PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 37 free porn video

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For the next several days b**st and I leave Alex to manage the training while we go out to the plains and mark the areas we think things will happen. We mark where we want our groups to be placed for firing arrows into their formation, where the groups move between their turn to shoot. We are looking for natural formations to offer protection from firing from the new people. In two locations we will need to have some downed trees moved in to provide that cover. We locate the dried wash that I hoped to use to split their forces. I had considered using fire in the wash but in looking at it now I think that could easily get out of hand and burn the entire plains and we would be without any protection amongst them. I go back to the comment Eewa made about the availability of species. I will need to meet at the tree, again. I am sure with Alex with me, she seemed to be important to Eewa. And I know Alex enjoyed the experience last time.

After a few days laying the scene out, we think we have a good idea what we want and where to place the groups. When we return to the lagoon it is getting late in the afternoon. When we come out of the tunnel, we see training still continuing and they are all working with the bows and they are all using good form and their accuracy is excellent. They are also all still naked. They apparently didn’t put clothes back on after their swimming session as they had been doing before. I was especially interested in noticing their concentration while shooting. Because between taking their shots, the men and women couldn’t keep their eyes off the other’s bodies.

Passing them I called Tessra to me for a moment. “I have to ask you a personal question, do you mind?”

“Anything, Alexa.”

“I have noticed the way all of you are looking at each other and that you all remained naked today. What is happening?”

“Alexa, this is just so comfortable. I have been looking forward to the swimming and being naked. I admit even looking forward to seeing my own son naked. It has been so long for me, I admit to even looking at my son. Then, Helman came and he is so much like me. Older, lost his family and it has also been so long since he … well …”

“Has anything happened while I was gone? Have Alex and Addama …?”

“No! They want to. Oh, Alexa, they want to so badly. And, well … I do too, but … at my age I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“Tessra, you shouldn’t restrict yourself from things that provide a little pleasure in this life. Life can be difficult enough. Is that the only thing holding you back? Because I can help you with that.”

“Really? Yes, Alexa I want a man again so much and Helman is so nice to have around. Alexa, in our society it doesn’t take us long to select someone and have them be our mates. We find someone we like and that is about it. And I like him, a lot. And he likes me, he has said as much.”

“Okay, come with me.” I took her to the hut and got a supply of Alex’s pills and instructed her on using them. That she should take one now and then every new moon. Danna said they had immediate effect.

“You mean as long as I take these at each new moon I won’t get pregnant? Are these yours?”

“No, they are Alex’s but there are plenty, more than enough and they are intended just for this situation. It allows you to have a choice if or when you want to become pregnant.”

She threw her arms around me and hugged me. Although I was naked, I was still wearing my weapons. I took them off and put them on the table in the hut and joined her outside. I asked, “Are you okay with Alex and Addama?”

“Oh, yes. Alex would be wonderful for him. It would be a wonderful match for both of them.”

“Would you like to spend the night here with us if Alex is okay with Addama staying? What you and Helman do will be up to you.”

“You mean … all of us … that would give a chance to be ‘together’ without the prying eyes of the other villagers. That would be very nice, Alexa. Yes. I am sure I could ‘convince’ Helman.”

I asked the group to wait for a moment and moved Alex to the side so I could ask her the question. She was a little surprised, “Really? You’d be okay with that?”

“Honey, you are going to sometime. It is obvious to everyone how much you and Addama are attracted to each other. Yes, I am good with it if you really want it. I am not pushing or even encouraging. I am only providing a safe situation for you and Tessra if you want it.”

She flung her arms around me and kissed me on the mouth. It didn’t feel like a daughterly kiss and her hands pulling us together didn’t either. She was sexually charged. “Yes, yes, thank you, thank you. I love you, Mom.” She turned away to approached the group again but stopped and turned around. “Mom, something has been bothering me since we started swimming and we have all been naked. I am hairless on my body because you had Danna do something to me. But the others don’t have any body hair and it seems just the way they are. Why? I was one of them, too.”

“Honey, remember what Eewa told you about your father? Yes you were one of them but you were also partly not of them. Your father’s genes were different in some ways. You apparently got the genes that provided body hair from him. They don’t think anything about you not having body hair because they don’t.”

b**st and I approached the group and I invited them all to share our lagoon. The two couples looked at each other tentatively, but when the women agreed the men quickly agreed, also.

After dinner and as the sun was setting over the far horizon of the ocean, we were all sitting on the beach. The surface of the lagoon was again like a mirror and nearly perfectly reflected the colors of the sunset and the emerging stars and the last quarter moon as darkness was taking over the sky. We had been quietly talking about our families and our own recent family histories. I can’t even remember how we got onto this line of sharing. But we did and we all participated and it seemed the****utic. Everyone had repressed painful memories they were carrying, feeling like they were unique and who would care. This short discussion within this small group showed each that they could share and that others did care about their loss, their pain, and that gave us all something in common. They each talked with tears and halting voices of the loss of mates, entire families at the hands of the new people. Each received comfort in the arms of the others. b**st surprised me by his participation. I had been purposefully relaying the conversation to him. When there was finally a lull, he began and Alex and I both reacted with surprise. The others enquired about our reactions. Alex offered, “b**st has suffered similarly. I never knew.”

I volunteered, “I never did, either. It never came up. b**st, why didn’t you ever say anything?”

‘It was too painful and you were so accepting. I didn’t want to add to our new relationship and then it seem like more of a burden to then bring up.’

I explained what b**st just said to the others. Tessra got up from Helman’s side, gave b**st a hug and kiss on the mouth. This surprised me but she had been seeing me relate to him this way. She said, “b**st, please trust us and share now, finally. Let us help you by listening if no other way. Let us help you get this out into the open so we can all openly relate to each other.”

I translated to b**st. He looked at them and at me. I nodded, ‘Please, b**st. It will help. I feel so bad for never asking …’

So he started, ‘Don’t feel bad, Alexa. Remember the circumstances we met under.’ He shifted in place. I was leaning up against him as I often did and I had a hand on his neck, stroking him. ‘As you remember, Alexa, when you first saw me, those people brought me into that room after so many of them had abused you. To them I was a terrifying brute of a b**st. I killed everything I came close to. I managed to kill many of them when they got careless but they thought it was great fun to send to me those they wanted to execute for one crime or reason or another. It was great sport to them to sit about a large pit and watch me rip the judged apart. The more screams they heard the more they loved it. So they figured I would do the same to you. You might or might not remember because of the abuse you had already suffered but it took many of them to control me to come to you. They assumed I would possibly rip you apart by mating you and then I would feast on you. But we connected somehow, like we still do. And something happened that made me rethink. You had a plan, you were going to be rescued and you just needed more time. That was when I realized I didn’t have to be a killing, thoughtless b**st because I hadn’t been before and I remembered that then.’

He hesitated and hung his head. I turned fully to him and held him tighter. ‘Continue b**st, please. Let us help you like we have been helping the others. Let it out.’

‘Okay. I wasn’t like that before, they made me that way. They hunted us and killed us. I think it was for our skin. I am not sure, really. But when they came to our group, many other groups of my kind had moved to our region for safety and for numbers, like that might make a difference. But it didn’t. They still tracked us down. We were near the mountains, well away from them but they still came and found us. I can still see that day, they came in great number and many vehicles like your Predators, Alexa, flying vehicles. And when they came, I saw the death. I had a mate and young, I told them to leave but they hesitated when I turned from them and attacked. When I saw my mate fall, I went crazy. When I saw my young down, I don’t remember any thoughts any longer. I just killed and I killed many of them. They seemed to respect that from me and wanted to take me alive. I didn’t understand that. The more of them I killed, the more they seemed to want me alive. They finally succeeded and trapped me with nets and rope. When they took me away hanging below their craft, I saw the piles of my kind dead. As far as I could see. All were dead. My whole kind, dead. I no longer had a reason to live. The only purpose was to kill whenever I had the opportunity. That seemed to please them. I didn’t immediately understand that the people I was killing, they wanted me to kill. It was some kind of death sentence carried out by me and they like to watch me do it.’

He got up and walked to the edge of the water and gazed out at nothing but black sky and stars. Perhaps he was looking to his old home planet. I got up with him and hugged him. I had never known any of this. I felt sick for him that any people, anywhere, on any planet could do such a thing. Just kill for sport to the elimination of another species. I was hanging on his neck and weeping when he continued. I couldn’t so Alex picked up the translation, ‘So when they brought me into that great room and I saw that funny looking female bound to the boxes, I was prepare to do the only thing I did. I had been reduced to using and killing whatever was put in front of me. But as I started using that body for my pleasure something new happened. A connection was formed that reached out to me, offered me hope, asked for my hope. That was when my mind opened to what my eyes saw. And that is when I first met Alexa. She helped me, not just at that moment of understanding but when the Predators came in to save Alexa, she stopped them from killing me as they were killing everyone else. And later, outside, we fought together, side-by-side, surprising them outside and defeating them. The Predators were victorious that day and it started my opening to Alexa and to the Predators. Alexa wouldn’t leave me on that planet. The Predators were reluctant but gave in to Alexa. Later, much later, when Alexa was attacked by a jealous Predator, just look at her back to see what he did to her, I temporarily lost myself again and nearly killed him. That caused a problem despite the ship commander understanding the circumstances, others would not understand and I had to leave the ship. Again, Alexa would not leave me to an unknown fate and insisted on going with me. That is what led to our being placed here. I am the only one of my kind remaining. The only one.’

We are all stunned. And I suddenly realized that b**st and I are enclosed by the other four. All pressed together against each other and us. b**st licks several of us and says, ‘Thank you. All of you. You were right. I feel better, it still hurts, but I feel more honest. But the friends, the understanding helps.’

Many moments passed awkwardly. Not from the discussions. That seems to have drawn us all closer together, have made this group more intimate and comfortable. No, now the awkwardness is between the other two couples. They are exchanging glances, the men are clearly getting excited by the expectations already presented by them all staying here. I walk up to Tessra and Helman, “I suggest you two use the hut tonight, there is a bed and some privacy.” Helman is already nearly erect. I put my arm around each and pull them together. Tessra sighs immediately at just the touch of his nearly erect cock against her body. I hug them both and say, “You have all night. Don’t rush this. It has been so long for both of you. Let this be the start of a new life and leaving the old pain behind, honestly, without regret and guilt. You owe it to yourselves and to each other.” I rubbed both of their backs and watched them turn and move to the hut. I soon heard a moan from Tessra and then from Helman.

I turned and sought out Alex and Addama in the quarter moon light. I walked to them next. Addama was fully erect and bashful about it. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into me and I hugged him to me. I felt his cock twitch against my stomach. I kissed his cheek and then his mouth, “Addama, my little girl doesn’t have much experience. Will you be gentle with her and make it good for her?”

“Alexa, she is my dream. I know my Mom told you I was to be mated before. She was very nice. But Alex … I feel she is my extension. I will always be there for her like you have been for b**st. I thought his story was amazing.”

“Just remember that, Addama. First thing in the morning and last thing at night. Hold her in your arms going to sleep and never get tired of loving her.”

I brought them together and felt him shudder as his erect cock came into contact with Alex for the first time. I said to them, “Go down to the waterfall, on the grass. The grasses and plants along the pool and the waterfalls will provide some privacy.” I hold on to Alexa and say to Addama, “ I want to say something to Alex. She’ll meet you over there in a moment.”

When he was out of earshot, “Alex, you have only done this a few times. Are you still wanting to with Addama?”

“Yes, Mom, oh yes! I find it so hard to even think sometimes when he is around. And not just when he is naked. I know he’s the one, Mom. I just know it in every fiber of my body.”

“I think you are right, Alex. I am not questioning that. Tessra is feeling it, too. I just want to tell you that this will be very powerful but very awkward the first time. Don’t rush it. You have all night if you want it. Sex is powerful, Alex. You have seen with b**st and I that sex is not just fucking when you love someone. Sex becomes an extension of that love. Remember b**st’s cock? How we sucked it, kissed it, licked it? We loved it as an extension of him. Remember his licking you, over and over until you sometimes came on his tongue? That was him loving you physically. Remember that tonight. If you approach this as making sure he has a great experience, you both will. He will be unsure of probably everything but the fucking. Encourage him, talk to him, and let him know what you want from him. But don’t worry about too much too soon.” I looked deeply into her eyes, “You have the rest of your lives to perfect your lovemaking. Enjoy tonight, dear.”

Now it was Alex’s turn. She stared deeply into my eyes, put her hand on my cheek and choking back the emotion, “I love you, Mom.” Then she turned and ran to catch up to Addama.

As Alex ran down the beach, b**st came up next to me, ‘I can’t see it but you are crying, aren’t you?’

‘Yes … but it is joyful tears.’

‘You’re actually happy and excited for her, aren’t you?’

‘Yes, but can we stop talking and have our own sex? All this new sexuality around us has me hot.’ And we did have great sex. I always do with b**st.

But the great sex of the night was Alex. She was having her first with a man, a man she care about greatly. I was to find out later that she had heeded my words. She had been unhurried, even to the point of controlling the tempo from Addama. We heard him cry out several times in frustration as she manipulated the action. She said later that she realized the worst would be that she, and Addama, would be very tired the next morning, but they did have all night to experiment and try out what loving sex was about.

She surprised herself with her playfulness and excitement. Not content to just run down the beach to catch up to Addama as she came up behind him she jumped onto his back and wrapped her legs and arms around him. To his credit he reacted instantly with his own playfulness and jogged down the remainder of the beach until they reached the pool. Alex bouncing on his lower back, her breasts rubbing up and down on his bare skin. Reaching the grassy area around the pool he stopped abruptly and went to his knees and ducked his head causing her to slip off and over him, rolling to a stop in front of him. They were both laughing, he breathing heavily from the effort of carrying her while jogging. She rolled to face him, her legs spread in front of him, her breasts heaving but not from exertion, from excitement. She followed his eyes to her pussy and she blush but in the darkness, lit only by the moon she knew it went unnoticed.

She crawled to him and both on their knees, she took him in her arms and kissed him on the mouth, lightly at first and then more passionately with her hands roaming his nakedness and feeling him doing the same. She pulled back and gazed up slightly to his face and eyes. “Addama, I think I have loved you since the first time I saw you in the village. I hope you feel the same way. I want this to happen so badly.”

“Alexa, I think you are my dream woman. When I first saw you, you were an unreachable goddess to me. But you weren’t unattainable, you chose me and I thought I was in a dream.”

“Promise me, if this is a dream, we never wake up. Now, lay back I want to do something for you.”

He did as he was told, smart boy when a naked woman says she is going to do something for you. She crawled up his body, purposely dragging her breast up his stomach and chest until she could kiss him and she lay on top of him. As she kissed him, her hands held his face and then one went down his side. But her lower body was constantly moving over his rigid cock pressed between them. He was sighing and she raised her head, looking into his eyes. She was smiling. “Addama, we have all night if we want it. We may be tired in the morning and tomorrow but everyone is going to understand. Let’s not rush this. I want to enjoy as much as I can. I may not be experienced in this but I know we will enjoy it. I want to explore your body and know the feeling of it with my hands, my lips, my mouth and my pussy.”

“Oh my, Alex … I could come right now just from your commitment to me and your promise of our love and … you fantastic body along mine … finally. Yes, Alex, however you want it. We have all night to explore each other but that means I will be exploring you, too. Outside … and inside.”

“Oh, yes. All of me! Forever!”

She kissed him on the mouth again and slowly kissed her way down his body from his chin, his neck, his chest and sucking on each nipple, his stomach and licking into his belly button, his abdomen, and finally to the head of his cock. And when she kissed around it but avoiding it, she saw his need, his urgency as his cock jerked up on its own, straining for attention. She kissed his cock near the base, licked it and licked up the length of his rigid member but stopping before reaching the head and returning to the base and then back up but his time with kisses and slight sucking. This time, reaching the head she did kiss it and then licked it and then took just the tip into her lips and pulled it straight up. And looking up from this position she could see him raise his head and look at her, wonder in his eyes, his mouth slightly open. And making eye contact she drove her mouth down over his cock, taking half of it into her mouth. She raised up and went back down. When she raised up the next time, she tried sucking the head and this elicited a deep, long groan and moaning from him. His hips rising up off the ground and she stayed with him in her mouth as she took more into her mouth and then switched to sucking him. He groaned louder and stiffened more and, even though inexperienced, sensed his pending climax and pulled up off his cock and worked her way back up his body until she was kissing his mouth again.

He gasped, “I thought you were inexperienced. I never heard of a woman doing that.”

“That my dear, is what Mom, Alexa, would call loving your mate with your body in whatever way it feels good with the intent to please.”

“Am I your mate, Alex?”

In answer she raised herself and straddled his hips. She slid her pussy along his body until she felt his cock along her pussy. She slid her pussy, wet and open, along his rigid and needy cock. Over and over. She looked into his eyes and reached under her and took his cock and held it up and she slowly sat down on it. This time both of them sighed heavily. Then she said, “Yes, Addama. At least I want you to be. If you will accept me, I will be your mate.”

“Yes, Alex, I want you to be my mate. I would be the happiest of men. But if we do this won’t you become pregnant before we are able to be properly mated among the people? Oh … Alex … you feel so good! How could anything … feel so good …?”

“I won’t get pregnant. Just love me now … and then … we will do it more … until we can’t anymore or … the sun comes up.”

And they did. She on top of him and him below. She raised herself and dropped back down onto him, like she had done with b**st the first time. With her head thrown back she moaned in joy as she fucked them both, driving herself onto his wonderful cock until in his need and as he reached his point of climax he raised his hips into the air and her with him and at his added depth of penetration and feeling him twitch and jerk inside her, she too climaxed. Together for the first time. She fell forward and he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her face and head, anywhere his lips could touch her. His cock still twitching inside her. A place he never wanted to leave.

And she was true to her word. After his climax, she only let him rest a moment before repositioning them and she worked to get him hard once more. She wanted to enjoy this feeling of him inside her many more times.

* * * Part 38 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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Episode 51 HUMANS

IntroductionHUMANS is a British-American TV series currently airing on AMC and in the UK Channel4, where humanoid robots called Synths are being bought as home helps, but increasingly becoming indistinguishable from humans. I have only watched episodes 1-4, so have to anticipate some of the plot lines. In episode 3 we see the gorgeous female Synth Anita standing in front of a speeding car to save Toby from being knocked off his cycle. She undresses in the garage so that Joe can assess the...

1 year ago
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Not Quite Humans

I was alwasy a little...bothered by the Alma. They were visually indistinguishable from humans except for their eye colours. They have yellow and orange patterend eyes, the pattern being unique for each individual. The eyes weren't what bothered me though. No, the eyes were beautiful, absolutely nothing to be bothered by. What bothered me was the slavery. The Alma are a people who, apparently, willingly become the slaves of others. That bothers me. Slavery is conceptually horrifying, being...

2 years ago
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Once Human

The memories were still there. The hoards of goblins and the army of orcs. The troop of trolls and the other beasts from hell. I relived the long battle over and over but the end was always the same. I had stood in the gate to Elvanhome and fought constantly for two days before the legions of sidhe returned. They had struck into the rear of the enemy and brought their allies the dwarfs. The foul ones died or fled and I finally stood with no enemy before me. That was when the single black arrow...

2 years ago
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Proxy Paige and her friends fucked me into a human

I'd been bound, hands behind my back and legs frogtied. I was splayed on an enormous bed, a cockring fit snugly around my balls and erect shaft, and my ass was filled to capacity with an inflatable butt plug. I could hear their hushed voices from the other room, probably discussing how they'd divvy me up.The cracked door opened, and in she walked: Proxy Paige. Shirtless, with rainbow locks falling about her shoulders and ample breasts; thigh high sheer black stockings adorned her legs, with...

3 years ago
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Like Humans

I was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I'd shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I'd...

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Create a female humanoid

In the year 2050, humans have started creating humanoids. These humanoids resemble humans in every aspect. They can think, talk, eat, drink and even have sex!!! But they are too expensive. Only millionaires can think about buying them. A leading humanoid manufacturing company, Technotrons inc. conducted a lucky draw. Winners will be awarded a free humanoid designed to their liking. You have enrolled yourself in the draw and luckily you have won!!! Now its time to design the female humanoid!!!!

3 years ago
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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Hogan Educates the Humans

Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...

3 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 21 Serving Humanity

Sugiarto Kusnadi, Secretary-General of the United Nations, sat flanked by his aides in the spacious salon of the Masi'shen Embassy headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He held a delicate cup and saucer of tea in his hand. A small serving table with a silver pot and a plate of pastries and other treats, stood to his right. He sipped his tea, looked up to the assembled people in the room, and smiled. "This is most excellent tea, Ambassador Jon'a-ren. I recognize the blend. It is from my...

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Zombie Leza5 The Last Days of Humanity

Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial. You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle. A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do...

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[Note to Readers: This story is designed to be read in game mode; this will prevent potential infinite loops and allows certain choices to only show up when the appropriate conditions have been met. This is your first and only warning.] Four voices chanted in unison, "Happy birthday Ari!" You took the little box wrapped in silver paper and a red ribbon with a smile. You're the youngest of your group of friends, just turning eighteen today. You know what's in the box; all of them know, since...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

2 years ago
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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

4 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

1 year ago
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Emma got that queer feeling again, in the pit of her stomach. He was looking across the room, at the chair where her red lace underpants hung from the arm, like a tattle-tale. If he had wondered about her state of undress, beneath the sheet, he now had his answer. a “Quicky” by Jo-Anne Wiley “I brought you coffee.” Emma was jolted from her lazy Sunday morning sleep-in by the voice on the opposite side of her bedroom door. “Paul? Just a sec, I'm not dressed.”...

2 years ago
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EarthquakeChapter 8

Bill and I were really worried about that encounter with the wild hog. Jake had a suggestion that sounded like it was worth following up: use a 12-gauge shotgun with a single slug. In fact, he had an idea that fit perfectly with our needs. He described a simple modification to a shotgun shell that his great-grandfather had used back in the days of the 1930s Great Depression. This was called a "cut shotgun shell." All it took was a knife to cut a ring around the shell, leaving just enough...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 31 Unauthorized Mission

Fold Space, the USS HOPE Sammy grunted as she landed on her back. Rolling over, she scrambled to her feet as Kevin came in low, the knife blade held along his right forearm. His arm came in, and her arm came up with her blade. They clanged together as the palm of her hand slammed into his chest, and Kevin flew back from her. "Got yeah!" Sammy said as she turned and kicked with her left foot. She felt her foot being grabbed, and she went flying as Kevin spun her around, and she hit the mat...

4 years ago
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Home Alone 3

I hope you liked part 2 and you like part 3 even more. Please leave feedback as it encourages me to continue. HOME ALONE 3 By Susan Brown I had a strange dream. I seemed to be in the car and there was a funny smell. I looked down at myself and I saw that I was wearing boy's clothes! That wasn't right I was a girl and anyway the clothes smelt horrible. I took the smelly boys clothes off. As I did so I noticed that Mum and Dad were asleep in the front of the car. We must have pulled...

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He had watched her for some time. Lusted to taste her lips; watched her shiver with pleasure. He still wasn't certain as to how they'd come to such an impasse - how he had settled into the dreaded "friend" zone. Yet here he was, forced to listen to her talk about man after man, tryst after tryst. She never seemed to noticed how he ached for her. It wasn't that he wasn't attractive - she had mentioned as much many times. She would comment on his lean abs, his sweet looking lips, and ponder aloud...

2 years ago
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The Captain

Tom lived alone in his first apartment since moving out of the family home. With no money to really furnish the place, it resembled more of a den than the bachelor pad he'd envisaged. Thankfully he didn't have many visitors and was left to his own devices. At weekends he'd go out drinking with the lads from the rugby team, and spend his hung over mornings watching porn and seeing how long he could hold off from cumming. Athletic in build and equipped with a solid 8 inches of cock, Tom...

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Now Public League Of Legends

You look out at the great writhing mass of shifting flesh. The distinct sounds of skin on skin contact and the smell. That intense scent of arousal mixed in with spent cum. The first thing that catches your eyes is Lux, the lady of luminosity lying on her back, as Ahri the mischievous kitsune gets astride her. Pulling down her underwear and sliding her fingers deep into the teen’s cunt. To the left the white haired priestess of the moon Diana is pushing apart Alkali’s legs to eat her out...

3 years ago
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my wifes fantasy finally comes true

So this is how it all began.My name is Tom, I am fifty years old and live with my wife of twenty years we have two children who are nineteen and sixteen.Back when I first met my wife I had a very high sex drive, I loved sex and would have sex five times a day if my wife had let me, sadly she did not feel the same way and was quite happy with maybe sex once a week or even every two weeks. So through the years my sex drive has had to take a back seat. My wife and I are very happily married and I...

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Pulled Over

Pulled Over By: Blmorticia *Renee’s thoughts ###Dream sequence Seemingly, it took all night for the lights to go dim. I had sat through three bands I didn’t much care about waiting for the ‘boys’ from Soul Metal to come on. Unfortunately, I was the only one out of my circle of friends that attended the show. The other ladies were tied down with baby issues and work. So here I am, the same age as them, acting like a teenage groupie. The lead singer caught my glimpse and winked. He...

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The College Fantasy Part 3 Futanari

I was on my back in the bed. My head was at the edge and she stood over me stroking her massive fleshy cock. I was transfixed by her luscious tits and the warm tingling was intensifying. Her words, "open up my little cum slut," echoed through my mind and I could only resist a moment. She slapped my face and as I opened my mouth in pain she filled it with her massive futa dick. "Thats a good cum slut, take your time and enjoy my cock." She spoke slowly as I imagined the smile on her face.I...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 35 Carrots and Sticks

They met in the conference room of the Geneva Embassy. Ambassador Jon'a-ren stared in confusion at his distinguished guests from the United Nations. He was truly perplexed. "Can that be correct? You have a judicial process for bringing brutal leaders to justice? Criminals who are essentially beyond the reach of their own nations, their national courts of justice, but your world court has no authority to force them to appear, to face justice?" he exclaimed in wonder. "Ambassador,"...

4 years ago
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Naked Beach

The car’s GPS announced that we had arrived, which was a relief as the traffic around Le Suquet in Cannes was dreadful, and we had hit it at the end of a long day’s drive from Paris.Mistress insisted we start early, and told me I could sleep in the car. I got up because she told me to, not because I was awake, and did nap from time-to-time, but not enough.The day started happily enough, despite my reluctant rising from a warm, luxurious bed, but the day was warm, the drive was long, and I...

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Three in the Afternoon

This is a bit shorter than most of my stories, but everything I need to say is here. It was the fourth day of my holiday in Tenerife with my hot girlfriend, Laura. On this particular morning the owner Victoria was about and she took breakfast with us on the patio. Victoria had a dream figure. She was slim but with beautiful curves and her boobs were amazing and natural. “I’ll be away tonight Danielle, I’m doing a shoot over two days,” she said. “OK, no worries, the place is safe with us, you...

3 years ago
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One Of A Kind Ride Part 2

Hi india sex stories dot net readers I came to experience the world of gay sex and the pleasures that it hold by accident. My world changed and having experienced it, normal was no more possible. Having gone through that intense session, I could not focus on anything but the events that occurred. I tried shifting my focus but in the end, it dragged me even further down. The boners that I began to get were harder, even to the point painful. Nothing was enough to satisfy my thirst and climaxing...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Office Sex

My boss had been flirting with me for the last month. She would find any excuse to brush up against me, make subtle hints and give me suggestive looks. It did not matter to Samantha that I was married it only made her more determined to seduce me. She was very persistent and after two months it was time for me to confront her and put this to an end. One day I decided to go to her office before she had a chance to start flirting with me. This was going to end once and for all. As I approached...

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Airport Customs

The Airport My wife is an amazingly beautiful woman, particularly if your taste runs towards the teens. Susan is barely 5 foot tall, an athletic 99 pounds, A-cup breasts with what seem to be perpetually hard nipples. Her red, wavy hair extends just beyond her shoulders. She has the creamy white complexion that only a natural red-head can have, with light freckling over her entire body. Despite nearing 30, with the right outfit she could blend in with a group of 14 year olds easily. She’s...

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EvilAngel Mia Kay POV Private Date Creampie

Sassy, young blonde Mia Kay looks darling in her tiny skirt and fishnets. The bubbly babe is horny for her private date with top director/performer Mick Blue. She teases and shakes her butt for the camera; her panties ride up her crotch, showing off her fat pussy. Mia pulls down her panties and oils up her ass, and Mick slithers down to eat her wet cunt. Mia returns the favor with a messy blowjob, giggling adorably as she drools over his big cock. The bold cutie then says, ‘I wanna taste...

3 years ago
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The Trade OffChapter 35

Rory We took a break from our studies and flew up Scotland with Calum, mainly to discuss with mum and Bill the position we had adopted with regard to the group sex. Like Lucy's parents, they understood our position and accepted it without any rancor. Mum and Bill asked about Lucy's mum and dad and what they thought about things. "Like you, they understood, but I got the feeling that they may well get in touch with you to see if you would want to continue with them." "I think your mum...

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The Collar Part IV

“Strip out of your clothes and get me the ribbed plug and the lube.” I sprang up and did as Master commanded, my pussy still throbbing from my stolen orgasm and my ass still sore from the spankings he and my boss had given me. When I came back into the living room, Master took what I had in my hands and set it down. He then attached my collar to my doggie chain which he had attached to the leg of the couch a few days ago. I knelt before him. “And how does my little thief feel?” he asked me. My...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 2 of 4

Introduction: Jessica is roasted just like she always wanted with a supprise twist in the end. Jessicas Fantasy Roast Story: #27 Copyright 2005 Written: February 27 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 2 – The Roasting Jessica awoke the next morning to the smell of hickory barbeque coal cooking in the backyard letting her nose follow the...

3 years ago
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Dream Come True

She lifts her head from the book she was reading as she sees Him walk across the library foyer. A soft smile gracing her lips, watching Him make his way towards her. 'Is this seat taken?' He inquires with a wink as He reaches her table. 'Um, well yes. It's reserved for Someon special.' she quips Sliding into the seat next to her, He slowly runs His hand up her thigh, leaning closer as if she were showing Him a passage of text. The wicked grin on His face and the almost silent gasp...

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