Stockholm Syndrome Part 2 free porn video

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It took me several hours of shopping before I took pity on the dwarfs and we finished the drive. The rented house was lovely, right on the beach with terrific views. I had my own suite of rooms including a small sitting room, bedroom and very luxurious bathroom. I freshened up and put on cardigan sweater and a khaki skirt, and came down to the main living room and said to the dwarfs "I know a great restaurant over in Perkin's Cove, who's up for seafood?" Nobody jumped at the chance, at last Doc said "I'm in" The others remained silent Doc and I walked out to the Explorer I smiled and said "May I sit in the front seat or would that be too much like a date?" He looked exasperated but said "go ahead" It was a short drive to the Cove and since it was before the season there was no wait. Dinner was scrumptious and made even more intriguing by a handsome man, a bit older than me who kept looking at me, but not in a way that conveyed mere curiosity. He was older maybe 50, tall about 6'3" and lean. His hair was combed back and he had a short beard, both the hair and beard were steel gray. As usual conversation was sparse but the wine was not. I did a good deal of eyelash batting and lip licking but there was no response from Doc. He and I took a short walk along the seashore after dinner, we paused and I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag and exhaled it slowly. Doc said "Miss while you and we have a bit more latitude up here, the basic rules remain the same" I took another drag and exhaled and replied "You guys like that word latitude! but what does it mean?" Doc replied "Basically it means you still won't be able to go anywhere on your own, as long as you remain in Teresa mode, you can do whatever you want, but contact with others should be minimized" I batted my eyelashes stepped closer to him and said in a sultry voice "Oh Doc if we can be in close contact I wouldn't need anyone else" Doc stepped back and replied "That's not going to happen!" Just then the gentlemen from the restaurant walked past, he surreptitiously glanced at me, and I surreptitiously gave him a wink. I thought Doc hadn't noticed but he had, and said "Be mindful of involvements with others, it could be unhealthy for them" Pissed, I replied "asshole!" and walked back to the car. When we got back to the house the other dwarfs were watching a baseball game. I flounced in and sat down and said "So what inning is it?" Happy replied "Bottom of the sixth" I smiled and said "My date turned out to be a jerk, so I am going up to my room, and if either of you want to check out my bottom, you are welcome to join me." With that I got up and shot them a come hither stare, they shifted uncomfortably but neither got up to follow. More latitude notwithstanding, my activities were restricted, I could venture down to the water, lay on the beach, even go for long walks and runs as long as one of the dwarfs had me in clear sight. I could go to the shops and galleries as long as one of the dwarfs shadowed me. I spent a good deal of time walking and running on the beach, the ocean water was still too cold for swimming. Being honest with myself, I was truly enjoying being all gurl, all the time. And I also enjoyed being the gurl among the boys. Even if none of the boys wanted to be naughty with me. In deed that was getting to be an issue. Hanging around in gurl mode with these guys all the time was getting me extremely horny. But none of them were taking the bait. After two weeks I felt like it was time for this vacation/interlude to be over; and I should be getting back to my real life. But that was not going to happen! So I suggested a little change of scenery, a trip up the Bar Harbor. Doc responded by asking "What would you want to do there? I gave him a seductive smile and responded "Oh Doc I think you know what I want to do" He frowned and replied "Please be serious" I responded "I am serious! But if that is not in the cards, I would like to do some hiking at Acadia National Park, check out some galleries, and maybe have dinner at a decent restaurant" Doc replied "Let me check!" To my surprise the mini vacation was approved by Oz. To my regret it was not to be an overnight" Since it is a 4 hour drive, we were up early. I decided on a regular bra with weighted inserts. I wore some cute Khaki shorts a long sleeve red tee and a plaid flannel shirt. It was summer but it was still Maine. I can't leave without some make up but it was as minimal as I can get away with. It was Doc, Grumpy and me. When we got in the car I asked "No Happy today?" Doc replied "No" He paused and continued "Happy is a good guy, but not the sharpest tool in the shed, he doesn't know what to make of you, he gets very confused, go easy on him! Please!" Somewhat chastened I nodded, but replied "OK Doc I'll go easy on Happy' I paused and continued "I'd rather go hard on you anyway" Exasperated he replied "You are incorrigible!" We got to the park and it was a glorious morning After stretching from the long ride, Doc asked "Which trail do you want to hike?' I smiled and said "Oh come on Doc, you can guess" Sheepishly he pointed in the right direction I smiled and said "Yes indeed I want to hike the Great Head Trail, who knows maybe I'll get some or even better give some" The views were spectacular; at one point I darted to an overlook, but stumbled. Unaccustomed to the extra weight of my breast forms; I struggle to regain my balance as I approached the edge of the rocks. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I instantly regained my balance. Looking down over the edge at the waves crashing on the rocks, I turned to Doc and said "Thank You" He just nodded and said "It was nothing' I replied "No it was my life, and to your employers it would have been a very tidy solution to a very messy situation" He laughed and said "It was an instinctive reaction, I didn't think about the bigger picture that must be why I never made it to management" I laughed and said "From what I've seen you definitely do not fit the management mold in this outfit" Doc replied "I will take that as a compliment" I said "It was intended as such" The drive back was equally long, about half way, Doc told Grumpy to pull into a clam shack. Doc said to Grumpy "Stay with the vehicle, order what you want at the window" Then he looked at me and said "I think we will dine inside" We went in and sat down at a table, it was a rustic looking place. We ordered a couple of beers, Doc ordered a Budweiser and I went for a Moosehead, he rolled his eyes as I placed my order. For food we went with the special which whole fried clams with French fries and coleslaw on the side I said "Well Doc this is an unexpected pleasure" He took a swig of his Bud and said "Well Happy isn't the only one confused" I smiled seductively and said "Oh Doc if you are having any confusion on your gender identity I would be so happy to help you work through it" He laughed and responded "No that's it" I replied "Oh, that's a real shame" He smiled and said "What confuses me is you, I mean the two yous" I interrupted and said "Doc there is only one of me" He said "No, I actually like you as a person when you are being a woman, your guy persona was just kind of blah. What I want to know is; is this, which you really are? Or is it a way to cope with this crazy situation?" Looking somewhat forlorn I replied "Damned if I know Doc, prior to this I never tried to be Teresa for more than a few hours at a time. But whatever the reason I think I agree with you, I like being her more than being him." That was the last of the deep conversations; we finished our meals and drove back in silence. I spent a good deal of time thinking about my situation. Some things were obvious to me. First, as much as I liked it, I was living a very thin slice of a real life; there were no friends, lovers, or anyone in my life that cared about me. I was also becoming very bored. Second, I knew this arrangement would not continue forever, but the statute of limitations on securities fraud was five years and so nothing would change until then. But that seemed like forever! Third, I didn't think I could go back to my old life even now; and certainly not after a couple of more years of this. At this point only one of the dwarfs stayed at the house, they each did four 12 hour shifts a week, and occasionally another dwarf named Sneezy filled in an overnight. Despite my feminine attributes my culinary skills are quite limited. Of the dwarfs only Doc could cook, otherwise we were pretty well limited to things that could be cooked on the grill, which I could do, with side dishes purchased at the local supermarket by the dwarfs. Other than that we were limited to things that could be delivered. So I always looked forward to Doc being on duty, not only was he pleasant to look at but the food was much better. One evening as he was preparing a risotto, I walked up behind him and whispered in his ear "Doc we could be so good together" He turned looking annoyed and replied "And just why would that be Terry?" I smiled and replied "Well you love to cook and I love to eat" He chuckled and said "Oh I thought you meant something else" I slapped him on the butt and said "Oh I am up for something else are you?" He turned and said "No" I attempted to reach around to his crotch saying "Let me check if you are up" He quickly grabbed my wrist and said "Take my word for it, and the word is NO" Conversational opportunities were rare, and while they allowed Teresa to have an email account, and surf the net, it was always done with a dwarf looking over my shoulder. I was between a rock and a hard place. I was not satisfied with my new life, but was not at all eager to resume my old life. In any event resuming my old life wasn't going to happen, and if I wanted to improve my lot, it would be best to start with the guy making the decisions. I decided to try to ingratiate myself to Sagar Kapadia, the man who put me in this predicament. He and I had always approached business and risk from very different viewpoints going back to our days as students. He seldom saw the problems, only the opportunity for profit. I on the other hand always looked and looked hard before leaping. The result was he was a reckless success and I was an overly cautious failure. But his recklessness had resulted in a potential for criminal prosecution. In my mind at least, he could use my advice. I started spending several hours a day researching his companies, looking for things he and his team may have overlooked. It not only filled a good part of my day, but it got my brain back working in a purposeful manner. The dwarfs on the other hand were not so happy. They now had to sit with me observing my research on the internet, making sure I didn't make any contacts with the outside world that I shouldn't. They found it exceptionally boring. More than once over the first couple of weeks, a dwarf nodded off, but even though I could have walked right out, I did not. One sunny day in early July I talked Doc into going into an art gallery where I had seen a seascape that I really loved. It wasn't expensive but it was large so after Doc paid for it, he gave them the address of the house for them to deliver it. As we walked out of the shop the handsome guy from the restaurant walked in, he smiled and I smiled back, but Doc ushered me out quickly before any words could be exchanged. The next day dawned sunny and warm; I decided to go for a run. Happy was the dwarf on duty and he did not enjoy running so he would stay back and keep me under observation with binoculars. I ran down towards Footbridge Beach, after a mile I stopped caught my breath, slipped off my running shoes and splashed in the cold water. There were people walking up and down the beach but I wasn't paying attention. Then I heard a man say "Hello again!" It was the same man from the restaurant and the gallery, I smiled and said "Are you stalking me?" He grinned and replied "Yes I had to give the clerk at the gallery $20 to get your address" I laughed and replied "How enterprising, but you know I am not what I appear to be" In mock disappointment he said "Oh my! You mean you are not an extremely attractive transvestite?" I laughed and said "Ok then I am what I appear to be, I just thought I passed a bit better" He said "Oh you do pass to all but a connoisseur's finely trained eye" I smiled and replied "So you are a keen eyed observer of tranny's?" He replied "Yes, in those moments that I was not completely captivated by your beauty, I have observed that while you are always accompanied by a man, you are never really with them, I am curious why that is?" I glanced down the beach and saw Happy was moving in this direction I replied "I'm in a Rehab program; they are trying to keep me from relapsing" He looked sad and replied "I'm so sorry, if I may ask, what kind of addiction" I smiled seductively and replied "I am nymphomaniac" He burst out laughing and said "I didn't see that one coming and I would like to see more of you" I looked his tanned trim body up and down and said "And I would like to see more of you too" He looked serious and said "How can we get together?" I glanced down the beach, Happy was about 400 yards away In a husky, sexy voice I said "There's an outdoor shower on the far side of the house, meet me there in 30 minutes" I slipped my shoes back on and jogged down the beach to meet Happy He said "Miss, that was too long" Disdainfully I replied "I forgot my watch" We slowly jogged back to the house, and I slipped my shoes off and splashed around in the water again. Happy sat on the porch. I thought it had been about 30 minutes so I looked over at the shower and my guy lurking beside it. I walked up to the porch and said "I'm all sandy and salty, I am going to use the outdoor shower; Happy, be a doll and get me a towel please" Happy went into the house I quickly went in to the shower and told my paramour to crouch behind some shrubs. I went in and slipped out of my clothes and turned on the shower, Happy returned with a towel. I said "Why don't you join me in here big boy?" Embarrassed, he hung the towel on the door and went in the house Then naked and wet I opened the door for my new friend, As I clumsily I grabbed at his speedo and pulled in down, I said "We need to be quick" He smiled and said "I'm ready" I glanced down and thought, he sure is I turned my back, spread my legs apart and bent over bracing my hands on the wall. He guided the tip of his cock into my anus; I let out a little gasp. It had looked big to my eyes but felt huge in my ass. Then he put his hands on my hips and thrust it slowly past my sphincter. It hurt, I bit my lip. He thrust again and I let out a little yelp That didn't deter him at all and he pushed into me with his most powerful thrust yet. As he pulled back the bulbous head of his cock rubbed up against my prostate This time the pain was ended with a wave of pleasure. He picked up the pace. I started to breath rapidly, lick me lips, and moan with pleasure. My horniness was greatly increased by having been playing the feminine role but not getting any cock for weeks His pace was now frenzied, my vision seemed blurry and my knees wobbly, as I reveled in hearing the slap of his loins against my ass. I was moaning with pleasure, he was shouting "Shh your guard might hear" I became aware that my cock was now hard. But I didn't dare take a hand off the wall to touch it for fear of falling over. Then among all the intense sensations I was feeling, I felt a very familiar one, I glanced down to see my cock shoot cum out onto the floor. I felt the release let out a huge moan and just seconds later felt his cock spasm in my ass, followed by a gushing feeling of warm fluid deep inside me. I was gasping for breath! I heard the screen door slam, it Happy coming to check on me My lover bent down and I used to towel to screen him from view Happy rounded the corner and said "You OK it's taken longer than usual" I thought to myself No it was over way too soon but replied "Just finishing up, I'll be in in a minute" Happy went back in the house, my guy then stood up smothering me with kisses, I pushed him back and said "Back here tomorrow, same time? He nodded and replied "I'm Pete" I smiled and said "Nice to fuck you Pete, I'm Terry" He scurried back to the road; I quickly wrapped up in the towel and went up to my room. Doc made an unscheduled visit that night and asked about the conversation on the beach. I said "It was nothing, the guy was flirting with me, I flirted back, and it felt good. Doc said "I need to caution you against too much contact" Angrily I replied "It's not a whole lot of fun hanging with you lifeless mannequins; you get time off to attend to your physical needs, what about me?" Doc deadpanned "That wasn't incorporated in the plan" I responded "Well maybe we need to make a new plan that does incorporate it!" Doc replied "Just how could we do that?" Angrily I said "Take me for an outing to an adult book store with a glory hole! Or Find me a bisexual dwarf! I don't know you guys are supposed to cover all the bases, you figure it out!" Doc started to laugh and said "A bisexual dwarf?" I said "Well you know what I mean" Playing along he said "No what exactly do you mean?" I looked him straight in the eye and said "I mean someone like you, only they would want to fuck me!" Fortunately Happy was on duty one more day this week, and even more fortunately he didn't get any smarter. Pete came back the next day and I got to savor the taste of his lovely cock I unbuttoned his shirt and knelt before him and reached up and rubbed his hairy chest. He started to squirm. I pulled his shorts down and sucked his nuts. His dick sprung up into an erect position. I looked up at him and said "I see you like your balls in my mouth" I licked his balls and took the right one in my mouth and caressed it with my tongue. Then let it go and backed away. He wasn't circumcised so I pushed the foreskin back to reveal the head, it was covered with precum. I said "mmm looks yummy" and proceeded to lick it clean like it was an ice cream cone. As I finished licking it a lonely strand of precum connected my mouth to his cock. At this point I threw caution to the wind and went for it. I kissed the tip, it quivered. I swallowed it whole, and he moaned. Slowly I moved my lips up and down the length of his stiff shaft. It was an incredible rush. It was if I was high on sexual power. I shamelessly swallowed more and more of his throbbing cock. My head was bobbing furiously, he started to moan. I let his cock slide back out of my throat ever so slowly, my lips had reached the tip of his cock. I started to speak, but he suddenly grabbed my head and pulled it into his cock. I tried to back off but his two hands held my head securely in position. Then he thrust his hips forward pushing his cock against the back of my throat, again and again and again he pushed deep inside my mouth, when suddenly his cock spasmed and shot a huge volume of warm salty spunk into my mouth, it seeped out onto my lips and some even came out my nostrils, it dribbled down my chin and neck. I sat back more content than I had ever been in my life, licking his cum off my lips salaciously. Pete asked "Tomorrow?" I shook my head no, but whispered "See you on the beach about 11" He nodded OK Doc would be back tomorrow and I would need to behave. I used to look forward to Doc's shifts because the food was so good, but now I had other appetites to satisfy.

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Stockholm revisited

A long work of both truth and fantasy for KayHaving got the green light on a renewal of a new contract it was time to get it signed off, this time it was decided that Kay would come with me for the trip so we could spend the weekend just chilling out away from home.Once in Stockholm we made our way to the hotel where I had used some of my rewards points to get a small suite, having been shown up to the suite I changed into my suit and told Kay I should only be about two or three hours . Kay...

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Stockholm Story part 2

Azem was to pick me up from the tennis hall later in the evening. His car stopped just in front of me with squeaking tires. I bumped inside and threw myself at the sexy driver. I licked his chin up to his mouth and smacked his nose. He embraced me to feel my heart's throb. Not sure if the situation between me and him was exactly what the scientists call a "Stockholm Syndrome", but the fact is, I missed him a lot for these few hours."It feels weird in this car without the handcuffs on," I...

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Stockholm revisited

Kay faced away from me and handed me the shower gel, placing a large amount of gel in my hands I started to soap Kay’s back working from the top downwards to her butt. Kay sighed slightly when she turned to face me and told me to soap her breasts, as I started to work on her breasts Kay’s left hand suddenly wrapped around my cock while her right hand was working her own pussy. Kay removed her hand from between her legs and started to rub the head of my cock up and down her soapy slit, come on...

4 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome final edit

"a bully took my backpack" he said through his tears. I smiled secretly I had faced a similar problem when I was his age. "Well I don't see why would do that" I told him. "You seem to be a very nice kid" he looked up. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, his soft skin felt amazing. I pulled him up. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hastily wiped away his tears "Cedric" he told me I let go of his hand "Well Cedric" I said still...

3 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome

His name was Cedric, he was thirteen had tan skin, dark brown wavy hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean, he had a girlish figure, and a soft voice, Cedric was always trusting, especially of me, I was like an older brother to him, I'm sorry I've gotten ahead of myself. My name is Yan, I am a German American with Blonde hair, eyes the color of Cyan, and a slightly muscular body, strong from years of track, now where was I? Oh yes. Cedric was always trusting of me; he looked up to me like...

2 years ago
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 1

This work is copyrighted by the author (2002). Do not remove the author's information or make any changes to this story. You may freely post to all non-commercial (free) sites or in the "free" section of commercial sites. As a courtesy, please notify the author [email protected] regarding site location should you chose to post this story. The Sampson Syndrome by Jeanette Johnson 9...Roger Maris. 34...Nolan Ryan. 7...The "Mick". "Well at least I got my money back plus a...

3 years ago
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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

2 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome 2 Jans Toybox and Cedrics Pleasur

I stared blankly at cedric’s smiling face. He looked so cute half asleep, I couldn’t help myself the full moon was still in the morning sky… I kissed him, our tongues dancing inside each others mouths. It was turning me on so much, through sheer force of will I stopped kissing him and managed to choke out. “so… uh… how’d you sleep?” I asked him fearfully. “I slept great” he said. “uh Cedric, listen…” I began but what he said totally blew my mind (and made me horny automatically)...

3 years ago
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Fifty shades of Stolkholm syndrome chapter 2 Th

Helen got home and ran up the drive way excited, to see her parents. Her father sat in his chair pipe in hand and cloth cap looking grimly at her with a large black pudding in his hands, “Eee by Gum a what news have you today?” he said in the least convincing Lancashire accent since Wallace and Gromit got lost there and tried not to stand out.“Oh dad stop trying to be Northern” Helen said “What but our roots are ‘up north we have worked for generations as …”“As chartered accountants, face it we...

1 year ago
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Acquired Asylum Syndrome

Usual disclaimers apply: Characters property of DC Comics Inc, don't read this unless you're a consenting adult, etc., etc. If you read on you're accepting you know the drill. Acquired Asylum Syndrome By S18 PART 1 Their names were Raynor and Potkin, but that was barely relevant. The pertinent details - both over six foot, each weighing in at between two-twenty and two-forty pounds and sharing an IQ that didn't have pretensions to three digits - told Batgirl that she...

3 years ago
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The Janus Syndrome

Disclaimer- I don't own Hellsing or any of the characters from it. Warnings - AU, graphic ftm themes, spoilers for the manga. The Janus Syndrome By A Guy Named Goo Beta'd by Thess London had become so unrecognizable and alien to Seras in past few months that she actually welcomed the chilly rain that decided to fall as she ran. Her feet splashing in the growing puddles on the cracked sidewalks and conspicuously empty roads, the spray in her face that should have been...

3 years ago
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 3

Healing With Heels Sandi had remembered the specialist's remark regarding her husband. "She should wear high heals for a couple of months to promote healing." Sandi was determined to follow the doctor's advice to the letter. That afternoon she entered Johnny's room carrying a shoe box. "How's my baby?" she opened as usual. "Are you ready to come home and share a bed with me?" "More than ready! I see Mary told you about the shoes." He nodded towards the box. "Isn't it lucky we...

3 years ago
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 4

Sampson Syndrome IV Following Doctor's Orders He had to be careful not to snag the delicate fabric on his rough skin. Just as Sandi had figured, he walked very easily in both heels. Johnny admitted that having gotten used to wearing one heel and the cast had prepared him for this moment. Sandi spotted a nail salon as she was leaving the office building. She suggested that they stop there and have a pedicure. Johnny immediately balked at the suggestion. "We can wait until we...

3 years ago
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Sudden Male Feminization Syndrome

Hey, whoever's reading this. I'm not much of a story-teller, but I have got a story to tell. First off, my name's Jane. It used to be Joe, then it was Jo for a little while, and that's pretty much what this is all about. I was a pretty depressed little boy. My parents watched sports and my brother played them. At school, all the boys wanted to be professional athletes and all the girls wanted to be performers or didn't have the self-awareness to consider the future at all. All but...

3 years ago
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Vargas Syndrome

"What the hell is Vargas' Syndrome? Is that one of those new psychiatric disorders where the guy can claim he's the victim of a mental disease and try to walk free? I hate those bastards." "Well, no. It's not a recognized description of a disease at all. The term is being used informally to describe people who are obsessed with impregnating women. There's a writer on various web sites that cater to readers of sexually oriented fiction who goes by the name of Homer Vargas. I'm not sure...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Part 5

The next morning, Madame X woke up Katie as she entered the room. “Good morning, honey,” the woman whispered in her ear before kissing her on the cheek. The captive smiled. “Good morning, Mistress.” The dominatrix knew this would be their last day together, and she wanted it to be special. She pulled off the covers and climbed on top of her, slipping her soft, wet tongue between the girl’s lips and feeling the submissive gently massaging the woman’s tongue with hers. Madame X...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Part 4

The next morning, Madame X opened up the cell door and set Katie’s breakfast down on the dresser. The girl was so tired that she didn’t even wake up when her mistress walked in, so the woman sat down on the bed and kissed her slave on the forehead to awaken her. The captive opened her eyes and smiled up at the woman she had come to lust after. “Good morning, sweetie,” the dominatrix said. “Did you sleep well?” “Good morning, Mistress. Yes, I slept very well. Thank you, Mistress.” “Me...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Part 3

Madame X woke up the next morning and looked at her slave on the monitor. She was tired of waiting for Katie to submit. She wanted her now! She lusted after the girl with a passion that she had never felt before, and she was sick of playing games. She was determined to break her captive today. There was something that she had hidden away that she knew would do it, but she really didn’t want to use it. The dominatrix exhaled deeply and grudgingly took it out of the closet. She felt that she...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Part 2

Madame X awoke the next morning, eager to go play with her new slave. She looked into the surveillance monitors from Katie’s room and smiled as the girl stood there helplessly. The dominatrix already had the cameras from filming porn, and she thought it would be a good idea to install them so that she could keep an eye on her hostage while she wasn’t around. “Good morning, Katie,” Madame X said as she walked into the cell. “Did you get any sleep last night?” The captive shook her...

4 years ago
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Stockholm Part 1

About three years ago, Madame X started filming pornography in her basement. She would typically bring in a girl, tie her up, whip her, strangle her, fuck her, and do whatever else she pleased. Madame X quickly developed a good reputation in the adult film industry for shooting very realistic BDSM material. Torturing the girls turned her on so much, but she always wondered what it would be like to really do the things she did to the models. The thought sent warm shivers through her body...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Story part 3

I woke up on my stomach, hugging a pillow instead of my lover. The air-conditioning system’s effort smooched my naked ass. Sheesh, too cold. I was just about to open my eyes and automatically cover my flesh with a quilt, when a fundamental issue emerged in my mind. ‘Why was I ever mooning?’ The next question was only the consequence of the first one, as the slowly appearing sparkles of consciousness informed me about my nightshirt scrolled up to armpits. ‘What happened?’ Quiet moans, the...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Fuckery

Your name is Everett Woods, 21 years old and a 4th year college senior. A part time worker at your local cafe near your apartment studio. Currently living with a flatmate named Oliver Poppers to share the studio's rent and a fellow senior. Although Oliver has been living in a separate house -Frat House- he always comes by whenever there's barely anything to do and borrows your gaming platforms and chill to watch a movie or two. At first, he barely bothered to do anything besides laze around....

4 years ago
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Stockholm Sissydom

"Go back into the bathroom," she demanded, "I told you to shave." "But I did," I protested meekly as I could (best not brave being too forceful), "I shaved my legs and armpits like you asked. Even my chest. I'm hairless I promise." She stood up from the bed. Had I angered her? Her six-inch stilettos clicked on the tile as she walked across the floor. Extending a long red painted nail, she prodded me in my pubic hair right above my penis. "This is unruly. It's like a 1970s hippie...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Story part 3

I woke up on my stomach, hugging a pillow instead of my lover. The air-conditioning system's effort smooched my naked ass. Sheesh, too cold. I was just about to open my eyes and automatically cover my flesh with a quilt, when a fundamental issue emerged in my mind. "Why was I ever mooning?" The next question was only the consequence of the first one, as the slowly appearing sparkles of consciousness informed me about my nightshirt scrolled up to armpits. "What happened?" Quiet moans, the...

3 years ago
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Stockholm in 1940 4

Chapter 4 Deeply shocked and scared at what was happening to Richard and could easily still happen she quickly pulled her anorak hood around her face, determined despite the highly probable danger of being arrested by anyone, to follow them at a distance when the German's staff car which had been slowly following the group suddenly stopped. Katya immediately turned into a dark side alley then carefully peeking round the corner, saw all three Germans getting into the car...

2 years ago
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At a quarter till six, dusk was already falling. Brian was walking Cassie home from the ball field where her daughter had just played. Cassie and Nicci were kind of new in the town and Nicci had gone home to spend the night with her own new friend. She only lived a block away but he really wanted to spend more time with her. They were laughing a little self consciously, the way two people do when they are first getting to be comfortable with each other. They didn't notice anything out of the...

1 year ago
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Sophie slowly came to her senses; her memory was hazy and she could not remember why see was here. As thoughts began to re-enter her head Sophie realised that her eyes were closed but despite her best efforts it seemed like they were glued shut. In fact her how body seemed to be frozen to the surface upon which she lay, nothing would move. Normally a discovery like this would have scared Sophie silly (as you would expect it to) but this was not the case; she stayed calm and relaxed almost as...

2 years ago
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naughty little brother syndrome

I was back from college with half the day still available and my parents were predictably out so I had the place to myself. great. I could sneak guys back here and fuck on the sofa even! Or wank myself in the kitchen - that type of adventure, and roam the house naked when I wanted to. I had assumed little brother worked a normal shift but I was to find out about his midweek day off. So what the fuck was all that noise cum-ing from the living room? sounded like an orgy in there! His...

1 year ago
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Full Moon Syndrome Chronicles Cedrics Story

(Long story short Jan our hero gives into his sexual urges and pretty much rapes our 13yr pedo-magnet Cedric. Jan passes out and the following morning Jan wakes up to find that Cedric is okay with this. Jan decides to test Cedric durability and pain tolerance as well as his control. Jan decides to put Cedric to the ultimate test of tender sex.) Sorry if the last part didn’t make sense there is very little blood going to my head right now, giggity (YES I know I am sick freak.) If you...

2 years ago
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The Lazarus Syndrome

This is the third in my Gerry Pretty serious of detective stories and it sort of comes full circle. CM In the back of the LJ Bar, hidden behind cases of booze, is a room that very few people know about. This is the headquarters of the thriving Pretty Detective Agency and where I spend some of my day when I’m not detecting or helping out in the bar. Today I was doing neither, the bar was yet to open and I was waiting for my next detecting job. Thriving has not been an apt description of the...

1 year ago
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Absolute Gullibility Syndrome

A new and rare mental disorder has recently been discovered. Sufferers are not only unable to tell if someone is lying--they are incapable of even suspecting that someone may be lying. They will believe anything they're told by anybody--if the direct evidence of their sense contradicts what they have been told, they'll assume that they are hallucinating or imagining the contradiction. Our story begins when someone learns that they, or a loved one, has developed AGS.

Mind Control
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Restless Penis Syndrome

Your name is John Doe, your just an average looking 18 year old high school senior with a far beyond average penis, It's literally the same size of a can of hairspray. Having such a big dick has its ups and downs, the big upside of it is, you know no one has a dick as big as yours, the downside has a bit more to it. Some times it's hard to walk, if you get aroused everyone knows it, girls are often intimidated by its size, and the biggest problem is some times it hurts, especially during...

3 years ago
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I Dominus Stendhal Syndrome Part Two of Two

Continued from part one ~ At eight pm. sharp, I buzzed Olivia into my building. The loud buzz, and metallic click of the lock releasing, made her jump with a start. She checked herself in the mirrors on the interior of the elevator one last time and took a deep breath. When she reached my door, she hesitated to knock. As much as she was anticipating the new experience, not knowing what to expect made her understandably uneasy. A small part of her still wondered if she was about to make a...

1 year ago
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I Dominus Stendhal Syndrome Part One of Two

"I'm so nervous," Olivia confessed to Janet as she reached for the glass of wine that her friend had poured for her. Janet smiled and shook her head as she replied, "No need to be nervous, Olivia. We're only going to discuss the possibility. You don't have to make a decision tonight, or any time soon for that matter. When you are ready, I'll introduce you to whom you choose." This would be new territory for Olivia. She had agreed to the possibility of a kink date with one of Janet's...

1 year ago
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 6

A Different Kind of TV Star It was late in the evening when Johnny awoke. He found Sandi and Mary staring down at him. Both of the women had discovered the mistake made which resulted in Johnny receiving permanent makeup. Mary had already explained to Sandi that the procedures were irreversible. While Johnny was still sleeping, Sandi had cut his hair evenly giving him a sexy shoulder length do. Sandi had asked Mary about the dangers of cutting his hair. Mary looked at the sleeping...

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