A Sudden Turn Of Events
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Day 2 From the man’s viewpoint:
I sat on the edge of the bed and hung up the phone thinking about the lovely lady I had met, had dinner with and then had a mutual and joint masturbation session over the phone. It was the first night we had known each other. ‘God V sometimes you’re such an ass!’ I said to myself, ‘That was way too fast! I bet She’ll most likely wake up in the morning and tell you to go fuck off.’
But I smiled as I remembered her trying to explain why she called me and then was afraid to actually meet me. Maybe I went too fast tonight. Maybe she was embarrassed that I had talked her into having an orgasm by masturbation with me over the phone. How did that happen?
Hell! I don’t know how it happened, it just seem to…to flow from both of us very naturally. It was like we both knew exactly where we were going with our questions. We also knew what our answers were doing to each other. We had both enjoyed going there! I closed my eyes and could almost see her body arching up off the bed as she brought herself off with her fingers. And her face, God I bet it looked wonderful and so erotic as she became more and more worked up. I wondered if she was as horny as I was right now. She had to be!
I was almost ready to pick up the phone again and ask her again if I could come see her. But then I didn’t, I went into the bathroom and showered off the cum that I had pumped all over myself and the bed as I listened to her sexy phone conversation with me. Hearing her breath quicken and then to hear her moans and soft cries of passion as her body climaxed was too much for me. And she did it while talking to me! Damn V that is so hot and it happened so quickly. As I washed, I wished she were in the shower with me so I could watch the water running off her body making it shin all over her smooth lovely shared figure. I could even imagine I felt the heat coming off of her as I pictured my hands washed her.
My cock was getting harder and harder and I began to stroke it again as the water ran over my head and shoulders. I could only imagine how it would look as I knelt in the tub and she pressed her lovely lower body against my face. I could only imagine how what it would feel as she spread her thighs and I pushed my face into her sweet open vagina. And then I could only imagine how her body would react as she held my head and pressed it hard as she climaxed on my mouth and tongue deep inside her body! Jesus I was hard as hell standing there thinking about this lovely woman! Finally I couldn’t stand it and I stroked my cock feeling it thicken and get harder and harder. Jesus! It was sticking straight up in the air again! And after a fantastic hard orgasm, I had to sit down on the edge of the tub before finishing my washing. Finally I turned off the water, dried off and went back to bed. It was the other double bed in my room. The first bed was too messy to lay in alone.
A thousand things began to run over and around in my brain! Maybe she enjoyed it too much and was now scared of her feelings and of me. Then I wondered why women meet and want to have sex with a man but they won’t admit it or commit to it anywhere near as fast as a man would do. Maybe they were the smart ones, without a doubt they were the smartest! But you know she has and is thinking about it. But it takes forever for them to actually agree to it. Deep down inside they want it as bad or worst than we do. Well OK maybe not as bad as we do! Men are such horny pigs! Yea!! But they love it sometimes! And it went on and on in my brain! Who the hell knows what they want or think? One thing I knew for sure, I really liked this lady. I mean yes, she rang my bell from the second I saw her, physical. But, I had gotten to know Mandy much better during our dinner together. And I like her I really liked her. She was funny and a tease and playful and very witty! And then the kiss! WOW! My god, she made me hard in seconds. I don’t believe any woman has effected my mind and body like Amanda did tonight. Amanda what a nice British name!
I called down to the lobby and asked for the Concierge desk. When someone answered I said, ‘I realized this is very late. But that’s why I like the Marriott so much. You guys always try your best to please your customers. But I have a request, which is going to be a hard one to pull off. I have a favor to ask of you and I need it by tomorrow morning at 9 AM if you can do it.’
He said he was actually behind the desk and that the Concieair wouldn’t be there until 8Am in the morning, but that he would help if he could. I told him what I wanted, 12 long stemmed pink, red or maroon roses, pink would be best. And that I wanted them delivered to the restaurant at 9AM. I’ll alert the hostess they might be coming. Then I said, ‘Do you think you can get them for me this late?’
He said, ‘Well sir, I’ll call you back in around 8:15AM and let you know. There is a 24-hour florist about 4 blocks from here. But I’m not sure if they can deliver them tat early in the morning. I’ll let you know.’
I said, ‘Great! Well tell you what, I’m going to bed now. If you can’t get them for 9AM, I want you to put them in her room! But make it after10AM so she won’t know they’re there until she comes back from her business meetings. Oh hell sent a dozen to her room regardless of whether you could get them delivered by 9AM! OK? Can you do that?’
He told me there would be no problem with the room and he would check to see if they could get them to the restaurant too by 9AM. He laughed and asked, ‘She must be a special lady.’
I told him he had no idea how special she was to me.
I then went to sleep as best I could. In the morning I stopped at the Concieair’s (sp) desk and told them to put the flowers on my bill and Mandy’s room number. I gave the man a nice tip for trying so hard for me. He said he still wasn’t sure he could get them to the restaurant by 9AM they hadn’t called him back yet.
Then I went to the restaurant where I was to meet Amanda for breakfast. I was there a half an hour early drinking tea and enjoying one of my favorite past times, watching people. I also was thinking and waiting for this pretty woman to arrive. I couldn’t wait to see what she would be wearing.
Then I saw her! She walked proudly into the restaurant and saw me almost immediately. I stood up and stepped out from behind the table as she approach. She waved and she looked magnificent in those tight leather slacks! I smiled as I saw how tight they were the closer she got to me. I saw a group of men checking out her rear as she passed them without looking. She never took her eyes off my eyes as I greeted her with a kiss. She turned her head at the last second giving me her cheek. I held her hand and felt the energy serge between us.
I said, ‘Good morning. My you look fantastic Amanda.’ Then I smiled and asked,
‘Sleep well?’
I couldn’t help it I had to ask, doing it again! She had he slightest smile on her lips and said, ‘No Actually V I didn’t! Did you?’
I laughed out loud as I said, ‘Hardly a wink and it’s all your fault! And from seeing you in those slacks this AM I most likely won’t get any work done today either!’
She said, ‘Good! I’m glad I made an impression on you!’
She asked about the food, buffet or main service and I told her she could have it either way. She gave me another little double meaning answer about servicing herself. I told her a lady like she was should be serviced and I would have been so very happy to do it myself. As we ordered, our conversation was easy and flowed without hardly any hesitation on either of our parts.
I told her again how lovely she looked again and how much I liked her outfit especially the leather slacks. I saw how snug they fit her, outlining what I was sure was a thong under them. When she sat I saw more of the outline of her wonderful body. The shape of her body fit those slacks like a glove fits a hand they looked like they were custom
made. I took her hand and told her how very much I enjoyed our time together yesterday.
As she bent forward, I got a very nice view of the tops of her full round breasts. I said, ‘Very nice blouse too.’
I was looking directly down the front of it. I realized she had left two buttons undone and I wondered if that was for me? She was a tease but I loved it. I smiled and told her, ‘I think you would look beautiful in a cardboard box! And I’m sure you were a sight last night in that nightie too.’
She told me, ‘Oh yes, I was a sight alright. I would never dare wear that for you V.’
I laughed and said ‘Good that means then I’d see you nude! Even better!’
She smiled very sexy and said, ‘Who says you ever will V?’
I smiled and said, ‘Well a man can wish, and hope and prey and sometimes his preys are answered Amanda, you known?’
As she laughed with her sparkling eyes she asked, ‘Did you prey for me or FOR me last night V? You don’t seem the type!’
I said, ‘Not last night but from the second I saw you standing in front of me on the plane baby!’
We both laughed. Then I asked, ‘Hope you folded your nightie up properly so that the maid won’t see either it this morning?’
She laughed. Then I got a little serious and she could tell. I said, ‘You know, I would have loved to have seemed you again in person last night instead of talking over the phone, nightie or better yet no nightie. I have to ask you something. Did you enjoy our phone conversation it as much as I did Amanda?’
There was a hint of a blush on her face now. It was just a little, but I noticed it immediately. I smiled at her and she dropped her eyes. I moved very close to her now so only she could hear what I was going to say. I took her hand in my hand again and said, ‘Amanda, look, about last night. Well….I hope… hope, I hope I didn’t move to fast for you. I mean sometimes I have a tendency to move to quickly at the start of what I hoped was going to be a nice relationship with a woman. I’m an ‘A’ personality and I guess I always will be. It seems to come with my personality and well I’m sorry if I scare you off with being so direct and forward on the phone. But it just seemed to flow so natural between us didn’t it? Don’t you feel that way or is it just me?’
She just continued to look at me. I said, ‘ Well…well….look if I did embarrass you, I want you to know I sincerely apology. I want you to feel comfortable with me Mandy. Better yet I want you to enjoy your time with me and not worry about me coming on to you too hard or to fast! Unless that is you want me to do!’
I smiled a little and so did she. She was looking in my face no she was looking directly into my eyes. I guess to see if she could tell if I was being honest with her. I was! So I continued saying, ‘While I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it very much and I was truly hoping I could convince you to see me again last night, I don’t want what we shared to wreck things between us. I do understand we have just met and you’re not what they call in the states, a ‘wam, bam thank you mam’ type of lady. I don’t want our time together to be wrong. But I do want you to know I really enjoy your company and would like for us to see more of each other!’
She raised her eyebrow and smiled. I said, ‘Oh hell you know what I mean. I’m trying to be a gentlemen here and tell you that I hope I didn’t make you feel to uncomfortable last night over the phone on here in person, that you won’t want you go out with me again in the dark or light of day. ‘
She said, ‘I wouldn’t say uncomfortable V. I wanted to hear you and do what I was doing as badly or more so than you did. You’re right it did flow very nicely, too nicely. I think the correct word would be warm V. You made me feel very, very warm indeed in fact V, sometimes it was hot.’
She bent in and kissed me softly and quickly on the lips. I said, ‘Now it’s me who is hot!’
Then I laughed a little and kissed the top of her hand. She asked ‘What? Why are you laughing?’
I said, ‘Yes I still want to see more of you with or without that nightie!’
She smiled and told me again, ‘I would never let you see me in that old thing.’ The food finally arrived and as we ate and talked about our day the time flew by again. It seems that we both had work starting at around 10:30AM and would be gone for most of the day. I told her I would be back in my room around 4 PM. As we finished I noticed my watch and saw it was well past 9:30AM. I said to myself, ‘I guess the flowers are going to her room. Oh well that’s the next best thing I guess. Maybe better. But, I would have loved to seen her face when they delivered them. Oh well, nice try V but it was late when you called!’
I asked, ‘So when do you think you’ll get back from your meetings?’
She didn’t know for sure but 4 or 4:30PM sounded right to her too.
I asked her, ‘So do you have a favorite place you like to eat in New York? Or is there something special you would like to see or do tonight?’
She told me, ‘No V, whatever you wanted is good for me but remember I’m paying tonight. But just to let you know, if we get back early enough tonight I’ll have that drink with you.’
She was smiling but I knew she were serious. I asked, ‘In the bar or my room?’
Amanda said, ‘I’m not completely sure yet Vern. Let’s wait until tonight and see if that question answers itself.’
I said, ‘What type of music do you like? I mean like Rolling Stones or ZZ Top, you know, do you like hard fast rock by any chance?’
She asked why and I told her, ‘I just might have tickets for a concert tonight and it would include dinner in what they call a super box. I didn’t know if you would want to go and that’s why I asked if you had a special place that you might wanted to go tonight.’
She told me she would let me know later on if I got the tickets. Then she moved closer yet to me until there was only about 6-inch distance between our faces. She took my hand in hers and held it tight. I didn’t know for sure if she was teasing again or testing me. But I was hoping she would move my hand and pressed it against her beautiful full left breast or hold me and kiss me. My eyes went from her face to her breasts. Again seeing a very nice deep cleavage, I could now see her heart beating as her breasts rose and fell with each breath she took. I also felt my cock stiffen as she smiled and I blushed a little now. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I wanted to take her in my arms and make love to her right there on the breakfast table. But I knew that if, no make that when, we did make love that first time, it would be someplace soft and comfortable and enjoyable to both of us. I knew the sex would be hot and fast and animalistic the first time we did it. But, once we got that first one out of the way, we would then slow down and spend hours exploring and pleasing each other’s body. I couldn’t help it I moved my face to hers and tried to kiss her softly. She pull back but rather than let me kiss her. She released my hand but I could see her nipple stiffen like my cock. I looked back up into her eyes trying to ask why she wouldn’t kiss me. But I didn’t..
Day and Evening 2 – From the woman’s viewpoint:
‘Morning V how are you?’ I smiled walking up to you at the table in the lovely and fairly crowded dining room.
‘Hello Mandy, how are you this morning?’ you asked standing up and leaning forward to give me a peck on the cheek. That felt nice and you smelled good, you had on a very nice aftershave. It was nicely intimate to be greeted like that and it made me feel, as we were already proper lovers and not just oral ones, as we’d become over the phone last night.
‘Fine thanks V, what is it a buffet or what?’
‘It’s either. You can have someone else do it for you or of course you can do it yourself or, if you prefer, have a bit of both. What’s your pleasure this lovely morning ma’am?’ you asked smiling broadly.
I couldn’t
help bursting out laughing at the clever and, indeed, very appropriate double entendre. It made me feel closer to you for we were now starting to share our own in jokes. ‘Well I guess I’d be better off with a bit of both,’ I responded trying, probably rather lamely, to keep the joke going as I added. ‘Get some help with the starter then do the main course myself.’
We both chuckled as we ordered our meals and once more the conversation flowed so easily it was as if we’d known each other for ages and not the 20 hours or so that we had.
‘You look lovely today Mandy.’
Smiling I quipped back. ‘Does that mean I didn’t yesterday?’
‘No of course not I just loved the suit and of course the trousers and shirt and then the skirt you wore yesterday. I even loved the nightdress I haven’t seen.
‘And that V I can assure you I’ll never wear for you.’
‘Good that means I’ll see the naked you,’ you came back with quickly and quietly so that the older couple on the next table wouldn’t hear.
I had dressed carefully, but then I find that I nearly always do. I was wearing dark brown, leather trousers that, in all truthfulness, were a little tight for me and would have clearly had a visible panty line had I not been wearing the whispiest of thongs under it. I’d accompanied that with a tan colored, rather baggy, cotton blouse with a long pointed collar and buttons all up the front. Other than the top two these were done up but, nevertheless I’d noticed when checking myself in the mirror before leaving the room, when I leaned forward a respectable amount of cleavage was shown. Over that I’d draped a nice, fairly long, just beneath my waist, white woolen cardigan.
I looked you in the eye as I said possibly more sharply than I meant. ‘Who says you ever will V?’
We stared at each other across the breakfast table in the still crowded restaurant. The look in your eyes was almost dreamy. It was as if you were thinking about something, Something connected to but slightly divorced from us. There was also a look of want and need, arousal and excitement.
Women get to recognize such looks in men and yours was one of extreme desire. We were lightly holding hands, something I rarely do in public and especially not with someone I hardly know. To me holding hands and other gestures like that can somehow be more intimate than sex itself for they imply longevity and an attachment within the relationship. They suggest closeness and a sharing that only comes from both parties making a strong emotional commitment to the partnership. And that’s something I just do not do any more.
I also feel uncomfortable making gestures in public and showing my feelings to people I don’t know very well. So most forms public displays of affection do not sit easily with me. So sitting at that table holding your hand was not a particularly easy thing for me to do, especially as your grip tightened and as I guessed you were imagining us kissing and perhaps me placing your hand on my breast. Something that I could never imagine me doing with others staring at us.
‘Penny for your thoughts V you seem to have been somewhere else?’
‘Oh, er sorry Mandy, I was miles away?’
‘Gee thanks that’s quite some compliment,’ I laughed watching you cringe a bit.
‘Well if you must know,’ you said with a fairly serious look on your face, ‘I was thinking just how nice it would be to kiss you hard and deeply right now.’
You said that fairly loudly and my immediate reaction was that people at the adjoining tables may have heard and, like a kid that’s been caught doing something wrong, I pulled my hand from yours and dropped on my lap.
‘Look I really must fly V,’ I stammered hurriedly, ‘call me on my mobile or e-mail me I’ll be able to pick up messages even if we don’t actually speak.’
‘Ok great and don’t forget I’ll try and get the tickets.’
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CrossdressingTurn Of EventsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Who the fuck knew, how to get the lost file back on the computer. Austin was not computer expert, nor did he study computers as his major in college. Frustrated and distressed that his English Literature assignment and the report which he finished after almost working 4—5 hours till well past midnight was missing now and he had to do it all over because it was already late and due ASAP. Austin decided to take a shower and get fresh before sitting back with his...
Thanks for the comments-both good and bad on the story "Blood from a Turnip". I had number of email requests for: A) A companion piece from the wife character Lisa POV. B) More descriptive sex scenes. C) To stop writing such crap and never submit anything ever again (guess you cannot please everyone). I moved my tongue around his shaft as I bobbed my head up and down slowly using my one hand to jack his base. From his moans and movement he was really enjoying my ministrations. "Oh...
"My God, Vince, I had more money working as a gofer on the wrestling circuit that summer after High School than I do now." That was my brother Tommy. We were sitting at my kitchen table and going over his finances for the umpteenth time. Tommy had not fared well in the two years since his divorce. "OK Tommy," I tried to explain again, "you pull in $52K a year after taxes. That is about $4K a month you bring home. Now, gone first off the top is the $500 a month you pay in child support,...
Ok, so the second part of the story (part 1 here - https://xhamster.com/stories/true-story-of-something-that-happened-roughly-10-y-1012963). Since the next series of events occurred over several nights, I have decided to split the recollection into multiple parts, and will post one story for each night, rather than one long post.Again, this is a true story to the best of my recollection. There may be slight inaccuracies in wording of what was said, but the events are true, and I will also add a...
Tyler entered the wardrobe at the far end of the printing press and immediately saw someone else in there, riffling through the plastic- covered clothes hangers. A shock of red hair turned to see who had just entered. "Hey, Violet," the redhead said. Well, speak of the devil, Tyler thought to himself. There she was. "Hey, Zoe," Tyler said. He walked between the racks of clothing and came alongside her. "How's it going?" "Good, good," Zoe said, grinning mightily back at him. She...
Ozzie used his key to access a tiny office in the rear, one stocked floor to ceiling with shelves containing all kinds of gear - tablets, phones, security cameras, whatnot. There was a dingy-looking desk tucked into a corner with one chair behind it and one in front. Ozzie took his spot at the other side of the desk and Tyler took the remaining chair for himself, smoothing the skirt of his boring brown dress as he sat down. He placed his purse in his lap. "So," Ozzie said, folding his...
"Ben!" Amber screamed. "Well! Fancy seein' you way out here!" "Hey, Amber," he said with a smile, and then he immediately turned his attention to Tyler. "Hi, Violet." "Oh," Tyler said, trying to regain his breath. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks, and he could pointedly sense each individual item of clothing he had on, especially the garter belt. "Hey, Ben." "Well, don't act too excited to see me," Ben said jokingly. "I'm... well, no," Tyler stammered. "I mean, yeah, I'm...
Hours later, after Saturn's moon had drifted away from the window, Tyler was woken up by footsteps near his bed. He rolled over to try to see what was happening. "Sorry, darlin'," Amber whispered as she padded around the dark dorm room in her bare feet. "I was tryin' to be quiet for you." "What's going on?" Tyler said groggily. "Got a job to do. It just came over on my tablet. Really good money. You go on back to sleep, now. Don't mind me." And she was out the door and into the...
By some unexplainable miracle, nobody else needed to use their elevator until the 94th floor. As the car slowed, Connie and Tyler finally ended their long and passionate embrace, bashful as two middle school kids caught making out behind the bleachers. Connie spun away from Tyler and examined herself in the reflection of the rear wall, dabbing at her makeup with her fingers until the doors opened to take on the new passengers. Tyler stared straight ahead, not wanting to attempt...
Sometime later, an electronic bell sound rang through the suite. Tyler startled to attention and looked over the bed at Connie, who still had the purple rubber dildo hanging out of her cunt. She rustled around on the bedsheets underneath her for a moment before gripping the dong with both hands and easing it out of herself. She gasped as the tip exited her pussy, spilling a slight amount of vaginal juices onto the linens beneath her. "Sounds like dinner," she said, running a hand...
Later, after Tyler had tried on countless outfits and accessories, Connie called for a break. Fran made herself scarce, saying that she was going to ring up the outfits Connie and Tyler had decided to keep, of which there were quite a few. Tyler and Connie were left alone in the dressing room, sitting on the padded bench and enjoying a glass of the wine Fran had promised them earlier. Tyler currently wore a knee-length, full-skirted red gingham dress that made him look and feel like...
There is some recycling of characters from the first story I ever wrote for LW called BLOOD FROM A TURNIP (Yes I know the old story REALLY needed editing). This can be a standalone tale, but it will help to read either "BLOOD FROM A TURNIP" tale to get the backstory. Great Thanks to Dave T who edited this fable without drinking poison before he was finished. Any and ALL errors are mine. "Coach Tommy, is Frankie home?" This disheveled sixteen year old on my porch that Saturday...
Score after seven events is Syndy fifty- five, Wren fifty- three, Tam forty-eight, Kacy forty-six, Amy forty-one, and Brit forty. We all walked to the sand course after lunch. “This next event in the Weighted Pussy Pull or Race if you will, for this event, you’ll have the Ben Wa Balls back in your pussies and have the beads in you butts. I’ll put a crotch rope on each of you which’ll go around your waist twice then tie a bowline knot in it. There’ll be two tails on the rope ten feet long...
Friday, April 27 (Continued) to Friday, June 1, 2007 All the family members gathered in the Adults' dining room and the girls started putting together a celebratory breakfast while we called our lawyer. Unsurprisingly, he took our call right away. I knew the most about what had been in the van and the conversation between Paul and the police chief, so I did most of the talking. It was a good way of bringing everyone else up to date too. At the end of the conversation, our lawyer said,...
Since there wasn't any direct threat, and since the paper hadn't specifically identified him, Alex decided they could remain in the French Quarter a little longer. As much as he was afraid of exposure, he really enjoyed the city. He didn't feel the need to patrol the city looking for new followers, figuring with as much attention as he'd gotten around the city the majority of people with either type 1 or 2 traits had already been detected and included into the community. So with a fair...
Tyler took a deep breath and gathered himself as he rested his hand on the door handle leading into the main section of spindle #7. This was the first time he'd ever been alone on the station since his nanosurgery finished. He'd always been accompanied by someone else before - either Jackson or Amber. The thought of wandering through the wild west all by himself, while sporting this incredibly alluring female body, gave him pause. He needed to get used to it, however, and sooner was...
The convention center, which occupied the entire 122nd floor, was a tumult of activity. Countless numbers of businessmen and women scampered around in business casual attire as they set up their booths, got their tablet-driven presentations ready, and unpacked heavy shipping containers filled with equipment and giveaways. Tyler stood dumbly in the middle of it all, back leaning against the elevator hub, wondering where to go and what to do first. He remembered his AG&M contact from...
"Oh, Amber, you wonderful girl," Jackson said. She practically ran to a table staffed by two men of southeast Asian descent, shook their hands while introducing herself, and laid out on the table. Lola seemed equally appreciative as she introduced herself to her own masseurs. Zoe and Amber found their own spots as well. Tyler put his hands in the stain pockets of his robe, glancing around the room to make absolutely sure that every spa employee was, in fact, a man. Dejectedly, he...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story you are about to read is an adaption of, "Strange Brothers," From Mashiro's Castle. It is not a direct translation of the original story, rather a retelling of it adapted for an English audience. If you already know of the Strange Brothers, I apologize in advance. I know only certain parts of the story that have been translated to English, and as such I have had to add my own content to create an ending. Also, I made other changes to make it more of a...
A Combination of Events My name is Kelly and that in fact is the first in a series of coincidences that led to my current predicament. I live in a small city in the south of England. Technically it is a city but really it is more town sized if we are being honest. The town centre is genuinely very historic though. It is full of old Edwardian, Victorian, Jacobean and even Tudor and other old buildings. It still has the old stocks used for humiliating people who had committed...
STRANGE MEETING LEADS TO SEX TORTURE TERROR FOR SAVANNA... Since loosing my job suddenly a few months ago and being down on my luck I decided it was about time I made some money out of my favourite hobby, being a sexy t-girl. Well where was the harm? I loved getting dolled up in my sexy outfits and showing off my feminised figure in tight rubber, leather or PVC outfits. I had been told I was quite convincing with my enhanced boobs, long shapely legs and tight ass and I thought, well...
He smiled slightly when he walked through his door. The satisfaction of seeing her there waiting for him, kneeling, nude, legs spread, head down always gave him a rush – no matter how many times he saw her like this. He reached down and cupped her right breast. It was soft but firm. It would be smooth if not for the goosebumps. This puzzled him as it was quite warm in the house. Her nipple was at attention. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. She jolted when he pinched it just a...
BDSMSpells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...
Dick van Dyke 1: If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book "Turnabout" By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Rob, do you *have* to watch this movie?!" Laura said, upset. She was sitting up in her twin bed, trying to ignore what was on the bedroom TV behind her book. "What's wrong with this movie? It's a comedy!" Robert Petrie said from his bed. "It's going to give you nightmares! I just know it." "What?? This silly thing?!" "I know how suggestible you are, Rob. You...
A Turnabout Party Chapter 1 You are kidding me? It was Monday. I had just finished cooking dinner and my wife had just walked in the door from work. She set her things down and just said, "You may get your wish." "My wish?" "Yes. Your wish for us to go out with you looking like a woman." You see I'm a work at home husband, doing on-line editing of technical books, papers, and the like. My wife is a high end professional woman. I...
6:30 AM. The alarm buzzed. I slammed down the sleep button, with every intent of going back to sleep. Five minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror. My wife looked back. I screamed. "What's wrong, Dan?" I heard myself say, from the bed. "Come here, Jessica," I heard my wife's voice say. "Come here. NOW!" I saw myself walk in. "What's wr....DAN! What's going on?" "How should I know? I woke up... and I'm...
Test Subject Turnabout - Angela's Story After receiving some negative comments on a previous story I put up (Test Subject Turnabout which focused on a young man who knowingly dated a pre-op transsexual, did some very bad things to her, fell in love, apologized, and tried to win her back), I contacted a well known tg author with a question about dealing with that bad thing. The response I received prompted this alternate viewpoint which has more character development. You may want to...
Author's Note: I would like to thank Elrod for the use of his characters, and words of encouragement, as well as his time helping me dispose of the worst of my grammatical and spelling errors. I would also like to thank Ellen Heyes for helping me with my writing. She tirelessly hammered me until I corrected some of the more implausible passages in the story. I enjoyed her frank and pitiless critiques as well as her words of encouragement. Thanks to her as well for allowing...
STRANGE FANTASIES? by J R D IN THE SECOND DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY... Lee Adams was waiting in the receptionist's area of the personnel department of Drasberg's, a multi-national company that had recently opened up an office building in his city. Lee wasn't very hopeful. Over the last year, he had gone after many jobs, but he was turned down time after time. It was always the same reason, "No experience". At least that was the official reason. Whenever he talked to the...
Case 98-2 ‘Current Events’ by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) All of the characters and their behaviour are fictional, and anyone attempting their behaviour is bound to get into a lot of trouble. Copyright © 2004 by Richard Williams, all other rights are reserved. * [Academic standards require that I reveal a special interest in the subject matter, due to what I regard as my unfair dismissal from the University of _____________ back in the days when sexual...
When we sat down for dinner, Meili was at her usual place under the table with my cock in her mouth. I swear, ever since she turned fourteen she was utterly insatiable. Every meal, she sucked off either Steve or me, claiming it made her food taste better. We had long ago given up saying no to her, as it was pretty much impossible to change her mind. Truth to tell, she was so good at it, neither of us really wanted to say no. Steve had long ago lifted the prohibition against sexual activity in...
Dear Reader, This is pretty much a stroke story. If you're expecting one of my twist endings, you'll be disappointed. It's based somewhat on the serious problems families are having with the economic downturn (i.e., recession, depression, or whatever you want to call this god awful financial mess we are all in at the moment.) It explores how two wives try to deal with holding their families together. Nobody is very admirable or clean in this story. So if you're looking for a hero,...
I posted this god knows how many years back on Literotica under an old nick. Thought I had lost this until I was going through some old disks and found it. Having just reread it, and given it a bit of an edit, I though I might as well as post it. A Strange Romance. Although I was over qualified for such job's after I graduated, I could not resist accepting a post as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. With my qualifications I was offered better...
There had been a number of studies on women having nocturnal orgasms or dreams. A few studies have suggested that nearly forty percent of the woman out there have experienced some kind of nocturnal experience in their lifetime. Even though most men experience wet dreams in their teenage years, it isn’t uncommon for an older mature women to experience some form of a nocturnal dream during her later years of life. They can be intense and feel extremely real to the point of actually believing that...
MILFSTRANGE WORLD by Geneva A dissolute English nobleman incurs the anger of an Italian Contessa and is changed to a woman by her book of spells. Through suffering and war a new life is made and love is found. The secondary character of Anna in this story is the main character in my earlier story, "Nun so Lovely". At least the wine and the food had been good. Inwardly fretting at the boredom and Conte Roberto's dronings, I watched as my wife Catherine and my sister Ophelia talked...
The only slight glimmer of hope was that – if she was ringing the door-bell – she wasn’t phoning the Police! … On the other hand it could just be the postman … It wasn’t – it WAS Ellie …. standing there in all her beauty … looking deliciously angry!! “WHAT have you just done with my sister”!! she shouted at the top of her voice. Worried that the other neighbours might hear I hissed “Come in here if you have something to say” stepping to the side so she could come in (not that I thought she...
After months of planning, their plan could finally be put into action.Jim was visiting her city, Las Vegas, on business. Only one snag...hewasn't alone on this business trip. Three coworkers were with him visiting a remote office location. But, they were going out to see thenightlife of Vegas they've heard about. Bar hopping or strip clubs,wherever the cab brought them. Jim decided to stay at the hotelexplaining to them that he wasn't feeling well. What he actually had planned had him feeling...