SharonChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
It had been on Friday 6th of August that Cassie instituted divorce proceedings against Zak.
Graham had sent the relevant form and letter to the court, outlining Zak's deception as evidence of the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, and he had sent a letter directly to Zak explaining how divorces work in England, and urging him to get a lawyer or go along with the process; to contest it was always very expensive since if he lost he would be liable for costs, and in any case there was no way of stopping the divorce.
Casssie settled down to wait for his response, anticipating problems.
She was brought up a Catholic and was married to Zak in a Catholic Church, so she also began proceedings towards getting the marriage annulled because of Zak's deception.
Two conversations.
"Hey, Big Sis, How's things?"
"Hi, Marie, I'm fine."
"You'll never guess who I spent an evening with last week."
"Go on."
"Ged. I was down in London visiting Joanna and you know she's nuts about 'Vivienne's Friends', well we went to see them and Ged was with them, playing his songs. He says you've dumped him. That true?"
"Well, It's over between us. It's the best way."
"You are the world's biggest idiot, you know that, Sis? Stupid!"
"It wasn't working Marie. We're both better off making a new start."
"You might be better off, but he's hanging on waiting for you."
"You don't know that."
"Oh, I do! I offered to stay the night with him, but he said he's waiting for you. He'll not move on until you marry again. You really are a silly bitch, Sis, obstinate!"
"You did what?"
"I offered myself to him for the night. He refused. Cassie he loves you, can't you see?"
"It'll never work, Marie. Too much has happened."
"Well, get yourself another man, Sis, 'cos then I can get him!"
"You're not serious! He's too old for you."
"You'd better believe it, Cassie. He's not that much older. I'll wait for him. I know he's worth it even if you don't."
"Good night, Marie."
"OK, but you're wrong. 'Bye."
"I'm so glad you patched things up with Ged."
"You and Ged, down In London last weekend. It's in the papers."
"Cheryl, I've not been in London, and Ged and I are not together."
"But, the photos – look."
The photos were in the music press.
"Look, it shows you and Ged, and the article says you are together again."
"They got it wrong, Cheryl, that's not me, it's Marie."
"Marie? Oh shit! She looks so grown up!"
"Yeah, Marie! Who threw herself at Ged when she heard we were finally over."
"You're joking! She's only..."
"Seventeen, Cheryl. Old enough."
"And what?"
"Ged shagged her?"
"No. He said he was being true to me or some such rubbish."
"You know, Cassie, you really need to ask yourself some questions. You're so angry all of a sudden, and I think you're trying to convince yourself you've done the right thing."
"I have done the right thing."
"No, you haven't."
"I know what I'm doing. Conversation closed."
"OK, but... '
"Graham has sent the petition for divorce. We haven't heard of a reply yet, but it's not due until next week, but I think it's going to drag out. I'm sure Zak will be awkward."
Cassie returned from Cheryl's place feeling annoyed. Why was everyone trying to get her back with Ged? Couldn't they see that relationship was hopeless? She thought back over the five or six weeks since she split with Ged.
She remembered she had felt relieved that it was all over and their constant bickering and misunderstandings were behind her. She had felt at peace, but even now was far from truly happy. She just needed time to readjust to the single life, she told herself.
She reassured herself that she had adjusted when she thought Ged was cheating, and had married Zak. While that was a major mistake on her part, at the time she was happy with Zak. She could be happy again.
She went to work and build buried herself in it, working long hours and returning home to her flat exhausted, to grab a supper and fall into bed. At the weekends, she visited friends and especially Cheryl and Brian, who had obligingly kept off the subject of Ged, after seeing her expression when they at first mentioned him. In any case, Ged had disappeared off the face of the earth which was a relief to her.
She had been enjoying the single life, free from responsibility to anyone. She was too tired after work to feel lonely, and her subconscious kept her from questioning why she was working so hard and such long hours. She was having a great time with her fellow workers at the publishers when they went drinking after work.
The only hiccup in her new free life was the phone call from Gus asking her about the song cycle that Ged had composed. She had told him brusquely that he could do what the hell he liked with it. She was shocked when Gus went on to ask where she wanted the royalties to go. That did unsettle her.
Then the CD arrived in the post and that annoyed her. Ged was trying to play with her emotions to get her back and she resented it. She put the CD away without listening to it.
Now, of all things, there had been, in close succession, Marie's phone call and Cheryl's excited response to the music press's misunderstanding. Perhaps it was because she had not dated anyone that they thought she felt something for Ged. Angrily, she resolved to put that right. She never considered how stupid the idea was.
Harry at work had flirted with her when the office heard she was getting divorced, and had hinted at a date, but she had deliberately and blandly misunderstood his intentions.
He was a very good looking man, she had admitted to herself, and artistic, working in cover design. What was more, he worked out and had a good slim body. With all that he was gentle and sensitive, and his flirting never crossing the line into anything too suggestive.
They had chatted about various aspects of the arts, and he had much the same tastes and interests as she had. She would date him, she thought, but keep the relationship low key; no sex for a good long time; she felt no need of that in the throes of the divorce, but some nights out with him would be quite exciting and different.
Once she made her mind up, she felt a frisson of excitement and her anger left her. She looked forward to the date, though as yet she had not asked him out.
The next time Harry passed her desk, he stopped as usual to ask her how she was.
"Harry," she said. "I've a couple of tickets for 'Die Fledermaus' at the Lowry on Wednesday, and I've no one to go with. Fancy a night out?"
Harry's face registered shock, then pleasure. "Er, yes, er, that would be nice."
"Good," she smiled, "I'll pick you up at six fifteen. Ok?"
"Er, yes – you sure you don't mind driving?"
"I don't mind."
He looked at her as if he had never seen her before, then he smiled, and as he walked on to his office, she heard him laugh to himself and thought he had a spring in his step. It was a nervous rather than triumphant laugh.
She smiled, and her spirits lifted for the first time for months. Life was looking up. It felt as if she was embarking on a new beginning in her life and she was happy. Well, happier.
As they left the car in the multi-storey car park to walk through the shopping mall to the theatre, Cassie took his arm, which pressed the side of her breast against it. He started with surprise but quickly recovered. He looked at her and smiled, and her heart seemed to miss a beat. This had the makings of a good evening; he was such a sweetie.
By the time they had ordered their drinks for the interval and had taken their seats Cassie had silently reprimanded herself, and she sat beside him demurely, keeping a distance. She felt quite giddy, not so much being with a man, but with her trip to the theatre.
She had not been to a concert or an opera since he went with Ged, and it was that thought that sobered her up a little. The thought of him seemed to dampen things. She took control of herself again, and reminded herself that she was going to take this friendship slowly, and see where it led.
On the way home, they discussed the performance in some depth, and Cassie realised that Harry knew his way around music and the opera. She was pleased to find someone on her wavelength, and she warmed towards him.
They reached his flat building and they parked in the car park.
"Would you like to come in for a coffee?" he asked.
Cassie had thought it out before they arrived, and politely refused his offer, citing work the next day. Everyone knew what being invited for a coffee meant!
"But we must do this again," she added, to mitigate the rebuff. In any case she wanted a repeat of this night.
"Yes, I'd like that," he said, looking into her eyes. She felt herself melting under his gaze, but remained firm. There was a silence, which began to engender a little discomfort.
"Well," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt and breaking the spell, "Better be going."
Their faces were close, and then hesitantly closer. Who kissed whom first, Cassie never knew, but it was soft and gentle and lasted a little too long. Cassie was breathless and sensitised. Harry smiled, as if he knew what the effect had been, and with a "Good night, then," left the car.
Her thoughts were in turmoil as she drove back. She wondered why she felt a sense of guilt at the kiss, that in some sense she was not being honest, or that the new relationship was not real. She savoured the kiss though; he was a good kisser! She giggled like a school girl.
The next day he invited her to a play in town on the Friday, and it was one she had wanted to see, so she agreed.
"My turn to drive," he said with a grin which she found enchanting, "Pick you up at six thirty?"
This time he dropped her off but she did not invite him in, though she offered herself up for a kiss, which turned into a few, and his hand grazing her breast, while hers played with his hair. Then she made her escape.
"This is moving a little too fast for me," she said out loud to the empty flat. "Slow down girl, you're behaving like a teenager."
The words provoked a vision of Douglas which flashed before her mind and immediately she felt cold and uncertain. Harry seemed kind and gentle, but was he genuine? Every serious relationship she'd had, had been disastrous in the end.
She needed to be more circumspect, though she now lusted after him, and wondered if she could resist him if they got too intimate. Again came the feeling of guilt and unreality, which she couldn't fathom.
It was a relief when Cheryl asked her to come over in the afternoon and babysit that evening, staying overnight and having lunch with them on Sunday. She said nothing about her evenings with Harry, and Cheryl kept away from the topic of Ged Smith.
Harry was back at her desk on Monday morning.
"I was going to ask you to come out for a drink," he said as he leaned on her desk, "but you were out all weekend. I missed you. Fancy a drink tonight?"
"I was babysitting for friends," she replied, looking up into his mesmerising eyes. "Not tonight, Harry. I have to do my laundry and iron my things."
Cassie felt a little persecuted, but flattered he should be so attentive, nay enthusiastic. She had an idea.
"How about grabbing a bite to eat and then a quick drink in town after work. Save cooking?"
He looked both relieved and enthusiastic. "Great idea! Ok, it's a date!"
Once again, Cassie found Harry's company enthralling. No one she knew, apart from Ged was so in tune with her thoughts and ideas, and so well versed in every aspect of the arts, musical, spatial and literary. They chatted all through the wholesome pub meal and over drinks afterwards.
Gradually as the evening progressed she felt herself drawn more and more to him, and took his hand when they waited for the taxi. In some ways holding hands is more intimate than walking arm in arm. He looked at her and smiled at the gesture and she melted inside. She wanted him.
In the taxi he kissed her and she kissed him back, hard. His hands began to wander over her body, down her sides and over her breasts, while she ranged over his back and hair. They parted panting, looked at each other and laughed.
The taxi drew up at Harry's place.
"Coming inside?" he asked, tenderly pushing a tendril of hair off her face, and suddenly she felt uncertain and even afraid. A clear picture of Ged doing just that at Catherine's flashed across her mind. Her spirits dampened.
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I expected ... well ... ministers and court clerks, shotguns and bridesmaids, best man. What I got was: "When is your young man coming for his truck of logs?" That was the wall speaking. Very interesting house. It was constantly frightening me half to death ... adding all the halves, I think I'm dead at least ten times. "I don't know, daddy ... you ask him," said the pretty green girl. "Mr..." "I heard, I heard. As soon as I can, sir," I said. "See to it ... and Mr. Johnson,...
With a stepsister as hot as Keely Rose, it’s no surprise that Tony has noticed those curves. He is surprised when Keely begins to come on to him, but he’s not about to tell his horny stepsis that he’s not interested. Tony puts up some token resistance, when Keely hefts those big titties and hen pops them out of her shirt, but when Keely notices that he’s hard Tony has no defense. It’s not long before Keely has popped Tony’s hardon out of his pants so she can...
xmoviesforyouThe unease I had been feeling was familiar, almost comforting. It was the last opportunity to back out. To back out and forget this folly. Anxiety, nervousness, excitement--a cocktail of conflicting emotions seemingly bubbling around my chest. Meeting someone for the first time and knowing that we’ll be fucking soon after. Then never seeing each other again. My back felt cool leaning upon a nearby lamp post. I was wondering if I should just walk up the door, ring the doorbell, and get this...
Gay MaleIt was a friday afternoon and we were all hanging out in the back yard when she came over. "Hi Hanna" I said as she walked up. "Hey Billy, what's up?" Hanna replied. I stood looking at her walk up, my dick getting hard just seeing her."Chillin', what's up with you today?" "Nothin' much, just came by to see what Lisa (My sister) was up to." At this point I wasn't even listening to what she was saying. My eyes and brain was focused on nothing but her body and I...
The balmy early evening slowly slipped into night. As soon as it was dark, he gave me a knowing look and quietly snuck away from the block party. I calmly rose from my chair and followed him away from the crowd.He was waiting where he said he would: half way down the block; well out of sight from any of our party-going neighbors. I nervously walked up to him."Come on, let's go," he whispered to me. "This way." He placed his hand on the small of my back, sending shivers through my body. "Careful...
Becky and I had just finished a hot 69, when we heard a male voice at the doorway. Becky was laying on top of me so I had no place to escape to. When she rolled off me, I grabbed the pillow to hide my body from him.After they got me in the middle of the bed, David took the pillow away from me. But, by then I did not care because he was sucking on one of my nipples while Becky was passionately kissing me. Becky moved to my other breast. I was lost in total abandon as they played, bit and sucked...
Group SexWell this is part 3 of sharing my wife with Chuck and if you read the first 2 posts you have an idea of what is going on this took me almost a year to build her up to be the slut I wanted her to be and to tell you the truth she has reverted back to being a boring prude. I don’t even enjoy fucking her much so I make her jack me off and tell me about what Chuck did to her. When we met she was such a slut she was living with her fiancée and I could hardly keep her from jumping my bones. She lived...
my wife and i were traveling and staying in a hotel. we went down to the hotel bar after dinner just to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. we were not even hunting. my wife nudged me and said she thought the guy at the end of the bar was checking her out. i glanced over and noticed a young man looking around the room but he was pausing more at our table, no doubt checking out the wife. she is hot, even for 68 year old retired lady, petite with a nice set of boobs and legs a twenty year old would...
A friend recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however her friends keep telling her, she needs to start enjoying life a little. She has been single for a quite a few years and is now on her 8th vibrator. Hopefully someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast her sexual needs. She told me she needs to find a man soon though before she loses her mind with this constant sexual desire she has 24/7. She told me it is getting to the...
He lay naked on the bed, on his back, his arms above his head, wrists handcuffed to the headboard, eyes blindfolded, completely at her mercy.He had never been in this position with her before, hell, he had never been in this position before period. He really couldn't imagine how she had talked him into this. Where would she take this, how far would she go? She had access to any and every toy imaginable. She could make the next hour heaven or hell. Would she torture him? Torment him or...
Hi everyone, I am back with another story. Those who dont knew about me they can follow my previous stories. In this story i am going to explain another experience. I hope you people will like it. And thanks for your comments. My mail box is flowing with messages. Lets go into story part now. I woke up next morning and found there was no Ravi beside me. I called to him he said he was outside and he will come little late in mean time he told me to fresh up. I thought it was good idea. But first...
“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...
Doreen's Birthday Treats November 2013 8am. Doreen's car was already parked when I arrived at Brenda's house. I let myself in and as I entered the living room, I could hear soft sounds coming from upstairs so onwards and upwards climbed the intrepid adventurer. Through Brenda's bedroom doorway I could see Doreen on her back, pillows under her backside lifting it well clear of the mattress, her legs were high and wide apart, with Brenda's arms between them pulling them...
-Auntie's Panties I've always had this serious thing for women's' underwear. Even as farback as grammar school I loved to sit on the ground in the school yardto watch the girls jump rope and show off their frilly little panties,just for me.I was always so jealous of my sisters! They got such pretty, pinkruffled undies to wear while I was stuck with boring white BVD's. Itwas so unfair, I thought!I loved the exciting feel of their lace and...
Watching Grammy play with herself through the shop window had been a big enough shocker, but having her join me shortly thereafter in the shower and whack me off….let’s just say that for a young man of eIeven years of age, things were moving way too fast. But let me also say… I liked it!!!That afternoon things were more how I expected them to go. We ate sandwiches and then went out to the garage and finished sorting through some of the stuff in Gramps office portion of his shop. (Grammy did not...
l was on my way to london for a conference on the train, l'd managed to get a seat with a table and the train was quite busy. it's a long journey so l'd brought a book to read, l knew the book was about a sex clinic for people with problems in their sex lives, what l didn't know was how descriptive and deeply the book went into the patients sexual experiences, and l was getting more turned on the more l read! l kept thinking to myself l can't wait until l get to the hotel room so l could...
MasturbationTHE GIRL AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS: A short story by Tamsyn Fifteen-year-old Noah is having a pleasant day home alone, indulging in being able to enjoy crossdressing as his alter ego, Kirstie. When his father arrives home early from work, however, it is difficult to say who has the biggest shock. In biology the fight or flight response is the body's reaction to a sudden, acute stressor that is perceived to be dangerous. A neural response in the hypothalamus prompts the pituitary...
Frank wurde in seiner Firma befördert und das bedeutete einen Umzug in die Großstadt, denn dort würde er fortan in der Hauptgeschäftstelle arbeiten. Groß war zunächst die Freude bei Pauline. endlich mal die große Stadt sehen, noch mehr Geld verdienen, womit sie dann sicherlich bald ein Häuschen für sich und ihre Wunschkinder bauen konnten. Pauline gemoss das Stadtleben. Um möglichst viel sparen zu können, hatten sie sich nur eine kleine Zwei-Zimmer-Wohnung genommen und Pauline hatte eine...