Killer BsChapter 10
- 3 years ago
- 26
- 0
The news cycle the next day was full of reports on our attack last night. The fires had not been nearly as intense as with the first two, so there were some bodies recovered. Furthermore, the drugs stored in the basement of the first building attacked had not all burned, so there was plenty to fuel the reporters’ zeal for a shocking story.
The fact that a number of people had been killed in the attack was not lost on the news media. They were all viewing with alarm what had happened, and that was reasonable. So far, little word had been released by the police on who had occupied the two buildings, but there was obviously a big drug operation being run from there just based on the amount of drugs, mostly heroin, that was found.
Now, interest shifted to speculation that a fourth, formerly unknown, ring was trying to take over the drug business in our city. A lot of politicians were jumping on that bandwagon and calling for a full investigation to find and arrest those people who were threatening the safety of the common citizen. The fact that none had been hurt so far was beside the point.
Dad called a temporary halt to our war until we could see what developed. If his information were correct, there was now a drug “vacuum” in our city, and we were all curious as to who would fill it and how long it would take. Over the next few weeks, there was a precipitous drop in the number of OD cases showing up in the hospitals, and most people were happy about that. Dad speculated that the reprieve would not last long, but we should soon feel the effects of a big collapse of the drug culture.
Oops, there it was. There was about a week’s delay before it happened, but the pharmacies were being hit by a rash of burglaries. In every case, the stock of drugs like Vicodin were the main target, but other drugs were being stolen, probably to cover the real purpose of the theft. The pharmacies countered by doing what they should have been doing all along, and being more careful to lock up those drugs in vaults with time locks.
That was not the complete answer to the problem, but it did shift the robberies from the night time to days when the shops were normally open. That made it easier for the normal police to fight the thefts, and the situation was brought under better control.
We stayed away from that problem because it was not the kind of situation that we were set up for. Of course, if a robbery happened while one of us was in a pharmacy, then that person could do everything possible to stop the robbery and catch the crooks, but that depended on a very thin chance of it happening. It never did.
By the way, we did salvage Helen Trask’s car, and it is now the one that we use to ride to school. It now has the secure gun rack for two combat shotguns just in case Beth needs one. I am quite happy to let her drive every day while I sit in the “shotgun” seat. We have not yet had to use the shotgun, but I make it a habit to be ready if the situation changes. Now Mom has the SUV for shopping, and Dad uses the old sedan. He likes it because it is an old Tarus and about as inconspicuous as a car can get.
Dad is back to working for his old company, but he works from home now. I don’t know what story he told them to get management to agree, but Dad can be very persuasive when he tries. He rarely leaves the house, but Mom always knows where he is going and when he should return. She has the same arrangement with Dad.
The rest of the school year was as dull as they usually are, and we managed to get through it with all As. We were wondering what we were going to do for the summer, but Dad came through for us and had an in-ground swimming pool installed. Beth and I pitched our swim suits into permanent storage and did nothing but skinny dipping as soon as the privacy fence was up and functional.
Mom did ask us not to engage in active fucking while she was around because she could not help being embarrassed by the show. We went along with her request, but it was annoying to have to dry off and go into the house to our bedroom just for sex. Oh, well, Mom was a good sport about most things, so we put up with the inconvenience.
Dad also converted part of our basement into a pistol shooting range. We did have to wear hearing protection when we were shooting, but Beth and I spent at least an hour a day in practice. We had an informal competition going which I was leading, but I could not help wondering if she were letting me win just enough to stay ahead. Oh, well, I appreciated the gesture, and Dad insisted that we both were doing very well.
We went out to Mr. Andrews’ farm to practice with the shotguns because of the noise of a shotgun shell being fired. That was usually only once per week, but we often spent a whole afternoon in practice. We had the full range of military-issue ammunition for the shotguns, but we mostly stuck with the standard #00 buckshot loads that civilians could buy off the shelf. The kind of work we expected to do did not require the usual military-issue stuff, so we did not practice nearly as much with it. At least, with the shotguns, there was no question that I was a better shot than Beth. I felt better about that.
Uh-oh, you can’t win them all. Our city usually went whole hog for the July 4th celebration, with a parade in the morning, a big gathering for a non-alcohol party (at least, that was what it was supposed to be) in the afternoon at the high schools, and a fireworks display at the largest football stadium after dark. There was also a dance for any folks not interested in fireworks. The basketball gym at our high school was large enough for that.
Well, the news media was bombarded with threats of death and destruction during the big celebrations in the afternoon. That was real trouble because there were four places that could be hit, and there was no way of knowing how many of the four were targeted. Dad was called in to run the security for the four venues.
Naturally, there were not enough police even with everybody called in, to cover all four celebrations. Police were borrowed from several cooperative suburbs to help, and Dad finally had the minimum number he thought he needed. However, he was still concerned, so he asked Beth and me to act as a mobile squad to cover any place that got out of hand.
Hey, this was a lot more fun than the regular activities, at least for us, so we readily agreed. We used our going-to-school car for mobility, and we were given some magnetic signs to hang on the car to make us look official. As usual, Beth was the driver and I was shotgun. A police radio was installed in our car, so we were able to keep up to date on any problem spots.
For lack of anything better, Beth and I hung out at our high school to await a call to arms. We sat in our car with the police radio monitoring the traffic. It got pretty boring for about an hour, and we wondered if we were going to get any action. All we could do was talk, and we had exhausted most topics when there was a tremendous explosion in one corner of the building we were near. You can bet that got our attention!
The moment the explosion went off, a car tore out of the parking lot at full speed. That was absolutely ridiculous for someone who was innocent, so Beth took off after the car. Meanwhile, I called in that we were chasing a light green Dodge sedan. I included the license plate numbers, and word came back almost immediately that the car had been reported stolen yesterday.
Fortunately, there was not much traffic, and Beth had no trouble gaining on the car we were chasing. As we got closer to the Dodge, we could see that there were three men in the car: one driver, one front seat passenger, and one rear seat passenger.
We were chasing as much out of reflex because they were running from us, so a chase was a natural thing to do. We had no solid evidence against the car or the people in it, except that it had been reported stolen. The day before, our car had been equipped with temporary police lights, a siren, and a bullhorn (public address speaker).
When I was five, I saw my mother kill my father. I watched as she sat over him yelling, and stabbing him in the chest. She then called 'uncle' Jerry who came over and took him away. We never talked about that night. On the few occasions I mentioned him without thinking, she just said, "He's gone, and we have to get on with our lives."I knew why she did it. It was because he used to beat her almost every night. I remember that she was nice to me and gave me a lot of things, but that didn't stop...
Killer sex Typical the last train of the tea time rush packed and I got to go to the end of the line, oh happy times. She thought as she moved trough the carriage doors and tried to find room to stand. Well at least I’m on my way home at last she thought as the train pulled into the next station; a tall black guy boarded the train behind her. Very tall slim in looses fitting sports bottoms and a t-shirt showed his well-developed chest off nicely. If she had...
Straight SexOne of the girls used her cellphone to call 911 to request cops and EMS (Emergency Medical Services). I used my cellphone to call home to ask Mom and Dad to come pick us up. None of us, except for me, was dressed in undamaged clothes. Beth reclaimed her skirt before the cops or EMS showed up, and she stole a belt from one of the downed boys to keep it in place. The cops, EMS, Mom and Dad, and a TV crew all arrived at about the same time, and the next hour was spent in answering...
Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 12: ConclusionThe four teens finished their couple-shared showers around an hour ago and now were relaxing in the girls' bedroom as the TV played at the end of the room. A few cups of soda littered the room along with two nearly empty pizza boxers (thanks mostly to Sam) were strung on top of the crate stacks used as steps at the end of Sam's bed.Sam was propped up with some pillows as she sat up in Cat's bed watching the television and just having finished another...
Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 11: Reconciliation Part 2Jade slipped off the couch to give the roommates exclusivity to it and stood up on wobbly legs, still recovering from the Cat and Sam's expert tongue lashings. Thankfully, she only had to take a few steps to reach the chair that the boy that had so easily wormed himself into her mind, body, heart and soul in the last twenty-four hours was recovering more than just his breath.The hopeful actress eased herself down to her knees between his...
Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 10: Reconciliation Part 1Freddie and Jade had spent much of the late morning trying to forget about Freddie's 'buzzkill' slowly getting to know one another. The new couple lay on the couch together for nearly two hours, barely moving, and just cuddling.This cuddling thing was a relatively foreign concept for Jade, especially since Freddie was the first guy who'd ever actually done it. Cat kinda cuddled, even though it was a bit one sided, where she would hold the...
It had been months since Freddie Benson had seen his best friends, Carly Shay and Sam Puckett. With Carly, it was kinda understood why he never saw hide or hair of her; she was on the other side of the world practically in Italy with her dad. He'd get a phone call every so often, but the timing was never right and she could never get the time zones right. And not long after Carly left, Spencer did too. Just packed up and left. He guessed that with Carly gone, her br*ther didn't have anything...
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As much as I loved her, I began to hate her. My fantasies became violent. I had known her from school, I had watched as she blossomed and became very much a flirt around other guys, which angered me to see, after all she was mine, no one desired her the way I did. Sometimes, at the cottage, I would see her with another guy, sometimes she'd kiss him under the dock, sometimes it was a friend of her brothers, other times it was just a friend of hers, sometimes it was even one of her girl...
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I have always been a tough girl. Just this year, I turned 18, and already I’m the top athlete in my school. For as long as I can remember, I have always craved attention, but it wasn’t until I joined the volleyball team that things took a sexual turn. Our team (and indeed, all women’s volleyball teams) must wear an outfit that shows off our lower body. Lots of boys would come to our games to see us play. ‘School spirit’, they said. Yeah, right. I couldn’t so much as take a step without ten guys...
When Jade woke up, she was immediately confused, which was a new feeling for her. It was only for a second, but to wake up with her face practically buried into a guy's chest was certainly a different experience. Beck was never the type to cuddle afterward, usually raring to go afterward if he didn't think another round might be in order, but she immediately knew from last night that this guy… Freddie… was not going to be like that.He was still fast as!eep, but his arms were wrapped around her...
Sam blinked and groaned from her fitful s!eep. She didn't want to wake up. She didn't want to face the world. She felt miserable and wanted to continue escaping through s!eep, but she wouldn't get to do that. She felt a weight shift on her high-rise bed, which was really just a mattress raised up on some metal pipes.The dirty blonde finally opened her eyes when she rolled onto her back and felt a weight on her stomach. She looked up to see Cat straddling her stomach and looking down at her with...
They finally finished their meal and arrived back to Jade's house a little after nine o'clock. The teens felt mildly exhausted with all the running around they had done during the day, but both were content in their tiredness as they made their way to their respective rooms and bathrooms so they could take quick showers and change into their s!eepwear for the evening with the intention of spending the rest of it watching a movie.Earlier, while Freddie was dropping his stuff off in the guestroom...
Sam had no idea how long she had just sat there in the den while Cat was back in the bedroom crying her eyes out. She was absolutely furious with the redhead for her betrayal in sneaking around with Freddie, as well as actually doing what she did. The sight of her former boyfriend, who looked incredibly fit in the few months since she'd seen him last, completely naked and Cat sprawled on the ground, covered with his release.‘That was supposed to be mine,’ Sam thought to herself. ‘If Freddie...
Freddie was thoroughly disgusted with himself and angry beyond belief as he walked down the enclosed pathway to head out of the apartment complex.He had been so lonely after the last seven months that the first hot girl that threw herself at him, he readily jumped on her like a dog in heat. He saw himself as a pretty upstanding, maybe even a noble kind of guy, particularly when it came to girls even if they never seemed to reciprocate, but not something like what had just happened. The last few...
Cat had cried for a few minutes before pulling herself together and heading for the bathroom of the bedroom. She untied the belt to her robe and dropped it off of her shoulders then pulled the elastic band of Sam's boxers over her hips and let them fall to the floor, wanting to discard anything to do with Sam for the moment.She pulled the shower curtain to the side and reached in to turn the shower to full blast with cold water. The water shot out and she quickly stepped inside and pulled the...
As consciousness slowly returned to Cat Valentine, she quickly realized that she was on the floor, and her body felt incredibly rigid. Memories began to flow back pretty quickly, and as she looked around the empty living room, feeling partially stunned to find that there was no one there."Sam?!" she called out, getting up and spending more time looking in an obviously empty room than she should. "Jade?!"The petite redhead gave a frown for a moment, and was just about to sit down on the couch...
Cat Valentine rolled onto her back from snuggling up to her pink pillow as her body felt a shift in weight on the bed and the sudden chill on her bare arms and shoulders from her missing sheet and blanket. She slowly blinked opened her eyes and mewed out softly in a small yawn along with an easy stretching of her muscles.She finally opened her eyes then smiled up at seeing the source of the shift in weight: Sam Puckett staring down at her with a slightly hungry look on her face. The blonde had...
“It's all lies and hypocrisy. Showing that you want to do something and then planning on doing the opposite. Lying to whoever you need to. Leading them a merry dance. Letting them believe that they understand you and then changing the rules; subtly at first, before delivering the devastating blow. That's what chess is all about,” Alastair explained to Emily as he watched her shuffle uncomfortably in her chair.Emily’s hand hovered over the Knight which had been making its way to the Queenside,...
SeductionI had stuck my finger into Beth’s vagina often enough during our coed showers that I knew that she had long lost her hymen. I vaguely recall a bicycle accident which resulted in some bleeding from her crotch, but neither Mom nor Beth made much of it once the pain had subsided. At least, that was something that we did not have to be concerned about. I did get a blowjob during that shower that was much better than I would have expected from a rank amateur. When complimented and then asked...
By the time Monday came, the world had improved considerably. Beth and I were back in operating condition, partly because we had not indulged in sex since our first night. However, Dad had helped me get the beds switched so that Beth and I were now sleeping in the same regular bed. That alone was great as far as we were concerned. The only comment I got from Dad about our new status was a warning not to discuss it with anyone because of the legal ramifications. There was a bill in the...
The early part of the week was kind of a drag because we stayed home for all of the time we were not in school—no movies, no visits to the burger stand, no goofing around with friends. Well, maybe “drag” was not the best way to describe what happened. Dad began to show us a lot of things we didn’t know about self defense. We discovered that the Krav Maga that we had learned was only the tip of the iceberg in what one well trained person could do to another person. Sometimes the practice was...
Beth and I decided to split our efforts. We’d had such good luck with James and Olsen that we thought we should give it a try again. This time, Beth would stick to Ann Inson while I patrolled the road on the far side of the wet-lands. If a supplier was going to come there, he had to use that road. I was not worried because I had my .40 caliber pistol, and I had become quite a good shot with all of the practice that I had put in. I still had to keep it hidden because I had not yet reached 18...
Our new car passed inspection at school from the first day: it was totally ignored, and that was exactly what we wanted. So far, nobody knew that we were associated with law enforcement, though in a rather peculiar way, and, again, that was the way we wanted it. We did not have to flash our badges to the Principal a single time last school year, and we hoped that situation would continue throughout this year. Once the other kids found out that we had a police association, we would be...
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It was 2 days after the session with Mary and Julie; and I was knocking at Julie's door again to be let in for what she thought would be our usual session of fucking, sucking and creampie cleaning and cumswap/eating fun. Only today I had a thought in mind to take things to a slightly different level. I'd rung her earlier and asked her to be waiting for me dressed in a short skirt and sheer blouse, so that her tits and nipples could be clearly seen as the moved when she walked. Shall we go...
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This is my first attempt at writing so please forgive any errors or mistakes. I had a job at a local store, after just leaving high school at sixteen. After about six months, I had made some good friends, enjoyed some good staff nights out, and enjoyed a few smooches with a few female staff members of my own age.Anyway, around this time, Hilary who was a supervisor, and I, struck up a friendship which was too develop beyond my wildest dreams.One Friday evening, after a busy day at work, Hilary...
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Hello horny guys and girls this is Sri Harsha from Hyderabad currently living in Bangalore pursuing my Mba and this story is about how I fucked my best friend Divya when I went to Hyderabad for holidays. Well I won’t take much time let start with the story describe about me I am 5.6 tall and average physic body and not much fair in complexion but good looking and my cock size is 6.and about Divya she is very cute and fair in complexion and she had a great body to watch right from the class 9...
Dinner is over, I ask my wife if she wants any help cleaning up."No sweetie, you go ahead," as she clears the table.I go to the study to get my iPad then retire to the living room. I go online, log into a website called Lushstories where one can read, write erotic stories. This is where I met my cyber lover who is not on yet, so I continue working on my story.My wife soon joins me with her iPad, sitting not more than ten feet from me. She turns on the TV for the six p.m. news. We both are busy...
CheatingI awoke to the touch of a soft hand in my hair. I saw the beautiful face of my friend Jennifer. She looked like a visiting angel but I was glad that she wasn't. She probably was glad as well. "Good morning sweetie. How are you?"she asked. I looked around the room before I answered,"It looks like a hospital room, what happened?" "Whatever you paid for that vest, it was worth every penny,"she said smiling. That was the lawyer in her never give a straight answer. "It depends on what...
Part I For a while now, I have been experimenting. I watched and read MANY things in order to find what turns me on. I have watched so many different fetishes and read so many different stories. Still, regardless of what I watch or how much I enjoyed it, it was never what was truly thirsting for. I had to push myself in order to get to my peak. This is pretty embarrassing so I never told anyone. I was completely oblivious. Throughout everything I had done and without my knowing,...
Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom The Gathering: Book 1Cast of CharactersCopyright© 2003 by Paris Waterman
I'm a conductor on a commuter railroad in North Jersey. You get to meet a lot of people. Some of them young ladies. I met a real winner years ago from Bangladesh. Spoke with a slight, almost English sounding accent. In that brash, English girl who swears a lot way. She went by the name Nooph. Regular rider from out in Hackensack. She was flirty with me. Still I was a little surprised when she slipped me her phone number. It was printed out on register tape. I knew from chatting with her that...