Peace Through Sex
- 4 years ago
- 27
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I really do hate my brother-in-law, Danny. If it hadn't been for him, my fiancé, Stewart, would have never gone to a strip club. After all, Stewart's got his PhD, and now he even has an assistant professorship lined up, in the "Gender and Minority Studies Department." Hardly the kind of guy to have the sort of friends who would include a strip club in their schemes for his bachelor party. In fact, most of Stewart's real friends are from his department at the college, and they are mostly women. No, Stewart's real friends had nothing to do with it. Why, even the men in his field, like Stewart himself, tend to be exactly the opposite of my macho, asshole, trailer-trash brother-in-law Danny.
Danny, my sister's husband, has never seemed to like Stewart, but for some reason he came out of the woodwork this week, ten days before the wedding, and announced that he and his buddies were taking Stewart out to "sow his oats" one last time. Great. This, of course, encouraged my sister, Sandy, to throw together a bachelorette party for me. That was last night — you know the sort of thing, a gaggle of girls, mostly my working class friends of my high-school days, dragging me from bar to bar wearing a veil and begging free drinks off the male clientele — not my style at all, of course, but I couldn't talk her out of it.
The most infuriating part of the evening — last night, I'm talking about — was running into Danny and his friend Bob at one of the bars — "by accident." Naturally, that was the bar in which Tonya, a girl who had been my best friend in high school (until I went to college and she went to work as a manicurist) decided to start charging guys five bucks to kiss the bride. Danny, of course, paid up, but instead of the chaste little pucker most guys understood to be appropriate for such a "game", Danny stuck his disgusting tongue practically down my throat and grabbed both of my asscheeks, right in front of my sister, his own wife! She just smiled meekly and pretended it was all a joke, but it just burns me up how badly he treats her.
My Stewart would never be so disrespectful to me. Why even now, after a long night out with the "boys", celebrating his own pre-nuptial party, here he is, his sweet little head nestled between my thighs, gently licking and worshipping my sex. Perhaps a little too gently.
"Stewart, honey, I know you're tired, but could you please put your tongue in a little deeper ... oh, yes, that's it baby ... now back to my love button ... Mmmm, just keep that up, sweetheart."
I feel an orgasm coming, and I just know that my uterus is in a condition to gush forth with the climax. Now this is definitely the right way for the bride to finish the evening of her groom's bachelor party — the sort of ending that gives a woman real peace of mind -- with him servicing her!
Well, at least I know that Stewart didn't go over the line earlier tonight. Danny made sure of that. Danny had assured me in advance that although Stewart would get to look at a bunch of strippers, and even get a few breasts smashed into his face, there would be NO lap dances, private rooms, or "special" groom's services purchased or allowed (at least not for the groom — I am sure that the other attendees, all of whom were Danny's — not Stewart's — friends, copped whatever feels and paid for whatever frottage they might have pleased).
Of course, it was no surprise to me that Danny had NOT made me this promise out of mere gentlemanly courtesy. Ha! When I called him earlier today to ask him this favor (at home, of course, as he is once again laid off from the tire factory), he agreed, as he put it, to "keep little Stewart's weenie dry" as long as I would do a favor for him. That bastard never misses an opportunity to prove himself a creep, that's for sure.
However, the necessity of keeping Stewart 100% faithful won out, so I agreed to his terms. Sometimes peace of mind comes at a price.
So, earlier this evening -- around nine -- I pulled my car into the strip club's parking lot to fulfill my side of the arrangement. Sure enough, there was Danny, standing next to his pick-up truck, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"What are you smiling at? What's going on with Stewart in there?"
"Don't worry about sweet Stewie. He's getting nothing in there but blue balls. Seems to be enjoying the show, though, despite your image of him as Mr. Perfect. Are you dressed for success?"
"I said I would be, didn't I?" I pulled open my raincoat to show him my costume. He grunted and nodded.
"Wait, what about the —."
"Right here," I said, lifting a shopping bag in my hand.
"O.K. Let's get you situated. We need to get started — the pressure is really starting to build up with the guys."
"All right. But I just want to remind you that you are an uncouth son of a bitch for extracting this from me. You should be willing to protect Stewart's virtue just because I ask you too."
"Usually, Stewart's virtue is the last thing I'm worried about. Now just take that coat off and climb into the truck here."
A couple of minutes later, he had me situated just as he wanted. I was in the back seat of his pick-up truck — no wonder they call it a "SuperCrew" cab, it is actually quite enormous, with plenty of room. My "costume," which I had worn under my coat, was my wedding wardrobe, including the veil which I had brought along in a Macy's bag.
Well, not my whole wedding wardrobe. I wasn't wearing my dress, but at least I was wearing my white lace corset, the elegant one I had selected to pull in my already incredibly tiny twenty-three-year-old waist. And my garter belt, holding up sheer thigh-high white silk stockings. And my frilly white panties. I really like those, they're ruffled, and have a cute blue silk bow in front. You know: "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." I can't wait for Stewart to discover the adorable little bow, on our wedding night a week from this Saturday, as he undresses me for the first time as "Mrs. Stewart Panderwayste." I was rudely interrupted in this pretty thought.
"Jesus, for a college cunt, you sure are stupid."
"What? Watch your mouth, I'm not some truck-stop trash like you run around on my sister with. What are you talking about?"
"Your panties. They need to go on outside the garter. How can they be pulled off like that?"
"Fine, why don't you just take them off me completely then, you oaf?"
"Oh, no. We need to put them on first so that they can come off later, believe me. Part of the whole effect. We got to change them around."
He reached for the front pair of snaps on my garters, separating the straps and then feeding them down and through the panties before refastening them. Clever — I thought he'd think he had to take everything off to achieve the configuration he was demanding. To assist, I grabbed the hand strap above my head — I was sitting lengthwise in the truck seat — and pulled myself up, which lifted my bottom up off the bench seat and allowed him to unhook, pull through, and then refasten the garter straps in back as well.
When I lowered myself back down to the seat, I relaxed my arms a bit. The chain connecting my wrists, which ran through the hand strap loop, jangled softly above my head. At least the bastard was thoughtful enough to use padded cuffs.
"I suppose you're going to fuck me now."
"You wish. No, I'm not going to fuck you ... now. I'll be back in a minute. Don't go anywhere!"
With a grin the handsome jerk slammed the truck door and left me alone in the dark. Well, not completely in the dark, seeing how the flashing neon "gentlemen's club" sign was shining on me through the back window of the truck's cab.
He was gone for what seemed like forever, but it was probably just a few minutes. Once I thought I heard him coming — I could hear sounds quite well in surrounding parking lot since he'd left the front windows cracked open several inches — but then I realized I was just hearing the conversion of a couple of skeezie guys leaving the club for home, probably to release their over-stimulated libidos on their long-suffering wives. I felt a wave of fear for a few moments when I thought about how these strangers might react if they found me helpless. Luckily, they turned in another direction, looking for their cars.
After that false alarm, I almost didn't hear Danny's approach until he was practically right on top of me. The second voice I didn't recognize.
"I still think you're bullshitting me, Dan. For the historical record, I'm not falling for this — I'm coming out here to humor you."
"It's not bullshit. She's in there waiting for you."
"But she's a stripper, from the club, right?"
"No, she's my wife's kid sister, and a week from Saturday, she's going to be the blushing bride of your new friend Stewart, the poor fucker getting nothing we've been cock-blocking back in the club. Pretty awesome, huh?"
"Jesus fuck! I hope you're not shitting me, this is fucking great."
"Check it out. Here we are." The rear door at my feet opened, and the dome light blinded me for a moment.
"Holy shit!"
"Now you tell me — does that look like a stripper from this club, or like the classy, stuck-up sort of bitch who would wrap a poor sap like our 'buddy' Stewart around her little finger?"
"I'll be damned. She even looks like your wife a little bit."
"Yeah, but her body is still in great shape, unlike Sandy's. And her pussy is a lot tighter."
"Gee, I don't have a baseline for comparison on that one."
"You won't, either, you fuck," Danny swatted the guy across the scalp good-naturedly. "Sandy is my property. Well, actually, so is her sister Rachel here, but I'm willing to share her."
My pupils had constricted again, so I could see Danny and his friend clearly. I sort of recognized him, but from where I couldn't recall. I thought his name was Hank or Howie or something like that. He wasn't bad looking, a bit of acne, unusual but not unheard of in a thirty-year old man with a blue collar lifestyle.
"Rachel, don't you have anything to say to Stewart's friend here?"
"He's no friend of Stewart's."
"Sure he is. He even bought Stewie a drink."
"You creeps don't even respect Stewart, but he's more of a real man than the rest of you put together."
"Yep, I'm sure he is. Anyway, it's go-time."
I scowled at Danny and turned my attention to his companion. "So, I suppose you're going to fuck me, huh Hank?"
"I suppose I am. And it's Howie."
Danny laughed, and Howie climbed into the back of the cab with me. "I'll leave you two love birds to it, then. Howie, come find me when you're done. And remember to put her panties back on her when you're finished — for the next guy. Chained up like that, she can't do it herself."
He shut the door and after a few seconds, the dome light went out. In the neon sign's gleam, however, Howie and I could both see just fine.
"Don't think that because I'm doing this, I like it." I lifted my hips as Howie pulled my frilly bridal panties down my legs. He let out a low whistle at the sight of my tightly trimmed pussy.
"OK. I won't." I watched him unbuckle, unzip, and unshuck his jeans and boxers. As his disgustingly erect penis sprang into view, I almost let out a whistle of my own.
"And if you find out I'm totally wet, it's not because of you, and not because I like this nasty, unsavory, and totally classless scene. I'm thinking of something else."
"And besides, I'm always moist, so it's not like I'm turned on." He didn't answer, but pulled a condom package from somewhere and began to rip it open.
"And I suppose you think that since I'm cuffed to this loop thing, and since I'll be married next week anyway, you can get away without using a condom."
"Huh? No, actually —."
"Well, I guess there's nothing I can do about that. I'm helpless, I can't stop you, and what with all the sex I'll be having on the honeymoon, it's not like I won't have to suppose any babies are my husband's. But for the record, I think you are a vulgarian for filling my womb with your blue-collar seed."
"Uh, sorry about that... ," he stuttered, tossing the half-opened condom package into the front seat, right where my sister might find it. Great. Danny was probably going to leave it there. He was such an ass, throwing his libertine lifestyle in Sandy's face like that. What was she supposed to think if she found it? Naturally, she'd think it was Danny's, the detritus of some fling with a road house whore. I knew better, of course — Danny never used a condom.
Hank — I mean Howie — needed to be set straight a little further. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea — that would be mortifying. "Just because I spread my legs, and pull them up, don't think you're capable of turning me on. I just know it's inevitable, so I might as well cooperate."
I did just as I described, and I guess Howie had decided to simply shut up and take my scolding, for the next thing I knew his fat cock-knob was pressing into my drooling cunt-crack. With my hands cuffed to the hand strap above my head, there was nothing I could do to hinder him — or to help him — but it didn't seem to matter. He slid easily into my belly, and when the solid tip of his stiff prick collided with my cervix, we both grunted.
A few months earlier, I would have judged Howie's cock to be extraordinarily large. He was certainly larger than my Stewart — not that size matters, not a bit. Howie was healthily endowed, which I guess is no surprise for the lower social strata, but it was nothing I wasn't accustomed to by now. After all, Danny and his best friend Bob have been putting their similarly large cocks into me ever since the day I had marched over to give Danny a piece of my mind about how he'd been treating my sister. I've already told that story, and let me be clear, I don't think it reflects well at all on my bother-in-law. I fell into their trap while trying to convince him to treat my older sister, his wife, with more respect, and I'm still on that mission today. Luckily, I have the perfect counter-example for him, my thoughtful fiancé Stewart.
Incidentally, I think by now I must be starting to get through to Danny. He must have realized by now that no matter how many times he and his buddy Bob might fuck me silly, and no matter what absurd things might come out of my mouth in the throes of my animalistic orgasms at the end of one of their pounding cocks, I am still totally in love with Stewart, and Stewart alone. I suspect they are really starting to respect Stewart for the power his courtesy and tenderness have over my heart. I mean, really, no matter how many times I meet Danny at Bob's for a pussy plowing, or how often I let him fuck me in this very backseat, or even how frequently I've let him cum deep in my guts, right in my sister's own house, practically right under her nose, I continue to feel — and openly display — outright disdain for him.
So, although I don't like the idea of my Stewart going to a strip club at Danny's instigation, I am secretly pleased. Clearly the invitation is a sign of Danny's growing, if grudging, respect for my "real man" Stewart.
And now Danny's friend Howie, who probably just met Stewart this very evening, was getting a sample that would serve to engender his own respect for my husband-to-be. Stewart was able to command the love and devotion of a high-class woman, the likes of which Howie could never have, not truly.
And boy was he getting a sense of what he couldn't have! He was already sliding smoothly in and out of my slot, long-stroking me like a man who really knew how to fuck. My pussy, of course, was responding.
I am long past being ashamed that my traitor cunt seems to enjoy these bestial episodes. I realize now that under stimulation, its instinctual responses cannot be — nor need not be — justified against the context of the contrasting and sublime nature of my intellect, sophistication, or against true, pristine love. It is what it is.
I wrapped my legs around Howie's waist and, using my cuffed wrists for leverage, I began to throw my pelvis up into the thrusts of this simple-minded prole.
"I suppose you're going to eventually anyway, so why don't you just pull down my corset now so you can get at my tits?"
He did so, of course, and soon his five-o'clock shadow — make that nine-thirty shadow — was scratching my tender titflesh while his teeth and lips nibbled and chewed at my nipples. I couldn't help but feel an electrifying connection between these sensations and the steady, deep, and well-aimed pounding Howie's very firm cock was working against my g-spot.
If there's one thing I've learned from my unfortunate relationship with my brother-in-law and his buddy Bob, it's how to tell when a big, powerful cock is about to come. Granted, my Stewart doesn't usually last very long, so with him, knowing when he is about to come is tantamount to knowing when he is about to enter me. But with these brutish sorts, it seems to take a little longer. Mind you, I usually prefer to receive oral love from Stewart anyway, and he is very attentive and accomplished at that, I must say. Imagine Danny saying that Stewart doesn't know how to make women happy. As if!
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Taylor went off with Ross after the last round on the big bed. Scarlett arrived and took Athena’s place next to Dave so the nanny could head off to her own bed. Cricket returned, too; freshly showered and smelling of jasmine. Alice spooned in behind Cricket. Julie snuggled in behind Scarlett. In the middle of the night, Dave and Cricket and Scarlett made love. He surprised himself coming in each of the women in back-to-back lovemaking sessions that tried to be quiet and not disruptive of the...
*Before you start reading and just to clarify: All characters in this story are of course at least 18 years old.* *Oh, and if you like, what you read, don't forget to like;) * I was a normal boy, living a normal life, in a small village in a completely unimportant rural area somewhere in western europe. There was really nothing special about me. I wasn't particularly strong or tall. I wasn't the smallest kid in class either, though always somewhat below-average. I was fairly thin too making it...
Mind ControlHi” cunts & cocks ” howz life gonna!!!!!!!! Thanks for whole hearted responses for my earlier story ,,as many requested to write some more experiences, I am here with .This happened about 8 months when I was spending my Christmas holidays in my aunts house at Hyderabad , my aunt had a sexy sexy friend next door called Suchitra around 45 years. She is a widow with three children. She is having huge boobs and ass which are gorgeous. Many times I jerked off fantasying her. At day time she is alone...
Copyright © 2002, Phil Phantom Bonnie walked in on a dream and a nightmare, hard to tell, for lying nude on her dining table was her very sexy sixteen-year-old daughter - naked, wearing Sony Walkman head phones, grooving while Bonnie's brand new husband sat in a chair and ate a beaver like a famished beaver hunter with beaver thighs clamped to his ears, out hunting beaver with no clothes on. Looked like a dream, but this was her worst nightmare. Neither could hear her nor see her. Debbie...
Jonah Whalerton was a 40 year old ex-SEAL. He had served 20 years in the Navy and had seen all of the war and suffering he ever wanted to. He was tired when he left the service and wanted nothing more than to get away from people for a while. He hoped that the solitude of his parents mountain cabin would allow him to get rid of the nightmares left over from his many missions. He had killed or seen killed way too many people, many innocent. The horrors of war filled him with guilt and...
She stepped into the bedroom, wrapping her towel tightly around herself as she walked between her bed and the bathroom wall to the open window. She stood before the window closing her eyes and breathing deeply of the clean air. The silence of the night was broken only by the chirping of the crickets in the surrounding fields and the occasional call of a night bird in the forest. It's so peaceful and quiet, Kristen thought. So much better than the city. I made the...
My thanks go to Techscan and LadyCibelle for their kind assistance with the editing of this story and correcting the usual clangers that keep my critics so happily amused. But I’m sure you’ll find something you don’t like in the story somewhere. Foreword: I know that some people will say that the hero in this story is manipulated by at least one of the other characters in the tale. As a man, I have had many women try to manipulate me on many occasions, my good wife is adept at the art. She...
Cool night air drifted through the open window, pleasantly chilling her warm, damp, freshly showered skin. She stepped into the bedroom, wrapping her towel tightly around herself as she walked between her bed and the bathroom wall to the open window. She stood before the window closing her eyes and breathing deeply of the clean air. The silence of the night was broken only by the chirping of the crickets in the surrounding fields and the occasional call of a night bird in the...
Dear Literotica Readers: Some random thoughts, in no particular order, about my story that don’t seem to fit into my narrative but should help you know me better, which should help you understand the themes of my transition stories… Thank you to all of the people that have left me positive comments. I haven’t been writing the stories for public approval, however, the positive comments do warm my heart. As to those who have left negative comments, I don’t care about you. After all I have been...
Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...
“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...
Dragon Lady # 2 called me, “Cyrus wants dinner.” Cyrus Vandenberg. One of my Irregulars, the oldest one. In his mid-80s, creaky, cranky, but his mental acuity seems just fine. He’ll have some rumor to pass on, some gossip, some hearsay. “When and where?” “What am I, your bitch?” Click. Good point. When you’re part of the Bulldog Bannerman infrastructure, a measly private detective is several rungs lower on the accomplishment ladder. I called Cyrus, “Hi, it’s Winter.” “No...
This story is for GrassmanRoss, who asked for it, and for Hot-C, who'll probably relish it.Stephanie’s ReminderDuring the next week, Alice and I became very well acquainted indeed. We spanked each other numerous times, ropes and clamps had been applied to nipples and genitals, accompanied by much delightful licking and thrusting.Friday I sat at my desk, correcting papers, when there came a knock at the door. “Come in.”To my surprise, since she wasn’t in any of my classes, Stephanie entered,...
SpankingTuesday, November 13 (Continued) to Friday, November 16, 2007 I was in the kitchen of the Kids' House, having gone there to make drinks for my girls who were doing their studies in the upstairs study. #3: #45:
Dr. Carter’s invention turned the breast enhancement world on its ear as it allowed the patient to determine her breast size any way she desired. After receiving her implant she could hypothetically go to church as an A cup, then to work as a B cup and then out to the dance club as a D or even a double D if she so desired. All of this was done with a hand held remote control that gave her the freedom to choose any look a woman could desire with ease. It was installed with a small incision and...
You straddle my shoulders, aligning your balls to my mouth. I’m dizzy with your smell and automatically start painting your balls with my tongue making them dripping wet. I look up to see you’ve got a firm grip on your cock and you’re stroking, pulling your balls up, and grinding down as I suck one and then the other, then both. My mouth is full and I swirl my tongue and gently suck, my eyes locking with yours. You push up to release your balls from my mouth and I whimper and fight to keep...
You straddle my shoulders, aligning your balls to my mouth. I’m dizzy with your smell and automatically start painting your balls with my tongue making them dripping wet. I look up to see you’ve got a firm grip on your cock and you’re stroking, pulling your balls up, and grinding down as I suck one and then the other, then both. My mouth is full and I swirl my tongue and gently suck, my eyes locking with yours.You push up to release your balls from my mouth and I whimper and fight to keep them,...
"What the fuck?" A bit rough for a beginning, I am aware. Sorry about that. It was my initial reaction, and I'm afraid it's still a very accurate portrayal of what I'm feeling. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I've been aroused by mind control of various sorts for as long as I can remember. Long prior to understanding what erections were, I was experiencing them while watching television show characters "put someone under". It was uncomfortable ... and thrilling, and I spent furtive...
'Just what the fuck am I doing here and how much longer can it last?' I asked myself. There I was, on the patio of a massive and very flash villa on the coast of an unbelievably beautiful (and bloody hot) Caribbean island. Not just any old Caribbean island either; this place was a private island. Only people who owned one of the villas — or could afford to hire one for a week or so — their staff and guests were allowed to step foot on the hallowed soil. The sort of place that the likes of...
Lawrence, now in his second year of college, is still a twenty year virgin. He would love to get rid of that problem, but fate had dealt him a cruel hand when it came to appearances. Stereotypical for a nerd his body is tall and thin, and he is pasty white with grungy brown hair. His studies didn't bother him, he easily aced his classes. The majority of his time is spent daydreaming of the bombshells he sees across the campus. At the beginning of the year he reached out to the school for some...
Mind Control‘How would you assess the sales potential of your recently introduced product lines?’ Lee Marks asked the CEO he was interviewing. He listened to the answer with his ears, but also with his mind – his right mind to be more specific. ‘I would say the chances are good that we will exceed the Street’s expectations,’ the executive replied confidently. Simultaneously, Lee perceived a mental picture from the other man: {* an avalanche on a mountainside}. He thought to himself, That’s rather...
Meeting of the Minds Part One: The IntroductionHe watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew...
Meeting of the Minds Part One: The IntroductionHe watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew...
AF Changing of Minds by Lorna Samuels Prelude: Interaction with the Medallion of Zulo inevitably wreaks havoc on otherwise mundane lives, each of whom must deal with its consequences in their own ways. This is the story of how one young couple coped. After an early morning feeding, the new mother detached her sleeping newborn from her breast and settled the 5-month-old baby girl into her crib. She paused and watched as little Carrie slept, sighing with a deep soul pleasing...
This story is for GrassmanRoss, who asked for it, and for Hot-C, who’ll probably relish it. Stephanie’s Reminder During the next week, Alice and I became very well acquainted indeed. We spanked each other numerous times, ropes and clamps had been applied to nipples and genitals, accompanied by much delightful licking and thrusting. Friday I sat at my desk, correcting papers, when there came a knock at the door. “Come in.” To my surprise, since she wasn’t in any of my classes, Stephanie entered,...
The Reminder ts awoke with a start, a gloved hand pressed tightly over her mouth.“ Don't give me any trouble, bitch. No noise, you understand? “ a voice growled in her ear ts nodded her head vigorously, scared out of her mind. All she could see in the darkness of the middle of the night was a tall figure bent over her.“ I know you are here on your own, there is no one to save you or go for help” the gruff voice continued. ts saw the dim moonlight glance off a blade as the man pulled a hunting...