I Dominus - Stendhal Syndrome - Part Two Of Two free porn video

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Continued from part one


At eight pm. sharp, I buzzed Olivia into my building. The loud buzz, and metallic click of the lock releasing, made her jump with a start. She checked herself in the mirrors on the interior of the elevator one last time and took a deep breath.

When she reached my door, she hesitated to knock. As much as she was anticipating the new experience, not knowing what to expect made her understandably uneasy. A small part of her still wondered if she was about to make a mistake. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, raised her clenched hand and knocked three times.

I opened the door and greeted her with a smile, "Hello Olivia."

She cleared her throat and said hello back.

"Please, come in," I smiled and stepped to the side.

She entered my apartment and thanked me.

"Are you ready, Olivia?" I calmly asked her.

Olivia nodded.

She followed me to my bedroom. Her eyes shot to the exposed wooden beam on the ceiling, and the metal ring tied to it.

"Disrobe," I ordered.

Olivia removed her stilettos, using the toe of one shoe to push down on the heel of the other, and slip her foot free. She lowered her head and turned her back to me as she reached for the zipper of her dress. She regretted not putting on panties, she was so wet. The panties would have absorbed the slick liquid that had seeped out of her, instead of coating her inner thighs. She felt embarrassed knowing that I would see how aroused she was.

"No, Olivia, facing me," I sternly ordered.

She turned around to face me, shut her eyes, pulled the zipper of her dress down, and slid the thin straps of her dress down over her shoulders.

"Open your eyes, Olivia. Look at me when you let your dress fall to the floor."

She obeyed.

I took in her naked beauty, slowly devouring her flawless body with my eyes. Olivia focused on my eyes, as she held her breath. Fearful that I wouldn't find her body appealing. Fearful that she might see a glint of disappointment in them.

Her breasts were medium sized and perky. Her small pink nipples were visibly hard and erect. She had a slim waist, flat belly, and curvy hips. Her shaved pussy was a pink, plump mound with a slick slit. There was nothing girlish about her form. She was all woman.

In that moment, Olivia realized that it had been too long since she had stood naked in front of a man. All the hurt and doubt she had endured for over a year, didn't take away from her need to be desired by a man. It didn't take away from needing to be desired on the most base, sexual level.

"Are you pleased with me, Gil?" she managed to ask just above a whisper in a shaky voice.

"Very pleased," I grinned at the naked beauty before me. "You are beautiful, Olivia. Do you remember what I like to do to beautiful things?"

"Yes, I do. What are you going to do to me?" Olivia nervously asked as she stared at the pile of neatly wound, bundles of rope on my bed.

"I am going to introduce you to a two point suspension. I’ll suspend you from a chest harness and a hip harness. I want you to be comfortable; two points supporting your body will achieve that," I calmly explained as I grabbed a coiled rope off my bed from the pile. "Oh, and I'll be making you cum and suffer for me, many times. If that's okay with you, Olivia?" I grinned.

Olivia whimpered at my words as she nodded her approval.

I extended my left hand to her; Olivia grabbed it with both her hands and stepped out of the rumpled dress around her ankles. I turned her around in my arms, and pulled her against my body.

"You will address me as Sir, for the remainder of our session, Olivia," I informed her.

She nodded and replied, "Yes, Sir."

I placed the coiled rope on the top of her right thigh and slowly raked it upwards against her quivering flesh. She moaned when the rope caught her nipple and lifted her perky breast off her chest.

Olivia pressed the small of her back against my cock. "It's been so long. This feels incredible," she whispered in-between deep breaths.

"It is a shame, Olivia. A shame, that no one has had the pleasure to enjoy your lovely body for so long. I will make sure that it is attended to properly this evening," I softly growled into her ear.

Olivia swallowed hard and nodded her head, "Please," she softly begged.

I pulled on the bight of the rope that was holding it tightly wound, the rope unraveled and gravity pulled the running ends to the floor around Olivia's feet. I knelt and began to wrap and tie a hip harness. When the rope brushed over her pussy, Olivia's knees buckled. She threw her head back and moaned.

I slapped her ass cheek hard and sternly warned her, "Focus, Olivia. I don't want you cumming in the middle of the tie."

Olivia yelped at the force of the blow and the stinging heat that flared in her flesh. "Yes, Sir," she gasped.

I grabbed another rope from the pile on my bed, connected it to the rope around her hips and finished weaving the hip harness. I stood up and lifted her off the ground by the hip harness, as I pushed my cock into her ass. Olivia let her head fall back onto my shoulder and gently rubbed her cheek against mine. She closed her eyes and relished the almost forgotten feel of skin on skin.

I lowered her to the ground; her legs trembled as she found her balance. I grabbed another rope and started weaving a chest harness. I wrapped two passes of the rope, tight under her breasts, and two more across the top of her breasts. I crossed her wrists and bound them across the middle of her back, connected another rope and finished weaving the chest harness.

"Turn around and look at yourself in the mirrored doors of my closet, slowly, Olivia. You don't have the use of your arms to help you keep your balance," I calmly said to her as I reached for another rope.

Olivia turned around as she was instructed, cautiously. The motion of her body made the rope feel alive against her flesh. When she inhaled and her chest expanded, my rope bit harder into her arms, breasts, and back. Olivia stared at the reflection of her bound body in the mirror. She remembered the question she had asked Janet.

‘Do the ropes hurt?’

They didn't hurt at all, aside from some pinching while she was being bound, and heat from having the rope pulled across her flesh. There was no pain. It felt as if she was being hugged.

Olivia admired how her breasts swelled out from under the rope, how fuller and firmer they appeared. She took a deep breath to allow the rope to dig a bit deeper into her breasts.

"Do you like how you look in my rope, Olivia?"

Olivia let her eyes roam to her shaved pussy as she answered, "I love how you've tied me. It feels amazing, calming, and looks so beautiful."

I fed a rope through the suspension ring. "Come here," I ordered.

Olivia turned around slowly, and walked to me. I grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around and tied the first suspension rope to the back of the chest harness, in the middle of her back. I fed another rope through the suspension ring and tied it to the hip harness. She would be hoisted in to a floor facing suspension. I wrapped the rope that was attached to her chest harness around my right hand, wrapped my left arm under her breasts, and lifted her a few inches off the ground. I pulled down on the rope, taking up the slack in it.

When I released Olivia, the chest harness dug hard into her. She winced and held her breath. I tied the rope off. Olivia was floating a few inches off the ground. I turned her body to face me.

"Does that hurt, Olivia?" I asked as I reached for another rope.

She closed her eyes, nodded her head and remained silent. Trying to keep perfectly still, trying to ignore the discomfort of the rope digging into her, and focus on the new sensation of weightlessness. I allowed her a moment to settle into the tie and get her bearings. I knelt in front of Olivia and folded her right leg, wrapped the rope around her shin and thigh, and closed the tie. I ran another rope through the suspension ring and attached it to the rope binding her leg.

Olivia moaned when I brushed my fingertips over her nipples. She threw her head back and cried out, when I squeezed both of her breasts and pulled her towards me. I released her breasts from my grip, and watched her body sway gently back and forth in mid-air. I grabbed another coiled rope.

"Look at me, Olivia," I ordered.

She opened her glazed eyes and focused on my face. The feel of swaying gently back and forth, was euphoric to Olivia. She felt free, and incredibly aroused by being suspended. She could sense how swollen her clit had become. Sense that it was it was unsheathed from under its pink hood, and throbbing painfully hard.

"You are in control of how much pain you are willing to absorb. I will not stop if you do not tell me to. Do you understand, Olivia?" I sternly asked her.

"Yes. Yes, Sir," she moaned.

I dragged the tightly wound rope up her left thigh, and pressed it hard across her dripping pussy. Her body immediately began to tremble and quiver. I slid the rope away from her pussy after a few seconds of contact.

Olivia shook her head wildly from side to side and pleaded, "Pleeease!"

"Beg me, Olivia. Beg me to make you cum," I grinned at her. "And maybe, I just might."

"Fuck! Please, please, please! I'm begging you!" Olivia pled for relief from the unbearable ache radiating from deep inside her.

I slid my thumb into her mouth. "Are you a good little cocksucker, Olivia?" I growled the question at her.

Olivia nodded and sucked hard on my thumb.

I slowly slid my digit out of her mouth, placed my lips against her ear and whispered, “Tell me what you are, and what you need, Olivia."

Olivia closed her eyes and moaned, "I'm your good little cocksucker, and I need to cum."

"Beg me," I whispered in her ear.

"Please," she weakly sobbed. "It hurts so much."

I enjoyed prolonging her lust fueled agony. "What hurts so much, Olivia? My ropes, digging into your beautiful flesh, that is suspending you?"

Olivia shook her head as she sobbed and answered, "N-no. My pussy hurts so much. Please make me cum."

I rubbed the coiled rope hard in-between her legs. Olivia froze for an instant, unable to move or breathe. The rough fibers dragged across her inner folds and clit numbed all of her senses momentarily. She clenched her jaw tight as the quivering heat deep inside her belly turned into a raging flame. She felt a humming vibration in her clit. She clenched her fists, her toes curled. She shut her eyes so tight, that the blackness turned to white.

Then it came. The long awaited release. A violent storm had gathered inside her, the sky opened, and her fury was unleashed. Her eyes rolled the back of head. Her body convulsed as if an electric current was coursing through it. Every nerve in her body tingled. As quickly as the storm had come, it passed. Tense muscles relaxed, jaw became slack, fists opened and fingers twitched. Olivia let out a long, soft satisfying moan.

I pulled on the rope that was attached to her hip harness. She gasped as her hips were lifted upwards. The pressure across her folded arms and chest decreased, as the pressure around her hips and upper thighs increased. I tied off the rope.

Olivia looked at herself in the mirrored closet doors. She was floating, just like in the picture that led her to this moment. Her mind quieted when she realized the vulnerability of being unable to move, or protect herself. She found a sense of arousal and beauty in that state.

I pulled the slack out of the rope that was attached to her folded leg through the ring and pulled her leg upwards. When her knee was aligned to her shoulders, I tied it off. I pushed her and watched as she gracefully swayed in mid-air, and I listened to her deep, satisfying moans, born in her belly and gurgling in her throat.

She closed her eyes, let her head dangle from her shoulders, and let the feeling of a new found freedom wash over her. The feel of ropes binding and biting into her, was the only friction in this new world. Everything around her fell away. The hurtful memories became weightless. She felt as if the rope was the only thing in the world that was holding her body and mind together. She felt as if the rope was squeezing the pain out of her. She felt as if she could let go of all the hurt inside her and still remain whole. Olivia shivered from head to toe; as she let go of the pain she had carried and held on to for so long.

“Please make me cum again,” she moaned softly.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair, lifted her head and gently brushed my lips across mouth. Olivia shivered and moaned louder. She opened her mouth wide and sent her tongue to taste my lips. I covered her mouth and kissed her hard, sucking her tongue deep into my mouth. Olivia gasped at the feel of my rough whiskers mixed with the softness of my lips.

I broke the kiss, released her hair and spun her around one hundred and eighty degrees. I grabbed and kneaded her ass cheeks roughly. Spreading them wide and then squeezing them tight against each other. She was dripping; her inner thighs glistened from the juice that was seeping from her pussy. I leaned in and covered her slick mound with my mouth.

When my tongue pressed on her clit, a bomb went off in Olivia's head. She came long and hard. The only sound she was capable of making was a low, wheezing, trembling sob. I continued to lick at, and suck her pink pussy into my mouth. Her tart juice slathered onto my lips, chin and whiskers.

I knelt and spun her around to face me.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and lifted her head once more. “Taste yourself,” I softly growled and placed my mouth on hers.

Olivia flicked her tongue over my chin and tasted herself. She covered both of my lips with her mouth and sucked the tart liquid from me. Her tongue slowly licked at the corners of my mouth as she moaned in disappointment when there was no more tart liquid to be lapped up.

Still gripping her hair, I stood up and pulled her face to my crotch. Olivia tried to place her open mouth on my rock hard shaft. I teased her, allowing only her cheek to make contact with my hard cock through my jeans.

“Are you hungry for my cock?” I asked her.

“Yes! Let me suck you, please, Sir!” she begged.

“No,” I cruelly denied her plea and pushed her away from me.

Olivia relaxed every muscle in her body and closed her eyes. She didn’t want the new feeling of her body swaying effortlessly in mid-air to end. The swaying back and forth soothed her, quieted her mind, and aroused her.

I untied the rope that was connected to her chest harness, and lowered her torso till her hair brushed against my bedroom floor, and tied it off. The rope around her hips and upper thighs bit harder into her. The hip harness was bearing most of her weight in that position. I wrapped my left arm around her hips and pulled her against the side of my body.

“Count,” I ordered.

Olivia wasn’t sure what to expect next. She kept her eyes shut tight and nodded. I slapped her in-between her legs. The wet smacking sound filled my bedroom. Olivia’s body jerked from the unexpected blow. She let out a soft cry and shook her head, as the combination of pleasure and pain spread through her pussy.

“Count,” I ordered again and slapped her ass hard.

“One!” Olivia cried out.

“Good girl.”

I rewarded her by running my fingertip over her clit for an instant and slapped her pussy again.

“Owww-two!” Olivia gasped.

“I want you to cum again for me, Olivia,” I growled the order and struck her pussy again.

“A-aowww-three!” she sobbed.

A stinging heat was building between her legs. I struck her again. She yelped out the count and tried to cross her legs in vain. I struck her pussy once more, and cupped it with my hand. Olivia counted out and tried to buck her hips against my hand. I rubbed her pussy, and roughly slid my middle finger in-between her drenched, puffy pussy lips.

Olivia trembled as she edged closer to another orgasm. I rubbed her pussy harder. It only took three more passes over her slit to set her off. She began to shake uncontrollably; fireworks went off in her head. As her orgasm subsided, she let out a long, low, sobbing moan.

Olivia snapped her head back and gasped at the sudden and unexpected penetration of two of my fingers into her pussy.

“You’ll cum again for me, Olivia,” I snarled.

“I can’t!” she cried out and shook her head.

Words Janet had spoken echoed in Olivia’s mind, ‘You'll despise him for what he puts you through, and how he makes you feel’

“If you tell me to stop, I will. But know that you’ll have disappointed me, Olivia” I sternly informed her.

She didn't know why the thought of disappointing me sent her into a panic.

“No! Don’t stop!” she moaned. "I'll try. I promise I'll try!"

"Good girl," I grinned.

I twisted and sawed my two fingers in and out of her pussy, harder and quicker.

A moment later, Olivia’s pussy clamped down around my fingers.

“Ohhh… ohhh… ohhh!” she panted.

Another long and powerful orgasm tore through her. The intensity of the orgasm made Olivia scream out at the top of her lungs. I slowly slid my fingers out of her still quivering pussy; and shoved them in her mouth. Olivia eagerly sucked and licked her cum off my fingers.

I pushed Olivia and sent her swaying again. She moaned and relaxed every muscle in her body.

I waited till she was breathing normally again, and said, “Time to untie you, Olivia.”

I lowered her to the floor by the ropes through the suspension ring. I sat next to her; and slowly untied the ropes that bound her body. When she was free, I lifted her on to my lap, and held her in my arms.

Olivia curled up into a ball and snuggled against my chest. She lifted her head and nuzzled at my neck, as her fingers softly danced across the deep rope marks across her breasts. She parted her lips, bit my jaw just below my ear, and moaned. She licked my thick neck from my shoulder up to my ear lobe. Being held in a man’s arms was a distant memory to her. She found great comfort in being cuddled in my two strong arms.

She took a mental inventory of her body and state of mind. Her upper torso, mid-section and right leg was sore. Her pussy was very sore, but still slick and throbbing with arousal. Her mind was quiet. She played back what she had just experienced, the feel of my hands and rope on her body as I bound her. The freedom she felt from being suspended in mid-air. She shivered when she remembered the euphoric state she entered as she swayed back and forth in mid-air. And the intense orgasms that had ripped through her core and lit up every nerve in her body. She had given control of her body to man. He had given her what she had asked for, and had not betrayed that trust.

‘you won't be able stop yourself from worshipping him.’

Olivia did not want to stop herself from worshipping me.

Any doubts Olivia had about allowing a man to enter her had disappeared. She suddenly ached to be filled by a hard, hot, throbbing cock. She needed my cock inside her, to pound her pussy till the pain was more than the pleasure, and to feel hot cum sprayed inside her. She wanted to give the delicate and fragile beauty within her newly found dark desire, to me.

In a trembling voice, she whispered, “I’m still hungry, and you must be starving. Fuck me; feed on me, please, Sir.”

I rolled her off my lap and on to the floor. Olivia gasped and spread her legs wide for me, as I pulled my cock out of my jeans. I rolled on top of her and grunted as I savagely thrust my cock inside her. Olivia screamed out and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled half the length of my cock out of her tight, slick pussy, and plunged it hard back inside her.

“Yeees!” Olivia’s voice quavered as she wrapped her legs around my hips.“Hurt me with your cock. I want to suffer for you!” she cried out.

Olivia’s words sent a shiver through me. I couldn’t control the feral grunts that accompanied each of my brutal thrust. I knew I was hurting her. I knew she asked for the pain. The feel of my thick cock stretching her, and her acceptance of the pain I was inflicting, brought me to the edge. My cock twitched one last time. My balls tightened, I closed my eyes tight and exploded inside her. Olivia began to cry when she felt her insides being filled with my hot seed.

Lightning flashed across the darkness of her tightly closed eyes.Thunder cracked and crashed in-between her legs, with each brutal thrust of my hips. Olivia rode the waves of pain and pleasure, and came again.

I kept my cock buried inside her, long after my balls had filled her. When I rolled off her, she gasped as my cock slid out of her and our combined juices flowed out, and down the crack of her ass. Olivia placed her head on my shoulder.

“Thank you, Sir,” she softly sobbed as she left gentle, caring kisses on my chest.

“The pleasure was all yours,” I replied with a grin, "I hope you enjoyed the experience."

Olivia’s head shot off my chest and she looked me with a dead serious stare, as she replied, “It was more than I ever could have imagined. I am sore allover, but I feel brand new. I can feel I'm back in control of myself, and my life. I will freely offer control to you anytime you want it. But I will never allow anyone, or anything, to take it from me, ever again.”

“I’ll take full credit for every ache and pain you feel. Everything else was always inside you, dormant, waiting to be awoken again, just as you explained me,” I smiled.

Olivia traced my goatee with a trembling finger and nervously asked, “Do I have to leave now, Gil? Is that what you expect, now that our session is over?”

“You may stay with me until you are ready to leave, Olivia,” I smiled warmly at her.

Olivia grinned and coyly asked, “May I spend the weekend with you? It'd be a shame for you to put your ropes away, after having so little time to play with them.”

“You may,” I chuckled. “I would like that very much.”

Olivia laid her head on my chest, closed her eyes and sighed as she drew small circles on my chest with her fingertip. “Thank you, Gil. You won’t be disappointed. I make killer pancakes,” she giggled.

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Fifty shades of Stolkholm syndrome chapter 2 Th

Helen got home and ran up the drive way excited, to see her parents. Her father sat in his chair pipe in hand and cloth cap looking grimly at her with a large black pudding in his hands, “Eee by Gum a what news have you today?” he said in the least convincing Lancashire accent since Wallace and Gromit got lost there and tried not to stand out.“Oh dad stop trying to be Northern” Helen said “What but our roots are ‘up north we have worked for generations as …”“As chartered accountants, face it we...

1 year ago
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Acquired Asylum Syndrome

Usual disclaimers apply: Characters property of DC Comics Inc, don't read this unless you're a consenting adult, etc., etc. If you read on you're accepting you know the drill. Acquired Asylum Syndrome By S18 PART 1 Their names were Raynor and Potkin, but that was barely relevant. The pertinent details - both over six foot, each weighing in at between two-twenty and two-forty pounds and sharing an IQ that didn't have pretensions to three digits - told Batgirl that she...

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The Janus Syndrome

Disclaimer- I don't own Hellsing or any of the characters from it. Warnings - AU, graphic ftm themes, spoilers for the manga. The Janus Syndrome By A Guy Named Goo Beta'd by Thess London had become so unrecognizable and alien to Seras in past few months that she actually welcomed the chilly rain that decided to fall as she ran. Her feet splashing in the growing puddles on the cracked sidewalks and conspicuously empty roads, the spray in her face that should have been...

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Sudden Male Feminization Syndrome

Hey, whoever's reading this. I'm not much of a story-teller, but I have got a story to tell. First off, my name's Jane. It used to be Joe, then it was Jo for a little while, and that's pretty much what this is all about. I was a pretty depressed little boy. My parents watched sports and my brother played them. At school, all the boys wanted to be professional athletes and all the girls wanted to be performers or didn't have the self-awareness to consider the future at all. All but...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Syndrome

Duncan Macmillan had been in prison for 13 years and 2 months when he escaped in the chaos of the Great Pulse. Under the circumstances, he didn’t even bother to change out of his green jumpsuit. No one cared at the moment about the recapture of criminals, when the government at all levels had collapsed. He knew exactly how he would survive: home invasion. More intense than simple burglary, it would enable him to take over a household for a day or so, eating whatever food was available and...

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Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm SyndromeThe bell at Jamestown High rang, announcing the end of the schoolday and, as most students were thankful for, the end of the week as well.  Blaire, on the other hand, found herself walking out into the bright afternoon sun with a sense of dread.  It was that same sense of dread that filled her each time she had to make her way home.  The little redheaded freshman was never exactly a fan of going home.  It wasn’t that she lived in an abusive home (though perhaps some...

1 year ago
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Stockholm Syndrome

Duncan Macmillan had been in prison for 13 years and 2 months when he escaped in the chaos of the Great Pulse. Under the circumstances, he didn't even bother to change out of his green jumpsuit. No one cared at the moment about the recapture of criminals, when the government at all levels had collapsed. He knew exactly how he would survive: home invasion. More intense than simple burglary, it would enable him to take over a household for a day or so, eating whatever food was available and...

3 years ago
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Vargas Syndrome

"What the hell is Vargas' Syndrome? Is that one of those new psychiatric disorders where the guy can claim he's the victim of a mental disease and try to walk free? I hate those bastards." "Well, no. It's not a recognized description of a disease at all. The term is being used informally to describe people who are obsessed with impregnating women. There's a writer on various web sites that cater to readers of sexually oriented fiction who goes by the name of Homer Vargas. I'm not sure...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Syndrome Part 2

It took me several hours of shopping before I took pity on the dwarfs and we finished the drive. The rented house was lovely, right on the beach with terrific views. I had my own suite of rooms including a small sitting room, bedroom and very luxurious bathroom. I freshened up and put on cardigan sweater and a khaki skirt, and came down to the main living room and said to the dwarfs "I know a great restaurant over in Perkin's Cove, who's up for seafood?" Nobody jumped at the chance,...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 3 Threesomes and Twosomes

"Tim, I want to ask you something," Suzi started before our third hour class a week later. "But you have to promise me you will tell me the truth about how you feel about it." "Shit. This doesn't sound like I want to hear it, but okay. I promise. You want to go someplace private?" "Uhm, yeah. I can't get this out of my head. Let's go upstairs." Nobody noticed us leave as the tardy bell rang, nor did the few people passing notice us holding hands climbing the stairs. She was...

1 year ago
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 6

A Different Kind of TV Star It was late in the evening when Johnny awoke. He found Sandi and Mary staring down at him. Both of the women had discovered the mistake made which resulted in Johnny receiving permanent makeup. Mary had already explained to Sandi that the procedures were irreversible. While Johnny was still sleeping, Sandi had cut his hair evenly giving him a sexy shoulder length do. Sandi had asked Mary about the dangers of cutting his hair. Mary looked at the sleeping...

2 years ago
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A Reflection of Batwoman and Her Sister Alice

A REFLECTION OF BATWOMAN TO HER SISTER ALICE Belinda She is a fan of the TV series "Batwoman." Eagerly awaited the first episode and even with the previews wonder who would play Batwoman. In later previews, becoming aware of the other characters; one character she remembers from watching the movie "Enigma." The additional character she remembers in the previews is Alice. Batwoman and Alice seem to strike a special reflection with her. She could tell...

2 years ago
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Prostitute Catwoman My Neighborhood Aunty Bubbli Singh 8211 Part 1

Hie,this is Prameet srivastava from kanpur.This story is about my neighborhood aunt bubbli singh..Bubbli aunty was very conservative lady..She has dark complex but very attractive figure…She has huge boobs..She looks like bipasha basu…She is tall…Everybody wants to bang her at least once… She used to like me as I was very very good in my study…She was a very good lady till year 2010… Then their family left our neighborhood and settled in delhi… Slowly with the time,we lost contact of her. I...

3 years ago
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smokeSCREEN bookTWO

bookTWO : STARshine * * * silence swimming in a pool of dreams / beneath its depths the forgotten streams / above the city of the evening star / behind its walls, the grand bazaar / as she walks through its endless ways / cursing those who mistrust her ways / please my friend no matter what she sees / tell my lover come back to me * * * * * * The power runs on sunlight. That’s what I’m thinking as I wake. Early morning rays stab through the chinks in the single blocked window. Tiny...

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"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....

1 year ago
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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...

4 years ago
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Mrs Goodytwoshoes

“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...

4 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

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Ariel the Hitwoman

Hitwoman. Ariel the Hitwoman. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, violent, snuff, nec, urination, scat, humiliation, lingerie, toys, BDSM. Summary: Ariel is a glamorous hitwoman, addicted to money, kinky sex and haute couture. She is also a vicious sadist.  Part 1. Ariel and Olga. 1. Ariel examined her voluptuous body in the three way mirror. She was fresh from her perfumed bath. Her silky skin was rubbed with scented oils and lotions; her nipples were tingling from...

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Fantasy Sex Night With Diana Antwoine

Diana had this fantasy before and tonight Antwoine was going to fulfill it for her. The room was very dark a security light from the backyard caused a sliver of illumination in her room, but just barely. Diana usual bed attire was a satin pajama top (no pants) and a pair of devilish socks. Antwoine knew this.Antwoine was wearing all black, ski mask, t-shirt, running pants, running shoes. He did not wear underwear or socks. Antwoine came through the backyard gate toward her bedroom, which...

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I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...

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Souvenir from Westworld

Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

1 year ago
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What It Takes to Succeed in Slutworld

Note: Please activate Game Mode for the best experience! It is Sunday, September 4th, and the golden sun of a late-summer afternoon is streaming into Natalie's window as she lies on her bed reading, getting ready for the start of school. Stretched out on her bed with a mug of tea and her phone on the table next to her, she's got her summer reading book open on her knees: Basic Anatomy, Sexual Education, and Sluttery for Women. Nat turns the page and keeps reading as she takes another bite of...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of lemonade.PissyNetwork.com is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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naughty little brother syndrome

I was back from college with half the day still available and my parents were predictably out so I had the place to myself. great. I could sneak guys back here and fuck on the sofa even! Or wank myself in the kitchen - that type of adventure, and roam the house naked when I wanted to. I had assumed little brother worked a normal shift but I was to find out about his midweek day off. So what the fuck was all that noise cum-ing from the living room? sounded like an orgy in there! His...

1 year ago
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Full Moon Syndrome Chronicles Cedrics Story

(Long story short Jan our hero gives into his sexual urges and pretty much rapes our 13yr pedo-magnet Cedric. Jan passes out and the following morning Jan wakes up to find that Cedric is okay with this. Jan decides to test Cedric durability and pain tolerance as well as his control. Jan decides to put Cedric to the ultimate test of tender sex.) Sorry if the last part didn’t make sense there is very little blood going to my head right now, giggity (YES I know I am sick freak.) If you...

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The Lazarus Syndrome

This is the third in my Gerry Pretty serious of detective stories and it sort of comes full circle. CM In the back of the LJ Bar, hidden behind cases of booze, is a room that very few people know about. This is the headquarters of the thriving Pretty Detective Agency and where I spend some of my day when I’m not detecting or helping out in the bar. Today I was doing neither, the bar was yet to open and I was waiting for my next detecting job. Thriving has not been an apt description of the...

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Absolute Gullibility Syndrome

A new and rare mental disorder has recently been discovered. Sufferers are not only unable to tell if someone is lying--they are incapable of even suspecting that someone may be lying. They will believe anything they're told by anybody--if the direct evidence of their sense contradicts what they have been told, they'll assume that they are hallucinating or imagining the contradiction. Our story begins when someone learns that they, or a loved one, has developed AGS.

Mind Control
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Restless Penis Syndrome

Your name is John Doe, your just an average looking 18 year old high school senior with a far beyond average penis, It's literally the same size of a can of hairspray. Having such a big dick has its ups and downs, the big upside of it is, you know no one has a dick as big as yours, the downside has a bit more to it. Some times it's hard to walk, if you get aroused everyone knows it, girls are often intimidated by its size, and the biggest problem is some times it hurts, especially during...

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Stockholm Syndrome

A weird little quickie. He watches me bathe every night. My alone-time is limited now ever since I cut myself badly with a razor. I hoped it would be enough to take me to the hospital, that he would freak out, but I was wrong. He stands against the counter with his arms crossed and his eyes hooded. The steam from the tub mists the bathroom and his black clothes are imposing in the fog. Someone else would assume he is aloof, disinterested. Maybe even bored. But I know he absorbs every move I...

2 years ago
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Lottery Syndrome

It was the night of the cull and I was at home with the family. The doors were locked and I felt restless and on edge. It was raining outside: cool, dark. The curtains were drawn. The heating was on and everyone was on tenterhooks awaiting the lottery. The women were particularly tense. Jane was out in the hallway pacing the threadbare carpet between the front door and the stairs; Georgia was glued to her seat, chomping gum and staring wretchedly at her short, bitten nails; Angie was squatting...

3 years ago
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The EALC Syndrome

Darius sat back panting and sweating from the exertion of beating his station mate. Again. His anger quenched, he looked with some pity, but little remorse, at Angela's bruised naked body. She was spitting some blood and whimpering but he'd, again, caught himself before he killed her, for that he was glad ... but he felt no guilt. 'Dammit, if she would quit whining and antagonizing me none of this would happen', He thought. Then his thought stream shifted to the imminent arrival of the...

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