A Paladin's TrainingChapter 14: Shadowglen free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen years

***ARAN – Maralon City, Ekistair***

It wasn’t long before the alarm was raised and Heralds quickly began filling the streets surrounding the big house in the slum district, making it increasingly difficult for Aran, Sorla and Sara to keep a low profile, especially with the two women wearing red and yellow Herald robes.

So far none of the Heralds rushing by them had given them more than a passing glance, but it was only a matter of time until the word spread among the Heralds that two of their number were dead, their robes missing. It was also safe to assume that Sara and Sorla’s descriptions had been circulated immediately.

The trio stuck to alleyways as much as they could, reaching dead ends often as not, then having to turn back and try again. Aran dared not summon his vala, for it would surely pinpoint his presence to the Heralds. His frustration increased as they continued to search unsuccessfully for a path exiting the slums, snaking through narrow alley after tiny side street, all to no avail.

Shouts began to come from behind them, indicating that the Heralds had begun searching the alleyways and back streets. Aran eased his sword in it’s scabbard; he would prefer not to kill anymore men today, but if was for Sorla’s and Sara’s safety, he would do what was needed.

The shouts were drawing closer as Aran led the women down another passage, tall brick walls towering to either side with a thin shaft of blue sky visible above, before stopping once again at a flat wall with no way past. Seeing no alternative, he set his teeth and turned, planting himself between the street and the women, drawing his blade.

“Oi! Over here!” Came a hushed, but insistent voice.

Looking around, Aran saw a woman’s face peering out from a small hole in the brick wall behind them. Her face was somewhat shadowed, and Aran couldn’t make out her features clearly.

“Get in! Quick!” The woman said as she disappeared from sight. A moment later, a section of the wall slid to the right, creating a small opening.

Aran didn’t see any other choice. Ushering Sara and Sorla in first, he ducked in behind them, the brick wall sliding closed just as two Heralds entered the alleyway from the street. With luck, they hadn’t seen the wall move.

They were standing in a small space made all from red brick, which appeared to be the landing of a set of stairs leading down into darkness. A small hooded woman stood before them, the lit torch in her fist illuminating them in flickering light. She was less than five feet and slight of build, wearing tight, black breeches and a short black coat. Slung over one shoulder was a coiled rope, and she looked to have several small daggers secreted about her person.

The woman spoke as she pulled her hood back, revealing a youthful, pretty face that bore both elvish and human features. Her golden hair was pulled back in a tail, and a thin braid dangled over each ear. Her clear emerald eyes looked over her three guests curiously. “You’re lucky I came up to see what the fuss was about!”

Her voice was light and airy, with a slight lilt from an accent Aran didn’t recognise. The half-Elf stranger eyed the women, in particular their robes as she pointed the torch toward them. “You two aren’t Heralds, but you dress like them. Why?”

Sorla answered. “We were captured by them, and they stripped us naked, our clothes torn off our backs. We escaped, and these robes were the easiest way to cover ourselves.”

The girl nodded approvingly. “Did you kill any?”

Sorla nodded sadly. “Unfortunately, I killed two, though I regret it now.”

“Bah!” The small half-Elf scoffed. “Don’t be sorry! They deserve it, all of them! If you knew the things they’ve done ... Well, let’s just be happy there’s two less of them out there.”

“You hate the Heralds?” Aran asked.

“The Heralds are the ones that do all the hating,” the girl replied, fixing her green-eyed gaze on him. “Particularly toward your kind, Paladin.”

Aran’s hand was on his sword hilt before he was consciously aware of it, and Sara and Sorla stiffened, looking ready to fight.

The girl laughed, holding her free hand out placatingly. “Relax! I’m not here to cause trouble, nor am I going to give you away to the Heralds.”

Aran kept his hand where it was, not ready to trust so easily. “Who are you, then, that you know what I am?”

The girl bowed elaborately, flourishing the torch. “I am Sylvia.”

Aran waited for more, but she said no more, just looked back at him expectantly, so he asked; “And how did you know I’m a Paladin?”

“I can feel your vala,” she said, before tilting her head toward Sara. “Just as I can feel hers.”

Sara was studying Sylvia inquisitively, as if she were seeing something for the first time.

“How is that possible?” Aran asked. “You are not arohim, or I would sense it.”

“This is true,” Sylvia said. “But my people have long memories, eruchen.”

That word – eruchen – meant ‘Child of the Gods’ in Elvish, and hearing it took him right back to that day in the Emerin Forest he had met Liaren, and Induin soon after. He wished he could see them again; he could feel them in the back of his mind through the melda, somewhere far away.

Aran relaxed a little. “Your people are Elves?”

“My mother, yes. My father was a human. I learned much from them both.” Suddenly the girl turned to Sorla, making a complicated sign with her fingers.

The pretty half-Orc’s face lit up, and she grinned widely as she returned the gesture. “She is a Servant!”

Servants – or aronduri in the ancient tongue -- were in times past ordinary, non-arohim folk whom voluntarily pledged their lives to the service of Aros. Long-time Servants sometimes developed the ability to sense the vala in others, and according to Sorla, this ability was often passed on to the Servant’s children, which would explain Sylvia’s claim that she could feel the vala.

“There are several of us,” Sylvia explained. “When the Heralds became too prominent, too dangerous to our kind, we moved beneath the city, into what’s left of the old Temple.”

“How many Servants are there here?” Aran aked.

“Currently there are four of us, but we expect a few more to join us when they can.”

Aran smiled for the first time in hours. His vala told him Sylvia was being truthful. He also felt that kinship with her that he had felt when he first met Sorla; perhaps because she was a Servant. “I would very much like to meet your fellows, Sylvia,” he said warmly.

“It would be my pleasure, eruchen,” the pretty half-Elf said, bowing in that elaborate way once again before turning for the stairs.

Aran shot a quick smile at Sara and Sorla, and they both returned it before he led them after Sylvia.

The sounds of his bones grinding and rearranging themselves were audible to Braith’s ears as he entered the glen, returning from wolf to human form. The cool night breeze felt good on his skin, and tugged gently at his long, shaggy hair.

Looking around, he saw he was alone, meaning the others had not returned yet. With nothing to do but wait, Braith moved to the circle of stones that decorated the centre of the glen and lit the fire there, warming his hands over the flames. The wolf had thick fur that would keep him warm, but it was dangerous to be the wolf for too long, so he remained human.

He was not looking forward to sharing what he’d found at the farm; his brother, Aiden, had been missing for weeks, and after days of searching, Braith had finally found him, dead and buried in a shallow grave in the forest near a farmhouse.

There had been three human scents around the farmhouse; a woman and two men. One of the men had left a scent that had set the hackles on Braith’s neck standing on end. Long memory had crashed home at that scent; a deep-seated hate carried down from his ancestors. Braith had never smelled it before, but his forebears’ memories – passed down to him as was the way of Druids – knew it well.

The maddening scent of Paladin was still filling his nose, even now.

There had been nobody home at the farmhouse, else Braith would have torn their throats from their bodies, but he had tracked the Paladin as far as he dared, to the town of Ironshire, further than any of them had been from the glen in many long years.

Soon, the other Druids began to return, entering the circle one by one as they shifted back to human form, all of them bearing traits of their chosen beast.

Pretty Fionn, dark, slender and graceful, arrived first, shifting out of that strange form that looked like a big, black cat. She said it was called a panther, but Braith had never seen one other than Fionn.

Fionn nodded to Braith as she approached the fire, standing beside him to warm her hands, and Braith let his eyes travel over her sleek, supple, naked body. She was completely hairless, except for the short black hair on her head.

Fionn saw him looking and returned the attention, looking him up and down with a smile before turning her back to him, making a show of warming her tight rear before the fire, wiggling it slowly from side to side, teasing him.

“Cut it out, Fionn,” said Fergin in his deep, rough voice as he left his huge bear form. As a human, he was much the same, with that thick body hair and those massive shoulders. “We talk first, fuck later.”

While Fergin’s words said one thing, his dark eyes said another as they roved over Fionn’s body, his impressive cock rising as she posed for him.

Two more Druids entered the clearing; first came Lyrra, stalking into the firelight in her tiger form, eyeing them all in turn before resuming her human shape. Tall, with pale skin and long, fiery hair, Lyrra’s body was lush and curved where Fionn’s was slender, and she had a small patch of red hair above her sex, where Fionn had none.

“It’s good to be home!” Lyrra purred in her sultry voice, stretching her arms up over head.

Braith enjoyed mating with Lyrra as much as he did Fionn, maybe even more so. He hoped to get a taste of one or both of them tonight, but with the news he carried, it was doubtful there would be mating this eve.

Just after Lyrra came Leif, strolling into the circle on his knuckles, his powerful ape’s body rippling in the firelight before he transformed into a short, yet stocky human.

“Well,” said Leif, taking a place at the fire. “I found nothing. Again.” His face was grim.

“Nor I,” Lyrra said quietly, her face a mirror of Leif’s.

In unison, Fergin and Fionn said the same.

All eyes turned to Braith, who took a deep breath before sharing his news. “I found Aiden.”

“Where?” Fergin demanded, his eyes flashing.

“What did he have to say for himself?” Leif asked, his round face hard.

Braith shook his head, suppressing the anger that rose in him as he remembered. “He’s dead. He was buried, but I sniffed him out easily enough.”

The circle fell silent; it was never easy losing a brother or sister, especially when they were working so hard to preserve their dwindling numbers.

“Where?” Lyrra asked quietly, her amber eyes glowing in the firelight.

“A small farm about three days’ run from here. There was nobody there, but I smelled something I did not expect.”

“What did you smell?” Fionn asked intently.

“Paladin,” Braith growled, fury rising in him again as distant memories played through his mind, of Druids being hunted down and slaughtered by the Order of Aros.

Shock painted every face around the fire. Braith had expected outbursts, or claims that he was a liar, but none came, only long silence. His brothers and sisters possessed the same memories as he, and remembered, as if they were there, being harried by the unrelenting Paladins, exterminated almost to the point of extinction.

“The Paladins are supposed to be dead and gone!” Lyrra exclaimed, crossing her arms beneath her ample breasts.

“How many?” Fergin asked, flexing his huge hands as if wanting to strangle someone.

“Just one,” Braith told them. “There was nobody at the farm, so I tracked him to a town nearby, a place called Ironshire. The scent was old, but unmistakable. I picked it up again, and tracked him to the mountains to the north, where his scent vanished.”

“How long were you at the farm?” This from Leif, who looked troubled at the news.

“Not long. Once I found Aiden with Paladin stench all over him, I left right away, only stopping to check the house.”

“I say we visit this farmhouse,” Fergin said menacingly, cracking his knuckles. “And wait for the farmers to come home. Then we can ask them about this Paladin.”

The others nodded agreement, looking to Braith for the final word. As clan leader, his decision would be final.

Braith chose vengeance for his brother, the only other Druid in the clan who understood the wolf. He nodded firmly, giving his assent. “Agreed. We leave tomorrow night. Rest until then, and soon we will spill blood for Aiden!”

As one, they threw their heads back, howling and screaming into the night.

Braith did his best not to outrun his clan mates; the wolf could run for longer than the others, though it was often surprising to see how fast Fergin and Leif could move, bulky as they were in their animal forms.

Leif’s big black ape with the silver fur on its back was called a gorilla, and lived in the northern jungles of Ekistair. Braith had been with Leif when he’d melded his spirit with the gorilla, as he’d been with Fergin when he’d chosen the majestic bear, and with Lyrra when she’d melded with the tiger.

Fionn had come to Shadowglen as the lone survivor of another clan that had been wiped out by Elves. Understandably, Fionn hated Elves, and never passed up the chance to kill them.

Keeping a steady pace wasn’t easy, as Braith was burning with a desire for blood, to kill those who had taken his brother. He led his small clan through the night, his keen sense of smell guiding him easily across the land as they ran under the clouded sky.

Elaina gently heeled Star, her white mare, down the small path between the pumpkin patches as she approached Jeira’s house. She’d left the Chapel a few hours ago, and thought to check in on Jeira on the way to Maralon, where Aran was waiting with Sara, the arohim girl he’d remarkably found.

As Star cleared the pumpkins and crossed the farmyard, the hair on Elaina’s neck stood on end; something was wrong here.

The front door was torn off it’s hinges, lying on the ground next to the doorstep. The two windows Elaina could see were smashed, and the walls of the quaint little house were smeared with what looked disturbingly like dried blood. Fearing for Jeira, Elaina dismounted and hurried inside, her vala telling her there was no life in the house.

The place was a wreck; chairs and tables overturned where they weren’t smashed to bits, cups and plates and pots strewn about, as if a raging bull had been let loose. Thankfully, she saw no bodies as she checked the other rooms, only more mess.

A panicked whinny from Star brought Elaina charging from the house, mace in hand, where she saw four massive beasts, all of them far larger than they should be; a wolf, a tiger, a bear, and a big black cat she’d never seen before, closing in on Star in the farmyard.

The poor mare danced in a circle, her eyes rolling wildly as she kicked frantically. With a wordless cry, Elaina dashed forward, knowing it was foolish – the smallest of these creatures stood almost as tall as she was! - but she refused to stand and watch them take Star.

Before she’d taken two steps, something struck her in the back of the head, and everything went black.

Guttural grunting and slapping sounds brought Elaina from her sleep, groggily raising her chin from where it had been resting on her chest, wincing as pain lanced through her head when she opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry; whatever had hit her, it had hit her hard, knocking her out cold for Aros knew how long.

When she tried to move, she realised she could not; she was sitting up against a tree, but her hands were bound behind her and around the trunk. Testing the bonds, they appeared to be well tied. For some reason, whoever had captured her had stripped her naked, but apart from her head, she felt unharmed.

She feared the worst for Star, hoping that the mare had gotten away, though it was doubtful; those beasts had been enormous!

As her eyes adjusted, the lurid scene before her came into focus. Not twenty feet away, two men and two women were coupling, panting and growling as they rutted – there could be no other term for it – on the forest floor. A big, hairy man with massive shoulders was pounding a slender dark woman with short black hair from behind, while a squat, thick-armed fellow was doing the same to a voluptuous, pale-skinned woman with fiery red hair.

Caught up in their primal lust, none of them had realised Elaina was awake, and she watched transfixed as these people, whoever they were, fucked like animals before her, stark naked and lost in their wild mating. They even resembled animals to look at; their features a little different to normal humans, if that was indeed what they were.

The man with the shoulders had no small amount of dark, curly body hair, and his muscles were larger than any blacksmith’s. Throw in that long, shaggy hair on his head, and the fellow looked rather bear-like.

Studying the others, she noticed the women appeared distinctly feline, and the short man like a more primitive human, with a slightly more pronounced jaw and forehead, a wide nose, and arms as thick as most men’s legs.

Elaina had a sudden horrible thought; there were texts she’d read, records of the War, which spoke of ancient shape-changing Druids that had allied with the Demons, but none had been seen for centuries since. These creatures couldn’t be them, could they?

She decided not to wait to find out. Calming herself, she began to assess the situation while the others were focused on their vigorous fucking, but that only lasted until a third man stepped in front of her, looking down at her with unsettling yellow eyes.

He was tall and slender, but strong-looking, with a shaggy mane of wild hair down to his shoulders and a generous amount of body hair, if not as much as the bear-man. He looked decidedly canine in his face, reminding Elaina of a wolf. He was as naked as the others, and as his eyes moved from her face and down over her body, his sizeable manhood began to rise.

His yellow eyes came back to her face as he squatted easily in front of her. “Your horse was delicious,” he said with a sneer.

Star! Tears welled in her eyes at the loss of her horse as she glared defiantly at the man, whoever he was, though she said nothing. Accessing her vala, she searched his feelings but quickly recoiled when she felt what was inside his heart.

Rage. Lust. Darkness. Her vala was all but useless; there was nothing in him that would resonate with it.

The yellow-eyed fellow lifted his nose slightly, as if sniffing the air. “I can smell him on you, woman.”

Elaina didn’t understand. “Smell who?”

“The Paladin who killed my brother,” he growled. “He smells like you, but different.”

“You’re mad,” Elaina said, instinctively bluffing to protect the Order. “There are no Paladins anymore. They died after the War.”

In a flash, his hand was at her throat, squeezing until her vision started to blacken. With her legs unbound, she kicked savagely at him, but to no avail. “Do not toy with me, wench!” He roared. “The stink is all over you! It maddens me!”

She gasped for breath when he released her, wishing she could put a hand to her throat to feel for damage. Hearing the man bellowing at Elaina, the others ceased their rough fucking and came to stand over her, the men’s huge erections still glistening wetly from the women’s juices.

They made for an intimidating sight, these five, staring at her with their eyes that belonged on no human, but Elaina was not easily frightened.

“Alright, so you know I’m a Paladin,” she said calmly, looking them each in the eye. “But I still don’t know anything about your brother.”

“You may not,” the yellow-eyed man breathed as he leaned in closer, his face nearly touching hers. “But your Paladin friend does. My brother’s corpse is tainted with his scent.”

“I hate to disappoint you,” Elaina sneered. “But I don’t know where he is.”

“You don’t need to,” the dark woman interjected, looking down at Elaina imperiously. “We harm you bad enough, he will come. We know how to hurt your kind.”

Elaina chose not to correct the woman’s mistake; she and Aran were not meldin, so he would not feel anything they did to her, which meant they could hurt her all they liked, and he would never come. Elaina briefly wished that she had melded with Aran, so he would come to her aid, but she was also glad she hadn’t; he was too important to risk his life trying to save her. She remained silent, hoping they would think they had her at a disadvantage.

Yellow-eyes barked a laugh. “I have to say, I’m going to enjoy this, whore. We’re going to start by letting Leif and Fergin here have a little fun with you.” He looked up at his two comrades. “What do you think, boys? Can you ignore the stench of Paladin long enough to enjoy this cunt?”

The two other men stepped forward in response, their cocks still sticking out obscenely before them. Both were long and thick, but the bear-like man’s was big enough to use as a club.

Closing her eyes, Elaina prepared her body for what was to come, allowing herself to relax despite her grim situation. Rough hands grabbed her ankles, spreading them wide, while someone loosed her bonds, freeing her hands from the tree so she could be dragged onto her back.

They hooted and hollered as one of the men knelt between her thighs. Opening her eyes a touch, she saw it was the shorter man, Leif, fisting his cock while hungrily eyeing her pussy.

Faster than thought, two things happened; the dark woman suddenly bellowed, “ELVES!” A split second later, Leif roared in pain, clutching the shaft of a feathered arrow that had sprouted between his ribs.

More arrows streaked down from the trees as Elaina’s captors began to change, shifting from human to a grotesque mix of human and animal, before becoming the huge beasts she had witnessed at the farmhouse, with the addition of Leif, who had become an enormous black ape, probably the one who had knocked her unconscious.

The massive creatures vanished into the forest to escape the hail of arrows, all of them with at least one shaft decorating their hide.

Two Elf women dashed to Elaina as she scrambled to her feet, grabbing her by the arms and dragging her into the trees.

The ever-growing army moved slowly south in two long columns – each five-hundred strong – under the clouded night sky, bound for Amindaer, the coastal fortress on Palistair’s southernmost peninsula.

Kreya rode her black mare, Pale, between the two columns, where Lord Maloth had instructed her to remain until further notice. Alongside her was Glinda, who had been given the same instruction. Kreya chatted idly with the busty dwarf from time to time, though her attention was mostly on her master, where it should be.

Lord Maloth was her entire world now, and rightfully so; any man so great as he surely deserved devoted women around him, ready to serve his every need. Just thinking about serving his needs sent a shiver of pleasure through her body; she had lain with men before Maloth, but had never known such ecstasy as when she was with him. She constantly ached for his touch.

In fact, her body seemed consistently aroused lately, whether or not she was in proximity to Maloth. She didn’t mind, as it meant she would always be ready to please him, which in turn made her feel wonderful.

A glance at Glinda, who was gazing adoringly at Maloth riding some distance away at the head of the columns, suggested that the pretty, raven-haired dwarf was thinking the same as she. Kreya did not feel jealous; only happy that Maloth considered her worthy to be a part of his life.

While she had only eyes for her master, he didn’t seem to mind if his women enjoyed themselves with others from time to time, which was something that Kreya would never have considered before, but now – thanks to Maloth – she found herself quite sexually liberated, and had recently enjoyed the attentions of Torvin, Glinda, and even that big orc, Barrog, which had been quite the experience.

Torvin was up ahead somewhere, probably glued to Lady Shenla as usual, as was Barrog. Kreya wasn’t partial to women, or at least hadn’t been until she’d met Maloth, but Lady Shenla certainly had a way about her that drew the eyes of men and women alike.

The army of Risen dead had doubled since Waterfell, their numbers increasing with every village and town they sacked, the force now numbering just over a thousand, and still growing. It was a perfect asset for Lord Maloth, an army of undead that required no food, or sleep, or protection from the cold.

There was only one major obstacle; there were only so many Risen that a Warden of the Grave could command at a time. Most Wardens could handle up to twenty minions at best, depending on their strength, while particularly gifted Wardens like Kreya’s mother, Queen Morin, could probably control as many as forty, if she desired. Kreya felt she herself could easily handle that many, though she had never tested her abilities to the limit.

A Warden’s strength and skill also determined how well the Risen would function; the best Wardens could create minions that could operate nearly as well as the living, able to talk, and even think independently, to some extent.

In Waterfell, Kreya had been allowed second choice of the fresh corpses, after her mother, and had chosen a handsome man and a pretty woman who had worn matching wedding bands. Something had compelled her to choose them over all the others; the thought of them being together in death as they were in life was appealing to her for some reason, and their attractiveness would make them aesthetically pleasing servants, once she organised suitable garments for them.

The married couple were the first Risen she’d acquired since her others were destroyed shortly before Maloth had appeared in her life, and she was eager to gain more, provided they were of suitable stock.

There was a raiding party due back soon, which would hopefully bring fresh corpses for her to choose from. Something large and intimidating would be useful, like an orc, or even an ogre. Too much to hope for a giant; they hadn’t been seen in this land in decades. The only Warden fortunate enough to own a giant – or giantess in this case – was lecherous old Levin, who by some miracle had found her in a lone grave. A wide search had been carried out for the rest of the giantess’s tribe in the hope of finding more dead, but nothing had been found.

Kreya’s thoughts vanished as Torvin came trotting up on a grey gelding, tailed by a buxom village girl he’d Risen in Waterfell. In life she’d had golden hair, but now it was silver-white, falling down around a pretty, ghostly face.

“My Lady,” Torvin addressed her, bowing deeply from the saddle. “I have been tasked by Lord Maloth to return to his home and escort two of his women back.”

“Very good, Torvin,” Kreya said immediately; what Lord Maloth wanted, she would see done.

“I have been instructed to take Barrog with me, and two of our Wardens for security,” Torvin added. “Lord Maloth said I should ask you which men to take.”

Kreya thought for a moment. Levin came to mind, but it was difficult to move in secret when you were riding on the shoulders of a fifteen-foot tall giantess – as Levin liked to do – and Maloth would want this done quietly. Hard enough with one of Maloth’s women being a giantess herself. “Take Garvin and Andrick,” she told Torvin. “They each have more than five Risen, which should be plenty.”

Torvin nodded, bowing again. “Excellent, Lady Kreya. I will head out immediately.”

Once dismissed, the muscular Warden sped off, his round-hipped minion hurrying after him. He’d been much more respectful of Kreya since the Wardens had allied with Maloth, given that not only was she royalty in her own right as a Warden, she was also one of Lord Maloth’s personal concubines, which had lifted her status considerably.

All in all, Kreya felt like the pieces were moving in her favour.

The network of tunnels beneath Maralon was complex, twisting and turning and often branching off into forks, though none of this appeared to bother Sylvia, who confidently led Aran, Sara and Sorla through the grey stone passages as if she’d been born in them.

After he’d asked the half-Elf how she managed not to get lost, she started to point out small symbols scratched into the stone, so tiny that one would miss them unless they knew what to look for. According to Sylvia, Maralon had once held a grand Temple of Aros, and these tunnels were leading them to the lower levels of what was left of it.

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Sunday 15th April“Jill?”I’d gone into the guest room to look for a book I’d been discussing with Gemma. And I’d been totally shocked to see my sleeping wife’s body lying there. Her face showing the evidence that she’d cried herself to sleep.In that single moment all of my anger, hurt and righteous indignation from the Saturday night melted away like late snow on a Spring morning.Fuck! I’d seen Chris’s taillights disappearing around the corner with Jill sat by his side.A few minutes later our...

Wife Lovers
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Smugglers GoldChapter 11

"Damn" hissed the captain. "Close and bar the door! We'll have to hold here and hope we have help on the way." The doors were shut, the bolts shot true and chairs wedged under the handles to provide extra support just as a great many fists and pommels began hammering on them. The bodyguards began forming up in ranks facing the door which had begun to show signs of weakening under the furious onslaught. "Your Grace, release me. I can help," Antal said holding up his shackled...

2 years ago
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Never Too Late

His breath caught in his throat as the woman entered the neat hotel bar and stood, seeming uncertain as her eyes scanned the room. This was definitely the lady he had noticed in the dining room, but now she had unpinned her hair. Attractive in the dining room with her hair pinned up, now, she was so sensationally sultry with golden hair long enough to reach the rise of her appealing buttocks.Her whole seductive demeanour was enhanced by lustrous dark eyes and her elegant short, silken dark blue...

Straight Sex
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I couldnt believe what I saw

It was great working there. I worked a lot since it was just him and I runningthe place, so I got to know him and his daughter, Jessie, very well. Jessie was now 13 and was in 7th grade. She had started playing basketball, and was often down in the barn shooting hoops, often in her bikini as it was summer time out. Her breasts we starting to develop very nicley, and she had very shaply legs for a young girl. Her tummy was flat enough to rest a beer on (i actually did that), and her long...

2 years ago
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The dildo was a work of art. Hand-blown glass, crystal clear with embedded squiggles of red and yellow, it thrust up from the glass shelf like a stalagmite, gleaming and catching glints of the late afternoon sun. Allison glanced at the price tag and nearly gasped aloud. Resolutely, she returned her attention to the novelties she was supposed to be buying for Sharon's bachelorette party. But as she perused dick-shaped suckers and fuzzy pink handcuffs, she stole glimpses. On her way to the...

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Desi Virgin Neha Got Her Boyfriend

Hi friends this is neha studying bba third year.. Super sexy the queen of everyones heart as it it is said the beauty with sexy and hot body thats me neha gupta.. Let me tell you about me so the boys can fantasize me in there bed and can make their night.. I m 5’4″ tall with a measurements of 34-28-36 bra size 34c extreme fair… And I m writing this experience of mine on my bf wish mujhe hamesha se hi apna figure maintain krna psnd tha not sliye ki mujhe bf bnane the but acha lgta tha you look...

3 years ago
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Busy Bee Fellatio

Melanie Lynn Damjanović is a habitually smiling example of an ‘All American Girl’. She was born in rural Iowa to a Serbian emigrant and his Irish-Canadian wife. Both her parents became naturalized American citizens shortly after their daughter’s birth. Mel, which is Melanie’s preferred nickname, is an outstanding student athlete at Bearlane High School in western Wyoming. Since eighth grade she has been competitive in the intramural Sex Games. Her event of choice is fellatio, Despite her...

4 years ago
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Rachael And JuliusChapter 4 Almost Perfect

He found her sitting on the front porch, swinging slowly and watching fireflies. He leaned against the doorframe sipping bourbon and watching her - thinking about living his life without her and knowing he no longer could. He sat next to her and she put her head on his shoulder. For a while they just sat. "Marcus is glad I'm coming home." He finally offered. She nodded. He took another sip. "Was Claudia's description accurate?" Rachael asked softly. He thought back and looked at his...

4 years ago
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Den of DebaucheryChapter 2

'Randy kiss me again' she panted. As we kissed she slid down on the floor taking me with her. I pushed one hand inside the bathrobe and caressed her shapely tits. 'Oh Randy! I am randy' she moaned. For a moment I was confused and not understanding her replied, 'No I am Randy. You are Mala'. 'Oh Randy I am feeling so randy' she repeated. By now my cock was hard as rock and oozing pre-cum. It formed a big tent in my pajamas with a large wet spot at the top. I was so excited that I...

2 years ago
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The hissy fit

M. Thinks I went a bit too far with this one and he would never ever treat me like this. Challenge accepted I say. He clearly doesn’t know what he got himself into when he chatted me up a few months back. I was at Tesco browsing the chilled aisle for some chicken fillet for dinner, when he called me. 'Are you done having your hissy fit?' he set off. 'What? I am not having a hissy fit. I can't believe you just said that.' I should have known, he was just teasing me with pesky little comments...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Daddys little helper 2

I was in shock. I had just watched a video of on my father's computer of my dad and my best friend Sam on the very bed I was sitting on. My friend was dressed in sexy pink lingerie and had sucked my father's dick until he had exploded all over Sammi's (as daddy called her) face. The pair of them had very obviously enjoyed the experience.That wasn't what had really shocked me though, the shock came from a couple of things. The first was that as my father had unloaded his come all over my best...

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The clock struck twelve as John Doe sat in the coffee shop, anxiously waiting for someone. This wasn’t something he was used to and found many different emotions fighting for control, mostly excited and anxiety. John took a quick sip of his latte hoping to calm his nerves. ‘They should be here soon,’ he thought to himself, ‘I hope they’re just as their ad describes.’ Thinking about it, he wanted to make sure that he got every detail down before meeting them. Grabbing his phone, he search for...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Gia Derza Whitney Wright Girls Under Arrest

In the patrol car on the way to a call, Officer Warren (Jake Adams) and Officer Holmes (Nathan Bronson) explain to the camera that this is a bad part of town. A lot of unhappy people that live there lash out, so they get called out often. They arrive in an industrial area and spot bolt cutters lying on the ground next to an open chain link fence. The cops stop the car, jump out, and move into an adjacent warehouse. There are two girls inside, Whitney Wright and Gia Derza. When they see the...

2 years ago
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Annies Rania Crystals

It was very late in the office in the Finacial District, and Annie, an experienced manager, was in a closed conference room on a video call. She was not working though, but connecting with her also busy husband undressing for him from her upscale office clothes. They worked in different countries, both stayed late, and this was one of the ways to entertain one another. Several days ago, he was telling her a story, and she was wildly pleasuring herself to it. Today, Annie was feeling like making...

Wife Lovers
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Playing by the RulesChapter 4 How the Game is Played

Rule 1: Any woman whose name is written within this notebook shall have sex with you within the next 24 hours. Rachel February 17th Rule 2: You must write down the woman’s first and last name to avoid confusion. Xena Pride February 18th Rule 3: Once a name is written in the notebook it cannot be erased, or otherwise removed. Lindsey O’Brien March 4th Rule 4: The last female name written into the notebook must have unprotected sex with a random stranger each time...

2 years ago
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Wet Dream in Class

When I was a teenager, and anyone with a penis also, I had alot of wet dreams. Like more than normal I think, one a week AT LEAST. And doing sports and classes in highschool letft me with little time to sleep at home and get all that I needed. Just like everyone else I wanted to catch a few extra Z's here and there so sometimes I would have to take to sleeping in class. Having my proficiency in having wet dreams though, sleeping in class was always a risk. It never happened to me my first two...

2 years ago
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Daughter Hot For DogsChapter 9

Five weeks after Sally first began renting out her dogs, business was down. She couldn't understand it; she was still advertising in the local papers. She wondered if some other enterprising youngster was intruding on her territory. If so, Sally saw no evidence of it. As far as she knew, she ran the only dog-fucking business in town. So why was her customer list shrinking? She put that question to Ann one morning over the phone. "I wouldn't worry about it," said Ann. "All businesses...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 24

Sunday morning brought some new insight. I was up and sitting in our kitchen when Marilyn came in to give me a hug. She looked up at me and said, "You know Sal, I sometimes think I'm an idiot for being one of five women who are sucking up to you for your love. Then I realize how much you really love all of us and I know I'm doing the right thing. The way Garth looks up to you and calls you 'Dad' makes my heart sing. I thought that I might abandon these other fickle four, but I do love...

1 year ago
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My First Sex With My Neighbor Married Sexy Lady 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is Arvind 23 yrs old guy from Bangalore. This is my real story of first time sex with my neighbor flat married 27yrs old sexy and busty lady at her home when she is alone. I am staying in an apartment in Bangalore with my 2 friends, all of us are working in a pvt company. Mine is shifting type of work like one week day shift and next week night shift like that, and my 2 friends work in day times only. And in my neighbor flat couples are staying they are from Andhra and husband...

2 years ago
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Mermaid Selection

Angel Taylor always knew her relationship with Don was unlike any other in her clan. To begin with, the way she met Don was legendary, not to mention how he behaved during that difficult period of trial when his ex-wife Amy returned to cause trouble. Angel was becoming somewhat of a legend with her clan and as the younger mermaids were maturing and preparing for their time to meet the man for them, they would ask her about how she met Don and how she knew he was so different. Often, Angel was...

3 years ago
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Plotting My Revenge Fucking Him

For years, I’ve been playing with a guy who, really, I didn’t even fancy. Why I even bothered is beyond me. To make matters worse, he is the biggest tease I’ve ever met. I’m not talking about the type to tease you until you’re flying high and bring you to an epic orgasm. No, not Bob. Bob is the one who’ll bring you to that point and deny you. Repeatedly. The bastard. I’ve often had to go home and rub one out after his constant teasing. He’d keep telling me he’d change, not do it again, but...

Gay Male
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River 11

Chapter 11 So far: Jerome the yearling wolf has died, but two new wolves have joined the people. One of them decides that Moonie can atone for his sins, and over time the river cleanses his soul. The story of Moonie was told, both before the time of this tale, and after. As River and Wayne walked back to the Waters' campsite, River continued to tease the big man. She reached up and stroked his chest, marvelling at the muscles she could feel. "What?" "Just checking to see if...

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Little Sisters Are Mouthy

Jamie had one hand on her cock and the other on the keyboard. She vigorously stroked her cock as she watched the image of a dark haired skinny naked Earther girl on her knees swallowing the thick cock of a big breasted blonde Futanari. Her eyes were glued to the 3D computer display and she couldn’t help moaning. “Oh, yeah, suck that cock you little fucking whore! Show me that ass ... oooh, I’d fuck that ass so fucking hard!” Jamie watched the Futanari grab the Earther girl’s hair and force her...

4 years ago
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Bar Girl Ch 08

Chapter 8. ‘Meet Miss Ass-fuck.’ The annual cycle. Typhoon Milenyo. Amor meets the Masters of Uranus. Bruno rapes Blen’s throat. Blen and Amor’s photo-shoot. In the early days of the following week, a cyclone formed over the Pacific, and moved slowly towards the eastern seaboard of the Philippines. On the rolling news channels the weathermen and girls tracked it, speculating where it would make landfall, and how severe it would be. Late on Tuesday afternoon, Amor returned to the lady-house...

3 years ago
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The Wonderful Family Experiences

Hi all, I am mani ,40 yrs old from small village of kadapa ,a.P .I’m doing business.I don’t want waste time I am directly going into the story.I’m not good in English , thats why I am writing in telugu..Naa appudu 5 yrs,maa chinna illu,maa intlo nenu,amma,naana,akka,nanamma untamu.Maa pakka intlo maa peddammma vallu untaru.Valla into peddananna,pedamma,akka untaru.Maadi chinna illu ante oka room lone bathroom,kitchen,hall anni unai.Naku chinnapati nundi intlo adda vallanu nagnamu ga...

2 years ago
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Master MasterChapter 10

It had been a long time since I had last flown, and I had forgotten how much it sucked. The flying itself is ok, but airports are in some special circle of Hell all their own. Then, of course, there was the worst part... SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I don’t know what was worse, the sound of Lorraine chewing her gum or the sight of her doing it with her mouth open. From the very moment we had gotten into the car, she seemed to make it her mission to annoy me. The whole car ride, we had argued over...

3 years ago
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Is This Getting My Head on StraightChapter 5

Mondays, I have supper with Crystal and the girls. If one of them needs my time, I take her on a date. By 7, I am at the dance studio working on Faith. Thursdays, I head over to Twin Peaks and spend time there. It is one of the few times I do real work. I take my laptop and work on the merger. When Sylvie has a break, I put the work aside. I also flirt with her every time she walks by. Pending on her shift, we may head back to her place and watch tv for a bit. She is really into a show...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 8

I took my pleasure with Bancey and Claere this time, having enjoyed some of the others already. Jenny and Carrie were busy servicing Nora and Lara their tongues, something that I decided would teach them some proper humility for once. They had been humbled somewhat, but deep-seated assumptions of entitlement and privilege would be tougher to shake and break down than that. A little time eating harlots’ pussies might well help remove their arrogance a bit more. I was inclined to pull that out...

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The Saving of Brett A Succubus Story

This is one of the opening chapters of an erotic novel I am writing but serves as a satisfying stand-alone story. It's been a real grind to get done, so if you enjoy this please let me know. I need all the inspiration I can get!She parked her car and stared at it. Tiny red house with peeling paint sandwiched between a vacant lot and a much nicer Tudor style. It surely wouldn’t be the most horrific place she’s gotten fucked in, but it wasn’t a landslide victory, either.There was the apartment...

1 year ago
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The Gas Station

******** Chapter 1 ******** I wasn’t particularly successful with women in my youth. I did okay. I dated in high school and college and I had a few steady girlfriends, but I was never much of a pick up artist. Most of the girls I ended up with were friends first, or at least acquaintances. When it came to picking up women at a party or in a bar, I usually failed miserably when I tried. Not that I tried that often. I was scared of rejection, even from a stranger. Or maybe I was scared of being...

2 years ago
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Taboo IslandChapter 2

When weeks turned into months and still there was no rescue, Grace and Walter began to give up hope. They kept it to themselves and tried to put on a brave front for Thomas. They were always positive saying that they were sure that many searchers were looking for them and it would only be a matter of time before they were found. They were not sure that Thomas believed them as he was an intelligent boy and could certainly comprehend their desperate situation on his own. Unfortunately as time...

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French Maid

Tom Fisher had been totally smitten by the beauty of Arielle Dumonde. Furthermore, she had said she would see him sometime this day, and his excitable part kept twitching every time this thought went through his mind. He wanted to lurk outside the big house as early as possible, in order not to miss her when she looked for him, but his father had reminded him of his responsibilities to sweep the floor, and get a rabbit ready for the pot. He sat on the rustic bench outside their hut and got to...

1 year ago
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My friends mom

I was over at my friends house, like I always do evrey tuesday and thrusdays. He had to leave early, and she left me there. “ I'm going to drop jack off at his dentist appointment, be bck in twent minutes.” “ Ok.” I said. I little while later, I got bored, so I turned on the T.V. It was on some reality show, and there were girls making out. I started getting horny, and I started to masturbate. She came in through the back door, so I didn't hear. She heard me moaning, so she came and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 188

Sunday afternoon was hot so we took the jet skis out onto the ocean and rode the waves. Sunday night with it still hot, we went back to the beach to watch the moon on the ocean again. The media had been speculating about a not so secret satellite launch from NASA's Wallops Island launch site. The payload was the secret, another military intelligence satellite to replace a failing one. We were sitting facing the ocean, making small talk when all of a sudden there was a loud roar followed by...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of a Young Wife

Sitting in traffic, on this Wednesday. "Ugh, Amy, everyday, the same thing" I say to myself. Traffic moving slowly as it does every afternoon on my way home from work. I love my job, I teach at the local high school, and I feel its rewarding, teaching young minds. Though I have my fair share of trouble students. Some didn't respect me, at 26 years old I'm not that much older than my students, and some make rude, suggestive comments to me. I get my fair share of attention. My short 5'2" frame, I...

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SeniorChapter 15 More travelboats planes and cars

Ingrid served pancakes topped with strawberries for breakfast. Her mood was somber, but congenial. She may have been concerned that I would give an account of the way she had stood up in the bathtub and put her pussy on display for me to view. I couldn't be that cruel. Anyway, I was pleased with the way things had turned out. Ingrid didn't try to prevent me from entering Kelley's room, giving her a foot massage, having oral sex with her, and carrying her to the loft where we had satisfied...

3 years ago
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Sometimes Justice Just Works

Sometimes Justice Just Works --Kiai 23may03/11oct06 It's amazing what changes a simple wrong turn in a hike around a swamp can bring into your life. The trail markings sucked, they were so out of repair, and the trail itself was, well, a trail, only made official by those missing markings. When I made the wrong turn, it must've been a little after noon; by the time I realized it, it was getting on towards evening. It was twilight when I heard them;...

4 years ago
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Graduation TripChapter 7

The plan was for Matt to drop me and the packs at Teton Village at the base of the tram and then go park the car at Jenny Lake where we expected to be after our three day hike. Then he would try to catch a ride back. It was probably a twenty mile drive down to the south end of the park and to Teton Village just beyond. This is most known as a ski area and the aerial tram goes from here to the top of Rendezvous Mountain where ski trails start during the winter months. Now there was no snow...

2 years ago
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Tessas Forced

It's early morning and 14 year old Tessa was getting ready for school. Her parentshad left 20 minutes ago. Tessa had long brown hair and was wearing a one piecedress. It was the last day of school for the year and she wanted to look good.All of a sudden, she heard the bell ring. Without hesitation, Tessa openedthe door to see a man with a black ski mask standing there. Without sayinga word, He passed Tessa a cell phone and placed it up to her ear. ?Hello?? Tessa said sounding a little worried....

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Kylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her deepthroating talents and...

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The Encounter

As we made the plans for the first meet anticipation was building inside. Questions were racing through my mind. "What is he like? Does he look like his picture?" But I didn't let it stop me from sleeping. The day approached quickly. We began texting as we do as soon as the first persons eyes opened. He sent the final text that he would call when he was close. I lay in bed for another 45 minutes before I began to get ready. I got up picked out the perfect outfit and got in the shower. I went to...

2 years ago
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My son wanted his mother 4

The next morning I was up before Debbie and sat on the pot looking at the pictures I took last night. It was really hard for me to go with my hard dick slammed against the bottom of the toilet seat. I printed most of the shots I took and had them with me when I got back to the bedroom. Debbie looked so peaceful sleeping. But that didn't last long. She opened her eyes and they were pretty blood shot. Holding her head she said, what the hell did we do last night. I told her it wasn't what we did,...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Brenna Sparks Sami Parker Kawaii Kitties

Brenna Sparks and Sammi Parker love dressing up as their favorite animal, cats! Today, they are prancing around the house in their cute kitty outfits, playing a very sexy version of pretend. But just like real cats, they push a vase off the coffee table and break it! When our stud gets home, he is pissed. He tries to find the mischievous girls by dangling a cat toy. Finally, he discovers them hiding in the closet, and proceeds to punish them with his disciplinary dick. The Asian hotties make...

2 years ago
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The Best Of Friends Part 2

As she kissed me, Jake bent and took one of her nipples into his mouth, likely tasting more of my load that had dripped there, but Teri, breaking off our kiss, laughed and pushed him away. “Stop! God, you’re such a horndog - look at Little Jakey, all hard and ready to go again!” She looked at me. “Has he always been this horny?”I laughed at her name for his dick, then shrugged. “Pretty much, I guess, ever since he was old enough to know what that thing was. His brain is in his crotch – but you...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 73

NV — Debenhams Elspeth's forehead wrinkled in confusion as she held up the phone for Briana. "Any ideas?" she asked. Shawna paused the game and turned towards Elspeth. She saw the comment wasn't directed at her and returned to her game. Briana looked at it, briefly, and shrugged. "Nope." "What is it?" Shawna asked, intent on the screen. "Marcus just sent Bri a text, 'NV — Debenhams'." Shawna's face dropped, and she ran for the bedroom, abandoning the game. "HOPE!" she...

2 years ago
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Bread and Butter

Bread and Butter Beagle9690 September 2019 He served Twenty-seven years in the Marines, retiring as a Colonel at forty-five. The Marines tempered John as hard and tough as forged iron. He was respectfully known by most as Iron McCord and not so fondly by other major malfunction individuals with less complimentary names because he despises liars, cowards, and braggarts having spent most of his career in combat zones. John is a minimalist and frugal with himself. He planned, saved, and...

2 years ago
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"I'm on a week-long scouting mission for deuterium," says Tom Paris, sipping a cocktail in the Mess Hall, "and YOU show up. Just my luck, I suppose..." You nod, appreciating the irony. The ship's resident 20th century scholar was, you found out later, disappointingly absent from your arrival on the ship. You, certifiably born in the 20th century, made your rather...unique entrance onto Voyager just hours after he left. "So, you gotta tell me," he says. "I mean, I've been briefed, but I want to...

1 year ago
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Return to Dallas Pt 01

A Paul and Jenny and friends story. Copyright 2001 by Paul. All rights reserved. As I waited for my suitcase to arrive on the conveyer I found myself looking time after time in the arrivals lounge for my favourite American red head. Strange. She said she’d meet me. Perhaps she had the times wrong. Perhaps she had grown tired of a fifty-year old pawing her twenty-three year old body. That was more likely to be the answer. At last it arrived and slinging the strap of my laptop over my shoulder...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adel Asanty Interracial DPGaping Threesome

Tan, tattooed Adel Asanty wears a slinky gold bikini, eager for an intense interracial threesome with Angelo Godshack and Dylan Brown. Adel probes her sphincter with a toy, soon welcoming the boys with passionate kisses. One stud porks Adel from behind as the other fucks her throat. Savage double penetration comes with a crude, ass-to-mouth blowjob and harsh choking. Adel’s asshole gapes from nasty anal reaming, and she gives a tasty rim job. The insatiable brunette opens her lips for a...

3 years ago
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Jack Jen I Move Marisa

For those keeping track: In our last episode I had hooked Jenny up with Jack, the trainer from the gym, in exchange for which my wife was promising all kinds of delicious rewards. I had also agreed to help Marisa, that little firecracker, move in with Jenny, and had recruited Jack's help.I was harboring all kinds of naughty, salacious thoughts, involving Marisa, Jenny, threesomes and foursomes (and more-somes). But for now, time to get to work.* * * *Cheryl and I had an understanding. Saturday...

1 year ago
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Break up in Spain

Hello, I posted part 1 of this story a while ago. Part 2 is now, finally, ready. However, as I re-read part 1 I realised that there were some errors, so I fixed those and am now posting parts 1 and 2. Thanks for reading. Break up in Spain - parts 1 and 2 My girfriend of eight months, Sarah, and I had gone on holiday to Spain. We'd hired an isolated villa that was about forty minutes drive from the nearest beach. The isolation of the villa meant that we got it pretty cheaply...

2 years ago
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The Cheerleader Audition 1

Meagan, Alicia, and Vanessa sat at the judges table watching girl after girl audition for the cheer squad. The 3 had been best friends and cheer leaders for years and as senior captains it was their job to pick the J.V. And varsity squad for the upcoming year. “Most of these chicks couldn’t dance their way out of a paper sack” Meagan complained. “Did you see that poor excuse of a hand spring that last girl tried?” said Alicia “Yeah, I haven’t seen anybody so far with enough talent to help the...

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