SparksChapter 4 free porn video

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08:15 Monday, 13 May 1991
Building 102, Fort Huachuca, AZ

While Sandy returned the truck to the Motor Pool, she made appointments for licensing them in consecutive half-hours the next morning at 08:00. That completed, she hiked the mile or so back to Company, the morning heat already in the 90's. She carried the light satchel containing the pistol in her left hand, ready to salute with her right, if called upon.

She met Ben at the CQ's desk. They walked to MSgt Brown's small desk in a room shared with other senior enlisted. Since he wasn't there, they waited.

Ben became engaged with the general conversation of the room when the Platoon Sergeant for the First platoon offered him coffee. "It's only Government coffee, but it's free."

To Sandy's quiet approval, Ben chatted amiably, beginning with the constantly sunny weather, and how they seldom had to venture out in the heat being Nighthawks. This garnered near universal agreement that Nighthawk (overnight) shift was a desirable duty.

Sandy sat up when Ben asked casually, "Hey, we had a special detail last weekend. If there were some unusual radio traffic around here, where'd I go to find out where it went?"

The SFC who'd offered coffee spoke up. "Depends. If it were classified, it'd be Need to Know. If your detail sent gibberish or transmissions in the clear, it'll be in the daily log and report from Battalion."

Ben blushed a little, but followed up. "Yeah, I think we had some mistuned radios. It seemed like we were transmitting only, but never got any sign of acknowledgement. It'd be good to know where we were, I might be able to tell the liaison what happened." Ben finally got a decent look at the sergeant's nametag: Florea.

"If you can describe your signal, that'd help. I'll call over to Battalion."

Ben got as far as "BPSK, ninety-six hundred baud," when he was interrupted.

"Write it down," SFC Florea held up a hand to forestall him. Ben shot a glance at Sandy, who nodded and gave a tiny smile of encouragement, knowing he read the manual she gave him Sunday. "Come on back this afternoon, we'll see what we can find."

MSgt Brown entered the room, whistling. He strolled over to his desk, dropped his hat and keys, walked over to the coffee station, and made a cup for himself, whistling the while. He sat down in his chair, looked at his IN box, and asked the room at large, "Any traffic?"

A chorus of "No's" came in response. He sipped his coffee, made sounds of appreciation, then stood up, picked up the keys, and made a crooked finger gesture at Sandy and Ben. They looked at each other, shrugged, and followed him out of the office, Sandy with the satchel in her hand.

Downstairs in the Armory, MSgt Brown led them into the secure room, though the Dutch door and steel window curtain were both locked. Ben and Sandy followed in.

MSgt Brown pointed at a skinny Corporal. "Williams, get the fuck out of here. Your sorry ass wasn't here Saturday, I heard. I heard Top is pissed about it."

The corporal suddenly looked green, gathered his BDU blouse and cover, and made a hasty exit. He shot a glare of pure venom at Sandy as he passed, having put a female voice on the phone last weekend together with her presence now.

Brown muttered after he'd left, "Dumbass. Top didn't hear about it from me, but he," he jerked a thumb at the door, "don't need to know that. Lessee what you got."

Sandy opened the satchel and returned the pistol. She and Ben cleaned it again the night before, working a few hours on it.

Brown took it and the two clips he'd given her from her hand. He ran his fingers over the top of the clip, looking for powder traces, and found none. He worked the slide, and looked in the chamber. Brown field stripped it quickly. He gave a grunt, grudging satisfaction. After reassembling the pistol, he sniffed ostentatiously, giving recognition to the Hoppes #9 they'd used to clean it. "You fired it."

Ben nodded. Sandy shrugged.

"How'd it shoot?"

Ben laughed, he and Sandy had anticipated this. "It hits low and about an inch right at fifty yards, the rear sight could be driven a little to the left."

Brown gave him a hard stare. "Fifty yards. Sure." He shrugged, and crossed to the phone at the desk in the center of the room. He found the number he wanted in a small book next to the phone, and spoke. "Yo, it's Sergeant Brown. Yes, Sergeant, I know it's been a while. Listen, my First wants to run two kids on a special detail through the sidearm cert. You got time today?"

Brown listened for a moment, then frowned. "Tomorrow afternoon? Shit, I gotta rearrange their work schedule ... yeah, that'll work. 1300, range 'B'. Hotter 'n hell, bring water, check." He broke the connection, and turned to the two soldiers. "You heard? Good. Anything more for me?"

Ben looked at Sandy. She gave him an almost imperceptible nod, and he turned back to MSgt Brown. "Sergeant, the Border Patrol wants us back Wednesday. I think they want us every day until we get a line of sensors deployed."

Brown rolled his eyes heavenward. "People," he started in a tone of infinite weariness, "I have a duty station to run. I don't have infinite staff."

Ben looked uncomfortably at Sandy. She shrugged back at him, agreeing with a shared glance they'd rather work with the Border Patrol than sit in a comm shack waiting for DSCS[1] traffic to come up on their switch.

The MSgt picked up the phone again. "Sergeant, it's Brown. Would you ask Top if he has some time for me today?" He turned to look at Sandy and Ben again. "Ok, you two. Get scarce until formation."

Sandy and Ben passed the intervening hours before formation in the time-honored tradition of soldiers everywhere: they slept. They met again at the gazebo in the courtyard shortly before formation.

Sandy gave some thought to what the likely outcome of their detail with the Border Patrol was going to be. She didn't know who in the Border Patrol was interacting with the Army to get this project underway. She wasn't sure why it was so ... she settled on "haphazard" for a descriptive term.

"Ben, there has to have been some inter-service request. But what I don't get is how or where. I dunno much about how government agencies request help from each other. It's frustrating ... if I knew more, I could tell what to do." She sensed he was unsettled, too. "That was good thinking, though, to ask First Platoon's sergeant for help. What time are you going up to talk to him?"

"Whenever the First Sergeant is done with us and Sergeant Brown, I guess."

Three minutes later, they fell into formation. Only five minutes later, they earned the disfavor of four of their platoon mates, as Brown announced the pair were off the watch rotation indefinitely. Five minutes after that, the formation was dismissed. Sandy and Ben watched Brown hurry into the building without looking at them.

"Should we follow him?" Ben wondered.

"I think he doesn't want to talk to us, is what it seemed like?" Sandy wondered. "You know? I think he had another phone call after the one we were there for."

"You two." Sandy gave a small shriek, and Ben jumped. They'd both been watching the door Brown disappeared into intently when the First Sergeant stepped up quietly behind them.

"Whoa, shit!" Ben gasped, and then recognition dawned. Both Ben and Sandy immediately stood at Parade Rest.

"At Ease." Ben moved imperceptibly, and Sandy not at all. "I mean it. I'm not here to scare the children." The First Sergeant turned for the gazebo. "Get out of the sun."

Sandy shared a look with Ben. This time, talking to the First Sergeant had her heart hammering in her chest. The sudden shock dumped adrenaline into her system, and she could see the flush on Ben's face and neck.

When they'd found the relative shade of the gazebo, the older man began. "You two are off the Nighthawk platoon. You're temporarily assigned to Second platoon, but that's, as they say, temporary. You will stand formation tomorrow with them, and receive new orders." He gave them a thin smile. "The Border Patrol man, Munoz, seems to like you. The Company Commander got a call from him asking you two to stay assigned to this until it's over. Now, no one seems to know when it will be over. Brown needed replacements, so you're off his platoon. You'll continue with your qualification with small arms, you'll continue to get vehicle licenses. Any questions so far?"

Sandy asked, "How does the Border Patrol request DoD assistance?"

Now it was the First Sergeant's turn to express surprise. "Soldier, I don't know. The order came down from Battalion. Why ask that particular question?"

Sandy was mulling over her response, when Ben spoke it for her, getting to the heart of the matter. "First Sergeant, this doesn't seem professionally thought out and executed."

The First Sergeant raised an eyebrow. "The request was for a pair of E-sixes." E6 is Staff Sergeant. "Presumably, before you were assigned, the E-sixes would have Figured It Out."

Sandy winced visibly at the capitals she heard in that statement.

"Munoz knew that. He told the Captain that he wanted you two to stay. He says you're both quick on your feet. Collins, he says you suck with the pistol. I will have someone arrange to put you both on TDY[2] attached to Headquarters Company of the Battalion. You will stand no formations after tomorrow while you are on TDY. You do not need to report to anyone except me until you get orders. You will be given written orders to allow you to move freely to and from installation to installation and obtain whatever assistance may be rendered. You may be spending significant time off-post, so you'll be on Per Diem. HQ's clerk will expect weekly accounting unless you're in the field that week. Collins, you will spend an hour a day at the range. Tell the range sergeant that you will burn an entire case of 9mm each and every week you fire at all. Not having to inventory partial cases should make him love your presence more. Munoz says you can be exposed to illegals, so you will always go armed when you are off this installation. My advice is to carry your own weapon, and failing that, carry your own ammunition."

Ben gathered himself together. "First Sergeant, I've asked for some help finding out where the radio telemetry goes. Can someone in Battalion help us figure out how to alert the Border Patrol when the sensors go off?"

"Look up SSgt Brooks, he's with the S3's staff." The S3 is the Battalion staff member responsible for operations, plans, and training. "He can help you set that up."

"First Sergeant, how long is the TDY for?" Sandy asked.

"Open-ended. But I don't think the Army or Battalion will let it go more than a month before asking for a change in the mission status." He waited a moment, expectantly. No more questions were forthcoming. "Listen up good, children. You two have caught attention. You're doing good. Keep it up. Ask for help when you need it. Ask me, before you ask an officer, if you can't get help from Battalion. You're going to be operating more-or-less on your own, with Munoz and anyone else he works with. I will come with you on one field trip this week, and another next month. If you continue to do well here it can help take you places." With that, the man stood up and walked out of the gazebo.

"Ben, what just happened?"

"Sandy, I just don't know. But I think we need to do a good job for Rey Munoz."

13:40 Monday, 13 May 1991
Burger King, Fort Huachuca, AZ

Sandy and Ben walked all the way down Hatfield Road to the Burger King in the heat of the day in BDUs, having nothing else to do and not wanting to stay in the Company area where Sergeant Brown could see them.

"Sandy, I'll have to go back at 1500 or so and talk to SFC Florea."

Sandy nodded. "Yeah, Brown ought not to be there, I hope. Ben ... we need to do some planning. If I understood this right, we get a per-diem. This means meals and lodging are on the Government, and we have to track expenses."

Ben nodded. "I think that's right."

"Ben, that's wonderful. When we're out with Munoz, we can share a room. No one will care about it."

Ben's eyes widened. "That's right, isn't it? Sandy, this is awesome!"

Sandy smiled across the table at him. "I think we should go halfsies on a used car."

Ben paused. She watched him wrestle with something for a moment, and then he smiled. "Hon. I have a pretty good pickup back in Texas. And I think we can go get it."

Sandy thought about that for a second, recognizing why Ben had paused. "Ben! That's a great idea! And ... we can spend the night at your folks?" She felt more than a little apprehensive. What did he just think about? Does he want to bring me home?

"Of course, Sandy. I need to show you off. No one is going to believe that shy, scrawny loser-Ben joined the Army and found a girl unless he comes back with her..."

Sandy wanted to sing! She settled for coming around the table for a kiss.

Minutes later, she told him, "I'd better get on the other side of the table, or we'll never finish talking." Reluctantly, he let her go, and just as reluctantly, she moved around the table.

15:05 Monday, 13 May 1991
Bldg 102
Fort Huachuca, AZ

Ben left Sandy at the entrance to the Company HQ. He trotted up the short flight of steps, and past the CQ, to the company offices. He stuck his head in the door where Sandy and he'd waited for MSgt Brown that morning. To his relief, Brown was absent. Unfortunately, Ben didn't see SFC Florea, either.

Ben turned, about to leave, when one of the other NCOs in the room called to him. "Hey, Private! Sergeant Florea left a message for you. You're to call SSgt Brooks over at JITC tomorrow at 11:30 hours. They've found your missing telemetry, I guess."

06:50 Tuesday, May 14th, 1991
Building 102
Ft Huachuca, AZ

Sandy and Ben agreed the previous night to not be seen hanging out together, as they were uncertain what fraternization or the appearance thereof might mean for their TDY. Accordingly, Sandy loitered near the steps to Building 102, while Ben waited for the formation by the gazebo. At the call of "Fall In!" each trotted over to the rear of 2nd platoon and took up position next to the very surprised sole occupant of the last row.

The XO addressed the company, the First Sergeant presented a few moments' worth of business, then he dismissed the company. The 2nd platoon sergeant approached and introduced himself. "Hey, hello you two, my name's Sergeant Hauptmann. Come on up into the company area, I need to type your orders on letterhead." The typewriter was still heavily in use, as clerical staff met quirky forms on PCs and line printers with distrust.

They followed the affable SFC up the stairs into the NCOs area in the headquarters, the room they'd waited for MSgt Brown in the day before. Hauptmann kept a running commentary up about filling out forms for reimbursement and per diem while he quickly and efficiently transcribed a set of handwritten notes onto company letterhead. He asked them to wait a moment while he had them signed. When he returned, he handed them each a copy in a manila envelope, and filed a set.

Sandy watched the clock, realizing they were cutting it close to their motorpool licensing appointment. This wasn't lost on Ben. He waited until Hauptmann drew in a breath and smoothly interjected, "Sergeant, we have an appointment over at the motor pool in fifteen minutes. Can we come back later and finish whatever's left here?"

Hauptmann nodded and smiled. "No problem, we're about done here. If you have questions on how to fill things out or need help, I'll be available. When your TDY is over, you'll be in my platoon, so don't be a stranger."

Sandy led the way out the building. Once outside, she stopped Ben with a touch on his shoulder. "Ben? The boy I met last week wouldn't have interrupted a sergeant." She laughed at the look of consternation on his face. "It's a compliment, Ben." She turned and led the way with a small smile on her face.

08:20 Tuesday, May 14th, 1991
5 Sgl Bn Motor Pool
Ft Huachuca, AZ

Ben drove the big Deuce-and-a-half off across the parking lot, backing it and turning tight-radius corners. Sandy finished her turn in the truck a few minutes earlier. On the far side of the huge parking lot, Ben finished demonstrating his ability to put the truck through its paces.

Ten minutes later, newly typed and laminated licenses in their hands, Ben drew a pickup truck under their new orders.

14:10 Tuesday, May 14th, 1991
Small Arms Range B
Ft Huachuca, AZ

Sandy fired the big Smith & Wesson .357 revolver. Wrapped in her glassy calm, she placed 36 of 36 rounds on the black of a target at 25 feet with the M9 earlier, but was having a little more trouble with the revolver than with the pistol. The revolver had less of a nose-heavy feeling, thus was more susceptible to the trigger pull. This was especially so in double-action, where the trigger cocked the hammer, necessary for rapid one-handed firing. Sandy was getting the hang of it, though, compensate that much for the double-action pull, and only this much for the single-action (hammer cocked-already) pull. She found the recoil from the magnum to be bothersome, too. She could handle a box of fifty, but the abuse of her wrist was starting to tell.

She laid the empty revolver on the bench and moved to observe Ben. He'd been coached through flinching and blinking when he pulled the trigger, and now worked on using larger muscle movements to train the weapon while aiming. She knew he'd qualify today, but it would take several hundred shots for him to nail the timing down. When the clip stayed back on his M9, the range sergeant who'd been coaching Ben took the opportunity to talk to Sandy.

"Specialist, how's the revolver going?"

"Sergeant, does handling the recoil get easier with practice?" Sandy didn't want to sound like she was whining.

The man grinned at her. "Nope, or at least, not without a lot of practice, five thousand rounds a month, say. But, I have an alternative. You're firing one-fifty-eight grain three-fifty-seven magnum loads right now. You could practice with thirty-eight special wadcutter loads, the recoil would be substantially less. The problem with that is, they're my reloads, not US issue."

Sandy gave him a blank look. He laughed and said, "Alright, the first fifty is on me. If you like these, we'll work out something."

Sandy was still confused, but understood this was a personal offer of some value from the range sergeant.

"Thanks," she said, "I'd like that. My name's Sandy."

Ben overheard this through his earmuff silencers, and pulled them off. He gave the sergeant a smile, and introduced himself also. "Hi, I'm Ben."

"I'm Dave, but when we're in public, it's Sergeant Bush. Sandy, you probably have enough natural talent to be on a competitive shooting team if you wanted. Ever thought about competing?"

Sandy laughed at the absurdity. "No. I don't think I'm that good, but I'm flattered you think I could be. I mean, I'd never shot a pistol before last week!"

Sergeant Bush nodded. "Give it a few months' practice, and we'll see if you want to try competition." He turned to Ben, and began to explain the mechanics of the revolver to Ben.

One hour later, Bush invited Ben and Sandy back any day they weren't otherwise working, and made sure they had his desk phone number. "I'm there anytime I'm at work and not on the range. This post is really quiet, hardly any shooting here. I'd love the company and the excuse to shoot."

15:20 Tuesday, May 14th, 1991
Ft Huachuca, AZ

SSgt Brooks came down and signed them into JITC. On the way back into the building, he began quizzing them about details of their mission, nodding when they confirmed enough to verify the signals as theirs.

"So, your telemetry is coming from about sixty-eight miles away. Under normal circumstances, your radio horizon is about fifty-two miles max at your frequency and antenna height and gain, which means your signal will be subject to fade. The hill you're on slopes down several thousand feet, and our receiver is on a hill, which means you're on a clear Line-of-Sight with a few of your radios. There's essentially a really big valley between us avoiding all kinds of ground effects. That ridge you mentioned, Sandy, isn't between your radio and our antenna, but it could have been. The question I'm asking is, are all your radios going to be on big hills with only valleys between them and us?"

Sandy saw Ben shrug. "Sergeant, we're pretty new, and I think we fell into a rookie mistake," Sandy offered.

"In this case, you'll need to figure out if there's line-of-sight if you're going to deploy more radios, or if you'll need a repeater someplace."

Sandy considered, "I think where we are now is more of a trial location. Since the Border Patrol is running the show, I guess we didn't try the radios out here on post. I think we'll be moving our sensors closer ... but I think we should plan on having some sort of mobile receiving station in the works."

Brooks smiled at her, and nodded, obviously pleased she'd worked the problem to the solution he'd expected.

"Sergeant, when our telemetry changes, how do we notify the Border Patrol? Our sensors will indicate a source of human-body-temperature heat crossing two telemetry pickets twenty meters apart. We need to tell the Border Patrol which thousand-meter section was tripped."

Sergeant Brooks didn't hesitate. "Easiest is a phone number to a dispatcher of theirs. Some well-known protocol, a phrase the dispatcher recognizes, and a standard set of orders on the receipt of the phone call. If you give me a guaranteed phone number and a secondary, plus a protocol or operational plan keyword, and what information from the telemetry you want sent, we can get this underway."

They reached SSgt Brooks' duty desk. He gave them seats, and offered coffee, which both declined as it was late afternoon. "I need my beauty sleep," Ben demurred.

"Yeah, I forgot. The NCO grapevine's abuzz about you two getting off Nighthawk duty. Your First Sergeant must love you to pull strings the way he did."

Sandy and Ben looked at each other incredulously. "Uh, I don't know if he loves us so much..." began Ben.

SSgt Brooks snorted. "Of course he does. Just don't step on your dicks, the lady will know what I mean. You two are going someplace. Everyone associated with this wants to help. Both of you are way junior to pull this off, but you've been doing well, real well, so far, proving your concept and getting stations on the air. We'll help with the details."

Sandy was confused. Was every NCO on post talking about Ben and Sandy? Why would anyone help her? Was it really Ben they wanted to help? No one had ever offered her help, before Ben, anyway. It came to her that she was on the edge of working up a deep case of blue funk. Best to be certain, girl, she reasoned.

"Sergeant, why us? Why does everyone want to help us out?"

SSgt Brooks gave Sandy a level look. "Because you two are mission-oriented and don't just quit."

Sandy didn't know what to say. This was an affirmation she hadn't expected at all. Ben looked embarrassed.

Changing the subject, Brooks continued, "I'll figure out what kind of mobile receiving station we can set up for your radios when your mission goes live. It'll need to be near landline telephones."

Scrambling for balance, Sandy recovered with, "Sergeant, do you have a line on a small, portable two-way system we could use? We're going to be extending our picket line several stations since you've found our telemetry, and it'd be really nice to know where we all are out there."

SSgt Brooks suggested a two-way digital walkie-talkie system that had about a six kilometer range in open terrain. Sandy wrote down his guess where they might find some to requisition. He suggested faxing their orders to the depot to short-circuit the request for authorization that would follow. The company commander had signed off on their orders, and would be financially responsible for the transshipment and depreciation on the radios for the duration of the time Sandy and Ben needed them. The amount of responsibility she held in the CO's name impressed Sandy.

"Sergeant, we anchored one end of the line to a USGS benchmark," Ben shifted topics. "But we don't have precise locations for the rest of the sensors. We're only five stations along the line now, but all the errors will start to add up. We've hidden the sensors and radios in clumps of yucca, which are irregularly spaced." Sandy could've kissed Ben for his timing in bringing it up.

"How were you planning on locating your sensors?"

"Loran and/or VOR and triangulation." Loran was a navigational aid to merchant vessels, but the long-wave radio transmissions were useable a thousand miles from the shore. VOR – Very-high-frequency Omni-directional Radar – stations were scattered in dense numbers throughout the country for aircraft navigation. "But there's probably a better way, and frankly, I don't want to triangulate on hundreds of sensors."

Brooks laughed. "I don't blame you. I'd get a bunch of privates to do it for me if I had to, but the trouble is in believing what they report." PFC Collins ignored the slight insult to privates everywhere, smiling instead.

Sandy had read Army Times for several weeks' duty in the com shack waiting for DSCS traffic. "Sergeant, I read about some satellite-positioning stuff going on helicopters, used by Cobra and Apache weapons systems. The articles mentioned that it would be useful for infantry soldiers also, for artillery spotting and the like. Anything there that could help us?"

SSgt Brooks gave her a long appraisal. "Sparks, we do have some stuff. There's a training exercise next month where we're supposed to use the new GPS gear. How about I send a few folks who've been reading up on the equipment out with you? They'll keep and operate the equipment, and mark your positions for you. I can't let you have the gear or the techs longer-term, but for a few days after you have your stuff set up, sure. For them it'll be a tune-up in field conditions. Sound like a plan? It should keep you from getting slowed down while you set your picket."

Sandy thought about it for maybe a half-second. "Sure. The old way can work if the satellite stuff doesn't cut it for some reason. We'd love your help, thanks!"

17:25 Tuesday, May 14th, 1991
Post Exchange (Sub shop)
Ft Huachuca, AZ

Sandy let Ben drive the two of them to the PX for supper, as a treat for a really productive day. Her mind whirled with the events and discoveries of the day, and she wanted someplace for the two of them to talk things over. There were really no private places they could go without looking suspicious. Neither wanted to drive the pickup truck they'd gotten from the motor pool off-post for supper, having become conscious of not appearing as a couple in non-work-related situations.

"You know, I need to learn to trust people more when they're offering help. Take Sergeant Brooks today ... I was suspicious of why he wanted to help us, why everyone seems to be nice to us. Why can't I trust people more?"

Ben laughed hollowly. "Sandy, I can't seem to trust myself enough. Today, yesterday, I was scared I was putting my foot into it, any number of times. I think that's why it took me a while to learn to shoot well. I just knew I'd screw up, so I did. Same thing with me talking."

He looked introspective for a moment. "We make a great team, don't we? You afraid of relying on anyone but yourself, and me afraid to do anything someone doesn't already have under control." He shook his head ruefully.
Sandy sighed and nodded. "Hey, we're both in need, just in different ways. I need you to fill a huge insecurity hole I've got." Ben shook his head in vehement denial, but Sandy continued anyway. "I'm learning I need you in another way, too. I wanted to spend some quality time with my boyfriend in the worst way the last few days. I never knew I could miss something like that. It's like my body's been rewired a bit since, well, you know. I kind of crave being near you, even if we don't touch. It's physical ... and it's also not. It's just really strange to me."

Ben looked at her with some surprise. "Yeah, it's been like that for me too. My roommate hears me tossing and turning in bed, and he has a couple of crude suggestions." Ben blushed.

Sandy's eyebrows rose. "Oh. Oh! Well, I've thought about that, too, but I really have no experience. I mean, I guess I know what I'm shooting for, now, thanks to you, and I guess you'd know what you were shooting for, too!"

Ben groaned at the double entendre.

Switching subjects, Sandy asked, "Civvies for this weekend? It'll be nice for the first time in a while. We're going to get your pickup? How far a drive is that?"

Ben looked troubled. "It's about a day's drive. We can do it in a day, spend a night, leave early and drive back, but ... how do we get there? I don't think we should take an Army vehicle ... this is hardly work related, is it? A bus is about out of the question, we'd take forever getting there. We'd have to go to Phoenix first probably. We can't afford to fly at all. I don't want to take a chance on Battle-B's car making it there and back. I'm about out of ideas."

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I never was one of those guys that exaggerated the size of their sexual organs. It was my business to know how big or little it was. At sixteen, I became more self-conscious about my penis size. I knew that I was not as big as most guys. I knew that I never would be. But I began to realize that God made me the way I am, and there was not anything I could do about that. I have learned to live with my five inches. Yeah, that is what I said, five inches. It’s true. I am only five inches fully...

3 years ago
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Letter to Glenn

Dear Glenn,I got your address from your mother. God it's been almost four years since I last saw you. I hope you, Lucy and your daughter are doing well. Doreen, the k**s and I are all good. Doreen got herself a new position at the post office, as a private secretary to one of the big bosses. I'm still working at the hospital, doing shift work. Jeez, it's got to be, what 5 years since we last saw each other.I had gone to the movies yesterday and stopped at one of those new coffee shops on...

1 year ago
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time for a change

note - this is a work of fiction....*winks-----------------------things were somewhat different after i split with my ex. yeah, sure i had a lot more space and didn´t have to tidy up crap that wasn´t mine, but not having a nice thick cock there on demand for the last 3 months had left me feeling horny.....very horny to say the least! during that time i must have raised the share price on duracell on my there i was, alone in the house. i´d just taken riker, my liver coloured labrador for...

1 year ago
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Blowjobs By The Dozen

My girlfriend was out of town, and I can't find my friends, so I needed something to pass the afternoon. I often went to the local ABS to trade blowjobs on a Saturday afternoon. Besides loving to suck and to be sucked, I think it makes me a better fuck with my girlfriend on Saturday night. Well, this afternoon, I had nothing else to do, and didn't need to save anything for Saturday night. I decided this trip to the ABS would be one to rememberI loaded my backpack with my Polaroid camera, film,...

1 year ago
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Two Lost Souls

After a year of saving up, they bought a nice 3 bedroom bungalow. Granted, it was built in the early 60’s, but the asking price was something they could afford. Over the years, they put in new carpet, and refinished the kitchen to make it modern looking. They even added a deck and placed a hot tub there, and knocked out a window in their bedroom and put in a door, to have easier access to the deck. It was great for late night romps in the tub. Sex was never an issue for Pete and April....

2 years ago
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My History Teacher 5

***WARNING; there is more emotions involved at the end of the story but the smut continues, I promise*** /// I was happy and smiling as I walk through the halls of the school. In the morning. I was always grouchy in the morning, except for today. I walk to my locker after the second bell and find Jane there. I smile at her when I get there. "Hey, Jane." Jane smiles back. "Hey. I wanted to ask you something." I unlock my locker and grab my books. "Okay,...

2 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 7

Tom was in a suit that was a bit more formal than the average suit. He'd chosen a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a dark red tie. He'd gotten his hair cut closer than before, and he smelled of old oak, with a hint of leather and musk. If I hadn't been already keyed up by the prospects of the evening, that would have been a definite turn-on. H certainly knew what turned me on, and I loved that thoughtfulness about him. He had a flower corsage. This amused me a little. Boys at school...

1 year ago
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Jessica and Grandpa

Chapter 1 – Jessica ‘Hi Grandpa’ I said, walking in through the front door of my grandparents house, as I saw him walking from the kitchen, through the small hallway about to go into the livingroom, with a cup of coffee in his hand. I’m Jessica, a teen with mousey shoulder long hair, and blue eyes, returning from school that day. My Grandpa, Mike, is around 60, semi-retired from work, and a close friend of mine, as well as a relative. ‘Hi honey’ he says with a smile. We walk through to the...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 2

Next morning, Simpkins was called into the editor’s office. “Simpkins, just what did you do, you stupid boy?” “Pardon, sir? Do about what?” “This Robertson story. You managed to stir up someone to take action!” “How do you mean, sir? I simply spoke to a couple of people I met on the university grounds and chatted to them about Robertson and his goings-on.” “Well, one of them took offence at your questions, and went to his or her lawyer. We have been served with an injunction against...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 292 Hunting Lois

I just woke up the next morning knowing that they were going to fix me. There was no announcement and no admission that they had screwed up initially. Nothing like that with a government agency of course. It was just you should show up on Friday and plan to spend the weekend. Yes, I was counting down the five days, but I also had to find Lois in those same five days. Dead or alive she was out there somewhere. First things first, I thought. I needed to interview the people at the Reverend's...

2 years ago
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I became roommates with my straight best friend, Joe. We shared a two-bedroom condo. Joe was very straight, girlfriends and pussy all the time. Once, I came home and caught Joe watching straight porn and jerking off, as he came in tissues. Joe ran on the bathroom, dressed, and left without a word. I went into Joe's bathroom and found the cum-filled tissues. I smelled and rubbed the cum in my hand. I knew then that I had to deep throat Joe and eat his load fresh!A few weeks later, Joe had been...

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sharing blonde wife with black

we were in south france and we decide to go to a nice little restaurant, we chose one nearby the seaside, my wife was dressed with a nice flower dress long till the half middle of the thigh and beeing tanned and blonde was really sexy to see. We enter in the restaurant and the owner said to us that we can sit where we want. So we decide to sit in a table that was three step higher than the floor with mirror behind. The owner looks like a carribean and was about 30 years old with athletic body...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Mom

"Mark, is that you?" she said to me as she turned around from the check in desk. "Helen it is so good to see you." I replied. Helen is my long time best friend's mom. Billy and his family have lived next door to me since first grade. We are all so close that we are pretty much one big family. "Fancy running into you here. I am in town for business, will be here for the whole week." Helen said with a twinkle in her eye. "Well I am here for a job interview and will be here all week to look around...

3 years ago
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Weekend With An Unknown Teacher

I am sales officer in public sector. I have been working there for 2 yrs and I was happy with my job and life. But then I started feeling emptiness as in my busy life I didn’t get chance to have fun. I am 24, well built, tall and living alone. I wanted some change and it soon came in strange way. I was going back to home in car at evening. I was bit tired and fed up of my boring life. I had to prepare food everyday and then remaining time I spent sleeping. But it went different that day. On the...

4 years ago
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Dagabaz Babita Ka Bura Haal Honey Wala Hai 8211 Part 1

Hello friends this story is totally about fantasy. Aap sab tarak mehta ka olta chasma to dekhtey hi hongey , aur jethalal ki babita ke barey mey bhi jantey hongey , To ye story hai babita ki bewafai ki jo ussey bht mengi padi , jissey ussey puri goguldam society ki randi banna pad gya , Jaisa aap jantey ho babita ek model type hai ek din wo apney chutiye se iyer ke 7 ke saath hotel mey gyi khana khaney wo ek 5 star hotel tha waha khana khaney ke baad babita washroom jana pad gya kam se , to...

2 years ago
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Flight Home

A soft, unobtrusive chime echoed through the cabin signifying the final departure of the airplane. She crossed her legs and eased back into her first class seat. It was a benefit of a job well done, and a final reward for a week-long stretch in Los Angeles. Her stay had left her with a good feeling of tired accomplishment. Now the return home meant taking a flight home at a rather inhospitable time – the redeye flight. True, it was the last flight out of LAX, but it was still first class and...

2 years ago
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Just a Slut for huge Dicks

Like always, I was horny for some dick but this time I really hoped to get my ass filled with cock instead of just sucking out a nut so I posted an ad on the local website looking for someone that was in need of some ass. I got a couple replies but none of them interested me until I got one from a local black man that was looking for some booty to stuff. I do love being a slut for black cock so of course I was excited to return his email and eager to set up a fuck session. There was one...

4 years ago
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Ladki Bahut Zyada Advanced Hai 8211 Part 1

Mujhe yaad hai ki Sanjana ko propose karte waqt main kitna dara hua tha. College ka 2nd year tha. Sach puchho to ab bhi ye jageh nayi lagti thi. Dost to kuchh ban gaye the par ek special dost ki kami thi. Aisa nahi tha ki Sanjana ke liye sirf main hi paagal tha. Aur na hi main un paaglon mein sabse smart tha. Uske dost bhi kaafi the. Ladkon ke saath bhi aksar dikhti thi but andar ki baat yahi thi ki usne kisi ko haan nahi kaha tha. Main Alok. Main padhai me achha hun. In fact is college mein...

1 year ago
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Subway SlutChapter 3 Punished

“Yes, we are. The world of strangers is watching. You don’t seem to be enjoying my wife’s ass.” Sue never said she fantasized about rough sex against her will. If that’s another lie, it’s biting her on the ass, and tits, this very moment! “Are you sure this is what you want?” “I am. And I’m afraid your wife is enjoying this too much for my sake. Let’s ask her. Ohh, she can’t answer with a cock in her mouth. JFK’s grunts say she’s actively sucking his dick. Damn! I don’t want her enjoying...

2 years ago
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PhotographsChapter 8

Tuesday morning I puttered around my work area working on Monday's stills and taking a preliminary look at the videos. I put the videos aside, since the magazine didn't want them and went to work on the still shots. I probably could make four or five salable sets from them, perhaps even six if I was careful with the cropping and touch-ups. I quickly selected enough to satisfy the magazine that had sent me the model and put the others aside for now. I was pretty close to finalizing that set...

4 years ago
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Altered Fates Milkshakes at Midnight

Altered Fates: Milkshakes at Midnight by Bashful [email protected] This is the tale of a young married couple, the husband's brother, and how the Medallion of Zulo altered their fates. Frank and Debra Walker had been married for close to three years when Frank's brother Ed moved in. Ed had lived with his parents until they retired and moved to Florida. Ed was frequently out of work and living with his parents had taken the stress out of finding a permanent job. Now Ed was...

2 years ago
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The ExhibitionistChapter 13

Whatever might be said in their favor, the aliens have lousy taste in interior decoration! Imagine, if you will, purple walls surrounding a red tile floor. As soon as we saw that, we did not need anything else to tell up that these guys were evil. That color scheme proved that they were even mean to themselves! We still had not been spotted, so we decided to ride our luck as far as it would take us. We stayed in the wagon and scrunched down as much as we could, hoping to ride the wagon to...

3 years ago
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Now She Likes It Rough

Now She Likes It Rough At thirty-five years old my wife looks like a teenager’s wet dream. She is very pretty, nicely built, and has absolutely no stretch marks from childbirth. She has the perfect 36C-24-34 body of a love goddess. She has an hourglass shape. With her dark blonde hair down to her waist, her long legs that go all the way up, and her smile she turns heads wherever we go. In a tight T-shirt, tight jeans, and a pair of high heels no one can resist looking at her. We...

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My cousin Chris Chapter Six

I opened my eyes and stretched.I looked at the alarm clock. "7a.m. Okay, time to get up.Senior year!" I thought.I sat up and shook Ryan's shoulder violently. "Get up! Ot's the first day of senior year! Get started on breakfast and I'll go wake the guys up." I said, running out into the hall.I grabbed the megaphone and turned it on.I silently walked into Eli's and his friends' room.They insisted on sharing one. "Aw...So peaceful." I thought and looked at their faces for a while....

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The First Time

THE FIRST TIME by Marlissa Kate heard the bell ring from downstairs and dashed to the mirror. The reflected image betrayed no flaws. The lipstick was red and thickly applied, giving the pouting lips a playful glow. The green eyes were right too-- the dark eyebrows thinly plucked, the long lashes batting with plenty of body and dark promise, the eyes themselves clear, bright and green as polished emeralds. No eyeshadow though-- the Teacher thought that eyeshadow on...

4 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 4

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... I swear, the women in Kansas have to be the prettiest in the world. Mrs. McBrand looks as young as her daughter, Emily. Both of them are smiling right at me. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself. Damn, Mrs. McBrand is Mrs. McIntyre made over, in her bosom anyway. I wonder if she’s wearing her bindings and she’s still this large? What will I do if she wants to hug me? Seems to me women like hugs more than I ever...

2 years ago
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Rachael and Lee finally meet

Rachael and Lee had been emailing each other for some time now, after being matched on a dating website. It all started quite innocently, well maybe not totally innocently as they had matched with high statistics in love, passion and being sexually adventurous. At first they started emailing a little about each others lives then moved on to swapping their fantasies, and erotic stories with each other. Of course this then grew into them both sharing their most intense intimate and dirty little...

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Fembot NOT

Chapter 1 Carol was sitting on her living room sofa going through her bills in her panties and bathrobe on a Saturday morning. She wrote a check for $143.97 for her electric bill. $82.06 for her phone bill. $53.20 for her cable bill. And she paid her Master Card down by $50. Then there was the junk mail. A dating service sent her a special offer just for women. Women can join for only $800. Men, of course, joined for free. In a big yellow star, the flyer screamed they had a ratio of only 20...

3 years ago
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Petes Wife

My best friend in school was Pete, he was a year behind me but we were inseparable. I had dated Pete’s sister briefly but that didn’t last as she couldn’t handle me spending more time hanging with her brother than her. About six months after I finished high school I joined the Air Force, university would have been a waste of time for me. I wasn’t ready and was looking to learn some marketable skills and travel some before settling down. I had just finished basic training and was stationed with...

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A husband doesnrsquot mind his wife getting fucked by

3 months ago we moved to another city due to my new job. I was assigned to a new department, and we, my wife and I, rented a new apartment, just in downtown. It was a quite nice place, with lots boutiques, shops, cafés, and galleries. Although we were new people here and didn’t have any friends or relatives, we soon got used to a new beginning and started spending most of our evening walking, meeting the sites of interest, etc.Just a couple of weeks later I found an adult video shop a few miles...

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Apne Devar Se Chudi

Hi main hu seema .Aur main apke liye ek sacchi kahani lekar aayi hu ki kaise mera devar mujhe roj chodta h main ek married bhabhi hu .Aur meri chuchi .Aur gand ke dewaane to bahut h meri figure h 38 32 40 .Aur meri figure ko dekh kar ladko ka to lund khada hota hi h sath me mujhe budhe log bhi line marte h main apko bata du kaise main apne devar se kyu chudwati hu mere pati hamesha apne kaam me busy me rahte h .Aur mujhe thik se nahi chodte h . Aur main apne devar se khub chudwati hu main apne...

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Cinder Whore Chapter 7

The next morning, Mark woke up before the girls. He let them sleep a bit longer while he took his morning shower. He came back into the bedroom afterward with a towel wrapped around his waist. The girls were just getting up when he came in."It's about time you two lazy sluts got up! Look at me, I've already showered and am about to get dressed. And you two are just prying your naughty asses out of bed!" he said, mocking sternness."Mmm… a fresh, clean Master… all ready to get dirty again!" Kathy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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THE INDIA CHALLENGE 1 Director Mary Bordens Request

This is a new episode to the story, THE BOSS’S SLUT, Tina James. This is an addition to the story of a woman who has found the person she is and, in the process, truly comes to love that person. It is recommended that you first read the previous story in this series for background and character development continuing into this story: • THE BOSS’S SLUT The man who opened her eyes and soul to the person trapped inside her was her boss, the company CEO and Chairman of the Board, Charles...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 14

Well, I decided I needed some more money. I had gotten a trifle crazy with my bank account. In 1956 the interest rate on savings was a little more than five percent but I'd managed to make a hole in my principal. I knew about Bill Buffat in Nebraska. I also knew he was going to go into business for himself very soon. I called ... and actually spoke to the man, "Mr. Buffat ... I have a million dollars I'd like to invest in you." "David Austin, sir." "I'm 14." "Kentucky Derby,...

1 year ago
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Cynthia Goes On An AdventureChapter 6

Dressed in a translucent gown, Cynthia stood outside the room listening to Harriet’s screams. The noises had started almost immediately upon Sid’s arrival to the room and didn’t seem to be coming to an end. She looked over at Sally and asked, “Is she going to be okay?” “She’s going to be fine. It sounds like she’s got a hair trigger,” Sally said with a smile. “If you say so,” Cynthia said walking over to the couch. She sat down able to hear the sounds just as easily from there. “You’re...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning

Oh, what a dream! I knew I was dreaming because I could feel the cool, crisp sheets and the fluffy pillow under my head. Someone was softly caressing my body. I could feel the small hand working its way across my chest, down to my belly and played around the top edge of my boxers. The soft hand carefully moved on top of the material until it found my cock. I twisted around in the bed until I was more comfortable and thought to myself,’ Please , God, don’t let me wake up until this dream is...

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The Paper RouteChapter 6

“Oh Yes, SUCK MY PUSSY,” Jean yelled. I put my mouth on her pussy and licked her as she bucked and jerked her body. I remembered where Becky and Mom like their pussy licked and sucked, and found her clitty ... With the tip of my tongue, I tickled it until it popped out. “UNNNGGGUUUhhhhhh,” Jean grunted as I licked her tiny clitty. “You like that Jean?” “FUCK Yessssss, I love it.” “If I suck your pussy like this at the lake will you let me fuck you?” “Suck my pussy like this at the lake...

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Daddy takes my virginity at 18

My entire body went red with shame. This was wrong. I shouldn’t be listening to this. Just like my panties shouldn’t be getting soaked, enjoying the naughtiness of his words. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to calm down. “Daddy can then slide his cock inside and fill you up with cum. Breed you, even. Don’t have fun all by yourself, sweetie, that’s not what being part of a family is supposed to be like. A family shares things. Share your lithe sexy body with me, Savannah.” My...

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the night my husband acted as driver

The other night I had a chance to be out of the house for a while, so I tried to arrange to be fucked and come home filled up The logistics of arranging cock on the side are awful, though, so I was just left with a hungry pussy and one dude who was sexting me but unable to meet up.I love sending naughty messages to other men, though, even when I can tell it isn't leading to a hookup. It gets me wet to test out what dirty things they want to hear, to know what they hope to get out of me if/when...

1 year ago
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Return trip home

I had been out of town for several days right after some pretty severe storms had torn through the area. My wife was covering everything at home in my absence. Several trees were damaged with limbs down waiting to be cleaned up when I returned. Several people had been by to offer their services to pick up and clean up. My wife had informed them “No thanks” and we would get to it once I returned. Contractors were roaming the area looking for roofing work and general clean up. One was persistent...

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The true king of the hill

Introduction: Im a big fan of the show so here is the first chapter of a series of stories. It was a hot day in Arlen Texas. The setting sun cast a red glow over the small town giving it a beautiul shine. In the Hill residence Peggy worked at cleaning her home. The heat was making her sweat and her cool green top was becoming very wet. She was bent over cleaning the tolit and her ass was showing. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled at how she looked much younger then...

1 year ago
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From a D to A

Introduction: Hey guys:) Thanks for all the encouraging comments! Still new here, so plz go easy! Mr. Derrick walked around, handing people their report cards. Jessica waited patiently for hers, hoping for something at least a little above a D. When he handed her the report card, however, Jess heart sunk. She had a D. And not even a D+, a D-. Her parents were going to kill her! She groaned as the bell rang. Jess knew she had to do something about this before it got to her parentsafter all, it...

2 years ago
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My Entry into Anal

My anal story begins with me joining a website for mature bisexual and gay men. At first I was only interested in meeting men for mutual cocksucking, but it intensified to more. First some background on me. I'm a married senior citizen whose wife had always refused to suck my cock. By means of the internet I was able to find guys willing to suck my cock, which I thoroughly enjoyed. This activity eventually led to me trying cocksucking and I found I liked it. One of my fellow cocksuckers turned...

Gay Male
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The Holiday Chapter 7

As much fun as it was to watch porn, we always ended up either turning it off or ignoring it. All this play going on around us was the same as far as I was concerned. Fun! In fact, lots of fun, but in the end, all I wanted was you. I wanted to eat you without the distraction of knowing that people were watching. I wanted to fuck you without the distraction of people fucking all around us. It wasn’t that I was the least bit jealous of others watching us, or looking at your magnificent tits and...

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Abby Jeff the Horny Teenager Had His Fun with Ab

The Chronicles of Abby: Jeff, the Horny Teenager Had His Fun with Abby(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This was the time when Matt used his daughter, Abby to tease his neighbor’s teenage son, Jeff by giving him a good look of her panties.In some Sunday afternoons, Matt and Abby will be at Jim and his son, Jeff’s house for a casual hangout. Matt and Jim will usually hangout with a few bottles of beers in the garden leaving Abby and Jeff in the living room. Abby would normally just play games on her...

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Abandoned Paradise

A rusted out, squeaking Gran Torino drove down a long private stretch of road just outside of Greenwall. Inside sat Kenneth Clark called Kenny or sometimes Ken by near everyone he knew and the very proud owner of the classic clunker. His thick brown hair was medium in length, yet short enough that he never needed to worry much about having a bad hair day, usually choosing to just roll out of bed without so much as giving it a quick swipe with a brush. His brown eyes continued to stay trained on...

1 year ago
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Long and maybe a bit different

“Stand up, take down your trousers, no take them off completely”. I did as she told me and stood in front of her dressed in a t shirt, underpants and socks. “So you… “Stand up, take down your trousers, no take them off completely”. I did as she told me and stood in front of her dressed in a t shirt, underpants and socks. “So you think it is a good idea to read filthy books and abuse yourself with your mothers underwear? This was the hot summer of the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Niece on a BoatChapter 11 Dive

Lara grinned up at her uncles, then lay down on her back, alongside her stunning and still trembling mother. Sean and Freddie grinned back, feasting their eyes on the incredible scene. Lara patted the floor by her hip to invite her brother over. “Right then Mark. So, just take it slow and tune in to me. Touch me and everything, all slowly and lightly and sensitively, and feel how I react. Like, share it and enjoy how I enjoy it. Not kissing lips cos it’s not a romance, just sex, for fun....

3 years ago
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Wanna kid

Hi I’m Maddy this is my story. One fine Sunday morning my wife went to market to buy some vegetables for cooking. In the market she saw her good friend Divya. She brought her home and introduced me to her. When Divya met me she asked me how old am I? I told her that I’m 32.she said “you don’t seemed to like 32yrs old man, you look younger”. After that statement she went into the kitchen and started chatting with my wife. I was watching TV. As time passed I got hungry I’ called my wife **** my...

1 year ago
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Turning Summer

Turning Summer by Monika Ikon I remember holding up that first tiny pair of swim trunks in disbelief. "You want me to wear this?" I said. "Outside?" "Of course silly," Kathy said. "Don't you just love it?" The bathing suit consisted of two tiny triangles of white nylon that hardly looked big enough to cover what by law had to be covered. I was used to my oversized blue boxer-style swim trunks. The little garment dangling from my fingers seemed like some kind of practical...

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Leap of Faith Ch 03

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she’d decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day, thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was starkly...

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