Brand New Key
- 4 years ago
- 23
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"Mr. Hopkins, how would you like to be in charge of disciplining eight young women?" As might be expected, the highly unusual question was asked with a blush and nervous giggle.
When Frank heard that particular question addressed to him from one of the two young women seated across from him, he knew that the unusual plan he and Elizabeth had worked out was starting to pay dividends. In accordance with his instructions, Elizabeth had arranged to move into the apartment shared by the seven other girls. Frank himself had taken an apartment one floor above them in the same building, where he had spent the last few days discreetly keeping an eye on the girls in the hope that he might detect some sign of Erica.
"That's a rather unusual question, I must say," he replied, pretending to be surprised.
As he spoke he avoided looking directly at Elizabeth, who was blushing and looking nearly as flustered as her companion. Instead, he looked directly at the other girl, a platinum-blonde whose name was Donna Gibson. She appeared to be in her late- twenties, and her form-fitting sweater and slacks revealed a promising figure that merited attention. According to Elizabeth, Donna was more or less the ringleader among the girls, and he was therefore not surprised by her presence.
"Well, when eight girls share an apartment, things can become a real mess," Donna explained. "Chores don't get done, clothes get borrowed without permission, phone messages get lost, and so on. And there's the manpower shortage, which means that there is open competition for any eligible male who shows up."
Unseen by Donna, Frank winked knowingly at Elizabeth as he listened to the expected recitation. Seated across from him, Elizabeth had crossed her pretty legs to display an amount of nylon apparently calculated to remind him of their liaison a few evenings ago.
"So, last night we all held a council of war," Donna continued. "We laid down some rules and agreed that violators were to be punished by spankings." A pretty blush spread over her face as she finished the sentence.
The other two exchanged knowing glances. Frank, of course, knew that it had been Elizabeth who had suggested the spanking plan. Young Erica Schmidt might dye her hair and have plastic surgery on her face, but there was no way that she was going to change the lush contours in that beautiful ass of hers! Frank had devised the spanking scheme for the express purpose of identifying Erica, but there was no doubt that he was going to have a great deal of enjoyment in carrying it out. And, after the war, it would be quite amusing to tell the story of the eight young American gals who got their bums burned for Old Glory!
"A rather novel idea, I must say," Frank interjected, smiling at his blushing visitor. "And I gather you want me to administer the discipline!" He spoke in a deliberately underkeyed fashion.
"Well, if you don't mind," Donna replied.
Frank's eyebrows came up at that innocent remark. Apparently his attractive guest did not grasp the true nature of spanking, and what it was really all about. Well, she'd learn!
"You see, we wanted an outsider to do the job," Donna went on. "No girl would dish out a really effective spanking because she'd be too afraid of retaliation."
"I understand," Frank told her. "By sheer coincidence, it so happens that I have some unique qualifications for that sort of thing.
He proceeded to tell them in some detail of his duties as headmaster of an English girls' school before the war. Elizabeth, who had only a sketchy idea of his background, sat as wide-eyed and attentive as her companion as he told them of the strict discipline administered to the pupils, even those in their late- teens. Obviously unfamiliar with such practices, they listened with fascination as he told them about the standard practice of requiring girls to bend over while their uniform skirts were raised, their panties lowered, and six or more cuts of the cane applied to their completely bare buttocks. From the way both young women squirmed in their seats, Frank could see that both of them could just feel one of those whippy canes being applied to their unclad posteriors.
"Well, I suppose a cane would be too severe for your tender American bottoms," he remarked with an amused laugh.
"Yes!" both girls agreed in unison.
Frank shrugged to indicate that it wasn't all that important. "I can just use my hand, of course," he told them. "That can be quite effective, too."
"Yes, I'm sure it can!" Donna rather breathlessly agreed. It was clear that she was quite intrigued to be talking to a man who had experience in disciplining the opposite sex.
"However, I do think there should be some sort of ceremony," Frank explained. "Otherwise, the atmosphere would be too much like a birthday party spanking, and the girl wouldn't think of it as punishment."
"That makes sense," Elizabeth supported him. The attractive brunette had allowed her skirt to ride up to give him a full glimpse of the two wide bands at the top of her stockings and a fleeting glimpse of bare white thigh.
"Well, what do you mean?" Donna asked, obviously curious.
"Well, for example," Frank said, pretending to improvise, although he had thought it all through beforehand. "A schoolgirl- type uniform, something to give the impression that she's a big girl being treated like a little girl. White blouse, short pleated black jumper, but worn with nylons and high heels. Pigtails, perhaps."
"Nylons are hard to get these days," Donna objected.
"We can manage," Elizabeth said.
"And perhaps the victim should stand in the corner before and after the spanking," Frank added. "However, we can work out all those details. Now, perhaps, you two would like to join me in a drink."
"I can't. I have to run," Donna told him.
"I'd be happy to!" Elizabeth replied, flashing him a knowing smile and swinging one pretty leg back and forth as she spoke.
When Donna had departed, Frank poured them each a drink and once again sat down across from his attractive visitor.
"Well, does any of the girls resemble your little Nazi girlfriend?" Elizabeth asked.
"There are only two of them who could be her," Frank said. "The others are wrong for one reason or another."
"That's funny," Elizabeth told him. "I thought you'd say all seven of them resembled her, just so you could spank all seven of them."
Frank laughed. "I'll admit that that fiendish thought did occur to me," he admitted. "And I'll wager that I wind up spanking all eight of you, anyway!"
Elizabeth laughed, as though the idea were totally preposterous. "That's absurd," she told him.
"But you don't understand how much girls like to see other girls punished," he explained. "Once one or two of them have gotten it, they'll want a couple of more to get it and so on. It'll be contagious!"
From the look on her face, he could tell that she agreed he had a point. "You better not spank me!" she told him archly.
"Since you're the one who suggested the spanking idea to the girls in the first place, I'm sure there's no way on earth we'll be able to save that priceless bottom of yours!" Frank told her with a laugh.
"I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" Elizabeth replied.
"Now, tell me what you've found out," Frank said. "Any clues, suggestions, hints. Anything."
Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, obviously embarrassed to bring up whatever was on her mind. "You said Erica had Lesbian tendencies," she remarked, her eyes lowered.
"Well, well," Frank exclaimed, registering surprise. "Well, go ahead and tell me about it."
"One of the girls is a Lesbian," Elizabeth told him, looking quite shamefaced as she spoke. "She and I had, uh... uh a session together!"
"Which one?" Frank asked, leaning forward with obvious interest.
"Jean Wright," Elizabeth said. "Is she one of your suspects?"
"Yes," Frank replied. "Well, go ahead and tell me about it."
Elizabeth looked quite embarrassed. "Please, let's spare the details," she demurred.
"No, I have to know," Frank insisted. "Some little clue that you might not think important might make all the difference."
With considerable embarrassment, Elizabeth began recounting her story.
"It was late..." she began.
The apartment that the eight girls were sharing had been partitioned off into two main rooms. The rear room served as a dormitory where all the girls slept on various beds and cots. The front room served as a combination living and dining room. Unable to sleep one evening, Elizabeth had gotten up from her cot and gone into the front room for a cigarette. It was a warm evening, and she was wearing light summer pajamas, through which the outline of her full figure was easily discernible.
Thinking that all of the other girls were asleep, she was visibly startled when she heard the sound of a key turning in the front door. Before she could react, however, the door opened and in popped Jean.
"Hi!" Jean exclaimed, flashing a smile at her new roommate. She spoke in a semi-whisper to avoid disturbing the other girls.
"Where have you been?" Elizabeth asked with some surprise, also speaking in a low voice. "It must be two o'clock."
"Looking for some action," Jean replied, sitting down beside her on the couch. "Can I have a cigarette? I hate to bum one when you have to stand in line all day for a pack, but I really need one."
"Okay," Elizabeth replied, handing her a cigarette. As she did so, she discreetly looked over her attractive roommate. Jean was a full-figured young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties. She had jet-black hair with darkly expressive blue eyes that seemed constantly in motion, as if she were searching for something. She had seated herself quite carelessly, allowing her dark skirt to ride up over the tops of her tightly suspendered dark brown stockings. "And how was the night life tonight?" Elizabeth asked.
"Rotten," Jean spoke with a discouraged sigh. "I got picked up by some overworked young lawyer who works for OPA, but he couldn't keep it up despite my valiant efforts." As she spoke, she kept darting glances at her roommate, as if trying to discern what reaction she might provoke. "Honestly, sometimes I think men are a complete waste of time!"
It might have been just an idle remark, but Elizabeth could sense an invitation in Jean's eyes as she spoke. It was a distinctly uncomfortable moment for Elizabeth. She had never had the slightest Lesbian contact in her life, and had always considered the idea of sex between girls as highly repugnant. Moreover, she didn't have the foggiest idea of how to proceed, although she knew that it was her duty to do so.
"Those are very nice stockings, Jean," she remarked. "I envy you. I'm down to my last pair."
"They are nice. Look at them!" Jean replied, pulling her skirt back well over her stocking tops and extending her shapely legs in a straight line to give Elizabeth a complete view of her attractive, nylon-clad legs. "Here, feel them and see how sheer they are!"
Elizabeth could feel her heart pounding rapidly as she accepted the invitation. Running her hand over the darker band at the top of Jean's right stocking, she allowed her fingers to brush against the young woman's smooth, warm bare thigh. It was immediately evident that the intimate contact was thrillingly disconcerting to her young roommate. A pretty flush appeared immediately on Jean's face and she squirmed girlishly in her seat.
"Perhaps I'd better get undressed out here where I won't wake the other girls," Jean said, her eyes directed at her roommate in a searching manner. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all?" Elizabeth replied, although she could not refrain from gulping noticeably.
Crossing first one pretty leg and then the other to unfasten and then remove her elegant high heeled sandals, Jean unsnapped her nylons from her black garter belt. She rolled them down and removed them with infinite care to avoid causing any runs in them. As the black hose departed to reveal milk-white flesh, Elizabeth told herself that she must not look. She had already observed enough to conclude that Jean possessed strong Lesbian tendencies, and that was all she really needed to know.
Minus her shoes and stockings, Jean quickly unbuttoned her blouse and removed it to reveal feminine curves outlined in a white brassiere and light, highly embroidered slip. Standing up, she undid her skirt and quickly stepped out of it to reveal the full length of her attractive slip.
"Just think," she mused, "I wear all these nice undies and my date can't even get his erector set working!"
As she began pulling the slip off over her head, Elizabeth kept telling herself that she must not watch. But, try as she might, she could not avoid watching intently as the slip came off to reveal Jean's lush young body attired only in bra, white panties and garter belt. From her vantage point, she could clearly see the fleecy triangle under the wispy panties, and could feel her blood beginning to race. Her face felt hot and she could not refrain from squirming in her seat.
"What's the matter, Liz?" Jean asked in an apparently innocent voice as she reached behind her back to unsnap her bra. "You look as if you were upset about something."
"It's nothing," Elizabeth managed to reply, although her voice betrayed her underlying turmoil.
Jean casually removed her brassiere and made no attempt to conceal her full ripe breasts. Although she kept telling herself not to do so, Elizabeth could not tear her eyes away from those two plump, jouncing mounds with their saucy pink tips. She was a little dismayed and considerably disturbed at the stimulating effect that another girl's body was having on her.
As if she were deliberately flaunting her feminine charms in front of her, Jean quickly stripped down her panties and tossed them aside. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of the swollen pink valley nestled in the fluffy triangle of light-brown hair. As Jean removed her garter belt, she seemed quite aware that her attractive roommate was gazing at her in a highly intent fashion.
"Look at me, Liz!" Jean spoke quietly but confidently. "Look at me and then tell me you're not interested!!"
Elizabeth gulped and found herself swallowing quite hard. Her face was a pretty crimson as she gazed at her roommate's inviting breasts and glistening pubic curls. "Please, Jean," Elizabeth heard herself protesting in an embarrassed voice. "I wouldn't have the vaguest idea what to do with another girl!"
Jean smiled quietly at her and motioned for her to stand up. "Don't worry! I'll show you!" she promised.
Feeling as if she were being propelled by forces beyond her control, Elizabeth stood up. The two of them embraced and Jean kissed her firmly on the mouth. Through her thin pajamas, she could feel Jean's full breasts brushing against her own ripe mounds. The sudden experience of nipple meeting nipple sent electric shivers racing through her body, and she felt herself excitedly returning Jean's kiss. Their mouths came open and feminine tongues coiled around one another in a deep Lesbian kiss. She could feel Jean's fingers unbuttoning her pajama tops, and in a moment their bare breasts were in contact. Elizabeth sighed ardently and could feel ice cold chills racing up and down her back.
"The other girls will hear us!" Elizabeth warned her.
"No, they won't. They're all asleep," Jean replied, pushing her back toward the couch.
Jean was taking charge of the proceedings, and Elizabeth was content to allow her to do so. Gently pushed backward by her companion, Elizabeth stretched out supine on the couch. Jean knelt on the floor at her side and quickly removed her pajama pants for her. Blushing deeply, Elizabeth felt pleasantly lightheaded and giddy with her worshipful feminine partner kneeling before her, her expressive eyes drinking in everything.
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She put up all the windows, and asked me, “Can you see anybody’s face clearly, Steven?” “You are very smart as well as beautiful,” I said scooting over the bench seating and buckling back up. Pulling away from the curb, she said, “You don’t have to call me that all the time, Steven.” “It’s true, so why not?” I said moving my left hand to her upper thigh. “Be careful, there ... I am driving, you know?” “Driving me crazy,” I said. “Be careful, Steven. We are brother and sister. Don’t do...
Tuesday morning came around too early. My alarm went off a half hour before I was used to getting up since I had to take Jill to school first. I heard some noise out near the garage but not enough to wake anyone up. I remember when the next door neighbors added a family room to their house. Once the workmen started, there was no way anyone on the street could sleep. It was as if they had every power tool under the sun, and they had to all be on at once. One more reason to appreciate Alex. I...
The strip club was getting old to me. Same old shit night after night. The only good thing was the money. I gave up on the Russia dude. Something about him I didn't like. He seemed to controlling. Maybe I need to take a trip to the Vegas strip and see what's up there. It's got to be better then the place I was at. All the bikers and tobacco chewing rednecks is starting to be to much. I got to the club around noonish I guess. Picked up my money I had in my locker and set at the bar to count it....
Hello Guys, how r u all?? My name is Vicky & this is my second post on this lovely site- Thanks for your Appreciating mails for “Vicky Inside Bhakti at Wedding”. For those who have not read my previous story i will give u a quick intro, my name is Vicky, am 26 yrs, tall, fair & Decent looking from Mumbai..!! With a 5″ tool Size- unlike those fake sons of guns who claim to be in Guinness World Record..!! Now lets start with d erection & fingering time :) This is a lengthy story as i have...
“Well, that was easy,” Mike mused as they arrived back at their quarters. “Uh huh,” Melody agreed. “Almost ... too easy. I wouldn’t expect all of our assignments to be that simple.” “Agreed.” As the pair embraced, happy at their first successful negotiation with a genie servant and her master, there came a knock at their door. Mike crossed the small bridge of their quarters, opening the door slowly. “Congratulations my friends!” King Farzan said exuberantly. “Farzan! Thank you, sir....
Alice was surprised at how much food a garden actually gave you. In a sense, it shouldn't be surprising. As a city girl, she had no information on which to base guesses. Thus, any answer whatsoever would not be what she expected, and she should have expected that. She sat up on her knees, wiping her sweaty brow. That had made no sense. The sun was getting to her. Alice was wearing a hat, at least. A nice big floppy hat, light and comfortable. Tom had woven it for her, from various plants....
Bus ride of my life. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m waiting for the bus, it’s busy and finally when the bus comes, it was full. I prayed to get a seat over the rear wheels, my favourite place. I paid the driver and got near the back, there was only one seat remaining. A woman with dark hair, attractive and in her thirties, sitting by the window. She was sitting up straight, legs together with her arms folded across her chest and her coat d****d over the arms and lap, she had a thigh length...
Copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcomecomments and feedback! ____________________________________ Anger was his best weapon now. Tanaka climbed from the boat on the old oil platform seething. He’d traveled far northwest to reach it and awaiting him was Jace. They were two of the last three champions left, and whoever lived today would fight the Irish champion. The winner of the ultimate fight would open a portal to another dimension where their gods lived, and a pantheon would rise...
~~author's note~ Hello everyone im so very excited to publish my first CHYOA book on CHYOA. Seeing as this is my first book I would be ver grateful for any suggestions on how to improve aswell as perhaps adding some more chapters to the story, hope you enjoy! Also if you truly would like to experiance being a bimbo than direct message me... Our story begins with an average single man walking home from after a late night of tyring work when he suddenly spots what appears to be a object made of...
FantasyJust after noon, I rolled out of the Whitehorse yard on my way south to Seattle. The two trailers I was pulling felt light compared to the ones I usually had, and that promised to make for an easy trip. A quicker trip meant that I'd be back in Whitehorse, and in Linda's arms that much sooner. Linda Coulter. Somehow, this young woman had managed to sneak past all the barriers and safe-guards that I'd ever put up to keep my heart from being trampled on. A part of this realization scared me,...
Transformation in Reno - By DeeWet John and I met at a party. I had just moved to take a new job on the west coast and he worked for a large law firm. We talked for a while over wine and he offered me a free ticket to the Lakers on Friday. We had a great time at the game and began to go to other sporting events and dinner. Now, I wasn't gay and thought nothing of our dates. I guess date was not the right word since we were just two guys going out together. When he sent me...
My eyes were wide open and my heart was beating so hard, it almost felt nonexistent. "If he is cheating, I'm gonna find out. Nadine told me it could be happening right now, so I'm gonna race over there and crash their party," I explained, speeding over there. As soon as I rolled up in front of his house, I got out and zoomed right to the front door. I opened it up and saw no one in sight. "Well, Nadine said her dad was gone and I know she isn't here, so maybe I'll check Ted's bedroom," I...
NovelsKarma Part 1 The Voice said, "You have been a pitiful excuse for a person your entire life. You have tormented those that loved you and manipulated others to do you bidding. You have watched the suffering of others and profited off of their misery. You are unfit to enter these gates. There is no excuse that you can offer that will change our view of you. Are you prepared for our judgment?" After a verbal beating like that what else could I say but "Yes." I mean they were...
Lily Lane is a stacked milf looking for a ride. She flashes her huge tits at an unsuspecting biker who is instantly ready to scoop her up. Lily ditches her luggage and hops on. They get back to the guys place and he is nice enough to ask if Lily needs a place to stay. She does not have any money, but she has a warm pussy and soft tits to offer up! They begin to fuck dirty style in this guys garage. He is loving every minute of it, until his wife walks in. He was quite lucky though, because his...
xmoviesforyouWinter Term, 1977 Monday morning, school was back in session. The Christmas Break was over. I needed a vacation from my vacation. The uproar surrounding my pending lawsuit had quieted down. There weren’t any reporters screaming out questions or taking photographs around the school or trying to talk to me. Everyone close to me was curious as to how much I was going to receive from my lawsuit. I told them I was not sure. Finals were a week away, I had yet to hear from the school concerning if...
Some of the equipment that we were allowed to use during qualifying and racing was an earpiece, which enabled Geoff to relay times and instructions to me. This meant we didn’t have to rely on pit boards, which didn’t allow much information to be passed to the driver. You only saw them once a lap, a lot could happen ahead and behind you in that time. On Saturday morning qualifying for the race took place. Geoff didn’t want me to go full out; he would tell me in my earpiece how I was doing and...
A Toy for LifeLouisa loved to be raped like a limp doll. She loved when huge, red, hairy cocks rammed her pussy (always wet), her mouth (always obedient), and especially her ass (always so tight and narrow). Ideally, all of them at once. She loved this endless torture, when she, naked and bound, would cry and plead for mercy; but no one would give her any, and humiliation went on and on without end.It was only a fantasy, however. No living woman in sober mind would ever agree to experience the...
It was Eddie's usual 6 AM start on the day when he finally crawled from his warm bed. It was also an awful time of the day to do anything that wasn't part of his routine. He did his morning things half expecting to see the Home Depot winterizing team to show up. Since they didn't, Eddie got his morning off to a proper start. He stopped at the plaza at Bishop's Crossing for a very quick biscuit. He had a small thermos of coffee since he didn't care for the restaurant's coffee. Most...
(continued from part 1) "Second base?" "Okay, what do you think 2nd Base is?" "I'm pretty sure it's when the guy gets to feel the girl's boobs!" "Ok, reach over and show me how you think you are supposed to do that." He reaches out and grabs her left breast. He squeezes it, and lets go. "There, like that?" "No Honey, not like that. At the age of almost 18, it's about time you learn this. You are supposed to gently caress a woman's breast. Slowly, at first. Put your hand on my boob again. Now...
IncestI stepped out of the bedroom and adjusted my skirt nervously pulling it down a bit.“No kitten I like it that short,” my Master said and I placed my hands at my side instantly. I didn’t want to make him upset.The skirt was plaid and extremely short, I was afraid that if I moved at all the thin fabric would not leave anything to the imagination. I had on a thin white button up shirt with no bra underneath, black stockings that went just above my knees, a lacey black thong, and of course my...
BDSMThe Last Hearth Umber Holdfast in the North I didn’t take very long at all to snatch Rickon Stark, of course. It was still dark and I was a vampire, after all. It didn’t take me long to dispatch any guards standing in my way, though I wasn’t alone. My company was with me: Justen, Damon, Jenny, Carrie, Bancey, Claere, Nora, Lara, Tenas, and Alyse. Of these, six of them, namely Justen, Damon, Jenny, Carrie, and Bancey, were vampires now. The other five were human and that was about to change....
This is the second chapter of Cassie's Dream Date. In the first chapter, Cassandra (Cassie) meets Roger Wilson, author of "Love, Lies, and Lust", a story of transgender love. She's 30, and he's 40-something. She's a supermodel. He's average, dresses well, and has a nice car. They make a date to have dinner and go dancing later. Cassie gets his phone number written on her hand. After he leaves, she has a wild fantasy date, which turns out to be pure fantasy, as she had been daydreaming...
I went down stairs to speak with the Front Desk Manager from my previous stairwell encounter. She greeted my professionally and asked if I would like an upgrade to a larger room that became available due to a cancellation. I said sure and asked if she could take me up to the new room. She was on me and I was on her as soon as the elevator door closed and I wanted to fuck her right there and told her so, as I pulled up her uniform skirt to reveal and freshly shaven pussy. I rubbed it roughly...