Oral Fixation Leads to My Bosses Impregnating My Wife
- 3 years ago
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A few weeks after her last tryst with Tommy, Mrs. Katie Jackson, the reigning Mrs. America, was excited beyond belief. She felt like she was walking in the clouds and couldn’t believe what had happened. An agent from Dancing with the Stars, one of the top television series, called and offered her a spot on the next season. She could barely speak as she called her husband in England to let him know the exciting news. The hot wife couldn’t explain her emotions that erupted inside of her. She never fathomed that applying for a beauty pageant would lead her down this path of being known as America’s Sweetheart, to being interviewed by major news programs and finally on national television on a prime reality show.
Upon hearing the news Fred was immediately excited at the thought of his wife prancing around on the show wearing revealing clothes. He wasn’t a fan of the show and didn’t think he had watched an episode but knew the dancers dressed very sexy and he couldn’t wait to see his wife on the screen. The loving husband’s mind focused on her dancing partner and had seen in commercials that occasionally they danced very sexy and his cock throbbed in his slacks at just the thought. He could barely speak as he navigated to Google so he could search who would be seductively holding his wife. Unfortunately they hadn’t been announced yet as they formalized the details. Katie explained that she had signed a nondisclosure and couldn’t tell anyone so she had to remind her husband to not share the news.
However she found it almost unbearable to not tell anyone. She increased her workouts with more of an emphasis on yoga to limber her body. Anytime the sexy wife increased her work outs she found herself increasingly turned on. The lustful stares that she got at the gym or walking in the neighborhood gave her a rush. It was a sexual rush of what she was doing to them was what she loved. She imagined them stroking themselves while thinking of her. She loved that thought and loved going on cam with strange men and playing with her body while they feverishly stroked themselves. But with the pending television spot she knew she shouldn’t spend time on her cam with strange men. She would never want to be outed publicly if they recognized her when the cast was announced.
She tried to maintain a sense of normalcy which included volunteering at the City Union Mission. The moment she stepped foot in the facility her nostrils filled with the stench of body odor and tobacco combined with whatever they were serving. She was greeted by the patrons that used the facility who were always happy to see her. The men that used the facility always seemed to stare and grin and she knew, or at least hoped, that they were undressing her in their minds. The scent of the facility reminded her of the homeless man from the parking garage and the way he tasted in her mouth, the way he licked her and the way he fucked her hard. She was always looking for him as she traveled around the city for her appointments. Katie wondered if she would even see him again as maybe he moved on to another town.
Even though she was on her monthly period she was so horny. Her desires were nonstop. Her mouth craved a hard cock that she could suck and lick until it exploded with it’s scrumptious semen. It seemed foreign to her that she used to be disgusted at the thoughts of having her husband explode in her mouth. Now it seems she can’t live without it and it doesn’t have to be her husband who was giving it to her.
She took her place in the serving line as those less fortunate began to file through. The line was out the door as she continued to place a gravy coated chicken fried steak on their trays.
Katie heard many compliments as the men passed by, “It’s good to see you again!”, “You look lovely today!” and “You look really pretty today!” She was dressed in blue jeans with black heels and a grey sweater. Her hair was pulled back into a bun on the top of her head but she didn’t spend much time with her make up besides some ruby red lipstick. The compliments always made her feel desired regardless if they came from a homeless person or a millionaire. She had recently met an older gentleman, who appeared to be very wealthy, at an autograph session at the Oak Park Mall in Overland Park earlier in the week for Kansas City Fashion Week. He wouldn’t stop complimenting her about the way she carried herself and how beautiful she was. She craved the attention from anyone as it ignited her labido.
“Hey ya,” she heard a man mumble. She looked up and her stomach dropped as she stood behind the serving counter. Katie stared at the face of the man who fucked her in the parking garage. Her lips trembled as she smiled. She didn’t say anything as her mouth felt dry but her body tingled. Katie reached across and laid his lunch on his tray as he continued down the line. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her eyes watered as she watched him walk away from her as he kept looking back at her. The sexy woman’s mouth was no longer dry as she couldn’t help but stare at the crotch of the man. She salivated for a taste of his obscenely thick cock again. Her breaths became deep as she breathed in her nose and exhaled past her lips that tingled with desire.
“Everything okay dear?” as Katie felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over at Sherri Brumfeld, one of the managers for the City Mission, “You look flushed.”
Katie’s mouth hung open and was unsure what to say. “Who,” closing her mouth to swallow her built up saliva, “Who is that man?” as she pointed towards the homeless man that had just gone through the line.
“Mick?” Sherri’s eyes narrowed, “That’s Mick Emmerson. Did he do something?” She shook her head in disgust, “He’s always been a problem.”
Katie swallowed hard as she looked over at the director. The words ‘Do something?’ echoed in her demented mind. She was stunned for a moment before the words, “N ... No,” fell out of her mouth as she shook her head, “He...” as she glanced around the room, “He just looks familiar.”
“Oh!” Sherri nodded, “He was just in the news again. He’s a bit deranged! You probably saw his picture on the tv or on the internet. Apparently he enjoys, shall we say, exposing himself to women. He has quite the record for that sort of thing and I believe he just got out of jail after a month.” Sherri continued as she shrugged and sighed, “But as you know we don’t judge here. But if he were to do it again in our facility, which he has done, he would not be welcomed back!”
Katie smiled and shook her head. She watched as Mick took a seat at a table close by the serving line and kept watching him glance up from his lunch to stare at her. The sexy wife straightened her body and pushed her chest out as she watched him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw as Mick stared nonstop at her as his hand snuck down to his crotch. She knew exactly what he was doing and it caused her hand to tremble as she continued to serve the patrons.
As the line came to an end she watched as Mick stood up from the table to put his tray on the washing line. Katie’s stomach was in knots as she saw the unmistakable thick bulge in the front of his loose fitting jeans. He walked towards the door. As the sexy woman finished cleaning up she knew his trip to jail explained why she hadn’t seen him for awhile and couldn’t help but wonder who had reported him for doing what she loved seeing from him.
Katie finished cleaning up as she walked out to her SUV and felt the stares of the men that lingered outside. She looked up and down the street but again did not see Mick. She cringed as she looked at the time on her iPhone. She had to get to the school for her children and slowly started to drive home but not before crisscrossing the streets near the facility. As she slowly navigated the streets she kept looking for the vagrant but he wasn’t to be seen. She had no idea what she would do if she found him with not much time.
His name echoed in her sex starved mind, “Mick” she softly spoke to herself. She didn’t know why but it furthered her infatuation that she knew his name. She drove by the parking garage where she met him but the sign out front said it was “full”. Her jaw clenched in frustration and circled the blocks that were filled with business men and women going about their daily routines. Katie knew she used to be like each of them and focused only on her work and not fulfilling the wants and desires her body craved. She glanced again at the clock and knew she had to get to the school to pick up her children.
Reluctantly she drove towards the school as her body tingled at the disgusting thoughts that filled her mind. Ever since Tommy told her he didn’t want her to call or text, Katie felt rejected. She thought she could still smell the teen in her SUV as she glanced towards the back where he had his way with her but, ultimately, it was more or less a pity fuck. She, of all people didn’t need a pity fuck, especially from a high school student. She was appalled that he even mentioned that he met her again because he thought she was desperate. She knew that she was desired by many men and the naive high school student’s opinion meant nothing to her.
Mrs. Jackson picked up her children from school and the mundane repetitive process continued in her life. She would drive her children to whatever practice they had, made dinner, helped them with their homework, cleaned up and then prepared for the next day. She couldn’t wait for her husband to return home permanently. She hated it but started to think of herself as a single mother and it scared her to imagine life without her husband. It seemed more and more she was living a double life. She had the perfect persona of a loving wife and mother. A successful professional who left a financial career for the glitz and glam of being a beauty queen and a trophy wife. The other life was filled with sex and debauchery behind her family and friend’s backs. She couldn’t help but think she was living a dangerous life that could fall apart at any second but her body couldn’t stop her.
She knew her husband would return home soon enough after working with Allan in England and her life would return to normal. He could help out with the kids and their daily life plus he could fulfill the needs that had awakened in her body. But he wasn’t home and even while on her period, which usually calmed her body, she had an overwhelming desire to suck cock. She needed her mouth to be used like it was in Wichita when she visited the gloryhole.
At the day’s end the sexy woman crawled into her bed as she used Google to search Mick Emerson. A few news articles appeared that reported his arrest for public indecency. Another link took her to the sex offender registry. He was on the lifetime list for sex offenses. The reports lacked the details that she wanted as she was frantically looking for information about what he had done. Eventually she slid the laptop over to Fred’s side of the bed as she fell asleep.
The next day was the same as the previous days. She woke up and readied her children for school, worked out and answered her emails. She did some charity work over the phone as part of her obligations for Mrs. America. She met with her girlfriends for lunch as she desperately fought her inner feelings to tell them about her newest television opportunity. Maybe it was the mundane and boring life that caused her body to revolt against the morals inside of her and focus on sex. Even while sitting with her friends she knew she would rather be chatting with a random stranger on Storiesonline as she would describe in detail what she would do to him. She wished they could still watch her on cam or she would watch him stroke his cock while she begged for his cum.
She picked up her children as usual and returned and quickly made them dinner. She had a meeting with MADD in the evening and the thoughts of what happened the last time she met with the group.
Mrs. Lee stopped over to babysit again and Mrs. Jackson couldn’t thank her enough. She had been a rock for her while Fred was away and wouldn’t know what to do if she didn’t have such helpful neighbors. Katie assured her she wouldn’t be late and drove back into downtown Kansas City for the meeting. Her mind however wasn’t focused on the meeting but on what she might find across the street in her preferred parking space.
Katie slowly pulled the bright white Escalade in the parking garage. Her stomach was in knots. The last time she was here she found Mick jerking his prick and ultimately ended up being fucked by the dirty man. She couldn’t explain why she spent hours driving the downtown area looking for him. She couldn’t fathom why her body yearned for his thick disgusting prick.
Katie turned up the ramps until she was on the fourth floor. She passed by numerous open stalls including some on the ground level. She parked and sat for a moment as she stared at the stairwell door. She hoped what she would find in the stairwell. She breathed deep as she walked across the concrete floor. Her high heeled shoes clicked loudly with every step. Her ass felt on fire in her black slacks which was accentuated by her heels. She felt her nipples growing harder behind her white blouse but was covered by her suit jacket. For anyone seeing the woman walking away from the SUV they would immediately suspect she was a professional business woman but on her inside she was a cock junkie looking for her next fix.
Her hand took a hold of the handle and paused. Her body tingled with excitement as she opened the door. She walked in hoping to see Mick but she only found an empty beer can on it’s side along with the stench of alcohol and car exhaust mixed with urine. She couldn’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed.
She walked down the stairwell and never saw a single soul. She crossed the street and walked into the board room as she was greeted by her friends and fellow volunteers. During the meeting she kept glancing at the roadway hoping to see the vagrant walk into the garage.
Mrs. Jackson didn’t pay attention at all during their discussion and couldn’t say what they even talked about as her mind focused on Mick. She bit her bottom lip as she recalled tasting his cum mixed with her juices as she drove home after he fucked her. He had cum so much that it seeped from her used cunt all night long. Her mind was filled with images of him filling her mouth with his copious amounts of semen.
Finally the meeting was over and Katie hoped Mick had entered through a backdoor in the garage. Her heels clicked as she walked up each flight of stairs only to find that each floor was exactly as it was earlier. She even continued up to the fifth floor and only found a few paper cups that were blowing from the broken window of the door.
Katie turned and walked back down to the fourth floor and towards her Escalade. She sat in the SUV as she looked around as if she willed him to suddenly come around the corner. Katie started the SUV and slowly began driving towards the exit. She drove slowly hoping that around each corner she would see him. She couldn’t explain her desires. “Just go home,” she moaned to herself, “Just. Go. Home.”
Oddly she tried to justify her infatuation with the homeless man. She figured nobody would believe him if he ever told anyone that she sucked and fucked him in a parking garage stairwell. She doubted he would even know she was the current Mrs. America. If he did say anything people would think he was just fantasizing or hallucinating from the alcohol or the drugs, which she was sure he had taken in his life. Even the manager at the City Mission alluded to the fact he had mental issues. It should have made her weary of finding him but it only increased her cravings.
She pulled out on the street but didn’t turn towards the Interstate. Katie was desperate for his thick cock. Slowly she turned corner after corner as she cruised up and down the downtown streets of Kansas City.
She stopped for a stop sign and glanced at her clock. It was getting late. She would have to get home and allow her neighbor to spend time with her family instead of watching her children while she looked for a cock to suck.
Katie glanced again out the window towards the high rise buildings. She couldn’t believe she used to be in the corporate world but now she was out looking for the thick cocked vagrant, “Just go home,” she spoke again to nobody.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched a man as he stumbled down the sidewalk and paused near a garbage can near the corner of 10th and McGee. Katie’s stomach lifted in her body as she turned and pulled alongside the man. Her body turned cold. It was him. Her lips tingled. Her tongue licked them softly as she rolled down her window as he moved bags in the can, “Hey!” she hollered out the window but he ignored her, “Hey!” she said again a bit louder.
The dirty homeless man didn’t even turn as he mumbled, “I’m just tryin’ to find somethin’ to eat.”
“Mick!” yelled Katie.
The man paused and turned his head towards the sexy woman in the snow white Escalade that ideled next to him, “What do ya want?” He squinted and smirked, “Oh hey there!”
He turned his body and shuffled his feet towards the passenger door’s open window. The vagrant had a blue t-shirt that hung off his body with a sweat top that was open. His jeans tattered and held up with a piece of rope as a belt. His boots had holes in them. Katie immediately smelled his intense unclean odor. Her mouth filled with saliva and was at a loss of words.
“Did ya need somethin’?” Mick mumbled.
Katie squirmed in her seat. Suddenly she was at a loss for words. Even with him standing outside of her car she smelled his intense body odor, tobacco and liquor. “Uhmmm,” she softly said, “If you are hungry I can buy you something.”
“I’d take a bottle,” he wiped his chin, “If you are offerin’.” He pulled up on the door handle but it was locked.
Katie’s finger shook as she reached over as she stared at the door lock button near her armrest. Her soul was conflicted. She could leave it locked and just drive away or she could unlock it and allow her desires to be fulfilled. She glanced back over at Mick’s dirty face and back to the button. After a few seconds she took a deep breath and pressed it firmly as the click of the door was unlocked as she nodded her head towards the passenger seat.
Mick lifted the handle again as the door opened and the bum climbed into the expensive SUV. He shifted around in the seat as his head spun in all directions. He had never been in a car this nice in his entire life. He inhaled deeply the scent of the pretty lady next to him. She smelled of flowers that emitted from her perfume. The vagrant thought he had dreamed of fucking the sexy serving lady from the Mission when he woke the next day in the stairwell. But here she was again sitting next to him offering to buy him a bottle. His cock immediately swelled. He felt any of the women leaving their offices were sexy. He used their mental images as he stroked his prick multiple times a day.
Katie’s nose scrunched at the scent on him but her body melted into her seat. She didn’t care what he smelled like as her mouth began to salivate. She knew that she was going to get what she wanted.
Mick pointed down the street, “If you serious you can buy me a bottle up the street.” His hand immediately went to his crotch and he didn’t hide what he was doing. He rubbed it up and down and side to side over his filthy pants as the sexy woman pulled away from the curb.
Katie drove down north on McGee as her eyes kept glancing at the crotch of the dirty vagrant that sat next to her. His body odor was atrocious but her mouth craved what was in his pants. She couldn’t, for the life of her, suppress what she wanted to do to the troubled homeless man. Her hands trembled as she watched out of the corner of her eye as he rubbed his crotch.
Katie was familiar with one of the few stores that would sell alcohol. The Grand Slam Liquor and Convenience Store was on the north side of the financial district. She used to buy gas years ago when she worked downtown and was a manager at the Bank of America. It seemed so long ago that she was respected among the Board of Directors and her fellow employees. Now she was nothing but a married beauty pageant cock slut. She turned left onto Admiral and then right onto Grand Blvd. A few seconds later she pulled into the lot and parked in a stall near the front doors.
The homeless man’s eyes hadn’t left her body as he stared blankly at her as he rubbed his cock. He just wanted her to buy him a bottle and he would run around the corner and jerk off. He didn’t care if he was caught by the cops again.
She turned and grabbed her purse from the backseat. She felt the stare from Mick as her chest bumped into his arm. Her breasts were hard. Her nipples were already engorged with excitement. She smiled at him as she turned and grabbed the handle and climbed out of the SUV as Mick followed. She walked in front of him and felt he watched every move she made. Her tight slacks molded around her ass. Her heels clicked across the parking lot. She felt he was right behind her as she came up the door when he suddenly pressed his body into hers. Katie’s knees weekend as she felt his hard bulge in the front of his slacks pressed against her ass. She paused briefly as her body weakened upon feeling his thick harness. She pressed back slightly into his groin.
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Foreword: When talking about oral sex most men automatically think first about fellatio, blow jobs etc. and only later on maybe about cunnilingus or eating pussy. It is such a common male attitude and unfortunately as well a widespread image in magazines, films and groups/communities on the net. A picture of a naked girl on her knees sucking a guy’s cock doesn’t raise an eyebrow anymore, but a naked guy on his knees eating out a girl always stirs the emotions, especially when the girl is still...
Thirty minutes of pure oral sex A fulfilled wild fantasy A kinky date night A one-hour G-spot massage A striptease show Tie up your partner and spank them A romantic bubble bath • A one hour-long sensual massage “Which one would you like to try?,” I asked. “Let me thinks about it while you give me an hour-long sensual massage and a G-spot massage,” I replied. “Start with the insides of my thighs, then my big ass.” “Lets be creative and combine four of them at the same time,”...
Thirty minutes of pure oral sex A fulfilled wild fantasy A kinky date night A one-hour G-spot massage A striptease show Tie up your partner and spank them A romantic bubble bath • A one hour-long sensual massage “Which one would you like to try?,” I asked. “Let me thinks about it while you give me an hour-long sensual massage and a G-spot massage,” I replied. “Start with the insides of my thighs, then my big ass.” “Lets be creative and combine four of them at the same time,”...
• A fulfilled wild fantasy • A kinky date night • A one-hour G-spot massage • A striptease show • Tie up your partner and spank them • A romantic bubble bath • A one hour-long sensual massage “Which one would you like to try?,” I asked. “Let me thinks about it while you give me an hour-long sensual massage and a G-spot massage,” I replied. “Start with the insides of my thighs, then my big ass.” “Lets be creative and combine four of them at the same time,” I tell him as his...
Hi dear readers. This is Amar again. In the last edition I explained about my wife’s aesthetic foreplay and sexual encounter with her friend Uday in Delhi before she boarded the train to Hyderabad. It was mostly factual and here comes the crux of the story in the latter part. After I sent my wife a message, my mind started to think briskly on what more she can do now that she already had another man in her deeply, she can enjoy and think freely. I finished work soon and then went for a walk and...
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, record labels, musicians, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story.Starring: Taylor SwiftA Swift Oral DoseAn...
read first 6 installments to understand. The next week was a blur. I think my wife must have masturbated twice a day to her secret video of me fucking her mom. And when the day finally arrived for us to go over there again, she could hardly contain her excitement. I still didn't talk to her much about it. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, or pushing her to do something that might make this whole thing blow up in my face. And with the way things had progressed on their own, I was quite...
Oral Love [email protected] Coming to the point, As I didn’t want to lose my virginity by becoming a male escort, so I was thinking of a unique and discreet job. Then the idea of oral sex stuck into my mind. I’ve searched the internet and also referred some sex stories.The main common thing I found out was that the ladies who have a secret relationship are not sex deprived, but are oral sex deprived.If you want, you can observe for yourself in the stories. Yes ladies, We all...
OralHello readers, my name is Pramila and I would like to share my real-life sexual encounter that happened a few years back, as that incident changed my life completely. The incident happened a few years back, and at the time of the incident, I was in my late 20s, enjoying a happy married life with my husband and a 4-year-old son. I have a short figure and bell-shaped breasts that would easily raise many dicks. I have always had wild fantasies and unfulfilled desires that I had kept hidden deep...
Hello, everyone. I’m Krishna from Hyderabad. I am currently staying in Bangalore and pursuing engineering. My email – ***** ***** Coming to the point, As you all know, you enjoy the most during your b.Tech days. And to enjoy to the core, you need some more money. As I didn’t want to lose my virginity by becoming a male escort, so I was thinking of a unique and discreet job. Then the idea of oral sex stuck into my mind. I’ve searched the internet and also referred some sex stories in ISS. The...
She came into my life in the most unusual way. I was an IT manager, and she was the damsel in distress. Ok, so maybe not so exceptional, but definitely memorable. I got the call around one-thirty in the afternoon on a Friday. I had been planning to take off early, so I was a little pissed when the call came through. The boss man made it clear, though. I needed to take care of this issue personally. I walked into her office, and all I saw was ass. I couldn’t help it. She had the...
InterracialAuthor's Note: This story "Giving Carl Oral" was posted but removed for editing, I now have corrected the grammar and spelling. I would like to thank Lisa my editor for proofing this story. Lisa's editorial comments helped me to find the weak spots in the story line helping me to make the necessary. I have made some final changes to the story without Lisa's review so if there are still grammar and spelling issue I take the full responsibility. CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I had my first...
Bisexual100% fiction! Both Kim’s parents were fascinated by the intricate set-up. And both were absolutely thrilled to be allowed to participate in helping their daughter ‘strap into’ the wonderful device that, in essence, would transform Kim’s world-famous, cock-sucking mouth into a toilet for, hopefully, dozens and dozens of men over the next six or so hours. Kim’s Mom’s main emphasis, in helping out, was to make sure that Kim continued to look as pretty as possible. That’s why she’d shown up at...
Incest‘OK, I’ll try to start at the beginning. I guess that makes sense,’ Zerzinski said. Once again, he looked toward the corner of the room. Where he kept his memories, apparently. He was finally seeming to be more or less at ease with telling me stories that include intimate details. I would certainly understand if he never got used to it. But it sure flows better when he can relax, as with anybody else. ‘I probably said this before. But it was like coming up for air. ‘Going from being...
(Story from Literotica.com, home of thousands of very hot and free sex stories, this from user Milfleglover, check out many more there)"I don't know, Deb, sounds...well, sorta sleazy, you know?" Anna said uncertainly."You k**ding me?" Deb laughed as the two friends sat in Anna's living room having a drink one late summer afternoon. "It's the best! No strings attached and the k**...well, he's magic, honey."Both gals were in their early 60s, both still active sexually, Deb more so than Anna. Deb...
Read parts 1-4 first to understand. I arrived home to find my wife anxiously awaiting me. She had a devilish smile on her face, and immediately asked how it went. As I stripped myself to join her on the bed, I started to tell her how her mom attacked me. She told me she kind of figured since she admitted to giving her mom the go ahead to fuck me if she felt like it. As soon as I was on the bed my wife climbed on top of me. She lowered her soaking wet pussy down onto my already rock hard cock....
The content of the message: call me. There was Cy on the other end of the Skype line. Her hair was in even more disarray than last time, and a towel was hanging around her neck. ‘You’re lucky I picked up,’ she said. ‘I’ve just been at the beach.’ ‘Of course. What else is an Australian to do?’ ‘Dan-o,’ she said, ‘you owe me big time, and I don’t mean sexual favors.’ ‘What did you find? I’m very intrigued!’ ‘You sure as fuck should be! Exactly nothing like this has ever come out of...
I do not claim to be a grammar expert and as such you will find some grammatical errors in this story. The errors can be the switching of tense, spelling errors, or typos. I ask if you find an error please send me an email so I can correct and make the story enjoyable for others.WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e Eighteen, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I...
Hi, folks. This is Yash again. I am 23 and live in Pune. My email id is Please mail your feedback. For chit chat ping me on hangouts. I am a horny guy, so any girl or aunty can contact me. I especially love divorced aunties. I have had very good experiences with them. I am a software engineer by profession. I have a lot of interest and experience in sex. I have been doing sex since I was 18. I also read a lot about sex in my free time. As a result, I have gathered a lot of knowledge about sex,...
Oral Fixation by Angela J. Jake Mitchell took another cigarette puff and remembered what the doctor had told him. "You have to quit smoking! It's killing you." Jake looked around and saw the junior officers gathered around the President. They were all laughing, seemingly enjoying themselves at the corporate party. Butt kissers, every one of them. He of course was no different. In fact he wouldn't have become the youngest Vice President in the corporation if it weren't for his...
The "How To Give Oral" Guide Tasha, Honey, you can not have it both ways. You want to be a "sissy" dress in sexy silky lingerie and skirts, tops and dresses, but you do not want to have to pleasure your men. Is that right? "Stephanie, I really like to wear my sexy lingerie and dresses and feel like a woman. But I do not want to let a man put his cock up my ass and I do not want to suck his dick" "Well, Tasha, you are a 'sissy' now and you need to learn how to pleasure your men....
This is the story long back when I was 18. She was 42. This is the story of my first sexual experience but probably i need to give the background and the rest of that autobiographical data . Well I was 18, living with my dad as is usual in India. I was the younger of two brothers and I had lost my mother when I was young. My dad was a divisional manager working for a top multinational company, an important professional working at a senior level. He was in his mid forties.I knew he was not a...
Men like a woman to play with their penis. To them it is their most important appendage and needs lots of attention by their lover. If you've never just taken the time to look at the male member, I suggest asking your man to get naked and lay on the bed while you inspect it. Feel free to ask him questions about it. I've never met a man who doesn't like to show himself off, and when you do it for the first time, this type of foreplay can lead to very satisfying sex for both of you. It is my...
When I was interviewing Zerzinski this afternoon, I was once again thinking about the vastly different reactions people can have to the whole Donor X phenomenon. As well as to Zerzinski’s specific kind of sexual orientation, and how people respond to that. The evening’s readings were a fascinating exercise in contrast. Rie never came over that night. Presumably, Zerzinski was keeping her occupied. Though I didn’t know, and kept trying not to care. It was a different, though equally...
My visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...
I was sitting around the kitchen counter the other day with Beth, my sexy, GILF girlfriend, and her best friend, Susan. Both are 61 years old, in terrific shape, both blondes, both with lithe, limber and well preserved bodies, as they both work out religiously. Beth’s about 5-8, weighs a willowy 125 pounds, and Susan’s a bit shorter, 5-5 or so, and a more solid, thicker 130 or so pounds.They both drive me nuts, sexually, Beth of course, because I’m with her, but Susan as well, though I’d never...
It is now Spring Break. Mid-terms are over, time to let your hair down, blow off steam and just get laid back. I am working part time for a small company but getting paid as if I worked full time. I am the Systems Analyst, Systems Programmer, Applications Programmer, and Software Maintenance person. I work after hours because the computer is used to run the business, it does typesetting for printing. Monday morning of Spring Break, my doorbell rings. I know who it is. It is Svetlana. Guess...
Love StoriesThe Food (Female Only Oral Delights) StoreMarty was surprised to find his girlfriend, Susan, so excited when he came to her apartment for lunch. She told him she would have a big surprise lunch for his birthday. Marty was hoping it would be between her gorgeous legs, because she knew how much he loved to go down on her.She jumped up and down clapping her hands like a little girl. “You’re gonna LOVE this; I could hardly wait to give it to you!”She handed him a small blue gift card for $50 to The...
Oral SexMy name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooA month has gone by, time for my appointment. This is just a consult, I'm expecting some paperwork, someone poking around my mouth, and some x-rays to see if I'm a good candidate or not. The check in goes smooth, I fill out a dozen pages of consents and acknowledgment of terms-of-services forms. Then they bring me back and park me in a dental procedure chair for the consult. This is where something went wrong, or right, hard to say, but I ended up being totally into it. A nurse comes...
Kelly had become the busiest girl at the Oral Olympics... but she was quite accustomed to being kept busy. In her hometown, she worked as a receptionist at a job-seeking agency, provided free blowjobs to all the males in the 5-story office building where she worked, AND worked as both an Escort and street whore. Was this girl addicted to money that she worked so hard? Not at all... what she WAS addicted to, was having countless nice hard cocks in her mouth. Her only reason for working at the...
Group SexOur friends Carla and Mark invited us this summer to share a vacation trip.Ana loved the idea and she finally convinced me. The place would be at a very nice resort in Jamaica.The first two days we spent mostly of the time lounging by the pool, swimming and relaxing in the sun. During the day the pool was mostly crowded, but in the evening we noticed that the place became a desert paradise for lonely people.On the third night after dinner, Ana told me she would go by the pool for a night time...
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
____________________________________________ After the loathsome degradation from the madam and her well paying friend, my mind went into what could be called a baseline survival mode, in which I gave myself over fully to my extreme craving for the disgusting acts I was forced to perform, and a mindless obedience, and even a simpering, serving loyalty to the countless women who shamed me while I cleaned them of their most intimate toiletry efforts. Women of great...
Darlene was smiling with anticipation as she unlocked and opened the car door. Her nylons whispered as she sat in the overly sun warmed car, swung her slim legs in and shut the door. She started the car and cranked up the air conditioning as sweat beaded on her upper lip above a wide sensuous mouth. She placed her purse and well worn Bible in the front seat. The lap belt was fine around her small waist but she had a hard time adjusting the shoulder belt over her breasts as usual and had to...
The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs By billy69boy Beth and Mary have a half s****r named Katy, who we don’t get to see very much since she moved away. She visited with us last weekend, and I’d forgotten how adorable she was. Her long, light brown hair frames her big brown eyes in a way that melts your heart. She is tall and thin, with a skinny little waist, which accentuates her formidable ass and hips. It’s hard to believe she has a three year old daughter, who stayed at home with her...
My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...
After June visited Toyland, it was now time for the oral lessons in her hot sex education. I knew the oral section would not be difficult for June. She was a natural. We waited about a week before the oral lessons began. That gap in time was an extremely difficult for June. She was like an insect emerging from a cocoon. She wanted and needed sexual relief. We talked about our agenda for the main event. I told June it would be a three part lesson. For June, her part would be to give a tit fuck,...
Oral Sex“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?” The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....
Oral SexThe Truth About Oral Sex ClubsBy billy69boyBeth and Mary have a half sister named Katy, who we don’t get to see very much since she moved away. She visited with us last weekend, and I’d forgotten how adorable she was. Her long, light brown hair frames her big brown eyes in a way that melts your heart. She is tall and thin, with a skinny little waist, which accentuates her formidable ass and hips. It’s hard to believe she has a three year old daughter, who stayed at home with her...
Dear Steven, I know you list your stories as PETTYBOX, but always think of you as Steven in my fantasies, so I will keep it that way. I first read your Steven "Sig" Grayson stories when I was away from my home. I work in sales and spend 2 or 3 nights a week away and I began getting horny almost the first night I spent in a hotel away and alone. I love your perspective and style of erotic writing only because you don't get off the path of reality. Everything is feasible, where so many other...
We walked up the stairs with our clothes in one hand and a drink in the other. When we got to her bedroom, the door was closed and I hard the shower running. I asked: "So who's here?" She smiled and told me: "I invited a friend over and I know you are going to love her. Literally!" We walked into the room and there were clothes in a trail going from the bed to the bathroom. The water stopped running, and we saw an Collegel woman's head looked out from the shower and said: "Oh hi! I didn't hear...
EroticI lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in everything he tried includin’ farmin’ an' ranchin’ but him an' ma wuz never bitter an' we wuz a fairly happy family even if we wuz dirt poor. That happiness come to an end one day when I come home from my huntin’. Ma an' Pa wuz layin’ face down in the dirt in front of our cabin. My twin sister Beth an' my older sister Philomena wuz kneelin’ beside the bodies...