An Unexpected Lover Ch 1
- 4 years ago
- 26
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At about ten in the morning, two policemen came and interrupted our lesson and asked Tiff to ‘step outside and have a word’ with them. Tiff urgently beckoned at Charlie, and then me, to follow. Instinctively, protectively, we did so, despite the protestations of an extremely concerned Ms Duncan and the reluctance of the policemen.
As soon as we’d all got out of the classroom, Tiff stopped and leaned back against the corridor wall and signed resignedly. “Is this about my parents?” she asked quietly.
“They have reported you missing.”
Tiff nodded.
“They are concerned about you.”
Tiff let out a false laugh, hunched her shoulders and tried to stop herself crying. “I’m staying with friends. I don’t want to be found.”
“Would these two be the friends?”
“No. I mean, they are my friends, but I’m not staying with them. I have other friends.” Tiff deflected.
Tiff was good at thinking under pressure, as all the meetings with Jim Graves had amply demonstrated. Tiff was a completely different person talking to grown-ups – and policemen – than she was around school with kids our age. And Tiff planned for every eventuality. Perhaps she had anticipated this situation? Perhaps she had rehearsed for this confrontation? My mind was reeling. I was glad they hadn’t asked Charlie or me anything, yet.
“You can’t choose not to be found,” one of the policemen said softly, trying to be sympathetic.
“Yes you can, I’ve heard the expression on TV. it’s been on CrimeTime and everything”
“Yes, that’s true,” the policemen reflected, “but I suppose those runaways would have been over eighteen.” He glanced down at his open notebook. “You’re still only sixteen, right, Tiffany? We’d double check, but I’m afraid we have a duty to inform your legal guardians. That is your parents, right?”
“But I can’t go home! They’re killing me!”
It sounded dramatic, but Tiff sounded frantic. It sounded convincing.
“Are you in danger?” the policeman who’d been speaking eased past me to stand beside Tiff, leaning back against the wall with her - beside her, rather than in front of her. It felt like the police were on our side. Tiff just nodded.
“Have they already hurt you? On any occasion in the past?”
“No, nothing like that,” Tiff sounded empty, hurt, unsure, lost, vulnerable.
“Well, Tiff, at sixteen you can leave home. If you were fifteen, it’d be go home or go into care.”
The last word, ‘care’, sounded like the worst word in the world.
The other policeman, who’d been watching Charlie and me as much as he’d been watching Tiff, stepped back. “I’ll radio in,” he said softly, and then he turned and walked quietly down the empty corridor, putting some distance between him and us. All we could hear was the fuzzy buzzing of static and distant distorted voices as he discussed the situation with the station.
He was back a minute later. “If we believe you to be in danger, we can withhold your location from your parents.”
Everyone looked really relieved as he paused to let the good news sink in. He continued, “But we really must know where you are. That’s so we can find you if we have to, and so we can protect you, and respond to any alarms at that address properly in the future,” he explained kindly.
They really were on our side. Charlie reached into the computer case which she habitually carried everywhere and pulled out a note with an address on it and handed it, mutely, over. The policeman studied it and thanked us, keeping it. “Swap,” he said with a little smile, handing us each a business card. Who knew that police constables had business cards? I studied it. “Tiff,” he said softly, “would you mind if we check up on where you’re staying? We’ll find time. That’s not the best neighbourhood. I’m afraid we’ll be able to drop in when we’re there on other business” he tried a weak smile. “Is there really nowhere else you can stay?”
“It’s deliberate; they’d never look for me there.” Tiff put on a brave face.
They left us just before the lesson ended. Charlie embraced Tiff and stroked her back until she recovered well enough to face our classmates and claim our bags and things.
Ms Duncan was waiting to get us alone to find out what that was all about. Tiff waved me off so I left her to explain after the lesson ended. Tiff was probably going to be economical with the truth.
The taxi was waiting for us just around the corner from school. Tiff looked up and down the street carefully, checking nobody was watching us as we got in. I had been looking at the mug shots of her parents she’d given me frequently, trying to make sure I’d recognise them if I saw them.
The three of us squeezed into the back seat, Tiff, the smallest, squeezing into the middle. Her bare leg pressed against me. She was rigid, staring straight ahead. Was she uncomfortable with the intimacy? I sensed that she’d noticed I was watching her; she blushed sweetly and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily as she tried to keep a straight, neutral face. Her eyes danced. No, she didn’t look angry to me. She looked sweet. Really sweet. I couldn’t help smiling too.
Charlie flicked off the projector. The white glow of the image against the blank wall lingered on my retina as my eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness. Tiff kicked out her feet, stretched back against the sofa and signed contently. “Well, I must say, that was really good!”
We’d been rehearsing our pitch for our first presentation to the owner of the BigMarket in the next town. Jim Graves had arranged for our introduction. Jim was as big a fan of our checkout system, as well of our BigSaver concept. The security cameras had found no further cases of blatant theft, although Jim attributed that to their effectiveness and reputation as a deterrent, rather than any technical shortcomings. To someone as paranoid as Jim, the assurance the cameras gave him was worth their weight in gold.
Jim hadn’t known that most of the other staff had known that that Derek-git was on the take. It had actually been Charlie’s prompting that had made me notice the theft happening and I’d then tweaked the software until it could detect it. In moments of doubt, I secretly reckoned the software might not actually be that good. But, in other moments, it seemed to be working perfectly. Go figure!
In fact, the whole venture made no sense from the Jim angle. I wanted to understand. I turned to Tiff. “So, you were planning BigSaver even before we approached BigMarket?”
Tiff nodded, as Charlie smiled. “Starting a budget retailer is a mug’s game. The cost of goods, transport, distribution, everything - complete barrier to entry. And then you see BigMarket, a wholesaler who has the storage and distribution all already sorted and basically free! It completely changes everything. It’s amazing BigMarket didn’t spot this ages ago when the big budget supermarkets started opening.”
“So, why did we mess around with the whole security camera thing?”
“Think about it. It’s like a carrot and a stick. We needed to build credibility and we needed to find out if we liked Jim. We had to convince Jim that he liked us, and we needed to make him believe that he needed us. If we’d just done him a school project business plan that said he should sell direct to consumers, we’d just get good marks and he’d just probably not actually do it. And if he did it, we wouldn’t get a sausage. This way, he thinks that your anti-theft system is so advanced he can’t possibly understand it is absolutely business critical, and he thinks he’s mentoring us and he takes pride in our success without thinking about how it’s at his expense. He really should have done something like BigSaver years ago. His whole branch should have, the moment the supermarkets started popping up on green-field sites.”
Tiff breathed out after her monologue. Charlie chimed in, “And now, we are going to repeat it all in the next town and the next, and think how little we actually do at BigSaver! All we do is count the money! The nearby BigMarket franchise even stocks our shelves and mans our tills! We’re printing money faster than we can make powerpoint presentations!”
We eased back in the sofa, euphoric as we reflected on our amazing success. We were each worth, individually, a lot of money already, and without us doing anything we were going to keep on getting richer. As Charlie kept saying, this time next year we’d all be millionaires!
Before I realised it, I noticed that I had arms stretched out along the sofa back and the girls were both snuggling up against me, one on each side. How had this suddenly happened? Now I felt doubly on top of the world.
The girls went quiet. They were looking past me, at each other, and having some kind of silent discussion. Had they each noticed that I was also embracing the other. Should I move? Should I go? Had I messed up?
“Charlie, can you put the kettle on?” Tiff’s eyes were narrow and she looked tense.
“It’s your turn!”
I was half expecting Tiff to respond with a giggly ‘Is not!’. Instead she turned to me and forced a smile and asked in a sweet, high-pitched, innocent voice, “Would you like a cuppa, Sam?”
My throat was dry. What was going on? Why were the two girls suddenly at each other’s throats? I shrugged.
“I’ll get you one!” Tiff said brightly.
“No, I’ve got it!” Charlie jumped up before Tiff could even move, and went into the kitchen.
Tiff sat still, stiff, her hands clasped to her knees and her cheeks blushing behind her curtain of muddy blonde hair.
For some inexplicable reason I had the urge to kiss her. Not a small peck on the cheek, but to really kiss her. Although she wasn’t looking at me, and her body was all shut off from me, at the same time it felt like she was completely open and wishing it. She was biting her lip nervously.
“Milk? Sugar?” Charlie asked loudly from the doorway, interrupting my fantasy and jerking me back to reality.
“Milk, please,” I said weakly, sitting straighter, feeling guilty for how close my arm was lying on the sofa back behind Tiff.
Tiff avoided my gaze as she looked over her shoulder and looked daggers at an aggressive Charlie.
Charlie came back in from the kitchen and sat down, placing a mug carefully in front of me. She hadn’t made one for Tiff. And I noticed Charlie had taken off her cardigan. It had been a nice tight cardigan that looked good on her, elegant and alluring in a posh way. But without it, Charlie was full-out sexy. Her bust pushed her intricately patterned bra out against her soft cotton designer t-shirt. She smoothed the wrinkles out, tugging the almost-see-thru material tauter and emphasising her assets even more. She looked up at me, catching me staring, and smiled her winning smile.
There was a long five minutes of silence, dragging out and punctuated only by my sips from my tea. We had no music on, no TV on, nothing. Even the traffic noise from outside was quiet. The girls said nothing. I dared say nothing.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. Welcoming the distraction, I fished it out of my pocket. It was a message from the taxi company saying my ride had arrived. It was already 9 pm.
“I have to go, my taxi’s here,” I explained, as I jumped up.
“I’ll go with you,” Charlie said, jumping up behind me.
“Your moped?”
“Will be fine.”
She hustled me out, pulling the door closed behind us. The moment the door was shut she pulled on my arm and swung me around and pinned me against the walkway wall and kissed me full on the lips.
It was like being hit by a freight train.
The kiss grew, our hands hurriedly clambered to hold us to each other, and we lost ourselves urgently in each other’s embrace.
A whimper jolted us back to the present. Tiff was standing, back-lit by her open door, just a metre from us. The look on her face was one of abject pain.
Charlie jumped apart from me as though stung. “Tiff, I’m sorry,” she pleaded as Tiff drew back in and slammed the door in our faces. “Tiff...”
“I’d better go,” I said weakly. Charlie wasn’t paying me any attention. She was pounding her fist franticly on the closed door. I backed away slowly, turned, and went down to the waiting taxi. Charlie didn’t even turn to watch me go. Charlie was fishing in her pockets for her key.
“Mum, I’ve got a problem” I cried desperately as I came straight through to the living room the moment I got home. And then I noticed mum’s friend, Sarah, sitting there with her. Mum jabbed at the remote to flick off the TV.
“I should probably go,” Sarah said softly and started to rise.
“No, no, it looks like Sam needs all the advisors he can get,” my mum rested her hand on Sarah’s arm, staying her. My mum looked a bit amused, not taking this nearly as seriously as I was. Mum turned her attention back to me. “So, honey, what’s the problem?”
“Charlie kissed me,” I wheezed as I sank into an armchair and stared at the blank television.
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Free Porn Tube SitesIt had been almost four months since we had seen each other, but as I stood at the arrivals gate of the airport, counting up the days, weeks and months it had been since I was last in his arms, since I last felt his lips on mine, since him... it felt like an eternity. The only thing keeping me sane during all this time that we had spent apart were my fantasies of our reunion. I stood nervously playing with the hem of my little summery dress that clung tightly to my chest and loosely skimmed my...
Straight SexLiv checked the digital clock mounted to the dashboard. It was nearly 10 AM. The entire battle on the plain had lasted about an hour. Liv stopped Rokee, hopped out, waded through the snow to the front of the Jeep, and secured the rocket grappling hook to the winch. There were traces of blood and oil on the shining metal. Shivering, she climbed back in the Jeep. "You think we can still make it for our noon tee-off time at the golf course?" "It'll be pretty close." Finn was consulting the...
All rights reserved, copyright (c) Janna Leonard, 2004 I drove away from Chicago with mixed emotions - depression because I'd lost another job, the 5th in as many years, and elation at being set free from the suburban school system. I was 28 and without a partner, and my Jeep was loaded with my belongings as I sped south on the Interstate. I had decided to take some time off from city life and gather my wits, maybe do some introspective thinking and choose a different vocation. Teaching...
Hi ISS readers this is the Excellent site for sex stories, I’m reading the stories in this site since two years..But unfortunately i didn’t have any experience form these days. Last week i had an experience with a lady in the bus from Hyderabad to Bangalore. Actually I love bus journeys especially when a lady sit in my side seat. In the journey i used to touch boobs with my elbow but in this journey from Hyderabad to Bangalore i saw the heaven for the first time. So without wasting the time...
[...]The time stopped. There were just Bryan and me in a cottage located on a stranded island in the Indian Ocean. As he kept thrusting into me, I was caressing his back and feeling how the tropical heat and sex start to make us sweat, making his silky skin shine."Do you like it?" he asked me, whispering in my ear."I love it. Don't stop, please," I breathlessly replied.I could see his eyes sparkling as he was moaning softly. I crossed my legs around his waist and exerted a slight pressure...
Gay MaleBy: Superman_111136 Hi friends mera naam Rahul hai main chattisgarh se hun, main iss ka regular Pathak hun meri iss par ye pehli kahani hai meri sari kahaniya kalpanik hain main dusre writers jo apni jhuti kahani ko sacchi batakar readers ko dhokha dete hai main waisa kuch bhi nahi karunga aur na hi main ye kahkar aapse aapki raai mangunga ki aap apni rai dekar mujhse chudwayein haan agar aap ko meri kahani pasand aaye to mujhe par apni rai bhej sakte hain to main aapka jyada time Na lete hue...
Pam stroked Gypsy's back. His coat glistened. "Easy boy," she said. Her body was tingling and the juices oozed from her virgin pussy. "Oh, Pam," Gloria gasped. "Clean me up with your mouth, please." Pam moaned, her knees weakening. She forgot about Gypsy, allowing him to feed as she went to her naked sister. She licked her lips, dropped to the hay-strewn ground and leered at Gloria's pussy. "Stop gawking and eat me." Gloria humped up, rolled her hips lewdly, the pony's cum...
Edgar was a tall handsome Mexican with broad shoulders thick black hair, handsome eyes and face a woman would die for. He was my waiter that evening, the last evening I would be in Cancun. Our cruise ship was set to sale at 10:00Am the next day. I must have summoned the waiter a hundred times just to look at this gorgeous man. He gazed at me with love in his eyes and I at his. I wanted Edgar. I was hot for Edgar, but was he hot for me? After paying for dinner my beaux and I left and all I...
Lauren Phillips is preparing the bar for her shift as the Crew crashes the joint. It’s Shane Diesel’s joint, and you probably remember when Kate England almost lost her job? Well…she did. And Lauren’s her replacement! The Crew knows this, and even after poor Lauren’s told them, repeatedly, the bar isn’t open yet…well, you know these guys aren’t going to leave. In fact, they’ve got another gang bang on their collective minds, and Lauren knows...
xmoviesforyouClaudia wiggles in her cage and the end of her chain swings. “She seems a bit skittish,” ‘One’ laughs. - On my farm, “Two” continues drunk, I have two slaves who were famous when they were free. Independent, superior sluts, who liked to kick men’s balls out of independence and provocation...” “on the farm I keep them naked all the time, they only wear high heel boots and big dildos in their ass and pussy. Claudia can’t believe her ears. “I take them out for five minutes a day to relieve...
Lindsey had grown up in a very conservative household. Her father was a minister for the local church. Growing up in a strict Christian home meant Lindsey never dressed provocatively and she always wore her long blonde hair up in a ponytail. This life style carried into Lindsey's adulthood. Ron continuously asked Lindsey to dress in a more seductive manner or to shave her pussy but she never agreed. And that would all be fine with Ron if only Lindsey was more playful in bed. Lindsey would...
Jen made it home around 2am. Ralph had ravished her. We had wonderful sex as she told me in great detail everything Ralph had done to her. After that evening, we stopped talking about ending the game, or going after strangers. We had reached an unspoken agreement. Jen played the game, but only with Ralph. Ralph was her boyfriend, and with my blessings he used her body whenever and however he wished. In the process, Jen and I enjoyed the most exciting sex of our lives. One evening I came...
Introduction: Some things are better left alone as a young girl soon finds out. Chapter 1 Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasnt sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didnt have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him....
The details. You are to retire to the upstairs around 9:00 PM. At which time you will be getting ready for your "date". A well endowed BBC will be coming to take your hot creamy pussy. I fantasize about you taking a thick black cock and getting your pussy cream all over it for me and to tell me how good it feels. While I don't wish for it to occur in real life, the role play thought has got me out of my mind. I love how you take your dildo so deep, all the way in. It's so sexy. Your...
Cathy is my lover in both the physical and emotional sense. Cathy loves almost everybody, especially those of us who salute her when she walks by. I have no other female lover. My wife certainly doesn't qualify anymore. But Cathy and her husband are even more devoted to each other than she is to me. I may not even be second on her list except in terms of frequency. Just being on her list is an honor and a pleasure. Cathy says she loves me, and means it. Neither of us knows how...
My boyfriend Mark really loved to talk about fucking two women while we have sex. I loved it too. We talked about it a lot because it turned us on so much. He told me what he’d do to us. How he’d fuck her tits while I licked her pussy. I told him how I’d watch him fuck her as I fingered myself. Or how I wanted him to fuck my ass while she licked and fingered my pussy. We fantasized about every possible scenario. I didn’t know if it just turned him on to talk about it, or if he wanted to...
I followed my sister in law, Kristin, into her bedroom from the bathroom where she had recently showered, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. Before ordering her into the bedroom, she had whispered to me, “Fuck me... please? I want you to slowly stretch out my tiny virgin pussy until I can take all of that huge cock.”. I planned to, but maybe not in the way she expected. This was her first time, and although I had been in control all night, I thought that it might be best if she handled...
Hello everyone, My name is Naveen I am from Mumbai. I have been a regular reader of this blog. This is my first story, so please bear me for some time. Now I would like to tell about myself I am 22 years old 5.6’’, I recently completed my graduation. I am the only child to my parents. After completion of graduation I started searching job. I am little shy person. I never had girlfriend in my life. In college I have some female friends but I never approached them for anything more than...
My foster moms, Gia Vendetti and Havana Bleu, are genuinely good people who care a lot about me. But for some reason, I keep getting myself into trouble, and they’re more and more worried about me. They wish I could get my frustration out some other way, but when my foster moms start asking me if I’m a virgin, I’m not sure where their minds are at. It’s not until they start sucking my cock at the same time that my questions are answered, and by then, no explanation is necessary. I slide my cock...