Ashley's TailChapter 10 free porn video

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Winter Solstice (December 21, four days until Christmas)

It was the final Christmas/Yule party before the sale of the liquor store chain went through, of course. I wanted to make sure to take good care of my staff, including good bonuses and gift packages, which included plenty of booze. I had twenty remaining employees between the stores, due to half having already moved on to other work due to the news. I had plans to ensure their futures in any case, no matter what. They were all more than welcome to join my new community.

“Okay, Heather, Bruce, Ramsey, Ellen, Paisley, Paige, Crystal, Donald, Douglas, Summer, Sakiru, Cheng, Mario, Maria, Vita, Jean-Jacques, Albert, Gary, Susan, Erin, Cliff, Nigel, Domingo, Murray, Seth, Pamela, Bella, Donna, Myles, Ira, Danica, Sean, Charlene, Rajiv, Sanjay, Priya, Leah, Melissa, Jessenia, and Kylie, welcome to my humble abode. This is where we’re holding the Christmas/Yule bash this year, because quite frankly, you’re all family, to me, including those of you who have already found new jobs.

“Rest assured, guys, we will not put you out on the motherfucking street. Don’t worry. One way or another, your lives will continue as little inconvenienced as possible by this whole deal. I repeat what I said earlier. You’re all family to me. We will take care of our own. I don’t care what your race, gender, religion, politics, or country of origin are, period. Nor do my partners care. Don’t worry about the babies. They’re in the nursery, being properly supervised, I assure you. We’ve expanded this place quite a bit to allow for a much larger nursery, after all.

“Tonight, if you drink, don’t drive. Just crash. Or let me call you a ride. Either way, don’t drink. You stay here and sleep it off or else get a driver. Any of you who don’t drink tonight and wish to be designated drivers, thank you very much for that. Nobody needs a DUI or worse, car crash, especially not in some of those death traps that you like to drive,” I teased several of my staff who drove those compact sedans of theirs.

We all heard laughter at that. More than a few of the crew blushed as they realized that I was teasing them. They also noticed how palatial my current residence was, which really made them sit up and take notice. Some of them by now knew my partners, but quite a few of them didn’t yet. Most of them knew my daughters, Amber and Amanda, at least by recognizing them from family photos. Quite a few of them had met their mother, Tracy, my legal wife. Many of them also knew that I almost divorced her at one point.

Yet here she was, along with many others in my household. They didn’t see Dad yet, but that was because he supervised the brats in the nursery. As much as he loved a good party, he also wanted others to have one, and he was quite happy to babysit his grandchildren in order to achieve that goal. After all, he wasn’t some frat boy. He was Dionysius, God of Wine and Revelry. A true member of the Greek Pantheon, that was my father.

“Hello, folks. Be sure to have a good time. This is our last holiday season with you as owners of Weintraub Liquor Limited. We’re moving on to bigger and better things, and any of you who are so inclined are welcome to come along for the ride. That’s entirely your choice, of course. Just a reminder of the significance of this occasion ... and this opportunity for you. We might even be moving out of state, depending on how things go,” the missus announced to all.

Yeah, that slight change of plans was being seriously considered. Dad had misgivings about sticking around such an arid part of the world for good. He missed vineyards and things of that ilk, only where to find such things in an affordable area, anyway? California was far too pricey and wasteful, even with the communal funding plan. Well, bringing members of the staff on side might well assist with such ideas, as they might have ideas and every contributing member of the tribe improved our finances.

“Where would we be moving ... if we went with you?” Heather dared to speak up now.

She was always one of my favorite clerks, hard-working, loyal, cheerful, even a bit flirty at times. Not just with me, either. She flirted with just about everyone, but she was noteworthy for playful pranks that often made me wonder about her intentions. Since she started working there some three years ago, the dirty blonde single mom had more than once shown her sauciness, her intelligence (including some common sense), and a few hobbies that we shared. She had been Bruce’s girlfriend for most of that time, though, plus I was her rather married boss (even if not monogamous for a while now), so there had been some caution exercised there.

The way that Bruce looked at Heather, he clearly wished that they were still a couple, especially since they had a two year old son now. I had promoted him and reassigned to another store to make things easier for everyone, but what would happen to that arrangement now? Bruce was a smart, hard-working, loyal kind of guy, too. I never knew what had broken them up, only that it seemed to be Heather’s decision to end it. I could only guess as to why. Well, if I had my way, they’d both be in the family and having a lot of ex sex, among many other things.

“We’re not entirely sure, but we’ve looked at some options. Texas. Kansas. France. Greece. Somewhere lush and green. We’ve even considered places in the Levant, but they are rather dangerous, to be sure. Israel, Lebanon, places like that. Someplace less hot and dry, where we can possibly plant vineyards, orchards, that kind of thing. What are your thoughts as to that? This is a sort of ... co-operative enterprise that we’d be setting up. A colony of sorts. Like a kibbutz in a way,” I clarified a bit.

“A wealthy local businessman and his apparent ... harem are looking into some kind of socialist hippie commune, full of free love and harmony with nature, that kind of thing? Am I pretty close to the mark with this whole ... New Age business? Consider me intrigued, if nothing else. Not sure what the father of my son thinks about it, though. I would have to consult him, but he is standing right here, at least. Since he shares custody of Jason,” Heather flirted with me a bit, though she also seemed anxious to mollify Bruce a little.

“You haven’t always consulted me, you know, but it’s nice for you to start,” Bruce snorted a little.

“Oh, Bruce, honey, do we have to fight right now? It’s a fun event, a holiday party, Christmas, whatever! Granted, I’m Jewish, but you get the idea. Sorry to rope you guys into our drama. I stupidly dumped him some time back over something petty and we’re wrestled back and forth about trying to make it work ... for us ... and for our boy. Little tip, ladies. Look before you leap on the whole dumping a good guy business. Odds are, you’re gonna live to regret it,” Heather choked back some tears while someone brought out a pipe full of weed.

“Here, don’t be like Clinton. Inhale. Both of you. It will be good for both of you. It will help you both mellow out and not quarrel when what you both really want is to hump each other into next week. Or maybe just make sweet, tender love to each other. Something of that sort. That much is clear. You two don’t want to be broken up, that much is clear. I thought that it was just Bruce who missed what you had, but evidently, I was wrong. Sometimes, you need more than spirits to raise your spirits, guys,” I insisted that they both smoke a little pot.

“Come on, guys. Get a little cross-faded, okay?” Ashley encouraged them as well.

Heather and Bruce both took a good look at the pipe, at each other, and nodded. Heather took the pipe first, being a little bolder about such things, inhaled deep, and then passed it to Bruce. He gulped for a second, and then took the plunge, smoking a bit of the reefer as well. I knew that it would take a little while for the THC to take hold, but the very act of faith where they shared some weed already started to calm them down a bit.

“I’m Jewish, too, at least by blood,” I pointed out, “haven’t exactly been to temple of late.”

“That makes two of us, I’m afraid. I mean, I lit a menorah this year, but I barely even went to temple on Passover and Purim this year. It’s been, well, a rough year for us, you know. With the break-up and all that, which I freely admit was my own damn fault ... mostly. Bruce wasn’t totally a saint, either.

“Funny how our relationship went up in smoke and it might be put back together partly by ... smoke ... I threw out his cigarettes. Yeah, dumbass move to try to make someone quit cold turkey. He blew up at me about it. And then I kicked him out, I was so mad at him right then,” Heather blushed a bit, feeling truly embarrassed about that fuck-up on her part.

“What are you saying, babe?” Bruce got flustered now.

“Bruce, honey, come on home. I miss you. Jason misses you. I’m really sorry. I was stupid. I was wrong, okay? Just come back home. Pretty please! I’ll make you anything that you like for supper and blow you during your favorite shows! When we’re alone, that is,” Heather pouted now for effect.

“And the next spat? Are you gonna kick me out again? That’s the trouble with you thinking of it as your place. Which legally it is. That’s the problem, isn’t it? I was never an equal owner of the place, just a tenant who paid rent with my body and my love ... and my share of the income,” Bruce visibly relaxed, but held onto that one worry of his.

“God, I really never let you make yourself at home ... not really, did I? Sorry, babe. That was a serious screw-up on my part, okay? I still thought of it as my own place first, because it always had been. Well, maybe we can solve that by moving in together with the boss man and boss lady here!” Heather answered as she leaned in and kissed her ex-boyfriend with a lot of tongue.

“That’s my hope, anyway. Come on, folks. Less rueing the day, more owning the night, okay? Let’s get down and party! Karen, honey, put on some music, pretty please! Michelle, you know what to do! The eggnog and snack trays as a start, anyway! Who wants summer sausage and edam cheese?” I chuckled as I slapped each of my ladies on the tush ... and Warren and Felipe as well.

Yes, I even slapped the twins that way. If anyone noticed, well, nobody complained, did they? It didn’t take long for the ice to completely melt and everyone chill out a bit to truly party together. There was even a meal as well as snacks, even if it was pretty basic: pasta, pizza, salads, soups, and breadsticks from a fine local Italian restaurant. One of the pizzas even had anchovies on it. I went all-out that year.

“Righteous stuff here! I can’t believe this stuff ... what is this cocktail of yours again?” Sakiru inquired, feeling a little bolder as we really got into the fun, games, libations, and hearty food.

“Hebrew Highball?” I joked a bit there.

“Cute, because you’re Jewish and you invented it!” Summer then teased me, even as she began playfully dancing with me.

Sakiru looked a little jealous, but he didn’t make any moves toward her. It didn’t matter, not yet. Everyone would be a lot freer with their affections before the night was done. They certainly would well before dawn. I noticed that Bruce and Heather were already all over each other, finding the mistletoe in a hurry to make out like bandits. Yeah, they were back together, no doubt of that! Summer bit her lip as she saw Sakiru standing there like a wallflower, and then she surprised both of us.

“Excuse me, boss. I think that someone’s a little lonely. I’m gonna try and cheer him up a bit,” the platinum blonde cutie didn’t wait for an answer before she walked over to Sakiru and pulled him toward the mistletoe.

“Come on, Saki-san! Let me brighten your mood! Let’s turn that frown upside down!” Summer winked at me even as she began tongue-kissing the Japanese exchange student.

Well, that was vintage Summer Hawkins, if nothing else. She was a real cheermeister or whatever, determined to bring joy to people if she could. It just happened that one of her favorite ways to do so was through some heavy necking, petting, and other forms of TLC. When she put her hands on his butt, Sakiru blushed and started to look away, but she was having none of that. She moved his hands to her ass and rubbed against his bulge before actively twerking with him in front of everyone.

Sakiru erupted ... right then, right there, with his clothes and hers still on, of course. He looked really embarrassed and humiliated about that, but she just touched his face and gestured to me that she needed to borrow one of the johns. She led the bashful clerk with her to one of our guest bathrooms, closing the door for a good while before they emerged. It was clear that they hadn’t fucked, but it was also clear that she did something for the guy.

Sakiru walked out behind Summer in nothing but his top and a bath towel, which she made sure to help him keep in place. Then she kissed him again in front of everyone and nestled against his back a little in a very loving manner. Was she claiming him for a boyfriend or something? It was hard to say, but she certainly went beyond the roles of friend and co-worker, didn’t she? I definitely wouldn’t object, though, and I could sense that everyone who noticed found it rather charming. Then again, that was normal with things that Summer did.

Then she mouthed, “Threesome?” at me as a question, making me chuckle.

I wasn’t sure how Sakiru felt about that idea, though I certainly wouldn’t kick her out of bed, nor him for that matter. He was rather cute in a nerdy, maybe emo twink fashion. He had just never shown any signs of being bisexual like Warren, Felipe, or me. Or Dad, for that matter. Dad was a highly hedonistic deity, after all. Greek Gods tended to be, with obvious exceptions such as Athena and Artemis. Well, in a few hours, all bets would be off, wouldn’t they?

Already, things were showing signs of getting a bit wild and wanton, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Once the sacred chalice was brought out to play, well, things would take a distinct turn for the better, at least with those who opted to partake of the Dionysian rites. Things were about to get very interesting, though I wanted everyone nice and hammered before things even got to that point. I didn’t want them to black out, but I wanted their inhibitions lowered or weakened, if not erased.

That used to be acceptable in the past, and it would be again. I chuckled again as I realized that my attitude had to at least somewhat come from being a son of the Greek God of Wine and Revels. Dionysius. Bacchus. The son of Zeus and Semele. Dear Old Dad. Yeah, I was a chip off the old wine-soaked block.

The day would come again when people would know the difference between two buzzed people getting it on and a semi-sober person using someone who was completely passed out. The second was rape, sure, but not the first. The radical feminists who wanted to criminalize all forms of straight sex were no better than the fundamentalists who wanted to ban all gay sex, at least in my book. I was all for more sex ... a lot more sex, not a lot less, as both of their types seemed to favor.

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My step-daughter Ashley had just turned sixteen. We'd planned a huge party for her birthday. The invites had been sent out, the family had planned to come to the house, a list of friends that totaled about a dozen were planning on coming over, the food was ordered, and everything was set. We knew that it'd be a blast.The pool in the backyard was clean, the lights were all working and we knew we could keep it going until late in the night thanks to living outside of the city. The township had...

3 years ago
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Ashley Juggs is Always Number One

Ashley Juggs is Always Number One ---------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Jenna finds out why Ashley Juggs will always be the top porn star. ---------------- Jenna thought about the contract she had just signed and smiled. This was it! This was going to be her step to number one. She'd always been number two in porn next to Ashley - that...

1 year ago
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Ashley Is Admired By Mrs Ponzo

Ashley Young lived with her girlfriend in a condo.  They were working and going to college.  Denise, her roommate had a boyfriend and spent time at his apartment.  Ashley sometimes felt like it was her own condo.Ashley was dancing around the condo and enjoying many glasses of wine.  She had bought a new dress and was enjoying how sexy she looked in it.  She twirled around which made her panties show.  Her dress was very sexy and she was not sure where she would even wear it.  It made her look...

2 years ago
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After a hard day's work at the farm, you want to do nothing but have a beer in your hand and your wife sucking you cock. That was exactly what I intended to do, I quickly took a nice warm shower and got rid of all the sweat in my body then went downstairs to grab that beer from the fridge. My wife, Cathy, must be in her room correcting all those quizzes and test she passes out to the high-schoolers. I finished my beer feeling more refreshed than ever and went upstairs to our bedroom."Hi...

2 years ago
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Ashley Becca Ch 01

Author’s Note: This is probably going to be long, so let me know what you think about chapters instead of all at once. I love real feedback, but please don’t use it as an excuse to hit on me. Without further delay, please enjoy and don’t forget to vote! * * * * * Leaving the still figure behind in the twin bed across the room, Ashley quietly tiptoed out the door and locked it behind her. She waved at the few other early risers, after all 10 am Saturday morning was pretty early at college, and...

1 year ago
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Ashley part 3

"Come on, cheer up!" Dad urges me as I comb my long- for a boy- floppy blonde hair. "Don't think there's a single twelve year old boy who wouldn't kill to go where you're going tonight, getting to see the best film ever with your girlfriend AND being surrounded by a bunch of celebrities..." "Yeah, I guess," I say with a long sigh. "What's wrong?" Dad asks. "Just a little tired? Don't tell me you don't like Star Wars..." "No, the film was alright," I say, making dad...

2 years ago
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Ashley and Jason Part 22

As he arrived at Ashley's dorm room he knocked politely and waited for Ashley to open the door. As soon as Ashley opened the door she stepped to the side and allowed Jason to enter her dorm room. Jason started looking around at how neat and tidy Ashley's room was. "Thank's for coming here" Ashley said as she closed the door. "Sorry to make you come on such short notice" Ashley said to Jason. "It's no issue I wasn't doing anything anyway, So what's up why'd you want me to come over...

1 year ago
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ashley teaches danny a lesson

'hi step borther' says ashley 'look i'm not trying to be rude but i have seen you looking at me when i come out of te shower with just a towel wrapped around me trying to sneak a peak and really i'm not that bothered believe me i have seen your cock through your trousers its hard to hide its huge so how about you show me yours i'll show you mine ? how does that sound ?''really wow you would really let me see you in the nude ?' danny says'yes of course but you 1st i'm not going to strip for you...

1 year ago
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Ashley Becca Ch 02

Author’s Note – Sorry everyone, I’ve been holding back this part for a while. As always, feedback and voting are appreciated and somewhat neccesary to convince me to finish this series. If you haven’t read the first chapter, please do, the characters, as well as the story, will make more sense. This section contains scenes of both a male/female nature and female/female, though no full out sex, yet. Cor grinned as she hung up the phone. ‘Hell yah’ she said in a self satisfied way. After a few...

3 years ago
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Ashley and MiloChapter 6

Saturday was a beautiful day for a birthday party for Lindsey, me too for that matter. I had sent Ashley home at four-thirty, just as the day was dawning. Ashley kept saying it was going to be a busy day. At eight I went by the big house and across the street to Mrs. Hamlin's to see the birthday girl as agreed. Mrs. Hamlin had prepared breakfast for me. Ashley joined us before we were finished and had coffee. I surreptitiously held Ashley's hand. Mrs. Hamlin smiled when she saw...

4 years ago
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Ashley part 18

"Look, there goes the freak!" a voice whispers as I walk down the school corridor, minding my own business. I don't dignify the bully with any kind of response- instead, I just keep walking, telling myself that their insults can't hurt me... Even though deep down inside, I know that's not true. Six weeks have passed since Megan's birthday party, since I told Melissa, Lydia and her gang where they could shove their fake 'friendship'. Just over five weeks have passed since Melissa...

3 years ago
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Ashley Chapter Three

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller From Chapter One Ashely was a person who I'd met through a friend and we always seemed at odds with each other. We never agrued or fought but our speak to each other was always confrontational. She was not run way beautiful but the wholesome girl next door beauty. She would never have been a fashion model, but she never lacked for attention. It wasn't intentional in the way she dressed or acted but she did exude a sexual energy. I was ten years older...

3 years ago
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Ashley and Trents First Time

It is now Saturday night. Ashley just got home from work. The first thing she notices is that Trent's truck is not in the driveway. She gets to the door, unlocking it, as she pushes it open walking inside. She kicks off her shoes, and drops her keys and purse on the table. She turns towards the stairs climbing them slowly. She reaches the bathroom turning the shower on hot. She slowly strips her sensitive body. She reaches above her head pulling her hair out as her curls fall over her...

2 years ago
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Ashley By Heather St. Claire The streetlights were beginning to dim; it was dawn already. Probably getting too late for one more trick. Ashley decided to call it a night - - her first night as a member of the world's oldest profession. Time to head back to her apartment for a nice, cleansing shower, and then...a battery recharge. If anyone saw the tall, well-built prostitute walking along the downtown streets in the early dawn, they would never have guessed the two most amazing...

3 years ago
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AshleyChapter 2

When I got back downstairs, Ed had finished all of the leftover breakfast. “How do you stay so skinny with all that you eat, Ed?” I asked. “Do you have a tapeworm?” “No, that is one thing I didn’t pick up in Southeast Asia, Bill,” he replied. “I just have a high metabolism.” Then he changed the subject to a more important one. “I’m going to need some money, Bill. The stuff, that I need to get, is expensive,” he told me. “Sure Ed,” I said as I reached in my pocket and dug out a hundred...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 10

I fidget in my seat, trying to get comfortable as the train rushes through the French countryside to our destination. It's not my clothes that are making me restless, of course- my pleated white miniskirt and loose patterned tank top feel perfect against my smooth, hairless skin. It isn't even the disapproving stare of my father at my long, slender legs that makes me uncomfortable. The source of my restlessness, for once, is my three younger sisters- or rather, the thing that's...

3 years ago
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Ashley meets Lissa

One day she brings a friend home from the mall with her. Her name is Lissa she is about Ashleys age and just as sexy. Ashley figures since Trent has been working so late at the job site why would he come home early tonight. Ashley takes Lissa up to her room. They start to kiss and explore each others bodies. "Ashley your so hot. Where did this sexy body come from?" Lissa says as she runs her hands up and down her naked body slowly. "I'm pretty sure I got it from my mom. But your...

3 years ago
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Ashley D Part One

I work at a large brokerage firm. I don’t actually do investing, but do a lot of background investigations of prospective companies that we invest in, for brokers and business people at work. Recently we had begun to trim the fat so to speak, with guidance from the main office. They wanted to cut all expenses that weren’t essential to running things, and I was spared, as I’m a one-man operation. After the main office went through their downsizing period, they found other ways of saving money,...

Straight Sex
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Ashley and Charlotte

Ashley stood naked at the bedroom window, her inner thighs wet with excitement. Please? She heard behind her but ignored it...........again. Please Miss Ashley. Let me cum?The 18 year old Charlotte was naked on her bed. Wrists tied together at the head of the bed. The legs tied at each corner. Her young lithe body stretched taught because of the ropes and the extreme sexual frustration she felt.Ashley had been teasing her for over three hours and the teen had been begging to orgasm after 10...

3 years ago
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Ashley part 6

"Beautiful, girls," Miss Fullerton announces as the twenty-odd teenagers bow, before extending their arms and legs into the most elegant shapes. "Extend... And pointe." "C'est magnifique," Mademoiselle Renou congratulates in her refined French accent. "Group one, you will continue practising at the barre. Group two, you will practise your pas de deux." I, as a member of group two, nod, before following Mademoiselle Renou- not to mention a dozen leotard-clad teenaged girls- to the...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 9

My heart beats faster at the breathtaking sight of the ballerina effortlessly performing her steps. From the tiara pinned to her blonde hair, through her beautiful, embellished tutu and soft pink tights to her shiny satin pointe shoes, she is the very image of grace, elegance and femininity. As I watch her dance in the mirror, I actually have to remind myself that the ballerina... Is me. Today is Friday the 12th of May 2017, and exactly fourteen years ago, a baby boy was born. Today,...

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Ashley Part 2

It was almost ten in the morning. I was laying in bed. My wife was lying next to me in bed. Knowing that she was wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt, no bra or panties did nothing. It never did. I hadn't been sexually aroused by her in years. What was doing it was hearing my step daughter in the other room breathing and lightly snoring. Because I knew what I saw the night before when we celebrated her birthday. I knew what she'd done the night before. And I couldn't stop thinking about...

2 years ago
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Ashley part one First time with Miguel

Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life.     “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker.   They talked about a week ago, Friday, at the movies....

4 years ago
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Ashley part one First time with Miguel

Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life.     “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker.   They talked about a week ago;...

First Time
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Ashley is forced to have sex by her friends Part One

Ashley was sitting on her bed, when her cell phone suddenly rang. It was Donna, the leader of the popular group. "Yo, Donna! What is up? You don't usually call at this time?" "Hey, Ashley. Me and the rest are hanging out at the mall. Join us." Ashley put on her yellow summer dress, and rushed off to the mall. When she got there, she was greeted with Donna and Maria. They took her to the cafeteria, where she joined up with the rest of the girls. The girls started chatting, leaving...

3 years ago
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Ashley and Geena Cock Hounds

Jack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Geena Cock Hounds

Jack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...

Group Sex
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Ashley8217s warm pee

I just got my discharge paper and go on the plane to go home. I loved the guard with all my heart, and didn’t want to go. But it was that go do life. I was walking the last two blocks to my house when I saw her. Long black her, C cups, long thin legs, and an ass to die for. I put the key in the door and walked to my room and sat my stuff down and went to bed. The next day I got up at seven and went for five mile run. When I got back I saw her again. She was walking down the street in a short...

3 years ago
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Ashley part 5

"Urgh," I moan as I wake up from a dreamless sleep, only to grimace as I feel the front of my pyjamas to discover that whilst I may not have had a 'normal' dream, I certainly had another type of 'dream' during the night. I sigh as I wash my face, before pulling on my school uniform and slinking down the stairs, where my parents are waiting with a wide smile on their face, as are all three of my sisters... And my new baby brother. "Morning, Ashley!" Dad chuckles in an artificially deep...

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