BethChapter 74 free porn video

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October 17, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written October 19]

I was woken by someone slowly pulling the covers off me. I grumbled, then opened my eyes to a great surprise. When he saw that I was looking at him, Dad climbed over me and settled on his front between Heather and me. He wasted no time, as he planted his mouth on my left breast and sucked on the nipple for a few seconds, then did the same to Heather’s right nipple.

“Gaahh,” she said. “Oh, god, Dad! You better not be teasing.”

After that, Dad climbed over Heather and woke Rhee in the same fashion. Of course, she’s harder to wake, so he must have sucked on her right nipple and fondled her right breast for probably 15 or 20 seconds before she woke enough to understand what was happening. However, I give her full marks for her rapid understanding of the possibility once she was awake.

“You’re gonna have us all, right?”

“Yes, lovely Rhee. I’ll be back.”

With that, he skootched down her body, got between her legs, and attacked her pussy with his mouth and hands. He spent the next ten minutes or so moving among our three sets of legs, setting our pussies on fire. However, when he discontinued licking me, he crawled up my body, straddled my hips with his knees, and proceeded to work his cock inside me. I moaned at the glory of it. He spent a few minutes inside me, then moved to Heather and did the same, then moved to Rhee and repeated his actions, getting all of us worked up. After Rhee, he returned to me. I got very close, but he exited too soon, moving to Heather, who, of course, went off shortly after Dad began pounding her again.

As Dad had left our bedroom door open, I could just hear Carol calling out, “You should be able to hear where he is, Sandy!”

I didn’t hear a response, but shortly thereafter, there were footsteps on the stairs. Dad had moved to Rhee by the time the Moms got to our doorway. The covers had long since been thrown off the foot of the bed, and the three of us were on our backs on the bed, Heather still recovering from her orgasm, and with Rhee being pounded and making some noise in appreciation. He didn’t quite let Rhee go over the top, extracting himself from her, then standing and walking over to the Moms.

“I love this life. Thank you, Carol. And, particularly, thank you, Love of my Life. He kissed both of them heartily while feeling them up. After a minute, though, he returned to me, drove his cock deep into my pussy and pounded me. I quickly re-achieved my previous heights, then just as quickly climaxed. Dad seemed to pick just the right moment to cease his actions in me and pull out, only to plunge his cock up into Heather. Although I should not have been amazed, I was when Heather came again.

Rhee panted, “Oh, god, Dad. I don’t need much to follow Heather!”

Dad provided what she needed, and Rhee squealed over the top. I happened to look at our alarm clock and slapped the alarm off, as it was set to go off in only four minutes.

As Dad climbed off Rhee, I said, “You’re a much better alarm clock, Dad, than the one we have. That was marvelous! What a way to wake up!”

“Yes, but we’re awake and now we’re incredibly turned on. When is it our turn, Charlie?”

Dad looked at me, asking, “Girls, would you mind if we used the foot of your bed?”

Heather answered before I could, “Of course. I’m sure the Moms would love to get pounded on their daughters’ bed.”

We hastened to bring our legs up higher on the bed, as Sandy laid herself crosswise on the foot of the bed. Dad, with seemingly little preparation, plunged into her.

“Oh, Charlie! Fuck me! Fuck me hard in our girls’ bed after you pounded them to orgasms. I love when you fuck me after you’ve had them. Pound me!”

I felt something on my feet, so looked up from Mom on her back, her legs wrapped around Dad’s waist as he pounded her pussy. Carol was climbing onto the bed, so I moved again to make more room for her. Heather and Rhee followed suit, after which Carol was lying next to Sandy, only Dad’s left leg separating their sides from each other. Mom quickly ratcheted up to Nirvana while grunting further about Dad fucking her after making the three of us cum. Carol was masturbating aggressively, presumably to get close so that Dad could quickly take her up and over, and that’s what happened. As soon as Sandy had peaked and was on her way back to lucidity, Dad switched to Carol and followed her up and over into orgasm.

We girls took a quick shower without hair-washing figuring that smelling like sex at school was not a good idea. [Are we smart, or what?]

“Girls, we’ll pick up from the Mexican place on our way in, if that’s okay.”

“I don’t know, Dad” replied Heather. “We get morning orgasms and spectacular breakfast burritos instead of no sex and cold cereal. Where’s the fulcrum in that system?”

With a huge smile, Rhee said to me, “Since you’re next to her, you get to whap her upside the head.”

I did. She looked at me with that grin and those eyes, then wrapped her arms around me.

“Who’d have thought that me agreeing to your invitation to spend an afternoon with you and Rhee after practice would lead to this spectacular life I now have? And to think that I almost declined. Holy shit, that was a close thing.”

Dad stepped over to us, then leaned in and kissed Heather’s forehead, while he reached his right hand between us and caressed her pretty little titties through her shirt.

“I’m very glad you didn’t decline. Everyone loves you being with us. I know that Beth tends to be the leader of the Go5, but I look at you as the rare element that is the catalyst for the reaction to work, to get a group of good friends to become something much bigger, much stronger than what they were before. I think you’re critical, absolutely critical, for making this family what it now is. Thanks for deciding to take a chance on Beth and Rhee.”

Heather pulled her arms from around me and threw herself at Dad, her eyes already leaking. It took her a couple minutes to pull herself together.

“You know, Dad. I now look at all those years of loneliness, boredom, and low-level fear as worth every second. Had I been even a little happier, a little less bored, I would probably have declined. But I was so desperate for a change, that I decided to take a chance that the middle-school girl royalty would not ... shit on me.” She leaned away from Dad, but looked him in the eyes and said, “I was so close to declining. Occasionally, I get jittery thinking about how close it was.”

Dad dropped us at school, as usual. Slightly unusual was that Brett was walking by at that moment.

“Brett,” I called.

He turned and smiled at me and us, responding, “Hey, Beth, Rhee, Heather.”

I said, “Hang on.” I poked my head in the door and said, “Dad, I don’t know if you remember Brett. Would you come out for a sec and meet him?”

He did and as he approached, he said, “I doubt that I would have remembered you as Brett, but I do remember you, Brett. At least, I remember a very shy boy that never talked to me and barely talked to my daughter. Apparently, you’ve outgrown that shyness.”

We girls quickly looked at each other. I was trying to think of a response, but the new Brett responded, himself.

“Hi, Mr. Williams.” They shook hands, and Brett continued with, “The ... sisterhood or, what was it, Beth, gang of five?” When I nodded, he continued with, “These girls, all of them, have been helping me lose my fear of girls. I’ve still got a way to go, but they make me blush only three quarters of the time rather than all of it, now.”

Of course, he was blushing.

Heather patted his back and said, “You’re getting much better. Heck, you might be getting close to the point where you can go on a group ... outing with us. In fact, what are you doing the first Saturday of ... Oh. We’ll be in the league tournament that weekend.” I smiled as she continued her stream of consciousness with, “Well, that’ll work. The tournament is here this year, so we can figure something out. You can do something with us at some point that weekend. That’ll give you nearly two weeks to get a bit less bashful. Right?”

I had one corner of an eye on Brett as Heather was prattling. He got redder and redder but kept his head up and his eyes on Heather’s as she was talking to him. He has gotten much better. Of course, who should come along at that moment but the remainder of the Go5.

“Yes, Brett,” Liya said, “you can hang with ... the team that weekend. You know that Shameka likes you, so maybe we can consider you our team mascot. I’m sure Shameka will think that a great idea.”

I almost guffawed when a response to Liya’s words came from behind me and I watched Brett’s face get even redder.

“I do think it a great idea. We’ll expect you to join us, hang with us at the bench for all the games. I’m sure that Coach could use another assistant, perhaps as a towel boy in the locker room.” She then turned to Dad, although she kept a corner of her eye on Brett and his now-scarlet face and with something of a smirk aimed at Brett said, “Hi, Charlie.”

“Hi, Shameka. You’re welcome to join us for dinner tonight. Are you being a bit hard on the poor guy? He’s even redder than Beth gets.”

“Thanks, Charlie. I’ll bring your daughters along with me after practice. And, no, I don’t think that I’m being hard on him, because my friends, your daughters, consider him their favorite boy and, because of them, he’s become much more social and much more able to talk to pretty girls, such as the ones on the school soccer team. He knows that we ... I mean ‘they’ of course ... are just trying to help him come out of his shell. As we girls all agreed yesterday, the combination of his yumminess and lack of ... assholeyness is a rare combination in a high-school boy. He may not quite understand that that combination makes him of great interest to girls of all ages in high school, but I think that he’s starting to get a glimmer of the picture. Hopefully, getting that hint won’t cause him to backslide on the asshole scale.”

Dad almost lost it by smiling, but held it in, then responded, “I’m sure Brett understands that being talked about in the third person in his presence is de rigeur for girls that are trying to help him learn that he, too, can get to the point where he will respond quickly to the crook of a finger, thus enabling him to reach his highest potential ... as arm candy for the Central girls’ soccer team. I was a failure in that regard in high school and look what it got me. I get to deliver some of the pretty girls of the Central girls’ soccer team to school so that they can better Brett’s life by enabling him to be arm candy. I, I was a nobody in high school because, first, there wasn’t a girls’ soccer team at my school and, b, there were no pretty girls willing to help me overcome my shyness with girls, such that I had to watch my mental inferiors have all the fun with the pretty girls in high school.”

While keeping her laughter at bay, Rhee said, “Oh, I’ll just bet!”

Dad looked at Brett, then smiled, and said, “Since I know all these ... pretty girls fairly well, except for Shameka, I can tell you that they respect and appreciate a sharp wit, a strong mind, and someone that will argue ... respectfully ... with them. If they’re convinced of your... [he glanced at Shameka, then around at us] yumminess, and if you can manage to keep the ... assholeyness associated with that y chromosome under check..., you might find some very good friends.”

Brett did not let his scarlet face keep him from responding, “Thanks, Mr. Williams. I have figured out most of that. I’ve always wanted to be ... Beth’s friend. It’s only been recently that I’ve ... gotten to the point that I can let myself not be so scared as to allow for that possibility.”

Liya and Heather both patted his back. He glanced at each of them, then shrugged at Dad.

Dad said, “I’ve got to get to work. It was nice meeting you, again, Brett. If you’re going to be a friend to these girls, then please call me Charlie. Mr. Williams was my father. Also, don’t let these girls push you around too much. They say that they appreciate backbone, but...”

A chorus of “Da-addd” was followed by Brett saying, “Thanks ... uhh ... Charlie. I’ll keep your advice in mind.”

After Dad drove off, Shameka looked around, then said while facing me, “Charlie ... your dad is a lot like mine. He’s funny and from what I’ve garnered from what little you and the others have said, is very supportive. He really seems to ... not only love you as a daughter, but to like you ... as a person. He likes all of you as people, doesn’t he?”

Although Gracey had been silent the whole time, she responded, saying, “Absolutely! He’s always been friendly and supportive of all of us. He’s also gone out of his way to help us. It’s understandable that he’s always helped Beth, but even when he didn’t know us all that well, he helped every girl of us that is not his biological daughter with very specific problems that each of us had, mostly family problems. He went out of his way, and Rhee’s, Liya’s, Heather’s, and my lives are better because he didn’t stand by when he saw that we were in need. We call him ‘Dad’ because each of us love him as that.”

By the time she got to the end, her eyes were a bit moist and her speech a bit burbly. Liya put a hand on Gracey’s left shoulder as Gracey pulled herself together. Shameka looked around at each of us, ending with me.

“Yes,” I said to her unvoiced question. “He’s been a marvelous father to me and my friends.”

She simply nodded at me, then said, “See you at practice, everyone. Well, except for Brett. Unless you like to watch, that is,” she said as she looked him in the eyes.

Liya snickered loudly. Shameka turned to her with a smile on her face, while the rest of us were confused. Shameka then waved and walked off.

“See you at lunch,” Brett said as he turned toward school.

As I turned to follow suit, I asked Liya, “What was the snickering about?”

She looked at me, then the other girls, then back to me.

“Well, I can’t know that Shameka was alluding to it, but the situation sort of works for her to have alluded to an old satiric movie. I don’t want to explain it, because it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to you unless you saw the movie. I can’t even remember the movie’s title, nor who was in it. It was a bit weird, but I liked it. I’ll bet we can find it by searching on the sentence, ‘I like to watch’.”

We let it go.

Shameka pulled down the driveway to the deck stairs, and the seven of us piled out with our various gym bags and backpacks.

I led us in the back door and toward the kitchen, calling out, “We’re here!”

“Hi, girls,” Carol said. “Welcome, Shameka.”

“Thanks, Carol. Hi, Sandy, Charlie.”

“I’m so happy that you took us up on our offer,” Sandy replied.

“I appreciate the offer. I have ... a semi-regular errand to run near here. I’m happy to get a good meal out of it.”

“Oh. Then, if you’ll just let us know a day ahead, as I said before, you have an open invitation for dinner.”

“Thanks, Sandy. I might take you up on that. It’s...” She shook her head rapidly, then said, “Nothing. Never mind. I do appreciate being here. I like your various ... daughters, I guess. We had a fun conversation in front of school this morning, one that involved Charlie. And Brett. I find all of them, girls and boy and Charlie, to be fun. Katie is the only other friend with whom I have as much fun as I have with these girls. I enjoy my other friends, but they’re just not as ... witty and funny.” She looked at us, me particularly, and said, “Please don’t let that out.” When I nodded, she turned back to Sandy, and finished with, “Liya, in particular, is a hoot. That girl has a first-class brain.”

She turned to look at Liya, smiling at her. Liya stepped over to Shameka and threw her arms around her.

“Thanks, Shameka. I don’t think I’m any smarter than the others, but I appreciate that you think me amusing.”

“Oh, it’s not that the others are any less capable, brain-wise, you just have a wit that I particularly like.”

“We all agree with that, Shameka,” replied Rhee. “In fact, that was the first facet of Liya that drew us to her. She was an angry young girl when first we met, but... damn, was she funny.”

Liya ducked her head as she disengaged and stepped back.

“Liya Lucinda Nadhi! Head up! Shoulders back! Be proud!”

Liya startled and turned to me with wide eyes.

“Hah! I got you back!”

There was much chuckling.

Dinner was a tasty and fun affair, with lively conversation. That conversation came to a surprising ... point that greatly changed the tone of the evening. [I suspect from my two-days-hence viewpoint that it will have impacts down the road on all that were present in one or more ways.]

Same as Beth
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It was getting late, and I didn’t know how much longer Joanie could hold out telling the story. I asked, “Can I buy you another drink?” Looking at her watch she said, “Jesus Peter! It’s almost TWELVE.” “Ya mean you have to go?” “I mean I would like to go to your hotel with you. You might find it crazy Peter but every time I think of that Gushing Springs experience I get incredibly wet. Telling it and remembering the details the way I have has got me so fucking horny that I’m ready to climb...

1 year ago
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A girl wonders about her mother8217s sex life and makes a startling discovery

For the past 2 weeks Marie had noticed when she got home that her mother was already there and locked in her bedroom. She could hear sounds on the other side of the door but was unable to clearly hear what was going on and it bothered her that Mona was keeping something from her. The next week, when she got home from work, again she heard her Mona in her room, and this time she noticed the door was not locked. Quickly moving to the end of the hallway, she turned off the hall light and returned...

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Czech Mate

In America, sex is an obsession; in other parts of the world it is a fact. -- Marlene Dietrich "For your eighteenth birthday I thought I would give you a weekend in San Francisco. How would that be?" Mike asked. Tomas nearly jumped out of his skin, "Really? We see San Francisco." "And I thought you might bring along a friend," Mike finished. Tomas sank back in his chair at the table. "Oh. But who? Julya and Jana are my friends. I'll make one mad if I take the other," he said...

2 years ago
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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 11

I woke up slowly. I was spooned up against Ellen and Carolyn was spooned up against me, but Ellen was quivering slightly. I realized Ashley was fingering her and kissing her. Ashley switched positions and Ellen and Ashley were now licking each other's cunts. I could feel Ashley's hands brush against me as she grabbed Ellen's ass. I turned to Carolyn and stroked her body. She woke up and heard Ellen and Ashley's moaning. She quickly grabbed for my cock and I kissed her passionately. I slid...

2 years ago
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While I was away she did play ndash Part II

So, do you remember what happened when I caught Caroline and while I was away, she the mouse did play and now, I was in the mood to rat on the cat. so, I drove back to my hotel only stopping for beer at a lovely place I know near to where I stayed. Now call it coincidence or teletherapy or what ever you like I don’t care but the strangest thing happened. Lauren my daughter-in-law called. “Hi I and what can I do for you this fine evening”? I said trying to sound upbeat. Lauren I must add is...

3 years ago
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The Day My Life Changed Forever

I’d like to thank Dominic42 as he was my inspiration for this submission and may our friendship continue to grow with many more ideas. * It was three in the afternoon, sitting here bored with not a thing to do, so I threw on my bathing suit, picked up my keys and headed out the door for a drive along the lakeshore. With the music blaring, I cruised along the stretch of road that has sand dunes on my left and Lake Michigan on my right. I came to a secluded spot, parked my car, grabbed the...

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Holiday Encounters With Kelly and Lorraine

The continuing adventures of our happy threesome of Dave, Kelly and Lorraine. It's Kelly's birthday soon, a cause for great celebration, so Dave decides a few days holiday are just the ticket. At the end of the week Kelly gets some bad news that will lead to a profound change their lives. Kelly's 16th birthday in a fortnight, I had to figure out a suitable way to celebrate. I had a few ideas, but I decided to ponder it over for a few days. Besides last night had been exhausting, my cock...

2 years ago
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Sexual Predator

Chapter 1 The woman was scared; Jared could feel her fear emanating from her as he followed her down the dark deserted street. He was always surprised that any woman would put herself in this position, a position where a man like him could take advantage of her. Jared like women to be afraid, he liked to stalk them, and then do things to them, things he did not even remember afterwards, things that feed the beast within him. He felt a power that was almost indescribable when he was on the...

3 years ago
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Fuck It

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Fuck It, the game show where our contestant has nothing to lose! Let’s meet this unfortunate soul!” A young man with brown hair is pushed out onto the stage, shielding his eyes from the dazzling lights. TV screens at the front of the stage show a close-up of his rather plain features. The unseen announcer continues, his voice echoing through the auditorium. “Meet Harold! Harold is a betting man, but hit a patch of bad luck and now owes one of our suppliers...

2 years ago
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We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was...

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Pakathu Veetu Paiyanai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, en peyar Vasanthi. En kanavar iranthu irandu varudangal aagugirathu. Ipppozhuthu naan veetil thaniyaaga thaan irukiren, en pakathu veetil oru paiyan irukiraan avan peryar arun. Arun vayathu 22 irukum, ippozhuthu kalluri padithu varugiraan. En vayathu 26 aagugirathu, en siru vayathile en kanavanai izhanthu viten. Ennal ippozhuthu oru aan thunai ilamal iruka mudiyaathu, appozhuthu enaku therinthathu ellam vayathil siriyavanaaga irunthaalum arunai usar seiya mudivu seithen. Arun udan...

1 year ago
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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 7

This time, Lauralee awoke to the smell of breakfast bacon being fried and lay still in the bed, betting herself oriented. She was alone; the kids were already up, and Bettina was obviously cooking. Stretching languorously, Lauralee felt the sheet slide down her breasts, and it seemed to caress them in passing. She felt warm and relaxed, smiling drowsily as she thought back to the long and loving night she'd spent with her son and daughter-in-law. Nothing would do but that Bettina try the...

3 years ago
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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Yeah, I’m back with a story about which I have talked about in my last story, umm okay let me remind you all about that, remember I talked about Shashi bhabhi in my last story. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m Deven Shastri, residing in the capital, New Delhi, average guy with some good looks I guess, and a normal cock size of 6inch with 2.5 cm thick, to be frank coz I don’t like to be fake at all,...

2 years ago
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The PromiseChapter 4 Forcing the Issue

"Game!" I yelled as the volleyball richocheted off a would be blocker and into the netting surrounding our court. High fives and handshakes abounded as we made our way to water bottles and towels. We had held the number one court for almost two hours, even against a couple young all-male teams, and Kara was a huge part of the reason. While we waited for our next victims, I tried once again to come to terms with the dichotomy she presented. Kara Mercer. Black hair in a shag cut, grey eyes,...

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Body Swap

For the purpose of simplicity, I've made the gender-related words (e.g., his/her) describe their personalities and inner selves, not their physical genders. A man in a woman's body is referred to as "him", not "her".*****I'm Sam. Or at least I was.I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I'm not sure why I didn't notice at first that something was up, but the only light was a crack in the window curtains and that was on the usual side of my bed. The alarm was a different tone, but my mind was groggy...

4 years ago
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When Girls Are Away Boys Do Play

The boys were left home alone after their respective girlfriends had gone off on a hen weekend together. They soon started enjoying themselves, getting high and playing video games. After a few more beers, the talk turned to sex. They were both pretty fit and got a lot of it so there were plenty of stories to tell. As they became increasingly confessional, they both became more horny.Kris couldn’t resist showing Marcel a video of his girlfriend Tina sucking him off, spunk dripping down her...

1 year ago
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Hypnosissy By Margaret Jeanette Paul Peters was awake at midnight again. He had gone to bed at his usual time which was 10 P.M. For about the last two weeks he was sleeping every other night. The other nights he would lie awake in bed wondering why he coulldn't fall asleep. He tried sleep aids from the drug store and they seemed to work in reverse keeping him awake all night. At work he discussed his problem with Sid Werner. Sid told him he had once had a strong aversion to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e14 Jennifer Britain 40

Series 8, Episode 14: Jennifer Britain (40), from Grimsby. It’s a sunny Monday in Grimsby, on the north eastern coast of England. The weather might be nice, but the surroundings are grim. Old buildings, empty shops, people walking around like zombies. We cut to a car park outside a large red-brick and black fronted shop – a large “SPORTSDIRECT.COM” sign over the entrance... And then our host steps into frame ... A sexy, curvy, blonde – her eye-catching figure dressed in a tight white ‘UK...

3 years ago
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Some Things Are Meant to BeChapter 7

The two of us sat in the same booth as the night before. There were fewer patrons tonight. With the worst of the storm passed, most of those stranded by the storm had already passed on to their next destination. We sat opposite each other looking over the menu. "What do you see that you like?" I asked. My companion shrugged. "Maybe the lamb shank ... or the calamari. Seafood is always good. What about you?" I took a sip of my water as the server returned to the table. "Have you...

2 years ago
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dgged and fucked

When we were separated my wife went thru and ordeal that took her years to tell me about after we got back together. She wasn’t too used to being single and sort of went along with anyone in doing stuff. She had not been very experienced in sex before we wed but had gained experience quite rapidly with me. This didn’t help her on this episode. She had went dancing and drinking at a local night spot on this date and had met a guy she thought was nice and was good looking. He said his name was...

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Pancakes Batter Ch 01

Part 1: Part of a Cumplete Breakfast (Disclaimer: All participants in this story are seniors in high school and 18 years of age!) It was early September in Arizona. PancakeSamurai woke up drenched in sweat. He normally slept naked during the summer, he loved the feel of his naked young body up against the sheets, and the summer heat was more bearable the less he wore. He crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. He grabbed a towel from the rack and slowly wiped the sweat off his supple...

4 years ago
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My first voyeurism experience

Capturing a beautiful woman on camera has been a fetish of mine for quite some time now. I've met some amazing women over the past few years, who loved being my muse...I've also gotten myself into some trouble in the past taking unnecessary risks...but that's a story for another time. This story is about my first experience with voyeurism or candid videos. I was out one evening to pick up some deodorant or something like that, when I noticed this woman who appeared to notice me at the exact...

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Fear of Flying

If I had to pinpoint one thing in my life that struck true, undiluted fear into me, it was flying.The whole ordeal terrified me. I would literally rather cross the country on a train for three days than be stuck in a flying metal tube for five hours, but since no one in my family seemed to care for my opinion, the plane is where I ended up on an August evening. A very large, selfish part of me wished I'd never even agreed to this trip. It wasn't like spending my last month of summer at my...

2 years ago
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Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son

The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many. I’m Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places. Normally, I’d be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now. What’s more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head. It was with mixed feeling that I went back through...

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Up On A Pedestal

My name is Mindy. I’ve always felt my name was very… I dunno… girly, I guess. It may not be what led me directly to the lifestyle I have, but it did fit right in. I live with my Daddy. His name is Mark. Don’t misunderstand – he’s not my father. To everyone else, he’s my fiancé, but to me, he’s my Daddy, and I’m his little girl. I try to be his good little girl as much as I can, but sometimes I’m not, and he will correct me. I’ve been spanked, put in the corner, given enemas… But those are...

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Jake A tale of DramaSexand high school pt2

* * * After school, I went home alone because Jenny had Field Hockey. I would have stayed but she said I should go. I got home, and put my bag down atone collapsed on the couch. I had an hour till Jenny got back, and four until the party. I turned on the tv. And turned to channel 269. That was the adult channel. It was two white chicks making out and scissoring. It was hot as hell. I pulled out my dick and started stroking it. One of the women pulled out a double ended dildo. As one of them...

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Follow UpChapter 5 Maureen

Bob Lacy was back from Korea and in law school for one month when he received a letter that had an APO return address. He opened it and was surprised to find that it was from Maureen, a girl he had known intimately in Korea. She was the Red Cross girl he had a great time with, just before he shipped back to the States. In opening the letter he caught the scent of her perfume on it. It brought back memories of a wild night they had in Seoul. She stated in the letter that her time in Korea was...

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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st10

About a week had passed by and it had come to a nearly ‘routinely’ meeting in the morning, after school, at afternoon and in the early evening. Not every day with the full program, but almost every day.On her way to school the ‘invitations’ had changed. The boys didn’t have to pass Irene up on the road, as she voluntarily left the street to meet her cavaliers. The boys had (partly) learned to hold back their cum for some longer time and so give Irene more pleasure. And she had a bit in love...

2 years ago
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The Tide RisesChapter 7 Unexpected Developements

Humorous Parody, Sexy?, Depraved, and Tongue in Cheek. I Hope Entertaining! Is the secret of happiness, SIMPLE? It’s hard to not complicate things, do simple things eludes us? As I’ve mentioned, King Louie has a talent for pissing me off! Now red tape has caught up with him and he’s bound away for several natural life spans. With exactly zero hope of parole. Since Lucifer’s life span is tied to the planet Earth’s life span, I reckon he’ll be cooling his heels in the pokey for a little...

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My sister Annie

She was my sister and I loved her. But when Mom called and told me I had to have her up to the school for 4 nights I was pissed. It was the 4 day weekend -- Founders Day into Memorial Day -- and I'd been looking forward to the college parties and particularly to getting closer to Sandy- my new girlfriend. I was a sophomore and woefully undernourished in the pussy department, but Mom doesn't take no for an answer. She and Dad were off to Barbados, there was no one else, she didn't trust Annie...

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Mum Dad and Auntie Sheila

It was approximately 8:45pm and dad was out as usual but mum was sat downstairs with her friend, I called her Auntie Sheila, she wasn’t my real Auntie but that’s what I called her. They were sat on the sofa drinking wine, I was sat at the top of the stairs, our room was open plan so I could see the TV from there, and where they were sitting, I was 15.As I watched the TV I noticed mum leaned over and whispered in her ear, then they both laughed, mum put her wine glass on the coffee table and...

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A Moms Sexuality Awaken Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve Just before getting to Kate’s they dropped Peter and Tim off at the motel and let them hold the camera as Sally gave Josh his noon blowjob. Tim also won the coin toss and got to retrieve the capsule from Sally’s pussy. Then in his thick southern voice he told Josh that Tarver from Atlanta, Georgia wants him to flood Sally’s face with his cum. So that Tim wasn’t left out they let him scoop up Josh’s cum with a spoon and feed it all to Sally. Tim told her before they left that...

2 years ago
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Sex With Slutty Looking Classmate

Dear ISS readers, I am a newbie in writing but have been reading stories of ISS for long. Although my favourite story genre is group sex but I have been quite unfortunate as to not have been able to get opportunity for experiencing group sex. I have been into many relationships but all had one common factor in it which is the relationships have been always open and there had been no ‘emotional atyachar’. I would like to share some of my incidents with ISS readers and hence I have thought of...

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