RedemptionChapter 22 free porn video

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The next day was frantic, starting with an intriguing early-morning encounter. Dex had been inclined to bag his dawn workout because of the short night. He had to remind himself how essential the workouts were to his ability to handle stress, and he knew there would be plenty of that in the following days. Assuming he was alone at the early hour, he wore just his usual brief, flimsy running shorts with the built-in supporter. He had finished the weight machines and was completing a vigorous session with the hanging bag when he was startled by a movement at the door. Spinning around, he saw Morgan leaning against the jamb and blushing brightly. Bare-legged and sleepy, wearing just a tee-shirt, she looked somehow lovable standing there.

"I... I'm sorry to startle you. Mom's been real restless and she woke me up again. I heard a noise down here and got curious. I'll go back up and leave you alone." That was what Dex really wanted, but he felt Morgan wanted to stay.

"No, you don't have to leave, that is unless you want to. I don't mind you watching if you can stand the boredom. I really do want to finish, though, if that's OK." She brightened noticeably at his invitation. "I need to do about fifteen minutes of form drills, and I need to ignore you during those. After that, we can chat while I am on the treadmill." She parked on a weight bench and watched quietly. He was rather self conscious because of the extremely stylized movements he was going through, but managed to block out her presence. For her benefit, he did cut the drill somewhat short. When he was putting on his running shoes, she sat on the stationary bike adjacent to the treadmill. Her T-shirt lifted and he could clearly see her panties. She seemed oblivious and started talking.

"Boy, I would hate to be on the receiving end of one of those kicks."

"Luckily, I have not had to use them much."

"Did you kick the asshole? How come he's still alive, then?"

"I didn't kick him full force - just enough to knock him off balance." He climbed on the treadmill and started it up. She started pedaling lazily on the bike. He raised his voice above the motor noise and asked, "You can't even say his name, can you?" This triggered an animated conversation on her feelings about her mother's marriage. It had come close to ruining a very close mother-daughter relationship. Morgan had been the one who relented, sensing her mother's need for male companionship. She had endured living with them the summer after her senior year of high school, but had left for her first semester of college as early as she could. She only came 'home' at Christmas and twice in the summer, just to avoid being around Craig. Early in her mother's courtship, she had tried to warn her that he was somehow wrong, but Morgan could not dent her mother's infatuation.

The conversation went on very nicely for his twenty minute run. When he shut off the track, she followed him up the stairs, and even down the hall to his room. At the door, he stopped and said, "Uh, Morgan, I need to shower and get dressed. Do you want to watch?"

She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, and turned to walk away. He caught hold of her arm and held her back. "I'm sorry. That was mean. I'd like it if you came in and waited. I'm enjoying our talk." She looked at him uncertainly, but he lead her by the elbow into his room and parked her in a side chair. "I'll make it a quick shower."

As he showered he thought about her. He did rather like her, but the lesbian look bothered him. Somehow doubting it was real, he decided to push her to find out for sure. Getting out of the shower without wrapping in a towel, he gathered his shaving gear and positioned himself against the counter, hiding his genitals from view.

"Morgan, come on in here and we can talk while I shave." When she saw him, she gasped and stopped in her tracks. Feigning chagrin, he told her, "Oh, I'm sorry! Since you aren't into men, I didn't think this would bother you."

"H... h... how did you know?"

"Morgan! You've been very careful to adopt the look. That isn't an accident, is it?"

"No, I, uh... You're right. It's on purpose."

"So you're not bothered by me standing her like this?"

"No. It's, uh, fine, I..."

"Morgan! Something tells me you are at least bi. Two somethings, actually." He could see her nipples pushing against the thin T-shirt.

She stared at him in open-mouthed uncertainty for a moment, then looked down at her breasts and slapped her hands over them. As she turned to walk away, Dex grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, then cut her off from leaving the room. "Come on, Morgan, stay and talk to me."

"That was really mean! You embarrassed me! Why did you do that? I kinda thought you liked me."

"Morgan, I do like you, and I don't want you to be angry. I have this thing about friends, though. I don't think they should pretend with each other. I want us to be friends, I thought you were pretending, and I had to find out. Are we OK?"

"Yeah, you rat! We're OK. And you're right. I'm not really, it's just that..."

"You don't need to explain. Let's save that for later. Say, if you want to shower, why don't you do it here. That way you won't disturb your Mom. I have a robe you can use."

He saw her make to decline, then her expression changed and she agreed. "Wait right here for me, will you?" she asked. He made the bed and generally straightened up, still wrapped in the towel. He had just pulled some clothes from his drawer when she called out, "Dex, can you come here and find me a hair brush?"

He nearly cracked up when he saw her standing in his exact position, only with her near arm covering her breasts. She said, "I thought that since you are so old and not married, that you might be gay. Something tells me that you are at least bi. A rather large something, actually!" He quickly looked down at the definite bulging in his towel, then broke into laughter, as did she. She turned her back to him and slipped on the robe. She may not have realized the nice side views he caught in the mirror.

He went back to the bedroom and slipped on shorts and T-shirt. When she came out, he told her, "That stunt took some nerve, didn't it?"

"Didn't yours, too? It's just easier to be friends when we're even on gotchas."

"Now wait a minute! Mine had a serious purpose."

"Hey, Buster, with me, payback IS a serious purpose!" That brought them both almost to their knees laughing. They spontaneously held hands as they went to the kitchen to find some breakfast.

She was still in the oversized robe as they ate, and seemed unconcerned about how well it concealed her. For his part, he worked to avert his gaze from the accidental gaps. Over coffee, he told her he was glad they could be friends and that they needed to work together well to help Megan. She agreed, and they sipped in silence for a while.

"Dex, you don't have to try so hard not to take advantage of the gaps in my robe. If I was worried about it, there wouldn't be any gaps."

"I'm guessing that men trying to see your body has not always made you feel good, has it?"

"Damn! Are you a psyche major, too? You're right, though. At least with these extra pounds, they hardly try any more."

"Oh, I don't know. Was it really hard to put on that weight?"

"Whaaaat!!?" She simply spluttered for several seconds then just stared at him. Finally, she shook her head slowly and softly said "Here I thought I had myself all protected and safe. You've shattered all my defenses in just an hour."

"Morgan, around here you don't need extra padding or a butch do to feel safe. I don't know how long you will be here, but if ever you don't feel safe, tell me. I will do whatever I can to change it, OK?"

"Dex, I have never felt safe around a man before. I think I do now, but don't be upset if I still get a little wierd sometimes."

"Believe me, I know just what you are saying."

"Yeah, I'll bet you do. Remember, I AM the psyche major. Will you tell me your story now?"

"Let's wait until your Mom is ready and I will tell both of you together."

"Shit! Now that these extra pounds aren't doing their job anymore, I've got to get rid of them, and fast. Can I work out in your gym?"

Megan felt awful when she got up early Wednesday morning, and Dex and Morgan were both as attentive as possible. Morgan helped her with her bathroom necessitities and she went right back into bed. Dex knocked on her bedroom door, and was invited in. She tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace. Her speech was also affected by the hugely swollen lip.

"Dex, I don't know how I can thank you!"

"I'm just happy I could help. I'm especially happy you're going to be all right."

"I sure don't look all right! I hate to have you see me like this. I guess you saw a lot more last night, though, didn't you."

"I'm sorry about that, Megan. I didn't want to embarrass you, but..."

"You didn't. I hurt so much and I was so afraid, I just had to have you there. I didn't care what you saw. I knew you tried not to look, though, and that was so sweet. "Uh, are you two getting along OK."

"Mom, I'm just as grateful to Dex as you are. We're doing fine together. Hey, he talks to me, and I like it!"

"Oh, I'm glad! Honey, I owe you a huge apology. I should have listened to you about Craig. I was the one who let it come between us. I drove you away from home, too, didn't I?"

"Don't worry about that now, Mom. He's history, you're safe, and we're together. Let's not let that change again, OK?"

Megan sniffled before answering, "No, let's not ever let it change, Honey."

Dex broke in at this point. "Megan, remember how I promised not to lecture or try to get you to see lawyers, or whatever? I kept that promise, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did, Dex. I might have been better for me if you hadn't."

"Would you have listened, and would you have trusted me enough to call me last night?"

She sniffled harder, and just shook her head.

"Megan, will you be angry if I end that promise now?"

"I couldn't be angry with you, Dex, and I think I had better learn to listen to you. You can tell me what to do. I will listen, really."

"That's good, because there are a lot of things we need to do, and some of them will be difficult. Here's the first one: I want you to call your parents, right away."

"Oooooh! That is a hard one! They felt the same as Morgan about Craig, and I wouldn't listen to them, either."

"Will they hold it against you when they find out they were right?"

"That's not like them. I think they will just worry that I am OK."

"Good! Call them and see how quickly they can get here."

"Oh, no. Can't I wait until I'm healed up before I see them?"

"Megan, what would it say to them if you invited them out right away?"

"That all I cared about was having them with me?"

"Is that what you want them to think?"

"I... I want things to be the way they were before."

"Morgan and your Mom and Dad have been the most important people for most of your life. Right now you have to start rebuilding your life. You want your important people helping you, don't you?"

"You're right, I do! I don't think they can come today, though. It is a long drive, and last minute flights are too expensive for them."

"I'm going to tell you this right now, Megan. I am going to do many things for you in the next while that are going to cost money. Believe me, I can afford it, and there is nothing I would rather do with the money. If you want to thank me, I will accept that and feel good about it. Please, though, don't question whether I should spend the money. Can you agree to that?"

"I may never be able to pay it back, though."

"I am not expecting that. If your folks can come, I will have tickets at the airport for them. If they come, I don't want them to stay more than two nights, though. You can blame me for that, but I think it will be best. One other important thing. I am going to set about getting you a quick divorce. You won't mind that, will you?" In response, the tears began flowing freely.

"Mom! You can't mean you want to stay married to him can you?"

"No, Honey. It's just that if I divorce him, I won't have anything! I can't support us and put you through school on my income."

"You don't have anything now, Mom, except for what little he doles out. I'll bet he even has your paychecks coming into the account by electronic deposit, doesn't he?" Megan nodded at her daughter. "And he won't let you have a credit card or an ATM card, and he gives you just the checks you need, right?"

"H... how did you know that?"

"Mom, ever since I suspected, I have been studying abuse. Your case is a classic. Dex saw everything right away, didn't he?"

"Ohhhhh! I have been such a fool! I wanted married life so badly. I... I thought I could handle it all. I thought it was worth it."

"Mom, we will manage on our own. I know we will find a way. Just get rid of him, please!"

Megan grabbed her daughters hand with her right hand, the one not in a sling, and squeezed. "You are such a wonderful daughter! How could I have ignored you? My biggest worry is paying your tuition next quarter."

"I am not going back to school next quarter. I need to be near you, and I think I will learn more here. Besides, I have some personal things I need to change before I can go back."

"Oh, no, I don't want you to miss because of me!"

"It's because of me, too. I will tell you all about it in a few days. Now, let's call Grandma and Grandpa."

Megan's father was able to switch days with a colleague, and they could leave immediately. Dex called the airline and got everything arranged for them to pick up the tickets at the airport. They would be arriving late morning, and would fly back Friday morning.

His next call was to String, explaining briefly what had happened to Megan. He got String to personally cancel the automatic deposit of her checks. String asked to talk to Megan directly, and assured her she was on paid leave until she was physically able to return.

Megan insisted on coming to the table for breakfast. She was obviously very uncomfortable, but companionship seemed more important to her than pain relief. Morgan fed her, insisting she eat more and more so she would not get nauseous from the pain pills.

Dex left an urgent message for his lawyer, Marty. They put Megan back in bed, and he sat with Morgan and outlined his ideas for a divorce settlement. Not being at all sure it could be done, he wanted all charges against Craig dropped in exchange for an uncontested divorce. He was sure the assault on her could be dropped if she withdrew her complaint. The stickiest problem was the attack on the officer. The DA would need a strong incentive to drop that one. If Megan's comments about Craig being connected were true, the chance to uncover corruption and bag some serious mobsters could be enough.

They talked long and hard about getting a financial settlement. Morgan was inclined to forget it to avoid risking the whole divorce. Dex did not want to leave them without some reasonable compensation, besides the punitive aspects. He decided on 15% of assets with a minimum of $500,000 and a maximum of $1,000,000. As they talked, they realized Craig probably would show up as insolvent, with his real assets safely hidden. Morgan told him of the times someone would hound them for payment, usually not something large, then suddenly Craig would end up with an expensinve new car, or a watch, or clothes, always paid for with cash. Dex added a stipulation that if Craig did not pay the $1,000,000, he would have to certify his assets to the court, leaving him open to perjury charges later.

Being in the software business, Dex was technically very sharp. However, he had close friends from school who were unquestioned wizards, two of them hackers of the first order. He felt that with some help, he could find Craig's assets anywhere. With this confidence, he added a clause covering hidden assets discovered later. If such undeclared assets turned up, both the miminum and the maximum were to be doubled, and interest charged on any monies illegally withheld, not to mention probable perjury charges. They suspected fear of disclosure of these assets to the authorities would be a huge threat, since they were increasingly certain of their illegal origins.

As they talked, they both liked the agreement. Of course, without a cooperative DA, it meant nothing, and there was every chance Craig would not accept it. Megan was awake again and wanted to be up and at least somewhat dressed. When Morgan was finished helping her, they showed her the proposal. It was obvious the idea of divorce was still painful to her, but she appreciated their work. She had never shared any facts about her husband with Dex in all their conversations, and he had not asked. Now, she told him that she and Craig lived as if he had access to $20-$25 million in funds. From his short foray into the house, Dex thought that estimate reasonable. Thinking of the rather meager stack of Megan's possessions they were able to liberate, he became angry. Megan had said she had not much more of any value.

With an already E-mailed draft in hand, Marty was quite animated when she returned Dex's call. Dex insisted on using the speaker phone, and introduced everyone. Marty protested she was not a divorce specialist nor a criminal lawyer. Dex insisted she was the smartest lawyer in town and it would be good for her to diversify, and besides, she had handled Margo's very nicely all those years ago. Megan said if Dex recommended her, she was happy with her handling the case. Exhausting all her protestations, Marty finally admitted excitement at the prospect of working this agreement. She had some solid connections at the DA's office, connections she knew to be incorruptible.

It was Marty who suggested they try to get some verbal evidence. Dex was concerned about both the legality of recording phone conversations, and about connecting with Craig from his home number. At this point, he was completely anonymous, and they all agreed it was best for Megan if he stayed that way for a while. They worked out a plan to use one of Archer's numbers as the cutout, forwarding it to Dex's line. Craig would have to be the one to call because they were going to record the conversation at Dex's house, and there was better legal support for recording an incoming call.

Marty wanted to be there to do some quiet coaching. Dex persuaded a reluctant Megan to wait until her parents arrived and let them listen in. He kept stressing the importance of their complete immersion in helping her. This would all be very hard on Megan, but she insisted she could handle it. They chose three to four that afternoon as the target time frame. It was decided that Megan would call from the cell phone she took from the house. She would give Craig one minute to call back on the cutout number because they wanted to catch him completely off-guard, with no chance to bring in a lawyer. Thus rattled, they thought there was a better chance he would say something incriminating. Marty would stay at Dex's until the call was completed. If he refused the immediate callback, they would not try again.

Morgan was delegated to pick up her grandparents, all agreeing that Megan should neither leave nor be left alone. Dex insisted she drive his third vehicle, a Jeep, and avoid the two he had used the previous night. He was very concerned about efforts to track down Megan. Patrick, Megan's father, was a police lieutenant, and he would know if they were being followed.

He led Morgan to the converted barn that had been part of the original property before he had totally rebuilt the house. Her jaw dropped on seeing the array of vehicles stored inside. ''Boys and their toys!" she quipped, to which he could only respond with a grin and a shrug. He gave her an extra cell phone, took her keys to stow her car out of sight, and sent her off.

Morgan had remained extremely close to her grandparents, especially after Megan's marriage. They even tried very hard not to react to her lesbian personna. Their meeting at the airport was emotional but brief, as she had arranged to pick them up at the curb, again for secrecy reasons. Before pulling away from the curb, she filled Patrick in on Dex's security concerns. He was alarmed, but appreciated the cautious steps they had taken. Jeanette, Megan's mother, was even more alarmed, but many years as a policeman's wife had given her the composure to retain control. The conversation was very animated, most of it centered on Dex: who he was, why he was involved, what Morgan thought of him, and could they trust him.

Patrick had insisted that Jeanette sit up front with Morgan so he could keep an eye open for anyone following them. Morgan was so enthusiastic in her descriptions of Dex, that Jeanette told her, "Morgan, dear, you sound like you really like this guy! And you're even blushing!"

"Oh, Grandma, I've barely known him for twelve hours. I will tell you, though, in that time I have had more intelligent, enjoyable conversation than with any man ever, except Grandpa. As far as liking him, I do, but I suspect he only has eyes for Mom, if anyone."

As they approached the house, Morgan cautioned them, "Now remember, hugs are not a good idea, and she can't kiss with her lip the way it is. She looks just awful, but, fortunately, there won't be any permanent damage. I... I'm so glad you could come. I just hope things between all of us can get back to the way they were before... before the asshole came along." Jeanette gasped slightly at her crude reference, but then chuckled and assured Morgan they wanted the same thing.

Megan was standing in the foyer when the rest of her family arrived, with Dex nowhere in sight. The reunion was predictably emotional, with horror at her injuries mixed with joy at the breaking down of the wall that had come up between them. After about fifteen minutes, Patrick asked, "Morgan, where is this young man, and why hasn't he joined us?"

"He's down in his room giving us a chance to be by ourselves. He's very big on family. You know, he was the one who insisted Mom call you."

"I know, and the price of those tickets! Can he really afford this?"

"Please, don't even mention money to him. He would be offended. He made that very clear to us."

"I guess I am puzzled why he is doing this."

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A Trip Of Fun To Goa

Hi, we live in Mumbai (bandra). Me & my husband both As he is very busy we don’t get to spend time with each other so we planned a trip to Goa.. My hubby is very naughty he likes me in short clothes & heels so I stay at home in those As most of my shopping is done by my hubby online in our free time so he buys most of his choices.. We never went to any beach together so I didn’t have any bikini so this time I think of something new and I bought some sexy bikinis online and got those home when...

4 years ago
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Call Boy Kese Bana Or Kese Ki Gujrati Bhabhiyo Ki Chut Sant Ki

Hello friends me gujarat se hu or ye meri paheli story hai joki 6 month pahele ki hai mera name dhreet hai or study karta hu or paisho ki problem ki vajah se callboy ki job karta hu ab or bor na karte hua story par ata hu ye bat us time ki hai jab me colg ki exam dene gandhinagar joki ham p.G rahte the tab hamari baju me ak mast bhabhi rahti thi or vo bahot sexy thi uska figar 34 28 36 tha mast mal thi me unko bahot dekhta tha or mene kabhi sex nahi kiya tha to. 1 din me apne balcony me jab...

2 years ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 17

Heather opened the door just as I was about to knock on it. She'd given up on the tent after the twins had left, and returned to her normal room. I couldn't complain. I'd taken Sally up on the offer of a bedroom for the rest of the holiday myself, and was enjoying the comforts of modern life. Heather looked great. A pale green sundress hung breezily on her, swirling with her movements. Her grin was infectious, as usual. She looked back behind her to make sure no one was listening, then...

2 years ago
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Actions and Consequences Part Seven Onto Better Things

"Flight Eight-ten is now boarding for Houston, Texas," the lady said over the intercom."That's me," I said to the guy sitting next to me. For the last hour we had been having a conversation, well, I was holding a conversation with him. He was having a conversation with my cleavage."Okay," he said as he sounded disappointed."If you join any of those sites, we will talk more," I said as I walked away.That was how the conversation got started. He thought he had seen me before and well, he...

1 year ago
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Worth the Wait Part 1

I make my way to his office, my heart beating faster as I see the door now in my eyesight. It’s ajar slightly, there’s a small pool of light escaping from underneath it as it spills out onto the floor.  I walk slowly, the rest of the department is dark so I’m unsure of my footing, but if I’m really being honest I’m nervous to reach it. Scared even.  This is years in the making.  Hours upon hours of sexual frustration. “Is this really happen—-“. My thought is cut off.The door opens in front of...

Office Sex
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Couple stories

Let me come to the true story i had very recently with a aunty Her name is YYYY having good figure 36 28 40, brownish white aged 30 yrs. I met her in a professional seminar. Later we became friends. She is married and her husband is working abroad and she was staying in a rented home alone. We used to chat over the phone. One day while chatting we changed topic to sex and she was interested to have sex experience with me. So one fine day we decided to have that memorable experience to me as i...

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Dream girl 2The rewrite

When I woke up very suddenly this morning… with the distinct feeling that I forgot a wonderful dream. The room was lighting up at intervals from lights that were moving around just outside my apartment. The lights were too low to be lightning and it must have been coming from cars driving past in the road. When I got up and went to the window, there wasn't much to see. It was still early, only a few minutes before four a.m., and it was still completely dark outside. Extremely thirsty I...

3 years ago
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The Scholarship Part 3 of 3

The Scholarship Part 3 of 3 By Julie O. Chapter One-Hundred-Sixty Sunday morning I watched as Sam and Mom pulled out of the driveway on their trip to Philadelphia. They told me that they would call when they reached their hotel. I would miss them, but I was happy that they were getting some time together. I knew Mom was nervous about meeting Sam's family. I also wondered how they would react to me. I read the paper until it was time to go to work. We were still busy...

2 years ago
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The Changing Room

I am using the name Jennifer Doalfer, even though for obvious reasons it is not my own name. However, it is similar to the name of a friend I had in university and whose personality I like to adopt when I write. I am 35 years old and live in an old house in the suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark, (thats a country in Europe – in case you dont know). I have two children and I am happily married. And no – I am not going to tell you what I look like – just imagine whatever turns you on. I can tell you...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Gia Derza Scarlit Scandal Oily Anal

Exotically alluring Gia Derza and petite, black Scarlit Scandal bounce their asses in rainbow fishnet stockings. They share lesbian pussy eating and rimming. The voracious girls give Jake Adams a nasty double blowjob, and he soaks them in oil. When Gia spreads her ass cheeks, Jake plows her anally. He shoves his dick into Scarlit’s twat and fucks her from behind while she eats Gia’s twat. Gia squirts girl cum! Scarlit sucks Jake’s boner ass-to-mouth and twerks on his cock! The...

4 years ago
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A Ring Story

A Ring Story. By Tanya H. After a good night on the piss, when the stars were out, the new morning was young and I was drunk, I always liked to get a donner kebab and then sit and eat it on a favourite bench in the park before I went home. My name is Paul, by the way (hi) I'm 26, single, 5'8 tall, slim and blonde. Why am I single? Debbie dumped me after she caught me kissing Ruth last month - silly, immature and stupid, but Debbie was a bit clingy anyway so I didn't miss her...

2 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 9

I don’t know what I expected as I arose, but the incredible thirst was a huge part of it. It was a thirst that was also hunger, as blood was now my sole means of sustenance. I no longer craved human food at all and I thus knew that it had worked. I had been transformed from a mortal man to a creature of the night, a vampire. Sure, there was a price to pay, a few of them in fact. I was no longer free to walk in daylight at all. I was relegated to the moon, never to see the Sun on my face...

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Hot sexy horse rider

I was walking along a old railway line which is now a public footpath when I heard a horse behind me getting really close So I moved over to one side to let it past,The female rider thanked me as she pasted by,I have always had a thing for women on horses must be the tight jodhpurs,boots & riding crop!She had blond hair which was tied back in to a ponytail,white blouse and brown very tight jodhpurs & black boots,she was about early 40's & very fit.As she disappeared round the corner...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Capture Part 5 of 10

Introduction: Now Jessica is on the job useing the Jessica 3000 to spit one girl after another, and getting paid for it, how cool is that?, and a slave girl too!!, but will it last?. Jessicas Capture Story: #19 Copyright 2005 Written: January 24 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 5 – Jessicas on the job Following her down the hall, Jerry...

1 year ago
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The Sex World

The sex world is another dimension in which sex is as normal as drinking water. A man and a women can have sex as they please, even in public. For example a man could fuck another mans wife without any repercussions. People can walk naked in public, and covering up private parts and genitalia is considered odd. Fashion in the sex world is usually just less clothing. Women's shorts always show lots of ass and even the sides of pussy. Shorts are extremely short. Sometimes women don't even wear...

2 years ago
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Change of Ways

Change of Ways By Eve Smith INTRODUCTION At thirty-eight years old I had everything that any man could want. My business, The John Wright Corporation was the envy of most, growing at a rate that made me millions each year. I had been blessed with handsome good looks, charm and the ability to get my own way no matter the cost to others. This had been achieved with hard work, no conscience and the money that I had got from my first wife. I had been 20 when I had met and...

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Taboo 1

This is a real story. It is unlike those other fakes where people directly have sex with their moms.I am 22, live in Pune and work in an IT firm. My parents live in Mumbai. My dad had bought a house in Pune long back and thus I live in it alone. My mom and dad visit frequently and stay over the weekend.My dad had to go to London for business work for 2 weeks and hence my mom came to live with me in Pune while he was gone. Living alone, I had got me into some very bad habits like masturbating...

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What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 As soon as he woke up, Jim Lewis knew that something was terribly wrong. First off, he was in a totally different hotel room; second, he was totally alone; and third, he was dressed in a pink lace teddy. This was supposed to be the getaway vacation that he had been dreaming of for the last year. He had reserved a suite in one of the top hotels in Las Vegas and planned to spend his time...

4 years ago
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My neighbor the dog walker

This may be a little longer but it's worth it!!!!! Every year as the morning temperature starts to rise I make it a morning ritual to walk out onto my deck stark naked. I get up for work at the same time everyday and, if the temperature permits i drain my semi erect cock off the side of the deck. 2 summers ago.....before I had quit smoking.... I would occasionally take a smoke after peeing. 1 morning I noticed the neighbor's dog was out doing his...

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The Slave the Slut and the Sissy

John was on his way to a conference, and had been driving North for at least four hours. The rain was pouring down on his windscreen as he continually wiped his eyes. 'I've got to find somewhere to stay', he thought to himself. After about ten minutes he came to the next exit on the motor-way. He found himself hopelessly lost in the dark countryside. 'Yess!' John had just discovered the sign for a bed and breakfast. He decided that staying the night there then getting his...

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Aunty Teaches Virgin Nephew 8211 Part 4

This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1, 2, 3 before reading this Part 4. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending college and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune since my parents...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Friend Ki Chudai Part 2

Hello friends, Ab mai aap ko batata hoon ki kaise mai nay raat bhar neha bhabhi ki chut chodi Jaiska ki aap logon ko pata hai ki din may chudai kay baad neha bhabhi nay mujhe raat may aane ko kaha or may bhi ready tha hi toe mai bhi dhik 8 baje unkay ghar pay gaya or door bell bajayi. Neha bhabhi nay door Khola or wo is waqt kafi khus lag Rahi thi sayad din ki chudai say unkay face pay smile thi or wo pink colour ki nighty pheni thee but full body cover thi Neha bhabhi – good on time Aaye ho...

3 years ago
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We All Have Our Stories

I want to present a few short vignettes concerning crossdressing. A most interesting and individual form of sexual gratification and fulfillment. The first story concerns a strong man, happily married and happy with the sex he is getting from his wife, but something seems missing in his life. He often walks the streets and window shops, but seems to be drawn to the windows displaying ladies' wear, from dresses, to frilly underwear, to stylish shoes. He is drawn to it all. And he forms the...

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Coffee Hotels and a Surprise

I call coffee “The Devil's Drink”. I imagine you think I'm crazy because, let's be honest, how many of us only function because of coffee. Before you call for me to be beheaded, let me explain. Nothing good happens after you're asked the phrase “Let's grab some coffee!”. Even bars are better than coffee. Ideas spark in bars. People fall in love at bars. People get wasted and have great times at bars. It is said that after discovering the structure of DNA, Francis Crick blasted into a pub and...

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Her Left Leg

(At least I think it’s her left. It’s the left side of the photo which would normally be the right side of her body, but then she’s in a mirror so it’s reversed again… I don’t know. Either way. :–) Around her neck she wears that pretty rosary with an even prettier story behind it. I could spend a long time describing all the loveliness on view between the innocent white cross and the sexy black dress, the smooth fresh skin of her neck and shoulders and chest. But she sent me that video to...

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Doing the Divas

As you walk down the street on a fine summers day your mind begins to drift off as you run on auto pilot. You recall Wrestlemania 25 and in particular the Diva's, such fine specimen of woman and curves that caught the eyes. Whilst a cheesy grin emerged on your face as replayed each Diva in your head jumping around in slow motion you were dragged back into reality when out of nowhere...

2 years ago
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Dead Girls Dont Cry

Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...

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Cock Lust Threesome bimale MMF

This is my first attempt at writing. This story is absolutely true. Given some details might be changed as I can't remember exactly word for word what happened but its pretty damn close. Please let me know what you think good or bad so I can improve my writing for your pleasure. lol  (by Hungforyou)I never did and still don't consider myself to be bi or gay but I do love the sight of a huge cock. There is just something about it that exudes power and dominance. I feel very fortunate to have by...

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Vinnies World 2 Taking Lily

Let me explain how it is in Vinnie's World. We're a savage tribe living in a land with other savage tribes. We don't start wars. We follow certain maxims: live and let live; to each his own; don't stick your nose in someone else's business. But sometimes other people don't follow those rules. That's when we act because there is one maxim we never follow: turn the other cheek. We defend each other and our possessions. Our most precious possessions are our women, and we guard them at all...

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Margos Own Story Pandemic Encounter of the Third Kind

A pandemic encounter of the second kind could include visual contact over electronic means, like video sex. And the third kind? In spite of mandated social distancing, a violation. Meeting in secret with our reproductive organs ignoring all the risks we've been warned about for weeks now. I've been sneaking out to see Sean for the past year or so. He lives not to far from here. How we got together is a story for another time. I thought a current events story would be more interesting for...

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Mrs Smith Part III

Mackenzie:I knew id never be able to sleep knowing my kitchen window wouldn't lock so I went to the garage and got a hammer and some nails and nailed it shut. I then thought I should print out a copy of that filthy pic on my computer in case I had to get the police involved. But when I went to my computer, the email was gone. I knew I hadn't deleted it so I didn't know what happened. I knew Ponte was a wiz with computers so I decided in the morning id call his mom and have her ask him to come...

4 years ago
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brother And sister Love

We are 4 people in our family. My dad, Mom, s*s and me, this story is about me and my sister her name is vidya (all names changed) she is 22 years old. I always had fantasy on my s*s. She is cute and beautiful. My dad and mom both are working so they dint had time for us. I and my s*s are very close to each other. When ever we had time we used to go to movie and shopping as I earn a good salary so we did not had any problem for our expenses we are very happy with each others company.All started...

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Sibling MagusChapter 24

Erica, Leanne, and I all stared at Emma for a moment. I broke the tense silence first. “Erica, call Jordan. See if she can advise me on this.” I looked at her. “And make sure Sheriff Dalton doesn’t find out.” She nodded and stepped away to find her phone among her clothes. She found it, dialed Jordan up, and worked on getting dressed while she quietly talked. Leanne watched her too, then looked down at herself and blushed. She walked over to stand next to Erica, and worked on getting...

1 year ago
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Roni B a Broken Air Conditioner and Kinky Sex

Roni B, a Broken Air conditioner and Kinky SexOn a trip heading north from Florida disaster struck—twice. My car’s air conditioner died and the electric windows were stuck in the closed position. I checked fuses. Not the problem. I looked on the bright side, I might lose a few pounds on the 18 hour trip home.After a couple hours, my wife didn’t share my stoic outlook.“Can’t we do something?” she asked.“Find a dealership and stay around for a day or two?”“Or go home sweating.”“That’s about...

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Santas Little Helper

It was that time of year again; time to get the suit out of mothballs and dry cleaned, Nick thought to his self. He headed up the rickety stairs toward the attic, pushing the cobwebs out of his way. He reached the door and rattled the doorknob, causing the door eerily creaked open. The room was filled with thick musty air, as he made his way across the room to the light switch. Flicking it on the room illuminated. In the corner of the room, hung the Christmas red Santa suit, in a clear plastic...

3 years ago
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 6

JANUARY LUKE'S VOICE Christmas had come and gone. We'd been merry, eaten and drunk to excess, faithfully done our lessons, gone out in the days and done simple touristy things. I didn't know Vienna well and Uli had delighted in showing me her city. We'd held hands as we walked, kissed each other goodnight, and I'd gone back to my habit of not wearing clothes unless I was cold or in company; we hadn't had any further sexual contact. On the other hand we had talked a hell of a lot. Her...

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Refections 2

Reflections 2 Author Samantha Ann A short story for Valentine`s day The story has been posted as Reflections on Valentine's Day and in honesty feel It could have been improved. I have reviewed the story and tweaked, pulled and pushed it this way and that to this version. As usual comments are appreciated as they all help me to improve my writing abilities. Thank you all, - - - The mirror on the wall sees all and hides nothing. - - - He comes again looking sad and...

4 years ago
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Fate Of Faith

FATE OF FAITHBy Sonya Esperanto  [email protected]:About a horny mother who was in need of drugs and had submitted herself as a slave to a friend of her son?s, in exchange for those drugs.STORY:Faith Mc Donald was a very attractive woman. She had long black hair and blue eyes. Men wanted to fuck her, as she had a nice ass and had large breasts. The mother was roughly at the age between 35 to 36, but was still far more attractive than many other mothers, or even younger...

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A Thirst for Laura

A Thirst for Laura Just when I felt our sex life was returning to some degree of normalcy, Lacy surprised me. When she called me at my office and invited me to lunch, I thought “no big deal, glad to do it”. But when I arrived at our usual curved booth at our favorite restaurant, she was not alone. There beside my wife sat Laura, her luscious co-worker. More times than I can count Lacy has seen me literally drool watching Laura at office parties, backyard bar-b-ques at our home and a few...

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Gay club bang

But, it was not alright with his family to be gay. So, he tried to date girls. He fucked them. He got off. But he always thought about cock. Finally, when Brian turned 21, he decided he would experiment at a gay bar. He figured he could suck another cock and maybe get his sucked. Brian was a good looking guy. He was slightly built, but was cut. He knew he was a little on the short side at 5'8", but he didn't think that would matter. He arrived at the club and sat at the bar. Only a few...

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