Jackin' JillChapter 3 free porn video

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Rodney started awake, shaking his head and blinking against the light streaming in the window. After a few seconds, the sleep fog began to lift from his head, and he realized that the light was out of place. He wasn't in his basement room at home.

Memories returned as his eyes adjusted, and a smile spread across his face.

Jill completed a long, broad-tongued lap of his erection. When she saw that he was awake and watching, she stopped teasing and took him in her mouth. After a few sucks, she pulled his wrist, guiding it to the back of her head. Rodney groaned, pulling down ever so slightly each time she swallowed his cock.

Her hot mouth tantalized him for around a minute before she let the tip slip free, looked up into his eyes and said, "Good morning."

"Uh huh," he responded - his saliva-slick member bouncing up to tap her in the chin. He shifted on the bed, wincing a little from the pressure in his bladder.

"Need to pee?"

Rodney nodded.

She gave the head of his cock a final kiss and said, "Go ahead."

By the time he returned from the bathroom, she had put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. It was disappointing - but only a little. She was every bit as sexy clothed as she was naked.

"Thought we should probably slow down a little." She picked up his underwear and tossed them to him. "You're going to need enough energy to go get some clean clothes."

While he pulled on his clothes, she typed away on the computer. He could see that she was on her website, posting on the forum. Once dressed, he said, "So, uhm..."

"What now?" She chuckled. "Like I said, you need to go get some clean clothes. First, I want to see this Denise. Do you have any pictures of her or anything?"

"Her Facebook, I guess."

"So, she added you, then? That's a good first step. Show me."

He navigated to the site, and then to her profile. She'd just posted a status about a movie that had opened, saying she planned to go see it. Jill leaned in and gasped, so he looked at her and asked, "What is it?"

"Just that she's delicious. Click on the pictures, silly. I want to see more."

Rodney cycled through the pictures, growing hard as Jill leaned over his shoulder, moaning in approval with each new one. She gestured for him to return to the main profile page after the last picture, then pointed at the screen to her relationship status - single.

"You should do something about that."

He blushed, shifting a little on the bed. "It's just ... I'm too nervous."


"Because I don't know what I'm doing. I've never been on a date or anything."

"You'd never had sex until yesterday, either. You got over that pretty quickly," she said in a sultry whisper right into his ear, then kissed his neck.

"That's different."

"No, it isn't. Okay, do you have her number?"

"Uh, yeah. We were grouped together for a lab once."

"So, start dialing."

"I..." His stomach knotted up in fear.

"Okay, you need to relax, and I know just how to do that." She pulled her shirt off, letting her breasts free, and then leaned in to unbutton his jeans. "Pants off."

Jill lay back on the bed, caressing her breasts and licking her lips. Rodney put the laptop down and quickly removed the pants he'd put on only a few minutes before. As soon as he kicked them off, she sat up and used the convenient handle of his stiffening cock to pull him toward her. She then reclined again, still holding on, and pulled him to straddle her. Once he was atop her with his balls resting on her tummy, she squeezed her breasts together and nodded toward them, twitching her eyebrows.

He knee-walked forward, and she let the firm globes separate again. Once his erection settled between them, she squeezed her breasts together around him, forming a warm nest.

"Now fuck my titties and come for me. No holding back. Just do it, and explode for me."

Rodney rocked his hips, letting the firm globes caress him. His cock wasn't really sliding between them, but rather moving the skin over the core of his hardness. At the end of every stroke, the tip would still poke out from between her breasts, though. It was then that she took advantage of the opportunity to lick or suck on the swollen head.

"Feel good?" she asked between flicks of her tongue.

"Fuck yes," he responded, pumping faster.

The words coming rapidly, and in excited tones, she encouraged him, "That's it, baby. I want your cum. I want it all over me. Do it."

The bed creaked as he continued to build speed. She dragged over a second pillow, propping up her head and giving her better access to his tip when it peeked out. The increasing strength of his thrusts revealed more of his cock as his excitement mounted. Jill locked her lips around it when she could, sucking hard, and causing it to audibly pop from between her lips.

Rodney grunted, rising quickly to a peak. When his cockhead next popped out of her hot, wet mouth, he was there. "Ah, yeah. Gonna come."

"Give it to me!" she demanded, her voice warbling as he rode her body, fucking her tits hard.

One last pump set him off, and a hard jet of cream spattered against her chin, trailing up onto her face. He gasped, and the next spurt went directly up the bridge of her nose, into her hair, and onto the pillow beyond. His hips twitched beyond his control, and his still-trapped cock erupted in three more squirts, decorating her lips, cheeks, and closing one eye. The final pulses spotted her neck with his cream and pooled beneath his throbbing organ.

Jill released him from her breasts and he fell forward on his hands over her. She licked her lips, moaned, and cleared his cum from her eye so she could look up at him while sucking her fingers clean.

He only saw that afterwards, though. His eyes were tightly closed as he panted for breath. It was only when she gave his bottom a smack and then pushed on his hips that he opened his eyes to see her smiling up at him. With no small amount of effort, he lifted one knee, and then sat down heavily on the bed next to her.

"There, now. Aren't you a lot more relaxed?"

"Uh huh," he sighed, and then chuckled. She was still pulling the copious spatters of cum adorning her face to her lips, savoring every drop.

"Good." She sat up and picked up his phone from the nightstand. "Call Denise and ask her out."

"To where?"

"The movies. She's already planning to go. It's a nice, safe first date. You automatically have something to talk about, and you won't need to worry about tripping over your tongue while the movie is running."

While she talked, she did something on his phone. When she handed it to him, she'd already selected Denise from his contact list and hit send. His heart beating fast, he brought the phone to his ear just as she answered.

"Hi, Denise." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jill making a circling gesture with her hand. "I was wondering if you would want to go out to the movies?" A combination of panic and relief washed over him as the words came out.

"I was actually going to go tonight by myself," she answered. "But if it's your treat?"

Stunned by the sound of enthusiasm in her voice, he said, "Sure. My treat."

"Meet me at the library at seven?"

"The library at seven."

"I'll see you then."

"Yeah, okay. Bye, and see you then."


Rodney clicked the end button and stared at the phone for a moment, in complete disbelief.

"Now, was that so hard?" Jill asked.

A chuckle escaped him as the absurdity of what had just happened hit him. He'd asked a girl out for the first time while sitting with his cock out, next to a bare-breasted woman covered in his cum.

She gave him a pat on the bottom. "Get cleaned up and dressed. Then go home and get some clean clothes. Bring something to change into tomorrow, too. You have a date to get ready for, and I have videos to edit and upload."

"I have to work tomorrow."

"Watch can drop you off at work and pick you up. He'll be back in a little while. He called before you woke up. I guess Gina wore him out." She laughed, then bit her lower lip and fixed him with bedroom eyes.

"There's still some firsts I haven't claimed yet."

Rod looked at the clock and swallowed hard.

"You okay, man?" Watch asked.

"I think I'm going to throw up."

"Relax, man. Okay, number one. You asked her out, and she said yes. Number two. You said you wanted to see the same movie she did. Number three. You're taking a lot of the same classes. That's common interest, buddy. That means things to talk about."

"I don't know."

"You were nervous as fuck the first time you came in Jill's room too. I was there, remember? You got over that quickly enough."

"That's online."

"Yesterday wasn't online," Watch countered.

"That's..." He blushed, unable to find an answer.

"That's a woman. One who likes you despite sharing fewer common interests, I might add. You've got a sense of humor, and you know how to pay a girl a compliment without being creepy. Use it. You'll just have to say it instead of typing it."

Talking about Jill made him wish she was there. When he was around her, he felt so much more confident, and he could use that right now. Unfortunately, she was at Gina's on an impromptu live cam session.

"No more time to worry about it," Watch said as he grabbed his keys. "I'll drop you off by the library."

Rod spent the whole drive trying to think of things to say to Denise when the time arrived. Nothing that popped into his head sounded right. He felt dizzy as he climbed out of the car, and quite nearly got right back in.

Watch put the rental car in gear and said, "Relax, and have fun. See you later."

With that, Rod was on his own.

Barely around the corner, he saw her waiting. A quick glance at his cell told him that he wasn't late, which prompted a sigh of relief. She was just a little early, the same as him. She looked incredible - dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a blouse. Her hair was longer and a darker blonde than Jill's, and she had smaller boobs, but they were still plenty eye-catching. As he walked toward her, their eyes met, and she flashed a brilliant smile.

"Hi. Ready to go?" Denise asked as he walked up to her.

"Yeah," he answered, mesmerized by her smile.

"What?" she asked after a few seconds.

Realizing he was staring at her and wearing a silly grin so wide it made his cheeks ache, he said, "Sorry, you look great. You did something different with your hair."

"You like it?" She turned her head and smoothed her fingers down her blonde locks.

"Yeah, it looks great."

"Thank you. Well, let's go so we can get decent seats." She started walking, and he fell into step beside her. "I've been waiting for this ever since I saw the previews."

"Me too. Looks like it's going to be good."

Her voice carried hints of amusement when she said, "So, you skipped out of classes Friday."

"Yeah. An online friend I've never met in person was in town. Figured I could miss a day."

"Everybody was shocked. You never miss class. I can give you copies of the notes from the classes we share, but you didn't really miss much."


"That's cool that you met somebody from online. There are a few I want to meet, but it's kind of scary. I think I live online, sometimes."

"Me too. Whenever I see a form with an address line, I want to write my IP address."

She laughed and Rod chuckled. All of the sudden, he noticed that the butterflies in his stomach had stopped fluttering. Maybe - just maybe - Jill and Watch had been right after all.

The conversation during the walk back to the library was easy, as it mostly centered on the movie. Rod was completely at ease until they stopped. He was beginning to panic, trying to think of something to say when Denise jumped in.

"This was fun."

"Yeah, me too." He prayed that didn't sound as lame to her as it did to him.

"We'll have to do it again some time. Call me?"

His heart skipped a beat. "Sure."

"Well, I'll see you in class, then."

"See you Monday."

She gave a wave and turned to walk back to her dorm. It was all he could do not to stare at her tight little butt swaying hypnotically. Somehow, he forced himself to turn around, and saw Watch leaning against his rental car down the street.

"That looked like it went well," Watch said as Rodney walked over. "She's a hot one."


"Yeah, she's hot, or yeah, that went well?"

"Both, I guess."

Watch chuckled. "Told you to just relax. Let's get back. Jill isn't going to relax until you tell her how things went."

The prediction proved accurate, and Jill wasn't satisfied until he had spilled about every moment he could remember. She was wearing a short blue dress, black stockings, and heels, and looked absolutely stunning to him. It was almost odd chatting with her while she had clothes on, after so much time spent with her naked - exactly the opposite of how he'd felt not so long ago. With the details of his date recounted in minute detail, it was her turn to show how her day had gone, because she had video.

At first, there was a lot of footage of the two of them sitting in lingerie on the bed, talking and typing. A few short - and hot - private shows interrupted, but much of the beginning was chat. Jill explained what the chatters were saying that prompted the reactions on the screen, resulting in Rod and Watch riffing off the comments and each other, just as they did in chat.

The three sat laughing and making fun of the sillier people who were ever-present in chat. Rodney had three beers, and had a strong buzz going by the time the percentage of private shows to public chat reversed. Jill also started a sultry commentary about the sex on the screen, which caused a quite natural reaction in Rodney.

He stiffened a little the first time she squeezed his cock, because it was weird with Watch sitting just on the other side of her on the bed. After a few more squeezes and teases, his sex drive dulled the embarrassment - though not completely. Near the end of one of the nearly constant private shows where Gina was straddling Jill's face and coming from a combination of the blonde's tongue and a vibrator, Jill leaned over and whispered into Rodney's ear.

"Mmm ... Imagine if that was Denise I was licking, and that vibrator was you fucking her hard and making her come."

He couldn't help but shudder.

She let out a purring moan at his reaction and then said, "By the way, have you been on my site today?"

"No. Been too busy."

"Your Jackin' Jill video is up. Watch rendered and uploaded it at Gina's. Everybody's loving it. You just took the record for most comments in a day."


"Mmm hmm. The other one is uploaded, but I haven't linked it yet. Gina didn't have the software to blur out your face." She started running a finger up and down his chest. "Of course, we could just go ahead and put it online."

There was no doubt from her suggestive tone that she was asking for permission. "I don't know..."

"Wouldn't you love for everyone to know that you fucked me? Ate my pussy and stuffed that gorgeous cock deep inside me and filled me full of cum? Let them see you, baby."

Her fingers reached his crotch again and wormed beneath the waistband of his pants to tickle the head of his cock through his underwear. Rod groaned, "I..."

She leaned in and whispered directly in his ear, "Pretty please."

In the back of his head, in a split second, he rationalized that the video was going to be on the private part of the site anyway. Only people who had bought private shows would be able to see it. It wasn't likely that anyone he knew was going to see it.


Watch laughed. "I'll be damned. You win. I didn't think there was a way in hell you'd talk him into it."

"I'm good," she said rather haughtily, then leaned back in to seductively whisper in Rod's ear, "Aren't I?"

"Yep," he admitted, his face burning as he realized what he'd agreed to.

"This ought to drum up some repeat business," Watch said as he walked over to the computer.

"I can't believe I just said that," Rod mumbled.

"Mmm ... I bet you end up loving it. Showing off is what really turns me on. I'm not kidding when I say that on cam." She bit her lower lip and hit him with her bedroom eyes. "As a matter of fact..."

"Oh boy," Watch said as he clicked away in the process of linking the video up on Jill's website.

"Grab that camera, and let's go out on the balcony," Jill said.

Rod's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

"Mmm hmm. I love getting naked in public and knowing that people might be watching. You get to work the camera and get nice and horny."

"Video's officially on the site. I'll keep an eye out for cops," Watch said, and then laughed. Because Rodney hadn't yet picked up the camera, he did, and handed it off to his chat partner in crime.

More than a little nervous, Rodney took the camera and followed Jill out onto the balcony. She sat down on the table there with her feet in a chair. If she had sat down in the chair, she would have been at least partially hidden by the slatted railing. On the table, she would be visible to anyone in the parking lot and beyond.

"Just turn it on and point at whatever you want." She gave a little wink. "I'll tell you if I want you to do something specific."

"Okay," Rod said as he turned on the camera, adjusted the focus to show her completely, and started recording.

Jill waved and said, "Hi, everybody. I just had an urge to come outside and enjoy the night air while I'm on vacation." She leaned back on her hands, thrusting her breasts up into the air and moaned. When she sat back up, she said, "Show everybody the view."

Rodney turned, and then scanned the camera left to right to show the ocean view. It wasn't right next to the hotel, but they were close enough to smell the ocean. He then aimed the camera back at Jill.

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Jacking with Jenny

The summer I turned 21 my younger sister had a friend that stayed with us for the summer. Her father was a widower and he needed to travel overseas for an extended time, so she stayed at our house. We set up an extra bed in my sisters room. She was 18, tall and lean. She had a really nice set of tits and a great ass. She was usually nice too. I was taking summer classes and I had a three week break so I was home. It was hot as hell and we didn't have A/C. I got home from running some errands...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 1 The Beginning

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. Foreword: I've been trying to get a sequel to A Flower's Bloom finished. I started writing it in earnest in April, and I have it about halfway completed. I think I will release it in two parts. However, some of the autobiographical pieces have become harder to write because...

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Mrs Jones p2

After fucking my hot thirty something blonde neighbour Mrs Jones, I could hardly think about any thing else, and for the next few days I hung at every window in my parents house waiting for her to call me over again.But to my frustration Mr Jones was suddenly spending time at home, and even though I caught her eye several times over the next few days, she never once indicated to me to meet her.Finally I couldn't take it any more, and slipping out of the house one afternoon, I climbed over the...

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Sally shows her tits

Hello girls, thanks for iss and readers for making for my first post “mobile changed the entire life” a gr8 success! This is a story inspired by a real incident with my wife. The first few graphs are true; the rest is made up (to make it even hornier). In the olden days — back in the 1980s, before videos killed the adult theaters — movie theaters that screened smut could be randy places, as my wife sally and I discovered once. My wife had brown hair, a medium build that was neither thin nor...

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The Perils of Abstinence

"Begorra, I am here to do your bidding," the genie said. He was not big or blue, but a small man in a red coat and short red pants who appeared when Patrick O'Donovan started polishing a brass lamp that his wife Maeve had brought home from the thrift shop this very afternoon. Maeve was always buying junk like this; she fancied herself an artistic person, and she was always decorating their house in some new style or pattern. It drove Patrick crazy, because he never knew if his living room...

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Family gets involved in daughter8217s web cam

Ted Rodgers was enjoying the new state of the art computer that his sister had just bought for him. Ted was fourteen and enjoyed working with computers. Along with the computer, Amy also purchased for him an Internet access account, which he was just getting up and running. Amy Rodgers was Ted’s older sister. She was a pretty girl with an ample vivacious body. Amy had graduated with a degree in computer science and Art. She lived at home with their parents Frank and Carol. Frank was a...

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A Knock At The DoorChapter 5

Janie heard the lock snap in the door as Joel let himself out as quietly as possible that morning. With a small smile on her lips she laid there and tried to recall all that had happened in the past couple days. She knew she had found her soul mate, the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, if he'd have her that way. Then she started thinking of all the "what ifs", and she became melancholy. What if Joel didn't actually love her? What if he didn't want to go on having sex...

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A Happy Thanksgiving With My Cousin

This story is completely fictional!It had been a few months since I had seen my cousin Sara and when she got to my house for thanksgiving I was stunned at how sexy she looked. Since I had seen her last, she had cut her hair and more importantly developed a nice set of tits. Not too big and not too small, just perfect for a track runner like she was. She had a slim body but perfect ass which I loved to stare at. When everyone arrived I took their coats and threw them on my bed, Sara came with me...

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The Infection

Twenty year old Vash woke to the screams of people and gunshots. “What the fuck is going on?” Vash said to himself as he walked to the front door and opened it to see a horde of bloody zombies attacking people and eating their flesh. “Holy shit,” Vash yelled as he slammed the door shut and ran to his sister’s room. “Serenity, we have to leave,” Vash yelled as he threw open the door. “What the fuck Vash don’t you know how to knock?” Serenity yelled. “There’s no time to argue. We have...

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I know that Americans don’t ‘get’ the English sport of cricket – but then, a lot of English people don’t really understand the game either, or at least they don’t understand its interest and pleasure. That goes especially for women, because – like football – it always used to be seen as a man’s sport. But that has been changing for a while now, and, as with golf and football, the women’s game is slowly developing a following. Why am I telling you this? Well, I have enjoyed playing...

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Episode 68 Andrews first sex

This story is written for andrew426 about his real fam1ly experiences, just updated to the present day and contains some of my personal fantasies.ThursdayAndrew rushed up to his room after getting home from school, shedding clothes and spotted a pair of his younger sisters used pink panties in the clothes wash bin. He loved the feel of soft cotton against his balls, most of his cock stuck out above the rolled down waistband. He could hear giggling and splashing from the garden down below; there...

1 year ago
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Sleeping with my Sister

If you have read internet porn, then you're sure to have come across so many incest stories that it almost seems common place. But I think in reality there isn't all that much of it going on in families. If you took a moment to think about it you'd realize that having a relationship with a sibling could be very awkward. The story I'm about to tell you is true and yes, it is about incest. Actually it is about the first time I had sex and that "first time" was with my sister. This story...

2 years ago
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Not Your Day

"Happy Mother's Day, dweeb!" That was what Ted heard before he was shoved to the sidewalk. His bag fell open and a pink and white card tumbled out of it. Inside was a simple handwritten note: 'To Mom, love Teddy'. The culprits laughed as their leader smirked. "Aw, what's wrong Teddy? Hurt yourself?" he asked sarcastically. "Why don't you go home and ask your mom to kiss it better?" Ted did his best to blink away tears. "Th-that's not funny, Bill!" Bill's smirk just widened into...

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Lakeside Affair

I don’t remember a time when my thoughts didn’t include Randy. The affair started as a way for me to finally get my sexual needs met. At home I had many things others would love to have but I always felt there was something missing. I never knew what it was until I met Randy. Randy had a way to make me feel alive and gave me the attention that I was lacking at home. Over the past eight months I have shared many intimate details with him and was never ridiculed in what I had to say. Our meeting...

Straight Sex
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 44

We had just started our first set of the night when I looked up to see Sherry waving to get my attention. She pointed down to the dance floor in front of her. I had to take a step forward to see what she was pointing at, then I saw Lacey Littlejohn waving. I gave her a quick touch of my hat and glanced back at her. Standing beside her was a young woman who looked a lot like her. They are dressed alike in matching white miniskirts and red sweaters that have a deep V at the neck. Both are...

4 years ago
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Eyes of the Hawk

Unlimited power is a useful thing. I can’t explain why, or how but I sure as hell enjoy it. I was born with golden eyes. Those of you familiar with Arthurian legend will know that Merlin had the same trait. The Eyes of the Hawk, they are sometimes called, or of the Wolf. When people look into my eyes I can see into their minds, and sometimes manipulate their thoughts. I was never conscious of this, I just seemed to always get my own way, and to understand people. That was until I met Amber. ...

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Becoming Sarah Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Lexie was uncomfortable with her friend not making any comment about how James, as Sarah, had acted towards her and The Gord. It was effortless for her to see the interaction between James and The Gord. How her man retold it, how she heard it from him. How a third party should agree as well. But as each moment of Audrey's silence on the update passed, Lexie was losing her conviction about how her and her other half viewed James' actions. Maybe James had taken The Gord's...

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Sometimes It Takes A Real Man To Be A Woman

Forget worrying about "The Big Bad Wolf" girls, watch out for Grandpa. It was a beautiful day, a Thursday, when Celeste Sidell checked her Grandfather out for lunch from the Green View Retirement Center, a nursing home for the very aged. After a 4-martini lunch, Brandon asked his 21-year-old granddaughter to stop in at his old house that he had not seen for ages. Brandon Wildes said "I have a big surprise for you, my favorite granddaughter. I know you are going to be a great...

3 years ago
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works party fantasy

Julie and me had been to her works xmas party, I had got to work the following afternoon, so I had drove and didn't drink.Julie was wearing a long silver dress and had quite a lot to drink, we had about a 1 hour drive home and it was about 2am.As soon as we got in the car Julie took off her shoes and pushed the passenger seat back and adjusted the back of the seat to nearly horizontal.I began to drive and she lifted her feet up resting them on the dashboard.I waited a few minutes, then put my...

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Healers TouchChapter 15

Aric watched his surroundings with the air of a man that hadn't a care in the world. In reality - he was aware of every stare and every glance in his direction. Before he had disembarked from the spacecraft, he had used a spell to alter both Elena's and his appearances. He was hoping that no one would recognize him as the illegitimate son of the late King. He had chosen to disembark in Areseric, since it was his home territory. He knew almost every inch of land that he had hoped one day to...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 153 Repeating the 10k at Donnas Athletic Club

Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) When Carol and I got home, I was greeted by a nervous Donna who said, "I was afraid you'd forgotten?" I checked my watch: 9:45. "There's plenty of time. Let me get some better clothes on. The weather's a bit iffy though; will it be canceled if it starts raining?" Donna looked at me like I was silly, "No, of course not. Especially because heaps of people want to see you run another 10k." I hoped because they wanted to see an impressive run,...

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Its What You Need

It’s not what you think you want, but what you need… "The Greek and Roman gods were notorious for intervening in mortal affairs. Much unlike the deities of today’s religions, the Greek and Roman gods had mortals they hated, favored, and loved. Sometimes they helped these mortals, sometimes they hindered them."Rachel O’Hare sighed. She ran her fingers through her still damp brown hair as the tour guide continued his speech, his English surprisingly good despite a thick accent. Little bits of...

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A gift of tongue Slowtime 4

Master called. It was time again. For those that don’t know, Darkstarfish is my Master here on Lush and in real life. This is another story about our on-going adventures: the true-life odyssey of us: Hidden and Dark. Master had told me again to come to him. As I am his to use in any way he sees fit, I am always ready to carry out whatever request he has of me. I will deny him nothing. I had prepared myself that day, making sure every part of my body was ready to be used by my Master. I am...

Straight Sex
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GirlsWay Serena Blair Bunny Colby Can8217t Escape Their Past

Bunny Colby is looking forward to a fun day at an escape room with her brother and sister-in-law. When her sister-in-law, Serena Blair, shows up, Bunny begins to get nervous. It’s not like her husband to be late for an escape room, since they love these games so much… and being around Serena is awkward, to say the least. Unfortunately, when the game master tells them they’ll have to start now or risk losing their slot, Bunny and Serena nervously agree to play alone together....

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First Sex With Girlfriend

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers. Mera naam Uday hai main Delhi (Malviya Nagar) ka rahne wala hu. Main ISS ka regular reader hu is liye main bhi apni sex story aapse share karna chahta hu. It is not a scripted story this was really happened with me.   If you like my story please share your feedback on Main Dehradun se belong karta hu or apni MCA ki study poori karne ke baad main Delhi job karne aa gya tha or ab 4 saal se Delhi hi rahta hu. My hight is 5.8 average body not too slim not too...

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My Fantasy Wife Get Blacken Pregnant

She is an administrative secretary for a fairly large local company. She has to make many business trips with her manager, Ken.I’ve known Ken for a few years now but we only usually meet at things like the company Christmas party of when he gives Karen a ride home from work. He is a tall, muscular, young black man that played professional football for a few season's with Atlanta. Karen is 5’6, weighs about 148 lbs (depending on her current diet) and measures 38C, 29, 40. She has 2 k**s and she...

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Andys Summer Vacation

Andy's Summer Vacation By Alyssa Davis It was a cloudy June afternoon, one week out of school on summer vacation, and already all my friends were out of town. Boredom took me to my mother's bedroom to talk to her. Unnoticed, I stood watching her at her dressing table applying her makeup. I always enjoyed watching her apply all the her beauty aids and found it fascinating. She did it with such artistry. The transformation from a plain housewife to a very fashionable lady was...

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Dilemma Ch 02

‘It’s this one here,’ I said, making him turn and pull onto the kerb just by my house. ‘Coffee?’ I said, smiling at him. ‘Sure,’ he said, his mouth and his eyes both returning my smile. I grabbed his hand and still held it as I opened and walked him through the door. ‘Uh, my roomies all went away this weekend, so we’re alone,’ I told him. Then I walked to the kitchen. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I had a steady boyfriend. A boyfriend who was good for me, who I should want to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 63 St Martin Part III

May 29, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles Ellie and I swam far enough down the beach that while it would be obvious what we were doing, it wouldn’t be in plain sight. We had a fun, energetic screw with small waves breaking over us, and then swam back to where the other girls were waiting. “Have fun?” Samantha teased. “You should try it!” Ellie giggled. “I can’t swim that far!” “You could WALK down the beach, for heaven’s sake,” Justine laughed. “So, Justine,” Mary said...

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Shemale school ENG

Shemale schoolActually, I did not even have this thought. I read stories that guys go crazy, they want to be girls and all that. Not my story. I did not want to, I did not think, I did not intend to. Guev - called pidarasami, and dreamed of girls with big tits.But everything turned out somehow wrong. It all started at school.One time after the lesson of physical education, I stayed a little in the locker room. Everyone left, but I just started changing clothes. I just undressed how our local...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 14

I was sitting on the couch when Emma entered the living room. The skirt swished back and forth as she came in. I could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing a bra under the navy blue t-shirt. One of her nipples poked through the hole in the top of the “P” in PETHUB on one side, and the top of the “B” on the other side. “Wow...” was all I could say. Jess met Emma and took both sides of the skirt in her fingers, checking it out. “Wow, indeed,” Jess agreed. “Give Aaron a little twirl, Em.” Emma...

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Fucked In

True Story: On On my 16th Birthday after a family party, my boyfriend and I went to see a movie and have dinner. The whole while I noticed that something was playing on his mind, he kept giving me cheeky looks and sometimes went red after being caught staring at me. I didn’t know what was going on at the time, but in hindsight it should have been obvious, 16 – the legal age to have sex.During the dinner, Jackson went under the table at one point to fetch my spoon that the waiter had...

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

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