BethChapter 83 free porn video

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November 5, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written November 6]

Last night was hectic. Once we got back to school, Dad returned with the Sprinter to Minot, the town in which the tournament took place, to provide Gracey and Inez a ride home, while the Paleceks took Liya and Nira home. The Moms and we three girls were in the middle of efforts to keep our minds occupied and not worry about Gracey when Inez called Sandy. They talked for a while, but all we heard was Mom’s side of the conversation.

Near the end, Sandy said, “Honey, don’t worry about us. Inez has already eased our minds about Gracey. It sounds like you won’t get them home until after midnight. I’d prefer you not do any more driving than necessary. Stay over there.” She listened for a very short time, then seemed to interrupt Dad with, “Charlie, it’s all right. Stay there, get a good night’s sleep and we’ll see you in the morning.”

The conversation lasted for another couple minutes, with both Moms getting short lovey-dovey good-nights with Dad. Once we got the word from Sandy about Gracey, we three girls went to bed, our minds relieved. We celebrated by exhausting each other.

I woke this morning to Heather snuggling more tightly into me. When I turned toward her and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was her happy, sparkling blue eyes.

“Morning, Love,” she said.

I gave her a small smile, then craned my head to hers to lay a soft peck on her lips then said almost into her mouth, “Do you want to get up or luxuriate in bed?”

“I’m really hungry.”

I grinned at her, then looked across her at Rhee’s form. She was on her front, her left arm bent over her head on the pillow, her head turned from us.

I whispered, “Rhee may well sleep for another hour. Do you want to slide out and get a big breakfast started for everyone?”

She nodded her head rapidly, at which I grinned. We carefully extracted ourselves from bed, hit the bathroom to relieve our bladders, then headed downstairs. In the kitchen, I noticed that it was just after 7, and I did not hear movement in our parents’ room. I beckoned Heather to follow me as I quietly walked to their door, which was open. Sandy was curled into Carol, her head on Carol’s right shoulder, her right hand on Carol’s chest between her breasts. I looked down at Heather, who looked back up at me; we smiled at each other. Heather tiptoed in and pulled their door shut. We quietly returned to the kitchen and began preparing a breakfast of French toast and breakfast sausage.

Rhee had just joined the four of us at the kitchen table when we heard the Sprinter drive in shortly after 8. Dad’s words preceded him into the kitchen.

“That was the weirdest night of my life!”

The Moms had stood and enveloped him as he entered the kitchen. They both gave him involved welcome-home kisses. After they stripped him, the three of them sat at the table, while I loaded up a plate for him.

When I set it in front of him, he said, “Thanks, Sweetie. Breakfast is your doing?”

“Heather and me.”

“Then, thanks to both of you sweeties,” which he followed with a grin at Heather.

Sandy asked, “How was your night weird.”

Dad, perhaps as a delaying tactic, stuffed some French toast in his mouth, but eventually said, “Inez absolutely insisted that I sleep in Gracey’s bed. With Gracey!”


The Moms stood, scooted their respective chairs to their respective sides of Dad, and leaned against him, with both arms from each around him. We three girls had immediately responded with various and loud exclamations, then sat and stared at Dad. Both Moms began talking at him, but both stopped, after which Carol nodded her head at Sandy.

“We were going to ask you about Gracey, but you need to elaborate on this first. Ooh, I wish I’d’ve been a fly on the wall for that conversation.”

Dad delayed again by holding up his hand and putting a couple bites in his mouth, chewing each slowly, swallowing. After he took a drink from his coffee cup, he responded.

“I asked Inez for a blanket and a pillow so I could sleep on the couch, and she said something like, ‘You will do no such thing. There’s a perfectly good king bed in Gracey’s room, you’re her boyfriend, and you’ll sleep in there with her’.”

Four of us had loud reactions to Inez’s words, but Sandy heaved her chest, dropped her right hand into his lap, turned his head with her left hand, and plastered her mouth on his. Although Dad sputtered a bit at first, he got into the kiss while putting his left arm around her and pulling her in tightly.

About a minute later when they came up for air, he said, “That’s not precisely the reaction I thought I’d get, but, Girl, you sure can kiss!”

There was much laughing.

He pulled his arm from around Sandy, leaned to his right, pulled Carol into him with his right arm, and kissed her as aggressively as Sandy had kissed him.

When they sat back, Carol stated, “I’m thinking that you can expect some loving, perhaps as soon as you finish your story. But you will hold nothing back, you will tell us the whole story. I suspect that I ... that your wives will be even more turned on by the end of it.”

“I said that I was not going to sleep in Gracey’s bed, mostly ignoring her words about being Gracey’s boyfriend. She responded, ‘Then you tell her that you don’t care enough for her to make sure she gets through the night after suffering a scary injury.’ She moderated her tone of voice in saying ‘Charlie, everyone knows that you love all of our girls, both emotionally and physically. If she were 19 and brought you home for the holidays, you would, of course, sleep in her bed. While the situation is different with her being 14, I don’t consider that difference to be of importance ... and I’m sure that she thinks the same. There are spare toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinet. Prepare yourself for bed, then go join your girlfriend in her bed. Don’t make me think less of you. Besides, the house is nearly empty, and we’ve packed away and stored most everything we don’t need for the next couple days.”

“Wow,” Carol exclaimed, “what did you say to that?”

“What could I say? I stared at Inez for some time, then allowed my shoulders and head to droop. I told her ‘I do not truly understand how it is that so many women I respect are so comfortable with a nearly 40-year-old man having sexual relationships with their daughters’. She looked at me and replied in a very soft voice, ‘Charlie. You’re not just some random near-40-year-old guy. You’re Charlie Williams, a wonderful man. A wonderful man that all your lovers’ mothers know would never willingly hurt any of our daughters but would defend their bodies and their psyches to your utmost. Gracey needs comforting. Yes, because of her injury, but she also needs to believe that you love her despite your discomfort with tonight’s situation’.

“What could I do? I thanked her, brushed my teeth, walked to Gracey’s door, and opened it. She was sitting on her bed, head down, but picked it up quickly and looked at me. She looked a bit scared, so I stepped to her, sat down on the bed next to her, and pulled her into me with my right arm. She didn’t quite cry but asked ‘Are you staying here with me’ and looked into my eyes. I was lost, so just nodded my head. Her face lit up like I’ve never seen before. How could I turn her down? She asked my help in getting her sweats off, but I helped her with all her clothes. She then told me that she didn’t get a shower and really needed one and asked for my help. She has trouble putting weight on her right leg, so I wound up carrying her naked body to the bathroom. She talked me into getting in the shower with her, so I washed her and me. After she’d brushed her teeth, I carried her back to her room. Then came one of the weirdest part of the night.”

“What? What,” Sandy nearly shouted.

“I was naked when I was carrying her back to her room when I heard Inez behind me say ‘My, my, you have one very fine boyfriend, daughter mine’.”


Eventually, Sandy got out, “Oh, god. I would’ve loved to’ve seen that! You better hurry and finish this story, as I’m going to jump your bones... soon!”

Dad’s eyebrows rose throughout Mom’s words. He shuddered a bit, then continued.

“I tell you, I have way too many smart, quick, and impudent wives and girlfriends. Before I could say or do anything, Gracey came back with something like ‘Yeah, he’s handsome and has a great bod, but neither are as wonderful as how good he is in bed’!”

“Go, Gracey, go,” exclaimed Rhee.

Dad gave her the evil eye, at which Rhee simply grinned before Dad continued.

“After that, I tried to get her into her room as quickly as possible, but she grabbed onto the doorway and stopped us so she could add ‘And I’m going to insist that he make me forget about my hurting leg. Don’t go to sleep too quickly, else I’ll probably wake you up’. To match effrontery with effrontery, Inez riposted ‘Oh, you don’t have to worry about me getting to sleep, as I may be racing you, given this wonderful image I now have in my mind of your man’s wonderful backside’.”

Sandy scooted her chair back and stood, then forced Dad to scoot his chair back. She knelt in front of him and lowered her head into his lap. The rest of us stood to see the action. She already had his cock in her mouth, even though it seemed not fully hard. However, it got to that state quickly, with Mom bobbing up and down on it, giving out frequent moans.

She picked her head up and asked, “Did she see your frontside, then?”


“Damn! But it’s still good. Oh, god, I want you!”

She stood, then climbed into his lap, taking up his cock in her hand, rubbing her pussy on it a few times, then slowly sank down onto it. I noticed that Carol had grabbed her phone and was now videoing the action.

“I’ll bet that Gracey will get a kick out of this video when we tell her it was the result of hearing last night’s story.”

“Oh, yeah,” Heather agreed. When Sandy looked over her shoulder at the table, Heather looked at the table and repeated, “Oh, yeah,” then moved Dad’s and Mom’s dishes and other stuff down the table and out of their way. When Rhee moved Carol’s stuff, Heather said, “Table’s yours, Dad!”

Dad replied by standing with Sandy still impaled and put her butt on the table.

Sandy laid back and said, “Take me, my daughter’s lover! Take me!”

Dad proceeded to pound Mom into a squealing climax, although he didn’t cum.

While Sandy was lying on the table recovering, Carol said, “Rhee take my phone and keep it going. It’s my turn.”

Dad and Heather scooted Mom to the edge of the table so that Carol had room on it next to her, with Heather standing there to make sure Sandy didn’t fall off while she was still somewhat out of it. Dad then put his angry red cock in Carol and drove them both to orgasms. Carol’s relatively loud cum roused Mom. She stood and curled into Our Man while petting Carol’s right thigh. Dad’s eyes were droopy, but he stood there, locked into Carol’s pussy.

“I’ll clean her when you pull out, my wonderful, wonderful husband, lover, and friend. You make me deliriously happy. Thanks for putting up with my quirks. I know you’ve said many times that you don’t want more lovers, but if you ever do have sex or make love with Inez, I really want to watch.”

Dad just shook his head. Mom was ready when Dad pulled out, and she spent no little time making sure she got all of Dad’s deposit. After Carol removed herself from the table, he surprised all of us. One-by-one, he had Heather, me, and Rhee, in that order, come to his place at the table and gave each of us an orgasm on the table, finally cumming again, in Rhee when she went over the top. Carol claimed that load and sucked it out of her daughter’s pussy.

After we all recovered, allowed Dad to finish his reheated breakfast, and cleaned up the kitchen, I asked, “What’s the rest of the story? You didn’t finish it.”

Dad sighed, then said, “I guess I should. Gracey insisted on me ‘making her forget her hurting leg’. She had a small orgasm shortly after we finally figured out a position that didn’t aggravate her right shin too much: on our left sides, me behind her.”

Sandy let out a grunt and closed her eyes while saying, “I may need another session.”

Dad continued with, “She told me to keep going, so I did and her next orgasm was a doozy. At least, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t exaggerating, but it was pretty loud. Then, in the absolutely weirdest part of the night, we could hear Inez respond with her own loud orgasm. Gracey giggled in response.”

“Oh, oh, oh. I definitely need another session.”

“You might want to wait for the rest of the story.”

“There’s more? Oh, god. This is one of the best days of my life. Not in the top five, but certainly in the top 20 or 30. F-f-f ... Wow!”

“I woke early, before 6, because Gracey groaned. I asked her if she wanted one of her painkillers, and she nodded. I got up and went to the bathroom and got one and a glass of water. As I exited the bathroom, Inez was standing there.”

“You were still naked. Right,” Sandy asked. When he nodded, she grunted, then said, “Oh, god. I definitely need another session. Please go on ... and make it juicy.”

“Honey, I did nothing with Inez. However, she was standing there as naked as I. I have to say that she’s in great shape, and I have to say that because I began reacting to her.”

“Holy hell! This just gets better and better,” Mom said loudly.

“She looked down, then back up at me, and said ‘Thanks for the compliment, Charlie. In future, in whatever house we move into, our combined family – Nira’s and mine – will have a clothing-optional policy for our families’. She seemed to stop talking, then said ‘and your entire, extended family.”

“Better and better!”

“Sandy, this ... I don’t know about this.”

“Honey, I won’t push you and I won’t let anyone else push you. If you are never okay with ... extending the boundaries of our family, I will support you. However, I have to point out that we would be honor-bound to repay the compliment and extend our policy to include their two families. Would you be okay with that?”

Dad inhaled and exhaled with his eyes closed, then did so again more deeply.

“I still haven’t become inured to any of the attractive women we’ve added to the policy as it is. And it seems unlikely that I’ll manage that anytime soon. Remember that it took me over a year to get used to you enough that I didn’t immediately pop a boner upon sight of you in the nude.”

“Oh, Honey. They’re all adults. Just because you might be erect in front of Inez or Nira doesn’t mean that either or both will throw themselves on the floor in front of you and demand you service them.”

Carol tittered, for what may be the first time I’ve heard her do so in all the time I’ve known her. We girls laughed.

“Poor, Dad,” I said.

He turned to me and stated, “Not you, too. Surely you don’t want to add however many lovers to my ... harem.”

“Dad, I did not say that, or even think it. I was just commenting on your response to Mom’s fantasies. You’ve said, yourself, that fantasies are fine, but I understand your concern. None of us will be asking to add more to your sexual burden...” The various bouts of female laughter caused me to pause, but I picked up with, “We have no plans to add to that horrible burden, but you must have begun to suspect that Mom’s fantasies may well include more than just ‘four to six others.’ I’ve begun to suspect that the number is considerably higher.”

Dad rolled his eyes and shook his head while Mom said, “I will neither confirm nor deny that base rumor,” which she followed with a giggle.

“I’ll change the subject for you, Dad,” I stated. “How is Gracey? What’s the prognosis?”

“The bone is, apparently, not bruised, so she might be able to play by the time the state tournament rolls around.” When I obviously relaxed, he added, “She might be able to play. She’s to keep from aggravating the contusion. Someone will have to take her to her doctor’s office tomorrow, so Inez is keeping her out of school tomorrow. This has changed Inez’s plan for the week, so it’s fortunate that she does not have to travel until Thursday. Obviously, Nira flies out this afternoon, still, so Liya will be staying with Gracey tonight. They’ll both be here tomorrow night. Steps are hard for her, so we should put her and whomever in the Monstrosity for the near-term future. To keep from impacting her shin during sleep, let’s keep the number of her bed partners to a minimum for a while.”

“Okay. Maybe Liya will be willing to let us each take a night with her.”

I was in the middle of writing yesterday’s diary account when Gracey called. Rhee and Heather were at their desks doing homework, so I answered my phone and put it on speaker.

“Hey. We’re all here. It sounds like you had some fun last night despite your leg.”

“Oh, yeah. That was ... crazy good. I’ll give everyone the details, if you want...”

“Of course, we want,” Heather replied. “We heard another side, but we want to hear your side of it.”

“I’ll be ... home, I guess, before you get out of school. I’ll probably curl up on the Monstrosity. I’m sure glad I kept an in-case-of-emergency set of nice clothes since most of my clothes are now there. Mom took me to my doctor this morning, and she agrees that the bone is probably not bruised, so I might be able to play at state. But she says that I’ve got to take it easy this week. In fact, I have to use crutches all week. I’ll need some help at school.”

“Hey,” said Rhee. “We’ve always got your back, Gracey Love. We’ll probably have to split the task among the whole gang, as not one of us has every class with you. We should all get to school early to discuss this with the ... Assistant Principal, I guess. Beth, perhaps you should call Coach and see if she’s warned ... anyone in the administration.”

When I agreed, Gracey said, “You’ve heard about the revamped plan. Right?”

“Yes,” I replied. “You and Liya will make the official move tomorrow. It’s good that we don’t have practice tomorrow. The bad thing, though, is that we don’t get to say good-bye to Liya’s mom.”

“Oh. That’s part of the amended plan. She’s ready to go, now, so she’s going to stop by your house on the way to the airport so that she can say good-bye. You know, Liya and I getting more thoroughly involved with your family, that is, spending more time there, has had a weird effect that I would not have predicted. Our moms have become ... Well, it’s like they’ve decided that we’re, essentially, adults and they’re treating us like that. I guess I’ve missed that over the months, but it hit home hard last night, for obvious reasons. Liya and I are now adults in all three of our houses, and it feels both great and ... a little scary. I didn’t expect to ‘grow up’ this soon. Most aspects of that are more than worth the little bit of ... of ... maybe angst ... about missing out on some childhood. However, I like my current life so much more than I did even in April, that it seems silly to be missing being a child.”

“Oh, Gracey,” replied Rhee. “You’ve nailed that one on the head. Beth and I ... Well, I went through this last year – Beth went through it earlier, although I hadn’t analyzed the changes as well as you just put forth. I also agree with what I assume are your thoughts on the positives – the many positives, of these changes. I really like the ... relationships the Go5 have now better than those of last year’s Go4.”

“Uh, Gracey,” I interjected as a thought crossed my mind. “When was Nira heading here?”

“I think she’s already on her way.”

“Oh, dear,” I responded, but cogitated quickly on the ... problem. “Do you suppose that she’s hoping to... ‘surprise’ us?”

Gracey laughed, as did Rhee and Heather.

Gracey responded, “I would not at all put that past Nira. Are you going to tell Dad and the Moms?”

I grinned at Rhee and Heather, then answered, “We’ll have to think about that.”

Gracey cracked up, and after she’d calmed a bit, said, “Poor, Dad. He just gets no respect.”

Heather said, “We’ll see you here when we get home tomorrow afternoon. Remember, we want to hear all the details.”

“Which set of residents there want to hear it?”

“All of them, but particularly Sandy. She went crazy when hearing the other side of the story. That is, good crazy, if you know what I mean.”

“Knowing her the way I do, now? Yes. I know what you mean. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the details that, no doubt, the other storyteller omitted.”

“You can be sure of that. She’s already had two ‘sessions’ on the strength of the other side’s version. I can just imagine how she’ll be with your version. You should tell her the story in ... minute detail,” finished Heather.

“I’ll be sure to do just that. Have fun at school tomorrow. Tell Cera and Brit that I’ll need help from them this week in my enforced infirmity.”

With the general laughter following Gracey’s witticism, we ended the call.

Rhee opined, “You’re not gonna tell them, are you, Beth?”

I grinned at her, and said, “Nope. We’ll get to see how quick on their feet they are. I think we should quietly hang out on the Monstrosity in our current ... apparel and have Liya tell her mom to just knock quietly on the front door.”

Heather said, “Beth, you’re getting more and more comfortable in your skin. At least, I assume that Nira has never seen you naked. Yes?” When I nodded, she added, “Once I got comfortable with my nudity, which, you know, happened very quickly, you were the shy one. You’ve changed.”

I furrowed my brow, then answered, “You’re right. For some reason, I haven’t a single butterfly in my stomach about being naked when opening our door to Nira. I’ve always been something of a nudist, but I guess the past few months has gotten me very comfortable with it. I still wouldn’t go for a walk down the street wearing no clothes, but...”

Heather smacked into me, wrapped her arms around me, and reached up and laid a passionate kiss on me. We really got into it, our hands running along parts of each other’s body, the kiss becoming even more passionate. After a few minutes, we pulled apart.

“Whew! That was getting very hot. I was going to suggest that we continue this in bed, but if we’re going to do to Dad what you said, then I’d like to keep this not-so-slow burn going. Can you take a break from the diary and join Rhee and me on the Monstrosity doing homework?”

“Sure,” I answered. “Besides, you ... and the coming interestingness ... has got my mind a bit awhirl.” I thought for a second, then added, “I guess my mental state is not particularly good for writing diary entries or homework, but we should establish ourselves there well before Nira gets here.”

Rhee responded by heading out our bedroom door; Heather and I followed, although I had to return and get my phone. When we got to the Monstrosity, I texted Liya and asked her to give my number to Nira and ask her to text me when she was on the stoop rather than knock. Liya sent an up thumb and a grinning emoji.

We put our books and stuff on the mattresses, then went to the kitchen for drinks.

“Hi, girls. We’re discussing the plans for this week. Gracey’s got another appointment on Friday. Charlie will get her from school, take her, and return her; she should be back for lunch.”

“Okay,” I responded. “We’re doing homework on the Monstrosity.”

Heather sniffed, then said, “You had another... ‘session’ ... didn’t you, Mom?”

Sandy grinned, and responded, “I did. This one was on the island. It was oh so good. Despite that, every time I think about Charlie and Inez and that story, I get another quiver in my pussy. That story should keep me in orgasms for some time to come. God, I love this life.”

“Why does that sort of thing get you going so much,” asked Rhee. “I know you’ve explained before, but I guess we’re wired differently. I like seeing sex take place in the family at any time, but I don’t fantasize about Charlie with anyone but me. Well, but me and others of us with me and him. Well, that’s not quite correct. I have had the odd thought or two about Charlie in the hot tub with the Go5 and ... Meka. However, that may be mostly due to my interest in Meka, but Charlie does show up in the hot tub in my mind fairly often.”

“Hah! I’ll have to add that wrinkle to my own fantasies about Meka. My fantasy life has increased exponentially in ... variety in where and who since Charlie’s added Carol and then you girls to his harem. I’ve had to resort to keeping a bottle of perfume in my desk at work for the odd times that I lose track of work and dive a little into a fantasy. The perfume is particularly important on the days when I’m commando there. That commando string is still alive, not counting the days on my period. I can’t remember the number of days, but I marked the start date on the calendar in our room, so I can always figure it out. It should be closing in on 100. I so much love this life that we eight have created. I will be ecstatic with it for the rest of my life, even if no one else is ever added. I’ve had so much sex, been fucked so often, made glorious love with the loves of my life so many times since Carol joined us, and particularly after Charlie finally admitted that he’d like all you girls with us. This sexual and love life overwhelms even our newlywed days in abundance and satisfaction. My pussy gets sore on occasion, but it’s such a good sore. And, despite the occasional pang of conscience that Charlie suffers, he has been wonderfully insatiable. Do you know that he often goes to work after getting one or both of us off with his cock? I’ll bet he’s had morning sex with at least one of us half the days of my commando streak.”


“Oh, pooh, Charlie. They’re your lovers, too. I certainly want to know about the sex you have with them. Perhaps I’m wrong thinking that they might like to know the same with us, but if I were them, I’d want to be sure that our marriage wasn’t suffering from you having five lovely women that reside smack in the middle of your illicit desires.”

Heather jumped in with, “Dad, anytime you want a change of pace, you just come on upstairs and give us girls some pre-school sex. Oooh. That sounded kinky.”

There was much chuckling, though none from Charlie.

“I have to admit to loving this, too,” he said. “But I still don’t really understand how my wives ... and the other mothers of my girlfriends can not only go along with this but encourage it. I mean, really? Inez orgasmed in response to me giving her daughter an orgasm in a room just down the hall from hers. I sense a slippery slope ahead.”

Carol responded, “Charlie. I love you. Sandy loves you. We both have some of the same kinks that have us very much enjoying you with our daughters ... and our daughters’ ... sister-friend-lovers. I understand that you don’t understand how we could want such, but the only important aspects are that no one gets hurt and that we all enjoy ourselves and you. And if Inez and Nira get looks at your delicious body, I’ve no qualms with that, and my opinion about adding them is softening. Look what just hearing the story did for all of us this morning. Each of us got tabled, and Sandy has cum three times, and I know she’s jonesing for another, if for no other reason than this discussion. But we know that she’ll be playing your two times with Inez in the upstairs hall in her mind for weeks, and she’ll be virtually insatiable during that time. You’ll probably have to fuck her every morning before she goes to work for ... weeks. And then, of course, all five of your girlfriends will be prancing around here nude for months, and she’ll get to see you jump their bones a lot. Sandy’s going to be all sex, all the time, not that I’m saying that all of that will just wash past me leaving me in peace. It will not. Charlie, if you thought you’ve had a lot of sex in the past five months, you’ve probably seen nothing, yet!”

Heather chimed in with, “Feel free to jump my bones whenever you want, Dad. If you want me to sit in your lap and bounce on you right now, I’d be in your lap before you got the request finished.”

Dad gave something of a sickly grin, then responded, “Thanks, Heather. You’re very hard to resist, but Sandy’s needs this morning have reduced my want and need. However, I want this to be perfectly clear. Despite that I complain about Sandy trying to add to my harem, and I don’t need more in my harem, I truly, truly love that you five girls want me, and I definitely have a huge desire for each of you and all of you. My life this past few months has been so fantastical, that if I didn’t pinch myself occasionally, I’d swear it would have to be a fever dream. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have seven such attractive and interesting lovers as you women. I love every one of you.”

The three of us surrounded him, slammed our bodies into his, and squeezed him tightly. After releasing him, we grabbed drinks and returned to the Monstrosity. We’d been studying and/or doing homework for about 20 minutes when I got a text from, apparently, Nira. Apparently, because the text read, “On your stoop.”

Same as Beth
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Sitting absentmindedly stroking my shoulder length blond hair, I am sitting at my keyboard, staring blankly at my screen, as I have been since 9:00 this morning. My body is not in that bad shape for a woman my age, although I admit I could lose a few pounds. But my husband certainly appreciates my D-Cup breasts, which I admit have begun to sag a bit, and I know my ass isn't what it was when I was 19. I look at myself in the mirror, blushing instantly at what I see. I'm sitting here dressed in...

3 years ago
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The Machine

The Machine My mother was really gonna do it. She was going to put the Machine on my head. And I was just sitting there. Why wasn't I fighting this? I should have been swearing, kicking, threatening to run away. I mean, I was a boy, and boys aren't supposed to use the Machine. But I just sat there. They took me to the chair, and put the Machine on my head. I trembled, and closed my eyes. Finally the Machine was done, and my mother lead me over to the mirror. And...

3 years ago
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One Old Client And New Friend

Hi to all after long time I am back with my new experience had recently. First I thank ISS for it support and for my readers feedback. Please give me feedback at Coming to experience it happened few days back with a young girl in hyd and after that experience had threesome with that girl and my old mature woman(my friend). We enjoyed a lot. One day after coming from office I was in online then got msg from young girl her name is neha (name changed) Her age is 25 and she is working her so she...

2 years ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Two

(See Part One for preamble.) Chapter Fifty Seven.Lady Mathom had been right. The afternoon’s tests had indeed been sterner. In fact Jennifer was coming to believe that this was quite possibly the worst afternoon in her life. Not that she had any way of determining exactly what time of day it was of course for she was blindfolded, cocooned in darkness, her wrists attached to overhead chains by the rings on her cuffs, above her head. Her back and buttocks were flaring...

2 years ago
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Mike and all the girls

On Monday Kim Owens, Dawn Young, Monica Wallace, Debby lee and Vivian Stone will be moving in here. Christy again went in each of the bedrooms looking at each room for any sigh of imperfection that she could correct. As she went back to the kitchen to check the oven for roast that was in there for George when he got home. She heard the doorbell and put on her robe before opening the door. Seeing nobody there she walked out side and felt a hand coming over her mouth. Christy struggled to...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Lana Violet Likes It Long Hard And In Her Tight Asian ASS

Asian MILF Lana Violet gets her tight ass stuffed-full of Ramon Nomar’s huge cock. Lana’s looking sexy as ever in her black lace lingerie with matching fishnets and high heels as she shows off her stunning curves. She shakes her ass for the camera then takes off her top so give us an amazing look at her perfect tits. She wanders around the house, trying to find Ramon, and removes her panties before finally finding him in the living room. They waste no time, taking his pants off right away so...

3 years ago
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Twelve Boons of the FaeChapter 6

“So, what happens to former Polish President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, not to mention the Presidents of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and the two Bosnian Presidents not included in the Council? What happens to the Prime Ministers?” Tang asked me while I pounded Eliza good and hard. “Also, what happens to Japan and its Government, or China, for that matter?” Sabrina inquired as Eliza creamed herself and I spent my load inside...

4 years ago
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Claires Conception Part 2

Claire and Tim are married with three children and live in London. They have been enjoying phone sex while Tim is away on business. Claire’s mother has persuaded them to let her best friend’s son Simon stay with them as a lodger while he spends a twelve week internship with a Premier League Football Club. Simon has unwittingly become a recurring theme in their phone sex fantasies. Claire’s fantasies in particular have become very much more vivid recently… * The last week of Simon’s...

Wife Lovers
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Sappho Visits Eternia

He-Man – Sappho visits Eternia "Forget it, darling. You will never get out of these strong steel cuffs". This was said by the evil and cruel woman known as Evil-Lyn, as she approached from a small dungeon in a cave, where her prisoner, the heroine of this realm, Teela, was locked up after being knocked unconscious by one of Skeletor's evil henchman. "Don't think about that. He-Man will find me and save me, not after kicking the ass of Skeletor", the redhead challenged defiantly. "Why...

2 years ago
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Second Chance

Like most high school sweethearts, Gail and I had dreams and plans. We would go to the same college, settle down, get married, and have kids. Things just didn't work out that way. For a start, we were approved for different colleges. Of course, we pledged to stay together and continue our relationship and we did that for several months. But, little by little, the calls and texts dwindled to a few — then none. Despite wanting it to work, our deepest fears were realised and our relationship fell...

Love Stories
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SingularityChapter 18 Epilogue

“LAUNCHING!” the voice announced in Peter’s ear. The capsule vibrated, a hum resonated through the capsule, and the settings on the display fluctuated wildly. He didn’t understand why they even included the meters. It meant nothing to those inside the vessel, only to the designers who developed the ISSDD transport mechanism. Suddenly, the surrounding walls were gone and he found himself deep in space. Glancing out the window at the inky blackness, he was glad Eric Morgan insisted on the...

1 year ago
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Submissived Serena Santos Quarterly Cooch Conquest

Ever since joining his fathers company, our stud has been under a lot of pressure to perform. But this quarter, he exceeded all expectations. His dad wants to show him how the boys in celebrate success, so he leaves sexy Latina, Serena Santos, all tied up and ready to be penetrated by a prolific salesmans dick. He grabs her and sticks his cock inside her dripping pussy, pulverizing her from behind as she moans in delight. Serana loves feeling him go deeper and deeper inside of her almost as...

3 years ago
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HorseHungry MotherChapter 4

"What are we gonna do this afternoon?" Sandy asked for the tenth time as she finished her lunch. Natalie laughed. "I'm gonna fuck Stormy," she said as she pushed her self away from the table. "I'm tired of being cherry." "You're kiddin'," Sandy gasped. "No, I'm not," she said. "I was thinking about it when you were sucking Stormy's cock." "Whewww!" Sandy shook her head, her hand going directly to her crotch. "His cock is too big," she said, clawing her pussy through...

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The GirlsChapter 11 Tania Teachers Pet

After her Legal Studies class, as everyone else was leaving, Tania loitered behind. The last few students left through the door, and Tania closed it behind them. Mr Williams looked up from his desk. "Yes Tania, what can I do for you?" Tania had, for the first time ever, actually been interested in what Mr Williams had taught. Typically, his dry, dull, boring speeches put her (and the rest of the student population) to sleep, but today it had kept her riveted. She had taken notes for...

2 years ago
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Clares First ShootChapter 1

The next morning, Clare was up before her alarm, tossing things out of her closet, trying to decide what exactly she should wear to work that morning. She thought of wearing something "conservative", but figured that would be too much. Then, Clare thought maybe she should wear something more "revealing", but she didn't want to seem like she was some sort of whore walking down the street. Compromising, Clare finally decided to take elements of the two, and came up with something that...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family chapter 13 reformatted

Chapter 13- Breakfast of Champions Ron was a little surprised by the state of his room when he walked into it. It was a mess, not by his standards, but in his wife’s opinion this room was a pigsty. The bed was unmade, the comforter balled up on the floor, and clothes, lingerie, and various girly things were strewn across it. Her robe lay on the floor in front of her dresser and her nightstand was open. He smiled wryly to himself bent to pick up the robe. It didn’t bother him that it...

4 years ago
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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 03

‘Mommy, is it Halloween?’ Anna asked. Startled, Dani looked at the calendar. It was October twenty-eighth. With everything that had happened lately, she had forgotten about Halloween. ‘Almost, Babe,’ she told Anna. ‘Three more days.’ ‘What I’m gonna be?’ Anna asked. ‘And me?’ said Sean. Dani sighed and put down the basket of dirty clothes she was carrying. Another day of undone housework. ‘I guess we’ll have to go costume hunting today,’ she said. ‘Yay!’ Sean and Anna shouted. Dani called...

3 years ago
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Charlotte part 9

SIX WEEKS LATER "Vive La France!" Krystie happily exclaims in my ear, over the noise of the crowded Parisian nightclub. "This is so cool!" I happily reply as I dance with my friend, the two of us attracting the attention of virtually every boy in the club in our tiny clubbing dresses and extra-high heels- not to mention our voluminous hair and heavy make-up! "Yeah, who needs BOYS anyway?" Krystie asks. "I'll try not to take that personally!" Stuart yells over the noise of the...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Chloe Temple Stepsister Left A Wet Spot On My Pants

Chloe Tempe has a brand new stepbrother in Diego Perez and she wants him in the worst way possible. Her pussy is always wet, so she takes advantage of that by working herself into a horny frenzy. Dressed in a miniskirt that barely covers her panties, which are already drenched, she sits on the chair to make sure that she’ll leave a nice wet spot. Getting up, she rubs her fingers through her juices and smiles before relocating to the couch, and finally to Diego’s lap. Perched on her...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Jade Baker Victoria Voxxx Company Policy

Victoria Voxxx and Jade Baker are stars in a video regarding personal boundaries in the workplace. When Victoria mentions respecting her co-worker’s personal space, she reaches down and grabs Jade’s tits. April O’Neil, who’s filming the segment, yells cut, and reminds them that perhaps it’s not the best idea to grab her tits while they’re talking about the subtleties of personal space. April tries take after take but the girls are simply not getting it. Every...

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Online Se Offline Sex Tak

Hello everyone, Saurav again. Last 2 stories ka acha response mila mujhe. Jinhone mujhe mail ya text kuch bhi kiya ho, un sab ko main thanks bolna chaahta hu. So is baar ek aur nayi story likh raha hu, jo hai ek married lady who lives in Gujarat and I met her online. Ye kahani ab se 6-7 months pehle ki hai. Ek ladki hai, jo ki 26-27 years ki hai, aur divorced hai. Usko main online site pe mila tha, aur hamari baat hui just casually. Fir hum calls pe video call pe baat karne lage, just as...

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Mast Bhabhi Ko Choda Dosto


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Sex Holiday 4 Holland

This is again only FANTASY inspired by videos like this: our annual sex holidays when I would watch her fuck strangers my wife had been true to her threat. She was going to have a long weekend away from me, fucking strangers. Soon after we had returned from our Caribbean holiday she had joined several swingers sites and had chatted to single guys throughout Europe. She wasn’t going to decide on a destination, but on a man and what he...

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The ProtectorChapter 81

We were killing time before we left for the airport to catch the chartered jet, so I made some calls. I had Tiny arrange for the two who escorted us before to meet us at the airport. I called the Sheriff and pulled in a favor and tried to get all the loose ends tied up before we left. When Farley and the rest came back from the cottage about an hour later, I saw that Michelle had been crying but she seemed to be holding up ok. When Farley caught my eye, he slightly nodded his head indicating...

2 years ago
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A Stormy Night

When, as a child, I first caught sight of my mother naked, I thought she was being punished. The rain was beating on the roof of my troubled dreams, and the thunder roaring, raging. I was frightened. My bedroom window looked out across the long driveway into the trees, and it was dark, the trees quaking like ghosts. I wanted my Mother, I wanted to pee. I began crying and got out of bed, wandering down the dark corridor and then along the balcony that looked down into the living room, Mummy!...

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Truth or Dare with the twins

We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....

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Neighbourhood Watch

  The Voyeur… At 2:12 p.m. precisely, her car purrs onto her driveway, its tyres crunching upon the white gravel. The door swings open to reveal a pair of black leather stilettos perched on the end of shapely, nylon enveloped legs. The driver eases herself from the car before reaching back inside to retrieve her handbag and laptop. Her rounded ass points skyward as she stoops, her short, navy skirt clinging to its contours. She rights herself, smoothing down her clothing as she pushes the car...

1 year ago
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Summer ProjectChapter 5

After relieving himself, Jeff threw on his shorts and went downstairs to grab himself a Coke. He left his sister bent over and bound nude in his parent's bathroom, moaning in frustration through her red ball gag. Her arms were still encased in a white leather armbinder and her legs were held apart by a spreader bar. The leash to Stephanie's white collar was lashed tightly to her spreader bar as were the light chains to Stephanie's nipple clamps, forcing her to bend forward precariously....

4 years ago
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Adhire Mardal Ni Friend Tho Atharea

Hello frds….This is your raj again with another experience of mine….Miru na previous stories baga enjoy chesaru ani ardam avtondi…….Alage kamakathalu vallu kuda mi story baga chaduvutunaru….Miru raayali antunaru……Kaani fake gaa oohinchukoni raayadam naaku istam ledu…….Anduke wait chesanu…Ninna jarigina original experience ni……Ela jarigindi ala clear cut gaa explain chestanu…. Kaani okka condition frds…Miru story kinda comments pettandi. Ela undi…Emana change cheskovali..Na narration...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 9

It was the usual crowd making the usual speeches about market recovery and big picture planning. Richard Lathe talked me into giving a class for the Association on knowing when to say 'no'. Marti Holbrooke asked for my advice on a foreclosure and told me to bill her for it. I smoozed a bit, lied and promised to keep in touch, and pretended that I was considering getting back in the game. Really, I was enjoying everyone's reaction to my blatantly sexual relationship with Yann. "So,...

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John and Christyne

John was a man of man of well thought out decisions, a man of planned executions. Which is why he thought he was going crazy when he decided to meet his online lover for the first time after she merely questioned the idea. He sat on the train, shifting his weight several times before finding a comfortable possition. He looked at his watch and counted the minutes until his scheduled arrival. Christyne had captured his heart one night while he decided to enter one of those online chats that his...

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First time at a gloryhole a completely true stor

Last night I went into a local porn shop to pick up a cock ring and a ball stretcher. I’ve had this fetish about how I love low hanging balls on men and decided I’d like to try to stretch mine. The clerk was a very nice middle-aged woman who took me around the store to find those items and she described everything as we walked around. We went to the back of the store and could see an area with video booths and I could hear lots of moaning from one of the movies. I had heard of some store booths...

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BlowJobFridays Valentina Jewels Valentina8217s rRandomActsOfBlowjobs

One day, Valentina Jewels came up with one crazy idea. She wanted to suck ten random dicks. Although she didn’t know how to pull it off, she knew she wanted to give back to the community of porn lovers and suck those dicks. She called Bang Bros to document the entire process. Bang Bros thought she was crazy, but she definitely proved herself. She went onto a the popular R***it website and looked for r/RANDOMACTSOFBLOWJOB. She made a post in search of ten guys in the Miami area. We woke up...

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A couple of months after my seventeenth birthday, I discovered three things. The first was that I am a lesbian; the second was that I have an eager appetite for sex – I’ll spread my legs for almost any woman, any time; the third was not just that I am a slut, but a bondage slut – that I get my biggest thrills from being tied up and taken by another woman (better still, by women in the plural). The first was not a great surprise, but the other two were! This is how it all happened. I...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 7 Picking up the Pieces

The birds disappeared into the trees, leaving three dead doves and scattered hawk feathers. Lian was down on one knee and Pappy was squatting beside her with one hand on her shoulder. She groaned as she panted. "Are you okay?" Pappy asked anxiously. She was his responsibility. Laoshin had given him that responsibility and he didn't want to disappoint her. In the back of his mind, he wondered about his concern for Laoshin's regard at a time like this. Lian shook her head and gingerly...

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Fresh Dorm Angel Scissored Splits

As Vee and I walked into the showers, the girls that occupied it all stopped what they were doing and stared. Vee and I just looked at each other. We both blushed at the same time. I thought it was because it was the first time they had seen me naked. That's why I blushed. But Vee knew the real reason.I found out as the flat-chested girl, I almost ran into entering the showers for the first time, took it upon herself to initiate the embarrassment."Well, well, well, if it isn't the two...

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The new master 1

THE NEW MASTERMeet-1The first meeting was arranged pretty fast. Several messages on the contact site then a few texts to arrange the details and the meeting was on.His latest text informed me he was on his way and would arrive in 20 minutes.I had showered and was clean and fresh. I had the front room ready. Blanket laid on the floor. Towel folded on the chair. Poppers ready. All I had on other than my chastity cage was my yellow jockstrap and my nipple clamps. I'd been pumping them for a couple...

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Screwing the Sergeant

This week, I'm still not sure who or how, I'm going to get number nine and be ahead of my stinky brother. He's got eight red dots on his dashboard, symbols of the eight virgins he's deflowered, although I suspect some of them were really sluts that lied about it. It doesn't matter. I just got my eighth boy, one of the best, and I'm still a bit sore, my labia glowing with A&D ointment, but either Joe James or Michael Nulley is going to do what I demand and give me his cherry. I've...

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A Star at Hooters

A Star at Hooters By Kathy Smith Max Stein, M.D. was an ophthalmologist. He was short, bald and has about 50 pounds of fat around his middle. He works at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan. He has a family in Westchester. His wife is a JAP (Jewish American Princess) and takes his money before he generates it to spend it! Her name was Sarah. They have two children, a girl and a boy. The girl is doing the same thing as his wife, being the rich girl. Her name was Marian. ...

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Bondage in the urban wasteland

It wasn’t easy to find the right spot – but I looked and looked – it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...

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My mother in law name is Salma , She is 47 year old lady with very healthy and taller than me. She had dark hair growth below her nose. After my marriage within one month my hubby went back to his work. Me and mother in law was all alone in house, She is a teacher nearby school we both leave to office around same time in the morning and she comes back early to home whereas I’ll reach by 7 clock.Life was going smooth as if we both are engaged in our own priorities. My hubby calls me everyday...

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Pakkadmane Huduga

Hi friends this is Navya Nanu nimge nanna real story helalu ista paduttene. Idu nanna modala story enadru tappiddare sorry. Idu nadedaddu 1 varshada hinde. Nanagaga 18 years old Nanu pu oduttidde. Namma maneya mele ondu room kattisiddaru, aa roomnalle nanu dinalu sanjeyinda ratri 12 ra varege oduttidde. Ratri dinnerge matra mukkalu gante biduvu. Nanna classnalli nane topper. Nanna close friend priya,nanna mane eduralle iddalu. Avlu dinalu enadru doubt keloke barthidlu. Aamele aamele nan...

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InterracialBlowbang Cherie Deville 01252018

Cherie DeVille is making a run for the White House in 2020 — no joke — and her campaign starts today! She’s reached out to her old friend, Sean Michaels, in order to gather up volunteers to help canvass for her! DeVille 2020! Cherie’s going to try to get on the Democratic ticket, but she might just run as an Independent. She’s pro-choice, pro-immigration, pro-veteran rights, wants to decriminalize drug use, hates for-profit prisons, and generally feels it’s...

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Casting Off ConventionChapter 3

"I will be so glad to see home again," Corrine remarked, as they ate the noon meal the next day. Celeste added, "As will I. I have learned a lesson about depending upon my magic to carry me through the dangers presented by traveling alone." Rochelle asked, "So, what's this Dalesholme like? Any decent inns and taverns? I'm looking to celebrate a bit, before we hit the road again to join up with the rest of the Hawks. I'm ready for some comfort." Cordain laughed and replied, "You...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Bella Rico Clara Mia How To Please Her

Clara Mia is hanging out waiting for her girlfriend, Bella Rico to arrive. When Bella does come by, she has a surprise gift for Clara. She slips behind Clara and covers her lover’s eyes with her hands to set the perfect scene for lovemaking. When Clara looks up and sees the gift bag in Bella’s teeth, she has a good idea of what’s coming next. Clara knows she should probably say something, but before she can find the words, Bella captures her sweet lips in a deep kiss. Bella...

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The Desperate Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers. This is a true incident of a hot bhabhi and me which happened a few days ago. I am 21 years old and active most of the time on the internet. I keep chatting with hot women online on sites like omegle. I will not be mentioning any names to maintain secrecy. The story starts now.. One day while chatting in an online site I met a woman who was 27 years old(which she told me later in the chat).. I asked her interests and I also asked why she was on that site. Initially she was a...

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Captain Montagues Mission II

Captain Montague's Mission (continued): By Vivienne Marcus (This is the second "slice" of the story: readers who have not read the first part are advised to do so before proceeding.) Five: There was a long silence. After she was sure the Germans had left, Sylvia jumped to her feet in exasperation. "How did they know? How did they know that there was an agent here?" She walked over to the edge of the arboretum. Through the glass she could see down the long driveway to...

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Black isnt so Bad After All

John and DeeDee Wilson were the average couple of their times. Both had been raised in a white Christian environment and throughout their lives were taught that black people were not as good as they were. Times change though, whether you want them to or not. Both are now in their early 60's, having been married almost 45 years, and as they grew older the neighborhood around them changed as well. More and more black families were moving in and more and more white families were moving further out...

4 years ago
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Tied to Work or Bound to Please

Andrea was due to start work on her internet based job, when her live in master came up behind her computer chair. He ordered her to strip down to just her panties and gave her a dressing gown to cover her body with. Then taking the soft Japanese bondage rope he tied it around her waist and round the back of the chair before then tying her legs open to each side of the chair. Taking Andrea's vibrator he eased it halfway into her already wet cunt, marvelling at the tenting effect the base of...

2 years ago
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I lost the bet He fucked my gay ass

Sometimes there's nothing more arousing than admitting someone is better than you. The overwhelming feeling of defeat makes us seek approval in a desperate way. This is how I ended up on my knees with a wide open mouth begging for Roger's hot cum. I had only met Roger earlier that day when I was playing billiards at a local gay bar. I am not really an athlete, but I do love billiards and consider myself a good player. However good I am, I found out Roger is better and he took great...

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CHAPTER 7: THE SWANSON AFTER PARTYAfter servicing the Swanson team from under the table while they ate, Jean and Abby stood flushed with unsatisfied arousal. Between the two of them they had taken seven loads of cum and the orgasmic juices of two pussies. They had received applause that added to the awkwardness for them. Jacob came with their coats just before the door of the room was opened to cover their bodies. Their mouths and cheeks glistened with the mixture of cum, pussy juice and...

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My Mothers LoverChapter 4 Fasching in the Black Forest

Ellen's Diary: Thursday, March 1, 1973 Dear Diary, Mame has been offered a vacation in Europe by one of the big tour operators she does business with. It fit with C's winter break at school, so we are on our way for a new adventure. C's first time in Europe so, that's nice. Charlie and I are landing in a couple hours at the airport in Frankfurt. Charlie is snoring quietly against my shoulder, all warm and snuggly. I can hardly hear him though because of the sound of the engines. The...

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3 Into 1

Connie and I were invited to a small, three-couple get together. Everyone had helped themselves to the large bowl of pot surrounded by packs of Zig Zags on the coffee table. My wife had also done a line from the mirror on the table's end. Everyone was naked and paired off onto the beanbags, but nothing serious had started yet. We were just getting mellowed out.My wife sat up and announced, "I've never had all three holes filled at once and I want that to happen tonight. Would that be okay with...

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