Devlin's StoryChapter 38 free porn video

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"What do you mean he didn't want you to see him leave?" Krissi asked late the next afternoon as they sat on the edge of the pool.

""He didn't want me to run into his parents," Devlin replied. "Apparently the locals have some sort of thing about someone you meet during Spring Break, and he wanted their first impression of me to be a favorable one."

"But his sister's met you."

Devlin nodded. "She's agreed to keep things quiet." She scooped some water over her legs, and then leaned back to catch the sun. They were naked... somewhere in the last few days everyone had removed the last of their clothes; it was just like something Sabrina had said once--after a while you barely noticed.

"Doesn't it strike you as... odd that he didn't want you to meet his parents?"

"A little. But after I talked it over with Linda I could see Evan's point. The people who live down here don't think someone you meet during Spring Break is serious. You know, a 'Spring Fling'."

"Are you? Serious, that is."

"I think so." Devlin swished her feet back and forth in the water. "I went to the airport and saw him leave anyway."

"You did? And did you meet his parents? What were they like? What did they say?"

"I stood back out of the way. I don't know if he saw me or not."

Krissi studied her face. "Couldn't stay away, could you?"

"Not really," Devlin said with a slight shake of her head. "It might be that this was a Spring Fling, but I don't think so." She laughed. "I got very daring as we snorkeled yesterday; I let him take my hand."

"That's daring?" Ellen asked from the chaise lounge behind them.

"It is for Devlin," Krissi said. "At least in this case." She laughed. It's very daring."

"I've gone to bed with every guy I've met socially," Devlin said. "Usually right away. A lot of them I've met in bed, and gotten to know better later."

"You get to know a guy pretty well in bed," Ellen said.

"Well, true. I'm trying to be different with Evan. I don't want this to be primarily a sexual relationship."

"That's how most things end up," Ellen said. "At least in my case."

"That's how all of my relationships end up," Devlin said, "until now. So far there's only one guy I've met in the last year, other than Evan, that I haven't tried to screw within five minutes."

"Is that Doug?" Krissi asked. When Devlin nodded she grinned. "Doug's not quite sure if he's interested in boys or girls," she told Ellen. "Or maybe both."

"If Devlin can't make him interested in girls, then he's gay," Ellen said.

"It's more complicated than that," Devlin said. "The Chairman of his Department is gay, a flaming gay according to Doug, and he wants a gay teaching staff."

"Even the women?"

"Doug said there are three women in the Department. One is a lesbian, one is bisexual, and one is straight. The Department Chairman has been putting pressure on the straight woman, trying to get rid of her. So far she's been resisting him, saying she's their diversity. The Chairman apparently doesn't think of it that way. His view is that having an entirely gay department is the diversity."

"I'm not surprised," Krissi said. "Some universities seem to think that if everybody has a different opinion than the average citizen, that qualifies as diversity. It turns out, of course, that most of the ones who think that are either socialists, or very left-wing."

"As if there's a difference," Devlin said. "My experience is that they're Marxists of different stripes, though for the life of me I can't tell the difference between a Maoist and a Trotskyite."

Krissi shrugged. "There isn't much of one. In my opinion the only difference is whether they'll shoot you now, or wait a little while."

"Oh, come now," Ellen said. "It's not that bad."

"I lived in Europe for several years," Krissi replied, her voice going cold. "There are a lot of Marxists in Western Europe. Strangely enough, there are almost none in Eastern Europe. Apparently their exposure to Marxism cured them of any romantic views of socialism. At least that's what I saw when we were in Krakow."

"I didn't know you lived in Krakow."

"Just for a year. Something or other happened at the embassy there, and my Dad had to go help straighten it out. Beautiful city with some really cool museums and restaurants. But let's get back to the point I'm trying to make. This lack of diversity, or the presence of pseudo-diversity, causes complications. First, it clashes with what the students have experienced all of their lives. Some students try to reject what they grew up with, others look on in bemused tolerance, while most students just pass it off as faculty bullshit."

"There's a lot of that around," Devlin said.

"See? You're part of the third group, which is pretty much the majority. The other complication, of course, is when the students get out into the real world. A lot of the things they learned in college don't work, especially the diversity and political correctness. The real world doesn't work the way a lot of college professors have convinced themselves it should." She chuckled. "The real world can't function that way, it would fall apart. Look at the Balkans. Two or three generations were taught to get along, and the first thing that happens after the police state goes away is what has happened in the Balkans for the last thousand years."

"So, what do we do?" Ellen asked. "What can we do?"

"At the moment, not much. But I don't think this will last. Things are getting more and more extreme, and if there's one thing I learned in those schools in Europe, eventually extremism implodes. If the extremists are in power, then you get what happened in Russia in the 1930's- show trials and massive purges. If they aren't in power, then they fractionate into dozens of squabbling groups."

She waved her hand. "I don't think that's like to happen, though. Their heart isn't in the revolution they claim. Take Doug's Department Chairman. He claims he's providing diversity, doesn't he." Devlin nodded. "In reality he's probably like a lot of gay people I've met: he's more comfortable around other people like him, and he's using his power to bring that about."

"I think Doug would agree with you," Devlin said. "One night he told me what he really thought of his Chairman, and it wasn't very complimentary."

"Most people like his Chairman have such an exalted opinion of themselves that they are pretty contemptuous of the average citizen," Krissi said. "I saw that when we were in England for a couple of months." She grimaced. "I heard them on the Beeb, and--"

"The Beeb?" Ellen asked. "What's the Beeb?"

"Oh, the BBC. They're the broadcast arm of the British Socialist Movement, which is a most of the journalists, most of the college professors, and a bunch of pretend-intellectuals belong to. They despise those who don't share their beliefs. Despite what happened to the Soviet Union, they still worship Socialism."

"You make it sound like a religion," Ellen said, laughing.

"It almost is," Krissi said. "The central doctrine has to be taken on faith; it certainly doesn't work in the real world."

"Have you heard Marina Danikova speak?" Devlin said. "She's a Russian émigré who lives on my floor. She speaks up frequently on things like this."

Krissi shook her head. "I've heard the name, but I've never run into her."

"You might like her. She's a big fan of Chekov, and I know you've told me writers could learn a lot from his plays.

"Anyway, last Fall she was giving a talk about life under Socialism, and somebody told her that Russia hadn't given socialism a chance to work."

Krissi looked surprised. "That must have set her off."

"Marina replied that Russia gave Socialism 70 years and 70 million dead, and that should be more than enough to prove that it doesn't work."

"I bet that shut him up."

"Not really. He began calling her names instead."

"People with weak arguments often do that," Krissi said.

"Yeah, she pointed that out. It might have been different if she'd challenged one of the professors, though they've only got theoretical studies to prove their point, and she's got real-world experience. Her father worked at some Central Planning office in Moscow, and she said he had to use Western economic models to do their work because Marx's economic theories just didn't work."

"They'd probably ignore her," Krissi said. "There's nothing as closed tight as an academic mind that's convinced itself that it's right, and doesn't want to even consider a contrary view."

"I take it you haven't gone to bed with this Doug guy," Ellen said after a bit.

"No, I haven't," Devlin replied. "I've seen him naked, though. He has a nice body. Not a jaw-dropping one, but nice enough. I'm told he gives good head."

"To men, or women?"

"Women. He told me he tried it with guys, but it did nothing for him. There was no passion, it was just a mechanical exercise. Sex with a woman doesn't do much for him, either, though he lets them suck him off."

Ellen looked skeptical. "Sounds like you know him pretty well."

"We go to a lifestyle party every Tuesday evening," Devlin said. "We're the only singles there, and this group is couples only. I'm also the only student; everyone else is either faculty or staff. And before you ask, I make sure I don't have any of the people who attend for any of my classes."

"I don't know," Ellen said. "I'm sure that could get you a good grade."

"I don't want a grade for belly-bumping the Prof," Devlin said. "That's not the point of college, though I know there are people who wouldn't agree with me. Anyway, I make sure the situation never comes up."

"But if it did?" Ellen asked. "Profs have been known to fill in for somebody else due to sickness or other things."

"I'd transfer out if I could," Devlin said. She glanced at Krissi, who was studying the bottom of Tony as he and Sabrina went at it on the other side of the pool. "Something wrong?"

"That's the fourth time Tony and Sabrina have done it in the last two days," Krissi said. "I'm just wondering if we have a budding romance here."

"Who did she come down with?" Devlin asked. "Oh, that's right, Jim, her buddy."

Krissi nodded. "Who wasn't too bad. I wonder where he lives?"

"Sabrina didn't say." She paused as Tony's frantic motions slowed to a stop. After a minute he rolled away from Sabrina. She threw her arm over him and kissed him, afterwards resting her head on his chest.

"Maybe it's just a Spring Fling," Krissi said with a sidelong glance at Devlin. "You know, something different."

"I think I'll go get my itch scratched," Ellen said. "We only have a few days left, and I'm sure there are one or two guys I haven't been with."

"I don't have that worry," Krissi said. "Already taken care of." She looked at Devlin. "How about you?"

"You make it sound like a contest or something," Devlin said. "As a matter of fact there are a couple of guys..."

Krissi got up. "I think I'll wander around for a bit. See you later."

Jim, Linda's husband, sat down on the edge of the pool. "Hey, there."

"What's up?" Automatically Devlin glanced at his cock: it was quiescent at the moment.

"I found that information you asked me about. You know, about Evan."

"Oh, that's right." She'd run into Jim that morning after getting back from the airport, and had asked him what he could find.

"I went out to and pulled up the scouting reports and player profiles."

"And... ?"

"Pretty good pitcher. I'm surprised he isn't in the majors by now."

"Is that all?"

He must have heard the impatience in her voice, and laughed. "No, he's left-handed..."

"I knew that."

"... he's 23, almost 24, and he's single. He's from Sugar Loaf Key, which is in the Lower Keys."

"23? Hmm."

Jim grinned. "Sharpening your hooks, I see."


"I've seen that look on the faces of too many young women, Devlin. Here's some advice: don't ever let a guy see that look on your face."

"Well... You have to admit he's a nice catch."

"I suppose. I don't know much about being a pro sports athlete's spouse, other than that you can end up moving an awful lot. There's more on that website that I haven't even touched upon, including the scouting reports on what kind of a pitcher he is. Interested?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Looking at the website led to other things--she hadn't been with Linda's husband after all--and Rob, one of the other guys, joined them on Jim and Linda's bed. While Jim put it to her from behind, Devlin sucked Rob to completion. She swallowed his first spurts as fast as she could, but he was a little wild and got it all over her face as well. She was getting close, she could feel the rising tension, and, Rob forgotten, she was clutching the sheets on the bed trying to hold everything back, when the phone rang.

At first Jim was going to ignore it, but after two rings curiosity must have gotten the better of him. He slowed to a stop, except for the occasional thrust to keep them both interested.

"Jim Lamphier."

Devlin reached between her legs and began rubbing. Just because Jim wanted to quit was no reason for her to stop. Rob decided to help. He grabbed her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples.

"It's for you," Jim said softly as he held out the phone. "Evan." He looked at her face. "I saw her out by the pool, Evan. Hang on, I'll go get her."

Devlin pressed as hard as she could, rubbing herself. Jim handed the phone to Rob, grabbed her hips, and began thrusting vigorously. Rob politely covered the mouthpiece.

She'd been so close... Jim's sudden thrust pushed her over the edge, and she came in a rolling wave of heat. She tried to keep from making a noise, and afterwards she had to fight to catch her breath. She didn't want to sound like she'd run a marathon, or just had an orgasm.

"Hi, Evan!"

"Hey, Devlin. I got here all right, and I wanted to give you my mailing address."

"Ah. Just a minute while I find a pencil and some paper."

Jim gestured at the nightstand. Rob dug out a pad of paper and handed it to her. Devlin tried to write, and decided she was too shaky. The way she was feeling she thought she might cum again. Her handwriting was erratic, and Jim, who was pounding into her pretty hard, wasn't helping matters.

"Go ahead," she said, handing the paper and pencil to Rob.

Evan gave her his address and phone number. She repeated it, and Rob wrote it down.

She had to think; this was Evan on the phone. "Did I give you my address at the dorm?"

"You gave it to me yesterday, as well as your phone number, and cell phone number."

"Ah, good. Um, just a minute."

She covered the mouthpiece, hanging her head as her feelings peaked. She came, a shuddering climax that made her want to curl in on herself and scream; she held it back instead. It did something to Jim, and with a gasping moan he pulled himself deep, holding himself there as his own passions boiled over.

"Th-thanks," Devlin said when she trusted her voice. "Something came up," she told Evan.

"Something came up?"

"Something just boiled over here. We had a little excitement."

"Ah. Anyway, I thought I'd call so you'd know how to get hold of me. Well, and to talk for a bit."

"What do they have you doing?"

"I've got medical tests in the morning."

"I thought you had those the other day."

"No, this is the annual physical that all players have to go through. I'll be spending time on the treadmill, getting an EKG, things like that. I hate it, but it's required. I won't get to throw until the day after tomorrow."

"That's a shame."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'd rather throw than run on the treadmill, but that's not the way it works. So what have you been doing?"

"Oh, this and that with some friends, mostly just lying around in the sun. "She felt Jim pull back, slipping out of her. She must have made a noise.

"What was that?" Evan asked.

"Nothing. It's boring here without you."

"Don't let the Tourism people here you say that!"

"I promise," she laughed. "What's a good time to call you? I assume it would be in the evening."

"Between 5:00 and 7:00 local time would work best," he said. "If I'm not here, try calling after 9:00."

"Arizona is, what, two hours behind Illinois?"

"Last time I looked."

"I'll probably try to call in the evening. We're going fishing tomorrow, so I'l call in the evening." She felt the bed shift. Rob was switching around to get behind her. She didn't want him to start just yet, so she sat up. But so he wouldn't think it was a total turn-off, she grabbed his cock and began stroking it.

"I'll be waiting for your call. We can have a little more time to talk. I still have to call my folks."

"I'll be here for the next, um, four days. After that you'll have to call my cell phone."

He said a couple of more things before hanging up, things she only half-registered because Rob was playing with her breasts, and Jim was stroking her back and bottom.

"That has to be a little strange," Devlin said as she handed Jim the phone.

"You kept your composure, I'll give you that. And you'll never be able to tell him what was going on."

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Restless, Marie turned on the radio to Radio Station KOA out of Denver. A news report, blared loud as Marie grabbed the volume control. The announcer began, "A further update on the FBI sting operation has just come in over the wires. The assistant Special Agent In Charge of the local FBI office here in Denver announced the results of the secret yearlong joint operation with the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. "Special Agent Stroud stated they were able to spring the complicated...

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Diane and the CopperChapter 4

Jacky came up trumps with photographs taken off the tapes that the Bell had kept. There was even one of Terry with the girl I saw him with that Saturday night. The next time Diane called I suggested that we meet at Jacqui ' R's. I was certain that Jacky would be happy to add her two penny's worth about Terry. Diane was sitting down drinking coffee with Jacky when I arrived. Jacky called Tom for another coffee and I bent over and gave Diane a kiss on the lips. She was delighted but still...

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Tequila Porn 4 guys and 4 girls Gang Bang

I know, this might be hard to believe because even the involved parts can’t believe still that this actually happened.It was back in Brazil, in my neighborhood we had some kind of “porn tape sharing” one would buy or rent a porn movie and we’d make a copy and shared among all the guys.It was a boring Friday night…everyone kind of broken, no money to go out so everyone was sitting at the corner of the street talking shit and laughing.We were 5 guys and 3 girls talking at this time. One of the...

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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 15

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Velvet Spike and tonight's special match. As unbelievable as it may sound, the loser of tonight's fight must submit to the pleasure's of as many customers who wish to partake!" There was loud applause and raucous cheering. "First, the challenger. Standing five feet five inches tall and weighing one hundred and nineteen pounds, I give you... Vickie!" There were a few cheers, but most were hoping the same as Andrea, who again occupied a choice...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 167

Rhonda phoned. "Are you free tomorrow night?" "I could be, I guess." "Good. I'm going out of town. I got Earlene to apartment sit for me. To water my plants and feed my cat. She'll be here tomorrow night. I'll leave something here and you can drop by to pick it up. A work folder, how's that?" "Mmmm, sounds exciting. Do you have a fire extinguisher?" "Knowing you, you bitch, you'll just stoke the flames." Laura was truly excited. It was like a blind date, which ordinarily...

4 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 13

Jenny held her father by the arm, leading him to her bedroom. He went without protest, but in a numbed kind of silence that worried her some. She had been watching his face closely when she opened that door, and saw the shock that crossed it when he saw the stark scene before them. There was his son Travis, with both hands full of his mom's big tits, and Arlene leaning back, riding the boy's prick that was stuffed up her hairy cunt. Too, there...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 15 Stephanie

May 14, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have the final contract from Jamie for you to sign,” Elyse said. “Were there any last-minute changes?” I asked. “Just a couple of wording changes which Dante’s lawyer asked for. Jamie was fine because they just clarified the terms. Nothing of substance changed. I have a red-lined copy for you to compare if you want.” “If it’s just lawyer stuff, I’ll leave that to the experts.” “It’s just lawyer stuff.” I took the contract from her, quickly...

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BernieChapter 8

Bernie stepped over to Jackie and leaned on the bales next to her. "See" he said "You can and you did!" he looked down at her with a leer, perused her firm thick body, down to her navel, her belly swollen with equine cock. He groaned as he looked at her raped and ravaged twat, with that mighty black shaft forcing her poor stretched lips wide. "Told you it would be worth it" he purred, "you wanted to cum didn't you" Jackie lay there panting. "Oh Bernie" she said "I cum so hard...

2 years ago
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Something About Danny

SOMETHING ABOUT DANNY BY BRIAN HOULIHAN Copyright 1999 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved What was it about my daughter's boyfriend that turned me on so much? No one characteristic comes to mind. I suppose it was a combination of things. And perhaps a certain time in my life also. I was 52, divorced, alone and quite bored. I had been divorced from my husband Jerry for 12 years and didn't really have a steady boyfriend. Jerry and I remained friends but he seemed to be...

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Didik Ko Best Friend Ne Choda

Hello frnds! Aaj main aap sab ko 1 story sunaane jaa raha hoon jo ki mere khayali kahani hai, vastavikta k saath iska koi sampark nhin hai… Mera naam rahul hai, main kolkata ka rehne waala hoon…. Yeah kahani tab ki hai jab main b.Tech kar raha tha kolkata k ek prasidh college se. Mera bachpan ka dost alam mere saath school se lekar, college tak ek saath ek hi class mein padha…. Hum dono ka dosti itna gehra tha ki hum dono ka family bhi bohut hi close tha… Is kahani ka heroine meri didi mujhse 8...

1 year ago
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Finding Masturbation 2

Once I learned how to masturbate as I explained in "Finding Masturbation" I started getting myself off every night. Usually I would print out some story from a website about a teenage babysitter who was watching teenybopper (10-12) year old boy and they would wrestle and she would notice that he was hard, which would get her horny and they would fuck. Or a story where a brother wakes up in the morning with a hard on and starts to jerk it off but his older sister walks in and sees the...

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Fetish between Siblings

We knew we were wrong but that didn’t seem to stop my sister, Belinda, and I. Belinda moaned as she held her ass cheeks apart slightly bent over in her bedroom. I was on my knees with my face buried between her firm smooth ass cheeks. I too moaned, but her deep ass crack muffled the noise. Belinda had one of her tits hanging out of her sports bra as she held up her soccer jersey with one hand. Her other hand fondled and pinched her nipple as she felt my tongue alternate between her puckered...

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Emancipation 08 Bet Peep Show

"It's far from over, but there isn't enough time to explore every nuance and fetish comfortably today. So Lois, enjoy exploring some of those with Joe and sharing them with us. We can recreate them or you can tape them for us! Or BOTH! I have a few things in mind and a surprise only Sue knows about. Ohhh, Lois, now you know what I was writing - a list of all your FIRSTS for you to frame. I also recently learned that I might have a panty fetish, and I don't care." "Sue, those things you...

2 years ago
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The Tree House Book 1Chapter 1

I’d arrived home just the night before for a Memorial Day weekend visit. Morning had broken as I mindlessly gazed out the double French doors into the backyard where I grew up. No thoughts were rattling through my brain. It was just empty like the backyard. Sipping my morning coffee I heard my Mom shuffling about and then there was her light hand on my shoulder. I leaned my head over giving a little peck to her hand and said in my usual abbreviated way, “Morning!” “Good Morning, Michael,”...

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Aruna8217s Story

Rima was our telephone operator who was recently married. She was 38-26-38 and was envied for the round ass she had. Her boobs were a bit saggy and inviting. I had decided there and there that I would fuck her till my balls are empty. Her husband worked abroad and that was a opportunity. One evening I visited her with all my tools. She was wearing a white nighty giving me a full view of her bra and panty. My dick stood up. She had gone inside to prepare tea. I followed her and moved my arms to...

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Truth or Dare With Beth

It started out as an online game of truth or dare. It was fun to tell him all about her secrets, her fantasies, her experiences, her desires and lusts. Beth has already revealed the “truth” about her first time (she was 14), the secret kiss she shared with her best friend after soccer practice one day, and the time she went down on her boyfriend while he was driving along the freeway after a concert one night. She was now looking at the one word on her screen that she was about to send in...

2 years ago
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Dad Almost Caught Me and Mom

I had just returned home from work and had taken a quick shower. I was now standing in front of my bedroom mirror, looking at my naked body. My tanned skin looked pretty good on me, I'm glad I got it. I'm 14 years old, dark brown hair and blue eyes. I get my eyes from my Mom, hair from my Dad. My uncircumcised 2 inch penis caught my eye. Hair was growing all over it. Felt... weird. I put on all my clothes and was about to clean my ears when my Mom called me. I entered my parents dark...

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 4

With the tropical storm, which had wimpy winds but some decent rain downpour along its fast moving wake, I didn't think that anyone would be expecting our boys back in Miami anytime soon. No one would probably think twice if they remained down here out of contact for several extra hours or maybe even a day. The roads down here were bad enough when dry and now were even worse when flooded. This wouldn't have been the first time that weather had kept the party going for an extra day....

1 year ago
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What can be found at Eroti City? Do you know how you usually find some of the best porn on some of the most obscure websites out there? Yeah, well it would seem that this is exactly the case with This place seems like any other adult forum, but it’s just riddled with some of the best porn content and you wouldn’t even guess that it was without checking it out. Luckily for you, I’ve taken the liberty of exploring everything that has to offer and you’ll be thrilled to...

Porn Forums
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 24

“Ah yes, well that,” Kiwi stepped away slightly from my mother in embarrassment over his chubby. He didn’t have a massive dick from what I could tell in his pants, but it was apparent he was erect. He should be THANKING me for turning him on, but he was grateful towards my mother for letting him be there instead. “Do you want to take one of the girls for another test to take care of that?” she asked him if he wanted a blowjob like she was offering him a bologna sandwich. “May I choose Candy...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Revenge

"What the hell is this!"Michael Landers turned slowly toward his wife. She had been changing the sheets on their bed when she came across an unexpected surprise. When the couple finally stood face to face, Michael noticed his wife of three years staring back, her left arm pointing straight at him with a purple bra dangling off her index finger."Well, um, it looks like a bra," Michael answered."Ya think? Gee Michael, I never would have guessed if it hadn't been for you. What I really want to...

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The OutsiderChapter 12

Leslie and Melanie Miles were waiting at Lynn’s office along with the pair from court that Brock didn’t recognize. They were introduced as Steve and Lisa Walsh, Suzy’s foster parents. “Is this a bad time to ask for a loan,” Mel joked when Brock got out of the car. “Or maybe you could just buy me a car.” Brock smiled and gave her a quick hug. “After Lynn takes her fees, I’ll be lucky to have enough money to buy you a Matchbox car,” he joked right back. But he put his arm around Lynn to let...

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Break Anna in

My name is Alex, and I've got a passion for domination. I love the feeling of completely controlling another human being, every aspect of their body. I've had this feeling my entire life, but it's only recently I've been able to act upon it. Being 21, I've gone through a few fetish clubs and submissive partners, but non of them can fulfill my needs. I know that they've experienced submission before, so dominating them always leaves me with a sort of empty feeling. I need somebody new, somebody...

3 years ago
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My Unconventional LifeChapter 3

I don’t know what Uncle Bob told our mother about Brinn masturbating, but whatever it was, she never said another word to him about it. Of course he knew it had upset her, so he never did it in front of her again. Actually, that’s not exactly true. But that comes much later in the story, so for now I’ll just say he kept it to our bedroom. Of course Shannon and I didn’t mind. It was kind of fun to watch him get all red in the face, and whale away at that penis. He never seemed to hurt it,...

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Alfonso Greene Suburban Lion Tamer

One of the downsides of the political correctness that has taken over this world in which we are forced to live, is that it has resulted in the demise of that group of people once known as ‘eccentrics’. That group that, because they did not fit inside the square, whose behaviour could only be described as bizarre, made life less dull and boring. They were, in the most part, harmless, not harming anyone, just living in their own world. This story is of a couple of just such people, who by their...

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It had become a common occurrence around the drought ravaged farms of the valley.? Small time farmers without any other recourse were forced to sell their daughters to whoever would be willing to pay something close to the asking price.? Margaret Stephen’s father was such a man.? His youngest daughter was his little angel; unlike her older sisters he had been unable to ever bear taking his belt to her when she misbehaved.? Not that she was exactly a brat; she was just a bit willful at times.?...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 9 Indoctrination

Sunday Night Narrative Pam, Abbey and Trish arrive in one car to Maggie's house. The three women can be seen approaching the house with their heads down and very quiet. They wear knee length coats despite the warm weather. Pam goes to knock on the door when Maggie opens it up from the inside. "Is Randy still here?" she asks. "No, I dropped him off at the movies," Maggie answers. "He has been dying to see some of the summer flicks so I bought him and his friends Joe, Rob, and Jake...

1 year ago
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Man Handled In Prison

My prison time was to be spent in Monroe, Washington at the Monroe State Pen. This facility was really known for it’s sex offenders. At the time I was 5’-8” and 155lbs. I am German and Pacific Islander but looked Italian at the time. I heard rumors of rape in prison and needless to say I was nervous. I had a short stay but knew Monroe State Pen’s reputation for sex in jail. A lot of those guys were doing serious time there. County jail was a piece of cake. No one gave you a bad time as...

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Early Morning Interview

Here we are, the morning of the interview. I didn’t think I would be this nervous. They say first impressions are very important. I don’t know what to wear. Should I wear pants? No, I can wear a black mini skirt to show off my legs & my ass (just in case my interviewer is male). Thigh highs and knee high black leather boots, a red silk tank top with a little black jacket; that should do it. And I will leave my hair out. I want to get there early to show I can be punctual. Now that I am...

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My Education Part 4

We began to stir after sometime and her hand lazily trailed its way down to my cock. She began to stroke it, every once in a while taking my balls and gently playing with them. I felt myself begin to harden and she whispered, ‘There’s my big boy’, making me blush with pride as I rose to the occasion. ‘The next thing I teach you is a very important thing to remember. You must always be aware of your partners limits as to how far and what they will do. Everyone is different and not everyone...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 21

“Okay, Leon, you’ve been very patient, so you get a reward. Thanks for licking Mona that well, just as David did. He’s waited a bit for his next fuck as well, so this is what is going to happen. David fucks Mona here, since he’s already eaten her out. Leon, you get to fuck Xiao. I want both of you to do justice to her, of course, and Kendra, you’re to sit on Robin’s face while I fuck her. Yes, I’m going to tap Robin’s sweet pussy now. Time for some more very public adultery, don’t you agree?”...

1 year ago
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Mistress WatchingChapter 16

"Ann, this is Betty, She had the same thing happen to her that happened to you," Ed said, "I'm going to show you the pictures that Bynum took. I used some software to black out her face. The pictures that I'm going to show you are the doctored pictures. I destroyed the disk that showed her face." Ed started the computer and brought up the pictures. He went through them slowly, giving her a chance to review each one before going on to the next picture. When he got to the last picture...

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