Shela_(0) free porn video

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It all started when I was fifteen years old. I came down sick with a seriously high fever. It took a week and setting in a lot of cold water baths and lots of drugs to get it down. It took me almost a year to get back to normal.

I lived in a small Midwest town with my mother. Dad had died when I was ten, mom and I moved to where she could get work. As I healed and felt better I began to notice that I could influence some people to do things once in a while. Being the sixteen year old horny teenager I was by now, I practiced mostly on other kids, and mostly girls. I would see a cute girl and I would make her boobs itch so she would rub them or make the inside of her upper thigh itch so she would have to discretely scratch it or rub her legs together.

I got to know a family that ran a café in town where most all the other teens hung out. Their son Tom was my age and they had two daughters Shela who was eighteen and Jinni who was sixteen. Tom and Jinni were twins.

Shela being the older of the two girls had an extremely nice body. Shela always wore long skirts or dresses that ended just below her knees. My favorite was her knee length poodle skirt; it was a style from an earlier time. I always wanted to know just what was hidden under it. She stood about five foot four inches and weighed I guess about one hundred twenty pounds. She wasn’t thin as a rail but she definitely wasn’t fat either. She normally tied her brown hair back with a head band that ran from the back of her neck up behind her ears and across the top of her forehead. She had a pretty face and a smile that I was in love with.

The other daughter, Jinni was just a thinner, younger version of Shela. Tom and I were always doing something if he wasn’t working in the café. Each of the three kids had days that they had to work. Normally one of the girls had the afternoons off and worked in the evenings. On the weekends everyone worked.

Just after I had turned sixteen I began to hear what sounded like dozens of voices in my head whenever I was around people. As I learned how to pay attention to the separate voices I discovered that I could read people’s minds and hear what they were thinking without them saying anything.

As I got better at reading minds I began to experiment with reading some one’s mind and then getting them to change their mind about something. Soon I knew just what all the girls thought of every boy around. If they liked the boy they would kind of silently “grunt” or “growl”, if they were aroused they would silently moan or squeal. Soon I began to be able to just look at a girl and make her horny and excited to the point of having an orgasm as she looked at someone. I could make them touch themselves anywhere or flash their panties for me.

As I got good at it there were a lot of horny, excited girls around town. I didn’t even have to be there all I had to do was picture their face or body and place horny thoughts in their mind. I loved to get into the mind of some of the cock tease females and when they thought about teasing a boy I would make them horny enough that their pussy juices would start to drip down their leg.

Suddenly one day I found out that Shela’s folks were thinking about moving back where they had come from. I almost hit the panic button. Then I remembered I could change their minds for them and make them like where they were. They were making a good income from the café and I definitely didn’t want them leaving town with the girls. After I got them straightened out about not moving I also took the liberty of adjusting their minds about seeing me around the girls.

I arranged so that if they saw me walk up and put my arm around one of the girls or fondle her ass or tits they would think nothing of it. What can I say I was almost seventeen and a hormone driven teenager?

I began to work with both girls to make them like me more and have some very horny thoughts about me. I programed their minds where I could cause them to not be thinking of sex at all (level 1) to having a mind blowing orgasm that would cause them to almost pass out (level 12). They would be going about whatever they were doing and I could slip into their mind and instantly raise them from a one to a four or five. At seven they would have to hurry to the bathroom because they didn’t want anyone, especially their parents, to see them acting funny, moaning or rubbing their tits and pussy.

I could affect anyone this way be it man or woman, young or old. I loved to see a foxy looking chick walking down the street and suddenly blast her with a level five or six just to watch her shudder, shake, stumble and try to act as if nothing was happening while inside her body and mind she was feeling as if she were being fucked hard by her boyfriend. I would give my two girls the feeling that I was running my fingers up and down the inside their leg clear up to their pussy without touching their clothing.

Every girl in town thought they were going nuts by now. No female was safe, young or old. I especially liked some of the reactions of the 30 or 40 year old married women when I would blast them.

Finally I’d had enough fun I wanted to fuck both Shela and her sister. I again adjusted their parent’s attitude so they told both the girls that if they had to they could have sex with me and that they (the parents) wouldn’t care as long as neither one of the girls got pregnant.

I kept Shela at a level three all morning as she worked. I put the thought in her mind that she would shower and come to my place as soon as she got off work. I fixed it so that her parents would think she had gone home. My mom worked until ten at night so I wasn’t worried about her catching us. If she did I could handle her with a few simple thoughts.

Finally at four p.m. Shela climbed the stairs to the apartment where I lived and hesitantly knocked on the door. As the door opened I could feel her begin to doubt that she should be here. Quickly I tossed that idea from her head and raised her “horny” level another notch.

She came into the apartment and I “nudged” her to want to start in kissing me and wanting to feel my hands all over her body. We made some small talk for a minute and then she ask; “will you kiss me? I haven’t ever kissed a boy before; I want to know what it’s like.”

She was like a little girl, shy and afraid of what I would say or do. I calmed her mind as I slowly and gently took her into my arms and began to kiss her. Shy at first then with the enthusiasm of any teenager she began to respond. We were wrapped together and kissing as if the world might end tomorrow. I slowly started to run my hands over her back, sides, and shoulders. Gently I slid my hands down to her beautiful and shapely ass. As I began to feel and squeeze her ass cheeks I pulled her trembling body to my crotch so she could feel my enlarged dick mashing against her pussy mound and belly.

She was moaning and squirming with pleasure as I held her body against me and my hard dick. My tongue parted her lips and invaded her mouth as we kissed and she shuddered with want. Gently we moved back to my bedroom and I closed the door behind us.

“Oh god” she whispered as I slowly began to unbutton her blouse, “please go slow I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve been so horny all day I just had to come up here and feel you touch me and kiss me.”

I gently removed her blouse and let it drop to the floor. As I kissed and nibbled my way around her creamy white shoulders I reached around and unhooked her pale blue bra. She squeaked and trembled harder as I slowly let her beautiful breasts creep out from behind the blue material one at a time. As each breast appeared I quickly but gently sucked the nipple into my mouth and gave it a tongue bath. By the time I was done with the second breast she was quivering and shaking so bad I had to let her set down on the edge of the bed after I had loosened her skirt and let it slip to her feet.

She gasped and cried out as I quickly removed my shirt and pants. She saw me standing completely naked in front of her and she whimpered “it’s too big it won’t fit”.

I lay her back on the bed and began kissing and licking from her eyes all the way down to her toes. As I moved my lips over her feet I gently sucked each of her big toes into my mouth. I began to work my way back up the inside of her legs and thighs with soft kisses, nibbles and licking.

She was lying back tossing her head from side to side and grabbing at the sheets with her hands and had her legs spread as wide as she could possibly get them. She was constantly moaning, whimpering and gasping for air. Her breath was coming in short gasps. As I arrived at her intersection I suddenly flattened my tongue out and licked hard from her asshole to her clit. I thought she was going to stand straight up as she screamed and threw her hips up off the bed.

As I sucked and licked I checked her mind. I had left her at a level four and by now she had gone to a level six on her own. I slowly and gently licked and kissed my way back up to her tits. Then I slowly and gently rubbed the head of my cock up and down through the lips to her sacred entrance. She gasp and cried out, “go slow I’m a virgin”.

As I tried to penetrate her she squirmed and whimpered moving her hips. My god she was tight. I started short in and out motions, shoving myself in a little bit farther each time until I felt her barrier at the end of my cock. I paused and adjusted her mind so she would not feel the pain of breaking but would feel pleasure in place of the pain. Slowly I sawed in and out a few more times and then as I felt her start to relax I thrust forward.

“Oh shit that feels good” she squealed as my rock hard cock invaded her tight virgin territory. I stopped and let her get used to my size and then slowly began to thrust in and pull back out. I could feel every muscle contraction and every ridge inside her pussy. I had to control my own mind to keep from blowing my load then and there. I grabbed her legs behind her knees and lifted them to where her knees were tight against the sides of her tits and continued sliding in and out, god she was wet.

Thankfully I had a condom on because I couldn’t see me pulling out in time to keep from getting her pregnant. She lay there for the next five minutes thrusting her hips up as I came down and moaning, twisting, shaking and begging for more. “Oh god faster, faster, harder, harder” she gasp out breathing in short pants and gasps. Suddenly she grabbed the sheets and cried out; “what’s happening to me”?

“You’re going to cum, cum for me now” I said and instantly sent her “horny” level up to twelve. She gulped a deep breath and froze, and then she began to shudder and shake like a bowl of Jell-O, a long drawn out oooooooooh squeezed its way out through her clenched teeth as I felt a gush of hot liquid then another hot gush from her quivering pussy as I shot what seemed like a gallon of my seed into the end of the condom just before she convulsed and passed out. I lay on her for a minute or better before her eyes fluttered open.

“Oh god what happened to me” she whispered.

“You cum and passed out” I told her as I nuzzled her neck and tits.

“Ooooh you’re still inside me, I can feel you it feels so good I can’t stand it”. Slowly I began to move back and forth in her steamy hot hole and felt her juices leak out beside my cock. “Oh, oh, oh, stop, stop, I’m so sensitive I can’t stand it” she grabbed me with both her hands and legs to stop me from moving. Gently I withdrew from her and rolled off to her side. “Oh god I know I’m going to have mom get me on the pill after this. I want to do this all the time with you.”

“Going to let your sister in on this” I teased her as I lay there stroking her tits.

“I don’t know if I want to share something this good or not” she replied in a dreamy voice.


Shela and I had been fucking each other’s brains out for several months. Both she and Jinni were by now on the pill so I didn’t have to worry about any mishaps. Shela was having her monthly happening so I decided it was Jenny’s turn to sample what Shela and I were enjoying.

As Jenni slipped out the back door of the café one evening I was waiting in the shadows. I had her mind up to a level three before she got off work. As she came out the door I raised her to a five and stood where she could see me. “Hi cutie, you off for the night” I ask. She was so horny she was trembling. As she walked up to me I reached out and put my arms around her waist.

“Hey girl you ok”, I asked again as I gave her a squeeze and held her close.

“OOOOO” she moaned “I don’t know what’s wrong with me but you feel so good, just hold me it makes me feel better”. I held her close and reached down to plant a kiss on her ear. As I kissed her she quivered and moaned again.

“I know what’s wrong with you” I whispered in her ear. As I whispered in her ear I let one of my hands slide around from her lower back to her crotch aria. She clamped her legs together and groaned as I tried to rub her pubic aria.

“Spread your legs open a little” I whispered as I nibbled on her ear and neck. She whimpered and shuddered as she cautiously began to open her legs wide enough to allow my hand access to her pussy. I gently and slowly drew my fingers across the tight, slick cotton panties that covered her. She almost squealed out loud but instead clamped her lips on my shoulder and groaned.

“Good grief girl you’re so hot and horny you can’t hardly stand up, let’s get you up to my place and see what we can do about this problem” I said as I slowly rubbed her private area.

“I know, Shela said she couldn’t do anything this week and she’s been telling me about how good it feels and what you do when you two are together. I haven’t been able to think of anything else all day” she replied as she vigorously humped herself into my hand and on my arm.

We quietly made our way around the corner and upstairs to my bedroom. As I closed the door she stood there like a bashful twelve year old, even though she was sixteen.

I reached for her and removed her blouse and unsnapped her skirt. As I reached around her to unhook her bra her skirt dropped to the floor. She was shaking like a leaf in a high wind as I removed her bra and white cotton panties which were by now soaked and almost dripping. I gently laid her back onto the bed and quickly lost all my clothes. As my eight inch manhood came into view she shrieked and slammed her legs together.

“Oh shit, it’ll never fit, it’ll split me in half” she cried out.

I gently opened her legs again as I calmed her mind and laid her back on the bed. Gently I began to lick and nibble my way up the inside of her legs past her knees to her crotch. I touched her lips from her ass to her clit with my tongue, never really touching hard enough to really let her know what I was doing but at the same time hard enough she could feel my butterfly touches all over her pussy and clit hood.

She was going crazy, rolling around, and grabbing the sheets and my hair. I parted her outer lips and suddenly sucked her clit in my mouth and started to batter it with my tongue. She slammed her hips up into my face and let out a scream of pleasure as she squirted her girl cum out onto my face.

Jinni had just felt her first mind blowing orgasm. She lay curled up on the bed in a fetal position shaking and jerking, gasping for breath and trying to cry all at the same time.

“What happened? I’ve never ever felt like that before, ever. I thought I was going to explode. Why am I jerking like this? I still feel weird inside. What did you do to me?” She managed to sob out finally.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

“Just relax, take a deep breath and relax. You’re fine, you just had an orgasm. Relax and enjoy it there isn’t anything to be scared of. What you felt and are feeling now is normal. You just had your first orgasm, or another way to say it is you came. It was a really big one too. The next time you do that you will love the feelings. An orgasm is the best part of sex, relax and let the feelings go through you. Just relax and concentrate on what your body is feeling.”

I lay with her and cuddled her close until she caught her breath and stopped shaking and jerking.

As she settled down and regained her senses I began to gently slide my hands and fingers over her naked body while I mentally aroused her and relaxed her mind. Five minutes later she was moaning and squirming as I slowly and gently rubbed her tits and her smooth virgin stomach. I began to tongue her tits one after the other and suck on her nipples as I eased my hand down between her legs and onto her throbbing pussy. I slowly slid my fingers between her outer lips and found the virgin hole I was looking for. She gasped, whined and arched her back as I gently entered her untouched by man territory with my finger.

“Ooooh that feels good” she whimpered as I gently slid my finger in and out.

As she relaxed I felt her begin to loosen up a little, I slowly I introduced another finger to her insides. By now she was twisting and thrusting her hips upwards at my fingers. Suddenly I started to torment her clit each time my fingers slid out. As I would rub over her clit all she could do was lift her hips and say humfff. I knew she was close when she jerked her legs up. A long drawn out Ooooh shitttt started deep down inside her and slowly slid up and forced its way out past her lips. Then she stiffened up and I felt her girl juices flood my hand as she arched her back and hips off the bed. Good grief I thought she was going to drown me. I felt her juices land on my knee as I lay beside her.

Suddenly she slammed her legs together and curled up in a fetal position on her side with tears on her face.

“Oh fuck, I just did it again. I felt like I was going to explode, I thought I was going to die. Oh crap, I think I just peed all over. Oh what happened it felt like a giant explosion inside me? I saw all kinds of stars and flashing colored lights. I’ve never felt anything that good.

We lay facing each other on the bed. “You just had another major orgasm, you cum. What do you think did you like the feelings?”

“Oh crap if it’s that good I don’t ever want to get out of this bed I want to be here forever. Wait until I tell sis. Now I know why she always wants to come up here, I do to.”

By now I had begun to trace my fingers all over her body again. We were kissing and I was nipping her neck, throat, ears, and tits as she began to squirm and twist. Slowly I worked my way down to her pussy and began to lick it and nibble on her clit. She was moaning and jerking as I sucked her tender and tasty clit into my mouth and sucked on it. I knew she was hotter than a firecracker again so I rolled over on top of her. I slid the head of my dick up and down through her inner lips then I started it into her love hole.

“Oh stop, I’m still a virgin. It’ll hurt I know it will."

Again I calmed her mind and adjusted it to where she wouldn’t feel the pain. I gently started into her fiery hot sloppy wet virgin pussy. It was like trying to shove a pop bottle through a garden hose. She was so tight I had to pause for a minute. This was painful even for me. As I came up against her barrier I stopped again then started a slight in and out motion. Jinni lay there moaning and trembling. I relaxed her mind more and she began to feel me going in and out. Finally she had loosened up enough so I thought I could make it in with my throbbing cock. I slowly drew back and then lunged forward.

Jinny squealed and I yelled. I thought for a minute I had broken my cock when I burst through. We both lay there and moaned for a couple of minutes. When I could move again I discovered that I was balls deep in my little virgin girl. We were both almost in tears.

She was slowly beginning to stretch and open up as I tried to withdraw. I figured out that I was still all in one piece and I had broken through her barrier. I gently began a slow in and out movement which made her moan and squirm. A half a dozen strokes later we were beginning to fuck like a couple of mink. Her heels were beating my ass in rhythm with my thrusts and she was moaning about how good it felt. I was ready to blow my load so I paused for a minute pulled out of her and slapped her clit with my dick That pause was what I needed. I began a slow steady in and out then mixed in a few short quick jabs before going back to the long slow then fast penetrations.

By now Jenni was grunting, moaning, and gasping for breath. “Oh it’s happening again I’m cuming. Oh crap don’t stop it’s happening again, harder please faster, oh shit yesssssss.” Her hips flew up off the bed as she howled out the word yes as her tender young pussy began to jerk and spasm. That was all it took, it felt like I ripped my toenails off as I started to cum. It felt like it started in the bottom of my feet and came ripping up my legs and out through my cock.

“Oh fuck” I moaned and then we both collapsed in a heap with me still deeply embedded in her contracting, twitching, quivering, pussy.
I had never felt anything like it as I lay there with her pussy walls milking my juices out of me. I felt her heartbeat, I felt every twitch and spasm of her pussy, and I felt every ripple, ridge, fold and bump inside her.

Finally I rolled off to the side and my soft, abused, spent, exhausted cock popped out of her hole and flopped lifeless onto my thigh. After having this girl I wondered if I would ever be able to fuck again.

Slowly we came back down to earth. As we both managed to start breathing normally and the mini orgams left Jinni she relaxed and laid there quietly touching, inspecting, looking and discovering what a boy’s body looked like. She ran her fingers over my chest, abdomen, legs, and finally she took my cock in her hands. She turned it, stretched it, and twisted it looking at every inch of it. Then she thoroughly inspected my balls. The poor girl was so naïve for someone of her age. Her parents must have kept her locked in a cage somewhere.

“Wow I didn’t know boys were so different. This is the first time I’ve seen a guy naked. I peeked at my brother a time or two but he had undershorts on. How does it get so big and hard? It hurt like hell right at first then after you broke my cherry it wasn’t so bad. I want to fuck again but not right now. It’ll be a few days before I can do it again I’m still sore from you being inside me. Is it always this bad?”

“No Jinny now that you’ve done it the next time will be a lot easier. You won’t have your cherry to deal with next time. Your body will get used to being stretched and having it inside you. You’ll get to love it and want it almost every day. Your sister would be up here every day if she could. You’ll be the same way soon. Maybe next time both of you can be here. You can watch close and see what happens. See how it’s starting to get hard again? That’s because you have it in your hands and are moving your hand around on it. Let me show you something.”

I took her hand and began moving it up and down the length of my cock. Quickly it again bloomed to its full length and girth. Jinny watched in wide eyed wonder as it fully inflated and stood straight up again.

“Let me show you some more. Put the end of it in your mouth and gently suck on it like you would a sucker. When you get it into your mouth lick it and slide your tongue all over it. Just don’t touch it with your teeth.”

Jinny tentatively touched the end of it with her tongue and withdrew as if to taste it and decide if she liked it or not. “That’s weird, it don’t taste like anything. I thought it would be nasty but it’s not.” Her head descended again and then she slid her mouth over it. I let her taste and experiment for a minute then I put my hands on the sides of her head. “Do like this” and I began to bob her head up and down sliding my cock in and out of her mouth.

Jinny soon got the idea and was happily sucking my cock in no time flat. Suddenly she stopped.

Are you going to shoot again? What should I do when it happens? How will I know before it happens? What happens when you do it,” she asked innocently.

I had to swallow a laugh. This girl was far beyond naïve. I couldn’t believe some of the questions she was asking. I seriously doubted that she had ever even masturbated. Damn what had I gotten myself into?

“Yes Jenni I’ll shoot again. You can swallow what comes out, you can catch it in your mouth and spit it out, or you can take it out of your mouth at the last second and watch me come. I’ll tell you just before I come so you’ll be ready to do whatever you want to do. Now you get your butt up here by me and continue on that really feels good.

Jinny wiggled her pretty, shapely ass up beside me and was happily sucking me again. Gently I reached over and began to rub and finger her pussy. I would rub and finger her then I would roll her clit between my fingers. She was soon moaning around my cock and humping my hand. She couldn’t stay still she was twisting and jerking her ass everywhere. Suddenly I felt it start.

“Oh shit I’m going to come.” Jinny just kept on sucking. I’m going to come! I’m coming now I groaned just before I shot my load into her hot and busy mouth. As the first shot hit her she jerked then she began to swallow as the next three or four shots came racing out of me and into her waiting mouth.

Jinni just knelt there with my cock in her mouth as I began to finger her and maul her clit again. Her legs were spread wide and she finally dropped my deflating cock and began to cry out with another orgasm.

“Oh shit I’m coming oh yes please fuck me I’m coming again,” she squealed out. She began to shake and jerk, and then she toppled over on her side, curled up in a fetal position and started to moan and jerk her hips.

Both Shela and Jinni spent a lot of time in my bed after that. Sometimes just one of them would be there and sometimes both of them would be there together. They began to learn to pleasure each other or as I fucked one of them the other girl would suck the tits or rub the clit of the one I was fucking.

Just after the three of us turned eighteen I landed a good job that paid really well. Mom was talking about moving again to a better job. Finally I told mom to go ahead and move but I was going to stay right where I was. By then I was making over twice as much money as mom made. I had a great job and some money in the bank. Then the girls came to me in tears. They told me their folks were talking about moving back down south again. They didn’t want to go and give up what we had.

“Let them go,” I told them. “You two can live here with me, get a job and not worry about moving. You’re both eighteen years old so your folks can’t say much of anything.” Instantly the tears vanished and they were bouncing up and down.

“Yes I love that idea” Shela exclaimed. “I think I’ve got the job at the bank that I applied for and Jinny should be able to find something somewhere. Mom and dad won’t like it but we don’t like the idea of moving and leaving here either. Tom will be pissed but who cares, he’s talking about going into the army anyway.

Needless to say the girl’s parents did everything they could think of to discourage the idea until I stepped into their mind and helped them accept the fact.

Six weeks later their mom, dad, and Tom was headed out of town. The girls and I settled in and were living on our own. There were a few tongues wagging around town about me having two girls living with me but whenever it came up I quietly placed the thought in the person’s mind that we were living in a three bedroom house. Each of the girls had their own bedroom and I had mine. Or so everyone thought.

Even the police showed up at the door one day wanting to know what was going on. We all three showed the officer our birth certificate to prove we were all three eighteen. Then we invited him in to see that the girls had their bedroom and I had mine. The officer finally admitted there was nothing he could do everything was legal.

After they left town the girl’s parents would not write, call, or speak to us. A year later we accidently found out that Tom had been killed in the Viet Nam war.

We are all three in our late fifty’s’ now and were still living in the same town and still fucking each other silly. I worked my way up to the district manager’s position and Shela is the head of the loan department at the bank. Ginny is the bookkeeper at the local lumber yard. We’re all three beginning to think about retiring someday.


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Mistress WatchingChapter 10

Ed woke up at 6 o'clock and went into the kitchen and started the coffee. He slipped into the bedroom and got clothes for the day from his dresser. Betty didn't stir. Ed looked at her and he felt that she was probably exhausted from crying most of the night. Ed went into the bathroom and took a shower and was dressed when Betty came out of the bedroom about 8 o'clock. She walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool at the kitchen counter still half a sleep. Ed poured her a cup of coffee...

3 years ago
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How I Was Seduced By My Neighbor

Hello to all readers, my name is John (pseudo name). I am 30 years old and living in Bangalore. I am a regular reader of ISS and also share here sometimes. Kindly request the readers to share comments or feedback after reading the story of how I was seduced by my neighbor. I like married women a lot and had few encounters with some of them. I am sharing this story about my neighborhood lady aged around 28 years old. She seduced me and took me to bed. I live in a small apartment complex, and...

1 year ago
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Repressed Gone Wild

Reddit Repressed Gone Wild, aka r/RepressedGoneWild! This is one of those XXX subreddits that takes racial pornographic controversy to a whole new meaning. /r/RepressedGoneWild is a place where you can find all sorts of girls that are of South Asian descent, and most of these girls seem to come from Islamic countries too - and you can probably already guess that they won’t be clothed at all. Now, why is their ethnicity a factor? Well, because the girls living in countries within the Middle-East...

Reddit NSFW List
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Private Julia Parker Debuts With Poolside Fuck

Today has the pleasure of introducing you to Julia Parker, a saucy blonde who is making the most of the hot summer sun showing off her tight bronzed body and enticing in the lucky Don Diego. After some sunbathing Julia cools off in the pool and treats her man to a blowjob before heading over to the deck chair and offering up that juicy pussy for a taste. Then enjoy the sight of this horny blonde in action as she takes a hard pounding outdoors in the sun fucking her way to refreshing...

3 years ago
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Vincent and Erin Halloween Special

Nine o'clock came much too early for Vincent that Halloween morning. When he woke, he rolled over to try to make love to his eternal lover, Erin, to find her not in his bed. Instead, there was a note taped to the pillow. “Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Breeding of Chris

I wrote this fantasy for an online friend who gets turned on by big hard cocks and lots of cum. She also had a pregnancy fetish. She is a big girl too, which I love!Let me know how you enjoyed it.Cheers,ColinThe Breeding of ChrisBeing at the prime of your womanhood, we’ve openly talked about yournatural desire and cravings for getting pregnant. The insatiable urgeand need to be inseminated by a big hard cock in your fertile wombgets you instantly swollen and wet. The thought of making this...

3 years ago
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Hot Frozen Sex

Winters in Minnesota can be cold, very cold. Don't ask me to explain the science behind it, but it can be nearly 30% F in Anchorage, while at the same time in the city of Minneapolis, it's subzero at -30% F. It was on such a night, outside in the cold, I met the love of my life. So many years ago, though it seems like yesterday, I frequented a night club by the name of Sam's, which would later have its name change to 'First Avenue, ' a place made famous by Prince. Let me tell you, things...

3 years ago
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Aurum Et Periculo the Mystery of the Roman GoldChapter 2C Section Two

I awoke in a glorious Paris morning. I was feeling energized although sore, especially in a new place. Mel was particularly cheerful after the fucking she had gotten, and I was feeling well taken care of myself. The ride back in the cab the night before was frazzled given that neither of us was wearing any form of underwear and both of us found our exit hilarious. It isn’t often that you can make two experienced Lotharios whine like little bitches. Pierre had been a great fuck. But I had no...

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The Sins of the FathersChapter 4

(2013) It was a bit of a drive to Annie's house, extended a bit further by my desire to reminisce over the family's past and take a look at the old Manor where much of my tale was set. It had been bequeathed at the death of my great-granddad to the Army Medical Corp as a convalescence and respite care home and had since been taken over by the National Health Service for the same purpose. That's not to say my legacy, if that's what you wanted to call it, had been squandered. Both my Dad...

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Nancyrsquos Story Chapter 10

Chapter 10, Love on The Hill of LesbosThe temperature in our cabin was perfect and the gentle movement of “The Princess” rocked us to a sound sleep. In a single day, we had gotten up, said our good byes to or friends in New Zealand, flew over open water landing in Fiji, boarded a beautiful sailboat, sailed for a bit, renewed our vows under sail, and had toe-curling sex for hours. I recommend that regimen if you experience a sleeping disorder.The smell of coffee stirred us awake. I slipped out...

1 year ago
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Hotel Mein Mili Rich Aunty

To hua yu ki hamare hotel mein ek party ka arrangement maine kiya tha vaha par sab rich log ane wale the koi business success party thi sab Guest aa chuke the party chalu thi sab log ekdusre se bate kar rahe the to main party mein jakar kisi ko kuch problem to nh ye dekhne ke liye round mar raha tha to meri najar ek aunty par padi wo bahot sexy lag rahi thi usne yellow color ki Saree pahni thi mere hisab se uska figure koi 36 30 38 hoga sex ki devi thi wo uska age bhi koi 26 27 hoga. Main use...

3 years ago
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A Clear Afternoon in the Early Morn

A clear afternoon in the early morning… Life is just about as frustrating as can be. This morning, a full bladder and a dream ganged up on my short sleep cycle to wake me at 4:30 in the damned morning. Naturally, after I get up, go pee, check the house, and find all is secure, I can’t get back to bed, not that I was particularly sleepy. So now I have to sit here, playing pool with a bunch of idiots that are determined to find their long lost loves or at least a long distance ‘cyber’ in a...

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A Much Needed Quickie on Holiday

She watched her husband with an air of disbelief as he lay on the bed of the hotel room in the most unsexy underwear imaginable; the TV remote control in his hand as he flicked through the channels, never stopping on one longer than to recognise it as junk and move on to the next.Melissa just stood there and stared at him.  A pout formed on her lips as she imagined a young virile man in place of her husband; his cock hard and erect, just waiting for her to lower herself upon him. When she...

2 years ago
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My fantasy

MY fantasy is to be fucking used and humilated on tape by a bunch of men, I mean a FUCKING lot of guys doing anything they wish to me, while they filmed it, making me show my face and answer really personal questions like my full name, city, etc. Then them doing ANYTHING they wish with the video. I know some ppl will think this is wrong, but fuck it makes my pussy soooooooo fucking wet.

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Wake up with Daddy

So it happened this morning that i was awoken in the most delightful way. In a foggy dream-like state my Man's voice came to me through the haze of sleep, "Princess, I am horny and need to leave soon for work." As His fingers gently pull my head toward the edge of the bed i look up to see Him standing over me, His trousers are open and His cock is in His hand. I look at Him, and smile weakly up at Him. He smiles down at me, "You are such a good girl. Baby, I don't have much time." He says this...

3 years ago
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A Shade of PurpleChapter 9

Searching Mr. Johnson’s office produced practice schedules as well as addresses to many of the player’s homes. That information combined with Aspen’s looks and charm, she was able to gather enough information to piece together to determine that best times to strike back. Steve and Dave were the first to go, being that, while they were part of what happened to her, they just weren’t high on her list. Two of the more important team members on her list are at her house. It was easy to seduce...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 25 The Unknown

Day, for which Dantes had so eagerly and impatiently waited with open eyes, again dawned. With the first light Dantes resumed his search. Again he climbed the rocky height he had ascended the previous evening, and strained his view to catch every peculiarity of the landscape; but it wore the same wild, barren aspect when seen by the rays of the morning sun which it had done when surveyed by the fading glimmer of eve. Descending into the grotto, he lifted the stone, filled his pockets with...

1 year ago
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Dominante Bekanntschaft 5 Die Praumlsentation

Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Dominante Bekanntschaft 4 : Erste Woche Teil 2SonntagIch wache früh auf. Das gibt mir Zeit noch etwas zu lernen. Um kurz vor neun Uhr gehe ich zur Wohnung von Anna.Sie öffnet mir wieder im Pyjama. Wie gestern gehen wir ins Bad und es folgt eine gründliche Spülung bei mir. Zum Schluss gab es noch eine Ladung Schmiere hinein, damit es sich schon gut verteilen kann. Damit nichts tropft bekomme ich wieder die Latexhose. Diesmal ist in ihr auch ein ausblasbarer Plug am...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 369

A little ditty from tooly Little Tommy on a farm runs indoors “Mummy! Mummy! The bull’s fucking the cow!” His mum says “No Tommy, you must be polite and say ‘the bull is surprising the cow’”. Later on Tommy runs in again. “Mummy! Mummy! The bull’s surprising all the cows!” His mum says “No Tommy, the bull can’t be surprising all the cows”. Tommy replies “Oh yes he can; he’s fucking the horse!” ✧ ✧ ✧ Another one from jantrevor Laissez Faire: Three men were discussing the meaning of the...

4 years ago
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Graduation TripChapter 4

We woke by six thirty, made trips to the bathroom and then set to finding some fast food for breakfast. After this we would be fixing meals ourselves most of the time and we had stopped the day before to get some groceries so we had enough in the cooler and car to last us several days. Now we headed back into the park. Yellowstone is a huge park, about 3500 square miles. The road around it is about one hundred forty miles, so we weren't going to see everything in one day. Actually we had...

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Meri Sindhu Didi Ki Maine Gand Mari

Hi I am Akash main Iss ka regular reader hoo aur roj padhta hoo isiliye socha ki aaj apni bhi ek story daal doo pehle main apne baare mein bata doo meri height 5 foot 10 inch hai aur mere land ka size 6 inch lamba hai main apni story shuru karta hoo dahanu mein Agar koi bhi ladki jiski umar 18 se 22 saal ki hai ya aunty jiski umar30 -35 ki ho aur mujhse chudwana chahti ho to plz mujheaur extra time mein maaza lena chahti ho plz mujhe apni ek photo k saath e-mail kijiye meri e-mail id hai Baat...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Chance To Fuck My Girlfriends Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, this Rishabh from Bangalore. This is a story of how I got to have sex with my girlfriend’s mom. I am 5’9” tall with a decently built body and a decently big cock. Her name is Varsha. She is 49 years old and a mother of two kids, Raksha and Vibha. Varsha is extremely hot and fit for her age. She is well educated and a woman with class. Both her daughters are my friends. But I was very close to her elder daughter, who is 22 years old. She’s extremely pretty, and we have been friends...

1 year ago
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Community TooChapter 26

Dan Richards's turn: The voice on the phone said "Pine Grove Baptist Church. May I help you?" "Yes ma'am," I said. "This is Dan Richards. Is Pastor Jones in a position where I can speak with him?" "He's in his study," she said. "Just a moment." There was pause, then a click. "Barry Jones. Can I help you?" "You might be able to help me. Dan Richards here," I said. "Wanna feel you out on something." "Well, hello, Dan. I hear your business is booming. What's...

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Saturday Night Sex

It was my twenty first birthday and my friends decided to treat me to a night in New York City. I knew we would definitely be doing some drinking and a little clubbing but I knew that my friends would sneak some kind of surprise past me. We had hit a bar near Time Square but after only a couple drinks my best friend Jasmine started pulling on my arm. "Come on we have to leave." "Why we haven't been here more than half an hour." "Yeah but we have to get dinner before we have to wait behind a...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingBuffalo

We left the Proctor and Gamble facility in Irvine carrying a full load of home cleaning products. Given the weight of the load and its length, Jake had to concentrate maneuvering the big Kenworth through the heavy Irvine traffic and the abrupt corners of city streets. Even though he had driven 18-wheelers for many years, Jake’s demeanor indicated that he did not wish to be distracted. Driving an 18-wheeler in traffic is something of an art form. The other traffic- perhaps understandably-...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 17

The search for ice has us glued to the windows, even the children have joined in the search. Dom says that we are getting close to the Pole, but there simply is no sign of ice anywhere. Okay, I’m willing to believe that all of the ice has melted and has raised the sea level to a point well beyond what we were threatened with back during our time on Earth. Miami, Florida, had already put in some dikes and was madly working on trying to contain the rate at which water flowed into Miami’s...

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Little IndiansChapter 11 Rescues

When Dee did not return that evening, Penn was desolate. He was convinced that she had been taken, and expected his memory of his sister to be washed out, at any time, with that strange sense of calm. It never happened. Was Dee still safe? He went with Madeleine to her room, and they asked assistance from the mirror. "Dee Fillis" Dee's face appeared. She was sitting naked against a tree, next to a road. Her legs were splayed, and there was blood on her thighs, and those strange...

2 years ago
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In Rileys Arms Part 2

If I were being honest with myself, I would say that I actually didn't look as ridiculous as I had first thought I would. In fact, I looked pretty. Older. A bit more mature. “Holly?” My brother tapped lightly on the door before pushing it open. “I need to go pick up Ashl... wow.” His head came around the door and he saw me. Slowly, his eyes traveled from my shoes to my barely made-up face. “Wow, Holly. You look amazing. That dress is perfect for you. Who ever would have through my baby...

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Bullies Part 4

Bullies Part 4. I thought, that to make the school more peaceful and more of a bully free zone, that not just the big bullies should be tamed, but some other's too. The popular people have become too arrogant and I think they need to be taught some humility so I will make some changes to the rules of the school. During Gloria's free time she had to do a service. Gloria was one of the most popular girls in the school. According to the school handbook: "Being popular is a privilege...

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Subhash Takes His Maid Anal

Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...

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       Thumbing really scares me. I am 16 but I think I look older cause of my long hair and worn jeans.  My face is sort of girlish and I am used to being whistled at every now and then. Gays don't really turn me on. I swore this would be the last time I thumbed.  The last guy I rode with got me to jerk off for him in the car.  It really scared me.  I thought he was going to hurt me.  So I was really glad  I was almost home.  A car pulled up.  The guy looked ok so I got in.  We exchanged...

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Growing Up Fordfmicircpoundy Bonds

Written with inspiration from an unpopular post bysexaddict66This story is fictional and is based in an older simpler time: Our parents were very foregoing, OPEN, and gentle people who were very supportive of us in many unique and different ways. But overall happiness came to saddening halt when our Father, our Mother's Husband died after he caught a horrific fever during a cold and brutal winter 3 years past.-Later after we coped and moved on:One early weekend morning I was outside doing some...

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Valedictorian learns to blow

Lisa’s project to loose her virginity didn’t yield any successes yet, so far she’d sneaked off campus once and she’d only had received one hand job by some married dude. Her wig and cropped skirt laid deep within her closet, hidden. Waiting for a new adventure. But life got in the way. There was homework and friends popping by unannounced, then suddenly it was Thursday night and Lisa was in her dorm all alone with nothing to do. Internally she screamed in excitement, but on the outside...

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A couple stools down from my was a really sexy young lady. She did not look old enough to be in there but I know that Jimmy's cards anyone that looks questionable. She had medium length blond hair and had a great build. She was wearing a white tube top that was well stretched by her tits that I would guess may have been about 34 c's and shaped just perfectly. She had on a short white skirt over her small hips and her well tanned tummy had a navel ring. She was a real knock out. All the...

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A New BeginingChapter 2

The High Lord group materialized in a small, grassy clearing in a semi forested area somewhat away from the inhabited part of the planet. Medron of course had carried out the work of transporting Anna along with the rest of the group since she wasn't capable of doing that on her own yet, though she would gain that power in time. They all checked their surroundings using both their physical and spellcraft senses and they quickly discovered they were alone in their clearing. Once they had...

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The New WaitressChapter 2

Friday arrived, and at five o'clock on the nose, Julie came in through the front door. She was wearing a well-broken pair of cowboy boots, a checked blouse, and a denim mini-skirt. She looked like she was heading out for an evening of line-dancing, and I told her so after we had exchanged greetings. She laughed a bit and said, "These actually are the clothes I usually wear when I do go line-dancing. I figured that since I can dance for hours in these boots, then they'd be good to wear for...

1 year ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 13

Jace slept beside her. Susan held him close and gently kissed his forehead. Within her, his cock slowly deflated and slipped from her body. She sighed, releasing him as he rolled to his back. For a moment, she rose on her elbows and gazed at her husband. Love and warmth flooded her. As much as she had loved their weekend with Phil and Melinda, it felt good to be home in their own house, their own bed. Giving Jace another kiss while he slept, she slipped from the bed and walked to the...

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small cock boy

it was so obvious i was looking at his much bigger bbc dangling between his legs in the shower after the tennis coursei will always remember how easy it happenhe left the shower looking at me right in the eyes smillingi went out soon after i didnt see him around until i went outside''hey boy need a lift''the tall black older guy looking at me his sweat pants bulge so obviousi noded and walk to his for truckhe sat in the backseat and help me between his legs on the floor''you wanted to suck on...

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dirty home alone wife

so here i am again, husband overseas and my pussy is itching for cock. firstly i must say i am what is described as a bbw. i'm big and very beautiful and only those who have what it takes can satisfy my sexual desires. i seem to have spent most of the day with my hands down my knickers flicking my little twat and then licking my juice off my finger. As i type this the heat of my pussy is unreal. I have my didlo stuffed inside my knickers and am thrusting it fast and hard wishing it was some...

4 years ago
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Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsChapter 4

I drove the Citroen southward while Talibah studied the images of her mother in California on the digital viewer/MP3 player I borrowed from Sun and Jun. I also had her put on the earphones and showed her how to play the audio of her mother's recorded message. There were tears in her eyes when she finished, and she turned to me saying, "Thank you!" "We made a promise," was my only reply. I still wasn't sure about her, one way or another. "My mother says that the woman who first came...

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Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...

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Collision Course and AfterChapter 17

The man had an idea of who at least one of the children was. That of General Baron. He glared silently at the thought. This was good. He had been going up to the lodge, and had left the road forty minutes ago, trying to remain unseen. He didn't really have a plan, but wanted to look over the home of the man who had had his brother killed. Silently, he moved closer until he could also hear what the children were saying. He was not unaffected by the beauty of the two nude teen girls. He...

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A Better World IIChapter 25B The Wedding and honeymoon

Saturday: June 28, 2008 Tourist in Athens "Good morning all." That is how Tiger and Squeaker woke us. I could smell the cappuccino. I gave Cynthia a hug. We got up and joined the others in the living room. There was a pile of croissants and fruit on the table. Tiger said he had checked a few places on net that he thought we might want to see: the Acropolis, run laps on the track at the Panathenaic Stadium, go down to Piraeus for seafood dinner. We all did our tai Chi. Tiger led out. We...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 4 Felicitys First Purification

The Reverend Ebenezer Wilson's erection was straining at his trousers as he led the lovely, naked fourteen-year-old girl into the adjoining room. The sight of her large, heavy breasts and her lush, round bottom as they jiggled and rolled nakedly and displayed the promise of sensual delights made him doubt that he could maintain his plan for her. Felicity looked through drug-dulled eyes at the room as she stumbled into it. There was the big, high bed that she'd noted earlier on one side of...

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MaudeMadeleine Part 9

In the following months I entertained many guests at Mistress Pickles’ house and my First Lady was a regular visitor. She sometimes liked to take both Maria, to whom I had become exceeding close, and me to her room and we would entertain her together. Mistress Pickles’ salon had become well known amongst ladies of class and, of course, a certain inclination. One evening we were in the salon, playing charades as I recall, when the Mistress arrived with Jenkins and asked us all to sit and pay...

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Sexy Indian Barbie Doll

Sun is too hot in bright afternoon. I am swimming in a sea with my 3 cricket club’s friends. Waves were pushing me towards sea shore, while sea face pulling me inside. “It’s enough! We have to go now” I said to Manish a body builder friend. He replied with funny voice “why are you scared of going in more deep” “no I am not, but I don’t wanna take a risk”. He asked everyone “do you’ll wanna move outside”. They all said in clashing each other’s voice “NO!!!”.. Manish & Gaurav are not so good...

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A Si sterrsquos Lust chapter 2

“I think I need a little exercise to work off that big meal,” Jerry grinned, helping thebeautiful girl wipe the last dish. “How about going down to the swimming pool andtaking a dip with me?”“Mmmmm . . . sounds good,” she agreed, forcing a smile on her lips. She couldn’t letJerry know how upset she was that Gail was going to visit. Of course Jerry knew thatshe was upset but she was dwelling on it and she had to get in a better mood. If shecould only get her prudish sister out of her mind,...

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TeamSkeetAllstars Kay Lovely A Lovely Time of Year Pt 2 Lights Camera WTF

What’s up, Team Skeets fans? Are you ready to celebrate the holiday season with a brand-new Team Skeet All-Star? This month we’re celebrating the insanely hot Kay Lovely, an amazing pornstar that everyone should be excited about. Kay is living a secret porno life and is about to film her shoot with Maximus and Brother Love but is interrupted by her real stepbrother, Oliver. Maximus and Brother Love bail, so Kay needs a new partner to film her latest scene. In exchange for secrecy, Oliver...

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Reverse Cowboy On A Six Foot Nine Black Guys 11 Incher

I just turned 20 - a cute white twink with a baby face, a slim twinkish body, and an 8 inch dick. He's around 30. Gorgeous black man, a beautiful behemoth standing six foot nine, totally proportioned everywhere. Including between his legs where he's got an 11 inch black monster dick. I'm a total black cock slut and I'm also a hopeless size queen. So when we get to his place and I get on my knees and he pulls out his dick, I almost pass out from the sexual thrill that literally shakes my entire...

Gay Male
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Heavy TrafficChapter 9

“Were you raised in the Methodist Church?” Amanda asked Sean as they took the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard exit from the perimeter loop, and headed north. Sean had told her where they would be meeting his grandmother. “From Sunday School through baptism and beyond,” replied Sean. “I attended Wesleyan Schools from Kindergarten through high school. You?” “Same with me, except as you know, I was homeschooled,” confirmed Amanda. “The similarities between us really are amazing when you think...

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