A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 2 - StephieChapter 36: An Inauspicious Start free porn video

February 12, 1988, Chicago, Illinois
“Well, that’s not an auspicious start,” I said, tossing the sports section onto the kitchen table.
“What?” Kara asked.
“Bill wrecked on the first lap of his qualifying race for the Daytona 500,” I said. “And J.D. McDuffie had second and third-degree burns from a crash a couple of laps later.”
“So does that mean Bill isn’t in the race?”
“No, he’ll qualify based on speed, so he should make it. He’ll need to use a backup car, most likely. But it’s hardly a good way to start a championship run.”
“Well, I know what you two are doing on Sunday afternoon!” Jessica said. “I have my Boards to study for, so I guess that’s the time to do it.”
“I take it you still don’t want to go to Michigan with us,” I said.
“Correct! You, Kara, Dave, and Julia have a good time watching cars go in circles!”
“What about ice hockey? The next Pens game is on the 28th, which is a Sunday.”
“I can do ice hockey!” she agreed. “I take it I can use Julia’s ticket?”
“Yes,” I said. “She already told me that she doesn’t think she’ll be up for it. Getting up every two hours to feed Peter is taking its toll.”
“You’ll get to see him today, right?”
“Yes, she’s bringing him to the office this morning to show him off. Dave’s back to work on Monday.”
“As if you don’t show off your boys!” Jessica laughed.
“You’ll get your turn!”
“Eventually,” she sighed. “I feel like I’m left out of the sorority. All the other girls will have their babies before I have our first one.”
“I won’t have my second, unless you’re delaying past 1989,” Kara said.
“OK, fine, but still!” Jessica sighed.
“I guess the only way you could change that is if you have your first baby next summer, at the end of your first year as a surgical Resident. Otherwise, you’d have to wait until you finished your tour with MSF before you got pregnant, just to be safe.”
“That is the problem,” she said. “If I skip that, then I can time things differently. I can’t move it up, though, because I have to be in my third year due to the program rules.”
“You know we’ll support whatever decision you make,” Kara said. “But please don’t feel rushed or stressed.”
“She’s right, Babe. It’s not like you’re ancient or anything. Though you are a lot older than I am!”
She smacked me hard on the shoulder. “If the words ‘my old lady’ ever cross your lips, you’ll be singing three octaves higher, Tiger! Or should I say ‘Tigress’?”
All three of us laughed.
“You are right on the very edge of Snuggle Bear’s age limit, Jessica. Two years older was always his rule.”
“And ‘Aunt Jennie’?” Jessica smirked, making air quotes.
“A one-time, special circumstance!” I grinned. “Everyone needs a teacher!”
“And which of your ‘old women’ taught you more? Her or Melanie?” Jessica teased.
“It depends on what you mean. You could throw Katt in there as well. Or Elyse, for that matter!” I answered, not rising to her baiting. “Are you studying today?”
“Yes; You’ll be at the office and Kara has class.”
“There’s nothing interesting at the movies,” Kara said, as she quickly checked the movie listings. “How about dinner out?”
“Yes!” Jessica said.
“OK. I’ll see you two at 5:15pm!” I said. “Jess, if you want to take a break, Julia will be in around 10:00am.”
“Thanks. I probably will.”
I kissed both wives goodbye, and walked to the office. On Fridays I was going in a bit later because Jessica didn’t have to be up early for work. Kimmy already had the coffee going when I walked through the doors at 7:45am.
“Morning, Kimmy!” I said.
“There’s a fax for you from Jamie in your box,” she said.
I thanked her and walked over to my mailbox and pulled out the fax. It was a signed settlement from a firm in St. Louis. The attached letter said that the check was being sent by Federal Express and should arrive today. That was about the best news I could have had for the morning. I poured my coffee and went to my office to get my day started.
When Elyse and my dad arrived, I took the fax from Jamie to them. Later during our business development meeting, Cindi said she’d get in touch with the contact listed on the fax, and get the process started.
“Don’t forget that you need to send Greg with Zeke so Greg can try to figure out how they defeated the licensing software,” Alonzo said.
“I’ll make sure they coordinate,” Cindi said.
“The pipeline looks a bit thin,” my dad said, reviewing the forecast that Cindi had handed out.
“That’s in line with last year. December and early January are tough times to get new prospects. Our sales cycle is three months or so, and you’re seeing the effect of about forty days where we have a tough time getting anyone on the phone. If you look at the comparison graph from last year to this year, you’ll see they more or less track. If the trend were to continue into March, then we should be concerned.
“That said, we have quite a few prospects in the pipeline across all of our products, but they’re early in the process. If we close at anything like our usual rate, we’ll be ahead of last year. The mix is different, because the medical software makes up a bigger percentage of sales than it did. And we’re only really marketing our logistics software and our estimation software part-time. That’s one reason for hiring another salesperson.”
“Any progress in that area?” my dad asked.
“I’ve talked to a few candidates but I haven’t found the right person just yet,” she said. “It’s a unique skill set because you have to be technical, and able to sell. I don’t want to get into the IBM method where they send a team of people with the salesman to address technical questions.”
“I agree,” I said. “Let’s find the right person.”
The meeting ended just before Dave and Julia arrived with Peter.
“That kid is a bruiser!” I chuckled.
“Tell me about it!” Julia laughed. “I’m the one who had to give birth! He takes after Dave’s dad. You remember he’s 6’2” and is built like a tank?”
“I remember from the wedding,” I said. “How are things at home?”
“I just want six hours of uninterrupted sleep! How are things here?”
“Fine. My dad can fill you in, but I’d prefer you just ignore work for the next five or six weeks.”
“Thanks! Well, there’s a bunch of girls waiting in the conference room that I need to go see!”
I nodded, “I’m sure! I know all about girls and babies!”
“Making them!” Julia laughed. “That’s for sure!”
“Go see the girls!” I replied, turning to go back to my office.
Dave came in a few minutes later.
“How did Alonzo do in my absence?”
“You were gone?” I chuckled. “I never noticed!”
“Then I put the right guy in charge!”
“I agree. He was a good choice. He’s also the only one who seems to be able to work with Greg for any extended period of time.”
“That was part of my decision-making process. I plan to delegate some authority to Alonzo when I come back. Any problems with that?”
“Ask my dad or your wife,” I said. “But I have no objections.”
“Alonzo raised an concern with me yesterday. He thinks we need a full-time technical writer and a full-time QA person. I think he’s right, but I need to discuss it with your dad and Julia. I’m not sure that’s the best use of my budget right now.”
“Make your recommendation and we’ll take it from there.”
“Thanks. I’m going to make sure Julia doesn’t overdo it, and that the girls let her go before she gets too tired.”
“She told me the nights were killing her. If she needs a break, bring the baby by the house. I think we can find someone to watch him for a few hours!”
We shook hands and he went to find Julia while I got back to work.
February 13, 1988, Chicago, Illinois
“What do you think will happen with the incident in the Black Sea?” Jessica asked as Kara and I walked her to work.
The Tribune had a sketchy report saying that the Soviet frigate Bezzavetnyy had intentionally rammed the USS Yorktown, a cruiser, in Soviet territorial waters while Yorktown claimed innocent passage. A careful reading of the article indicated to me that it was more of a ‘bump’ than a ‘ram’ because the Yorktown hadn’t been seriously damaged.
“If it were up to me, I would let it go,” I said. “This is just one of those things where we and the Russians disagree on where we can sail. I suspect that Reagan won’t do anything other than call in the ambassador to protest and then let it go.”
“Why would Gorbachev escalate like this?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he needs to appear strong to the military after signing the INF treaty. Or some Soviet commander decided Gorbachev is a wimp. Honestly, I think it really is minor.”
“What are you going to do today, Tiger?”
“Breakfast with the guys, karate, and then hiding from Kara’s chemistry study group!”
“He’s teasing,” Kara said. “A couple of Freshman ROTC guys are coming by for help with CS100.”
“You’re back into tutoring?” Jessica said. “You didn’t say anything.”
“I got a call from the unit commander yesterday. He’s friends with Clayton who told him to send the students to me. These guys are having serious trouble.”
“What’s your going rate for tutoring?”
“For guys? $10/hour. For girls, it’s negotiable!” I teased.
“You’ll be negotiating with my attorney, Buster!” Jessica laughed.
“I’m the one with the attorney friends!” I retorted. “And besides, it’s guys.”
“Until your groupies show up again!”
“Jody and Courtney? I doubt we’ll see them again.”
“Oh?” Jessica asked.
“Courtney flunked,” I said, giving Jessica a look that told her the story.
“Out of school?” Kara asked.
“No,” Jessica said. “A more important test. How badly?”
“I don’t know, but Tasha said she didn’t come back to school this semester,” I replied. “I didn’t think it was my place to ask for details.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
We walked the rest of the way to the hospital in silence. The three of us kissed and then Kara and I headed back to the house. We sat and drank tea until I left for breakfast. After breakfast we went to karate, then ate lunch. Kara’s study group arrived at just about the same time as my two ROTC cadets.
“Pablo Martinez,” a tall, Hispanic cadet said, shaking my hand.
“Ron Jones,” a stocky, black cadet said, also shaking my hand.
“Steve Adams. Come on in,” I said.
We went to my study and I had them sit down.
“So, what’s the problem, gentlemen?” I asked.
“This shit is HARD!” Ron said. “I can fix any car you show me, but computers? Forget it!”
“I’m the opposite,” I said. “Don’t let me near a hammer or a screwdriver. How about you, Pablo?”
“I play baseball, and never saw a computer until I showed up here! I’m going to be a Marine officer. I know which direction to point a rifle, and I bet I can throw a grenade more accurately than just about anyone in the Corps, but computers? No chance!”
“Well, I have a reputation to live up to,” I said. “That means that both of you will pass CS100 with at least a B.”
“If you can do THAT, you’re a miracle worker!” Ron said.
“Then let’s get started!”
February 14, 1988, Chicago, Illinois
Bill Elliott ended up starting 31st at Daytona, and slowly worked his way through the field. On lap 104, there was a huge crash when Phil Barkdoll came up behind Richard Petty, and either tapped Petty or took air off Petty’s spoiler, causing the number 43 STP car to turn sideways and then barrel roll through the tri-oval. Brett Bodine hit Petty as he came across the track towards the end of the wreck. Alan Kulwicki was caught in the crash as well, along with AJ Foyt, and Eddie Bierschwale.
When they finally got Petty out of the car, they took him to the infield care center and later reported that he’d suffered a broken ankle and would be taken to the hospital for observation. They also reported no fan injuries, which was a concern because Petty’s car had rolled along the fence, with parts flying everywhere. In an interview, Phil Barkdoll admitted that he had hit Petty, but said he felt Petty’s car had slowed and was loose before he hit it.
In the end, Bill worked himself up to run with the lead pack, but he was at the back of it, and had nothing for the leaders - Bobby and Davey Allison, who finished 1st and 2nd. Davey just couldn’t quite get past his dad on the last lap, and Bobby won the race at age 50, the oldest man to win the Daytona 500. No father and son pair had finished 1-2 in Daytona history. Bill ended up 12th, which wasn’t bad, considering his wreck in his Twin-125 and having had to start 31st. Even so, it wasn’t the best way to start what he’d promised to be a championship season.
We did see Red come over the wall to change rear tires on Alan Kulwicki’s car before Alan was caught up in Richard Petty’s wreck. Alan eventually got his car back on the track, but finished over 50 laps down, and we didn’t see much of him on the race coverage after the wreck. He’d started 16th and finished 32nd, managing to outlast several other drivers who had trouble along the way.
Jessica had napped during the morning, and was studying for her medical licensing exams, so Kara and I hung out with Elyse and Matthew in the sunroom for the rest of the afternoon. Jessica finally appeared just before dinner, saying that she couldn’t study any more. After dinner, we used the sauna, spent some quiet time together, and then went to bed early since we had to be up at 4:00am for Jessica’s usual Monday shift. By agreement, we had let Valentine’s Day pass without any special notice.
February 15, 1988, Chicago, Illinois
“I’ll be faxing over a couple of completed settlement agreements, but we have a problem with the firm in Dallas,” Jamie said.
“Why am I not surprised?” I asked, my voice showing a bit of frustration.
“They now claim that they have a paid-up license that they bought from a company called BCS, that claimed to be an authorized distributor.”
“We don’t have any authorized distributors!” I protested.
“I know. But here’s the problem. If we proceed, they’ll show an invoice that you and I know will be traced back to Mr. Braun’s son in Cincinnati, and they’ll insist that we take it up with BCS. And that we can’t do because of our agreement with Volstead and Braun. It’s a neat little trap, unless we could prove that Volstead and Braun knew about this, which is problematic, given our agreement. It might work, but it might not. Remember what I said about judges and juries.”

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