them in on the past week.

"So, shit basically blew up, was handled, and we weren't needed, right?" Harry said.

"Well, I wouldn't say you weren't needed," Candy replied. "But yes, it was handled. You'll be needing to go sign some paperwork concerning the Wexler property – Madame Cornelius recommends ceding the Bates property to Karghold Newton for their help." Candy sucked her cheeks in, blew out, and continued. "Turns out they're a damn fine ally to have. Brains and muscle when we need them."

"And fun at parties, don't forget that," Kelly said around a mouthful of toast.

"So, we have a country estate, or will have soon," Margo said. "We should probably warn our accountant next year's taxes are going to be a bitch."

"As if they weren't going to be already, little Miss Noveau Riche," Harry chuckled.

"Good point," Margo murmured. "Please tell me someone called in to the clinic for me this morning?"

"Yes Madam," Candy replied. "I told them you would be in this afternoon, by 1."

"Thank you, dear."

Carol finished her mouthful of eggs and potatoes.

"Candy, I think I'm appointing you my Chief of Staff for handling the household."

"Well, Miss, when you're sure one way or another, do let me know," Candy said, with a perfectly straight face.

"Have you been spanked today?" Carol asked.

"No, Miss."

"Harry, we'll be seeing to that later this afternoon."

"Yes, dear."

"Is there any reason we shouldn't arrange a meeting with House Sandalwood at their earliest convenience?" Margo asked.

No one but her spouses understood the question, and none of the clueless felt the need to ask. They'd be told when it was time.

"No, no reason at all," Kelly said after a minute or so. "Carol, call Sandalwood, find out if they're available this evening. If they are, reserve the Via ... Viman ... whatever that damn room is at the Bangkok Inn. Tell them to get rid of the tables and chairs, set it up for dining on cushions and rugs around a low table, we'll cover any additional expense for furnishings."

Margo and Harry looked at each other with raised eyebrows, Carol just smiled.

"Yes, Mistress, it will be done."

"Candy, put together a party pack – you know, things we're likely to need if the meeting gets as interesting as it could," Margo said. "Try to find an unoccupied spot of floor for it somewhere in the house. Might be a good idea to keep one around all the time, when we have the room."

10/09/06 09:32 AM

Kelly lay back on the large bed, legs spread as Twilla sucked on her pussy.

"Umm, very nice, my pet," Kelly crooned, as she reached over for her phone from the bedside table. She was going to call Kim to find out how Charlie's homecoming had gone. Informed she had voice mail, she checked it first. She wasn't surprised to see it was from Kim.

"Well, it's gotten real interesting a little faster than I thought it would. I fell asleep on the couch, he came in about 10 Sunday morning. There I am, naked, looking like a whore at the end of Dollar Night, the living room ... well, you remember how the living room looked ... and oh my God, smelled. I only woke up when he was in the bedroom, slamming shit around as he packed. He isn't even willing to talk about it ... not that I mind all that much. Call me."

Kim didn't sound upset, but Kim was Carol's sister, and Carol could hide her upsets very well. Kelly called her back.

"So," she said after Kim picked up. "Do you need your Queen, or a friend."

"Friend first."

"Okay, friend first. What do you want to do?"

"Well, at first I couldn't make up my mind between screaming and crying or clapping and laughing. So far I'm staying on the clapping and laughing side of things, although that's subject to change. I've already talked to Carson and Kevin ... they were a little less sympathetic than they might have been after the way we came out of the kitchen Sunday, but they're supportive of whatever I decide."

"Anything keeping you in Wichita for the next week or so?"

"Not really ... I took a leave of absence from work a month or so ago, when things started getting too much to handle on top of my and Charlie's problems."

"Good. Listen to me, you mewling little cunt. Pack your bags, come down here."

"I might."

"I wasn't giving you an option, you stupid little piece of gutter trash. I was giving you an order. You'll call and let me know when you're landing, you'll be met at the airport. Are we fucking clear, cunt?"

"Yes ... yes, my Queen."

Kelly hung up abruptly, put the phone back on the table.

"Not a word about that call to anyone, Twilla," she said.

Twilla's head raised.

"Never, Mistress."

"Good. Keep sucking, please."

"Yes, Mistress."

As Margo was dressing for work, trying perhaps to get to the clinic earlier than Candy had said, Carol came into the bedroom.

"We're having supper with the Doms of Sandalwood and their ... well, their equivalents of Camille and Radhika, at 7."

Margo looked at the bed, where Kelly was being eaten by Twilla, and Twilla was being eaten by Harry.

"It gets harder and harder to leave on Mondays."

"I can imagine, Madam. I'll be joining them as soon as you're done with me."

"You little bitch."

"Yes, Madam," Carol said, hugging her wife, "but I'm your little bitch."

By the end of things, Carol had latched on to Harry's cock, and Camille had completed the daisy chain by inserting herself between Carol and Kelly. Afterward they all went out to the pool and laid out in the shade of the tree, drinking coffee and passing around a pipe.

"You got a little take-chargey this mornin', didn't ya, my love?" Harry said.

"Yeah," Kelly said. "I blame leftover "Queen" vibes from this weekend. That's my story, I'm sticking to it."

"It's okay. Needed to be done, and Margo needs both you and I to pick up some of the Dominant slack in the House. So keep it up, I'll try to step up ... maybe we can ease Margo's stress levels." Harry finished his coffee. "Mind if I borrow Twilla for a while?"

"What's mine is yours, my husband."

Harry got up, took Twilla's hand, and led her inside.

Mrs. Sukhawari called Chatsirree, disturbing her niece's day off.

"The Grimes are coming in tonight at 7 with guests. They've had us rearrange the Vimanmek Palace room – seating on the floor, low table. I suspect this may be one of their special dinners. You will be waiting on them."

After a pause, Mrs. Sukhawari continued.

"I have an idea what you have planned. I will make sure she works tonight, and that you and your friends are not disturbed."

"Yes, Aunt Phailin. Thank you."

Devon planned to drive the family proper in the Rolls, Melvin would follow in another car with their staff. Plans had been made for the two security personnel to be seated immediately outside the door to the Vimanmek Palace room. They would take turns eating, while the other was, surreptitiously, on guard.

Devon had instructions from both Harry and Kelly that security was most emphatically not allowed to frisk their dinner guests, or their waitress.

Neither Devon nor Melvin were happy about that.

10/09/06 03:53 PM

"Devon, you're to go to the airport, a flight from Wichita arriving at 5:00. Pick Kim up, stash her at the Omni, I've called and reserved our suite, and tell her to be at the Bangkok Inn no later than 8. Make sure she has cab fare. Tell her to come dressed in something she won't mind having ruined, ready to serve. Dress to impress though. If I have my way, she'll be meeting the people who are going to train her."

"Yes, Mistress Kelly."

"Don't tell anyone about this, Devon, or your first sexual experience with our family will be very painful."

"Yes, Mistress."

Margo had one of 'those talks' with the clinic director shortly before she was going to check out that evening.

She was in far less than a good mood when she finally went outside and was picked up by Alice.

On Madam's instructions, Alice drove around long enough for Margo to get two pipefuls of weed into her system before heading home.

By the time Alice got her home, the rest of the family was dressed for supper. With Radhika's help, Margo got through a shower and dressed in time to head out to the Bangkok Inn, but it was a close thing.

On the way, she explained to her spouses how her afternoon had gone.

"Clarice wants me to either commit to being there, without fail, four days a week, no lateness, no emergencies pulling me away, or she wants me to resign ... and I can't say I blame her, really."

Kelly looked at Harry and grinned.

"Sweetheart," she said, "I think Harry and I can help you with that."

When the Rolls pulled up to the restaurant, Margo was feeling much more confident about her continued employment.

Chorale barely beat Sandalwood to the restaurant. They were still getting comfortable when the four remaining Mistresses and their subs were shown in. Of course, everyone got back up and there were hugs and kisses and gropes all around.

"I see Spyderchylde isn't with you," Kathleen said once everyone was seated and comfortable.

"No," Carol replied. "It was a toss-up between her and Candy here for my ... assistant, and Candy has a physicality Dayna lacks."

"True ... Dayna's just a little thing," Dragonaria replied. "Candy's much more ... substantial."

"And impressive," Wolfling added.

Candy smiled to herself, happy to at last be a part of a House where she was appreciated.

"Dinner first, then business, or both together?" Margo asked.

Kathleen cocked her head to one side. "Pleasant business or unpleasant."

"Pleasant," Harry replied. "Or at the very worst, neutral."

"Let's get our orders in, then business," Ravensclaw said.

After Chatsirree had taken orders and left, Margo said, "All right, short and sweet and to the point, we want you in Chorale."

There was confusion on the other side of the table.

"What the hell?" Dragonaria growled, her curvy body shifting to sit upright. "We are members of Chorale. We allied and everything."

"Excuse us," Kelly said, "Madam Grimes didn't make her meaning quite clear. We don't want you as allies. We want you as Housemates."

While Ravensclaw was so happy with the idea she began to caress herself through her loose cotton pants, Dragonaria lay on her back to stare at the ceiling, and Wolfling looked thoughtful, Mistress Kathleen Marsh did not look happy.


"We have a large House already," Harry replied. "But while we have breadth, we have no depth. Now there's far more submissives than we can handle, property to be managed, and talk of arranged marriages, and that depth is sorely lacking. Your House has that depth; children, submissives, Dommes ... personnel we need ... personnel," he continued, running his eyes over the four Mistresses, "we want."

"And love," Margo said. "And trust, and cherish."

"We considered several Houses in our alliance," Kelly said. "Sandalwood is the only one we can agree on. In fact, in the end, it was the only one we really felt right about."

"You want us to give up the name you just restored to us," Kathleen said.

"Not necessarily," Kelly replied. "We got no issue with hyphenated names." She bulled her way on ahead, hoping she wasn't overstepping her bounds. "Why not the whole Household, all of us, being known as 'Sandalwood-Chorale'?"

That drew some deep intakes of breath from Chorale's side of the table, but no one corrected Kelly.

"We're asking a lot," she continued. "Assuming your children have been raised in concert with the scene, they'll be the stuff of political marriages. Courtesy of the dust-up this last week, we have the Wexler estate out in the country, and no one in position, or really suited, to manage it. No one holding the leash, at least. Your nursery business is well-established at its current location, and we could certainly help with any manpower needs you might have in that regard."

"So, you want us to take over the management of the old Wexler property, by moving out there, I presume, while our people and yours continue to keep our nursery and property as a going concern."

"Yes, Mistress Marsh," Harry said.

"Of course," Kathleen Marsh said, "we'd want one of our Mistresses, and her people, to live at the Corral, to represent us and our interests."

"Not a problem," Margo said, "provided they don't mind very cramped accommodations at present." Inwardly she quailed at the thought of even more people in the house.

"So, you want to split our House and our people across three locations..."

"If that isn't acceptable, we understand completely," Margo said. "While we need you, it's equally true you don't need us in this regard."

"You're asking our little House, hitherto on the outs with the ruling family of this area, to become one with the new power in this area," Kathleen said, a smile starting to decorate her lips. "You're willing to accept our House name as part of yours, and want to weld our Houses together so tightly our children will be part of the glue binding this new House to other large and important Houses."

"Uh, yeah..." Kelly said.

"Might we discuss it among ourselves?" Mistress Marsh asked.

"Certainly," Kelly replied.

The four remaining Dommes of Sandalwood got up and left the table, going outside. As they continued out of the restaurant, Devon followed them.

"May we help you with something?" Dragonaria asked her.

"You're guests of my House, and I'm charged with your security. I'll be over there, should you need me," she said, pointing to a place in the parking lot with unrestricted sight lines.

The last words Devon heard from them were "and right there's another issue, we really want to live under the microscope?"

The longer the Mistresses of Sandalwood were out in the parking lot, the more twitchy Kelly got. It pissed her off to a degree that Margo was calm.

"How can you sit there and not give a shit what their answer is?" she hissed.

"It's easy. I'm very evidently not alone in this. It's been our proposition from the very beginning. I know I always have yours and Harry's support, but I often don't feel like I truly have your voices. This time I do, you've made it very clear this is 'we', not 'me'. Feels good. I loved the way you stepped up and dealt with the name issue. It's a good solution. You handled it beautifully."

Margo looked at the four men waiting for their Mistresses to return.

"I wouldn't worry, Kelly," she continued. "Sandalwood is going to accept our offer. I'm not sure this is what Minerva had in mind, but she'll be okay with it. We grow stronger. I'm thinking perhaps we could bring one of the smaller Houses in as well. I know Franklin and St. Paul are happy being small and staying that way, but perhaps Hurley. I know Harry wouldn't mind."

"More chances to fuck Marcie? Nope, won't mind at all. She's a bad, bad little sub."

"Yes, it will mean we have to partially subsidize their household, but I think we can afford that," Margo continued, amazed she didn't have a jealous reaction to Harry's statement. "I mean, what's the real financial hardship of two or three more subs, especially as medical costs won't be an issue. If we choose the right three, they can even go to work in the spa, bring in income that way and offset their upkeep.

"Things are going well, Kelly. Relax and let them."

Kelly got up, went to Margo, and knelt beside her in a fully submissive pose.

"Tonight?" Kelly asked.

"No, little one," Margo answered. "Harry and I have work tomorrow. Thursday night? Oh yes."

"Thank you, Madam."

Kelly was just settling back in her place when Sandalwood returned, only slightly before their food.

"We accept your proposal," Kathleen Marsh said. "We can work out any details after we eat."

The conversation was sporadic and light during the meal. The table was cleared and after-dinner drinks were ordered, but after Chatsirree turned the order in, she returned and sat down cross-legged next to Margo.

"Madam..." she began.

"It's Margo, Chatsirree, not 'Madam'."

"No, Madam, this time it isn't."

Margo's eyebrows went up, and she motioned the woman to continue.

"I request admittance to your House as a Domme-in-training. At the party, I sampled the other side of things, and while on some level I'll always have a submissive side, I found I have an even stronger Dominant side."

Margo hugged her close. "I think I can speak for my fellow Dominants and say we accept you into our House."

The Grimes's all crowded around, on their knees, to hug her. When they were through, Harry quipped, "So, sweetie, did you get us something nice?"

Chatsirree kissed him.

"Yes, Harry, I did. Here she comes with our drinks."

The girl who walked in the door carrying a tray of drinks couldn't have been more than twelve. Slight, slender, as graceful as Chatsirree herself, her beautiful features were captivating.

"I understand why," Margo said. "But you can't. She's too young. I'm not even sure how she's able to serve us alcohol..."

"She's no more the age she appears to be than Sheila," Chatsirree said. "This is my second cousin, Jamnit. You'll find her very accommodating."

When the drinks were delivered, Chatsirree said, "Jamnit, display yourself."

The young woman stepped up on the table, efficiently unbuttoned her one-piece dress, let it fall to the table behind her, and stepped out of her shoes. She took two steps forward on the large round wooden table, dropped to her knees, then spread them as she leaned all the way back, until her head was on the table.

She was completely nude. A shaven pussy only added to the illusion of youth, as did her very small, pointed tits. Her skin was a few shades lighter than Chatsirree's, and try as he might, Harry couldn't find a blemish on it anywhere he could see. Her long black hair spread out on the table behind her like a flood of ink

"Oh my," Margo said.

"Pure and virginal," Chatsirree said. "Or near enough to fake it convincingly."

"Oh my," Kelly breathed.

"Mistress Chatsirree has explained my place to me, and when I heard her words, it was like a revelation from the heavens, answering every question I have ever had about my life," Jamnit said, her voice clear and lovely.

"Oh ... my..." Harry murmured.

"I am yours, all of yours, if you would have me, as Chatsirree's tribute to her House."

Three spouses turned to Carol for her reaction.

The little woman wore a large smile. She nodded.

"Oh my," Carol said.

Across the table, the Mistresses of Sandalwood smiled.

"I think we made a good decision," Kathleen said to Dragonaria. "It will not be boring."

Devon stuck her head in the door, her eyes widening at the vision on the table.

"Madam, there's a woman here, says it's on Kelly's orders. She claims to be Ms. Carol's sister."

Everyone turned to look at Kelly, who motioned to Devon.

"Let her in. You all can judge me later."

Kim came in, dressed in a long sheath that came down below her knees. She obviously wasn't wearing a bra, and everyone who knew her had serious doubts about panties as well...

"Kathleen," Kelly said, "this is Carol's sister, Kimberly Riley ... or that will be her last name again once the divorce is final. She's a very selfish, manipulative little slut who badly needs some training, and I can think of no one I'd rather entrust her to than you and yours."

"Excuse me?" said Kim. "I don't know these people..."

Before she could finish the sentence, Wolfling was up, and slapped her so hard across the face Kim fell to her knees.

"If you speak to a Domme of this House like that again I guaran-goddamn-tee you there won't be anything even remotely approaching an orgasm in your future for months."

She knelt beside Kim.

"You will be fun to train, little fuckpig."

Everyone except Kelly and Wolfling looked at Carol.

"Sounds like my sister is in for an interesting time," she said with a smile. "She does have a particular love of sucking cum-filled cunts and assholes clean, and drinking urine. Make sure she does plenty of both, won't you?"

Kim, in tears, almost said something, but thought better of it.

"Now that's settled," Margo said, "I believe we need to discuss some issues with our new Housemates."

Kathleen leaned forward on the table, completely ignoring Jamnit, who was still bent backwards.

"Dragonaria will be moving in with you, once we announce the news. She also is the lightest in numbers of subs, only three. With your permission, we'll examine the viability of simply moving our nursery operations to ... what do you plan to call the former Wexler estate?"

"Don't know yet," Harry replied. "Didn't know we had it until today, haven't put much thought into it, we're accepting suggestions."

"Well, if we can move our nursery out there, we will, sell our current property, and use the funds to buy part of the property and build our own place out on the land."

"I like the way you think, Kathleen," Kelly said. "You're thinking very long term."

"Yes we are. This is obviously more than an alliance, and it's more than a merger. We're thinking of it as a marriage. There will be a pre-nup of sorts, more for our protection than yours, although the exact terms will be hammered out between all of us ... and our damn lawyers." She smiled. "I think it's going to be a happy marriage, but yes, we are looking at it as "till death do us part'."

Ravensclaw leaned forward eying Harry.

"There will be a lot of fucking," she said.

Harry smiled.

"As you say, Mistress Ravensclaw."

"So," Margo said, "when do you want to announce our ... marriage?"

"Where are you holding court this Friday?" Wolfling asked.

"We haven't had time to work out a schedule for all the clubs, so we'll be at home."

"So, court at Dominique's," Wolfling said. "Works for me."

Margo leaned back, rubbing her temples.

"I suppose it only proper the entire House is present..."

"And allies if they can make it," Kathleen said. "I know it's a headache, Madam. But the legalities are exactly that – therefore beneath the notice of the scene. The announcement will be the reality, the marriage, so to speak. I'm sure you agree it's worth some pomp and ceremony..."

"Definitely," Margo agreed. "But we're barely a week out from that party ... the one I think a lot of people are still recovering from – mentally, if in no other way. I propose we postpone the announcement until..."

"The Samhain Fetish Ball," Kelly said.

And so it was agreed by acclamation.

"Now then," Margo said. "There are the matters of a squealing fuckpig that's been tossed to your tender mercies, and this sweet young – oh so young – thing that's been given into our charge. Are we taking her home, Chatsirree. Please say no, we really don't have the room right now."

Chatsirree laughed. "Not tonight no, but she will be moving in when you have the space. And she'll be at your beck and call for parties and such until then."

"And when will you be at our beck and call?" Kelly asked.

Chatsirree moved over and cuddled up to Kelly.

"Whenever you'll have me, Kelly dear."

"Fantastic," Kelly said. "Let's get to some fucking..."

Only to find most of the Dominants in attendance shaking their heads.

"Work tomorrow."

"Gotta be up early for an appointment."

"Have work, can't party on a weeknight."

"Buncha goddamn old fuckers," Kelly grumbled as everyone packed up and said their goodbyes.

"Kim," Kelly said, "you know what you want. You wanted it so much you helped us make it happen, and you came down here like I told you to. You go with these people, and be good."

"Kelly," Kim whispered, "what about Wichita, and my job, and my brothers..."

"What about all that? What are you really leaving behind? Think about it. In a week, you can decide for good whether you're staying or going."

"What do you mean, 'for good' ... I mean, I get it if I stay, but if I leave?"

"Kim, opportunities to follow your passions, your dreams ... they don't come along very often. This is a one-time offer. There won't be any 'going back to Wichita to think it over, come back down in a month or two maybe'. If you can't commit now, after the weekend we shared, you're never going to commit, you're just going to mince around the edges, maybe have a little play time here and there. In one week, it'll be time to shit or get off the pot."

"I'll think about it ... hard," Kim promised.

Once the family was home, Kelly complained.

"Damn, having a meeting like that on a night when people have work the next day. I was hoping for a good orgy!"

"Later, darling," Carol said. "Real life must intrude from time to time."

"I cannot wait to get my tongue on Jamnit," Kelly said. "She should be at Dommi's this weekend with us. Just think of the fun."

"I get the feeling you want to wear that pussy as a face mask," Harry said.

"Oh, tell me you don't," Kelly replied.

"Guilty as charged," Harry said. "But I'm not about to hyperventilate over it."

"C'mon Harry," Kelly said, "just imagine, putting her and Sheila together with a little costuming..."

"Okay, now I'm hyperventilating," Margo said.

Time was spent with their greatly neglected subs, visiting and catching up on the household news, and then all too quickly it was time for bed.

And there was Nicki.

Even the mega-bed and the bedroom were taxed by their potential occupants. Kelly wanted Twilla close, Margo wanted Radhika nearby, Carol hoped for both Candy and Dayna, Harry had Camille and Nicki.

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OIL ON CANVAS; A WORK IN PROGRESS The boy stood watching us, uninhibited, as Andrea and I attempted to re-arrange our dishevelled appearances. Only moments before, my friend's face had been buried deliciously between my thighs. Her lips were still damp and glistening from her foray. My shirt was open, my tits exposed, hard little nipples protruding eagerly. How embarrassing! I was aware of a deep, warm blush flooding my cheeks, this seemed to amuse him. His eyes played greedily over my body...

3 years ago
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Oil massage that was unexpected

This is a true story .... NOTE: My Hubby is Bi One week day teatime me and my husband had been busy doing jobs around the home throughout the day the kind of jobs men put off until there wife nags at them and they do them just to shut you up. So setting the scene it had been a long day for both of us we where fed up and the weather wasn't the greatest.We both took turns having a long soak in the bath me ( Wife ) went first then I ran a fresh bath for hubby and thought hmm while he's in the...

4 years ago
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Oil Massage To Needy Housewife

Hello, guys … My name is Kunal. I am from Mumbai working in an mnc at a good position. I also work as a relationship coach and mentor.   So, ladies , you can share your feelings and emotions with me regarding relationship and you will get best support and advice from me .. You can email me your worry on   Ladies, you can be rest assured about secrecy and privacy from my side …   Now coming to this story, I have posted my ad related to this on one social networking and I got a reply from a...

3 years ago
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Oils For Sale

Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...

1 year ago
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Oils For Sale

Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...

3 years ago
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Oil Massage Leads To Sex With Hot Neighbor Aunty

Hii, ISS readers. I am Rohan 24 years old from Bangalore. Straightaway I’ll get into the story. If you like my story you can mail me at . Any aunties, girls from Bangalore can contact me for massage and sex. Feel free to mail me and ask. And please don’t ask photos and contact number of Usha aunty. The heroine of the story is Usha aunty, 39 years old with 10 years old son. She was so sexy with 36-32-36. We stayed on the 4th floor. My mom would keep sending me to her house to help. Her husband...

1 year ago
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Oil Tel Wali Bhabhi

Hi hello dosto kese ho aap sab.. Me ek bar fir se hajir hu apni nayi kahani ke sath.. Kafi jyada time ho gaya new story likhne me.. Kya kare dosto time nikalte kaha der lagti he.. Story thodi lambi he kyu ke sachi bat badi hi hoti he .To jyada born a karte huve mera intro dedu.. Me maulik gujrat jamnagar se hu or mene 3-4 story (aap biti)is site pe batayi he..Aap logo ke bahot sare mail aye kafi accha laga… mari story (mami sathe akhirat maja kari) (bhabhi or uski bahen ko choda) (junagadh se...

4 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 7

"My Beloved Harry, My Precious Carol, It's 3 AM and I have to go. Please believe me when I say this is the hardest goodbye I've ever skipped out on. If I stayed to say it face-to-face, I'm not sure I could go. Know in your hearts I will see you again. Know in your hearts I will come home to you. My love is with you always, entwined with your souls, Margo" Carol awoke to the smell of coffee. Straightening her collar she walked into the kitchen to find Harry at the table. He stared...

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Oil change

This is a story I wrote for a grandpa type who I used to chat with online.I have been going to the same mechanic for years and last week needed just an oil change. It was late on a Friday afternoon, after work, so I decided to just drive by and see if Joe was available. He was closing up the gate as I pulled up so I asked if he had time for a quick oil change. "Sure Mark, anything for you, but I have one ahead of you if you don't mind waiting a bit.", he told me. "No problem Joe, here's the...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 18

January 1, 2007 Dayna She’d wanted to call the Grimes as soon as they were on their way back to the city, and then she’d looked at the time. Two-something Pacific Standard was after 4 in Chicago. Dayna had resolved to call them first thing when she woke up. She’d considered setting a wake-up call, but after the night they’d had... It felt to her like a walk of shame as they crossed the lobby. They’d left in their finery, and were coming back in ... well, Beebee hadn’t stinted on the...

3 years ago
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Boiler House

Boiler House Synopsis: The Eyrie is an aerial palace that serenely floats its rich and pampered inhabitants high in the atmosphere of its home world. But every slave aboard knows the terrible price of any failure to please the Eyrie Lords, whatever outrageous service might be asked. Below the High Eyrie’s gardens and glittering halls is the hell of the Boiler House. The Eyrie is maintained in its aerial position by the unremitting labour of naked girl-slaves working sixteen hours of every day...

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Oil of RosesChapter 44

"Harry - Captain Thrust ... whoever the hell you are, don't you dare get in my way!" Tattie, the Duchess Turov, spat as she hauled the struggling Third Mate Bum into the house. "Wouldn't think of it, Duchess me darlin'," Thrust chortled. "Just try to leave me crewman in one piece when ye're through." "Oh, no worries there, Captain," she replied. "I won't do anything permanent." Her eyes snapped back to where Bum was scrambling along on all fours behind Turov's long-legged...

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Oiled Start to the Summer

Justin’s sister was friends with Xavier’s so she came with us to hang out with Justin’s sister. They were in the same grade but a few years younger and to my knowledge had never had sex. Justin had a girlfriend named Lucy who he had been secretly dating for years (although everyone knew about it) and had never been with anyone else. Justin, Xavier, and I were considered popular and good looking and we were good friends. Xavier was tall, white, and slim and had a tight, muscular butt because...

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Oil of RosesChapter 33

Although no one in the limo really needed one, a round of drinks from the mini-bar helped shorten the drive back into the city and into the older part of downtown, which had grown into the entertainment district. Slowly they made their way down a street clogged with cars and pedestrians who evidently felt the street was merely an extension of the sidewalk. "Goddamn this is busy for this early in the night," Eddie exclaimed. "Must be a convention in town or something, this many people...

1 year ago
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Oil and Water

This is a fairly long story, but I hope you’ll find it worth your time. And I wanted you to know that the ‘epilog’ was written by a very close friend of mine, Lilsheba, who is an excellent author and also contributes to this list. —————————- ‘Hey Bill, get your ass in here a minute!’ I hear her holler as I walk by the door to her office. ‘Oh shit, Sandy’s at it again, what now?’ And I walk into her office with a grin on my face. ‘What’s up?’ ‘Not you for a change, I see. Guess you must...

4 years ago
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OIL ON CANVAS, A WORK IN PROGRESS   The boy stood watching us, uninhibited, as Andrea and I attempted to re-arrange our dishevelled appearances. Only moments before, my friend’s face had been buried deliciously between my thighs. Her lips were still damp and glistening from her foray. My shirt was open, my tits exposed, hard little nipples protruding eagerly. How embarrassing! I was aware of a deep, warm blush flooding my cheeks, this seemed to amuse him. His eyes played greedily over my body...

2 years ago
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Oil Crisis

It all started a couple of years ago. Everyone hoped for a quick fix to the recession. It never came. First the gas prices shot through the roof until only the rich could travel. This triggered the rise in all market prices until only the rich could afford food. Electronics were forgotten about since the entire grid shut down. Human Kind is stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have lost track of time and don't know how long its been since you watched the news. All you remember is that...

3 years ago
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Oil Rig

Stacy loved cooking and feeding people. Growing up, he spent most of his time in the kitchen happily working alongside his mother, who was a very good cook. There was a saying about Kate (Stacy’s mother), that one should never pass on your signature recipe to her, because she would definitely improve upon it. It was, therefore no surprise when Stacy enrolled in a very highly respected chef’s school. It was a three year program, which offered frequent exposure to top restaurants. Once Stacy...

Gay Male
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Oil of RosesChapter 9

"Yeah, sure, it's Friday night, like with my seniority they work me Friday nights, well, except for special projects. Not a problem, Harry, I'll be there. Got some news for you about an old friend of ours, I'll tell you tonight, looking forward to it." Eddy put down the phone and stared at the clock. He had enough time to catch a few more hours of sleep before he needed to be up and moving on some errands. He rolled over on his bed, looked at the empty half of it and went back to...

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Oil of RosesChapter 18

First thing in the morning the entire household was awakened to knocking on the front door. Harry rolled out of bed, threw on a pair of pants and answered the door. It turned out that he and Eddy were parked in the driveway and had to move so machinery could get into the back yard. "Gawddamn motherfuckin' workmen couldn't wait till 10 o'clock like any normal slackin' off cocksuckers, no, their asses had to be here before 8 gawddamn AM in the fuckin' morning." "Eddy, I guess I better...

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Oil of RosesChapter 31

Harry opened his eyes slowly, at peace with himself and the world. He was home. He was back in the arms of his family. He was where he belonged. He looked to his left and saw the beautiful and naked forms of Kelly, Carol and Margo still asleep, all entwined together. It was a sight to make anyone's heart burst with joy. "Mornin' bro," Nicki whispered from his right side where she was curled up next to him. "Morning ... what are you doing awake?" "Oh, planning out my day's...

2 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 38

The phone call had awoken Eddie and Tamara in the early morning hours. Carol had been up, going to the kitchen for a drink, and spotted what she took to be a woman, skulking around the house. She'd dropped to the floor silently and called Eddie immediately. "Stay down and out of sight," he replied, pulling on a pair of pants as he spoke. "I'll be right there." As he drew on a black concert t-shirt, he began to calm himself. If it was who he expected it to be, being agitated would only...

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Oil of RosesChapter 64 Oil of Roses

Saturday 10/14/06 10:00 AM "Rise and shine, Master, Mistress, subbies galore!" rasped Dayna. "In two hours Dommi will be here to discuss scheduling." "She can fuckin' join us in bed," Carol said from under the covers. "So will Nancy Velacourt," Dayna continued. "She can definitely join us in bed," Harry said in a muffled voice. "Nope, she likes little oriental girls, you don't qualify," Dayna said. "Dammit." Harry's head came out from under the covers, and he grabbed a...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 22

January 23nd-24th, 2007, Monday-Tuesday Jason “My love, this is very nice,” Abby said as Jason massaged her feet. “Just the beginning,” Jason said, intently focused on the massage. “Provided I don’t fall asleep.” “Yes, your eyes are glowing a bit...” “Hmm?” “Red, Jason. No one with any familiarity with marijuana could have a doubt as to your condition.” “Oh ... well, I’m so glad nobody here gives a damn if I’m baked.” He gave a short laugh. “And in reality, I don’t think there will...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 27

January 25th, 2007, Wednesday – January 26th, 2007, Thursday On a ranch in the Texas Hill Country west of Waterloo “I’m sorry we had to leave, move operations out of the city,” she said, gently massaging his shoulders. Pipe smoke puffed up into the air. “It was going to happen sooner or later. All the attention from law enforcement merely accelerated the schedule. I do wonder if the two attacks are linked...” “The explosion that killed the gang members and the assassination of Philouma?...

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Oilfield Wife and Man Camp Whore

My name is Maggie, and my husband Ed and I were living and working in Pennsylvania at the start of this story. He is 30 years old and I am 28, and Ed has been working in the oil fields since he got out of high school. He has been a wireline operator for the last eight years. I earned an associate’s degree in computer technology and have been working as a computer support manager at a small manufacturing company. We are making good money, with Ed earning $80,000 per year, and my salary is...

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A quick check along the street to see if anyone was around, then I turned the door handle to the shop and we stepped inside. I quickly locked it, then we walked through the gloom to the bottom of the stairs. As arranged, I went up and Anne stayed there. I had to tread carefully, as my eyes adjusted to the dark. Thankfully, the first floor room was partially lit by the street lamp outside. We didn't want to attract a patrolling cop by switching on the light. He was, just as I'd stipulated, sat...

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“I don't care what you think, As long as it's about meThe best of us can find happiness, in miseryI don't care what you think,As long as it's about meThe best of us can find happiness, in misery.” I feel like screaming as I gun the engine, hitting 70 easily. Part of me knows I shouldn’t be proud of such speed but with the music and my mood, I need it. I want it. I want speed and power and danger. Fuck I want something else!Something else pulls up behind me. “Fuck.” I groan as I see the police...

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Nagerkoil Tamil Kamma of AP

I am a trained graduate teacher and working in the Central Kendriya vidyalaya schools all over. I was recently posted to Hyderabad and I actually belong to southern tip of Nagerkoil and we belong to meenavar community (also called fishermen) and we daily take fish food at home and outside. I am the only male graduate in my family and all other boys are in Dubai with their technical education. I am a well built and tall of 5′-10″ height with muscular body. But I am a little black-skin person. I...

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Spoil The Princess! There are a variety of reasons you might want to spoil the princess. Maybe that coronavirus stimulus check is burning a hole in your pocket, or maybe your insider stock trading has been going well and you just have money to burn. Perhaps you want the joy of helping put a young mother through college, or you just want the thrill of having some mean bitch take your money while telling you how pathetic you are. Hey, I ain’t going to judge you for it. In fact, I’m about to tell...

Hookup Sites
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It wasn't really Scott's fault. They tricked him. You see peer pressure can be a very powerful thing, and what is normal is almost entirely decided by those around you. Looking in from the outside one might say he was an idiot, but how could someone judge properly when they weren't there? Inside the world his "friends" made up for, it all seemed weird of course, but at the same time normal.Scott was still in college, just turned 21. He went from skinny to toned and muscular in those three years...

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Spoilt brat gets poor child

It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy. Well a spoilt young brat to be more specific. Billy Broome was residing in his master bedroom after a hard day at school. Well hard for Billy as he has always been given all the attention and needs by his father. They lived in a very elegant mansion, surrounded by the cities wealthiest neighbours. His Father Tony was a prosperous man; he started out life as a poor child,...

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Oil of RosesChapter 51

Usagi sat at the feet of one of her new Mistresses, Carol. Her Mistress stroked her hair, unabashedly staring down at her naked body with appreciation. Usagi was happy — happy to be out of the hideous clothes she'd found under another girl's bed, the only things she could find to wear in a hurry — happy to be through her training and finally out in the real world — happy with her new House as they seemed very welcoming, all of them, even the other subs, and very joyous, even with all that...

4 years ago
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Soiled Panties

Wendy and Bill had been married almost seven years now and Wendy loved Bill with all her heart.   He was everything she wanted in a man.   He provided well for her, they had a nice home and he earned a good living.   This allowed her work only part time.   Bill worked very long hours and in return Wendy happily took care of the house.   She viewed her ten hour a week job as mostly fun and a way to get out and see people.   They had close friends that they enjoyed seeing and socializing...

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sexual fantasy, teasing, what if, power over menTurmoil!I am sitting here on the bed looking at the screen on my PC. I am looking and smiling at a sexy woman that I have just met on a sexy writing site.I only joined to write stories, honestly.However, I met someone and became friendly with her just through writing stories. I asked her about a fantasy and could I write it for her. She said yes, I think she was flattered but I still don’t know that for sure.It was fun, the story telling was fun...

First Time
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Soiled Goods

SOILED GOODSBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer‘Soiled Goods’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. This is the sequel to a story entitled ‘Used Goods’.WARNING: like its predecessor, this story is nastier and less tongue-in-cheek than my usual fiction. It contains gratuitous violence. Please do not read any further if imaginary cruelty offends or provokes you. The author...

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Oil of RosesChapter 4

Dr. Margo Wohler-Sapperstein. What a joke, Margo thought to herself. All her life she had been driven by the will of her parents, driven to achieve, to excel, to succeed, to exceed. Even now, even after their deaths, she felt their cold hands on her life, steering her future from beyond the grave. They hadn't lived to see her move away from the family practice she loved into cosmetic surgery. But they'd planned it. They hadn't lived to see her marry Benjamin in what could only be...

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Oil of RosesChapter 5

Carol Riley sat on cushions on the floor of the living room, drinking a glass of wine and watching the rain fall outside. It was 1 A.M., Sunday. Her life had so completely turned around in the space of four and a half days as to be almost unrecognizable to her. If she was still with Rick, what would she be doing right now? Probably blowing him in front of his friends so he could show what a big man he was. There'd be another beating in her immediate future. With Rick there had always been...

3 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 6

The Captain woke up briefly as he was once again washed. Two pair of hands rinsed his body with warm washcloths and with love. He drifted back to sleep. He came to for a moment as either Twat or Mounds shifted position, curled up next to him on either side. Sleep reclaimed him. He woke up, carefully crawled out of his bunk, not disturbing his sleeping crewmates and went to the head, then caught a shower. As he dried himself, his stomach rumbled so ominously he could hear it over the...

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Oil of RosesChapter 8

Eddy Janak woke up in his recliner, the taste of beer and bile coating his tongue and throat like paste. On the television Jay Leno was making a joke about the President and the debacle in Iraq. Eddy wondered how many laughs Jay would get if an Iraqi suicide bomber blew him straight to hell. Eddy knew he'd laugh his ass off but he was strange that way. Be even funnier if Rumsfeld was with Leno when it happened. He had to be at work at midnight for a special test of Digital Data Packaging,...

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Oil of RosesChapter 10

Many times in one's life, there come moments when a small touch of God's Grace makes the difference. When a friend embarrasses themselves and almost anything one could say would be wrong and make the situation worse, it's a small touch of that Grace that has the right thing come out of one's mouth and save someone's self-respect. When one has fucked up so badly that there's no way one could be forgiven, it's that Grace that allows those one has offended to find a way to forgive. When...

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Oil of RosesChapter 11

Harry washed his face, relishing the feel of warm water on his skin. He was so glad it was over now between him and Angie. Oh, he knew that even though the paperwork was filed, the divorce wouldn't be finalized for quite some time, but it was over, nevertheless. It was a relief that it was going so well. In the week since that night, nothing else had. He walked out of the bathroom to see Carol finishing packing her little bag, the one she'd arrived with. She and Margo stood there looking...

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Oil of RosesChapter 12

After they had showered and while the ladies were dressing, Harry went upstairs to his father's old office. Praying that his memory didn't fail him he twirled the combination to his father's safe and pulled on the handle. Nothing happened. Sweat popped out on his brow, he turned the handle a little more firmly and it moved. Sighing with relief he looked inside, grabbed a sheaf of bills and closed it again, spinning the lock. His father had always believed that even the most law-abiding...

2 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 13

Between Harry on one side of her and Margo on the other, they managed to get Tamara into the restaurant and back to the room without anyone noticing how weak she was. While Carol went to tell Karen, Patricia and Kelly the edited version of the story, Harry pulled Eddy to one side and Margo checked Tamara over. "Eddy, that girl over there, her name's Tamara, I don't know her last name and we just paid a thousand dollars to buy her from Phil Philouma. You know who he is, I'm...

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Oil of RosesChapter 14

As soon as Eddy and Tamara had made their goodbyes, Margo came and sat next to her husband. "So, are they going to be an item?" she asked, mischievousness oozing from every syllable. "Oh yeah, only a matter of time, as if with Our Lady of Empathy doing the matchmaking there was ever much doubt." "That's good. Eddy needs someone who'll love him and take care of him and I might volunteer for the job if I weren't already well and truly spoken for by two of the most loveable hedonists...

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Oil of RosesChapter 15

As Kelly lay on the bed recovering from her tickling and the delightful torture-by-orgasm that had followed it, Jessica snuggled up next to her. "Kelly, would you prefer I let you rest without teasing you or may I play with you a bit?" "Angel, I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but let me rest a bit. Y'all are some vicious bitches and it's going to take me awhile to get my head and body back together." "Alright, I'm fine with just cuddling up close to you for...

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Oil of RosesChapter 16

After a somber end to the brunch, Karen and Patricia made their farewells, checked out of their room and headed home. Tamara cleared her and Eddy out of their room and transferred up to the suite. She and Margo settled in on a couch in the bedroom to talk. Harry got back from a trip to the toilet to find Margo on the room phone. When she hung up she said, "Harry, I'm taking Tamara to do a little clothes shopping and it looks like Kelly is coming with us. Do you need anything while we're...

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Oil of RosesChapter 17

Upon returning to the Omni, the bar called to them loudly, so they sauntered in. Margo had taken Carol's leash and with it in hand, walked up to the manager, Mrs. Reynolds, who was standing in a corner, surveying the rather light Sunday night crowd. "Mrs. Reynolds, is it? Yes, Mrs. Reynolds, is our section available?" The woman paused only slightly. "Yes ma'am, it's available. May I assume you wish it lit as it was last night?" "Yes, exactly as it was last night... one more thing,...

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Oil of RosesChapter 19

As the trio wandered out of the bedroom they saw that Karen had made it back from the grocery and was reclining in a corner in sports bra and briefs, sipping a drink while Patricia sat naked at the pipe with Eddy and Tamara. Of Kelly and Jessica there was no sign, although there might have been some suspicious thumping noises from upstairs. Karen, seeing them enter, waved them over. "Harry, I had an idea on the way back and it took all the willpower I had not to bust in and tell you about...

1 year ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 20

Disarmed and bound the prisoner was led into the Captain's Cabin. "Y'know, me lovelies, I been thinkin' here we got this bunk, all rigged out for restrain' and makin' fast prisoners and we ain't never used it." Mounds forced the captive to her knees and then, grasping her by her hair, drove her face into Twat's twat. "There ye go, sweetie, some pie for ye." She returned her attention to the Captain. "Well now, Sir, you'd be havin' a point there. How d'ye want to have her...

4 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 21

After a time, Carol got up off the floor and very calmly removed another seventeen fifty-dollar bills, as well as five more sheaves of notes from albums. Then she returned the forceps to Eddy and knelt before Harry, eyes downcast. "May I take all of you to supper this evening?" she asked. "If you want to sweetie, of course you can. Any preference as to where?" Harry replied. "I was hoping the Bangkok Inn might be acceptable to everyone." Everyone chimed in with agreement so Carol...

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Oil of RosesChapter 22

There was clanking, metallic clanking. "Be still, you'll wake him up!" hissed Margo. "Mmmmm, yes Madam," Carol said softly. Wet noises. "Oh God, Little Cunt, that feels divine." Margo moaned. Harry opened one eye. He was facing the wrong direction. Nothing very interesting was happening on the bedroom wall. Damn it. Feigning sleep he rolled over and waited for a moment. There was instant silence. "Okay, he was just shifting, continue," whispered Margo. The wet sounds began...

4 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 23

"I'm afraid things aren't going to work out between her and me," Kelly said after Jessica went upstairs, sadness flooding across her face. "She's too scared or too distrustful or too something, I don't know what, to relax and be comfortable with you... to be... to be..." "A part of the family?" Margo asked. "Yeah, that's it, that's it exactly! And she resents that I am a part of it. If she can't come to terms with it, I don't see much future for us." "You know that...

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