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Wednesday 18th July 1984

On graduation day, I found that I had little opportunity to be civil, but I was polite.

“Mum, Dad, this is my boyfriend David. He’s been so helpful to me in my final year and my preparation for Finals; he’s the reason I’ve got a First.”

There was a half smile from both parents, I extended a hand to her mother.

“Mrs Metcalfe.”

“David.” There was a smile as she took my hand, but no warmth in it.

“Mr Metcalfe.”

“David.” Again the reluctant smile of acknowledgement and rather limp unenthusiastic handshake, and much reserve.

From then on, I was ignored in favour of their daughter, which was reasonable enough I suppose. Once she had left them to join the graduands, I did attempt some conversation as we sat in Owen’s Hall waiting for the ceremony to begin.

“I trust you had a good journey here,” I said, “in spite of the road works on the motorway.”

“Yes,” said Metcalfe, “no problems.” Immediately he began to talk to his wife.

I made no further effort to communicate with the pair and they ignored me.

After the ceremony and photographs, which included a picture of Helen and me taken on Helen’s camera by her father, Metcalfe spoke to Helen as we were leaving the premises.

“We have made a table reservation for three for lunch,” he said. “I’m sure they can fit in an extra one. Will you join us, David?”

Since they knew in advance I would be there they could have booked a table for four, so it was clear from that and from his tone of voice, that I was expected to refuse, which I did.

“I’m afraid I have an appointment with a client later this afternoon,” I lied. “So I’ll take my leave of you. I’ll see you later Helen. Have a safe journey back,” I said to her parents and walked off.

Suddenly she was by my side. “David!” she begged me. “I’m so sorry!”

I stopped and turned to her and saw her relax as she saw my expression was not anger, but love and affection.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “We can celebrate together later on when they’ve gone. You go back and have your lunch.”

Her hands went round my neck and she kissed me. I kissed her back. It was in full view of her parents and it was clear she was making a statement.

She smiled lovingly at me, winked and went back to where her parents were standing. I watched her go – I never tired of watching her swaying rear view – then turned and decided I might as well go to work and make my lie into truth, at least partially.

On my way to work, I was irked at Helen’s parents’ cold attitude which amounted to rudeness in my eyes, and the thought, more an urge really, came to me that we should get married sooner than later. That would teach them!

Needless to say I immediately scotched that idea. In the panoply of reasons why one should even contemplate marriage, revenge on the bride’s parents was right at the bottom of any list. One marries one’s partner to commit one’s life to her and nothing less as a reason in my eyes would do. However...

Leaving her parent’s aside (and I transiently thought leaving them aside would be a wonderful idea), she was over the major hurdle in her academic life, she would be employed locally and we had de facto settled into a happy life together. There was no doubt in my mind that I need not look any further for a marriage partner, and was reasonably sure she felt the same way.

So before I had even reached the office, I had decided to ask her to marry me, for the right reasons this time. I would do it that evening.

I then spent most of the afternoon day-dreaming about being married. We could look for a ring tomorrow lunchtime: she was on holiday from now until she began work in September, so we could meet at lunchtime in town and choose a ring.

Visions came of a neat house in the suburbs filled with a suitable number of children. How many would we have? Two? Six? I laughed at myself for being a fool. Marriage first, living together second, children when she was ready for them.

First things first. Ask her tonight. Now get some work done. Which I did.

Now the romantic stories have the besotted swain on one knee at some public gathering making his profession of love, his putative bride blushing and gasping at the surprise and shouting ‘Yes, yes, yes!’. Applause from the appreciative audience. The ring slipped on.

Sorry. Not my way. For one thing I always thought it puts the woman in a terrible position if she has to say ‘no’ in front of a roomful of people.

I returned home, arriving at five thirty to find she had not returned yet. I had my name on the carnivores’ list for dinner, but Helen’s name was not there. However she had had a celebration lunch with her parents and may not have wanted a full evening meal.

Christian was cooking, and it seemed was to serve lasagne and salad, so I asked him to allow for Helen wanting some, pointing out she had had a celebration lunch. He laughed.

“Oh, yes!” he said. “She graduated today, didn’t she? Was it good?”

“Very satisfying!” I asserted. “Fitting tribute to all her hard work.”

“And yours,” said Imogen, as she came into the room having caught the conversation as she entered. “Will we see her for dinner tonight?”

I explained the situation.

“Get her to come down anyway,” she suggested. “We’ve missed her these past few weeks.”

I took some tea up to our rooms and changed out of my work clothes and into something smart casual. I thought perhaps we might go out for a drink after the meal.

I picked up the novel I was reading, and as if on cue, she arrived breathless, breezing into the room with a huge grin on her face. She bustled across the room and parked herself on my lap, turning my head in her hands and kissing me voraciously. Then she stood and moved to the bedroom.

“Come on!” she urged. “Half an hour to dinner. Come and congratulate me on my success.” She thought for a moment, then, “And yours, my love, and yours. Couldn’t have done it without you!”

I got up and followed her, and by the time I reached the doorway she was naked, one hand tweaking a breast and the other plunged between her legs.

“Well?” she said with a feral grin.

I gazed my appreciation then rapidly shed my clothes, thankful that I had not as yet put on any socks. As I moved towards her she did a back flip onto the bed, legs wide. Her fingers returned to stroke herself.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all afternoon,” she chuckled. “I kept losing what my dear parents were saying during the meal, I had this amazing itch for you.”

I knew what she wanted and fell on her, or rather fell above her, whereupon she gripped my solid cock, put it to her and with one thrust it was in. My single thought was, ‘I’m home, this is home’.

And she said with a gasp, “Yes! This is where you belong, deep in me.”

What is home, if not the place where you belong? We said the same thing, and then began the frantic action, the pulling and pushing, my hands gripping her waist and she my bottom, trying to push me deeper.

Afterwards she lay on me, having somehow reversed our positions so she was on top. I was still hard, still deep, and she was now moving her hips languidly, relishing our connection, keeping me hard, all the better to feel each other. There could not be a better time to ask that question.

“Helen, my sweet, I’ve got a question to ask you.”

“So have I,” she said.

What happened next was uncanny, but summed up how closely our thoughts lay together, we spoke together:

“Would you like us to get married?” Me. “I think we need to marry.” Her.

She started. Lifted herself and stared into my eyes. Again we spoke together:

“So do I.” Me. “Yes, I would.” Her.

We looked at each other, then a smile began to grow, then a chuckle, a giggle, laughter.

“What are we like?” she spluttered.

“Each other!” I howled.

Eventually we quietened.

“It seems we are now engaged to be married.” I said.

“I can feel how engaged we are. You’re still hard enough that I can feel you,” she said.

“Tomorrow lunchtime. Look for a ring?”

“Two rings.”

“Ok. Two rings.”

There was a knock at the living room door, and Nuala shouted, “Dinner time!”

Helen averred that she was still hungry so we dressed hurriedly and attempted by use of a comb and hairbrush to look as if we’d not come straight from bed, ‘just fucked.’ The looks we got showed we failed in that endeavour.

Helen looked around at the knowing faces, and seeing most of the residents were there: “OK, we’ve been celebrating my graduation, and we’ve decided to get married.”

Congratulations rained down on us. The women were looking at Helen’s left hand.

“We’re going looking for a ring tomorrow,” Helen assured them. The women looked relieved; they would have something to squeal over the next evening.

“Good enough reason to ‘celebrate’,” said Harry. “and I should know. I’m quite good at celebrating.”

The rest of the evening was taken out of our hands. We were taken to the pub and bought drinks all night, which of course meant that we were more than a little drunk when we were at last alone in the bedroom.

We undressed, and climbed into bed.

“Too tired,” she slurred. “And drunk.”

“Just as well we sealed the deal before dinner,” I said, but she was asleep before my sentence was completed. I followed her example.

I announced our engagement to the office next morning, having overslept and, after a couple of paracetamol and a hasty cup of tea, arrived only five minutes late, my hangover almost gone.

Ezra heard the news and arrived to congratulate me, then surprised me by giving me the afternoon off to go buy a ring.

We bought two rings, a solitaire diamond for her and an engraved signet ring for me.

On Friday we went to Mum’s house, and announced our engagement. Gina, after the obligatory squeal and examination of Helen’s ring, immediately insisted on a party, with which Mum agreed. It was arranged there and then for the following Friday. Helen went over to Mum’s during the week to help with the preparations.

“I love it there,” she told me. “I can see why you’re so wonderful, being brought up there!”

I had to agree – about being wonderful as well as being well brought up!

Craig and Gina were exultant at our news and a number of the ‘children’ came back for the party. Craig was able to tell me that all was now well with his life, and his new ‘official’ girlfriend Vanessa was keeping him on the strait and narrow. I knew that, she’d told me as much when Helen and I first visited the house.

The party was quite a rowdy affair. The immediate neighbours were invited, and because they knew me well having seen me grow up there, they actually turned up and so no one was disturbed by the noise. Helen’s ring was duly exclaimed over, and Gina’s questions which far crossed the line into intrusiveness, were answered, much to her surprise.

Gaynor, another ex-foster sister took Helen aside and told her that she, Gaynor, had initiated me into the mysteries of sex, and hoped her work had borne fruit. Helen said she had no complaints, and that Gaynor had done a good job. My blushes were not spared.

Once again we were invited to stay and were given ‘our’ room. Out of respect for the younger folk, we kept ecstatic noise to a minimum.

For the weekend following the party, Helen had arranged for us to visit her parents. After the weekend, she would stay on for a few days to tell her friends. I had to work.

While she would not tell them the reason for our visit, I suspected that they suspected.

The house was, by comparison with Mum’s house, or the mansion in which we lived, small.

However in this it was identical to every other house on the road, indeed, with minor variations identical to millions of houses which were built in the 1930s by speculative builders for the middle classes.

They had two rooms on the ground floor, each approximately twelve feet by twelve feet, with a fireplace, and a kitchen about ten by ten feet, or less. Upstairs were two bedrooms the same size as the living rooms and situated above them, with a bathroom, toilet, sometimes separate from the bathroom, sometimes part of the bathroom, and a very small third bedroom over the entrance hall.

The Metcalfe’s house was no different, except that the rear living room and the kitchen beside it had been extended to be double in size. It was beautifully decorated, expensively furnished and spotlessly clean and tidy.

We were actually welcomed; Mr and Mrs Metcalfe knew their obligations to a guest, even one they would have preferred not to have been there. We were shown to the rear living room and invited to sit, which we did, Helen ensuring we were together on the plush sofa.

All the furnishing and fittings were designed to make one feel comfortable and cosseted. The carpet was an Axminster with a traditional pattern of what I believe are called ‘lozenges’. The sofa and chairs were plain blue fabric. There was a sideboard, occasional tables and book shelves all clearly antiques. I could have laid odds that the dining table and chairs, as yet unseen in the dining room would be antiques as well.

Helen wasted no time in stating our reason for being there. Her parents were certainly not ready for it, and come to think of it, neither was I!

“Mummy, Daddy, we have an announcement to make. David and I are engaged to be married.”

I got no chance to ‘ask her father for her hand’, nor would I have done so, and I think to this day that Helen knew that, and anyway she was not the sort of girl who believed she ‘belonged’ in some way to her Father to be given away.

The announcement was met with a silence which could only be described as stunned. Then Mrs Metcalfe collected her wits.

“Would you like some tea?” she asked. So predictable: in a crisis, make a pot of tea!

“Thank you, that would be nice,” I said remembering my manners, and both parents left to prepare it. We looked at each other.

“Council of war?” I asked her sotto voce, with a grin.

She grimaced. “Probably working out how to respond, yes,” she said.

Mrs Metcalfe brought in a tray with Crown Derby china teacups with a chocolate biscuit selection on a Crown Derby serving plate, with matching cake plates for each of us. Mr Metcalfe followed with the teapot, milk jug and sugar bowl, all, yes you’ve guessed it: Crown Derby.

Tea was dispensed, biscuits handed round, and once everyone was well equipped, Mr Metcalfe (no invitation as yet to use his given name) began.

“You’re both very young to be thinking about marriage,” he began. He got no further.

“Daddy, I’ve been out with a number of men since I was seventeen, some of whom I was very attracted to, but when I met David, something new happened: I just knew immediately that we were completely suited to each other.

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Family Cali Carter What Dreams Are Made Of

Cali Carter has a bit of a sleep walking issue; she seems to always sleepwalk into her Stepdad’s bedroom throughout the night! Ramon knows he’s not to wake a sleepwalker and takes her back to her room. Cali returns again the next morning and this time gets into bed and fondles her Stepdad’s large cock. Soon Ramon is watching his Stepdaughter suck his cock while she still remains asleep! Ramon can not believe she is doing this and doesn’t know what to do! He lets Cali do...

3 years ago
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Mirandas Journey

"Hike!"Maverick raised up and squeezed Old Babe around her barrel just enough to get her to a gallop.They'd been driving cattle from Montana to Wyoming every summer for the past three years now. This year, they had fifteen hundred head on a three-day drive between ranches and only one day left before they reached Pepper Tree Ranch.The weather had been in the mid to low eighties, which was a welcome change from past years. Previous summers had been unbearable, so the cooler temperatures were a...

4 years ago
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Intro: Paula Wize was a good girl. She got good grade in school and was among the top students in her class. She had even advanced to the point that despite her age of fifteen, she was a junior in high school. She made extra money by both babysitting and tutoring other students. Almost all of the students she tutored improved by a letter grade if not more, even those in the senior class. It was partly because of her intelligence and partly the fact that she was at least two years younger than...

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Handyman Special

Monday! Monday! Monday! Another rainy weekend results in miserable traffic. Shhhheesh a little rain in Miami and people forget how to drive. The traffic report stated “826 West has been closed from 27th Ave to 47th, its a parking lot now all the way from 57th to 103rd.” I wasn’t in a hurry I just hate sitting in traffic, having borrowed Tom’s truck this weekend, I was on my way to return it. Tom wasn’t in a hurry either along his license was suspended DUI, and he recently broke his leg when he...

3 years ago
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Gold Diggerrsquos Demise ndash The Club Comp

Chapter 1Steve and Matt looked across the big conference table at each other patiently waiting. The flat screen TV that took up almost half the wall at the end of the boardroom hummed quietly while its blue screen tried to lull them to sleep. “Always late,” said Steve. He was Matt’s lawyer and friend of almost 15 years, and they both knew before arriving that Kimberly would be late. It was her way of controlling the situation. The blue screen flickered and then gave way to the image of an...

2 years ago
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Girls Night

When Amy, Chloe and Hannah invite Kyle to their girls' night, Kyle was pretty excited. He wasn't like your typical guy and often found himself gravitating towards his female friends in many social situations. This wasn't him attempting to find a girlfriend; it was just that he often preferred their company. In fact Kyle was still getting a grip on what his sexuality was, on one hand he would join in when the girls were eying up a boy walking by, but he nonetheless certainly admired the...

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Of course you know by now this Wasn,t really Carol Connors, but it WAS and American porn actress who I recognised. Why would a porn actress want to talk to a lowly security guard like me? Okay when younger I Wasn,t that bad looking and worked out a lot so had little excess flab, but that was all. “Joe you,re probably curious as to why I,m here talking to you, well I like you! I get damned bored with what I do! Yes I get lots of money for sucking cocks, getting fucked and eating pussies, but it...

3 years ago
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Adventures Of Rickshaw Driver 8211 Part II

I thought to myself driving the rickshaw on Mumbai roads are not that bad a job. I thanked Abdul bhai for giving me an opportunity to do this job after that in the next 7 months and I had many interesting passengers, but I’ll tell you the best and the most memorable ones on another night and I was driving along new link road. I saw a couple dressed very formally waving for a rickshaw. I slowed down and the man with the tie said Andheri east, MIDC chaloge bhaiya. I said haanji, Baithiye and I...

4 years ago
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Happy Valentines

On Friday, Valentine’s Day, I went out with Tommy. I felt bad about Daddy, home alone. The last woman he’d slept with that I know of (besides me), was Mrs. Trefethen, who was married anyway. He said it didn’t matter, that Valentine’s didn’t mean anything to him, but I think he was just encouraging me to have a good time. We agreed we’d make up for it on Saturday. The night with Tommy was pleasant enough, but nothing really to write home – or you –...

3 years ago
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Women are as bad as men

First please pop along to my photos as I have just uploaded some from summer and some from last night.The reason I suggest you do, will give you an image as to what transpired that day. I have more photos of the man in question, and his actions.I sailed out to one of the many small islands in the Baltic and was left there to be picked-up later that evening.The small islands are a great retreat if you like to be alone as there are thousands to land on, sometimes you have one to yourself.However...

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Kevin German

Teil I:Ich heisse Jennifer, bin gl?cklich mit meinem Mann Horst seit 15 Jahren verheiratet. Wir kennen uns schon von Kindeszeiten an und waren eigentlich immer ein Paar. Ausser Horst hatte ich nie einen anderen Mann, er war mein erster mit dem ich geschlafen habe. Mit 19 haben wir geheiratet und Wir wollten beide fr?h Kinder haben. Mit 20 bekam ich meine Tochter Sandra, 1 Jahr sp?ter meinen Sohn Kevin. Eigentlich sind wir eine gl?ckliche kleine Familie, ich brauche nicht zu Arbeiten, da Horst gut ...

2 years ago
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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 2 My first encounter with the strap

"If this is a slave's life, give me more of it," I thought to myself as I reclined in the first class seat for the flight to Riyadh. Previously my flights had all been economy class with limited space. Sapphire must have read my thoughts for she leaned over and murmured, "Make the most of it, the next part is on one of our own aircraft and you will start your life as a slave." On this flight the king had bought the whole of the first class cabin for our sole use and he expected and...

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Suzys Show and Tell

I've been married to Suzy for 5 years, but the way I see things now, our sex life only really began a couple of months ago. Of course we had sex before then, and I wouldn't say we were unadventurous. We did it in every conceivable position, we dressed up, played games, used sex toys. There was always something new to try, and I'm fairly sure that, if asked, we'd have both said we were very happy with our sex lives. This summer something happened, quite a small incident really, but it was to...

1 year ago
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Erlebnisse einer Schlerin im Onlineflirt

Hallo! Entschuldigt, dass ich weder meinen Namen, noch mein Alter verrate, aber was ich euch erzählen will ist ein bisschen heikel! Ich gehe nämlich noch zur Schule und möchte euch hier von meinen Männererfahrungen schreiben. Also: Alles fing an, mit diesem Idioten. Der war in meiner Klasse und ich war eigentlich restlos verliebt in ihn! Ich dachte er auch in mich. Wir sind nämlich schon vier Wochen zusammen gegangen, als ich ihn auf ner Party an einer Anderen rumlutschen sah! Das wars für...

3 years ago
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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 13

Natalie opened the cottage door at the light knock, she smiled at Laurel, gave Zara a snuggle, then blinked to see the huge puppy pad quietly in "I thought he was going to stay with you for a few days." Alex smiled "Zara said Raimi needed Hell, so here he is." Revanche came out of the bedroom carrying a half empty cup of soup, Zara flew over and gave him a purring crooning hug, Hellhound his tail wagging wildly ran over to Revanche who gave him a quick scratch behind the ears. They all...

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Surprise honey

This short was written as an entry to a contest where we were asked not to use names or physical descriptions. I would appreciate your honest critiques. “Oh!” I yelped as I stumbled on the steps. “Please slow down.” “Now honey,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “You’ll have to trust where I lead you and keep up.” “I don’t like this one bit. You said there was a surprise, but you never told me I’d be blindfolded.” He dropped the hand he was using to lead me and moved behind me at the bottom of the...

2 years ago
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Barbaras Geschichte

Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Aften Opal Katie Kush Watch Me Fuck Your Friend

Katie Kush puts on her bikini to go hang out by the pool. Her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, joins her quietly so he can spend a few moments checking his hot stepsis out before she notices him. Nathan tells Katie that he’s going to fuck her friend, Aften Opal. They eventually make a bet that if Nathan does better than Katie on her test next week, he gets to fuck her friend. Katie agrees and adds on that for an easy bet like that she’ll even watch Nathan do Aften if she loses. The next...

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I opened the door to the garage as the truck backed into the driveway. I helped the three men load all of the boxes into the back of the truck and then one of the men wrote me out a receipt, the men climbed into the truck and it drove away. Two days later another truck backed up to the garage and when they left I took the receipt that they gave me and put it with the first one. I spent the rest of the day scouring the house to make sure that every last trace of Jilly was gone. The few things...

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My Horny And Slutty Aunt From LA

It was near October when I was informed of the arrival of this aunt. She lived in LA with her husband and had been nursing a 6-month-old child. She wanted to visit her hometown and her motherland and experience it with her new child. At least that is what everybody thought. The day she came to the airport, she was wearing a sleeveless saree and it was quite a show for everyone there. Her body was fleshy and her navel exposed which is quite an unusual thing to see. To begin with, her light green...

3 years ago
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Mom dad ka sexy game

Hello friends!! I hope you would have enjoyed my first story “mom & dad ka sexy game- 1”.this is third part of my story.without wasting your time i m going to start. Raat ke 11 buj chuke the,main chip ke mom ka wait kar raha tha tabhi maine dekha ki gate khol ke koi andar aaraha hai,main sumujh gaya ki wo dilip hai,maine dhyan se dekh to wo dilip tha aur guest house mein jaraha tha.kuch der baad maine dekha ki mom sexy nighty mein bahar aagain,unki nighty short thi,god wo bahut zyada sexy lag...

1 year ago
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Stan brought her from the room to the play room. She was dressed in a sheer robe and nothing else. He took the robe from her and let it drop to the floor. Her tits were huge just as he loved them. She was chosen for his needs because of her huge tits and very sexy ass. She also loved sex and any kind. Even rough, kinky, and nasty. Of the three whores he had in his control she was the one he fucked daily. The other two were used for sex shows. He had them either fuck each other as he loved to...

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The Prisoner

The Prisoner Chapter 50. Stewart knocked nervously at the door to Chief Wardress Farrow's office,his newfound confidence rapidly evaporating. The order to enter was immediatelyand he came to attention in front of her desk. A sinking feeling in his stomachtold him that he was about to find out why she had deliberately remained aloofand unfriendly in the dealings that she had had with him so far. She was flushed and furious: "Where in the hell have you been Stewart? I sent for you hours ago!" He...

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Twin Swithch Chapter 15

Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 390 Parties and New Starts

Party time, at least according to April at six AM. Everyone loaded up to go to Elena’s resort near town. She was bringing the girls. The rest of the octuplets were going to be there as well. Seeing all eight together made it pretty clear that they were all sisters. April linked to them all as soon as we arrived. Genetic testing showed the sets weren’t related, but their families suspected. Fortunately, the resort had opened. There were a lot of children in all various child care areas. The...

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