A Paladin's TrainingChapter 20 free porn video

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“A Paladin’s life is love and respect. A Paladin bears the vala, and is above fear, above cruelty, above jealousy. Aros loves all equally, and who bears the vala is one worthy of doing the same. Paladins do not possess, they do not own, they do not close their hearts to those around them out of self-preservation. Love is the most pure of pleasures that exists, and a Paladin gives that pleasure freely, for it is the will of Aros.”

- Transcribed from a lecture given to new initiates of the Order of Aros.


The bath house was a symphony of moans and sighs and the splashing of water as the sixteen glistening bodies shared their pleasure together. Aran, Smythe, Erik and Kedron sat in a row against one side of the huge stone bath while the women began to rotate through, taking their time to mount each man in turn, the chain beginning with Kedron, then moving to Erik, then Smythe, and finally Aran.

Amina had begun proceedings by gracing young Kedron with her attentions. Kedron was the newest arohim discovered since Sara, and would become a Paladin once trained. Once Amina moved from Kedron to Erik, Jeira took the Priestess’s place atop Kedron, followed by Sylvia once Jeira switched.

It was like some adolescent fantasy; twelve gorgeous women slowly taking their pleasure with four very willing men.

Aran grinned as Amina slowly lowered herself down on him, relishing the sensation of once again being inside the beautiful Priestess. Her sparkling sapphire eyes remained fixed on his as the head of his cock pushed past her smooth lips and into her willing body. Everything about Amina seemed designed to allure, from her perfect, heart-shaped face with its full lips and large, melting eyes, to her silky golden hair, darkened now from the water and slicked back, plastered to her neck and shoulders in a most attractive fashion. Her generous breasts, which more than filled Aran’s hands, were round and pale and capped by pink nipples that drew his lips like a moth to a flame.

For several moments, the rest of the room faded into nothing, and there was only Amina. His vala hummed with hers in a scintillating melody, and together they enjoyed being merged once again. Had Aran been aware of his surroundings, he would have realised the other occupants of the bath had all ceased moving and turned their eyes toward the Priestess and Paladin, so lost in each other that neither noticed how quiet it had suddenly become, The only sounds were breathing and the crackle of the huge fireplaces that surrounded the room.

“I missed this,” Amina whispered into his ear as she slowly but firmly ground her hips into his.

“I did too,” Aran returned before softly biting her earlobe. His hands had found her ripe buttocks, and were squeezing them firmly while pressing her more firmly against him with each gyration of her hips.

“Fuck, that’s the most arousing thing I’ve ever seen,” came a whisper from nearby.

Turning to his immediate right, Aran saw Jeira watching from where she was astride Smythe not two feet away, her dark eyes lidded with lust and her hands tangled in Smythe’s jungle of chest hair.

Before Aran could reply to Jeira, Amina’s movements became more insistent, and her vala began to sing as she crested a wave of pleasure that radiated outward like a bursting bubble, enveloping everyone in the room in hot bliss.

Nobody was spared – bar Aran, who felt strangely like he was in complete control – and fifteen simultaneous climaxes ripped through the bath like a string of firecrackers, all set off by the Priestess whose velvet pussy was gripping Aran’s cock like it would never release him.

“Oh, Aran,” Amina whispered into his neck as the everyone caught their breath. “You’ve gotten so much stronger!”

Aran just held her tightly while she recovered, stroking her slim back with his fingers.

“I’m glad you didn’t come,” the Priestess said softly as she raised herself up so she could meet his eyes. “For there is someone you should save it for.”

She didn’t need to point it out; Aran could feel Elaina on the other side of the bath, her vala pulling at him insistently, and his own responding. With a smile, he took Amina’s face in his hands and kissed her deeply. “Thank you, Priestess, for your wisdom, your love, and your healing.” It was an ancient, formal manner of gratitude, but it felt appropriate here.

Amina touched his face in response and kissed him again before vacating his lap and wading back into the water, heading toward where Induin, Liaren and Lynelle were still enjoying one another’s Elven bodies.

Aran’s view of the rest of the bath was soon blocked by slender Jeira, who quickly jumped up off Smythe and settled herself down on Aran, taking him to the hilt in one smooth motion. She was a truly beautiful woman, with her wet raven hair hanging around her slightly freckled face, and her pale, slim body with modest breasts that begged to be captured by his hands.

“Fuck!” The two lovers cried in unison before their lips smashed together in a torrid kiss. This was Jeira, his first woman, his first meldin, the one who had unknowingly set him on the path to become who he was today. Jeira, who loved him as deeply as a person could, who was kind and passionate and strong, and had lost her husband because of Aran. He couldn’t help it; the guilt crept into him even as she made fierce love to him. If the Druids had not been hunting Aran, they would not have tracked down Hamlin and Jeira, and Hamlin would still be alive.

“No!” Jeira growled, pulling back from their kiss. Her hips had stopped, though she remained impaled on him. Her face was like thunder; a beautiful, ferocious storm, and her dark eyes glittered dangerously. “You will not do this to yourself, you hear me?”

Of course. Through the melda, she would be able to read his emotions as easily as reading a book. Aran opened his mouth to speak, but Jeira rode right over the top of him. “Hamlin is gone, yes. And I miss him terribly, but you will not blame yourself, am I clear?”

Aran tried to speak again, but was once more overridden. “If you hadn’t killed that wolf, I would be dead! And if you hadn’t met Hamlin, then the last weeks of our marriage would not have been more loving and passionate than anything we had ever hoped for!”

Tears brimmed in her eyes, and Aran felt his own do the same. The melda carried not grief, however; it carried gratitude. Seeing the truth in her words – and feeling it in her heart – Aran nodded silently.

“Good,” Jeira said with a satisfied nod and a cheeky grin. “Now let’s get back to fucking. It’s been far too long since I’ve felt you inside me!” At that, her lips found his once again, and they resumed their water-churning lovemaking until Aran sent her back into the bath dazed and quivering from several intense climaxes.

As Jeira left his lap, Aran’s eyes fell on Elaina, who was still opposite him at the far end of the bath. Her emerald eyes sparkled and she bit her bottom lip. Aran read her look perfectly; it said: “I’m coming for you at the end. Be ready for me.”

Again, Elaina vanished from view, replaced by the petite, slender form of Sylvia. Her half-Elven eyes were of a similar shade of green to Elaina’s, and they twinkled as she placed her hands on his shoulders and began to lower herself down. Aran placed his hands on her slim waist and guided her onto him.

“Oh, yes, Aran!” She breathed as she took him in inch by inch. She was small, so he was careful to go slowly, despite the fact she had just fucked Smythe. Looking over, Aran smiled at the sight of the burly Paladin being ridden by plump Liddea. Smythe had a double handful of the biggest tits in the room and was eagerly licking and sucking on the pale orbs while the fire-haired Dwarf bucked her round hips enthusiastically.

Bringing his gaze back to his current lover, Aran kissed the cute half-Elf tenderly and moved his hands to her pert bottom so he could gently move her up and down.

Sylvia mashed her body against his and clung to his neck as she quickly reached her peak. “Thank you for saving me, Aran,” she whispered breathily.

Aran knew what she was referring to; he and Sylvia had been captured by Heralds recently, and two of the Heralds’ guardsmen had been quietly planning to violate Sylvia. They had not succeeded.

“I’ll always keep you safe, my love,” he whispered into her golden hair as he held her tight. Over Sylvia’s shoulder, he could see what was happening in the rest of the bath. Sorla and Amina were engaged in a passionate kiss, while Elaina and Rayna had Bella pressed between them in a delicious vice of pale breasts. Sara occupied one corner on her own, one hand beneath the water and the other firmly kneading a shapely breast while her eyes roamed over the hedonistic displays all around.

Sara was forbidden to engage with anyone else – as part of her training – but that didn’t mean she couldn’t please herself in the meantime. She looked at Aran as his eyes fell on her, then shuddered as a climax took hold.

Aran’s cock twitched threateningly inside Sylvia, who moaned at the sensation. He very much looked forward to the day he could make love to Sara, who was to become a Priestess under Amina’s guidance.

Sensing that Sylvia was done, Aran gently lifted her from his lap. She groaned in protest as his shaft left her pussy, but didn’t resist when Aran passed her into the waiting arms of Jeira, who was resting nearby.

“She’s cute,” Jeira said with a low chuckle as Sylvia wrapped her arms and legs around her.

“Yes, she is,” Aran agreed with a smile, settling back against the stone so Liddea – who was finished with Smythe – could position herself to squat down on him. Aran loved Liddea’s Dwarven body; everything about her was round and comely and somehow plump without being fat. Her face was soft, her hips and thighs very generously curved, and her tits were simply spectacular.

Once her ample rump was resting on Aran’s thighs, his hands came up of their own volition and gathered up as much of those wonderful breasts as he could, reading Liddea’s needs so he could touch them just the way she liked. Firm squeezes were the Dwarf’s preference, with a brush of a stiff pink nipple here and there.

Still seated next to Aran, Smythe was now thoroughly enjoying the attentions of a very aroused Sorla, whose hands were planted on the Paladin’s chest and her hips churning as if she was trying to drive him into the stone beneath the water. Smythe’s hands were gripping Sorla’s tits – which almost rivalled Liddea’s – and the half-Orc was moaning wantonly as they rutted.

Down the line, Aran could sense Rayna atop Erik and Induin straddling Kedron. Sounds of pleasure were increasing around the room again, as if the lust was building to another crest. Looking over, Aran found the source; Elaina and Amina were locked in a tight embrace, each with an arm beneath the water, their ample breasts pushed together and billowing out to either side.

Again, Aran’s cock twitched. He was completely in control, thanks to his extensive training, but still he very much desired to come.

Liddea leaned forward and planted her plump mouth on his as she came, her massive breasts squashing into his chest and her tight Dwarven pussy squeezing him delightfully. She laughed as she pushed herself up on her arms, which did wonderful things to her tits. “I can’t believe we’re actually inside a real Temple!” She breathed excitedly. “Let alone the fact that I just got to fuck two Paladins!”

Aran laughed at her youthful exuberance, which seemed a little out of place on a Dwarf of over two hundred years of age, but then, she’d been a loyal Servant of Aros for many long years, and only now did she have a real place to call home.

“Thank you for keeping faith,” Aran said quietly, caressing her cheek. A tender moment passed between them before they were interrupted.

“There’s one Paladin you haven’t fucked, you know!” Came a sultry voice from behind Liddea as two hands snaked around her and hefted her breasts.

Liddea squealed with delight as Elaina dragged her off of Aran and over to where the two women could enjoy each other for the first time.

In a heartbeat, Sorla was in Liddea’s place, her lush lips capturing Aran’s and her tongue exploring his mouth. The stunning half-Orc broke the kiss to look down at him, capturing his gaze with her large, dark eyes. She was a vision, with her long, black hair framing her pale face. She carried more Human than Orc traits; the only clues to her Orcish heritage were her slightly exaggerated jaw and nose, her subtly pointed ears and her statuesque frame. Somehow, all these features came together in a delightfully feminine way. Aran could see how some men might be intimidated by a woman like Sorla, who was probably stronger than many men due to her Orcish side, but Aran saw her for who she really was.

“I love you,” was all Sorla said, and she needed say nothing more, for Aran could sense through their melda exactly what she was feeling.

Sorla’s height meant that their sitting position gave his lips access to the soft skin at her neck, and he nipped lovingly at her while she rode him. His hands slid down her slim back and over her ample hips to her wide rump – wide mostly from muscle, though Aran did like the way it jiggled when she walked – and he squeezed firmly, pressing her harder against him.

“Oh, fuck, Henley!” Cried fire-haired Rayna from beside them as she reached a quaking climax atop Smythe.

Aran and Sorla turned to watch with interest as the busty girl collapsed onto Smythe’s chest, breathing hard.

“It’s not fair!” She mumbled weakly into his chest.

“What’s not fair, lass?” Smythe asked with a chuckle.

“That you get to make me come like that, but I can’t do the same to you!”

Aran looked back at Sorla, who was eyeing him with a quirked brow, as if she could understand Rayna’s plight. “Don’t look at me like that!” He protested. “You’ve made me come plenty of times, I’ll have you know!”

Sorla laughed at that. “I’m just saying that I know what Rayna means. It would be nice to maybe have a little more power over you, in that way. You know, just for fun.”

“Hear, hear, sister!” Rayna chimed in as she lifted her cheek off Smythe’s chest.

Aran knew what to do about this. Giving Smythe a conspiratorial wink and a nod, he sent a jolt of his vala into Sorla’s body, exploding her pleasure senses all at once. Smythe did the same to Rayna, though not quite as intensely.

It was an almost comatose Sorla that was gently taken from Aran’s embrace by Jeira, who seemed to have become some a sort of field doctor for women recovering from intense pleasure. Aran watched with a smile as Jeira softly caressed Sorla’s face, moving strands of hair away so she could gently kiss her.

“Here, Aran,” Smythe said as he tenderly lifted a near-limp Rayna off his lap and passed her across, his big hands encircling her hourglass waist.

Wiped out from all the sex, Rayna mumbled something incoherently as Aran gathered her up in his arms and held her close. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and buried her face in his neck, for all the world as if she were about to go to sleep.

“Would you like to take a rest, my love?” Aran asked softly.

In reply, Rayna shifted her hips and a moment later Aran was embedded in yet another woman, this one just as special as the others. Aran had melded with Rayna – and her friend, Bella, who was currently riding Kedron at the other end while whispering dirty things in the young man’s ear – quite by accident on his last night in Ironshire, but he was glad that it had happened.

Looking around the room, Aran realised he no longer believed in coincidences or accidents; he’d seen enough now to know that things happened for a reason, and for all these people to be together in one place meant they had a common purpose.

Rayna’s lips against his ear brought him back to the moment. “Will you be around more, from now on?” She lifted her head to look him in the eye, her expression soft and vulnerable.

Staring into her crystal blue eyes, Aran wanted to say yes. He wanted to do whatever would make her happy, just to see her smile, but he answered her honestly. “I will do my utmost, Rayna, I promise you.”

She nodded seriously. “I know. I also know you’ll be called away sooner or later, off to do whatever it is you Paladins do. I just want you to be careful, and know that I’m so glad I met you that night.”

Love crashed through the melda between them and Aran surged forward to wrap her tightly in his arms and squeeze her against his chest while his mouth hungrily sought hers. Pleasure soon flared hotly from Rayna’s end of the melda – once again tempting Aran to tip over the edge – and she moaned deeply into his lips before her muscles turned to water and she collapsed against him.

A somewhat revived Sorla soon appeared, tall enough that her impressive, pale-ochre breasts were sitting clear of the water despite the depth of the bath. The half-Orc gently gathered up Rayna, who mumbled a weak protest but seemed happy enough to cuddle up to the other woman.

Barely a second later, a long, slim leg passed Aran’s face as a foot planted itself on the bench next to his hip. Lazily, he let his gaze wander up that leg, over the smooth, pale thigh to the hairless juncture where it met its mate. Higher his eyes travelled, over a flat stomach to perky breasts only slightly larger than Sylvia’s, above which a beautiful Elvish face looked down at him, the petite features graced with twinkling sapphire eyes and framed with a curtain of wet silver hair.

“About time, eh, eruchen?” Induin said with a cheeky grin.

“Agreed,” Aran replied wryly, casually leaning back and resting his elbows on the stone coping surrounding the pool.

“Hmmm,” Induin mused, assuming a thoughtful pose, with one hand on a cocked hip and her chin resting on the fingers of the other.

Aran chuckled. Induin was nothing short of entertaining at the best of times. “What seems to be the problem, sweetness?”

“Well, I’ve just had my pussy fucked three times,” she began casually. “So, I’m thinking about something different.”

To Aran’s surprise and delight, Induin spun around to face away from him, putting her pert ass directly in front of his face. She squealed as he lurched forward to playfully bite at the smooth skin of her tight rump.

Beside Induin and Aran, Bella was atop Smythe, mashing her generous tits into his mustache and giggling as he dined on the soft flesh. One step across, Induin’s twin sister Liaren was riding Erik, and next over, Lynelle was coupled with Kedron, who was staring up at the Elvish beauty as if in a trance.

Aran’s attention was brought back to what was transpiring directly before him as Induin began to squat gracefully with her hands on her knees, lowering her slim hips and tight rear until her pink rosebud was positioned right over the head of his cock. Looking back over her shoulder, the Elf gave him a sly wink before dropping further and pushing herself down until he popped past her tight ring and into her buttery depths.

In her usual fashion, Induin let loose a loud string of Elvish as she took everything Aran had to offer, until she was firmly seated with her buttocks pressed against his abdomen and his rigid shaft embedded deep with her ass.

Of their own volition, Aran’s hands slid from her hips up to her petite breasts, squeezing and kneading them in the way his Elvish lover enjoyed most.

“Yesss,” Induin breathed as she leaned back against his chest and began to stir her hips.

Aran lowered one hand down over her flat belly to her smooth pussy and began to lightly pinch her clit, enjoying the way she bucked slightly with every squeeze. As with the others, it had been far too long since he’d been with Induin, and he wanted her to enjoy herself just as much as he was.

While he was nibbling on Induin’s neck and pointed ear, Aran had an excellent view of what everyone else was up to in the huge bath. Orange firelight played over the skin of wet bodies as the women frolicked and and played and made love to each other in the steamy water.

Directly opposite Aran, petite Sylvia was perched up on the coping, leaning back on her hands. Her thighs were spread wide to accommodate Jeira’s head, and whatever Jeira was doing, Sylvia seemed to be enjoying it immensely. Not far away, over on the right, Sorla and Amina had found each other, and the Priestess was holding the half-Orc from behind as they stood together in the water. Sorla’s head was back and her eyes closed as Amina caressed one of her monumental breasts with one hand, while the other hand was beneath the surface.

“Watch them,” Aran whispered into Induin’s ear as she began to plunge herself down on him more insistently. “Watch them fuck. It makes you hot, doesn’t it?”

Biting her lip, Induin nodded as she took in the hedonistic display. Aran knew Induin would be feeling triple the pleasure of some of the others; she was bonded to Aran as well as to her sister, Liaren, which meant that she could feel their pleasure as well as her own. Aran wanted nothing more than to unload himself into Induin right that moment and take her over the edge with him, but he restrained himself yet again.

As if reading his thoughts, Induin whispered back to Aran. “I can’t wait to watch you fuck her.”

Aran knew exactly who she meant, for Induin’s eyes were locked on Elaina, who was lifting herself out of the water to sit on the coping next to Sylvia. Droplets streamed down her pale skin, and Aran – as always – marveled at how her body managed to be both fit and curvaceous at the same time. Eyeing Aran and Induin seductively, the sexy Paladin leaned back on her palms and opened her generous thighs to show them her hairless slit. A split-second later, an eager Rayna positioned herself between those thighs and began to dine on Elaina’s sweet pussy.

Aran felt pressure on his cock as Induin began to quiver in his arms; her tight ring was squeezing him most pleasurably as she came, emitting small whimpers as she shook gently. He held her tightly for long moments, letting her enjoy the experience.

“I’ll take her, love,” said a grinning Liddea as she waded over. The Dwarf was only just able to keep her head above the water, but there was enough room on the seat to Aran’s left for her to climb to her feet.

Aran couldn’t help but ogle as Liddea stood clear of the water, rivulets running down those enormous breasts that rode her chest so proudly, somehow devoid of sag. Bending slightly, the sexy Dwarf scooped up Liaren and turned to lay her on the coping, giving Aran an excellent, up-close view of her plump bottom, which was directly level with his face.

“Ooh, I like that!” Said a happy Bella as she scrambled away from Smythe and over to Aran. The raven-haired beauty was built almost identically to her redheaded friend, Rayna, but for a softer, rounder face. Bella’s pretty, dark eyes were locked onto Liddea’s ass, and the comely Dwarf happily wiggled it back and forth for her appreciative audience as she leaned forward to plant kisses on Induin’s willing lips.

Liddea squealed as Bella’s right hand connected to her bottom with a wet slap. Giggling, Bella kept her hand on the Dwarf’s ass as she used her other to grasp Aran’s cock and guide it into her hot cunt.

Bella sighed luxuriously as she slid down until Aran was all the way in. “You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about this, Aran, since that night we all spent together in Ironshire.” Meanwhile, her other hand had found its way between Liddea’s plump thighs and her skilled fingers were exploring the Dwarf’s slick folds.

Aran smiled and filled his hands with Bella’s generous breasts, enjoying the double-pleasure one felt when making love to someone with whom you shared a melda. “What?” He began in a friendly jibe. “Smythe wasn’t keeping you satisfied?”

Smythe looked over from where he was fucking Liaren. His big hands were around her slim waist, and he was driving her up and down on his cock, much to the lithe Elf’s delight. The big Paladin raised an eyebrow. “I did my best, to be sure,” he grunted, never stopping his movements. “And if I do say so myself, I did a pretty top job of it!”

Bella smiled back at Smythe. “Aye, Henley, that you did.” Something seemed to suddenly dawn on her. “Speaking of which,” she began, addressing Aran. “Back in Ironshire, Rayna and I were accosted several times by immense pleasure coming through the melda! Not that I’m complaining, but it was bloody intense, I can tell you!”

“Really?” Aran asked, genuinely surprised. “When, exactly?”

Bella’s right hand left Liddea’s pussy and came to rest on Aran’s shoulder opposite her left. The Dwarf made a disappointed noise but quickly scrambled up onto the coping to bury her head between Induin’s slim thighs. “It started maybe a week after you left Ironshire,” Bella replied, adding; “oh, fuck, that’s good!” When Aran lifted his hips slightly higher. “It seemed to happen at random times, and without warning.” Her eyes were closed, now, and she was biting her bottom lip as her pleasure mounted.

Aran sat forward a little and brought his hands down to her buttocks, using the leverage to pull her more firmly against him in time with her thrusting hips.

“We knew – ah, yes! - that it was coming from you,” Bella continued, leaning forward and pulling Aran’s face into her breasts. “We could feel it through the melda, but that’s all we knew. I swear we nearly lost our minds to pleasure a time or two!”

Aran didn’t have to think very long to connect what Bella was saying to the source of all that pleasure. Not long after he’d left Ironshire, he’d begun his training with Amina, and she’d shown him aspects of the vala he’d never thought possible; many of them involving sex.

Before Aran could answer his lover, a melodious voice chimed in. “I believe I am to blame for that particular situation, child.” Amina had appeared, gracefully wading over to sit on the stone seat on Aran’s left. Her sapphire eyes sparkled in the firelight as she watched Bella rocking in Aran’s lap. “The melda is a powerful thing, and connects people in a most sacred way.” The Priestess propped her right elbow up on the edge of the bath and turned slightly so she was facing them. She began to lightly caress Bella’s back beneath the water, and Bella immediately began to moan loudly.

Aran held her tightly as her pleasure skyrocketed and her hips began to churn against him violently as she neared her peak.

Amina leaned in to whisper in Bella’s ear, her voice smoky and seductive. “Now that you’re here, Bella, you’ll be able to experience that pleasure first hand, as often as you desire.”

Sitting back a little bit, Bella opened heavy-lidded eyes and gazed at Amina. Suddenly their lips met, and the two women were kissing madly while Bella continued her assault on Aran’s cock. A moment later, there was a muffled scream as Bella came hard, the noise swallowed by Amina’s full lips as they remained locked onto Bella’s.

Aran felt Bella’s pleasure multiplied several times over by the sheer power of Amina’s vala, which in turn ran through him and threatened to yet again test his control. Light shudders ran through his lover as she slowly descended from a place she may not have experienced before. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed, and her breathing coming in little pants.

“I think she’s done, for now,” Amina said to Aran after gently ending her kiss with Bella.

Aran nodded agreement and lifted Bella by the waist. Amina slipped off the seat and moved behind the weary girl, wrapping slim arms around her torso and carrying her away to rest.

Looking over to the right, Aran saw Smythe and Liaren were winding down from a vigorous fucking, and Lynelle was riding Erik, the stocky man sitting forward and devouring the beautiful Elf’s pink nipples as they coupled. Elaina had also joined the chain, mounting Kedron, who looked as if he could die right this minute an extremely happy man.

Aran wondered if Kedron had any clue how lucky he was; Aran’s first year of training had involved no sexual contact of any kind, made all the worse because Elaina had constantly paraded around naked or close to it. Kedron had only discovered he was arohim a short time ago, and already he had had sex with every woman here bar Sara! Kedron’s situation was a little different than Aran’s had been, however; Kedron had already awakened his vala by accident when Smythe found him, and so he was already far enough along that it was appropriate for him to participate in this evening’s festivities.

Aran couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped his lips as he watched his sexy former mentor undulating atop the young arohim. Her head was back, her hands were locked behind her head and her epic chest was thrust forward, giving Kedron full access to explore her pale breasts with his eager hands.

Elsewhere in the bath, it more or less seemed like everyone was resting, or at least slowing down. To Aran’s left, Liddea had finished licking Induin’s pussy and the two women were locked in a sleepy embrace, lying on the warm stone coping. In the opposite corner to Aran, Sara was leaning back with her arms along the edge, her head back and her eyes closed. Not far from Sara, Sorla was relaxing, lying on her back on the stone with her hands behind her head, her long body stretched out languidly. Jeira was still in the pool, as was Rayna, and the two women were lazily kissing. Rayna was seated on the bench seat while Jeira straddled her in much the same way as the women had been riding the men.

Same as A Paladin's Training
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461 Yes Gran. To Alec`s knock an authoritive voice cried “come” he pushed open the door, quite what he expected well he wasn’t quite sure, but it was nothing like what he got. Sat up on her bed was his gran, still fully dressed, propped against the headboard of the big old double bed, stockinged feet out in front of her, and a couple of photo albums spread about. “sit,” she nodded him to the second spot on the bed, he slipped off his slippers and was soon next to her on the big old bed. “just...

4 years ago
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Master part 2

Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...

2 years ago
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A new life7

It's been a month since mom and dad split and she's already met another guy - his name is John and, like mom, he's divorced too, but so far that's all I know; I've never met him and now I'm going to be living with him. "Adam!" she yelled from downstairs. "Are you done showering, yet? We have to leave soon to beat traffic!" she continued. "I know mom... I'm almost done," I yelled back. It's been a while since I've masturbated in the shower - I'm a virgin and I'm horrible...

4 years ago
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Noahs Whore Part 5

The flaming affair between Nancy and Noah had been going full throttle for a little more than eight months when Nancy received a telephone call from an old friend. Tiffany Hanson was a woman she had met at her first job out of college. They had remained close through the years. Tiffany had gone through a divorce two years back and Nancy had spent many nights helping her friend adjust to being single. When the woman would get depressed, Nancy would have her come to her home so that they could...

3 years ago
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Threesome Fun With Sexy Cousins 8211 Part 1

Thank you for the overwhelming response to the stories I have written so far! Coming to the story, this happened during the summer vacations when I met my cousins. Both of them were older than me – one is 2 years and the other is 1 year older than me. We used to get together since childhood and it became a routine for us to spend some time together since childhood. Let’s call them Sneha and Riya. I have been admiring and watching my sisters grow in size and shape and becoming figures to die...

1 year ago
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Seducing An Indian Wife 8211 My Young Landlady Part 2

Hi. I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of iss. Now let me continue with my story. While I kept feeling her with all my senses, I got a full erection. I was in my pyjamas without any inners, so she must have felt it press against her. We kept hugging for a few minutes after she stopped crying. I could feel her wriggle slightly, aware of my erection. I could feel...

4 years ago
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Another blind date

It was after my divorce with my first wife Debra when Ken came by and asked me about having dinner with him and his wife. Ken and Beth stood by me when Debra and her mom tried to take the land that I had developed into our home. Without their support I would have lost everything I had worked for .They were also disgusted with how she cheated then ran out of state with my son. Well anyways that was all behind me and now they seemed interested in finding me another girl. At 24 they seemed to...

2 years ago
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Horse Head Mask

The loft was on the west side of the city, in the seedier, industrial part near the tracks. That was part of the appeal, having to brave the slightly meaner streets in order to get to the best Halloween party in town. The other reason was landlords for old converted warehouses left their tenants well alone. I couldn’t believe I’d been lucky enough to score a coveted RSVP spot -- a friend on Facebook had said they couldn’t go, and asked did anyone want the slot? I’d been on my phone when the...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Sharon White Stepsons Sticky Socks

Sharon White is doing laundry, but when she goes to her stepson’s bedroom to grab his clothes she realizes that his socks are sticky and full of cum. She could let it go, but instead Sharon decides to confront Raul Costa. She waits until Raul is at home and then comes to his door. Raul is in the middle of masturbating with yet another sock and some porn when Sharon walks in. Raul tries to kick Sharon out and tell her that she’s not his mother, but that’s kind of the point....

2 years ago
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Ginger Spice

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Legend perpetuates a mythic fairy tale that depicts a cheeky gingerbread man who was magically animated, and who spent his life running away from people and talking creatures who wished to eat him. Ancient documents have now come to light that tell a different story: Once upon a time, there was a Gingerbread Man, who lived in the small town of Puddington. Unlike the other sweet inhabitants, the...

3 years ago
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How to Win Over a Nude Model part 1

Scene starts with college-aged girl in a room in her mansion set up as an exercise room. She has on yoga pants, a sports bra, and headphones and is doing stretches and some walking on a treadmill. She finishes and sets the headphones on a table and leaves the room. She walks over to a room where the back door is wide open and we can see a pool out there. There’s lighting set up for a video and a couple of men outside. There’s a man in the room. When she enters the room and sees the man, she...

1 year ago
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Naughty Neighbor

Karen had lived in her new apartment for about a week when she began seeing the girl next door. The girl was tall and slender but still had curves. Her breasts were large and full, and her ass was round and tight. Karen had been friendly with her neighbor, and found out that her neighbor's name was Rayona. It wasn't long before the two girls were spending lots of time together and discussing their secrets. It was a Friday night, and there wasn't anything to do. Karen was feeling horny but had...

2 years ago
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Read on u will cum at last part i bet!!!!Mom and dad’s divorce had just been finalized. Since Mom was almost fifty and finding a good job to care for herself at her age would be hard, my wife Kimberlyn and I decided to let Mom come and stay with us. At first I thought it might be a little uncomfortable having Mom under our roof, but everything was great. While Kimberlyn and I worked, Mom stayed home and took care of the house. She cooked and cleaned. She grocery shopped and took care of the...

3 years ago
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The Devil Inside 2 Not Quite the Antichrist

When I wrote the Devil Inside, I fully intended it as just a tongue in cheek quickie and never had any intention to write a sequel. However, I thought it might be fun showing a little more of that universe so decided to write this one. The TG elements aren't focused on much and I don't think it came out as well as the first but I hope you enjoy. The Devil Inside 2: Not Quite the Antichrist By Morpheus I stepped through the door of the bar and paused to look around,...

1 year ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 37

The following morning was busy for Lauren in comparison to others. She got up just before 8 o'clock, slipped naked from her bed and showered. She moved the growing pile of clothes from the doorway of the bathroom and added them to the two pairs of knickers she had discovered that previous night. Lauren ran her hand over the sofa, brining it to her nose to check whether any evidence remained of their activities. To her disappointment, there was none. A quick rummage through her clothes...

1 year ago
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Analized Sarah Vandella In Love With Rough Anal Punishment

Sexy Sarah Vandella hasn’t been fucked up her ass in far too long. She dances around in excitement knowing what is to come. Sarah uses her anal plugs to stretch open her unused asshole before her big Russian cock enters. She is tossed around like a rag doll, all the while getting messy and covering her pretty face in her drool. Sarah cums hard as her asshole is destroyed. She likes to feel used up and fucked. By the end of the day Sarah Vandella gets all her wishes fulfilled. Her asshole...

2 years ago
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Roleplay with meeta

febian : Story will be like this.febian : we will meet at ur freinds marriage. U had come to attend one of my friends marriage where I saw u and got attracted towards and told ur friend(Sana) about you and send proposal thorough that friend.meeta : okayfebian : and i will proposed ur family thorugh that freindsfebian : i will be alonemeeta : kmeeta : i say yes for the propsalfebian : yes… as u have seen me at the marriage.febian : why dont make a scene of our first meet to know about...

2 years ago
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An Enchanting Evening

I pull you in and kiss you hard. I run my fingers through your hair and hold you close to me. My lips are soft against yours. I push against you as the ceiling fan spins slowly above us. The gentle hum of the cicadas outside fade away as my thoughts drift to you and you alone. The feeling of your body pressed against mine, the sound of your breaths, the touch of your hands on my back. I pull away for a moment to take off my shirt and toss it to the side. I giggle when I catch your eyes on my...

1 year ago
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Partners and Wives Swarm VersionChapter 4

Tricia Hanson, as she now preferred to be called, had long since developed a crush on Dirk, but it wasn't an innocent or girlish one anymore. At a month from her fourteenth birthday, the young lady was determined to be his. He was security and comfort to her, a sense of belonging and certainty of what the next day would bring her, and she often snuggled up with him when given the chance, had felt his hard cock rest between her cheeks. She had taken a while to deal with many of the issues...

3 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 25

I alternated my lunch companions, sitting with Missy and her friends for lunch on Wednesday and Friday. Gail said almost nothing to anyone either day, although she continued to sit with us. Jackie appeared to warm to me a bit more, and I was a bit surprised to find myself enjoying her company as well. Her boyfriend Lyle was a freshman at State, and Jackie seemed to be handling the separation well. She was headed there in the fall to study Journalism. Missy was holding onto the belt loop in...

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Caitlin had just turned sixteen, and for a girl her age, all I could say was, "Holy shit. What a fucking body on her." When she came over to the house the day after her birthday, she was hanging out with my daughter Kayla. They were on the back deck and I heard the girls talking about going swimming. I was in the kitchen getting a snack when Kayla came into the kitchen. "Can Caity and I go swimming?"I know we'd talked about going out somewhere and getting some dinner but we decided we'd...

1 year ago
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Hey iss readers this is Amit again. Thanks for all your responses, especially for those ladies who sent me their nude and most exposing photos. You can send me your fucking photos too. Please let me know that what you liked and what you didn’t? On which topics you would like me to write. What you thought was missing in my stories. So please tell me on This story of mine is of a lovely experience of fucking 5 women and sharing them with 2 other guys. You would be thinking that how a handicap...

2 years ago
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The surroundings of this small town may have been chilling on Halloween but for Annie and James it was any thing but. Not wanting to go home in fear of their father's drunken state they took refuge in St. Paul's Cemetery, eating candy for the past hour after successfully bagging a substantial quantity of the sweet stuff. The night had gotten off to a bad start before they left home. Before Halloween was over it would be a night that both would remember for the rest of their life's. "You're not...

3 years ago
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Rich mother spoils sonny

Elizabeth Jamieson and her son James, were far from being poor, when James was 10 his father a very prominent businessman had died in a freak auto accident. Leaving both James and his mother well over $30 million in insurance as well as numerous estates and titles.Still living in the lavish home James had decided to take a year off his studies to further his martial arts training, as well as he put it to develop his mind.His mother, Elizabeth enjoyed the rich and lavish lifestyle her self often...

4 years ago
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Stork Flu

Early in the 21st Century, the world was struck by a major pandemic. Initially, the symptoms manifested as a typical flu, and the world treated it as such. However, as symptoms lingered, and preventative measures failed, the scientific community took notice. Quickly, they found that it was a new pathogen not only proved itself to be incredibly drug resistant. By the time the best minds in the world finally got a firm grasp of it, the disease had already spread to every continent thanks to air...

2 years ago
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Pool time excitement

I was laying in a chaise lounge chair by the pool in our backyard. The thought of more playful fun due to a recent addition of an 8 ft total privacy fence all around the backyard made me hard as I could now go au natural without worries...no family in the house and no prying neighbors. My wife had gone to visit her sister for a couple days. She didn't get any objection from me. A couple days of 100% me-time was just what the doctor would have ordered had I told a doctor about any of my...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Lana Sharapova Insatiable Slut Does Anal

Lana Sharapova is super horny and is willing to fuck anything and everything. We got her to play with her pussy. Her eyes roll back from the pleasure. We gave her an anal plug and she pops it in. We got another surprise Isiah Maxwell’s monster cock. Lana is more than happy to get down and swallow a massive cock. She takes it all and is ready to move on to her pussy. after getting her pussy pounded she get her ass destroyed. At one point she uses a dildo while she gets fucked. Watch her...

1 year ago
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CUMMING HOMEI was going through a rough time. I just turned forty, my wife ran off with my best friend, my job was cut do to downsizing and my widowed mother was telling me she couldn’t maintain the house I grew up in. With nothing to lose, I decided to look for a new job in the town where my mother lived to see if I could at least help her with the house. Mom had just turned fifty-eight.I arrived at Mom’s midafternoon. She seemed so happy to see me. Dad had passed away three years ago and Mom...

3 years ago
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I have been found out

One day I was at home my fiance was at work, so as I usually do I went in her drawers grabbed thigh high stockings and sexy pantys with a bra and silky camisole and slip. Then I go in our guest room with my laptop dildos and lube. Start watching Shemales porn. And fucking my toys. I do this all day cause it takes alot to satisfy myself.I had quite the set up a small partition wall between two closet doors with a suction base dildo stuck to it was perfect for doggy style, I could thrust my ass...

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Deflowered in darkness

This is a true story I am Clara,.the moonlight night dew escaped from the rain crashing on the lake that day. Crashing down on the cabin. The cabin was said to be haunted. Hearing creaks and noises was pt of it,s charm. Creak, creak doors opened and lights suddenly flickering. I just thought it was the charm and fell asleep after a long dip in the lake. The water felt so cool dripping from me. So inviting, ... I fell asleep when suddenly, a ghost like touch I felt upon my skin. A cool breath...

4 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 10

After the beach vacation Fred was interacting a lot more with his family. He made it a point to know exactly what was going on in his home. When the loving father and husband asked about everyone's day it was not just part of his greeting. He pried if anyone gave short answers. Also, anything out of the ordinary lead to Luke's Lord Protector to become The Inquisitor. This meddling was going to put a delay on Lori's revenge on Luke. The Brat Princess still had not forgiven nor forgotten...

1 year ago
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Private Gina Ferocious Hungry For Breakfast

The beautiful natural tits of Gina Ferocious return once again in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 3 and today this horny girl has woken up with a very particular craving. After her man Choky Ice joins her in the kitchen she can resist no more and dives straight in for a mouthful of cock with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before heading down further and satisfying her appetite with some ass licking and rimming action. Then enjoy as Gina is returned the favour by having that tight pussy licked and...

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Girlfriend Ki Chudai

Hello guys my name is aryan and I live in punjab and aaj se pehle maine kabhi story nai likhi islie mere likhne ke style mai agar kisi ko problem ho toh do tell me so I can improve and bring uh my better sexstories and agar apko meri story pasand aaye toh feedback dene ke lie email me on :- So yeh baat tab ki hai jab mai apni graduation ke 2nd year mai tha. Mai long distance relationship mai tha and meri girlfriend ka naam tanya tha. Wo delhi mai rehti thi. Garmiyon ki chutiyon ki wajah se mai...

1 year ago
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Private Silvia Dellai Horny Dance Instructor

If there’s any girl in the world that you’d want to be your dance instructor, it’s Silvia Dellai. Sexy, beautiful and horny, this Private star won’t just teach you how to move on the dance floor, she’ll teach you how to move in the bedroom too! So watch Silvia in action right here on www.private.com as she takes advantage of her lucky student, John Price, after class, first starting with some oral action and a deepthroat blowjob, before then putting her spectacular tattooed body to work as she...

3 years ago
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Daddyrsquos Lil Darling Gets BC

This is a continuation of “Daddy Gets Brown Sugar” where Ashely has just watched her dad fuck Tasha the black mom from next door. The story can be found on my profile.I quickly slipped out the back door after watching my dad fuck Tasha. What I had seen was so sexy! The sight of black and white lovers tangled together was so erotic. My pussy was soaking wet and was begging for some attention. I looked up and noticed I was walking towards the neighbor’s house. Then the thought of my brother Brad...

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Samantha Grandmas GiftChapter 2 Cleaning up the Mess

I slunk off into the bathroom to clean the jizz out of my boxers before Mandy decided to react poorly to what I had just done. It was hard to regret the experience. The idea of someone's grandmother turning them into a sex bomb was very strange to say the least, but Samantha seemed happy with the results. I had certainly cum hard. There was a big wet spot on my boxers and big globs of cum matted in my pubic hair. I grabbed a wad off toilet paper and wiped a drop of cum from the tip of my...

2 years ago
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A good girl welcomes you home

You’re finally home. My rapid heartbeat is so loud in my ears; I can hardly hear the sound of the door in the other room open and close. I sit up on the bed as I listen to you re-lock the door and then the sound of the keys clanking on the table in the living room. By the time your frame shadows the open bedroom door, I’m sitting up on my knees with my legs slightly spread open. An odd thought goes through my mind. I’m wondering if you were thinking to yourself if you left the bedroom...

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The Ritual

I woke with a dull rhythmic pounding in my skull. My head wasn't sore though. It was the drums. Lifting myself up on my elbows, I looked around, stunned by the very different viewpoint I had of the cave. The ritual was always held here, and I'd been involved a few times before, but then I'd been one of the naked children, cavorting on the outskirts of the main event, buzzing on the aromatic smoke, and grabbing at the boys around me. Tonight, I was lying near the centre of the huge space,...

2 years ago
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Half the ManChapter 2 The Accident Aftermath A Marriage in Crisis

The sun danced between wisps of clouds in the late afternoon sky, its beams following the 'Atlantis Blue' colored sedan down the road and teasingly playing tag with the car's rear bumper. Suddenly the sun's transient playmate turned and the red rear signal blinked farewell. Shadows of trees and buildings enveloped the vehicle as it traveled deep into the complex that was home. The car slowed, pulled into the parking area and came to a gentle stop. The engine silenced and the driver door...

3 years ago
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Night on the Town

Night on the Town Barbara Marsh “Well, come on, chicken!” I responded, “Cluck, cluck.” Okay, so I know it’s not original, but it was the best I could do. Despite my misgivings, I got out of the minivan, smoothed my skirt across my hips, and waited for Alexis. Her name’s really Alice, but she was Alexis for the night. The same way Jeanna was Gina and I was Betinna. I don’t remember whose idea it was, but it was supposed to make us more exotic. Yeah, right. Three going on forty (or slightly...

1 year ago
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Pearl II

I cracked a bleary eye at the rose petal filled tub in the bridal suite at the Driscoll Hotel in Austin and wondered if I had the energy to drag myself over to it. I was so drained that I'd risk drowning if I fell in. Prying my other eye open, I tried to locate my bride. Exhibiting more of her apparently bottomless energy she was fully dressed and was typing furiously at the hotel's antique desk. I tried to get irritated, but couldn't muster the energy. Last night, after the most...

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Desi Bees! It's been a long time since I had a site that was all about interaction and just having fun on the board. Gosh, I miss those days when you went on a forum and chatted it up with your fellow porn lovers. Those were the days, roses smelled better, I had a six-pack and porn was just starting to blossom. Those were the days. Today, we have Desibees.com on our hands and in the next few paragraphs, I will try to bring them down from the heights that they think that they deserve to be on...

Porn Forums
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Hi, I'm Ryan Dunmor. You probably don't know me by name, and you probably wouldn't recognize me if you saw me, but if you've been watching porn on all those free-tube sites in the last five or six years, I'm willing to bet you've heard me. I'm a dubber - a voice actor who specializes in foreign films. I work for a company called Omnivox Entertainment. "Company" is probably flattering ourselves too much. It's more like a five-man operation (and at least two of those men are actually women). It...

Straight Sex
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My darling Meena

Hi,I am a regular reader of erotic stories and I have enjoyed many stories. I always felt that u people were lucky to have sex. So jagging off is my only relief. I am 23 years old and I broke my virginity only 15days ago. I had it for the first time with my cousin who is 30 years by now. She is Meena. She had come to my home at the start of april. She is married for 6 years now and has a boy of 3 years. My relation with her is normal and never thought of sex with her. It was a saturday and my...

2 years ago
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The Housekeeper Part 1

Trevor and Lori were fraternal twins and had just graduated from high school. Mom and dad had announced that they were going to Europe for several weeks and the twins were planning to really enjoy their summer together and having friends over whenever they wanted. Most people would describe them as spoiled rich k**s. Both parents were busy professionals. Money was never an issue and they were not expected to get summer jobs before college in the fall. Both were tall, slim, attractive, although...

2 years ago
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Point of no Return Part 5

“I will allow you to use a blanket and pillow tonight due to the weather will be in the 60s. In the morning you will be up at 5:30 am to help with the dogs, as well as Mary’s dogs, she will be bringing them by before taking us to the airport. Attached is a set of chores you will see as well as things you are allowed to do while I am away.” 1) Every morning you will make sure the dogs are allowed outside to use the bathroom and since Mary’s dogs will be there as well, let her’s out first,...

3 years ago
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Caught by my Popshe just did not know

It was a Friday, my folks were going out and would not be back till late. I had managed to service Mr. Henry and Charlie both that day and was so tired and sore that all I wanted was to sleep. I got my bath and was in my room getting ready for bed when my Pops knocked at my door. I opened the door and was instructed by my Pops '...we are leaving now, I asked Mister Henry to keep a watch to make sure you have no wild parties while we are out....' Pops sort of chuckled as he said that and...

1 year ago
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BangBus Kendall Kross American Idle

The BangBus crew is always out chasing tail. This week we came a cross a chick who was looking for a studio. Apparently, she’s trying to be a star or some shit. We told her we know tons of producers and that we could give her some free studio time. She hopped on the bus and that’’s when the real fun started. We started offering the starving artist some dough for undressing. After we got a peek that huge booty, we started frothing out the mouth to see this chick get fucked. Our boy Tyler Steel...

2 years ago
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The Secretary

He had been working hard all day downstairs in the office, returning phone calls, preparing quotes, and finishing up a lot of important paperwork. With a sigh, he pushed his chair away from the desk and leaned back. A soft noise at the doorway caught his attention and he turned to see his wife at the door. She wore a long grey pencil skirt that accented the curve of her hips with a white blouse tucked in at the waist, fitting tight over her breasts. He could see the white line of her bra and...

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The Trailer Park The Road TripChapter 12

We left Hole-in-the-Wall at eight. I'd been sleeping peacefully, Kelly safely in my arms and not leaping at anything, when Tami stuck her head in my tent and announced we were burning daylight. I was good. I didn't tell her what she could do with her burnt daylight. Forty-five minutes later we stopped at a 76 station in Ludlow for gas and some breakfast stuff. Twenty minutes later the girls in back were asleep. Traci had volunteered to ride up front and keep me company, but another ten...

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An Unwilling Bride

       It was midmorning in late August, but already the weather was positively sweltering, as the men folk would say ?hot as Hell? when they thought that there were no ladies about.  The air in the bride room at the church was heavy and close.  Margaret, the bride, sat passively in the middle of the room while all the women of her family rushed around making final preparations for the upcoming ceremony.  Her Aunt Ruth and Aunt Debbie fanned her frantically in a vain attempt to keep her cool. ...

4 years ago
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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 4

Things were running smoothly at the YWCA. Penny was less worried now that Mr. Brown would report her to Mark or to the police. She was totally into her photoshoots at MORE4LESS. Without a boyfriend of her own, she found that Mr. Brown satisfied the craving she had to parade naked in front of a virile man. Plus which, he was someone who had what it took to give her a massive orgasm every time. She had been looking forward to Monday evenings for several weeks now, and Mr. Brown had even given...

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Mona I first met my wife, Mona, when I answered an ad for someoneto keep the books for a woman's gymnasium. I'd been caught in adownsizing of the finance department at my company and had beenlaid off for about six weeks. With my severance about to run outand no job prospects in sight, even a part time bookkeeping joblooked pretty good. Besides, I'd always been fascinated by themore muscular female bodybuilders, and this looked like anopportunity to meet some, although I had to wonder what a...

3 years ago
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Summer after College

His hand stroked furiously. The pressure was building and he began to feel the tingles deep in his chest. He clenched his jaw and his ass cheeks. Tight. His left hand held the windowsill for support. The only way to keep upright. A small grunt escaped his lips and he forced his mouth closed. He continued to pump is turgid cock with all he had. In the garden below he watched the two young women, oblivious to him watching their every beat. Flowing hair. PumpPump. Round shoulders. PumpPump. Pale...

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