SparksChapter 3 free porn video

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09:00 Saturday, 11 May 1991
Provost Marshal Post, Ft Huachuca, AZ

The sergeant behind the desk pointed toward the two Border Patrol Agents leaning against the wall near the coffee machine. Soldiers, thought Sandy, do not lean against walls while waiting in the entrance to the Provost Marshal's Post.

As they approached, the taller of the two straightened, prompting the other to turn. After a quick exchange of glances, the shorter man greeted them. "Hi. I'm Agent Rey Munoz, and this sorry excuse for a border cop is Jorge Silverman."

Sandy studied the two. Muscular and stocky, Silverman was lighter-skinned and clean-shaven. Munoz had a broader face and a thin moustache, reminding Sandy of her middle-school principal. Keeping her humor suppressed, Sandy delivered a smooth "Specialist Sparks, Delta, Eighty-Sixth Signal."

Ben echoed behind her, "PFC Collins. Pleased to meet you."

After handshakes were exchanged, Agent Munoz led the way out the door. Sandy asked from her position behind Silverman, "Agent Munoz, do you know where you're going?"

"Nope," he answered, "I was hoping you'd take us to the rest of the team."

Sandy didn't respond for a moment, as she took stock of the situation. Each Border Patrol Agent (BPA) had a white-and-green 1989 Crown Victoria, parked next to Ben's borrowed Pontiac. "Ben, go lose the Battle-B's car. We'll meet you at the company lockup," she directed. "Jorge, you follow Rey and me." Sandy chose to ignore the penetrating stare Munoz shot at her.

Once in the car, after Sandy supplied directions, Rey seemed quiet. The second time Rey stole a quick glance at her, she asked, "What?"

"Oh, nothing. You're quite the take-charge soldier. Kind of unusual, I think, for an E4," referring to Sandy's paygrade[1]. "You look like you've been in, what, a year?"

Sandy felt her forehead wrinkle in a slight frown. "Just over two, now. They gave me Distinguished Honor Grad in Basic and again in AT[2], so they promoted me twice. They made me the Guide, since I didn't play the games the other soldiers did, I guess. It didn't make me any friends, though." Sandy smoothed her face and stopped talking, since she'd let something slip.

"No, I imagine it didn't." During the drive to the company loading dock, he described the operation the Border Patrol wanted the Army to help with, emplacing infrared heat sensors across illegal immigration 'trails'. The trails weren't actual trails, but anecdotal landmarks given the aliens crossing the border. This tended to keep them within corridors a few miles wide as they traveled across the unforgiving desert for three days. Thus, sensor lines deployed across the corridor would give an indication of border traffic.

Ben waited at the lockup, having trotted from the parking lot beside Building 104 across the parade area to the lockup at the back of Building 102. Sandy unlocked the cage. "Here's the equipment."

"Won't fit in the CV," Jorge passed judgment. "Trunk's full of gear already. Probably not in the backseat, either. How much do those batteries weigh?"

"About eighty pounds each," Sandy replied absently, having moved one earlier. "Probably don't want to have them on the seats, either." She studied the two BPAs and came to a decision. I want them to think I know what I'm doing, I guess. "Ben," she said as she handed him the key MSgt Brown gave her, "Drag one of each type of those crates and four of those batteries out. Agent Munoz and I are going to draw a pickup. We should be back in about twenty minutes."

Ben only nodded. To the rancher's son he was, it made sense. You need a truck, you get one. Only problem is, I have no idea how to get one. Silverman gave her a look she had trouble deciphering, though Munoz gave her a small smile. Sandy shrugged, and turned for the Crown Vic. "Hey," she called back to Munoz, after five steps. "You coming?"

Once behind the wheel of his Crown Victoria, Rey asked, "Okay, where to?"

"The carwash at the chapel." Sandy watched as he shook his head. He must have decided I know what I'm doing, she thought. At least one of us is reassured.

"You know, most soldiers would have let this stop them. They'd have their Saturday afternoon free to be with the boyfriend." Though he didn't ask a question, Sandy sensed this was an invitation.

"Huh," she said. "I'm not 'most soldiers'. And I didn't have anything else to do today. Besides, I'm kinda interested in what we're doing with the telemetry equipment."

"Call me Rey," he offered.

"Sandy," she replied. During the drive, Sandy discovered he'd been a Border Patrol agent for 10 years, was a native of Las Cruces, NM, and was married with a wife and two daughters in Gila Bend.

The Saturday morning carwash was an event Sandy normally avoided. She had no vehicle, and thus no need to spend three dollars to watch dispirited soldiers, restricted to the post for some minor infraction or other and pressed into service, wash her car. Often, it was more of a social gathering for the officer's wives. Here also was the company First Sergeant, observing the punishment detail prior to delving into his soldier's private lives with MPs in tow (a Health and Welfare inspection consists of MPs with dogs searching for firearms, drugs, alcohol, et cetera in the barracks).

Sandy marched Rey over to the First Sergeant. She'd only seen the man a few times at early Formation before her assignment to the Nighthawk platoon, and she owned a healthy fear of the man. With Rey at her side, however, she was confident she'd be listened to and taken seriously. Still, she wasn't about to call the man "Top", guessing that familiarity would place her beside the other privates washing cars the next weekend. Sandy waded in before she second-guessed herself and had Rey talk to him instead. "First Sergeant, a moment, please."

First Sergeant Davis turned. Five foot eleven, and seemingly hard as nails, he looked impassively at Sandy through nearly colorless blue eyes in a weathered face under close-cropped blond hair, then gave Munoz an appraisal. It came to Sandy that she was not a threat in the First Sergeant's estimation, but Munoz could be. The realization made her slightly angry.

"What is it?" he asked Munoz.

Aware Munoz turned toward her with an eyebrow raised, Sandy could not say when the icy calm she felt had descended upon her. "First Sergeant," she began, "Agent Munoz is Border Patrol, and I am on a detail with him to provide communications support for an operation they're conducting. The Border Patrol has levied us for telemetry radios and support for rigging their sensors to our radios. Today is the trial run, and the typical Government bureaucracy we have come to know and love has left Munoz and his partner without a pickup truck. To shorten the amount of time this will require, I will need a truck." Sandy stood at something resembling Parade Rest. Rey looked uncomfortable. She was left for a moment to wonder what her speech had bought her.

Rey Munoz spoke into the drawn silence. "First Sergeant, I'm responsible for the fuckup, I didn't think we'd need more space than my Crown Vic's trunk. The Specialist had an easy out to have an afternoon off duty at my expense, but she would rather conduct the operation."

Davis regarded the two of them with cool eyes. "Where are you setting up, Munoz?"

"About forty miles east of Benson."

"Why way out there?"

"It's an area we know well, and the terrain will funnel transients through a fairly narrow area. It's also pretty tame in the summer. If this works out, we'll ask you for more support in stepping up the operation at the border west of Nogales."

"That service piece you have, what caliber is it?"

Munoz blinked at the apparent non-sequitor. "Forty Smith."[3]

"Sparks, hold up your hand." She did so, palm facing the First Sergeant, wondering just what in hell the man was after. "Sparks, go draw a pickup truck from the Fifth's motor pool, building thirty-six, over on the West side of the post. If the motor sergeant or CQ there gives you flack, tell them it's for me. We'll get you licensed next week. Stop back at the Bravo Company armory, and draw an M9 and web belt and holster with two clips. If the armorer gives you shit for not being qualified with the M9 or not having a license, you tell him you are under verbal orders and to call the Company Commander. They'll get me on the horn, and I will fix that. Next week, you will be qualified with the weapon. Stop at Delta HQ and draw a gasoline card."

Sandy had never heard so many words from the man's mouth before. She realized she had one pickup truck and one 9mm pistol to go draw. "First Sergeant," now that she had what she wanted, it was time to speak more softly. "PFC Collins is on detail with me. A weapon for him, too?"

"Fuck it, too hard to swing, so not this time. But have him get qualified as well, and get a driver's license for him also". The military required military driver's licenses and certification for each type of vehicle driven.
Sandy came to something almost like attention, then she and Rey turned to leave. Rey was silent until they arrived at his car.

"Sandy, we just met. But Honey, you have the biggest set of balls of anyone I know."

Sandy was nonplussed. She'd gotten the pickup truck (white, two-wheel-drive, and with government license plates) and the "government charge card", a white plastic credit-card-thingy that was supposed to let her get gas, together with a form to fill out when she returned it itemizing her use of the card.

But she could not get the armorer for the company, a corporal, to come in to the HQ from his married quarters on the weekend. On the phone from the CQ's desk, she told him what the First Sergeant said, and was laughed at in response. "Yeah, Specialist, you just get him on the line and tell me, and I'll come issue a weapon."

Sandy wasn't about to run out of steam, but she had nowhere to direct it. Going back to the First Sergeant was the wrong thing to do, she knew. She'd been told to have the armorer call for the company commander (which would have the CQ page the First Sergeant on the weekend). She remembered he was not at his desk, conducting the Health and Welfare inspection this morning.

"Rey," Sandy said as she walked back out of the building with the Border Patrol agent matching her step, "How bad do I need a pistol anyway?"

Munoz didn't have a chance to answer, as Sandy spotted MSgt Brown across the parking lot. "Hey! Sergeant Brown!" Sandy's voice carried easily. The sudden shout startled Munoz more than a little.

As Brown started towards them, Rey answered, "I didn't think about it before, but it's a good idea. If we became separated, you could use it as a signal. Then there're snakes, and the odd Coyote."

"Coyotes are trouble?" Sandy asked. "They don't look so big..."

"The canine ones can be defensive if you threaten a mother's young, or they're hurt. But there's also the human ones, though it's unusual to see any traffickers in the desert itself." Rey was spared explaining, as they closed with MSgt Brown.

"Sergeant Brown, this is Agent Munoz of the US Border Patrol. Agent Munoz, Master Sergeant Brown." The two shook hands.

"Sergeant, I've got trouble. I had to talk to the First Sergeant earlier today to get a pickup truck, and he told me to draw a sidearm since we'll be out in the desert. The armorer won't come in on the weekend unless someone official calls him. I don't think he believes me."

MSgt Brown's eyes widened a little. For a few weeks, Sparks hadn't been fitting his image of a new soldier. Brown was afraid she would cause him trouble somehow. She sought out the First Sergeant to solve a problem? He flicked his eyes sideways to judge Munoz' reaction, and saw that the man simply watched him.

"Come on, I'll get you a weapon, and a couple of water cans. What the fuck, why not?"

As they followed, he asked Sandy for the details of the conversation with the First Sergeant. He grunted, unsurprised, when she mentioned she and Ben were to qualify with the M9 and be licensed for the pickup. He volunteered that the Deuce-and-a-half (the Army's six-wheel drive truck, rated for 2.5 tons payload) was probably a good one to get, too.

He led the way to the basement of the building, where he pulled a ring holding a large number of keys from his BDU pocket, hunted for one, then unlocked the Armory room. Once inside, he unlocked a smaller locker, and withdrew a rack of M9 pistols with a lockrod through the trigger guards. Unlocking that, he removed one M9. Hanging on a wall were shelves with web gear. He clipped a holster from another shelf to a web belt, and handed them to Sandy.

He then unlocked a different drawer, and extracted a cleaning kit. Sandy and Rey watched the operation in silence, then watched him relock everything. Humming, MSgt Brown then walked back to the desk under the Dutch door, and retrieved a logbook. He filled out a line in the book, then turned the book to Sandy, which she signed. He then picked up two clips from an ammunition cabinet. "Sparks. I am not going to sign you out any ammunition, it's a pain in the ass for partial cases. I will, however, tell you a few things."

"One, I don't think anyone should carry a weapon they're unfamiliar with. Two, if you ever fire this weapon, bring it back clean. Firing Uncle Sam's ammunition anywhere but on an approved training range during an approved training mission would probably be career-damaging, and would very likely see you in the stockade and Articled[4]. Actually shooting someone would be a Court."

He watched the blonde Specialist nod, probably a little uncertain now and no longer sure she wanted to carry this weapon.

"Three, nine-millimeter is easy to find at, say, K-Mart. And I'm not telling you to spend fifteen minutes learning how to load and fire this weapon with your own ammunition. The issue cleaning kit will be used before a dirty weapon is returned here to me Monday. But Hoppes Number Nine cleaning fluid is also available at K-Mart, and is one hundred thousand percent more effective than the issue crap in that kit. Four." He took a breath, deciding how to phrase his concern. "I don't know why Top's letting you drive the truck off post, that's nuts. Munoz, if you're out after eighteen hundred hours this afternoon, I want you to keep the truck and both soldiers overnight somewhere. I do not want them to drive off post after dark without licenses. Hell, they could go through a Border Patrol roadblock or some shit." Pleased at his humor, Brown laughed.

Munoz didn't, but he did look thoughtful.

Brown had Sandy and Rey follow him again, after locking the door, to sign for water cans and the toolkit Brown suggested they take as well.

Jorge and Ben passed the time bullshitting. Jorge regaled Ben with tales from the Border Patrol, and tried to steer the conversation away from opportunities for a young soldier to lie about his experiences.

Jorge won laughing agreement from Ben that the BDU uniform, designed as it was to break up a human silhouette in the field, was distinctly unflattering to the female form. Therefore, anyone who looked good in BDUs had to be fucking beautiful.

"Sparks, she looks good in her BDUs, don't she, man?"

Ben stopped laughing. "Yes. She does," he said in an uninflected tone.

Though he didn't give anything away in his expression, Jorge noted Collins' reaction.

11:15 Saturday, 11 May 1991
Hwy 80, between Sierra Vista and Douglas, AZ

The travel plan was Huachuca to Douglas, refuel and eat lunch, change drivers and passengers, then head out Hwy 80 towards the New Mexico border (which, Rey explained, divided the El Paso and the Tucson sectors of the border). Along the way, they would find one of the trails and roads that led out into the desert towards the southern end of Chiricahua National Monument. They would then set up the sensors in a picket line about a mile long and hope they could establish radio communications back to Huachuca.

Sandy didn't mention her doubts, or the questions she pondered. Why aren't we practicing on a field at Huachuca before heading out into the desert? Who is going to receive this telemetry?

The driving distance was about 60 miles each way, an hour or so, leaving them three hours of daylight before MSgt Brown's curfew to play with the equipment. Rey assured Sandy he expected failure the first attempt and planned to return to the picket line each day for a week. If the trial were successful, the Border Patrol would move the operation to a region known to have many illegals attempt to cross the desert.

While they loaded, Sandy left the pistol in the cab of the pickup she now drove. She hadn't missed the emphasis on how to return the weapon or who to return it to. She worried she lacked enough money to buy a box of ammunition. Rey left his car at the PX's parking lot and rode in the cab with her, while Ben opted for the air-conditioning and plush ride in Jorge's Crown Victoria.

Rey had her stop at the Kmart in Sierra Vista, and came out with a box of 50 CCI Blazer 9mm cartridges and a small Hoppes gun-cleaning kit. He tossed the cartridges onto the bench seat between them with a disgusted look on his face. "These are all I could get."

"What's wrong with them?"

"You can't reload them, they sometimes don't eject cleanly, and they have a tendency to foul the bore, the powder's dirty. Those cases are aluminum and they haven't gotten them dialed in yet in ten years of trying. But the bullets themselves are okay, they're Speers. They'll work for today, but if you ever need to shoot competitively, these suck."

Sandy had no idea there was so much behind a brand of ammunition. She sensed lawmen were particular about what they used and wondered aloud why soldiers, to her knowledge, weren't. Their conversation on firearms and the differences between peace officers and soldiers lasted all the way to Douglas.

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Fuck Me In The Shower

I send you a text. 'The next time I see you you're going to fuck me in the shower.' Your reply is simple, you don't object. 'Yes.'I cook us dinner and you arrive. There is tension in the air as we eat, our eyes meet across the table, there is an air of excitement as we both can't help but think about our dessert. Each other.I'm done. I push my plate aside and pick up my wine. I watch you as I drink it - under the table my foot slides up your legs and comes to rest between your legs, pushing...

Quickie Sex
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Hannah and Bess In Charge

Hannah saw that the assembly hall was filling up nicely. The college girls were used to sitting in rows on the floor during assembly and so that wasn’t going to change. Down each side of the hallway were set out wooden chairs with their backs to the wall and they were going to be for the teaching staff and the governors who would normally have sat on the stage, but not today.The stage itself was set out differently than normal. Halfway back there were two student desks with chairs facing one...

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Leaving Hue Vietnam

Red flags were plastered and hung everywhere around the train station... I’d come as a flashpacker, heading out on the Reunification Express line, train #SE4, from Da Nang to Hue. The train ride was sold as beautiful, and it was, aesthetically; known as one of the world’s most scenic, jaw-dropping train routes, it lived up to its reputation. Train tracks snaked through lush jungle, and gazing out the window, I peered out at the tropical, verdant mountains, rugged streams, and sinuous...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 966

Money Alert Please, I repeat, please, DO NOT use the $1, $20, $50 or the $100 bills as they have pictures of former slave owners on them! Send them all to me and I will dispose of in the proper manner!!! Do not just throw them away as they need to be disposed of properly and I am certified to do so. E-mail me for a discreet method of transfer. Thank you for your patriotism. Compliments of Allan B How Government Works Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle...

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Held Back

West Gideon High School. Credited high school, but not one that you would have your teenage children going to. Why you ask? Because of one thing. Every student enrolled either has been expelled, sent to juvie, failed at least one year, was suspended before graduation, committed a large felony and sent to jail, etc. But why are we talking about this high school anyway? It's because you fall into one of the categories characterizing a student enrolled at this institution. Now, how about we take...

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Axiom Ch 04

‘Lunch with the berg,’ Dylan gave a low whistle as Gwyneth finally plopped herself down at her desk. ‘Someone’s becoming the new teacher’s pet.’ She felt a little flustered when he said that, but she kept her cool and refused to let the comment weigh down on the endorphin rush she was currently experiencing. Lunch had been delightful and completely unexpected – she was mentally prepared for a stilted charade of formality between her and Aidan while they talked business with Marty, but...

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Judy visits her sister Part 2

As I said earlier my wife Judy was spending a week with her sister. They do it every year and it gives me a week to myself. Usually I am working so I get little from it but this year I am actually off for most of it. It’s been pretty good although yesterday was exceptional. I had bumped into Emma and her daughter Emily at the supermarket and during our chat I had let slip that Judy was away. Little did I know of the consequences and yesterday afternoon, out of the blue Emily turned up on...

3 years ago
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I cant begin to tell u how horny i get when i need cock,ive been to extreme lengths just to feel a hot hard throbbing dick sliding up my ass,let me tell uabout a few of these "lengths". On hundreds of occassions ive spent 3days solid(using speed to stay awake)fucking my ass with various different toys, usually ending with me waiting outside the nearest gay bar offering my ass to everyone as they leave untill some1 takes me home ,i really dont give a fuck about looks or age,so long as they have...

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The Red DoorChapter 10

At the beginning of this story I said “Whilst I would not presume to continue the story or ‘steal’ the characters that Sarah Rose created...” And that is still my intent, however I find the need to use the name of the owner. Using a different name seems silly, so with apologies to Sarah Rose, I’m going to use the owners name, Sharon. Now to continue... I really didn’t have the energy, but something inside me just flared, which put heat in my words. “Go check on your dog.” Sue shook her...

2 years ago
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How A Lost Mobile Turned Me Into A Complete Whore Part 4

Hi I’m Natasha back again with part 4 of my story. Got some really nice messages from you guys and girls, makes me happy. Please keep messaging me any kind of opinions or suggestions. The support really pushes me forward! Also, guys looking for sex or sex chat, please find someone else :) Please read previous parts before continuing, or you wont understand the story! So back to the story. The thief threw me on the bed roughly. He had his dick in his hand and was aiming it directly at my pussy,...

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Englishwoman gang banged at a bachelor party

It was about half past five in the evening (5:30pm), a couple of weeks ago when my boyfriend Booker, his friend Miles and I were driving to Carlos’s bachelor party over at Miles’s house in the Bronx. Sitting at the back, I was lightly dressed, wearing only a short thin white sleeveless cotton nightie reaching down only to my hips, a basic white 34C floral lace bra and a white floral lace up thong. A bit about myself, I am 1.58 meters (5.2 feet) tall, I have a thin 64 cm (25 inch) waist...

1 year ago
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Marion stood by the park swings as her two young daughters both squealed with delight while flying through the air with the greatest of ease!!! "Look, mommy," Lindy yelled, "I'm going higher than your head!!!" "Just be careful," Marion replied, "an hold on tight, I don't want to have to explain to your father how you fell on your head!!!" "Oh, don't worry, mom," Kristy retorted, "we know what we're doing!!!" "I'm sure you do," Marion answered while shaking her head and laughing, "but be careful...

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Transformed by Uncle

As a toddler my mom and dad would always cringe when someone came up tothem and said, "What a lovely little girl." My mother especially tookgreat offense at that, but the truth is I did look more like a girl than alittle boy. As I grew up, my mom kept my hair very short and alwaysdressed in very masculine little outfits. For Halloween I was always acowboy, or a fireman, she dressed me in sailor suits. As hard as theytried however, I had a very feminine face and when my blonde hair grew...

2 years ago
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Aunty Patai Aur Khoob Bajai

Few months back. Main Wechat pe bhot saari mature women ko msgs bhejta rehta tha. Kai din hue, ek aurat ne jiska naam Ritu tha wapas reply kiya. Usse chat kari thodi bhot aur fir number maanga. Usne mana kar diya dene se. Maine apna no. use msg kiya aur kaha msg me. 1 ghante baad uski missed call aayi. Wo number unknown tha mujhe so I wast sure ke ye wo hai. But expect kar rha tha ke aa sakta hai msg. I called back at that number. Ek sweet aawaz me hello bola usne. Main samajh gaya hai to wahi....

3 years ago
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seduce an old man

Well its my first story hope you will enjoy name is Rachel am 27 years old brunette black her nice tight ass perfect body and 34 DD breast .I have no kids my husband had to travels for work business. one day he was in a business travel in kouba so he call me and told me that there are an important agent that will come from china to our city and I have to show him my husband work coz he will not be able to come home for 3 weeks he is going to be late. so I have to work with him and try...

4 years ago
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Impregnating Sarah Part 10

Laura walked to the bedroom door and rapped lightly on the door. “Sarah? Sarah, are you awake?” Sarah slowly regained full consciousness as she stretched and moaned, “Oh God, did I ever need that.” “Close your eyes, Sweetie,” Laura urged. “I’m gonna turn on the light.” Brightness replaced the dark and Laura could see Sarah was lying on her back. One leg was drawn up and bent at the knee, her other leg was straightened. Her hands rubbed her eyes seeking relief from the sudden...

2 years ago
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Turning to the Light

I was born on the streets or to be more exact a free clinic. My mother was a street whore and my father one of her clients. My days normally start when the sun does down. I learned how to pick pockets and or locks before I was ten. By fourteen I learned how to hack security systems and vids and was on my own, stealing to survive. I was sixteen and lived in the industrial part of the city in an old warehouse. I stole parts of cargos and resold it within a day. Half the time I never even saw...

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The Naked Butler Part Two

Tom kisses me and I forget how to breathe momentarily thenfind myself returning his kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I draw closer to his body as I rise onto my tiptoes. He holds me tight against his naked form and the kiss deepens with his tongue touching my lip. The evening has been a whirlwind of attraction and we have become familiar over the last few hours. I’ve wanted to kiss him all night and now his hands are on me I can only shiver with desire. I run my hands over his shoulders...

4 years ago
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Debs Family Farm Training

by Jake Spear Chapter 1 Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family's summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. "Just one more load of wash and I'm finished," she thought to herself. Deb's husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and...

2 years ago
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You Aint Gonna Believe What I Found on the Intrnet

Introduction: A dad finds an online video that his underage daughter posted… He makes her pay for her mistake. You aint gonna believe what I just found on the internet. It was the first words my brother, Bill, spoke when I answered the phone. Do you have your laptop handy? Sure, hold on a second&hellip, okay, I got it, whats up? Go to XNXX.COM, its a helluva good porn site. Bill, I dont need to watch porn to get my dick hard. Im not old and decrepit, like you. Dont give me any shit, Don,...

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Fawn was a lovely Asian girl aged twenty. She was named after a the same animal her mother once saw in her past travels in the West, and perhaps the mother, naming the serious-eyed girl so, had a premonition of how her daughter’s stillness and her slim beauty would develop through her teenage years. She indeed grew to look like a fawn, and possessed doe eyes and a small, exquisitely molded face along with long limbs.   Fawn was restless for life to begin and was choked by the daily grind of...

Straight Sex
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Sister fucked drunk bro

Hi friends, this is kitty n my age is 21y. After this incidence i love incest stories.i would like to introduce my family members.1st is my dady.he’s lawer n now 52years old. 2nd is my mom. She’s domestic engineer n now 49 years old. 3rd is my brother.he’s software engineer n now 25years old.and last is my bhabhi.she’s also domestic engineer n now 23 years i’ll write autobiography in hindi. Ye ghatna tab ki hai jab mere bhaiya ki shadhi ko ek month ho gaya tha.hamare mom-dad ne humse...

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Miss Sue Sheri and Me Home schooling Part 1

This is a true story related to me by a long time childhood friend from a time when we were in high school. He told me this story one night after a few drinks and he knew I was writing a book about sexual experiences. I will not identify anyone by their last names. It involved 3 people. As I write this I will emphasize conversations between the parties as to allow the reader to better understand this story. MISS SUE; About early 60s, tall and average build, always short...

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The Retired Headmaster and the Schoolgirl 2

Continued from part 1I tried to persuade Tayla to take the ten pounds but she would not. In view of what had just happened I thought it best not to insist. We spent some time after that just looking at each other in a kind of marvellous wonder. Could it be? Yes, our eyes replied, it could be.I left her on the bridge and passed my mobile number to her (the mobile my wife is not aware of). She would not give me any contact details whatever but promised to be in touch. I wanted to know when and...

Love Stories
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Public Service Anouncement

While I was Exploring Europe I started to make it a habit to ride the public transport so I could see everything along the route i was taking. I did this on every route while I got used to the area taking notes of places I wanted to see and key points of interest. There was a week I noticed a brunette in her late twenties ,maybe, was starting to ride the bus as well. She did not get off the bus either. She would just read her book for hours without ever getting off. I could not help but watch...

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GloryHoleInitiations Cali Caliente 04052020

Cali likes to do the online dating apps. Usually she ends up with boring, unexciting guys. Once in awhile she’ll find a good looking guy she can hook up with…but most of the time…uneventful. Well, she’s about to have the best “blind” date possible! While she waits at the bar for a guy she’s never met, she gets some good advice from the bartender. No guy is worth waiting an hour for…when you look as hot as Cali does. She decides to call it a night...

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my diary

when i turned legal drinking age i drank a lot. then i got married and didnt really drink for 12yrs. then i got divorced and....well, you can figure the rest out. most of my memories are hazy and i will fill in the gaps using...ahem..."creative license". at the end of each story i will give the facts of what happened as i recall them. so that being said...on with the stories! ...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 15

Peter didn’t have to tell Jennifer the drive from the hospital to his apartment tired him. She watched him creep from the car to the elevator holding his body stiffly, fighting the pain in his chest. In the third bedroom, Jennifer dragged the twin beds together. ‘A shower will make you feel better. Then, get into bed,’ she reassured him. Gently, she tugged him to the bathroom. ‘Do you need help?’ Peter was too tired and too sore to make a comment. After showering, he studied his face in the...

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Sohini Wife Of My Nephew 8211 How I Fucked Her

Today I am narrating the real fucking sex story of Sohini, wife of my nephew, Nilesh (son of my cousin sister). This happened almost 3 years ago when I was 42 years old. My nephew was 7 years younger to me, and Sohini is almost same old as Nilesh. She aged about 35 years, height 5’7” with a built up figure 36, 26, 38. Her breast was large but firm and attractive. They were married nearly 10 years ago but still they did not have a child. I was very much attracted towards her since her marriage...

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Bass Ki Cebin Me Bharpur Pyar Rajkot

Hi my sweet sweet friend ..apka sexy indian rangile rajkot wala handsome raj apni dream girl ke suhana ke dream ke sath khush he or ap kese ho sab khush na ok ..bass thoda udas hu indino ..kyu vo me last me kahunga take apko first me hi bor na ho agar mere bare me janna acha na alge to . or me apni adhuri story likh raha hoo to pahele me apni story ka first step past karunga take new log jisne ye story nai padi vo first se pad sake usko ageki story me jana na pade or jisne first step pad liya...

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romantic night

I was getting a romantic evening ready for you. You   had been at work teaching the little ones to dance. I had a nice dinner almost done when you got home.   you walk into the kitchen following the wonderful smells. Wrapping you arms around me and laying your head on my shoulder you say “I’m so hungry baby, is it ready?” I turn my head to her and give her a nice long kiss and a wink.     While they were eating she told him about class and how her girls were progressing. He listened and...

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