On My OwnChapter 9 free porn video

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I awoke at six, as usual, but not in a bed or room I recognized. It took a second to get my head straight remembering I was at Steve's house. It was only about six in the morning but I heard some activity outside the room. It sounded like someone was in the kitchen. After washing my face, brushing my teeth, and dressing, I walked out and found Glenda messing around in the kitchen. She said, "Have a cup of coffee in here. The big pot on the patio isn't done yet. We forgot to set the timer last night. Are you hungry?"

Smiling, I said, "Glenda, I'm always hungry, but I have to watch what I eat now that I'm older and not as active. I am going to have to go over to my trailer and get my pills. You know how that is with us older guys."

Glenda said, "Martin has to take a lot of pills too. He's given us a couple of scares with his heart, so he takes several. You have a pacemaker right?"

"Yes Ma'am, it's one of those dual kinds that monitors high and low pressure and jolts me into slowing down or going faster. So far, it hasn't been active except when I first got it."

"That's good, Mark. How long has it been since your heart attack?"

"It's been eight years now, Glenda. I got my pacemaker about four years ago."

Glenda smiled, "Well, you look good, Mark. You're like Martin, you just keep on tickin'."

People had come into the patio and were having coffee while watching the morning news on the big television. A news item caught my attention. It said that Judy had been released on her own recognizance until a sentencing hearing. I guess she had pled guilty, or something like that. That was good, she could get together whatever she needed to if she was going to be put into jail. I guess I could take a bird but no cats. In the years we had been together, I had cleaned litter boxes daily. Now I had no more cat litter to worry about and no furniture torn to shreds where they sharpened their claws.

Martin came over and had some coffee. While he was sitting next to me in the kitchen, Glenda said, "Take Mark over to his place so he can get his morning pills. Since he's feeling pretty good, he should bring his cart back so he can get around if he wants to."

Martin waved me out and as we walked to his cart, he said, "If you don't do what she asks real quick, you'll never hear the end of it until you just give up and do it. Learned a long time ago to just do what she wants done."

As we rode over to my trailer, Martin kept thanking me for fixing up his car. I said, "It was my pleasure, Martin. That's what friends are for."

He nodded and smiled as he pulled up to the trailer. I went inside, swallowed my pills, and grabbed the shed key to pull the truck cart out. After locking everything up, I was getting ready to go back to Steve's when Shirley and Betty came around the front of the trailer together. Betty said, "Take us with you. We'll go visit on the patio with you this morning, okay?"

They both said "Morning, Martin," but both got into my truck cart. Martin drove on ahead as I drove slowly over to the patio. As I entered the patio with the two ladies, Juanita asked me, "What's the matter, Mark, were we not enough women for you over here?"

Blushing, I answered, "Well, I wanted to bring a couple of my own, a couple of single babes to liven up my day."

While we were having coffee and eating a breakfast sandwich, Ruth asked me to see her later so I could fill out some forms. She said since I was going to work for S&S doing various things, I was eligible for their medical insurance. I told Ruth, "I have VA benefits and I'm still covered under my ex-wife's insurance she has with the post office. There's no sense in you guys paying for insurance when I don't need it."

Ruth said, "Fill out the papers anyway. When you lose your wife's insurance, you can pick ours up. Besides, you might want to get the life insurance that goes with the package. A guy your age can't get life insurance cheap."

"Thanks, Ruth, I'll fill out the forms in a bit."

Betty said, "You know, you received all that publicity that Samantha got for you. You might be able to go into county politics if you want. It would be good to have you as a commissioner, someone that could look out for this area out here."

"I'll think about it, Betty," I said, thinking politics and me were not compatible. "But I have to tell you, it will probably be just thinking about it."

Shirley offered, "You know those guys get paid for their position. I don't know how much it is, but anything is a lot for a guy in your shoes."

"That's a little different then, Shirley, I'll look into it."

Betty wouldn't quit, "You know what, if you would run for commissioner out here, I'll bet we could get a lot of people to help talk you up with other voters. You've made a lot of friends and a lot of people really know you now for saving that judge."

"I'll think about it, Betty."

"Think hard about it, Mark, you can help a lot of people if you could get that job," Betty said.

Shirley said, "You know, you should have a lady on your arm when you meet people at a fundraiser or party for you. I'll be glad to dress up and be on your arm."

"I want to do that too, Shirley, don't hog the man," Betty said, acting offended.

Glenda and Alice had come over to sit with us. Glenda said, "You know that is a great idea. We do need someone to bring up a few things that need attention out here. We pay a ton of taxes, or at least the park does, and Steve and Sue do with their businesses. We might as well have someone that can get some of our money spent out here."

I said, "You know I don't know anything about county government. My attitude has always been the farther away I can get from government, the better."

Alice said, "How hard can it be? You have to go to council meetings all the time and listen to people bitch about potholes. When you have to vote on something, just learn everything about what you're voting on and vote what is right."

Tiny and Phil had been listening and pulled chairs up to our table. Tiny said, "You might be surprised what those guys get paid. Seems to me they just turned down a raise because of tax revenues being down. But they make around a hundred grand a year on the council. I'll bet we could put together a campaign real quick and get you voted in, just on your notoriety on TV these last few nights."

I held up my hands and said, "Hey folks, my head's still spinning from getting kicked out of my own house and getting a divorce. What's it going to look like for a guy in the process of getting a divorce running for public office?"

Phil said, "You'll get all of the male sympathy vote. Every guy out there will see the injustice of it all and vote for you just to prove you were taken advantage of."

Shirley said, "I didn't think of it that way. We ladies will have to cool it so you don't get a reputation for being a chaser. We can just tell everyone how you have taken care of us and not mention that you've taken care of us after dark."

Glenda said, "Shirley, you're sounding more and more like Emma, saying she's slept with almost every man over sixty out here. I swear we have some of the nastiest old ladies out here."

Betty commented, "There's just not enough nasty old men to go around. Every new man that moves in out here is big news to us ladies."

Glenda said, "We're getting off the point. Mark, will you run for county council or not?"

Tiny offered, "Let me get my laptop and we'll look up the commissioners and see what all they do. I'll bet they are busy for that kind of money."

Tiny had some kind of doohickey that he connected to his laptop that displayed his screen on the big TV. He Googled the Hillsborough County Commissioners. Their page showed the seven commissioners. He then showed a map of the seven districts. Actually, four of the commissioners had dedicated districts while the other three were "at large" commissioners and worked for the county as a whole.

The next page was a PDF file of all the activities of the commissioners. The actual commission only met two days a month, but every one of the commissioners had a dozen other assignments like the airport committee, the military liaison committee, etc. etc.

I wanted to see what the commissioner from our district brought to the table, and what his background was.

The man wasn't that old, actually, none of the commissioners were that old. Our district was the largest as it used to be the least populated, but over the years the area had built up extensively. Our man had a business degree from the University of Florida and had been successful in business before becoming interested in politics.

I said, "I've seen enough, the man probably has to eat, sleep, and live politics and other people using up his time. I'm not that guy, I'm not willing to put in a twelve hour day everyday then go to a cocktail party to butt kiss. I'm really trying to retire or at least slow down. That's not for me."

Glenda said, "I never realized those guys had so much to do. I can't believe they work that hard. They're always at big dinners and parties. We see it in the newspaper all the time."

"You know," I began in defense, "I would be willing to head a group to get something done out here when we need it, but I don't want to have to do that every day. Let me heal up and get back in shape, then we'll talk about what needs to be done out here."

Thankfully, that topic was trashed. Tiny even winked at me as he shutdown his laptop and put the TV back on the regular morning news channel. Most of the folks heading to work had left. Dennis came over to me and said, "When you get to where you think you can help, I have a couple of projects in the lab that I could use an assistant to check on results at each stage of testing. If I have another pair of hands, I could get this done a lot faster."

I answered him, "I'm going to the doc next door so he can check me out. If he says it's okay, I'll come over and help out. I may get tired too quick to be of much help."

"Any help would be appreciated, Mark. I just don't want to pull a guy in to disappoint him when I have to send him back right away."

Just before nine, Juanita said, "Give me a ride over to the doctor's office. I'll go with you in case I have to drive us back."

The trailer park had installed a cart path next to the highway all the way to the shopping plaza. It sure made it easier to get around if you used a cart instead of a car. It was a lot faster since you didn't have to go through the contortions of doors and locking everything. With a cart, you just took your key and got out.

The doctor gave me a very thorough physical and had me get an x-ray of the area that had been fixed. The nurse took some blood, and after looking at the x-rays, the doc said, "Looks to me like you're healing very fast, looks good. Take it easy, but you can probably be on your own if you want and you can move around, just no lifting or straining of any kind. If you want to go for a walk, do so slowly and not very far. Come back to see me next Monday."

I was grinning on the way back to the park as I was free to do something of value like help Dennis in the R&D center. I dropped off Juanita and told her where I was headed. She told me to take it easy and she would see me for lunch.

Dennis wasn't kidding when he said I could help. He was sitting at a bench with a microscope and several other instruments. When he looked up he said, "Does this mean I can get some help?"

"I'll do as much as I can, Dennis. Show me what you need done and I'll begin."

"These parts are the disassembled experimental motor we've been trying out for our carts, the police scooters, and the bigger motor for Steve airplane adventure. We've run these motors for seven hundred and thirty hours, equivalent to running the motor for two hours a day, every day, for a year. The motor is stopped every half-hour, sits for five minutes, and is then restarted. You can see that this experiment has been running for over thirty days. Once the experimental time was complete, we tore the engines down to check on the amount of wear. We have two different oiling systems and we need to compare to see which is better. What you have to do is inspect each component under the scope to check the amount of wear. Use that computer to write up the wear description of each part. Look back at a couple of pieces that I did to get an idea. The biggest issue is to spot any unusual wear characteristics."

I had to give it to these guys. They were thorough about getting test results. This was just to compare two different oiling systems. I wonder how many tests they had to run at the same time to keep good answers to potential problems of the new engines.

In minutes, I was lost in diagnosing each part. The computer was set up with the part name, number, and a picture. All I had to do was analyze the part, write up what I found, and go on to the next.

Before I knew it, Dennis said, "Hey, it's lunch time. Let's take a break and get some lunch. You're almost done with the first motor. You might be able to get both done today. Abe wants to get this smaller motor into some carts as he says they are more fuel efficient and considerably more powerful."

Lunch was the usual soup and sandwich. Mercy made me go into the room I had slept in so she could check to see if I had been pulling on my stitches. Even though I assured her I had been good, she checked anyway. She said I could go back to work with Dennis, but to not overdo it and that I should come back for a nap if I got too tired.

Dennis and I went back to the lab where he was working on setting up a couple more engines for more testing. He had a set of engines in a test room that was full of dust, another with salt-water mist, and still another with blowing sand. They were really tormenting the test engines to see whether they would hold up.

I was able to finish both engines by three in the afternoon. I was getting tired, but made sure that there was nothing else I could do for Dennis before I left to go back to the patio.

Glenda said, "Put on your swimsuit and go up to the pool. Get some sun for a half-hour or so. Betty and Shirley are up there, they will take care of you."

I took a bottle of water with me and went up to the pool. Betty, Shirley, and the infamous Emma, were on loungers gossiping. I told them I had been directed by Glenda to get a half-hour of sun and that my two neighbors would watch out for me. Emma butted in and said, "Why don't you have me watch out for you. I'm sure you would rest better on my couch than out here in the sun."

Just smiling, I said to Emma, "These two ladies are just fine, Emma. Thanks for the offer though."

Shirley spread lotion on me and whispered in my ear, "You did that so good, Betty and I may give you a treat."

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Bree 3 A Trip To The Mountains

Introduction: Wifes First Time With a Dog This is the third of the eight related stories involving my wife Bree and their friends. They are all in sequence and should be read in this order, The first story is actually a prequel involving my then long-term college girlfriend, Kate, (Bree 1 – Kate) which lead to Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise, this (Bree 3), the third story with Bree being the main participant, The fourth story is the sequel: Bree 4 – Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey,...

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Community ServiceChapter 15

By mid-March, I'm back on the job but I'm not a hundred percent yet. It's kind of surprising how much strength you lose when you're caged up in plaster for a long time. The boss insists I only do half days until I'm fully recovered. The pools are pretty much done and construction of the building housing the bathhouse and concession stand is underway. My new task is to work on the three flower gardens that are going to be islands of color spotted around the parking lot. The lady in...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 17 Remembering

Sunday Later There were a few things Janelle wanted to do immediately. She would have adored showing Bob what true love really felt like, but that would remind him that she was gone, and the memory would hurt him; and she had sworn to herself she would not hurt him any more. She needed to explain to Cutie that there was a difference between sex and love. She also hoped she could talk with her brothers and help them understand that the desires they were feeling were strong, but could be even...

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New Jock TalesFreshman YearChptr 8HomecommingPT 2

“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”. Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly what we're going...

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Dost Ne Di Apni Maa Chodne

Hi friends my name is aarush.. Haan to jaada bore naa krte hue story pr aata hu.. I am 21year old guy meri hite 5.9hai.. Mere bachpan kaa ek dost hai jo abi b mera dost h. Uska naam h avinash. Is story ki heroin h avnash ki mom . Avnash ki mom kaa naa rekha hai.. Unki age 40 saal hai pr unhone apne aap ko asa maintain kia h ki 30ki lgti h Main hmesa se unke chakkar main tha Avnesh k dad ki death hue 4saal ho gae Ohh haan rekha aunty k figure ki baat krna to main bhul hi gya.. Saali kaa figure...

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Malan MothersChapter 13

"We are The Personalia. We are contacting the mothers of Malan children. You gave birth to one about five years ago. We are offering to bring you to meet your child, in Rehome colony. The child would be interested to meet you." "Malan?" "Yes. The alien child you carried and birthed, but never saw." "How do you know about that? I never knew anything about my child." "We have access to much information; more than you might expect. There are records naming you as one of the mothers....

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Three Square MealsChapter 14 The pirates sowed the wind now they reap the whirlwind

The elevator swished open quietly and John, Alyssa, and Calara darted into their respective positions on the bridge. Sparks turned to face them as they arrived on the Command deck. “We’re getting an incoming distress call from a freighter. They’ve been disabled by pirates and are being boarded!” Sparks said with alarm. “Alyssa, plot a course to their location. Calara, shields up and weapons armed, we’re going to need to strike quickly,” John ordered decisively. The girls sprung into action...

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From sibling love to incest love

Hi my name is Deepak. I am from the South of Tamil Nadu. I have settled in Chennai due to job requirements. As I am the only son, I am very affectionate toward Krithiga, my elder cousin sister. I am 24 and she is 34. At 26, she got married to Vijay Kumar, who works as an Engineer in Chennai. Until then, we shared a lot of affection between us. As, I was 10 years younger, she looked after me like her baby. She used to show me greater affection than her other two younger brothers. After she got...

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Banging The Voluptuous Neighbor

So, My name is Rohan.I’m 6’2 and I have an athletic body.I’m 22.I’m from Punjab. I’ve been receiving a lot of love from you guys on my previous stories and many of you ladies and girls have contacted me too and I’ve given them personal help and attention which every one of you beauties deserve.So I expect a lot of women who are not satisfied or want someone who can fulfill their desires, feel free to contact. Everything will be kept private.So coming onto the story, this story is a true story...

2 years ago
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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 7

I had talked to my friend Jason many times about sex. He was a true buddy and the only other white guy on our boxing team. He had told me that his one true wish in life was to fuck his sister Marg and make a whore out of her. Jason knew that Marg had sex with some guys and he wanted his piece too. As we lay in bed talking and whispering like lovers I told my sister about Jason and his desires for Marg. Karen laughed as we talked and said ìhe should rape her like you raped me, rape her...

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No Touching

******************* Jake had just finished unloading the last of his things from his car, and into his new apartment. He was just about to start his second year at the state university. After a year in a dorm room, he was really looking forward to having his own place. Sure, it was only a small efficiency apartment, but it would be all his. He hadn't liked living in the dorms, especially when Diane visited. Now, they'd have a place to be alone. He was also looking forward to the...

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Mother love

It had been a bad day at work and I just wanted to get home. I’d had to stay late to complete some designs and had to put my foot down a bit as I’d promised my son a special meal for his birthday. He was good. He knew I had to work to support us as his father was no longer about, and he did his bit around the home. In fact I was slightly worried that he spent too much time helping out when he should have been out with friends doing things teenage boys do.I left the car in the driveway and...

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Meghans diary Part 3

A month has passed since that crazy experience with Jamie. Nothing ofthose sorts has happened since then but Jamie used every opportunity to remind me of it. I swear she was flirting with me and teasing me all the time now. Therefore, I'm sure you guys want to know what happened the past month. Well, I worked on my make-up skills, grew my hair out, bought new clothes and even got some sex toys. I was extremely shy about using them however as I never had anything besides my fingers in my ass. ...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity Part 8211 1

Hey all I am Stuti. 5’2 fair complexion beautiful looking and an hourglass figure with big boobs and butt. All the school guys were attracted towards me and I loved it. I actually enjoy men staring at me and the lust in their eyes. It makes me horny. Now This is my personal story not a fantasy to be clear. This is my very first story so sorry in advance for any mistake. Now jumping to the story. Ye tab ki batt h jab mai 11th standard mai thi and 17 years ki thi. Winter vacation start hone wale...

3 years ago
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10 July 2009Chapter 3

Brad and Abby were startled in the middle of fucking on the living room couch when Dan and the group came through the front door. “How can you call that babysitting?” He teased. “Jake and Tiffany are watching the babies,” Abby replied as Brad lifted off her, his hard seven inches and a half sticking straight out. He was in no hurry to cover his hard-on as everyone entered the house. “What are Lisa, Hanna, and Jenny doing here? I thought they were leaving to live in Calgary?” Brad asked. He...

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Wife get Even

We had moved away to California in our early 20's and Luke had settled into a steady job for a national company, getting fairly regular promotions, but nothing for a year or two and he was starting to get frustrated about this. Anyway, about a year ago Luke came home one night and said we had been invited by his MD, Chris to a home warming party at his new house to celebrate his recent divorce from his fifth wife! I had met Chris many times before and he had even been to a swimming party at our...

2 years ago
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Train Your Man FLRCuckolding PT2

1. Cream Pies: This is a term for your husband to perform oral sex on you after you have had intercourse with him or another man. Whether it is his submission or humiliation, licking any semen from your wife's pussy is #1 on the hit parade of submissive men. Why is that? It is a combination of every male taboo rolled into one, - Men aren't supposed to eat cum (well, straight men aren't...) and - Men are supposed to guard their wives' chastity/purity with their lives. Ejaculating in a woman is a...

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The Four Nights Experience in the Hospital

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

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My wife wanted a BBC

My name is Frank and my wife's Susan. I am now forty-seven soon to be forty-eight. In November of 2007 my wife and I began practicing Oral Sex, after twenty long years of straight missionary sex. This and a variety of sex toys, and the sharing of some of each other's fantasies gave a much needed boost to our sex life and restored much of the waning desire we'd been experiencing.I had read Playboy magazines for several years prior to this, and had always desired to see Susan fuck or suck another...

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Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission. Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it. In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY! ________________________________________ “Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.” “Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no...

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A Day at the Movies

At any rate, we were watching a movie, and as usual, Brit was uninterested, and had her head leaned over with my cock in her mouth, while I munched popcorn and enjoyed my action flick. After the movie was over, and I’d cum twice, Brit looked at me and asked if we could go grab food. I agreed, since I was more than a little hungry too. I walked out, and my slutty kid sister followed in her 3-inch heels, jean shorts that were cut down and modified to practically denim thong underwear, and a...

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The Chair

Morning came and he woke her with a long, deep kiss. She smiled up at him, expecting more, but he kissed her one more time then got in the shower. She waited for him to come back. When he did he dressed and continued about his routine. As she got up to dress, he told her to put on her sexiest bra and panties underneath her work clothes and he’d think about her like that all day. Little sparks of excitement ran through her body. She slipped on the red lace bra that was just about see through,...

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My Mommy Is Great Whore

Hi guys this is Harsha 24,m, from Chennai. I first of all want to thank this wonderful website indiansexstories2.net, it gives pleasure of sharing our real life incident with our fellow friends and enjoy. I love this website more than anything else. My native is from Rajasthan and we settled in Chennai very long back before my birth. My sex life was started very long before while I don’t know anything about cock, pussy or sex plays. In my family it was just me and my mom Sunitha. we don’t know...

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Equal Shares Ch 47

Eventually, Stan and Denise were both informed that they would be able to leave The Firm at the end of the first week in April. Their final weeks flew by in a rush as they tasked themselves to tidy up their projects and hand them over to others. Stan thought it significant that no thought was given to hiring replacements. As the time for their departure grew closer, Stan and Denise gave thought to saying goodbye to people. Denise wasn’t looking forward to saying it to Elaine, and Stan had no...

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A Summer in California

When we were about 18 years oldmy best friend's family moved fromNiagara Falls to Orange County, CA.The following year his family invitedme to fly out and spend the entiresummer with them. They did this forme the very next year as well.Everything began very slowly althoughI ought to have known what was happening.My buddy, and I were, like, f******n yearsold. Late at night our conversationsabout girls really escalated and very soonprogressed to his bringing out his pornstash, which of course...

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The Silencers DaughterChapter 5

Lilly and Raven headed off towards the elevator laughing and joking. "Where do you want to go? What would you like to see?" "I don't know, what is there to see?" "Well there are twenty-two levels we can visit. The other twenty are restricted to member personnel only. Of the twenty-two, fourteen of them are offices. Once you have seen one office you have seen them all. That leaves eight: There is a fitness center that covers all of level twelve, a hospital on level three where we are...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 8 Show starts and Jessica arrives

Sandy just about fell over laughing when she came to pick us up, telling Mel how sorry she was that it couldn't work out that night, but maybe some time during the show, she'd be able to "keep her company". Then added quickly, "Looking at you three, I'm sorry I missed the show." Mel grinned at Sandy, and moved over to give her a quick kiss which surprised the hell out of Sandy, but when Mel pulled away I heard Sandy whisper to her, "Oh no you don't," as she pulled her back in for...

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