SusanChapter 19 free porn video

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When Sheila Quinn slowly regained consciousness she found herself being held in Barbara Jensen's arms. It was truly a remarkable experience because, although the girl was very relaxed and almost naked, she could feel great strength in her arms. As she recovered, Barbara turned her head with her right hand, tipped it, and gently melted her lips to the Irish girl's. This time, though, she exercised tremendous control as she allowed only measured amounts of her love, joy, and grace to flow to the other girl.

For Sheila, after the initial shock of being kissed on the lips by a woman wore off, she began to feel utterly marvelous. Her nipples become tight and she could even feel her cunt begin to flow with its juices just from the purest love. Then she began to use her own hands to stroke Barbara's body. As she did she was astounded to realize that there was nothing but solid muscles under the most satin-soft skin imaginable. Now she took an active rôle and began to work her lips on Barbara's.

Finally, they eased apart and, with her brilliant blue eyes glistening, she said, "Thank you so much."

Then she wriggled in Barb's arms and added, "If you're Susan's personal body slave, what am I? The kitchen slave? The scullery maid? What?" She sighed deeply and continued, "As long as I can be with you, I really don't care, either."

"It seems you like my body slave, Sheila," Susan said softly. "Isn't she really neat? Trudy Carson said this morning that we're more like twin sisters. We compete viciously but we really adore one another ... or I adore her, anyway."

Having discussed the next steps, they separated. Sheila returned to her room to pack up all of her belongings while Sue and Barbara returned to the locker room. On the way Barbara commented, "All this chlorine! Yuck! I stink of the stuff. Mistress, did it bother your eyes when we were swimming? Because it certainly bothered mine."

Sticking out the tip of her tongue Susan replied, "It just shows how we spoil our slaves! Imagine! Swimming in water far cleaner and purer than drinking water, just so our slaves don't have red eyes. Aren't we sweet?"

The two showered, took turns massaging each other and finally Barb fixed Susan's hair. When the two girls emerged from the locker room it was one-thirty in the afternoon and they both looked utterly gorgeous. They found Sheila waiting for them with two suitcases. The two looked at each other and shook their heads, when simultaneously they realized that all of the girl's worldly possessions fit into only two pieces of luggage.

Just then the beautiful dark green Rolls limousine rolled up the driveway. Jeff got out from the passenger seat, immediately took Susan into his arms and began to kiss her. At the same time, Steve jumped out and took Barbara into his arms. Each man concentrated on communicating every bit of love and passion he could to the love of his life. For their part the girls just wriggled their bodies against their mates and enjoyed the marvelous feeling of being truly loved. When their lips separated, the women just nuzzled into their men's shoulders and sighed deeply. Reluctantly, Susan eased away and looked towards Sheila.

The girl's eyes were as wide as saucers after having seen such unbelievable lovemaking between two couples. "That was so utterly magnificent!" she breathed. "In Ireland, we're not so ... so demonstrative. But I guess you really do love your men very much, don't you? And they certainly return your love, too."

At that Susan introduced Jeffrey and then Steve. Both men had been warned about her twin-like resemblance to Kelly Fitzpatrick and both whispered to their women that they were absolutely correct — Sheila was Kelly's twin.

Jeff winked as Susan flipped him the key to the Mercedes and said, "What a day! I actually get to drive my sports car for a change."

"Just don't get used to it, buster! Like everything else, it's mine!" The two both laughed as Jeff went off to retrieve the car from the parking lot.

After putting her luggage in the trunk of the car, Steve held the door for Sheila who got in with her eyes wide. "What an utterly magnificent car!" she exclaimed. Just then she saw Jeff wheeling out of the lot in the Mercedes roadster and again her eyes widened. "Good grief!" she murmured.

"Honey, this family is really loaded," Barbara said softly. "There are about a dozen cars in the garage in assorted shapes, sizes, and colors. It is sort of fun, though, isn't it?"

Susan sat beside Sheila on the back seat while Barbara sat in front of her on a rear-facing seat. When Barb opened the bar beside her and made three Bloody Marys, the girl was utterly speechless.

The drive back to the apartment was as much fun for Steve, Barbara and Susan as it was for Sheila. Realizing that the girl had had very little opportunity to see the sights of New York, Steve took a scenic route and pointed out a number of points of interest. For Sheila it had been a series of shocks. From no money and no prospects, now she'd been befriended by some of the nicest and richest people in the world.

"Do you think it will be possible to find Kelly Carmichael?" she finally asked. "My mother said that she's so beautiful and so smart! If I'm ever able to find her, I'm sure she'll try to help me." Then she brightened and said, "Of course, now that I've met you I don't need help to nearly the degree I did before."

When Steve headed the big car down the ramp and entered the garage, again the girl's eyes widened when he parked in what was obviously a garage just for them and where there were a dozen other vehicles parked. Barbara hadn't been teasing.

Sheila realized that the whole day had turned into a near-constant assault on her senses. It had begun when she watched the two girls racing in the swimming pool and it had just continued. Now her eyes widened again as Steve handled her two suitcases as if they were children's lunch-boxes. In his hands the heavy luggage appeared weightless. The assault continued when they entered the private elevator car. It was the most luxurious thing she could imagine and it even smelled of the fresh-cut flowers and the beeswax used on the paneling. Entering the apartment, she was awed. Then when she realized how soft all of the upholstery fabrics and leathers were, she said very softly, "You spend a lot of time here naked, don't you?" When Barbara nodded, she asked, "Must I be naked, too? I ... I ... I don't know if I could..."

"Sure you can!" Susie Sloan said appearing right in front of the girl. "It's really a lot of fun. And with their incredible bodies — Barb and Susan and Jeff ... And of course, the love of my life, Steve..." The girl grinned, held out her tiny hand and said, "Welcome, Sheila Quinn! I'm Susie Sloan. I was Steve's first wife and I've spent the last ten years first bugging The Boss..." she said with a nod upward, " ... and then trying to find some poor girl who might be able to put up with him..."

Steve had put down the baggage. Putting out his hand, he caught Susie, brought her to him and proceeded to kiss her. Then he put her down on Barbara's shoulder and proceeded to melt her with the finest kiss he'd ever given her.

Meanwhile, Susie looked at Sheila from Barb's shoulder and said, "Aren't they great? But honey, I know what you're concerned about. The Boss not only doesn't mind, he really likes to watch. With the cutest grimace she added, "Can you possibly imagine The Boss ... as a girl-watcher? But He is. Or at least He is if the girls are beautiful. Anyway, please don't worry about it. Okay?"

Before Sheila could say or do anything, Susie vanished. "What ... what was that?" she asked in utter amazement. At Susie's appearance — a tiny naked woman floating in midair — Sheila had been frozen into immobility.

"That," Barbara said softly, "is our private angel. In fact, as she said, she was Steve's wife. That girl is the bravest person who ever lived! In Vietnam she was kidnaped by the enemy and then tortured to death in front of Steve to try to make him talk. She wouldn't let him. If you can believe it, after both of her breasts were amputated — and cooked! — she asked that her right tit be given to Steve because she thought it was her better one. Then she complimented the chef on how wonderfully he'd broiled her left one. It was so tender and juicy!"

Barb started to cry as she continued, "She asked to be looking at Steve when they poked out her second eye. She wanted the last thing she would ever see when she was alive to be her beloved husband. Finally, she refused to renounce Christ as her Savior, so she's rated one of the martyrs in Heaven. That's Susie!"

Then Susan said, "Sheila, there's no need for you to be naked around here if you don't want to be. What Barbara was trying to convey to you is the fact that the rest of us usually are. It's not exposing yourself to us she was concerned about so much as your reaction to our being naked around you. Do you think you could take it?"

Susan's speech seemed to take a great load off Sheila's mind. "Oh, ma'am!" she insisted, "Seeing your magnificent bodies wouldn't bother me at all! Of course, I'll probably drool when I see your men bare..." With her eyes bright she asked, "You won't mind that too much, will you?"

"Well ... As long as you use a napkin or something so your drool doesn't get all over everything..." Barb replied with a grin.

They escorted Sheila to an unused bedroom and ushered her in. The girl's eyes bugged as she realized how palatial the room really was. Nonetheless, she was assured that it was really hers. The girl quickly unpacked her bags and then went off to find the others.

Finding Sue and Barbara in the kitchen, the girl just looked around the room in wide-eyed amazement. "There's no kitchen this fine in all of Ireland!" she exclaimed. "Certainly not even in the finest palaces!" Then she became thoughtful and said, "But that's it, isn't it? This is a modern-day palace." With that she just walked around the apartment exploring.

Moments later she was back in the kitchen, furious. "What are you doing to me!?" she exclaimed. "I just found the servants' quarters. There are three utterly lovely rooms, each with a bathroom of its very own, don't you know! Now why am I not in one of those, if you please?" she demanded. As upset as she was, her Irish brogue had returned in full force.

Looking up from her preliminary food preparation Barbara said, "Servants' quarters? You want to see the servants' quarters? Come with me."

Leading the way to her apartment she said, "Please remember that I'm Susan's body slave while my husband — future husband — Steve Sloan, is the chauffeur and butler." She led the way into their apartment. Steve was working at his desk in the library. "Don't let us bother you, darling," she said quietly, "but Sheila wanted to see the servants' quarters." When they entered the master bedroom Barbara said, "Yes, we're a little cramped for space here. There's only room for a single bed."

"Single bed?" Sheila exclaimed. "Single bed! That's a football field. How do you keep from getting lost at night?"

"It's very easy, Sheila," Barbara replied. "Steve keeps his hand over my tit and my head is on his shoulder. That way I don't get lost ... And I get to mold myself every night to the most gorgeous masculine body..."

"You love him very much, don't you?" the girl asked.

Barbara just smiled warmly and nodded her head rapidly up and down. After seeing the rest of the magnificent apartment that Barbara and Steve shared, Sheila agreed she could make do with her own living accommodations. She grinned when Barbara pointed out that her bed was the same size and hoped she didn't get lost in it. The girl very cutely shivered and said she would try very hard not to.

They went back to the kitchen where Sue and Barbara continued busily doing something, but Sheila couldn't tell what it was. Then they heard the sound of the front door chimes. Although Sheila didn't know who was there — not knowing the building's very elaborate security precautions, she didn't recognize the significance of visitors not being announced by ground-floor security — it was the Fitzpatricks. Only a handful of people — mostly members of the Taylor family — had instant access to the Collins penthouse.

With a wink, Sue asked Barb, "Why don't you get it? And for that matter, Sheila, why don't you go, too? It will give you a chance to see how we do things here." The two girls went off, but Susan was right behind them. She didn't want to miss what was coming next.

Opening the door wide, Barbara said, "Kelly, there's someone here who wants to meet you. Kelly Carmichael Fitzpatrick, this is your cousin, Sheila Quinn." Sheila's jaw dropped as Kelly swept in, took one look at the girl — her identical twin — took her into her arms and kissed her solidly.

As the incredible power of Kelly's love hit her, coupled with the shock of essentially seeing herself, the girl fainted. Kelly was prepared, though, and caught her as she started to sink towards the floor. Using her great strength she effortlessly scooped her up and carried her in her arms into the living room. There she sat down on the sofa with Sheila sitting across her lap. Very gently she stroked the girl's forehead and realized that she had satin-smooth skin and was a delight to hold. Kelly tightened her grip as she felt the girl begin to regain consciousness.

After her eyes had blinked open Sheila found herself in Kelly's arms. At the same time there were conflicting feelings. On the one hand there was utter shock at suddenly finding her cousin. But then there was an incredible sensation of warmth and security that came from being held tightly in her arms.

Then she studied Kelly's face and features and slowly shook her head in utter amazement. "You're so incredibly beautiful! You look exactly like me — except I like your hair much better than mine — but you look younger than I do. And you must be almost fifteen years older. How can that be?"

While Kelly wore her hair in a gamine cut, Sheila's wavy hair was worn longer than shoulder length.

"It gets funnier than that," Kelly said with a very warm smile. "I'm your cousin, Kelly Carmichael, although I guess technically my name now is Kelly Pierce Carmichael Taylor Fitzpatrick! Isn't that a mouthful? Anyway, there are some other people for you to meet. First, I would like you to meet your niece, Caitlin, although I guess technically she's your second cousin or something stupid like that. Personally, I like niece better. Caitie?" The children had come in behind Kelly but Sheila hadn't noticed them. Caitie had been carrying baby Sheila but had given her to Barbara to hold.

Now sitting beside Kelly on the sofa, Sheila saw the most beautiful young girl she could ever imagine. With incredible grace she made a perfect curtsy, held out her hand and said, "Good afternoon, Aunt Sheila. I'm your niece, Caitlin Fitzpatrick, and I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you at long last."

Looking into her brilliant blue eyes, Sheila almost felt like she was drowning. Then she reached out, and with a yelp Caitie dove into her arms. Throwing her arms around Sheila's neck, she proceeded to melt her lips against the older girl's. Once again the incredible power of Caitlin's kiss caused Sheila to lose consciousness.

Same as Susan
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Wife turned into a BBC Whore Part 6

“Fuck me you bastard, fuck me, you can do better than that, come on, fuck me” my wife said as I pumped her doggy style. But there it was, right where I could see. A tattoo on her right shoulder was the number 515, a signature symbol of the largest gang in our area. Next to it was the queen of spades, a symbol reflecting that she preferred black men. “Come on fuck me, feel that nigger cum in my pussy, feel it all over your small white cock.” Jamal her bull with a 10-11 inch nigger cock, had...

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Die Zwillingsschwester

Der gestrige Hochzeitstag ist der schönste Tag im Leben der neunzehnjährigen Nadine Bauer gewesen. Zunächst hat sie in der Kirche ihrem geliebten Schatz ihr heiliges Jawort gegeben, und anschließend haben sie gemeinsam mit der gesamten Hochzeitsgesellschaft ausgelassen bis tief in die Nacht gefeiert. Die daraufhin folgende „Hochzeitsnacht“ haben sie verschlafen, was für die noch jungfräuliche Nadine aber nicht so schlimm gewesen ist, denn erstens ist ihr Sex in ihrem bisherigen Leben noch nie...

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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 9

"Sam's awake and she will be joining you in getting something to eat," Amy said. "Well, are you ready for this? It's time to wake sleeping beauty here," Amy said indicating Melanie on the floor. Sean only nodded. Amy hefted Melanie up and seated her on the couch next to Sean. She was much gentler in her handling though since she had learned how Sean felt about her. She smacked Melanie on the cheeks until she saw her eyes flutter indicating she was awake. "Open your eyes dear, its...

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My Friend And His Family 8211 Part 1 Incest Sex

This is a fictional story about incest sex in my friend’s family. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at My name is Jai. I live in the city of Hyderabad, India. It all started when I was 21 years old...

3 years ago
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My Brother and His Husband

Chapter 1: "Biggest Pleasure"RORY:"Everything okay?" I asked my mom as she drove the car, looking worried."I'm just thinking about you moving in with your brother. He and Owen justgot married. And their apartment's so small! I'm just..." she paused for asecond, "I'm sorry we can't help you get a place on your own in the city.""Mom, it's fine! Taylor and I used to share a room growing up, it'll bejust like back in the day. Besides, it's only a matter of time before I canafford a place, I already...

2 years ago
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The Womanless Beauty Pageant Part 6 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 6 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...

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Marvels XHotIc

“OK Aunt May, I’m heading off to the Bugle.” Sticking her head out of the washroom doorway May smiled and called back. “Alright Peter, you have a safe trip.” May Parker looked at herself in the mirror again, tracing a finger through her grey hair all while shifting her chin back and forth to see the lines and crow’s feet over her face. Time wasn’t kind to her, not even in her 60’s and she already looked ‘elderly’. Looking over to the bottle she ordered last week she remembered the commercial on...

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Mr B pushes Kimmi to explore her kinky side

Kimmi stumbled forward and stopped when she heard other voices. Mr. B pulled a reluctant Kimmi forward by her hand."It will be OK, Kimmi. Trust me. Remember your safe word?" whispered Mr. B."'Kitty' is my safe word," replied Kimmi, whispering. "Who are these people I hear? I want to go back."Kimmi tugged at her blindfold, but Mr. B pulled her hand away. "Keep your eyes closed, and I will replace your blindfold with a mask. Do not open your eyes until I tell you," said Mr. B.He slid her...

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Marquis to Marquise

MARQUIS TO MARQUISE I was born a male in 1757. That must seem like a very strange phrasing but you'll see why I use it. My name is Jean Paul Richard. I was the firstborn child of my father, the leading aristocrat of our region in the east of France at the foot of the mountains leading into Switzerland. But I have no brothers, only two sisters, so there was never any question who would succeed my father, Luc Richard, the Marquis. There was little else I could wish to do as I...

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A Convincing Disguise

All of that went fine and I ended up getting a bid to the frat that I wanted. After the rushing process, depending on the fraternity, there are a number of different initiation rituals that you have to go through. My pledge classes first initiation was “Disguise Day”. On Friday all the pledges were supposed to dress up in a disguise for the entire day. It was pretty simple actually. Pledges needed to try and not be found from 8:00 in the morning until midnight. During that time...

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Of Sinners and Saints Ch 01

** Greetings ???? ** THANKYOU WindySwimming for editing and helping me out. ** please comment and rate xoxo * Lisa walked hurried towards Skyline, a seventeenth floor building that had some of the most expensive apartments in the city. She checked her watch again. She was ten minutes late. It would take another five minutes to get to the tenth floor. Her heels clicked as she walked towards the elevator. She had worn a pale pink sundress which was demure but elegant. She carried a large handbag...

3 years ago
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A Femme Domme TaleChapter 5

“C’mon Chris, let’s go to the bedroom. And don’t forget to grab the bottle of wine and glasses.” I took Liz’s hand and we made our way into the house while carrying our bathrobes. It felt so avant-garde walking naked beside my best friend with my husband in tow. The whole situation seemed very surreal and I was struggling to make sense of it. Two months earlier, Chris and I agreed to change our marriage and he consented to give me total, and complete control. At times, that omnipotence was...

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 96 The Fun Begins

The next morning, everyone set to work preparing for the activity. Jeff and his dad moved the couches around in the rec room to open up a large area on the floor. Lissa and Alya went through the house and stripped the mattresses off of all the beds, bringing them downstairs to place on the floor so that the couples wouldn't have to do it on the ground. Allison and Rachael went into town to pick up some "supplies," whatever that meant, but from the guilty looks on their faces, it was...

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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 3

Mark held out a full day, but the longing to talk to Kara became unbearable. He called her shortly before noon on Sunday. "Hi Kara! How are you?" "Hi Mark! I'm... I'm what? I guess the word would be pre-occupied. I've been doing so much thinking about you. Ha! My studies have gone to the dog. I'm really happy Thanksgiving is coming up this week. It'll give me a chance to catch up." "Kara, can I buy you a present? We can drive to Southglenn Mall, grab a bite to eat, and then shop...

2 years ago
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The Shed

"He is in the shed ... again!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the garden. "I'll show you," was quickly followed by running footsteps. I had just finished soldering the last of my resistors into the Control Panel and was unplugging my soldering iron when the door opened. "Daddy, Uncle Mike to see you." My eight-year old daughter was silhouetted against the bright Summer sky in the doorway, her hand clutching a book. "Cheers." "When are we going for an ice-cream?" she asked,...

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Abby TwoChapter 21

“This is yours?” “I’m going to Charles Sturt in the Fall and I needed transportation. To be honest, Abby paid and bought the new tyres. I put it together ... the engine ... drove it home.” George said, “First years have to live on campus.” “I’ll be year Three after I test out of One and Two.” “You sound smugly confident.” “Just the facts.” She turned to me, “Gonna gussy the ‘34?” “Yes,” I said, “and you, sweet sister, get to help me sand this down to primer.” “What?!?” she said, “Me?...

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Pool HustledChapter 4

The divorce dragged. Dee seemed to fight it every step we took. From counseling, to therapy, to just plain threats. Finally she tried to go after company profits and that led us back to court in mid July. After a couple of hours of arguing about how to figure out how much profits I was going to get from the company. I stood up. "Your honor, could I say a few things please," I asked. I watched the judge rubbed his face and eyes. He looked at me and nodded ok. "Your honor, we have been...

2 years ago
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Anything A Weekend of Perfection Part 1

She hadn't seen him yet but he was staring now, watching as she wound her way through the other passengers, his smile broadening as he caught sight of her across the barrier in the arrivals hall. He'd tracked her plane’s arrival on his smartphone knowing that she'd soon be here. Though she had only been away for two weeks it had felt like much longer. They'd spent a lot of time talking, messaging and flirting but nothing could beat seeing her in the flesh. He started to move along the assembled...

Love Stories
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A Ballet Fantasy

I am a 25 year old single professional male with a secret love of bondage and crossdressing and in particular a fascination with ballet and dancewear; to me, tight fitting leotards, catsuits, fishnet tights, ballet shoes etc is much more exciting than the traditional basques, stockings, high heels etc, although I have to admit my growing wardrobe includes them all. What was missing was a pair of pointe shoes and as I surfed the internet for pages of pictures of them, my desire to own a...

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An Old Relation

My plan was to visit my friend Max, he and I were close for a while during freshman year. We would hang out and play games a lot and often smash shut to pieces in his yard, his family never cared. My other friend Jason, was a bit different than Max, he liked to play games and talk about stories he’d read on the internet, most of them I found rather interesting. Then there was Jason's sister, Jazy, my god was she beautiful, the love of my life during my sophomore year. Our relationship...

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Waruming Up The Lakers

Authors Notes: This story was co-written by myself and my long time partner Kristi in 2009. Since a piece of trash named CamDogg claimed it as his own, and since Xhamster has refused to take it down along with with other stories that scuzzball ripped off from other sites, I decided to post the original version here, complete with our original notes, fully explaining the background of the story. For those who wish to see more of the work Kristi and I have done, check out the Women of Wrestling...

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MageChapter 24

We all used our mind-cloaks as we approached the entrance to the manoir; Jukar using the amulet version which she could switch on herself, though wasn’t yet in a position to actuate her own version. At the door Arch pulled the bell-pull and we awaited an answer, which came quickly. “The Comte is not receiving visitors at the moment,” came a very snooty reply from a senior manservant. “Oh, I think he’ll be receiving us,” Arch stated flashing a blank piece of paper in front of the man and...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 24 MindControlled Pregnant Daughters

Vivian Bailey My freshman concubine, Michelle, was happily munching at my pussy. Under the mind-control device, she was thrilled to be my lover. I had a harem of sexy girls. They were all around my loft. My girlfriend, Britney, was having fun on the bed getting fucked by both our mothers. Those two sexy women loved coming by to visit. They got to have so much fun eating out underage pussy, including their daughters. Other girls in the harem were busy doing programming. They had all been...

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How My Sis Becomes My Wife

“Shaila,common spread it”.she spreads her legs to give me entry.”mmmhhhhh”.her exhausted lips moaning as i make it to her depths.i exploded in i lay beside her,i wondered is it real or some dream as it was not the case few months back. I am sanjay,buisnessman,the whole caretaker of my sister,as my parents are dead,i gave her a lot of liberty to enjoy and not feel sad for a single second of her life,she highschool in our home town mumbai.she was never studying ,she went to school just for...

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Sakshi Chronicles 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity

Indian Group Sex Hi Everyone, my name is Sakshi and I have been thinking about posting my experiences on this site for quite sometime. I got introduced to this site long time ago by one of my boy friends and then again recently my hubby has been insisting me to post the events of my life in detail here. These incidents I am about to share with all of you are all 100% real and not a story or fantasy. I will break my life story in about 5 to 6 parts. I will post them as and when I get time to...

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What Our Sons are doing 2

I came slowly to with the feeling of something against my rearend. It took a few minutes to remember where I was and who I was with.Then Knew what the feeling was. It was Danny and he was pushing his hardcock up against my ass crack and letting out a soft sexy moan. His legwas over my hip and he was locking me in place, Not that I had any desireto escape from his at all. I pushed back onto his hard cock and with hisarm he pulled me closer to him. I aid Danny if I let you do this to meyou got to...

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From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 4

Chapter 6: Jane's New Life. Unsurprisingly I didn't get much sleep that night. The position I was in was extremely uncomfortable, not to mention the thoughts racing through my mind. In just a few short hours my world was turned completely upside down. I'd gone from being a man, almost graduated from University, moving into a new place, to a slave, forced to be a girl, caged and controlled. These girls were wicked and sadistic, who would have thought they could think like this, and be so...

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Sex with my physics teacher

COMPLETE FANTASY! My name is Jason. I was 17 at the time of this story and had some pretty tough classes going through high school. My favorite subjects were all math and science based. I had one teacher, Mr. Rogers, he was both my math and physics teacher. I had known I was bi for quite some time and I had the biggest crush on him. He was about 40 and I had a huge attraction to middle aged guys. He had brownish gray hair and short too. He looked about 6'2" or 3 and had quite a nice body. He...

Gay Male

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