A Well Lived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 52 Dossiers
- 3 years ago
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During the night I had the hot tub drained and then filled once more. There had been a lot of dirt usually at the bottom and I needed a way of rinsing most of the dirt off in a shower before entering the tub. I made do with a basin and some soap to get off the worst of it. I wanted this invention shown in a good light to the Romans.
I had just got settled in the tub when Publia and Mamercus walked by. They had not seen me but appeared to be looking for me anyway.
I waved and said, "Over here."
The morning was cool and humid so the water vapour given off by the tub was dense. The father came first only because he pulled his daughter back. They came and stood by the tub.
Mamercus said, "What is this thing?"
"You Romans have your hot baths and I happen to think it is a great idea. It allows a chance to relax and talk. We Germans are not shy. Men and women are seen naked all the time. Adults relax in the tub and sometimes have to get in to hold the smallest members of our families. I welcome both of you to join me if that is your wish."
Mamercus did the thinking and Publia only waited to see what her father would do. The father said, "I will join you," and after a pause, "Publia may too if she wishes."
While they were undressing I said, "I thought of a good saying. 'Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi.'" This was the translation for, 'When in Rome do as the Romans do.'
Mamercus thought for a moment and said, "That is a good saying. I have never heard anything like it before."
Plagiarism raised its ugly head but in this case I may have been first.
Publia was in the tub first and we watched each other. She had put her far foot in first so she could display more of herself to me. I gave her a smile and a wink before turning to her father.
Publia said, "This is hot."
"You get used to it. Another good invention is a sauna."
It took a few minutes of small movements until the two were able to sit in the bottom of the tub. I admired the view when I could but tried not to be too obvious. When she finally settled down, her feet touched my leg and never left.
Mamercus said, "What is this sauna?"
I guess he had been listening very well to my words. "You make a room three paces by three out of cedar or any wood that resists water. Benches are put around or stacked like an amphitheatre. These too are made of wood. The room is made very hot. You sit on a towel naked and just wait until the sweat just pours out of you. You get quite clean this way. Another way is to have a pile of hot rocks placed in the room with you. A bucket of water is nearby and you ladle some water onto the rocks. The room is very humid now."
"So you can have a damp or a dry hot room?"
"I make glass and this can be used to admit light while keeping the heat in."
Mamercus said, "I have heard of rich people doing that."
"I have not done so yet but my glass will be so flat that it does not distort the light as it goes through it. The pieces will be eight feet wide and as long as I want."
"I have never heard of that before. How is it done?"
"The gods told me and I have seen this. The process is simple but hundreds of small adjustments have to be done just right. I plan on using this to conquer Rome so I do not want to give it out just yet."
"Conquer Rome; with glass?"
"I will make glass and many iron and steel products. The rich Romans will buy them as fast as I can make them. I will get very rich. With money I will gain power. With power I will change the laws of Rome."
"To end slavery like you mentioned last night?"
"That and more. Rome makes tax money from the provinces. This still has to happen but we can generate much more money internally."
"What does this mean?
"You see all around you my iron and steel. People work hard to find goods that they can trade with me. They also bring gold and silver to pay. I give employment to many and they share my wealth. Some men like Hagen will go out and sell my wares to those that have not seen them before.
"I will buy what I need with my gold and the people that get my gold will buy my products. There are a great many inventions to make yet. One is a very long curved knife. It has a long twisted wooden handle. One man stands and moves his hands in one stoke cuts the stalk supporting the grains of wheat."
Mamercus said, "We have a sickle."
"Yes but it is very slow. Now you can use less people to harvest your crops or the same number doing it very quickly. This is good if you expect rain. This could put men out of work but a wise employer will find other uses for the labour."
I looked over at Publia but she was shorter than her father and only her head and neck were above the water. Her feet though were still caressing my leg.
Mamercus said, "So a farmer could get very rich?"
"Yes. If the laws are made right the farmer will get less rich and the labourers get more of the profit." Mamercus frowned at this and I added, "If the lowly labourer gets silver then he can afford to buy your products. How many poor people would buy my glass and iron products?"
"I can see that in a way."
"There are thousands of thousands of way to make a lot of money. You make the most by making a little at a time but selling a lot." It didn't look like he understood so I said, "Think of it this way. A man wants to build something and this time he wants to use nails in its construction. If I make a machine that makes thousands of nails an hour I can sell the nails much cheaper than what a smith could sell them for. They can be sent to other provinces and cities and the poor smiths will not make any money selling their nails."
Publia excitedly said, "I see that." Her father looked at her and she lowered her eyes and remained quiet.
My story about my dealings with the gods had to take another change and perhaps being closer to the truth would allow me to not be caught in a lie. My story had changed since I was captured then changed agin with the death of an old man. Now might be a better time to knock a few kinks out of the story and make it more believable.
"Sir, this is your business but I have to tell you something I have seen many times."
"What is it?"
"My education is now far more than any other man on this planet. I do not know everything but what I do know goes far beyond everybody else. I have been wrong in my judgement sometimes and had to be reminded by those around me. I do not think of everything. I am intelligent but not a god. It is good to listen to those around us.
"Publia may have a valuable idea that could be explored but it could also be the idle chatter that we all hear. If people are encouraged to talk then valuable ideas could be learned. If the person usually says nothing of value then they will be encouraged to keep their ideas until something valuable is thought of."
Mamercus looked at his daughter and she looked beseechingly at him. "She may speak but as you say she should wait until she has something valuable to add."
Iulius and Sabine walking by and I said to those around me, "Excuse me for a moment." I called out to Iulius, "Over here!"
The man came over and after looking at us said, "Do you wish company?"
"You are an asset to any gathering. Now hand me my daughter."
Iulius removed Sabin's clothing and then handed her to me. She wiggled at the warm water but she became adjusted fairly quickly. I used this excuse to get nearer to Publia.
Sabine said, "Who's that?" as she pointed at Publia.
"I haven't made introductions yet. This man here is Mamercus. This young and pretty lady is Publia his daughter. They came for a visit." I turned to the two Romans and said, "This is Sabine she is one of my prettiest daughters."
Both had heard of how I had taken the slaves in. Mamercus and then Publia gave the child a proper greeting. I had to do the translating.
Iulius got into the tub after trying to find a place he would be more welcome in. We had just finished settling when Elsa came over. She just smiled and removed her clothing and got in. She made it a point to get between Publia and me. Mamercus seemed to enjoy the view until it submerged.
My concentration became difficult because Elsa's hand started to stimulate a dormant organ.
The conversation shifted to what the Alemmani were now doing to make money for themselves and in the process help the rest of us. I used this example as a way of clarifying how we could generate more money in one province.
Sabine started to wiggle and I interrupted the talk to say, "Hold it, Honey." I got up quickly and handed the child to Mamercus. I got out of the tub and took the child to me. I was none too soon as the child just spread her legs and peed.
She looked up at me and said, "All done, Daddy."
I picked her up and held her to me in a hug. "That's good, Honey. Remember though. No peeing in the tub."
"I know, Daddy." Her words though were in German and I assumed that the Romans did not understand.
I handed the child to Iulius but before I got into the tub I said, "It was not long ago that there was a lot of scar tissue on me. Iulius was my physician and he nursed me back to health. You can see little proof of this except my smaller teeth in the front of my mouth, a small sack and a small pink ring where I was cut short."
I moved so they could all see and both of the older girls were very interested in the research.
Publia said, "They really cut it there and then cut the rest off underneath?"
"They were very angry at me, I guess," I said as I got back in the warm water.
Iulius started now on his observations at that time. He had done this many times by now. This was his way of substantiating my claims and helping me with my self appointed task.
The newcomers and even Elsa looked at me when the words were spoken.
Publia said, "The gods really do favour you."
Elsa could not understand Latin but guessed the content of our conversation. "The gods have made Jón a man now and he is going to be a great chief."
Publia said, "I think he will too." All of us looked at her because she had spoken in German.
I said in Latin then in German for Elsa's benefit, "You are much more educated than I thought."
Elsa frowned at this and Publia brightened.
I didn't want Sabine in the water too long and told the others this. I got her out and dried her then got her dressed.
Elsa got out too and presented herself to me and said after handing me a towel stored nearby, "Do my back and hair please. They are hard to reach."
I did the hair as thoroughly as I could then did the back down to the bum but nothing was that erotic.
Publia got out too but her father said, "Publia!" and she had to do her own hair and back. Elsa had a small smile of triumph.
When the two men got out I said, "Mamercus, we have known each other for a short time. If you trust me a little I will suggest a business deal to you."
"What is it?"
I want you to clear more of your land. I am going to build a machine that uses the power of falling water to saw logs into lumber. I know how to build very strong carts with four wheels. We have to make good roads to the mill. I will buy the logs from you and you get cleared land. The cleared land is devoted to grapes and hemp. The hemp grows in many places and is used to make rope and cloth."
"I have heard of that. They grow some of it in Gaul and here too. I know it is grown in other places too. Why do you want it?"
"We need long and strong rope. My first ships will have to rely on sails. The sails will be made of hemp fibre. The male plant provides the fibre and the female plant provides a nutritious seed. If you work hard by investigating a field of hemp you may be able to breed the kind that has both seed and fibre. This is what I am after. I want to make paper."
"Like papyrus?"
"Yes, I can make it many times stronger and very flat. There is even some very fine white clay that can be added to make the paper very good looking."
"What do you want paper for?"
"To take over Rome of course."
"First I put my words on the paper and bind it into a book. I know how to make hundreds of books an hour. The Romans will buy my paper and my books. When they read my ideas they will learn. Some will be in mathematics but others will be ideas that the average person can and should learn."
"What ideas are they?"
"I can have stories that talk of ethics. I can talk of ancient wars and why they were fought and what was really gained. Over the years the people will learn a great deal and think just a bit more like the way I want them to. If you think about it, an orator talks to the uneducated mob in Rome to get them stirred up. I will do this to the educated that know how to read."
"This is interesting. I never thought of it this way before."
"There are ideas I can write, like washing hands that will reduce disease. I talked yesterday with your wife about the needless times a women dies in childbirth. Sometimes it is just a matter of keeping as clean as possible."
"What did she say?"
"She was still worried about the death of her father."
"Yes, there is that. I suppose we have to hurry back."
I said, "A funeral is a way for the living to grieve and then move on with life. I asked if Licinia, Tertius and Iulius could attend the funeral. I do not think it a good idea that I go with them."
Mamercus gave the idea his consideration and said, "It may be good that they come. The Claudii family have lost members in the battles. They would probably come too."
"Would you mediate for me? We do what we have to in war, even if it is not want we want."
"I will try. With my father-in-law now dead, it will be a little easier."
Please stop by to see Licinia. I haven't asked Iulius if he will go in my stead."
The man was listening and said, "I would be glad to. I will at least get away from the duties of a nanny."
"You are an old fraud. I know you love the children. Will you tell Tertius?"
"I will but he likes it here too much."
"Tell him that he can show off his kite and the boys can show their models."
"It will be easier if I tell him that."
The heavily laden former war band left but not before Publia wanted to get me alone. Between her father and Elsa she could only give me a hug and a smile. Iulius rode proudly on his horse and his three packhorses loaded with iron and steel products. Tertius left too but had to bring a cart because he was going to sell many of my goods. He was going to get a commission and this helped me teach the Romans about mathematics.
Hagen was there too and he managed to pry a few more coins from the retreating Romans before they left.
I said, "I didn't thank you for protecting my camp. I am in your debt."
"We Alemmani simply attacked first. I do not think there is any money left among the Romans."
"You are a robber, Hagen, but I still like you."
"I need more knives and tools now."
"Let's go see what's available. Have you thought of designing a knife that... ?"
Hagen got his stock back and a lot more. I had a lot more coins going into my chest.
Elsa hurried matters along and as soon as possible she pulled me aside. We were in my room soon after. I had to see her off properly.
I was sorry to see Hagen and Elsa go but lots of their tribe would be staying.
When I woke up it was darker than usual. I had needed to catch up on my sleep. At least now I could remove some of the toxins in my blood to rid myself of that headache and fatigue.
With no Iulius, I was a foster father again but this was an enjoyable task too. Some of my older daughters were thinking of incest and so was I. I did not need the complications so I restrained myself.
We had found slate and I got it smoothed out fairly well by hand. Chalk had been found because most of norther Germany had been underwater at one time. The boards were not that large but still suitable for my purposes now.
Not all classes were indoors. We went to the forge and I made a blade for a scythe. They had seen pictures on the board. Wood was steamed and bent a portion at a time and we made many handles. Some would be useless but they would learn. The finished products though would make me rich.
Funerals were conducted soon after death. A body deteriorated quickly without some preservatives. It was five days later that they returned but they did so with a lot of others. The Alemmani were off clearing the area I wanted for a dam and a mill and there were few of us.
I had hired some of the Alemmani boys and they sped the warning to us a few minutes before the group arrived.
Iulius was riding in the lead and he looked happy but a little strained. I didn't think he was under coercion but he was not normal either.
I had a chance to dress for battle but my swords were on my back and not in my hands. A belt at my waist held my helmet. Helvius, Curtius, Atrius and Manlius were beside me just outside the gate.
Iulius was not the first. I six men that ranged in age from sixty to mid twenties. They did not look friendly but their weapons were not drawn.
Iulius was driving the cart with Tertius sitting beside him. Iulius said, "Hello, Jón. These men are from the family of Claudii. They came to see you. They didn't believe much of what they had heard."
I said, "Good day to all of you. As you have heard, my name is Jón son of Clovis the King of the Frisians. Will you dismount and we can sit more comfortably and talk?"
The old man said, "Tell me why you killed my son then we may talk."
"I killed an invader to my lands. Now tell me how you would feel if a band of Frisians had attacked your land and you killed many of them?"
The man didn't answer but said, "Why did you kill so many?"
"I killed enough to make a Roman stop. They are brave and it takes a lot of death to make them think. I think if it were Frisians invading that they would all die. I did not do that. I helped the wounded and then made them prisoners of war with rights and not slaves."
"You killed my eldest."
"Your people killed a whole city of Frisians. I killed warriors ready to die for their Augustus. Your men killed women and children. Tell me why your people did this?"
"Flavius had seven children. You killed their father."
"I killed an invader. That is all. You asked questions and I answered them truthfully. If you were a soldier you would know that some have to die. Now answer my questions but get down and look me in the eye. I want to see if you lie."
The man was angry and got off quickly but then had to hold the horse for stability. He must have been on the horse for hours and he was still shaky when he got to me. "Is this close enough?"
"I can see your eyes and you can see mine. Now answer as a Roman father."
This shook him but he pulled himself together and said, "I do not have to answer to a barbarian."
"Because your race is so strong?"
"Then I do not have to answer you any longer. The Frisians are fewer in number but now with their new weapons, they could defeat Rome if they chose to."
"They cannot. We have men beyond counting."
"They are brave, numerous, wise in war craft but now easy to destroy. Don't forget that you are not just fighting the Frisians but the Frisians and their gods. Woden wants to see a change and Roman heads are too hard. The Roman empire has to be punched by a hard fist. It is just too bad that the army has to take the blows. It is still better than putting a city to the sword."
The old man said, "Those events happen in war."
"Tell me, Roman, is it better to kill a warrior that is prepared to die or a child holding her dead mother's hand?"
There was no answer and I waited. Eventually he said in a low voice, "You didn't have to kill him."
In an equally soft voice I said, "I did. He was an invader and would have killed my family. They are as important to me as yours is to you. Now come with me and I will tell you what the gods told to me." I turned and waited then he took a step.
We walked to the display area for our products. I got the old man to sit. I called one of my girls that was on duty. She brought over ceramic mugs and some wine. Without asking she poured a large container for the man and a similar amount for me. I whispered for a meal to be brought here and the new presentation to be started later.
The man took the mug automatically and I took just a sip.
I went into my story starting with the time in coma and progressed slowly from there. Everything I made was attributed to the gods. Even my body was explained though I did not display it.
The rest of the group had come in and listened to my monologue. More wine came out but not too much. Drunk men had poor intellects.
When I finished my reasons for fighting I went on to my diatribe on the faults of Rome. I then went further and said how I would change this if I could. Finally I went through a partial list of my new weapons to sway the way the Romans thought. I pointed out that no Romans would have to die this way.
To hammer home a point I said, "Romans have had to guard the empire because they made the laws. I want everybody in the empire to have a say in how laws are made and used. If that happens, all men will fight for those laws when the invaders come. Romans will not have to fight alone or pay for others to fight for them.
"The gods looked into the future and they showed me some of what will happen if we do not change. Do you wish to hear this?"
Some clamoured for more but I waited on the old man. When he nodded I said, "The Huns are coming our way. They will push the Visigoths into the western empire. They will ask Rome for help and Rome will settle them within their borders. Not long after the Romans and Visigoths will fight. I did not see the cause but it could have been some Roman official wanting too much or the Visigoths wanting too much.
"The Visigoths will fight and go from one end of the Italian peninsula to the other. Rome and every city in Italia will be plundered. They will shelter their horses in villas. Land will be divided up with them getting their share. This lasts a short time until another invader comes and splits the lands up with them getting another share.
"Now there are no large landholdings and no real leadership left. You have barbarians in Rome and the army dispersed. Petty lords crop up everywhere but especially away from Italia. Robbers have no fear of the army now and they stop the trade that is the lifeblood of Rome. The great houses fall one after the other. We enter a Dark Age now. Every man's hand is turned against another. There is no Rome to hold us together. This lasts close to eleven centuries."
I just stopped here, to go on would confuse most of them.
The newcomers now asked questions but I acted physically weak as if the telling of the history had drawn the strength from me. The children came in and plates were put before men and food ladled into them. Again their wine cups were filled but the jugs taken away.
When I stopped to eat the men had a chance to eat as well. I answered part of the questions then ate more. The men could now eat and listen too.
One question gave me a chance to talk about my steel and I drew my blade. I was happy that nobody thought this a threat. I showed how it bent but flexed back again. I shaved a wrought iron sword with no discernable damage to mine.
I took out some knives for carving and picked up some wood put on the floor for this purpose and cut long thin strips. The grain was straight and there were no knots. The question was further answered by me giving out similar knives and wood so the men could try for themselves. It was only a few moments more that the conversation completely shifted to what I was making and then what the tools were good for.
The venue was changed to the forge and the men could see how the steel was shaped. We had a grindstone and it threw sparks. The anvils were large and the men could see a lot of value just in these.
The wood stoves were ready though they were all small in size. They leaked smoke until the chimney started to draw but we didn't have a suitable milling machine to correct this. Though the men had just ate they sampled food cooked in the frypans over the stoves or over the open fire and supported by the grate.
The griddle was large and covered a fire by itself and many strips of meat and vegetables were cooking. The men in our camp liked tours. They got to eat like pigs along with the guests.
One of the older boys was working on a scythe and I was asked, "What kind of weapon is this."
"I will show you how it takes the heads of thousands in one swing." Some of the men backed up but not far. Hands went to swords but none were drawn. I went to a shed and took out one that I had recently tried and then sharpened myself. This I handed to the old man but instructed him in how to carry it. I went back for mine.
We walked outside the camp with a lot of our men grinning. The grass and weeds had been cut back and we had to go further than usual. We stopped at an open area with tall native grasses. "This is your field of wheat. It is early in the morning." I grasped the handles and moved it to get the swing. This particular one was made for somebody my size."
A smooth swing cut all in its path and I walked forward and swung again and again. I went as quick as I could but only made one long cut before I returned.
The men were just looking at the amount of grass I had cut and the time taken. I stopped in front of the old man and said, "Give it a try if you wish. There is no need to push hard but it will tire you out before the day is over."
The man cut his own path instead of following mine then stopped. He backed up and started again beside my path. It took him no longer than me to cut to the end.
When he stood before me, I said, "A good man can cut a heredium per day with this. The women that used to work in the field will simply let the grain dry if you wish or gather it into large bundles with no need to wrap them with cord.
I passed my scythe to a short man and with no words he widened the path already cut. One tall man to get it later had to be told why it didn't work as well for him. He tried the other and smiled.
The tall man asked when he was done, "What is the price of this tool?"
"First I would like to say that the blade is steel, not iron. It takes more effort and time to make these articles. The weapons used for war have a fixed price that will not change. These articles are new. I will sell them for two aurii each but I need people that will talk of this tool to their neighbours. They can try this and honestly mention what they are like. If they do this I will sell them for one aureus each. All others that come will have to pay two."
"I will take ten. Will you take eight aurii?"
"If I sold ten at two aurii I may have some room to move on the price but I must feed the men and children. I will consider trading for copper, brass, bronze, silk, or cotton cloth. I will also trade for labour. I want a building constructed. Men have to use my saws and axes to cut trees and then cut them into boards. It is hard work. Stone has to be cut and shaped to complete this structure."
"What is it for?"
"This building will cut wood with the power of the moving water." They didn't seem to understand this so I said, "The water will turn a wheel. The wheel will turn a large wood log that will make the saw go up and down. The idea is simple but the building will be large."
"Would you trade for labour after harvest?"
"How long after?
"As soon as the crops are in."
"Will they be slaves or freemen?"
"What is the difference?"
"I will feed them. If they run away then I will not be responsible."
"You can lock them in or chain them."
"I can but I will not. I do not like slavery but I know that it takes time to switch over to paying freemen to do the same work."
I got gold from this man. Others from the same family, but from different estates traded for metal. Nobody had silk to trade. I remembered my own bolt back in Hildestun but that was far away.
It was a profitable day. Each agreement that required trade was recorded and both of us got a copy. They would deliver to Licinia estate for me. They took the units now and I had to show them how they could come apart for easy transportation. They were also showed how to sharpen them with a small hammer and dolly block. A stone then could be used if necessary but usually wasn't.
With harvest only a few weeks away we switched over to scythes almost completely. The copula had to get less air and thus be cooler with a reducing atmosphere to get iron. I could have Licinia sell these tools but that was a distraction and if they came here they would buy a great many other products.
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Last time I told you how I had my dream come true and got to fuck my sexy neighbor. Now let me tell you how I ended up doing a sexy photo shoot with my wife's best friend. Well let me say I'm no pro photographer. I'm a builder and like to keep a photographic record of the work I do from start to finish. I click off a few shots most days of what's been done on the site.I had just treated myself to a new camera, it was a saturday morning and I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and...
Ever since moving into her new step-family’s house, witchy goth Whitney Wright has really been trying to make it feel like more of a home, so when she was interrupted by her ANNOYING step-brother as she was calling upon the spirits, it just messed everything up. He insisted she tries to summon them indoors, angering her, so she decided to go to sleep instead. Inside her coffin. All properly gothic girls do. In the midst of his whiny tirade, he heard a noise coming from inside- what was...
xmoviesforyouI am a to be computer engineer in a few months. It has been 4 yrs since I first come to this university. I am moderately tall, wheaty color and very handsome ;) I was attracted to a girl since I was a freshman at the university. Now I call my sweetheart Neemo (I like to call her by this name " "This is not her actual name, so i think there is no harm in using the name only she and i know. Moderators: Please remove the sentence in the inverted commas""). She appeared to be very shy and...
(Check your score as decisions affect variables within the scoring system) Rolling hills of green stretch far out beyond the bounds of Almaguard, a kingdom prospering and joyous. Having just won a battle between the Alma Knights and a neighboring kingdom, the people dance, eat and drink in the streets. One of the knights, Halrik, comes across a beautiful woman working to prepare more food for the festivities. “You should be out celebrating, the people have gorged themselves enough.” Halrik...
FantasyI'm not really sure where to start with this story; so I guess I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm Connie and I'm nearly 40 with a 21 year old son called Rudy. Rudy is now nearly 6 feet tall; very athletic (soccer and athletics) and he has a shaved head. I'm 5 ft 6, size 12, with very short curly reddish hair. I have a round ‘feline' face with lots and lots of freckles and a small pixyish nose. My boobs are 34b and the nipples are pink and very sensitive. My son and I have...
I live in an apartment complex, and my neighbors owned the place across from us solely for the purpose of weekend stays during football season. They were alumni of the university, and college football seemed to be the highlight of their autumn. The summer previous to this one they appeared on a few random occasions. So we weren’t too surprised to see the woman who lived there show up in her car one day. But we were surprised to see her alone and at the pool. She came through the gate wearing...
It was a typical small conference room, intended for use by less than a half dozen people. The conference table was ovoid, rather than rectangular. The chairs were more comfortable than those which were usually found in a conference room. The room was basically designed so that the principals involved in negotiation, could be close or distant as fitted the situation. After the secretary had led Dexter into the room, she offered to get him coffee, tea, or a soda. Dexter went with the coffee...
This story is taboo..man/boy..if this upsets you in any way please do not read A Nephew Story So, we were having a large family get together. A family reunion if you will. It was hot and we met at a lake close by. There were lots of relatives, lots of food and lots of booze. Typical family reunion. I hugged and greeted so many Aunts, Uncles, nieces and nephews I can't remember all the names. Most had husbands or wives...I did not. I was free to come...
It’s rare that you are going to find me reviewing a game that is simultaneously a porn game and for all-ages. Clutch those pearls a little tighter bitch; I’m not saying everyone should play this porn game. Rather, depending on where you buy or even watch the game will decide what kind of game you are getting.If you are familiar with the Nekopara series, you may not even know that this was originally a porn game. You may have watched the anime or played the censored version on Steam. If hentai...
Free Sex GamesThis really does follow on from the story I wrote about Caroline, the wayward wife. I only found out a lot later through conversation with a neighbour that there had been this other chap who used to visit the house, usually after 11pm and on occasions, the car would draw up silently (we lived on a hill) around 5:30am… Anyway as I said “the gloves are off now” so on one Sunday a couple of weeks later, I left relatively late in the afternoon and drove back to my job as Project Manager at a well...
==== Jessa, being a well-brought-up girl, believed two things: that women were basically stupid, and that women were basically sluts. There was nothing she loved more than helping other women understand this. So when she found the group of pretty young wives running a "Christian prayer and discussion group" in her neighbourhood, she couldn't help herself. She immediately joined, and began offering to host meetings. Being host gave her privileges, particularly the privilege of slipping...
Annalise and Daniel have been married for six years but now she is alone again, as she has been so many times before, her wine-washed thoughts tumbling like kaleidoscope colours in a long, hollow chamber. She looks across the table to the chair he deserted over three hours ago, and reflects on the marriage he deserted long before that. The clock on the wall is whispering; a gentle ticking like the sound of a lone cricket in a field as dusk gives up its last moments to darkness. It is almost two...
LesbianIt is August 15, 2057. Dunkelzahn the Great Dragon, the first Non-Human to hold the office of President of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) had just been in office for a whole nine hours before some unknown assailants assassinated him. The reading of Dunkelzahn's will six days later was the start of this story. The last line in the will to be exact. "To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up...
I'm a freshman in a college in a small town. I'm 5'10" and 125 pounds. I have long, deep red hair that I wear straight and I have a kind of "alternative/scene" style. I also have perky 34B tits and a perky round ass. At my school the library has four floors and a basement. Not very many people go to any floor but the main one. There is a rumor that guys like to go to one of the empty floors and masturbate at one of the tables. There are lots of shelves so all the tables are pretty private....
Straight SexDeanna I drove home sexually satisfied but emotionally drained by my actions of the last couple of months. It’s been 10 weeks since the trip to Houston where I crossed that invisible line that can’t be taken back. Our affair has gotten stronger and more fun, if you will, even though I know I don’t love Joey. The sex is out of this world and I know he loves me. I love Robbie. We will grow old together. I noticed every time I say that, my womb is loaded with Joeys thick sticky spunk. How crazy...
The white convertible turned into the alleyway that led to the Richard's suburban home. Martin turned off the lights as he guided the sleek '68 model car along the narrow roadway until they were behind her house. She lay half lifeless on the seat beside him. Her tears had dried streaks of mascara on her cheeks. She had cried for most of the ride until finally no more tears would come. No matter what had been going wrong between she and Greg, it was no reason for infidelity. Her mind was...
Learning to Spell Chapter One: The Book and the Party By GirlyCheerBoy [girlycheerboy [at] hotmail.com] It all started when we found that book... My best friend, Bryan, and I were walking along the beach and came across the old Al-Hadim mansion. It had been deserted for years and there were rumors that it was haunted. Being the typical curious teenaged boys we were, we decided to go in and take a look round. The doors were boarded over but the boards were rotting out now and...
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 (Continued) When Sensei arrived, my girls and I went out to greet him. I did the introductions, including Mom when she came out a few seconds later in case Sensei didn't remember her from when she'd delivered me to the dojo. Mom directed us into the living room, where three more introductions were made. Sensei was still wearing his Aikido clothes, a white gi with loose black pants over the top of the gi's white pants, so he certainly looked the part of being my...
Hi ISS readers, this is Atul once again with the second part of how I chatted with Ishita, a sexy and horny married woman and led her below me. I am sure that my reading fans must have read my earlier story Hot and Horny married woman Ishita and I am also sure that they liked it. So here I continue with the second and concluding part. I and Ishita went to a nearby mall and we kept her car in the hotel parking only and we walked upto the mall, which was 10 minutes away from our hotel. Ishita was...
Naomi walks into the bathroom she shares with her step-brother, Van, when she notices the door to his room is cracked open. She glances in to discover him masturbating. It turns her on to think he left the door open so she could watch him. She starts playing with her pussy and gets so lost in the fantasy that she forgets herself, leans on the open door, and comes crashing into his room. He accuses her of eaves dropping, while she says he keeps leaving the door open on purpose, because he wants...
xmoviesforyouToday something great and very special happen to me. I saw my old lady neighbor pissing in her garden. About 5m far from me. I didn't seen her cunt, but saw her naked ass, and pussy over panties. There is a high grass, so she had to be in some middle standing pose. Her ass was in height of my cock. As she pose for fuck behind. I wank on her for about 15 years. I love her ass when she is bent down working in garden. It is most beautiful ass I ever seen. She never wear pants. Only skirts.I was in...
Hi this is Swaroop 23years old from Bangalore my height is 5.10 medium built with 6 inch gun which can satisfy any one. I’m regular visitor of iss but this is my first (real) story i am submitting here. Let me introduce my partner who satisfied me, my maternal aunt’s daughter name Swathi (name changed) 32 years married. Her height is 5.7 or something around it with good assets which make any guy to fall for her. It all happened few months back someone tried witching on our family so we were not...
IncestShe couldn't wait to finish work. She hadn't seen him in almost a week and she was jumping at the bit to have him inside her. The work day dragged in and she could hardly contain her excitement when she finally finished. She rushed home and started to get ready for him to arrive. She took off all of her clothes revealing a gorgeous curvy figure. Her boobs were round and perky, a bit more than a handful but they complimented her large hips and round buttocks. Her waist in contrast was slim and...
Straight SexIt was summer and Friday night; I was home alone. My girlfriend of two years and I had broken up two weeks ago. My daughter, Carrie Sue, in her first year of college, was out with girlfriends. I was in the family room, having a few cocktails and about to watch a porn movie I hadn't seen since Carrie Sue's mom and I watched it shortly before she passed away. I'd got some of my best blow jobs after we'd watched that movie together. I had finally taken off my sleep pants and sat naked from the...
IncestSexy hot babes Kendra Spade and Charlotte Cross can not wait to get naughty and have some fun with you all! They have a collection of toys to use and Kendra shows off some of her deep throating skills. She can really take that dildo down her throat! They grind together trying to simultaneously take down the dildo but seems it may be too long for them to handle! Charlotte can not get enough of that sweet pussy eating out Kendra at every chance she gets! These girls will not stop until you are...
xmoviesforyouHi I am new to this iss and a regular reader of it and now let me tell you about my own sex experience with you people. I am Kumar 30 male from Hosur Tamil Nadu with a normal figure with little fat and i work as a duty doctor in a hospital and going to narrate how enjoyed a nurse in my hospital. She was a new staff (Veni) to our hospital and she was in her teen age just entered as a fresher. Veni had a slim body with a good curvy structure and nice boobs and a perfect ass both correct in size...
At this point we were all 18 years old and had been living together for 3 years. In a way I was already used to constantly having two hotties around. But nothing prepared me for what I was about to see. I was home early that day and went to the backyard to relax a little by the pool. That was when I saw Rachel and Lola making out in a tight embrace in the water. They were so lost in each other that they didn't even notice me so I quickly ran back inside. Once I was in my room I tried to...
The following evening, sprawled across the sofa, tucked under a blanket, with her laptop resting on her thighs, Meg signed into the writers’ chat room. Her heart leapt to see a little green light next to NimbleKimble, to show he was online. A private chat window immediately popped up. [NimbleKimble]: Hey gorgeous girl.[JMitchell]: Hey sexy boy.[NimbleKimble]: Ha! You can’t say that. You have no idea what I look like, whereas I, on the other hand, know I speak the truth.[JMitchell]: You could...
Love StoriesLiving next door to the Wrights I had known the family for years. They moved in at the same time I did. I was alone after my wife passed away. I was in my 60s and had lived here for 15 years. The family consisted of Cal the father, Samantha the mother, and two children. The oldest of the lovely young girls at 17 was Becky and the next younger at 16 was Susie. They were welcome in my home and I had just put in a pool that they now could use all summer. There was a gate between our backyards,...
These experiences are from when I was a c***d growing up in the 50's. It was a more innocent time before the internet and cable. Sex was kept a secret and never ever talked about to the "c***dren" So what may be seen as total ignorance now was actually a way of life back then. You found out about masturbating by accident and thought you were the only one who knew about it. Voyeurism was a sin, a crime and you defiantly never watched your parents. But there were also some strange inconsistencies...
Hi Honey, This needs to be short cuz I need meet him soon.This morning I woke up with feeling horny and sexy. I look at my lover besides me who is sleeping well. He shorter than you and couple inches taller of me and is older and has not much hair. But he is so nice and strong in sex too. We fit good together on bed. I remove his blanket and go down to tease his sleeping dick. He notices that I am caressing his dick so he moans then spread his legs widely commanding me to continue what I...
When our stud sees cute babe Serena Avery walking by in the parking lot, he has to go fishing for some pussy. He casts his line and reels her in, offering her a special part in the film he is making. She is a little skeptical at first, but her hankering for dick pushes her to give our stud a chance. She goes back to his place and takes her top off, reaching out to grab the bulge in his pants. She wraps her lips around his cock and sucks until she is ready to open her legs for him. Then he...
xmoviesforyouWith the Armada well out into the Orion Perseus gap, Clare decided to run for Sol after granting four days local leave. The crew members were attended by Companions who maintained the mental blocks when questions of "Sundowner's" performance were raised. Clare, Shirley, Morg and TJ had had a brainstorming session and come up with numerous acceptable replies and given them to the crew with the implications of great big top secret matter not to be even thought of. Admiral Higgins had...
“You should see my maid…Johnny.” Ver saw the question in my eyes, but only repeated again, “You should see my maid.” Ver was the imported local machine operator, a Filipino and was becoming a good friend. I had been on this Caribbean island for several days, and was still waiting for the parts to be flown in. Until then, each afternoon, Ver and I would get together at the local store and have a drink together. “Well, her name is Johnny, and you are sleeping with her?” I knew Ver had a local...
Straight SexGoing over all my relationships in my mind – and now adding Janelle into the mix (or at least re-adding her) – didn’t make things clearer. Finding somewhere for Megan and I to go parking so we could fuck each other, like we both really wanted would have to wait until we both felt it was ‘safe’. There was another report of a murdered and mutilated couple, this time on the south side of Sydney, around Cronulla. My suggestion to Megan, ‘well, maybe he’s moved away from this area, and we are safe...
Bikini Beach: Teen Angel ElrodW A young man blames himself for the accidental death of his sweetheart. His futile attempts to escape his guilt have put him on a path of self- destruction. A punk girl takes him to Bikini Beach, and he gets a new perspective, and maybe, a second chance. Notes: This story uses a few characters from Ellie Dauber's "Purse Snatcher" and "A Punk's Story" (Ed, Ken, Mel, Frankie, Tina, and Felicia). They are friends of...
The shiny new concept automobiles were on display. String bikinied models draped the vehicles, their surgically rounded boobs and butts receiving more consideration than the sleekly rounded hoods and fenders supporting them. One such model draped machine was the TWI Electric Car. It was a concept vehicle with the manufacturing still being organized. It boasted affordable energy efficiency thanks to its space age metal alloys. Total Woman Industries had locked up an economical source of rare...
My sister and I had always been close, we tell each other everything. At a very young age Trish told me that she was a Lesbian, of course I had already known because I could often hear the sounds of love making through the thin walls that seperated our two rooms, and only her girlfriends were in there with her at the time. I would never tell her secret. Not just because I loved my Sister, which was true, but mainly because she would often let me watch her and her friends. Occasionally if there...
Part Three The Journey Begins A Novel By: S. Stevenson Early the next morning, Mike made the rounds to each of the slave’s bedrooms releasing them from their tethers. He instructed each to shower and shave as he removed pad locks from their collars and cuffs. You are to clean your plugs, relieve yourselves and then reinsert the plugs. “Then you are to report to the kitchen by 7. Bring a work tunic with you.” Slowly at first each girl made her way into the bathroom attached to her...
My Worst Nightmare by SONIA =========================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) This story is one I keep going back to as as theme because this is my dream if only it happened just like this ....... My worst nightmare had happened. My wife, Lorna, stood at the door to our bedroom with a look of horror on her face and her eyes welling up with tears. "Oh my God," she said, turned and hurriedly left the room and soon after I heard the...
1679 - .84Chapter 15New MasterIt was shortly after midnight when Cindi felt someone at her back playing with the ropes.As she opened her eyes and looked she saw one of the guest dressed only in his shorts trying to untie the bindings. Before she could say anything the man told her he was the winner of the games and she was his for the next day and he wanted to start now. Well it was after midnight so she was technically his, as the Master said the winner had her for twenty–four hours. Obviously...
My name is Pam, I am seventeen. On my school holidays I wanted to learn how to sail, so joined a sailing club. Being a female with no experience in sailing did not endear me to most of the guys who were keen sailors. It was considered a sport for guys only. A very few girls did sail but were normally girlfriends of the skippers. I was breaking new ground as girls were only considered good for one thing and I was probably more experienced in that than any of the guys were in sailing. As I had...
OutdoorTwo's Company, Three's a Different Story School had been a nightmare for me. The older I became, the more everyone else towered above me. I was slow to grow, slow to fill out, slow to hit puberty and slow with girls. I was small and soft and 'Girly'. All the girls were into the sports Jocks, against whom, I never stood a chance of even being noticed. I was sure that I could give a girl more in the way of a relationship than any of the sports Jocks, that strutted around like Peacocks,...
Hi readers, I am a 19-year-old guy. I am doing B.Tech and is in the 3rd year. After the end of semester exams, I came home from the hostel in the month of December. In my house, there are 3 members – my mom, dad and my sister. My sister is 3 years elder to me. My dad is a businessman and so he stays most of the time away from home. My mom is a teacher and my sister has just completed her studies. Coming to the story and where it all began. On a Monday, I woke up around 10:30 am and found only...
IncestHello to all ISS readers. I am quite a huge fan of ISS and always wanted to submit my fantasy stories on ISS, so I am here with my own first story. Hope you all like it. Hi, I am sumit age 21 from a very beautiful place kolkata…..any girls or aunty from kolkata wants to have some great time can contact me at now coming to the story. Let me tell you about my me and my family..we r only five member in our family my mom,dad,bhaiya and bhabhi and me..we are very rich and have a good running...
Donna ran to the front door when she heard the bell ring. With a tingle of anticipation in her pussy, she opened the door. John, her boyfriend, stood there with a seductive smile on his handsome countenance, "Hi there," he said. His eyes devoured her figure that was exposed by shorts and a braless, tight tee. Donna smiled back. "Mom and Dad went to the mall. It's their night to shop and eat out," she told him eagerly. "Way to go, good old mom and dad," said John. He stepped inside and...
It was a while before I was to see her again as she was going on holiday with her hubby and some friends, but she did text me quite often, these were sexy and sometimes quite perverse. She was asking what my dream sex would be what wouid I want her to do to me. I asked her if she would tie me up so I was helpless and do whatever she wanted to me. Well a couple of weeks later my dream was about to come true.She had a meeting to go to and it meant her staying overnight at least thats what she...
Hi Sanjay here. My mom promised me at evening that she will come to my room in late night when all of the family will sleep. I shall waiting for her remembering the whole day enjoyment with her. It was 10.30 then 11 – 12- 1am she has not come. My heart is going to be broken, suddenly I feel the sound of knocking the door, I rushed towards door & found my lovely mom in a sexy bluish nighty with smiling face. I pulled her inside & bolt the door. As soon as she hugged me. I kissed her & asked for...
Incest“The ship that sailed from South America to Japan had people on it even less welcome than me by the rough sailors,” Nick began his Tale, bringing all his reserves to it. Though he smiled, it had to be his weakest smile yet. “After all, they didn’t do anything to assist the sailing. Only took from the limited supply of food and drink. At least they had no interest in rum. “Thirteen missionaries in all, five of them were women. All the women and a couple of the men had added to the ones who...
At least the past few times family members that were leaving the household would let the WE know that they were leaving the communication area. This time Marsha installed Nancy's communication software on her PDA. Then she and Jane could communicate home via the internet. Everyone, including me, forgot what the my nanites were constructed from. Our main structure was aluminum and aluminum salts. We, the humans and I, all forgot that a MRI was a Magnet Resonance Imaging system. Aluminum is...
I stared having fantasies about seeing my wife with a black man during a trip to Jamaica to celebrate out fifth wedding anniversary. Every time we went swimming or snorkeling, she would take off her top. Then, when we were done playing in the water, we would walk back from the beach to the hotel with her top still off, letting all the Jamaicans working at the resort stare openly at her bouncing, 38DD breasts. She would act like she didn’t notice all the eyes on her, but when we got back to the...
The Cabin I began to freak out as my car stalled out of gas on the bumpy backwoods road that seemed to go on forever. I was cursing myself for not just taking the day off Thursday and car pooling with the girls to the campsite up at Richard’s Lake, wait…was it Richmond’s? Hell, it was all pointless anyway because I wasn’t going anywhere at the moment. Gina told me it wasn’t that far and rattled off some directions while I was at work and told me to just meet them up there. She said it was...
Oral Sex