The Selection Part Six
- 4 years ago
- 31
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The bodega’s facade is weathered brick. It’s wedged on a triangular lot, on the inside of a gentle curve of the street it faces. The awkward layout combined with the inarguable convenience of its location has allowed it to prosper, making it as unattractive to developers and as it is indispensable to the local residents. It’s older than most of those residents, having survived decades, through multiple waves of gentrification and decline.
Older than most, but not older than the two old men sitting on the weathered bench just outside the entrance, sipping coffee and watching the neighborhood go about its business.
‘I dunno, Eshwar. I grew up on the instant stuff.’ says one, a clean shaven white man. His sparse, snowy hair is carefully combed. He wears an old bomber jacket over a blue button-up cotton shirt. One leg of his khaki pants is tied in a neat knot where the corresponding limb ends just below the knee. A pair of battered crutches are tucked in their usual spot behind the bench.
‘It is only for you, my friend,’ replies the gaunt Sikh sharing the bench with him, ‘that I make my son stock a can of those awful grounds.’
The vet grins and takes another sip. His turbaned, mustachioed companion chuckles and raises his own ceramic mug to his nose. The aroma released by the escaping steam speaks to fresh-roasted beans, recently ground. He enjoys the odors for a moment before taking his own sip. They sit in companionable silence for a while, watching the neighborhood move around them.
It’s fairly late on a Sunday morning, and the mix of people moving past the old men begins to shift from neighbors they trade nods with to include more young urbanites. Sophisticates descending from their downtown condos to do a little shopping in the esoteric mix of businesses the neighborhood currently hosts. The old men, and perhaps the bodega itself, understand that this is the beginning of a new surge in gentrification. Some of the downtown people will decide to relocate to the area, because they enjoy the atmosphere.
A little bubble of their own reality will follow them, and those like them, and a little of what they are will mix into the local flavor. Then too many will come, drawn by the whiff of the familiar in the scent of the exotic. Eventually, seeing the demographics shift, outside businesses will begin to buy out the local shops. Soon rents will rise, and the locals will move somewhere more affordable as the flood of urbanites continues. Eventually the neighborhood will be as bland as can be, and the cycle of decay will begin. The old men know this, but they understand that nothing will prevent the circle from completing again, so they don’t talk about it. They just sit and sip and watch and enjoy the sunlight on old bones.
A young woman walks by slowly, peering in shop windows as she explores the street. She smiles at the old men, who both nod to her as she goes by. Eventually, their view of her is blocked by the curve of the street, and the veteran addresses the Sikh.
‘I know we don’t usually comment, and I dunno how you people… uh…’
Eshwar chuckles. ‘Your ignorance is willful. Do you think I am blind to beauty?’
The old vet just grins in reply, and they continue to sip their drinks.
Emily smiles at the two old men sitting in front of the little store. This neighborhood is so amazing! They look like an advertisement for, oh, something diverse.
She should really look into apartment prices around here, it’s so lovely and… *ethnic*. All the little shops!
She pauses in front of one, just around the bend from the store. The window is filled with hundreds of small squares of white paper, and each one has a little drawing on it. Birds and faces and buildings and just shapes. She doesn’t see any price tags, and there’s nothing naming the shop, just a ‘Come In, We’re Open!’ sign tucked into the bottom of the front window.
Emily pushes the door open, setting off a tinkling of chimes. The inside of the shop is a little dim after the brightness of the morning sun, and she gives her eyes a moment to adjust. Looking around, there are more drawings tacked to almost every flat surface, most of them just stuck in place with a thumbtack or a piece of scotch tape. One corner of the store is taken up by a big old barber chair, the kind that reclines and elevates so men can get a shave. There’s a counter with a blackboard behind it, listing numbers next to a list of prices.
‘Good morning, then, miss, can I help you?’
Emily starts, and jerks away from the voice. Almost at her elbow is a tall, striking, dark-skinned woman, dreadlocks pulled back into a sort of ponytail. She’s wearing a smock over street clothes.
‘Oh! I’m sorry! Uh, I just saw all the pictures in the window, and I couldn’t figure out if you’re selling them or… um, what do you sell? I’m Emily.’
The woman smiles. Her teeth are very white. ‘Hello, then, Emily. Call me Ada. I do tattoos.’
‘Ohhh! I get it now!’ All the little pictures make sense, and the numbers on the blackboard must be sizes, or maybe times, followed by prices. ‘I’m sorry for bothering you, I’m not really a tattoo sort of person. Do you mind if I just look at the drawings for a little bit?’
The woman smiles again. ‘Of course. You never know when you might be inspired. I think a little ink would suit you. I’ll be in the back if you need me.’
‘Thank you!’
Emily watches her vanish through a door she hadn’t noticed. The woman moved so quietly! She looks around, and walks closer to a wall, and begins examining the pretty drawings in minute detail.
‘I usually lock up the shop for lunch. Do you want me to leave you here?’
Emily blinks. How long had she been looking at the drawings? She’s reluctant to stop.
‘Oh if it’s no trouble, I’d love to keep looking. Your art is so good.’
The artist looks at her for a few moments, an odd expression on her face. ‘One moment.’
She steps into the back room, then returns a few seconds later, holding something like a large photo album.
‘Come over here, you’ll want to sit down to look at this, it’s too heavy to just hold up.’
The tattoo artist steps over to the barber chair, and Emily follows. She watches as the older woman kicks a lever under the chair, and it settles lower with a hydraulic hiss. Another lever un-reclines it, and she waves Emily into it. Once she’s seated, Ada gives her the surprisingly heavy album.
‘Take all the time you want. These are some of my favorite pieces. If you finish with it just leave it on the counter. I should be back in about twenty minutes, are you okay being locked in here?’
‘Oh of course, thank you so much for taking this much trouble for me.’
Ada waves a long-fingered hand. ‘As much as you’re looking, I half expect you to talk yourself into a tattoo before you leave today.’
Emily grins. ‘I doubt it, but I appreciate this so much.’
‘All right then, I’ll be back soon.’
The door clicks shut with a tinkle of chimes as she steps into the sunlight, and Emily hears the lock slide home a moment later. Adjusting the heavy book in her lap, she flips it open to the first drawing. It’s an abstract, unlike the art on the walls.
Emily shudders involuntarily. She’s unable to express why, but the image almost immediately repulses her. Swallowing a sudden burst of bile, she quickly flips the page. The next image is much better, but still offputting. The next is lovely, and warm. The next prickly.
She slowly works her way deeper into the album, occasionally moving more swiftly when she finds an upsetting shape. For the most part, they’re delightful.
Ada pauses as she passes the bodega. ‘Hi, Eshwar. Where’s Ray this morning?’
‘Good afternoon, Miss Ada. He is here, just answering a call of nature. How are you this lovely day?’
‘It’s slow, but Sundays usually ar
e. I’ve got a possible customer looking through some designs in the shop.’
‘Very good! And how is your brother?’
‘Oh, you know Carl, he never changes. He’s supposed to stop by later, I’ll tell him to come say hi.’
‘Excellent, excellent. Well, I will not keep you from your customer. Do you have a good feeling about them?’
‘I’ll know if I do here in a minute.’
With a wave goodbye, she passes around the bend and unlocks her shop.’
‘Well, I guess I *do* have a good feeling about you.’
Ada enters her shop to find Emily staring down at a page in the album. Her mouth is slightly agape, and her unblinking gaze reveals eyes that track over the pattern in front of her, over and over.
The artist walks up and looks at the design the shorter girl has chosen. She whistles. ‘Well, you don’t fuck around, do you?’
She presses two fingers against the bottom of the girl’s jaw, first closing her mouth, and then raising her head, forcing her to break her line of sight away from the design. She stares at Ada.
‘So,’ Ada says, ‘this is the design you want?’
‘… yes.’
Ada closes the book and heaves it off of the girl’s lap, turning to place it on the counter. Turning back to Emily, she gently tugs the dazed girl’s hand until she stands up.
‘Turn around.’
Emily does nothing for a moment, then slowly turns until she’s facing away. Ada reaches forward and lifts the hem of the girl’s shirt, exposing the flawless expanse of the pale skin of her back. She’s wearing high-waisted pants. Ada places her palm against the girl’s spine, fingers aimed downward, and slips her hand into the waistband.
Her fingers slip downward against the unresisting girl’s skin until they discover the top of the cleft of her buttocks. Pulling them back slightly, she presses with the tips of her fingers just above the crack, and whispers in Emily’s ear, ‘You want it right here?’
‘… yes.’
‘Take off your pants.’
She steps back from the girl and watches the show. Emily is wearing fairly demure panties, but they shouldn’t pose a problem during the inking. Ada steps around her to the chair and begins pulling levers. The leather contorts and clunks into a new, unlikely configuration, and she leads Emily onto it. The girl straddles a raised hump and leans forward as the artist presses against her spine. The result is that the globe of Emily’s pale ass is effectively hanging in space while she leans against a support, her legs drawn forward and resting in a pair of valleys designed for that purpose.
Ada gently runs her hand down Emily’s back and gives her ass a little squeeze. The girl starts slightly, and shakes her head.
‘Wh… what is… what are…’
Ada walks over to the counter, opens the album, and unclips the design that had so fascinated the girl. Emily, meanwhile, is starting to extricate herself from the chair.
‘What.. did you…’
Ada walks over to face her. ‘You said you wanted a tattoo.’
‘Tattoo? No… no, I…’
‘You said you wanted this tattoo.’ Ada holds the design in front of the young girl’s face.
‘… yes’
‘You want me to mark your flesh with this.’
‘… flesh’
‘Tell me what you want.’
‘… tattoo’
‘Are you sure?’
‘… please… tattoo…’
‘Will you pay?’
‘… pay… i will pay.’
‘Will you pay forever?’
‘… forever…’
‘What will you do?’
‘ … forever… pay you forever…’
‘Will you pay me with your money?’
‘… yes’
‘Will you pay me with your flesh?’
‘… flesh…’
‘Tell me.’
‘… my money… my flesh…’
‘Your mind.’
‘… what…’
‘You will pay me with Emily. If you pay me with Emily, if you give up Emily, I will mark your skin with this. It will be part of you. Is that what you want?’
‘… i…’
‘… i…’
‘Do you want to be Emily, or do you want this on your skin?’
‘… i…’
‘… tattoo.’
‘Hello, boys. Still sunning yourselves like a pair of lizards, I see.’
Ray grins at the big man. ‘Hiya Carl, been a while. You here to see Ada?’
‘Yup. Got some family business to inflict on her.’
‘Ah, but family is such a blessing!’ says Eshwar.
‘Say that after you’ve helped my mom move her piano collection for the fiftieth time, Esh. I’ll try to stop by and catch up later, fellas.’
They nod to the big man as he heads away, towards his sister’s shop.
‘Hoo, caught one, did you?’
Ada finishes hugging her brother and steps back over to her stool, preparing to put the finishing touches on Emily’s new tattoo.
‘More like she caught herself. Look at which one she picked.’
He steps over to the girl’s head. Ada has taped the design to a floor lamp and drug it into Emily’s field of view. The unblinking girl is drooling a little. Carl studies the design.
‘Merciful Christ.’
He takes a closer look at her face. ‘She’s a pretty one, too.’
He runs a thick thumb along her slack lower lip for a moment, and then slips it inside her warm mouth. He bends close to her ear and whispers, ‘Suck.’
After a moment, her lips tighten around him, forming a seal, and her cheeks cave inward slightly as she begins to suckle his thumb. Glancing down to where his sister is working, just above the crack of the girl’s pale ass, he sees she’s almost done.
‘Well,’ he says, freeing his thumb with an audible pop, ‘good catch, either way.’
‘Thanks. So what do you need? You were cagey on the phone.’
She sighs. ‘God, no, I can’t take another weekend wasted helping that woman rearrange her house for the thousandth time.’
‘She’s your mother.’
‘She’s *your* mother, too!’
‘Yeah but she knows guilt trips don’t work on me. I’m just the messenger.’
The buzzing of the tattoo gun is the only noise for a few minutes as Ada finishes her work.
Once the tattoo is complete, save the final stroke, she sits back with a sigh. Then she looks up at her brother with a crafty look in her eye. ‘I’ll tell you what…’
He laughs. ‘Ohhhhh, no. You can’t talk me into taking your place up there. She drives me nuts.’
‘Hear me out. You take the bullet for me…’ she says, idly pulling down the back of Emily’s panties to reveal more of the girl’s ass to her brother, ‘… and you can have this one.’
Carl is silent for a moment. ‘And by ‘have’, you mean?’
Ada draws a finger where the missing stroke belongs in Emily’s tattoo. The girl shudders.
‘By ‘have’, I mean you’ll quicken her. Just make sure she sends me a few thousand.’
Carl is silent for a much longer moment. Finally, he says, ‘Dammit.’
Ada claps her hands and laughs. ‘Sucker!’
‘Oh shut up and let’s get it done.’
Still laughing, Ada gets up and does a shuffling little victory dance as she disappears into the back room. Carl stares at the body of the girl straddling the chair, frowning, until his sister reappears. Seeing his face, she says ‘Oh cheer up. Just think about what you’ll do to this one.’
He grunts and takes the small knife and dish his sister hands him. Slashing his thumb lightly, he dribbles a dozen drops of blood into the tiny bowl, then pinches the cut together and mumbles a few words under his breath. When he releases his skin, it is clean and unmarked, with no evidence remaining of the wound.
Ada takes the dish from her brother, and carefully loads a different, sterile needle into her gun. Using a special cartridge made just for the purpose, she mixes her brother’s blood with a drops drops of dark, swirling ink and reloads the gun.
The buzzing of the device fills the room again, and Ada e
xpertly completes the final stroke of the tattoo. She rolls her stool out of the way, and Carl approaches, and carefully places the fingertips of his left hand just so over the complex shape inked into the girl’s skin. When he’s satisfied with the placement, he lowers his thumb to touch the blood-infused final stroke his sister just finished inking.
The entire design flares brightly for a moment, and then fades, until no trace of it remains on Emily’s unmarked skin. The girl convulses, and begins to gasp as though she can’t get air. The siblings ignore her struggles, Ada retrieving the paper with Emily’s design on it and returning it to the album, and Carl walking to the front of the shop and looking out the window at the lowering sun. Emily eventually stops thrashing and just lies limp in the chair.
Ada says, ‘She’ll be out for at least an hour. Dinner? My treat.’
Carl nods. ‘Sure. What are you in the mood for?’
‘I don’t know, lets just walk and see what we find.’
‘Works for me.’
Ada looks around the shop as they leave, double checking that all is as it should be. After a moment, she walks over to the chair Emily still straddles, bends over, and picks up the girl’s pants from where they lie crumpled on the floor. She folds them neatly and lays them on the counter. Satisfied that everything is in order, she joins her brother outside and locks the door behind her.
Walking back from dinner in the twilight, they pass the bodega. The bench is empty.
‘Ray and Eshwar packed it in.’
‘Yeah, I saw them earlier. Those guys don’t ever change.’
‘You know Eshwar is bonded to the building, right?’
‘I did *not* know that. I guess he really *doesn’t* change, then. What about Ray?’
‘I’m not sure, but I heard him talking about his leg one time.’
‘Said he lost it in the ‘Great War”.
‘As in World War *One*?!’
‘That was my reaction. I didn’t say anything.’
‘Hunh. I’ve never picked up a glimmer off of either of them.’
‘Yeah well they were old when we were in diapers, if I’m right. They might be a little out of our league.’
‘Do they know about you?’
‘Ray once said something about liking having my shop around. Something about slowing down gentrification.’
‘Well, you do tend to attract the primary culprits. And they don’t tend to move in afterward.’
‘Just so.’
Ada unlocks the door to her shop. The two of them walk in to find a very confused girl trying to put her pants back on.
The girl is startled by the door opening, stumbling until she falls to her hands and knees, her pants wrapped around her calves. She looks up to see the tattoo artist and Owner walk in.
‘Wha…’ she says, then clears her throat. ‘What happen… ed. To. me.’
‘She came around pretty quick.’
Owner doesn’t reply, just looks at her for a moment as she struggles to get back to her feet.
Then he speaks. ‘Stay on all fours.’
She stops struggling, and just rests on her hands and knees. ‘What…’
‘Be quiet.’
She closes her mouth, and her desire to talk drains away.
Owner turns to the Ada, and says, ‘I’m still not convinced this is worth an entire weekend with mother.’
‘Deal’s a deal, brother mine. Want to take her for a spin? I kinda want to watch.’
He grunts in reply, staring at the girl. ‘Take your pants back off, and stand up.’
With a fluid grace she was unable to command moment before, Emily slips her calves out of the tangle of her clothing and rises to her feet. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks, though she makes no sound.
‘You may speak.’
‘*What did you do to me?!*’ she shrieks, causing both siblings to wince.
‘Indoor voice, please. Tell me your name.’
She opens her mouth to answer, but closes it after a moment and begins to sob.
‘Calm down, and relax.’
Peace floods her, and she draws a shuddering breath as her emotions come back under control.
‘The reason you can’t remember your name is that you sold it to my sister, here. Do you remember where you live?’
The girl mutely shakes her head.
He looks at his sister. ‘Everything?’
‘You saw the pattern she picked.’
He nods and turns back to the girl. ‘Do you remember why you sold yourself?’
‘I… So she would draw it on me.’
‘The picture.’
‘So she did, and I quickened it. Do you know what that means?’
Another negative shake.
‘What is my name?’
She speaks without hesitation. ‘Owner.’
‘Have I ever told you that?’
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Quickie SexBBQ Procedures!!! Standard Operating Procedures released today please learn. We are about to enter the BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity. When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of event are put into motion: Routine... The woman buys the food. The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert. The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray...
Dear Dirty Diary, Eight weeks had passed since Doug had come home from the hospital. He was still a little pale looking and complained of being cold all the time because of the blood thinners. The night before, he was detached and completely immersed in a Blue Jays baseball game. Early the following morning was gray and rainy and I was feeling quite sorry for myself. Like a fool looking for comfort, I went down into the den, popped in that Lisa Brokop “When I get to be you” CD into the...
Know what started it? We were all at home for once in the evening, me and my sister, my cousin and her mother, my mother’s sister and my parents. My mother was lying on one of our two three seater sofas with her feet across my father’s lap and I was sitting in the middle of the other sofa with my sister Kath on one side and my cousin Kate on the other. Aunty Barbara was sitting rather primly in the armchair. Mum’s back was more or less presented to us three and Dad was more or less hidden...
Chapter One: On the beachThe weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out.Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand, kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel."Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn"He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him."I guess""Here I'll do it"With that Mary Price knelt beside her teenage son, squirting sun cream onto his...
The Story of Rose(s), The first time Rose Sanchez saw Gary "Jake" Zalewski, she looked at her sister, Rosalie. Rosalie was looking at her. They nodded. Jake wasn't a prize by any means. He wasn't tall ... he wasn't short ... he absolutely wasn't pretty. He was medium tan. Since he came from the mountainous north of India his skin was a lot lighter than the southerners. He was by no means fair, but he wasn't truly dark. But, you know ... he was what they hadn't found in ... oh ......
TRAINING DAYI heard Julie's car pull around the side of the house. We had decided upon Sundays, 3:00 to 6:00, as Julie's usual service time. I headed back to the pet dressing room and closed the door to the kitchen behind me. I waited for Julie to come in the back door.When she entered, I said, "The first thing you do when you come in is to strip completely. Here are hangers and shelves for your clothes. Did you bring your knee pads?""Yes.""Good, set them on a shelf, strip and then go to...
IncestOn the ship it was simple to find their grid square, just as in the marquee there were easily visible numbers and coloured flags on the walls. They found red ten and sat on the floor. Mark told Shahana, Julie and Nurbaiti to put their clothes back on. "Safiya you will stay naked as punishment because you were too slow to strip and I had to remind you. You have to learn to obey." For a moment he thought Safiya would protest, but she thought better of it. Hopefully she would learn...
Hi friends, main ramesh hun aur me iss ka ek regular reader bhi hun. Me orissa se hun aur mujhe 18-35 saal ki ladkiyan bahot pasand he. Main apni real story pehli bar likh raha hun, isliye mistake hone par maaf kare. Mera e-mail id :- Yeh baat tab ki he jab me 18 saal ka tha aur tab mera lund 5.5” ka tha. Humari pados me ek bidhwa aunty rehti thi, jo ki behad khoobsurat thi. Unki ek 7 saal ki beti thi jo apne mama k paas rehti thi. Jab woh aunty chalti thi tab me unki boobs aur gaand dekh kar...
The day was not even half over, and Everett had me bring another pair of girls in for the dogs, while he had Mitch take one to the dungeon. I gathered that it was Mitch’s first time alone there with a girl, and went to watch what he did. Unlike Everett, who would just tell me to grab a girl or two, Mitch went to the basement with me and pointed out one he wanted, a girl about 5’1”, with long black hair that went to her waist. She was thin, but not skinny, and her tits were about a c cup,...
Chapter 1 ‘So then why are you with him?’ he asked, looking over at his best friend as they sat on the brick wall behind her house. ‘Rayne, you know how much I love him, plus I have to be there for Sammy.’ Alexis defended, knowing it sounded pathetic, even to her. ‘Bull.’ he said, calling her on it immediately. ‘You’re just as bad as him if you keep using that kid as your scape goat. Anyways, if you love him so much, you wouldn’t have bothered calling me down here to bitch about him.’ ...
Dodging her flailing arms and legs, ignoring the tiny fists that pounded and beat with a steady staccato rhythm at their shoulders, arms, and chest, the three young boys carried the screaming policeman's wife to the one-room cabin. Jim took command of 'Operation Wife Bait, ' as he called it. "All right, you guys," he commanded with a jerk of his blonde head, "Clear off that mattress and put down a blanket. We're gonna keep our little pigeon here as comfortable as possible." He stood...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any relation to people or circumstances in real life may or may not exist. Don’t think too much, just enjoy. Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up. All that fucking made me hungry. I saw that Shruti was in a deep sleep. I walked to the kitchen to get a little snack. I was surprised to find the kitchen lights were on. It turned to excitement when I saw my mother-in-law there. She was drinking some milk. “Oh, hi! Feeling hungry?” Somehow, I felt...
One of the first things Donnie noticed when he got back to school after the summer of his fourteenth year was that the teachers began to look more attractive to him than he had remembered. His sexual training with his parents during the summer had awakened his senses to the beauty of his female teachers and the masculinity of his male teachers. He was particularly attracted to his English teacher, and since Donnie was a good student he always chose a seat at the front of the class, close to...
According to the preacher's texts, The Holy revealed His new calendar when Bandar the Wanderer entered the seaport city of Punta Arenas at the southern end of the ancient and mythical country of Chile. He came less than a month after the War of the Burning Metals and the blazing of Shaitan's fires across the globe. Eight years later the Holy revealed Bandar as His preacher and anointed him Bel'dar, creating the first of the Cunif Califar. We are all taught geography as children of course....
I sat back and made myself as comfortable as I could under the circumstances. To my surprise, a woman came in with thick woven mats for us to sit on. They were a lot more comfortable than the hard bamboo floor. Then the same young girl came in with a small table and set it down between us. She returned in a few minutes with coffee and some small cakes for us to snack on. I sat and sipped my coffee and tentatively helped myself to one of the cakes. To my great delight, they were sweet sesame...
Not to make light of a terrible hurricane that caused horrible destruction to the fabric of our society and to our beloved city, but as far as I can recall this is exactly what happened (though of course I?ve changed the names) when we rode the storm out, so here?s our story.We live in New Orleans, and love the city. My name is Sherri and my husband Dan and I moved there five years ago, but we?ve built our retail businesses there and have made lots of friends, so when Hurricane Katrina arrived...
It has been just over six months now since Chris walked out. I would like to say it has been for the best and that we had worked things out. But that would be a lie. Chris moved back to Florida, for a while he had moved back in with his mom, but then he found a new girlfriend then moved out with her. Roxy, his ex girlfriend, moved out of the apartment two weeks after Chris had left. I see her now and then. She works at the rock place we had all went out to for dinner. It seems like only...
InterracialWe were just over 16 years old when I and my childhood best friend Tim, discovered masturbation. And once we did, we couldn’t have enough of it. More often than not we would be at secluded places jerking off over porn magazines. From then onwards I realised I was getting more excited watching Tim masturbating rather than the porn, and soon I started wondering rather intensively how would his cock feel in my hand and mouth. But I was always too scared to ask to touch or taste it. The curiosity...
One day while surfing through the profiles on a swinger’s web site that I go to, I saw a new profile with a picture that looked very familiar. The name on the profile was Hot Jade. She was an 18 year old bi Asian female looking for men or women from 18 to 50 years old. Her photo was a shot of her totally nude, kneeling on a bed and she was HOT++. That’s all I can say about her body is that she looked hot++. She had a sweet young face and a smile that just made me melt every time I looked at...
Phil looked over his mums shoulder and saw Roger watching, he knew he was being tested.rog gad said that he wanted Phil to be number two in the group,this would give him power over every member, with their full agreement. He made a decision" before we go out there, and give them all what they want, you submitting to me,we need to get some things out in the open. Shut up and listen, arms by your side, turn round and close your eyes" His mum hesitated and then obeyed, tears on her cheeks. Phil...
It is surpassing strange how much understanding might be given between two men without a single word in common, only by expressions of the face, gestures, and fraught looks. It was enough of a foundation to build on, and I soon learned the trading language of gesture, which was held in common with most of the tribes which had intercourse and exchange, and with those who interacted with them, and so forth. My bride's name was Do rah meh, and she indicated that it meant the swift swooping...
Two days later, I picked up the phone and called Tom. ‘You won’t believe what my wife said.” “I’ll bet it was pretty choice, whatever it was,” he answered. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Well, all she had to do was snap her fingers and you dropped me like a rock,” he said. “You know I didn’t have a choice,” I said “I told you all along that my marriage and family come first.” “Yeah, but you could have called me just once, or even emailed, sent up smoke signals, anything,” he...
Gay MaleMaking Mombyhandlewithcare©This tale of my i****tuous relationship with my mother differs in two ways from most i****t stories on this site. First, this story is true. Whether the reader chooses to believe it isn't my concern. Secondly, mine is not a tale of some teenager with a monster (?) cock and a mother who swoons as soon as she sees it. Rather, this is the account of how I seduced my mother when I was 32, married with two k**s, and mom was 49. She was the mother of three—myself, the...
Hello, Indian Sex Stories readers, this is my first sex story. The first real sex story that happened a few weeks ago. My name is Sunny Desai, 21-year-old Gujarati guy, living in Ahmedabad with the light muscular body and 7-inch dick. Now, coming to the sex story, It had been the regular routine for me to visit my Mama’s house at Surat every year for summer vacation since my childhood. I had 3 Mamas(Mother’s brother) all 3 of them got married and had joint family business in the diamond...
IncestYou have to understand that to a 19 year old who was shy and had a severe lack of confidence at the time, a gig as a bouncer was like a shot of powerful steroids in to the arm when it came to self image. Up to that point I had been with 3 girls in my entire life and 2 of them were only 3rd base. I did have a sort of long term relationship with the 3rd girl but that lasted about 9 months when I was 17. I will tell you about that in a later Diary. On my first night, I was shown the ropes...
Eoric surveyed the Pictish settlement at Perth in the last of the darkness just before dawn. He stood under a large oak tree to keep himself out of the steady rain that was falling around him. His senses picked up that there was considerable activity inside the settlement and he decided he would need to move in closer to find out what was going on. As he walked carefully towards the town he was aware that there were many people stationed just inside the large earthen mound that encircled the...
Officer McConnell's "accident" finding made it possible for me to collect the money from Mom's life insurance policy. I used it to bury her and pay off the mortgage and credit cards. That left the monthly bills, stuff like property taxes, insurance, utilities, clothes, food... I forged Mom's signature and deposited the checks that came from our bastard dad by mail, then wrote checks or withdrew money from the joint account in my own name to pay the bills. It paid nearly all of them. We...
“She seems super nice,” Roy said. “Everybody does so far.” Shame he didn’t remember anyone else’s name. Riley would probably stick, though, being the only girl he’d met today. “Do you want to see her naked?” Roy was taken completely aback by Corbin’s follow-up question. Other than having been wowed by all the large, closed offices, each with private bathrooms, it had been an uneventful series of handshakes so far. Riley had been polite and welcoming. He complimented the fluffiness of her cat...
Hi readers, My name is Treesa. Let me explain myself to you before starting the stories of my sex journey! I am 23 years old, little chubby, big boobs(38 D) that will sway as I walk and I just love to show it off by wearing tight t-shirts! I have a big ass too that can make people’s dick hard. People call me a sex bomb when they see me and I love to hear such sexy comments which will make me wet. But I did not got a chance to have sex until last month! Before that, people have pressed and...
Luna Lovegood woke to the sound of birds singing outside the window. Slowly sitting up and pulling her bright blonde hair, she looked around. The girl's dorm room as empty. "huh? where did everyone go?" she asked herself, slowly getting out of bed. "did I miss breakfast again?" she looked out. there were no students in the courtyards and everything was quiet. She crept down the stairs to the common room, which was also empty. "did everyone just vanish?" She looked around and spotted a note...
FetishWiley Bills got dressed for his evening out and glanced through the open door of the bathroom at his wife Jan as she got ready, "How about we just stay home tonight?" He asked in a tired voice. "You know Dan and Marie are counting on us," Jan said, leaning over to put on her mascara. Dan was Wiley's assistant coach and nearly every Saturday night without fail Wiley and his wife Jan went out with Dan Wilson and his wife Marie. But Wiley had a feeling of uneasiness that he couldn't...
Rachel and I continued on down the path back to where our cars waited for us. I estimated we were half way to the timer going off again, and so far we'd walked in perfect silence. If she felt anything like me, then her senses would be firing on all cylinders at the moment. A light breeze had picked up, and was gently wafting through the trees to our right-hand side. The result was that every now and again, a branch creaked, or some leaves rustled on the ground. When it did, we'd both...
ExhibitionismStrangers in the Night: 13. Things were just fine for four races on the WRC ... until I caught a rival manager messing with the rebuild set up. Every race the girls and I replaced shocks and shock housings, bushings, seals and gaskets, any dented or damaged body parts and all the glass and mirrors. Every stage of every race, the brake rotors and pads get changed out. Constant velocity housings, driveshaft universal joints and the shafts themselves get banged and dented and all that gets...
We had always enjoyed a robust sexual relationship and had had a number of exquisite sexual activities with others. We had agreed early on that we wouldn’t have any unilateral “fooling around” and would confine our activity to only having sexual adventures together. Consequently, we’d had several swinging sessions with other couples and a long term relationship with another couple that lasted for several years. We even had several three-way group sex sessions including an on-going...
Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...