A Paladin's TrainingChapter 18 free porn video

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Against the dark of night he stands,
Brandished holy light in hand,
Forged by fury, wrath and flame,
The blade that was lost, again has a name.

“Excerpt from ‘Of Light and Shadow’ – Maigan Ezra”

The boat rocked gently as it sailed northward up the Emerindrelle toward the Karvani Mountains. The wind had been in their favour, and the strong northerly breeze pushed the vessel quickly over the waters.

Elaina was relaxing below decks in the large cabin the Elves used for sleeping and any other activities that required something comfortable to lie on. Currently, she was naked and reclining on the soft pillows that were scattered around the cabin, and four very handsome male Eryn’elda were giving her their full attention.

A naked sailor knelt on either side of Elaina, and she stroked a smooth, hairless cock with each hand while a third straddled her chest and lazily thrust his length between her tits, which he held captive in his strong fingers. The fourth was the captain and the oldest Elf on the boat, and therefore the most well-endowed. Elaina couldn’t see him down there, kneeling between her spread thighs, but she could feel him inside her well enough; his thick tool was slowly but steadily driving her wild.

As it turned out, Elaina, Induin and Liaren were the only women on the boat – the other dozen crew were all men. Normally the beautiful Elvish twins would be down here with her to help with all this marvelous cock, but they were required to work a few shifts on deck every so often to help keep the crew fresh. Elaina had offered to help also, but the captain would not hear of it; she was a guest of the Elves, and therefore should enjoy the journey, which she most definitely was.

Receiving pleasure was as important as giving it, according to Aros’ teachings, and so Elaina allowed herself to fully enjoy being ravished by the four sailors. Feeling devilish, she expanded her vala, and pushed all four of them over the edge together.

Four simultaneous cries of pleasure echoed through the large cabin, only heightened by Elaina’s own high-pitched moan as four cocks erupted in unison, spraying her face and breasts as well as her pussy with that delicious Elven come, and bringing her to her own peak of pleasure, her body tensing and quivering as she climaxed.

They all took a moment to recover, remaining as they were. One of the Elves whose cock she was still holding produced a cloth from somewhere and gently wiped her face before leaning in to kiss her tenderly on the lips.

“Would that we could spend more time with you, eruchen,” the gorgeous Elf – his name was Lemben – said with a smile. “It has been a most pleasurable afternoon.”

Elaina sighed happily and kissed him again, giving his shaft a few tugs and making him moan into her mouth before he successfully extracted himself from her grasp and crawled away over the cushions toward the door.

Next, she found herself locking lips with the Elf that had been making use of her tits – Denvel. He was still straddling her chest, but had released her come-slicked breasts, and his still-turgid dick was resting wetly on her skin as he explored her mouth with his tongue before he too exited the cabin.

The remaining cock in her other hand – Imdall’s – was gently pulled away, and another kiss was shared before Imdall left, leaving her with Durien, who was still buried inside her. Silver-haired and blue-eyed, the fellow was a vision. He was older than the others, more confident, and in Elaina’s opinion, more attractive.

Unlike his crewmates, Durien looked to be in no hurry to leave. In fact, he pushed his slender hips forward and buried himself fully in Elaina’s very willing body. Without saying a word, he leaned forward, supporting himself above her on straight arms. Ever so slowly, he withdrew his cock almost all the way out of her just long enough to make her miss that feeling of fullness before he drove his hips home again, his heavy balls slapping against her ass.

“Oh, fuck!” Elaina cried, gripping his upper arms tightly as he began to fuck her, repeating the same long, deep strokes time and again. Durien’s thrusts gradually began to increase in speed, but lost nothing in intensity, each powerful movement hammering her into the cushions below. Elaina loved sex in all it’s different forms, but rarely was anything better than a good, thorough fucking.

The skilled Elf sat back up slightly and hooked a strong hand behind each of her knees, changing the angle of her hips, which brought his long, thick cock into contact with different, deeper places inside her already well-fucked pussy as he continued to pummel her.

Automatically, her hands came to her tits and gripped them tightly as Durien fucked her with everything he had, his lean muscles rippling beneath his pale skin. Eventually, Durien exploded inside her once again, and Elaina came hard as she felt his hot seed spurting deep inside her. He collapsed onto her, and she wrapped her arms and legs around his slender body, kissing him everywhere she could reach as his spasming hips slowly came to a stop.

After many moments, Durien raised himself up a little so he could look Elaina in the eyes. “Thank you, eruchen,” he said quietly. “Being with you is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.”

“Thank you, Durien,” she said, smiling up at him. She was always grateful to her lovers, for sharing themselves with her.

“I should head back up,” Durien whispered. “But, perhaps if I’m lucky, I will get some more time with you before we arrive at your destination.”

“I hope so,” Elaina said sincerely. She watched him gracefully step across the lavishly-cushioned cabin as he left, in particular the way his bottom moved as he walked. It was wonderful spending so much time with a people who were not afraid to express themselves intimately, as was often the case with humans and some other cultures.

It would be easy for Elaina to lose herself among the Elves, and live in Ildernass with all these beautiful, loving people, but she had work to do, and Aran needed her; she’d felt it more strongly over the past few days. She didn’t know how she knew it, only that her deepest instincts were telling her so.

As she pulled her clothes back on, she found herself wondering what Aran was up to. She knew he was on his way to Amina’s Temple, but hadn’t heard from him in several days. Surely, he must be almost there by now.

The sounds of shouts on the deck above brought Elaina from her thoughts, and she rushed up to see what the commotion was. On deck, lithe, shirtless Elves dashed about, hauling ropes and clambering about in the rigging while Durien shouted orders from the tiller, his silver hair shining in the late afternoon sunlight.

Induin and Liaren dashed up, broad smiles on their stunning, identical faces. “We’re pulling in to shore!” Liaren said excitedly.

“We’ll be less than a day’s walk from the mountains!” Induin added.

Although Elaina preferred men, she had certainly had her fair share of fun with women, and couldn’t help but admire the two Elvish beauties before her. Identical in face and slender form, but Liaren had hair of brown and eyes of deep green, while Induin had silver hair and eyes of clear blue. They were wearing their usual forest-green, tight breeches, but like the men running around, they had foregone shirts, leaving their petite breasts bared.

Sure enough, when she dragged her eyes away from the twins and looked north, the Karvani Mountains towered in the near distance, tall and snow-capped. Elaina had no idea where exactly the entrance to the temple was, but she had faith in her vala; she would find it.

Wait. What did Induin just say? “What do you mean ‘we’ll’ be less than a day’s walk?” Elaina asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Liaren answered. “That’s right, eruchen! We’re coming with you!”

When Elaina opened her mouth to protest, Induin interjected. “We want to see Aran! And we want to see your Temple! Besides,” she added with a wink, “We know you enjoy our company.”

Elaina couldn’t stop the grin that crept across her face. Truthfully, she did like the twins – insufferable as they were at times – and she couldn’t deny them a chance to see Aran; they were melded to him, after all. “Alright,” she agreed. “I can’t think of a good reason to keep you away. Do your people know you are leaving Ildernass?”

They nodded in unison, but Liaren replied. “We are in our free years, so it’s expected of us to be out in the world rather than home.”

“What are ‘free years’?” Elaina asked curiously.

“Well,” Induin began. “When we are young – between eighty and one-hundred and fifty years or so – we spend our time exploring and learning about the world in whatever way we choose, and we have little in the ways of responsibility until later in our life. Some choose to remain home in their free years, though they are normally pretty boring Elves, if you ask me!”

“We take up the responsibilities of leaders later in our lives,” Liaren added. “When we are wise enough to be trusted with such things.”

Elaina nodded, impressed. Much could be learned from Elvish culture, if people could be brought to see the value.

The boat was soon safely moored and a long plank was extended to the nearby riverbank, allowing Elaina, Induin and Liaren to disembark. The twins were once again fully dressed now, in soft, knee-high boots of brown leather, and tight coats of the same forest-green as their hip-and-thigh-hugging breeches.

Farewells were said first, however, with much embracing and kissing between the women and the sailors. Elaina felt a small pang of sadness as she set foot on land for the first time in days and turned to wave one last time to the crew before the trees swallowed her and her two companions.

“We’ll travel through the night,” Elaina told the twins as they walked away from the river. “I am not precisely sure of the location of the Temple yet, but it will come to me.”

Induin and Liaren simply nodded, their heads swiveling as they scanned the surrounding trees for danger. They needn’t have worried; Elaina had expanded her vala as far as she was able – which was about a half-mile or so – and could sense everything within the radius. There were no towns or villages for nearby in any direction, so using her powers shouldn’t place them in danger.

It wasn’t more than a few hours into their trek that the land began to slope upward, indicating that they’d entered the foothills. Trees thinned and grass gradually disappeared as the earth turned from soil to rock. As they climbed, the temperature cooled and the breeze began to bite, tugging insistently at their hair and clothes.

The afternoon quickly became twilight, and in turn became night, though it bothered the three women not; Elaina’s vala provided her all the sight she needed, and the Elves could see in the dark.

Suddenly Elaina got a nagging sensation that told her instead of continuing to climb north, they should first head east for a bit. “We need to head east, and then north, I think,” she said to the twins, who were happy to comply.

Sure enough, heading east led them to where a wide section of the rocky hills looked distinctly different to its surroundings. Ascending levels of weathered rock too flat to be natural led further up into the mountains proper. It was unmistakable; these were once stairs, thirty feet wide and carved into the very mountain itself.

They climbed the long flight, noticing pillars and statues lining the stairs, beaten and worn by the last five hundred years of wind and rain. Some patterns on the pillars were recognisable, though most had all but vanished, as had the faces and features on the many statues. Perhaps they were famous Paladins, their memory lost to the centuries.

Induin and Liaren looked around in wonder as they climbed. “This was a sacred place,” Liaren whispered as she brushed fingers across what was once a statue of a man holding a sword. “A holy place.”

“It was one of the Grand Temples,” Elaina said quietly. “Hundreds, if not thousands of Paladins lived here, sharing their vala with all who required it.”

“Thousands of eruchen?” Induin said in awe. “What would such a world be like?”

Elaina had often wondered the same. “A peaceful one, I think, Induin. And a happy one.”

At that moment, a beacon blazed in Elaina’s mind, and a golden light shone briefly in the distance, just outside the range of Elaina’s vala. A smile broke out on her face and she quickened her step. “We’re almost there! Come on!”

It was a weary party that was camped in the foothills of the Karvanis. The days had been long, even on horses, due to traveling over more difficult terrain in order to keep away from roads and towns and villages. All were saddle-sore, with nobody in the party used to being on horseback for so long.

Aran was feeling less tired than the others looked, and he suspected Sara was much the same as he, as their vala were lending them strength. From where he was sitting cross-legged on the ground next to the small fire, he studied the beautiful young woman as she tied her horse to a nearby tree.

Sara had truly blossomed in a way that seemed nothing short of miraculous. The once skinny, underfed urchin girl living on the streets of Maralon had become a goddess with long, flowing brown hair framing a perfect face and a slender yet curved body that looked designed by a master artisan. Her breasts were full, and her hips flared away from a slim waist and down into creamy thighs that went for days.

She was fully clothed at present, but Aran had seen her in her skin enough times that he had her memorised in every detail. He very much looked forward to the day that her training was complete and he could share himself with her.

Sara must have sensed him looking, because she looked over from where she was stroking her horse’s neck and smiled warmly, adding a wink for good measure.

Aran returned the smile, then went back to staring into the fire as the rest of the camp settled down. They were a diverse bunch, all of them descendants of Servants of Aros, the ancient servants – or caretakers might be a better word – of the Paladins, who passed their knowledge and ways down to each new generation so that when the Paladins outlived them, their children could continue to serve.

Servants were held in high regard by the Order, and Aran could see why; they were noble, loyal, and dedicated. There was Sorla Kargen, the half-orc from Maralon, whom Aran had Melded on their first night together. Tall and statuesque, she had a very generously proportioned body. Silky raven hair tumbled down to her back and framed a beautiful face with high cheekbones, full lips and large, dark eyes that Aran often lost himself in. Due to her orc heritage, two petite tusks jutted out from her bottom eye teeth, only just visible above her lip.

Erik was a human scholar, a fit, square-shouldered fellow with salt-and-pepper hair approaching his middle years. Erik loved to discuss all things historical, and Aran had learned much from the learned fellow in recent days.

Sylvia was the youngest of the group except perhaps for Sara. The bouncy half-Elf was a delight to have around; clever and cheeky and gorgeous to boot. Short, with long golden hair and big emerald eyes, she had a slim, slender body and was nimble and quick; a born scout.

Lynelle was Sylvia’s mother, and provided the elven side of her daughter’s heritage. Tall, slender and graceful, Lynelle was around a century-and-a-half old. Straight brown hair fell around her typically beautiful elven face, with high cheekbones, large brown eyes and flawless skin. Her breasts were somewhat larger than her daughter’s, as she was pure Elf, and her body would gradually grow more voluptuous for the next few hundred years.

Erik, Lynelle, Sylvia and Sorla were chatting and laughing while they opened various saddlebags in search of food, while the fifth Servant – Liddea – plopped herself down next to Aran.

Liddea was a dwarf, with fiery curled hair that she wore long. Today it was in a braid, which was nestled in her massive, pale cleavage. Dwarf women were notably rounder of breast and hip and thigh than other races, and Liddea was no exception. Fat would not be the word to describe her; she was more pleasantly plump than anything. Her round face was really quite pretty, with its luscious red lips and button nose, and her blue eyes were crinkled at the corners due to her ready smile.

The shorter woman shuffled closer until her leg was pressed against his knee and she could rest her head on his arm.

Aran put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her comfortingly. “Everything alright, Liddea?”

Her hair rubbed against his sleeve as she nodded. “Just tired,” she said quietly.

“We’re almost there, you know,” Aran said reassured her. “We’re in the foothills, now, which means it’s not far. I expect we’ll arrive tomorrow.”

“My mother always told me that one day the Paladins would come again,” Liddea whispered. “But I never thought it would be in my lifetime.”

“Thank you for staying true, Liddea.” Aran said sincerely. “I don’t think we could tackle the problems ahead without the Servants.”

“I almost renounced my vow, once,” Liddea said slowly. “It was years ago, when my mother died. When I was younger, she and I had a fight because I wanted more than to live in some backwater hovel in poverty, so I left for Maralon to seek a better life, leaving my parents behind. When I returned a year later to visit, she was gone, buried in the back field, and my father wouldn’t talk to me.”

Aran just listened, sensing she had more to say.

“I almost renounced my faith in Aros, that day,” the dwarf continued. “But the one thing that kept me from it was my mother’s faith. She honoured it, and so do I.” She looked up at him, a tear in the corner of her eye. “And I’m glad I did, else I would never have met you.”

“I’m glad you did, too,” Aran said before he bent his head to kiss her.

“Alright, you two!” Sorla said playfully as she approached the fire with a tray of dried meats, cheese and flatbread. “There’ll be enough time for that later. For now, let’s eat!”

Side by side, the weary group ate and talked quietly before they retired for the night.

Aran had been dreaming a pleasant dream involving himself, Elaina and Amina naked and writhing on a huge bed when a cold hand gripped his heart and yanked him away to another place.

He was looking down on a scene playing out below. A torrid orgy was taking place in a large tent, and somehow, Aran was able to see through the top of the canvas and look right in. Some of the participants he remembered from previous visions, others were new. Four naked bodies were grunting, sweating and rutting in a frenzy of lust. A fifth – a slender, handsome woman in a sheer black robe was watching from off to one side with a hand between her legs and the other palming a breast.

There was the tall, crimson fellow – whom Aran knew from a previous vision was the half- Demon called Maloth – vigorously fucking a very beautiful, very well-endowed Mor’elda, her monumental breasts rolling to and fro with the surge of the half-Demon’s hips.

Alongside Maloth, another Dark Elf was on his back and being wantonly ridden by the most beautiful creature Aran had ever seen. He’d seen her before, and she’d captured his attention fully, as she did now. Tall and beautiful, black hair like silk, rose-coloured skin and every feminine curve accentuated like the fantasy of an adolescent boy come to life. How could such a beautiful creature exist? Surely, she was a goddess walking the world of lesser creatures!

Aran could sense his sleeping body, and felt the immense pressure in his loins as he looked upon sex personified. ‘No!’ he screamed in his own mind as he fought the dark lust rising inside him once again. This had happened before, when he’d seen this woman in his last vision. Whatever powers she had, they were dangerous.

As Aran struggled to conquer the desire threatening to overtake his mind, the woman stood up, leaving the Mor’elda’s impressive cock waving slickly in the air as she turned to watch the other couple.

Maloth had turned his lover over and inserted himself into her ass, and now he was reaming her roughly, perhaps unnecessarily roughly, except that it looked like she was enjoying it.

Aran watched as the impossibly beautiful woman straddled the Mor’elda woman and sat down on her back while Maloth continued his furious pumping. She then lifted a massive breast in each hand and offered them to Maloth, and he eagerly devoured them with his lips, teeth and tongue.

They looked so similar in face and form, these two creatures, that Aran no longer doubted that they were twin siblings, which marked them as the half-Demon offspring of Darius Sunblade and Morgeth the Corruptor.

It also marked them as Aran’s blood kin.

Unable to tear his eyes away, he watched the Demon woman lie down on top of the Mor’elda’s back and open her legs for Maloth. He quickly pulled free of the Elf’s ass and slid himself deep into the waiting pussy of his twin.

Aran awoke frustrated, and not just because these visions were giving him no clue as to the whereabouts of these Demons. The other thing that bothered him was the way he’d nearly been overwhelmed by the Demon woman; the dark lust had been so tempting, so inviting, so sweet.

Is that the power these creatures wielded? Some dark perversion of the vala of Aros? If Aran, a trained Paladin had struggled to resist, then what chance could an ordinary person have? Maloth and his sister must be gathering power quickly indeed, for there would be few – perhaps none – who could withstand such a seductive energy.

Aran got to his feet without disturbing Liddea, who had been cuddled up beside him by the dying fire. The others were all sleeping, clustered together under their cloaks nearby. Aran didn’t know how long he’d slept, but the pre-dawn had not yet touched the eastern sky. He was tempted to wake everyone and move on immediately, but decided to let them sleep another hour.

No longer in the mood for sleep, Aran scooped up his sword and moved off a short way to practice until it was time to break camp. His mind was working as well as his body as he flowed smoothly through his forms in the way Smythe had taught him.

His thoughts moved through his consciousness like water down a river, appearing and then vanishing in the moment, never lingering too long. The Heralds, the Demons, the Servants, Elaina, all drifting past as he worked. His thoughts also turned to the last time he’d killed men, when Sara and Sylvia had been in danger. Anger bubbled hotly in his gut as he remembered the men who had intended to violate a defenseless Sylvia.

Lost in the moment, Aran was unaware that his blade had begun to hum softly as it sliced the air, a pulsing rhythm that danced in time with his simmering fury. He worked his body harder, doubling his speed, somewhat amazed in the back of his mind how precise he remained, even at this pace. The weapon felt as if it were coming alive, almost as if it wanted to pull itself into each swing, each thrust.

It was the glow that stopped him in mid-swing, and he stood frozen, studying the way his blade had changed from silvery steel to orange-red, for all the world as if it had been stuck back in a forge-fire. Indeed, a fierce heat emanated from the blade, which hissed faintly in the night air, but strangely the hilt remained cool.

All vala -forged weapons revealed their powers eventually, but what had triggered this? Moments ago he had felt angry, furious even, toward those that would do harm to his friends, and the blade had begun to awaken.

A memory flashed, of Aran standing over the watchman that had intended to rape Sylvia, his blade against the man’s throat. He remembered seeing the truth in the fellow’s eyes, about how many women he’d preyed upon. Then Aran had taken his head.

The blade hissed fiercely as if in response to the memory, shining like a beacon in the night, the colour lightening from orange-red to yellow-white, radiating incredible heat.

“What is that?”

Aran turned to see Sara standing a short way off, shielding her eyes with a hand. “It would seem my blade has awakened.”

“It’s incredible!” She breathed, stepping closer and gingerly holding a hand towards the glowing sword. “So hot! Is it burning your hand?”

Aran shook his head. “No, it’s quite comfortable, really.” Curious, he gingerly touched a finger to the hot steel, but to his skin it felt cool.

Smythe had taught him that once his weapon awoke, he could give it a name, but for the life of him he couldn’t think of anything as good as ‘Lightbringer,’ which was the name of Smythe’s enormous blade.

The glowing weapon hissed, and Aran listened, hoping some clue would come to him. What had been feeling just now? Anger, fury, rage even, but none of those sounded right.

“Oroth,” came a second voice, a lilting, pleasant melody. Lynelle stepped closer, smiling as she beheld Aran and Sara.

“Oroth?” Sara asked.

“The Tar’elda were once revered as master smiths,” Lynelle said quietly. “Similar to the Dwarves, but our crafts were elegant and graceful, where theirs were sturdy, strong and stark. Our steel was fine, and it did not rust or turn dull with time or use. We had an affinity something like your vala-forging, Aran, which gave us the power to give some form of life, or character to what we were making.”

Lynelle’s gaze was fixed on the sword, and she was close enough now that her beautiful face was illuminated by the glow. “This blade sings a song, Aran, of fire and rage, of fierce love and hope, a warning to those who would stand against what you represent, and a promise of swift retribution if they do.”

A single word burned itself into Aran’s mind. “Oroth,” he whispered. It was a word he’d never heard before, yet it sounded familiar, like he’d always known it.

Lynelle smiled at him. “Yes, Oroth suits. It’s Old Elvish, and in the common tongue it means ‘righteous, mighty fury,’ or thereabouts. Translations are sometimes difficult.”

“Oroth,” Aran said again, louder this time, and the blade seemed to sigh in contentment as the glow slowly receded until it was back to normal, cold steel.

“I feel like something very important just happened,” Sara said slowly, looking between Aran and Lynelle.

Aran agreed, though he couldn’t say exactly what had changed. A glance at the sky showed him that dawn was approaching. It was time to move. “Let’s wake the others and get moving,” he said as he sheathed Oroth at his hip. He was half-concerned about the leather scabbard catching fire, but for all appearances, the blade appeared back to normal.

Sara and Lynelle quickly woke Sorla, Liddea, Sylvia and Erik, and soon the party was on the move once again, climbing into the foothills of the Karvani Mountains where Amina awaited.

Maloth sat alone in his tent, staring at his hands. Large, crimson and strong they were, much like the rest of him. He flexed his fingers, feeling the new power that flowed through every muscle, every joint and bone. Binding Adelain had increased his harem to five women, each one bringing him more power.

Was there a limit to his abilities? Or would he continue to grow stronger without end? The increase in power had also made him aware that his pets must be kept safe at all costs; if any of them died, he would lose part of the power he had worked so hard to gain. If they all died...

He cast the thought from his mind and turned to more constructive things. He had sent the two Morgai and a handful of Mor’tirith to scout out Amindaer Fortress to the south. If it was as impenetrable as Morin seemed to think, then he wanted to know as much about it as he could. They should be back anytime, now; it had been two days.

Thunder rumbled outside, booming across the plains and heralding yet another storm. They had been frequent, in the last several days, bringing howling winds and torrential rain, but oddly the camp had remained undamaged. Maloth rather enjoyed the wild tempests, they sang to him, as if their fury were a symbol of his rising power.

An unpleasant flash of warmth suddenly flared inside him, causing his skin to prickle and sweat to break out from his pores. His vision was roughly dragged to another place, where he was looking down on several people riding through hills. Maloth recognised the young man leading the group from the last time this strange vision had occurred, with the sword on his hip and his long hair tied back with a leather cord.

There was one other man in the group, and five attractive women. One of the women looked to be Elvish, and another Dwarven, and another human, while the two others looked to be half-breeds of some kind, perhaps of Orc and Elvish stock.

Maloth watched as the only human woman – a beautiful, brown haired creature – rode up beside the leader to speak with him. Somehow, Maloth was able to hear them.

“Aran,” the woman said. “We were thinking of stopping for a quick meal.”

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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Choda Part 8211 2

Hello frnds. Thanks for ur response to my first story. I m back wit a new story of mine wch is vry real nd nt a fantasy or a fiction. For new readers my name is ravi, 37 yrs old. Ths is a story bout my frnds wife ruchi nd me. She is 35 yrs old nd vry vry hot. She is deprived of sex by her hubby nd thts hw i got a chance to bang her. Ab zyada time waste nh karunga aur seedha story pe aa jata hoon. Pehli baar ruchi ko chodne ke baad usko mere lund ka chaska lag gaya tha aur usko chudai ke alaya...

1 year ago
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BangBus Bailey Base Anal on The Bus

This week, we roamed around the streets of Miami looking for a money hungry chick. We came across this hot 19 year old at a bus stop. After persuading her, she agreed to hop in the BangBus for an “interview.” However, once we started flashing cash at her, we knew she’d be down for anything. We convinced her to get fucked by our man, Tyler Steel. She chocked on his cock for sometime and then proceeded to get her pussy penetrated in several positions all over the bus. But that wasn’t all of it,...

4 years ago
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Beer And PussyBois Part 2

I posed a frightened expression to get them even more riled up and quickly I was surrounded. Hands began grasping at me. A spank on my bunns. Fingers in my hair. Bulges began forming. I, of course, was locked in a CB-6000. One of them forced me to my knees while another pulled on my arms putting me in doggie. That's when the unmistakeable sound of flies unzipping filled the room. My legs were spread wide by a set of knees behind me, a large cock displayed in front of my face as the tip of...

3 years ago
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How a lesbain turn to straight

HOW A LESBIAN TURN To STRAIGHT Hi This is Naveen Kumar from Delhi, regular reader of ISS from last one year narrating my real encounter with a lesbian, three months ago when I was returning from Mumbai to Delhi by jet air flight . I am Naveen kumar(Name changed) aged 44 years single divorcee medium built , wheatish complexion with sharp features looks below 40 years resident of Delhi keep travelling to various places due to official work. I m working for a private company as a General manager...

2 years ago
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Atm Ki Line Ne Dilayi Choot

Hiii friends…M from rounak…Age 24 from delhi… Ye story ek married lady ki hai…Kaise atm ki line ki wajah se usko impress kar k pataya Aur uski fucking kari…   So nov k month me paise nikalne k liye main atm line pe khada tha…Line kafi lambi thi.. But mera no 15 logo k bad tha…To aise hi timepass karne k liye idher udher main dekh raha tha.. Suddenly line me piche khadi ek bhabi ko dekha…Dekhne me aachi thi..Name-neha (changed) Height 5.5 ki hogi,age-32 Size-36-30-34 h…Usko dekhte hi mera lund...

1 year ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 14 The Courage Jars

"Get naked now, you naughty boy!" My husband is already hard by the time he's finished undressing. I remain dressed in my business suit, but I made a point of letting him see that I was removing my panties as he came into the bedroom after coming home from work, and I deliberately wore sexy red panties to work that day. "Over here. Hands on your knees." I like this position, me standing over him as he bends and waits for it. I land the single hard smack on the opposite ass cheek from the last...

4 years ago
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Gambling Affair

Sitting at her kitchen table drinking her coffee as she reads the morning paper, her routine is similar each day. In fact she makes sure to do the same things every morning, she doesn’t like to be rushed. Reading one of the stories on the sports page, she jumps when her phone rings. Taking it from the counter, she answers without looking to see who it is. ‘Hello?’ ‘Keira?’ ‘Yes, good morning Adam!’ ‘Keira, I know this is last minute. But I would like to sneak away to Vegas with you for the...

2 years ago
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Friend of the Wood Part One of Two

Terra pulled back the curtains and grinned as morning sunlight streamed into the room. The day was bright and beautiful – the perfect start to her first summer vacation from college. As much as she enjoyed the classes that would lead her into her career as a veterinarian, balancing that with an active social life had left her in need of a break. A groan emerged from the direction of her twin sister Ella’s bed. “Too early,” she muttered as she pulled the covers over her head. Her brilliant green...

1 year ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 4 Crusted Complications

The USS Gromsmaro was not a supply transporter and not a unit of the Science Council. She was a full sized, late model Union battleship under the command of Captain Bronbohr, a four meters tall Vvolti. Bronbohr was not the most liked commanding officer in the Union fleet, but there was hardly one more correct or fair. His ship and crew were among the top ten vessels in the entire spatial navy in terms of response to alert times, simulated battle honors, efficiency ratings and so forth. The...

3 years ago
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Was fr eine Familie Ein Geburtstag mit Folgen

Mein Name ist Tom und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Als Schwimmer, kann ich auch von mir behaupten, gut gebaut zu sein – durchtrainiert, aber nicht zu viele Muskeln. Ich wohne noch bei meinen Eltern und habe auch leider keine Geschwister. Alles begann, als meine Tante (34 Jahre) und ihre Tochter – meine Cousine – zum Geburtstag meiner Mutter kamen. Tamara machte mich an, seit sie 14/15 war, aber bisher hatte ich keine Möglichkeit, mich an sie heran zu machen. Wie oft habe ich auf dem Bett gelegen und...

3 years ago
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Randi Ki Kahani 8211 Part 2

Or wo aik kutia ki tara zabaan bahir nikal kar hanf rahi thi………………………………. Kutty Harami Dallay Bhenchod Gando Meiny aik zoor ka tamacha uski choot par mara jis sa wo mazeed tarap gai or is sa phely ka wo zara sakoon mein ati jalti hoi moom bati (candle) meiny uski choot mein dal di……..Or or or aik sssssssss………….Ki awaz saw moom bati bhujh gai or dohwan uski choot sa nikalny laga…………kia nazara tha wo…..Mugh sa raha nahi gaya or apna loora uski phudi mein daal dia……….Uski cheekh ki kia baat...

4 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 10

The dinner had been delicious even if Bonnie only picked at her food. Her appetite these days was not strong, plus what she had to discuss with Martin kept her preoccupied throughout the meal. She had arrived this afternoon, Martin meeting her flight, yet even though he had tried to get her to share what was on her mind, she had told him she wanted a quiet, private setting. He had agreed and so the talk had turned to inane things, light and frivolous, Martin finding it difficult not to probe...

2 years ago
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Competitive Affairs

My wife Julie and I have been married for 12 years. We have eight c***dren and she is currently pregnant for the eighth time. Yes that's number nine in the oven. One of the previous seven pregnancies was a set of fraternal twins, hence the eight k**s.Our family is rather large for a modern family, but we are quite happily married and the k**s add another loving dimension to our relationship. My wife and I, like many married couples, have had our little differences and spats over the years, but...

2 years ago
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From Husband to Castrated Sissy

From Husband to Castrated SissyKimmie Holland ?Oh my god!?My wife looked up over the muscular shoulder of the huge black guy nailing her on our bed. Her long tanned legs wrapped around v-shaped torso. ?Hi honey. What are you doing home early???Kelli what the fuck’s going on here?!?At that, the black guy turned and shot me a nasty glance. ?What’s it look like we doing, genius? I’m dicking your old lady. Now get out of here fuckshit I ain’t finished.??Better go downstairs dear,? Kelli said,...

3 years ago
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She Thought She Had Control

I know it’s not normally how he wants it to be, but luckily enough, he allows me to have slight control when it comes to giving him oral once in a while. He knows how much it turns me on to do so. When I'm a good girl, he allows me the pleasure of doing as I wish, for as long as he can tolerate, before taking back the control. He is laying completely naked on the bed for me. I climb onto the bed on top of him as he watches me. I, too, am naked. Our skin brushes against each other lightly as I...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Sex With My Lusty Manager

Hey guys I would like to post my life experience about me I am 23 years of age and working for a software mnc and I stay in Bangalore. So the story starts here. I have written story in short because I don’t wanna make u feel bored that’s y. Mail me. I’m waiting for your msgs. I was working in this mnc from past 2 years as soon as I finished my graduation and its almost 2 years in the company, I used to work in day shift and my team consisted of 22 members, we used to develop software, I had one...

4 years ago
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Reenactors Heaven The Aftermath

It had been three months since my last re-enactment, where I was twisted around on my ankle, and the ankle was still hurting me, still going out from under me. Finally, the tedium of taping it up and icing it daily had gotten too much for me to power on. I reluctantly booked an appointment with my GP. It took a week to get into see him. As he examined my ankle I explained how it happened, and he told me to take anti-inflammatory pills when it was playing up as well as referring me to see a...

4 years ago
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my math teacher fucking my twink ass day 3

So I'm sitting here in some pink panties with my dick popping out but I'm not ready to jerk off just yet so I figured I would tell you about the third time I fucked my high school math teacher. So this is the day after we fucked for the first time and two days after I blew him for the first time. If you want those stories, they're on my page. Anywho! Here's the story of the first of many mornings I went in for a fuck.I was only a freshman at the time so my mom had to drive me to school earlier...

3 years ago
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Sunlight pooled like golden water, warm waves licking at the tousled blankets on the bed. Delia woke to the sound of a lawn mower starting in the neighbor’s yard, her bleary eyes cracking open only enough to ascertain what the disturbance was. It was morning. She stretched like a cat, pushing aside covers that were musky and sweet from the night before. Her blond hair fell about her as she rose, rippling down her spine like platinum snakes of tangled silk. She padded to the kitchen, yawning...

2 years ago
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What Are Friends For

I sat at the table in the corner of the Red Lion. In front of me were two pints of Hobgoblin, one for Eric and one for me. I knew from the start that something was wrong. I often met Eric for a drink on a Friday and we would go over the business of the week. It was just over a year since I had opened up the second branch of Drive In Auto Services and put Eric in charge of the first one. He had shown himself to be more than up to the job and everything was ticking over nicely. Fridays were the...

4 years ago
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Friday Night Part 1

It was a normal day at school for Jenny. She had just finished History, which she hated, and was excited for the party at hers after school. At 9 everyone would be coming over (and by everyone, i mean about 5 other girls and her sister). She had 5 hours to make sure that the house was perfect, and to convince her parents everything would be all right. Her sister, Donna, had other plans though. Donna was known around school for being a complete slut, regularly sucking off freshman, and...

2 years ago
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Jessica Gets Tricked

Jessica's body was soaked with sweat. Her freshly high-lit hair was already damp and she wasn't sure her thick mascara wouldn't start running down her cheeks. It was one of those 'sticky' days, as she always thought of them. Hot and humid without a cloud in the sky. The kind of day where a white tank top and her Daisy Dukes were the only option. Forget the bra and panties, she knew they'd be coming off soon anyway.She sat on a shabby, second hand couch in the middle of nowhere staring at the...

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We fucked out near the beach area

My mom married her father when i was 19 and out of the house already. I knew her when i was in school and she was on the cheerleading squad. When our parents got married we kidded around some about getting together and going out. It never paned out for her father was a real bastard and made sure we always had someone around if i took her someplace. He knew my reputation of fucking anything that moved or not. One weekend we decided to get around her father and get out, she told her father she...

3 years ago
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Ghosts of the Past Ch 07

New Year’s Eve 1956 in Los Angeles was also an unforgettable night for Rick and Dawn Estevez and Jon and Barbara North. They attended a party hosted by a civic organization specifically for members of the police force. Rick’s partner, Larry Wilson, and Jon’s partner, Jerry Olson, were also there. Neither of them was married and they didn’t bring dates, so they were hanging around with their partners and their wives. Dawn and Barbara had excused themselves to go to the ladies room for a few...

1 year ago
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My First Flight

My name is Eric and this is one my Stories  I looked out the window of the cab as it got closer and closer to the airport. When a voice asked me if i was nervous. i looked over at my girlfriend and replied “kinda” see this was my first flight and I’m extremely afraid of heights .Crenshanna reassured me that everything would be ok and that she was right there with me. As we grabbed our things out of the cab and walked in the airport. We found our gate and bored the plane. Crenshanna took the...

4 years ago
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55 Saal Ki Nani Ke Sath Kiya Sambhog

Hey friends, I’m Addy and mai apko aj 2 chudiya ki story ek me hi btane ja rha hu ki kese mai apni chachi ki mummy yani ke nani ko chodte hue chachi ke upar chada ab sidha story pe aata hu.. Sbse pehle mai nani ke bare me bta du vo ek 55 saal ki age it aurat hai or unke pati 3-4 saal pehle hi exp ho gye hai or vo akeli rehti hai or mere ghar se kareeb 30 min ka raasta hai or job karti ho vo hospital me tho baat kuch ye thi ki ek din vo mere hi ghr me jha chachi or hum sab sath me rehti hai vo...

1 year ago
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Milky boobs of sister

Hi all readers of ISS, I am Sharad 27 from Pune. Here is my real life incest story happened with my elder sister Poonam. We grew together and shared same room, but nothing was happened between us. It happened after both of us got married and settled in our respective married life. So friends here I have narrated that how it happened. I am married for last two years. My wife Nila is 25 and we don’t have any issue. My elder sister Poonam is 29 and married for last 5 years. Her husband Paresh is...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Aag Bujayi Puri Raat

Hello friends this is Remo a guy from Delhi, M aaj aapko ek real life story sunata hun ye un dino ki bat hai jab m 21 saal ka tha m kuch apne bare m bata dun pahle m Remo from Delhi I’m 6 feet tall slim built n I m pursuing engg course at tht time ye story meri aur mere girflriend ki hai jo mere sath 9th class se hai uski height 5.4 good looking and she is doing BSC nursing a very mature girl. Ab kahani p ate hain m delhi m padata tha aur wo Varanasi m raheti thi to ek din ushne kaha ki mujhe...

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Diving part 1

Hans was bored, it was midsummer, but he had spent all his money on diving equipment and repairs on his boat. His buddy was away working on an offshore oil rig, and most of the other divers he knew were on holiday or busy painting their houses, so no diving. He strolled downtown, not much happening on a Tuesday morning. Perhaps he could find the hairdresser he spent the weekend in/with, he grinned at the inside joke. At least she promised him a free haircut, or perhaps she was up to some...

3 years ago
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Nap at lake brings a BIG benefit

[It has been 4 months since I posted. I have 30 stories in some shape or another, ready to be posted. I'd love to post for you, but here is the catch. I HATE posting and never 1) getting any ratings and 2) never getting feedback!!! So, I am going to post a few of my stories this weekend and if I get good feedback, I may feel motivated to keep writing...I really do hope you enjoy... because I want to hear about how much you enjoy it!!]Summer is my busy season, and after racking up 70 hours...

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Morning I awoke with a start and slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I climbed out of bed in a daze, but quickly gained awareness when my feet hit the floor and felt the stiffness in my thighs from yesterdays jogging. A cool breeze blew in from the cracked window and my nipples were instantly erect. Goose bumps appeared on my toned thighs and arms as I went to shut the window. I was prepared for today’s tryouts and almost walked past my mirror in anticipation....

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Great Position for Anal

This is my first time to write anything like this and submit on the internet. But I just have to share about the amazing sexual experience I had on New Year’s Eve. There is so much I could share but I want to keep this as brief as possible and share the best of the best moments of the night. First, I need to make one thing clear. I am a female and I absolutely love anal sex. Yes, I said it. I love it up the ass. I know that not all women do and I certainly do not expect everyone to love it. My...

1 year ago
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Bioterrorism AftermathChapter 5

It was a late morning in early October when our road sensors went off for the twenty-fifth time. The rest had been individuals and small groups escaping their captors or simply looking for greener pastures. One coed group of ten stopped at the Oregon Border and called us or we might never have known they were there. They were all on horseback with horses pulling three wooden wagons of supplies and I don’t think their wagons would have set off the road sensors. I guess the metal in their...

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A recurring fantasy

My palms and my knees sank into the thickly padded rubberized flooring as I crawled through darkness, one hand reaching out in front of me probing the pitch blackness. It was warm and humid and I could hear sweaty bodies smacking against each other, and squishing sounds, and the moans and groans of pleasure being given and received. I inched onward. Surely I would make contact soon; I sensed people all around me.The darkness and the party rules assured my anonymity. Before entering the play...

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Pioneer VillageChapter 7

The arrangement with Rebecca worked well. In fact, it worked in an outstanding manner. Marty was surprised how well they worked together and how fast Rebecca caught on to the work. It appeared as if they were getting about two and a half times the work done that Marty could accomplish alone. Marty and Rebecca spent the mornings doing the harder physical work on both places. They tended the gardens, the crops and livestock then after lunch they worked in the mill or on Marty’s projects trying...

4 years ago
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Warlords Toy

You look over the hill at the massive army of monsters gathered bellow. Tens of thousands of demons, ghouls, orcs, and werewolves march side by side down from a pathway. Which leads back to an intimidating castle made of black stone, crude metal and surrounded by moat of pitch black water. As you watch this force of pure destruction march out towards a valley you see 9 black dragons flying above, screeching a near defining cry that would fill even the greatest of heroes with terror. Seeing this...

1 year ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 7 Hold The Line

Saturday, October 20, 2018 There were a number of interesting results from the show. The Matucket County Council protested that nobody was forced out and then began threatening to sue anybody who said so. Nobody listened to them, and they didn’t sue anybody. The FBI issued another statement that Matucket had been an essential part of the elimination of the terrorist threat and that they had never really lost track of anybody. Bo got a couple of interviews where he pushed the law-and-order...

1 year ago
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Bird SongChapter 10 Home alone

Laura continued to scream at her abductors from the rear seat of the jeep. The man in the passenger seat turned and pointed a rifle at her between the two front seats. She could see his black eyes glinting with anger and she knew her time was up. That thought had just gone through her head when the man lunged forward, jabbing the muzzle of the rifle hard into her belly. The air whooshed out of her and pain exploded through her body. "Shut up you little whore!" he screamed at her. With...

3 years ago
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Linda Had a Talent

Linda had a talent. She also had a quick mind and an exciting body, but her talent was what got her ahead and eventually got her in trouble, a lot of trouble. I met Linda when she and I entered high school, and I admired her, OK, to be honest, lusted after her from the start. She had a pretty face, long legs and a killer body. I was fourteen and she was about a half-year older, not that it made any difference. She was sexually experienced and relaxed while I was sexual ignorant and very...

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She Got What She Asked For

I'll never forget the night Meagan came home and dropped a bomb on our marriage. I had just put our son to bed, and as she undressed in the master bathroom she tells me that she's been thinking and she doesn't feel fulfilled in her sex life anymore and that she wants to try having another lover. I was shocked, but at the same time releaved. She explained that she still loved me and wanted to stay married, she just needed to satisfy her own fetish.I actually understood, and Meagan had always...

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I love mom

Hi this i for y friend In the Morning I couldn’t find Border so I looked in Moms room and there he was fucking Mom. She smiled and said “I wanted one before your Dad comes home tonight.” I sat down on her little sofa and watched Border fuck her. I reached over and pulled his tail up so I could see his cock inside Moms pussy. There was dog cum oozing out of her and I could feel my pussy starting to warm. I asked her if she had ever eaten a pussy. “Why do you ask” she said. Oh I read about it in...

4 years ago
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Neighbour In My Bedroom

"There is a reason, that I like older men," I said to Renard as we lay in the afterglow of our sex. "Sleep with them often do you?" he asked. "No," I said. "You're the first older man I have slept with."He started playing with one of my long plaits, pulling and tugging on it slightly. "I'm honored," he finally said. "I don't intend for this to be a once off," I told him. "I hope you can keep up with me."Renard laughed. "Oh sweetheart, I could say the same thing to you." I joined in with his...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Lexi Luna 30516

Kyle’s neighbor loaned him a ladder and he needs it back. His neighbor is out of town but asks him to go ahead and leave it on the side of the house. While Kyle is there, his neighbor also has him help out his wife, Lexi Luna, with random stuff around the house while he’s away. Kyle finds her in the back yard by the pool tanning. Looks like Lexi is in need of lotion. Kyle applies it to her back and big tits but now Lexi can’t help but crave a cock and lucky for Kyle, a big...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 46

There was a substantial welcoming party waiting as the sub-orbital came in for its landing on New Eden. Meiersdottir's entire estate staff had all turned out to greet their mistress, along with the two of Igwanda's security detail who were currently stationed there. The bulk of his security forces were now based on another nearby island but maintained their vigilance to prevent unauthorized encroachments by either air or sea. And, in equal numbers—still numeric parity, she noted—were the...

1 year ago
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The Malaysia Option

I remember trying to read an endless spreadsheet printout.  The paper roll was draped over my office windows and ran out the door into the hall.  All the office was a buzz, everyone talking about the ‘Malaysia option’. Thank heaven Jackie woke me.  “Wake up sleepyhead, it’s time to get ready for the party.’ I rub my eyes, squinting at the bright lights. Oh yes.  Saturday afternoon.  Tonight is the office Christmas party.  Another office function when I’m not supposed to be at work. When you...

2 years ago
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The Cafe

I'd see you come into the café every morning for coffee unable to take my eyes from your body, your ass straining your tight faded low cut jeans, your tits stretching the various t shirts you wore each day, your long, red curly hair hanging loosely past your shoulders. Our eyes would meet briefly before you went to the counter to serve yourself coffee. You would turn away, pour your coffee, glancing at me over your shoulder with your dazzling eyes then back at the white mug you were filling. I...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 05

I lay in Becca's bed, breathing softly as I masturbated. I pressed Becca's cheerleader panties against my stiff cock as I satisfied myself in her bed. I pumped my cock furiously into her panties as I watched a video of a threesome that I had with Becca and Amber. Becca and Amber were both in their cheerleader uniforms. Their miniskirts were pulled up while their little cheerleader panties had been pulled down and were wrapped around their ankles. I was fucking Becca...

2 years ago
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Jennifers New Life Part 1

My wife, Jennifer, had become more and more aware of the societal revolution taking place. That revolution is interracial dating, fucking, marriage, and breeding. Everywhere we go she would point out to me how beautiful interracial couples looked together. She confided in me that interracial babies were beautiful, and she wanted to know what it would be like to have one, too. We are swingers. We belonged to two local swingers clubs, but they were all white. I enjoy watching Jennifer being...

1 year ago
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Emma Finds Her Master

I am NOT the author.am simply sharingWe agreed to meet in the park. I was to have just a coat and high black boots on. It was late and dark and I was to wait blindfolded. I felt amazingly horny. I heard a car pull up, the door close, and someone coming. I felt his arm touch me, then a collar and chain put around my neck. Then he opened my coat and let the chain go down between my tits, it was long and it touched my clit, the cold of it sending bolts threw me like an electric shock. He led me...

3 years ago
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Christal Persuasion Ch 3Where are the Clowns

If you haven’t already, I would suggest reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Christal Perusasion.http://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/334817.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/343575.htmlI didn’t do it right away, had to swap shifts at the ER, claim a fami1y emergency to get time off. Then it’d taken another few days trolling the places “prick filet” had recommended. But we did discover the older man’s home base. During the hunt, Alex had told me more about Petra. Her life had been even...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 1

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters. This is chapter 1.When I deflowered Jayne she was the oldest virgin I have ever fucked. When I took her virginity she was 85 years old.As mentioned in the previous story about Emily and I, Jayne is an 85 year old virgin with a slim build, good size tits, and wears mumu dresses all the time with nothing under them. She was sheltered and repressed from having sex...

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The Lady Is A Tramp

It was a slow day at the office and I was just about to close up shop and head home when the phone rang, scaring the daylights out of me. Since we are a construction company and usually it is pretty noisy when we are working, the ringer on the phone is set pretty loud. But now with it as quiet as it was, it was deafening and I practically jumped out of my skin when it rang! "Hello, Johnson Brothers Landscaping, can I help you?" I said, once I could speak again. "Yes this is Claudia Wentworth. I...


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