In the apocalyptic wasteland
- 4 years ago
- 27
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At about ten in the morning, two policemen came and interrupted our lesson and asked Tiff to ‘step outside and have a word’ with them. Tiff urgently beckoned at Charlie, and then me, to follow. Instinctively, protectively, we did so, despite the protestations of an extremely concerned Ms Duncan and the reluctance of the policemen.
As soon as we’d all got out of the classroom, Tiff stopped and leaned back against the corridor wall and signed resignedly. “Is this about my parents?” she asked quietly.
“They have reported you missing.”
Tiff nodded.
“They are concerned about you.”
Tiff let out a false laugh, hunched her shoulders and tried to stop herself crying. “I’m staying with friends. I don’t want to be found.”
“Would these two be the friends?”
“No. I mean, they are my friends, but I’m not staying with them. I have other friends.” Tiff deflected.
Tiff was good at thinking under pressure, as all the meetings with Jim Graves had amply demonstrated. Tiff was a completely different person talking to grown-ups – and policemen – than she was around school with kids our age. And Tiff planned for every eventuality. Perhaps she had anticipated this situation? Perhaps she had rehearsed for this confrontation? My mind was reeling. I was glad they hadn’t asked Charlie or me anything, yet.
“You can’t choose not to be found,” one of the policemen said softly, trying to be sympathetic.
“Yes you can, I’ve heard the expression on TV. it’s been on CrimeTime and everything”
“Yes, that’s true,” the policemen reflected, “but I suppose those runaways would have been over eighteen.” He glanced down at his open notebook. “You’re still only sixteen, right, Tiffany? We’d double check, but I’m afraid we have a duty to inform your legal guardians. That is your parents, right?”
“But I can’t go home! They’re killing me!”
It sounded dramatic, but Tiff sounded frantic. It sounded convincing.
“Are you in danger?” the policeman who’d been speaking eased past me to stand beside Tiff, leaning back against the wall with her - beside her, rather than in front of her. It felt like the police were on our side. Tiff just nodded.
“Have they already hurt you? On any occasion in the past?”
“No, nothing like that,” Tiff sounded empty, hurt, unsure, lost, vulnerable.
“Well, Tiff, at sixteen you can leave home. If you were fifteen, it’d be go home or go into care.”
The last word, ‘care’, sounded like the worst word in the world.
The other policeman, who’d been watching Charlie and me as much as he’d been watching Tiff, stepped back. “I’ll radio in,” he said softly, and then he turned and walked quietly down the empty corridor, putting some distance between him and us. All we could hear was the fuzzy buzzing of static and distant distorted voices as he discussed the situation with the station.
He was back a minute later. “If we believe you to be in danger, we can withhold your location from your parents.”
Everyone looked really relieved as he paused to let the good news sink in. He continued, “But we really must know where you are. That’s so we can find you if we have to, and so we can protect you, and respond to any alarms at that address properly in the future,” he explained kindly.
They really were on our side. Charlie reached into the computer case which she habitually carried everywhere and pulled out a note with an address on it and handed it, mutely, over. The policeman studied it and thanked us, keeping it. “Swap,” he said with a little smile, handing us each a business card. Who knew that police constables had business cards? I studied it. “Tiff,” he said softly, “would you mind if we check up on where you’re staying? We’ll find time. That’s not the best neighbourhood. I’m afraid we’ll be able to drop in when we’re there on other business” he tried a weak smile. “Is there really nowhere else you can stay?”
“It’s deliberate; they’d never look for me there.” Tiff put on a brave face.
They left us just before the lesson ended. Charlie embraced Tiff and stroked her back until she recovered well enough to face our classmates and claim our bags and things.
Ms Duncan was waiting to get us alone to find out what that was all about. Tiff waved me off so I left her to explain after the lesson ended. Tiff was probably going to be economical with the truth.
The taxi was waiting for us just around the corner from school. Tiff looked up and down the street carefully, checking nobody was watching us as we got in. I had been looking at the mug shots of her parents she’d given me frequently, trying to make sure I’d recognise them if I saw them.
The three of us squeezed into the back seat, Tiff, the smallest, squeezing into the middle. Her bare leg pressed against me. She was rigid, staring straight ahead. Was she uncomfortable with the intimacy? I sensed that she’d noticed I was watching her; she blushed sweetly and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily as she tried to keep a straight, neutral face. Her eyes danced. No, she didn’t look angry to me. She looked sweet. Really sweet. I couldn’t help smiling too.
Charlie flicked off the projector. The white glow of the image against the blank wall lingered on my retina as my eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness. Tiff kicked out her feet, stretched back against the sofa and signed contently. “Well, I must say, that was really good!”
We’d been rehearsing our pitch for our first presentation to the owner of the BigMarket in the next town. Jim Graves had arranged for our introduction. Jim was as big a fan of our checkout system, as well of our BigSaver concept. The security cameras had found no further cases of blatant theft, although Jim attributed that to their effectiveness and reputation as a deterrent, rather than any technical shortcomings. To someone as paranoid as Jim, the assurance the cameras gave him was worth their weight in gold.
Jim hadn’t known that most of the other staff had known that that Derek-git was on the take. It had actually been Charlie’s prompting that had made me notice the theft happening and I’d then tweaked the software until it could detect it. In moments of doubt, I secretly reckoned the software might not actually be that good. But, in other moments, it seemed to be working perfectly. Go figure!
In fact, the whole venture made no sense from the Jim angle. I wanted to understand. I turned to Tiff. “So, you were planning BigSaver even before we approached BigMarket?”
Tiff nodded, as Charlie smiled. “Starting a budget retailer is a mug’s game. The cost of goods, transport, distribution, everything - complete barrier to entry. And then you see BigMarket, a wholesaler who has the storage and distribution all already sorted and basically free! It completely changes everything. It’s amazing BigMarket didn’t spot this ages ago when the big budget supermarkets started opening.”
“So, why did we mess around with the whole security camera thing?”
“Think about it. It’s like a carrot and a stick. We needed to build credibility and we needed to find out if we liked Jim. We had to convince Jim that he liked us, and we needed to make him believe that he needed us. If we’d just done him a school project business plan that said he should sell direct to consumers, we’d just get good marks and he’d just probably not actually do it. And if he did it, we wouldn’t get a sausage. This way, he thinks that your anti-theft system is so advanced he can’t possibly understand it is absolutely business critical, and he thinks he’s mentoring us and he takes pride in our success without thinking about how it’s at his expense. He really should have done something like BigSaver years ago. His whole branch should have, the moment the supermarkets started popping up on green-field sites.”
Tiff breathed out after her monologue. Charlie chimed in, “And now, we are going to repeat it all in the next town and the next, and think how little we actually do at BigSaver! All we do is count the money! The nearby BigMarket franchise even stocks our shelves and mans our tills! We’re printing money faster than we can make powerpoint presentations!”
We eased back in the sofa, euphoric as we reflected on our amazing success. We were each worth, individually, a lot of money already, and without us doing anything we were going to keep on getting richer. As Charlie kept saying, this time next year we’d all be millionaires!
Before I realised it, I noticed that I had arms stretched out along the sofa back and the girls were both snuggling up against me, one on each side. How had this suddenly happened? Now I felt doubly on top of the world.
The girls went quiet. They were looking past me, at each other, and having some kind of silent discussion. Had they each noticed that I was also embracing the other. Should I move? Should I go? Had I messed up?
“Charlie, can you put the kettle on?” Tiff’s eyes were narrow and she looked tense.
“It’s your turn!”
I was half expecting Tiff to respond with a giggly ‘Is not!’. Instead she turned to me and forced a smile and asked in a sweet, high-pitched, innocent voice, “Would you like a cuppa, Sam?”
My throat was dry. What was going on? Why were the two girls suddenly at each other’s throats? I shrugged.
“I’ll get you one!” Tiff said brightly.
“No, I’ve got it!” Charlie jumped up before Tiff could even move, and went into the kitchen.
Tiff sat still, stiff, her hands clasped to her knees and her cheeks blushing behind her curtain of muddy blonde hair.
For some inexplicable reason I had the urge to kiss her. Not a small peck on the cheek, but to really kiss her. Although she wasn’t looking at me, and her body was all shut off from me, at the same time it felt like she was completely open and wishing it. She was biting her lip nervously.
“Milk? Sugar?” Charlie asked loudly from the doorway, interrupting my fantasy and jerking me back to reality.
“Milk, please,” I said weakly, sitting straighter, feeling guilty for how close my arm was lying on the sofa back behind Tiff.
Tiff avoided my gaze as she looked over her shoulder and looked daggers at an aggressive Charlie.
Charlie came back in from the kitchen and sat down, placing a mug carefully in front of me. She hadn’t made one for Tiff. And I noticed Charlie had taken off her cardigan. It had been a nice tight cardigan that looked good on her, elegant and alluring in a posh way. But without it, Charlie was full-out sexy. Her bust pushed her intricately patterned bra out against her soft cotton designer t-shirt. She smoothed the wrinkles out, tugging the almost-see-thru material tauter and emphasising her assets even more. She looked up at me, catching me staring, and smiled her winning smile.
There was a long five minutes of silence, dragging out and punctuated only by my sips from my tea. We had no music on, no TV on, nothing. Even the traffic noise from outside was quiet. The girls said nothing. I dared say nothing.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. Welcoming the distraction, I fished it out of my pocket. It was a message from the taxi company saying my ride had arrived. It was already 9 pm.
“I have to go, my taxi’s here,” I explained, as I jumped up.
“I’ll go with you,” Charlie said, jumping up behind me.
“Your moped?”
“Will be fine.”
She hustled me out, pulling the door closed behind us. The moment the door was shut she pulled on my arm and swung me around and pinned me against the walkway wall and kissed me full on the lips.
It was like being hit by a freight train.
The kiss grew, our hands hurriedly clambered to hold us to each other, and we lost ourselves urgently in each other’s embrace.
A whimper jolted us back to the present. Tiff was standing, back-lit by her open door, just a metre from us. The look on her face was one of abject pain.
Charlie jumped apart from me as though stung. “Tiff, I’m sorry,” she pleaded as Tiff drew back in and slammed the door in our faces. “Tiff...”
“I’d better go,” I said weakly. Charlie wasn’t paying me any attention. She was pounding her fist franticly on the closed door. I backed away slowly, turned, and went down to the waiting taxi. Charlie didn’t even turn to watch me go. Charlie was fishing in her pockets for her key.
“Mum, I’ve got a problem” I cried desperately as I came straight through to the living room the moment I got home. And then I noticed mum’s friend, Sarah, sitting there with her. Mum jabbed at the remote to flick off the TV.
“I should probably go,” Sarah said softly and started to rise.
“No, no, it looks like Sam needs all the advisors he can get,” my mum rested her hand on Sarah’s arm, staying her. My mum looked a bit amused, not taking this nearly as seriously as I was. Mum turned her attention back to me. “So, honey, what’s the problem?”
“Charlie kissed me,” I wheezed as I sank into an armchair and stared at the blank television.
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Hello guys, this Kishore. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. So let’s begin. I will start by introducing myself. I am Kishore, good-looking guy. I have a 6 inches long tool that can satisfy anyone on the earth. A brief description of myself. I am 180cm tall with a good body. I go to the gym and play professional cricket. I tend to attract girls due to my good looks and my down to earth character. Girls like me because I give them respect and treat them fairly....
IncestAmy Pond and Clara Oswald #1"A fluctuating time disturbance." Those had been the Doctor's exact words to describe the situation. The situation that had brought Amy and Clara together was theoretically impossible. So were most other days with the Doctor though. The funny man with the bow tie had swaggered back into his TARDIS after a heartfelt greeting and gone to fix the incident leaving Clara with Amy for the day. Neither girl had complained.In truth when they had first met Amy had instantly...
Violet yawned and stretched before sauntering into the bedroom; her claws that she never seemed to sheathe clicked loudly across the hardwood floor signaling her arrival.Selena, however, was too busy to give her furry best friend more than a casual glance and a sly wink. That was something the strange man fucking her failed to notice. His eyes were tightly closed with a look of pleasure painted across his face. It was a look Violet had become accustomed to.Men were frequent bedroom visitors....
Quickie SexThis was happening when we got back from East of Sunset and north of Sunny Corner. The Turon River is a No Name Creek in that vicinity ... or should be. The creek has carved its bed either UP or DOWN and sometimes both from one meter to the next. The road above is a firefighters trail and there’s quite a bit of evidence that they had been there recently. A smoky odor lingered over the forest ... was forest. Now it’s charcoal. But one can see where ones foot is being placed. The ability to...
Von meinem Zimmer aus beobachte ich die kleine Gruppe um meinen Bruder. Sie wollen im Wald zelten. Sie sind die coolen. Schicke Klamotten, lässige Sprüche und immer alles im Griff. Die heißesten Mädels und die Champs unter den Jungs. Ich verabscheue ihre Dummheit. Aber ich wünschte ich könnte so einem Mädchen mal näher kommen. Auch wenn sie dumm sein mögen, ihre Körper sind einfach toll. Verärgert verlasse ich meinen Platz am Fenster. Mein Blick wandert durch mein Zimmer, ich tiger umher um...
Mind ControlKristin removed the phallic vibrator from Patty, placing it in the more prosaic 'box' in which it had entered the arena, while Charlotte removed her penis gag. Patty gulped in huge breaths of air, while she was released from bondage. After a quick swig from a water bottle, like a fighter between rounds, she was ready to assist Charlotte. Kristin was directed to her kneeling position, again mirroring Beth. Patty took the lead in unplugging and releasing Dana, while Charlotte produced yet...
My name is Samantha and I am 24 years old. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, a tall slim figure and 32C breasts. I’ve been single for over two years and hadn’t had sex in just as long until my deepest wildest dreams were brought to reality last month. I still recall that day every time I masturbate and it still has the ability to drive me wild! It was a day like any other. I got up and went to work as a travel agent and about an hour before my lunch break a customer came into the shop. He...
I was in the middle of the thirteenth swat to Carly’s fine bottom when I heard a tap at the door. I rushed to answer it, and there was Natalie, who immediately grabbed me to give me a kiss on the lips before pushing her way inside and letting Armin crawl inside the bedroom on his knees. I was a bit stunned, even more so when Natalie grabbed the paddle that I used this time and swung it herself at her own sister’s tush. “Sorry, Sis, but I had to try it on you at least once. Here, babe, want...
Hello ISS readers I’m Sarish Kumar from Punjab. My age is 25 years old and I am an emotional guy and love to make friends. I am a regular reader of ISS, and I love to read stores at ISS as these stories seduce me allot. Now today I have decided to share my own lovely experience with you people and I will wait for your replies after that. This incident happened 6 months to me. I was doing a job in a reputed company at a good designation. I was working from last 2 years and I was not enjoying...
I originally started writing this story as another fan fiction that was set in the Whateley Universe, but partly into it, I was invited the join the official Whateley canon authors. Though I have written several previous Whateley stories, this is the first one that has been converted to and recognized as part of the official canon. ------------------ A Steel Ribbon By Morpheus *Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, July 4th, 2007* The Fourth of July had always been my favorite holiday,...
Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches. “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees. “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat. Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock. “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good blow! Jessie pulled...
It was early evening when Carl returned to Rose House. He had found a coffee shop in downtown Pleasanton that had internet access and had been doing some research. He had used his iPad to find the hotel his friend Tom had mentioned. It was located just north of SFO, the common term used for San Francisco’s airport. He searched their website and other pictures tagged as having been taken in the hotel to get a feel for the interior. Of course there was no mention of an illicit poker room there,...
Tuesday came, bright and warm. It's gonna be a hot day. I'm not looking forward to the heat, the tights get uncomfortable when I sweat. Need to look into tights with some natural fiber content, I guess. I'll bring extra powder to use. After driving to school and parking, I walked into the building to my locker and then needed to find my home room. I had just stowed my junk and closed the locker when Abover sloped past, giving me a surprised look and a real scowl when he saw me. His face...
“This is so much better then being stuck at home” I told Desi as I was laying out by the pool.” But Jesus could it be any hotter today!?” “ I know what you mean, I swear I could just melt” Desi said as she jumped in. I couldn’t help but stare at her while I was laying around. Desi was hot and god knows she knew it and had no problem letting everyone know. Desi stood about 5’8, built like a model she was. Tall and slim with perfect C boobs and a perfect heart shaped ass. She always was...
I was a Freshman in a State University in New York and being an international student and one of the few students from India on campus, I got popular in my dorm quickly. I went to fraternity rushes and sorority parties, played volleyball, basketball and football all the time in between classes and through that made a lot of friends.Out of all my adventures, let me tell you about Heidi. Heidi was my first Latina, she was from El Salvador, Christian, repressed as fuck and was raised by a single...
**** The Sirius Black fan club was unofficially led by a fifth-year Ravenclaw named Elvira Vablatsky, who had been one of the first to latch onto Sirius – or attempt to – in about second year. She was a statuesque blonde girl with a pretty face and a keen mind, but her infatuation with Sirius made her a laughing stock with the rest of the school. Due to my spending a tidy amount of time in the Ravenclaw common room with Bea, I knew her reasonably well and as a result she tended to use me...
I stepped out of the shower and began to plan my first night of freedom. What should I choose out of the many options like the all night keg parties, little get together parties, or should I just relax in my big empty house alone with my girlfriend Crystal. Yeah, I think I’ll pick door number three, so I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a call. Just hearing hear voice, even on the phone, just makes me want to do back flips. Finally I was finished getting ready as I heard the knocking...
Introduction: The older girl who lives next door runs my life. Even though I hate it she is so damn pretty and my mom really likes her. Hey Trey, wait up, I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. I got a project for you, she announces as she slows up next to me. I groan knowing trouble when I hear it....