Lioness Limousine free porn video

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In the spring of 1976, having passed my twenty-first birthday, I got a part-time job driving for a car service called Lioness Limousine. At that time I was a junior at the City College of New York but I wasn’t straining myself with the academic load of being a history major. I figured I might as well get a bit ambitious for once and do something with the spare time that accumulated outside of midterm and end-term requirements.

In my first couple of months, I wound up having a regular customer, a lady named Mrs. Olive Ruxton. She lived in an apartment building near Gramercy Park in Manhattan. I guessed that she was asking for me each time she called the service although I wasn’t explicitly told that.

One sunny Tuesday in May I went out to the garage in Long Island City and I found out that I again had Mrs. Ruxton for an assignment. It was going to be for the entire afternoon, but that was fine with me. She was always very polite and pleasant to be with. In fact, she seemed to have developed a kind of flirtiness with me that was entertaining.

On this day I drove a big blue 1974 Buick Electra across the 59th Street Bridge to her neighborhood. I didn’t have to wear a uniform but I did have to make some concession to professionalism by wearing a jacket and tie while on duty. When I got to her building around 11:00 AM I parked by a hydrant and stood outside by the passenger side of the car. That happened to be the side facing the curb.

My customer came out at the appointed time and the doorman opened the building door for her. Mrs. Ruxton must have been in her late thirties, maybe even forty. To my young eyes she was mature, a lady who could have been one of my professors.  She was a fairly tall woman with dark hair. She wasn’t slender but she wasn’t really curvy either; her body was sort of “straight” if that term makes sense.

Today she was wearing a tight green skirt, a green and white blouse, a light gray jacket, and white heels. She had her usual Louise Brooks bobbed hairstyle and her dark-rimmed glasses. The only item which seemed new was her white hat. What do they call that style, a cloche?

She spoke first, “Hello, Paul, how are you on this lovely day?”

”I’m fine, Mrs. Ruxton, I’m glad you decided to use Lioness Limo again.”

She replied, “There’s a reason I always use Lioness, which I will tell you about in a moment. Oh, do you like my hat? I think it makes me look like Audrey Hepburn.”

“Yes, it’s a really - ah, nice hat.”

Although she had dark hair and was only slightly above Hepburn’s five-foot-seven, Olive never reminded me of her. There was no impression of delicacy about her and she seemed somehow taller than her actual height.  She reminded me a little of Jackie Onassis on that day, an image I had gotten from her before. She also, I thought, had some resemblance to Cyd Charisse. Overall, I thought she was quite attractive although considerably beyond the age of the college girls I dated.

“And I know it’s not Memorial Day yet, but I decided to break the rule and wear white shoes today.”

I had never heard that bit about shoe colors. “Well, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”

She said, “Anyway, I’m dressed in my ensemble to be out and about this spring day. I’m ready to go!”

She approached and I opened the rear passenger-side door for her. I got in behind the wheel and started the engine. The back seat of this car was rather low and her skirt had ridden up when she sat down. As she crossed her legs I could hear the sound of her stockings rubbing together.

“So, Mrs. Ruxton, where would you like to go today?”

“Oh please, we’re practically friends, isn’t this the fourth time you’ve driven me? I’d like you to call me by my first name, which as you know is Olive.”

She was the only person I had ever met with that name. “Yes, ma’am, I’ll do that.”

“And that word ma’am too, it’s just so formal. Makes me feel matronly, in fact.”

“All right, Olive, then what is your destination, please?”

“Well, I have a few small errands to do, but since it’s such a lovely day, I’d like to just go for a drive. You know, I’d like to go to Rye Beach in Westchester County. You can find that, I assume?”

“Of course, I was there as a kid. I can take you there.” I started driving along 21st Street towards the West Side Highway. I had heard on the radio that there were delays on the East Side’s FDR Drive.

I said, “You’re interested in the amusement park? Because I’m not sure it’s open until June.”

“That’s okay, I just wanted to walk around a bit. As a matter of fact, it would be nice if you came out with me for a stroll.”

That was a request I had never gotten from a passenger, but I agreed to do it. In fact, I realized I had developed a bit of a crush on her. She was a classy lady but there was a warmth and sweetness about her too.

She continued, “I was going to say, I always ask for you now when I call the company. You’re my favorite driver. In fact, if you’re not available on a certain day, I consider changing the reservation.”

That seemed flattering; I liked being appreciated for doing this job. Then as we drove along 21st she asked me, “Do you mind if I smoke?”

“It’s no problem, go ahead.”

She pulled out a cigarette holder from her purse; I had never seen one of those used before. I was about to offer her the lighter from the dashboard when she surprised me by taking out a doobie and planting it in her holder.

For a moment I pondered that she must have been in college in the late 1950s and I surmised that she probably had smoked her first joint a decade later when even her Silent Generation was lighting up along with the younger crowd. In any case, she had her own lighter and took care of that on her own.

“Excuse me, ma’am, I mean, miss. . .”

“It’s Olive, remember?”

”Yes, Olive, that might not be such a good idea if we get stopped.”

“I know, Paul, but you’re such a careful driver, the odds of that are infinitesimal.”

I was glad she appreciated my driving skill, but there was a fourteenth Murphy’s Law of driving and drugs. If you only had pot in a car once out of thousand times, that would be the time you got pulled over by the police. I wished I had checked the tail lights and turn signals that morning. Still, I enjoyed the novelty of seeing a cigarette holder being used. And it seemed to fit perfectly with Olive’s demeanor.

On the way over to the highway, she was telling me about herself. “Now my ex-husband, Mr. Ruxton, a Mister Clarence Ruxton, you know what I say about him? ‘I didn’t marry him for his money, I divorced him for it.’”

I chuckled at that quip because I had never heard it before, although it was one of those standard jokes that go around.

She continued, “I’m thinking of going back to my maiden name, which is Entwistle. Now the Entwistles were not upper class, merely upper-middle. My father was an anthropology professor at Yale.”

I noted that she was only taking a few puffs on her joint; it was probably a good thing she was going to moderate her use of it today. We were now heading north on Twelfth Avenue under the rusting hulk of the abandoned elevated highway.

“The Ruxtons, on the other hand, were old money, big money. They made their fortune in anthracite coal in Pennsylvania, and from one of the railroads that hauled it. You’ve heard of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western?”

“Yes, I have.”

“They advertised themselves as the route of Phoebe Snow. They even had a jingle about it, how her dress stays white from morn to night, on the road of anthracite.”

This was familiar to me although I didn’t interrupt Olive’s conversation. I did know how the singer Phoebe Snow had been inspired to name herself after seeing the name on old boxcars in New Jersey.

We went up a ramp onto an intact portion of the highway and emerged into the sunlight. She said, “Excuse me, I have to put on my sunglasses.”

Then, “I’m sorry, I’ve been talking only about myself. I’d like to know more about you. You’re such a hardworking young man, putting yourself through college this way.”

It was strange to hear myself described as “hardworking.” That may have been true for schoolwork, but not so much for paid jobs.

She asked, “What is it like at City College?”

“We’ll be able to see it from the highway in a few minutes.” That seemed irrelevant but Olive didn’t notice the non sequitur. Instead, she asked me, “I imagine you have some girlfriends up there.”

I had to decide how to play that. “There have been a few, but things have been a bit unsettled recently.”  

I glanced over to my left at the sunlight sparkling on the Hudson River. It was indeed a pleasant day and I liked chatting with this lady.

She responded, “Unsettled; well, I think I know what that means.” I looked back and saw that she was smiling at me. “I mean, I get it; things have been unsettled with me too.” 

After that Olive rambled a bit about other topics, like how it was that the “ethnics” - presumably including Italian-German-Irish me - had built America. She also declared that the Kennedys were “vulgar,” including that “odious Ted.”

“What he did with that girl at Chappaquiddick was just inexcusable.” She went on, “I don’t care if they have their compound on Cape Cod, they just seem trashy to me.”

In a few moments, I pointed to the City College science building visible on Hamilton Heights to the right.

“God, what a hideous building,” she exclaimed.

“Well, it’s about the only new building we’ve got there. The whole campus is kind of – well, run-down.”

We were on the ramp up to the Cross-Bronx Expressway when Olive got back to talking about me, “Paul, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” She didn’t wait for me to respond. “I was thinking, it must be hard for a healthy young man such as yourself to go for a while without a girlfriend.”

I was instantly aware of the subtext of our conversation changing. She’s not chatting with me as a customer; she’s talking to me like a woman dealing with a man. I think I liked that but I decided to play it cool for the moment and let her lead the way.

I responded, “Well, I didn’t actually say that – I mean about a girlfriend.”

“True, but I know what you really meant. Am I right?”

As I tried to figure out what her game was I blurted out, “Okay, yes, you’re right. It’s been a little while.”

Actually, I had been suddenly dumped by my girlfriend Michelle the previous December. At the age of twenty-one, six months was indeed a while to go without sex.

She said, “I know about loneliness myself, although God-knows, Chuck - that was Clarence - was nothing to write home about.”

We entered a noisy section of the expressway, “under the apartments” as the traffic reporters called it, which was like being in a tunnel. This gave me a few moments to assess the situation. Was she just teasing me as a prank for her own amusement? How serious was this flirtation; was it just an act? I’d have to hear more from her before I could figure it out.

When we came out of the tunnel a minute later she asked, “Do you ever think about me when I’m not around?”

“What do you mean, Olive?” I knew but I wanted her to say it.

“I mean do you think of me at night, when you’re in bed.” She paused for a moment and then she continued, “Because I sometimes think of you, of being with you right here in this car. Or with me up in my apartment.”

All right, she just made a pass at me, I can recognize that. I glanced around to orient myself; out beyond our vehicle was the vast cityscape visible from the Alexander Hamilton Bridge.

Now I had a problem in that I didn’t know how to answer her question. In fact, I hadn’t had fantasies about her yet but I wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the truth. I tried to buy a little time by fudging things, “Well, maybe, it’s a kind of a personal thing . . .”

Fortunately, she chuckled at that, “That’s okay, I know you’re young and, well, relatively inexperienced. I must be confusing you.”

Yeah, Olive baby, you’re definitely confusing me.

She rubbed the surface of the seat next to her. “I love the smell of leather, it’s so sexy.”

She then asked me, “Do you like my stockings?” I glanced back and she had uncrossed her legs and pulled her skirt up. I knew enough to say yes when a lady was looking for compliments.

She said, “These are not pantyhose, you know. On a warm day like this, I like to wear garters with belts. It makes me feel - hot, sensual. Here, take a look.”

I glanced back again. She had hiked her skirt up and spread her legs. I could see everything she had mentioned: the white garters, the belts, all the way to her white-panty-covered crotch.

The traffic was sluggish in this stretch - it wasn’t bumper to bumper, but we had slowed to less than twenty miles per hour. I used the mirror to look at her again. She had pushed her sunglasses up and she was smiling at me. Her cigarette holder and joint had been put away, which seemed like a good idea at this point.

A few moments later Olive’s hand appeared over my right shoulder holding her panties. These were basic white briefs.

“Here, have a sniff, although I did put them on fresh this morning.” She was right behind me, leaning on the back of the seat.

I figured that I should follow all reasonable client requests, so I put her drawers to my nose and caught a faint whiff of her aroma. Then I carefully placed them on the seat next to me. By now we were moving down the middle lane at about ten to fifteen miles per hour. The car was hemmed in by tractor-trailers left, right and to the rear.

She leaned back in her seat and commented, “Now I’ve really given you something to think about. I know young guys need to masturbate a lot.”

Jesus, did she really say that? I could feel myself blushing. If she was merely teasing me she was doing a great job of it.  

She said, “You don’t mind if I play with myself, do you?” I don’t know why she asked, because she just went ahead and got started. Her feet were up on the seat and she had both hands working on herself. As her driver, I didn’t know how to handle this situation. I didn’t want to appear indifferent, but neither did I want to seem impolite or overeager. As before, I decided to let her handle the flow of events.

A moment later she had taken a hairbrush out of her purse and she was moving the handle in and out of herself. I noted her thick, dark pubic hair.

“Ah, Olive, I was wondering if any of these truckers might see you.” It was an odd thought perhaps, but I was truly concerned about it.

“Oh, let them look if they want. It will give them something to jerk-off about at the next rest stop.”

From my position, I couldn’t see into the cabs of the trucks on either side of us. I guessed the guy behind us might blow his air horn if he noticed what was happening. Maybe Olive should order a car with tinted windows next time.

Meanwhile, she remained talkative through the early stages of her self-pleasuring.

“We’re such a puritanical society when it comes to masturbation, I would say. Everybody does it but no one talks about it. Self-abuse, what a strange term. Anyway. . .”

She took a moment to think, “You’re such a nice young man, and I know you haven’t any poon in some time now. Yet you’ve always been so polite, you never made a pass at me even though I wished you would.”

I hadn’t realized what an exemplary employee I had been.

“However, I bet you have a big erection right now.”

Even if I was on the job I owed her some male honesty, “Olive, that is an understatement.”

She laughed, “Don’t worry, I can take care of that. I’ve got some moves that those coed snips of yours don’t know about.”

That was a swipe at younger women in general but she was also comparing herself to the girls I had been with. I looked back again to see exactly what moves she did have. One of her hands worked the hairbrush while the fingers of the other circled her clitoris. She stopped long enough to blow an air kiss towards me.

Where were we now? I noted we were leaving the trestle over the central Bronx and entering another of the open cuts. Thousands of people had been displaced from their apartments to build these six lanes; I wondered if Olive had heard about that.

She said, “I’m not one of those ladies who uses vibrators; I can do just fine with my trusty brush and my own nimble fingers.” I was wondering how long Olive had gone without getting any poon of her own.

She said, “As I mentioned, I’ve thought about you when doing this. How about you? Who do think about when you stroke yourself? Maybe old girlfriends?”

I evaded the question, “Well, various people. Porn sometimes, I admit that.”

“That’s completely understandable,” and she giggled. “You could call it porn-tang!  Anyway, I hope I’m not distracting you too much.”

I did my best impression of a nonplussed employee, “It’s fine, think nothing of it.”

“You’re an excellent driver. Not many of them could deal with their customers so well.”

Then she said, “I have a serious issue for you.” She paused before going on, “Maybe you do want me, for real? I would very much like it if you were with me. Today would be great if you can find the time.”

I glanced back at her. Her expression was hard to decipher, but I caught a bit of concern in it as if she was worried I might reject her.

I decided to make a commitment. Why not, she’s not being subtle about it and I’m only human. “Yes Olive, I would like to be with you too.”

Then Olive was preoccupied with touching herself. I guessed from witnessing this with other women that it wouldn’t take her very long to reach an orgasm.

I tried to concentrate on driving while listening to her moaning in the back. I was aware of passing signs (Sheridan Expwy-Triboro Bridge), a huge Marlboro billboard, and then the Bronx River housing project. The traffic began to speed up just as Olive did. We were going through the Bruckner Interchange when she had a loud, completely uninhibited climax. I saw her lean forward and then flop back against the seat.

“Is everything satisfactory, Olive?” Maybe that sounded like dry wit. It was certainly fun to see Olive get so excited by her own scenario.

“Oh God, that was just amazing. I just came so hard!” Then she was against my seat back again, breathing heavily; I could detect her perfume. “Paul, you know the city, there must be some place we could park right now. I don’t think I can wait to go back to Manhattan.” She sounded quite insistent about it.

That was a challenge: where in the middle of the day could I find a place to park and bang this nice horny lady in the back seat? Then I had an inspiration. My habit of walking around and exploring New York might just pay off now.

I said, “I think there’s a place nearby that might work.”

“You’re still stiff, aren’t you?”

“Yes ma’am, if you want some, I have it for you.”

She wagged a finger at me and laughed, “I knew it, you have some bad boy in you after all.” Everything was going smoothly, I thought, and I exited at Pelham Parkway. Olive noted a monument, a column to our right inside the park.

She asked, “What is that thing for?”

“It’s a World War I memorial to the dead of Bronx County.”

“That lady on top, the statue, her boobs are hanging out.”

I said, “It’s Winged Victory, I think. When you’re allegorical you can wear anything you want.” I remembered the lost statues of Penn Station, Morning and Evening. Morning’s breasts were bared too.


I drove around a traffic circle and arrived at a driveway that went off to the right. The gate at the far end was indeed open. I guided the car into a small yard next to Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor. If our luck held out there would be no one down at trackside.

I said, “Olive, I suppose this isn’t the most scenic spot.”

“It’s fine, Paul, I’m not concerned. I know you’re very diligent about these things. That’s why I trust putting myself in your hands.”

I hoped her faith in me was justified. I turned right and drove past an abandoned building that looked like it had been a train station. For a few seconds, my mind was not on sex but security and I tried to assess the situation. I didn’t know if Amtrak even had a police force of its own. If workers showed up we could just zip out of there. But if cops arrived, that would be a different story. If they caught us in the act, would they laugh it off or charge us with something?

When we got to the Hutchinson River Bridge at the end, I said, “Look, I’m going to turn the car around, just in case we have to leave in a hurry.”

“I get it, you certainly are thorough. You think of everything.”

I was still concerned with the logistics and I looked around. Across the tracks was a large housing development, Co-op City. It appeared that the apartment windows were too far away for anybody to see into the car if they even noticed it at all.

I also assumed that any passing trains would be moving too fast for anyone on board to see anything. What Olive and I were going to do wasn’t completely risk-free, but it seemed like things were in our favor. We didn’t need all day in this yard, just enough time without interference for a quick coupling.

I got the car pointed outwards and turned off the engine. I said, “So is this okay? To paraphrase, ‘Americans don’t just go to the poorhouse in an automobile, they turn them into boudoirs too.’”

She laughed at my reference, “I don’t think that’s quite what Will Rogers said!”

Then she wagged her finger to get me into the back seat. I got out and opened the back door on the driver’s side. Olive went for me as soon as I was next to her, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me hard. “That mari-jah-wanna makes me extra horny.” It would have done the same for me too but I had to drive.

“Would you like me to suck on you?”

“No, I’m going to be fine,” I said. "I'm ready to go right now." I was starting to forget about the big, bright world of tracks and buildings outside our Buick’s windows.

She said, “I guess you appreciated my Cross-Bronx monologue. It would be splendid if you went down on me though.”

She leaned back and spread her legs. “I know it’s been a while since you’ve had any pussy.”  

As I began to lick her she said, “And it’s been a long time since your Miss Entwistle had any sex herself.” That confirmed what I had earlier suspected.

It was amusing that she kept her hat on for this and indeed would for our entire tryst. She said, “Chuck, that poor sap, he rarely would do this for me. He complained he didn’t like the taste.”

I stopped and improvised a line, “At Lioness Limo our motto is, ‘It’s a pleasure to serve you.’” Perhaps it was not my best line ever but Olive laughed anyway.

“Besides, I think you taste great.” I went back to my task. Her cunt was already moist and loose from all the vigorous masturbation she had done. 

“That pathetic Chuck, he couldn’t find a clitoris if a chart was attached to the headboard.” I tried to stifle a laugh but I think my guffaws just tickled her pussy more.

In a little while, she said, “It’s time, get up.” She undid my pants and took my cock out. “I just love a young man’s eager penis in me. Do you need some stroking?”

“No, Olive, I’m ready if you are.”

“Then yes, please, I need a proper fucking and I need it now.”

It wasn’t the time or the place for a long, leisurely screw; perhaps we could do that later in the evening at her place. This was going to be a bit more than a quickie, but not that much more. I entered and began a vigorous coupling with her. She put her right leg up on the driver’s seat so I had a good angle on her cunt.

“You’re such a horny bad boy.  I knew you could be had with just a flash of panties and a whiff of pussy on them.”

“You did a lot more than that. You’re such a hot, sweet lady - it’s an honor to be your driver.”

Some caution remained in me because I kept my pants high enough to cover my ass. Olive would have none of that; she reached back to yank them down. My thrusts became more rapid and her legs were moving around the interior of the car. In short order, she said hurriedly, “I’m going to come again, oh please, we can time it together I think.”

She grabbed my behind with both hands and told me, loudly now, “Come on, honey, push, push harder.” Then she said, “That’s it, I’m there, shoot in me already.” I arched my back and eagerly complied with her wish.

It seemed very quiet as we lay in each other’s arms, inside our glass and metal room in the middle of a metropolis of twenty million. Then I heard a train before I saw it through the windshield.  It was coming up fast around the bend to the south. There was a dissonance I suppose between being on top of and inside a woman and witnessing this spectacle just outside that made me stare at it.

An old electric locomotive in a gaudy Amtrak paint scheme rushed past, pulling a string of new Amfleet coaches. Olive raised herself a bit so she could look out the back window as the train crossed the bridge. When it was gone I said, “We really should get out of here.” I was surprised at how fast we uncoupled and got out our respective doors and into the front seat.  We were laughing as I started the engine; now all they could get us on was trespassing at the most.

She held me again. “Paul, after your shift is over, I want you to come down to see me tonight.”

“Sure, I can do that.”

She wasn’t done yet, “I know we don’t know what the future will bring, but will you, I hope, give some of yourself to me?  I’m not sure what I mean.”

I knew what she meant. “Of course, relax, everything is going to be okay.” I thought, these women, they really could get to you. Olive was worried that I would dump her, discard her, maybe tomorrow, maybe soon after.

As I started to drive through the yard she looked around the car and said, “Oh, where are my panties?”

“You’re sitting on them.”

We were still giddy when we reached the end of the driveway. Perhaps this was the way Bonnie and Clyde felt after a successful robbery; some banjo music should have been playing on my life’s soundtrack. We’re the Barrow gang; we don’t rob banks anymore but we do fuck in train yards.

I was still trying to get my clothes in order. “So, Mrs. Ruxton, where to? Do you still want to go to Rye Beach?”

“No, forget that. Let’s go to that Italian neighborhood, Arthur Avenue, I can pick up something for dinner.”

It was only a short drive over there. Olive stayed pressed up against me, her arm around my shoulders. She mostly talked about her ex, Clarence Ruxton.

“He was such a dip. As I said, he’d complain about cunnilingus, as he referred to it. ‘A barbaric practice,’ that’s what he said.”

“I think I would have divorced this guy myself.”

“I offered him whatever he wished sexually to keep him happy but it was a waste. He didn’t seem that interested in anything. I couldn’t even get him to spank me when I was naughty.”

“That’s really unfortunate.”

She looked at me, “I bet you think I’m a very naughty lady.”

“I don’t think it, I know it!”


I found a parking space on Crescent Avenue around the corner from where she wanted to shop. As I waited in our getaway car I could feel more of the tension leaving me. The sun was shining on the roof so I cracked the window open a bit. The next thing I knew I was coming out of a nap as she knocked on my window.

“Ah, Paul?”

I cranked it down further.  She said, “I’ve got some ravioli and sauce for us tonight. Do you have another assignment now?”

“No, you were the only one today.”

She smiled at me and she seemed to be considering a quip but she couldn’t come up with one. Instead, she got in the front with me again. “All right, take me back home. You’re invited, as I said, after you drop the car off.”

“Of course, I’ll be there.”

We went back down the East Side via the FDR Drive. Olive seemed very relaxed and we talked about ourselves as we drove along. I thought, well, we’ve both gotten laid after dry spells, and we’re going to get some more tonight. It definitely improves one’s mood.

When we got to her street she said, “Please stop a few doors down the block. It may seem strange, but it would be awkward if the doorman saw me sitting in front.”

That was an interesting bit of reticence on her part. I wondered what codes of behavior she had learned in 1950s Connecticut.

When I stopped I joshed a bit with her, “Olive, I know you’ve paid in advance, but it is customary to tip the driver too.”

She mock-scowled at me, “I think you’ve already gotten your tip, young man. In fact . . .” Now she leaned towards me. “You’ve been quite impudent, sneaking peeks up my skirt when you thought you could get away with it.”

“Really, is that what you think?”

“That’s what I know. I have a mind to take you over my knee and give you a good spanking on the seat of your trousers.”

“Well, as long as you don’t report me to the company, I’ll submit to that later on. By the way, don’t forget your underpants.”

These were still on the front seat and I picked them up and handed them to her. She seemed genuinely embarrassed.

She said, “Actually, it feels kind of nice with my crotch bare. Maybe I should do that more often.”

“Do it as often as you like. I certainly don’t mind.”

“So you’re coming right back here?”

“As soon as I can. It’s just across the river in Queens.” Then I said, “I love you, sweetie.”

”I love you too, baby.” She kissed me goodbye and got out.

On the drive back to the garage I thought about what had happened today. It was more than a one-afternoon stand, but beyond that, I had no idea what either of us expected to come next. Olive had to be at least eighteen or nineteen years older than I was. That was an entirely different generation from mine.

Well, maybe it’s just for the summer then – we’ll call it Summer of ’76 like that silly book and movie. Except I was twenty-one, not a teenager, and I had to face up to my own decisions. Yes, Olive had started it but I had certainly finished it.

I rationalized that a bit by thinking that Olive was an adult too and she must have known the implications of an affair with a much younger person. She had already admitted that she was thinking of this long before she got in the car today.

At the garage, I checked the interior of the car before turning in the keys. Olive had left something else behind: her hairbrush was on the floor in the back. I put the handle of it up to my nose and caught her aroma on it. Then I put it in my pocket so I could return it.


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Dinner A Limousine

We pass each other walking in opposite directions of the lingerie store. I'm walking out as you are walking in. I catch your eye and we lock stares. Knowing in our minds we have seen each other before but unable to place it. I follow the natural sway of your hips, the motion of your sexy ass in the tight dress, the shortness of the hemline exposing a pair of long sexy shapely legs in black stockings and high heeled pumps. I follow the view unti you are well inside the store.I turn around and...

2 years ago
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White Xmas

(Author's note: Yes, this is a Holiday Contest entry, and yes, I am cheating, sort of.)Our sleeping bags zip together perfectly, something we discovered by accident a few trips ago, and have taken shameless and wanton advantage of ever since. When two of you are heating the same small, well insulated space, the need for thermal underwear, or indeed any additional layers at all simply disappears. We were two days into our five day loop through the Rockies, a short, needed holiday grabbed when we...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Good boy bed boy

Hi, I am Rita jain, married women age 30 from Mumbai. Mere pati mujse bahot hi love karte hain and I also love him very much. Hum kafi happy married life ji rahe hain.hum sath main hi is site ko read karte hai aur sex enjoy karte hain. My sex in life is also very satisfied. So I also want to share my experience with another guy (only by mistake not with intestinally) I requested to all my friends specially married women of my age to send their suggestion about my mistake, that is I am right or...

1 year ago
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The Hottie

The Hottie! Like what you see? Look closer! All of these Swans are just Average Joes! From the creators of such shows as Is That Thing Loaded? and Turn Your Head and Cough, comes the next generation of reality TV. Sexier than Who Wants to Marry a Refrigerator?, crazier than Queer Eye for the Blind Guy, more shocking than Amish Boot Camp...this fall, get ready for The Hottie! How far would a man go to make his dreams come true? Would he give up what makes him a man? To win the...

2 years ago
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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 12

Despite the occasionally bad weather, I spent most of my time out on the deck on my three-day trip to Aston. As soon as the people on the small ship noticed that I wasn’t really a nuisance, I was even allowed to help with some simple enough things. Like holding one rope tightly and other complex things like that. Since the ship was more or less following the coastline there wasn’t much need for finer navigation, which was a pity since that was something I would have been interested in. Well,...

1 year ago
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Picking Up the Pieces Again Pt II

Note: For clarification and easier recognition, Emily’s POV is in italics. Part II  I turned around, running back into the bathroom, slamming it quickly behind me. I slid down the door until I was on the floor, my head between my legs. I needed to calm down or else I would never make it through the night with her.  She walked towards the door, knocking softly. “Are you okay?” Concern laced her voice. “Yeah I’m fine! Be out in a second.” I looked down, hoping I had cooled off. Nope. I...

1 year ago
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The SaviorsChapter 24 Eggs

Troy and Suzie's bodies shimmered and the next thing they knew they were sprawled on the floor of the lounge in their ship. "That was close," Troy said. Suzie just nodded agreement and stumbled to the bed where she flopped down. Troy stumbled after and fell beside her both creatures totally, physically drained of energy. The slept soundly as the ship sped away from the destructing planet to safety. The creatures slept the rest of the day all night and most of the next day. Troy/Kathy...

3 years ago
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Sequel to First Week in Town

Johnny's place was facing the ocean on Wrightsville beach. It was a palatial four-story building with what seemed like an endless array of decking surrounding it on each and every level. As we pulled into his garage, he told me that he shared the place with his brother, currently in Argentina on business. We took the winding stairs to his bedroom on the third floor; Johnny wanted me to lead the way. Naturally, since I have a world class ass and wanted nothing more than to flaunt it in his...

2 years ago
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Sucking my first cock

When I was 18 I got my first full-time job and a place as a spray-painter.It was an evening shift and on Fridays whoever were the last ones out we had to close the place down for the weekend. There was an older guy working there who is 42 and I thought he was pretty good-looking although I hadn't decided at that time whether I was straight or gay or bi. Will he worked in the booth opposite to me and I could look over and see him while I worked if I got it the right angle. Well one night I...

2 years ago
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The Walters BrothersChapter 5

Two and a half weeks later we rode into Carver’s Gulch, about fifty miles South of Cherry Creek. It was a boom town, tents as numerous as buildings and construction going on everywhere. Bob and the girls held the herd back while we rode in with Miz Parsons. She’d taken the time to primp a little, wearing a divided riding skirt and a nice blouse and jacket. It caused a little stir because women, beside the occasional prostitute, were pretty scarce. If she’d ridden in with her daughters she...

4 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 3 The Confrontation

It took Sonya about an hour to round up all the guests and get them to head home. During that time I thought about what I had seen and tried to make sense out of it. How long had this been going on? Had they been together before? Had she spent time with him over the last two days while I was out of town? If this was the first time what do you call it? If you defined sex as having intercourse then they didn't have sex, but he had his fingers inside her. The biggest question on my mind was if...

1 year ago
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I mothered my Father in Laws Kid8230

Lust is a forbidden fruit in our society especially when you are married.I would like to share an experience with my dear readers wherein i had an opportunity of having the forbidden fruit.My name is Rathi.27 years old.Fair,voluptuous and many has admired my beauty. My boobs were really huge and this used to attract a lot of people wherever i go.I had an arranged marriage.My husband is a very loving person but a bit reserved when it comes to sex. Sex is just a mode of reproduction for him.So...

2 years ago
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Twins Camping Trip

A full white moon hung low in the still dark blue night sky yet to be joined by an entourage of stars. If it hadn't been so damned cold it might have been beautiful. Instead it was just a reminder for Hannah that she was out on this camping trip with her sister Samantha. It was of course Samantha's fault that Hannah had chosen to wear a cute pair of pink shorts instead of long legged thermals. Normally in Seattle she didn't really have to sacrifice cute for comfort. It was also Samantha's fault...

3 years ago
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Cute teen next door seeks older mans guidanc

I can remember the day about six months ago when the new neighbors moved in. They were a couple I would say in their mid thirties and their eighteen year old daughter. I saw them move most of their stuff in as I always spend allot of time working in the yard on the lawn or trimming the shrubbery. I always managed to find some project to work on to keep me busy. I couldn't help noticing the daughter. From a distance she appeared to be a rather cute looking girl. In the past six months I haven't...

1 year ago
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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed. As Anna walked...

4 years ago
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ClotildaThe Victorian Eraby P.N. DedauxCHAPTER TWO: JUDICIAL"It is winter, a cold time for madam to strip in," sneered the bewigged and red-robed judge from his seat of eminence, "see that you warm her shoulders thoroughly, Mr. Beadle. The cart's tail to Taunton and let's see if you feel so rebellious by the time you have made that little journey, lady."The good woman so addressed bent her head. A modest seamstress, she had come to the assizes in her Sunday best: Her fault – she had been heard...

3 years ago
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I Am Jacks Life Ch 0001

Author’s note and acknowledgements This story has sat on my hard drive for four years now. I wrote it, all twenty chapters and 95,000 words of it in eight days of a frenzied, near trance-like state, sitting on my couch with my wife’s laptop. She would occasionally have to remind me to eat. When the dust settled, and I looked up, I realized a couple of things: one, I had just written a fucking novel in a week, whoa. Two, it seemed to be pretty damn good, double whoa. And three, what the...

2 years ago
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RequitalChapter 9 Late January

He'd been sick, off and on, since the beginning of the year. First, it had been a nasty case of the flu that sapped his energy and put him in bed for four days. It should have been longer but he refused to stay down that long. Next it had been a stomach virus everyone said was "going around," and although it didn't make Steve take off work, he was clearly miserable and wasn't making any new friends at work. Now, it seemed he just didn't have any energy. He was tired all the time and...

3 years ago
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My summer Boss 8

“Better?” I asked from my perch on the sink. “Mmhmm.” She purred, wobbling a little. I think her head was still a little messed up or she felt sick, I wasn’t sure. She dried herself off with a towel, well aware of my amused scrutiny. “What’s so funny?” I gave her a lopsided grin, eyeing her body. “You’re just cute, that’s all.” She looked herself over and idly scratched the side of her mouth, before turning her eyes back to me. “You think I’m cute huh? That...

3 years ago
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Red and the Wolf

"Danny, wait, I'm coming! Wait for me!" I heard my little sister squeal loudly in excitement as she burst out the front door. She leaped off the front stoop and landed running, dashing as fast as she could across the front yard in my direction. "Sorry Sammie, but you were taking so long that I thought that you just didn't want to go trick-or-treating this year." I said solemnly, my face betraying nothing. "I would just have to keep all that candy for myself." I added in mock...

1 year ago
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Asha8217s multiflavour 2nd Honeymoon6

They left the room, and we were doing normal things in our room. At around 11, Asha was sitting in the bed was checking her mobile. She was smiling, and her finger was moving over her shaved pussy. Me, “You are looking in a very romantic mood. What are you watching?” Asha gave a big smile and said, “Just chatting.” Me, “Who is that special, to whom you are replying with that smile? Your fingers are moving over your pussy.” Asha, “Don’t think much. He is just a student of mine.” Me (with...

4 years ago
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Zombie Wife and Officer Midnight

People talk about their lives being complicated. It’s a fact, everyone’s is! But the issues I seem to deal with, are more the incredibly, bizarre situations that arise, from said complications. A while back, I was laid off from my high paying job, of eight years. At the time, I figure I’d take a couple weeks of ‘Me Time’, then, find a new job. Well, seemingly out of nowhere, the economy decided to downturn, so POOF! No jobs! On a different note, it seems my wife of 3 years, Daria, had fallen...

2 years ago
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Wife cuckolds husband.I'm an always horney man, constantly thinking of sex in some form. I wonder about the type of sex every woman, I see, enjoys. That prudish old bitch everyone knows, whose ass is so tight you could stick a lump of coal in it and get a diamond out. I even imagine her with a penis in her mouth or a tongue in her pussy. That hot little thing everyone is slobbering over. Is she a hot piece of ass? Or, is she a bland fuck that leaves you wanting and needing more?Sex is always on...

3 years ago
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A Session with Horse Dick Harry

No one had a penis like Horse Dick Harry, he came by his nick name honestly. I had heard the whores on the corner talk about Horse Dick Harry and how they never would let him have sex with them twice. When ever they spoke of Harry there seemed to be a twinkle in their eyes. It wasn't until years latter that I had my first encounter with Horse Dick Harry. His nephew Charlie was one of the young teenage ruffians that had attacked me and took my body by force. The three of them, Bruce, Charlie and...

3 years ago
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After the WarChapter 27 Victoria Returns

A few days later Lady Johnson was surprised to see her friend Mrs. Vicky Carmichael at lunch one day in the Senior Officers' mess. After lunch Colonel Esser said that Vicky might like to pass the afternoon with Jane, in his room. Both women assumed he wanted a threesome, or at the very least a lesbian exhibition, but it transpired that it was a simple act of kindness allowing them to catch up with gossip. Jane was very proud that he trusted her to that extent. Victoria was fairly reticent...

1 year ago
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Author’s note: This series is devoted to my wife, for whom it was originally written. It is both a history of our sexual life as well as my means of sharing our fantasies, with alterations to names and times to protect our friends, but both the fantasy and reality are/were spectacular enough to warrant sharing with others. **This is a stand-alone story.** For those who have been following along, this is the fourth in the series. I return to the romantic and sensual here, so if you’re expecting...

3 years ago
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One More Chance At Love

‘A final check up on the 13th, that’s next Friday, and I’ll discharge her if everything is fine. You can resume sexual relations after that. Okay?’ The doctor’s announcement created an uncomfortable silence. Brian looked over at Andrea. She was staring at her fingers which were nervously pleating the sheet covering her legs. ‘Yes, Doctor. Thank you,’ he muttered, and then watched as the doctor bustled out of the room with his entourage. ‘I wonder why doctors have all those people following...

1 year ago
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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part 11

Hello friends. Aap log kaise ho. Ab aage ki story. Aur phir mummy ne jor se lekin bilkul dheere siskaari liiii.Aaahhhhhhhh.Aur wo uncle ke muh hi jhad gayi.Uncle ne meri mallu mummy ki chut ka pura ras pi liya aur chaat chaat ke chut bilkul saaf kardi.Ab uncle dheere se uthkar bahar chale gaye aur thodi der baad andar aaye. Uncle aunty ko. Uncle – ab tum thoda rest karlo aur leela ko bhi karne do. Aunty ne dawayian kha li thi isiye ab unhe neend aa rahi thi.Ab uncle dusre room me chale...

3 years ago
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La Macarena Swingers BB

La Macarena - part 1Naughty boyfriend did not tell me we went to a "swinger place"...After my first kinda Hotwife adventure at Costa Natura which was an unexpected experience we drove off the next day to a place called La Macarena. The only thing I knew from my boyfriend, who did the booking way in advance, that it was a secluded villa with a big swimming pool and they rented out rooms like Air B&B for naturist-nudist minded people. So in my mind I thought it would be like in Costa Natura...

1 year ago
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Gold Porn Tube

GoldPornTube? Does the site deserve that name? In this modern era of the internet, getting your hands on top tier smut from all the leading porn tubes has never been easier. Google has shown itself to be pretty unhelpful when it comes to looking for adult entertainment on their shitty search engine, but the good news is, you can’t keep horny freaks from enjoying their smut. Not in this era anyway. However, visiting every single tube to find the kind of smut to make your one-eyed monster teary...

Porn Aggregators
2 years ago
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My Japanese Love Part 4

I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Had Akira just watch me fuck her sister to the point she passed out and stood there fingering herself? I felt really embarrassed by that fact. Not because she watched us, but because silly horny me forgot to shut the door. I mean sure she knows her sisters is sexually active, after all the day Akira met me Amya admitted to her and their parents that we have had sex. However know and seeing are two different things. I had to apologies to Akira. There was no...

4 years ago
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Pumped Kin

It was fast approaching Halloween, and I was really getting excited about it this year – for a very good reason. I’d had my eye on my brother’s best friend Jay for a long time and as we’d all arranged to meet at a Halloween costume party, now was the perfect opportunity to carry out my seductive plans. I desperately wanted to lose my virginity to this handsome Adonis. With his long dark hair, athletic body (him and my brother Luke were both on the school soccer team), and hazel eyes, he was...

3 years ago
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Year of the Oar

Year of the Oar By Clare Seven Part 1 ?Name?? She asked me again as I glanced about the drab office. ?Justine?Justine Laing. It?s written on the form.? The large bespectacled woman looked up from the pink form in front of me, her manner betraying the fact that she was having a bad day, in a bad week, perhaps in a bad life. ?Thank you Miss Laing,? she replied, her voice dripping with venom. ?Now,? she continued. ?You are out of work yes? And what was it you?ve been doing?? She glanced at the...

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theatre and older luvy

I used to work in a theatre, selling programmes, drinks, ice creams and helping out with whatever needed doing around the place. After every the final show of every run there was a ‘last night party’, the bar stayed open and the drinks flowed. In one particular show there was an older gay man in one of the roles. He was in his early sixties I guess and rather portly with a large belly and double chin. He was good fun and I'd got to know him a little bit during the run, telling him often that he...

4 years ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 9 Sex Party With Our New Clients

Ginger had been home about three hours before I got there. She was in a bikini and had just come back from visiting our neighbors. I gave her a raised eyebrow and she laughed. “Later,” she said. “All we did was talk and plan the weekend – lots of sex. We’re all needy for each other.” I chuckled, “Count me in.” “We’re all going out for dinner in an hour. I checked on my phone and saw that you’d landed, so I knew we could plan on it. We thought we’d go over to AMI (Anna Maria Island) and see...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 27 Missing Pieces

Hampton Coliseum Hampton Virginia Paul David was walking to his car in the massive parking lot adjacent to the Coliseum glad to be away from his client. As an executive insurance representative, Paul's clientele were large venues like the Coliseum. Like all clients, some could be quite enjoyable and some could be like the Coliseum's Mr. Goldfield, a real prick and anal to boot. After a day of meetings with the pricks of the world, Paul wanted nothing more than to get home and sip his malt...

3 years ago
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Blacked very hard in the subway

I felt his hard dick pressed tight against my butt and it felt huge…I could not budge and inch as the subway car was filled beyond capacity and as it bumped and swayed along, I felt my short skirt riding up on my buttocks.That hard cock was nestled between my butt cheeks, rubbing up and down. I began to fantasize about what it would feel like in my pussy or even in my asshole…I was getting myself horny and the bastard smelled great too…I knew he was a black man, a very huge one…Then, my skirt...

1 year ago
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My Wife Gets Surprised

My story starts off how I wanted to see my wife give a blow job to another man. I had been after her for over a year and she finally agreed to do it once for my 50th birthday. My wife is in her upper forties and is 5’4 and about 140 pounds. She is a mom of three and works in management for a large company. She is somewhat conservative and I have been her only partner. This last June I finally convince her to give another guy a blow job while I watched. She would only agree to do a blow job and...

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A Night That Changed Her Life

It was the same night after night. Men would come and go, while she lay on her back, or sat on her hands and knees pretending to cum. It was her job, the only job she had known since her family sold her into prostitution. She was lucky, she got to work in the most beautiful and highest priced brothel in town. She was not hurt for money. She had tried before to leave, but always seemed to find herself coming back. She knew no other life, and never would. This night was like all the rest. She lay...

Straight Sex
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Ambers story pt2

Reluctantly I crawl into their bed, Craig’s beautiful hard cock nestling between my ass cheeks ever so slightly piercing my asshole. With her infront of me . She backs her ass into my tiny cock, taking my hand and placing it on her breast. I look back at Craig with a discomfort look on my face. Good night Kim he says to her. Goodnight my loves she says. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t understand why she wanted this. I just wanted to get away from touching her. I couldn’t sleep. Craig wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Kissing cousins

I had my 1st blow job from my cousin Joanne,very sexy,great tits,I was at my grandmas house takin a shower and she walked in when I was getting dry(my cousin) and I had a semi hard on,we both froze,then she said,I've seen you lookin at my boobs,you wanna see them,I said yes,my cock was getting harder by the second,she took off her t shirt and her bra covered tits just bounced,by this time I was fully hard,she giggled and put her hand anround my cock and started to jerk,she was lookin at it the...

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Ciarra the ColdChapter 8 Being Hunted

Flushed with embarrassment, I forced myself to cooperate as Ciarra scratched my ears, humming happily to herself. Overwhelmed and exhausted, both physically and emotionally, I cuddled into her arms, as she carried me along the abandoned road between the fort and Gravestead. I was so weary of fighting the fates. Surrendering had granted peace that I hadn’t felt since childhood. I was happy back then. Protected by my parents, free to run and play when I finished my chores. Father and mother...

3 years ago
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Thrills and Frills in satin satin and lace 4

Thrills and Frills in Silk Satin and Lace Part 4 Please read chapters 1-3 first I awoke early entwined with Amy and slowly untangled myself from her, got up went to the bathroom threw on a pair of my old jeans and a tee shirt and then made myself some tea, sat down and reviewed all that had happened to me. I went from a lonely young man homeless and jobless to a salesperson in a woman's boutique wearing and sometimes even modeling the clothes that we sold, and I was enjoying it,...

1 year ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 2

Chapter 2 I parked the Jeep in the garage, then headed straight for the MAU. I conjured up my present image, then made the boobs even bigger, DD cup this time. The nipples needed to get bigger, more proportional. The areolas were now 3 inches across and puffed out 2 inches. The nipples then became 2 inches long and three quarters of an inch thick. I made myself taller, 6 foot 5. I made my hair longer, all the way down to just above my ass. I also made it thicker, curlier, and black. I...

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The day started off like any other, except I was headed over to Mr. Brown's orchard. Mr. Brown has the best apples this side of the county. In fact, I'd say Mr. Brown grew the best apples I've ever had the pleasure of tasting.He never minded me coming over and picking a few unlike the rest of his customers. I guess it was because I insisted on wearing this cute little miniskirt with no panties and shirt that showed off, well just about everything I had to offer, but still leaving enough to the...

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Defining Moments

You hear birds singing and people walking around a fountain in a park. Near by is a bench where a old black man sits down to rest and feed the birds while enjoying the day. He is blind but with a heart like his there is no need for eyes. He feels not just his world but others going through problems. Some good and some bad. In a way he is free to see the happiness through his heart. When babies are born he knows and even the blooming of trees and flowers. But as the day goes on he feels the...

4 years ago
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Kaceys sleepover

Three weeks had past since Kacey, Lauren, Laura and Ashley had slept at Lauren’s. It was becoming a routine thing to have a sleep over every 3 weeks. Even though they were 17 years old, they didn’t think it was slightly childish. It was just a get together of 4 best friends. Tonight was Kacey's turn to host the sleep over; she had already bought all the food and alcohol which meant they didn’t have to go shopping for it. The girls met up in the gym at 6 pm as usual on a Friday for...

1 year ago
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Mounting the Figurehead

It’s a stormy Autumn day in 1794. Salt spray assaults your nostrils, the wind tears at your hair, flecks of sea foam scurry down the side of your body and your cunt is full of the Captain’s spunk. You’re used to the pitch and yaw of the ship but no amount of tossing and rolling is going to dislodge you from your position as the ship’s figurehead... It had all started some fifty years earlier when the “Gilly Den” had been privately commissioned by the late Rear Admiral Sir Justin Burrows for...

2 years ago
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The Gift of Leather

At the scratch of metal on metal in our apartment lock, I slid my wrist into the fourth leather restraint from the bed's corners and pulled to tighten it. No going back. Bound. Naked. Open. Hers.My breasts quivered with each taut breath as the front door clicked shut and she rummaged through drawers in the adjacent living room.Excitement fluttered where trepidation ended. I'd been edging since I finished work early, bedroom air tinged with arousal. Its relative coolness amplified the contrast...

2 years ago
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Love n the Library 3 Learning a lot

About two hours later Mike’s eyes fluttered as he responded to the sensation between his legs. “What wwwhat is going on?” he stammers. He looked down only to see Claire’s long dark locks flowing over his thighs. His head fell back and his eyes rolled back in his head. It was round two for the sex starved student and her stud. Mike wrapped his hand around Claire’s hair and rotated his cock inside of her hungry hot mouth. The sound of her slurping and enjoying his cock felt so fucking good....

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Sucking Daughter Bucking HorseChapter 6

Ellen scrambled off the hay bale and ran over to Cloud and stroked his sweaty neck. "Easy, boy, easy." She led him away from Patsy. Patsy blinked, her eyesight blurred. "Ohhh, God." She moved. Every muscle in her body screamed in pain. "Well?" Mary asked, standing over Patsy. "How does it feel not having your cherry?" A dreamy smile decorated Patsy's mouth. "Fantastic." Tracy dropped between Patsy's long parted legs. "God, look at the cum oozing out of her cunt." She licked...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Chloe Amour Black Cock Seduction Featuring Dredd

Brunette stunner Chloe Amour charms Dredd’s snake with her tantalizing talents. Chloe’s back and looking sexy as ever in her black lingerie with matching stockings and heels as she walks around her desk to give you a better view. She makes her way out to the balcony to find Dredd waiting to inspect her valuable assets and assist her out of her restrictive clothes. With her perky nipples at full attention, Chloe slides down Dredd’s pants to unleash his monster cock so she can tease the tip with...

3 years ago
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First Time Sharing Wife

It all started at a lake one summer when I ran into an old friend. I told my wife that my friend had always said that he would like to fuck her. He never had said anything but I knew he wanted to just by the way he looked at her, and it was always a fantasy of mine to watch another man fuck my wife. She shrugged it off and said that I wasn’t telling the truth. I never thought to much of it as I had mentioned things like that to her before and she always said “yah right” or “whatever” and...

2 years ago
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All is fair in drugs and war

It wasn’t so much the thought of the crippling debt that scared me as much as the techniques they’d use to get it all back. It started of with a gram here and there, the odd party or rave but it was soon out of control and now I’m getting threats. YOU PAY OR SHE DOES! 12HRS. That’s the letter they posted through my door yesterday morning whilst I’d gone jogging. Plain and simple. They didn’t have to specify, I knew they meant my daughter. She’d already warned me that she’d seen them,...

4 years ago
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Friday Night MILF ClubChapter 6

The following Wednesday night, I told Emily our little group might be expanding. I needed Brian and Robby available Friday night and Brian to be home on Sunday to entertain some guests with me. Emily just smiled and said, “Sounds good to me. I’ll just have to borrow Robby for Sunday night. Maybe I will call Carla and see if she is busy this weekend.” I looked at Robby, and he just shrugged as if to say, “Why not?” It had never entered my mind to share Robby with Emily before. But now, it...

2 years ago
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On Dog CreekChapter 8

Seamus woke up with a hot, rough, wet tongue licking his cock and balls causing his morning wood to ache even more than usual. As he became more alert Seamus realized that Rocky was licking him which was a new and exceedingly pleasurable experience. As her usual method of waking him up had seemed to be to walk outside until her nose was slightly colder than a frozen pizza and then to stick it as near his asshole as she could get it. Seamus had barely sorted out the cause of his pleasurable...

1 year ago
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A Simple Ceremony

It was a successful stroll back to the front row. Nothing appeared suspicious, no one shared sideways glances. The trip to the restrooms had gone unnoticed. Hubby patted your on the knee in his public, practiced greeting. But if anyone had bothered to look close, they would have noticed you were perspiring, that your inner thighs were moist and quivering, and that your vulva was soaked. It was supposed to be just a quick trip to the ladies’ room. The stone floor was noisy as you searched for...

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