It's A Man's WorldPart 3 free porn video

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Before I proceed any further with my story, let me tell you about marriages in our society.

We have different types of marriages. Child marriage (though banned but it is still prevalent), forced marriage, run away marriage (elopement), love marriage, shotgun marriage, inter caste/inter religion marriage and arranged marriage.

It is said that the marriages are made in heaven but in our society, it is the responsibility of the parents to marry off their children. Maybe, this is because we are so many that poor God does not have the time to do it.

Mine being an arranged marriage, we will discuss it in more detail. The normal modus operandi is that the parents 'arrange' that the boy and girl, to be married, meet and "get to know each other". For this they are allowed fifteen minutes, thirty minutes or an hour max.

If they say yes, then they are married and thrown into the same bed. On the wedding night the bridegroom fucks the bride. What really happens is that they "get to know each other" only after the first night. By morning, it is too late for them (especially for the woman) to retrace their steps and per force have to do their best to make the marriage work.

Many will find this system unthinkable, but let me tell you that for centuries this system has been successful in 99.9999 percent or more cases. Till recently, the word "divorce" was not to be found in our local dictionary. This the price we had to pay to for taking up the ways of the western world.

Back to the subject. This meeting can take place at the girl's home with only a few near relatives, the boy and his parents being present. Or they can meet in a big party, naturally hosted by the girl's parents (The boys parents first fuck the girls parents, financially of course and then the boy fucks the girl in the real sense of the word "fuck"). They can also meet in a restaurant or in the lobby of a five-star hotel or in the house of a common friend. My father chose to give a big party.

'Why a big party? It is so expensive, ' mummy complained, 'Why not just a small intimate gathering?'

'Seema, in a party the children will be able to interact in an informal atmosphere, away from the watchful and impatient gaze of their parents, ' daddy replied, 'besides, I need to invite many of my business associates and personal friends. I will be killing two birds with one stone. Don't worry about the expense. In the end it will work out to be cheaper'.

There was a big discussion as to what I should wear. My mummy wanted me to wear a heavy silk sari with a diamond necklace, matching earrings and a solitaire ring but I insisted that I would like to wear something light in which I am comfortable.

'She would look so underdressed, ' mummy complained to daddy.

'Let her wear what she wants. Seema, the younger generation does not like to dress up like we did, ' daddy explained and consoled her by adding, 'You can dress her up as you like when she gets married'.

So I ended up wearing a light silk sari, a pearl string with earrings and a single pearl ring.

Please don't misjudge my mummy. She is nice and loves me very much. Her problem is that she is a bit orthodox. She hates wasteful expenditure and detests big parties.

The party was on the lawns of our house. About a hundred guests were expected. I wanted to invite Sarit and few more friends but my father shot it down.

'No, ' he decreed, 'Aditi this is not the right occasion to call your friends'.

I understood his concern. What if the boy likes one of my friends and not me?

'But daddy, I must have someone to talk to, ' I pleaded.

After a lot of discussion, we arrived at a compromise, just Sarit and no one else.

On the night of the party Sarit and I sat on the verandah (Did I tell you that the verandah was two feet higher than the level of the lawn). I positioned my chair such that I could watch the entrance and also have an overview of the guests

The guests started to arrive. I knew or had seen most of the guests who arrived. A young man, who could be Amit, did not accompany the ones I didn't recognize. Half an hour into the party, I espied a group of four, two men accompanied by a lady and a young man, arrive. They are the ones I concluded. Both the older men bore a remarkable resemblance to each other and were apparently brothers. Daddy and mummy greeted them warmly.

Ten minutes later, daddy escorted the young man to where we were sitting. He was tall, slim and was dressed in a dark suit with a yellow power tie. Mummy was right, he was very handsome. Seeing them coming towards us Sarit gasped, 'Wow! Adi, he is groovy'.

'Aditi, this is Amit, ' daddy said introducing the young man. After exchanging the usual greetings, I invited him to join us and introduced Sarit to him. After few minutes daddy said, 'You youngsters get to know each other but excuse me, as I have other guests to look after, ' and hurried off.

Amit spent about half an hour with us, discussing different subjects before he also excused himself.

'Adi, you are very lucky, he is sooo handsome, ' Sarit sighed.

I barely heard her as my eyes followed Amit. Amit went straight to his father and taking him aside said something to him. Mr. Rudra looked shocked. An animated discussion, more of an argument I would say, followed. Mrs. Rudra also joined them. It was mostly one-sided affair. Most of the time Mr. and Mrs. Rudra spoke. Amit would listen to them and then shake his head. Mr. and Mrs. Rudra would start to talk again but with the same result. Suddenly Mr. Rudra threw up his hands in "do as you please gesture" and Amit walked off.

Catching daddy's eye, Mr. Rudra beckoned to him. Both mummy and daddy joined them. Mr. Rudra said something to my daddy. Daddy's shoulders slumped. Mummy dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief, a sure sign that she was about to cry.

So, Amit did not like me. 'Mummy, please don't cry. It is no big deal, ' my heart cried out to her, 'There are thousands of other and better fishes in the pond'.

I tried to locate Amit but could not spot him. When I glanced towards the group again, I saw that Sarit's parents had also joined them. Omigosh, this was fast turning into a meeting of the UN General Assembly. Only person missing was Amit's uncle. Oh, oh, I think I spoke too soon. There he comes too.

Daddy was speaking to Sarit's parents but both of them were shaking their heads vigorously. The uncle had joined them. Mr. Rudra spoke to him. He smiled broadly and said something to them. Whatever he said put the smiles back on everybody's face.

Daddy looked happy and mummy stopped dabbing at her eyes. Sarit's parents nodded in approval. Walking away from the group, Mr. Rudra and his brother whipped out their cell phones and the group broke up.

All what I have described above did not take more than ten or fifteen minutes.

'Adi, are you listening to me or are you already dreaming about Amit?' Sarit said nudging me.

'How can I, with you chattering away in my ear?' I replied going on the offensive.

Sarit was not to be stopped. She continued to praise Amit to high heaven. Her unceasing chatter started to irritate me. 'Sarit, If you like him so much then why don't you marry him?' I said rudely.

'Given half a chance, I would, ' Sarit giggled shamelessly.

Half an hour later, dinner was served. Sarit and I went to look after the guests.

'Adi, look who is here?' Sarit grinned, poking her finger into my ribs. I saw Amit making a beeline for us.

'Is he some kind of a nut?' I thought because he had changed his clothes. He was now dressed in a smart denim shirt and jeans. Coming up to us he said, 'Hi Aditi, I am... '.

'We know who you are, ' Sarit interrupted him.

'You do, but unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of meeting you before, ' Amit said smiling disarmingly.

'Omigosh, he is a nut with a very short memory, ' I thought amending my earlier impression.

'This is Sarit, my friend, ' I said, introducing Sarit again.

'So you are Sarit, ' Amit said inspecting her from head to toe.

'Yes, I am Sarit from top to bottom, ' Sarit replied aggressively.

'And quite lot of you too!' Amit laughed staring at her oversized bosom. Poor Sarit could not do anything except blush.

'Sorry, I did not mean to embarrass you, ' he apologized good-naturedly.

'Never mind, I am used to it, ' Sarit brushing aside his apology and joined in our conversation.

Amit was a transformed man. Earlier in the evening, he was stiff and formal but now, with change of clothes his manner had also undergone a sea change. He was now relaxed and informal. For the first time, I felt at ease in his presence.

Suddenly remembering my duties as the hostess, I asked, 'Have you eaten?'

'No, but I am going to, ' he replied, 'What do you recommend?'

'Everything is very tasty, ' Sarit piped up, then tongue firmly in the cheek added, 'Don't forget to check out the Kheer (a dessert, usually made of milk, rice, sugar and dry fruits), our Adi stirred it a couple of times while it cooked'.

'Is that so? Then I must taste it right away, ' Amit said and walked off to get some. He returned with a big bowl of Kheer.

'B... But that is for dessert, shouldn't you eat dinner first?' I asked seeing the bowl of Kheer in his hands.

'Don't worry, I love Kheer. It is my favorite dessert. I will eat dinner after I have finished this delicious Kheer' Amit replied.

'I hope it is sweet enough?' Sarit asked mischievously.

'No, not as sweet as your friend here, ' Amit replied looking at me with a naughty twinkle in his eyes. It was now my turn to blush.

Later, we were so engrossed in our conversation that we did not realize how late it was, till Mrs. Rudra said, 'Come son, it is time to go home'. The Rudra's were among the last guests to leave.

That night I did not sleep well. I kept churning the events of the evening in my mind over and over again.

'Adi, what have you decided?' mummy asked me at breakfast the next morning.

'It is an important decision, ' daddy said, 'Seema give her time'.

'It's all right daddy. I have given the matter a great deal of thought but I am very confused. I don't know what to think, ' I replied, 'In the evening Amit was stiff and formal but later he was relaxed and made me feel at ease. It was like meeting two different persons'.

'Adi, they were two different persons, ' mummy said.

'Mummy, please don't make fun of me. I am confused enough, ' I said.

'I think she really doesn't know, ' mummy said to daddy.

'You mean Shamit didn't tell you?' daddy exclaimed.

'Daddy for God's sake stop talking in riddles, ' I replied, 'Now who is this Shamit?'

'Shamit is Amit's twin brother. They are both identical twins, ' daddy explained, 'Wait! Let me tell you what happened last evening. After Amit talked to you, he told his father that he wanted to marry Sarita (remember my father always used full names) and not you. They tried to persuade him but he would not relent'.

'Mr. Rudra was very apologetic about the whole affair, ' daddy continued, 'I requested Romesh (Sarit's father) to accept Amit's decision and marry Sarita to him but Romesh and Lila said, 'No Ravi, please don't insist. You know, we can't think of Sarit's marriage till Adi is fixed up'.

'We did not know what to do till Amit's uncle reminded Mr. Rudra about Shamit, Amit's twin. In all the excitement Mr. Rudra had forgotten about Shamit. They then asked Shamit to come. The person you talked to at dinner was Shamit and not Amit'.

'Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?' I asked getting annoyed.

'Because we ourselves did not know and later we assumed that Shamit must have told you, ' daddy replied.

Thinking back I realized that Shamit did try to introduce himself but Sarit had interrupted him saying that we knew who he was. He must have taken for granted that my parents had told me. This also explained the change of clothes and his not recognizing Sarit.

'This explains a lot of things that had puzzled me, ' I replied.

'Aditi, what is your decision now? Did you like Shamit?' daddy asked, 'From the way you spoke of him earlier I got the impression that you did'.

'I will do what you say, ' I replied blushing.

'No Aditi, not what I say, ' daddy said, 'It is a very important decision and you have to decide whether you want to marry Shamit or not. What is your answer yes or no?'

'Yes, ' I said softly lowering my eyes.

'Good girl. You have made your mummy and me very happy, ' daddy said, 'like Amit, Shamit is also a good boy and I am sure you will be happy with him. Now I must convey the good news to Romesh'.

Daddy phoned him. I could hear only his side of the conversation. 'Romesh, it is me Ravi. I have talked to Aditi and she has said yes'. 'Yes, yes to Shamit who else'. 'Thank you, now you talk to Sarita about Amit'. 'Okay, I am waiting for your call, ' he said and rang off.

An hour later Romesh uncle called back. 'That is good news. Our congratulations to Lila and you'. 'You have? What did he say?' 'It is yes from their side also'. 'Good that suits me too'. 'Okay, we will discuss the details when we meet this evening'. 'Bye, ' daddy said replacing the receiver.

'Aditi, Sarit has also said yes. Romesh has also talked to Mr. Rudra and it is yes from their side also. They are keen for an early marriage, which suits us too, ' daddy said to me.

Later I was told that it would be a double wedding and it will be solemnized on the tenth day after Holi at Sarit's house.

That evening I went to see Sarit. 'Hi Sarit, I hear someone is getting married, ' I grinned.

'I have also heard that someone else is also getting married, ' Sarit giggled.

We both laughed and embraced each other. 'Oh Sarit I am so happy, ' I said happily.

'So am I, ' Sarit replied beaming with happiness, 'Do you realize that even after marriage we will remain together?'

A week later I went out on my first date with Shamit. We took in a movie and then decided to eat dinner. During dinner Shamit asked, 'Adi, I hope you are happy. About our getting married I mean'.

This was my opportunity to find out why Amit chose Sarit. Therefore instead of replying, I posed a question, 'Are you happy to marry someone who was rejected?'

'Rejected? Who says... oh you mean Amit. Don't take that seriously. Sometimes Amit acts very childishly, ' Shamit replied, 'Let me tell you what happened. When papa asked me to come to your house immediately, I knew something was wrong. I also knew that Amit was supposed to go there and why. So I rang up Amit'.

'Amit said that you were very nice and he liked you but he preferred Sarit. He urged me to go saying, "Shamit you'll like her. She is just your type". On my inquiry why he liked Sarit more he just laughed and said you will know when you see her'.

He was right. As soon as I laid eyes on Sarit I knew. You see Amit is very enamoured by... er... how shall I put it... yes... with women with lots of oomph and Sarit is a world champion in this department. You know what I mean?'

I nodded.

'Well, to be completely frank, the moment Amit saw Sarit's loaded upper deck, you stood no chance with him' Shamit concluded.

'And what about you?' I asked.

'Me? I don't give much importance to physical attributes. I found you pretty and a very nice person to talk to, so I said yes, ' Shamit grinned, 'now tell me are you happy?'

'Of course I am happy, ' I replied, 'I was just joking'.

The first thing I did the next morning was to visit Sarit. She was still in bed reading. I grabbed her boobs and pressed them hard.

'AOWA! Stop squeezing my tits it hurts besides you will make me horny, ' Sarit squealed.

Then I told her what Shamit had said.

'Thank God these big mountains have at last done me a favor. Actually I had come to hate them. Everybody stares at them and passes snide remarks but now that they have helped me get a nice husband, I love them, ' Sarit said caressing her boobs lovingly. The result was, we both landed in the shower.

After that day we always double dated. Shamit and Amit looked so alike that it was difficult to tell them apart, especially when they wore similar clothes, which they usually did. To be on the safe side I made it a point to latch on to the one who came to pick me up and prayed that he was the right one.

One morning after a very confusing date the previous evening I said, 'Sarit what will you do if the wrong one comes to your bed?'

'If I don't know that he is the wrong one then I will welcome him with open arms and legs, ' she replied, 'and you?'

'Me too, ' I laughed, 'now suppose your intuition told you that he was the wrong one?'

'You know, I never could trust my intuition. I will let him fuck me feigning ignorance, ' Sarit giggled, 'What about you? You are a great one to follow your instincts'.

'In this case I think, I will ignore my intuition, ' I laughed, 'I find a change of cock very exciting'.

'Oh, how I wish it happens. It will be just like jijaji and jiju fucking us together, ' Sarit said.

'They are very close to each other, who knows our dream might come true, ' I giggled.

The M-day was fast approaching. We all shifted to Sarit's house a week before the wedding day. Madhu didi and Rashmi didi came much earlier but jjiju and jijaji arrived only three days before the event.

The morning after their arrival all four of them came to Sarit's room. 'How are the brides to be feeling?' jiju asked.

'Nervous as hell, ' I replied.

'Jiju, did you find a solution to Adi's problem? Now it is my problem too, ' Sarit asked.

'I am afraid nothing useful, ' jiju replied.

'Then what shall we do?' I asked perplexed.

'Only thing I can suggest is, act like virgins about to have sex for the first time, ' Madhu didi replied.

'Yes, bashful and timid. Protest but not too much and leave the rest to The Almighty and to your husband's cock, ' Rashmi didi added with a naughty smile.

'One more thing when the cock is about to enter your choot then press your buttock cheeks together, it might give a semblance of resistance, ' jijaji suggested.

'This is how I see it. There are only three possibilities, ' jiju analyzed, 'First, if it is your husband's first time then he will be so eager to get inside you that he will not notice anything amiss. Second, if he is experienced but has never deflowered a girl then also it is possible he might not notice the absence of your hymen. Third, if he is experienced and has deflowered a virgin or two before then only thing you can do is to pray and hope for the best'.

'This gives you a 84% chance to get away with it, ' jijaji said after a quick mental calculation.

'Anyway, if they do say something then just deny everything, ' Madhu didi advised, 'They can never prove it'. This brought the smile back on our faces.

'All right girls, now would you like Mohan and Abhi to fuck you for the last time?' Rashmi didi asked, 'I know that their cocks are very keen to say goodbye to your cunts'.

I looked inquiringly at Sarit. She nodded, 'Why not? Their cock can't do more harm than what they have already done'. Then jijaji and jiju fucked us for the next two hours.

'One more thing, I noticed that within minutes you both start to moan. Don't do that on your wedding night. Remember you have just lost your cherry. Wait for your third or the fourth fuck before you show signs of pleasure, ' Rashmi didi advised after jiju and jijaji had finished fucking us.

Later Sarit and I discussed the issue and agreed that the suggested course was the best one to follow.

Our wedding was a grand affair. Nearly thousand guests attended it. Everyone said that the brides looked very pretty in their wedding attire. What they did not realize that I nearly died under the weight of the dress and tons of jewelry that my mother insisted, I wear.

After the marriage ceremony, Sarit and I returned to our room. We were now no longer Miss Aditi Razdan and Miss Sarita Singh but Mrs. Shamit Rudra and Mrs. Amit Rudra.

As per local custom, Sarit and I left for our new home with the bridegroom's party, on the morning after the wedding day. We traveled by car, as their farm was just three hours drive from the city.

We arrived around noon. The farmhouse was a large sprawling structure, built in 19th century style. After some more ceremonies we entered the farmhouse. The rooms were large and comfortably furnished with ethnic furniture and thick Persian carpets. The dÇcor reeked of money, confirming that they were very rich.

'Sarit, Adi please come with us, ' Shamit said, 'we will introduce you to the family'.

'These are our parents, ' Amit said, 'You have met them before but never really met them'. We touched their feet and they blessed us.

'This is our chachu (also chacha = uncle, father's younger brother). Nobody remembers his real name. Everyone, including my father, calls him chachu. Even the servants call him chachu sahib. The only exception is mama, who calls him dewarji (brother in law, husband's younger brother). This I think is to keep reminding him that her husband is older to him and the boss, ' Amit smiled introducing us to the gentleman, whom I had seen at the party.

'He is a great guy. A happy go lucky type. His only complaint with life is that he arrived late in this world, ' Shamit chuckled, 'Had he been born five minutes earlier then he would have been numero uno and we would have been his lowly slaves'.

'In our family, the eldest son is the heir to the throne and the rest of the horde following him are of no importance, ' Amit explained seeing our bewildered look added, 'You see it was his misfortune to be born four minutes after our father'.

'So they are also twins, ' I thought and seeing him alone wondered where his wife was.

Shamit must have read my mind because just then he said, 'Chachu is not married. Didn't Amit say he was a lucky man?'.

'Enough boys, ' chachu said firmly, then smiling at us added, 'may God bless you both and welcome to the House of Rudra's. Don't pay too much attention to what these two rascals say. Remember, if they trouble you too much then tell me, I will whip them into line again'.

'Meet Mrs. Amba Golda, our beloved elder sister, ' Amit said with a wave of his hand, 'She married Mr. Shammi Golda five years ago and now lives in the US of A'.

'Our respected jijaji is not here. He has only two passions in life. One is making money, which is the main reason for his absence. And the result of his second passion is before you, meet A, B, and C here, ' Shamit said pointing to three cute little kids hanging on to the sari of our sister in law, 'and D is on the way'.

'Don't listen to these rogues, ' Amba said hugging and kissing us, 'Welcome to our crazy family. Shammi wanted to be here to personally welcome you into the family but unfortunately something important came up'.

'Hold it big sister, we know how jijaji has welcomed you in his family, ' Amit laughed staring pointedly at the three kids and her protruding stomach, 'We don't require any help in this direction and when the time comes, we will do all the required welcoming ourselves'.

After the introductions were over lunch was served. It was an informal affair. Everyone laughed and joked. It was evident that they all loved each other very much.

'Aditi, Sarita please come with me, ' our mother in law said after lunch was over. She led us to a large room where two young girls were waiting. The room was furnished as a sitting cum dining room.

'These are your private rooms. Normally the family eats together but should you like to entertain your personal friends then you can do it here also, ' she said then pointing to two doors added, 'That room is Shamit's and the other one is Amit's'.

'Yes mama, ' we murmured. She beckoned to the two girls.

'Aditi, this is Basanti, ' she said singling out the prettier one, 'She will be your personal maid and Sarita, Shanti here will serve'.

'Wow! A maid all to myself, ' I thought, 'I think I am going to like it here'.

'You two, serve them loyally and obey them as you would obey me, ' I heard mother in law saying to the maids, 'and don't forget what I have told you earlier'.

'Ji malkin (Yes mistress), ' they replied obediently.

'I suggest that you both rest now. Don't worry, the twins will not trouble you. It has been a long day for you, ' she said, then with a naughty twinkle in her eyes added, 'and I am sure that you have a longer night ahead of you'.

'Yes mama, ' we replied blushing.

'Don't stand there gaping like apes, ' she said sternly to the maids, 'Show your new mistress to their rooms, ' and turned to leave. As she reached the door she stopped.

'Yes, another thing, ' she said turning around, 'Be ready by eight. A few personal friends are coming for dinner and they would like to meet you. Don't stand on formality, wear something light and comfortable'.

The bedroom was large with attached dressing room and bathroom. Like the rest of the house it was tastefully furnished.

'Malkin (Mistress), would you like to change?' Basanti asked respectfully.

'Basanti what had mama told you earlier?' I asked out of curiosity.

For a moment Basanti hesitated but then said, 'Only that we should obey you without question and see that you are comfortable'.

'Are you sure?' I probed as I thought there was an undertone of threat in mama's voice.

'Yes mistress that was all, ' Basanti replied, 'Would you like to change?'

'No Basanti, I am much too tired. I only want to lie down, ' I replied lying down on the bed. Basanti kneeled on the floor by the bed and started to press my feet. I don't recall when I drifted into sound sleep.

Next thing I remember was that Basanti was trying to wake me by tickling the soles of my feet with a feather. 'Malkin, please get up, it is nearly seven, ' Basanti said.

I shook the sleep out of eyes and yawned, 'Is it really so late?'

'Yes malkin. Would you like a cup of tea?' Basanti inquired.

'Yes, that would be nice, ' I told her.

Few minutes later she brought a steaming cup of tea.

'I have unpacked your bags while you were asleep, ' she said.

After a long hot shower I felt relaxed. I chose a sky blue chiffon sari with matching blouse to wear and a light blue sapphire necklace to go with it. After I got ready I asked, 'Basanti how do I look?'

'Malkin you look beautiful, ' she replied.

'Basanti, for God's sake stop calling me malkin, ' I said getting irritated, 'I am not much older than you are and if you have to address me then call me didi'.

'As you like malkin, ' was her reply.

'Didi, Basanti, didi' I said laughing.

Sarit was waiting for me. She looked gorgeous in her blood red sari and a light ruby necklace.

At thirty minutes past eight we entered the drawing room. Mother in law had said a few personal friends but as per my estimate at least hundred persons were present.

It was nearly eleven when we four returned to our rooms. 'You change while Amit and I have a smoke, ' Shamit suggested.

Basanti was waiting for me. She had laid out a sexy, near transparent nightie for me to wear but I chose a regular cotton night suit. 'Didi, you are not going to wear that, it is your wedding night, ' Basanti said expressing her disapproval.

'Yes Basanti, I feel more comfortable in a night suit than in... in that, ' I replied pointing to the sheer nightie and slipped into bed to wait for Shamit.

I did not have to wait for long. Ten minutes later Shamit entered the room and Basanti quietly slipped out.

'I'll be with you in a minute but first let me change into some thing more comfortable, ' he said going to the bathroom,

When he emerged, he was wearing just pajama bottoms with nothing on top. 'He is already undressed for tonight's action, ' I thought smiling to myself.

'At last we are alone, ' he smiled getting into bed.

'Oh Adi, you are so pretty, ' he said taking me in his arms. He then proceeded to kiss me all over my face and on my lips. Except for blushing, I did not respond.

'Adi my dear, don't you think I deserve at least a kiss, after all it is our wedding night?' Shamit complained puckering his lips. Blushing, I kissed him lightly on his lips.

Shamit pressed his lips on mine and as I responded feebly, he cupped my tits and squeezed them tenderly.

'Oh, please don't, ' I whispered catching his hand.

'Darling, please let me, ' he said easily freeing his hand from my grip.

'Oh! They are so firm. I am sure they are also very beautiful, ' he said and started to unbutton my pajama top.

'What are you doing?' I said alarmed, 'please don't undress me'.

'I must see and kiss your beautiful boobs, ' Shamit replied pulling off my pajama top.

'Oh! It is so embarrassing. Please switch off the light at least, ' I blushed covering my face with my hands.

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Uncle Fucked MansiPart 1

Hello, everyone, this is Ishan again going to continue with my sex story. So after sharing my experiences on the farewell night then last on graduation day, I am going to share with you all today about what happened to Kavya (name changed) after we parted. Well, today I will be using the real name of Kavya in the sex story as suggested by some friends. So the real name of the girl of all my stories I have submitted so far is Mansi. Those who have read my last sex story will be knowing that...

2 years ago
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Shamans and Harpies

Foreword: I first began this story on a free site I created. It was a captioned story line, so the story was woefully condensed due to it being captioned. I loved the overall story line, which is the reason for in me bringing it to a greater degree of life via this format. Join with me as we see Tammy Wallace aka Cindy Williams reflect on her past year. A year of where; hers, a fake husband that she's come to love, two beautiful little girls, one having been a friend of many years,...

2 years ago
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Mansi Bhabhi Ki BraPanty Ki Shopping

Hi, dosto, mera name Sushant hai, main West UP se hu. Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai. Meri lambai 5 feet 8 inch hai, main dikhne mein smart hu.  Yeh kahani mere tau ke ladke ki wife Mansi ki hai. Mansi ko main bhabhi kehta tha. Bhaiya ki shadi ko abhi ek sal hua tha. Bhaiya subh office chale jate aur sham ko ghar aate the. Rat ko kabhi-kabhi hi bhabhi ko chodte the. Yeh bat bhabhi ne mujhe bad mein batayi thi. Bhabhi ghar par akeli rehti thi, kyoki mere tau aur tai gaon ke rehte...

2 years ago
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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part One

Unlike my initial thoughts, finding Miss Manson after twenty-eight years had not been difficult. All it seemed to take was a Facebook message that my friend had found and then a Google search. Turned out that my ex-History Mistress and the lady who had smacked my bottom five times in after school detention, was still doing what I had heard she was, and Google had revealed exactly where she was based. I had managed to find an address for her goat farm on the internet and had even driven up...

2 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi 8211 Part 3

Hi,  friends, this is a continuation of my previous stories in which I share my further experience with my gorgeous chubby neighbour mansi with whom I am deeply in love so as she,u people already know her age, figure, and our sessions.If don’t know please read previous two parts for more enjoyment and excitement. Guys this is a hottest session and I want to share every moment so please read fully you all will enjoy after reading full Please read whole As we all know that after defloration and...

3 years ago
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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part Two

After about ten minutes, I heard footsteps on the stairs as the women made their way to the bedroom. They made their way along the landing and walked into the room, standing and looking at my already red and bruised bottom which was facing them as I lay face down on the bed. Elaine placed my clothes on the chair in the far corner of the large room.“That’s a well spanked bottom, Auntie Pauline.” Kirsty laughed.I then felt Pauline’s cool hands rubbing my bottom gently. I pushed my hips down...

4 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi

Hi, this is arav (25), sharing my 1st true sex experience with my neighbor mansi(24) whom I banged many times in every fantasy situation please read the whole story will enjoy a lot. I am an engineer and preparing for govt jobs, my family and many family are nighbours for 8 years so its understood that I and mansi were friends for 7 years but suddenly things changed last year. When mansi completed her post graduation and I left a job for government job preparation, till then we were out of our...

3 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi Part 8211 2

Hi, guys, this is arav again sharing my further true experience with my horny neighbour mansi.I thank you, people, for the mixed review of my previous story, this is the continuation of that. So please read the first part if someone missed it…   …So that same evening I called her twice but she didn’t pick my call I messaged her but no response.Then after 1 hour she called me asked me “How are u?”   Fine, I said, I asked the reason why she was not responding my call& msg so she said she was...

2 years ago
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Mansi and Jiya

They were warm and firm and had a smooth silky texture, exactly as she had expected. Two of them were thicker than her wrist and they lay in neat heart shaped curves on her breasts. The remaining four were slightly thinner but longer and they made beautiful curves around the heart. Even in her intense state of arousal, Mansi could not help smiling. This was Jiya's speciality. No one else could do it with such perfection. Jiya's mountain of an arse was still only a few feet above her face with...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

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A young mans obsession with me

THIS STORY IS FICTION ONLY A young mans obsession with meMy name is sally and I have been married to my husband John for 15 years and in all that time I have never looked at another man in my years of marriage, My husband and I have a very active sex life and he is a great lover and sex is amazing with him, I love john very much and would do anything for him, we are a normal couple who like to experiment in the bedroom our favorite is fore play we love watching porn films while in bed,John...

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An Old Mans Sick Fantasies

Derrick gets sucked by my wife My wife yelped and moaned as derrick pinched her nipples and slapped her breasts. Her nipples got really hard and turned quite red with the pinching and twisting he did to them. I then helped him oil up her torso, her hips, then her ass. We made her bend over and I got to rub the oil into the crack in her ass, then into her asshole itself. She squealed in excitement as I pushed oil in past her sphincter. Then I pushed two fingers into her as she screamed out in...

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Every mans dream0

Let me start off by saying this is a true story that I have personally experienced. Everything here is true and nothing has been made up except for changing the names of everyone involved for privacy reasons. This story contains every man's dream as well as every man's nightmare. I hope you enjoy! Let me also start off by telling a little bit about myself. I am in my mid 30's and have been a police officer since I was 21 years old. (Yes, cops are just as sexual as the rest of you...

2 years ago
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Mansi Ki Meri Chahat

Dosto, Aap Sab ko mera yani ki Raj ka Pranam, mari age hai 26 Year and I am from Gujarat. Mere land ka size 6.5” hai jo kisi bhi bhi ladki ko shantust karne ke liye kafi hai, agar koi ladki, bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai or sex chat karne ki ichhchha to mujhe mail kar shakti hai mera mail id hai. To jyada bore na karte hue hum chalte hai aajse karib 3 saal pahle ke flash beck mai sidhe apni story par, yeh story ka main hero mai hu or heroine mere sath kaam karne wali Mansi (Name...

4 years ago
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Despite the Romans

DESPITE THE ROMANS By GENEVA Merala, the queen of Genoria, is faced with the total Roman takeover of her small realm. The arrogance of the Romans leads her to plan for the preservation of some of the Genorian way of life and some retribution for the Romans. This story takes place in approximately 100 A.D. (C.E.) and is another tale of the ancient women's realm of Genoria, situated on the shores of the Black Sea in Asia Minor. The story will stand on its own but some of my earlier...

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Mansi 8211 The Beginning

Hi frnds, this is sonia. Aaj main aap logo ko emotions k us roller coaster pe leke jana chahti hu jisse har ladki kabhi na kbhi guzarti hai. Ye kahani hai ek chote shahar se ayi ek seedhi sadhi ladki mansi ki, jo ki aankhon me sapne liye, architect banne chandigarh aati hai. So, bina waqt zaya kiye main ye kahani usi k lafzon me aapke samne pesh karna chahti hu.   Baat un dino ki hai jab mere 12th k exam abhi abhi khatm hue the, aur gharwalo ne question karna shuru kar diya tha ki aage kya...

3 years ago
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Mansi Aunty K Saath Mera Pehla Sex

Ye story mere aur mansi aunty ke beech pehle sex ki hai, maine pehle baar sex unke saath hi enjoy kiya. Mansi aunty meri neighbor hain unki age 35 years hai. Unke husband ka glass ka business hai. Unke dono bacche mere ghar tution k liye ate hain meri mom un baacchon ko padhati hain. Ye baat tabki hai jab mai bca 3rd year mein tha. Mai unko shuru se like karta tha jab mai unko first time dekha tha tab se unke saath sex karne ka man karta tha ek din unke mobile mein kuch problem ho gayi thi to...

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Mansi my sex partner

Hi Friends, I am Abhi aged 30 from New Delhi. I am regular reader of ISS. This is really an amazing site. I have been reading stories o this for the past few years and really enjoyed them. This is my first story here that just happened a few days back. Just to tell you about myself, I am the owner of a software services company here. It’s a small company with a staff of around 20 people. There is a lady amongst my staff named Mansi who’s taking care of accounts. She is married and has a 3 year...

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Aella and the Greek War against the Romans

Aella held the bow and arrow in her hand steadily. She knew these forests better than anyone else because of her time fighting the Macedonians, and now she lay in wait in the thick underbrush as the night hid her slim figure in its darkness. “General Aella,” Stavros, her advisor, had said to her earlier in the day. “Everything is ready now. The men have been briefed, and your spies have returned confirming the news you had received last week. There will be an attack tonight, and we will be...

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Truths and Betrayals of a Young Mans Heart Chapter 10 Final

Introduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...

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Black mans promise to his dying white best friend

Story of older white couple the husband was at home terminally ill with cancer, hospice was already taking care of him , he was also on heavy medication of morphine his long time best friend for many years stopped by the thing was he is black and he had an affair with the wife years earlier, they broke it off, twenty years ago now as soon as she went to the door and saw him her pussy became instantly wet, he came in and saw his friend basically u*********s close to comatose as he said his good...

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A Business mans surprise

I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...

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A Business mans surprise

I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...

Gay Male
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e5 Edie Penrice 43 from Mansfield

We fade in on the exterior of what appears to be a wide, apartment complex. Two levels, very pretty, limited parking. Then we’re inside, noting the number of old people sitting in armchairs or being pushed around in wheelchairs. We move to an indoor swimming pool – steam rising into the air suggesting that this is a hydrotherapy pool. In the pool, a small group of women are being put through a series of exercises by a nurse/carer who is standing on the side of the pool. They are extremely...

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Making love to a mans car after school

Consider the following conversation. A man approaches a young girl in her early teens, and asks her, crudely and bluntly, 'Hi sweetheart, will you fuck my car'?She is confused, a tad frightened, but curious.She looks at this man in his mid fifties, 'What do you mean'?He looks down on this beauty, 'At least I have her attention, and she's curious', he thinks.'I have just bought a new car', he continues, 'she is like you, young sexy and very pretty to look at'.She is flattered at his...

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Every mans dream Chapter 1

About a month ago the wife and I went to a dress up birthday party for her sister in law. She wore a formal gown and I wore my best suit. The wife, Stephanie is a true MILF. At 48 she always turns heads. She is 5'6, 160lbs of shapely woman, she wears a 32KK bra and has long legs and a juicy ass. She definitely has the Jessica Rabbit figure going on. Her blonde hair and green eyes and perfect smile catches men's attention everywhere we go. Her tits are huge and she is proud of them.As we...

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Caught Fucking an Old Mans Dog

Introduction: Heres a story about a woman whos caught fucking her landlords dog. I lived at my roommates apartment for several years since I began working at a local retail shop. I had met up with her after responding to her listing in the local pages when she needed a roommate. She and I became decent friends after a while of living together. We split the rent in half and shared the responsibility of paying the utilities. Everything seemed to be working out fine in my life until I found out...

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Shamans In Love

Shamans In Love About This Series : This is a role-play between another author and I that we like to have fun with. We designed characters and used a fictional world we enjoy to set the scene. One of us types a bit of the story, then e-mails it to the other, who types a bit of a continuation, and so on and so forth. Here is the resulting published version. **Disclaimer** I own nothing related to the original inspiration for this series. This is a fan-fiction role-play created by myself and...

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Draft Only Older Mans Toy

Older Mans Toy - Draft Only, Comments / Suggestions Welcome I had trawled the Internet and was a frequent visitor to crossdresser / sissy sites and would edge and stroke myself for hours before letting forth a huge torrent of cum that I either landed in my hand and licked up or with my nylon encased legs over my head into my own mouth.On this occasion I had received a web prompt from someone else on the site asking if I would be interested in a home visit to explore my sexuality further....

3 years ago
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One Mans Wife is Another Mans Playground

[Note: This is part short story and part therapy session. The events here are certainly fictionalized to a great degree, but they are based on a very real life experience – one that I am not entirely proud to announce is mine. As I was saying to a Lush friend yesterday, sometimes when I reminisce about past sexual exploits it’s to unpack things about myself that I’m not so sure about. Never fear, though, dear reader. Your task is not to cure me. It is but to observe and, I hope, enjoy.] ‘What...

2 years ago
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My mans view on my new desire for bbc

Let me tell you a bout my somewhat recently/maybe newly single, x/current gf Rach.She is a smoking hot dark blond/ lite burr. I have secretly lead her down this path of corruption. When i met her she was a fun part-yer and lush drinker. When we started dating along time ago, i notice she ONLY would ware thong panties/ underware. She had here belly pierced ones and had been when 1 other dude prior.Well for the past idk greater part of the year i got addicted to cuckold/ir porn in my own time and...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

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Skinsuits Store

Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...

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The Devils PactChapter 38 Shamans

Sunday, September 29th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – Tacoma, WA Sunday passed in a haze of pain. I woke from the dream with Azrael back into the torment of my battered body. I hauled myself to my feet, ignoring the protest of my muscles, and staggered to the sink accompanied by the clank of my manacles. I bent down and greedily drank the cool water from the tap, bringing momentary relief to the stump of my tongue. My stomach ached and rumbled. I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday, I...

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Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...

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It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and a white apron and cap. I found that I liked the feel of hosiery on my legs and the swish of a skirt. In that costume, I could not avoid showing my bottom that got pinched by way too many boys and adult men that those who did it were suspended if a student, made to do Community Service if an adult. That introduced me to the dark side of being a girl,...

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There are defining moments in life that I am sure we all look back on and remember. The day I was hitchhiking and a car stopped to give me a ride, would become the most defining moment of my life. The reason I found myself in this situation can be summarized as follows:I was a below-average student at school and knew I would never attend college. Knowing that I would end up in an ordinary low-paying job and eking out an everyday existence, I decided that when school ended, I would embark on an...

Gay Male
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My Mum Got GangBanged of sum Germans guys On Hol

HiI have Just Been On Holiday With My Mum And My Younger brother.We went to turkey for 10 days In a 5 star hotel.My Mum is Called Suzanne , she is 48 , about 5 ft 9 , short light red hair , quite tanned , 38 c , decent body for her age ,hairy.About 6 german men arrived and checked into the hotel , usually at night we went for out meal because it was an all inclusive hotel, and then sat at the outdoor bar had a few drinks and listened to the live entertainment ,The day the german guys arrived...

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Manson Woodstock Moon landingI meet Katie

In the summer of 1969, I hitch-hiked from Laramie, Wyoming to Michigan. I needed to get away from the Air Force for a while. I went to visit my parents at their summer home on an island in Lake Huron. I went on a " double date" with my younger brother and his soon to be bride and a sweet and earnest young Christian woman who was a counselor at the 4-H camp next to my parent's "farm." Katie and my mom were friends, and she was at their house a lot. My mom was often there by herself, and my dad...

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A Mans World

She just returned from a 3 week holiday in the Maldives and today was going to be first day she returned to work. She jumped in her Mercedes sports car oblivious to the stares she was getting as she drove with ultimate power down the motorway. Tanya was 23 years old, blond, slim and her assets were both physical and intellectual. She was single, no time for men which she saw as a hassle in her life she did not need. She arrived at work and her parking space was taken, “heads will roll for...

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Old Mans Love with A Boy

Hi i am J 26 years old from Kannur(kerala)i would like to narrate my first gay sex experience when i was 18 (i do not know when i can call this a gay sex)it was a rainy day when i was in my home my neighbor(an old man who is 56 yrs of age) called me on my mobile and asked whether i can stay with him that night b coz his wife, son and rest of family gone for a relatives marriage and will be back only at late night. on that afternoon i went to his home after my lunch he was sitting in the sofa in...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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A Mans Decision

"Fuck man, I don't want to get my fucking tongue pierced" I hissed at Robert as we sat in the Jeep, putting the car in park. The air was tense with testosterone, it hung around us two like a cloud.  He just rested his meaty hand on my broad back, massaging the bunched muscles through the tank top like he always did to get his way.  A grunt passed, nodding his head as he went.  I guess we looked like fucking soldiers, two beefy guys sitting in a military vehicle like they owned the fucking...

1 year ago
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An Old Mans Wish

First of all I would like to thank Todger65 for editing this story and teaching me things about both the English language and Open Office. The help provided has been invaluable and I am indebted. If there still are any faults they are entirely my mistakes due to last minute changes or negligence. Thank you Todger! As usual this could have been put in a number of other categories (Exhibitionism was a strong candidate), but I decided on Romance in the end. The story is somewhat long, around...

3 years ago
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Truths and Betrayals of a Young Mans Heart Chapter 9

Introduction: wedding, honeymoon, and a birth Its finally Saturday and 10 a.m. in the morning. Mom, Denise, Helen, Mina, Maxine, and Lina have already left to Uncle Gus and Aunt Cindys ranch. Mom and Denise had us sleep in separate rooms. Mina slept in our room and I slept in the guest room. Zan made Will and Dusty keep me in the guest room until the ladies left. I was going to be taken in another hour to give everyone else that was going to the wedding time to show up. Will, Dusty and I got...

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Thinking Mans ActionChapter 2

Great Thanks to the always awesome mikothebaby for her editing magic, and patience with grammar, spelling and punctuation. Her valiant attempts to make my stories readable are much appreciated. As Always, any and all errors are mine, and mine alone. When I was little, my Mom, in her mantra of no violent movies, rented us the VHS tape of Mary Poppins to watch. While my brother and I did not enjoy the song and dance numbers, we were enthralled with how Mary Poppins was able to float from the...

1 year ago
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Young mans 2nd time

The first time I was in a 69 sucking cum out of a buddies cock while we were both being Butt Fucked by two other studs--Loved it and wanted more man sex. Two weeks after my first pleasure of Man Sex. my Aunt, Uncle and 18 year old cousin came for a visit. This happened about once a year and he always slept with me. I noted that he had been working out was really well built and of course I checked out his package in his levies--got to tell U it was a very impressive bulge!! When we finally went...

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The Breeders Life 5 A Mans Perspective

I'd have the whore naked if office etiquetted allowed which it sadly did not. My father had said he had expected me to treat her with more respect than I was, I laughed and said why would I treat a whore with respect. She carries your children you should be more respectful than you are. Not that I want the whore in that way or her children for that matter. They would go to an orphange if I had any say in the matter. Though I suspect my mother the bitch will have something to say about that....

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A way to a mans heartthrough his feet

The crawl to the feet s always the warm up. Sly, slouched and tiger-like, behind high in the air with a whim of readiness. If I am not wet now, I will me after I take my time and worship his feet, I think to myself. I love the crawl, head low, yet eyes focused purely in his. I love the way he looks down at me. With my mouth only I remove his shoes, socks…and the fun begins. I love the long strokes of my tongue against his feet, sliding all the way up to his toes. Sucking each one,...

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Mans Fantasy by loyalsock

I have been thinking much about Dianne lately. You see, she is a very beautiful single woman, very open sexually, and very caring for others (it is difficult for a man, and some women, to resist such a combination). I met her several months ago -- of all places -- in the waiting room of my dentist, where she shared with me her business (which is of no relevance to this story). My wife, Kristin, and I decided a few weeks later to join her business venture, and because of this association we have...

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TV Actress Hot scene Cameramans release

I cant say I was completely ignorant of the possibility of something like this happening, especially to me, a well known British actress, from a well known British acting family.I remember Granddad telling me about an incident on set involving him and a relatively unknown actress, back then, when she had been trying very hard to be noticed, she put everything into the bedroom scene and Granddad, put everything into her, the papers next day were screaming, 'Did they, or did they not?''It happens...

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A way to a mans heartthrough his feet

The crawl to the feet s always the warm up. Sly, slouched and tiger-like, behind high in the air with a whim of readiness. If I am not wet now, I will me after I take my time and worship his feet, I think to myself.I love the crawl, head low, yet eyes focused purely in his. I love the way he looks down at me. With my mouth only I remove his shoes, socks...and the fun begins. I love the long strokes of my tongue against his feet, sliding all the way up to his toes. Sucking each one,...

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Another Mans Wife

I asked as he stood in the door of their bedroom looking at me in their bed, naked, my cock, hard and still glistening having just pulled out of his young wife’s glorious tight blonde pussy when he intruded. I had watched him arrive at the door ten minutes earlier as I was pounding my cock into my lover with her legs over my shoulders. I carried on, adjusting her position to give him a better look at how I was stretching his wife’s pussy as we fucked. I rubbed her clit and she moaned...

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