Mack's ProgressChapter 2 free porn video

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I wasn't at all sure where I was going to, when I loaded my car. I was well aware that I didn't need to stay local; actually that was the last thing I wanted to do, what with all the family thinking I was some kind of a pervert for one thing. And when my friends discovered that I was no longer with Lindsey they would want to know why we'd broken up. What do I tell them? That she'd kept her legs crossed for me, but was shagging some squaddy behind my back? Shit, that story was going to get out sometime anyway and I was going to look a prize prick.

I thought of going down to the coast and maybe finding a full time job with one of the fishing charter companies. But I scrapped that idea because most of my friends went sea fishing, someone was bound to spot me on one of their trips before very long and word would get around on where I'd sneaked off to.

Then the idea of Norfolk came into my head. There were plenty of holiday sailing and cruiser hire companies up there. I wondered it I could get a job in one of those hire boatyards. That would mean I was working around boats at least, even if they were only Broads' Holiday Cruisers.

Cutting across town I made my way up the A12 past Ipswich and on up to Lowestoft on the coast of East Anglia. Once there I was in Norfolk's Broads region and I began driving from one small Broadland town or village to the next, looking for... ? Oh, shit, I had no idea what I was looking for. A bloody great sign outside a boatyard that said 'Help Wanted, preferably a pissed off big city teenager' maybe. I had no idea what I was looking for or how I expected to find it.

I'm not sure what time I pulled into the riverside pub car park. I didn't have much choice really - I'd run out of road. I'd thought there might be a boatyard at the end of the little lane but the road terminated at a waterside pub called "The Willow's Ferry". As I hadn't eaten all day I thought I might as well see if they did food and possibly they might do B&B so I could find a bed for the night there.

The pubs low ceiling made the bar fairly dark inside. There were a few lights on behind the bar itself, I gathered so that the staff could see what they were doing when pulling pints. Not that there were any staff in sight, I assumed that they were out in the riverside garden, which was pretty crowded with patrons, in contrast to the deserted bar.

Taking a seat on one of the stools by the bar I made myself comfortable until someone decided to put in an appearance. I'd been sitting there for about five minutes before a pair of Bristols walked in from the garden carrying a tray of empty glasses. I had to mention them now because ... well, they were not something that any male of our species would not notice first about her; they must have come through the door a good half a second before the rest of the young woman did.

"Oh, where did you spring from, luvver?" the broad Norfolk accent, attached to the Bristols asked. And, no, I hadn't got around to looking at her face yet.

I gestured to the door that led in from the car park.

"Well, I'll be, kind of took me by surprise. Most customers come by boat or along the towpath at this time of year. What can I get you?" she asked, making her way behind the bar. Ditching the empty glasses, she began filling half a dozen or so more.

"Pint of best. And do you do food?" I replied, finally forcing myself to look up from those ginormous tits, to her face. It was an extremely pretty face that was wearing a grin that told me she was well aware of where my concentration had been since she'd entered the room.

Actually it is possible that those Bristols weren't quite as large as they first appeared. The young woman couldn't have stood more than four foot ten or eleven. Her short height seemed to accentuate the size of those breasts. She looked like she needed a counterbalance on her back to support the damned things. Whatever, they were large by any normal standards and to be honest they looked not far short of comical on her. Although I doubted that most hot-blooded young men would have been laughing in quite the way you would imagine if they could get their hands on the damned things.

Where was I? See, I was soon to discover that's the affect those Bristols of Millie's had on most guys.

The barmaid, who I rapidly was to learn was called Millie, pulled my pint as she was pulling the order she'd obviously taken from outside and placed it in front of me.

"I'll send Martha in to get your order, as she's doing food!" she said looking me straight in the eye. Then she looked down at her appendages, then back up into my eyes, grinned, winked and then left for the garden again carrying a tray laden with beer.

A few seconds later a much older woman appeared who I gathered was Martha. Efficiently but in a manner that told me the last thing she wanted was another food order she listed what was available and I chose sandwiches. That brought an unwarranted look of disgust from Martha, before she retreated to wherever she'd been hiding when I'd arrived.

Shortly those Bristols returned attempting to hide behind another tray full of empty glasses and Millie set about filling another tray full of pints, half pints and assorted shorts.

"On holiday?" she threw in my direction.

"Nope, looking for a job and some digs for the night. Do you do B&B here?" I replied.

Millie fixed me with a sideways look. "Doing what?"

"Dunno, thought I might find work in one of the boat hire places."

"You'll be lucky! You're not a boat builder; I can see that by the look of your hands. All the boat yards around here want fully skilled men to keep the boats up to scratch during the season," she commented.

'Well, there goes that idea out the bloody window, ' I thought to myself.

"What about B&B?" I asked her.

"I'll have a word with the landlady," she replied, hoisting the fully loaded tray and heading for the garden again.

Martha returned just long enough to place my cheese and tomato sandwiches on the bar beside me.

"You looking for work?" A definitely no nonsense and commanding female voice said from behind me as I started tucking into the first sandwich.

I glanced around to see an attractive woman, possibly in her late thirties or early forties had entered from the garden. I figured that the tray of empties she was carrying marked her out as the landlady that Millie had mentioned.

"Yeah." I nodded in reply to her.

"Can you change a barrel?" she asked, moving behind the bar and starting to fill up glasses as Millie had done before her.

"Changed a few in my time, but that's all," I replied.

"How about washing out the pipes? Have you ever worked in a public house?"

"No, can't say I have. I've changed the odd barrel at parties and the like, but I've never worked in a pub."

"There's only Millie, my two girls and myself here most of the time. I did have a bar come cellar man but I got rid of him. He took a little too much interest in my girls; you'd better think about that before you accept the job. I can offer you room, full board and all the beer you can handle, providing you don't overdo things. The money ain't good and the hours are worse, but at the end of the season we have a divvy up on how well the season's gone. You interested?"

She'd taken me completely by surprise and for a moment I didn't know how to answer.

"Well, what do you say? I haven't got all day," she demanded.

"But you know nothing about me!" I stumbled out eventually, feeling that I had to say something.

"No, I don't, but you look clean enough, and I've got about a hundred thirsty people out by the river and there's just Millie and me to serve them. From today until after the school holidays finish it only gets worse. So what do you say?"

I made a quick decision off the top of my head. "My name's Mack," I offered by way of reply.

"Right, Mack, finish your sarnie and then get behind the bar. Millie and I will take the orders and look after the cash; you pull the pints and mix the drinks for the time being. Oh, if you get any time, get out there and collect some empties when you can. Do you know how to use that glass washer?

I shook my head in the negative.

"Millie will show when she comes in. Oh, I'm Beverly - Bev to most folks!"

Then she was gone out into the garden again and I began a crash course in bartending in a country pub during the busy season.

The next couple of hours flew by with Millie showing me how to use the glass washer and where the cellar was. There were bottles to be brought up and shelves to refill besides changing several barrels during the afternoon. The old arm was aching a bit from pulling all those pints as well.

A couple of times - well, a lot of times really - Millie came behind the bar with me and I'm damned sure she rubbed those Bristols across my lower back on purpose. Although to be fair there wasn't much room behind that bar, so I could have been reading more into that than there was.

It must have been about half five when two very good-looking young ladies entered by the car park entrance. One look told me that they were Beverly's girls that she'd mentioned earlier.

"Ooh wee, Pat, look what mother's found!" one of them said when she saw me loading the glass washer.

"Lay off, you two!" Bev's voice came from the garden door. "Mack, these are my daughters Patricia and Michelle. That's Mack and he's helping us out for a few weeks. Now, Pat, get into the kitchen and help Martha out; she's been snowed under all afternoon. And Michelle you'd better give Millie a break, the poor girls been on her feet since ten o'clock. Old Bert never turned in and we've been running about like blue arsed flies all day. Then you'd better spell Mack here for a while, he hasn't sat down since he walked in the door either."

Both girls called, "Hi, Mack, catch you later!" then ran upstairs where I think they must have just changed their shoes, because they were down again in minutes and working like a couple of beavers.

Millie came in and hoisted herself onto one of the bar stools just after Michelle went out into the garden.

"It ain't always as bad as this!" she said in her Norfolk accent. "But bank holidays are always pretty bad. Surprising what difference it makes not having Bert here to pick up the empties."

"Bert?" I asked wondering who the hell he was.

"He's the pot-man. Just an old boy from the village, collects the empties for his beer. Nice old boy, but he's getting on a bit and has funny turns some days. We certainly miss him when he ain't here."

I had my break and then the evening was more of the same, although more folks moved into the bar as the light began to fade and the evening got cooler. Some customers began to turn up in cars as well. With Bev's daughters there, it became easier for everyone and Beverly took time to show me where I was going to sleep. She explained that it had been a brew house at one time but her husband had it converted into a little self-contained cottage.

It consisted of one large room with a sofa, a four-foot bed and a little kitchenette (reminded me of Lindsey's place but smaller) and a separate toilet and shower. The main point was it was accessible from outside the pub, so I wasn't sleeping in the same building as the women. Could be that I felt a little disappointment in that. But later it was to prove a real boon.

To be honest the rest of the weekend was a bit of a blur. I must have been dog tired when I finally got to bed that night and it seemed only a minute or two later that Millie was banging on the door telling me that breakfast was on the table in the kitchen. After a hurried breakfast, punctuated by people knocking on the kitchen door asking for Sunday papers, milk, eggs butter and the like.

Bev sold those things during the summer. "Out here, if there's a captive market you have to tap into it," Bev explained. "I've got an arrangement with the nearest village store."

Then it was all hands down to cleaning the pub and restocking the bar for "Sunday's bash" as Bev termed opening hours. I was introduced to old Bert when he turned up; it was surprising, he recovered a great number of glasses that we'd missed the day before. Amazing just where people will put empty glasses, considering there are tables about ten feet away.

Some of the boats out on the river moved on and others arrived to take their place, some obviously planning to stop overnight while others moored just for an hour or so. Whatever, once twelve o'clock came along we were back in full swing again. The intricacies of the till were explained to me and for just some of the time I was aware of Bev and Millie mentally checking my calculations. But they appeared satisfied. I was pretty well shattered when I hit the hay on the Sunday evening.

The bank holiday Monday seemed to be worse than the Saturday had been, but thinking about it I'd worked less than a third of the Saturday. That Monday was a real killer. Damn. I was working so hard, I don't remember much of the day. So it was the third evening on the trot that I collapsed into bed exhausted. Only I didn't go straight off to sleep that night, I lay there thinking about what had happened in the last couple of weeks. When I did finally get to sleep, I dreamt about Lindsey being with that bleeding squaddy again.

"Christ, you look shattered this morning," Millie said as I joined the four ladies at the table for breakfast.

"Yeah, didn't sleep as well as I could have," I replied.

"Leave it out, Millie. You're used to this work; Mack will get into the swing of things in a few days," Bev said. "Right, Mack, I'm off to the cash and carry this morning, you'd better come with me so you know where it is and you can carry the heavy stuff for me."

The two girls and Millie looked at Bev when she'd made that statement, and then at each other. Something passed between them; I know not what?

"So what's your story, Mack?" Beverley asked as we pulled onto the lane from the pub car park.

"Sorry?" I replied, feigning ignorance about what she was asking.

"Come off it, young man. What are you running away from and why?"

I didn't answer her.

"Come on, what is it? A girl or a wife? No, I don't think you're the type to run out on a wife, bit young for kids anyway. So it's got to be a girl, but why haven't you been in touch with your family since you've been up here? I know it's only three days but you haven't called a soul."

Shit, if I didn't tell Bev she'd have written her own scenario by the time we got to the cash and carry.

"It was a girl, Beverley. I discovered that she's been sleeping with a squaddy behind my back. To be honest, I get the feeling that I was the diversion whilst he's been stationed overseas."

"Oh, nasty of her. Stringing you along, was she?"

"Yeah, you could say that!"

"But why haven't you been in touch with your family though?"

"They took her side. To their mind, I was at fault!"

"How do they work that one out?"

"Please don't ask, Bev. It's all too damned complicated for me to think about."

"Fine, as you wish, Mack. I'll not ask any more. But we'll need to get the legal side of things sorted out; I'm going to need your P45 before too long."

"I'll call my old boss and have it sen..." I stopped speaking as I realised that I didn't want to let Peters know where I was living. There was a chance he'd tell Lindsey or even my family. Okay I was probably being bloody minded, but for the time being at least I wanted to have disappeared off the face of the earth as far as everyone was concerned. Beverley must have realised what I was thinking.

"Don't worry about it, Mack. I'll give you the address of a pub in Norwich and they can forward it on from there. My sister and her husband are the landlords there; they won't tell anyone where you are if they can help it."

We filled Bev's car up with all kinds of stock that she needed for the pub and then returned. She told me that she might need me to run down there on my own sometimes, mentioning that Millie didn't drive and that her daughters were at college a lot of the time.

We hadn't been back at the pub long when the brewery dray arrived. For the next hour or so I was down in the cellar with Millie swinging barrels and beer crates around. I was surprised that, for her size, Millie could handle a full barrel of beer better than I could. Mind, she had had the practice and she had some extra weight, if you understand me.

I think it was during that afternoon that I realised that Millie's Bristols rubbing against my back hadn't been as accidental as I'd thought it had. I knew Millie's appendages were somewhat larger than most. But none of the other women - Beverley, Patricia or Michelle - seemed to find it necessary when they passed behind me. Well, to the extent that I felt Millie's tits on my back anyway.

Although I was damned sure that both Michelle and Patricia backed into me - supposedly accidentally - more than once. Michelle commented, "Oh, I see you enjoyed that!" on one occasion, then giggling to herself as she carried the drinks she'd been pouring out into the garden.

Yeah, well, all four women had damned fine figures and both Patricia and Michelle wore rather short cut off denims and blouses tied just below their breasts, leaving a large area of bare midriff showing. "Does wonders for the tips from the dirty old men!" Patricia said when I complimented her on her appearance one day. "But keep your hands to yourself or mother will castrate you. Either that, or Millie will scratch my eyes out. She's after sampling your wares, you know?"

I didn't reply, figuring it was better to feign ignorance again. But Millie was to prove Pat correct the following morning. Bev had gone off somewhere; I assumed that the girls had left for college early. I was down in the cellar with Millie where she was showing me how to clean out the pipes when it happened.

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*ring, ring* *ring, ring*…. *Click* “Report.” “We lost something from the restricted vault.” “Lost. What did ‘we’ lose?” “Serial number 0001.” “The Order of Saint John doesn’t lose things from the vault! If this breaks containment we may not be able to contain it again. If it spreads… it could take centuries to fix.” “My people are looking. I can fix this.” “You have twenty-four hours. If it’s not back by then I’ll have to call the main office.” “Yes sir. Deus Vult.” “Deus Vult.”...

2 years ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee Part 3

My college just got over and i was leaving when i saw her standing next to my car furious. Mereko dekhte ghoorne lagi gusse mai. Maine kha get in and hum drive pe nikal gaye! Me- kya hua… Itna kyu naraz ho.. Her- tum.. Tum chup raho.. Mereko itna pagal kar dia hai tumne! Me- aray.. Her- ignore ignore… Tumse badi hu.. Lekin kitne mast tarike se bolte ho phone pe ki aaj mann nahi hai mera! Mann nahi hai? Phele to itni hawas hoti thi ki mere office se aate he ghr phonch jata tha.. Dost k ghar...

2 years ago
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Looking for Love in Lyrica

I throw open the shutters of my second-floor bedroom and look out over Lyrica. The morning sky is pure blue, and sunlight glitters from many-colored rooftops all the way down to shore. I can hear the cries of the merchants down at the bazaar, and the rattling of carts in the streets. I can smell fresh bread from the bakery downstairs, and a hint of a salt breeze from the harbor. And where the faraway waves disappear into the horizon, I can see a sea dragon lift her head above water to trumpet a...

2 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 4 Fools Paradise

In the beginning, my relationship with Adi and Kat was confined to the weekends, usually Friday evening, Saturday and returning back to my little place on Sunday noon. During the week each of us was dedicated to our responsibilities and confined our relationship to the occasional morning coffee and conversation if we were in the same vicinity. I have to confess that I was as happy as hell with what had happened. I was involved with two very amazing women, amazons I suppose you could call...

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Dancing With My Sister

Seeing her PJs fall down in front of me was really hot. I touched myself while imagining all her clothes coming off. The next weekend I found myself alone with my sister in the living room. I guess none of her friends had been available. I had really wanted to see her dancing again. “No music tonight?” I asked. “I bet you’re sick of it,” she said. “Nah, it’s cool. Put some on.” She gave me a funny look. “Why?” “Because I’m bored.” She smirked. “Are you gonna dance with me?” I...

3 years ago
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nayantara mom series 9

#NayanMom part 9Intha ulagam ithuvaraikum parkatha oru amma magan paasatha antha iravu mulukka nanga share panikita piragu early mornng enaku munadiye elunthu amma kovil kulathula kulichu mudichu fresh agitu vanthutanga. Nanum valakam pola romba late ah 10 maniku elunthu kulichutu ready anen. Yesterday nanga kondu vanthuruntha sandwiches eduthu breakfast mudichom. pakkathulaye anga inga suthi parthom.Lunch time vanthapothan engaluku pasika arambichuchu, mom sonnanga vada villageku poi ethachum...

1 year ago
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Enjoying The Most Beautiful Lady I Meet

Hi…Friends … After enjoying Indian sex stories for couple of months, I felt to share one of my real experience with you all. As this is my first story, and am not that good descriptive in writing..Enjoy it. I am Rakesh 36 happily married businessman from Ahmadabad. This sweet incident happened with me when I attended a product launch party of one of my friend in Daman. It was arranged at a fantastic sea facing luxurious resort, after all formal launching ceremony in the evening was over we all...

4 years ago
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The Real Estate Connection Ch 03

This chapter contains violence. I have tried to tame it down as much as possible out of deference to those with tender constitutions. I have kept it to a minimum but thought it would be better to warn you in advance. Thanks for your patience in waiting for this chapter. Breakfast next morning was a festive affair completely lacking in any of the awkwardness that I thought might surface after the previous night’s activities. The girls were chatting happily as I dragged myself downstairs after...

1 year ago
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My little secret

I'm Alex, 29 years old. My friends say that i'm hot. I'm married to Tana, very hot and , much to the envy of my friends. My son Brad is in school now. Though i have a sexy wife, i'm unable to resist my desire to fuck other hot women. Speaking frankly, I've fucked 3 women after my marriage, though my wife doesn't know it. My wife had arranged a tution teacher for my son who comes to teach him every evening for two hours. The teacher was a 23 year old hottie by the name Lisa who made me hot...

Erotic Fiction
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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy E

January 2, 2006, I had just entered the Manhattan high-rise in the heart of Times Square where I work. I was the founder and CEO of Goodfella$, a successful American men’s magazine. Everybody in the building acknowledged me because I am the playboy known as the Nature Boy. I knew most of the women in my company, married or not, would sleep with me for bragging rights or career advancement. I often heard rumors about the women speculating the size of my dick. Hey, I cannot help if I had a...

1 year ago
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Enter the FutaVerse

Throughout multiple galaxies, there was something going on. War, negotiations, slave trade, peace keeping and through it holes were being stuffed with cum and moans rang out in mass. Cock sucking, balls against chins and cheeks, tits being suckled, and of course, tentacle play. Creatures flew, slithered, and walked in the same direction really: sex and lots of it. Somewhere in the many galaxies, an alien was caught by smaller aliens, a primitive tribe of aliens, that tied her down and ravaged...

3 years ago
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Twin troubles

Twin troubles CBA [The present] 'Arg that's so uncomfortable!' Jayson thought as he once again had the desire to pick the thong out of his ass again. He just wasn't used to it anymore, it had been years since he had worn women's clothing for an entire day. But then he saw the woman he was waiting for, the undeclared love of his life Cindy MacLean. He waved when they made eye contact and a smiling Cindy waved back and started making her way towards him. "Hey, Jayson you look...

4 years ago
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in love with love

what makes us different from a****ls is we form relationships.or at least some of us do.some of us just behave like a****ls.straight in straight out wham bam thank you mam and move on to the next pussy.well i am not like that.dont get me wrong i love pussy.i love making love to a woman.i like to think of a woman like a christmas present.not all the biggest presents are the best.not always the most expensive ones either.they need to be unwrapped with care and attention.and then the surprise you...

2 years ago
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Bisexual Kinky Couple 8211 Hottest Encounter

Hi, indian sex stories readers. My name is Yash. I am 27 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate another real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much iss for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Some of the writers here are spectacular at what they do, they literally make you feel like you are a part of the story and you are doing all those things in your wild...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Mimi Curvaceous Humping the Curvaceous Step Sister

Mimi Curvaceous walked by her step brothers room. Guess what? He was humping his pillow! Next she was in the kitchen cooking. That pervert Johnny the Kid started to rub himself on her leg. As he didn’t want to stop Mimi grabbed him by his throat and pinned him to the wall. Did he really want some chocolate ass? She threw him to the floor and sat on his face. Then she took out his dick. Wow, her step brother was blessed! She pressed that dick between her breasts! They titty fucked! They did...

1 year ago
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My Tale To Tell Part II

By: Naughty_kusum After the breakfast Sagar left for office and it was time for kanhu to get ready for school. Kusum: Kanhu beta aaj mummy aap ko nehlaye to chalega? Tumhe bahut der ho rahi he Kanhu: Thik he maa (some how he was horny today after the breakfast session so he agreed for the bathing session). Kusum made hot water ready to bathe her son and got set in the bathroom. She was still wearing the deep cut blouse without any bra and the petticoat. With all her fleshy curves she was...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Emma Hix Eliza Ibarra Gabbie Carter Strip Pillow Fight

Eliza Ibarra, Emma Hix, and Gabbie Carter are feeling a little bummed. They had planned to have their annual water fight but the weather put a damper on their plans. Once they’re inside, they try to figure out something else to do to honor their friendly competition… and that’s when a pillow fight breaks out! As the girls giggle and duke it out with each other, Emma suddenly becomes inspired. To make things interesting, why don’t they turn it into a strip game?? Each...

2 years ago
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Michelle Most of this story is true with a little bit of fantasizing. Guess I am a wannabe sissy and only just a CD. God I feel good! I'm stepping out of the house as Michelle. I don't get to do that very often as my wife isn't to keen on me being out in public. Today I have an appointment with my therapist and it gives me the opportunity to be me. It feels so wonderful walking out of the house with the sound of my high heels on the pavement, my skirt sliding over my nylons, my...

1 year ago
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What Was In The Past Stays In The Past

Matt- Spiked black and purple hair that falls into his bright green eyes, perfect teeth, about 5'9", and 130 pounds. Lip ring on the left side of his lip. Tattoos on his back, neck, chest, arms, and stomach. But not too many. Sonny- Shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes, very skinny, stands about 5 feet 3 inches tall. Snake-bite lip rings. No tattoos. I snuck up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes. “Guess who?" I whispered in his ear. “Mattie!" I uncovered his eyes and spun him...

2 years ago
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Bar Hopping

Waiting for him to come was something I did all the time anymore, it was getting pretty old, and I was tired of not having my husbands attention. When we first married the sex was so hot we couldnt get enough of each other. Now that he spent all the time at the office, I never saw him, and he never called. I figured that he was having an affair, even though I confronted him he swore that he wasnt, its just something that women know. I decided I wasnt going to stay home on this particular Friday...

1 year ago
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Do Pariwaron Ka Milan

Hi friends, main shukriya ada krta hun ISS ka jisne mujhe apne anubhav aap sab logon tak pahunchane ka mauka diya. Jinhone mujhe mail krke comments bheje unka bhi mere khade lund se dhanyavad. Aur jinhone milkar mujhse apni choot aur gaand marwayee unhen us meethe se hole pr meri ek jordar pappi. Keep commenting and giving more inspiration. Main raj aapko apni behan simran and mom usha ke sath chudai gatha aapko pehle hi bta chukka hun apni pehle ki kahaniyon me jinka tile tha….ghar me swarg...

3 years ago
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Fun with My BrotherinLaws Dog repost

Once we gave Buddy away to my aunt, we didn’t have a dog at home anymore. That didn’t stop me from getting my kicks though. My sister is 10 years older than me and she got married when I was around 16. Her husband had a wonderful dog named Barney who was a black and tan German Shepherd/St. Bernard mix. He was about the size of a shepherd, with all the goofy enthusiasm of a young energetic dog not long out of puppyhood. I spent a lot of time after school at my sister’s house since she lived...

1 year ago
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From Business To Pleasure Episode 3 Morning

A soft kiss on my lips stirs me from my sleep. Or it is the tickling of flowing strands of hair on my cheek? And as I inhale deeply, my nostrils are greeted by the scent of freshly ground coffee. Whichever sensation woke me, I'm happy for it, because the first thing I see is her bent over me, warm almond eyes looking into mine. So, last night wasn't a dream! She is the sexy Japanese woman I met last in my hotel, evidently having spent the night in my room after our evening of steamy sexual...

Oral Sex
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A Night with my Friend Furry MM

Finally I got up, with the clump of tissues with my own semen in my paw and walked over to the bedroom, throwing it in the toilet before sitting down to go on with my business. I took my phone along and checked what was on the agenda. “Oh yeah, Luke wants to come by later. So what’s going on in the world?” I browsed through my news-feed with nothing too interesting going on except the usual political feuds, rising and falling trends in various stocks – only reading for curiosity and being on...

2 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 34

I woke up to the feeling of Kelly snuggling against me. She grinned, leaned over me, and gave me a kiss. “Time to get up, sweetie,” Kelly said as she gave me another kiss. “Are you okay now?” I said. Kelly nodded her head. “I know I was being silly last night.” “So, do you still want to marry me?” I said as I found Kelly’s breasts with my hands. Kelly grinned as she nodded her head. I massaged her breasts for a few moments and then got up. Kelly and I went to the bathroom to get ready for...

1 year ago
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AnalMom Silvia Saige Stepmoms Cam Show

Secretive MILF Silvia Saige is a loving stepmom with a vibrant family life. But when the family’s away, the MILF will play. She locks the front door and rushes up to the bathroom to film herself as she indulges in her anal desires. She reveals a cute pink buttplug lodged in her tight hole and masturbates sensually for her fans. Little does she know, her nosy stepson is still in the house. He tells her that he knows all about her little anal show, and to keep him quiet she’s going to have to let...

1 year ago
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Daddys Princess In Training Part Four

Daddy had been on an extended business trip and was due home today. He called from the plane saying he would be home in an hour and to let me know he purchased more toys and equipment for my continued training. Daddy seems determined to escalate my training since I have always been so sensually responsive to his lessons. The night before he left town he had a doctor friend over for dinner. We all laughed and had a great time while having drinks in front of the fireplace. Daddy turned to me...

3 years ago
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Naughty Babysitter Chapter 2

After her classes were over, she went back to her apartment. She spent the rest of the evening thinking about how she might be able to experience that again. ************************************* After Jennifer had left, Tina got dressed and went to get Elizabeth from her friend's house. Paul also got dressed, but remained at home, still trying to figure why all of that had just happened. He knew his wife liked to be dominant, but why did she involve him, and have sex with the...

4 years ago
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The Guest

THE GUEST                The girl has been told by her Master that He had invited a guest to spend two weeks with Him.  This guest, the girl was told, is a Master who, while spending time as her Master’s guest would have the rights of dominance and the girl will serve him however he wants her to serve him.  The girl was told that the guest would move into her bedroom and would take over that bedroom for two weeks.  The girl thought about what would happen.  It felt like the guest was taking...

3 years ago
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hot friend

When Jonah asked if I fancied going for a walk in a secluded part of the countryside - in the pitch black, to boot - I quivered with excitement, thinking about all the possibilities he might have planned for me. Was he intending a fuck in the woods? Up against a tree with the bark scr****g my back through my blouse? Or dragging me by my hair, throwing me down on the ground and forcing me to have sex? Now that idea really appealed: being forced into having sex was a special fantasy of...

2 years ago
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 11

Introduction: James and I, Barbara/Amanda/James and Peter and I. Oh and Peter has a question of interest. *** It would really be a good idea to read the other chapters before this one so you know what is happening. They can be found by clicking the authors link above: JadeM Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do… or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or...

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