FireworksChapter 3 free porn video

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Jen wiped her lips and rose to her feet. "I'm going after him."

"Do that," Jennifer said. "We'll clean up here."

"Thanks." Jen strode toward the stairs without looking back.

Dave turned to Jennifer, "Are you okay?"

She nodded. "I was worried something like this might happen."

"Me too."

She sighed. "Will you get the lights?"

Dave nodded and went to the switch on the wall. Jennifer turned the spotlight off and they gathered up clothes, setting Jen's and Will's in a pile by the stairs.

"Do you think it was jealousy?" Dave asked as they started taking down the curtain, carefully peeling back the adhesive hooks that had suspended it from the wall.

"No, I think it was that the reality didn't match the fantasy."

"But it was her fantasy."

"True ... but he certainly wanted it too."

"That's not the impression I got."

Jennifer paused and looked at him. "He told her it was the only game they hadn't tried."

"He said that to me too, but I think he was talking himself into it."

Jen nodded. "I can see that."

They folded the curtain and coiled the line and set them on the floor by the couch. Dave picked up their clothes bundle while Jennifer surveyed the room. He became very conscious of his nakedness.

"So what now?" he asked.

She looked up the stairs at the closed door. Whatever was happening behind it was too quiet for them to hear.

"We go to bed," she said.

Not being able to come up with a better suggestion, he nodded and they headed down the hall.

They put away their clothes and conducted their evening ablutions in silence. Climbing under the sheets, Jennifer cuddled into his side.

"So," he said, "we can't do much about Will and Jen until morning. What about us?"

"What about us?"

"You're okay with Jen giving me a blowjob?"

"Of course. Are you okay with her going down on me?"

He snorted. "Yeah."

"You realize they're equivalent."

"Well ... I suppose so. It just feels different." He chuckled at her raised eyebrow. "You two were incredibly hot together."

"And you don't think you were?"

"But that's because I like watching you have an orgasm more than I like having my own." He kissed the top of her head.

"But I didn't get to feel yours," she said with a mock-pout.

Dave paused. With everything that had happened tonight, was it right to seduce her? Then he realized he was being stupid. With everything that had happened tonight, they needed to reconnect. They needed to make love.

He pulled her up and kissed her deeply. She responded, with an equal mix of tenderness and passion, and soon he was absolutely sure it was what they needed. He ran his hand down her back in a long familiar pattern and she responded in kind, dropping one hand to his thigh. They played and moved like they'd done dozens and dozens of times before, until Jennifer received her pleasure of feeling him come inside her. Without words, the shifted until they were spooning and drifted off to sleep.

Hours later, Dave awoke from troubled dreams. Beside him, Jennifer tossed and rolled over, taking the blankets with her. He debated for a moment about trying to steal them back, but instead just lay there, watching her sleep. So peaceful, and so beautiful, she was an amazing woman. He would have liked to have watched her for hours, but his bladder insistently reminded him why he had to get out of bed.

After he'd finished, he decided instead to take advantage of the day and the silence to do some thinking. He wrapped himself in his robe and went to get coffee.

As he sat on the couch, sipping from his steaming mug, he mentally replayed the events of the night before. Sure, some of the warning signs had been there, subtle and overlooked in the excitement. Will's tension. His over-enthusiasm.

But they'd taken precautions too, with Jen constantly looking for Will's consent before going forward. Will had still ended up getting hurt. Even with all their discussion before the trip, and even with all their best intentions, they'd gotten burned.

He snorted softly at that thought. It really was all of them, and not just Will. They'd become too close for this not to affect all of them, as it surely did.

At least he and Jennifer were going to be okay. He vowed to never repeat the evening, but he knew they'd survive. More than survive, really. Last night's lovemaking had confirmed that they'd be just fine.

But what about Will and Jen? Or his friendship with Will? He replayed the evening yet again, trying to guess what might happen for those friendships.

After a while, he realized he could rehash what'd happened forever, without answers. The real question was—what now?

He finished his coffee, still musing on what to do, and went to get a refill. As he stood in the kitchen, he heard footsteps on the stairs. A moment later, Jen entered.

"I thought you might be up," she said.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Me neither."

An awkward silence settled.

"Will's going to be okay," she said. "We talked—a lot—and he doesn't blame you or me."

Dave nodded. "He blames himself."


"The thing is, he's not the only one to blame. Any of us could have stopped it."

Jen's face tightened in pain.

"But it would have been hard," he added. "And we did do our best to make sure it went well. You certainly did."

She let out a breath and nodded. Dave filled a second mug of coffee and handed it to her.

"So what now?" he asked.

She shook her head slowly. "I don't know. I really love Will, but..."

"Do you still want to go beyond flashing with other guys?"

"Well ... I don't know. I mean..." She looked at Dave helplessly.

He nodded. "Well, then what do we do now? Today?"

She shrugged. "I have no idea."

"I have a couple," he said before taking a sip of coffee.

"And they're..."

"I'm not sure they'll work, so I'd like to think about them some more."

"Oh. Okay."

They fell silent then, but comfortably this time. Jen wandered over to the window, looking out and scanning the sky. Dave watched her, the way her body moved, graceful and supple. The way her neck curved as she turned her head, and even the tease of her kimono riding up in back as she stretched. It wasn't deliberate this time, he realized. Not an exhibitionistic game. But she was still beautiful and he felt a thrill from admiring her.

But that's what it was, he realized. Admiration. Appreciation. Not just a cheap thrill of the new or the unexpected or the risky.

Just like Jennifer in the sun on the trail. Or watching Jennifer sleep.

He snorted softly. Maybe he wasn't a voyeur in the way that the others were. The beauty hooked him far more than the thrill.

Except ... he remembered Will's expressions, looking at Jen. From that first Victoria's Secret trip last December, when Jen came out of the dressing room to model for Will and Dave, Will had been in awe when he watched his girlfriend. He'd been that way even last night, all the way until he'd come. So it wasn't just an adrenaline rush for Will either.

He sipped his coffee, musing about beauty and sexuality, thrills and passion. Across the room, Jen also appeared lost in her thoughts, looking out the window, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

They both turned with the sounds of footsteps in the hall. Jennifer walked in, also clad in her robe. She smiled at them both and headed for the coffee maker.

"How is he?" she asked of Jen.

Jen bit her lip. "He's okay. Or he will be, he says. Mostly he's embarrassed about his reaction last night."

Jennifer nodded.

"We talked a long time and he kept coming back to how ashamed he was that he couldn't handle it, when he'd been the one to want it."

"Did he really want it?" Dave asked.

Jen hesitated, but then shook her head. "No, not deep down, which makes it my fault."

"Like I said earlier," Dave said, "there's plenty of fault to go around."

Jen grimaced, but didn't object.

"So you said he'd be okay," Jennifer prompted.

"Yeah," Jen said. "I think he will be. He's not mad or anything. He says he's not hurt badly." Her eyes darted to Dave. "He's just wishing I hadn't. He said he can't get the image of Dave's semen on my face out of his mind."

"Ah," Jennifer said.

"That's why I think he'll be okay," Jen said. "He can't keep thinking about that forever, can he?"

Dave snorted. "You might be surprised. Sometimes I have trouble not thinking about Claire with another guy, and I never actually saw anything."

Jen's face fell and she lowered her eyes. She shuddered, as if on the edge of crying.

Jennifer walked over and wrapped her arms around her friend in a comforting hug. They held each other for a while, not speaking.

When they did pull apart, Jennifer fixed Jen with a look. "Are you going to be all right?"

Jen took a deep breath and nodded.

"And what about the relationship?" Jennifer asked.

Jen shook her head. "He says he loves me. He kept saying it over and over again, in fact."

Dave furrowed his brow. Wasn't that a good thing?

"That much?" Jennifer asked.

Jen nodded, still tense.

Ah, Dave realized. As if Will's convincing himself.

"I'm sure he means it," Jennifer said. "He does love you after all. This has just shaken him up."

"He's grabbing onto the one thing he knows is true," Dave added.

Jen looked from him to Jennifer, who nodded. "You really think so?"

"I'm sure," he said.

Jen relaxed, letting out a ragged breath. Dave stood and joined the two women by the window, wrapping his arms around both of them.

"We all love you," he said. "And him. And it'll be okay."

"I hope so," Jen said.

"I know so," Jennifer added. "Will's going to be fine."

"Yeah," Jen conceded. Then she looked at her friends. "So what now?"

"Is he awake?" Dave asked.

"I don't know."

"Well, then why don't you find out?" he suggested. "We'll need to talk, all four of us, and it might as well be over breakfast. I'll cook while you two wake him up."

"Both of us?" Jennifer asked.

Dave smiled. "It'll be different. Help him think about something other than last night. Particularly if you both go dressed as you are." He gestured toward their short kimonos.

For the first time that morning, Jen smiled.

"Go," Dave urged. "I've got cooking to do." He stepped back from the women, and then turned and walked to the kitchen. He didn't look back until he'd heard their feet on the stairs.

After reloading the coffee maker, Dave started unloading the refrigerator and cabinets, trying to guess what he could pull together. Toast, scrambled eggs, and juice, it appeared. He didn't quite have the food on the table when the others cascaded down the stairs.

He saw the girls' smiles first, before Will's sheepish grin.

"Hungry?" Dave asked.

"Starving," Will said.

"Then take a seat," Dave said, "we'll eat in a moment."

They did, and made a few comments about being hungry and what Dave was cooking. But then the conversation trailed off. When Dave started dishing the food onto plates, the silent strain was almost palpable. He waited for Jen to say something, since she usually started things, but the table remained tense even after he'd sat down.

Will ended the silence. "Good food," he said, holding up his fork. "Thanks."

The women murmured agreement, but then the silence returned.

Dave took a bite of egg and looked around the table. Will's smile was pasted on. Jen's eyes darted back and forth. Jennifer, at least, was calm, but she just sat back, waiting.

He silently sighed. It was going to be up to him.

"So, Will," he said, "enjoy your wakeup call?"

Will's eyes darted between the two women before he faced Dave. "Yes," he said. "I wasn't expecting it."

"But it was a good surprise," Dave said. "Unlike last night."

The room fell silent.

"Look," Dave said, "we're too good of friends to ignore the elephant in the room."

"I'm really sorry," Will began, before Dave cut him off with a wave of his hand.

"We're all to blame," he said, "and we can all apologize more than we already have. The question is, where do we go from here?"

No one had an answer.

"Well... ," Jen finally said, "I know where I don't want to go. I don't want things to end up the way they did with Rob and Mark."

"I don't know exactly what happened with Rob," Will said, "but I'm not Mark. I'm not going to push for more."

Jen nodded, but with no vigor. They've already discussed this, Dave realized.

"Rob left me because he couldn't handle the jealousy," Jennifer said. "Even though we never did anything with another couple after the first time."

"Ah," said Will. He sank back in his chair, staring out into space.

Jennifer reached over for Dave's hand, before turning to Jen. "Dave and I are going to be fine," she said. "He won't be like Rob."

"Nor Mark," Dave added. "I've enjoyed the games, but I don't need them."

"Games," Will muttered. "Some fucking games."

"You used to like the games," Jen said.

"That may have been a mistake," Will said.

"But... ," Jen said.

Will avoided looking at her. "Yeah, I've enjoyed them," he said. "But how am I going to now, thinking about what might happen? What you want to happen?"

"Not if it means losing you," Jen said, her voice breaking. She reached her hand across the table, but Will didn't take it.

"I need to go to the bathroom," he said, standing up.

Once he'd left, Jennifer turned to Jen. "I thought you two were okay."

"I did too." Her eyes didn't leave the hall where Will had disappeared.

They waited, picking at their food, until Will returned.

"I'm ... I'm sorry," he said, giving Jen's shoulder a squeeze as he stood behind her. He looked at Dave. "I know that you're my friends, and my lover." He gave Jen another squeeze. She reached up and took his hand. "But I think things are fine and then ... the image pops up in my head again."

Dave nodded. "I know what you mean."

"You do, don't you?"

Dave met his friend's eyes and nodded. Will had heard him bitching about Claire for months before he and Jen had finally set him up with Jennifer.

Will sighed. "So what do we do?"

"That's what I asked," Dave said. "But I think the answer depends on what we want."

"I want things the way they were before last night," Will said.

Dave glanced at the women, who nodded agreement.

"And I don't want to keep having that image in my brain."

"That's tougher," Dave said.

"If I could undo last night, I would," Jen said.

"And if I could erase my memories," Will said, "I would."

"You may not be able to erase them," Jennifer chimed in, "but you can write over them."

"Huh?" Will's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Do you think Dave will think about Claire when his birthday or Valentine's Day roll around next?" she asked, smiling at Dave.

"Uh ... no."

Dave smiled and silently chuckled. Jennifer's gifts had been so memorable, there was no way Claire's ghost could come close to competing.

Will grimaced. "I dunno. What would write over them? We've tried just about every game there is."

Dave smiled. "I have some ideas."

"Like what?" Will asked.

"Well, for starters, a lot more happened last night than just the blowjob. You're already forgetting some of those sights."

Will raised his eyebrows. "Hmmm."

Dave turned to the women. "Were you really kissing, behind the curtain?"

"Do you really want to know?" Jen asked.

"No," Dave said. "I want you to kiss now, with Will watching."

The women exchanged a silent look, and then turned to Will. His eyes were wide with surprise. Then Jen stood and offered her hand to Jennifer, pulling her up. The stepped close, wrapping their arms around each other. Jen brushed her hair back so the guys could see. She then bent in for the kiss.

The kiss was tender, with a tinge of passion. It lasted for several heartbeats. When the women pulled apart, they both were breathing harder.

Will's mouth hung open.

"Again," Dave said.

This time, Will's eyes glazed as he watched the women kiss.

"So what else do you remember from last night?" Dave asked.

Will jerked, shaking himself back to attention. The women parted and slid back into their seats.

"I remember the silhouettes," Will said. "Those were hot. And Jen going down on Jennifer." He grimaced. "Though that tends to make me think of what came next."

"Do you remember the night before?" Dave asked. "All of us having sex in the living room?"

Will nodded, a grin escaping. "That was fun."

"So you've got other, better memories of this weekend already," Dave said.

Will rolled his eyes. "I don't know."

"Do the women need to kiss again?"

"No," Will said, "though I wouldn't object if they did."

"Maybe after breakfast," Jen said, her smile relaxed for the first time in the morning.

"So let's finish eating," Dave said. "And maybe we can figure out what we're going to do between now and the fireworks show."

With that, the conversation turned to matters of the mundane. While it wasn't as relaxed as conversations of the days before, it wasn't forced either. They hadn't come to any conclusions, though, by the time they'd finished.

"Well," Jen said, "whatever we do, I want to shower first."

"Me too," Jennifer said.

"Do you want me to join you?" Dave asked.

"How about..." Jen paused, looking at Will before continuing, "if I shower with Jennifer? You and Dave can watch."

Dave blinked, but then a small grin spread across his lips. "That would probably help overwrite memories," he said.

Will hesitated, but then nodded in agreement.

Jen turned to Jennifer. "The upstairs shower walls are transparent. Care to join me?"

Jennifer smiled.

"I'll put away the food and then join you," Dave said.

It didn't take long, which meant that Dave was only a minute behind the rest. He arrived in the upstairs bathroom just as the women were shedding their kimonos. Will had already snagged the seat on top of the closed toilet, leaving Dave to lean against the sink.

As Jen adjusted the water, Jennifer smiled back at the men. Dave sighed, drinking in her beauty. The curve of her hips, her legs. She pulled her hair into a loose ponytail, unintentionally highlighting the smoothness of her cheeks.

Meanwhile, Jen had stepped under the water. She turned, letting it cascade down her breasts and then across her shoulders. Her nipples jutted out and her hair started to plaster to her neck. She shifted to the side, letting Jennifer take her turn under the spray.

Dave glanced at Will. His eyes were wide and bright, his lips pursed. He caught Dave's gaze and smiled before returning to admire the women.

Jen lathered up her hands and ran them down Jennifer's back while Jennifer swiveled under the water. Jennifer let out an "ooh!" when Jen soaped her ass. Then Jen dropped to her knees and did Jennifer's legs.

Jennifer turned, letting Jen work her way up her front. She skipped around her pussy, but spent extra time on Jennifer's belly. Then Jen looked back at the guys and grinned. Slowly, without breaking eye contact with Will, she cupped Jennifer's breasts. She made sure they were good and soapy before releasing them.

"Is that what you wanted to see?" she asked, her voice sultry.

"It's pretty nice," Will said.

Jen stepped back while Jennifer rinsed. Then they switched places. Jennifer didn't spend as long soaping up Jen's back or legs. She re-lathered her hands before fondling Jen's breasts, though, smiling at Will the entire time she caressed her friend.

As Jen rinsed, Jennifer made a show of playing with her own breasts. She looked down, but where her hair threatened to cascade forward, she straightened up, pulling it back over her shoulder.

"Wash your hair?" Jen asked, now clean.

Jennifer shook her head. "I don't want to take the time."

"Okay," Jen said, "but I'm going to. I need to wash the semen from last night out."

She immediately winced and looked at Will. He sat frozen. Tense.

"I'm sorry," she said.

He nodded. "Go ahead and wash your hair."

Jennifer handed her the shampoo and they tried to go on as if nothing had happened. Dave heard the women talking quietly, but he was too intent on watching Will.

His friend didn't move. Will didn't smile and his eyes didn't track the women's movements. He didn't seem upset or angry. He also didn't seem present in the moment.

Dave nudged him with his foot.

Will startled and looked at Dave. Dave nodded toward the women and Will's attention returned to the beauties in the shower.

Jen lathered and rinsed her hair, her eyes closed. Jennifer, though, had caught the interplay between the men. She gave them a half-hearted smile before reaching for the conditioner bottle.

Jen let Jennifer massage the conditioner into her hair and scalp, making small appreciative noises, but the energy still wasn't in them. They kept sneaking peeks over at the guys. Will tried to smile back, but was clearly forcing it.

When Jen turned off the water, Dave nudged Will. "C'mon," he said, "there's not enough room for them to dry off while we're sitting here. Let's go get the kitchen cleaned up."

Will nodded and pulled himself to his feet.

"We'll be down in a few minutes," Jennifer said.

Dave nodded acknowledgement and herded Will out the door.

In the kitchen, Will lightened up. They cleaned in silence for a few minutes before Will paused.

"Sorry," he said. "I was doing fine until..."

"Yeah, I know." Dave leaned against the counter. "So how do we keep you 'doing fine'?"

Will grimaced. "I don't know. I liked having a new game, but..."

"Maybe we should dispense with the games."

"Huh? The girls love showing off."

"Oh, I'm not saying we ask them to stop," Dave said. "In fact, I think we both want them showing off, as much as possible." He grinned, leading Will to nod in acknowledgement. "I think we should just stop it being games."

"I don't get it."

"It's thinking of the exhibitionism as a game that got you in trouble. You had to go onto the next game, and the next game and the next."

"I'm not sure about that."

Dave shook his head in mild exasperation. "Why do you like it when Jen shows off?"

"She's a beautiful woman. I like looking at her."

Dave nodded. "So why not stop there?"

"Well..." Will grinned. "Sometimes I like the thrill. Like when she does some flashing in public. It's a rush. I also like thinking, when another guy's looking at her, 'yeah, she's beautiful, but she's going home with me.'"

"Yeah," Dave said, "but that doesn't work if she starts fooling around with them. Or me."

Will fell silent, staring into space. Then, after a dozen heartbeats, he nodded.

"You're right," he said. "I don't want her touching other guys."

"That's right. Even though you talked yourself into it this weekend."

Will sighed. "Yeah. Except she does want to be able to touch other guys sometimes."

"So you two need to talk."

"That's going to be a tough talk."

Dave nodded. "You don't have to have it right away."

"Yeah ... I want to think about it."

"Do that."

"Okay," Will said, "but back to the games. What's wrong with games?"

"What I said. As long as it's 'just a game, ' it's hard to see how much fire you're playing with."

Will scowled. "So what do you suggest? We already agreed we like them showing off."

Dave shrugged. "So we get them to show off without it being a game."

"How do you suggest we do that?"

"Do what?" a voice called from the stairs. They turned to see the ladies walking down—Jen dressed, Jennifer back in her kimono.

"Have some fun with exhibitionism and voyeurism without it being a game," Dave answered.

Jen looked quizzically from man to man.

"Dave thinks that if we hadn't gotten so caught up in playing the next game, we might not have stepped across the line."

Jen frowned and turned to Dave.

"I think we should do some exhibitionism without it being a game," he said. "You know, just for the beauty of it. Because you two are so beautiful."

"Aww," Jennifer said, smiling.

Jen cocked an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?" she asked.

"Did anyone bring a camera?" Dave asked.

"I've got a small one," Jennifer said.

"We're not doing anything until the fireworks show tonight, right?" Dave said. "How about we go hiking and find a place to take some pictures?"

Jen finally smiled and nodded. "Okay."

"We better get dressed then," Will said, gesturing at Dave.

"Right," he said. "Everyone meet back here in a few minutes?"

After nods all around, Dave and Jennifer headed down to their room. As they dressed, Jennifer turned to him.

"Are you going to want to see more of me and Jen together?" she asked.

"Together as in touching? I don't know. I enjoy it, but, well, that's not what this is about."

She nodded, a look of relief on her face. "Good. I don't want things to turn into just lesbian sex shows."


Jennifer smiled and reached out for Dave, touching his arm. "I love you," she said. "If I'm doing anything with Jen, it's for you."

He smiled and took her hand. "So you're not going to be running off for wild afternoons of sex with Jen."

She shook her head. "Nothing without you present."

He squeezed her hand and then, impulsively, pulled her in for a kiss. Tender at first, it soon turned passionate until Jennifer pulled back.

"If we get started," she said, "we'll never be ready to meet the others."


"With interest." She kissed him again to seal the promise.

They finished getting ready and found Will and Jen waiting for them in the main room. After getting out the maps and discussing possible trails, they eventually decided on the North Fork of the Swan Trail. It wasn't too long of a drive to the trailhead, which was once again crowded with cars.

"I'm not sure about this," Will said, watching a family pile out of a nearby SUV.

"We can get off-trail," Jen said.

"Might be a while," Will muttered.

"We've got plenty of time," she said, shouldering her pack. "And you know it'll be worth your while." She waggled her eyebrows in emphasis.

Will snorted. "Then lead on."

It did take them a while to get down the trail. They passed a few hikers in a meadow near the start, and encountered another couple when the path got rocky. Finally, after an hour and a lot of sweat, they entered a densely forested stretch. They stopped in the shade of some pine trees to suck from their water bottles.

"Go off here?" Will asked, breathing hard.

"There's supposed to be some old cabins up ahead," Dave said. "They might make a good backdrop."

Will shook his head. "They'll also draw other hikers." He looked at Jen. "What do you think?"

"I want to get completely naked," she said. "Without getting in trouble."

"Let's go that way," Jennifer said, pointing off the trail up a ridge.

After a round of nods, they agreed and bushwhacked up the steep hill. A couple of times Dave thought they might stop, but Will wanted to be further from the trail. Finally they found a sunlit break in the trees, where an old pine had fallen, taking down a couple of smaller ones with it, and now lay waist-high. A few bushes grew in the clearing, but mostly grass filled the space.

"So how do we start?" Jen asked, looking around.

"By handing me the camera," Will joked.

"Mmm," Dave said, "how about if I handle the camera? You can focus on the poses."

Will nodded. As Jen sorted through her pack for her camera, Jennifer wandered over to the fallen tree. She turned and smiled at Dave, mouthing "I love you." He blew her a kiss in return.

Jen handed the camera to Dave. While she was explaining how to use it, Jennifer returned to her pack and retrieved a thin blanket.

"The bark's pretty rough," she said when Dave noticed.

"We could always do some in the grass," Will said, gesturing to a sunny patch.

Dave suppressed a smile. He's getting into it. Good.

"So how do you want to start?" Jennifer asked.

Will shrugged and looked at Jen.

"How about if we start by the tree and move to the grass after we're naked?"

"Sounds good."

The women sauntered to the fallen log while Dave moved back, checking the light and framing. They stood awkwardly, waiting.

Same as Fireworks
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In the mid 1990s I used to go a naturist spa in north London, the days before it built in playrooms and became a swingers meet spot as well as a naturist Spa. I loved going there and being naked in front of other people. I would regularly talk to people, single men, single women and couples, and learnt a lot about people who went there. I had a regular night (Tuesday) as this fitted best for work, and I would arrive at about 6pm and leave at about 10 or 11pm feeling totally relaxed. As I said...

2 years ago
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Chapter 01 A Good Boy Acting Badly

Chapter #1 A Good Boy Acting Badly ‘Stephen’s just a good boy acting badly,’ is how my grandmother used to phrase it talking to my mom. ‘He doesn’t mean to be bad, he just can’t help it sometimes.’ But that never cut it with my dad though. You see, trouble just seemed to follow me, and always too close for comfort. Like the time we were throwing apples at cars. I threw one and as luck would have it, the guy’s window was down and I hit him square in the side of the head. He lost control and...

1 year ago
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The Jock and the Freshers Gay Love Part1 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was nervous on the first day of college. I had never stayed away from home. But now I was in a dorm full of unknown faces. I liked playing football, so I had decided to sign up for trials. The first day of the trial, I saw him – Jonah. He was a quarterback and quite the looker. All the girls would surround him after practice, and he would go home with a new girl every night. How did I know about his night-time activities? Well you see, he lived in the same dorm as me, in fact just opposite my...

3 years ago
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Ana blindfolded in our marital bed

My loving Ana told me she wanted more than just a good late night fucking.She needed something different to spice our boring marital sex life.Then I told her not to worry; I would find some “different” fun for her.After checking several porn sites, I found a way that Ana would love.My plan was to blindfold my sensual wife; tie her to the bed, and bring a stranger man into the bedroom. Anita usually enjoyed the helplessness of being tied up during sex, but the blindfold was not certainly going...

3 years ago
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Jason and his horny mature maid

“Mom?” eighteen-year-old, Jason, said, as he woke up to hear some sound in his room in the middle of the night. The person he saw standing near the door looked like a woman. It was quite dark in the room, so Jason couldn’t figure out who it really was. “It’s me. Susie,” Jason heard the voice of his thirty-year-old maid. Susie was a gorgeous married woman. She had black hair and had firm big 36DD size boobs. Her husband worked in a garage. When Jason’s mother came to know that, Susie was...

2 years ago
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Perfect Harmony

Sue was lonely. Thirty five and divorced she felt her life was a wreck. John said he still loved her but she’d had a skin full of his alcoholism and having to bail him out of his money problems. She discovered to her lament that was the worst thing ever she could have done to help his problem. He just kept drinking and there was no hope. Finally she through in the towel although she still loved him but without the warmth of love she began to lose all hope for the future and her hopes to have...

2 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 10 Second Trap

Jason was aware that the rate of fertility in the Empire had plummeted in the last 3000 years. The population had declined at a slow rate largely because the average age at the same time had extended so dramatically. It however meant that a considerable number of women didn’t fall pregnant and the men had become frailer and less fertile. Jason cursed the priests for what they had done to the people. Jason thought the priests had been very clever. Many doctors were priests and their research...

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My first threesome Part 2

Following her moans, I brushed my muscular hands along her clit over and over, sliding easily with the massage oil. Her hips arched higher a little bit, giving me a full exposure of her pussy. I couldn’t resist anymore. As I saw her hand reach for my hardened cock, I too let my middle finger slide inside her pussy. As I slipped my finger inside her, her hips moved down back against my finger. She gripped my cock with her hand tightly and started to stroke me. My cock looked huge against her...

3 years ago
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Adult Video store Fuck

"Wer'e close fellas" said coach Naz..from the front of the bus..i looked around the area and said "this is gonna be too easy" with a huge smile on my face. We're College baseball players from New York, bitches are gonna be throwing themselves at us..we got the hotel rooms we are good i said with a huge smile on my face. We were in Ft Lauderdale..and let me tell you there was pleanty of shit to do..its a very populated area.. When we got to the hotel it was pretty late and we were...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Finds Relief

We moved to a large subdivision a few years ago in Plano, Texas. On the street we lived on there were about 20 families in our block. One of the families was an older couple that had a son Ricky. Ricky had been in an accident when he was in high school that left him "not all there". The couple took care of him the best they could. One evening about 6 months after we moved in I caught Ricky in our backyard jacking off while watching my wife bathing. I watched him blow his load on my...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 351

This one is compliments of Rrrosco The Tunnel Sitting on a train traveling through the Swiss Alps, were a Kiwi guy, an Aussie bloke, a little old Greek lady, and a young blonde Swiss girl with large breasts. The train goes into a dark tunnel and a few seconds later there is the sound of a loud slap. When the train emerges from the tunnel, the Kiwi has a bright red hand print on his cheek. No one speaks. The old lady thinks: The Kiwi guy must have groped the blonde in the dark, and she...

1 year ago
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Mountain Rescue

The cabin had two bedrooms and a kitchen/dining room plus a large bathroom. The main part of the cabin had a fire pit in the center of the main living area. There was always plenty of deadfall in the woods around the area to keep him supplied with firewood. Bill had lived there for a little over three years and he had a German shepherd dog for a companion. There was only one way in and one way out via a four wheel drive “road”. Bill had internet access from a satellite dish but there was...

1 year ago
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The Taming of the Shrewd

THE TAMING OF THE SHREWD Myra Polden was very upset. Her boy George had set his mind on marrying Jane Burns but she'd got hitched instead to George's runt of a friend Peter Robbins. She decided that although she would have to bide her time for a while, eventually she would set the Universe back on the correct course and make her boy happy. The fact that he was now twenty four years old and Jane had married three years ago and seemed happy were immaterial to the single minded...

4 years ago
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Rahul And Dharanya 8211 Best Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi everybody, I am Rahul, a normal looking guy, and I make friends easily by my entertaining way of talking.I work in Bangalore in a company.This incident happened a few months back.I have a friend dharanya,fair 5.5”,correct boobs,and on a whole perfect structure.We are just friends,like we talk casually about movies,books,cooking and other likes and dislikes.We rarely go out to malls.This was like a limited access friendship. Whenever she comes with me,she sit in the bike casually,neither too...

1 year ago
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Charlys farm

Charly Riggs owned a farm, it wasn't much of a farm. He leased most of it out. His wife Shirly hated him and the farm. She moved to the city and took his daughter Nessy with her and divorced him. He paid his ex-wife nine hundred dollars a mont for child support. He could afford and even offered more. Charly seldom saw his girl. For some reason his Shirly made him feel uncomfortable every time he visited Nessy. She was 18 years old now and she and her mom fought continually. Nessy called him up...

3 years ago
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Me Kemo SabeChapter 2

I took an hour nap in the afternoon. I took time to lay out my Lone Ranger suit. I had a feeling someone might want to see me dressed that way. We met the Rockford's at the door. Cindy handed the baby to Melanie to coo over. Rich shook my hand and eyed my wife closely. She smiled at him saying, "I'm glad you came to dine with us." "Have a beer, Rich?" "I shouldn't but sure, I'd like one. I'm not driving yet. I can manage the cast on my arm, but I don't have my license back...

4 years ago
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Hook Up In Nashua NH With A KoreanAmerican Girl

Good day everyone! This is my first post that I have ever made on xHamster! So please bare with me if this isn’t the best-written and/or best formatted post of this kind.I made a post on Friday 09/06/2019 to Reddit, and in less than an hour later u/PastelPinkxx from my local area saw my post and replied to me with her kik. We started off with the usual introductions and exchanging of a few pictures. She asked for a picture of myself first and I responded with a couple, including a shirtless...

2 years ago
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Caught by my mother

Sex was clearly something that was not discussed. I never had a lot of contact with my mother anyway. We lived together in the same apartment, but we didn’t have a lot to say to each other and I had the impression we actually hardly knew each other. She tried to raise me well, but somehow I had the idea that, when she divorced my father at a relatively young age, I had been a nuisance to her and had kept her from starting a new life. After all, how many men were looking for a woman with a child...

3 years ago
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A Boy Becomes The Slut He Always Knew Hed Be

By the time I turned eighteen, I knew what my future was. In my last two years at school, I was always dreaming of what the hot guys' cocks looked like. I had no issue getting girls, I had plenty of experience fucking them. I was always jealous of the girls who were easy, with their slutty outfits. I wanted to be tone of them and have the boys chasing me, wanting me to suck their dicks. It was time to change my looks. I was lucky, I had a great body that I started to wax and shave all...

First Time
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 02

Bill leaned against the trunk of his car, and watched Faith hurry to the church parking lot 50 yards away. As she passed a group of churchwomen, they turned their backs in an obvious show of disdain. ‘What have I gotten myself into, now?’ Faith climbed into a beat up Dodge Power Wagon and sat there longer than reasonable. Climbing back out, she smiled at him, then kicked the tire in mock anger and threw up her hands in frustration. Moving to the front, she lifted the hood, reached in and,...

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The Secretarial Pool

“Brenda, are you busy Saturday night?” “Uhmm, Mr. Compton, isn’t that a bit inappropriate?” “What, asking you to accompany me to a fundraiser? No, actually, I checked with Ms. Powell in HR and she said it would be OK, as long as the time you spent both preparing for and with me at the event counted toward your weekly hours, or if I wished and with your permission paid you overtime instead, and I didn’t coerce you into it. Call her. I’m desperate.” “OK, I’ll call, but it seems weird.” “Why?...

2 years ago
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A story about a little friendly swinging and lots of cumming and bodily fluids being exchanged

As I walked in the door, coming home from the office, I saw my wife Carole standing by the cabinet preparing dinner. Carole has a body built like a brick shit house with all the fixtures in the right place. Today she looked especially good wearing a skimpy halter top with a pair of low cut shorts that fit snugly around her ass with the outline of her bikini panties showing through. Crossing the room and walking up behind her I reached around and cupped one of her tits with my hand...

1 year ago
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Introduction: This is a fictional work, based partially on actual events from my childhood. My brother and I were twins. I was born 6 minutes before him, and I never let him forget I was the older. We grew up on a small farm a couple of miles outside of town. Our father had a job other than farming, though. We just had a few cows and horses, chickens, and a garden which produced enough vegetables for our family, and a little left over to share with friends. We lived in a rather old, two story...

2 years ago
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Dominant gay man introduces virgin sissy to paradi

Dominant gay man introduces virgin sissy to paradise.. In a slow process.. of awareness.. of her own gay tastes!becoming a submissive slut.. has often some delicious steps..and this story.. is so detailed.. to describe every single moment of slave role acceptance.I confess you.. for me, it was so hard.. to resist to cum.. during its enjoy the sissy story number 21! ;)Anna MaliceUntil your ass turns into a pussyI had known Mitch for a while, he was this gay man some ten years older...

3 years ago
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Girls Dont Understand

“Oh come on, really? Do I have to?” I whined to my wife Dawn. “Yes, I can’t make it and someone needs to make sure she’s not buying crap.” she replied. My step-daughter Hannah was in her second year of school about 1.5 hours away. We got her an apartment close to campus so she wasn’t on the dining plan. She had a medical scare over the summer and needed to lose some weight and eat better. Hannah was a big girl, about 5’8 and 250lbs and only ate crap which didn’t help. So now, we were trying...

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Body Rentals Elle Gets Controlled

“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate," I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes, ” I said, “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Our First Meeting Part 3

Jill told me that her and Tom would be getting married and they both would like me to be there, they even offered to pay for me flights and accommodation. I told them I would love to go and I would be paying myself as they had enough to pay for. The wedding was a year away so that give me time to get spending money together. Over the next year I started to really save up. I got the date and venue about 2 months after being told. So now I could start looking for flights and a hotel, it didn’t...

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Tammy and Sammy chapter four

It took almost a year until daddy let us see each other again, a year in which we phoned each other every morning, noon and night, mummy was great though, she kept asking me if I thought I loved Sammy and my reply was always the same."I don't think I love her mummy, I know I do."One day when daddy was away on one of his many trips abroad, I sat with mummy in the living room fiddling with my mobile and wishing I could go upstairs early to ring her when mummy said."Did I ever show you my old...

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Jennys Gang Bang

Hi, Cathy again. I promised if I got some response I'd submit some of my original ELG stories. I was actually a bit surprised at the favorable responses. I thought my stories would interest other girls more than guys and that most of the readers are guys. I wonder if there's any way to sort the voting by sex? Anyway, these four entries which I originally wrote about three years ago are probably even more girl oriented. I probably don't get into genital details as much as...

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Dear JohnChapter 20

Over the next few days, those following the dinner—and Abigail did pay for it just in case there was any doubt in anybody’s mind—I got looks from the both of them. They seemed to be waiting for me to do or say something that might indicate how I was doing in getting past my grief at the death of my dad, which I both was and wasn’t. But, I did have a problem. In spite of what I saw as major put downs by Abigail, if not Harriet as well, in what I’d overheard; I did need to keep in mind that...

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Bossing the Boss Ch 06

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments I’ve received so far. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. Tom arrived at the restaurant before Jodi and picked a secluded booth in the back. It was a light lunch-time...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Virgin Maid And Made Her Pregnant

First let me tell you about myself. I am 20 years old and 5’10″ tall. I am a bit wheatish in complexion. My cock size is 7 inches.The slut of this story is Krishna.She is a very sexy girl about 2 years elder to me. She is very cute and fair and had a great curvy figure 34-28-38. Whenever she used to walk i always used to admire her ass swaying and i always fantasized about eating her ass and pussy and fucking her in doggy style but i had no courage to approach her fearing that she would...

3 years ago
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Riya Ka Case Jeeta By Radhika

Hi friends, mera naam radhika hai or me a gyi hu apni ek or jabardast story lekar sory me story likhne me thodi der kar di jaisa ki ap sab ko pata hai me chandigarh ki rehne vaai hu. meri umar 30 hai lekin dekh kar koi kehta nahi ki me 30 ki hu sabhi kehte hai ki me ek bin byaahi ladki hu mera figure 34-29-35 hai jise dekh kar koi bhi mard pagal ho jata hai ye story ekdum nyi tarha ki hai. Me story meri ek frnd ki hai lekin ise mene apne uper le kar likha hai so ap me story par ati hu me...

2 years ago
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Grendel Wolde

Grendel Wolde 1513, which is the dreadfulla storeye of the ambush of the deceitefulle and godless Urners against the truie, faithfulla and godloving people of Grendel Wolde (from a village church chronicle) ************** Tinu shifted uneasily on the small ledge and pulled the fur closer around himself. Why am I sitting here? he asked himself, not for the first time on this cold winter morning. He was way too old for this and could have left it to younger men. Maybe because it made him...

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My Daughters Best Friend Part 11

My eyes began to stir that next morning, Sunday, where I stared out upon the empty space at my side. Amy was no where to be seen, once again. It then hit me, like a warm rush that spread throughout my entire body, rising from deep below. Turning my head, I looked down to find Amy stretched out between my legs, her pert ass cheeks rose like a beautiful mountain range upon her curvaceous lower body, leading down to her feet dangling off the far edge of the bed. Her small, yet delicately beautiful...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Nadine and Jos Blowjob Swap Part 3

Thursday went much like Wednesday had for Jo and Nadine, Day #2 of Nadine pretending to be a prostitute and Jo pretending to be a weather girl.Despite being up until almost six, Jo got out of bed a few minutes past eleven so she could take her usual drive into the country to visit with her horse, Bucky. As usual, he was as delighted to see her as she was to see him. Later, she arrived at the station, and it took her no time at all to get into her new routine. She arrived about one-thirty, a...

1 year ago
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Reddit Dirty Small, aka r/DirtySmall! You may not be a pedophile, but there are few better pleasures in life than being able to pound away at a sweet 18-year old girl who's just begging to feel all of you, deep inside her. Hell, there are even plenty of billionaires who pay top dollar to be able to bang away at barely legal (and probably even underage) cute teen girls on sex resort islands - think Bill Clinton and Jeffery Epstein.You may not have been able to get with the girls in your high...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Practice Pays Off

It was a beautiful Saturday late afternoon. I was done with all the things I had to do around the house. My wife was gone for the weekend and I was feeling a bit bored. I thought I would take a shower, shave and pull out the makeup and see if I could do myself any justice in looking passable. Many attempts before had failed, but I was getting a little better each time.I got out of the shower and was nice and clean, smooth from head to toe and went to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of my...

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FirstClassPOV Alexis Crystal Slender Brunette Alexis Crystal Sensual POV Sex

Slender brown-eyed brunette, Alexis Crystal, is a gorgeous tease with a dirty mind. This stunning bombshell in lingerie and latex boots can’t help but masterfully tease Michael Fly while flaunting her perky tits. Not able to resist the urge to have fun with Michael, Alexis reaches out for his big cock and starts giving it a sloppy blowjob. She then bends over on the bed and lets the horny stud bang her tight pussy doggystyle. The gorgeous babe then gives the huge dick a sensual footplay...

2 years ago
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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

3 years ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 21

The Appointed President meets the Elected President. John awoke some time later. He was on the floor. He looked around, there was a Golden Retriever lying next to him keeping him warm. His head had been on a pillow. He was all alone, he called out, “Johannes?” “I’m in here John, we did it. We did it.” The dog woke up and looked at John, “Mesha?” John barely said. The dog got so excited, she was in his lap washing his face and ears. Mesha was a purebred Golden Retriever that John and his...

1 year ago
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Shalu ko choda usake husband ke kahane par 2

Mera nam hai tushar thanks mere pahale storys ko aapane bahot pyar diya sms phone kiye thanku very much i am tushar 35 male have my own businees .. I will always on tour mostly mumbai pune nashik hyd & rest of maharashtra . This is second part of shalus story for u if u like plz mail me .. If nay female housewife or couple is interested in phone talk with me plz call me my no is zero nine four two zero four one seven five six five. This story is in shalu’s word plz enjoy.main tushar ka intezar...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 9

The younger children raced back to the playroom. Amy and Janice disappeared. The adults split into small groups, touring the pod and discussing possible modifications. The room on the first floor that was intended to be an office was presently without furniture. Elizabeth asked the AI for two sofas, against two walls at right angles to each other, with an occasional table between them. She also asked for a desk and chairs, soft, plush carpet, a change in wall colour and some wall hangings....

4 years ago
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Fort Moonlight

"Man it's too bad there aren't many young people in this country. So far all I ever seen of America are oil and gas pipelines, fat people, obese people, old people, and more deserts popping up. This country is losing all its green man," cried Jose. "Well fracking is what gets us our oil. Without oil and shale gas, how the fuck do you think I am going to be able to drive this fucking car!!" exclaimed Ryan. "Yeah but a lot of our drinking water is now contaminated with methane gas. Did...

4 years ago
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Katlin and Missy Ch 1 Abduction

Katlin and Missy: Chapter 1 - Abduction ---------------------- A sharp pain in the neck awoke me. I couldn't concentrate, could hardly remember my own name, and it took a while for me to realize that I was cuffed hand and foot and attached face down on a large bed, naked. A fifteen year old girl has lots of fantasies about loosing her virginity. Some had included bondage. None had included the pain I was feeling in my wrists and ankles. The cuffs were padded. But they were...

2 years ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 3

They had been at the party for only an hour and already David had splintered off from her a few times. She wasn't surprised that he jumped at the chance to talk about business with Dominic Winslow and some of the other men. In an effort to show support she kept following him around but was quickly tiring of their discussion. Across the room she saw a few people she recognized and left her fiancé and the businessmen. The people that she worked her way toward could loosely be termed friends...

1 year ago
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How It All Began Ch06

‘Breakfast in bed, how decadent,’ said Fay excitedly. The sound of foamy water hissed in the bathroom as Fay and Tanya, sat up in bed, in their robes. Their bodies gave out at around 3am and it was almost noon now. Through some light-hearted cajoling by Fay and Tanya, continental style breakfasts arrived to their suites. ‘Do you think Jack’s ok?’ asked Tanya smiling as she chewed her way through a pastry. Fay looked at Tanya, her eyes smiled and she giggled a little. ‘Yes, he’ll be fine,’...

3 years ago
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The Wimp His Wife and Me

       Your phone rings.  It’s her.  ?bring the car around, the girls and I are going shopping.?  That’s it.  Silence on the line.  You go out to the car, HER CAR.  You walk around, wiping off any water spots or streaks.  The car is perfect, inside and out.  Just as she likes it.         You pull up to the front door and open the passenger door.  She walks out looking like a vision of loveliness--   Of dominant loveliness.  She is sexy but not slutty.  She walks to the car where you wait...

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Services from my

Hey everyone, my name is dharamvir and i belong to Punjab. I’m 22, and just completed my graduation last year. I find ISS very horny to read and I think it is a great concept. I am about to share a true sex story, which occurred almost a year ago and where I lost my virginity as well. I reside along with my parents, in the city, in our own house. My parents are working so we have had maids and servants working at our place for more than 15-16 years. I’ve a great fetish just like you guys to...

2 years ago
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One Cold Christmas Eve

One Cold Christmas Eve... One cold Christmas Eve morning, I lay in my bed, curling my toes and relishing in the warmth of my blankets. I wiggled my toes again, and giggled. Even though I couldn't see them under the covers, I relished the fact they were now adorned with purple nail polish that had a layer of sparkles overtop. As much as I was relishing the warmth of my blankets, I knew I would have to get out of bed soon and face my day, but I closed my eyes and tried to pretend...

1 year ago
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Community FourEverChapter 32

Mimi’s turn: This place DOES weddings. Seriously. Allow me to expound. (See?!? Going back to school – college, actually, -- has caused me to start using a vocabulary) Previous peer groups I’ve known had all manner of pairings. And unpairings. Couples formed and broke up like waves on a pond. Babies showed up frequently, stuck with a single mom in some cases, in other cases being raised by grandparents. This place? I’m the community baby-herder – JW, Elise, Kathy, Stoneykins, and now,...

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Television Police women in distress

Yet another common trope in modern media, the hot police woman on a team in a drama series, good recent examples are Chris from S.W.A.T, Tani and Kono of Hawaii 5-O, Andy Mcnally and Gail Peck from Rookie Blue, Jules Callahan of Flashpoint as well as Dana Scully from the X-Files, in almost all cases the women in question inevitably become Damsels in distress eventually, and in this story you as the reader get to choose who the damsel will be, and if she's going to escape or not. As for main...

2 years ago
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High Card Low Card Game

It was a Saturday night and the five of them were bored, Greg; a tall sanding blond hair sat on the couch. Next to him saw a petty little number, Suzette, her brown hair fell over the sides of her back. Heather was sitting crossed legged on the floor. She was a hot little number, with a button nose, freckles and bright red hair. Next to her , sitting with his leg spread out was Mark. He worked out and had a rather macho attitude to match his buzz cut hair. Lastly sitting in the rocking chair...

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