RedemptionChapter 18 free porn video

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Dex sat almost sideways in the back seat and leaned into the corner. He much preferred driving to riding, but the women had insisted they do their share, and beside, it was Margo's car. It was the last weekend in September and Margo, Karen, and Dex were headed on their way to see Rick play and to see Donna. It was late Friday afternoon, and they were almost halfway through the six hour drive. Dex would drive the last three hours after the women split the first three.

Jenny did not have a concert this weekend, so Margo was free to leave. Mike had duty at the high school football game, and Hank had been on the road a lot getting bands set for upcoming concerts. Dex had done a couple hours of schoolwork while he rode, and had only a little more to clean up Sunday night at home. All in all, it was a perfect time for the three to visit family at school.

Karen and Margo had not wasted a minute of the trip, talking non-stop about every subject they could think of. The two had become as close as sisters over the past year, and shared literally everything. Dex's presence inhibited them not a bit, either.

"Margo, Dex told us something a last spring that absolutely floored us. It was when Donna first slept with Jared, and I was wondering out loud who Donna would eventually marry."

"Were you and Dex laying in bed together when you asked that," Margo teased.

"Oh, you know how we are. Yes, we were laying in bed and Mike was there, too." Finished with her retort, she continued her original thought. "Anyway, Dex said that he was sure Donna would marry Rick."

"Well, you know that would be the answer to my prayers. Honestly, though, I have as much trouble believing that as you do. Rick says he is completely cured of Donna. Dex, why are you so sure?"

"Hey, Donna could meet some other 'Mr. Right' any day, so it's not a sure thing. It's just that Rick is the only guy I know who has a strong enough personality for Donna."

"But so far, all they've done is fight. Donna embarrassed Rick so badly he didn't want to ask her out any more."

"Yeah, but that will turn out to be the smartest thing Donna could have done. Rick probably doesn't know it yet, but he is looking for a strong woman. When he gets tired of the coed football groupies, he is going to think about Donna, and she'll look awfully good. She has established that she is his equal, and he will want that."

"Boy, that hardly sounds like the Rick I sent off to school, but I could see him starting to change that way."

"I'm sure your relationship with him that summer had a lot to do with it."

"Hmmm, that seems like another lifetime, now. Karen, how long has it been since I thanked you for getting Hank and I together."

"Oh, I think it's been almost an hour, now." The two women laughed heartily.

"Seriously, Karen, I still can't believe how good we are together. That man has so much love to give - I am just so lucky. And then the music... ! Who would have thought anything like this could happen. I don't know if we'll ever make much money off of it, but in a way, I don't really care. Just the thrill of working so well together on it is enough. Hoss, and several others, though, seem to think it will pay off big."

"Mike and I have never had the chance to produce something like that together - it must be a real thrill."

"Hey, what do you mean? How about three wonderful kids?"

There was silence for an unusually long time before Margo spoke again. "Dex, maybe Karen doesn't want to ask, but what's up with you and Connie. You seem to be going out with her a lot."

"Oh, Karen knows everything that happens. You know how we talk about everything. I like Connie more and more every time I see her. She is bright and vivacious, and she has a mischievous streak that keeps me off balance. We have a great time together. And before you ask, not yet."

"What? Oh! How about her mother?"

"That makes a relationship kinda hard. I still haven't felt comfortable going to their house. Fortunately, Connie's fine coming to our house. She gets along great with Karen and Mike."

"We like having her around. You know, she's not the only one he goes out with, though. He's seen Kelly Perdue, and two of Donna's school friends."

"You mean some of Donna's friends didn't go to college."

"Yes, they're in college, just at the local branch," Dex responded. I've known them since I first got here, and they've always been nice to me."

"That counts a lot with you, doesn't it?" Margo queried.

"Doesn't it with everyone? Cheryl, especially, has a real confidence problem. She was fine when Donna and all her other close friends were around, but now, her support system is gone."

"She's the, uh, full-figured one, right? Is she living at home?"

"Yeah, and that's the big problem. Her mother is always on her about her weight, and she's not nice about it. It's like overeating is Cheryl's only way of rebelling against her mother. I think she really has to work at it to keep her weight up."

"I can't believe any girl would really do that. How do you think you can help her?"

"I guess just like Donna and her other friends did, by just accepting her. She is a lot of fun to be with."

"So the jolly fat girl image is true, huh?"

"Hmm. I guess. She's not all that fat, though. Not nearly as bad as she and her mother think she is."

"But her self-image is zero?"

"No higher than that. I wish there was something more I could do to make her feel better about herself."

"As I recall, you and Donna did a great job with Jenny's self-image."

"Oh! Yeah. Not sure how that applies to Cheryl, though."

Margo spent another half hour probing into Dex's personal life. He really didn't mind. He was used to sharing freely with Karen and Mike, and Margo had a way of coming up with very meaningful observations. As another person who had suffered in her own way, Dex respected her feelings and opinions.

After he took over the driving, he kept pondering Cheryl's problem and Margo's comments about how they had helped Jenny. He remembered his mother, and how important it was to her that he appreciated her body. His father had been so successful at making her feel unattractive. Kristen had reacted the same way. When he had started her working out and dressing sexier, she had progressed rapidly. Bitsy's father refused her anything that would enhance her looks, even decent clothes. One of the abuser's main targets must be the woman's self-esteem, and that is closely tied to her body - her sex appeal. How could he help Cheryl feel better about her body?

Dex had talked it over with Karen and Mike, of course. Mike was hesitant, raising the same objection Karen had with Jared. "But, Dex, this has been a family thing. I'm not comfortable opening it up to just anybody."

"I know, Mike, but Cheryl needs some help, and I think this could be important. Getting her to stay overnight while her mother is gone is a perfect opportunity. It will be just the four of us for breakfast, too."

"Are you going to have her sleep with you?"

"That's up to her?"


"Again, that's up to her. The main thing is to have her feel accepted and good about her body, with no one beating on her to lose weight. She was so good to me when I was just a lowly freshman. I really would like to help her. I've talked to her for hours on end, but it's going to take something more drastic."

"Come on, Honey," Karen got her two cents in. "It's just her and her nagging mother - no dad, no brothers. Give her a thrill with some prime man flesh to look at, and to look at her."

"God, it's almost as bad as when Donna was still here!" Mike complained jokingly. "It's not as if I had a choice, is it?"

Cheryl lived barely two blocks away, and came over as soon as Karen got home, while Dex was still at practice. She had already finished most of her schoolwoork at home, and offered to help Karen with supper. Supper was the usual comfortable, chatty event, although Cheryl did notice that Mike was less talkative than usual. After everyone pitched in with cleanup, Dex and Cheryl headed downstairs.

Cheryl had spent quite a bit of time in Dex's little basement 'kingdom' and felt completely at ease there. That is, until now, because Dex went into his bedroom and emerged moments later completely naked! She was still staring at him, speechless, when he told her, "Your turn. You can just leave your clothes on the bed, for now."

It was a good thing Cheryl was sitting down, because she surely would have fallen down, otherwise. For a long time, she could not speak and just stared at Dex, mainly at his crotch.

Realizing just how stressed out she was, Dex asked her, "Am I the first naked guy you've seen, Cheryl?" She gave a barely perceptible nod. "Well, I can see how it could be quite a shock. Are you all right?" Still unable to answer, she was visibly shaking now. Dex began to wonder if his shock approach had been too much, too soon. Deciding to calm things down a little, he picked up a VCR and inserted it, then sat down beside Cheryl, close but not touching. "I picked up this movie I thought you might like."

Over the last two and a half years, Dex had been naked in front of quite a few women. That did not make this event easy, but it was manageable. As the movie played, he was able to keep up a fairly normal level of light conversation, usually commenting on the movie. Cheryl remained tongue-tied for over a half hour before she finally spoke. "Dex, stop the movie. Please." He complied, and turned toward her with a questioning look.

"Dex, why are you doing this?"

Leaning back and looking thoughtful, Dex responded. "Cheryl, you are one of the nicest people I know, and I consider you a good friend. You know something about my past, and how I feel about women being abused."

"Abused? But I'm not abused."

"There are many forms of abuse. Your mother is abusing you."

"What do you mean? She's never hit me or even been unreasonable about my going out or anything."

"No, I know she hasn't, but she has abused you psychologically. Tell me, Cheryl, how much time do you spend naked?"

"Just enough to shower and change clothes, why?"

"How often do you wear sexy or revealing clothes, nighties, or whatever?"

"I don't have any stuff like that."

"Why not?"

"With this body? I just want to keep it out of sight as much as possible."

"So you think your body is disgusting?"

"Of course it is."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, isn't it obvious? Just look at me!"

"Cheryl, I've looked at you thousands of times. Have I ever looked disgusted?"

"No, but you must be thinking it."

"Nope. Not even once. What's disgusting about your body?"

"My weight, of course."

"Anything else?"

"Uh, no, not really."

"Look, Cheryl. I'm going to tell you what I think. Just listen for a minute, and then you can tell me I'm crazy, OK?"

"Um, OK."

"One of the things my father did to my mother was constantly belittle her looks. I've discovered that other abusers do the same thing. Your mother is doing that to you. I suspect with her it is a form of control. She wants to make you look like she wants you to. Maybe she thinks your weight is a reflection on her, I don't know. Whatever the reason, the abuse is so bad you would move out if you could. Am I crazy, so far?"

Cheryl first gave him a wide-eyed stare, then dropped her gaze and shook her head slightly.

"Now, most people who don't like their weight are constantly talking about losing it. In the years I have known you, I have never heard you say word one about dieting. I checked with Donna, and she agreed. That tells me that you don't really want to lose weight."

"Hey, wait a minute!"

"I'm not saying that to be critical. Let me finish. Being overweight is one of the few ways you have of fighting your mother's control. If you slim down, she wins. Her abusive control is so bad for you that you cannot stand to see her win that way."

"Th... that's crazy! Do you really think I would put myself through this just to beat my mother? Do you have any idea what it's like being shunned and ignored because I'm too fat?"

"How many diets have you been on?"

This time, Cheryl broke into tears. Dex got the tissue box and set it beside her, but did not try to do anything else until she calmed down. "Tell me, why did your parents divorce? Why did your brother and sister move away as soon as they could?"

Cheryl just shook her head slowly several times before she said anything. "They escaped. I got left behind to take all her shit, didn't I?" Dex just waited as she sat with her face in her hands. "Okay, how is my undressing for you going to help?"

"You have been told so many times that your body is disgusting, you're sure that I'll be disgusted. When you see that I'm not, that I enjoy looking at you, it will be a start at feeling OK with how you look. It won't stop your mother from haranguing you, but you might stop believing her. Once you can start ignoring her, you can decide if you want to do anything about your weight. You'll know it's for you and not for her."

"Wow! You've really thought this through, haven't you?"

"Cheryl, you're a very good friend. You have no idea how much it meant to me the way you accepted me when I first came here. If there's anything I can do for you, I'm going to give it a good try."

"Even if you end up showing your, uh... , but I never show you mine?" She showed the first touch of levity since supper.

"If that's what happens, it was worth a try."

"If I undress, you won't try to do anything else, will you?"

"Cheryl, you know me better than that. I would never do anything you didn't want to do. I'd like to do things, believe me, but that's always up to you."

"You'd like to, really? That's hard for me to believe."

"I'm not your mother. I'm your average horny teenager, and you're a well-endowed woman. Why should that surprise you?"

"Well-endowed? Hah! Talk about flattery! But thank you for saying that. God, Dex! What you've said about my mother is so right on. I'd love to get out from under her, but I just don't know if I can do it."

"You don't have to do anything. I was just trying to help you with a little shock therapy."

"It was that, all right!"

"Yeah. Well, should I go put my clothes on?"

This was the decision point for Cheryl. She would love to see more of him. She wished he wasn't sitting next to her - it was too hard to see his crotch without being obvious. If she said yes, the pressure would be off of her, but she would lose the only chance she'd ever had to learn more about a man. She had to pee, and that would give her another minute to think.

Sitting on the toilet, she rested her head in her hands again, and almost shook with indecision. After wiping, she stood and reached down to pull up her panties. Bent over, she stopped herself, then sat back on the toilet. She took of her shoes and socks, the pushed off her jeans and panties before standing up. She faced the mirror over the sink, and frowned at the all too familiar protrusion of her belly. Scowling slightly, she riffled her fingers through her pubic hair. This was one concession to vanity - one her mother didn't see. She had it trimmed close.

She looked at her generous thighs, then turned around and looked back over her shoulder at her ass. If there was one part of her body she was almost proud of, it was her ass. It was substantial, but surprisingly tight and smooth for her weight. All of her clothes were chosen to accentuate it.

Facing the mirror again, she pulled off her sweater and unhooked and removed her bra. This bared the part she hated most to look at - her midriff. Here, there were noticeable folds and creases of excess flesh. Her boobs were not as large and pendulous as most heavy women she saw, and she wondered if they would seem small if she lost weight.

Losing weight. The thing she thought about constantly, but never worked at seriously. Was Dex right about why she didn't? She had started gaining in eighth grade when her father had left. Even as a child, she had never been slim; 'sturdy' would be a good description. Still, there had been no loose flesh or soft spots until the breakup. Her mother had started on her with almost the first pound she gained, and had never let up.

Cheryl was eighteen now, and could go and live with her father. She truly loved him, and enjoyed her weekends with him. She was not quite sure why she had not made the move already. He was paying her tuition and giving her some living money, even though his support responsibility was over.

Well, enough musing. She chuckled as she remembered that she had showered at home because she was so body shy she hated to be naked at someone else's house, even in the shower. Now, she was going to walk out naked in front of a boy - a man, really. But this was Dex, and she somehow knew it would be all right.

While waiting to see what would happen with Cheryl, Dex had been teasing his penis lightly. Assuming that she was going to come out naked, he wanted the best possible chance to spring a hardon. He didn't want to get hard now, just get a head start. She was in there quite a while, and he almost overdid the teasing.

When she came out, she was naked, as he had expected. He could see her fighting to keep from covering herself. She was trembling, and her face was bright red. Standing up quickly, he said, simply, "Thank you, Cheryl."

"Thank you?"

"Yes. Showing someone your body is a gift, and I thank you for it."

"Ohhh!" She had not known what to expect, but this certainly wasn't it. She felt a small thrill from his words. He was making a twirling motion with his finger, and she figured out he wanted her to turn around. Struggling to control her muscles, she complied, almost feeling relieved as her tits and pussy were no longer exposed to him.

When Cheryl turned back to face Dex, she almost fell over when she automatically looked toward his crotch and saw his cock growing in front of her eyes. Her first reaction was disbelief, then a sense of warmth at her core and stiffness in her nipples. She was able to blurt out "Why?"

"I told you I was a horny teenager, and you have a very sexy ass."

Days later, Cheryl would look back on that visit and wonder if she was imagining it, there were so many new and unbelievable happenings.

Dex sat her down and they finished watching the movie, during which time, Dex receded to flaccid state. After the movie, he practically hauled her up to the kitchen for a snack. Despite his assurances that Karen and Mike would stay upstairs, she jumped at every sound from the second floor, and did not relax until they went back downstairs. Of course, the whole experience was not exactly relaxing, anyway.

All evening, Dex had flashbacks to Kathy, and the similarity to her reactions. There were major differences, of course. Kathy was a mother, and was aware deep down that she had an attractive body. Cheryl was a totally inexperienced virgin who was unhappy with almost everything about her body. Still, the impact of his attentive looks and a few positive comments was similar, and the lesson was strongly reinforced in Dex's mind.

When it came time for bed, Dex offered her the chance to sleep with him. After the initial shock, she objected, and he explained that they would not even have to touch each other unless she wanted to. The few hours naked had been just stimulating enough for her that she was able to at least consider it. In a burst of curiosity and self-confidence she agreed. When he made her go up and fetch her own bag, and then told to forget her nightwear, she almost backed out. Eventually, she was nervously perched on one side of his queen bed.

She was surprised and a bit frustrated that Dex fell asleep quickly after they talked for a while and said 'goodnight.' All evening, they had not touched, except for hands, and she wondered if this meant he did not want to touch her. Other than her father, she had never experienced a close hug with a man, and with Dex so close, she found herself yearning for some intimacy.

With a boldness born of long frustration and fueled by all the new experiences of the night, Cheryl moved over close to Dex. He was sleeping on his back, and shocking herself, she lay right against him with his arm between her tits, her pussy right against his hip, and her arm across his chest. She shook as she lay her head on his bare shoulder.

She almost panicked when he stirred awake, and started to pull away. He quickly got his arm around her and pulled her back tight to himself. He said "That feels wonderful!" and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. It must have been an hour that she lay against him like that. She could not sleep, but was loath to leave her position. Finally, from exhaustion and some stiffness, she rolled off of him and managed to drift into troubled sleep.

If the evening had been shocking for Cheryl, the morning was unbelievable. It was almost easy to go about her morning routine naked with Dex. However, when it came time for breakfast, he stunned her by saying it would be naked.

"B... but your aunt and uncle!"

"They'll be naked, too."

"Oh, no! I can't! That's too much, Dex."

"Sure you can. Look, it's a chance to see another naked man, and Mike would very much like to see you. Just do it. You'll be fine, I promise."

She really liked Karen and Mike, and they were always wonderful to her. Her curiosity was at an almost painful level, and she was feeling a boldness that was totally new to her. Dex gave her no time to think, but put a hand right on her ass and propelled her up the stairs. She was unable to resist.

As had been pre-arranged, Karen and Mike stood side by side facing the stairway as the young people came up. What had not been pre-arranged was Karen's finger tickling Mike from his asshole to his balls from behind. She timed it perfectly so he started to swell as he got a good look at Cheryl. When Mike started to flinch away, it took only a slight hiss from Karen and he knew what was expected of him.

Karen took her hand away and greeted Cheryl warmly while Mike tried to regain some control of his organ. Cheryl was at first unresponsive, her gaze fixed on Mike. After a few seconds, Dex saw that Cheryl's posture noticeably straightened and she seemed to gain confidence. There was the power of sexual approval again!

Over breakfast, Mike apologized for his response, and Cheryl spoke openly of how much it meant to her. She promised to keep everything that had happened secret. When they were relaxing after eating, she broke into tears. When Karen comforted her, Cheryl explained that she was just so overwhelmed by the openness and the warmth - she had never experienced anything like it. She asked if she could come some other Saturdays, and arrangements were made.

The following Friday, Cheryl called Dex, told him an amazing tale, and asked him to help her with a little shock for her mother.

When she got home Saturday, Cheryl had put away all her nightwear, leaving just one light robe for emergency purposes. She slept naked that night, and walked casually to and from the bathroom night and morning. In the morning, her mother saw her and freaked. Cheryl kept her cool, came down to the kitchen, and began fixing breakfast. Her mother continued the harangue, and Cheryl just decided to stay naked. It turned out she never dressed until she had to go to class on Monday.

Some of the things Berverly Fischer, Cheryl's mother, said were vicious, and Cheryl amazed herself by not breaking into tears. Several times she was about to call Dex for support, but resolved to gut it out alone. She told Dex the images that strengthened her most were of his and Mike's cocks saluting her nakedness. More than once she was about to brag about her ability to stiffen cocks, and accuse her mother of being unable to do the same. Her respect for the privacy of Dex, Karen, and Mike prevented her from giving them away. In fact, Beverly never made the connection between her overnight stay with Dex and her newfound exhibitionism.

On Saturday morning, Dex waited a couple of houses down the street for the signal from Cheryl, waited another five minutes, then drove up to the house and walked to the door.

Inside, Cheryl was puttering naked in the kitchen while Beverly sat drinking coffee. When the doorbell rang, she exclaimed in mock surprise "Oh, is it that time already? Dex is taking me to the mall and I'm not ready!"

"Well, for God's sakes, go get your clothes on. I'll get the door."

"That's OK, Mom. Finish you coffee. I'll get it."

"Whaaat!!? Cher-yl!! You can't! Get back here right now!!"

Cheryl paid no heed and cheerfully opened the door, apologizing to Dex for not being ready.

"Well, if I get this kind of greeting, I'll make it a point to always be early," Dex said with a grin. Cheryl guided him into the house, leaving him at the foot of the stairs while she went up. Making sure her mother couldn't see, she stopped a few steps up, bent over and spread her legs. She had not told Dex about this, and it produced the expected bulge in his jeans as he got a good shot if her newly bared labia peeking through.

Beverly had stood up in her panic, but was still transfixed by what Cheryl had done. Dex played his role perfectly.

"Morning, Mrs. Fischer. Gee, it's so great to see Cheryl feeling better about herself. She's had such a self-image problem I'm amazed to see her show herself like that. Isn't she something?"

"But... but... she's so fat! How can you think it's great for her to expose her body when she looks like that?"

"Oh, she doesn't look that bad. Besides, she's Cheryl. She's a great person and a really good friend. I feel honored that she'd let me see her."

"I don't know! I've tried so hard to get her to lose weight, but she doesn't even try."

"Hey, maybe this is the first step. If she doesn't feel good about herself, she'll never have the drive to lose weight."

Beverly did not know how to respond to that statement, but she didn't have time anyway. Cherly came down the stairs in skin tight jeans and topless. As she walked into the kitchen, she slowly pulled a moderately tight sweatshirt over her unsupported tits.

"Cheryl! You can't go out without a bra!"

"Sure I can! I haven't worn one much lately, and I'm starting to hate them." With that, Cheryl and Dex walked out.

Once in the car, Cheryl slumped in her seat. "God, that was hard!"

"You were great, especially that unscheduled flash!" This brought a giggle from her, as she reached into her purse and pulled out her bra. "Huh uh!" Dex told her, putting a hand on her arm. She stared at him, grinned, then put the bra back and shook her tits at him. "I've created a monster," Dex complained in mock despair.

The third weekend in October, Donna drove home, having found an acquaintance who graduated a couple of years earlier to accompany her and share the gas. After catching up with her parents, Donna hauled Dex down to the shower as the start of an intense night of catching up. They alternated tender periods of hugging and sharing with several sexual encounters.

Cheryl knew this was concert weekend so Chris and Jenny would not be at breakfast. By arrangement, Dex left the front door unlocked, and Cheryl eased her way in, stepped out of her shoes, and dropped the long coat that was her only garment. As she reached the doorway to the kitchen, Donna's back was turned, and Cheryl simply said "Welcome home, Donna."

Hugely startled, Donna spun around for the real shock. No one had mentioned what had gone on between Dex and Cheryl, and Cheryl was the last of her friends Donna would have expected to see standing there naked. The significance of her friend's nudity hit her immediately, though, and she charged into her and they hugged and jumped around in glee, Donna ending up in tears. They both seemed to realize they were hugging naked at the same time, and stepped back red-faced but still holding hands.

Donna insisted on hearing the whole story, which included the latest episode that Dex had not heard. "Last weekend I had all I could take of Mom's shit, so I spent three nights with Dad. I stripped for bed and never dressed except when we went out to eat."

"Wow! How did he react?"

"He was wonderful. Instead of Mom's criticism, he was very supportive. He was embarrassed and concerned whether it was right, but he didn't scold and he didn't say anything about my weight. He stayed home with me all day Saturday and we talked about everything."

"Did you get him naked?"

"It took until Sunday morning, but yes, I did. And yes, he got hard, and it looked like he was going to burn up the way he blushed. But it made me feel so sexy and so good. You know what really got me, though - made me bawl? When I left, he thanked me, just like Dex & Mike did."

"Wow! I go away for a couple of months and my body-hating friend turns into an exhibitionist!"

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Etard Hooker

Years ago I made a decision to get out of the rave scene. I started because I liked the dancing and all my friends were doing it and it was a great way to meet girls. While we were doing "e" it was great, but soon we were all smoking crystal and that quickly became a sketchy scene. One of my friends was a girl named Elaine. She was short, athletic, dark and curly hair cut short with stunning blue eyes and tremendously big breasts. Of course she was gay. We had been friends since high...

2 years ago
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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 4 Changes

Macro shifted uncomfortably in his pew seat. He had to be careful not to fidget too much since a lot of eyes were directed at him and at the other high dignitaries, and the occasion was a most solemn one. It was still new to Macro – to sit with the King, the Queens, and the ministers in the seats reserved for the ruling class of Tanitsar. As Vice-regent of Tanitsar, he ranked just behind the five Royal Ministers, normally ahead even of the Duke of Beyreth, and the Steward of Tabar. However,...

4 years ago
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My Lesbian Roommate

You are Aysha, an Australian currently living in America. You went to college in Miami, Florida and decided to stay in America. After graduating from college you moved into an apartment with your roommate from college, Zoe. Zoe was everything you were not. Tall, busty, gorgeous, popular. Meanwhile, you were felt average despite all the guys that hit on you. While she was drunk Zoe would always say you had a great ass.

3 years ago
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Were You Hit With a Slut Ray Book IChapter 13

Chapter 13 At the adult boutique in question, Chantilly’s Lace, a clever name, we found it actually busier than expected. Then again, it was a Sunday and I usually made that one my lazy day, doing precious little on that day of the week. This week was a glaring exception to that, of course. I often drank like a fish on Saturday night and recovered on Sunday morning from whatever hangover I had. Evidently, other members of my family had different ideas, as I ran into Chet and Mindy at...

2 years ago
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Slut Stacy

I had known Stacy for a while and she had been a great friend to me, we had messed around a bit and she had let me lick to an orgasm and then wank in front of her but we had never had full penetration.Stacy had asked if I wanted to go to a club dancing and having a few drinks, I said yes and hoped I could take her back home and fuck the shit out of her. When I arrived Stacy was ready, she looked stunning in a tight black dress and the highest heels I have ever seen, as she walked passed I...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 8C

I smiled all the way through Mrs. Elliott's English class. Our little adventure had been terrifically exciting and I was feeling great for several reasons other than having had several fantastic orgasms. I felt even better when the bell rang and I was on my way back to the gym for my class there. I had just walked out of the building when a voice called out to me. "Hey, Sam!" I turned to see Mr. Steve Wojeski standing next to the door with some of his crew next to him. I was extremely...

1 year ago
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The Wish

The Wish Robert Woods was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army and often found himself in Chinook helicopters that would take him to various training sites. He had done this countless times in his career and figured nothing out of the ordinary would occur this time. His team would land, silence the imaginary enemy, find the hostage, and then get out. The transport helicopter took off and headed towards the training site without incident. Nearly halfway there, the helicopter began to...

2 years ago
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Softball Girls Part 3

There were definitely two people on his bed and neither was a guy. It was Jessi and Laura, and Jessi was fisting Laura. Laura’s eyes were closed, as she wriggled around on his bed her snatch under a ravenous Jessi. “Oh fuck! Jessi yes! Yes that’s it!” Laura cried out “Oh GOD OH OOOH!” she sounded a little drunk, and close to the point of passing out. Jessi’s legs were hanging off the bed her shaven snatch exposed to Mark, he was rock hard and there was an open hole. He approached her as...

2 years ago
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Fun at the wedding Part 2 of 3 The best man

This was originally going to be a 2 part story but it evolved into a 3 part story.I had hoped Paul wouldn't come to my wedding. We had had a brief affair just after I started dating his mate Michael, who I was marrying after four years of dating. It was early days and I didn't think we were exclusive and it just happened. A snog one drunken night after too many beers and sambucas. A snog another night and a fingering for me.Then Michael and me became more serious, so I decided no more fun on...

4 years ago
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Parent Trouble 1

My name is Jim. I'm a 20-year-old man who still lives at home. I live with my parents and my sister (Janie). Living at home hasn't helped my social life to say the least. I have been laid, but only once (about three years ago) and that was an older woman from down the block. I guess I just don't have the mojo. Needless to say I jack off, a lot. When you still live at home, it's hard to find time to beat off. But when I got older, it didn't seem to be much of a problem. Mom was rarely home and...

3 years ago
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Meri Pyari Lakshmi

Hii, dosto mera naam romy hai aur main iss ke fans mein se ek hoon.Yeh jo main aap logoke liye likhne ja raha hoon yeh story nahi balki sacchai hai. Main ek sadi suda admi hoon aur ek construction copmpany mein kaam karta hoon.Mera age 33 yrs hai aur meri biwi ka 28 years.Mera biwi ka naam geetanjali hai,aur pyar se main use geetu bulata hoon.Hum ek dusre se bahut pyar karte hain aur humara sexual life bhi theek chal raha tha. Meri wife ek hiusewife hain aur ghar par hi rahti hai.Uska hath...

2 years ago
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Sexy Mum and Aunt

I'm a pervert....there ok, I admit it.Back when I was a lot younger, (age set at 18 for obvious reasons, though I was a good bit younger at the time...), I was a young 18 Y.O. with raging hormones.My Mum was 49 and still in great shape. Her sister, Helen was 3 years older, and still looked fabulous.Aunt Helen was on holidays at our place one summer. She would often visit, but this was a different experience, because she was grieving the loss of her husband.Betty (Mum) had separated years ago,...

2 years ago
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The Beginning

I always had a feeling I enjoyed sex more than I probably should, that inside me was this raging slut who loved being dirty and experiencing everything that came her way. Perhaps I didn't really come to admit it until my older next door neighbour started playing with me, like I was his own personal toy. The thought still makes me instantly wet to this day. I have never been a shy girl, and have always enjoyed pushing my limits and trying new things, even when I was younger and more constrained...

4 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 The next morning came. Stephanie woke up to the smell of coffee more to the point espresso. She lifted her head. Holy hell. Her head was splitting. Man did she get wasted last night. Everything was a blur. After a few moments of holding her head she took the first step and sat up. What the??? Her room was trashed. She felt something move and she looked over and saw him, Jack. Jack was all tied up. She guessed she did win last night she thought to herself. Much good it did her to enjoy...

4 years ago
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Sex As An Exercise To Become Thin With My Tuition Teacher

First of all let me brief you all about my self and about my mouth watering sexy tuition teacher. I am from Hyderabad, and am a engineering student. My age is 19 and I belong to a very good family. I can’t tell you my name, well, but if you want to be my friend we can just get to know each other and then get to know our names privately. Now, about my tuition teacher, her name is Priyanka, she is 22 years old age she’s been teaching me since my 8th class. Man you just can’t take eyes off her,...

1 year ago
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Barbara Ch 14

Chapter 14: Slut For Sale (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning : This chapter of the Barbara series involves the total sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls including forced anal & oral sex, fisting, forced participation in watersports, bondage and infliction of pain. If any of these graphic...

1 year ago
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Baby Kelly

Baby Kelly Chapter 1: The death of my parents came unexpected. Coming back from the theatre my father lost control of the car and crashed against a tree. I, a 15 year old boy called Kevin, was home alone when an officer showed up at my door telling me the news. I was in shock from then and the time between that fatal day and the funeral a couple of days afterwards is just a blur. My dads family didn't bother showing up as the relations between them and my father have been terrible...

3 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part VI


4 years ago
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Tony Part I The PS3

Although I have posted comments and such to various authors on this site, this is my first story... ever. I've never written any type of story before let alone submit one to a site.  I am new to this and therefore open to any and all constructive forms of criticism. Thank You. I was going through a wave of emotions as I sat there on the edge my couch, eyes fixated on the TV screen before me as I felt my heart beating as if it were trying to keep pace with a non-stop upbeat techno song. I had...

3 years ago
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The long night

Lea had been to the show with friends and decided to walk home as it was a nice night. Before she got very far it began to rain and a man stopped and asked her if she wanted a ride and get out of the rain. He looked very sweet so she agreed and got in his car. Just as she got in the doors locked and he grabbed her wrists and hand cuffed her to a hook in the roof of his car. He told her "I have been looking for a sweet girl and I bet you have nice titties and pussy. I am going to take you home...

3 years ago
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Running into Water

Orienteering is a simple sport. A map, a compass and a runner. You set off at intervals, like time trials in cycling, so you can’t cheat by following someone else. You find each course marker by map reading. At each mark, your progress is logged and your time is recorded at the end. Couldn’t be simpler.It’s more challenging than traditional cross country running because the terrain is usually much rougher and there’s no path. You have to use the map and your compass to make sense of what is...

3 years ago
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How Did He Get in

I look at my watch. 3 Am. The bar is closing now; time for everyone to leave. We don't have to go home, but we can't stay here. No problem, I'm way too drunk and tired to do anymore partying anyway. I say goodbye to my friends and hop in the nearest cab back to my place. The cabbie is gives me looks in the rear-view mirror. He makes me uncomfortable; his tip just got cut in half. I hurry out of the cab and make sure to walk to my neighbour's house until the cab is out of sight; last thing I...

3 years ago
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The Blizzard

I had volunteered to take Mrs. Macy to the doctor but then it started snowing. I got to her house about half an hour before we were to leave. Mrs. Macy, Laura, was a very pretty and nice lady I am guessing in mid to late sixties. She was skinny, nice skin tone, blonde hair and white straight teeth. She had rather large boobs and she and I got along very well as well as her husband. They seemed to be well off. I was home on break from university. She was dressed up, maybe over dressed for a...

2 years ago
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My First Time Sucking A Man Chapter 2

I had just sucked Gregg and swallowed most of the cum he shot into my mouth. I felt elated that I had finally sucked a cock and I knew that anything that was that good, I would be sucking many more.Gregg and I sat on the couch; he was slouched back and I was resting my head on his chest. I held his limp cock in my right hand as I massaged it and his balls. I was thinking of all the joy his cock had just given me and wondered if all cocks are the same.(As an aside note: In the following years of...

2 years ago
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Geeks In SpaceChapter 10 Miracles and Messengers

The Hawking's return to Earth was very low key, as was the activity of most of the people who left the ship. Rob called another meeting in the Captain's mess, with the same group as before. Ted Henley got included this time. "We're back in a hurry because we need to get some teeth, both for the ship and for the crew. That means guns, and when it comes to this area, I will concede a lack of expertise, and cede it to those among us with military backgrounds." Rob said as an opening...

3 years ago
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Cents and NickelChapter 8

She purred at me. "What do you mean, Abraham?" "Where is this going, Dear?" "Where do you want it to go?" "If we can see our way, I think we might talk about marriage some day. I've never said that to a woman before. That says something. On the other hand, we need to get to know each other better and, as much as we enjoy them, hot make out sessions on my couch are not really a path to the future." "I hate to admit it but you're right. I enjoy the feeling of your body pressed...

4 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 12 Eileen

Two weeks after 1st Lieutenant Bob Lacy was released from his two years of active duty, he entered law school at the University from which he had received his undergrad degree. The law school was very highly rated and had produced a number of judges and politicians. Bob wasn't sure he could gain admission into law school because they were very selective in the admission process. His LSAT marks were well above average as well his undergrad grade point average. Along with his application he...

3 years ago
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The Jacket

When we got to the cabin, I had no idea what was in store. My friend Grant had offered to take me up north to a cabin he had rented with his room mate Kevin and Kevin's girlfriend Kara.Grant and I had been buddies for almost four years. We met during our freshman year of college and while we never dated, we definitely had the best friends with benefits thing going on from time to time.When we got to the cabin, it was late Thursday night. Each couple had a room and the cabin was stuck in the...

3 years ago
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A Friday to Themselves

"My parents are going to be gone for the whole weekend.” My boyfriend Michael said walking up to me at my locker after class on a Friday.“Alright, well what time do you want me to come over tonight?” I asked with a smirk, knowing full well what was going to go down tonight.“Anytime after 7:00 would be fine,” Michael said smiling.“Okay sounds good, I’ll see you then,” I said before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss. I turned and went to leave but Michael grabbed my arm and pulled me in for...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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A trans top and her bottom bitch Part 1

After I returned from my trip to Hong Kong to visit a Filipina transgender woman, I never heard from her again. So I spent the better part of the next year online looking for someone with whom I could connect mentally. If she was an attractive transgender top, well that would be great too.After many online chats and web cam conversations with numerous people, I found a young woman in her thirties living in Manila. I thought that she was beautiful and sexy but I wondered why she was interested...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 13 Nathaniel

Nathaniel woke with a terrible but familiar taste in his mouth: elfroot. His head ached worse than the worst hangover he’d ever had, and he tried to think back to what he might have been drinking that would have affected him like this. He gradually became aware of the rest of his body, as he thought; his leg was sore, the ribs on one side felt bruised, and he was almost unbearably cold – and slightly damp. It was this last that convinced him to do something despite the pounding in his head;...

3 years ago
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Submissives diary Ep 2 Restraint

Submissive's diary Ep. 2: RetraintPart 1Four months had past since we had our first adventure. Ever since then he continued to tie me up on a regular basis, taking me down to the basement roughly once per week. But it had never been as intense as the first time again. Instead we worked on ' letting go '. Some might call it an orgasm torture to be made to come for two hours straight, but honestly, to me it was like heaven on earth. We quickly got to the point where sex had changed from a fun...

1 year ago
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Crazy Shit! The internet is full of it. Maybe you’ve seen some of it. Come on, don’t lie – no judgment here, amigo. We’ve all “accidentally” stumbled upon some fucked up shit like on the internet that we will never be able to un-see. Who among us has not gone down a late-night rabbit hole of weird and morally ambiguous websites? Let go of your dick for a second and raise your fucking hand, because I know that you are one of the worst offenders of this. If for no other reason,...

Extreme Porn Websites
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The Annual Black Friday Party

For sometime now they have labeled the day after Thanksgiving "Black Friday". As it is defined, it is the day where retail merchants get out of the red and back into the black as sales and profits go up due to start of the Christmas Season.Well, friends of ours we met in 2012 started a tradition of their own with an annual Black Friday party. There is nothing about this party that has anything to do with retail merchants or money. This party was originated for like minded people to get...

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Beer Pong Night

It was mid July in Long Island, New York. My girlfriend and me planned a last minute BBQ at my parent’s house. She invited her girlfriends and I invited my boys. The night was going good from the food and heavy drinking. We had two tables set up for beer pong. We were playing doubles and the games were uneven at times. My friend and neighbor Mike was doing well with his partner in beer pong. I was teamed up with my girlfriend. Throughout the matches Mike was winning and bragging about his wins....

Cheating Wifes
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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 16

"Abbey, what did I say about touching yourself without permission. I'm going to have to punish you later." I immediately stopped. "But for now, let's get a drink of water. Then you can help me fuck Jeanne!" She whimpered and cried softly. Even though the sun was setting, the shade of the gazebo was a relief. We sat and drank in silence, me water and he a beer. After a bit he told me to give some water to JJ, that's what he liked to call her, JJ. I walked over to JJ and sat by her side...

2 years ago
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New Girl in the Band Final Chapter

New Girl in the Band Final Chapter By Princess Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!! I was totally humiliated. Cherie and Joan had taken me to this pink girlie lingerie store that sold various sex items. In no time the store owner Jennifer, had me standing naked in one of the small private rooms in the back. My loving sister was busy with Jennifer looking though dozens of corsets for me. Jennifer had already taken my measurements. I couldn't believe it. My cheeks were burning red. The...

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A Thorough Distraction

stir I'd risen from the rocking chair by the bed and had walked to the dresser opposite the bed, turning the fan off as I passed it. You look up as a small flame flickers to life reflected in the mirror atop the dresser. The flame quickly catching to the candle i hold in my hand I smile feeling your gaze though i can not see your reflection in darkness outside of the candles glow. Setting the lighter to one side of the metal tray, i use the candle to light the remaining three candles...

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“What would make it better for you? Harder, faster, slower?” She is obviously jealous, but very turned on as she watches her toyboy sucking my cock. We made an understanding some time ago that she could have a threesome situation around once a month with a third man for her sexual gratification. One of her girlfriends runs an ‘agency’ that specialises in supplying toyboys who are capable of providing sexual gratification for both females and males. We are in the fortunate situation of...

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CherryPimps Mckenzie Lee Helping Step Son When He Needs To Cum For Relief

Johnny Hill had a bit of an accident and all night long he listens to his Step Mom fucking in the other room. He can’t even masturbate with his hands all wrapped up in bandages. McKenzie Lee feels for her Step Son the next morning when he complains about listening to her fuck. What is a voluptuous Step Mom to do with this kind of dilemma on her hands?!? She better help out and get that hard cock just what it needs; she owes him that much after keeping him up all night. She loves that hard...

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Raha Porn! Are you fucking horny as hell for amazing ebony porn? Specifically, a lot of porn that comes from Kenya? Then by God, you have come to the right fucking place!I’m talking about RahaPorn! While you are fucking here, you’re going to find a wealth of Kenyan-based pornography that will more than get you nice and hard! You are going to be all over the kind of content that you find right here on this unique fucking tube site, so what the fuck are you waiting for? You know what you want, so...

Black Porn Sites
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She tried Black First Part 1 straight

Ashley knew she shouldn't go, but deep down she was excited. A high school senior never having gone to a party before, let alone one so far out of town, Ashley tried to meekly refuse when her best friend Sandy first suggested it. Sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night? Naturally the girl shook her head, even though a thrill of adventure shot through her."Oh come on Ashley," Sandy said, hand perched on her hip, "It's just a little party. Your good-girl reputation will survive one...

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MomPOV Lanna Hot latina with massive tits

– 30 years old – Is single but has some fuck buddies – This is her first real porn video – She’s finally ready for the world to see her fucking – Has 34 H boobs, the H stands for HUGE tits – She likes watching cream pie porn it turns her on – She had a special request, to get her pussy filled – I had the pleasure of fucking her nice tight asshole – Loves to have her nipples played with and sucked on – Prefers doggy style, her phat ass is perfect for it – Is not afraid to swallow cum, she likes...

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The next door adventure pt 1

I was new in that town. I was a doctor who had been transfered there. I had never came into that town and I was a bit nervous about settling in. So, I rented a flat and started living in it. My workplace( hospital ) was not very far from that place. It took me quite a long time to adjust to the new place. When I was fully aware of my surroundings I decided to get accuinted with my neighbours. There was a person who I met and he seemed to be a nice one. I learned by having a...

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Sissy CD Gets Fucked By BBC In Public

True story from about 3 years ago. Life had been busy it had been awhile since a man used by mouth or boi pussy for his pleasure. I still had been wearing panties almost daily and shaving my basically everything from my little balls up to my chest. I had acquired a few sexy tops and quite a few sexy panties and stockings and still loved putting them on and playing with my hole.It was a nice summer afternoon and I didn’t really have anything to do. I had just taken a shower and shaved myself and...

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Brothers nighttime visit 2

“Good morning, sis,” he said. “Did you sleep well?” Despite him trying to act as normal as possible, the girl noticed that his leg was shaking and that he was staring at her more intensely than normal. After all, he had cummed on her nightgown and left it all there. Sarah thought that maybe he was afraid that she had noticed. “Yes, absolutely,” she replied. “I’m a very heavy sleeper.” she lied, trying not to sound nervous. “Good,” he said, and a shiver ran down her spine. She quickly...

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How Not To Babysit part 23

PART TWENTY-THREE: BABY-SAT My body slowly becomes my own. Sweat pours down my back. I lean over and peer down the hallway to watch Owens pay for my pizza dinner as Stewart holds the pizza. Kevin the pizza guy winks at me and turns to leave with a wave to the group. Ass! Owens steps into the house! Oh no! Get out! I can't speak. He looks right at me and smiles. "Are we playing dress-up tonight?" he asks loudly. I know he's really asking me but Jenny answers. "Yes!" she...

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Reluctant Top Pt2

******************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************* WARNING - Bisexual content FFM, Some Hetero Sex FM, if its not your thing, please dont read. We arrived into port at the same time as the big trawler. The captain was a big solid bald guy, probably early 40s. He waved to us in a friendly way as we tied up to a guest mooring. As...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 155

Hillary Clinton goes to her doctor for a physical, only to find out that she's pregnant. She is furious! Here she is about to run for President and this has happened to her. She calls Bill on the phone and immediately starts screaming: "How could you have let this happen? With all that's going on right now, you go and get me pregnant! How could you???!!! I can't believe this! I just foundout I am five weeks pregnant and it's all your fault!!! YOUR FAULT!!! Well, what have you got to...

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Threesome in paradise

Threesome in paradiseAna had been advised that Seychelles Islands were a real paradise and of course it was right.We arrived later in the afternoon after two long leg flights; Boston is really far, far away from here. On that first night were both were a little bit tired from waking up so early; so we just went out for dinner and came back early to our hotel room.In the morning everything was quite different. Anita was the first one in the shower. She shaved her sweet pussy. She liked to keep...

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