A Well-Lived Life - Book 9 - AnalaChapter 27: The Russians Are Coming! - Part II free porn video

April, 1984, Chicago, Illinois
“Vanya, I am no diplomat, so I am not skilled in saying nothing while seeming to say something.”
Ivan laughed and nodded, waiting for me to continue.
“It would certainly change things,” I said. “It was our career choices that created the problem - I can’t become a Soviet Citizen and she couldn’t give up her plans. She and I agreed that our relationship would probably end when she went home in 1986. If that’s not going to happen, well, it certainly means that she and I have to talk about it.”
“You have not made any commitments to any other girls to marry?”
That was a tricky question. I could answer the exact question, but did that really reflect the truth? Did he need to know the truth of my complicated relationships? Did he already know because the KGB had checked me out? That last one was an interesting question. And while I hadn’t technically committed to marry anyone, my relationships with Jennifer and Bethany would likely be seen as marriage in his eyes.
“I’m not engaged to anyone, nor do I have plans to ask anyone to marry me at this time. I suppose you’ve had the KGB check me out?”
I made sure I kept a smile on my face.
“Well of course, Stepa. I am speaking plainly, as we agreed. Do you think I would have approved of you being with my daughter if I had not at least checked your background? To make sure you were not a criminal or dangerous to my daughter. Or worse, a spy.” He paused, and then chuckled, “I know, for example, you kissed Tanya while you were together in Austria. Several times.”
I nodded, smiling, “Her bodyguard reported that, I’m sure. I also put my arm around her on the ski lift!”
He smiled, “I have a detailed, written report! It was a bit difficult to check you out then, but we managed to get your name and hometown so that we could know who you were. Later, of course, after we met you in Chicago, we checked you thoroughly.”
“I’m clean?” I grinned.
I knew that I wasn’t, and I wondered if the KGB had any way of finding out about my involvement with the Outfit. The Mafia was about as anti-communist as any group I was aware of, and it would surprise me to find any connection between the Cicero mob or Don Joseph and the Russians.
“You have no records with your federal or state police forces, though your brother was recently arrested for sexual perversion.”
“Yes, he was. But I’ve had nothing to do with him for years. And he’ll likely go to jail. But I have no such perversions.”
Ivan nodded, “You do seem to have quite a few girlfriends, though.”
“Tatyana is fully aware of my friends. I have hidden nothing from her.”
“This playboy lifestyle concerns me, but my daughter assures me that if the day comes, you will stop acting like a decadent capitalist and will treat her with proper love and respect.”
“That you have my word on, Vanya. I would never, ever, think to disrespect your daughter. That is why I have talked to her about everything. Besides, if I did disrespect Tanya, Colonel Anisimova might take serious exception. And the KGB does have a reputation for properly dealing with enemies of the State.”
“Yes they do!” Vanya said with a smile. “But I do not think that will be necessary in this case.”
“I’m glad to hear that!” I grinned.
“Now, on to something different. Your father’s past is a bit murky. We find no reference to a Ray Adams being admitted to Russia during the Great Patriotic War, which isn’t necessarily an issue, as many records were lost. But there are records from that time and he is not on them, and more importantly, we found no birth certificate for him under that name. Nor did we find a record of a US Navy petty officer by that name in your Navy records. Had he been in the Army, this would make sense, given many of those records were destroyed in the fire in 1973. But he was not in the Army.”
I should have guessed that there was much more to the story my dad had started to tell me. And it was very likely that his name had been changed when he left the CIA. A bunch of things just fell into place, even though I didn’t have all the details. I hoped that at some point, my dad would be able to tell me his real name. But I could truthfully tell Vanya that I didn’t know anything, because I didn’t. I couldn’t reveal the one thing I did know, that he had been in the OSS and CIA.
“I don’t know the answer to the question you’re asking, Vanya. I don’t think my dad is lying.”
“Colonel Anisimova has some speculation, but she has no proof. In any event, you seem to be an honest, upstanding young man, even if your politics are antithetical to our system. You have an appreciation for Russia, and you’ve never allowed your politics to interfere with our friendship. I thank you for that. I hope we shall be life-long friends, and perhaps, if I’m lucky, you will become my son-in-law. Now, if I may use your telephone, I will leave for my hotel so you may spend time with Tanya.”
I suspected that Colonel Anisimova’s speculation was that my dad was a spook. I wondered if the KGB had any way of finding out. Actually, as I thought about it, I was sure they did. I needed to talk to my dad about it, but there was no way to do that until after the Voronins left, and I might need to do it face-to-face, not over the phone. That meant waiting until June.
“Certainly! Come this way, please,” I said.
I took him to my office and he called for the limo and was promised that it would arrive in about fifteen minutes. We went to the basement to find Tanya and Lyusya playing pool, while Colonel Anisimova watched. Minister Voronin informed them that the limo would arrive shortly.
“Mother, I do not wish to sit in hotel tomorrow! May I stay with Stepa and Tanya?”
“I do not think this is a good idea, Lyusya,” Colonel Anisimova said.
“But there is nothing to do in hotel! Here there are computers. Stepa can take care of me!”
Colonel Anisimova sighed. I could tell that she was frustrated, and torn between being a mother and a KGB Colonel.
“Tanya Ivanovna, would you be OK with this?” Colonel Anisimova asked. “Assuming, of course, that Stephen Rayevich is OK with it?”
“May we speak privately, Stepa?” Tanya asked.
We walked to the other end of the basement, and stepped into one of the guest rooms.
“What do you think?” Tanya asked.
“I think it’s OK. Tomorrow I’m supposed to be in class, but I arranged with my professors to skip. I have no assignments due and no tests. But I’m leaving it up to you. She’s quite the pistol.”
“Wild and crazy!” I chuckled. “My concern is that she’ll take time away from us. And I think we need to have a long talk.”
“Father just could not keep his mouth shut, could he?” she groused.
“No. He loves you, Tanya. And he likes me. Are you surprised?”
“No. I think Lyusya Alekseyevna would be content to play with your computers and would be OK without our constant attention. Your friends will be here?”
“They all have classes, but they’ll be here at various times during the day. They were all here tonight, but are trying to stay out of sight, except for Elyse and Jackie. I think you should let her stay, Tanya. It will make her very, very happy.”
“And you?” Tanya smirked.
“She’s quite cute, but she’s a young girl, as you said. Why would I want her instead of you?” I grinned.
“She is more like you than I am. And she would certainly do the same things I do with you.”
“Tanya please stop worrying! She will sleep in this room. You will sleep in my bed!”
Tanya smiled, “So long as you do not kiss her too much, then yes!”
I chuckled, “She’s going to try, isn’t she? That’s what you’re worried about!”
“Yes, Stepa. But you are strong! And I have assets she does not!”
That was an understatement if there ever was one. Trading Tanya for Lyudmila would be like trading a Mercedes Luxury Sedan for a Ford Mustang. Tanya was the classiest girl I knew, while Lyudmila exuded energy and fun. Lyudmila also reminded me a bit of how Connie had been in High School, but without the bitchiness. With Lyudmila, it was cute and sassy. Some American guy was going to have the time of his life with her! I suspected that no Russian guy would put up with her.
“You certainly do. Let’s go tell her and make her day.”
Lyudmila hugged both of us and then the five of us went upstairs to the foyer. I saw the limo pull up and Colonel Anisimova picked up what was obviously Ivan’s bag, leaving Tanya’s. She told her daughter to go to the car, get her bag, and come right back.
“Take care of her Stepa, or I will not be happy,” Colonel Anisimova said in her most authoritative voice.
“By your order, Comrade Colonel!” I grinned, then added, “I would never do anything to displease the KGB!”
“Good!” she said with a smile.
“Thank you, Stephen Rayevich, for your hospitality,” Ivan said. “It was good to see you and I hope that you will come to visit in Washington.”
“You’re welcome, Ivan Konstantinovich. I will visit, probably in September as usual. Perhaps earlier, if Tanya has her way.”
“I look forward to it!” he said.
We exchanged hugs and Russian-style kisses. I did the same with Katya Sergeyevna, and then she spoke rapidly in Russian to her daughter who frowned and rolled her eyes. Both Tanya and her father smirked, so I assumed that it was a lecture on behaving and not being difficult. That would take supreme effort on Lyudmila’s part, I was sure. We walked out to the car and then watched as it drove away. I also watched a black sedan pull away and follow the limo. I shook my head and sighed.
“The FBI is following Father,” Tanya said. “As usual. Do you see the other black car? Right behind where that one was?”
“They’re watching me? Because I had your father here, not because of you?”
“They do not follow me. An agent comes to check on me once each month or so. They do not care about me much, but as I’m the daughter of a diplomat, they pay a little attention. That car is because Father was here and they wonder about you.”
“Great,” I sighed.
We went back into the house and went to the door to the steps to the basement.
“Lyudmila Alekseyevna, you’re sleeping in the guest room in the basement. Breakfast is at 7:00am tomorrow. We’ll see you then,” I said.
“Perhaps because Tatyana Ivanovna does not plan to stay in the US, she and I should switch rooms! She may sleep in basement and I will sleep in your room! I am old enough for loving!” she giggled.
“Lyudmila Alekseyevna! You are «некультурный»!” Tanya said crossly.
“If you do not want him, then I will have him! He is perfect American man! Handsome, rich, intelligent!”
A heated conversation broke out in Russian, and I was sure that Tanya was giving Lyudmila a dressing down. Under other circumstances, Lyudmila’s offer would have tempted me, but there was no chance I would act on it with Tanya in the house, nor did I want to. The conversation lasted several minutes with Lyudmila clearly standing her ground and arguing her case, though I couldn’t be sure what was said. Eventually, they stopped and just stared at each other.
“May I have a good night kiss, Stephen Rayevich?” Lyudmila asked softly.
Tanya sighed, but nodded and I gave Lyusya a quick kiss, much to her disappointment. She frowned at me, then went down to her room while Tanya and I went up to my room. We quickly removed our clothes and got into bed. We made love, then put on robes and sat on the loveseat to talk.
“Lyudmila was very forward!” I said.
“She has, what do you call it, a crush? Yes, she has a crush on you.”
“That’s obvious. I’m surprised that Katya Sergeyevna allowed her to come to Chicago.”
“I was as well, but it’s good for her. Perhaps tomorrow we can take her to the Sears Tower?”
“Sure. If you want. It takes away some time from us.”
“Despite her «некультурный» words, she is a nice girl, and I like her. I am sure you would as well, but I will not let her have you!” Tanya said, quite definitively.
“I wouldn’t expect you to! I did have an interesting talk with your father, though.”
“What did Father say?” she sighed.
“He wondered if I would marry you if you changed your plans. Are you changing your plans?”
She sighed deeply, “Father should keep his mouth shut until things are decided. But yes, I will perhaps change my plans. I am concerned about how things are going to be in the future. I have considered getting a Master’s and PhD from The Kennedy School and teaching international relations. This would be permitted, I think. I mean by both your government and mine.”
“Would you be happy doing that?”
“I do not know at this point. I am considering it. But it is also the case that such an education would be valuable in the Soviet Union. So it is no loss in that regard.”
“When would you decide?”
“Next summer, I think. I have discussed this with Father and he is supportive. I am sure that he wants you for a son-in-law.”
He wasn’t the first one, by any means. That had been Frank Spencer, though I didn’t know it at the time. Later on, it was Ben van Hoek and Robert Block. And after that, Lars Andersson. As I’d told my mom over and over, she was the only adult that didn’t have a high opinion of me. I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, because I didn’t want my mind to wander.
“I’m sure. And you would want me for a husband?”
“We have discussed this before. We were waiting until I graduated from the diplomatic school to make any final decisions, but then it became clear that we could not get past the obstacles in our way. I was not a foolish girl thinking that loving with you meant we would be husband and wife, but it was a real possibility. Then, it was not. Now, perhaps it is again. Well, depending on my plans.”
“Did you know that your dad had me checked out by the KGB?”
“Of course he did. This should be no surprise to someone who is as «культурный» as you are.”
I chuckled, “You don’t think I’m «культурный» when I kiss you in public. That’s the American way. Can you handle it?”
Tanya’s eyes sparkled, “So long as you continue to love me as you just did, I will permit it!”
I laughed, but I had something else to discuss with her.
“Tanya, I need to explain some things that have happened in the last week,” I said.
Her eyes narrowed, as they usually did, when she was concerned about what I was going to say. I explained, briefly, the situation with Anala and what it meant. Tanya frowned through the entire conversation.

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