Jackin' JillChapter 5 free porn video

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Denise glanced down at Rodney's hand, and then lifted her eyebrows.

Snapping out of the momentary trance, he reached out and added his other hand to the first, tugging upward on her top. She raised her arms when the material reached the bottom of her lacy pink bra.

As her top slid over her head, Denise took over and absently tossed it off to the side. The bra was sheer, leaving little of her small, perky breasts to the imagination, while still making him hungry for more. A crooked, sexy smile decorated her face as she reached for the tail of his shirt.

With the back already untucked, it took only a pluck of her fingers to free his shirt from his pants. She wasted no time in pulling it up, and offered a moan as she revealed his chest. The neck of the new shirt briefly resisted her efforts, but she giggled and persevered. His shirt joined hers on the floor next to the bed.

His hands moved seemingly of their own volition to her sides, caressing her soft skin and drawing a moan from her. She reached behind her back, and he saw the band at the bottom of her bra go slack. He slid his hands upward until his thumbs were just below her breasts, and then looked up at her face.

Denise's eyes lit up and her smile widened. She shrugged the straps down off her shoulders, one after the other, drawing his eyes to them with the movement. Then, at last, she slipped her arms out of the straps and fully revealed her breasts to him.

Rosy pink circles surrounded her stiff nipples. The small swells they capped were firm and smooth. They were far different from Jill's larger globes - the only others he'd seen - but just as beautiful.

She gasped and let her head loll back when he cupped them in his palms. Unable to resist, he leaned in and suckled the right one between his lips.

"Uh huh," she whimpered as his lips and tongue tantalized her. "Oh yes."

"Oh my god," he muttered as he switched to her other breast.

"It feels so good."

One hand came to rest on the back of his head and tousled his hair. The other ran up and down his spine. The practice on Jill served him well, and he tried every trick he'd learned with only the briefest of thoughts. Her moans and whimpers let him know it was working.

When he sucked a little harder, her fingers tightened in his hair. Switching breasts and sucking even harder caused her to gasp and pull him toward her. He kept it up until he'd drawn not only her nipple, but also her areola into his lips.

"Yes, just like that," she said in a breathless voice.

Rodney groaned as her hand slid between his legs and brushed against the hidden hardness there. She traced the contour of him, making him throb beneath her fingers.

"Oh my," she whispered as she gave him a squeeze.

He gasped from the touch, letting her nipple escape him. Her fingers uncurled from around him, moving to the button of his pants. While the button popped open and his zipper slid down, he kicked off his shoes.

"Lie down," Denise said.

He reclined and allowed her to pull his legs up on the bed. She took off his socks one after the other, and then tugged on his pants legs. Rodney shoved his pants down to his thighs, allowing her to whip them off. He drew in a deep breath as her fingernails slid up his bare legs, and then over the bulge in his underwear. He sighed in relief as her fingers slipped beneath the waistband and released his cock from its cotton prison.

Denise moaned as she leaned down and turned her head sideways. She was looking directly into his eyes when her tongue slipped out and tickled the ridge around his swollen helmet. A sly grin spread across her face when his cock jumped from the touch, and she did it again.

Grunting with every slippery tease of her tongue, he found it hard to stay still. When he happened to turn toward the window, he saw something through the billowing curtains.

"We forgot about the window. I think there's somebody over there watching," he warned her.

She gave his manhood a far longer stroke of her tongue, and didn't even glance toward the window. "I don't care. Let them watch," she said in a husky voice.

As he'd come to discover with Jill, the thought of someone watching made it all the more exciting.

Denise kissed the head of his cock, and then sat up over her knees again. Her fingers slipped beneath the waist of her panties and pushed. Ever so slowly, she revealed the last of her treasures to his gaze.

First, a triangular-shaped patch of hair emerged. It was a little darker than the hair on her head, and artfully trimmed. Then the cleft emerged from the shadows of the pink cotton, still mostly hidden because her legs were close together.

That changed once the panties reached her thighs, because she parted her legs to allow the cloth to stretch between them. The effect was unbelievably exciting to him, and he found himself sitting up to lean toward her.

A moan escaped her, and she sat back on her bottom. Rodney pulled his knees under him as she reclined, and took over when her panties passed below her knees. The moment he released her ankles from the frilly cotton, she spread her legs wide open.

Her folds were smaller and pinker than Jill's, with fewer crinkles. Her nether lips were baby-smooth, giving him an unfettered view to admire them.

Admiring them lasted only a few moments, though.

A combination of desire and the confidence Jill had instilled in him caused him to drop down onto his hands as soon as her panties fellfrom his fingers. Denise let out a surprised moan as he moved into the V of her legs.

The first breath of her musk filled his lungs only a fraction of a second before his tongue touched her. He parted her folds with a strong upward stroke that ended at her clit. She felt and tasted different from Jill, but it was just as sweet.

In his peripheral vision, he saw her fingers turn into claws and dig into the sheets. She drew in a ragged, high-pitched gasp. The breath then emerged in a clipped, "Oh yes," of delight.

With an enthusiasm only a man tasting his second pussy ever could muster, but with a skill nurtured under Jill's tutelage, Rodney lapped and sucked her folds. Within a few seconds, she was squirming beneath him.

Between a series of loud whimpers, she cried out, "Oh yes. Oh yes!"

Rodney growled as he locked his lips over her clit. One of her hands snapped to the back of his head, and he could barely see the other pinching her nipple. Her butt lifted off the bed, grinding her pussy into his mouth. He responded by sucking even harder.

She squealed and her fingers tightened in his hair. "Like that. Like that. Oh my god."

A plaintive whimper escaped her when he released her swollen bud. He swirled his tongue over it for a moment, and then gave it another lightning quick suck that made her yelp. He wiggled his tongue over her folds, tasting her sweet nectar, but her fingers tugging on his hair left little doubt where she wanted him.

He had no problem with that.

A quick push of his thumb pressed down on the shaft of her button, exposing it from beneath the hood. He flicked the swollen bud, and her loud whimpers let him know he was on the right course. Using his thumb to massage the shaft, he assaulted her naked clit with gusto.

Her voice rose. The writhing of her body on the bed grew even more pronounced. All the while, he kept up the pressure. Sometimes sucking, sometimes lapping, he never gave her clit a moment's respite.

"Don't st ... Don't ... Ah! Oh! Oh my g-ah! Ah! Ah!"

Denise loosed a squeal as orgasm ripped through her. Her hips lifted and trembled. Her hands pushed down on the back of his head, grinding his face into her climaxing pussy. She gasped and cried out, sometimes forming sounds that were close to words, but never quite understandable. Rodney was licking through a smile the whole time.

A yelp nearly as loud as her initial cry of orgasm accompanied her pushing on his head and lurching away from his mouth. Her hand fell to the bed, joining the other that was clenched and tenting the bedclothes. Her right leg shook - seemingly beyond her ability to control - as she gasped for breath.

Rodney licked his lips and watched the final throes play out. He caressed her trembling leg and felt it finally go still beneath his fingers. After that, her breathing slowed, and she let out a long, slow groan.

When her eyes fluttered open, he saw her already flushed cheeks grow even darker. She turned away from him and laughed into her hand for a moment before meeting his gaze again to say, "Oh wow."

"You taste so good," he said. "Was that okay?"

"Okay?" she asked, and closed her eyes again. A shiver rippled through her and she continued. "Ohh, that was intense. I haven't come like that in a while."

He could only look down at her wearing a silly grin.

Denise slapped a hand on her leg and chuckled as it began to quiver again. "When I come that hard, it doesn't want to stop. It's like it's possessed. Mmm - kiss me?"

As he leaned over her, Rodney saw that their audience had grown. Now two figures were watching from the balcony across the way. They were soon forgotten as he fell into the kiss. It was soft and sweet, but lingered for far longer than the brief farewell kisses of the last couple of days.

"Mmm. I do taste good," she whispered as their lips parted.

Rod stiffened and gasped as her fingertips unexpectedly brushed his manhood.

She bit her lower lip, and then gestured with her eyes toward the bedside table. "Get my purse?"

"Sure," he said, though he was loathe to pull away from her fingers tickling his cock.

Denise sat up as he turned around to hold out her purse. His heart skipped a beat when she pulled out a condom and dropped her purse over the side of the bed. She scooted closer, pushed on his chest, and he dutifully reclined.

His cock bounced away from his body in a steady, rhythmic dance as she caught the corner of the foil square between her teeth. She slowly ripped the package open, and then pulled out the condom.

Denise gave her hair a flirty flip as she curled her fingers around his erection, standing it straight up. With the tip of the latex sheath pinched between her fingers, she settled it over the head of his cock and began to roll it down.

Rodney throbbed in her grasp and felt a drop of pre-cum bubble up. As soon as the condom reached the base of his shaft, she lifted one knee to straddle him, and moved in for a kiss.

Once again their tongues danced over each other, and they paused only long enough for quick breaths. Rodney held her close when she tried to pull away, giving her one last, deep kiss. A sultry smile decorated her face as she sat up over her knees and scooted backwards.

With her hands braced on her knees, she sank down until her nether lips pressed against his hardness. She rocked her hips forward and back in a sinuous dance, caressing him with her folds, and he groaned from the attention. He saw her glance toward the window, and color blossomed in her cheeks.

Then she looked back down at him and chuckled.

When she lifted up, he could see the latex glistening with her wetness. Never pausing, she reached down to stand his cock up straight and center herself over it.

Rodney grunted, and she gasped as the flared tip popped into her canal. She took a couple of panting breaths, and then sank down farther. She worked her hips, stroking an inch or so of him inside her, and then engulfed him in her warm embrace.

Denise threw her head back as her nether lips wrapped around his root, and said, "Oh, you feel so good."

Despite the condom, she felt like pure heaven to him as well. "So hot," he said as his eyes took in the sight of her impaled on his cock.

She swiveled her hips, stirring him inside her, and let out a long moan. Somewhere beneath that sweet sound, Rodney could hear a man across the way outside yelling something in an encouraging tone. It made him throb all the stronger inside her.

"God, you're so hard," she breathed as she moved faster, putting on a beautiful show for him and the voyeurs.

"And you're so sexy."

"Oh yeah," she gasped, and switched to a forward and back motion with her hips.

Rodney grunted from the increased sensation and reached out to stroke her legs. It seemed to encourage her, and she picked up the pace. Her eyes widened after a few strokes, and she went into a sudden frenzy.

Even though the tug on the backstroke was uncomfortable, Rodney barely noticed. The sight of her riding him with her breasts jiggling was more than enough of a distraction.

"I'm not ... hurting you, am I?" she asked without slowing.

"No. I want you to come for me."

"Uh huh," she cried out, and he felt her walls tighten around him. At the same time, she brought two fingers to her clit, matching the frantic pace of her hips.

She switched to bouncing after a few seconds, stroking him. His butt sank down into the mattress and he breathed faster. The sound of her fingers flashing over her clit mingled with her whimpers, and he felt a drop of wetness meandering down his balls.

Denise bounced, thrust, and gyrated atop him with wild abandon. Her features slowly tightened as her cries grew louder. Even with the condom shielding him from the full bliss of her tight pussy wrapped around him, he felt the tickles of a building explosion within him.

She was well ahead of him.

Her face flushed and her mouth dropped open as she somehow found the strength to ride him even harder. Her silent scream turned into a real one as she suddenly froze atop him and exploded into orgasm.

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah," Rodney heard himself say as she trembled and whimpered. Her intimate muscles clamped down on him like a vise. When they relaxed for a moment, she let out a squeal and rocked her hips.

She came and came, drawing out her orgasm with jerky movements of her hips. Rodney was entranced by her, and swelled with pride at the sight of her in perfect ecstasy.

A pained-sounding groan bubbled from her lips as she leaned forward and sank down against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her shiver every time his still-buried cock throbbed inside her. He stroked her hair and reveled in it.

After a couple of minutes of him holding her, she moaned, "Oh, Rodney. That was so good."

"I loved it," he said, and then on impulse, gave her a short thrust of his hips.

Her eyes shot open and she gasped. She quaked from the resulting aftershock, and then let out her breath as a chuckling moan.

"I want more, but I don't know if I can take it."

He slid his hands down to her bottom and - amazed at his own confident tone - said, "Only one way to find out."

"Mmm hmm," she agreed as she pushed up from the mattress.

Another spike of lingering pleasure rocked her as she straightened, but she pushed through it to settle onto his cock again. Her first few bounces were short and broken by pants for breath, but the interval between hops shortened with every passing second. As she settled into a rhythm, she sucked her fingers to moisten them, and went to work on her clit.

She was bouncing far more than rocking this time. The difference was profound for Rodney as her canal milked him. He felt the tickle in the head of his cock turn into an itch in short order.

The loss of sensation from the condom wasn't going to save him this time.

Grunts and groans escaped him as he fought the rush toward the eruption his body desired. Denise was no less vocal, raising her voice in whimpers and yelps that jumped in pitch when she dropped down to bury him inside her. Her bottom smacked against his thighs in a quick tattoo, and they both soared toward a crescendo.

The open window had done its work and more. Sweat beaded on Rodney's forehead as he breathed heavily through clenched teeth. Denise's skin glistened as well, making her look all the more sexy.

"Oh god. So close," she squeaked as her face flushed.

Rodney growled as his balls tightened. He was to the point of no return, and there was nothing he could do about it.

She must have seen it in his face. "Are you gonna come?"

Pinching his eyes closed in a last ditch effort to prevent the sexy sight of her from pushing him over the edge, he nodded.

"Oh yes, baby!"

That was it. He lurched just as she dropped down on his cock, ramming his manhood hard into her depths. With a growling roar, he loosed the first blast of cum into the latex sheath.

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah," she cried out in encouragement while continuing to ride him.

Every gasp of air Rodney sucked in emerged as an inarticulate cry. He got tunnel vision as cum continued to surge up his shaft and erupt in powerful spurts. Their sounds of pleasure and the squeaking of the bed dimmed beneath the pounding of his heart in his ears.

But he clearly heard her scream.

Denise fell forward onto the hand not pressed against her throbbing clit as she came. Rod's hands instinctively snapped to her back, pulling her down until her sweat-dampened breasts were pressed against his chest. Locked together in beautiful agony, they trembled and gasped their way through the waves of ecstasy.

He heard it as soon as his senses expanded beyond the almost painful throbbing of his cock. There was no mistaking the sound of applause or the whoops coming from across the way. When he turned to glance out the window, Denise did so as well. An especially strong, hot breeze blew the curtains wide, letting them see the topless men in shorts across the way.

They both laughed, and then gasped as simultaneous aftershocks rocked them.

"Getting ... Getting hot now. I wonder why?" Denise said, and then weakly chuckled.

"God, Denise. That was incredible."

"Uh huh. Ohhh, I don't want to, but I need to move."

He gave a brief nod and released her from his embrace. They both cried out when his cock slipped from her depths. After a few seconds to catch her breath, Denise pushed up onto her knees, wearing a beatific, satisfied smile.

She slipped out of the bed, and he followed the sexy sight of her walking toward the window - nude and flushed with post-orgasmic bliss. She closed it to a final shout of, "Ah, come on," from across the way.

"Show's over," she said as she turned. Seeing Rodney smiling and gazing at her through half-lidded eyes, she added, "For them anyway. You can have all the encores you want."

He groaned and shivered from the thought of that as she sauntered back to the bed. When she sat down, she grabbed a couple of tissues.

"Ready for this?" she asked, and then glanced at his slowly softening manhood.

Rod swallowed hard when she didn't wait for an answer.

Still quite sensitive, he stiffened and held his breath while she removed the condom. He had only the briefest respite while she tied the condom off, and then she went to work with the tissues.

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Jacking off with my cousin uncensored

Hi, true story! I was sleeping @ my cousins the first time I ever jacked anyone off. I asked my cousin that if he would jack anyone off for money, he told me he wouldn't but that he's jack off with someone related to him. I saw that he was getting a hard one and he was kind-of embarrassed so he grabes his pillow and put it po top of his bulge. I told him..."Having fun?" he lod me that he had a flashback of a porn vid he watched yesterday. He asked my how big my cock was...he told me he was...

1 year ago
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Jacking with Jenny

The summer I turned 21 my younger sister had a friend that stayed with us for the summer. Her father was a widower and he needed to travel overseas for an extended time, so she stayed at our house. We set up an extra bed in my sisters room. She was 18, tall and lean. She had a really nice set of tits and a great ass. She was usually nice too. I was taking summer classes and I had a three week break so I was home. It was hot as hell and we didn't have A/C. I got home from running some errands...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Bailey Base Yumi Sin Cosplay Overload UWU

Bailey Base and Yumi Sin decided to cosplay and take pictures. However, after taking some pics things took a different turn. Watching each other dressed up turned them on. So they began eating each other out and scissoring. Once they finished, Yumi went downstairs to grab some water. Bailey’s step brother, Johnny, happened to see her walk by still in her cosplay. From there, he proceed to watch her and jerk off as she bent over. Eventually, Yumi caught him. She was surprised at first but...

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The stepdaughter

Choose to play as Connor. You are a 42 year old man with brown hair and blue eyes. You work out regularly and are very ripped for a man your age. 4 years ago you married Ellie. She already had 2 daughters. Shayla and Emma. Recently your sex life with Ellie has been non-existent. Shayla has grown into a beautiful sexy woman and has recently turned 18. You find yourself unable to stop fantasizing about her. How far will it go? Choose to play as Shayla. You are an attractive 18 year old girl. You...

4 years ago
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The New Boyfriend

This is a true story with only minor details changed. --- It has been nearly 5 years since I "un-transitioned." After 8 years, medical issues had caused me to abandon my life as a woman and return to the world of men. During the past 7 years, my partner (now wife) had stuck by my side and our relationship was as wonderful as always. Until recently, that is. I had started to notice some fundamental changes in my libido, in my base desires if you will. Over the past year I had come...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 11

(MAY 1940 – HOLLAND SURRENDERS) “Hitler, who founded the Third Reich, who ruled it ruthlessly and often with uncommon shrewdness, who led it to such dizzy heights and such a sorry end, was a person of undoubted, if evil genius. It is true that in the German people, as a mysterious Providence and centuries of experience had molded them up to that time, he found a natural instrument which he was able to shape to his own sinister ends. But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demonic...

3 years ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 12 Gay For You Or Something

Carter inhaled Aron’s warmth, as they stood there, in the door. Okay, he hoped the guy was not going to get all sentimental because he had absolutely no idea how to deal with such a thing. As his best friend, Aron had never gotten so mushy over him, or over anything. He had been Carter’s rock, well, at least, until they fell apart. Aron broke their hug and grabbed him by the neck in an affectionate manner. Carter let out a long breath, and together, they walked into the house. He was about...

1 year ago
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Passionate Piss Of Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

As you may have read in my first post, I and Swetha loved getting raw and intimate with each other in almost anyway we could find. This is one of those times that always stands out in my mind. “Have you landed yet?” My phone beeped soon as I switched it on. It was Swetha. “Just did, hon. Still on the plane though.” I replied and put my phone back in my pocket to take my bag out of the overhead compartment. A couple minutes later I heard two dings on my phone. “Hurry up, I have a surprise for...

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Sex With My Sexy Mema

Hi this is Rocky from Kerala and I’m new to this site and this is my first story which happened with my Mema mother’s sister 3 years before and this relation is continuing and let me tell me about myself and I’m working in defence service am 28 years old with 5’10 height well build. I have blessed with 605inch cock and coming straight to the story. It happened in the month of December 2008 it was my cousin’s marriage. my aunty is a normal typical mallu fatty aunty and her husband is abroad she...

3 years ago
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1 I discovered this place three years ago, an abandoned road that was currently used by local farmers and me with a parking area and nature path just eighteen miles from the town. A wonderful piece of wild nature with a possibility to walk a well arranged path, one and a half miles to the bridge over the stream, two hundred yards and another bridge back and again one mile through the woods back to where I had parked the car. And the most important part of it...there were no people. ...

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The Horse Farm

Disclaimer: this story is not at all realistic, it contains beastiality and watersports! First a little about me: I’m 22, 6’1″, very good bulky build, lightly tanned skin, forest tattoo up left bicep, long dark light brown hair (usually in a bun), light stubble, brownish-green eyes, neatly trimmed pubes, fat 8in cut cock, kiwi sized balls. My buddy owns a huge horse farm out in the country, and he happens to be going away for a month on his honeymoon, and guess who he asked to...

3 years ago
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Playboyhyd With Experience With Mature Lady But Slim Lady

Hi all, thank you for your feedbacks and thank u to its. After long time back I am writing my new experience which I had after my Goa trip with a lady on this new year. That was great experience had for three days. Any female or couple like to meet me or contact me means mail me on Coming to my new experience is about a lady her age was 37 she is North Indian stay here her name is Neha(name changed). Her husband is working and always busy with office works. They had one kid going to...

2 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 41

I was a little disoriented when I woke up the next morning, and it took me a moment to recognize who I was waking up with. I was so used to waking up with Megan that it was somewhat of a surprise to find myself snuggled up to Victoria. It brought back memories of the days on the road with the FBI when we would often meet in one of our rooms at night to spend the night together. Of course, then we had to make sure no one saw us, whereas here, the girls knew and it didn't bother them. I kissed...

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MILF Friend

So I was staying at Helen's house for a few days while I get back on my feet. Helen has a gorgeous friend named Veronica. Veronica is in her early 50's, short with big natural tits, long brown hair with some gray streaks, beautiful brown eyes, a nice big ass and a sexy Spanish accent. I learn early on that Veronica has had some marital problems. One evening it was raining hard, unusually stormy outside and Veronica did not want to drive 45 minutes home so she stopped by Helen's house and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Keira Croft Interracial Anal 3Way

Young starlet Keira Croft might look innocent, but this petite cutie is addicted to raunchy anal sex. The booty-blessed babe teases in lingerie and heels, soon teaming up with Prince Yahshua and Ramon Nomar for a wild interracial threesome. Keira gags as she gives a messy double blowjob, prepping the boys for lewd butt sex. She sucks Prince’s big black cock as Ramon reams her gash. The guys take turns nailing her asshole. Action intensifies with stiff double penetration reaming, both...

2 years ago
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The Girls In The Flat Above

I used to live alone in a block of 6 flats & as a horny male, I used to get quite a bit of attention from the ladies that lived in the block. One day the young girl that lived in the flat above - that I'de been fucking regularly - got a house & moved out. I was upset but she let me go round to her new house & fuck her in every room & every hole!!Around 2 weeks later there was a buzz on my door & when I answered it, there stood a rather plain but attractive girl - she said...

1 year ago
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Detention can be FUN

NOTE: NONE OF THIS STORY IS REAL!!! "Jamie, are you paying attention back there?" shouted Mr Tam, Jamies annoying science ."Yes!" she replyed. Jamie 18 years old and had a preety nice figure for some one of her height. She was 4"11, and with size 34B tits and had a size 3 waist that lead to a huge ass. "Jamie you weren't listing, you get a detention for that." "Great" she said to herself "30 minutes by myself." She knew she deserved the detention, but in a way she felt it was wrong, you see she...

First Time
3 years ago
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My First Sex Encounter

Hello ISS lovers I’m sidhart from Hyderabad. This is my first story in ISS so if you find any mistake please forgive me. This is the story how I lost my virginity to my ex- girlfriend (subha her name). So first let me introduce you about me and my ex-gf . So i’m sidhart and m ex-gf is subha. She had a great pair of wight boobs (.) (.) of size 36″ for which any one could die. Nice tight pussy and great ass. She was wight in complex. Coming to me. I’m tall enough with muscular body and with the...

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Swim Coach chapter 67

So the next few weeks went by quickly. I swam very well at the next three meets, winning most of my races and consistently swimming at times that were the best in the state. It was all a bit strange – I’d never been the focus of attention in anything I’d done but now, at least as far as the swim team went, I was the queen bee. Youngsters on the team would ask me for advice and help. The coaches were all giving me much more attention, trying to give me any advantage that they could. Sally...

2 years ago
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Satisfaction in the Park

Michelle lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. The little house where she had lived for almost twenty years was quiet, and that was bothering her. She had Jacob, her one child, at eighteen. His father had left her when the boy was three, leaving her as a single mother. Busy with parenting, housekeeping, and working at various jobs, Michelle had never really had a chance to feel alone. Now, however, Jacob had moved out to attend college, leaving Michelle with an empty nest at the ripe old age of...

Straight Sex
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Its Easy LisaChapter 2

I sat there stunned. Watch them? She had to mean doing sex, right? But I had to be sure. "You mean, watch you two have sex? On a video call like this?" "That's what he wanted to know." "You'd do that? Have sex while I watched?" "Well, he really had the idea but, well, sure, why not? You can't believe the fun we have, Lisa. You've seen me naked, wait until you see Mark. I'll get him to put his cock right up to the camera, you'll see it really close. Then he said we could do...

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Rob and GailChapter 3

Four days before we moved into the house Gail asked me if I would mind if she had a girl's night out after work with Cindy, Bea and the twins. It didn't surprise me because I knew it was coming after listening to the bathroom conversations and I'd heard Cindy bring it up on yesterday's output from the phone tap. Gail said that she would think about it and let Cindy know after running it by me. I gambled on Cindy not rushing into her plans and taking the time to set things up so I told...

1 year ago
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Making Mommy A Whore 8211 Part I

Hello guys, I am Sarah Q Cooper, u can call me Sara comments and responses are welcome at and I am from California and I’m on a tour to Chennai. I have quite a good story writing skills and a friend told me about this site and here I am to make u go all crazy over my incest themed sex plot between a mom and son. I will be referring to myself as Raj for convenience purposes. Hello I am Raj, 21 years old doing BE in a top graded college. I have a very few friends. We usually discuss about our...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part III

Introduction: I know its been awhile, However I got a new job so I have been Busy/ Chance Encounter Part III Friday Night Marie stop wiggling I am almost done. Aé,lita demanded. Sorry, Im just nervous. I know baby doll, but when I get through you are gonna look drop dead gorgeous. She already looks drop dead gorgeous Aé,lita youre just enhancing it. Simon called out from the sitting area. Both Marie and Aé,lita laughed at that. There Im done, take a look. Marie turned...

4 years ago
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Threesome And DP With My Wife In Bangalore

Hello, everyone. This is Coolguy1607. Talking about me, I am a 6 feet tall, 29 years old guy brought up in a southern metro city. Due to a job change, I moved to Bangalore. Recently I got married. The marriage life and sex life have been great. About my wife, she is 25 years old wheatish complexion and has amazing boobs. Her best features are her sexy boobs and a great pair of eyes. We knew each other for one year as we met through a matrimony site and then started feeling for each other since...

2 years ago
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Helpful HannahChapter 3

I could hardly wait until the next time I got to help my brother. He has this weird psychological hang-up: basically, he can’t cum while there’s anyone else in the room. It’s really started to cause issues in his relationships, so I’ve been helping him out - not anything gross, just being in the room while he jerks off. And, of course, to make sure he feels comfortable, I’ve been masturbating as well - otherwise it’d just be weird, y’know? Anyway, while he hasn’t been able to cum yet - not...

3 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 4 Another New Face or Two

"This is Radio Scott again, signing on a bit late today since we no longer have the support staff we once did. We had an interesting time exploring today, making new discoveries and finding new signs of life. We discovered several new animals including a coot, a smaller duck if you're unfamiliar with them, a turtle and a fully grown dog that hadn't yet turned aggressive or suffered a major bout of sickness. Whether the dog can continue to avoid it will remain to be seen, but I'm hoping...

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TripinChapter 21

"So why are you renting a car?" Charlie asked. "I want to carry some things to Goodwill, and I think I want to go out to a club tonight," I said enjoying the look of loss on his face. No one, not even my son, was going to get away with thinking me predictable. He would just have to figure how to deal with me, if he wanted to play in the adult arena. After he left me at the rental/dealership's showroom, I went inside to find my cruiser waiting for me. They had even remembered to take...

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Coming Awake Ch 02

No matter how heavenly the hotel chain claimed its bed to be, Carly was starkly aware that she was alone in it as the alarm clock beeped. She’d been lost in the most delicious dream: her face was buried in the pillows, her ass in the air, and her husband Steven was pounding his cock into her again and again. That’s probably because I fell asleep with my fingers buried in my pussy, she thought. Although she adored Steven and their sex life, one of the things Carly loved about business travel...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Florida part two

My sweet Erica. I wanted to see her again. I wouldn't get many chances. My wife and I were in Florida for only a week. We had been here three days already. We had arrived late on Friday afternoon. Time was passing and growing shorter. If a person could fall in love in such a short time, it must have happened to me. I had fallen in love. I had known Erica online for over a year now, but this was our first chance to meet in person. It had been enough to prove to me that I adored her, and I knew...

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Becoming One

As I lay here gently stroking her face, listening to her breathing, I think back to how we became one.   We met in a chat room of all places, or a sex chat room to be more precise. We started flirting, speaking of fetishes and desires, and quickly formed a friendship.   Through our conversations online and other places this friendship grew into something neither of us had ever experienced. A feeling so deep, as though we had been lovers in many other lifetimes, slaves to one another’s soul for...

1 year ago
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Exploited AGAIN

"How did you come to be here today?""I posted an ad about wanting to be used for a weekend.""Define used.""Sexually. I want to be used sexually in whatever way you want. I want it to be thorough, hardcore and degrading.""We discussed some of the things that I wanted to do this weekend and mentioned that it would not just be me, but a group of men. Do you consent to multiple partners during the weekend?""Yes."He laughed. "Well that is definitely going to happen. But tell me, what do you, in a...

2 years ago
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Sounds of LoveChapter 2

I did have to do laundry today as well as get some things ready for school. I spent the morning doing these chores as well as cutting the grass and cleaning out under the deck. By then, I had just enough time to wash the car and get a shower. Six o'clock found me standing at the Peterson's front door. Mr. Peterson opened the door for me and asked me to come in. "Karen will be down in a few minutes." "That's fine sir. I don't mind." We sat down in the living room, Mr. Peterson took...

2 years ago
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The Facility

Megan was only vaguely ware of what was happening. She struggled weakly against the scarred leather restraints attached to the gurney she was currently being wheeled along on. She craned her neck back willing her eyes to focus on the figure pushing her. It was female, wearing something black and glistening with patches of white. A maid perhaps? The drugs coursing through her system proved too strong, however, and she never got a clear look at her captor. Her vision faded to black. She jerked...


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