Devlin's StoryChapter 30 free porn video

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The next morning Devlin woke early, pried herself out from under Krissi's arm, and went wandering. They didn't have to be back to campus until mid-afternoon, and she wanted to help Emma clean up. But in the meantime there was bound to be an early bird or two she could get involved in like she had the day before.

She was just emerging from the bathroom when this gorgeous hunk of a man came down the hall. He was tall, with broad shoulders and well-defined muscles across his chest. He had dark hair, a craggy face, and a narrow waist; he had that tapering look like a V that good-looking men always seemed to get. He had powerful-looking legs, and his dick--it wobbled back and forth as he walked, and looked as long as her hand in its relaxed state.

She felt her knees go weak and a wetness on the top of her thighs. Her nipples tightened up and she had trouble drawing a breath. Her body was screaming out for him, and she could see why. This was the kind of fantasy man that you could lust after for years.

"I'm Devlin," she said, coming up to him. She was glad she was only wearing a pair of panties so her best assets were clearly in view.

His eyes flicked down to them, but came back up again almost right away, something that didn't happen with every man. "I'm Rick," he said, holding out his hand. "My wife is Marie."

Devlin nodded. She wanted to throw herself on her back, trip him, and have him impale her as he fell. "So, uh, you doing anything this morning?"

God, she thought, that had to be the lamest thing she'd ever said.

"Well, I was going to get breakfast, but I can always eat later." His eyes were dark and seemed to sparkle with an internal humor.

"I was thinking we could find a private place and get to know each other better," Devlin said. She gave him what she hoped was an encouraging smile.

"That sounds interesting. What did you have in mind?"

"Aside from ravishing each other's bodies?" She shrugged. "I figure that's a good place to start."

He laughed. "You're certainly direct enough." He offered her his arm. "Sure, why not?"

The second bedroom was empty, and, even better, there was no wet spot on the bed to interfere. Devlin offered her lips for a kiss, and decided he kissed as well as he looked. His lips were warm, and his tongue, that sneaky devil, just flicked across hers. His second kiss was better, and his third... He definitely knew how to kiss, and he hadn't gotten away from her mouth.

When he finally kissed her other than the lips it was clear his hands knew exactly where to go. He stretched out beside her, cradling her in his arms, one arm holding her, the other exploring her body. She responded, pushing back against him, wanting to lose herself in his warmth, his scent and his strength.

He kissed lower, each time lingering over her heated flesh as if he was savoring it. When he finally reached her mounds she wanted to push them deep in his mouth. She wanted him to feast on her womanliness. And she moaned when he did.

He was burning her up. She wanted to move, she wanted to take him, she wanted to lie there and let him touch and kiss and nibble her body for the rest of the day.

She ran her fingers over his chest, playing with his chest hair, tweaking his nipples, feeling the power in his shoulders and arms. A girl could lose herself in that power. A girl could give herself over to that strength, savoring it like a fine wine.

She was exploring the rest of his body--it only seemed fair as his fingers had parted the curls at the base of her tummy and probed her wet heat--when she found his hardness lying halfway across his thigh. At first she doubted what her fingers were telling her. This thing was thick, it was hard, and after a little more exploration, it was long. Just how long she wasn't sure, but it had to be longer than Jeff's, and his had been a monster.

"I think we're both ready," Rick said, moving between her legs.

"Oh... yeah." Devlin swallowed. She was definitely holding some lumber, and now he was going to put it inside her? She wanted it, but could she take all of it? Well... she drew her legs up... there was only one way to find out.

Rick bent down, placing himself against her entrance. She tried to move, tried to impale herself on him, but he anticipated that, moving with her. "Ah-ah-ah. Not quite yet."

He did one more little circuit of her sex, up to toy with her clit, across her tummy, across her thighs, then, finally! down through her sex, As he came to her entrance he pressed a little harder, slipping just the first inch into her. His hard male flesh parted her flesh and sliding into her heated willingness.

Devlin moaned at his entrance. She wanted it, and he was toying with her. She loved the control he was showing, but she'd had enough of that; she wanted the whole thing.

He leveraged himself up a bit more and then pressed. She was hot enough and wet enough that he slipped in almost with out resistance. It was one long sliding thrust, pushing into her in one continuous motion until he finally reached her depths.

She felt stuffed almost past bearing. He filled her, filled her deeper and more completely than any man she'd had. Rick held himself still, controlling himself. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open. After a moment he drew a shuddering breath, smiling down at her.

Devlin shifted slightly, adjusting to his weight. She ran her arms up the pillars of his arms, then across the muscles of his chest. She scratched briefly at his nipples, then slipped her hands around his marvelous shoulders, his beautiful shoulders, so strong, so well-sculpted. She felt his back and the strong muscles that stood out as he held himself above her. Her hands cupped his tight ass, then wandered up to his shoulders in one long gentle caress. Of their own accord her legs wrapped around his, and she shifted one more time to accommodate him.

"Oh, there you are, Rick," a woman said. She squatted down next to them, a curvaceous looking woman with short blonde hair. "Hi," she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Marie, Rick's wife."

"Uh..." Devlin automatically took her hand. She didn't know what to say, and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Marie asked.

"I was just wondering," Devlin said when her laughter had subsided to giggles. "What's the proper way to greet another woman when her husband has his cock in you?"

Marie smiled, her eyes dancing with merriment. "I'm sure even Miss Manners doesn't have an answer for that one," she said. She put Devlin's hand on Rick's shoulder. "I'll let you two get back to what you were doing. I'll see you later in the kitchen, sweetie," she told Rick, and left.

"Where were we?" Devlin asked.

"Laugh again," Rick said. "You squeezed me when you laughed.

"You want me to squeeze you?" Devlin smiled and squeezed her muscles around his cock.

"Um, I like that," Rick murmured. "You'll have to do that again."

He bent, and his lips went to the tightness of her nipples, sucking and drawing on her buds. Devlin gasped in appreciation as the sensation shot directly from her breasts to her womb, and from there to her entrance, now so tightly and thoroughly filled. She squeezed him again in appreciation.

She drew him down to her, wrapping her arms and legs around his hard body. He kissed her, gently, firmly, teasing her lips with his, nibbling, darting a caress with his tongue. He slowly moved to the hollow of her neck, just brushing that electrified skin with his.

Then, and only then, did he move. Slowly he withdrew, sliding his length out of her narrow entrance. He paused with only his tip at the mouth of her entrance, then slipped back in, opening her, filling her, expanding her, sliding, sliding until he touched her deep inside, till she felt him nudge that sensitive spot on her cervix.

She let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. They both grinned at each other like they were school kids caught at some naughty prank, and then he withdrew and thrust again. She moved against him, trying to match his rhythm. In seconds she had it, a seamless giving and taking as they joined and rejoined. She wrapped herself completely around him, their bodies moving in unison. He filled her, he completed her, she was lost in the strength and glory of him as they moved.

His skin was hot and rough on hers. It felt like a giant caress of her entire body. She pressed up into him as they moved, touching him, holding him, containing his entire being. They kissed, they touched, they caressed, everything merged into one flowing, giving, taking motion as their bodies joined and parted time after time in the endless and perfect motion.

She felt the first stirs of urgency, a drawing in as her awareness focused more and more on that central point where their bodies met and joined. The friction of their joining started a fire that she could feel burning deep within her. With each move, with each stroke the fire built, slowly threatening to consume her. The world shrank to that point, to that moment, to the rising heat. She clung to him, clung to the only anchor in her universe, even as she wanted to let go, even as she wanted to soar, to fly far beyond this moment.

The heat, the friction, the moment, it was all too much. She held on, held on long past reason, long past sanity, till she could hold on no longer and was swept away, spun off into a world of pure feeling, all heat and light and urgency and that critical point beyond all expression.

She came back to herself still in his arms, her body's demands only temporarily sated. For a time she had been a tiny leaf blown to the worlds four quarters on the strength of her own fire. Now she was safe and secure in his arms, feeling his presence, feeling him moving, relighting the fire that had never really been banked.

She swept up faster and farther, spending freely in a wild fury of passion that left her totally charged up and utterly relaxed at the same time.

Rick had kept himself steady, but now he began to move faster. She felt him gradually tighten up, his muscles tensing as he fought his own release. She ached to be the receptacle of his pleasure, and began squeezing as they moved, encouraging him. His eyes grew distant and his face vacant as he fought the losing battle of the demands of his own body.

He finally came with a deep groan, his whole body tense as his pleasure peaked. Devlin studied his face, fascinated as it turned red and his mouth opened. She could feel his shoulders tense as his pleasure peaked. She could feel his tight bottom where she clutched him grow hard from his effort. She could feel his juices spurting against that spot deep inside her, pulse after pulse as he filled her with his essence.

She ran her arms up his back, feeling every one of his muscles as he slowly relaxed in her arms, as his breath on her shoulder eased from short, hard gasps, as his hands softened. After a timeless interval he turned and kissed her.

"That was sweet of you," he murmured as their lips brushed, then clung to each other. "You're so good," he added when they broke the kiss.

"Tired?" she asked as even his kiss faded.

"Tired," he agreed, caressing her hair. He sighed and rolled away, lying beside her on the mattress with his arm over his eyes. In the early morning light his body was tanned and golden, a sculpture to the male ideal. His length, still nearly hard, lay quiet across his thigh, slick with her wetness. As she watched it began to relax, slowly shrinking to something that didn't cause most girls to stare in fascinated shock.

"Still, this was the best possible way to wake up. Now I want to sleep a bit."

Devlin slid her arm across his body, wanting to burrow into his warmth. She'd never felt this way about a guy she'd met at a party. She knew it couldn't last, he was clearly married, she could feel his wedding ring on his left hand, but she could fantasize. If she could find a guy who was this good, she'd be a happy woman.

They dozed for a bit, just the two of them together with the outside world held at bay. "That doesn't happen very often," he murmured when he finally woke up. He leaned over and kissed her.

"What, falling asleep?" She wanted him to kiss her again, but hid her disappointment when he pulled away. "I, uh, I thought most guys did. It's a physical thing, not something you can help."

"Well, yeah, but normally I have better control." He sighed. "I kind of like it, though. You can snuggle with the girl, just the two of you alone in your own world. That's not something I can do very often."

He sighed again. "Well, I guess we should go downstairs. Want to shower, first? I don't think you fancy showing up in the kitchen all sweaty and smelling of sex."

She smiled. "That's so normal here on Sunday morning that nobody even notices it. But still, a shower would be great." It would also give her a chance to run her hands all over his body, but she didn't tell him that.

There was a line for the upstairs shower, so Devlin took him to the basement. They took their time in the spray, and she indulged her curiosity by teasing him, trying to get him hard again. But try as she might, she couldn't get him up.

"I'm pretty spent from last night and this morning," he said finally.

"I guess. I was beginning to think my charms weren't having any effect."

He laughed. "Any other time I'd probably throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the nearest mattress, but not this morning. Sorry."

"At least indulge my curiosity, how long is your cock, when it's fully up?"

"Around 11", some days a little more, some days a little less."

"I thought they were always the same length."

"Most of the time they are." He turned her around and ran his fingers through her hair, gently massaging her scalp. "It depends upon how excited I get, and, well, just how you measure it."

"I had a boyfriend who was about as long as you, but he was bigger around."

"Yeah, most women I've talked to say they like the length, but the girth is what scares them. They're not sure they can stretch that much."

"That was always a problem with my ex-boyfriend. I could barely take him, and some days it actually hurt."

"There, I think your hair is clean." He slid his hands down her curves, caressing them gently. "Shall we go dry off? I'll brush your hair for you."

That was unexpected, but he was true to his word. He took her comb and brush and straightened out the snarls and knots. She could feel his warmth pressing against her back, and she wanted to press against him, she actually wanted to engulf him but sensed he wasn't interested. Instead she settled for what she could get.

Hand in hand they went upstairs to dress. Women were allowed in the Men's Dressing Room, and she took the trouble to make sure his 'package' was suitably put away, running her fingers over his body one last time. His clothes, jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt, didn't hide his body, they only seemed to show it off.

She jumped into her own clothes: jeans and a camisole--her bra would come later when it was time to get dressed for real. She noted that most of Krissi's clothes were gone; obviously she was up and dressed.

The kitchen was crowded when they got there. Emma was dressed for work, Tim was in his robe and commanding the stove. Amnita was back from Early Mass and was just wearing a garter belt and stockings. Krissi was wearing her white granny dress and slippers; from the looks of it she had decided underwear was something to put on later. Marie was wearing jeans and a blue work-shirt; and it was obvious she was going braless this morning. There were a couple of men chopping and cutting at the kitchen counter, one already fully dressed, the other wearing just a pair of shorts, while two women sat in the corner wearing robes and sipping cups of coffee.

"I'm not sure there's room in here for two more," Krissi said by way of greeting.

"Saved you a place," Marie said, moving to give Rick a seat. "You look worn out, honey."

"Nothing a little sleep won't cure."

"Ah, must have been fun." Marie was 5'2", maybe 5'3", and if she topped a hundred pounds Devlin would have been surprised. She was slender with a narrow face, dark blue eyes and long honey-blonde hair. Her make-up was flawless, even at this hour of the morning, and her skin tones suggested she was a real blonde, not someone who got it out of a bottle. Devlin made a mental note--she wanted to know how Marie got her make-up so perfect.

"I saved you some coffee," Krissi told Devlin, picking up a cup. "Drink up."

Devlin cradled the cup as she leaned back against the kitchen counter. It was snowing outside, and from the conversations around her it sounded like it was going to snow even more later in the day--a big storm was sweeping down from the Great Lakes and was supposed to hit Central Illinois by mid-afternoon. This was looking like a good day to curl up somewhere under a blanket and forget the world.

"We didn't get to meet more formally," Devlin told Marie. "The, uh..."

Marie waved that away. "I understand. It was my fault, actually. I should have waited until later. That was what you would call a socially awkward moment." She canted her head, staring at Devlin. "I think I've heard of you. One of the other women was saying something last night."

"Oh?" Devlin was curious about what stories were going around.

"Is it true you can get me a bra that fits perfectly?" She hefted her breasts. "I can never find one that fits me. They're either too loose, or they squeeze and dig at me."

"Believe me, I know what you're going through," Devlin said, smiling. "But, yeah, I can get you a bra that'll fit perfectly." She eyed Marie's body. "Out of curiosity, how big are you?"

"I was a large 32C before I got a boob job," Marie said. "After I got out of the movies I had them mostly trimmed back to nearly what they were before. Now I'm back to a 32C. Some days, though, a 32D fits better." She laughed. "I went out to some website a customer told me about and tried their bra fitter, and it told me I'm a 38AA." She broke up, laughing so hard she got red in the face. "Can you imagine that? God, I haven't worn an AA cup since I was 13."

"I know what you mean," Devlin said. "That was the last time I could fit into an A cup, too. I'll give you one of my cards and we can get you fitted properly." She dug an elbow into Krissi's arms. "And you, too, blondie. I've seen how your bras hang on you."

"Yes, ma'am," Krissi said. "I keep meaning to set up an appointment, but the timing never works out."

"Did you know Devlin has almost as much muscle control as you do, dear?" Rick told Marie.

Marie's eyebrows lifted fractionally. "That's unusual."

"Devlin's a dancer," one of the other women said. "Ballet, I think."

Devlin nodded. "Ballet. I've been dancing since I was 7 or 8. I just naturally developed the muscles down there."

"And most men around here have been very grateful," Tim said over his shoulder. "Some days it's been like being squeezed by a velvet vise."

The others laughed. Marie murmured something and left the kitchen, only to return a minute later with her purse. "Here," she said, handing Devlin a card. "Stop in for a free haircut."

"'Marie's Curls & Gossip'," Devlin read. "Good for one free haircut. You own a hair salon?"

"Twelve of them," Marie said. "I also have a School of Cosmetology in Peoria, but that's a different subject. I think the nearest salon is in Peru, but there's a list on the back."

"That list isn't complete," Rick said. "Aren't you opening one in Bloomington?"

"This week," Marie said with a nod. "Wednesday, I think."

"I live in Bloomington," Devlin said.

"Well, then, I guess I'll see you there." She looked at the clock on the microwave. "Dear, we really should be going."

Rick sighed. "Yeah, I guess. I'll get our things together."

"I'll finish getting dressed. See you in a few minutes."

After they both left, one of the women sighed. "God, what a dreamboat. I wish I'd had a chance to get with him this weekend."

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I wake up Sunday sore and depressed from last night’s ordeal. I can’t even grasp what has happened to me over the last 3 weeks! Four weeks ago I didn’t know anything about sex or men or as it turns out, even my own body. I blush and groan in shame as I think about all of the whorish things I have done even in the last 2 days. Thinking about Silvia frigging me on Friday, the angry cock squirting me in the face last night, and cumming on Dan’s cock in my butt makes my tummy flutter in a way...

4 years ago
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Morning sex1

This is the part I love, when I'm deep inside a woman, beyond the point of resistance. When my sexual prowess dominates, my monster cock forcing entry. I slam into her, taking wrenching exquisite feelings of ecstasy from her writhing body and she can't do anything about it. I feel her finger nails digging into my back, gouging furrows out. I slam into her, taking her, vanquishing her, forcing her surrender again. Her body arching, hands digging deep, her feet dancing on my thrusting...

3 years ago
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Our first foursome

Having thoroughly enjoyed seeing me wife get fucked by another man and had the pleasure of eating two loads of spunk out of her, we were both eager for more. It didn’t take us long to find that the personal column of the local free paper had some very strange ad’s in it and we quickly picked up the jargon.` It wasn’t long before we were sat in a pub with another couple discussing who would do what with who. Pat was a big bluff guy who was fortunate enough to have a very large cock. He was Bi...

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Locker Room Gangbang

One minute I was sitting alone in the locker room, the next I was surrounded by five guys. I had no idea what was happening, but I was defiantly scared."What's your name?" One of them asked."Eric." I responded, my voice shaking a little."Well Eric, here's the deal, my name is Mike, and my buddies and I couldn't help but watch you while you were taking a shower and you got such a pretty little body we just wanted to come over and say hi.""I'm not gay." I blurted out."Well, neither are we, but...

2 years ago
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Krista revised The Beginning

Meet Krista - in Red - first Snap Crotch story by mea story of a re-connection of crossing paths from the age of (??) to 55 T.B.C. {and Edit .. no* Version II}01-Krista was a school chum of mine that I had my eye on in eighth grade.By chance she asked me what I was doing after school. She told me that she now has phone privileges from her strict mom. Krista was told I had an hour before my parents got home,and could talk then. She gave me her home phone number. LUV-SEXY written on a...

2 years ago
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Monica Saves Hubbys Job

"Jaggi, I have to lay off you. I have no job for you anymore. There is only one man's job in my office now as business is bad. So Hamid will have the job and you will lose it" I said as I thought of beautiful sexy wife of my employee. I had met her at an office party and since then she was on my mind. Jaggi's wife Monica must be 24 or 25, 5 feet 5 inches, wheatish complexion and nice body. She had her hair cut short like a boy's and wore tight jeans and tighter tops. I had often seen the swell...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Brianna Bourbon Thats My Dick Not A Walking Stick

Short and curvy babe Brianna Bourbon is on a hike with her stepson Charlie. She has the hots for her stepson, so this is the perfect opportunity to seduce him. Brianna tells Charlie thinks she might want to go into the lake they’re hiking beside, but Charlie declines. Then she bends over and jiggles her ass to make sure Charlie notices. When Charlie still tries to act like he doesn’t know what Brianna is up to, she goes full cougar on him. Reminding Charlie she’s his stepson,...

3 years ago
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Wendy Amateur Flasher

I’m not sure why, but something made me want to go to the park. A light jacket and jeans over a a blank black t-shirt were my shield from the approaching autumn’s breeze. Coffee warming my hands, I smoked a cigarette and crossed the street into the main green area of town. Many acres wide with a nie stream running through it, it attracted all sorts of joggers and general outdoors people. I picked a bench by the little walking bridge that crossed over the wide stream and sat to enjoy a...

2 years ago
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Alice the New Maid Pt 2

Alice the New Maid Pt. 2 After Alice was spanked by Mr. Clark and was given her maid’s outfits, she was assigned to Sarah, who was in charge of all of the maids. Sarah was a very tall and thin woman, who commanded much respect from the others in the household. Sarah taught Alice that Mr. Clark demanded that everything had to be done in a certain way, his way. So you had to pay attention to every minor detail. As a maid, Alice would be responsible for keeping the mansion neat and clean, plus...

4 years ago
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Play Date

Mr. Cooper’s house was stunning.It had the perfect combination of rock and brick, reaching up two stories. I sat inside the lounge room now, on a large grey sofa, with my school books strewn out on the coffee table in front of me. Mr. Cooper had been tutoring me for a couple of months now, on Tuesdays and Fridays for a few hours. He was my English teacher. I’m 16 years old, and looking to play for a major league netball team, but had to get my grades up before my parents would let me go out on...

3 years ago
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Pool Party Grind

This is a work of fiction. All persons are intended to be age 18 and above. When I opened the bathroom door I was pleasantly surprised – make that delightedly surprised. There stood Rick, the boyishly good-looking husband of Maddie, just shy of his 40th birthday and only now beginning to develop the paunch that afflicts so many men in their middle years. He was deeply tanned, with surfer blonde hair that hung just above his shoulders. About 5-11, 165 pounds, and a nice little bubble butt –...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 3

Brother and sister sat in the coffee shop. Daphne said, “Yeah, it’s nice catching up. But it’s not like you to call me up like that. We’ve hardly been close lately. What’s the deal?” Kyle was nervous. “Well, this is really, really freaky stuff. It’s about your sex life. Well, mine too. I’m pretty sure you’ve only had real intercourse twice. And it was incredibly freaky because the second time you heard dad’s voice.” Daphne stared. “Well, it happened to me too. Dad really is there and can...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 139 Adult EggsHold the Ham

Every morning I checked on Helen's progress at the building. I even called her the second morning. I suggested she park a breakfast wagon on the site, until they had it up and running. She and Jack liked the idea. There was a truck in the parking lot the next morning. I bought an adult egg on a bagel sandwich from the truck that very morning. Even so I rode to the mall, where it was warm, to eat it. It wasn't Kosher to sit in their food court with Helen's sandwich, but I just couldn't...

1 year ago
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The first time meeting

We found each other over the computer, things moved pretty quickly from a few emails to texting and then phone sex and then finally meeting the first time all happened within two weeks. We were hot for each other and couldn’t take not being able to handle one another. One night he had called and asked for me to come over because he was so horny and couldn’t stop thinking of me. I went, as I got closer the anticipation kept growing. I got there and no lights were on I knocked on the door he...

1 year ago
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Here Loud Proud and Punk

The bright lights glared in his eyes as he stared out into the room. It was chaos of the most beautiful kind. His hand crashed down onto the guitar strings as he screamed his soul out at the assembled mass. ‘He’, was Johnny Chaos, he fronted Social Suicide, and anarchist punk band that always seemed to be on the cusp of getting properly ‘somewhere’. He stoop, stage centre, holding his Les Paul dressed in two-tone brothel creepers, tight black jeans and a studded black denim vest over his...

3 years ago
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The Friendliest NeighborhoodChapter 4 Michelles Parents Visit The Neighborhood

The next week was a wonderful one! Carol and I had sex every night, and our lines of communications opened up to a point I would never have dreamed of. Communication had always been one of our biggest problems, getting worse over time. The fact that we never had sex was the primary reason, and that problem had been eliminated. We had sex in almost every position imaginable over the weeks time. She let me eat her out every night and she had no problem playing with my cock now where before she...

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The rough floor bit into her knees and the lamp heated unforgiving against her flesh. She could hear him breathing in the shadows, watching her, his eyes boring into her soul. She didn't dare try to seek him out, didn't dare move, even though her knees ached and her heart broke. She knelt perfectly still; waiting for the rest of the punishment he guaranteed would be granted to her this night. She'd always liked this room because pleasure was always gained here, but tonight, it held an ugliness...

1 year ago
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Mom Me

No sooner we arrived at our holiday home then dad took off for the golf club. Mum unpacked her and dad's stuff and I unpacked mine. We sat and had a tea and mum asked what I was going to do, but I had no idea and asked her. Mum said she wanted to go shopping - she loved shopping , so I said I would go with her. We went to the shopping centre. We separated so we could do our own thing and agreed to meet back at the coffee shop in an hour. Too long for me, but too short for mum. I and mum are...

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My father was a mean man, and living with him was horrible. Once I started filling out, he would find any excuse to grab my tits, pull on my nipples, and slip his hand between my legs. There were 3 of us in my family…my father, my mother and me. When we ate meals at the dinner table, my father would sometimes pull me onto his lap, slipping his hands under my shirt to squeeze my tits, and even pulling his cock out of his pants and making me stroke it. Once it was hard, he’d pull my shorts down...

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Intro to Slavery

I was gone for 7 days. When I returned, my wife was happy to see me, but it was weird, she was sexier than ever. She wanted me, and even began asking questions about bondage and my cross dressing, which up till now had been taboo. All week she would get me excited, started, not let me touch her but would end by giving me amazing oral six. The week went by and soon it was time for Halloween. One night, after the kids were asleep, my wife said, some friends are coming; I want you to...

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Our First Thhreesome In Las Vegas

Me and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories I wrote this oneThis is a true story which happened a couple of years ago on holiday in Las Vegas, It was our first threesome experience.I’m 49 years old and my partner is Pam 62 a little older than me, We checked in to our hotel, and after seeing all the scantily clad women we got talking about sex, and I asked would Pam have a threesome if there was any one she fancied, I...

3 years ago
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The Sex Encounters Of My Mom Part 8211 2

Hi guys this the second part of the series sex encounters of my mom Thanks for your huge support My email id is chuchani Keep giving your feedbacks….. I would also write stories for people so if you want to see a story about your fantasy contact me Story continues…… Mom was standing half naked at uncle’s cabin along with me Uncle:gopal you must take your mother today to the police quarters Me:for…What uncle? Uncle: for what !! For the police to use your bitch mother’s slutty body . Mom was...

2 years ago
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Stricken 3

Ryan settled into his life and classes over the next couple of weeks. He was so accumstomed to his newer self that he seemed to forget about how he used to be. He hadn't seen his father at all since he left the family. It was tough on his mother which really pissed Ryan off. How could his dad leave her to care for the entire house? It was very selfish of him and Ryan felt alot of anger towards his dad. Being the determined person he was, Ryan began playing football again. Of course...

1 year ago
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DadHusband Trevor discovers wifes Jessicas and sons Dylans affair

Dylan and I wake up about an hour later and agree that our bodies need a rest for the night. We lie in bed caressing each other for about 20 minutes, then head downstairs after we both brush our teeth in the master bathroom. I'm wearing my red silk bathrobe and Dylan's only got boxers on. When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I take a second to admire his young body. He's becoming such a good looking man, I look forward to seeing how he looks about 10 years from now. I order pizza for a...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 183 Bad Coffee and Bad Cops

The Smiley thing had turned out to be a simple raid from start to finish. We had worked for weeks gathering information. After making elaborate plans, it all come down to a stungun and a can of pepper spray. That had to be like the raid that killed Ben Laden. Some poor bastard worked his ass of for years to find the prick. The special operations guys plan and plan, then plan some more, they rush in to snatch and extract him, In the end, it was a bullet that cost less than a buck, which wrote...

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Kays New Bra

Kay Baker stepped out of the shower and began toweling off. As she dried around her breasts she noticed that they felt heavier than they had the morning before. She turned, looked in the mirror and studied her profile. Although she was seven months pregnant she still didn't show all that much. Probably because of her athletic activities she thought. At twenty-three she was a well known local tri-athlete, competing about six times a year in local and state races. She had never won but she was...

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Vampire Aliens Rape Nuns

While the cloaked alien mother ship lands in a large clearing adjacent a convent the captain a beautiful redhead with green sparkling eyes turns to her 1st mate and utters a few words. “This is a favorable planet for us to conquer, I am hungry for some holy blood from these pathetic mortals.” The black haired and iridescent purple-eyed beauty responds with a hiss in her words and a flick of her serpentine forked tongue. “Yessss let us get some human pussy to eat. I can sense, taste...

1 year ago
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London calling

The commute from Heathrow to London was an everyday occurrence for some onthe subway. For others, like Kristin, it was their first. Kristin had landed at Heathrow a few hours earlier and had steadily made her way to the underground. She had a hotel booked before her trip to Europe and she would be staying for just a single evening before her adventure began. At first, the train was relatively empty. A couple seats were taken with business men who had just arrived from abroad, and other seats...

Straight Sex
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Why a new poem

Why must you entice me with those large hands Which trail along me, screaming lusty betrayal? Why must have you, your skillful finger ran Near the warm ocean where you wish to sail? Why must you, after I told you of my status Send musky shivers down my aching spine? This joy in your eyes withered quite fast As I walked home with tremors in my mind Why must you place my body and mind In a vicious duel, as I throw my head back And sigh, and you stand closely behind In a moral trial, as my head...

2 years ago
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Out for a drink

So I arrived home from work one evening (it was just after Christmas and before the lockdown) and my wife announced that she had arranged to go out for a drink with my best friend Jim (her fuck buddy). We have had plenty of threesomes together with him in the past and sometimes she would fuck him at home while I was at work, but up until this point she had never gone out with him for a drink.I knew that going out for a drink with him would involve sex of some sort although that wasn’t mentioned...

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Tim and Abbie 02 Saturday

The next day can’t pass quickly enough for Tim. He goes through his closet, trying to decide on what to wear. In the end, he puts on khakis and a light blue button-down shirt. He leaves a couple open at the neck. He grabs a navy-blue blazer to finish the look.Abbie spends a good deal of time preparing for their date also. Deciding on a nice flower print sleeveless dress, low-neck like all the dresses Abbie wears. Cinching at the waist with a flowing bottom half.Abbie spends time spreading...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 24

This week was certainly testing Dex's discipline. When he awoke Saturday morning, still spooned behind Megan, the urge to go back to sleep was almost overwhelming. His groin was still pushed tight against her bottom, and when he pulled back, he had to break the slight adhesion from their dried fluids. He decided to use the downstairs bathroom, and grabbing his shorts and shoes, he left the room as quietly as possible. His loosening up took longer than usual, and he could not seem to shake...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 11

I woke up, but in two keystrokes I showed her the list: MEN IN BLACK (1997) PHOBOS: THE LANDING (2023) INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEEY (1968) METROPOLIS (1927) BACK TO THE FUTURE (1985) THE CITY UNDER THE OCEAN (2022) TIDAL WAVE: IBERIAN COAST (2020) FORBIDDEN PLANET (1956) AVATAR 3 (2023) THE MARTIAN (2015) LANDING ON MARS (2021) OUTERSPACE: THE MUSICAL (2021) BACK IN TIME: 1820 (2022) TIDAL WAVE: THE WEST COAST (2022) AD ASTRA: (2019) We took my car, found...

3 years ago
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My mother has been a single Mom for several years now but she did the best she could. My two sisters had gone with Dad when they split up but I chose to stay with Mom. I was ten when they divorced and I am now fourteen years old or at least I will be tomorrow. Mom’s new boyfriend John is very crude. He swears, drinks, and smokes. He has tattoos, piercings, and funny looking hair. I can’t see why Mom likes him. For the past month he has been in her life and in her bed. However my life...

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Age and wisdom

The phone blinked, warning me that if I pushed “Play” I would hear a message. Something told me the message was from her. It seemed like everywhere I went, even back to my own apartment after work, something reminded me of her. A bottle of rum in my kitchen beckoned and I followed its call. A pirate stared back at me from the label of the empty bottle. Apparently my need for forgetfulness the previous evening had been stronger than I remembered. Well, at least getting more rum would give me...

Straight Sex
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Him In Control

For a friend who I offered to write a story for…                         The hotel room is large and luxurious.  The word expensive comes to mind.  You tremble, standing to the side of the king-sized bed, but not in fear, well maybe a little.  No, you’re really trembling with excitement. He stands a few feet in front of you, eyes traveling over your body.  You can feel him, drinking in every curve and line, his face filled with lust… hunger.  As he walks up to you, you feel a small trickle...

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