Mother's Forbidden PassionChapter 4 free porn video

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Bette awoke in the guest room a few minutes before nine the next morning, stretching languidly, the sheets cold and sweet smelling against her naked body. Sunlight slanted in through the partially drawn blinds over the window, falling across her eyes, and she raised one arm to shield out the bright light.

As she lay there, the events of the preceding evening returned vividly to her mind. She dwelled for a moment on the frenzy of passion which had been generated between her and her ex-brother-in-law, Ken, the pleasure they had taken and given in and with one another's bodies. God, but he was a fine, handsome, sensual man! Bette had almost forgotten what lovemaking, real lovemaking, could be like; and her sex-starved body and mind had reveled in the deliciously fevered flesh of her dead husband's brother. He was truly a magnificent lover, far better than David, as good or maybe even better than Hale when their relationship had been at the height of its intense delights.

And yet, here in the cold light of day, questions made themselves known in the lovely blonde woman's mind--the very questions which, in her subconscious, had caused fitful dreams in the night. What, if anything, did her coupling with Ken mean in terms of a lasting relationship? Was he merely a deprived self-celibate, such as she had been the past few months, who had lost control of his tightly-reined emotions last night and thus led him into the wild lovemaking with her? How did Ken really feel about her? How did she really feel about him? And what if Tony, her young handsome son, should find out what they had done? How would he feel about his mother and his uncle coming together in any kind of intimate relationship?

The questions spun and revolved in Bette's mind, but there were no immediate answers for any of them. She had come home, and been accepted by her son and by the brother of her dead ex-husband--those were the only facts she knew for certain. They were good facts, contented ones after the months of terrible loneliness and guilt, and she could only hope that they would last and that the questions she had just posed to herself would be resolved favorably. Now that she had tasted happiness again, the thought of returning to Chicago, of living alone in that tiny apartment there, were more frightening and depressing than ever.

Bette sighed and slipped out of the cool bed, padding naked across the bedroom, her taut, firmly rounded buttocks jiggling with unaffected sensuality as she moved, her rich, still-firm breasts swaying gently. From her suitcase she removed clean bra and panties, a pair of hip-hugger slacks and a lightweight summer shirt, dressed quickly, and combed her soft blonde hair at the vanity mirror. Then, after applying a light touch of makeup, she opened the door and went out into the hall.

The smell of frying bacon, and coffee percolating, drew her to the kitchen. When she opened the door, she saw Ken standing at the stove, humming softly to himself as he tended to bacon and eggs cooking in a pair of skillets. He turned when he heard her enter, put down the spatula he was holding, and came to her, his mouth curved in a gently, loving smile.

"Good morning, darling," he said, and kissed her, folding her into his strong arms.

She returned his kiss, pressing against him for a moment, then stepped away, smiling at him. "Good morning, Ken," she said softly.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not too badly."

"I slept marvelously myself," he laughed. He took her hand and led her to the table, seating her in a chair before one of two place settings. "Breakfast coming right up."

Bette noticed the absence of a third place at the table. She asked, "Where's Tony this morning?"

"He left about forty-five minutes ago," Ken replied. "I don't know where he was going. He seemed kind of upset about something or other."

A small wedge of fear formed in Bette's stomach. "Oh Ken, you don't suppose


"Well, he came home right after you and I well, right after we left the living room. He he "

"Might have heard or saw something?" Ken finished for her. "No, I doubt that, Bette. You mustn't worry about that."

She moistened her soft, pink lips. "But I can't help worrying about it. What if he finds out that we we ?"

"He won't find out, not unless we tell him." He crossed to her chair, stood looking down at her tenderly. "Honey you're not sorry about last night, are you? You're not sorry we made love?"

Bette swallowed hard, her eyes meeting his. "No," she said truthfully. "No, Ken, I'm not sorry."

His smile was wide and happy. "I'm glad, darling, because I'm not in the least sorry either. It was beautiful, wonderful, perfect, and there's no use in denying it."

"No, there isn't," Bette admitted.

"Bette, I I'm in love with you. I want to marry you."

Tears suddenly welled in her lovely eyes. "Oh, oh Ken, do you really mean that?"

"Yes, I really mean it," he said, smiling down at her. "I know this isn't the time to talk about it, not yet, but I wanted you to know how I felt. Do you feel the same way about me, darling? Just a little bit?"

"Yes, I I do."

"Then you'll marry me one day soon?"

"I think so, Ken. Yes, I think so."

He pulled her to her feet, kissing her face, holding her tightly. "I'll make you happy," he whispered. "I'll make you forget all of the past, every bit of it, and there won't be any more pain for you, Bette. Only goodness and love."

She cried softly against his shoulder, and a warm, glowing feeling swept through her body. She thought: I know the answers to some of those questions now oh God, I can't believe it's really true, that they're the right answers, but I hope and pray that they are

Tony drove his Corvette at high speeds to the small lake north of Westridge, took a dirt-road cutoff once he reached there, and followed that to where it ended at a small secluded beach. It was deserted this early in the morning, a fact which the handsome teenage youth was thankful for. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts, to sort out the confused feelings which churned inside him and which had kept him awake most of the night.

He parked the Corvette under some pine trees, stepped out into the warm, fresh air, and went down onto the sandy beach. He walked along it, listening to the murmur of the water as it licked at the beach in tiny waves, his hands thrust into the pockets of his trousers.

What was he going to do? he wondered for the hundredth time since last time, since what he had witnessed and what he and Debbie had done while watching his mother and his uncle. He felt guilty and ashamed, and at first he had known violent anger toward Debbie. But then, the more he thought about it, the more he concluded that she was not to blame, not really; she was a hot-blooded girl, and she had succumbed to the same carnal temptation that he had, that was all. No, Debbie and he had been weak, young and weak, and what they had done could be excused.

But what he had seen his mother and Uncle Ken doing was an altogether different story.

God, he could still scarcely believe it. His mother grinding her cunt up hotly at his uncle's huge cock, her legs wrapped all the way around his back like a couple of animals. Which one of them had started it? His mother probably sure, his mother, who was a slut underneath after all, who couldn't come home for one day without spreading her legs like she'd done the past five years down in Chicago, like she'd done even before that here in Westridge with Hale Bixby and Christ only knew how many other guys before him. He should have known better than to trust her, than to think she was repenting and that she'd really changed.

Tony tried to conjure up a burning hatred for his mother, but in spite of his thoughts, he couldn't seem to make himself loathe her the way he had done after she'd deserted he and his father, after his Dad had died in that auto crash. He kept remembering the pain and suffering that had been mirrored on her face when he'd first seen her yesterday afternoon, the beseeching way she'd looked at him, and how his heart had gone out to her and then he kept seeing her with her legs locked high up around Uncle Ken's back, pumping her open pussy up at him, urging him to fuck her harder so that she could cum

The two images were totally alien to one another, and because they were Tony couldn't hate his mother with any kind of consuming passion. He couldn't hate his uncle, either, for Ken Clark had been kind to him, gentle and kind over the years, and the sight of him lewdly driving his cock into Tony's mother's widely splayed vagina was another alien concept that confused the teenage youth. Well, his uncle was a man after all, just as Tony was, and he had been blinded probably by Bette's beauty, for she was undeniably a lovely woman Tony could remember how her naked body had looked there in the firelight, her perfectly formed hips and legs, her large, ruby-nippled breasts, the thin, wet little cuntal slit nestled beneath her softly curling triangle of blonde pubic hair

Tony shook his head violently, feeling his face flame red, and he looked guiltily around him even though the beach was still deserted. What was the matter with him, thinking about his bitch of a mother that way? It was almost as if well, as if he had been captivated and attracted by the sight of her nakedness, by the way she was fucking back at his uncle almost as if he, Tony, wanted to have been in Uncle Ken's place on the couch last night

Stop it, damn it, stop that kind of thinking! he cursed himself. Oh God, he was so confused today, so mixed up, he just didn't know what to do. One thing was certain: he couldn't stay in that house with his uncle and his mother much longer, not after last night. Suppose they decided to keep screwing one another, suppose his uncle invited her to move in there? Tony couldn't face them both day after day, knowing what he knew; he just couldn't.

But what alternative did he have? He had a little money put away, insurance from his father, that he intended to use for college in the fall. Maybe he could move out, get a little apartment of his own, find a job, and forget all about college

The prospect of living alone didn't appeal to Tony much, and he really did want to go to State in September to pursue that Engineering degree. So he couldn't move out, he couldn't get a job or an apartment and live alone and yet, he couldn't stay on there at his uncle's home. What was he going to do?

And suddenly, out of the clear blue summer sky, he had the answer.

A slow smile spread across his handsome features. Of, course! It was simple, really simple. He remembered Debbie telling him once that her father, who was a wealthy building contractor in Westridge, had promised to give her a ten thousand dollar wedding present the day she got married. Ten thousand dollars! Why, he and Debbie could both go to college on that, as well as maintain an apartment, and when he graduated with his Engineering degree, he would be automatically assured of a high-paying job anywhere in the world that he chose.

He knew that Debbie loved him, he was sure of it, and he knew that he loved her--so that made it all right about taking the money from her father to set them up in housekeeping. But would she marry him if he asked her, would she marry him right now? He thought that she would yes, he was sure of it, she loved him, she would jump at the chance to become Mrs. Tony Clark.

That's what he would do, all right, he thought with mounting excitement. He would marry Debbie and move out of his uncle's place and leave his mother and Ken to do whatever they wanted to do. He would be free of them, on his own, and that would be the best way, the only way, for him from now on

Ken was alone in his sprawling ranch-style house, working on a magazine layout for which he had been given an assignment by one of the largest of the women's slicks, when the doorbelly rang a few minutes past noon.

After he and Bette had eaten breakfast, he had told her that he had to get to work on the layout, which was due in the magazine's offices the first of the following week, and invited her to just lounge around by the pool all day. But Bette had expressed a desire to reacquaint herself with Westridge and environs, saying that she felt like taking a day's drive, and Ken had immediately offered her the loan of his new Pontiac convertible. She had thanked him profusely, kissed him warmly and passionately, and then left in the car, promising to be home in plenty of time for supper. He had told her to have fun, then had retired to his study to work on the layout.

Now he frowned as the doorbell sounded again. He didn't like to be interupted when he was working, especially when he was trying to meet a deadline. Reluctantly, he got up from his desk and went out to see who it was.

It was Debbie Mason, Tony's lovely black-haired girlfriend.

She stood in a provocative pose on the flagstone porch, wearing the same hot pants as the night before and a different blouse, smiling seductively at him. Her dark eyes traveled appreciatively over Ken's slacks-and-jersey encased body, lowering insolently to the front of his pants and lingering there on the faint outlines of his large manhood. Her gaze, Ken thought uncomfortably, contained an odd kind of knowing smirk, almost as if she knew some great and consuming secret about him. He felt his neck redden, and the same faintly flustered feeling rose in his stomach that he always seemed to get when around her.

He moistened his lips. "Hello, Debbie," he said, managing a small smile.

"Hi, Ken," she cooed in reply, her gaze caressing his face now. "Is Tony at home?"

"Why no, he isn't. I don't know where he is. Were you supposed to meet him here this afternoon?"

"Not exactly," Debbie said in her husky voice. "I just thought I'd see if he was home, 'cause it's pretty hot out now and I thought we could go swimming in your pool."

Ken swallowed into a suddenly dry throat, noticing that she carried a rolled towel under her right arm. Her smile now seemed almost obscene, again as if she knew some great secret which Ken was not privileged to know himself. "Well you're welcome to use the pool until Tony gets home, of course."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude," Debbie said. "I mean, if Mrs. Clark is here and she's swimming or something "

"No, she's not here either. She's gone for the day."

"Then you're all alone?"

Something in the tone of her voice caused his stomach to tingle momentarily, then he shook himself mentally and made his face stern. "Yes, I am, Debbie. Why?"

"Oh, no reason." She laughed softly. "Is it still okay if I use your pool?"

"Yes I guess so. You can change in the cabana."

"I know, I've been here before."

"So you have."

"Well, thanks again, Ken, I'll just go on around back."

"All right."

Ken watched his nephew's young girlfriend walk away toward the rear of the house, and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the lithe, feline way she moved, the jiggling sway of her taut young buttocks, the long clean lines of her youthful legs. He swallowed heavily, moistened his lips again, then quickly shut the door. Damn, what was it about that little bitch that affected him so much? She was nothing but a tramp and yet, she had an exciting, forbidden allure that was like an aura of sexuality around her, reaching out and touching him like caressing fingers

Ken went back into his study and tried to resume work on the magazine layout. But he couldn't seem to concentrate now, and after ten futile minutes he flung the pencil he was using to the floor, scraped back his chair, and prowled into the kitchen. He opened a beer from the refrigerator, drank some of it, then walked without even thinking about it onto the porch. The rattan blinds were drawn up, and he could see the provocative, lush form of Debbie Mason swimming in the pool, her tanned young body encased in a wispy bikini that did little to hide her large breasts, her flat abdomen and the tight, hot crevice of her budding womanhood below. As Ken watched, she pulled herself out of the pool, padded to the diving board at one end. Her body glistened in the sun, and her buttocks swayed tantalizingly, causing Ken's throat to go dry once again.

Debbie climbed up on the board, poised there for a moment, and he could see the way her breasts strained at the halter top of her bikini, the furrow of her pussy revealed by the tight bottoms. God, he thought, she's got a fantastic body for such a young girl, such a beautiful body! Ken realized he was sweating, realized the direction his thoughts were taking, and he turned abruptly away from the window as Debbie dove in a graceful swan dive into the cool water of the pool.

He went back to his study and once again tried to work. But visions of the lovely teenage girl outside kept intruding on his thoughts and again he couldn't concentrate. There was a curious fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach, and Ken was fully aware what it was; beginning sexual arousal. Oh God, no, no! he thought, but he couldn't deny the truth of it; his body, reawakened by his powerful lovemaking with Bette the night before, was screaming once again for gratification; one night's sexual frenzy, with the woman he now knew he loved, was not enough to satisfy the flames which were now burning like an inferno within him once more.

But he had to control the restless urgings of his sensual flesh, he couldn't make a fool of himself with that young bitch out in the pool. He loved Bette, it was Bette he wanted and not Debbie Mason, it was Bette he wanted to hold in his arms again, Bette he wanted to slide his hot, throbbing cock into, Bette, Bette, Bette !

And yet, even with the love he now felt for the lovely blonde mother, he was drawn as if by a powerful, unseen magnet by the alluring black- haired creature whom his nephew thought to be in love with. She seemed to be reaching out to him with her lustful body, begging him telepathically to come to her, to take her in his arms as he had taken Bette in his arms the night before

A low moan of confused desire purled from Ken's throat. He tried to force himself calm, force himself to remain where he was until the feeling ebbed and passed--but then, as if with a separate will of their own, his legs were carrying him out into the kitchen again, through the kitchen to the back porch. He looked through the window, looked at the pool.

Debbie was gone; the pool was deserted.

Ken drew in a deep, tremulous breath. Had she gone home? Christ, he hoped so! He hoped so with all his heart and yet, he wanted her still to be there, he wanted to go to her, touch her Jesus, Jesus, why couldn't he control himself, why, why!

He had to make sure she was gone, that she was nowhere near, that she had grown tired of waiting for Tony and had simply departed without saying goodbye. Quickly, Ken hurried outside, walked past the pool, and stepped up to the entrance to the small dressing cabana on the opposite side. The door was slightly ajar, and he reached out and pushed it open, taking a step forward to peer inside as he did so. And then, as the sound of a shower spray hissing lightly onto the tile walls and floors of the single stall came to his ears, he froze in wide-eyed immobility at the sight suddenly presented to his eyes.

Debbie Mason, the provocative black-haired teenager, was standing almost directly in front of him, across the tile floor of the cabana, visible inside the open shower stall. Her tanned, lushly curved body was blanketed in a soapy film from the bar she held in one slim hand, rubbing herself briskly, humming softly. As Ken watched, in frozen fascination, Debbie leaned over, facing away from him, and presented her upturned, perfectly rounded ass-cheeks--the slim rippling flesh of her thighs and the softly hair-fringed slit of her young, tight pussy nestled between them--to his view.

She washed herself under the steady spray from the shower head, obviously unaware of Ken's entrance; unaware of his eyes feasting on her nakedness, his mouth open and wetly moist with the exciting sight of her nudity so close to him, so lewdly displayed as she bent over there in the stall. Her legs parted slightly as she dipped one hand between her legs, sliding the bar of soap up and down along her soft, tight crotch, the movement of her hand visible to Ken from where he stood, the creamy soap suds clinging to her soft cunt lips, her pubic hair. A tingling of delicious excitement coursed through his body, and he shivered as he stared at Debbie's voluptuousness, at the rippling muscles of her unclothed flesh. He told himself he had to turn around, walk away from there, get out before he completely lost control of himself--but he couldn't move, he could only stand rooted to the spot with the tingling growing stronger in his lower belly now, causing his cock to spasm into half-arousal in his pants, his balls to ache maddeningly with building sperm. Jesus, she was beautiful, so hot and small and beautiful!! What must the rest of her look like, her proud young tits, the flatness of her belly, the thin, sparsely growing triangle of her pubic mound, the front view of her young pussy

The lovely, naked teenager stepped under the full force of the shower spray, and Ken watched the soap film disappear, leaving her in full clean nakedness for his fevered gaze. His mouth was dry now as he saw Debbie rub vigorously at her back, at her buttocks, at the darkened nether ring of her tight little anus, and Ken stifled a low groan of frustration and shame and mounting lust, the small of his back becoming almost alive with emulation of her vigorous movements.

Then Debbie turned off the spray and took a large towel, the one she had been carrying earlier, from where it was slung over the top of the stall side. She turned as she did, the towel covering her breasts and her lower abdomen as she stood in profile to Ken's feasting gaze. His imagination ran rampant, and he found himself urging her silently to pull the towel away, to let him see her tits, her pussy, he had to see all of her nakedness!

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Forbidden love in zootopia 1 rewritten

Fantasy, Bestiality, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Female solo, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, School, Teen Female Solo, Young Forbidden love in zootopia 1 (rewritten) In another dimension of reality, there is a world much like our own, in some ways and in other ways completely different. Man did not become the head of the food chain by way of a bigger brain. No not in this world, all higher life forms evolved simultaneously. It didn't matter if you were carnivore, herbivore, or...

3 years ago
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Forbidden love in Zootopia 1

thank you Forbidden love in zootopia 1 In an other dimension of reality there is a world much like our own, in someways and in other ways completely different. Man did not be come the head of the food chain by way of a bigger brain. No not in this world, all higher life forms evolved simultaneously. It didn't matter if you were carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. We learned to live together in harmony or so most thought, under the surface not all was peaceful. Some beleaved that the...

4 years ago
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Arrow Forbidden Desires

Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, "The Odyssey" as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and pretend it never happened, that development would throw way too much of a monkey wrench into everything. My first ever fanfic, so all reviews and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit 1 The Beach House Meeting

John was a handsome man, who had maintained his weight by working out at the gym three to five days a week. Since the divorce he had put in more gym time and actually was getting to be cut in his abs and upper body. He was relieved that his hair had not begun to recede or to turn gray and he looked to be younger then he really was. He was 6’3 and weighed 210 pounds. He had sandy blond hair and blue eyes and tanned nicely in the summer sun. Three months ago, John met a friend of a...

2 years ago
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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (2) Farmer’s Daughter (part two) There was something I had to do today, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was! I was a farmer, so perhaps it had something to do with farming. Suddenly, my mind cleared enough for me to recall. I had twenty acres of hay to bale and another twenty acres to cut! This was a chore I needed to begin working on pretty-damn soon. The sun had already crested over the eastern pastures and daylight was burning brightly. ...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Part 2

The weekend has arrived and Sasha finds herself trying to come up with a rational explanation why Liam all of a sudden thinks he has a chance at getting into his mother's best friend's pants. She sent no mixed signals, she has never flirted with him, she has never shown any sexual interest in someone who is young enough to be her son, so what makes him think he stands any chance at all with her? She is now thinking maybe she needs to put some much needed distance between them."Sasha, will you...

2 years ago
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The Forbidden Tablets

In ancient Arabia, intrigue and betrayal in a tribe ruled by women leads to a severe, but very erotic, punishment.Author’s note: The Thamud were a real tribe in Ancient Arabia. No one knows why they disappeared around the time of the rise of Islam. Some say it was because they were Matriarchal in an ever more Patriarchal society. Oral tradition says they were wiped out by the lava flow and dust from a volcano. No one knows. And this story of ancient tablets which tell their story is fiction......

4 years ago
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Arrow Forbidden Desires 1

Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the ceiling, and sighed. He wished that he was alone.But he wasn't alone. And as soon as he twitched and moved, Carrie Cutler's cold limbs surrounded him as a reminder of that fact."Mmm, Ollie, baby, you rocked my world last night."He was suddenly filled with a bit of contempt. Only people special to him could call him "Ollie." Carrie Cutler was not one of those people. And he immediately regretted his decision last...

3 years ago
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 9

Hii iam Shweta with the last part of my story…… Continues……………. I woke up in the morning, had a bath and wore a nice saree like a typical housewife. I wore my thali(mangalsutra) and sindoor on my forehead. Rahul will arrive today from Bangalore and I was a bit tensed. I went to sunita’s room , our conversation : Me : Sunita, I feel a bit nervous today Sunita : Shweta you are looking very beautiful, your nervousness is making you gorgeous. Me : sunita, I don’t know what will happen, I...

1 year ago
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is Shweta with the second part of my story. I’ve got huge responses from readers for my first story and I am very happy about that. First of all I would like to apologize because I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I am writing the second part of my story for all of you. Keep reading my stories and post your suggestions, that would help me narrating you my life. For new readers, I would suggest you to please read first part of this story .. Continues…… I looked at the clock it...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Passions in a Darkened Room by Millie Dynamite

Beyond desire, beyond obsession, their love is everything! An Incestual Erotic Short Story in “Millie’s Vast Expanse” Millie Dynamite   © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains de***********ive scenes of a graphic incestuous sexual nature. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires

When his wife Susan took off for parts unknown with some guy she'd apparently been fucking for a while, what seemed to overshadow all logical thinking was Jason's anger. That she broke off sixteen years of marriage, leaving him and his daughter stranded, with only a handwritten note to him and a short letter to 15-year-old Megan was so hurtful for both him and his daughter. In the note to him Susan said that she was 'unsatisfied' with the life they had, and Jason wondered what the fuck she...

3 years ago
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A Fathers Forbidden Love Chapter 1

Adam’s left hand tenderly caressed the soft skin of exposed thighs which extended from the petite feminine frame perched sideways on his lap. The bronzed, shapely legs which dangled over the armrest of his favorite rocking recliner belonged to his daughter. She was nestled against his chest and his cheek rested gently on her forehead as he rocked them slowly. It was their typical Friday night routine before dinner and with the turn of events that particular day, it was definitely needed. They...

2 years ago
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Passion forbidden

Kim was a natural beauty. She was tall at almost 5' 9" and she weighed 120 pounds. She was shapely and sexy with totally black hair that had a natural bit of curl and very dark brown eyes. Her skin was flawless and she appeared permanently tanned. Her father was of Iranian descent (Persian, as Kim liked to say): he was dark skinned and swarthy (in a handsome way) and her mother was a true American beauty (blonde with blue eyes and quite pretty), but Kim had inherited all her features from...

4 years ago
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A tale of forbidden love between Mother and Daughter

Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

2 years ago
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“You okay?"Startled and embarrassed, Tina leapt from her chair as she slammed her laptop closed. Spinning around, her over-sized, red Jackson High Jaguars tee shirt fell into place from her waist area to just below her sex, but not before Chris glimpsed her lack of any pubes.“What the fuck are you doin’ in here!? Get out! Get the fuck out you little perv!”Standing there in just his white Jockey’s, he had caught enough sight of the porn on her laptop screen before she slammed it and noticed her...

4 years ago
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His Little Forbidden Fruit

I am so frustrated with you and your lack of caring for me. So, I am going to write a farewell letter to my fake ass secret lover.Before I write the letter and send it to you, I want to try and remember why I am with you, to begin with, and why I should stay. It will help me decide if I am going to send it or not. As a Social Psychiatrist, I should know better than to allow myself to get into this situation.One of my favorite times ever spent with you was when we were coming back from a...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Forbidden Temptations

The exhilarating sound of giggling teenage girls interrupted the otherwise lazy spring Tuesday evening, but I remember it like yesterday. I opened the curtains and looked out of my second-floor bedroom window to watch the half-dozen pretty teen girls doing mock gymnastics in the backyard. Jenny, one of my daughter’s classmates, did the splits. Her skirt rode up and her white panties were displayed delightfully.The thin fabric hugged the pronounced shape of her tasty pubic mound perfectly, yet...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lizzy

This is a tale of forbidden love and lust, featuring an alpha male, and a cheeky, but sexually submissive, t-girl.* * * *"Fucking hell, Lizzy," I shouted angrily, as I bolted to my feet from my garden sun-lounger. "Don't you dare do that again."I'd just been hit by a jet of freezing-cold water: water that had come straight from Lizzy's large, pump-action water gun. As the June sun beat down, she grinned at me over the three-foot garden wall and began to purposefully jerk the pump all over...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lovers

(An erotic story in the form of poetry)Darkness shrouds my ill desiresThe forbidden love that has made us liarsThrough the dim-lit park she walks my wayTo enjoy the night, for we cannot enjoy the dayOver the shoulder she looks, but no-one comesTo mask her guilt, she walks, not runsBut I can see the tension in her strideMy eyes know her well, she cannot hideShe spots me on my shrouded seatHer face lights up, and with quickened feetShe heads my way with a secret smileOf heat, and lust, and wicked...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences II Jessica

Jessica checked the time on her Breitling wrist watch. It was just a few moments before her husband Nathan would come home with their daughters Emily and Katie. It was his turn to pick them from school – and Jessica's to fix dinner. She sighed, taking a short break from her otherwise rather turbulent day. Were it a day like any other, she would have found fulfilling her share of chores relaxing, recreating even. This day, nonetheless, her daily routine seemed to cause her trouble. Or was it her...

Wife Lovers
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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences Michael

A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...

2 years ago
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I am a good girl. I work really hard academically; I get top marks. I do my best not to judge others. I’m ethical and modest. I don’t break laws, I don’t even illegally download. And I would never, ever even think of cheating on my boyfriend of six years. That was until I met you. You were tall, strong, fit and healthy. You cared about your physique. Your smile was bright and it made my stomach erupt in butterflies. And your accent. Oh I am such a sucker for a nice accent and yours was so...

3 years ago
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Sir the forbidden desire

the first touch, the discreet touches, the lust increasing, the desire, the wanton, 2 very different people wanting one very same thing.How they had managed it is anyone's guess, but here they were, abroad in the beautiful sunshine, a villa in a remote village, not accessible to passer bys.They were finally alone, full of years of desire, wanton. Stripping off as they entered the villa they had wild erotic sex by the door, the first sexual penetration they had managed.Cum dripping from her...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit The Sg JC girl

I sometimes work at my old JC in coaching football. I used to be a school team player. I was quite useless lah but i played defense and was quite a strong tackler so I got into the team. Anyway i have been a good alumnus for my school and try to take part in a lot of events. About two years back, they're part time coach left and they asked me if i was interested. Only twice a week - one Saturday morning and one Wed evening. Pay is nothing much but it was more for fun so i accepted.The team is...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

3 years ago
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Steamy Forbidden Office Romances

He was a top brass executive at the company I worked at – obnoxious, arrogant and terribly good at his job. His name- bobby. I was a manager in another department who hated his guts but at the same time was in awe of him. I am his rani as named by him. Soon, a common project that we were working on brought us into frequent contact with each other. It all started with some official meetings where I noticed how good looking he was. I found myself staring at his ass in his tight formal pants...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Temptation

I smile up at you sweetly, teasingly. My plump red lips inviting. Nothing so simple as a look has ever been so arousing. But my smile ends to soon. A look as if I'm debating whether this is the right thing to do or not crosses my face before I press my forehead to your chest.I shudder. Just as your aching erection is becoming impossible to deny I lift my face to you and my expression changes.A flush creeps across my cheek bones, and my lips subtly part. My fingers clutch your shoulders. As I...

4 years ago
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"Deeper, deeper. Deee... peeer!" I was telling Peter to go deeper in me. I was down on all fours on the kitchen floor where Peter was doing me. I was just making pasta one Saturday afternoon when he dropped by my apartment unannounced. And with a hard-on. Who could resist that?My shirt was pulled up, my bra unhooked. My tits were bouncing like crazy and Peter was giving them lots of squeezes as he continued to penetrate me from behind. Turning to Peter, I saw him sweating and panting and making...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is. [-][+][-] My name was Marshall Wayne Dupree, but now to my horror, I am now Marcia Winona Dupree and must live with my new identity that has ended my career as an Explorer, leaving me as one of the many concubines in service to the Galactic Federation Explorers. Now instead of being the giant of a man at I was at...

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Forbidden Desires

Hiiiiii. My name is Krishna. I come from a family that comprised of my father, mother and me. My father was working as a manager in a private firm and my mother was a housewife. We were a typical middle class family and live in Hyderabad. We were a happy lot. This story is a mere fantasy. Tell me how you liked this story. Mail your comments to “”. I completed my B-Tech examinations and in the summer vacations decided to make a trip to Vizag to meet aunt and my two cousins, Vineetha and Nitya....

3 years ago
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A Tale Of Forbidden Love

A Tale Of Forbidden Love My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy...

3 years ago
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Dangeling Forbidden fruit

Dangling forbidden fruits Let us consider a taboo Something that is too good to be true One could feel torn challenging the norm But don't let that hold back the inner you Soft on the outside but tough at the core Perhaps you long for something more? The man's world does not take you seriously Despite all the things you can do. It is not fair for you to have to work twice as hard for your fair share Do they really think that your work can't compare Just because...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

Straight Sex
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Forbidden Fruit 8211 Part II

Hello dear friends. I am back. My name is Ali as you might have remembered me from my previous story forbidden fruit. And I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. This is the second part of my story, the continuation, so if you haven’t read first part of my story please read it first and then you should continue reading. Plus I want to thank all ISS reader for their emails and...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Hello, my name is Ali and I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. As for the introduction, I am an average nerdy guy with a really hot sister named Rubia. I’m 20 years old and she is just an year younger than i am. We belong to a middle class Muslim family with high moral values. Both me and my sister has been virgin before this incident, infect we never had even kissed anyone. Rubia...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Sibling Lust

Kristy Sands was a sweet sixteen year old girl who lived on a country farm wth her Mama and Papa and her older brother of two years,Ryan. She'd help out on the farm feeding the cows, sheep, chickens, horses, goats.She and Ryan were close sister and brother. Ever since they were younger they'd be there for one another. They had a close sibling bond. Their parents thought it was awfully sweet that they shared such a bond. Because the house they lived in was small, Kristy and Ryan had to share a...


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