- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
Camille awoke, stiff, sore and confused. Nothing looked familiar to her in the dim light that filtered from the small window, reflecting in the dust particles that floated up in clouds with each movement of her groaning muscles. What had happened to her and where was she?
It took a moment for her to pull herself upright and swing her legs over the edge of the bed. She tried to clear her fuzzy head, to figure out what was happening. Something caught in her memory, but she couldn't quite get a handle on it. Her body felt bruised and strained, as if she had been in an accident.
The night before, and the morning after, came flooding back in a tidal wave of emotions. Niko, she thought. Alive.
Looking at her surroundings, she saw the box containing packages of dried food and bottled water. A shirt hung over the foot of the bed, obviously belonging to the man who had taken her from her home the previous night. She pulled herself away, stood to step back from the garment as if it were about to attack.
She was thirsty; so thirsty that her throat felt like it had closed. Pulling one of the bottles of water from the box, she opened it and drained it completely before setting it back down. The water helped to clear her mind, to strengthen her resolve. She needed to get away.
There was no telling what had happened to her husband in the years that he was gone, but he was definitely not the same man that she had known. This Niko was cold, calculating, almost crazed at times. He frightened her with his rages and his insistence that something or someone was out to get them. The man was wallowing in paranoia and would likely get them both killed.
Camille stifled a sneeze, trying to remain as quiet as possible. She had no idea where Niko was, but she didn't want to alert him that she was awake. One glance out the window told her that she had slept the day away; soon it would be dark.
A plan began to form in her mind, a way to escape her husband's madness. She would have to slip away, out of the cabin and into the night, before he knew she was awake. As she remembered, there had been only one exit to the building and Niko was likely guarding it. Looking out the window again, she could see a good twenty-foot drop to the ground below. She'd be lucky if she didn't break her neck when she hit, so that idea was out of the question.
Slipping past the table to the bedroom door, Camille peered around the corner, looking for her husband. She couldn't see him, though she heard the unmistakable creak of the floorboards in a room to the left. That suited her well as the door to freedom lay to the right. Taking one more look around to make sure she wouldn't be seen, she took a deep breath before creeping through the doorway into the hall.
She was just rounding the corner into the kitchen, reaching for the doorknob when a hand grasped the back of her neck, causing her to jump. She would have squealed had it not been for the other hand that clamped over her mouth, silencing her. Her heart had jumped into her throat, making it impossible to swallow, or even breathe, as a mouth nuzzled against her ear.
"Going somewhere, Wife?" Niko whispered. The name he called her sounded like a curse on his lips.
His grip was like steel as she tried to pry his fingers loose. She needed more oxygen than what she was getting past his big fingers into her half-blocked nostrils. He held his grasp on her, tightening each time she tried to pull free.
"I told you I would tie you up if I have to, but you will cooperate."
His words were only half understood as Camille began to fight him in earnest, panic causing her to claw at the hand that was quickly closing off all air. The hand that had been holding the back of her neck snaked around her waist, pulling her from her feet. She kicked futilely at the legs behind her; her arms reached around, slapping at his face and pulling his hair.
She felt her body weaken as black spots exploded in her vision. It seemed as if she were being sucked backwards down a long tunnel with only a pinpoint of light far ahead of her, growing more and more distant with each passing moment. Then she was no longer fighting him, floating upward as the world around her receded farther.
Suddenly, as if someone had flipped a switch, precious air rushed into her burning lungs. She felt the hardness of the floor as she was lowered with a hand on the back of her head. Gulping hard to feed her oxygen-starved body, she concentrated on calming the muscles that quivered throughout her limbs.
"Camille... Camille, breathe, agapi," an anguished voice spoke from a great distance. The voice was familiar, someone who cared. "Camille, I'm sorry. I didn't realize... Please, baby, open your eyes."
Groaning softly at the fire in her lungs and throat, she turned her head away from the voice, keeping her eyes closed as she tried to get her mind around Niko's attempt at killing her. She felt his hand on her hair as he stroked her head, trying to get her to look at him.
"Why?" she whispered as she turned her face to him, opening her eyes to see the stricken expression that he wore.
"I... I'm sorry, Camille. I didn't know you couldn't breathe," he replied softly. His hand was on top of her head, his thumb stroking gently over her brow. "I was trying to keep you quiet. Please, agapi mou. I..."
"Never call me that again," she said as she pushed herself up dizzily, slapping his hand away. "I am not your love."
Niko pulled himself up from the floor, standing to his full height, his expression cooling to one of stony determination as he watched her. She could see the muscles of his naked chest expand as he wrestled for control of his emotions. Then she noticed the scars on his body, cruel looking marks that hadn't been there when they were married.
"Get ready. We'll be leaving as soon as it's dark."
Camille turned her head away from him, gazing into the murky room without seeing. "What happened to you, Niko?" she asked softly, not really expecting an answer. "You've changed so much. There was once a time when you would've cut off your own arm before raising a hand in anger to me."
"I know, ag... Camille," he stammered, censoring his words. "I wish we could go back in time, get our lives back, but it's not possible."
"How did you get like this?" She looked at the man that had once been the center of her universe. His handsome face, his hair, were the same as she'd once known, though his body had changed in appearance with the scars. It was his eyes that had been most altered. They were cold and cynical, the laughter and love in them gone. "Where'd you go all those years ago?"
He walked to her slowly, extending his fingers to pull her from the floor. Refusing to take the hand that hung in the air between them, she scrambled back from him before standing on her own. Facing him, she could see the disappointment and resignation etched on his face.
"That day, when I left for work," he said as he dropped into a wobbly chair that creaked under his weight. "I thought it was just like any other day. Something happened that day, Camille."
"What? What could've happened that would make you just disappear without a word?"
"I didn't abandon you. Please believe that. I didn't have any choice. They told me that you'd be killed if they knew I was still alive."
"What are you talking about?" she demanded. "Who are 'they'? And why would 'they' kill me? You're not making any sense."
He shoved his fingers through his hair, dragging it from his eyes to look up at her. "I stumbled onto something that day at work. Something that implicates Senator Hyde in some pretty ugly shit."
Camille's mouth dropped open, shock written on her face. She'd never thought that his job as a local aide to the U.S. Senator, Danny Hyde, as a reason for his disappearance. "But Hyde is a good man, you said so yourself. He's been in office for three terms now. I know there was that rumor about his, uh, activities with those women, but it was only a rumor, right?"
"I'm afraid it's much worse than that. Anyway, I overheard a conversation and made a phone call. You remember Rob Phelps?"
"Yeah," Camille answered, wondering what Niko's old friend could have to do with it. "He looked after me when you..." she swallowed hard, remembering the horror of those first days without Niko.
"He did, huh? How good of him," Niko snapped, his dark eyes sparkling malevolently in the failing light of dusk.
"Would you reign in that Greek jealousy of yours? Jeez, the guy was traumatized when we all thought you were dead. He did nothing more than any friend would do. It's not like he ever made a play for me or anything."
"Of course he didn't," Niko retorted. "The man's a fag."
"Just because he didn't hit on me doesn't mean he's..."
Niko cut her off with a look. "No, I mean he's gay. For real. He told me not too long after college. He doesn't like women. He kept it a secret because of his career with the FBI."
"Then why were you so pissed when I told you he took care of me? And he doesn't work for the FBI anymore. He quit about a year after... that day."
She could feel her brows drawing together tightly as she frowned at her husband.
"Yeah, I know. I'm pissed because he's the bastard that I called after I heard what the Senator was into. I can't prove it yet, but I know Rob's the one who put the word out on me. If he was nosing around you after I was gone then he could only be after one thing — to find out what you knew."
"Well, relax, because I thought it was just an accident like everyone else. I honestly don't understand any of this."
"Just try to stay with me here. I called Rob, told him what I heard. He told me to keep my mouth shut and meet him at the boat docks, where we used to fish. I went there but it wasn't Rob that was waiting for me. It was an ambush. I was shot. They stuffed me back in the car and shoved it off the docks. I can remember the water coming in and trying to get out. I don't remember too much after that.
"When I woke up I was in some private hospital and the staff was calling me a name I'd never heard before, Anthony Portello. They said I'd been out for three weeks, in a coma. When I tried to get to a phone to call you, they put me in restraints. Then these guys in suits came in, feeding me a bunch of bullshit about how my country needed me and how their plan was the only way to protect my wife. Makes me sick to think about it now."
Camille stepped forward slowly, unfolding her arms from her chest, sinking to her knees in front of him. "You were shot?" she whispered, horrified.
Niko straightened from his slouched position, allowing her eyes to see the scars on his body in the gloom of twilight. Her breath caught in her throat as she raised a trembling hand to one puckered scar on his chest. She touched it lightly, before looking at the rest of his torso. She counted four bullet wounds and two longer scars that could only have been caused by surgery and sutures. Two of the bullets had hit him in the chest, one in the belly and the last in his left ribcage.
"That one went all the way through," he said as he captured her fingers against his chest.
Placing her other hand on the side of his face, she felt her heart soften and suddenly wanted to be in his arms.
"The police told me you had gotten drunk and driven off the ramp. They said they found a whiskey bottle in the car."
"You know me better than that," he whispered, watching her eyes intently.
"That's what I told them. I told them they were wrong. No one would listen to me."
"That's the nature of a cover-up, Baby," he said, nuzzling against her hand. "God, I missed you, Camille. All I could think about was getting back to you."
She sat back on her heels, pulling her hands down to rest on his thighs. "I missed you too, Niko. My world stopped that day. I tried to find out what happened to you but the police had given up on the case. They wrote you off as just another drunk driver, said that your body probably washed downstream or got hung up on a snag, and was stuck underwater. They just stopped looking. Every time I tried to get them to do their jobs I hit a brick wall."
"So you finally had to give up," Niko supplied, his attention dropping to the ring on her left hand. He took her fingers in his, grazing the top of the small solitaire with the pad of his thumb. "Is he good to you, Camille?"
"Yes." Her voice wavered at the sorrow she saw in his face. If only there were some way to take that pain away and right all the wrong. "He was there when I was at my lowest. I would never have survived without him. He... he saved me, Niko. I don't know how to explain it, other than that."
"Then I owe him a lot," he murmured.
He held her hand up, buried his face against it, kissing her palm.
"I'm sorry, Baby, so sorry," he lamented against her skin before pressing her fingers to his cheek.
His eyes held every emotion he'd experienced over the last twenty-four hours as he spoke.
"When I got to your house last night, I saw you with him. I almost lost my mind, seeing you kissing him. I wanted to tear his heart out for touching you. I had no right to treat you the way I did. I just couldn't stand it. Please tell me you'll forgive me some day."
Pulling her hand free, she stood, pacing away from him. She could still feel the heat of his lips on her flesh as she tried to collect her thoughts.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to forgive you for. Is it the way you've treated me, taking me from my home and my life, your disappearance and the hell I went through, or that I'm now supposedly in some kind of danger because of you? I don't even know if I believe a word of it. It all sounds so far-fetched."
She had her back to him, hugging herself with her shaking arms, trying to get her mind around what was happening. Before she heard his voice, she felt his heat as he stepped up behind her. The warmth of his palms covered her shoulders, sliding downward to encircle her body.
"I know what it sounds like, Sweetheart. I'd give anything if it weren't true."
His lips stroked her ear as he spoke, a caress that sent shivers down her spine. It took all her strength to pull away when all she wanted to do was melt against him.
"Is it true, Niko?" she asked as she turned to face him. "You're not crazy, are you?"
His answer was a harsh, mirthless laugh that twisted his face into a grimace.
"I might be, Camille. I have no idea anymore."
He looked around at the gathering darkness before speaking again.
"We need to go. Just stay with me until I get you somewhere safe. Please."
Camille nodded, though she didn't know why. If he were telling the truth then she would be in trouble if she went home again. Some of what he said had made sense and certainly answered a lot of open questions she still had about his disappearance as well as the difficulty she'd had in getting anyone to listen to her. On the other hand, it all seemed so implausible. How could any of it be true?
"I'll go with you, Niko. For now."
"Thank you," he returned, looking as if he wanted something more from her.
Niko left to gather the things from the bedroom, returning with his shirt hanging open on his long frame and the sleeping bag draped over his shoulder. He set the grub box on a table so he could pack the bedroll. With that task completed, he handed her the items to carry, drawing his gun from its holster behind his back.
Camille stared wide-eyed at the weapon. "What's that for?"
"Just in case," Niko replied, checking his weapon. "Stay behind me and stay low."
He peered out the window before opening the door, holding the gun out in front of him. With a quick motion of his head, he told her to follow as he stepped out onto the staircase, crouching low as he lithely crept down the steps. Camille kept pace with him, finding herself hurrying in the same bent gait, thinking how infectious his paranoia was. She felt like a complete imbecile crawling along the darkened shadows in a near duck-walk.
I am 37 year old gay guy.I live in Navi Mumbai.I am a loyal gym goer.I have a good buffed up body.I like to get massages.I like the massage ,I get in my gym but I need massage with happy endings.Since I don’t get it in my gym,I started searching for it elsewhere.I searched for massage ads in newspapers like midday. I called a few,asking for male masseurs..I went to few ones,got costly normal massages.They didn’t even remove my underwear.After facing disappointment in men’s massage parlours.I...
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Hi fans, wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day with lots of love, lust, and masti. Most of you must have read about my real-life experiences with the I have received many emails. Some of them are from girls/women who have confided in me (being a woman myself). They have told me their experiences and wanted me to post their stories for them. I have already posted a 5 part story from one of my fans, Rita about the 21st Birthday celebration of their virgin friend. You can read that story series...
Greg woke up the next morning trying to figure out what was going on. He was on his side and a very female body was snuggled back up against him. He knew it was female because his hand was filled with a soft breast. His mind remembered back to last night and he knew it was Mandy. She shifted in her sleep and he realized that his cock was rock hard and wedged between the bare cheeks of her ass. He tried to move back but she mumbled, "Leave it there, feels good." He liked the feeling as...
Let me just preface this little narrative by saying that I am not the most proficient of lovers. I have trouble meeting ladies. I don’t know why. I’m shy, you could say. But I'm human, like Morrissey says, and I need to be loved, just like anybody else does. So, instead of going out and meeting someone, I thought I’d try hiring a prostitute. I’d never done it before. And, to be honest, I didn’t even know how. You can’t just look them up in the yellow pages. And I didn’t trust the ads I saw in...
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First offenseChristine looked both ways before slipping an item into her purse. She felt a small rush of adrenaline as she quietly walked towards the exit of the store. She'd shoplifted for a while now to combat the increasing boredom of her normal daily routine. This was the first time she'd stolen anything in a sex shop though. Technically, she wasn't even allowed to buy the items there, having just turned 16 a week earlier. She'd been blushing heavily when she entered the store, and in...
At the time of experiences with Catherine I did not understand what was happening fully. Although as I mentioned I'd been a bully in school and thought I was very outspoken, in reality I was obviously very insecure, in fact perhaps a bit introverted. At least when I met new people, or was in a new environment I didn't say much and kept my thoughts to myself until I became more familiar with the people to start venturing my opinions. The following Wednesday afternoon I was off work from 2 PM...
LesbianI welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] Sanjit’s Cabs - Part 1 Sanjit’s Cabs stood at the top of the hill overlooking the park. It was well known in the city and particularly the Asian community and seemed to pick up a lot of business. Sanjit, the 43 year Pakistani owner and proprietor ran a tight ship with only 8 cars, at anytime, on the road. He was firm but fare and always gave people the...
Brittany’s First Summerby RebelmanBrittany stood in the alley and watched as her BMW drove away with Wendy behind the wheel.She hadn’t been allowed to drive her own car since that fateful day some three months ago whenher entire world had collapsed.Before that, the roles had been reversed with her and the young girl. Brittany had used Wendy asher pet, torturing and humiliating her every chance she could. She had made two big mistakesthough, one was underestimating Jimmy and the other was...
"Where is this 'Princessapality?'" he blasted. "How dare they mock me? I'm the very symbol and fountainhead of my Party." He struck a noble pose, "the party of Americans!" "Mr President, the 'Princessapality', is a sovereign island between the United States and Canada." "Canada? You mean that wasteland of polar bears and Eskimos? Isn't Canada part of Montana." The man had questioned his education. "I'll have you know I remember my geography, Sir." "Canada is the country...
Your black sedan pulls up to a tall building whose sign is simply a flaming scarlet T. You give the driver a generous tip and step out the car. A bellboy immediately is at your service, loading your luggage onto a cart and shadowing you as you enter the lobby. It is beyond opulent. You cross the marble floor to the front desk, which is staffed by some of the most beautiful women you have ever seen. You check in and tell the bellhop to take your bags to your suite. You've been planning this...
FetishIntroduction: Young lovers take a trip to the woods to escape parents Well be back by nine mum, Julia shouted as we set off into the woods. It was a warm summer Friday evening, and we were going to have a look at her secret hiding place. Ill walk in front, she said, a sparkle in her hazel eyes, that way you can look at my bum. She giggled. I was quite surprised at that because until then shed never seemed tarty in anyway, but I did as she said. She was wearing baggy jeans which were quite...
"Green Acres IV" It was still dark outside over an hour from the usual time he got up as Dale heard the deadbolt on his bedroom door click and he saw Mrs. Foster enter the room. She saw Dale awaken. "I know it's a bit early dear but there's so much to do. I'll help you dress this morning dear, after all this is a special day for you, it's your ?coming out' day isn't it!?" Mrs. Foster said as she moved around the room then went to the closet and began looking through the dresses...
This is story of mine with a friend’s wife. It was a college friend. We stayed in same area of Mumbai but at different localities. He was married before me. We went to see his bride to be, after the marriage was fixed and before engagement. I was flabbergasted on seeing his bride. A very beautiful girl of 23 years than, with slim and perfect figure of 34-28-34, 5’5″ tall, very fair, round faces and long hairs. I thought my friend was lucky to have such a wife. She was from a lower income middle...
Thank you so much, dear friends for tremendous response for my last sex story. Sorry girls I am here only for married ones. Only married unsatisfied ladies shall connect for satisfaction. Starting with sex story, I received several emails after my first sex story, one of the users was Tanuja from Pune. She is an IT professional working in an MNC. She emailed me as for how she liked the story and so on. On which I started chit chatting with her through emails. After 10-15 days n several emails,...
My 18th birthday was here. My friends and family gathered at my parents house in Stevenage. I had a live band, and great food. It was really a great time. My Dad had bought me a new car, but the dealer didn't have the car I wanted. The car I wanted was in Devon, and the dealer couldn't get it in time for my birthday. So my dad had this plan that my uncle would drive me down to pick it up, and I would drive it to Colchester to stay with my grand parents for a few weeks. I loved my grand parents,...
Hi, my name is Izabell and this is the story of how i lost my virginity to the man of my dreams. I am the average 19 year old with plump red lips and shoulder length nice ass and perky tits. I have been with guys before and given them blowjobs but I haven't had sex. I'm no slut but I've been dreaming of the time when I will loose my virginity many times. There's this guy at my school and he's soooo dreamy! He's super tall (which I like in a guy) and he has huge muscles. He has short brown...
First Time1) Gillian's story "My Fucked-up Wedding"As a girl I know the truth behind the reason why girls are as bad when it comes to sex, as the next guy is.You guys know me, I tell the most outrageous encounters from a girls point of view, because in most cases, it's us girls who want to fuck and be fucked, ask any guy and I'm sure they will confirm, that the best sex they encountered, was because the girl asked them, or simply, jumped their bones when they least expected it.**** is a touchy subject,...
I'm 18, and my name is Grace. Before this, I'd never done anything sexual. My cousin and one of my closest friends, Ali, had always told about the things she'd done with her boyfriends, stepbrother, and her other boy toys. Ever since elementary school, I've always had big boobs. I developed young! I have long, wavy, dark brown hair that goes down to my belly button, which I have pierced with a little diamond stud my dad bought for me in Africa. I have big, light blue eyes and straight white...
MasturbationHi everybody how are ya'll today? Here's on for you.Ok so i met a man on here and we have been talking since i became a member.He said that he was straight(str had never been with a man before either in or out of women's clothing. He said as he has gotten older (37) he has wondered about what it would be like to be with a CD/TV/TG. Being all dressed and acting feminine but with a rock hard cock. The thought of his wods "plugging a hot ass with my cock gets me hard every time i think about...
I felt so vulnerable. He came and ruined my life in under 40 minutes. I had nightmares about having to stare at his cock. Nightmares about when he rubbed my spit and his cum all over my face. When I had to lick his hairy balls. And just the thought that he's got it all on camera, made me sick to my stomach. I was praying, hoping that that's all he wanted me to do, that maybe I would just have to buy him shit if he asked or something. I didn't see him for a week, I gave up going to the frat meet...
Something about the rain moves me. Perhaps it is the sounds of the thunder and flashes of lightening, or the sound the rain makes as it pounds on the roof like a beautiful song. I have this romantic connection with rain and it always makes me long to be snuggled up with that special someone, much like how I feel about lying in the backyard in a hammock. Rain is both hypnotic and astonishing to me. It is mysterious and beautiful and I guess that is what makes it so sensual to me. Each time that...
As Tom sat there feeling more stupefied by the second the young, naked girl sitting opposite him leaned forward looking straight at his erection and said quietly, “Actually, this is my very first time in a nudist resort. What about you?” Tom just swallowed again but somehow managed to finally find his voice and replied in a somewhat stilted fashion, “Umm ... errrrr ... well ... yes ... I guess ... well ... I suppose ... yes ... this is my first time too.” Then he added, “But I’m ... I’m ......
After a great two fun packed days with Caitlyn I decide to relax in a hot bath. Although cheating on my girlfriend Jessica and being very unfaithful I was really looking forward to seeing her and spending some quality time with my girl. Once out the bath and dry I got dressed and made myself dinner before turning into bed. The next morning when I woke up I saw I had a message from Jes saying will be home late this afternoon so will only see you tomorrow sorry. We exchanged a few messaged and...
Growing up I always loved to masterbate. I was still a 20 year old virgin when I started fantisizing about my older neighbor. I knew what time he came home everyday so I made it a point to be sitting on the step to welcome him home. Each day I would show him a little bit more. Day one I would let him see my panties from under my skirt. Day 2 I pulled my panties to one side so he could get an eye full. Day 3 I had no panties on with my legs wide open. Finally on day 4 I had planned on letting...
Also, for privacy reasons, all names in this story except my own will be changed. My name is Lovely, I am originally from Leeds, England but in March of 2020, my then one year old daughter and I moved here to the United States after I was invited to work for a major television network in New York City. Previously, I was working for their European subsidiary based in London. We moved into an apartment in Queens and whilst I was originally supposed to work from their office in Midtown...
When I was a teenager my parents divorced and Mom quickly became a black out then pass out cold drunk. I hated Mom drunk like that because she was not the mother that I knew. She would hang on me telling me that I was just like my dad in everyway looks and personality. Late at night she would be in the kitchen drunk with the radio playing loud and she always wanted me to dance with her. She would take off her bra and panties in front of me from under her dress and I would think about...
IncestA few days later, I got a package from the governors office. Among other things, it contained a shiny new sheriff's badge and a fancy paper saying that I was, indeed, the sheriff of Chaves County, NMT, by appointment from the governor. Included in the papers was a statement that I reported directly to the governor and no one else. There was also the name of a District Attorney I was supposed to cooperate with and the name of a District Judge who was to handle the court cases I was involved...
I did have a good regular friend I hung out with. His name’s John. John and I would hang out, play video games together, etc. but most of the times, it’s me and atleast 3-5 girls. Always. My Best friends are girls, which wouldn’t be a mystery. Two of them. Samantha and Julie. Julie is one of Samantha’s closest friends. Petite, but tall and slim like a model. She has a celebrity smile and also a dark brown hair that falls down past her shoulders. With Julie, I actually like talking to her...
What what are you going to do with Me I asked Oh don't worry beautifulim not going to hurt you but I might hurt your friends he pointed to three seperate dog kennels I was pissed to see them and he saw that in my actions and UN did the collar and led me to a completely different room and pushed me on the bed and asked Do you know what I am beautiful sir what are you I'm a vampire but don't worry you will be fine but I don't know about those friends of...
So here I am, I've not posted in the blogs before but I thought why not start somewhere and hopefully I may get some interesting responses or what not, I have decided to share with you the story about my first time having sex and the story goes something a little like this ;) .. It was a normal week of college and I had been invited to a house party by a good friend of mine but was not too sure if I should go or not as I didn't actually know anyone there apart from him. After some time thinking...