Sod's LawChapter 3 free porn video

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Tuesday 21st June 1983

On Tuesday morning I was woken by the house phone before my alarm went off, which someone answered. Then there was a knock at the door.

“David, it’s your mother on the phone,” came Kim’s voice.

I put on my dressing gown and went to the phone on the landing.

“Hello, Mum?” I said. “Problem?” I knew she would not be phoning so early unless there was a crisis at home.

“Davey, Craig was in a police cell overnight,” she said. “He’ll be released on bail this morning until tomorrow.”

“What’s he done this time?” I asked her with no small measure of resignation. From puberty onwards Craig had been a tearaway, always in fights, having had previous brushes with the law: shoplifting and petty theft. He was two years younger than me. Old enough to tone things down a little, I thought without much hope.

“He’s seriously hurt some lad In a pub brawl last night. Mind you, he’s a bit the worse for wear himself.”

“Mum, he’s nearly twenty two years old. He’s an adult. What do you want me to do about it?”

“Could you represent him in court?”

I sighed. “Does he want me?” Craig and I were always arguing, and were not usually on good terms.

“He’s really worried this time. It’s his temper. You know what he’s like. He actually asked for you.”

“When’s the hearing?”

“Tomorrow at ten.”

“I’ll see if I can get the time off, unless he wants me as an official rep. from the practice.”

“I don’t think he could afford you,” she said, laughing for the first time.

“OK, leave it with me. I’ll get back to you.”

My ‘Mum’ was in fact my foster-mother, and Craig was my foster ‘brother’. Both of us boys were long term foster-sons, while other children came and went. Then there was Gina, who was also a long term foster ‘daughter’ and was now eighteen. She too had done well at school, had just completed her ‘A’ levels. She was a quiet girl. She and I got on well, and always had.

I’d been with Mrs Brenda Collins since I was five years old, and to all intents and purposes she was my mother. As I grew older I realised what a heroine she was. She always said it was as if her life had been mapped out for her.

After she was married she found that she was unable to have children of her own, and it seemed like the end of the world. It was then she had the idea of adopting, but her relatively new husband couldn’t cope with that: he wanted children of his own and he left her heartbroken. She was deprived of motherhood and then of her husband whom she loved very much.

A few months after the divorce, her widowed grandmother died and left Brenda her house and everything in it, as well as bank deposits, stocks and shares worth nearly four hundred thousand pounds.

The house was a large Victorian edifice free and clear of mortgage, and she wondered what to do with it. She wondered if she could adopt, but on enquiring, in those days she was told that as a now single young woman she was not eligible to adopt.

However the kind soul at the adoption agency suggested she might think of fostering. She told me that from that moment she knew exactly what she was going to do with the house: she was going to live in it with lots of fostered children!

And she did! At first she did fairly short-term fostering, anything between a few nights and some months. I came along after she’d been fostering for about five years, and I stayed.

She told me that I was quiet and reserved, some would say introverted, as a young child and did not smile or make friends easily. She said I scowled at prospective adoptive parents, and would not talk to them. I remember this: I had made up my mind that I wanted to stay with my ‘Mum’. I got my way!

Craig arrived when I was ten and Craig was eight. He had suffered terrible physical abuse by the time he arrived at our foster home.

He was a wild child who was always in trouble and Mum was often at her wit’s end with him. From mid-teens he was into gangs and drugs, but after a few brushes with the law he seemed to have settled and at that time had a job as a car mechanic.

However, his major problem was his temper, which got him into further trouble, mainly after drinking too much.

Gina was twelve when she arrived, but quickly made it clear she wanted to stay, and stay she diid.

Around us, other children came and went, and by virtue of us being permanent, we took our share of looking after them. In spite of Craig’s wild ways, he was very gentle with them and kept his bad habits away from them.

When Brenda fostered her fortieth child, the three of us insisted on having a party.

Back to the present. After the phone call, I went to work and found that by reorganising one meeting with my mentor, and then working late, very late that evening, I could take the whole of next day off if necessary. When I returned to the House at ten from work, Imogen collared me as I came in.

“Where’ve you been?” she said with some exasperation. “Helen came this afternoon to discuss repainting the walls of her room. She waited until eight and then had to go.”

“Family emergency,” I replied curtly, “and I won’t be here tomorrow either. I’ve got to attend a magistrates’ court. Did anyone help her?”

“Nuala basically told her she was free to paint the walls and the ceiling any colour she liked: it was her room. She gave her some hints, like rolling back the carpets and such. Then Christian arrived and said he’d help her. I think they are going shopping for paint tomorrow evening, and he’s going to take the day off on Thursday to help get her started.”

“That’s OK then,” I said.

“No it isn’t!” snapped Imogen. “Again she came hoping to see you and again you didn’t show. Now she’s certain you are avoiding her.”

“That’s ridiculous!” I exclaimed. “Look, just explain to her that I have to handle a family emergency. Now I need something to eat; I haven’t eaten since lunch.”

“There’s some lamb stew left over. I think Christian put some leftover potatoes and carrots in it.”

I heated the remaining stew and got two bottles of beer from my room. The stew was delicious and clearly Christian’s doing. I resolved to find out which herbs and spices he used, for his meals always had a uniquely delicious taste to them.

I finished the beer, washed up and put away the pan, cutlery and dishes without anyone else arriving in the kitchen, for which I was grateful.

Once in my room I stripped, got into bed and turned on the radio for some soothing music. I was disappointed, for BBC Radio 3 had ‘new music’ on, which sounded to me like dustbins being emptied next to an abattoir. I switched it off again and lay in silence and the dark.

I was intensely frustrated that once again I had missed Helen, and once again another male member of the House had taken her under his wing. My memory played our meetings and in particular that kiss and hug. I reprised what had been said by the girl at Helen’s house, and by the various house members, and especially Harry’s assessment of her preoccupation with me.

My mind moved to my journey to London and thus missing her, then to earlier in the evening when again she’d been, again asked for me and again been disappointed. Sod’s law. Sod seemed very active in my life, it seemed.

I fell asleep without once thinking about Craig and the court appearance.

Next day I arrived at the family house at eight, having left home at seven fifteen without breakfast. I knew there would be breakfast waiting for me.

Craig surfaced at nine and was morose and churlish. Mum pointed out that he was lucky to have me to stand up for him, and that he’d better damn well co-operate.

In half an hour I had managed to extract the story of the other man insulting Craig’s girlfriend and actually committing what was in fact a sexual assault on her, then the account of the resulting one-sided fight, when Craig broke the other’s nose and cracked two ribs. Craig was sporting a black eye and swollen lip.

I was pleased when Deborah, Craig’s girl of the moment, and her friend Gail arrived at the house asking for lifts to court. I quickly got Deb’s story, and her agreement to testify, she saying she was not afraid to say exactly what the other man had said, where he had put his hand and what he had done with it.

It turned out the other man was an ex-boyfriend of Debs, and resented her being with someone else. Gail also agreed to be a witness. I persuaded Craig after some pleading to agree to an anger management course.

Craig pleaded guilty, but with extenuating circumstances. The story was told, and the two witnesses gave their stories. I pleaded for leniency and cited Craig’s wish to get help to control his temper.

Craig avoided a custodial sentence, but received a Community Service Order and a mandatory anger management course. Our group left court with relief.

A family conference followed when I told Craig in no uncertain terms what would happen if he failed to carry out the court’s orders, and he actually thanked me! His relief was evident. Then it was time for lunch, for which Mum begged me to stay.

As a foster mother she had been paid until I was eighteen since I was in full time education, but I always gave her half of what I earned from summer jobs, and now was able to send her more.

I loved her and she me. I could never repay her for all the hours she spent helping me with reading and homework. It always touched her when I told her she was my real mother.

She had told me that my birth mother died when I was three years old. I have no memory of her, never knew my father and at that time had no interest in finding out more about them. In my book they had abandoned me and deserved no attention.

Regina came for lunch giving me a long hug and kiss. “Hi brother!” she said with a grin. “How’s things? Got him off?” dipping her head towards Craig.

“I wouldn’t say that,” I said. “Not too bad, though, eh, Craig?”

“Could’ve been a lot worse,” muttered Craig. “Debs says she’s going to take me in hand!” Gina cackled and I laughed, while Mum tut-tutted at the lewd allusion, but grinned nevertheless.

“I would have thought she’d have been doing that already!” said Gina.

“Gina! I’m surprised at you!” Mum exclaimed, though she still couldn’t prevent herself grinning. Foster parents tend to be very broad-minded, at least mine is.

“Oh, Mum, I’m a big girl now.”

“You said it!” chuckled Craig, getting a punch for his pains.

“I think ‘tall and slender’ would have been better adjectives Gina,” I said. I was always ready to stick up for her. She blushed prettily at that.

“Seriously, I think you’ve got a treasure in Debs,” Mum said to Craig. “She’s stuck by you through everything.”

“Suppose so,” he said, albeit reluctantly. “She’s all right.”

“From Craig, that’s high praise,” I laughed.

Craig growled, but was half-smiling.

The meal was ample and tasty, a steak and kidney pudding with steamed new potatoes and french beans, followed by rice pudding. No one left Mum’s table wanting more!

I took my leave, hugging Mum and Regina. To my surprise, Craig came and hugged me as well.

“Thanks Dave,” he said. “You really came good for me – I appreciate it!”

“That’s what family’s for,” I said, surprised and rather overcome by Craig’s display. “And we are family, aren’t we?”

“We are that!” said Craig with feeling. “And I’m going to get this temper of mine under control. Have to, or I’ll get it in the neck from Debs!”

“That wouldn’t exactly be a good example to you, would it?” I said with a gleam in my eye.

“I won’t let you down, Dave.”

Craig and I had never been close until that day, but from then there was a significant change. I waved at the family and drove away.

As it was early afternoon, I went back to the office and worked until six, an hour after everyone else had gone home, and thanks to my late night the night before, had caught up on all my outstanding work and so felt satisfied and happy with my day, especially my performance in the magistrates’ court.

Another thought came as I drove home. Helen might be there; wasn’t she going out buying paint? I arrived at a quarter to seven, having stopped to pick up some fish, chips, peas and curry from the local chippy.

There was no one downstairs, so, having retrieved a bottle of beer from my room, I went to the kitchen, unwrapped my dinner and emptied the contents neatly onto a large dinner plate. I could hear the muted sounds of music from above, but apart from that the place was bathed in silence. A shaft of low, late evening sunshine from the front of the House slanted through the open kitchen door onto the floor.

Having cleared the detritus away and washed my plate and cutlery, I took the remains of my beer to my room. On a whim I went further down the corridor and arrived at Helen’s room. The door was open and I could see the room had been prepared for wall-painting, but there was no one there.

I decided to go to the office and sort out some outstanding correspondence and bring the accounts up to date from the chitties people had left from their ‘basic food and household goods’ purchases, so that where necessary I could deduct the costs incurred from their next month’s rent.

I was deep into that chore when I heard the front door open and lively chatter as a male and female arrived. I realised quickly that it was Helen and Christian, and I surmised rightly they had been out buying paint. The two were laughing as they went upstairs and then all was quiet again.

I continued my work, or tried to. I knew I was feeling jealous of Christian who’d got so close to Helen, and I again felt dejected that I had missed my chance with her. I cursed the interventions fate had decreed (or was it the fabled god or devil Sod?) to keep me away from her.

I shrugged. It was better, I reassured myself once again, that I not get involved with another housemate. That would only lead to trouble. I knew I was fooling myself: in my heart of hearts I also knew that given the chance I would have wanted to get to know Helen, and know her very well!

That of course led to renewed angst, and so I was not in the best of moods as I left the office and emerged into the spacious square entrance hall with the idea of making a bedtime drink in the kitchen.

Of course, I had only taken a few steps onto the ornately decorated floor tiles when the happy couple arrived at the head of the stairs and begin to descend, Helen’s arm tucked into Christian’s. They were laughing about something.

I glanced up at them as they came down, noticing that the laughing stopped abruptly, and Helen, looking guilty, immediately distanced herself from Christian. I continued my journey without a pause.

“Evening, Helen. Christian.” I said neutrally with a nod. There was no reply but as I entered the kitchen I heard the front door close. I made my cocoa and went to my room, seething with pointless anger.

Didn’t take her long to get off with the most athletic man in the house, was my first thought, the picture of her snuggled up to Christian on the stairs clear in my mind. So much for her being keen on me! was my second. I continued to fulminate as I tidied my room prior to showering.

I showered, not thinking much but feeling all that jealousy, frustration, disappointment, and the anger that was still there as I scrubbed harder and harder, punishing myself for missing her twice. I emerged with a pink rigorously scrubbed body swathed in a short towelling bathrobe and sat down in my easy chair with my novel.

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Me and my cousin always got along, we always were friends out of all of my cousins. I always trusted her and she trusted me. This is my first encounter with her. Her and I went up to my grammas for 5 days, only us 3 and 85% of the time my grandma wasn’t there. Well one of the times my grandma wasn’t there me and my cousin were just sitting around, playing cards. We started joking around so I grabbed her and hugged her from behind and she was fooling around to so she started laughing. As she...

3 years ago
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RepercussionsChapter 12

Reggie wasn't alone when she met me out in front of the school. Tank and Rosey were with her. I tried not to let my apprehension show. She always seems to treat me worse when there are boys around. What makes it worse is that those two boys are too well hung and they seem to think their cocks are meant to be used as weapons. We went out to Tank's SUV. Reggie got in front with Tank. Rosey was happy to join me in the back. He was all over me as we sat there in the parking lot waiting for the...

4 years ago
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Wanting What I Cant Have Chapter 4

“You know that what we did is wrong,” I said as I stood up from Nick’s desk. “It didn’t feel wrong, did it?” He smiled. “We have about three hours until Lisa’s back.” I smiled as I took his hand and walked to the living room. I pushed him on the couch and got on my knees. I knelt there in front of him and admired his rock hard cock. Licking my lips, I reached out and grasped his manhood in my hand. I leaned forward without thought and swiped my tongue across the tip of his cock, savouring the...

2 years ago
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The TutorChapter 9

Two hours later I was telling off a group of fourth-form girls for running on the stairs when I was pulled up by an irate Susan Hatchett. “I demand you rescind the ban on Malcolm Duncan!” she snarled, ignoring the girls. “And good afternoon to you too, Miss Hatchett,” I replied. “And no, I will not.” “Just because you appear to take the word of a jumped-up tart over that of that fine young man, does not mean the punishment is suitable!” “He is far from a fine young man.” I replied calmly....

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Mera bhai

Faiza nanghee hee laitee rahee aur faizee chala gaya. Uskay car start karnay kee awaz aiee aur phir faiza nay mujhay nanghee halat main hee awaz dee. Main khushee khushee uskay bad per chalee gaiee. Faiza nay mujhay pany bad per lita leya aur kaha keh ” maheen ab sono tumahray pajamay per jo kuch hay wooh wahee hay jo abhee faizee nay mairay under dala hay jab koee sex kartha hay to larkee aur larkay kay under say yahee kalaf nikal ta hay. Tumharay pajamay jo kalaf hay wooh yahee discharged...

3 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 21

Sam had given Hugh Fulcher the task of checking out service people who recently may have visited Emma Majeski's home. Using her checkbook record, Fulcher had located and interviewed three men -- a plumber, an electrician, and a chimney sweep -- each of whom acknowledged visiting Emma's home for service calls during the past four months. "Far as I can determine," Fulcher reported, "the plumber and the electrician got nothing to tell us. They're both solid citizens, and they don't come...

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awesome ending of a long day

s*s in law finally bought her 1st home. yesterday was moving day we spent most of the morning furniture moving, she asked if i could fix the rotted wooden stairs at the back of house. i spent most of the afternoon building a sturdy set of steps outside in 40* weather. i got finished up about the time the wife and her sister arrived with a new couch and matresses. we got all the stuff moved out of the truck and into the garage, s*s in law took the moving truck back, the wife and i stayed...

4 years ago
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The art gallery opening was today, a new artist that not many people had heard of, but was quickly becoming the toast of the town. I was busy fixing my hair while the husband was humming silly tunes in the other room. I exited the bathroom, wearing my red summer dress. He had asked that I wear it because it was his favorite, but for me it showed too much arm, too much leg and too many inappropriate curves. He saw me and whistled, immediately wrapping his strong-arms about me, nibbling my neck...

1 year ago
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What Dreams Are Made ofChapter 5

Back at the Moon Pam one of the Nerd Squad that Ann had more or less drafted into our program said on our private channel the nanees provided us. We were all back at Fort Harris and Pam and the Girls were all fascinated by the five representives of the OA we had brought back with us.

1 year ago
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Welcome home sister

Hello ISS Lovers! He remained a stale bachelor till his married sister returned home. Their lives changed with one encounter. Hope you will send your thoughts about this story to Sadhana’s baby was still fast asleep as the train moved in a snails pace inching alongside the platforms. A sense of unknown excitement went through her as she was restlessly thinking when the train would eventually halt. She looked through the window to check where Ramani, her brother was standing on the platform....

1 year ago
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Jimmy and Doreen

Jimmy and Doreen were . Jimmy adored his sister. He would often play with his dick at night before he went to sleep thinking about her. Jimmy knew that it was wrong to have such thoughts about Doreen but he could not help himself.The boys in high school said she was hot. It made Jimmy mad when they talked like that.Jimmy woke up from a wonderful dream. His mother was calling him for breakfast. He passed by his sisters bedroom as peeked in the open door. Doreen was putting on her nightgown....

4 years ago
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Carla the Wallflower

The wallflower, everyone I know knows at least one. You know that girl or guy that is always there but know one wants to be in a relationship with them. They are usually a little nerdy, and are always there to help sort things out. They are usually on the chess team or the math team or something like that. Carla, was the one wallflower that really stands out in my head. I knew her in high school, and although we talked all the time, I didn’t really feel attracted to her. Right out of high...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kenzie Taylor Cum Swallow

Kenzie Taylor is a dick sucking machine. She can even put her money where her mouth is……or mouth where it needs to be…..or whatever….you get the point. This blonde bombshell has the entire package. The blonde hair, the big tits, the pretty face, and a matching body to go with it. Speaking of her pretty face. What better way to enjoy it, but have her staring up at you, with those big beautiful eyes. Oh, and a mouthful of cock. If you think she’s pretty, just wait...

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BlackAmbush Nikki 07212018

“Kinda creepy”, 18 year old Nikki says when white director Troy ushers her into his van at the airport, with cameras already recording her. Oh sweet Tennessee teen, you’ve seen nothing yet. We like to put girls on their toes immediately and set the tone. “You’re open minded and swing with the punches, right?” is one of our favorite verbal traps, and once again it works. Proving her singing star ambitions, Troy asks her to belt out a tune, which he instantly...

2 years ago
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Lady Rotherhams Escapades

Lady Rotherham, first name Alice, was considered by many around her to be the model girl. Along with having an immaculate appearance, she was intelligent and pleasant to talk to. Her parents had never minded what she got up to, as long as she wasn't causing any trouble. This often meant that no matter what she did, as long as her parents didn't catch her, she would get away with it. This would include being naked. It was the evening of the Rotherham Annual Gala, an opportunity for wealthy...

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Hotel Florida was the most renowned seven star hotel of Paris. Mr. White the owner of the hotel was becoming rich because of the aura of the hotel. Mr. White also had a big casino at the basement. He also had a big restaurant. He has recruited many waiters and waitresses from around the world because his restaurant was a popular place for tourists because of its intercontinental cuisine. Among Indian waitresses the most smart and enthusiastic waitress was Shraddha. She was also the most good...

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Latina Liz Halloween Surprise

Halloween was never my favorite holiday. That would soon change. This was my first year in business school and as an attempt to make new friends, I was throwing a party. This was not my idea. My girlfriend, Liz, thought it was a good idea. “Come on, it’ll be fun babe.” She said as she was putting on the finishing touches to her costume. Mimes are not something that I usually associated with sex. But the way she looked was making me think I had been wrong. Liz is Latina, Chilean to be specific,...

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CHAPTER 2: COMING OF AGEAfter two weeks on the mountains she thought she had found it, she was sure. She saw a landslide of rocks and what appeared to be an opening in the rock face, a cave perhaps that led to an escape. But, it wasn’t. It was a small cave, but not an entrance to a new, safe, and free world. She stayed at the cave for the remainder of the day and the night, but there was no nourishment available there, no water. In the morning, she had to abandon the cave and move to food and...

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Night out

One night, me and my friend dress up like real sluts, mini skirts, no panties, high heels, see through blouse, see through bra and we go to a local pub. We hear they have a backroom where orgies take place...and we want to participate! First we drink some alcohol at the bar, a lot of guys checking us out...We go to the little girls room and when we come out we see another door at the end of a long hallway. There is a screen hanging above the door and a sexy male guard stands in front, only...

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Rachel Reveals All

My life story as an exhibitionist. Contents: Preface Chapter 1. Rude Awakening Chapter 2. Let Me Introduce Myself Chapter 3. Strange Yearnings Chapter 4. You Should Have been Riding The same Trains As Me Chapter 5. Memories Of A Good Girl Guide Chapter 6. My Second Girl Guide Badge Chapter 7. My Life As A Fresher Stripped Bare Chapter 8. My Cumming Of Age At University Chapter 9. Confessions Of A Young Married Woman Chapter 10. Walking The Dog, Hotels & Flying Chapter 11. A Night...

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The Scarlet Witch Versus The Hairdresser

Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...

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My Cousin Fuck Toy Loves Me

This started when I was in my c***dhood. I’m a guy who always was fond of science, nature, and adventures. When I was in my c***dhood both my cousin and I used to live in the same home town. Though we live in different cities now. She used to like me a lot I never understood why.I have asked her many times about why she liked me. She only said, “I don’t know.” Well, that’s enough for the intro. Let’s get to the story. When we were around 18 years of age we used to cuddle with each other’s...

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GhostChapter 8

The morning light streaming through the curtains woke Marek for a second time, stretching he found himself alone in the bed. A slow smile spread across his face as he remembered the previous nights events. Bounding out of bed he walked naked into the bathroom for a shower. When Marek walked back into the bedroom he found that Heather had swept the crumpled bedding from the bed and she lay stretched out naked on the bed waiting for him. “Morning lover,” Heather said with a smile, “I believe...

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Wills new old home Part 8

Introduction: the plot advances as Pierce and Will witness Rachel drop the ball about Mark and the woman in the restaurant, Lynn and tells her dad that shes a Lesbian and Brook devises a plan to get rid of Amy lewis That night Haley called Brook on her cell phone. Hello? Brook, i have to tell you something What? Brook asked. Its something bad, and I need your help Well what is it? Its Pierce and Will. Ms. Lewis makes them come in early everyday or stay late, and she-uh-she makes them do...

4 years ago
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Taken by my dads friends chapter 1

A few weeks Lexis 18th birthday she noticed a lot of different things have changed in my life. First she was always dressing up showing off my body in public , the second was that she liked the attention it gave her. She never thought about it before how it made her feel , until that day. During football season my dad had invited his friends over to watch a few games. He told me not to interrupt them when the games were on. “Dad relax , it’s not like I’m going to be a problem for you”...

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chapter Two institution very naughty girls

CHAPTER TWO Again stunning girl selected set up. for no other reason than, she appealed to certain members who on discovering her. Will have watched her, probably for a few weeks. Then set up when circumstances became suitable.Now they will systematically torture both girls slowly, in the torture chamber they have. It will be milder torture,, but frequently they will be subject to the wooden horse, in short spells.Light , birch-ing whipping etc. Nothing too extreme they won't even break the...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Slimthick Vic Wife Kissing BBC At Midnight

New Year’s Eve is always an excellent time of year – it makes my wife (Slim thick Vic) super horny. We’re already out partying when I catch her freshening up in the bathroom. She is excited and wants to fuck. Her tits look incredible in that dress. Her pussy immaculate when I pull her panties down. Her backside looks like it came off an assembly line as I spread her out to take a good look at her holes. She’s wet already. So when I find her kissing some strange black guy...

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A Night With Ritchie

“Hello?” I shouted, hoping for no reply. I had two other flat mates and there was a rule about bringing men home. To my disappointment, there was a “hello” thrown back to me. “We’re in the lounge” a voice popped up from  around the corner. “Right, I’m off to bed, I’ve got a headache from drinking” I lied. I couldn’t let them see him and I was desperate to get him inside. His flat was being overrun with a lads night in, there was no way we were going back to his place. Earlier, I had been on a...

3 years ago
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Shannon Filthy Chav Slut

Shannon was only 18 but she already had a reputation of being a bit of slapper around the estate, It had started when she was suspended from school for sucking a lad of in the school car park. and she didn't help her reputation by the skimpy, tight-fitting clothes she wore down pub on a friday and saturday night. Shannon had been with her boyfriend Nick for nearly a year now, he was nice enough and had his own car but he was fucking boring and Shannon craved a bit of excitement. It was Friday...

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