- 3 years ago
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I walked into the dimly lit bar and took a seat about three stools from the end. The bartender walked over and gave me a long look with one raised eyebrow. “Something wrong?’ I asked him. “Nope. We just don’t get many white women in here is all. What you needing?” “How about a MGD.” “A WHAT?” “Miller Genuine Draft” “We ain’t got that” he replied. Great. The evening continues to go down hill. “Well how about anything that doesn’t come from Mexico and wasn’t brought here by a horse drawn wagon.” “Gotcha” he said and walked off.
Don’t get many white women? Well considering the neighborhood that shouldn’t be surprising. I looked around the bar and saw it wasn’t anything you’d find in a tourist pamphlet. Not all that big with tables and chairs scattered around the middle of the room. The bar with stools on one side and a row of booths along the back wall. Juke box. Pool table that looked like it had seen its best days somewhere about 1950. Dim lights but still bright enough to see everything clearly. Besides me and the bartender there were about ten or twelve men scattered around the room in small groups. They looked to range in age from late teens to early sixties. All black. All looking at me.
The bartender sat a beer down in front of me and I downed about half of it in one gulp. “Bad day?” he asked. I shook my head and smiled.
The day had started out great. I had drove up to Lexington the day before to visit my youngest son, Andy, where he goes to college. After a nice quite visit most of the evening and a great seafood dinner, which he actually paid for, we went back to his dorm for a little mother-son time. That’s code for he fucked me almost to the point he had a heart attack. We were laying there on his bed relaxing. Well I was relaxing with his cum load slowly working its way out of my cunt to make a puddle on his mattress while he was still trying to catch his breath. The door opened and his room mate walked in with a loud “Holy shit!”. I just smiled and waved. “Andy I thought your mother was coming up to visit today. What happened?” Andy laughed. “That’s Mark,” he said pointing at Mark “and Mark this is my mom!”
“Holy fucking shit! I don’t believe this!” Mark stuck his head back out the door and half shouted “Tom! Wade! You ain’t gonna believe this but Andy’s been in here fucking his mom!” Before you could say “motherfucker” there were at least half a dozen heads trying to look through the door at the same time. Then they started shoving their way in. At that point I knew a nice quiet visit with my son was out the window. What started out with everyone looking at my seeping cunt and asking questions turned into all of them trying to grope my tits and twat at the same time. That turned into your regular run of the mill gang fuck which ended up with me having my legs held into the air pulling a train. I still have no clue how many ended up getting a little of something but it was way up in the morning when we finally got to go to sleep. I took a shower while Andy changed the sheets on his bed.
We slept in the next morning and despite all the protests from his dorm buddies we got out of there unfucked. We enjoyed a nice movie and dinner together and then it was time to hit the road. That’s when the trouble started.
Stopping for gas was an ordeal. For some reason the pump didn’t like my credit card and it took over ten minutes just to get gas put in the car. Then like a fool I tried a short cut one of the guys from last nigh suggested. Yes folks we do talk while fucking. Of course I took a wrong turn and got lost. Trying to back track only made things worse and I ended up getting even more lost. If that is possible. I ended up in a section of the city know affectionately as “coon town” locally. Then the car stopped running. I coasted over to the curb and after trying a few things came to the conclusion that the fuel pump had bit the big one. Great. Something I can’t fix setting by the side of the road. I called Andy and had to settle for leaving a message on his voice mail. Fuck. If he was recovering from last night by taking a nap it could be hours before he got the message. Spotting the bar about halfway down the block I decided that was better than staying in my truck and off I went.
So in response to the bartender’s “Bad day?” question I gave him a run down of how things had been going. Leaving out how the night was spent in the dorm, of course.
Two men came up and sit down beside me. One on either side. I glanced behind me and the other bar patrons had moved up and were now sitting at the tables closest to me. The bartender walked past and smiling at me said “I told you that you were a rare thing in here.”
Sliding his barstool a little closer the guy on my right leaned over and asked what was I doing in this place. I simply replied “Broke down. Waiting for my ride.”
“Damn. You don’t look broke down to me. You look like you could give someone a couple of good rides yourself. I bet you could give everybody in here a ride and still be in fine shape.” Subtle. Very Subtle. I heard the sound of wood scrapping across the floor and felt a slight bump. The man setting to my left had slid close enough that our hips were touching and put his hand on my bare leg right at the hem of my skirt. I looked over at him and smiling slightly pulled my purse from the bar set it in my lap. I placed my hand inside and when they heard a slight metallic “click” the man on my right asked what that was.
“Not much. That was the safety going off on a Springfield Armory 45 ACP that’s cocked and locked.” His eyes got real wide and I smiled again. “Look fellas I don’t mind you trying to put the moves on me. In fact I expected it. And don’t try any of that bad ass black macho shit either. Black cock and gangbangs aren’t anything new to me but don’t even think you’re gonna pin me in, grab me and just do what the hell you want. You’ll end up hurt. Bad.” They both eased back a little bit.
The bartender laughed and sat another beer in front of me. “Looks like the lady has more balls than both of you boys. Might be time to change your tactics some.” I grabbed my beer with my free hand and gave him my brightest smile. Looking back at the guy on my right I said “Be nice. Try being polite for a change and a little conversation might go a long ways.”
“You gonna take your hand out of that purse?” “Not till I see how you boys are gonna behave I’m not.” “OK. So what are you doing here anyways.” “Didn’t you hear what I told him” pointing at the bartender, “that was the truth Bud. My car broke down.”
“So you’re just gonna sit here and drink beer until somebody shows up to rescue you.” I looked around at the lack of any video games, working pool table or dance floor and replied that it looked like about the only option. That or go wait in my truck.
“I wasn’t joking when I told you that you looked like you could do us all without working up a sweat. I’d bet you could do that and still be ready for more. You look like a real good fuck to me.” Again. Real subtle. “Oh I don’t know. Anything in here worth fucking?” He leaned forward and looking at the guy on the other side of me said “Looks like we might be on.” He stood up and after getting his pants undone, it took him a couple of tries, I guess he was a bit excited, he pulled out what looked to be about ten inches of thick black snake. He shook it at me a couple of times and asked if I might be interested in this. Something slapped my left leg and looking over saw the other guy had his cock pointed at me too. I heard the other bar patrons stand up and start moving around behind me. My guess was they were moving in closer just in case things started to get interesting. I shook my head and said “I know you black guys always do things in groups, hardly ever alone, so I’m guessing you’re expecting me to fuck all of them too after you get your rocks off.” “Depends. You got anything worth fucking? Lets see.”
I sat my purse back up on the bar, to their relief, and in one quick movement reached down and pulled my skirt up to my waist. Setting back on the stool I turned toward him spreading my legs and went “Well?” “Damn man! She’s got one hot looking slick pussy between those things!” He spun me around to face the group that was now very close behind me and shouted “Just look at the pussy on her!”
Now I’m in my mid 40’s, about five feet six, 180 pounds, with black hair and hazel eyes. Yeah I’m a bit chunky with a slight pooch for a belly. I also have a big round ass. Always have. Can’t help that. Boobs? They’re 38DD’s and yes they are saggy. They droop but still manage to bounce and swing all over the place with the right motivation. Big brown areolas with hard pokie nipples.
“Damn that bitch has one juicy looking cunt.” Someone in the group said. I was now looking at the other nine men that had been in the bar. They were either naked from the waist down or were standing there with their cocks sticking out of their pants. I was staring at an arsenal of nine hard black cocks. “You boys sure are taking a lot for granted aren’t you?” I asked. “Bitch some of us don’t like being called boy so watch it.” “Well I don’t like being called bitch so deal with it.”
The guy on my right swung me back so that I was facing him. As soon as he got me turned, he stepped forward so that he was between my legs. Grabbing my legs, he pulled me forward so that my ass was right at the edge of the stool and my cunt was hanging over it. Easy access. “Whoa big boy. Nobody gave you the go ahead here. The guy running the place might not want this kind of thing going on in his business. The bartender sat another beer in front of me, when the hell did I drink the last one, and said “OK by me but if anyone gets any pussy in here I’m getting’ some too. Just remember that.”
“Well I guess we’re on then” I said.
The man in front of me moved forward and put his cock head against my pussy. Parting my lips with his fingers he slid his cock half way in and smiled at me. What ever happened to foreplay? When I smiled back, he took hold of my ass and plunged his cock in as far as he could get it. Wiggling around just a bit to get in a position he liked he started taking long hard strokes, slamming his cock into me. With the speed he was fucking me and the way his eyes were glazing over I knew it wouldn’t take him long to cut loose. Everyone was crowded around now watching the show, enjoying watching that cock working my cunt over. Well I was too. He lasted longer than I thought he would. About ten minutes into fucking he started slamming into me harder. So hard I had to grab the bar with one hand and who ever was standing beside me to keep from getting knocked off the bar stool. Then he went as deep as he could, took a couple of short hard strokes, and started to shudder just a bit. That was when I felt his cum shooting into and splashing against the walls of my pussy.
That set me off. I felt my pussy start to spasm and I tried to slide forward more to get his cock farther inside me. Of course I slid off the stool and my wrapping my legs around his waist was the only thing that kept my fat ass from hitting the floor. He was as still as a statue now but that didn’t matter. I was humping and riding his cock for all I was worth. As soon as I stopped moving, he sat me back on the barstool and removed his cock. Just as soon as his cock head popped out of my hole the cum started flowing out. That must have been a good-sized load he dumped in me. He hopped back up on his own stool and said, “She is a good fuck, the rest of you better get you some quick before her ride gets here.”
I was immediately spun around so that I was facing the man that had been setting on my left. He was primed and ready to go. Not quite as long but thicker than the first man he was sliding his cock in me even before he had me adjusted to where he wanted me. With my legs spread and being pre-lubed with my own juice and what cum was still in me from the first fucking he went in easily. The rest of the crew was crowded around doing what men usually do at times like this. Hooting, hollering, cat-calling, yanking their cranks. The usual stuff. I was hearing how bad this guy or that guy was going to tear my pussy up of course. About how great my pussy looked with all that dark meat slamming into it and opinions about what it was gonna look like when they were all done. Somebody decided that they could get a better view of my tits bouncing around without my top so off it came. I don’t know who yanked it off me but I never saw it again. Several had their phones out taking pics and video. Nothing unusual there but one guy was actually talking on his. That could be problems a little later. It has been before.
So is it nice where we're going? Carli for the last time gurl it's exactly like you asked. We're on our way to upscale resort to cross off a bucket list item for you. For weeks I had been looking at big cocks for you. Nothing under 10 inches were your instructions. Knowing I couldn't show you all of them, or you'd want them all, I took the six best looking 10 inch plus cocks and put them the counter and had you toss a penny. The one the penny landed on or closest to was the winner. I made the...
Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, Carley snorted. ‘That’s what you always say. That’s what you’ve said at least a hundred times. It never works. You two geniuses promised to take me to the Mango Tree for dinner tonight and it’s time to get dressed. Leave that damned thing until...
Carley and I ate dinner in a restaurant I knew well. Afterwards, we walked through the nightclub district of Milan, people-watching and enjoying the street performers who worked the crowds. We drank wine sitting outside a couple of bars. Carley was happy and talkative. As we walked into one of the many plazas, I glanced to my right at a particularly ugly statue. Suddenly, a hand appeared, reaching for my right side at about belt level. At home, I always carry a handgun right there and I’ve...
Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...
“Oh, look, he caught a fish!” Marja pointed excitedly to an osprey, zooming up from the surface of the Banana River with a mullet in its talons. The fish struggled futilely. “The nest is in the tall tree on the point of that island,” I told her, pointing it out. As we watched, the eagle flapped its way to a landing. “I think they have chicks. It’s the right time of year.” Marja smiled at me. “I love the view, Jack. I didn’t know Florida was like this.” Marja’s friend, Thor, was sitting...
The Soft Hammer Carley, Chapter 12 This story takes place in the universe of Carley and Jack some time after chapter 9 and was written as a stand-alone story. It starts the way a couple of others do, but goes in a different direction. I wrote this during the spring love bug season of 2015. Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’...
Chapter 9 in this series was the last one to have any sex in it. The last few are more science fiction than anything else. I had some ideas that I wanted to explore and the Jack-and-Carley universe seemed like the correct setting. ***** Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, my...
Carley and I stood in the shade, holding each other and talking quietly for a while. We kissed and pressed together. I held her ass and pushed my erection between her legs. “Do you want to fuck right now?” she asked. “I’m hungry and I need to clean up this mess.” “No hurry. We have all night. Kiss me a little more and stroke me. I love your touch.” She kissed me and stroked my cock and balls. I’d had quite a few orgasms, but I had no trouble getting hard in her hand. “Ooookay! You’d...
Introduction: Being a Youth Camp mentor to city kids had been a rewarding task over the years. These kids had parents with money or grandparents that had money. They had money but not enough time with their kids. I had my fun with some of the other mentors over the years with after hour parties and sex sessions. But having given up three weeks a year every summer for over 20 years and getting older the sex fun had dwindled to an occasional roll in the sack with one of the butter...
I’d brought a steak marinated in olive oil and a pre-baked potato, both wrapped in foil. The grill was hot. I unwrapped the steak, set it where it would cook and set the potato where it would get hot. I refilled our wine glasses and Carley and I sat at the picnic table. More people had arrived. The stocky black guy, George, and two other guys whose names I didn’t catch were sitting at the table along with Dianne and a girl named Ruth who would have been ordinary looking if not for her...
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An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter a misunderstanding about unachieved sexual connection between Hayden Carrington and Kitty is resolved. Chapter 3 Kitty flopped on her bed, kicked off her shoes and swore in frustration. Angry at Hayden’s odd behavior and feeling...
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"Ok, guys, get ready. In 5, 4, 3, 2…""I'm Carly!"And I think I'm Sam!""You think you're Sam?" Carly asked laughingly of her best friend."Well, it's hard to tell, Carly. I was walking down an alleyway late last night when two hobos asked me if I like chilli. Everything else is a blur after that…" Sam murmured mysteriously, a far-away look in her eye."And that's why Sam's not allowed to eat cold chilli right before bedtime." Carly put in cleverly with a side-long glance at the camera.Freddie...
On Wednesday morning, we checked out of the hotel and took a taxi to the train station. I had pre-paid tickets on the high-speed train to Venice. We had a private compartment, but the door was clear glass, so we couldn’t do any serious fooling around. The countryside zipped by and, as usual, I was amazed at the amount of farmland and just plain wilderness that covers large parts of northern Italy. We pulled into the Santa Lucia train station on the Grand Canal in Venice. A water taxi took us...
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Usually, I loved Saturday mornings. Without the pressure of getting ready for work, grabbing coffee, racing through the showering and dressing routine, Saturday mornings were relaxed, comfortable, languid moments of easing into a day. I loved basking in the sunlight that beamed through the windows of the breakfast nook, sipping the hearty brew I prefer, and simply enjoying an interlude of peace and tranquility. Usually. This Saturday, however, it was not to be. My loving wife, Carolyn, was in a...
Wife Lovers“Did I hear that right?” Andrea asked, as she walked into the kitchen where Cary and I had been talking about the previous night’s activities. “Did you say you didn’t love me?” I shook my head. I was trapped. There was no correct answer. So I looked at the stunning blonde who eased into a chair across the table from me. Her hair was tousled. Devoid of makeup, her face still displayed the stunning features that could melt resistance with a glance of her sparkling blue eyes. She wore only a thin,...
Wife LoversCarlotta By Brian Houlihan Copyright @2000 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved "So..what color today?" "What do you mean?" I was sitting across from my future mother-in-law at the apartment I shared with my girlfriend. "Your panties. What color are you wearing today?" I felt like a bomb had just hit my stomach. She was smiling and giggling. Loving the shock of knowing my secret. "Diane told me. You wear panties. That's interesting to me. ...
Carole's Twin Being a somewhat confused 16 year old high school student who had no real relationships with girls of my own age, I soon found myself overtaken with a serious case of puppy love for the woman I had recently began babysitting for a few nights a month. Her name was Carole Douglas, and she was about 35 years at the time, in the midst of a second marriage to Jack, who was a few years older than her. Jack was a Greyhound bus driver with frequent extended overnight trips up...
Carole's Twin - Part Two Note: My dear reader, I recommend that you first read "Carole's Twin" and "Carole's Twin - Part Two" to best follow and understand the progress of this story. After impulsively asking Jack what Carole drank when she was feeling romantic, he had answered by pouring me a shot of Sambuca. Already after having had two Grasshoppers, I was enjoying the liberating sensation from the alcohol, and was relishing being treated as Carole. After the shot of...
Bob’s turn: Trophy-grade kid there up the hall. Not a lay-about. When she IS laying around, there’s usually a book, either a paperback or on her iPad, involved. She helps around the house and in the yard. She keeps bringing home papers with great grades on them, often has herself somewhere with textbooks open, working over a homework assignment. It’s been three weeks now. She’s gone out a few times, a Friday, a Saturday, once on a Wednesday. We talked about curfew, she doesn’t push...
Car problems "It was a darky and stormy night....." Not really, it was a pleasant late summer night, the heat has faded, and a gentle breeze ruffled the hem of my skirt. I was just leaving my favorite ABS, having pleased and satisfied a number of the male clientele, and was feeling tired, but giddy at the thought of being a giving and slutty girl. My tummy gurgled happily at how much cum I swallowed! Eight? Nine? I lost track, after being pulled into so many booths! And in the...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty’s character-forming youth is detailed and Hayden begins thinking about her beyond her vulva. Chapter 4 Annoyed at the arrogance of Hayden, Kitty pounded seven miles of sidewalk that evening trying to get her head around him. Just...
Cary was unsettled. She worked in one of those non-descript buildings that pervasively dots industrial parks. In fact, it was an engineering firm doing designer work in plastics, PVC, and other combinations of unpronounceable chemicals. Officially, Cary was the receptionist and accounting technician. However, the company had few walk-ins, so they kept her out front so the young engineers, designers, and techs working “in the back” had something nice to look at as they entered and left the...
Cary was unsettled. She worked in one of those non-descript buildings that pervasively dots industrial parks. In fact, it was an engineering firm doing designer work in plastics, PVC, and other combinations of unpronounceable chemicals. Officially, Cary was the receptionist and accounting technician. However, the company had few walk-ins, so they kept her out front so the young engineers, designers, and techs working “in the back” had something nice to look at as they entered and left the...
Wife LoversCarly The Naughty Smoking Witch Strikes Again Carly was about to have a bite to eat in her local pub when this 31 year old business woman blew out a large cloud of smoke and laughed as her smoke drifted over to the young witch's table and onto her food. Carly was not impressed and went over to have a word. "Don't you know that smoking is bad for the baby?" Carly said as the woman, who was wearing a short black pencil skirt, high heels and a lovely white blouse, just looked at Carly...
Carlie’s turn: Kind of brave of me, I think. I’m talking about taking Bob out of the normal surroundings, his house, his comfortable relationship with neighbors, Mister Art and Mizz Bekka, Jessica’s Dad and Mom; that’s Mister Chris and Mizz Jamie. Bob’s just nice to people, even when it’s somebody he’s probably not going to have to mess with again. I find it especially telling when we go out to eat, something we do quite a bit. “I get tired of my own cooking, okay?” he told me. “Well,...
Still Carlie’s turn: First time THIS ever happened. I woke with the light leaking into a hotel room, looked over into the bed next to mine and saw a MAN there. He’s mostly asleep, I think, laying on his side facing towards me, hugging a pillow to his chest. I can be still for a bit, and I do that, just sort of studying. Hugging a pillow. I find myself just a little bit jealous of that stupid pillow. Oh well ... ease out of bed silently, pad to the bathroom, relieve pressures, wipe my...
It was ten o’clock in the morning when Spencer Shay, a tall, dark-haired, twenty-something-year old man stumbled out of bed with inspiration in his mind. Quickly he ran to the living room of his apartment and hurried into the kitchen. Grabbing all the aluminium foil as that he possibly could, the man ran into the room he had just raced through and quickly began to construct what he had imagined in his dreams.An hour later, an alarm clock rang upstairs. It was a Saturday and Carly, Spencer’s...
It was a must attend event for anyone who was lucky enough to have been selected by Exyberkraft’s board of directors. Carolyn was justifiably proud to have been named as one of only a handful of company executives chosen to attend the International Conference. This year, the conference was going to be held in Madrid, Spain. Carolyn had been with Exyberkraft for only seven years and to be selected to attend such a prestigious event, as their representative, was a dream come true. She’d never...
Carly had received the call earlier in the month. Her Spanish contact had managed to find a torture cabinet. It had been authenticated as genuine, and, though it was a bare shell, there was a written description of how it had been when last used, by the Inquisition.Carly was a collector. Especially in items that had been used for torture in years gone by. She owned several items which had been used y famous torturers through the ages. Some she had found cheap, as the seller didn’t really know...
Carly The Naughty Smoking Witch "Do you mind not doing that please?" This young woman said as Carly smoked her cigarette. Carly was not impressed but simply glared at the young woman as she took another drag. The woman was a 29 year old solicitor, slim, with long straight brown hair and she looked good for her age. She was well dressed in a business suit which matched her top and short skirt, it showed off her figure well. Her name was Sarah but Carly just looked at her and then...
Tragedy Towards the end of my junior year, the absolute worst thing ever happened. My beautiful wonderful girlfriend Jamie decided it was time we started seeing other people, and by “we” she meant “she”. I couldn’t believe it! Here I thought we were rolling happily along and then she just drops this bomb on me out of nowhere. I was stunned. This is when I discovered that I’m really not as smooth and smart and clever as I like to think I am. Jamie told me that she knew all along that I...
Nick Girls Collection - Smut Edition: Carly/MelanieBy: Azkadellio [Summary: While visiting her s!ster and mother during Spring Break at her school, Melanie, her s!ster, Carly, and Freddie get to talking about their sexual history in the 'iCarly' studio. While they talk, Freddy admits that he still has feelings for Sam, and because of her feelings for Freddie still remaining, she drags him off to Carly's room to try to get their sexual frustration out of the way. As Sam and Freddie have fun...
Carlie’s turn: Hello. I’m Carolina Angele Williams. My friends call me Carlie. Two weeks ago I was at the end of my rope. I had four dollars and some change to my name, the rest of my ‘savings’ having gone to a bus ticket. Grandma told me that buses used to be a very common form of transportation between cities, that a lot of normal people used them. I think that things have changed since she experienced inter-city bus travel. The clientele was sketchy, right down to a runaway teen with a...
"Are you serious, Sweetheart?" Paul asked Paige. "Did you say what I thought you said, Paige?" Carly inquired, knowing she had heard correctly. "Did I stutter or something? I want to see Stephen make love to you. I know you do it. You know that Paul and I do it. Now we've given them blowjobs in front of each other. Now I think it's time I get to see what it's like when my husband actually fucks his Mommy." "Are you sure you want that, Paige? And if so, why exactly DO you want...
Carly made her way to Stephen and Paige's house. Rational thinker that she was, she was able to put aside for the moment the thoughts and feelings that had been plaguing her. She actually thought it was a good idea to step-out of what had become lustful mania for a bit and to refocus on something a bit more grounded in reality, like her son's marriage. She would deal with her emotions later. For now Carly would do her best to be a problem solver for her daughter-in-law. "Hi," Paige said...
On the way to Carly's house, she and Stephen talked through the complexities of their situation. Carly was fairly certain that Paul wouldn't be freaked out by the fact that she had sex with someone else. Carly long thought Paul knew she got her needs met elsewhere now and then. But he would probably be shocked and possibly very upset that she had slept with their son. Although, Carly figured, he probably wouldn't be as upset as Paige had been. By the time they arrived at the house (the...
I had been going out with her Mum for about 6 months, when Carly, her younger sister, her Mum and me went for a short break to a caravan park on the coast. Carly was just 16 and in her final year at school. She was a very attractive girl and had had a string of boyfriends over the few months I had known her. Although I am a normally red-blooded male, I had never looked at her in 'that way' before - she was too close to my own k**s ages for that! And, in any case, her Mum was an a****l in bed,...
Carly left Linda's feeling exhilarated by their conversation and the subsequent masturbatory fling they shared. Carly hadn't done that with another woman in a long, long time and she found it to be a fabulously fun escape. And while she might have been tempted to do more than diddle herself with her friend, the busy day ahead kept her from diving in between Linda's wide open legs. And yet, while Carly had great fun with Linda, she also left still feeling a great longing for her new lover...
Thursday, August 13th, 2015. Asim’s house. Back in Riyadh, Asim and I fell back into our normal routine, almost like a married couple. He filled his calendar with appointments with other layabouts, discussing business deals that were far too much work to ever carry out or comparing their latest unearned trophies. I prepared to spend my days making numerous trips to supermarkets and dry cleaners, in between serving a largely ignored breakfast and a hastily scarfed, though not unappreciated...
Betting on Haley – Part 2 Recap Two weeks ago, on Saturday morning, my friend Carly and I set into motion our bet on whether or not I could bed her little sister, Haley. I had caught Haley spying on us having sex a few weeks earlier which led to some debate between Carly and I. Carly thought Haley was a nosey little pest, as usual, and was going to use this as blackmail against her. Haley had been watching us for at least twenty minutes, I instantly saw her as a horny freshman who was...
Several days had passed since Carly had the late evening phone conversation with her son. She knew Stephen was having problems with his wife, sexual and otherwise, but she never expected him to be so frustrated that he would masturbate during a conversation with his own mother. She didn't sleep much that night and couldn't stop thinking about it all the next day. Stephen had not returned from his New Orleans trip, nor had she spoken to him again since that night. They often talked by phone...
Carly left her meeting with Linda and headed home. Carly felt better for having told Linda about Stephen's phone call. But on the other hand, she had even more questions about the strange call in which Stephen thanked his mom for her willingness to talk about his sexual problems with his wife Paige. And then, needing intimate contact with someone, masturbated while Carly was still on the phone with him. Carly again reminded herself that Stephen was clearly extremely lonely. And that he and...
Betting on Haley – Part 1 Skipping Class Two and a half weeks ago my friend Carly and I decided to skip a couple of afternoon classes and go get fries at the local café. I had recently been dumped by my longtime girlfriend and Carly thought I needed cheering up. Of course Carly, being the captain of our school cheerleader squad, was the perfect person to do that. By the end of that afternoon she found the perfect way to accomplish her goal, we ended up at her house getting naked. Needless...
Several days after Carly and family negotiated their new relationship, Carly had the opportunity to fill Linda in on the craziness that had occurred. Although Linda, who worked as a journalist had been away on a short assignment, Carly used email to bring her friend up to speed. As always, their friendship did not in any way prohibit the sharing of explicit details when matters of sex were discussed. Carly sent several messages outlining all the details of the day when everything broke,...
Linda looked on in sheer delight as her fantasy unfolded before her eyes. As was her friend Carly, Linda was a very sexual being who boasted a very diverse love life over the years. But nothing had captured her erotic imagination like Carly's relationship with Stephen. From the first time Carly confided in her months before, Linda was hooked on this incredible tale of love and lust. She waited eagerly for new updates from Carly (With as much detail as possible, please!) And after she heard...