The Long Wait
- 4 years ago
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Within a week of the bedroom conversation between Jenny and Margo, Doggerel Productions came into being, at least in concept. Dex, Chris, and Jenny skipped the Saturday brunch to meet at the Emporium with Margo, Hank, and Hoss.
At the beginning, there were several comments about 'if only we had the money.' Dex finally told the group that he was sure he could find the money. He encouraged them to just focus on what they wanted to do. Although skeptical, everyone seemed to accept the possibility, and they started to plan in earnest.
Once again, Marty's name figured prominently as the first topic of discussion was the formation of a company. It was Margo who suggested the company name, and it gained immediate, enthusiastic acceptance. Chris was the one who insisted they not get bogged down in the business mechanics, but focus on the product.
Everyone agreed they were ready to cut an album. How to do it, though, generated a lot of discussion. To Hoss's great pleasure, Chris proposed they call the album "Jenny, Live at the Emporium," and that they record it right there. Hoss said he knew a local sound engineer who could make it happen and make it commercial quality. They talked quite a while about costs of producing and distributing the album.
Margo proposed, and Hoss energetically agreed, that Jenny needed to go on the road. Hoss had connections with owners of similar clubs across the country, and he was sure he could get Jenny scheduled into many of them. This would not be a big money generating approach, but it would get her exposure and sell some albums. They talked about marketing strategies in the towns she would visit, and settled on royalty free play for Jenny's songs in exchange for promotion of her shows. There would have to be at least one country radio station in each city to make it work. Hoss also said he would contact some promoters and producers he knew, and encourage them to go and see Jenny's road show.
Hoss provided lunch from the Emporium's kitchen, and the discussion continued, arriving inevitably back at the subject of money. Dex was asked if he could really find investors. Chris had been developing numbers for weeks through discussions with Hoss, and came up with about $175,000 to get a reasonable supply of albums and finance a summer tour of about twenty clubs.
Dex told the group of his carefully thought out plan. He would provide $250,000 dollars for 35% ownership of the company and a seat on the board. He also stipulated that the 35% would be split: 7% to Mike and Karen and 3.5% each to Donna and Coach, leaving 21% for himself. He wanted the shares registered in those names so they could not be changed.
Everyone was amazed that Dex had that much to invest, so he told them why. He also said he knew Mike would never take money from him directly, and this was a way for Dex to repay him. If profits were high, they could repay Dex his original stake if they chose.
Jenny was particularly excited about assigning money to her new family, and she and Chris endorsed the plan enthusiastically. Hank and Margo both said they would invest some of their savings. Dex told them to hold onto their money. They should be part owners of the company anyway, and if it did well, they would benefit handsomely without any risk. Hoss pointed out that royalty from performances of Hank and Margo's songs by other artists should go susbtantially to them. Hoss regretted he could not invest, but he was maxed out with improvements to the club. Chris assured him he would have an ownership percentage.
There were many other details and percentages to be worked out, but they were all handled with amazingly good spirits. It is doubtful that any of them expected their venture to be a gigantic success, except for Jenny, that is. She seemed confident there would be a lot of money to share with those she loved.
Jenny also suggested something that would be a cornerstone of her career. She said she was so thankful for the help people had given her, she wanted to help someone else right away. She wanted to find a talented singer who had suffered some bad breaks or had never had a break. The prospect could work as a backup, something Jenny had not used before, and perhaps do some solos on occasion. Hoss was all for the idea. He thought backup singers would add to the appeal, and a new find could replace Jenny at his club someday.
In mid-afternoon, the meeting broke up so Jenny and Hank could get ready for the night's performances. Dex and Chris headed off to call Marty.
Once the plan was agreed upon, Doggerel seemed to take on a life of its own. Dex had a major task convincing Marty to invest his money, and she insisted on many sessions with the others, and numerous visits to hear Jenny sing. In the end, she agreed, and as soon as the corporation was properly registered, it was funded, and Marty became the corporate counsel.
It was inevitable that Donna would compare Jared to Dex. In fact, comparison was a major reason for dating him in the first place, although she became more and more fond of Jared as they saw more of each other. She was very glad she had started the relationship.
The comparisons between the two boys were interesting. The most obvious, of course, was the physical difference. Jared was a good four inches shorter than Dex, and did not have Dex's muscles. Jared was well-built, though, and certainly not a klutz. He had never gone out for sports, but was coordinated enough to play pickup games satisfactorily. He was a very good dancer, and kept in good condition with a running program he had started a year ago. Jared's color was striking, with freckles covering his entire body.
Jared was two years older, but Dex seemed older, both in appearance and behavior. Dex had a good sense of humor, and he used it frequently. He never came across as morose or overly serious, but he never completely let go to the point of being giddy. The idea of Dex in a food fight, for instance, just would not register. Jared, on the other hand, would quite likely be the instigator of a food fight. He was known to let completely loose on occasion, and he was an absolute blast to be around when that occurred. Jared's natural comic streak bordered on the Hank Ballard category. Dex and Donna theorized that Jared had perfected his comic abilities as a way to deflect some of his mother's more overbearing attentions.
When Donna was with Dex, she experienced overwhelming feelings of security, along with deep love and care and, obviously, arousal. Dex's strong hands did marvelous things to arouse her, and his mouth absolutely took her apart. With Jared, Donna felt drawn into the sheer joy of being young and alive. As strong and sensual as Dex's hands were, though, Jared's were unbelievable. It was as if his soul poured out through his fingertips. It took only a few dates before Donna encouraged Jared to explore her body. At his first touch, Donna was hooked, and forgot about pacing things gradually. She wanted those hands on her all the time, everywhere. She felt she was the luckiest girl on earth, able to choose between the comforting nest of Dex's strength and the electrifying stimulation of Jared's hands.
For Donna, Dex would always be her rock, while Jared was, at least for now, her muse.
Donna was ready for sex with Jared by early February. However, the experience of involving her parents in her union with Dex was so gratifying she was determined that her relationship with Jared would follow the same path. She knew it would not be easy at Jared's end, but he was attacking the problem aggressively with his father. She was anxious, but could still visit Dex's bed to take the edge off.
One other thing was still on Donna's mind - making love with her father. She still wanted it, but since she had been sleeping with Dex, she realized more and more how difficult it might be for Mike. It was just about the end of January when one night she waited for Karen and Mike to settle into bed, then crawled in between them, naked. This time they were still awake and Mike picked up on the reason for her visit right away.
"Baby, I think I know why you're here. Now that you're eighteen and have had some months with Dex, you want me, right?"
"I sure do, Daddy. It doesn't have to be tonight, but I am kinda horny. Mom, is it OK if I borrow your man's hands?" When Karen gave her OK, Donna pushed her back up against Mike and brought both of his arms around herself. She put one of his hands on a tit, and the other between her legs. Mike tried to pull the hand off her pussy, but she held it in place. "Daddy, I know you must be awfully good with that hand. Don't be afraid to show me, please! I have a feeling that's as far as you and I will get. I don't want your cock in me any less than before, but I realize what a difficult step it would be for you. I want you to know I am OK with whatever you and Mom decide. Mom, if you decide yes, you can be with us if you want. Now, do me, Daddy. Please!"
As soon as she was sure Mike was going to get to work instead of pulling away, Donna reached over and into his boxers and took a hold of his cock, which was already rigid. Then, she used her other hand behind Karen's neck to pull her mother's face to the tit that Mike wasn't caressing. Karen, just as Mike had, recoiled at first, but Donna's pleading was so sincere she acquiesced and began sucking and nibbling on the nipple. Just the circumstances of her visit had Donna pretty worked up. Throw in the fact that it was her father's hands and her her mother's mouth, and there was no way it would take long. Mike never got as far as pushing a finger into her, just rubbing her clit. As she rapidly approached climax, she unconsciously started pumping Mike's cock. When she squealed, stiffened, and shuddered, Mike joined her and soiled his shorts.
Donna was so energized that her recovery period was remarkably short. She sat up and pulled the covers off of Mike. She then pulled down his cum-sticky shorts and used them to wipe off as much of the sperm as she could. Next, she knelt over Karen and pulled off her panties. Brazenly, she felt her mother's pussy and found generous lubricant.
"Come on, Mom. Daddy's all ready for you, and you're ready, too. I'll bet you both need it after that."
Puzzled and concerned, Karen was nevertheless highly aroused and unable to resist her daughter. Donna helped her straddle Mike, and held her father's cock in position for her mother to settle onto it. Donna pushed Karen forward so she lay on top of her husband, then with a hand on her mother's back, she began rocking her back and forth. Mike and Karen soon took over the motion themselves, Mike raising his knees so he could thrust better. Donna kept her hand on her mother, stroking and caressing her back and kneading her ass cheeks. She kept kissing both their faces and whispering endearments and encouragement.
When Karen and Mike had been at it for almost ten minutes, Donna sensed some difficulty getting Karen over. She put her finger right down at their joining and picked up their juices, then brought some to Karen's anus. Karen objected, but Donna quieted her and repeated the process until Karen's rosebud was dripping. She then rather quickly and energetically thrust her finger into her mother and began moving it in and out in rhythm with Mike's strokes. It took only a few finger thrusts for Karen to lose it in a major, major come. Donna kept thrusting until Karen completely subsided. She withdrew her finger and cleaned it on Mike's discarded shorts.
Mike had not come, despite Karen's throes, and this was not acceptable to Donna. Moving toward the foot of the bed, she put both hands between their legs and began pulling rhythmically on Mike's balls. He gave a huge gasp at her first touch, then groaned constantly as she increased the stimulation. He erupted with a bellow, and she reveled in the bouncing and jerking of his stones as they struggled to empty themselves a second time.
While her father was still gasping for breath and her mother had barely moved, Donna dashed to the bathroom for wet cloths and towels, and carefully cleaned them up. She helped Karen roll off, then positioned herself between the two of them, her back laying against Mike, and face to face with Karen, tits smashed together and legs entwined.
"Thank you so much Mom and Dad. Now, I don't want any worrying about right or wrong. I love you both so much. You are both so awesome and loving and sexy. This has been wonderful for me, and I want to fall asleep enjoying it."
They all had to get up early for school or work the next morning, and shared some brief snuggles before rising. Donna never again raised the question of intercourse with Mike. There were, however, numerous other occasions of very intimate sexual contact, always with both parents participating.
Into February, Betty and Matt Perdue visited their health club together one Sunday afternoon. Kelly was at a friend's house, and Jared was downstairs on his synthesizer when they returned home to shower. As they came into the house, they hung up their jackets and grabbed something to drink. As they were standing in the kitchen, Matt moved behind her and carefully pulled down her warmup pants. This caused a little surprise, but no panic, as she still had on exercise shorts. Besides, he nuzzled her neck as she stepped out of the pants.
After a few more sips of their soft drinks, Matt took off the jacket of her warmup suit, for which she thanked him. She was still quite warm from exercising, and the barely five minute ride from the club offered little chance to cool down. It felt good to dress down a bit. She was considerably more hesitant, though, when he took the drink from her hand and lifted her T-shirt off over her head.
"Hey, are you planning to strip me in the kitchen?"
"What a marvelous idea!"
"But Jared's here. What if he comes upstairs?"
"Well, that sports bra is more coverage than a two-piece swimsuit anyway, so what's the problem?"
"You're turning into a dirty old man, you!"
"Your fault, you sexpot!"
She flushed a little, then grinned and continued drinking. Pretending to take his glass to the sink, he suddenly pulled down her shorts, leaving just some fairly translucent panties covering her.
"Matthew, what are you doing. This isn't funny anymore. Jared..."
"... would get a great look at his sexy Mom. Can't you just imagine him coming up the stairs and springing a hardon when he sees your pussy hair showing through those panties?"
Betty gasped and blushed deeply, but her nipples hardened instantly, apparent even through the sports bra. Her shorts were still around her ankles, so she put down her glass and pulled them back up. She then grabbed Matt and practically dragged him up the stairs. At the door to the bedroom, he stopped. "You go ahead and undress. I'll be back in a minute."
Hurrying back downstairs, Matt grabbed Jared's jacket and cap from the closet, put them on, and sprinted back upstairs. He eased the door open and watched until Betty was down to just her panties, then stepped in. Altering his voice, he spoke up, "God, Mom. You sure are a sexy woman!"
Betty shrieked, throwing an arm over her bare breasts and a hand over her pussy in the classic pose. Before she had a chance to respond further, Matt pressed on as Jared. "I'm sorry, Mom. Don't be embarrassed. You're so beautiful! Let me look at you, please! All those times you've hugged me and caressed me, it's made me so excited. Come on, take your hands away for your son. Let me see all of you."
Betty felt panic, but she also felt goose flesh rippling all over her body, and her nipple was like a rock against her covering hand. Matt shouldn't be joking about this! It's wrong! It's indecent! But she was so worked up she could snap. As she was trying to get control of herself to make him stop, he got more aggressive. He took her hand and gently pulled it away from her breasts.
"Oh, Mom! Your tits are so beautiful! They're so nice and full, and just look how the nipples are popped out! Does that mean you're excited? 'Fraid I don't know too much about women. I've just got to feel these." With that, he put a hand under each tit and hefted them, jiggling them just slightly. Then, he ran a thumb simultaneously over each nipple, causing her to shudder and almost collapse.
Still taking advantage of her combined confusion, shame, and arousal, he dropped to his knees in front of her and quickly pulled down her panties. "Mom, I've never seen a pussy before. It's really something!" He put his hand against her inner thigh just above her knee, and gently stroked upward. Reflexively, she opened her shaking legs a bit, and he was able to stroke right to her labia. As his hand made contact, she shrieked loudly and crashed into an orgasm.
Amazed at her reaction, he struggled to his feet to support her as she thrashed about, gasping and crying. He was at first concerned that he had gone too far, then decided he should continue the role playing. Carrying he to the bed, he lay her back on it. He finished removing her panties, then pushed his own pants and underwear down his legs and off, leaving on the jacket and hat. He lay on top of her and entered her before she was fully aware.
"Oh, Mom! That was so awesome! I'm so happy I could do that for you. I've dreamed of this for so long! Now I'm actually making love to my wonderful, sexy mother. This is unbelievable." With that, Matt started thrusting in earnest. There was no problem with lubrication, as she was totally wet. He noted briefly that neither of them smelled the best, but he could not retain any concern over that. Still wearing the jacket and cap, he soon was drenched with sweat. He held himself above her so the fabric of the jacket would not irritate her and kept up his imitation of her son.
Betty was still highly aroused and not completely in control of herself when Matt entered her. She did realize what he was saying, though, and the conflicting emotions his words triggered enhanced her arousal. After barely three minutes of stroking, Matt could tell she was going to go off again soon.
"Mom! Mom! Come for me again. Oh, this is so great! I can make my sexy Mom feel so good! I can't hold out long myself, Mom. Come! Now!" And she did, literally screaming her release and threatening to wrench his cock off with the strength of her clenching and the violence of her convulsions. He blasted into her several times and she was still thrashing when he finished. He threw off the cap and was able to get out of the jacket and T-shirt. They were angled across the bed and he did not want to move her, so he brought the pillows down, pulled part of the spread over them, and snuggled down with her.
Within a few minutes, Betty returned to reality and started sobbing against Matt's chest. "Why did you do that to me?" she wailed. "I'm so ashamed!"
"Why? I've lusted after my own son and you ask me why I'm ashamed? You must think I'm terrible!"
"No, I think you're wonderful, and loving, and passionate."
"But... but... my son! It's wrong to feel that way about him."
"Can you stop how you feel? Have you ever done anything wrong with him?"
"Matt, why are you doing this?"
"Baby, I have to apologize. For the last few years, I have neglected you sexually and romantically. I think your need for affection caused you to focus even more on Jared. Of course, mothers are always attracted to their sons anyway, just as father's are to daughters."
"You mean you get hot for Kelly."
"You'd better believe it! Haven't you noticed how uncomfortable I get sometimes when she is looking particularly sexy."
"Sexy? But she's just a young girl."
"Baby, take another look. That is a full-fledged woman, with all the right parts in a very nice package. I've been meaning to talk to you about Kelly. I think if you don't start treating her more as a woman, we could have problems with her."
"I... I... but she's my baby!"
"And she could have her own babies. Kelly is a really good kid, but she is at a dangerous age. Well, I didn't mean to get in a big discussion about Kelly here. I'm glad your feelings about Jared are out in the open. I'll bet you've been dealing with a lot of guilt haven't you?"
"Mmmm Hmmm."
"Well, I hope it helps to talk about it. Tell me, Sweetheart, would you like to break Jared in?"
"Break him... ? Matt! You can't mean that! That's incest!"
"Now, now! Don't get upset, Baby. Just think about it. Jared will be wanting to have sex soon, probably with Donna. Do you remember how awful I was our first few times? Maybe it would be good for Jared not to have to suffer through that. Maybe it would be good if he could make Donna happy the first time."
"Do you really think she will let him take her to bed?"
"They're both eighteen and bound for college. Today, there's not much saving it for marriage anymore. I'm sure they're headed for bed together."
"Oh, Honey! It's hard to even talk about doing it with Jared. It's so against everything I was taught. Hey, are you just offering this so you get to do it for Kelly? Is that what this is about?"
"No, Baby, that's not it at all. I would not take Kelly's virginity. It's different for boys than for girls - it means a lot more to a girl."
"How could you stand it if I had sex with our son?"
"A while ago, it would have driven me crazy. Now, I don't think he is a threat to our relationship. I hope I can keep you satisfied from now on."
"Hmmmm. I'm sure you can, Lover. You know, some of my feelings toward Jared were from frustration, but I don't feel frustrated at all, now. Jared wouldn't want to go to bed with his old Mom, would he?"
"In a second, Baby, in a second. Whew! I think we'd better get that shower we were headed for."
"Yeah, and get this bedspread off to the cleaners." Her giggle indicated the depth of her concern for her bedspread.
After Matt's little role-playing episode, the changes in Betty were more rapid than Matt or Jared could have hoped. Donna had been right - there was a very passionate, very sexy woman imprisoned in Betty's proper housewife persona. Matt was amazed, but very, very happy. The waning trend of his own libido reversed, partly because of the improvement in his physical conditioning, but mostly from the increased stimulation provided by Betty. Sticking with his personal goal of no more than two days without sex was no physical strain at all.
One Saturday morning, Betty came into Kelly's room to get her up.
"Get up, Sleepyhead. It's time for us gals to do some serious shopping."
"Shopping? Ohhhh," Kelly said groggily. "What're we gonna buy?"
"We both need some different stuff. We don't have anything sexy to wear."
"Sexy!? You're kidding, right?"
"No, Honey, I'm dead serious. You need some more revealing school clothes, that is, if you want them."
"Want them? Of course I do." By this time, Kelly was fairly jumping into clothes. She was so excited, she had stripped bare in front of her mother, something she never did any more.
"Your Dad was right, Honey," Betty said in the few seconds Kelly was naked in front of her.
"Right about what, Mom?"
"I quote, 'That's a full-fledged woman. She's got all the right parts in a very nice package."
"What?? Dad said that about me? I don't believe it!"
"Yep. He said that right after he told me how excited you got him sometimes."
"I... I... get Daddy excited?" She was almost in tears. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to, honest."
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Wife LoversSchool started and Danny went to a different school than us. My brother played football and wasn't home after school but Danny got home early and whenever the coast was clear he would either take me into his house or into the garage and have me do stuff with him. He had a computer and he showed me stuff on the internet and had me do whatever he showed me when we could. It wasn't every day but when he could get me alone he'd have me pull off my shorts and top and he'd feel my baby fat...
As was her normal practice, as soon as her lesson finished, Holly made her way quickly to the female toilets. She was a little disappointed to see all the stall doors were open, indicating no-one was in the toilets but she knew it would not be long before girls started to enter. Choosing the middle stall, she entered, locked the door, raised her skirt, lowered her black lace panties and sat down on the toilet, her hand subconsciously moving to gently rub her clit. Her breathing quickened as she...
LesbianHi guys ..this is Sunitha again. I am extremely sorry for delaying my next part. You can find my series in ” Trapping my Father In Law “. This is the series of events that happened the next two weeks. If you just want a thup thup story please dont read this because this is not just a sex story . This is my emotions and my sweet memories with my FIL. This story is bit long and might be less entertaining when compared to my previous stories. If you want to know what all has happened please go...
IncestI was eighteen and in high school when it happened, my brother was twenty and still living at home. I had to borrow my brother's computer one day to do some work for school and I guess maybe I let my curiosity get the better of me a little as I found myself instead of writing the essay I was supposed to be working on, looking through what files he had saved on his computer. I was pretty interested in particular by a very full folder hidden away in a place that you would not expect to find it....
SAMANTHA GARDENER "You think you're so smart and beautiful," she spat, "but inside you're as plain and stupid as the rest of us!" I took this as something of a compliment, ignoring the second half of her accusation, and brushed a lick of hair back off my face. "If you'll calm down," I said, "you'll realise that my decision is the only correct one." Samantha Gardener had tears down her fat cheeks, dying her eyes a vile red, horribly visible, even through her glasses. She ran her...
Elle hadn’t been to a bar in a very long time. Her work had been so busy lately, it must have been nearly a year since she tasted bad martinis under low lighting, watching men in ill-fitting suits sidling up to young girls in short dresses. She had already been approached twice in the first half-hour. One was at least a decade older, forty maybe. His breath made her skin crawl and his body was unpleasant, to say the least. The other was closer to her age, perhaps he was thirty too. Creepy and...
The alien Captain sat staring at the harsh landscape of the airless moon. He had seen thousands of similar landscapes on other worlds and their satellites. He never tired of seeing a new one. It was why he chose the hard life of space exploration over the softer life of a planetary-bound career. New worlds, new experiences, and new revelations were like a drug to the Captain. His mindset was also why a Companion chose him as a host. The Captain and his Companion had made a good team for many...
Lori met me as I got out of my car and took my hand with a naughty smirk. We walked towards the hotel and I opened the door letting Lori go through first. Not because it was the gentlemanly thing to do but because I wanted to see that luscious ass. There is something about a sundress like that. The way it moves over the curves when women are walking that just drives me crazy. I think she knew I was watching and added a little more bounce to her step than she normally would have. The way that...
Love StoriesRecently, my husband and I went away for the weekend to take advantage of the good weather. We checked into an amazing hotel for a nice quite relaxing weekend.On the Saturday afternoon we decided to rent a couple of bikes to take in some of the local scenery. I hadn’t exactly packed for cycling but it didn’t matter.We arrived at the cycle rental place, me, dresses in a skimpy vest top to maximize the amount of sun I was getting, a short skirt and, unusually for me, I decided I had better put...
He was a predator. His eyes flashed red as he watched the woman leaving the Tavern of the Nine Bells with another Lady of the night. They were laughing as he silently followed, wrapping the shadows about himself in a lover’s embrace. He waited for the two to separate, as he knew they would. Ladies of the Night always made the best meals because they did not stay in-group like normal people would in the dark London night. After a few minutes, he saw the black haired...
FetishAs with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...
Mera nam Piyush hai, 32/Howrah (West Bengal), working in MNC Company in another state, Mai 6 mahina me ek bar ghar aata hoo or mahina bhar rookhke phir chala jaata hoon. Jab bhi ghar aata hoon har bar koi na koi lady ko chudai karta hoon. Howrah / Kokata me kariban 25 houswewife ko chod chukka hoon aur wo meri chudai se bahoot satisfy bhi hooie hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai. Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi...
Hi my name is Anish. I am from Tamilnadu I am 26 years old and working in a MNC software company. I have a muscular body and thick dick. Laxmi is my neighbour who is a house wife. She was working as a teacher in the past. But after marriage she stopped working it seems. She has perfect body that makes guys dick go hard. Our house is adjacent to each other and I am bachelor and I live alone. Initially I had no intention to have sex with her. We used to greet each other whenever we meet. I got...
We are the last to enter the meeting room. It is much more crowded than I have ever seen it before. Not only are the Elders there but a number of the librarians are present, taking notes. There are Protectors squashed in the corners as well. The room becomes unbearable hot in minutes. We are all asked to tell what we have seen. After giving my impressions and present information about the base, I drift away from the conversations that are taking place. There is nothing I can add after I have...
After years of sexual fantasies, his wishes finally cum true. I’ve been dating a gorgeous brunette for about six years now. Her name is Robin and she is very sexy, has a great figure and a super personality. We get along great and we really accent each others personalities. I am deeply in love with this woman as we both near the age of forty. Robin is about five feet six inches tall, long jet black hair wavy hair down to the middle of her back, gorgeous steel blue eyes and she has a body to...
I worked in setting out field trials in sugar cane for new pesticides - it is hard work in the heat of the day. Often I needed a rest and a drink of water. One day I was working to set out a new trial and my thoughts wandered to a girl I watched the night before, a sexy middle aged woman with a beautiful bouncy ass. I sat down on my folding chair and the breeze was nice and relaxed me. When doing field work, I have always roomy boxers, to allow for good air circulation - of course it also...
Sal’s love.Brrrrb. Brrrrrb.Sal picked up the wall phone on the second ring and tucked it under her chin.“Hello.” Her hands were covered in flour and a stray lock of hair got pushed back with her wrist.“I know what you did last summer.” The heavily disguised voice announced through the earpiece.“Josh! Hi how are you? Where are you?” Her pleasure at hearing his voice was evident in the immediate flush to her cheeks and breathlessness he always caused.“Hi-ya Sal; I’m downtown and around for a few...
FetishWhat are Pro Thots, you ask? Well, thanks to advances in gender equality, women have more career opportunities than ever before. They dominate the fields of preschool and kindergarten teaching, dental hygiene and speech-language pathology. Nobody does administrative assisting or medical information like a broad, and they also make the best dieticians, cosmetologists and medical assistants. Oh, and they also make really good Internet is dedicated to showcasing exactly those...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesI've really have enjoyed my time away from my boyfriend and a chance to visit my family but I've also missed our passionate sex. Its been about a couple of months since he and I have been together and I really need to feel him inside me and of course me sucking his super hard morning cock which I'll never tell him is my passion not just his but sucking cock in general.I'm getting back home a week before him and I'm not sure I can last that long as I yearn for some hot physical sex and the touch...
Carly didn’t know which was worse, being locked in a cramped cabin filled with terrified women, or not knowing what was happening on deck. Her sky blue eyes flickered around the stuffy cabin in despair, wishing she were able to do something, anything to aid their plight, rather then suffer the pitiful moans of the women. Opposite Carly sat a frail elderly woman, her trembling hands clutched tightly in her lap as she prayed under her breath. The plain, middle-aged woman beside was her recently...
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
MILFFirst Bodysuit Synopsis: Many people have been Blessed with a totally new body that is free of any cancer and genetic defects as well as replacing lost limbs and healing any nerve damage. What you do not know is that I made the first bodysuit for myself and that if not for the help of my Beloved husband, it would have never been made. [-][+][-] It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and...
Champa Rali is a woman who was cast out of her village for engaging in adultery. Her own parents and her sister refused to take her side. “You deserve this, Iravati.” They were the last words of Jayah, her sister, to Champa before she was forced out of the village. Back then, her name was Iravati. This happened many decades ago. Moving to the city, Champa had experienced a lot in her life. Champa was hired by a local politician as a maid. She soon realized that her job requirement was more than...
Stacy and Becca sit on their knees next to each other at the foot of Cara's bed. Miss Cara sits on the edge of her luxury mattress, dressed in her cream gown, looking down at her girls. She's immaculately groomed and doesn't look at all like she recently woke up. Her legs are crossed and she wiggles one of her bare feet inches from Stacy's face. She holds both of the girls by their leashes in her left hand. I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm sitting next to the girl of my dreams,...
BDSMIt was the Saturday night following my college graduation, and the next day I would be moving back home with my parents. Oh, how I dread that stifling environment. Perhaps I should have one last fling. I head to my bedroom and remove all my day-clothes. My boring jeans and T-shirt. My Nike sneakers. My cotton undergarments. Even my ponytail holder. I stand naked, looking at myself in the mirror as I brush my long brown hair. I peek into my closet, looking for the just the right clothing for...
The ugly truth of any long-distance relationship is, it sucks. Much as your young heart may try to romanticize all the effort and the sacrifice involved, at the end of the day you're still miserable. Eventually, you start to feel a bit like the widow who lives out her days celibate, still in love with her dead husband. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Liz and I poured every meager cent we earned into long-distance phone calls and plane fares, but, more often then not, I found...
Dogwoman Susan SloanBy susan sloan (the main doggy character in the story)PART 1A rich, middle-aged businessman’s submissive young second wife is methodically transformed into a pet dog by her husband’s teenage son, with the full knowledge and consent of the dominant boy’s dad.She is trained and permanently dehumanized by the sadistic boy, her stepson, who subsequently takes full and legal ownership of her on her husband’s untimely death.This is her story.? [email protected] sloan,...
We were driving to my office, and I decided to try something. So, just before we were about to turn off for the office, I decided to ask her whether she would like to go for a quick drink. She said OK. I was very pleased. We decided to go to a pub just after the turn off, I got her a beer and myself a whiskey and coke. We sat down, pleased to be in a cool place. Amberly looked stunning. She was wearing short shorts, high heels and mid drift top. We finished our drinks and went back towards...
This is the first chapter of a very, very long story that has spanned 3+ series (and counting). I use a very slow and methodical style that builds each chapter on top of each other without diving too quickly into the action. So if you're looking for a quick sex story, this isn't for you. In fact, there's no sex at all in this first chapter but it provides the foundation for the relationship between Jenny and her son Chris. Enjoy. “How is it possible for one little girl to create...
Driving is not exactly the sexiest pass time in the world especially for some one whose only experience of it was with a lecherous instructor with a personal hygiene problem and an obsession with dirty jokes. Yes this did happen to me. Looking back I now realise that all the warning signs had been there but being so young I had not seen them, not until it was to late. At eighteen I was very impressionable and even now I shudder at the thought of what happened. His odour -ridden clothes and...
Even through the headphones blaring music I could hear the uproar between my step-mom and step-sister of two years downstairs... Being a 17 year old guy, one does not generally care about the estrogen fueled shouting matches between a girl who just turned 16 a few days ago and her mother. But since the shouting was so loud I could not help but over hear the gist of the argument between the two... "WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING! I AM LATE FOR WORK! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!"...
IncestYoung Virgin Anal I’m a trainer for a large company and the classes vary from new hires to additional training for present personnel. This week a new class started for new hires in our customer service department. The age range for this group ranged from 20’s to about 40’s of guys and gals. Upon completion of training they were assigned work schedules. Bobbi, one of the new hires asked if I could adjust her schedule due to college...
As Michelle and Rico recuperated from their orgasmic bliss it was apparent that THIS was THE night!! Michelle was at long last going to lose her virginity. Just the thought of it made her nipples stand up with excitement.They lay next to each other in her tiny twin bed in her otherwise spacious studio apartment. She lived only a block away from Lake Michigan on the upper North side of Chicago. Just recently Shelli had moved out of her parents home and gotten her own place to stay. She was...
The Problem with Men The Total Woman Academy graduated only the finest of women, instilled with exceptional intelligence, beauty and poise. They had spent their college years basking in assertive manhandling by the resident coach tutors, perfecting their feminine personas. Special events like Father-Daughter Weekend and Free-Will Weekends provided bonus opportunities for exposure to real world workouts. Sometimes encounters with the events’ guest coach tutors turned into unexpected incest when...
The next morning was Friday and the two neighborhood butt sluts dropped by. I told them that the house was available for the party location. I had them bend over and fisted both their asses pushing my hand in each one’s ass as far as I could. Wendy took my fist about one-third the way from my wrist to my elbow. Nancy took it further. When I pulled my hands out, I had them lick the hand that had been inside their ass. The hand that had been in Nancy’s ass had a few brown stains on it. That...
Modern technology allows strangers to watch you as you fuck in your own bed and that's what happened to me, thanks to my fucked up husband.My name is Emma, as many of you already know. I'm a twenty-Six year old female, an age that sexually puts me in my prime an before this incident I would concur I was a tad out of control sexually as much as sexy wives are with a cuckold husband.Five years of intense marriage had to wane sometime and like all marriages waning sexually, we introduced elements...
Brie had graduated Valedictorian of her class and had earned a number of scholarships. Her acceptance into the University of South Carolina made her parents proud. Majoring in Paleontology with a secondary of Biology her schedule was going to be filled with some heady classes. She had wandered the campus getting familiar with it and eventually came to her dorm. She only had a small bag with her as her parents would bring her other stuff later. As she approached the door she stopped a...
Picture yourself at eighteen and a freshman at UC San Diego, a fairly modern campus with lots of sunshine, ocean breezes, green quads, and interesting architecture. You have a boyfriend, and both of you a fairly far from home, you being from Northern California and him from Arizona. You are taking in the sights, experiencing your first college classes, and have fun dating with your man, but something else is stirring in you. You’re bi, something you tried to ignore for a while, but now it’s...
LesbianThe Eagles held their annual St Patty's Party and Mitch had put on a Hypnotist show, people squawking like chickens, thinking they were hot and cold, frozen in place a good clean family show for the k**dos early in the evening. Corned beef and cabbage was the fare of the day and in general a fun time was had by all. Mitchhad even given his pal Mike's wife a subliminal suggestion that every time he said,"Top of the Morning" She would yell back "BEST HYPNOTIST THATEVER LIVED!" and not even...