A Cloak Of LiesChapter 3 free porn video

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Camille awoke, stiff, sore and confused. Nothing looked familiar to her in the dim light that filtered from the small window, reflecting in the dust particles that floated up in clouds with each movement of her groaning muscles. What had happened to her and where was she?

It took a moment for her to pull herself upright and swing her legs over the edge of the bed. She tried to clear her fuzzy head, to figure out what was happening. Something caught in her memory, but she couldn't quite get a handle on it. Her body felt bruised and strained, as if she had been in an accident.

The night before, and the morning after, came flooding back in a tidal wave of emotions. Niko, she thought. Alive.

Looking at her surroundings, she saw the box containing packages of dried food and bottled water. A shirt hung over the foot of the bed, obviously belonging to the man who had taken her from her home the previous night. She pulled herself away, stood to step back from the garment as if it were about to attack.

She was thirsty; so thirsty that her throat felt like it had closed. Pulling one of the bottles of water from the box, she opened it and drained it completely before setting it back down. The water helped to clear her mind, to strengthen her resolve. She needed to get away.

There was no telling what had happened to her husband in the years that he was gone, but he was definitely not the same man that she had known. This Niko was cold, calculating, almost crazed at times. He frightened her with his rages and his insistence that something or someone was out to get them. The man was wallowing in paranoia and would likely get them both killed.

Camille stifled a sneeze, trying to remain as quiet as possible. She had no idea where Niko was, but she didn't want to alert him that she was awake. One glance out the window told her that she had slept the day away; soon it would be dark.

A plan began to form in her mind, a way to escape her husband's madness. She would have to slip away, out of the cabin and into the night, before he knew she was awake. As she remembered, there had been only one exit to the building and Niko was likely guarding it. Looking out the window again, she could see a good twenty-foot drop to the ground below. She'd be lucky if she didn't break her neck when she hit, so that idea was out of the question.

Slipping past the table to the bedroom door, Camille peered around the corner, looking for her husband. She couldn't see him, though she heard the unmistakable creak of the floorboards in a room to the left. That suited her well as the door to freedom lay to the right. Taking one more look around to make sure she wouldn't be seen, she took a deep breath before creeping through the doorway into the hall.

She was just rounding the corner into the kitchen, reaching for the doorknob when a hand grasped the back of her neck, causing her to jump. She would have squealed had it not been for the other hand that clamped over her mouth, silencing her. Her heart had jumped into her throat, making it impossible to swallow, or even breathe, as a mouth nuzzled against her ear.

"Going somewhere, Wife?" Niko whispered. The name he called her sounded like a curse on his lips.

His grip was like steel as she tried to pry his fingers loose. She needed more oxygen than what she was getting past his big fingers into her half-blocked nostrils. He held his grasp on her, tightening each time she tried to pull free.

"I told you I would tie you up if I have to, but you will cooperate."

His words were only half understood as Camille began to fight him in earnest, panic causing her to claw at the hand that was quickly closing off all air. The hand that had been holding the back of her neck snaked around her waist, pulling her from her feet. She kicked futilely at the legs behind her; her arms reached around, slapping at his face and pulling his hair.

She felt her body weaken as black spots exploded in her vision. It seemed as if she were being sucked backwards down a long tunnel with only a pinpoint of light far ahead of her, growing more and more distant with each passing moment. Then she was no longer fighting him, floating upward as the world around her receded farther.

Suddenly, as if someone had flipped a switch, precious air rushed into her burning lungs. She felt the hardness of the floor as she was lowered with a hand on the back of her head. Gulping hard to feed her oxygen-starved body, she concentrated on calming the muscles that quivered throughout her limbs.

"Camille... Camille, breathe, agapi," an anguished voice spoke from a great distance. The voice was familiar, someone who cared. "Camille, I'm sorry. I didn't realize... Please, baby, open your eyes."

Groaning softly at the fire in her lungs and throat, she turned her head away from the voice, keeping her eyes closed as she tried to get her mind around Niko's attempt at killing her. She felt his hand on her hair as he stroked her head, trying to get her to look at him.

"Why?" she whispered as she turned her face to him, opening her eyes to see the stricken expression that he wore.

"I... I'm sorry, Camille. I didn't know you couldn't breathe," he replied softly. His hand was on top of her head, his thumb stroking gently over her brow. "I was trying to keep you quiet. Please, agapi mou. I..."

"Never call me that again," she said as she pushed herself up dizzily, slapping his hand away. "I am not your love."

Niko pulled himself up from the floor, standing to his full height, his expression cooling to one of stony determination as he watched her. She could see the muscles of his naked chest expand as he wrestled for control of his emotions. Then she noticed the scars on his body, cruel looking marks that hadn't been there when they were married.

"Get ready. We'll be leaving as soon as it's dark."

Camille turned her head away from him, gazing into the murky room without seeing. "What happened to you, Niko?" she asked softly, not really expecting an answer. "You've changed so much. There was once a time when you would've cut off your own arm before raising a hand in anger to me."

"I know, ag... Camille," he stammered, censoring his words. "I wish we could go back in time, get our lives back, but it's not possible."

"How did you get like this?" She looked at the man that had once been the center of her universe. His handsome face, his hair, were the same as she'd once known, though his body had changed in appearance with the scars. It was his eyes that had been most altered. They were cold and cynical, the laughter and love in them gone. "Where'd you go all those years ago?"

He walked to her slowly, extending his fingers to pull her from the floor. Refusing to take the hand that hung in the air between them, she scrambled back from him before standing on her own. Facing him, she could see the disappointment and resignation etched on his face.

"That day, when I left for work," he said as he dropped into a wobbly chair that creaked under his weight. "I thought it was just like any other day. Something happened that day, Camille."

"What? What could've happened that would make you just disappear without a word?"

"I didn't abandon you. Please believe that. I didn't have any choice. They told me that you'd be killed if they knew I was still alive."

"What are you talking about?" she demanded. "Who are 'they'? And why would 'they' kill me? You're not making any sense."

He shoved his fingers through his hair, dragging it from his eyes to look up at her. "I stumbled onto something that day at work. Something that implicates Senator Hyde in some pretty ugly shit."

Camille's mouth dropped open, shock written on her face. She'd never thought that his job as a local aide to the U.S. Senator, Danny Hyde, as a reason for his disappearance. "But Hyde is a good man, you said so yourself. He's been in office for three terms now. I know there was that rumor about his, uh, activities with those women, but it was only a rumor, right?"

"I'm afraid it's much worse than that. Anyway, I overheard a conversation and made a phone call. You remember Rob Phelps?"

"Yeah," Camille answered, wondering what Niko's old friend could have to do with it. "He looked after me when you..." she swallowed hard, remembering the horror of those first days without Niko.

"He did, huh? How good of him," Niko snapped, his dark eyes sparkling malevolently in the failing light of dusk.

"Would you reign in that Greek jealousy of yours? Jeez, the guy was traumatized when we all thought you were dead. He did nothing more than any friend would do. It's not like he ever made a play for me or anything."

"Of course he didn't," Niko retorted. "The man's a fag."

"Just because he didn't hit on me doesn't mean he's..."

Niko cut her off with a look. "No, I mean he's gay. For real. He told me not too long after college. He doesn't like women. He kept it a secret because of his career with the FBI."

"Then why were you so pissed when I told you he took care of me? And he doesn't work for the FBI anymore. He quit about a year after... that day."

She could feel her brows drawing together tightly as she frowned at her husband.

"Yeah, I know. I'm pissed because he's the bastard that I called after I heard what the Senator was into. I can't prove it yet, but I know Rob's the one who put the word out on me. If he was nosing around you after I was gone then he could only be after one thing — to find out what you knew."

"Well, relax, because I thought it was just an accident like everyone else. I honestly don't understand any of this."

"Just try to stay with me here. I called Rob, told him what I heard. He told me to keep my mouth shut and meet him at the boat docks, where we used to fish. I went there but it wasn't Rob that was waiting for me. It was an ambush. I was shot. They stuffed me back in the car and shoved it off the docks. I can remember the water coming in and trying to get out. I don't remember too much after that.

"When I woke up I was in some private hospital and the staff was calling me a name I'd never heard before, Anthony Portello. They said I'd been out for three weeks, in a coma. When I tried to get to a phone to call you, they put me in restraints. Then these guys in suits came in, feeding me a bunch of bullshit about how my country needed me and how their plan was the only way to protect my wife. Makes me sick to think about it now."

Camille stepped forward slowly, unfolding her arms from her chest, sinking to her knees in front of him. "You were shot?" she whispered, horrified.

Niko straightened from his slouched position, allowing her eyes to see the scars on his body in the gloom of twilight. Her breath caught in her throat as she raised a trembling hand to one puckered scar on his chest. She touched it lightly, before looking at the rest of his torso. She counted four bullet wounds and two longer scars that could only have been caused by surgery and sutures. Two of the bullets had hit him in the chest, one in the belly and the last in his left ribcage.

"That one went all the way through," he said as he captured her fingers against his chest.

Placing her other hand on the side of his face, she felt her heart soften and suddenly wanted to be in his arms.

"The police told me you had gotten drunk and driven off the ramp. They said they found a whiskey bottle in the car."

"You know me better than that," he whispered, watching her eyes intently.

"That's what I told them. I told them they were wrong. No one would listen to me."

"That's the nature of a cover-up, Baby," he said, nuzzling against her hand. "God, I missed you, Camille. All I could think about was getting back to you."

She sat back on her heels, pulling her hands down to rest on his thighs. "I missed you too, Niko. My world stopped that day. I tried to find out what happened to you but the police had given up on the case. They wrote you off as just another drunk driver, said that your body probably washed downstream or got hung up on a snag, and was stuck underwater. They just stopped looking. Every time I tried to get them to do their jobs I hit a brick wall."

"So you finally had to give up," Niko supplied, his attention dropping to the ring on her left hand. He took her fingers in his, grazing the top of the small solitaire with the pad of his thumb. "Is he good to you, Camille?"

"Yes." Her voice wavered at the sorrow she saw in his face. If only there were some way to take that pain away and right all the wrong. "He was there when I was at my lowest. I would never have survived without him. He... he saved me, Niko. I don't know how to explain it, other than that."

"Then I owe him a lot," he murmured.

He held her hand up, buried his face against it, kissing her palm.

"I'm sorry, Baby, so sorry," he lamented against her skin before pressing her fingers to his cheek.

His eyes held every emotion he'd experienced over the last twenty-four hours as he spoke.

"When I got to your house last night, I saw you with him. I almost lost my mind, seeing you kissing him. I wanted to tear his heart out for touching you. I had no right to treat you the way I did. I just couldn't stand it. Please tell me you'll forgive me some day."

Pulling her hand free, she stood, pacing away from him. She could still feel the heat of his lips on her flesh as she tried to collect her thoughts.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to forgive you for. Is it the way you've treated me, taking me from my home and my life, your disappearance and the hell I went through, or that I'm now supposedly in some kind of danger because of you? I don't even know if I believe a word of it. It all sounds so far-fetched."

She had her back to him, hugging herself with her shaking arms, trying to get her mind around what was happening. Before she heard his voice, she felt his heat as he stepped up behind her. The warmth of his palms covered her shoulders, sliding downward to encircle her body.

"I know what it sounds like, Sweetheart. I'd give anything if it weren't true."

His lips stroked her ear as he spoke, a caress that sent shivers down her spine. It took all her strength to pull away when all she wanted to do was melt against him.

"Is it true, Niko?" she asked as she turned to face him. "You're not crazy, are you?"

His answer was a harsh, mirthless laugh that twisted his face into a grimace.

"I might be, Camille. I have no idea anymore."

He looked around at the gathering darkness before speaking again.

"We need to go. Just stay with me until I get you somewhere safe. Please."

Camille nodded, though she didn't know why. If he were telling the truth then she would be in trouble if she went home again. Some of what he said had made sense and certainly answered a lot of open questions she still had about his disappearance as well as the difficulty she'd had in getting anyone to listen to her. On the other hand, it all seemed so implausible. How could any of it be true?

"I'll go with you, Niko. For now."

"Thank you," he returned, looking as if he wanted something more from her.

Niko left to gather the things from the bedroom, returning with his shirt hanging open on his long frame and the sleeping bag draped over his shoulder. He set the grub box on a table so he could pack the bedroll. With that task completed, he handed her the items to carry, drawing his gun from its holster behind his back.

Camille stared wide-eyed at the weapon. "What's that for?"

"Just in case," Niko replied, checking his weapon. "Stay behind me and stay low."

He peered out the window before opening the door, holding the gun out in front of him. With a quick motion of his head, he told her to follow as he stepped out onto the staircase, crouching low as he lithely crept down the steps. Camille kept pace with him, finding herself hurrying in the same bent gait, thinking how infectious his paranoia was. She felt like a complete imbecile crawling along the darkened shadows in a near duck-walk.

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As Friday came, Chloe had caught him in-between classes. “Hey, we’re still good for this weekend right?” Chloe asked “Yeah, my parents will be going to a friend’s party Saturday night, so I should have the house to myself.” “Cool, I’ll be hanging around the area, just shoot me a message when everything is ready” "Sounds good, will do” Chloe gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she turned around and the two teens went their separate ways. Jake watched as she walked down the hall, and he...

3 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 10

My parents had a clear vision for Saint Lisbon. The clinic brought new life to the women who lost their husbands in the mine disaster, and Dad secured his own legacy. I have been handed the torch, and I accept my role as Dad’s successor. A birthright that allows me to breed with my many sisters, and begin the next generation of our loving family. Mom is proud to carry three of my babies. She wants every able bodied girl to have at least one baby, and that includes all of my sisters. My role...

4 years ago
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A dream come true or is it

As he approached the window of the hair salon David slowed his pace, as he always did when passing a hair salon, so as to get a brief glimpse inside the hidden world of femininity that lay behind the window. Ever since he could remember he had been fascinated by hairdressing, hairdressers and of course salons. There was something so wonderfully girlish about the whole process and he had always felt drawn to salons. As a young child he remembered that his mother and his sister had...

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School day

It was a bright sunny monday and it was the last day of the school year. You are one of five girls ( or any of the boys). Bree: African American teen girl Jane: white American teen girl Ashisa: Japanese teen girl April: white American teen girl Mary: African American teen girl Eliza: Spanish teen girl Casey: German teen girl Jenna:Native American girl Feel free to add girls or chapters to this story. I will try and get to them as fast as i can. Most i will just approve in all likelihood. Thanks

3 years ago
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Carol Ch 4 Then Lee

The marriage between Carol and I was a one of a kind thing. It is difficult to even describe, one almost had to live it. Carol had one real goal, and that was to please me. My own goal was to please her! There was never an argument, or upset of any kind in our time together. She delighted in teasing me, she knew very well of my urges to have her ‘accidentally’ flash some poor unsuspecting soul. There were no inhibitions at all in this beautiful woman! One would think that this type of...

2 years ago
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Maple Heights Ch 1

Valentine’s Day was Millington Chase’s favourite time of year. In the evening, he opened his mansion for a group of people selected through to attend a special party.His business was a small side-line but it gave him an immense amount of pleasure. It was certainly far more fun now than his main company, Maple Heights Investments. That had been causing him quite a few headaches of late.With deals falling through and endless staffing issues, he was more than disgruntled. Although he’d always...

Office Sex
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Hi Mom, Tamala called as she came in the front door. In here her Mother called from the kitchen, how was your day? Oh fine I saw Troy's Mom at the mall and I spent the afternoon with her. thats nice. Tamala's Mom, Irene suspected her daughter was sexually involved with Troy. She would have been astounde had she known that her beautiful Daughter also had sex with her cousin Ross and Troy's Mom, Lucy Often all together. Tam, you know Mrs, Pickens my friend at work? Yeah. nice lady. Well...

3 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 7 Day Two Interviews

KATHERINE ASKED HIM "had a good night did we? You certainly look very happy?" smiling at him, as he joined her in the interview room. Frank not only had a big smile on his face, but his whole physical movements had much more bounce than yesterday. "Well yes" he said a little sheepishly before adding "I am starting to believe that this whole process is going to work and I am going to find a compatible travelling companion. I have to confess I have had my doubts about what I am trying to...

2 years ago
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A pleasant surprise

What dreams may come true? Really, you can never be sure when and how your dreams will be realized. You would not believe that your dreams are getting fulfilled especially when you least expect it. Something like that happened to me very recently, well, actually a week ago. I have a colleague named Kathy. She works as a secretary cum Admin Assistant in my office. She is single, 32 years old, blonde, thin n’ fit, good-looking and has a boyfriend. Recently she moved to her apartment after staying...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 454

It was a hot night with the all the girls before I finally fell asleep with Vicky. All of us got up early and were eating breakfast when the commotion started outside. Bob was outside with the dumpster company putting dumpsters near the tunnel entrance. He had taken my pressure seriously. There were two roll-offs by the box. The crane was setting a portable generator on the other side of the box. On my way out the drive, I stopped to talk to Bob. “The guys round-tabled last night before...

4 years ago
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Two Teenagers Discover Sex

I was an only child of a single mom. My daddy cheated on mom when I was an infant and mom kicked him out and divorced him. So, I grew up never knowing my dad. It was tough, because all my friends had daddies.Growing up, I knew my mom dated men, but she never brought them home, so I never knew them. But when I was sixteen, she brought Bruce home. She not only brought him home, he spent the night.I awoke during the night and could hear them in my mom’s bedroom. My mom was moaning and mewing and...

3 years ago
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Fun at Work part 2

(Do check out the first part for a backgrounder on this story. Enjoy!)I went to the ladies room to check if I looked good. "Adjusted" the blouse and made sure that the cleavage is still there. And by "adjusted" I meant I pulled my blouse down so that some "cheeks" are showing. I made my way into the conference room and I could feel my chest pounding. I was excited and, at the same time, nervous. This colleague of mine is making me feel this way. "He's married," a voice inside me reminded me of...

1 year ago
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Fun car ride

I was droping of a friend to work one morning and as I was taking her to work I started to getting horny, thinking about taking my cock out and having her get me off before she goes to work but I didn't so the moment I left her parking lot I wiped it out and started jerking while driving and it was mostly highway back home so it was easy it do then this red car I forget what kind it was but it was a newer model when I locked eyes with the driver I got even more turned on and super happy that it...

2 years ago
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Golden GirlChapter 8

On the way to Grandma's house, we formulated a rough plan. We both wore matching mini skirts and tube tops without underwear. Mom suggested that I get Grandma alone and warm her up. Grandma still treats me like a little child, and I am in the habit of assuming a childish demeanor with her, complete with baby talk, which in the past drove Mom up a wall. Mom wanted some time alone with Grandpa and Bruno to check out Bruno's animal endowment and work out the details of how their copulation...

1 year ago
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Plucking another mushroom from the ground, Alice placed it in her woven, wooden basket. Her cat, Dinah, danced through the overgrown blades of grass behind her, chasing the fluttering butterflies. College had finished for the summer and Alice intended on enjoying every minute of the glorious sunshine. Glancing around at the tranquil, open field she sneakily placed the head of another mushroom to her lips and bit into the chalky texture. “Don’t look at me like that, Dinah, I’m hungry,” Alice...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

1 year ago
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Helping Big Brother 2

Introduction: Continuing true story of a helpful sister True story…….continued When Jimmy woke the next morning he was terrified of how his 13 year old sister Cindy would react to the things theyd done the night before. After all, as much as hed enjoyed their play, what if she started feeling guilty and told Mom. He worried as he stepped into the bathroom that separated his room from his sisters. Just remembering the night before when Cindy had helped him get some relief from a bad case of...

2 years ago
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Fashion Show0

“I'm going out with Richard tonight, we are going to the Montha, you've been there, that new place on 17th. street. I need to wear something sexy but I don’t know what.” “You have a closet full of sexy clothes, I’ve seen you wearing all kinds of hot stuff. So what do you want?” I repeated. She looked up at me “Help me, I can't decide what looks good. You've been there, what do the girls wear?” I stepped back from my sister-in-law-in-law and looked her up and down. She...

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Mothers Day 2011

It was a beautiful day when the big old faded blue Ford LTD pulled to the curb. You could see the driver take a deep breath of the fresh morning air through the open window. When the door opened, an older gentleman swung his legs around to put them on the ground outside the door of the car. As the man pushed himself up from the seat, he reached across the front seat to grab an ebony cane. After standing, the man looked at the cane and his destination, shook his head, and put the cane back into...

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Reduced Milk Pressure From Didi8217s Boobs

Hi guys this is Prem (Identity Changed) and i am going to narrate a true story which happened between me and my real sister Rupal (Identity Changed) 6 months ago.You can get in touch with me by sending me an email on My didi is 29 now and I am 26. She is married to a businessman in Nagpur. So without wasting your time guys I would like to start the story. After completing my Masters of Engineering, I joined an MNC and after achieving 2 years of experience, I was sent to USA for a year for...

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Old Goes Young

OldGoesYoung! As dudes get older, they start wondering what they’re going to do with themselves after they retire. Some will pick up a hobby like woodworking, devoting hours, days, and ultimately years to perfecting a craft. Others will simply grow fatter and drunker while watching TV on the couch. Thanks to Viagra, plenty of old fogies these days will spend their golden years smashing much younger sluts. Those are the kind of elderly studs you’ll find hammering away at...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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Handyboys Sister

Young Susie Jamison's eyes were closed and her chin was raised so that the stringing spray from the shower hit her in the face and ran off her long blonde hair. The gum-drop nipples on her luscious young breasts were hard as gravel, and her right hand, with the small cake of soap still in it, was buried between her long legs and rubbing up and down her seething slit. She knew she was close. Her left hand was on the wall, supporting her as she ducked her head, leaned forward and neared her...

2 years ago
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Edited by English Rose June 21, 2003 * * * * * Chapter 1 Hong Kong 1950: ‘Ah fuck! ‘The voice yelled from under the blanket. A neatly polished boot kicked the bundle under the blanket again. ‘Let me be! Oh my fucking head! What hit me?’ The voice growled from under the blanket again. ‘I am afraid it was that whiskey river that you tried to drain last night old boy.’ Captain Jeffrey Chambers said. ‘Where am I?’ The voice asked. ‘Oh you are in jail Old sport. I am afraid that you...

2 years ago
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Home on the Range

I turned 22 in 1982 fresh out of the Marine Corps fit and ready for life.I was decided to try my hand ranch, but not at home working for my dad. So Oregon was out.I knew of a couple of big ranches out of Lewiston Idaho, so i put my boots in the street, thumb in the air and headed north. I hired on with this outfit about 35 miles out northeast out of Southwick Idaho in middle of no where. The owners of the place Jenny and Richard were in their mid 40s and both fit from good outdoor living Jenny...

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Husbands Tale later

So you won't get bored with these stories, let's fast forward ahead 4 years.We had gotten married and bought a cool duplex.I didn't want her to feel like she had to work so she worked part-time and enjoyed herself too.When she had moved down from OK. she had told me something I'd never heard of before:A hot girl actually responding to stupid guys who tried to flag them down.If you do that to hot girls, do not be dissuaded by any one.It's good healthy stuff and sometimes you get lucky.red She...

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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 17

When Peter and Linda arrived, Kim Ho and her husband, Gary, met them both at the door. It was six-thirty and the house was full of people. Gary took Linda by the arm and led her to the patio where the huge BBQ grill stood out. Men were talking around it, while two men were working it: flipping over steaks, lobster, seafood kabobs, steak kabobs, and corn on the cob. Gary walked Linda up and introduced her to all five of them. One of the men, flipping the food on his half of the grill, asked...

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Relax Breath

It was a beautiful, sunny Friday evening after a long, hard, rainy work week. My mind was burnt out from dealing with coworkers’ mistakes, irate clients, and a husband at home that wasn’t paying very much attention to me when I came home from my long days working hard to pay the bills. When I clocked out of work at 5:30pm, I left excitedly for a massage appointment I had set for 6:15pm. There was no way I was going to be late- I’d been looking to my Swedish massage appointment for days, needing...

3 years ago
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One Snow Leopard Four Willing Victims

One Snow Leopard, Four Willing Victims A. P. DamienAuthor's Note: I want to commission some cover illos for my stories.  If you are interested, and willing/able to draw hanging/snuff scenes, please see my journal entry: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4194380/. Almost all my hangings are consensual, and the hangee should look like he/she is enjoying (or expects to enjoy) it.Damien glided into the playroom and looked over his slaves. He was pleased with what he saw. Four young furs knelt...

1 year ago
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Caring for JulieChapter 5

I got up a little late, 0545 hrs and woke up Chief to go to PT. He wasn't a happy camper but got up anyway. After a few warm up exercises, off we went for a brisk 5 mile walk. Chief wasn't into running either. On returning, Chief went to shower while I woke Julie. "Come on sleepyhead, today is the day," I told her. We fooled around a little, kissing and hugging even though I was soggy. Then she went off to her bathroom to get ready. I went to shave and take a shower. I put on some...

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