Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Anthony Marsters had only come to Antioch High at the beginning of the year. His parents had found a job in Antioch, and even though it meant spending his final year of school in a new town, everyone had agreed it was for the best.
It generally took a year or so for students and new teachers to become accustomed to the unusual goings-on at the school; sometimes more, if they weren’t locals. It was rare for anyone to become consciously aware of the strange happenings, but after spending enough time adjacent to the Gateway, one was inevitably going to have their mind tampered with in some way.
Rapidly-expanding busts, new sexual relationships, abrupt changes to the school’s dress code - compared to some of the events that residents of Antioch needed to mentally block out, these unusual happenings were nothing.
Anthony, however, had only been in the town for a few months, and had only been at the school for less than two weeks. His mind was already adjusting - he no longer even noticed the strange red flecks of energy that sometimes sparked out of the power points, and the ever-present hum of druidic chanting in some of the hallways had become background noise.
But the Gateway’s magic hadn’t fully affected him yet, and so Anthony was the only person in the room to consciously register his lab partner’s chest tripling in size overnight, or the fact that she had exclusively started wearing clothes that showed off her new bust. Everyone had noticed when one of the girls in his art class had started flashing people, but he was the only one who’d found it unusual.
Between classes the previous day, he’d noticed a couple fucking against a locker. He’d seen people get told off for kissing before, but several teachers passed the copulating couple and didn’t say a word.
To everyone else, demonic influence was like the arrow in the Fedex logo - until it was pointed out, they couldn’t see what was in front of their eyes.
Anthony’s head had been spinning at all the strange happenings, and his last class of the day - history with his favorite teacher, Mrs. Winter - looked like it wasn’t going to be any different. Nadine, one of the cheerleaders, had sat next to her boyfriend and then immediately started jerking him off, right in the middle of class.
The other students were clearly aware of it - there had been a few titters and nudges - but no one looked appalled, or even shocked. Even when Mrs. Winter entered a few minutes late, she just rolled her eyes at the sight and began teaching.
“Sex,” she started, and Anthony was suddenly aware of a few differences in the normally dignified teacher.
She had started to get desperate.
Mrs Winter’s efforts to seduce with subtlety had been unsuccessful. She’d spent the whole day strolling around in front of rows of hot, young, impressionable men - dropping her pencil and bending over to pick it up in front of everyone, playing with a pendant around her neck to draw attention to her large breasts.
Had Mr. Foster spent more time working on the men of the school, or had Mrs. Winter’ classes contained either of the Jackson twins, her holes would have been stuffed with thick cock before the end of the first period. But the demon’s efforts had been mostly focussed on the females of Antioch High, and so Kristine remained unplowed, a fact that she found more and more distressing as the end of the day grew closer.
I’ve got to get fucked, she’d reminded herself during a free period, as she sat on the toilet and desperately frigged herself, imagining several of her teenage students taking her from both sides. For Brandi. I’ve got to be a good mother ... I’ve got to get fucked - now! And so when her final class rolled around, she’d decided to throw subtlety out the window and make sure she was doing her motherly duties.
Before the class began, she cut a split up the side of her shirt, undid enough buttons to show off the top of her lacy bra, and spent a few minutes teasing her hair out, even making use of some confiscated make-up to ensure her lips truly popped.
“There you go,” she had told herself before walking into her last period for the day. “I’m one sexy ... what’s the term the kids are using these days? MELF? I’m one hot melf.”
As Mrs. Winter began lustfully educating the class on the ways of sex, Anthony found his eyes roaming up and down her body. He wondered how this was going to relate to the wars they’d been studying early earlier in the week.
He’d always had a slight crush on Mrs. Winter, and had thought of her as he stroked his cock the previous night. This seemed so out of character ... he couldn’t believe how hot it was.
Kristine was well aware of her students’ attention. Every boy in the class was goggling at her, causing her to flush. Even Marcus (the recipient of Nadine’s ministrations) was unable to take his eyes off the teacher’s prominent curves.
For the first time that day, she was confident that she was going to be able to do what was best for her daughter: take one of the studs from her class into her office, and get fucked hard against her desk.
“Wars, empires, conquerors - ultimately, it all comes down to two things: men wanting pussy, and women wanting to give it to them. Nadine - what were we learning about last week?”
“Napoleon, miss,” Nadine replied with a blush, her hand continuing to work on the cock of her boyfriend.
“Napoleon. Exactly.”
As she taught, Mrs. Winter was mentally making a list of possibilities. Nadine’s boyfriend was off the list - he was fit, muscular, handsome, and would almost certainly be able to get hard again once Nadine was done - but she wanted someone really worked up, someone who would be able to pound her until it got dark.
“Now, who can tell me why Napoleon put so much effort into conquering Europe?”
Anthony hesitantly put his hand up.
“Tony! Yes?”
Being called Tony was one of Anthony’s pet peeves, but he didn’t much feel like correcting Mrs. Winter at that moment.
“Because he was short?”
Tapping a pen against her lips, Mrs. Winter shook her head and tutted sadly.
“A common theory, but no - Napoleon was average height for his day. Rumors of his small stature were spread by his enemies in an attempt to discredit him.”
Another boy in the class put his hand up.
“He was obsessed with leaving his mark on the world?”
Mrs. Winter smiled, her hand casually running down her side, drawing the entire class’s attention to her ass. She suddenly realized that her ass wasn’t given nearly enough notice. Men were always so obsessed with boobs and legs but Kristine knew that her ass was one of her hottest features, and hoped that she’d be able to find a student to give it the appreciation it deserved.
Marcus was unable to stop himself from groaning loudly as he watched Mrs. Winter gave her ass a small-but-firm spank.
“Sorry David, not quite right. The answer should be obvious...”
She paused, and David responded slowly, as if in a trance.
Blowing David a kiss, Mrs. Winter leaned back on her desk, arching her back and showing off her breasts.
“Power is sexy. Nadine...”
Startled, Nadine looked guiltily at her teacher.
“Yes miss?”
“Do you think Marcus is attractive?”
“Of course I do,” Nadine replied. A part of her was worried that the question might a trap. The rest of her desperately wanted to continue pleasuring her boyfriend; Mr. Foster’s words were ringing in her ears - Any time you can give your man pleasure, it’s your duty to do so. Anyone who tries to stop you is simply sad - if possible, cheer them up by sharing your sexual skills... Only one of her teachers had objected to Nadine pleasuring her boyfriend in class - Mr. Richards, a first-year. She’d only barely managed to calm him down - she’d fallen to her knees in front of him, and started blowing him, sexually transmitting Mr. Foster’s advice in the process.
Mrs. Winter was her first female teacher for the day, and Nadine wasn’t sure if seducing her would be quite as easy ... but if it came down to it, she was willing to try.
Fortunately, Mrs. Winter didn’t seem to care what was happening under the table. She was clearly aware of it, but hadn’t so much as thrown them a disappointing look. Nadine wondered if she could get away with doing more than just jerking Marcus off...
“Now, class, why do you think that is?”
There was a brief murmur of discussion. Mrs. Winter slowly crossed and uncrossed her legs, bringing everyone’s attention back to the front of the room.
“Yes, Alexander?”
“Because he’s hot?”
There was laughter at the scrawny boy’s admission, and Mrs. Winter mentally noted that Alexander wasn’t quite what she was looking for; not confident, not manly enough.
Also, probably gay.
“Try again. Marcia?”
“Because he’s got a nice cock?”
Marcia’s answer was also met by laughter, but she didn’t seem to care - she just continued to stare at it blissfully, Mr. Foster’s words reminding her how hypnotic she found a man’s member, how she’d do anything to get to see one ... taste one ... feel one entering her.
Anthony raised his hand. He didn’t know what was going on - the classroom was more closely resembling a wet dream than a place of learning - but he was happy to go along with it and see what happened.
“Because his Dad’s the principal?”
Mrs. Winter beamed at Anthony’s response, not even realizing one of her hands was casually toying with her nipple through her shirt. She wished she hadn’t worn such a dowdy bra - it was black and lacy, but didn’t do nearly enough to show off her breasts. She’d have to go shopping for some new lingerie over the weekend.
“So why is that attractive?”
“The prestige?” Anthony guessed.
“Close,” Mrs. Winter replied, still smiling. “The power - now, who can tell me why Napoleon conquered Europe?”
Every hand in the room went up, including (to Marcus’s dismay) both of Nadine’s. It took her a few seconds to realize what she’d done, and in apology she slipped down to her knees, wrapping her lips around her boyfriend, casually fellating him while keeping both of her hands raised.
Brandi backed up against the corner of the room. She’d outrun the demon for as long as she could, but - unable to find an empty classroom - she had finally been caught. The Protector had been unwilling to bring her foe into another occupied classroom - too much blood had been shed already, and there was no way that she could anyone else witness what she’d been forced to. She couldn’t risk losing another innocent. She just couldn’t. Harry realized he had her trapped, and his cruel leer grew...
Niles adjusted his cufflinks as he left the counsellor’s room. It had been empty, of course. It was after school hours - why had he expected the counsellor to be there? Why had he gone to see the counsellor at all? He shook his head, dismissing the strange thoughts. It was hardly the time to get distracted by whatever side-errand had brought him to the counsellor’s office - he had more important things to focus on. He had to find out what was messing with the Protector and her friends, what...
Brandi wept. Despite the improvements that Mr. Foster had made to her body, her skin, her form - even the subtle changes he’d made to her face - the Protector openly sobbing wasn’t an attractive sight. Or sound, for that matter. Her entire face was coated with a thick layer of cum - every time she breathed through her nose it made an odd gurgling sound. Her cries weren’t cute sniffles or tiny whimpers, they were huge, bawling wails of anguish. And even through her utter misery, even...
“And, of course, we need to work out what’s happening,” Niles said, adjusting his cock. He’d hoped that the group of teens wouldn’t notice - he’d intended it to be a subtle motion - but the British man had failed to account for the fact that most of them were completely sex-obsessed, and all but one of them were specifically fixated on cock. Niles tried not to think about how easy it would be to remove his pants, and order the group of teens sitting in front of him to worship his...
Duncan Wallace had almost finished masturbating when Brandi Winter swung through his open window. The second he’d gotten home from football practice, he’d locked himself in his room and coated his hand with lube. Closing his window hadn’t even occurred to him, he was so worked up. The cheerleaders rehearsed at the same time as the football team each afternoon, and watching his girlfriend lead the group of young, nubile women had distracted him so much he could barely concentrate on what his...
There were dark rings beneath Mr. Foster’s eyes. Standard for a demon in their home realm, but strange and unsightly in the mortal world. He’d been up half the night, plotting for the day ahead. It wasn’t until five am that he’d managed to get some sleep. Nowhere near the full eight hours he needed, but enough to refresh his powers. Certainly enough for one victim ... even if she was the Protector. At nine, her request for a meeting had come in. He’d scheduled to see her right before...
“So what’s been messing with us?” Michael asked, his knee bouncing. Now that he was aware of it, it was so obvious - a yearning, a desperate cry to prove the superiority of demons. He was in a room with three teenage girls, and it was all he could do stop himself from making an excuse to leave with one of them and show what demons were truly capable of. They’re not your thoughts, he reminded himself. You’re better than this. Demons are better. At everything. He blinked twice, trying to...
Duncan looked around the locker room, trying to appear casual. He’d been looking forward to this moment all day. Last night, as he’d been fucking his girlfriend for the second time, he’d only been able to finish by imagining himself here, surrounded by naked, sweaty football players. Of course, in his fantasy, they hadn’t just been showering and getting dressed. They’d been doing so much more than that ... Just remembering the fantasy was enough to start his dick hardening, and Duncan’s...
“Sorry!” Lily yelped as she ran through the door. “Sorry I’m late!” “It’s fone,” the new counsellor said, one of his eyes wandering around the room. “You must be...” “Lily,” she said, extending her hand and shaking his vigorously. “Lily Armstrong.” “Of course. Please, have a soat.” Lily took a deep breath, and sat behind the desk. The counsellor appraised her for a few seconds, taking in her plaid skirt, thick leggings, and conservative (though garishly-colored) sweater. “Before we...
“It doesn’t make any sense,” Niles said. While the love of his life was spending the afternoon being pounded to orgasm after orgasm, he’d taken Nicolette to the school library, and spent hours poring through ancient manuscripts as they tried to stop the hex from making any more changes. “The hex made you more muscular every time you had an, um...” Nicolette nodded, and the librarian continued. “ ... but there’s something else here. Something beside the hex. It looks like the direct...
At first, Nicolette tried to keep her voice down. It was a challenge - Michael’s mouth and hands worked together to perform a more effective attack on her senses than she could ever have imagined. But she knew that there was a chance that someone would overhear and catch them, and so she managed to subdue her reactions. When Michael finally lifted her skirt and replaced his hand with his cock, however, she gave up. “Oh GOD,” she cried out. The demon cock was lightly rubbing up and down her...
Duncan, Lily and Brandi moved slowly down the school hall, and though Brandi started the sweep lost in her own thoughts, it didn’t take her long to notice something was wrong with her companions. Lily seemed distracted and antsy, and when the blonde had turned to check on Duncan, she found him desperately trying to catch her eye. “What?” she mouthed, and following Duncan’s gesture, glanced down at Lily’s chest. “Fuck!” she said in surprise, unable to hold it back, and the Protector’s loud...
“Okay,” Brandi replied numbly. Lily blinked twice at her friend’s response. She’d expected at least a bit of resistance - convincing the Protector to do anything that wasn’t fighting demons normally took a bit of effort. But as soon as she’d proposed the idea, Brandi had gone along with it. “Are you sure, Bran?” she asked, and Brandi nodded for a few seconds before realizing what a useless gesture that was over the phone. Stupid, she told herself, trying desperately to ignore the pang of...
“Yessss,” Duncan hissed as Brandi frantically bobbed her head up and down the first few inches of his enormous erection. “Oh Jeff, you sexy little cocksucker.” Brandi’s heart sank at the football player’s words. Was she so useless that Duncan had to pretend it was someone else going down on him? A puzzled look came across her face as she tried desperately to produce more saliva. She knew she could never be as good as another well-endowed man, but she could try. As she forced as much of...
The cheerleader couldn’t believe the sight in front of her. She stood, stunned, as her boyfriend roughly rammed his enormous cock into Brandi’s ass, again and again. His eyes were shut, squeezed so tightly that it almost looked painful. Brandi was face-down on the carpet, making a strange grunt and squeal sound every time Duncan rammed into her. Nicolette slowly backed out of the room, her face red, her fists clenched. Duncan. Cheating on her. Cheating on her. The fact that Nicolette had...
Lily stood in front of the mirror, examining her outfit for the eve. She was wearing a plaid skirt and a white blouse, in an attempt to look the part of “slutty schoolgirl”. Her brow furrowed as she looked at where her cleavage was meant to be bursting out of her top; her tits were certainly large, but she was sure they’d been larger earlier in the day. She turned around and as she looked at her long, stocking-clad legs, her smile soon returned. The heels she was wearing didn’t really match...
“No!” Duncan exclaimed, while Kristine and Jeff shared a knowing glance. “No, damn it - I’m not gay!” “It’s okay honey,” the older woman said sympathetically. “No one here is going to... -” “I’m not gay,” he insisted, and Mrs. Winters moaned in surprise as he pulled out of her. Before she could regain her composure (at least, as much composure as one can regain while naked and spreadeagled on the carpet) Duncan had gathered his clothes and left. He’d spent the next half hour making his way...
Brandi blearily left the library, more confused than she’d been when she entered. Niles was so smart, and he spoke so quickly and he had such high expectations of her... It was this last fact she found most alarming. She’d gone in hoping she could just sit and nod as Niles spoke, but he kept asking for her opinion. And then, worst of all, he’d nod and consider what she was saying. Brandi wanted to scream “No! Don’t trust me!” But Niles had kept on insisting, and so Brandi had shared her...
The second Michael entered the Mr. Foster’s office, he recoiled in shock. The counsellor had been expecting this. Demons can instantly recognize their own kind, and Mr. Foster had known he’d have trouble on his honds as soon as he’d learned of Michael’s true form. The counsellor snapped his fingers and the door slammed behind Michael before he could turn and make a run for it. When he spun to see who had closed it, he found four members of the cheerleading team, naked and staring at him with...
The next morning, Nicolette was at school almost an hour early, and was surprised to hear “Come in!” in response to her knock on the counsellor’s door. She’d been prepared to wait until he arrived, and then beg him for an appointment - last night, after she’d gone home from school, she’d been a mess. Conflicting thoughts had battled in her head - should she lose her virginity to Duncan? On one hand, she knew she wanted it - she’d wanted it forever. On the other hand, wasn’t she a good,...
“How long does it take a guy to get off?” Brandi asked, and Lily didn’t even hesitate before responding. After Greg had cum inside her ass, he’d taken the toy out (an action which had simultaneously filled her with relief and disappointment) and asked her what she was up to that evening. “Nothing,” she’d said, looking up at him obediently. “I’m all yours.” He’d paused at that. “All mine?” “Yes, sir,” Lily responded, enjoying the burst of arousal she got from using the term of...
Duncan tapped his pencil on the desk repeatedly. 2:42pm. Still. How could it be 2:42? he wondered. It felt like it had been 2:42 for close to a decade now. The entire day had followed a similar pattern for the young football player. Every minute had seemed like an eternity, each class had dragged and dragged as minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly. Duncan reached into his pocket and grasped the note comfortingly. He’d read it a thousand times since he’d first seen it in his locker,...
The previous day, Michael had opened the door to find Nicolette standing there, a look of burning lust in her eyes. “Oh,” he’d said, and Nicolette recoiled slightly at the disappointment in his voice. “Oh?” she said, and the provocative pose she’d struck for him drooped slightly. “Sorry,” Michael replied. “I didn’t mean ... you’d better come in.” Nicolette was wearing a pink teddy, the sexiest outfit she owned. The effect had been more pronounced when she had a bust to fill it out, but as...
Duncan Wallace sat outside the counsellor’s office, drumming his hond... -hand- on his leg. I’ve really got to stop doing that, he told himself. Hand. Hand. Hand. Lily had always been a slut, he realized now, but that morning, as he’d lay in bed and thought about the events of the previous night, that hadn’t been so clear. The teenage boy had no way of knowing, but the further away he was from Mr. Foster, the less he would accept of the demon’s changes to reality. Now, sitting directly...
Lily’s eyes rolled with pleasure as the twins suckled on her breasts. When she’d entered the room, the look of fear on their faces had made her worried that the pair were gay, but as soon as she’d started undressing it had quickly become clear they were very interested in what she had to offer. The hex had given her a deep passion for new experiences, and just the idea of being with two boys at the same time - twins, at that - caused an immediate wetness in her pussy. The previous night, as...
Nicolette’s eyes widened as she walked into the school library and saw Lily. Lily was dressed in a pair of denim shorts, her normally pasty-white legs covered in black silk stockings. It was a bold combination, and Nicolette wasn’t sure how she felt about it - not that it particularly mattered, of course, since it was unlikely that anyone would be focusing on her legs. On her top half, Lily was simply wearing a black vest. No bra, no shirt - she’d rummaged through the school’s dress code...
“Are you okay, Dunc?” Nicolette’s large brown eyes were staring at him, holding a worried look. Her boyfriend hadn’t been the same all day, and she couldn’t work out why. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she was dating an ex-nerd ... now he was acting like a weirdo as well. Sometimes Nicolette wished she didn’t like Duncan so damned much - if she didn’t, she knew it would make her life so much easier. In truth, Duncan’s behavior was due to the recent adjustments of his mind. Immediately...
It hadn’t been hard for Mrs. Winter to convince the boys to take their clothes off. At first, they’d been uncomfortable with the idea of doing it around each other, but at the promise of a ‘reward’, they were scrambling to strip. She had two naked young bucks standing in front of her almost instantly, desperately trying to avoid glimpsing the other’s exposed junk. “Good-sized cocks,” she muttered to herself, struggling to make a decision. She pinched David’s ass firmly, and the young man...
Nicolette scowled as she strode down the hallway. She was starting to attract stares - not for her unhappy facial expression (most of Antioch’s student population was used to Nicolette’s mood swings) but for her unusual gait. Typically, Nicolette would place one foot in front of the other, her hips swinging as she stalked around the school. Her hands would be busy - holding books, checking her hair, waving at her innumerable friends and admirers. Today, her fists were balled, and her walk...
Brandi Fails At Being A Mother. #8 In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle,...
Brandi Enjoys Young And Old. #1 I met Brandi when I was going to college in California. She was born and raised in Alabama and was very conservative. We both were raised with a silver spoon in our mouth. The first time I saw Brandi, I got that instant bulge in my pants. She was five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes that melted you with a simple glance. She had a tucked ass and large boobs that looked like they were straining to get out. My name is Alan. I was...
*Dear xhamster admins, this story does not involve ****. It is merely written as one woman's fantasy/dream. There is nothing herein that violates xhamster's terms of service for posting. The character is, also, of legal, consensual age.As Brandi walked out of the grocery store, nearing her car, a man jumped out of an old blue van next to it and grabbed Brandi, placing his hand over her mouth and his other arm around her stomach, dragging her into the van. Brandi tried time and again to bite...
Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling. #3 Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once...
Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once while Brandi and I where together during that...
InterracialShe is one of the most gorgeous women that i have ever seen. She isn't too tall, about 5'6". Her eyes are so blue you'd think they would glow in the dark. She has perfect teeth, whiter than snow. On a fat day she weights 125. Her long brown hair can cover her c-cup breasts. She has a wonderful personality. She will make you smile on the worst days, without having to suck your dick. Everywhere we go we have a blast, it doesn't matter where we go. She knows exactly what i...
I met Brandi when I was going to college in California. She was born and raised in Alabama and was very conservative. We both were raised with a silver spoon in our mouth. The first time I saw Brandi, I got that instant bulge in my pants. She was five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes that melted you with a simple glance. She had a tucked ass and large boobs that looked like they were straining to get out. My name is John. I was twenty-four and Brandi was...
Cheating WifesBrandi Gets Her Hair Done And A Little Bit More. #5 I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn’t feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was...
I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn't feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was working for a travel agency and we could get decent rates...
Cheating WifesBrandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life.#7 In my last story we arrived at the Hyatt Regency at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, we did our thing and fell asl**p. We slept most of the day, we were both Exhausted. We did wake up once, around twelve and ordered a small lunch, then fell right back to sl**p. It was about five that evening when the telephone rang and I answered it. It was Ammon’s son, he said, ‘My name is Abioye (we found out later it meant the son of royalty), I would like to take...
Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once while Brandi and I where together during that...
Brandi Turns Into A Slut. #2 After Brandi had decided to go back to work, she got a job with her old company. It was one of the largest companies in travel agency business. She had been back to work for four months. One Friday afternoon Brandi’s company had to shut down, to have their computers serviced. They let everybody go home at twelve noon. Brandi hadn’t planned to be off so she decided to do a little shopping. She went into Macy’s and started looking at the tops. She had on a short...
Brandi Backs Herself Into A Corner.#9 Brandi was really having a hard time adjusting to not having her son living at home. What was killing her the most, she knew it was her fault. Something she did in the past came back to bite her(sl**ping with a s*******n year old high school boy, Craig). She came to me and asked if I would help her stop drinking. I told her, ‘While I was at home, there would be know problem, but when I wasn’t there she better get Ellen to help her.’ People change when...
After Brandi had decided to go back to work, she got a job with her old company. It was one of the largest companies in travel agency business. She had been back to work for four months. One Friday afternoon Brandi's company had to shut down, to have their computers serviced. They let everybody go home at twelve noon. Brandi hadn't planned to be off so she decided to do a little shopping. She went into Macy's and started looking at the tops. She had on a short skirt and a sweater top. Brandi...
Cheating Wifes100% fiction! Brandi was really having a hard time adjusting to not having her son living at home. What was killing her the most, she knew it was her fault. Something she did in the past came back to bite her (sleeping with a 18 year old high school boy, Craig). She came to me and asked if I would help her stop drinking. I told her, "While I was at home, there would be know problem, but when I wasn't there she better get Ellen to help her." People change when they are drinking, all Brandi could...
IncestMandy was gone and Brandi was starting to realize that here she was, nineteen years old and willing to let a man that she didn't even know two days ago do anything to her body. She knew that she would be punished and that the pain would be intense, the thought just made her wet. Walking naked out the door into the backyard, Brandi was relieved to find the yard surrounded by a high brick wall. Mike was naked as well, swimming laps. She kneeled down at the edge of the pool and spreading her...
Introduction: The story of how this dirty little girl started a nasty affair with her step dad Brandi and Her Step-Dad: Freaky Friday It hadnt taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mothers nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe, For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason and his young daughter Stephanie had brought to her home. Her mother was a ...
After Mandy had brought the elegantly wrapped cake and bill, Mike took out a business card and wrote something on it. Leaving it with the signed guest bill, he held Brandi's hand as they walked out. The valet had already brought the car around and the grinning doorman held the door for Brandi as she got in. Mike put the car in gear and drove out of the lot, heading away from the front gate. Brandi was just about to ask where he was going when Mike punched a second remote and pulled onto the...
It hadn't taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mother's nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe; For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason and his young daughter Stephanie had brought to her home. Her mother was a workaholic, rarely at home, and that had suited the dirty-minded preteen just fine. It gave her all the free time she needed to...
With a tug on the leashes, Mike walked out of the office. Climbing the stairs proved problematic for the two girls crawling on their hands and knees. Mike briefly wondered why they hadn't stood up and walked behind him. He didn't order them to crawl, but then again having not said they could stand both stayed down, not wanting another punishment. Mike led the girls straight into the giant walk in shower and turned on the water, drenching both girls in cold water. "If you have to pee do it...
I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn’t feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was working for a travel agency and we could get decent rates...
Tonko avoided me in the morning. In fact, Tonko avoided everyone that morning. Gogra came over to speak with me before I could even get into line to get some food. “You need to speak with Tonko,” Gogra awkwardly informed me, his voice hesitant, but filled with concern. “You must tell him that everything is all right. He is embarrassed and upset, and only you can speak to him.” I nodded my head in understanding. I’d been going to speak with Burton and the others about the day. Now that would...
"Not too hard with the cane," Mike instructed Amanda. "I don't want any broken skin." Amanda started lightly swishing the cane against the back of Brandi's thighs. Pulling her arm back to the shoulder she let fly the first real stroke. Brandi heard the whoosh of the cane, she paused a second after it had landed before letting out a blood curdling scream. Never before in her young life had she felt such intense pain. The whippings Michael had given her were nothing compared to the sting...
Gateway is a sleepy Kansas town which is the site for some extraordinary events. I highly recommend you read part one of this story before starting on this one, as this one is a direct sequel. I can't believe it's been that long since I submitted the first part of my Gateway story, but here finally is the second. In this story we explore the universe a little bit more in detail, and establish the "ground rules" on how the setting works for future stories. It's also a more...
Monty came to see me in the morning. He’d flown the drone north yesterday, and he had video for me to look at. He’d taken the drone straight up our valley and through the pass, and then flown it about the plateau, looking for signs of Winslow and his men, and the Horse People. Then before turning the drone back around and flying it home, he’d taken it back down our original valley to see if he could spot any sign of the Hilltop people. I quickly found out that Monty had good news and bad....
“What do we do now?” Monty asked as the Gateway began to cycle down, and the portal between the device and wherever Jake had travelled to vanished before his eyes. “We watch and wait,” Kim stated slowly, looking a little uncertain about what had just happened, “and we hope for the best, and while we’re doing that we get back to work. Regardless of where Jake has gone and what he is up to there, we’ve got responsibilities that have to be attended to. So I suggest we put this out of our heads...
Brandi was really having a hard time adjusting to not having her son living at home. What was killing her, she knew it was her fault. Something she did in the past came back to bite her(sleeping with a seventeen year old high school boy, Craig). She came to me and asked if I would help her stop drinking. I told her, “While I was at home, there would be know problem, but when I wasn’t there she better get Ellen to help her.” People change when they are drinking, all Brandi could only think...
Brandi returned to the great room carrying the cake and a glass of milk for her Master. Was she really starting to think like that? Master wants this. If I please Master, maybe. Please let Master fuck me again. Oh, no. She was a subby slut just like Mandy had said. Brandi could feel her cunt getting moist as she kneeled before her Master. Mike patted the seat cushion next to his spot on the sofa, indicating for Brandi to sit. "Feed me some cake slave." Mike gently demanded. "Yes...
In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle, and we were the only two in the...