SparksChapter 3 free porn video

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09:00 Saturday, 11 May 1991
Provost Marshal Post, Ft Huachuca, AZ

The sergeant behind the desk pointed toward the two Border Patrol Agents leaning against the wall near the coffee machine. Soldiers, thought Sandy, do not lean against walls while waiting in the entrance to the Provost Marshal's Post.

As they approached, the taller of the two straightened, prompting the other to turn. After a quick exchange of glances, the shorter man greeted them. "Hi. I'm Agent Rey Munoz, and this sorry excuse for a border cop is Jorge Silverman."

Sandy studied the two. Muscular and stocky, Silverman was lighter-skinned and clean-shaven. Munoz had a broader face and a thin moustache, reminding Sandy of her middle-school principal. Keeping her humor suppressed, Sandy delivered a smooth "Specialist Sparks, Delta, Eighty-Sixth Signal."

Ben echoed behind her, "PFC Collins. Pleased to meet you."

After handshakes were exchanged, Agent Munoz led the way out the door. Sandy asked from her position behind Silverman, "Agent Munoz, do you know where you're going?"

"Nope," he answered, "I was hoping you'd take us to the rest of the team."

Sandy didn't respond for a moment, as she took stock of the situation. Each Border Patrol Agent (BPA) had a white-and-green 1989 Crown Victoria, parked next to Ben's borrowed Pontiac. "Ben, go lose the Battle-B's car. We'll meet you at the company lockup," she directed. "Jorge, you follow Rey and me." Sandy chose to ignore the penetrating stare Munoz shot at her.

Once in the car, after Sandy supplied directions, Rey seemed quiet. The second time Rey stole a quick glance at her, she asked, "What?"

"Oh, nothing. You're quite the take-charge soldier. Kind of unusual, I think, for an E4," referring to Sandy's paygrade[1]. "You look like you've been in, what, a year?"

Sandy felt her forehead wrinkle in a slight frown. "Just over two, now. They gave me Distinguished Honor Grad in Basic and again in AT[2], so they promoted me twice. They made me the Guide, since I didn't play the games the other soldiers did, I guess. It didn't make me any friends, though." Sandy smoothed her face and stopped talking, since she'd let something slip.

"No, I imagine it didn't." During the drive to the company loading dock, he described the operation the Border Patrol wanted the Army to help with, emplacing infrared heat sensors across illegal immigration 'trails'. The trails weren't actual trails, but anecdotal landmarks given the aliens crossing the border. This tended to keep them within corridors a few miles wide as they traveled across the unforgiving desert for three days. Thus, sensor lines deployed across the corridor would give an indication of border traffic.

Ben waited at the lockup, having trotted from the parking lot beside Building 104 across the parade area to the lockup at the back of Building 102. Sandy unlocked the cage. "Here's the equipment."

"Won't fit in the CV," Jorge passed judgment. "Trunk's full of gear already. Probably not in the backseat, either. How much do those batteries weigh?"

"About eighty pounds each," Sandy replied absently, having moved one earlier. "Probably don't want to have them on the seats, either." She studied the two BPAs and came to a decision. I want them to think I know what I'm doing, I guess. "Ben," she said as she handed him the key MSgt Brown gave her, "Drag one of each type of those crates and four of those batteries out. Agent Munoz and I are going to draw a pickup. We should be back in about twenty minutes."

Ben only nodded. To the rancher's son he was, it made sense. You need a truck, you get one. Only problem is, I have no idea how to get one. Silverman gave her a look she had trouble deciphering, though Munoz gave her a small smile. Sandy shrugged, and turned for the Crown Vic. "Hey," she called back to Munoz, after five steps. "You coming?"

Once behind the wheel of his Crown Victoria, Rey asked, "Okay, where to?"

"The carwash at the chapel." Sandy watched as he shook his head. He must have decided I know what I'm doing, she thought. At least one of us is reassured.

"You know, most soldiers would have let this stop them. They'd have their Saturday afternoon free to be with the boyfriend." Though he didn't ask a question, Sandy sensed this was an invitation.

"Huh," she said. "I'm not 'most soldiers'. And I didn't have anything else to do today. Besides, I'm kinda interested in what we're doing with the telemetry equipment."

"Call me Rey," he offered.

"Sandy," she replied. During the drive, Sandy discovered he'd been a Border Patrol agent for 10 years, was a native of Las Cruces, NM, and was married with a wife and two daughters in Gila Bend.

The Saturday morning carwash was an event Sandy normally avoided. She had no vehicle, and thus no need to spend three dollars to watch dispirited soldiers, restricted to the post for some minor infraction or other and pressed into service, wash her car. Often, it was more of a social gathering for the officer's wives. Here also was the company First Sergeant, observing the punishment detail prior to delving into his soldier's private lives with MPs in tow (a Health and Welfare inspection consists of MPs with dogs searching for firearms, drugs, alcohol, et cetera in the barracks).

Sandy marched Rey over to the First Sergeant. She'd only seen the man a few times at early Formation before her assignment to the Nighthawk platoon, and she owned a healthy fear of the man. With Rey at her side, however, she was confident she'd be listened to and taken seriously. Still, she wasn't about to call the man "Top", guessing that familiarity would place her beside the other privates washing cars the next weekend. Sandy waded in before she second-guessed herself and had Rey talk to him instead. "First Sergeant, a moment, please."

First Sergeant Davis turned. Five foot eleven, and seemingly hard as nails, he looked impassively at Sandy through nearly colorless blue eyes in a weathered face under close-cropped blond hair, then gave Munoz an appraisal. It came to Sandy that she was not a threat in the First Sergeant's estimation, but Munoz could be. The realization made her slightly angry.

"What is it?" he asked Munoz.

Aware Munoz turned toward her with an eyebrow raised, Sandy could not say when the icy calm she felt had descended upon her. "First Sergeant," she began, "Agent Munoz is Border Patrol, and I am on a detail with him to provide communications support for an operation they're conducting. The Border Patrol has levied us for telemetry radios and support for rigging their sensors to our radios. Today is the trial run, and the typical Government bureaucracy we have come to know and love has left Munoz and his partner without a pickup truck. To shorten the amount of time this will require, I will need a truck." Sandy stood at something resembling Parade Rest. Rey looked uncomfortable. She was left for a moment to wonder what her speech had bought her.

Rey Munoz spoke into the drawn silence. "First Sergeant, I'm responsible for the fuckup, I didn't think we'd need more space than my Crown Vic's trunk. The Specialist had an easy out to have an afternoon off duty at my expense, but she would rather conduct the operation."

Davis regarded the two of them with cool eyes. "Where are you setting up, Munoz?"

"About forty miles east of Benson."

"Why way out there?"

"It's an area we know well, and the terrain will funnel transients through a fairly narrow area. It's also pretty tame in the summer. If this works out, we'll ask you for more support in stepping up the operation at the border west of Nogales."

"That service piece you have, what caliber is it?"

Munoz blinked at the apparent non-sequitor. "Forty Smith."[3]

"Sparks, hold up your hand." She did so, palm facing the First Sergeant, wondering just what in hell the man was after. "Sparks, go draw a pickup truck from the Fifth's motor pool, building thirty-six, over on the West side of the post. If the motor sergeant or CQ there gives you flack, tell them it's for me. We'll get you licensed next week. Stop back at the Bravo Company armory, and draw an M9 and web belt and holster with two clips. If the armorer gives you shit for not being qualified with the M9 or not having a license, you tell him you are under verbal orders and to call the Company Commander. They'll get me on the horn, and I will fix that. Next week, you will be qualified with the weapon. Stop at Delta HQ and draw a gasoline card."

Sandy had never heard so many words from the man's mouth before. She realized she had one pickup truck and one 9mm pistol to go draw. "First Sergeant," now that she had what she wanted, it was time to speak more softly. "PFC Collins is on detail with me. A weapon for him, too?"

"Fuck it, too hard to swing, so not this time. But have him get qualified as well, and get a driver's license for him also". The military required military driver's licenses and certification for each type of vehicle driven.
Sandy came to something almost like attention, then she and Rey turned to leave. Rey was silent until they arrived at his car.

"Sandy, we just met. But Honey, you have the biggest set of balls of anyone I know."

Sandy was nonplussed. She'd gotten the pickup truck (white, two-wheel-drive, and with government license plates) and the "government charge card", a white plastic credit-card-thingy that was supposed to let her get gas, together with a form to fill out when she returned it itemizing her use of the card.

But she could not get the armorer for the company, a corporal, to come in to the HQ from his married quarters on the weekend. On the phone from the CQ's desk, she told him what the First Sergeant said, and was laughed at in response. "Yeah, Specialist, you just get him on the line and tell me, and I'll come issue a weapon."

Sandy wasn't about to run out of steam, but she had nowhere to direct it. Going back to the First Sergeant was the wrong thing to do, she knew. She'd been told to have the armorer call for the company commander (which would have the CQ page the First Sergeant on the weekend). She remembered he was not at his desk, conducting the Health and Welfare inspection this morning.

"Rey," Sandy said as she walked back out of the building with the Border Patrol agent matching her step, "How bad do I need a pistol anyway?"

Munoz didn't have a chance to answer, as Sandy spotted MSgt Brown across the parking lot. "Hey! Sergeant Brown!" Sandy's voice carried easily. The sudden shout startled Munoz more than a little.

As Brown started towards them, Rey answered, "I didn't think about it before, but it's a good idea. If we became separated, you could use it as a signal. Then there're snakes, and the odd Coyote."

"Coyotes are trouble?" Sandy asked. "They don't look so big..."

"The canine ones can be defensive if you threaten a mother's young, or they're hurt. But there's also the human ones, though it's unusual to see any traffickers in the desert itself." Rey was spared explaining, as they closed with MSgt Brown.

"Sergeant Brown, this is Agent Munoz of the US Border Patrol. Agent Munoz, Master Sergeant Brown." The two shook hands.

"Sergeant, I've got trouble. I had to talk to the First Sergeant earlier today to get a pickup truck, and he told me to draw a sidearm since we'll be out in the desert. The armorer won't come in on the weekend unless someone official calls him. I don't think he believes me."

MSgt Brown's eyes widened a little. For a few weeks, Sparks hadn't been fitting his image of a new soldier. Brown was afraid she would cause him trouble somehow. She sought out the First Sergeant to solve a problem? He flicked his eyes sideways to judge Munoz' reaction, and saw that the man simply watched him.

"Come on, I'll get you a weapon, and a couple of water cans. What the fuck, why not?"

As they followed, he asked Sandy for the details of the conversation with the First Sergeant. He grunted, unsurprised, when she mentioned she and Ben were to qualify with the M9 and be licensed for the pickup. He volunteered that the Deuce-and-a-half (the Army's six-wheel drive truck, rated for 2.5 tons payload) was probably a good one to get, too.

He led the way to the basement of the building, where he pulled a ring holding a large number of keys from his BDU pocket, hunted for one, then unlocked the Armory room. Once inside, he unlocked a smaller locker, and withdrew a rack of M9 pistols with a lockrod through the trigger guards. Unlocking that, he removed one M9. Hanging on a wall were shelves with web gear. He clipped a holster from another shelf to a web belt, and handed them to Sandy.

He then unlocked a different drawer, and extracted a cleaning kit. Sandy and Rey watched the operation in silence, then watched him relock everything. Humming, MSgt Brown then walked back to the desk under the Dutch door, and retrieved a logbook. He filled out a line in the book, then turned the book to Sandy, which she signed. He then picked up two clips from an ammunition cabinet. "Sparks. I am not going to sign you out any ammunition, it's a pain in the ass for partial cases. I will, however, tell you a few things."

"One, I don't think anyone should carry a weapon they're unfamiliar with. Two, if you ever fire this weapon, bring it back clean. Firing Uncle Sam's ammunition anywhere but on an approved training range during an approved training mission would probably be career-damaging, and would very likely see you in the stockade and Articled[4]. Actually shooting someone would be a Court."

He watched the blonde Specialist nod, probably a little uncertain now and no longer sure she wanted to carry this weapon.

"Three, nine-millimeter is easy to find at, say, K-Mart. And I'm not telling you to spend fifteen minutes learning how to load and fire this weapon with your own ammunition. The issue cleaning kit will be used before a dirty weapon is returned here to me Monday. But Hoppes Number Nine cleaning fluid is also available at K-Mart, and is one hundred thousand percent more effective than the issue crap in that kit. Four." He took a breath, deciding how to phrase his concern. "I don't know why Top's letting you drive the truck off post, that's nuts. Munoz, if you're out after eighteen hundred hours this afternoon, I want you to keep the truck and both soldiers overnight somewhere. I do not want them to drive off post after dark without licenses. Hell, they could go through a Border Patrol roadblock or some shit." Pleased at his humor, Brown laughed.

Munoz didn't, but he did look thoughtful.

Brown had Sandy and Rey follow him again, after locking the door, to sign for water cans and the toolkit Brown suggested they take as well.

Jorge and Ben passed the time bullshitting. Jorge regaled Ben with tales from the Border Patrol, and tried to steer the conversation away from opportunities for a young soldier to lie about his experiences.

Jorge won laughing agreement from Ben that the BDU uniform, designed as it was to break up a human silhouette in the field, was distinctly unflattering to the female form. Therefore, anyone who looked good in BDUs had to be fucking beautiful.

"Sparks, she looks good in her BDUs, don't she, man?"

Ben stopped laughing. "Yes. She does," he said in an uninflected tone.

Though he didn't give anything away in his expression, Jorge noted Collins' reaction.

11:15 Saturday, 11 May 1991
Hwy 80, between Sierra Vista and Douglas, AZ

The travel plan was Huachuca to Douglas, refuel and eat lunch, change drivers and passengers, then head out Hwy 80 towards the New Mexico border (which, Rey explained, divided the El Paso and the Tucson sectors of the border). Along the way, they would find one of the trails and roads that led out into the desert towards the southern end of Chiricahua National Monument. They would then set up the sensors in a picket line about a mile long and hope they could establish radio communications back to Huachuca.

Sandy didn't mention her doubts, or the questions she pondered. Why aren't we practicing on a field at Huachuca before heading out into the desert? Who is going to receive this telemetry?

The driving distance was about 60 miles each way, an hour or so, leaving them three hours of daylight before MSgt Brown's curfew to play with the equipment. Rey assured Sandy he expected failure the first attempt and planned to return to the picket line each day for a week. If the trial were successful, the Border Patrol would move the operation to a region known to have many illegals attempt to cross the desert.

While they loaded, Sandy left the pistol in the cab of the pickup she now drove. She hadn't missed the emphasis on how to return the weapon or who to return it to. She worried she lacked enough money to buy a box of ammunition. Rey left his car at the PX's parking lot and rode in the cab with her, while Ben opted for the air-conditioning and plush ride in Jorge's Crown Victoria.

Rey had her stop at the Kmart in Sierra Vista, and came out with a box of 50 CCI Blazer 9mm cartridges and a small Hoppes gun-cleaning kit. He tossed the cartridges onto the bench seat between them with a disgusted look on his face. "These are all I could get."

"What's wrong with them?"

"You can't reload them, they sometimes don't eject cleanly, and they have a tendency to foul the bore, the powder's dirty. Those cases are aluminum and they haven't gotten them dialed in yet in ten years of trying. But the bullets themselves are okay, they're Speers. They'll work for today, but if you ever need to shoot competitively, these suck."

Sandy had no idea there was so much behind a brand of ammunition. She sensed lawmen were particular about what they used and wondered aloud why soldiers, to her knowledge, weren't. Their conversation on firearms and the differences between peace officers and soldiers lasted all the way to Douglas.

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The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts. Jessica had a white bathrobe wrapped around her curvy mocha body and a light blue towel adorned her drying hair. Francis sat in a plain, white t-shirt, a fresh pair of boxers and nothing else. The self-satisfied Succubus fed herself fruit medley piece by piece as she watched him mull over his next move. It had been several years since she enjoyed a game of chess and Francis had a wonderful...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet Chapter 4

  I was very worked up waiting for Miss Morgan to call me. Her earlier attentions in her office were incredibly hot. She had me on the edge when we were so cruelly interrupted. I was wanting more that night. I dressed up cute for my darling professor. I went with my favorite dress, a short little number decorated with big sunflowers. I put on some nice dangly earrings and my little black necklace as well. My heart raced as I waited for her phone call. My mind was clouded with questions about...

3 years ago
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The Story of B

The mirror was an old one, picked up at a consignment shop a year earlier. Its oak frame holding glass that was wavy and dappled with dark spots. My image is slightly distorted, Bianca thought. Seeming unconcerned about any distortion, she tried on each of the three tops in turn, and then selected two others from her closet, repeating the routine of bending this way then that, while viewing the amount of cleavage each successive bend or twist might reveal to Jimmy when he stood across the...

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Swinging Paradise

I am Huma, with a new kind of group sex experience of a couple who have already tasted the pleasure of swapping. Hope you like it. ” Swinging Paradise offers you the best atmosphere to swing and enjoy in the lap of Mother Nature. Do you swing? Do yoy wish to swing? The best time has arrived to enjoy love to its fullest. We will take care of your needs, fetishes, dreamas and even whims and fancies. Contact us online or phone us to mail you entry forms and other literature” So read the...

2 years ago
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The Friendly Skies Pt 4

On Sunday I had the day off and was checked into the TransGlobo boutique and spa which all of us girls were required to do on our day off. To say that they had thought of everything was an understatement. The place was like heaven for women! The main floor was laid out like a giant shopping mall and there were several boutiques and "stores" at which we could pick out outfits and accessories and makeup. Most of the stores featured fancy dresses and gowns...even some princess and prom...

3 years ago
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No Pride Among the Wounded

The gambling had started shortly after Debbie was born. Nothing major just the usual suspects. Trotting, greyhounds, big-time horse racing, all of which were "retired" from the game-plan once he got a taste for the poker machines. At first he fed them casually. Loose change - then the odd five and ten dollar note. But they were always hungry and he couldn't bear to see them suffer. Thus twenties and fifties became part of their regular diet and when that didn't seem to quell their...

2 years ago
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Tutor Lessons

It was 1:58 and I was waiting for the bell to ring so I could get the hell out of class ‘cause I need to get home and play some Xbox Live! I look around the classroom and watch the other students finish their test and pass up their papers to the teacher, Ms. Marianne. Since I finished up early, I really had nothing to worry about. I search through the bundle of students until I saw a girl who I was really interested in. Her name was Jennifer Celeste, she was hot! She was a mix of Latino...

4 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 2

“I’m only doing this so my children will have a future,” Charlene had said, when they had first gone into the bedroom. “I’ve waited fifteen years to fuck your hot pussy again, so shut up and strip,” Russell had told his sister-in-law. He had watched as Charlene slowly took off her clothes while he had shed his own. Tears had been streaming down her face as Russell roughly threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her. He showed her no mercy as he rammed his hard cock into her pussy as hard...

1 year ago
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Mature friends

. I was involved with a woman who was ar late 40’s. I was in the military and was a First Sergeant managing recruiting teams. She stopped in the office for some literature for her so who was interested in possibly joining. Anyway she and I were chatting. I was about 40 then and had 18 years of service. We would talk and she left and said thanks for the info. About a week later she stopped by again and we resumed our conversations and then she made small talk about the ribbons and badges on my...

3 years ago
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Orgy on Eagletown Family

I live in the city and my story really starts when I was nine and my father came home early from work and caught my mom fucking the owner of the building we live in. My mom has been fucking anybody who could make her pussy happy, as long as I can remember and my father didn’t have a clue until he caught her with the owner of our building, who also lives in the building. It turns out that she was pregnant with me when her and my father where looking for a bigger apartment and she came...

1 year ago
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Strapon story

The skintight black patent leather minidress should have been the first warning. Instead, it was the bait, and she reeled me right in. I'd stopped off at my favorite hangout after work. It was mostly older college students and young professionals not too far removed from the campus. I was chatting with a few buddies when I spotted her. She was just standing on the edge of the dance floor, surveying the room, her hips barely undulating in time to the music. She was the woman who had starred in...

4 years ago
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Hypnotized wife for other mens pleasure

Introduction: Husband allows strangers to be intimate without her realizing. Men get to wife in unusual manner Pure fantasy. Anyone who is likely to be offended by themes. Stop reading now. Elaine had always been quite inhibited. She was raised by religious parents and it left her with some hangups about sin and guilt about pleasure. She was fine about the act of intercourse and enjoyed it,but when it came to anything a little unusual,she was much less sure. I had never told Elaine about my...

3 years ago
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Caught Tied securely the floor to ceiling racking and totally immobile, I could only look on in sheer freefall panic at what was happening before my eyes as Jennifer Danes one of our senior partner solicitors suddenly entered the room and strolled into view! Not only was I bound helplessly from my head down to my ankles, but a shiny red ball gag rendered me speechless as events quickly spiralled out of my control. Not that words could have changed a single thing at that point, but I...

3 years ago
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On My OwnChapter 7

Waking up in a strange place is always unsettling. As my memory returned, everything that had happened came back, I was really unsettled. I stretched in bed, remembering that I wasn't a spring chicken any more, and that my bones and muscles didn't like me all the time. This morning was one of those times. As I remembered the new friends I had out at the trailer park, I was depressed, knowing they had all seen the news from the night before and thought I might be some pervert who may be a...

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Tingling FingersChapter 3

Bobo walked into Shorty’s bar and ordered a whiskey. He saw Doc at the other end of the bar and raised his glass to him. He wasn’t sure if Doc was in the mood to see him after the night they had, but he figured he should at least see how the man was. Bobo picked up his drink, and moved over next to him. “How’s things?” He tapped his long fingers on the bar top and took a seat. “I woke up after about 14 hours of sleep. Thank you for that.” Bobo smiled. “My pleasure.” He moved his foot and...

4 years ago
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Onlyfans LiaChapter 10 Bears Boots and Boudoirs

“Hey, Jim,” Lia greeted me as I got in from work. “How was your day?” “The kind that makes you glad to come home,” I answered, slightly worn around the edges from one of those tedious Wednesdays where nothing very interesting happens, but you still have to be there to do it. “You?” I asked as I took off my jacket. “Very good,” Lia answered, smiling as I turned and found she had removed her jumper. “Wow. My day just improved a lot, but no blouse? No bra? Isn’t that itchy?” “Might be. I...

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You continue waving goodbye until you see the old, green minivan turn out of sight. Once it is gone, you let out a sigh of relief and smile. It’s not that you don’t love your parents. You do, and you’re very grateful to them. They’ve given you a good life, and now they’re putting you through college. They even helped you set up your dorm room (a single room in a co-ed dorm). But after 18 years of growing up under their watchful eyes, you’re excited to be on your own, and even more excited that...

1 year ago
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Down On Bended Knees

DOWN ON BENDED KNEESPart Three of The Chronicles of Little StandingTwo days after the episode with Mrs. Carter I was again rising early in the morning. Well, the fact that it was in the morning meant that it was early for me. The country ways were clearly having their effect. I showered and dressed before going downstairs because I was not going to be caught by Mrs. Carter again. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed the spirited and rampant fuck that had ensued from her finding me masturbating in my...

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ConvergenceChapter 21 Demonrsquos Lair

“Connor, I hope to hell you know what you’re doing,” Scotty grated from Washington DC. “So do I,” Caleb replied fervently, his footsteps dragging, while following the drone down the dilapidated building’s stairs in Iraq. “Right now, I’m trying to buy time and stay alive! We can sense too many of the drones to kill them all before they overwhelm us with this damn mist. We can’t try to wait them out, either. This constant, nagging, sense of dread will eventually wear us down. An airstrike may...

2 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

“Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me?” She asked. “I could tell you but you probably wouldn’t have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so not many college students go there. It also caters to the lifestyle so normal people don’t shop there much,” he told her. “Oh, well since I haven’t done much in this place other than normal food and stuff like that shopping, you’re probably right. I don’t really know what the city has to offer outside of Wal-Mart...

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Sexting my son 3

I had shown my son my "camel toe" on purpose no less, and encouraged him to take a picture. Well that turned into pictures, but anyway it happened and the world did not stop spinning. Neither did my excitement. Our texting became more explicit and suggestive with Daniel asking me to wear the spandex all the time. Instinctively I felt that this was a bad idea. Not that I wouldn't wear it again, just not all the time. I figured that my next big dare would be that coming weekend, when we...

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Sex Vacation

Welcome to the introduction! If you want to go straight to the story, go ahead to the next chapter. If you wanna learn more, then stay here. There are 7 different girls that you’ll get the chance to fuck. Your choices affect how your relationship with them is. At the end of each chapter, there’s different options for you to pick. The “Hint” chapter tells you how the decision will affect the women, so you can use it if you don’t want the full experience. I think you should trust your gut with...

4 years ago
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My Susan

Susan and I have been married for over 20 years. We were high school sweethearts in our senior year. She had been very active in the dating circles all through HS as she is pretty, outgoing, and intelligent and comes across as someone you would want to meet and become friends. Over the years of our marriage, we have enjoyed many new and wonderful ways to love each other. We had our first 3-some with another man about 10 years ago and since then, have experienced many to include 3-somes with...

3 years ago
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Parent Teacher Conference Ch 01

I entered my office early on a cold Monday morning. Before leaving that morning for work, I made sure Danny got up and ready for school. Danny is my nephew. His mother who is my sister had been in and out of rehab for years so I adopted and got full custody of him. Of course my sister tried to get him back but the in the courts eyes, I was the best person to care for him. ‘Mr. Moore?’ My secretary called me from the intercom. ‘Yes Linda?’ ‘The principal of your nephew’s school is on line...

2 years ago
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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 2

Finding a mark was usually easy. Vennoa scanned the tavern searching for her prey. There! A human that already had one drink too many, and was half-asleep. He didn’t have any companions with him, and just needed a little more encouragement to drink more. “Hey, mind if I join you?” Vennoa said. Without waiting for a reply, she sat on the stool opposite the human. “Huh? Wha— sure,” the human replied. From the slurring of his speech, Vennoa was certain she had found the right target. Vennoa...

4 years ago
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Mazaa hi mazaa

Ye takreeban june ke shuroo ki baat hai. Tab mere exams khatam ho chuke the. Meri English madam bohat hi sexy hai us ke perfect breasts hain. Aur wo kapde bhi ese pehnti keh us ke jism ka kuch hissa nazar aata. Jese hi class main aati us ke nipples khade hote the. Tight kameez pehnti aur bra bhi nipples ke khade hone ki waja se tight rehte. Nipples apna nishan us par bana lete. Phir padhai to phad hi main jani thi. Kher main roz us ke saath apne app ko imagine karta. Un ka naam madam shagufta...

1 year ago
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Beginning of the End Becoming Cathy 2

I guess it's the waiting that creates the space for me to rise to that great height from which I Invariably fall, eventually, enevitbley, crashing once again into a great pit of failure and humiliation. The rising expectation, the mounting fear, The building hope, the increasing trepidation, All fuelled by an ever-growing desperation driven incessantly onward by that little knot Of truth buried deep inside that, if ever allowed to erupt into reality, will alter the very essence of how my...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Lauren Phillips A Beautiful Busty Valentines Day

Lauren Phillips arrives at Jay Romero’s house dressed for a date. Instead, she finds the scene set for romance. Rose petals lead Lauren to the bedroom, where Jay has set out a sweet card, hot lingerie, and a stunning jewelry set. The hot redhead knows just how to thank her boyfriend. She drops her dress and gets herself into the sheer lingerie teddy. Jay is instantly ready for Lauren, dotting her tits with openmouthed kisses as Lauren strokes the stiffie. Pushing Jay onto the bed, Lauren...

2 years ago
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The Room

Okay, here’s the usual description of this post. Folks it totally fiction for people and places although the weather described might just have a hint of truth. Other wise it’s a product of an idle mind. Enjoy.Chapter 1:Life changing experiences can be in odd places and times. I had that feeling as I closed the door to room 641 that something big had happened.A little background first. My wife Barbara and I met almost five years ago after both of us had gone through divorces.I’m 5’7” and she’s...

4 years ago
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Serving Sreelatha

Serving SreelathaBook One in the Story So Far SeriesBy Kurt SteinerThe Story So Far:When Sunil Kakkar, Tim Benson’s partner in a thriving retail business, passes away it brings the handsome middle-aged Englishman into contact with his late partner’s younger wife, Sreelatha.         Being something of a snob, with an attractive wife of his own, Benson had kept his dealings with his partner on a strictly business footing, finding Sunil’s wife –on the few social occasions where he had been forced...

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Fat Chance

Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....

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Barmaid Ch 1

John sat in the club toilet, and proceeded to beat off his cock. His eyes were closed, and of course he was thinking about her. Julie, the club barmaid. She was in her forties and he was merely eighteen. But that did not bother him. He wanted her more than anyone. From the first moment he had seen her he knew he wanted her. She had short blonde hair, a heaving pair of breasts, that were easily D-cups, and of course the centre thought of his relentless jacking off, the finest butt known to...

2 years ago
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Late Night Movies chapter one

It was late and I couldn't sleep. I had to go to the bathroom so I opened my bedroom door and set foot that way. The moment my door swung open my dads voice called out from the living room down the hall, "Robbie? What're you doing?" This was expected and had become somewhat of a routine, whenever I would come out of my room this late at night my father always called out from a distance to see what I was up to. It was well past my bedtime and daddy didn't like to be disturbed late at night. He...

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