- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
Amy and I got on a plane a week later and within an hour of landing we walked into the prison where George Raven was incarcerated. I knew immediately this was no place I wanted to be, but it could happen to me just from my association with the Clarks.
We were ushered into a room and we knew we were being observed. Both Amy and I had been patted down. George could sit on one side of a long table and us on the other. There were benches going the length. There was an eighteen inch high plastic barrier between us and we were warned not to reach or pass anything over it to the inmate. Luckily we were the only visitors at this particular time so we could talk privately.
George had short grey hair and he was about 5 foot 11 inches tall. He was trim and neat, weighing I would guess at 160 pounds. He looked very, very happy to see Amy. "Amy, so good of you to visit. I thought when you said in your last letter that you had a boyfriend you would forget about me."
"George, this is my friend, Beau Dixon and I would never forget you. I consider you my friend." George acknowledged me with a smile and a wave but his attention was solidly on Amy.
"More questions from me about my life of crime?"
"I might ask a few if I can think of any." Amy went on to tell what she had been doing since seeing him last. She told him that the personal interest story she had written about him had garnered some interest. "May I ask more, if not so personal?"
"Sure, anything. I'll do whatever to make you happy."
"Good, I know you were sent up here for money laundering. How is that accomplished? I mean if a person had a million dollars in cash, how could he spend or convert it into a vehicle that didn't attract the police or the government's attention?"
"There are people who do this for a living. There are several possibilities and some of it would depend on how much time you have before you need it. If you were in a hurry, it would cost you sixty percent and you would get forty. If you had plenty of time and could wait awhile, you might reverse that and get the sixty percent. Of course if it was bills in sequence you might only get twenty percent.
"If young people like yourselves didn't need it for anything immediately you could spend it in small quantities and over a period of twenty years you might realize the full face value. When you bought something, it would have to be below what the bank would report. Anything less than $10,000 would be the figure on that. You could buy a decent used car and could change vehicles often.
"If you wanted a better or later model car, you would have the first car to turn in and a few thousand in cash to purchase the newer car. A used car dealer wouldn't think twice. You have to be careful about living with a high income lifestyle if your yearly income is way below what your income would support. If you own a business it is easier. No one thinks it odd to pay cash for small tools or a case of supplies. On the other side, if you sold something you would want the money to come back to you as a check that you could deposit."
"Interesting. So George, what are your plans when you leave here?"
"I'm getting the hell out of Dodge. If I stick around here I'll be drawn back into the same lifestyle. Can I come and live near you? You ought to have a baby by that time. I missed out on my own child because someone stole her. I hate to think of it being dead, but Eleanor and her family and what they were wasn't a very good environment in which to raise a child. Maybe it was for the best that it worked out the way it did."
"It's a terrible thing to lose your child. It must have been a shock to lose all that money too?"
"Yeah some, but the money didn't actually come from my pocket. Union slush funds are created to use in emergences, pay politicians, and influence union elections. I was high enough up in union management so all I had to do was ask. I suppose being tapped to be the one to take a fall and serve time goes back to then, but I haven't minded that much. I've changed my thinking on how the world works since I came in here."
"So how would you feel if you found out your daughter was alive and the person who stole her raised her as his or her own and she was reasonably happy?"
"I've never considered something like that happening. I don't know how I would feel. I'll have to give it some thought."
"Of course there is the money that they took as well."
"That part I don't give a damn about. I'll wager that it has created more problems for the kidnappers than they ever could imagine. That may trip them up yet in trying to convert it. Look at me, I was in the money laundering business and here I am sitting across the table from you."
"So George, you're going straight when you get out of here?"
"Yes, and you damned well better believe it." George paused and then grinned and continued, "But then I do have a little stash that needs converting too, and I still have some contacts. I have to have something to live on. Maybe just enough to live quietly someplace ... a place where I have a young couple who are friends of mine and if they'll have me around."
"George, we'll give it a lot of thought. I see the guard is motioning us our time is up. I will be back next month to see you again."
"Amy, thank you so much for coming to see me. You don't know how lucky I feel knowing you. I wish I could kiss you. And Beau you're quiet and I wish I could shake your hand. Take care of this fine young lady."
"I will. I've known her for a long time and there is no one finer."
We took our leave and headed out for lunch. I asked, "Would you like to stay over tonight and fly home tomorrow?"
"I'd love to. The shuttle plane wasn't too full so we should be able to get a flight."
"I'll call. What else do you want to do?"
"Can we go see the Henry Ford museum? I always wanted to see the old cars they built here."
"That would be fun so we will find out where it is." We located it in Dearborn and were able to reach it by bus. We made a day of it, topping it off with dinner and dancing in the hotel we were booked into. Harking back to what George said about spending cash where you could, we pooled what we had and paid that way.
In the morning before our flight, Amy had the address where George and Eleanor lived many years previously. She wanted to drive by their home. The kidnapping had happened when Renee and her nurse got out of a taxi in front of the residence. Mary had confessed much of this to Amy and Amy had read some of this in newspaper archives when doing her story on George.
The man with Mary had overpowered the nurse while Mary snatched up the child. Chloroform for the nurse and masks for the kidnappers had been used and the deed was done. The nurse couldn't say what the kidnappers or the car looked like. Roger Clark hadn't been involved in this part of the snatch. His involvement came later in getting away with the ransom money.
The estate where George lived was impressive with a cast iron gate and a bell to call the house. The driveway was long and had shrubs that had now turned into trees were planted the length of it. You could barely see the house. Amy had never asked if George still owned the place. It was doubtful. Amy said, "Just think Beau, I was born and lived in that house twenty-six years ago."
"Any regrets?"
"No, not really. I have to remember that George was a crook and so were Dad and Mom. I've had a lot of sad times. I had to leave you. I was so sad I cried for days. Of course I lost Dad at the same time, which made it a really bad time for me. Then recently Mom got sick and died. I do like all of you and that includes George. I guess I'm as crooked as everyone else by lugging around a trunk full of cash and I still think well of the two people who took me."
"I'm not much better by condoning and loving this bunch of crooks I'm neighbor to. Also I like George now that I have met him."
"You're the best of all of us. You love me and you've been very helpful to Dad. I think you're going to be helpful to George before this is all settled."
"You can help me if I get caught and put in jail. You can bail me out. Just remember to pay the bail with cash." This struck us funny and we laughed and giggled over it until we went to exploring each other's body and the giggles turned into begging ... not to stop, but for more.
-- Over the next eighteen months Amy and I sometimes went up to visit Raven in Detroit, either together or she alone. Amy and he became real close. We never mentioned money to him again. I liked the man. At home, Amy lived with me, but we were constantly with Clark. He went to work everyday at the restaurant, satisfied to do his work without any complications. Amy had rented a locker and put the money she brought with her in it. I took $50,000 from the locker that had been in Clark's. I went to the well twice. Yes, we had a program to use the money as safely as we could.
The three of us spent cash, always. We bought money orders from the postal service and purchased travel checks at different banks. We found we could use Travelers checks to buy debit cards and then they were accepted the same way as checks. Surprisingly, we found that some brokers would accept all three and sell us stocks so we began to put together a portfolio.
We were always conservative and had planned how to treat these transactions with the IRS in the back of our mind. After a bit, though, we found that we had run out of options. We had to at least back off until another year rolled around. I had managed to convert $67,000 from cash to securities. We had paid cash from the stash and used up another $28,000 on incidentals. We didn't try and purchase items that we didn't need or couldn't use.
We had a meeting where we laughed at our efforts and about how difficult it was to get rid of the cash. "We need someone to launder the money for us. We are amateurs at this. Let's back off the program for now. We can still buy coffee though, and no one will suspect us of anything if we upgrade to latté."
Clark was slowly getting his house renovated and had turned that project over to me. Still we had to appear honest and the house did give us a way to continue our program.
We now turned to what we were going to do about George Raven. He wanted to move here close to us. He informed us he wanted nothing to do with his former associates. Could we keep to our program of converting cash with him around ... it doubtful.
Finally Clark said, "Let's put all the remaining money in one locker and give it back to Raven. You two have become his friends and he won't turn you in for associating with a known kidnapper. Me, as one of the original kidnappers I'm the only one that should be charged with the crime. I'm sick of looking over my shoulder and outside of you two I don't have any friends."
"But Dad, you aren't my friend, I'm your daughter. No, that didn't come out right. You know what I mean. I love you as my father and also as my friend. You always have been." Tears came into Clark's eyes and tears were running down Amy's face.
"We'll think about it."
We slowed our project down and continued on at a modest pace. Amy worked in my office when needed, but mostly she wrote fiction. She had found her niche in writing about late teen-age and young adult characters. They all had happy endings and she didn't hold to one genre.
She even did a couple of westerns. Mainly the stories involved mysteries or had romance for plots. She had tried for hard cover books, but that didn't work too well and she quit sending when her manuscripts kept being rejected. She then stuck to publishing e-books. These were short novels of 60,000 or less words. She figured this was about as long as her public would be entertained before putting the story down and might not get back to the story if they were any longer.
I was called on to submit bids and create plans for several different types of buildings I had a great staff and we were often the quickest to have plans ready before any other firms for approval. Needless to say my plate was full.
Amy went up to visit George a month before he was to be released. "Amy, my dear, would you look around and find a house for me to purchase so I can live near you. It doesn't have to be next door, but close. As you are aware there is nothing in Detroit left for me." He smiled. "You know there is a younger more sophisticated crop of crooks out there that have replaced me and I don't fit in anymore. There are more laws on the books to catch you too.
"Do you have any money and what is the price range I should stay within? How many rooms do you need? You must also realize that property is a lot more expensive now than what it was when you were first incarcerated. My father owns the house I grew up in the first years of my life.
"My Mom moved away when I was fourteen. I came back to be with Dad and found Beau still living next door and we are a couple now. I have a suggestion. Come stay with my father or us and we'll find your ideal home."
"I can do that. Amy, are you and Beau planning on being married? He seems perfect for you. I see love for each other coming from both of you."
"Yes, someday. We have waited because we want you at our wedding."
"Oh, Amy, that would please me so much."
"Just come, I want my father to be with us when I tell you why we have waited so long. I'll be up and at the prison door when you come out next month."
"I'll be looking for you."
I drove to Detroit with Amy to get George. He came out and the first thing he did was to hug Amy and kiss her on her cheek. Then he turned to me and hugged me too. There were tears of happiness in his eyes. My question when we returned to normal, "Do you have things you want to take with you?"
"No, I've lightened my burden as far as goods are concerned in the last fifteen years. My lawyer will send me some things. I want to get new clothes soon, but I have some sweats and shoes and a change in my satchel. FedEx comes by your father's house doesn't it? I've arranged for finances to come with the courier in a few days. Let's go home."
George did have us drive by his old home before we headed south. He was amazed how the city had changed. "My God, look at that. That used to be a nice section of the city. It's just a slum area now. What happened?"
"The city is bankrupt and things haven't got done. That's the easy answer."
"Bunch of stupid crooks running things, I suspect, and I've met a few of them in the last few years on the inside." That's the only comment we had from the newly released felon.
It was late at night when we arrived home. We were tired. George had slept some, but all of us were beat. "George, I have a room with a bath upstairs and it's yours. You stay here until you get settled. This is your home until you decide what to do."
"You two young ones are the best to take in an old man and him a crook at that."
Amy lit into him, "George maybe you were, but you have paid your debt to society so you aren't a crook now. I don't want you to be referring to yourself that way ever again. What if someone hears you? That will make Beau and me look bad and that's no way to pay back your friends."
"You're right sweetheart ... never again. I'll go up to bed now. God, once again I'm a free man, I can't believe it. Thank you." George was getting emotional and turned away. We watched him slowly climb upward. He turned at the top. "The stairs are so soft with the carpet on them. Some different than the welded steel I'm used too. Good night, you two."
"Beau, are we doing the right thing, by manipulating him like we are?"
"I think so. We are manipulating your dad at the same time. I wish your dad was stronger minded."
"I know and that is what bothered Mom so much about him. I don't see him as weak. I see him as a man who loves his daughter. Beau, you know him better than I do, what do you think he will do about the kidnapping and the money? Will he confess to George?'
"I think he will. My question is what will George's reaction to the confession be? You've bonded closely with him these last two years. What do you think?"
"I don't know."
Clark came over for breakfast. I could tell how apprehensive he was about meeting the man whose daughter he had kidnapped. George, after a good night's sleep in a real bed was affable and happy. We could tell he immediately wanted to be friends with Clark, but George was held at arm's length at first.
Amy showed George around town and brought him into my office where she worked part time. She also took him to the restaurant where Clark worked. This was at the busy lunch time and she and George sat in the corner of the kitchen watching Clark manage the staff sending food out to the dining room. Amy told me she didn't realize how hectic a time this was. "Dad tells me it is even worse serving dinner in the evenings."
We became comfortable having George living with us. Amy and I were now talking about getting married. It was a Saturday after dinner and Clark had stopped in for a beer before going across to his house. George spoke, "What is planned for tomorrow?"
None of us had anything special. "That's good. I want you to sit down here in Amy's living room and I'll tell you about my life. Is that agreeable? I'd do it tonight, but it would take too much time. Roger and Beau are tired from working all day, so it would be best to wait until tomorrow."
I spoke up, "I'm not that tired."
Clark said he wasn't working tomorrow and wouldn't be going to bed early. "I'll listen if it takes all night long."
"Okay then, we'll call this a bed time story. I also don't want any of you to speak until I finish. I'm positive you will all have something to say at that time.
Let me tell you a little about my wife and myself, before I get into this story. My wife Renee, and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55. We are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is five feet ten inches tall with long legs and long blond hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about three years ago. I have always known that Renee had a...
Wife LoversLet me tell you a little about my wife and my self before I get into this story. My wife Renee and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55 and we are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is 5’10” tall with long legs and long blonde hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about 3 years ago. I have always known that Renee had a relationship with...
LesbianRenee - The Fiery Rose(This story about a man saving a girl's life and that girl repaying him seven years later after reconnecting with him.Note: This is not a taboo story.)It was seven years ago..Seven long years on an oddly cold summer night. If you asked me to remember everything about that night, I'd be at a loss, but the one thing I will remember. It was the night I met her. I was walking on a bridge over looking the lake down below. I remember thinking to myself, "Why put a side-walk on...
Like I said we were not compatible in the bedroom. I always felt there was something wrong or missing. So it was not a real surprise to me when she dropped a loaded question on me one day 3 years ago. “Dick,” she asked, “as you know I have got to know a woman on line very well. We have been talking for the past year; she is married but is not happy and wants out of her marriage. We have become very close and I want to have a relationship with her. She wants to leave her husband and move...
Renee was the first neighbor to greet us when we moved into the neighborhood, and has been one of our best friends ever since. She is around our age, and her two kids are in the same age range as our kids, so we all got along great. Renee is blonde, about five feet tall, and maybe 100 pounds. She has a tight little ass and perky breasts. She always seemed to be in a great mood, and could light up a room just by walking in. Needless to say, I didn’t mind when we all went to the beach or the...
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Renee is a nurse who just graduated from school this year and works too much. She is about 5’6, brunette with a 34b chest and a firm ample ass. David is about 5’8 with brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He works for a pharmaceutical company and travels a lot for work. They met while Renee was still in school. David was giving a presentation at the hospital Renee was doing her practical training. He was instantly attracted to her when he saw her. Even in her scrubs, he could tell she had a...
Straight SexRenee took great care to milk every last drop of cum from my cock, gently squeezing and sucking it as it starting going limp. Tammy made her way down to join her, and they began to kiss each other. I spun myself around and started fingering Tammy’s wet pussy. Her body responded to my touch and she flipped onto her back. I slid off the bed and pulled her close to the edge so I could eat her wonderfully wet pussy. Renee stood up and removed her skirt and thong before rejoining Tammy on the bed....
Group SexRenee, Conclusion It was a Saturday morning. The kids were with my sister-in-law for the weekend, and Tammy had just left for her job at the local grocery store. She was a customer service manager, but only worked on weekends. I was trying to do as little as possible, and enjoy the rare peace and quiet. After a quick breakfast, I went back to bed to try and catch up on some sleep. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I was jolted awake by a loud pounding. As I reached full consciousness, I...
Straight SexI began to use MSN messenger mainly having cyber sex with who knows who, but it felt taboo and got me turned on. I began to message a woman by the name of Renee regularly. Added her to my friends list and we began to talk dirty to each other often. I was 16 at the time and very open and honest about being young which she seemed to have no problem with. If I remember correctly Renee was in her late 20's not older than 30. She would log on and command me to talk dirty to her about all the...
Renee and Her Brother Ch. 03 Shelley and Ryan continue their relationshipThis story started with Renee (42) and Ryan (31), sister and brother, who had not seen each other for 6 years. They found that they loved each other and carried this on to becoming partners and living together in a beach house in the South West of the State. Renee had 3 children, all who had grown and left home. Her daughter Shelley (now 30) was married with 2 children at the time. She and her brothers...
IncestLet me tell you a little about my wife and my self before I get into this story. My wife Renee and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55 and we are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is 5'10" tall with long legs and long blonde hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about 3 years ago. I have always known that Renee had a relationship...
Renee and Her Brother Ch. 02by Jena121© This a sequel to "Renee and her Brother" -- I have had quite a lot of feedback on this, both good and bad and thought I may explain a few of the anomalies of the first story re: the children, money etc. I just ask that people keep on giving me feedback -- I answer all private emails -- and whether it is derogatory or praise -- I need that to let me know what I am doing right or wrong -- also it only takes a moment to vote -- and they all add up --even if...
IncestHello, I am Tony. I am writing about an affair with my Niece that happened few years ago. I still have delightful memories and they were the best moments of my life. I am writing for the first time. Please pardon me if I have made any mistake. I am eagerly waiting for your feedback at ( it is tseven underscore ) At that time I was 36 and a favorite Uncle of Renee who was 25. I had come to USA 12 year before her. I was married had 2 children. We received a letter from India that Renee is coming...
IncestRenee took great care to milk every last drop of cum from my cock, gently squeezing and sucking it as it starting going limp. Tammy made her way down to join her, and they began to kiss each other. I spun myself around and started fingering Tammy’s wet pussy. Her body responded to my touch and she flipped onto her back. I slid off the bed and pulled her close to the edge so I could eat her wonderfully wet pussy. Renee stood up and removed her skirt and thong before rejoining Tammy on the bed....
Let me tell you a little about my wife and myself, before I get into this story. My wife Renee, and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55. We are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is five feet ten inches tall with long legs and long blond hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about three years ago. I have always known that Renee had a...
Renee and her brother Siblings meet after a 6yr separation This is the story of a meeting between brother and sister after 6 years. It is a fantasy but one that could be very true for some people. Please feel free to contact me and let me know if there is any way I can improve my writing. I dont think anyone will be able to comment on my grammar or spelling though LOL, There is a lead up to this story to explain it and make it more interesting - not just a fuck story. So I hope...
IncestMy ladies: Renee: A 46 year old mother of three children. She didn’t give birth to them, they were “ test tube children.” Her oldest son Andy is one of my closest friends and he is 15 years old. Her other two sons are 9, and 7. The 9 year old is Robbie and The 7 year old is Brandon. Renee cannot get pregnant. She lives 6 condos down from me on my street of my development. She has dark brown hair. She is about 5’9, D cup breasts, a nice sized ass, and muscular tan thighs. She is jewish as well....
Renee was the first neighbor to greet us when we moved into the neighborhood, and has been one of our best friends ever since. She is around our age, and her two kids are in the same age range as our kids, so we all got along great. Renee is blonde, about five feet tall, and maybe 100 pounds. She has a tight little ass and perky breasts. She always seemed to be in a great mood, and could light up a room just by walking in. Needless to say, I didn’t mind when we all went to the beach or the...
When my wife, Susan, and I decided to tell Tommy and Renee that we were swingers, we knew what the reaction would be. Tommy is our son. He is 27 years old, a little over 6 feet tall and about 225 pounds. Renee is our 25 year old daughter in law. She is a pretty blonde about 5’3′ and 125 pounds. ‘Ewwww.’ Tommy scowled, crunching his face up like he had just bit into a lemon. ‘Mom, I don’t even want to think about you having sex at all. I sure as hell don’t need to hear about your liking it.’ ...
Renee, Conclusion It was a Saturday morning. The kids were with my sister-in-law for the weekend, and Tammy had just left for her job at the local grocery store. She was a customer service manager, but only worked on weekends. I was trying to do as little as possible, and enjoy the rare peace and quiet. After a quick breakfast, I went back to bed to try and catch up on some sleep. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I was jolted awake by a loud pounding. As I reached full consciousness, I...
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Monday morning started off slow for Renee; she was introduced to a few more staff members then assigned to a sous chef. Lauren had her schedule worked out from having had previous interns. The time spent in each of the areas of study gave the intern opportunities to actually learn a task then master it.It was flexible enough to allow extra time if there were a task or concept that wasn't completely understood during the normal time allotted. Renee was mostly interested in the actual cooking of...
LesbianWhen Lauren arrived back in the house Renee was dressed and ready to go to work. She asked about the trouble at the restaurant but Lauren wouldn't talk about it. All she said was that it was a conflict and it was now resolved. Renee let it drop as she prepared their lunch.Lauren noticed Renee seemed to be a bit quieter than normal. She thought it must have been the yoga since it was her first time. It took some prodding from Lauren to get Renee to actually sustain a conversation as they ate....
LesbianRenee boarded the underground train to take her from the terminal to the baggage claim area at Atlanta’s airport. The trip had been awarded to her through her sorority, Kappa Delta. She had graduated two years prior. She continued to stay active within the organization donating her time along with a small monetary contribution when she could afford it.One of her “sisters”, Lauren was offering a two month internship at her four star restaurant in Atlanta. The winner would spend the time learning...
MasturbationSunday morning began with a lazy breakfast; the women were both up around 7:00 am. They stayed in their pajamas until after they had eaten. Lauren made omelets with Renee acting as her sous chef. They worked together very well despite being only the second meal they had prepared together. Lauren seemed to forget about her own “no contact” rule, accidentally brushing Renee a few times. Renee didn't seem to mind. Lauren thought she might have seen the smile on Renee's face get larger after one...
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Things seemed to be changing lately for me and I wasn’t quite sure where everything that I had been doing was headed. For the last year or so, I have been trying, and maybe not as hard as I could, to write better and better. I’ve gotten poor to fair reviews with my writing, so I attempted to enlist an editor to assist me with all of that. I’m an amateur writer and I write erotica. Many people like it, but mostly I believe with the exception of the ideas, I could do much better. Maybe it’s that...
Rene retired to his room, a ramshackle structure roofed over with asbestos sheets. He was preparing to stretch himself on the cot when he heard the sound of someone sluicing water into a tub in the next room. The room next was apparently the bathroom, and the plywood partition that separated the rooms was full of cracks and holes. Rene looked through some of them. Aunt must have been aware of the possible uses of these openings for she had papered them over from the other side. There was one,...
Part l My first Friday as Jean: Although I work at home, I still took the day off to make sure all the housework was done. Rene called on her lunch hour and said she bought a surprise for me, that she felt naughty and wanted us to spend the weekend doing naughty things. I was hard at the word naughty, my beautiful wife is such a tease and enjoys role-playing. Naughty is like her code word and always means over the top sex for her and me. Her last words before she hung up were, ‘And don’t...
Rene and Me part 2 Last time I revealed some background information about myself and how I came to be a high priced whore. I also filled insome of blanks concerning my first encounter with Rene. I don't recall if I mentioned it or not but there were roughly twenty moremysterious encounters with Rene. He always sent Charles to pick me up in the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud and I was never permittedto see exactly where he was taking me. However I did do a bit of detective work trying to ascertain...
Rene LaFree a woman who is in the prime of her life but has no idea of the way her life is about to turn. She is a striking lady 38yrs. whit the body of a 26yrs. due to her intensely hard workouts just about every day her one daughter is grown and left the home to start her own family in Texas her husband Tom is a working fool spending 12 or more hours each day even weekends at the office. her home is the type a family of six would have plenty of room in but it's just him and her. Rene has been...
Leaving the gym with Anggi and Greg Rene found herself in the backseat her legs spread wide and Anggi's tongue deep in her twat and that stirring in her that means a strong orgasm was soon coming her head tilted back the a****lized moans coming from her were driving Anggi on to ravish Rene' cunt. The car stopped and after she regain control of herself Rene saw a home of a rich couple the house was so big and the cars were fancy inside it was so pretty and big she thought her home was big...
Part 1: He wants me Trevor, I have to tell you a story.(Those are the first words I read in my email from my cyber friend Rene. She and I have never met, but we have great cyber and phone sex and have become each other’s confidante, sharing nearly every thing with each other, all the way from our innermost fantasies to the birth of our sons, her first and my third, who were born on the same day, about seven months ago. Rene never holds back, and from her first sentence, I knew I was in for a...
Wife LoversRene and Me I recently wrote of my introduction and first encounter with Rene. At this time I would like to expand upon my relationshipwith Rene and reveal certain details related to how the relationship evolved. When I first met Rene that night at the museum benefit I must admit I was instantly attracted to him. At the time I was finding ita little difficult to make enough money to support my somewhat lavish lifestyle which seems to grow more costly every minute.Up to this point I had yet to...
The wiper blades squealed and juddered across the windscreen, as they futilely attempted to push the water away. The noise grated in her head like fingernails across a blackboard. If it were her own car, not a hire car, she would have found a Halfords and had them replaced. She still might. The rain was relentless; the only upside, was that it had driven indoors all but the most determined. The roads were quiet. She deliberately drove through another deep puddle, with feelings akin to...
I would like to tell you about the most exciting experience of my life. Recently, I visited a local bar. I went with the express intention of being totally and completely fucked. I was dressed to the nine's ? from the outside in: black strapless evening gown, floor length with a revealing slit on the left side and extremely low cut (in fact the nipples on my 40D tits were just slightly exposed), black patent 5" heels, sheer nylon stockings with a sexy seam down the back, a black garter belt,...
She MalesPart 1: He wants me Trevor, I have to tell you a story. (Those are the first words I read in my email from my cyber friend Rene. She and I have never met, but we have great cyber and phone sex and have become each other’s confidante, sharing nearly every thing with each other, all the way from our innermost fantasies to the birth of our sons, her first and my third, who were born on the same day, about seven months ago. Rene never holds back, and from her first sentence, I knew I was in for a...
Renee certainly was a looker. 18 years old, 5'7" tall, 135 pounds in weight, gorgeous long red hair, lillypad green eyes, both curvy waist and hips, a full peachy booty and, honestly, one of the best chests in school. But no one ever knew about her lovely assets, as she had a big fear of being seen in anything other than her modestly dressed ways. Only her parents, and younger brother ever got to see her naked at home, and that's only if they were out of towels. Many people had speculated about...
Renee certainly was a looker. 18 years old, 5'7" tall, 135 pounds in weight, gorgeous long red hair, lillypad green eyes, both curvy waist and hips, a full peachy booty and, honestly, one of the best chests in school. But no one ever knew about her lovely assets, as she had a big fear of being seen in anything other than her modestly dressed ways. Only her parents, and younger brother ever got to see her naked at home, and that's only if they were out of towels. Many people had speculated about...
Renee had been wonder around the mall for the last 2 hours. She had the day off and it had decided to go shopping since her boyfriend had to work. After picking up a couple of shirts and a new pair of jeans she decided to just browse the stores feeling that she needed something else but not sure what. She had been wondering aimlessly for the last hour in and out of stores when she saw a guy go into the fitness store. WOW she thought as she admired his ripped body. He was wearing a pair of tight...
EroticEllie rang the doorbell. She stood face to face with the oak wooden door for twenty-five seconds as she contemplated the possibilities of the upcoming weekend that she hoped to be extremely eventful. Ellie, or Eleanor (as her mother called her), was a beautiful girl. She was sixteen years old and had a long, flowing blend of light brown and blonde hair that hung freely below her shoulder blades. She was a slim girl, five foot five in height, with a typically attractive, ‘perfect-looking’...
LesbianTim and Emma began their tours of the schooner which would take at least two weeks to go over everything from stem to stern, port to starboard. This was their second trip to the boat. They brought many boxes canned goods from stews, soups, veggies, and packages of dried potatoes, cheeses, raisins, and other dehydrated fruits. This was only a drop in the bucket. There would be at least hundreds of other boxes to store. To save room, they stored their cereals, crackers, certain breads, and...
Thirteen Year Old Beauty My niece just turned thirteen years old. Crystal is tall for her age and skinny as a rail but she is also gorgeous. She certainly takes after her mother, my sister. She is five feet two inches tall and weighs just eighty-five pounds. My sister tells me that Crystal is wearing a 30-A bra now too, when she can get her to wear one that is. I was there for her birthday party when she dragged me up to her bedroom to see her present. It was her very own computer,...
Hi friends na pyeru kishore (26) madhi chittoor, ikada localga coconut bussiness chesthuntam.Na life ki sukam neripinchi intha marchipoleni anandam andisthuna ma peddamma gurinchi memu anubavisthuna sukamga gurinchi chala happyga share cheyalani ila rasthuna. Peddamma 48 kastha durapu chuttam pyeru krishnavenamma muuddhuga papamma intlo peddavallu anevaru,myemu peddamane antam assalu suuper super sexyga vuntundi clearga chepalantye cinemalo apoorva aunty anushka lakshmi rai laga sexyga super...
Andrea Patterson checked her daily planner and pulled out Millie Evans file. She opened it up and scanned over it quickly, making a few notes on a yellow legal pad she had on her large desk. Millie was a good student with a pleasant personality, and seemed to being doing just fine in this her senior year. There was a knock on the door and Millie entered Andrea's office and took a seat opposite the desk. "I've just been going over your records, and it seems you are doing very well in high...
EroticThompson closed his copy of Blackstone's Laws of England after reading only a couple of pages, and turned out the light. The sounds of Zophia doing the dinner dishes was just barely audible. He'd wanted to spend the night at the temple, but Alice had sent him home. "Your wife won't be allowed to see you tonight," Alice explained. "She's getting another twenty-five lashes, the pain of which she'll have to bear for two hours during prayer time until I heal her just prior to her lights...
Almost the second I moved into Hawk’s house the sadness settled on me, again. It was like a light blanket covering my head and arms that made everything I did seem to take three times as long and wear on me four times as much as it should. Charger sensed my sadness and stayed very close. His constant presence was a comfort and a reason to keep moving. We walked. Charger and I walked the beach on that island for hours and hours. He loved to chase birds, play with stray balls left behind by...
His mind kept racing with thoughts of confusion and of anger. He had decided what his plan would be, he would go to Jill’s after he awoke and tell her everything that happened, only then , after she knew how she ruined his life would he kill her. He wanted to taste every drop of blood in her body, to savor it, after he would set out to find the nurse and take revenge on her as well. As night fell, Justin awoke feeling well rested and hungry for blood and revenge. He leapt from his bedroom...
Carl and I changed places. My glass was nearly empty so I fetched another beer in from the kitchen. By the time I'd returned they were already kissing. I sat down fully aware of the pounding in my chest and of my racing pulse. No! Don't let me have a heart attack. Not now, please! But it was just the excitement of the moment. In front of my very eyes, no more than a few feet away, my beautiful wife was about to have sex with her lover! Carl's hand was already gently caressing Kelly's...
This is a true real life story. When I was twelve I passed the summer at my grandparents house in the country. I used to pass the day doing my homeworks and reading books. Nearby lived my aunt with my cousin. One day my cousin came to visit my grandma and we played in her big garden. She was 14 at that time and she looked gorgeous with red hair and pale skin. We was playing as I said and all of a sudden she told me she had to pee. We was deep in the wood and there was nobody around so I told...
Diana ist eine dunkelhäutige, 29jährige Südamerikanerin. Sie ist 1,69m, wiegt 54 kg, hat kleine Titten mit extrem grossen Nippeln und eine geile rasierte Fotze. Ihre inneren Fotzenlappen hängen weit raus. Die Clito ist rosa und süss in ihrem Häutchen versteckt, aber wenn man sie saugt, schwillt sie dick an und sieht saugeil aus. Dianas kleines Scheisselöchlein ist kaum benutzt.... Nun kommt der Mann in den Raum und sieht Diana nackt auf einen Gyn-Stuhl geschnallt - ihr geiler Fotzenduft erfüllt...
“Hey, Angel,” The voice that was rough and deep said. “It’s time to get your ass out of bed!” I opened one eye and then the other slowly, squinting through the dark. I saw Romeo Diaz sitting in the chair across from my bed, leaning back and glaring at me. I looked around at the apartment wondering what time it was. I had to clear my throat a few time before I could talk. “What do you want?” I said half sitting, half sliding up the wall as I pushed my hair out of my eyes. I reached for a glass...
Hi, Pramod here. back with another incident. This happened with my colleague who works with me in the spa. She was from a village. She had come to Bangalore to marry a guy she loved and he had cheated her. She was from a village near Mysore. She had a nice body with 32c boobs, 28 waists, 30 hips. Her name is Vani (real name). She had finished her 2nd PUC and was doing a degree when she left home. The guy who loved her was already married and cheated on her. He rented a room and had fucked her...
Christie tried to get up. But tom only slapped her across the ass and told her not to move. Nora pulled the chair directly behind Christie. Then Christie felt slim, gentle fingers begin to stroke her cheeks. Tom held his hand in the small of her back as Nora pried her cheeks apart. "No Tom! Please?" When she felt the woman's tongue slid down her ass crack, Christie stiffened and tried to squeeze her cheeks tight. Nora laughed and taking her middle finger pushed hard between the mounds of soft...
BILLY, MEGAN, MINA & WENDY: Wound too Tight. Chapter 32. It's the little things. "Aren't you being a little presumptuous?" For a Dean of Women, she was an asshole. "Presumptuous?" Mina had been expecting something like this all afternoon. "This is, after all, a party for Faculty." Miss Prissy continued. "I think..." "Whew ... had me scared there for a minute." Mina interrupted ... on purpose. "Scared?" "Yeah ... I thought you might be the Rush supervisor for a...
Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Jason Nichols climbed above deck, the majestic sunrise bathing the sky with florid orange. The five-foot-eleven White man with 19% body fat and 36-inch waist wore royal blue Kanu Surf swim trunks with cargo pockets on either leg. He carried with him a thermos of hot, dark roast instant coffee. It was 6:23 a.m. on Thursday morning and his balls were drained. He took a seat on the lounge chair and daydreamed about the night before.Below deck of the 31-foot 1979 Bombay...
My slutty Boss had brought me a pile of paperwork to my desk that late afternoon. She said I should finish all the task before leaving.I had asked Barbara to leave early; I was alone at home, Victor away in a long business trip; but anyway, I wanted to be home alone, have a nice shower and relax… just by myself…But this slut witch first yelled at me angrily; she then begged me to do her the favor and finally she kissed me passionately, saying I was the best assistant she had ever had; so, she...