Teaching SwappingChapter 6 free porn video

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In the kitchen on the floor, Tommy was going almost out of his mind with the wildly wanton gyrations Grace was making with her pussy on his cock. It felt as though he was riding a wild animal in heat as his lovely blonde neighbor bucked up again and again under him, almost throwing him off her thrashing body from the inhumanely strong upward thrusts of her widespread, moistly heaving loins.

The young husband's blood-distended cock seemed to continue swelling and growing beyond all possibility as he felt it gliding slickly in and out of her tightly clinging cunt. His palms were cupping her bumping, grinding buttocks beneath, his fingers digging mercilessly into the trembling flesh as she backed her hips down away from him on the out-stroke, then flicked them in a wild circular motion back up to take his full pulsating length in to the rubbery sucking depths of her womb. Each time their heated loins twisted and ground together with a resounding impact, he felt her whole body tremble and writhe on his impaling hardness like a speared animal, deep-throated groans of wantonly abandoned passion escaping from between her clenched teeth. Tommy was aware of her firmly rounded breasts bouncing under him, pressing first into his left armpit, and then into his right like thickly turgid cocks fucking under his arms. Her neck was arched back, the tendons taut, her long blonde hair lashing back and forth on the linoleum like a cat-o-nine tails as she lost herself completely in the obscenely satisfying act she was performing so well. She held her eyes tightly dosed, and her nostrils flared wide, her breath coming in great accelerating pants like that of a racehorse pushed to the limit of its powers.

Tommy could see the end coming for both of them as he stroked smoothly in and out of her hungrily clasping vagina, and he began to gradually increase the tempo of his long deep-delving thrusts into her upturned cunt. Suddenly he felt her legs jerk up at his sides to offer him even greater access to her pounding loins, her knees pressing hard into her breasts, smashing them almost flat under their combined weight, as his hips thumped rhythmically against the tautly stretched backs of her thighs. The whole flat plane of her fully exposed cunt was offered up to him to batter as he wished and he felt the fever of boiling semen begin its surge down in his balls as they slapped against her buttocks below.

She was there too!

"I'm cumming!" she groaned in wonder and delicious agony. "I'm cummming, honey! Fuck me! Harder!"

He heard her groan loudly and go on in incomprehensible guttural syllables that no one could understand and then he felt his own volcanic explosion deep inside the tight wet confines of her quivering cunt. Its hotly juicy inner walls clasped and unclasped around his wildly jerking, throbbing cock as he spurted his thick fiery semen deep up inside her, her pussy sucking mercilessly at his endlessly gushing shaft like a hungry mouth down between her trembling legs. Finally, she arched her back far up off the hard floor to meet his last powerful lunge up into the receptive depths of her womb, and she held him there glued inside her cunt, their bodies quivering violently together for a moment as though they were poised on a high peak just before falling into a bottomless cavern.

Then at last Fred's wanton young wife let her body collapse back onto the floor, her long legs falling out limply to the sides as Tommy collapsed lamely on top of her between her lewdly out- flung thighs, their heavy breathing and moaning mingling in the room like that of exhausted runners at the end of a race. He felt her perspiration-soaked breasts and flat belly heaving under him for a long time, and then his slowly deflating cock slipped back out of her cum-filled pussy, making a soft sucking noise as the battered tip-end left the gently clutching outer lips. The thin sticky trails of their mingling orgasmic fluid seeped slowly out of her still wide-stretched vaginal opening to trickle down the narrow crevice between her buttocks and form a small pool beneath her on the floor.

When he had recovered his senses after the wild race to fulfillment with Grace Furness, Tommy released his agonizing grasp of her still slightly quivering ass-cheeks and slowly lifted himself up from her lewdly spread-eagled, satiated form.

"Mmmmmm, that was good," she moaned, her eyes looking up at him from under half-closed lids. "How can Linda resist spending all her time in bed the way you can fuck?"

"For her, it's easy," he answered thickly, his mind already preparing his temporarily relieved lust for another round with this nympho wife of his friend and working colleague. "She doesn't like fucking, and that's all there is to it," he added with a touch of bitterness in his voice. God, he was thinking, if Linda would only come on strong like that, our marriage would be heaven.

Suddenly, his heart stopped.

There came to his ears a noise that was unmistakably coming from another part of the apartment!

My God! he thought as the adrenaline began to flood into his veins. Fred must have been here all the time we were screwing! His first impulse was to grab his clothes and leave, but then he remembered. This whole thing was Fred's idea. Who knew, maybe the poor guy wanted to at least get the vicarious thrill of hearing his wife Grace getting fucked, even if he himself couldn't do anything about it.

Then he heard another sound, more distinct this time.

It was a woman's high-pitched mewl of obvious sensual pleasure!

Without wasting any time, he stepped over the still reclining figure of Grace Furness and headed for the bedroom at the back of the apartment, feeling the chill of goose-bumps scattering over his skin as the dead certainty of what he would find in the other room struck his mind like a thunderbolt. The whole depraved scheme thought up by Fred Furness abruptly became clear to Tommy's frantic brain, and he mentally cursed himself for falling prey like a stupid kid to the conniving lecherous bastard he had been calling his friend.

If only it wasn't too late to save Linda from being debased and humiliated beyond all redemption, he thought. Then he was struck by another worse thought just before he reached the partly open door to the bedroom: Christ! What if Linda actually is in there -- and she heard or saw me with Grace in the kitchen! But he knew it was too late to do anything about that now, and he rushed headlong into the bedroom.

He stopped suddenly, frozen to the spot by his utterly shocked disbelief at what he saw. Unable to move or say a word, he stared goggle-eyed at the obscenely lewd picture of Fred Furness energetically bobbing his head as he licked and sucked Linda's openly spread cunt. And his own wife, writhing and moaning in the throes of passion in an abandoned manner Tommy had never seen in her before now! She was obviously enjoying herself, giving herself up to this perversely depraved attack on her responsively swiveling cunt. This definitely was not a rape!

"You bitch!" he finally managed to choke out. "You cheating, lying bitch! Acting like an innocent nun with me at home, and then this!" He was so confused and shaken by what he was seeing that he didn't know whether to strike out at his wife, or Fred, or both of them. He stood fuming like a steam-engine about to burst from internal pressure, clenching his fists till the nails dug into his palms.

Linda was squirming and bucking under the maddening torture of Fred's flicking tongue until she thought the pounding of her heart would break through her chest. Then when her husband Tommy's voice filtered into her somewhat drink-dimmed mind through the wildly confusing sensations driving her almost crazy, her whole naked body flushed hotly with feelings of shame and humiliation.

"Oh, no!" she managed to gasp breathlessly, trying to focus her lust-glazed eyes on the face of her obviously outraged husband. But she was too far gone in her overwhelming new feelings of conscience-numbing sensuality to stop now and slowly she raised her head from the bed to get a better view; It was then she noticed that he was stripped naked and that behind him, with a knowing smile of triumphant sexuality on her face, stood Fred's wife Grace, also naked. It suddenly came back to Linda that the two of them had actually been making love in the other room, oblivious to the fact that they were both married to other people. She closed her eyes tight and, with a sudden resolve to get whatever small revenge she could, she shut her mind and delivered her body wholly over to the pleasurable rolling sensations emanating from her ever moistening, throbbing pussy. All her instinctive reactions against the lewd act were cast aside. She was enjoying it! She was actually beginning to enjoy being sucked and kissed down there between her legs! She liked having her pussy licked by a man!

In spite of his sense of outrage still making him tremble in fury where he stood watching, Tommy felt an intense quiver down in his naked loins. His eyes were riveted on his wife's lovely sculpted form, on the jiggling fullness of her ripe young breasts, the curving white buttocks dancing beneath, the sensuous flush on her heavy-lidded face. She looked more enticing and provocative than he'd ever have thought possible, and he was aware of a powerful surge of jealousy and envy that it was Fred and not he having such an effect on her. He could just barely make out the naked wet pinkness of her widespread cunt, squirming and contracting obscenely around the swirling length of Fred's viciously probing tongue. My God, she's really hot for it, Tommy thought excitedly. She was like a madwoman, her naked white ass- cheeks clenching and unclenching frantically, her thighs like steel grips around Furness' face, her desire-inflamed cunt flexing upward to meet him with lewdly lurching thrusts.

The young husband felt his recently depleted penis slowly climbing up into manhood again as he gazed as if hypnotized at the shameless exhibition of sheer unadulterated lust before him. It hadn't been long since he had fucked Fred's wife, but even so within moments, he could feel his cock throbbing and aching in full burgeoning erection once again.

With all his strength he reeled in his frustrated anger and jealousy, and was just starting to move forward to take his rights as a husband and fuck Linda in her passionately aroused state. After all, Fred wouldn't be able to finish her off himself, he thought. Then suddenly he caught a glimpse of his friend's lower body.

He had an erection! Standing out from below his slight paunch was a rigid, club-like shaft of very potent cock-flesh, jerking and throbbing as Fred moved and slaved over Linda's pussy.

He didn't know what to think then, and suddenly from behind he felt Grace's fingers slip around his waist and possessively grasp his hardness, appreciatively fondling its length and holding him in place as though it were a handle.

"Let 'em have their fun," she whispered into his ear. "We can watch, honey." Tommy did little to resist as she pulled him toward the chair at the foot of the bed where they would have a good view of what was happening.

Linda watched the naked couple as they took their position near the foot of the bed. With horrifed fascination she saw Grace take Tommy's throbbing hard cock in her hands and rub it sensuously, up and down, slowly pulling the foreskin back and forth as if it were soft resilient rubber. Then she opened her eyes wide with disbelief as the other woman willingly dropped to her knees and placed her mouth near his pulsating rod, thrusting out her moist tongue and running it lightly around the turgid glans now glistening obscenely with droplets of seeping seminal fluid.

Suddenly, Linda couldn't hold back under Fred Furness' ministrations at her cunt a minute longer. Her body felt as if it was on fire, as if every nerve ending was stretched and yearning for the pinnacle of pleasure just within her reach. Her face was coated with perspiration and her long blonde hair a damp clinging tangle around her neck. Her hotly burning vagina was raging out of control and she just had to quench the flames of lewd passion flickering inside her there. She tried to fix her gaze on the lust-inciting picture of Grace's fingers and tongue manipulating Tommy's jerking, pulsing cock but she found it difficult to keep her eyes focused -- she felt as though she were being driven mad by Furness' tongue taunting her flame-seared pussy.

"Ohhhhhh, God. Oooooh! I'm about to cum!" she gurgled in a tone of delicious surprise, forgetting that her husband was nearby, watching and listening. She groaned suddenly, her hips beginning to jerk spasmodically of their own accord, the first crashing floods of orgasmic pleasure washing over her like hot waves of unbridled sensation.

Tommy gaped in open-mouthed amazement at his young wife as she sobbed out her overwhelming climax, unable to believe that this moaning abandoned woman was the cool unaffected bride who'd never even let him get close to performing this lewd act on her pinkly pulsating cunt. He could feel the maddening sensations of Grace's mouth as it finally closed juicily over the throbbing end of his thick hardened cock and felt as though his whole body would explode in excited conjunction with his wife's writhing twisting form on the bed.

"I'm cumming! I'm cummmmming! Keep sucking!" Linda mewled insanely, thrashing her lust-maddened pelvis against the feverishly working tongue Fred was still swirling around deep inside her wildly bucking cunt, delirious with the hot rushing feelings that filled her nerve-jangling body.

Without previous warning, Tommy suddenly stood up, shoving Fred's wife Grace away from him without concern, flinging himself onto the bed near his young wife's head. She was flinging her face uncontrollably from side to side, her hair whipping back and forth on the bedspread, and he harshly grasped the sides of her face in his fingers, holding it toward him.

"Now, you little bitch," he growled down at her as he knelt sideways across her with his wet glistening cock poised near her moistly parted lips. "You're going to suck my prick whether you want to or not."

He squeezed painfully at the hinges of her clenching jaws to force them open, and without further preparation inserted his bulging cock-tip between her lips still grimacing with her own mind-boggling, nerve-shattering orgasm.

From his vantage point down between Linda's widespread gyrating loins, Fred Furness watched with jealous glee as the young woman was forced to take her husband's immensely swollen cock deep into her throat. Her cheeks alternately sank in and bloated out as the thickness stroked slipperily in and out of her ovalled lips, and she gasped as she tried to keep from choking on Tommy's mouth-filling hardness, too confused by drink and lust to feel able or willing to resist.

Then at long last, the tremors of incredible sensation began to slowly subside, and Fred pulled his tongue back out of Linda's orgasm-flooded vaginal sheath.

"Now I'm going to fuck you, baby," Furness said at length. "Just like Tommy just fucked Grace -- and show you what it's all about." Holding her by the ankles, Fred forced her thighs back against her smooth white breasts.

"H-hold it a minute, Fred," gasped Tommy, about to reach the bursting point again to flood his built-up semen into Linda's hotly sucking mouth. "I'm about to cum. I've wanted to do this for a l-long t-time." He was watching from heavy-lidded, lust- heated eyes his wife's grotesquely distended lips slipping and sliding wetly over his blood-swollen, pulsating cock.

Struck by a sudden new idea, Fred released her ankles and let her legs fall back limply onto the bed. "Roll her over, Tommy. She'll like getting it from both ends," Furness growled.

Tommy held Linda's face tight to his loins so that she could barely breath from the thickness embedded in the back of her throat and pulled her over on top of him. Now she was face down over his up-thrusting hard cock, between his legs splayed out on either side of her, and he watched as Furness grasped her smoothly rounded hips and raised them high up off the bed, positioning her on her knees spread far apart and Fred himself kneeling up behind her upturned, fully exposed backside.

Furness held his throbbing thick cock tightly between his fingers with the large blood-filled head aimed at the tight elastic opening of Linda's cunt. He watched it with lust-gleaming eyes as the tiny wet lips contracted and throbbed around the pinkly flaring outer folds, letting his eyes feast for the slightest moment longer, enjoying the way her soft full ass-cheeks curved sharply down into the narrow wasp-like waist that looked fragile enough to break from the slightest pressure. On either side of his kneeling legs, he could see her milk-white thighs tapering down sharply to her small well-formed knees and then blossoming out again to the fullness of firm shapely calves. He could see her head bobbing-up and down over Tommy's shafting cock as the young husband thrust his swollen thickness again and again up into her mouth held in place by his hands tangled in her matted blonde hair.

Now Fred's penis and testicles ached as they had never ached for anything before, and he had to ram it into her before it was too late -- before he spilled his hot sperm all over those softly undulating buttocks kneeling helplessly before him.

He pressed her buttocks wider apart to expose her defenseless vagina more clearly, and his nearly bursting cock jerked again as the tiny puckered anus came into view just above the moist cuntal opening. For a moment he was tempted to take her there, but that would come later when his cock, now beginning to seep clear drops of seminal fluid, had been relieved of its first insistent pressure and he could hold back longer.

He moved forward, slipping his knees as far up between her wide-stretched thighs as he could possibly go, and guided his long thick cock forward between his thumb and forefinger, gently parting the soft blonde pubic hair with the rigidity of the throbbing head. He felt the soft folds of her warm velvety cunt close wetly over the distended head of his turgid cock.

He groaned.

He had never in his life felt anything so soft and tender. Trapped between the delicious layers of wetly receptive vaginal flesh, he let it lay throbbing for a moment, the lewd contact of his thick throbbing cock pressed into the whiteness of her proffered ass-cheeks inciting him to uncontrolled feelings of lust.

Furness flexed his buttocks, all his built-up resentment toward all the lovely women who had held themselves aloof from him during his lifetime suddenly surging forward into the warm wet pussy-flesh of the groaning young wife before him. He gasped aloud through the silence of the bedroom, as he felt the tight hot walls of her contracting cunt soothingly slipping over and then wetly enclosing the rock-hard length of his pulsating penis.

"Uggggnnnhhh!" she groaned around Tommy's cock, driving repeatedly up into the deepest recesses of her mouth. She could feel Fred's penis surging into her, pushing the smooth giving walls of her inner flesh before him like rippling waves away from a speeding ship, her body shaking before the sudden assault of his immensely thick cock-shaft. She was suddenly jerked back again into the reality of what was happening to her, her shame and humiliation returning with a vengeance as she felt her thighs and buttocks being swept wide apart by the relentless thickness tunneling up into her mercilessly from behind. And, the saliva- slickened rod repeatedly bumping like hard rubber against the roof of her mouth, Tommy's endlessly battering cock filling up her mouth made her body shudder with revulsion. She could no longer think of a reason to want to live. It would be better now if she were dead and unfeeling than to suffer the remembrance of this degrading dual rape by her own husband and his so-called best friend.

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Six: Another Sissy for Ms. Rebecca's Household? After the workshop ends on day one, Ms. Rebecca stays to speak with some of the women attending the class and gets an unexpected offer that offers her some incredible rewards if she can take ownership of another young male submissive who is displaying sissy tendencies. After the workshop ended for the day, I stayed for a while to give me a chance to speak with some of the women...

4 years ago
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Teaching her a Lesson2

Teaching Her A Lesson The girl next door may be every boy’s dream but the girl that lives next door to me is a monster. She thinks that my backyard belongs to her and that she has free access to walk through my flowerbed and stomp on anything that she wishes too. Tina Louise Carter or TLC as she likes to refer to herself. Tender Loving Care is not what I would to do to her bare ass. At fourteen she thinks she knows it all and that her shit don’t stink. The boys are all over that....

1 year ago
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Teaching her a Lesson1

Teaching Her A Lesson The girl next door may be every boy’s dream but the girl that lives next door to me is a monster. She thinks that my backyard belongs to her and that she has free access to walk through my flowerbed and stomp on anything that she wishes too. Tina Louise Carter or TLC as she likes to refer to herself. Tender Loving Care is not what I would to do to her bare ass. At fourteen she thinks she knows it all and that her shit don’t stink. The boys are all over that....

3 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 8

Teaching Carol, Ch. 8 By Zen Mackie When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend; I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She answered my knock on the door in a dress of dark maroon silk—or some fabric that looked like silk. It was very conservative in cut and came down past her knees....

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Teaching Teacher

TEACHING TEACHER By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not intended to condoneor encourage forced sexual acts between females. All character and events arefictitious. Hello, Jenny here again with another story of how much I love raping otherwomen. Remember how my first conquest had been Angela, my neighbour, when Iwas only 16. Well, for days afterwards I'd been terrified that she'd go tothe Police, (this was before I realized how shameful being raped by anotherwoman...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Two Jaimes Training as a Sissy Maid Begins

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Two Jaime Learns About Life as a Sissy Maid I led Jaime from the garage to my master bedroom in the back of the house and told him to get in the Waiting Position as he had done before and to remain silent until he was told he could talk. I smiled when he nodded his head up and down for yes since he had just been denied the right of speech. Perhaps he may just become as valuable as he appears on first glance, but that was rarely...

3 years ago
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Teaching the Teacher

"Umm, hey, Mr. B." I heard a voice say as my class was leaving.  My thoughts were on two important things.  First, I desperately needed to go to the faculty restroom and second, it was finally lunchtime!"What's up?" I asked, looking up at one of my favorite students at the Community College where I taught.  Her name was Emily and she was a delight to be around.  We'd known each other for years.  I had actually taught her World History back when I was still teaching high school.  She was clever,...

1 year ago
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Teaching Shannon a LessonChapter 1

When I met Shannon Brien I was twenty-three, had just gotten my M.S., and was teaching in a community college while I worked on my Ph.D. Shannon was in a College Algebra class I taught in my first Spring semester, and I noticed her as soon as I entered the room. I had broken up with my graduate- school girlfriend some time earlier, so I was very vulnerable to Shannon's very obvious charms; so vulnerable, in fact, that my cock actually stiffened slightly when I saw her in the front row. She...

2 years ago
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Teaching Kurt and Dani

Sometimes, people have no idea what they are doing.That was a truth that Monica knew well, though she had no idea it was about to hit so close to home as she drove her Lexus up the driveway to her spacious residence. The divorce from her husband five years ago, after a rocky f******n years of marriage, had left her with a nice settlement and a beautiful daughter. She had gone from having no skills in the workforce to a near-six-figure income during those five years. At the same time, her...

1 year ago
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Teaching Sara Miller

I turned forty five today and decided to write my life story or at least a chapter of my life. I called it “The Unleashing of Sara Miller”. It was all about what happened at a point in my life that caused my life to quickly spiral downward and take a turn to a place no one had expected. I got caught up in a life that I thought I had left behind well before I met my husband of twenty fife years, David. I had suppressed so much of that part of my life that it all exploded and resurrected itself...

4 years ago
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Teaching Amanda Chapte two

Introduction: Amanda becomes Grahams real slut Teaching Amanda- Two This story follows on after Amandas first night with her college art teacher, Graham. It starts on the following day, her project/exam day. ***** I felt a cool breeze pass over my naked breasts and cursed myself for leaving the bedroom widow open. My nipples grew hard as the breeze caressed my skin, the smooth feel of the sheets on my naked body aroused me. Then I remembered why I was naked and I smiled, sitting up in bed. ...

2 years ago
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Teaching the Youth

My name is Ryan Sterling and I own a resort in the Florida Keys. Daniel, who is eighteen, and I live on the resort in a penthouse overlooking the water. He is going off to college after the summer is over. Daniel is not my son but his father died when he was young, and I have known him for years and taught him everything he knows about everything. I have been teaching him some of the basics about how to bed a woman properly and he essentially asked me something to the effect of; 'Will you...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Teaching Tara Part II The Kiss continues

Mr Tanner’s kiss stayed on my mind all night. It felt so good. I couldn’t believe I’d let him put his tongue in my mouth like that…or that I’d put mine in his. I was looking forward to going over to his house the next day. I could think of nothing else the entire day.After school, I walked over to his Mr Tanner’s house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and welcomed me with a smile. “Hi Tara, I’m so glad to see you”. He took my hand and led me inside. He offered me a beer, but I told...

3 years ago
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Teaching her my sister learns to give Blow Jobs

This is a continuation of 1st, "My sisters sleepover" and then "At Home One Night". A saga of a 18 year old boy and his coming of age 16 year old sister,This was a weekend unlike most, I actually had the house to myself! My parents went to a class reunion of my dad's and they were going to spend the night there. My s*s was spending the night at Linda's after the basketball game and me, well I got stoodup by a girl at school for a date to see a movie. She wanted to see this, but claimed...

3 years ago
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teaching my daughter0

We woke up the next morning after taking her to school I began watching TV and the school called telling me that she was showing kids her “tot” tot was what we called her vagina to make it more child appropriate. So I had to go get her because she was kicked out of school for the day. I told her that she should not be showing kids her tot but she said that it made her tingle when people saw it. I told her that it means that she is getting “excited”. So we started to watch TV again and she...

2 years ago
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Teaching Me Part 2

I dont remember getting up off of Kay, or putting my clothes back on, or going to my room and tucking myself in, so I can only suppose Kay did those things for me. I lay on my back in bed, blinking in the strengthening sunlight, remembering the last 2 days, which had flown past, lightspeed. I remembered my first, then second encounter with Doe, and then my little cuddle session with Kay. I remembered how firm and pert her tits were, how soft her nipple was inbetween my lips, the light...

3 years ago
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Teaching Luke sex Day Two

Following a complete re-vamp of the store a couple of years ago, the sex toys showroom at the rear was fitted out with open glass shelves, great lighting, and very realistic mannequins. We encourage customers to touch and feel the products before they buy, and as a consequence, the dildos, vibrators, and strap-ons need to be cleaned regularly. It’s one of those little jobs that we quite enjoy doing, and it was during one of these interludes that I told Megan and Carol about the evening I’d...

3 years ago
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Teaching Svetlana Chapter 2

This is the continuing education of Svetlana into the world of sexual pleasure. It has been two weeks since that snow day when Svetlana and I shared her body. She has been hungry to continue her exploration. I have been trying to postpone this coupling for as long as I could. I am a married man and what we are doing could hurt my marriage. Svetlana does not seem to care. We are in the middle of mid-term exams. We have been carpooling together as well as studying. Today was to be an off day for...

Love Stories
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Teaching To Seduction

My name is Robert (Name changed) and a senior citizen living in Ahmadabad. My stats are bulky and 5’ 10” height and about 105 Kgs weight. In my retired time to fetch some income I opted to teach English for some students. I had about 6 students out of which two were boys and four were girls. Most of them were all studying in their colleges with different subjects. Being a senior citizen I just could not show my passion for sex or related subjects. The classes were going and all were very...

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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

2 years ago
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Teaching Colin

“I think Colin is a bit bi-curious,” Jean said. I looked up at her reflection in the mirror.“What makes you say that?” I asked. She had a wistful expression on her face and she just tilted her head to one side .“I just know it, that’s all.”“But he’s well into Shelley isn’t he?” I said. “She’s a bit wet but they seem to be OK together and I’m sure he’s fucking her.”“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t fancy a bit of cock.” she looked back at me in the mirror, her eyes twinkling. “Takes after his...

4 years ago
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Teaching can be so much of fun

Well this story begin when Mrs Weller mother of Steven met me during the parents teacher meet, i was the teacher of homegroup of yr 11 student, steven was in my class who moved recently ine the sme term. Due to his being new to school he wsnt very good and active socially and academically. His mom was bit worried on this and asked if there would be tuitions available for maths in our city on th efact tht they wer new, i offered one of my uni time frn, but Mrs Weller wasnt confident enuf to send...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Five Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Five: Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End After lunch the ladies and their sissy candidates assemble in break-out groups where the candidates are stripped, shaved and locked in chastity as each of the pathetic males experiences new levels of shame and humiliation as they are displayed publicly and most for the first time. As the sissy graduates helped herd the male candidates into the appropriate classroom I...

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Teaching Carol Ch8

http://forum.xnxx.com/showthread.php?t=175534 and send me a PM if you're interested.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend; I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She...

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Teaching Cristina Part Three

Naked, her hands tied behind her with her own pink panties, an old, dirty hanky stuffed in her mouth, she dangled from the hook in the ceiling trying to maintain her balance with the toe of her one remaining high-heel shoe. It had all started when she came over for the weekend to visit her school friend, Nancy Roberts. But Nancy and her mom had rushed off to an emergency at Nancy’s grandmother’s nursing home in the next city. They wouldn’t be back until tomorrow afternoon. Cristina had...

2 years ago
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Teaching Me

My parents had left the country on a round the world trip for their 17th anniversary, it was something they always wanted to do. I was left behind, and sent to my Aunt and Uncles farm to work for the summer. Although I was 16, and disappointed that I would not be able to be in town for all the parties happening, I knew it wasnt gonna be that bad. The work was light and the tempurature was warm, and the crops had several weeks to go till harvest. Aunt Kay and Uncle Nick wern't you usual aunt...

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Teaching Sophie

I first met Sophie just after her mid-course exams. She’s failed miserably, and needed my help as a tutor to improve and get the grades she needed for a place at university. But I never dreamed she’d repay my hard work the way that she did. This is a much improved version of the story posted previously to ASSM as ‘The Maths Tutor’ * * * * * I met Sophie shortly after her mid-course exams. Her parents contacted the tutoring agency. The agency then contacted me. I followed my normal routine...

3 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 6

Teaching Carol, Ch. 6 by Zen Mackie Carol avoided me for a week or so—I assumed she was upset because of the incident at the library checkout desk. But I did nothing. She had enjoyed it—she may not have liked the fact that she enjoyed it, but she did—and that kind of enjoyment can be addictive. Sure enough, one night there was a knock on my door and there she was. She was wearing floral-patterned shorts and a white t-shirt and she looked timidly at me when I opened the door. “Hello, Jonathan.”...

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Teaching Carol Ch 7

Teaching Carol, Ch. 7 Saturday afternoon, a few days later. It was pouring rain. I made my way over to Carol’s dorm and knocked on her door, then let myself into her room. She had been sitting at her computer but jumped to her feet when she saw it was me. She was wearing dark yellow sweat-clothes with the university insignia on them. And her glasses. As I closed the door behind me I noticed something different out of the corner of my eye. Her closet door was standing open and. fastened to the...

4 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 8

Teaching Carol, Ch. 8 By Zen Mackie When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend, I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She answered my knock on the door in a dress of dark maroon silk—or some fabric that looked like silk. It was very conservative in cut and came down past her...

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Teaching the Neighbor

My wife and I met in college and married shortly after she graduated. She is a high school science teacher, while I run a small land clearing business. She and I were raised very differently. I was raised by strict conservative parents and her parents were more liberal. Since we met, she has never hid the fact that she was bisexual. Even though she loved and married me, she still has times where she needs a woman’s touch. At first this was strange for me, but over time, I got use to it. She...

First Time
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Teaching Mom About Orgasm Ch 1

Teaching Mom About Orgasm, Ch 1 by ChefGiovanniIt was a warm July afternoon. Mom and I were lounging by the pool sipping unsweet tea.She was unusually quiet. Something seemed to be weighing on her mind. I knew better than to press it. After a while she spoke."Rick, are you happy?"I thought for a moment. Even though I was 10 years divorced. My 2 girls were grown and moved away withfamilies of their own. I had 3 grandchildren who I adored but didn't get to see enough of. My job withthe MDA was...

1 year ago
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Teaching The Neighbor

Teaching The NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanUnlucky, Aryan got divorced only after couple of months of marrying his school days’ cock hiding pussy girl, Alkali. He was hardly 19 when he came to live in this quiet neighborhood. He did not know if the men and women in the block fucked or not but they sure did not produce any k**s because for almost a month living in this neighborhood, he did not see any k**s but of course a couple of grown up boys and girls were seen driving with moms to soccer...

2 years ago
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Teaching Jenn Tie and Tease Bondage

I have trained maybe 6-8 women now how to safely tie up their man for some added spice and fun, but Jenn will always be my favorite!!Jenn was not the first woman I had ever trained how to tie and tease a man. She was just the first of several that I taught whom I had met only for the express purpose of teaching. We had worked out all of the details through PM’s on XHAMSTER and then I agreed to rent the hotel room of her choice and provide a variety of things that could be used so she could...

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