SparksChapter 16 free porn video

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03:45 Friday, July 5th, 1991
Sonoma Valley Inn
550 W Second St, Sonoma, CA 95476

Sandy woke Friday morning, stiff from sleeping on Ben's arm. With a stifled groan, she reached over to shut the alarm off, but instead switched it to radio mode. The resultant blast of AM radio deejay chatter woke Ben.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sandy watched Ben stretch. Is he everything I could ever want? Ask me today, and I'd say 'yes'. What will I answer in six months? Troubled, Sandy pushed the doubt aside. All I need to do is make sure he wants to come back to me.

Smiling, Sandy stood and stretched languidly, stretching muscles and tissues slightly sore from the previous night's lovemaking. She smiled inwardly again, when Ben's breath caught audibly at the sight.

A few moments later, he joined her in the shower. They began the quick dance they'd learned, having showered together so often in the last few weeks. He slipped past her to reach the soap, she shampooed her hair. There was the occasional fondle as they passed close by one another. Sandy was content.

As she left the shower, Ben said something which puzzled her. "Class B's, hon." Shrugging, she slipped on her panties, and tugged her bra around her middle, then slipped the straps over her shoulders. She waited in front of the TV for a moment, for Ben to come out. "Why?"

Ben shrugged. "I dunno. I get the feeling Kostowe will appreciate it."

Sandy nodded. "Okay." She packed a bag with her swimwear, and a second set of light clothes. She packed warmer clothes for each of them, after considering they could be out at night. Then she dressed in her Class B's.

05:35 Friday, July 5th, 1991
Oakland Yacht Club
1101 Pacific Marina, Alameda CA, 94501

Lenore snored in the truck. Sandy was driving again, with Ben in the middle. Getting up at oh-dark-thirty, when the Army wasn't even asking it of her seemed absurd, yet she did it without complaint this morning. Neither she nor Ben really questioned why they were doing this. Sandy supposed it was for Lenore. And just what is this fascination she has with the Gunny, anyway?

The time passed in silence, Ben riding along with his eyes closed. Sandy sensed he was awake, but they shared the quiet companionably.

Nearing the exit off the 24 freeway, Sandy had Ben navigate with the map, and his voice woke Lenore. They drove onto the marina with ten minutes to spare. Sandy found a parking spot, and as the sunrise strengthened over the hills to the east, the three carried their day bags and the wine down the pier. The air was heavy and cool. This close to the water there was a briny almost-stench which made her think of rotting seaweed.

The Gunny had said they couldn't miss it. Taller than anything on either side, glistening white, and with the US flag flanked by US Navy and Marine Corps flags at the stern, Sandy was sure they'd found the boat.

The three traded glances, then with a deep breath, Ben strode forward. Above them, Gunny Hebert landed on the rear deck by the combination stair/ladder at the stern of the boat. He waved at the three of them, and waited while they approached. As they drew nearer, it was apparent the Gunny wore khakis, with short pants, but no insignia or other accoutrements. Then, as Ben grasped the rail of the ladder, the Gunny leaned over the gunwale, and spoke in a casual, but firm tone.

"Collins. Nice touch on the uniforms, you will absolutely make Kostowe's day. But, if you had any plans to be piped aboard, drop them ... you two are enlisted, and you'd need to have the Medal of Honor before Kostowe would stand for it." He watched Ben shrewdly, then smiled. "Let him see you're here in uniform, but the drawback is you'll have to jump to his orders. Just handle it for the day, and you'll be in like Flynn. Got it?"

Ben nodded. The Gunny turned to Sandy. She considered his words for a moment, before nodding, once. He turned to Lenore, but then immediately snorted, in lieu of asking her to agree. "Miss Collins, you'll have to forgive us military types our little games."

Lenore's eyes flashed. "Well, Gunny. Who knows? Someday, I might be in the military. It seems to suit my favorite people."

The Gunny laughed. "Welcome aboard, all." As Ben stopped at the top of the ladder, he turned to Lenore, who handed up a heavy paper shopping bag. "What's this, Collins?" the Gunny inquired, reaching past Ben and taking the bag from Lenore, then retrieving a bottle from the bag. "Oh, yes. A California Riesling? Oh, mes enfants, Coalstove is going to absolutely love you."

As Ben stepped over the rail, he met Sandy's eyes. Infinitesimally, he shrugged, and Sandy returned it with a bland gaze.

Lenore climbed over the rail next, and as she stepped aboard, she gave a low whistle. After she climbed up, Sandy understood why. Sandy didn't even want to guess how long or how tall the boat was, though she could see there were at least two levels above the deck. All was seemingly white, brass, and teak, and completely spotless.

The Gunny bent to speak to them again, low and urgent. "Listen. Call Chief Kostowe 'Chief' when you want his attention, or off the boat, but never 'Boats' or 'Coalstove', unless he invites you to ... and that'll be a long time coming. Got it?"

Satisfied with the three nods he received, the Gunny straightened, and projected towards the front of the boat, "Chief, we have three to report aboard!"

Clear as a bell in the morning haze hanging over the water, the answer floated back. "Very well, Gunny. Present them, if you please."

The Gunny gave the three a tight smile, and indicated they should stow their gear under a bench. When he saw they were ready, he strode off towards a ladder on the side of the superstructure. Ben followed first, then Sandy, and Lenore. At the top of the ladder, the Gunny held a richly finished wood door open for them. They trooped in to find Chief Kostowe standing erectly at a table with a number of maps on it, making marks with a pencil and straightedge. Charts. They're called 'charts', not maps, Sandy realized.

"Welcome to the Joy Redux," Chief Kostowe said. Turning to Lenore, he smiled. "Ah, the lovely Miss Collins. Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy our cruise this day, the weather promises to be fair. Do you prefer Red Snapper or Tuna?"

Completely nonplussed, Lenore still rallied enough to smile gamely, and answered confidently, "The first, Chief," and was rewarded with a brilliant smile.

Turning back to Sandy and Ben, Kostowe began a nearly incomprehensible monologue. "Attention. I expect the junior officers to arrive in uniform. We shall need your assistance in making ready to sail. The Gunny will insure you are prepared. Later, I will require your presence readying the deck for diving operations, and I hope you have brought suitable gear?" He glanced towards the Gunny, in obvious invitation.

Gunny Hebert started, slightly guiltily, to Sandy's amazement, and responded. "Yes Chief, though Collins has a medical condition, recovering from a punctured lung. He cannot dive."

Kostowe took this into consideration, and then nodded decisively. "Collins, you will be our diving watch. Miss Collins, you shall be our chef, then?"

Lenore, completely at sea in the face of the Chief's discourse, simply nodded.

The Gunny spoke up. "Chief, our guests have brought us seven bottles of Riesling. May I store them in the galley?"

Kostowe's snowy-white right eyebrow rose, a gesture which seemed aristocratic on his slim, erect build and given his dignified moustache. "Gunny Hebert, I have told many people over the years that you were not the uncouth wastrel they claimed you to be. I had faith that someday you would reward my patience, and now you have found guests who have obvious breeding and charm. By all means, please, provision the boat's larder." The affection this surprising response was delivered with was obvious to all.

Kostowe turned to the new arrivals. "Now, Specialist, Private. I will be giving orders today. I understand you've been trained to respond with 'Yes, sir.' I would take it as a kindness if you reserved 'Yes, Chief' for affirmative responses, and used 'Aye aye, Chief' as acknowledgement of an order. Don't be afraid to sing out, and if you're asked to do something with which you're unfamiliar, I will understand. I will undertake to make the day as enjoyable as may be for us all – and I thank you for coming with us today."

Sandy and Ben both recognized this as a dismissal, and simultaneously came to attention. Surprising them both, the Gunny did as well, then executed an about-face, and led them off the deck. Bridge, Sandy thought crazily. It's called the bridge.

Once back on the main deck, Lenore looked quizzically back up at the bridge, and then asked the question on the three guests' minds. "You're sure he's retired, Gunny?"

The moment dissolved in laughter.

Sandy hauled the heavy bags up. The bags were unwieldy, and the weight in them shifted oddly. Sandy guessed they held diving gear. The Navy lieutenants showed up in whites with short pants, with all their rank and accoutrements in place. Lieutenant Harding arrived in khakis and with full rank and insignia. Each officer saluted the colors, then the Gunny as, in turn, they asked for permission to board. The Gunny let Sandy and Ben know, in a low voice, there was no need to salute the Lieutenants while on board for the rest of the day.

The Gunny took Ben belowdecks, saying something about the bilge, and Junior Harding waved Sandy to follow, making his way to the fore of the boat. Lenore looked around, shrugged, and followed Sandy. While they moved forward, there came a loud whine from the back of the boat, and the sound of splashing water from somewhere behind them. After two minutes or so, Kostowe bellowed something incomprehensible. A dim response came from belowdecks, and then the first diesel rumbled to life. Just as Junior and Sandy reached a large rope looped over a kind of anvil-shaped thing on the dock, a second diesel roared.

Kostowe yelled something again, and Sandy had the impression it was nautical in nature. Lieutenant Harding had been watching the bridge, and when Kostowe shouted again, Harding reached over the side with a sort of pole. As a small movement of the boat took slack off the rope, he pulled it off the dock. Without getting it wet, he brought it back on board. He then raised his hand in a clear thumbs-up gesture, and a moment or two later, the deck shook as the diesels changed pitch. "Come on, the excitement's finished, here." Lenore and Sandy traded blank looks, then followed him back.

Kostowe piloted the boat out of the marina and into the Bay. Soon enough, they reassembled on the after deck. The Gunny solemnly thanked them for making the boat ready. Lieutenant j.g. Brophy smiled, and said, "Gunny, this has got to be the happiest I have ever seen Kostowe." Harding nodded. Rudolfs snorted, and drew breath to speak.

The Gunny fixed him with a steely eye, and interjected in a dangerous voice, "Gentlemen, as long as you are aboard this boat, you will show respect to her master. This is a pleasure cruise today, but there is no call to be disrespectful."

To Sandy's surprise, Rudolfs blushed, and nodded his head. "Aye aye, Gunny," he said, abashed. Then he added, irreverently, "But it's true!" Hebert relented and gave a ghost of a smile.

What an odd scene. The Navy's different, I guess. Sandy climbed up the ladder to the bridge, where Lenore watched the city of San Francisco roll by on the left.

"Chief, permission to enter the bridge?" Sandy remembered that from some war movie, or perhaps it had been a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.

Kostowe turned to her, and said something odd. "You have the privilege of the bridge, Specialist. Please enter."

Sandy worked it out: he had given her permission to enter without asking. Oddly pleased, she stood silent for a moment. Then, while speaking to the glass window in front of the wheel and control panel, Kostowe unexpectedly offered, "Would you like to learn to conn my boat, Specialist?"

Answering in the affirmative, "Yes, Chief!", Sandy was told where to stand and how to hold the wheel. Kostowe explained they had set a northerly course to find schools of red snapper. Lenore quietly slipped out while he showed Sandy the various instruments and taught her the language of piloting a naval craft.

Out here, once past the Golden Gate, the air was lighter, with a fresh salty feel to it, feeling somehow cleaner. Lenore walked to the aft rail, where the Gunny stood watching the city grow smaller behind them. She rested, silently, in quiet companionship, waiting the Gunny out. She tried to gauge what he might be looking at, and decided it was something near or in the Presidio. Finally, he snorted, and without so much as a glance in her direction, went belowdecks.

Lenore stood, gripping the rail while she counted to ten, and then for good measure, counted again in Spanish. With an evil chuckle and a wicked little smile, she crossed the boat to the locker where they'd stowed their bags when coming aboard. Descending below to an empty cabin (there were four off the short hallway forward of the dining/galley where the three lieutenants played a card game), she shut the door behind her, slipped off her sundress, slipped on her bikini and a pair of smart-looking and very short khaki shorts. She then found her bottle of sunscreen, and put some on. She'd heard it was warmer offshore than in the Bay – well, she'd find out. Wearing her little smile, and carrying the bottle, she left the cabin, in search of the Gunny.

It was a boat after all, however large it may be, and there could not be all that many places for a grown man to hide.

Ben explored the boat. He saw Sandy in the bridge with Kostowe, going over charts and doing things with instruments and radars. The two seemed intent on what they were doing. Rather than interrupt, Ben returned to the main deck.

Sighing, he sat on the afterdeck, on the bench with the day bags they'd brought with them, listening to the lieutenants play cards in the galley. Lenore came up the stair and after looking around, asked simply, "Where?"

Ben regarded his sister, then shook his head. I'll never understand women. "In front of the bridge, on this deck," he said.

"Thanks. Brother mine, you're a sweetheart, and someday soon you and I need to really talk. But right now..." Ben nodded, staring out at the wake, and she moved off.

A few moments later, Lieutenant Brophy stuck his head up out of the stair to the galley. "Hey, Ranger! You play cards?"

Ben looked up. "I'm not a Ranger, yet. I'll be going to Jump school soon, but it doesn't really mean I'll be a Ranger."

Brophy turned around, said something to the others, then left the stair and approached Ben. "You wouldn't be any good at swimming long distances, would you?" At Ben's headshake 'no', he sighed, in a mock-pious voice, looking upward at the sky, "Another one lost."

He gave Ben a friendly smile, then asked, "Well, then, do you know how to play Hearts?" Ben nodded in the affirmative, and followed him down the stair, where he joined the card game.

The Gunny sat on a deck chair under the front of the bridge, feet up. Lenore sat next to him, and studied him for a moment.

"Gunny." He started at the sound of her voice. "Just be a friend on this boat for a little while, okay?"

Without looking to see if he'd agreed, Lenore continued after a short pause. "Tell me what Korea was like. Not the war, the place."

The Gunny relaxed slightly. "I was there twice ... once in the war, and once for a short while with the fleet, later. That first time, the countryside stank, and the ports were worse. Back in the war, I was a young Lance Corporal, ten feet tall and made of steel..."

An hour later, Chief Kostowe climbed down the ladder. Ben and the others looked up, and Harding gave Ben a smile. Ben was momentarily puzzled, but then realized that Sandy had to be at the helm. Sudden pride made Ben smile back, followed by a twinge of jealousy. Stop it. You've got to live with her being independent. You know she's done it so well in the past. Now is NOT the time to have doubts.

Ben blinked, and noticed both Harding and Kostowe watched him. Suddenly sure they had each read him like a book he put a wry smile on his face and shook his head slightly. Both men returned his smile, and Ben was aware he'd gained a measure in their eyes.

What Kostowe said next, though, perplexed Ben to no end. "You three brought your gear, the Gunny says. Suit up, the Specialist is hunting for our supper." The other three nodded. Kostowe glanced in Ben's direction. "Step onto the deck with me a moment, Private, if you would."

Ben answered with little hesitation. "Aye aye, Chief. Gentlemen, our game?"

Junior Harding nodded. "We'll redeal this hand later, same score."

Ben nodded, and climbed the stair after Kostowe. Finding the Chief at the rear of the boat, he approached.

"Collins, in War Two, we used to call a wound like yours a 'million-dollar wound', one where you weren't seriously disabled long term, but couldn't continue to serve In Theater. It's a lucky wound ... but it's going to keep you from diving. Bottled air and a lung injury are not something I wish to contemplate." Ben nodded, seeing the sense in what he had been told, but disappointed nonetheless. "I have two sets of scuba gear and a short wetsuit that should fit Sparks. I don't have anything else small enough for your sister and the water's cold. I think the Gunny could use a break..." he trailed off, smiling, and then continued. "Regardless, I only have two spearguns. Sparks is reading the fishfinder for us, and we'll probably have divers overboard soon. It would be a help if you would keep watch for the divers while your sister helps me make our noon meal in the galley."

Ben thought of something. "Chief, why did the Gunny say that Lieutenants Brophy and Rudolfs were fond of 'long swims in the dark and blowing things up' when I was introduced to them?"

Kostowe gave Ben a steady look. "Those two gentlemen are Special Warfare, Mister Collins. What used to be called Underwater Demolitions Teams ... Navy frogmen. If you'd never heard of them, I suppose it would sound odd."

Ben nodded, some things made sense to him now. Kostowe was stiff and formal, but to Ben's surprise, he was warm nonetheless. Ben appreciated knowing what was going on. "I'd be happy to keep watch, Chief," he said.

10:35 Friday, July 5th, 1991
Near 38° 02' 23.5"N, 123° 01' 26.5" W
(off Point Reyes, CA)
Pacific Ocean

The Gunny laid the gear out on the deck, and Rudolfs dropped the anchor off the bow when Sandy closed the throttles. Chief Kostowe walked her through setting the anchor and the shutdown of the diesels. Then he had Ben run a set of flags up the mast at the left of the bridge. Sandy recognized what she thought of as the 'Diver Down' flag, red with a diagonal white stripe. She had no idea what the other flag meant, blue and white with a kind of a notch taken out of the free end, though she decided against asking. Already, she felt overfull of information. She giggled a little at the thought of information spilling out her ears, to splash on the deck, run down to the bilges, and eventually be pumped out into the ocean.

Smiling, she went down to change into her one-piece swimsuit and then learn about scuba gear. At least this way if any excess information spilled out of her ears, she'd already be underwater.

Lenore watched from the ladder door as Harding explained the scuba gear to Sandy on the afterdeck. Depending on the breeze, his words floated over the deck to her. " ... can tell a good diving watch by this ring, it only turns one direction, so if you accidentally hit it underwater, you can only reduce the amount of time you think you have. It's easy to get distracted in dark water, and lose track of time..." Lenore tuned it out for a while. She was mildly interested to hear that the divers would get lighter as they breathed out the air in the tanks as bubbles, and would need to control their buoyancy while under water.

She turned to watch the Gunny, as Rudolfs explained the speargun. They were at the far side of the deck, and their words were lost in the breeze. She settled for watching the gestures they made while they discussed the mechanism. Behind them, the hills behind the Marin County coast were green. She supposed they received more rain.

Lenore could not explain the attraction she felt for the Gunny. It was so visceral, a tangible thing arising from the center of her gut. That it wasn't all that sexual a feeling certainly surprised her, though there was more than a little component of that there. She laughed lightly to herself. She was like the Wile E. Coyote character chasing the Roadrunner, in that she had no idea what she'd do with the Gunny if she caught him. Relationships and boys were something that Lenore had avoided since highschool, something she didn't even want to think about. But she still couldn't feel comfortable on the boat without knowing where the Gunny was.

It was puzzling, but not too terribly alarming. Lenore was positive she confused the Gunny. For now, keeping him off balance would do, and her bikini seemed to do that ... he was obvious in his looking anywhere but at her. Rudolfs and Brophy showed a little interest. That was OK by Lenore, it didn't bother her. And Kostowe was such a dear, having a pretty passenger wearing a bikini on his boat was making his whole month. Sandy had shot her a quizzical look when she saw the bikini on Lenore. She gave her a really complicated smile when Sandy realized the Gunny was oh-so-carefully not-looking at Lenore.

Sandy shrugged into the harness with a tank attached. Rudolfs pulled a bucket of seawater up onto the deck. Lenore watched idly as they each performed some mask-washing ritual which involved spitting.

Finally, the men and Sandy stepped onto a platform rigged off the side, and then splashed into the water backwards. A few moments of treading water, and they slipped beneath the waves.

Lenore turned to the galley, and began making tuna salad for sandwiches.

Ben sat on the platform over the bridge, the highest point on the boat. It was peaceful, the sun high in the sky, the ocean a sea of shimmering light reflected from a cloudless sky. There was only the sound of the breeze, the small slapping of tiny waves on the hull, and a few moments ago, the sound of Lenore chopping something in the galley.

Chief Kostowe stuck his head over the edge of the platform, obviously standing on the ladder. "What do you think of my new boat, Mister Collins?"

Ben gauged the man for a moment, and then replied seriously. "Chief, I love it. I don't know how the hell I'm ever going to swing it, but I want one someday. If we haven't said it enough yet, thank you for inviting us along."

"I could never afford to keep it if I didn't have help. Buying it was unbelievably difficult ... but I had help. There's a lesson in that ... keep your friends, Mister Collins. I lease this boat to a friend, and it's how I can afford it." Ben nodded, lost in reflection for a moment, thinking of the people he knew at Huachuca, and the people on the boat. He focused on Kostowe again, struck by a sudden thought. The older man nodded at the question in his eye.

"Mister Collins, I would enjoy it very much if the three of you would help me shake this boat down over the next two weeks. I'd like to teach the three of you how to handle this boat. Lieutenant Rudolfs will need to learn as well, he works for that friend who leases this boat. Learning is easier with a group."

While Ben considered this – Jesus, Lieutenant Rudolfs works for the Navy, in Special Warfare, whatever the hell that is, right? He must mean Rudolfs is detailed to someone in the Navy – or Government – who is paying for this boat and expects Rudolfs to be able to sail it. Now what the hell does that mean? – Kostowe waited patiently.

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She already knew his fantasy (I’ll write about it once it’s happened!) and laying in the darkness, sleepless at 12pm it could still get her blood pumping, but tonight Mia’s thoughts were wondering back to her school years. Only yesterday she had received a message from an old friend. Natalie had been the quiet one at school but had unexpectedly made a great friend to Mia. A few months on and the annual visit to the museum was upon them and after getting lost in one dark corner, away from bored...

1 year ago
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Shut Up and Suck Me Pt 3

Connor knew that Lorcan was still on the line because he could hear him breathing. “Lorcan I know you’re still there please we need to talk.” “Now you want to talk well I don’t want to talk to you, after all the shit you pulled this week you asshole.” Lorcan hissed. “I can’t believe I ever loved you, but what you did today was mean and, and you suck as a boyfriend! I wish that I never ever had sex with you, I hate you now leave me alone.” He said as he hung up the...

2 years ago
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Boys and Girls and Boys Part II

This story is acontinuation of Boys, and Girls, and Boys Part 1 “So…what happened?” Roger looked at me, then looked down at his lunch tray. “Jack’s moving out of the dorm. Moving into his fraternity house.” “He freaked out, didn’t he?” I asked, sitting across from him. “He said it was too much for him. He liked what happened, but he couldn’t risk anyone finding out. Also, he didn’t really want to have an ongoing relationship with a couple. Said it was too perverted, even for him.” We both...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 20 Got Wood

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

1 year ago
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Four Together

Sophie and Josh were the couple who still whispered and kissed and made out in public long after everyone else had stopped. They kissed a lot. They always had. They groped each other in public. When they were near each other, they wanted to be physically close. They hugged while they walked. They kissed each other in the middle of conversations. They tried to sit beside each other in crowded rooms, and made other people move so they could. After six years together, Josh still wanted Sophie. He...

2 years ago
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Too many tequilas and three guys

Victor was away from town on those days and I was very bored home alone. My girlfriends Camilla and Helena I had arranged to go meet up at a bar then go out clubbing. It was a warm summer evening so I just wore a tight red skirt that stopped an inch higher than mid-thigh and a sleeveless white top.A pair of seven inches stiletto heels completed my sexy outfit.I was bored at home, but not planning to bring a stranger to my bed that night…I met my girlfriends at the bar and later we all went out...

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21st Century Subteranian Slavery Part VII

21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part VIII            Back in the lineupOne-eight-six felt wild and untamed on her first day back in the lineup. She deliberately stumbled within the chain gang next to the board walk. She stopped now and then defiantly yanking the chain in front of her, forcing the slave behind her to crash into her back. When the guard lashed her she spat in her face leading to more lashes. By the time she got to the display section her ass and thighs were well striped. She...

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Slave School

My name is Maria. I am a tall brunette, skinny, but with large breasts. For a living, I am a slave trainer. I am given one or two incoming girls at a time (a guy once in a while, but not that often), and am given 10% of the sale price once they're sold. Now, it's the afternoon after an auction, and I'm in my office counting my cash, when my boss knocks. "Come in," I say. The young man enters. "I have some news for you. But first..." He begins to unzip his pants. Even though I am dominant to the...

4 years ago
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River RatChapter 63

Normally weather forecasters in Arizona are pretty much like weather forecasters anywhere -- they'll tell you they had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch when they actually had tuna salad, just to keep in practice -- but somehow they managed to call it pretty well on this November Saturday. It was cool in Flagstaff, but the day showed signs of warming. Lee's Ferry was at a much lower elevation than the town; that plus being later in the day would help, too. The parking lot at Canyon Tours...

2 years ago
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We Dont Have to Take Our Clothes Off to Have a Good Time

We Don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time. "Have you tried turning it off and on?", the two strangers passing by each other muttered out loud in a sarcastic tone with a bad Irish brogue as they heard a hipster talking on his iPhone about the tech issue he was having with his iPad. They looked at each other and laughed when they made eye contact. They both knew that the other quoted a line from their favorite TV show, The IT Crowd. It made perfect sense that The IT...

1 year ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 45

I stood there naked, not know what was happening. Did we win or lose? I couldn’t move after cumming so hard and was having a hard time standing. My legs felt like rubber. I’m sure I was seen naked by most of the crowd, but that didn’t bother me. What bothered me was I didn’t see Mistress Pam, but saw that other bitch walking toward us. I was going to run real fast, as soon as my legs started working. I was not going to go with her and eat her shit. I was not going to eat anyone’s shit. I was...

1 year ago
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Teen Eating Creampies from MILF Friend of the Family

I have recently been thinking about the sexual experiences earlier in my life that have molded my somewhat perverted, bisexual desires. I love to perform oral sex of any kind. Early on I developed a ravenous taste for pussy juice, cum, and even piss. That ultimately led me to my cuckold and cock sucking desires and fantasies. This story chronicles an experience I had while in high school during the 1970s. I think you’ll agree that I lucked into an amazing learning situation for a guy my age. I...

3 years ago
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Met Sexy Doctor For My Mother8217s Illness 8211 Pt 2

Reetika asked me if I wanted to go to the washroom. I went to washroom even though I didn’t want to go. But when I entered the washroom, I was surprised. A blue color bra was hanging there. The panty was not there. But bra was enough for me. I took my cock out and start jerking. Today I knew there was no one. My mother was not there. Reetika was also getting ready. So I decided to play with her bra. I did all naughty stuff with her bra. Pressed it, took in my mouth, wrapped around my cock. The...

2 years ago
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Death by fucking ch 07

Donnie spent the night with Andrew. I knew she would; I even set it up. I was interested to see my own reaction. Donnie and I are close as we can be, and I love her as I love myself. But can we really share the same man? And what about Andrew? Is it too much to ask a man to love two women equally? If any man can do it, Andrew’s the man. His passion is boundless as the sea, his love as deep. He is a youthful romantic Romeo. He is the only lover, the only man Donnie and I will ever...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

4 years ago
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Dancing Girl Variations on a Theme

DANCING GIRL (Variations on a Transvestite Fantasy) by "C.C." The First Variation... One can only hibernate with a Computer so long. Even a new program gets tiring. You decided you felt like Mediterranean Food that evening. Or maybe it wasn't so much the Food as the exotic Belly Dancer advertised at the Restaurant! You'd been interested in that sort of dancing ever since your trip to Athens,...

2 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 3 A Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...

Wife Lovers
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Happy Anniversary Darling

I couldn't wait to get home. This was the second anniversary of my wedding night. Our first anniversary wasn’t significant because I was still in college, working two jobs, and I had very little money. Tonight is going to be different. My wife had called a told me to hurry home. She said she had something extraordinary planned for that night. When I arrive home, there is an extra car in the drive. I walk through the garage door into the kitchen, and I find my sweet wife cooking a special...

4 years ago
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One More For The Road

Ray and Simmone were a married couple who I knew from my local pub in south east London a good few years ago and, like me they were both in their middle thirties. Ray was a big, big guy - not overweight but definitely a heavyweight; very tall, broad, altogether imposing but not altogether bright. Could have been a doorstop for an aircraft hanger. Simmone was a sex goddess! Not what I would call a classical beauty but she was a mesmerising work of art and her ability to spin heads was unlimited....

2 years ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 5

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part Five : Eden in the Garden Shirley had awoken early the following morning blushing, she was almost in shock as she recalled how naughty she had been the previous night. She and Jamal had gone clubbing, and it had turned out to be even more fun than she ever thought it could be. She had downed quite a few drinks early enough for Dutch courage. As the alcohol began to take effect, her inhibitions plummeted paving the way for her to...

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Aunty Ne Sexy Karana Sikha Ya or Mnae Aunty To Pergent Kiya

Aunty ne sexy karana sikha ya or mnae aunty to pergent kiya By sammer This is a true incident of my life when I was very young (20) my family I am the only son of my parents. I was thin tht time and tall around 5 ft 9 inches my weight was around 60 kgs.. but looking smart and handsome My father was gov servant and working as senior manager in one of the gov organization. My mom was a home maker. We are having an engineer as a neighbor, he was short in height and his name was Mr Anil Mehata...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sasha Beart Brittany Bardot DAP Duel

Strapped, buckled and booted in fetish attire, sexy blondes Sasha Beart and Brittany Bardot flaunt their bare-chested bodies. ‘Two supersluts with two super holes,’ says director Proxy Paige. In a lesbian opening, Sasha offers her orifices for Brittany to taste. Brittany shoves a huge dildo up Sasha’s asshole. The big toy makes Brittany ejaculate streams of girl squirt! ‘We’re just getting started,’ chuckles mischievous Proxy. Enter a quartet of studs (Damien...

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Along Came a SwapperChapter 3

As soon as they got inside their, apartment, Jackie began tearing the clothes from her hungry body. Max stripped in record time too, and followed her into the bedroom as he flung clothing right and left. Jackie twisted out of her panties and leaped onto the bed, turning to face him with an urgent, wriggle. "Don't stop for anything," she whispered, falling onto her back and spreading her thighs wide for him. "Just give me that sweet, wonderful prick and I'll be happy!" Max had rarely...

2 years ago
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New MagusChapter 6

We heard some howls and whistles that weren’t completely out of place until we also heard Danielle’s name. Both of us turned around and watched the redhead walking toward our end of the pool. Jordan moved toward the edge and I followed, wondering what was up. Danielle was smiling and waving off the invitations to dive in. All of the attention seemed to make her feel better and she waved at me with a smile much more at home with the party she was hosting. She sat down on the edge of the pool...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 14

Tonya felt something warm flowing against her body; she tried to look around, but her head wouldn't move. Neither would her arms, legs, or any other part of her body, she soon realized. "You're in a whirlpool bath, Tonya," the Doctor said, "It's to help you relax after your feeding. It tends to be kind of..." a grin started to appear on his face, "... stressful...". "How... how'd I get... here... ?" "I took you out of the chair after you exhausted yourself," he explained,...

3 years ago
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Transcendent Sensuality 14

“Hello, there, stranger,” Karla whispered to her husband as she rolled over in their bed to face him. “Hmmm,” he murmured softly. “No stranger than you.”“Am I strange?” Karla asked him seriously.Kevin caressed the curve of her jaw softly. “You’re not strange.”“We did strange things, though,” she grinning. “I didn’t even know what a daisy-chain was until I was in one.”Kevin grinned.“I think everybody had a good time, though,” she said, stretching.“I had a good time,” Alex voice joined them from...

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JudgementsChapter 28

Elspeth sat, nerously, picking at the fabric of her skirt as the group of patients around them slowly whittled down and down. "Did you want drink?" she turned to Brianna, seeing the slight grin there. "What?" "You've only asked me that about once every five minutes... relax, it'll be fine." "You can look smug now, you were the one that wasn't talking to me over this, remember." She pointed out, returning to gnawing gently at her cheek. "I know... I'm sorry." "You said."...

1 year ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 41 Missing Persons

Hameez arrived in the helicopter with only half of the servants he had been left to guard. After a brief consultation with the Purser he made his way to the Princess's suite, where he knocked and entered without waiting for her to call him in. He found the Princess about to clean the prick of a steward from the ship's crew who had clearly just fucked her. The steward took one look at the tall, well-built, fit bodyguard, grabbed his clothes and fled. "Hameez, you are a spoilsport; I was...

3 years ago
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Mature Asian

An Asian family moved into our cul de sac and had been living there around a couple of months, they were Ok, practising Muslims but only on certain days otherwise they dressed in Western clothes and were the same as the rest of the families in the road. This particular Sunday they were having a party some of their relations were here from other parts of the Country.The road was chock a block with cars and after been out I had to leave mine a distance away from my drive. After a few hours a...

2 years ago
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That SummerChapter 5

As they had the previous day, Emma and Kyle drove to the high school for her practice and his work out. When Kyle got to the track, there was just one other person running, and after just a few laps, Kyle realized that he recognized the other man. "Good morning, Deputy. Remember me?" "I sure do. I figured you would find your way here, given who you are staying with." "Well, I do have permission to run on the track. Honest, I do." The Deputy laughed. I know, that's not a problem,...

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The Private Game Chapter 4

***************************************** This is a continuation of the Private Game. This contains my usual themes of wife infidelity, cuckolding, and voyeurism. The series is meant to be a standalone story and not as a prequel or sequel to any of my other stories. I appreciate the feedback I have received and some of the correspondence. I have taken some of your suggestions and interwoven them into my stories. I look forward to your continued comments. This series should be read in order. ...

Wife Lovers
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Workouts with My PE Coach

My, Coach Cocker, was a tall, handsome man. More than once when I saw him blow into his whistle, I wished he was blowing me. I was a seventeen-year-old tranny-in-training and I loved having a big handsome man sucking my dickie for me. So, it was only natural that I would want Coach Cocker sexually. I already liked flirting with him like the girls did. And I thought he liked me, too. Then, one day, I was walking in from the sports field toward the gym. I was wearing my sexy little gym...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 3

When Sherri opens her door to find the subject of her fantasies standing there, she is too shocked to breathe. The two women have a lot in common including a dream they unknowingly share. * For several days, I had studied, photographed, and lusted after my famous neighbor. She was, at once, artist, photographer and gifted pianist, who demanded that her privacy be protected. I’d respected that privacy wish, though I dreamt of meeting her in person. When she tanned nude, so did I. When she...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 146

In three minutes, Laura found herself on her back again, her hands handcuffed behind her, while Karen again encircled each of her breasts with rope. This time she left a long strand of rope at the side of each of Laura's breasts, and when they were tightly encased-bulging, hard, and turning a deep rose color from the engorged blood, the nipples shiny and fiercely taut-she pulled both ropes up, yanking Laura's painfully entrapped breasts apart, up, then down, then to the sides, making Laura...

2 years ago
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Feeding Time at the Zoo

Feeding Time at the Zoo It happened fast. It overwhelmed me. One minute, I was looking at a sissy. The next minute, I wanted to be one. That's how fast it happens for some of us. There is a spark, then there is a fire, and before you know it, I was burning out of control. There is a switch, and someone turns the lights on. But let's start at the beginning. At first glance, the Zoo looked like any other bar. Modern lightning and a darkened dance floor. A large mahogany bar. A...

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The Kid From Rawlison CreekChapter 5

“Yes Sir, I’d like a room upstairs with a great big bed in it and three bathing tubs with hot water.” “We’ll get the water carried up right away, here’s your keys, you and your friends will be on the fourth floor in the Governor’s room.” “Shoot, we wouldn’t want to take his room, we’re gonna be here for a week or so, he may need it.” “No, that’s just the name we gave the fancy room, it has a huge, oversize bed and all the comforts and amenities.” “Well, I reckon we’ll take it then, put us...

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My Best Friend My Fucker

Raghav and I had been friends for more than ten years. Both married and both happy with our families! I was a closeted gay… and i somehow suspected that he was one too – though he never gave any hint about it from the way he lived. Yet his unexplained disappearances from gatherings, unknown young men smiling and waving at him and his obvious disinterest in any woman other than his wife made me wonder if he really was that straight or was there something more to him! I was member of the famous...

Gay Male
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How To Poop At Work

As always a special thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my stories and 'How to' much better reads. I'd be lost without them. Well, not lost per se but in a world of shit. Speaking of shit here is my how to poop at work or anywhere else. There are many 'How To' books out there in the market place, but sometimes we need help on things that are not in print. That is where I come in, being the trustful advisor that I am. We all do it and most of us get embarrassed at...

4 years ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 7

After what I had hoped was a suitably impressive command speech, I looked at each of the group. More to enforce my leadership than anything else. As I squatted down by the fire, I started Chuckling. “So, bigfoot, eh? What makes you boys think you can track, let alone catch Mr. Fuzzy?” As the apparent leader, professor Burroughs was the first to speak up. “Mr. Reynolds, if you’re going to tell me that you are a disbeliever, I expected that before I even contacted Mr. Wadsworth. Most people...

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I reincarnated as a Homunculus in a steampunk world with famous 19th century characters but everyone is genderswapped

All characters are at least 18 years old Who am I? What am I? I remember being human. Loved by no one. Needed by no one. If my existence holds no meaning, then why am I here? I am 18 years old when I got hit by a truck. As I lay dying, I hear a voice. "Caleb..." It sounds like a mother, her voice gentle and peaceful. "History has already started to shift. You will be the beginning of a new world. A world of gods and monsters. It all begins with you. I love you so very much, my dear son..." Her...

3 years ago
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Facebook Chat Karke Ladki Ko Pata Kr Choda

Hi ISS readers again arya here with new story. So Friends i describe my self. I m arya age 22 average body not so smart but i m very smart in sex i know how saticsfy a lady & a girl. Ab story par aata hun story padhke mujhe mail jarur krna khas kar married ladies because mujhe married ladies jada pasand h or jaipur ya aas pass ki koi lady ya ladki sex relation rakhna chahe to mujhse contact kar sakti h. Ye story 2010 ki h jab me facebook par roj chat kiya krta tha. Ek din mujhe ek jiya naam ki...

4 years ago
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A Weird OneChapter 5

As I drove to the Village Inn I asked, "Would baby's cocksucker care to tell him just how things fell that enabled him to become a happy motherfucker?" "When I caught you jacking off with my panties while sniffing the crotch of another pair I was horrified that you had become some kind of a freak. When you tossed my affair with Albert at me I thought "Oh my God! He'll tell his dad" as I ran from the room. It wasn't until I calmed down that I realized you would say anything to your...

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Kissing me gently, I turn towards you and mingle with your lips. I feel your tongue slide between mine and I fight it back with equal force. I pull you on top of me, my hands grazing every inch of your body, stopping on your firm ass. You push against me, kissing me harder and running your fingers through my hair. I grab your ass, gently at first, and then harder in response to your soft moans. You grind your body against mine and I can feel myself tingle all over. I arch up towards you,...

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