SummoningChapter 6 free porn video

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I had sat, entranced, listening to Merlin's tale of how he'd received the ring, and all that went with it. But as he stopped talking to sip at our now cold tea, I was still unsatisfied, despite everything he'd said.

I gestured around the nonexistent room around us, saying, "But all that you've told me still doesn't explain what you said at first... that this room represents the time and place you were in when you came to meet me - Berkley in the 60s. If your destiny was to be in King Arthur's Court... why are you here?"

"I can tell you has happened to me, my lad, and I can even speculate as to why it has worked this way... but I cannot readily tell you why it must be this way."

"You see, when I awoke again after awakening the power of the ring, I had been transported to the past... just not the past that I had expected. Instead of finding myself in the era of King Arthur, I awakened in the year prior to my own birth, 2631 A.D. I was still in Antarctica, but I had another name, though at the time I awakened I was not aware of it. I was in a different house, with different clothes... well, suffice to say that everything that I had known before was gone, except for my journal. It was only logical that it would make the trip backward with me, as I would need to give it to Olympias in Camelot.

"As I combed my new home on the day I awoke, I found a bookshelf just like this one," he gestured behind him to the books he had examined earlier, "filled with thousands of volumes just like this," he picked up the book he had sat on the table earlier. "Each was numbered, and arranged in descending order, the first being number 4267. Thinking that they must be numbered that way for a reason, I took out the highest numbered book and opened it to its first page.

"It was another journal, of all things, written in my own hand! The date read August 22, 2631... which according to the calendar on the watch I was wearing, was actually the day before! I had just arrived in another time, yet here was a book with a journal entry in my own handwriting, from a day that I had not lived in... yet.

"Unlike in a regular journal, the dates ran backward instead of forward, in this case from August 22 to January 1. There was only the one entry; the rest of the pages were empty. So, I sat down to read what had been written.

"The entry was short and to the point: "Welcome to your new life. There is no use in writing a journal entry for today, though I know you will anyway. Your name is Jacob Kroninger. Your neighbors think you have been ill, expect one or two of them today; this "illness" will help cover your disorientation and unfamiliarity with where and when you are. Check this journal first thing every morning. I have a feeling it will be the signpost that will help explain where you are going... by telling you where you've been. Sleep well, for apparently our tomorrows are now our yesterdays... and our future runs only in reverse."

"Most of what had been written there was nonsensical to me... but, no sooner had I closed the book than a knock came at my door. When I did not come quickly enough to suit her, a woman let herself in, and seemed surprised to see me walking toward her.

""Jacob!" she said loudly, "What are you doing out of bed! The way you've been feeling the last few days, you know you should be resting! I just came over to fix you a bit of something before going out to work myself."

"Now, lad, I felt fine, but I didn't know who this lady was, or why I was standing in someplace other than where I had expected to wake up, which was Camelot in the Middle Ages! Perhaps my own frustration got the better of me, but, in a rather surly way, I blurted out, "Madam, who are you?"

"Instead of getting angry, she rushed over to me and put her hand against my forehead, as if checking for a fever. Apparently not finding one, she took my hand and led me over to a soft chair; when I hesitated to sit, she pushed me down into it.

""The doctor said you might still be disoriented, and that's why you shouldn't be moving about. So you just sit there and I'll fix you a nice breakfast, and if you feel like you need to, ask me any questions you want."

"Very well, answer my first question. Who are you?"

She walked back into the kitchen, apparently to begin fixing something for me to eat. She talked loudly enough to be heard as she looked through various cabinets for something to fix. "I am your next door neighbor, Sally Cross, and we have lived next to each other for four years now, ever since we both left Australia just before the desert overran the last livable city."

"Well, lad, I had to admit I was rather stunned! My father had mentioned Sally Cross several times to me as I got older, and with good reason! The good Miss Cross was the first of many to die from the first "plague" at the Antarctic colony, a pulmonary Hantavirus. With no effective antibiotic treatment, the only thing the colony could do was isolate those that had acquired the virus and hope for the best. In this case, the best was a mass burial, as the virus proved to be 95% fatal. I believe Dad said that the colony lost 50% of its numbers from that first massive wave of illness, and Sally Cross was the first to be diagnosed, the first to be placed in isolation... and the first to die.

"And here she was standing in my kitchen!

"As I sat pondering the unlikeliness of such a thing, Sally came out from the kitchen with a tray, which she settled in my lap. "I'm afraid its soy coffee, toast, and imitation fruit spread, but it will due for now." She looked me with concern. "I do hope you snap out of whatever this is that is ailing you, Jacob. Each day that goes by, you seem a little fuzzier, a little less sure of who you are and what you're supposed to be doing." She smiled slightly. "If it gets any worse, you're not going to even know what day it is, or which way is up."

"I tell you, lad, she was a lot closer to being right on both of those counts than she ever knew!

"At any rate, she left shortly afterward, and I was alone again. For most of the day I simply looked through the apartment, trying to find some clues about who I was supposed to be, what I was supposed to be doing. Sally appeared again, later in the day, and fixed me a nice salad with fresh vegetables she'd harvested from the fields just that day. As we sat together in my living room, I couldn't help but sense she'd spent time with me here before, talking at great length about things both great and small. She stayed with me until darkness fell, and then excused herself to go back to her home to prepare for bed.

"I decided that wouldn't be a bad idea myself, so I did my toilette, and found a nice pair of pajamas in a drawer in the bedroom. Before I turned out the light, I took my new backward-running journal and wrote under the day's date, "What the hell am I doing here?"

"When I woke up the next morning, what I had wrote the night before was gone from the pages, as was the entry for August 22. But now, there was something written on the page for August 21.

"The calendar on my watch said the day was August 22, 2631.

"I had just awakened one day further into the past."

I wanted Steven to enter the converted garage first, so that I those inside would not think anything was wrong. I could hang back, just out of sight, and take control of those inside once I was sure of how many there were and where they were in the room. The little scene I had played out with Matilda and the guys had convinced me that I could control multiple people at once, but it would be easier to just turn them off, like I had Steven, until I was sure what I was going to do with them.

However, my worries about multiple people inside the room were misplaced. When the human puppet that was Steven opened the door and walked inside, it was apparent that the only other people inside were Ramon and Sara... and Sara was not going to notice much of anything with a blindfold over her eyes. I doubt I could have broken Ramon's concentration on Sara with less than the air horn from a Mack truck... but, just to be safe, I made myself invisible to them, entering the room and letting the door shut behind me. I had Steven walk into the room and sit on a folding chair facing the other two, then locked his muscles in a sitting position, so that I could take my mind of controlling his every movement and concentrate on the last two people I had need of confronting tonight.

Sara had her wrists tied together, and these ropes had been hung on a hook that was connected to the ceiling. It was apparent from the sweat on both of them that Ramon had been working on Sara for quite a while. As she stood naked in the middle of the room, I drank in the sight of her. The body she worked so hard to maintain was still in impeccable shape, soft yet firm in all the right places. Her lips, parted in anticipation of the next blow from Ramon, were still so desirable, so kissable, that I wanted nothing more than to close the distance between us and press my own lips against them. Her fiery red hair was stringy from the exertions of the evening, but I still wanted to run my fingers through it and stroke it as I had so many times before. In every aspect she remained as fully beautiful as I remembered, and I ached to touch her, to wrap my arms around her again.

But her body also showed the evidence of a woman well used by the man she called "Lord." Already, bruises were forming in several places on her breasts, a sign he had used something hard to strike her there repeatedly... perhaps a crop, I thought, seeing one nearby on the floor, as if it had been thrown aside in a tantrum. I couldn't see her back or buttocks, but I knew they were likely red, inflamed, dotted here and there with the welts and imprints of the flogger and the cane. But Ramon had not finished for the evening, and was rapidly reaching the climax of his sadistic exertions.

He had arranged a circle of clothespins on each of Sara's breasts, until they both looked like that onion appetizer from the Outback Steakhouse. He had placed even more clothespins on her stomach and the insides of her thighs. And now, using a single tail whip, he stood six feet away from Sara and began to flick clothespins from her body with aim and manner of a master whipwielder. Some pins came off so gently that Sara barely moved and uttered no sound. However, when caught one just right, the clothespin was ripped from Sara with the jaws still closed around the skin, and she would convulse as if in epileptic seizure, a deep moan tearing its way from between her lips. I knew that if I reached between her legs after one of those body-wrenching strikes, I would find her pussy so hot and wet that, if you didn't know Sara, you would have thought she'd just cum.

Ramon was an artist, and he moved around Sara with the grace of a dancer and the balance of a swordsman. He seemed to be able to find whatever mark he sought, no matter the angle or distance. His whip never touched Sara in any spot that was not covered by a pin, and he seemed to have minute control over how the blow would land. He varied them, so that, after a particularly intense moment, the next few might be feather light, until again the whip struck and the clothespin was torn from Sara's body, and she again shuddered and moaned, lost in the agony and ecstasy of her divine torture.

At the last, he varied his strikes not at all, but hammered each whip strike home as fast as his wrist could bend, striking each pin from her body with savage force. Her moans were constant, growing greater in intensity and volume until they were the shrieks of a wild animal, all reason gone, with nothing left to do but howl as the pain and the pleasure built to its wild crescendo. At last, all that remained was one lone clothespin, clamped upon the nipple of each breast. He paused for a moment, gathering the whip in his hands, calculating like a marksman with a thousand yard shot. Then, in the blink of an eye, his hand moved, and the whip cracked twice with a sound as loud as lightning. Before I could really register what had happened, both the clothespins went flying through the air.

It seemed like it took Sara's body a moment to react as well, as she stood uncertainly, as if knowing something had happened, but unsure how to react. But then, like a volcano erupting after long lying dormant, her body twitched, and then began shaking with such force that her feet left the ground. At the same time, the wild animal shrieks that had built with such force before reached their ultimate peak, a lung-rattling "AHHHHHHHHH!" that only died when Sara collapsed, her bound wrists the only thing keeping her from falling bonelessly to the ground. Even as she hung there, her body was overcome by small aftershocks from overloaded nerve endings; it was apparent that she had been pushed over the edge of consciousness into that nebulous world called subspace, and I had no doubts that, with a double stroke of his whip, Ramon had given her the rarest of gifts... an orgasm.

Ramon watched Sara hang in her bonds, a satisfied smile touching his lips. At that moment, I dropped my shield of invisibility, and stepped away from the wall where I had been leaning. Ramon was startled by my sudden appearance, but even more startled when he realized who I was. I began clapping my hands together, an ovation for my better and successor.

"Well done, Ramon!" I shouted, as I walked toward him. "Bravo! You make me envious with your skill!"

Ramon seemed uncertain as to what to say or do, so he simply stood where he was in silence.

"I have to admit, I had half a mind to charge in here and make some sort of mad charge at you, in hopes of getting Sara back for myself. But you two are getting along so famously, perhaps that's not the best thing for me to do at all. Besides, you and I should have a friendly talk, man to... whatever you are."

His nostrils flared just a bit at that, but he still said nothing.

"It took me a while to figure it out. Ramon. There was something there, something I couldn't put my finger on, but it tickled the edges of my brain until it all came together. Sara leaving me. The occult store in the mall. A demonic symbol in Sara's journal. Destiny and fate, mythology and religion. And then it all just came to me at once.

"Ramon could be an anagram. Rearrange the letters, and you get Roman. As in Romans. You know, the chapter in the Bible? Romans 13, Verse 4 comes to mind. " For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." I like that verse. I really like it a lot.

"What do you think about it... Ornias?" Before he could react, I threw the ring of Solomon as hard as I could directly at Ramon.

He tried, I'll give him that. He flicked his whip toward me out of desperation, trying to deflect the path of the ring... but missed, as neither the ring nor I was as steady a target as clothespins on naked flesh. His biggest mistake was standing still, and he was still standing there when the ring struck him right between the eyes.

The flash of light was tremendous, and Ramon's body collapsed to the floor when it was done.

It didn't matter, really. The force that had animated it stared out from its conical prison of light, hissing in hatred and embarrassment.

"Welcome back, Orny old boy. You've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Ah, my boy, would we the time, I could tell you so much about my unique traverse from the future to the past. As it is, you will have to settle for this.

"Each day I wake is one day further from my own time. As my doppelganger in the past so eloquently put it, my future now runs backward rather than forward. Each day still runs its normal course, but when I put head to pillow, or when the dark and the dawn meet at the sunrise, my time in one day comes to an end, and in a blink I find myself in the day before.

"No matter where I go, the journals follow me, each one accounting for a year in my travels backward, but each revealing to me only the writing of the day before. This, I have learned, is so that I can prevent myself from making mistakes that could lead to injury to myself or others... as well as to keep me from saying things that might unknowingly lead to my incarceration as a mental defective.

"And, as each year expires in my backward progression, the corresponding volume in my journals disappears! I can only speculate as to why the journals work so strangely, but my best guess is that, if I could read every day in my own history before I had chanced to live that day, I would grow bored with living altogether, and would likely seek some way to extract myself from my agreement to wear the ring.

"Thus, the journal entries are rather vague in some respects. Only if something absolutely must happen is the journal ever specific as to what I must do. Or, if I wake up in a strange place with a new identity, the entry will give me as much detail as possible to help me fit into my new life... though I may have been carrying on as that person for many, many years. It can be confusing sometimes to live a life where my beginning would be someone else's ending.

"So I get a chance to live through interesting times in history, seeing for myself things that I had only read about in books. And, though I know I have a destiny waiting for me even farther back in the past, perhaps it is necessary for me to see something of these times, to live in them myself, in order to impart the wisdom and knowledge that Arthur will need to build Camelot.

"I have aged very little in the time I have worn this ring... perhaps just a few years in the 700 I've seen. And, every once in a while, I disappear." He saw my questioning look and smiled. "I know it sounds strange, lad, but its true! I believe that, when a ringwielder is chosen by Olympias, the forces of natural law make it impossible for them both to exist in the same plane. Thus, I disappear, and reappear in the time before the most current ringwielder was chosen. It is confusing and disorienting, but it is the only answer that fits the circumstances."

I had to interrupt him at that point. "You need to explain something to me. You say you don't have knowledge of the past of more than the day before... yet, you told me I was the 12th ringwielder when I woke up here. How did you know that?"

He laughed out loud. "Still trying to find holes in my story, lad? Very well. This is the simplest thing to explain. Olympias told me I would be both the last, and the first, to wear the ring. But she also told me I would be the 15th and final ringwielder. And I have met and counseled 2 others so far. By simple deduction, that would make you number 12."

I may have reddened a bit at the simplicity of his explanation, and he hastened to pat my hand again to reassure me. "There is no shame in the asking of a question, especially in as strange a situation as this. Remember, I meet you here having come from decades in your own past. That is again part of the design of the ring, as it cannot allow me to come from your future, or, obviously enough, from your present. As far as you are concerned, I cannot exist except in your past. So here we sit, in my kitchen, which is not my kitchen, just a convenient energy construct to contain our spirits for a while, while we talk."

"Energy construct? You make it sound like science!"

"Any sufficiently advanced science can appear like magic to another culture. Before I wore this ring, I would have scoffed at any suggestion or hint of the supernatural in anything. Now, I feel that they co-exist, and this ring is a tool that can be used in the pursuit of science, or magic, or both.

"It all depends on what you wish to do with it."

We both sat in silence for a moment, and then another question came shooting forward in my head. "What happened to Olympias? Do you know?"

Merlin nodded his head, his expression grave. "I was holding her hand as I fell into unconsciousness after awakening the power, lad. She is... here. But she is not, as well." He reached under his shirt and pulled a silver charm on a leather cord out into view. I had never seen it before, but I thought I knew what it must be.

"Olympias' rune? The one you gave her... or will give her?"

He nodded. "Yes, lad, the same. I can feel her presence, her spirit, if you will, locked inside it. Her body did not make the transition, however. Perhaps the journey back through time is something only I can accomplish, courtesy of the ring. But, it is my hope that, when my last day as ringwielder has come, and time begins to run forward for me again, that she will again be restored to her body, and that I will have given her the destiny she hoped for... the death of one purpose, and the birth of another."

I could think of nothing else to ask. If he was right, the journals that traveled with him no matter where he went were like sands in an hourglass, ticking backward through time... until, inevitably, he would reach the final page in the final book, marking the end of his march through time. And, at that point, all certainty in his life would stop, and perhaps only God could or would know what would happen to him then.

Merlin cleared his throat, bringing me back from my melancholy reverie. "My lad, it has been wonderful talking to you about all this, but I fear that soon, this quaint kitchen of mine will dissolve, and along with it my chance to teach you what you need to know.

"In the main, know that the ring can and will translate your very thoughts into action. It is not quite the wish-to-make-it-so powers of witchcraft as shown on television, but it is not far from it. You will have to picture what you want, and then feed that image to the ring, and let it accomplish what you wish.

"You may effect anything with this power: human, inhuman, living, non-living, it doesn't matter, as long as you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want to happen. However, the ring has limits, and you will be wise to abide them. It can aid you to learn, but it cannot make you smarter. It can aid you to conquer, but it cannot change the will of those you have not met or cannot see. It cannot create things that have never existed, or invent such things based on your whim. You cannot change what has happened in the past, nor can you see what will happen in the future.

"And, most important, the more you use the power, the less you will have, for the power is not infinite. As Alexander found, the ring's power will go so far and no farther, and, once it has extended itself to its maximum, it will not be moved another inch, even if you are in deadly peril.

"So you must use the power wisely, if at all, remembering that the more things you alter, the more energy you use to make things remain as you wish, the less you will have in the future.

"It is my hope that you will move quietly through the pages of history and use only the power that you need, and no more. In that way, you may accomplish more than all the conquerors that have ever roamed the Earth.

He stood from his seat and walked around the table to my side, fingering the little silver rune with one finger. Quietly, he added, "And remember one last thing, lad. No matter how much it hurts, a love that runs one way is not a true love. Remember that sometimes, you must let go... for your own sake, as well as theirs."

I tried to move then, to reach forward to offer my hand to him, but found I could not move it from where it sat on the table.

Merlin smiled down at me from where he stood. "And so, it begins! Back to your own body, to your own time, to your own destiny! It would be my hope, Daniel, that one day, when you have learned the extent of your powers, that you should look for me again on this plane. I would have another cup of tea with you, for you have a ready ear and a good heart." He placed his hand over his heart, as if offering me a blessing. But both his body and his voice were quickly fading, receding from me as if down a long tunnel.

"Godspeed, Daniel. Choose your destiny well!"

And then everything was black again... until the moment I opened my eyes inside my apartment, lying on my back on the floor. I didn't feel any different, really... no better or worse for wear. Then again, I felt as if a dark cloud that I had been carrying on my shoulders had been lifted, as if I could focus again on something other than Sara and how much I missed her. As I got to my feet, I couldn't help looking at the back of my left leg, just to confirm what I already knew.

The red tattoo was there on my calf, the same as it had been on Merlin.

I was the ringwielder. Its power was mine to use as I saw fit.

The next monthly meeting was 10 days away.

The only sounds in the dungeon were the hissing curses issuing from Ornias' ghostly form imprisoned by the ring. I paid no attention to it, knowing it would not answer any questions from me until it had run out of outrageous insults to hurl at me.

Instead of waiting, I walked over to where Ramon - if that really was his name - was lying like a load of discarded laundry. The mind that remind inside Ramon's body without the demon controlling it had been submerged and brutalized for so long, it might take days to reassert itself. What mainly remained was an empty, quivering mass of disconnected memories and disjointed impressions, with no will or personality to give them meaning or focus. I left him lying there, knowing that Ornias had made himself a home and would likely return once I set him free again.

Then I turned to Sara.

She was still hanging by her wrists from the ceiling, still floating in her subspace haze. She didn't react when I wrapped my arms around her waist, lifted her from ceiling hook, and gently laid her upon the ground. I let her head rest in my lap, removing her blindfold as I did so. Her eyes were closed, fluttering, as she rode the waves of her overloaded nervous system; occasionally she would tremble briefly, then be still, as if she was trying to surface from her deep immersion but could not yet break the surface. I simply let her stay down, content to be close enough again to run my fingers through her hair and remember all the times she had enjoyed that loving, tender stroking. Even now, she seemed to push her head up under my hand, trying to keep my fingers in contact with her hair. A soft sigh escaped her lips each time my fingertips brushed over her scalp or gently grazed the top of her earlobe.

As I stroked her head, I let my gaze travel down her face, down to her upper chest, where the only piece of jewelry she wore lay face down against her skin. I had seen it dangling between her breasts as Ramon struck her with the single tail, and it had been the last confirmation I needed that I had indeed put the pieces of my mental jigsaw puzzle together correctly. I reached out with my left hand and turned it over.

It was the "Poerdh", the Celtic rune that had been given by Merlin to Olympias, that Merlin had showed me during our brief meeting in non-linear space/time. The moment I had seen it, I knew. She had said it to Merlin on that day at the end of the Earth:

... whenever I gave up the ring, that gave Ornias power over me. Once it rested securely on the finger of another, my body would fade, and I would find myself in someone else's body, at the cruel command of some man who Ornias had taken possession of. And he would use me again and again, day and night, until the destiny of the ring wielder had been fulfilled, and the ring came back to me again...

She was in Sara's body, riding along at the whim of Ornias, who still cursed me from its perch above the ring, which had landed about five feet from where I held Sara. I held the rune between my fingers, feeling the traces of Merlin's power, and the echoes of Olympias' presence.

I needed to talk to her... to Olympias. I needed to know why she had picked me, what was happening to Sara, what I could do to break her free of the hold of the demon. But I could only think of one way I could do it... and I didn't know how!

Still, I remembered what Merlin had told me. I had to picture what I wanted I my mind, and let the ring do the rest. Concentrate on a room... my living room, maybe. Yes, a familiar place. Sitting in my chair, next to the fireplace. Across from me is a woman. Not just any woman, a regal woman of stature, not overly beautiful, but in every way the essence of a queen. Wearing a simple cord with a silver charm around her neck. Concentrate. Think myself to that place.

As what I thought of as real faded from my senses, I could hear one thing clearly for just a moment before it drifted away.

The sound of Ornias hissing "NOOOOOOO!" at the top of its voice.

When I opened my eyes, I was exactly where I had pictured myself... in the living room of my apartment, in my chair by the fireplace. Flames crackled on burning logs, though I doubt I would have lit a fire in the middle of August. Still, it added another point of reference that seemed to solidify the illusion surrounding me.

She was sitting across from me, smiling.

"Olympias?" She nodded, confirming my question.

Same as Summoning
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Hi, my name is Hugh Grant Kingston III. I'm 18. My life sucks . . . sucked and it wasn't only because of my name. I was ridiculed by students at my all-football school. If you didn't play football, you were a loser. I was obsessed with BMX Biking. I was awesome at the sport. And one day at a competition, my life changed. I was tearing up the half-pipe with superman seatgrabs and 720 inverts. I finally finished my run with an average score of 98.8. Which is very good. I was approached by Mat...

1 year ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chapter 4

Leila was at a neighborhood park on a Friday afternoon. She had called in a personal day to avoid work, and made arrangements with an old friend to meet at the park with their kids. Leila sat across a picnic table from Delia. They chatted and watched the little ones scramble all over the playground equipment. Delia was admiring Leila’s two-year-old, Lisa, who was playing with her own daughter who was one year older. Jonathan, Leila’s four-year-old, had made a friend with a boy his age. Leila...

Wife Lovers
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On Duty

On Call by EmileCopyright 2008.  This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.  You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults.---He felt her hand wrap around his pulsing dick, making it strain against her fingers. "Not now baby" he whispered, but his cock responded 'Yes'.  "Please Pedro you've been gone so long, and in a few days I'll be unclean..."  His cock was spitting precum now, soaking a growing wet patch...

2 years ago
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Padosi Khusbu Ko 7 Din Me Patakar Choda

Hi dosto, mera name Mohit hai, aour mai gorakhpur ka rahne wala hu. Mera age 27 year hai height 5.11” hai aour 6.5” lund. Mai bahut sidha sada ladka hu but ab tak kafi experience le chukka hu. Waise mai bhabhi ya aunty me kafi interested hu. Gorakhpur ya aas pas ke bhabhi, aunty, ya any girls who want do sex with me ya sex chat with me please mail me “ ” ye mera pahli sachhi ghatna hai. Ab sidhe chudai story par ata hu. Ye kahani February 2016 ki hai, mere pados me rahne wali khusbu ki hai. Wo...

3 years ago
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Perverted Ghost

You are a ghost. A male ghost and is rather perverted. Unlike other ghosts that like to haunt people, you don't care about that shit. You only want to do what you've fantasized long ago. You want to possess a female body. Being male is cool and all, but it seems like females always have it easy. That's why you want to try out being a girl once in a while. And maybe you can find a new life along the way? First of all... Who are you?

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 80

At work on Monday, Barbara caught Laura alone in the bathroom. "Mmmm, I see you got a new hot little piece working in your group," she smiled knowingly. "You get your tongue into that one yet?" Laura acted offended. "I don't pursue every new girl who comes along," she said, frostily. "Like hell you don't," Barbara said. "When they look like that one, your little white pussy gets all gushy-mushy inside. I know. Rhonda's just itching to get her into bed. Even asked me what I knew...

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Earths CoreChapter 13 Assistance

Between gloomy sky and dreary, gray earth, a closed eyes bald old man stroked his long white beard while sitting on a throne of light attribute energy. Archbishop Silternja spread his Sublime Soul Sense across the eastern coastline of the Eastern Continent. As a fifth level Martial Mortal he could cover a radius of four hundred kilometers to every direction, and when narrowing the shape of his Sublime Soul Sense to an oval and thinner, its length could go as far as one thousand...

2 years ago
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Stunning Aunty In The Subway

Hi this is sidhoo, I am originally indian living in usa when I was kid. I love western life specially the freedom .And girls here know how to satisfy a man .My dick is 7 inches thick and healthy that can satisfy any thirsty young or old pussy, sometime I love being a wild in the bed but I always go by my partner how she like to be fucked .Because it is better to talk about it I think you enjoy more if you talk about it before. This is my first story I hope you guys would like it.Ok come to the...

2 years ago
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Meri GIGOLO banke pehli chudai

mera naam RAJIV hai………..mein LUCKNOW ka rehne wala hun.mein 20 saal ka hun is samay paise ki tangi ki wajah se ek GIGOLO/CALLBOY ka kaam shurur kiya tha jab mein 19 saal ka tha.aap soch rahe honge 19 saal mein kaise………kyunki usse pehle mein kai baar chumma-chaati,chsna,chatnajaise kaam kai ladkiayon ke saath kar chuka tha. aur ye aisa kaam tha jismein paise ke saath saath aish bhi thi. to mera GIGOLO bakne pehle encounter ek aunty ke saath tha,wo shaadi-shuda thi……paati tha lekin satisfy nahi...

3 years ago
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Senior Akka Sadhanas Sexy Ass 8211 Part 6

Hi friends, here is the continuation of the previous part. Thanks for your support. Thanks for your awesome reply friends. That too from many girls. Kindly check my previous post for intro. Going to the story. After our terrace fuck, we went down to her flat. I ordered food, she went straight into the bedroom and switched ac on. I followed and pushed her inside the bathroom. I was about to undress. She pulled me inside and turned the shower. In no time, we both were drenched. We both were...

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I was 15 years old and I slept over my friendrsqu

visit on website to see more top rated stories like theseI was 15 years old and I slept over my friend’s house over the weekend. Early the next morning my friend Richie and his father went to get their car repaired and I stayed in bed. My friend’s mother knocked on the bedroom door and asked if I wanted breakfast or if I wanted to wait for Richie to get home. I said I would wait and she said ok, how about you take a shower and get ready. They should be home in an hour. I said...

2 years ago
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The charmed Ones

The three Halliwell sisters, Phoebe, Piper, and Paige, were witches. They used their powers for good fighting against the forces of evil. Their strength was known as the power of three. It was connected with all three sisters. However, they also had a spellbook known as the Book of Shadows. It contained spells they used to defeat many enemies. They kept the book in their attic to protect it from the evil forces who wanted to use it for their own nefarious means. It was a Tuesday morning in...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 7 Hot Spell

Monday was hot. Even in the morning I could feel the heat. It would be in the high nineties today, maybe even hit three digits. The clouds were gone, and I could feel the sunlight almost like physical pressure. It reminded me of the summers in Kazallu. Back there, when the air heated up, so did the tempers. There were more fights, and more injuries and deaths. People talked of the evil spirits of summer. We sorcerers knew that the spirits didn't care about the heat; it was men's nature that...

2 years ago
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Fun With Neighbour In Chandigarh

Hello everyone my name is raj(name changed) i live in chandigarh so chandigarh ki ladkia mujhe contact kar sakti ha on my email id meri age 20 ha or ma gym karta hun to meri body ki shape bhi achi ha mera lund 7 inch ka ha jo ladkio ko satisfy kar sakta ha. Zada time na waste karte hue ma apni story pe ata hun. Yeh bat 3 month pehle ki ha jab ma coaching ke lia parai kar raha tha tab chandigarh me mere ghar ke samne ek ladki rehti thi voh merese shayad 1 sal hi choti thi but kia ladki thi ma...

3 years ago
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Fun with a friend

Standing in the doorway of the dimly lit room, Lisa's blue eyes scan every table in the restaurant looking for him. They have been good friends for a long time so why did she have these butterflies flying around in her tummy just because she was meeting Greg for lunch; today of all days? It was probably for the same reason that she took extra care with her make up and clothes; today of all days! There has always been a sexual attraction between the two friends and each time they got together,...

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More fun with Heather

After we first got together Heather and I quickly became a couple. I was delighted to discover that she was pretty insatiable. She loved to fuck. She explained that she had married her husband right out of High School and had never been with anyone else. Her husband was a 30 second wonder most of the time and her whole 4 year marriage had hadn't brought her off once. Which I though was pretty damn pathetic. I have always made my goal to bring a woman to orgasm or else I do not cum. It is a...

2 years ago
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50 Ways Her Parents Helped Me Do It

It was a Friday night poker game, held, this time, at Jason Billing’s office in the ‘Billings Waste & Disposal’ building. The Mayor was there, as well as one of the County Commissioner’s, as well as a few good ol’ boys who rotated in and out of the game, drinking coffee and kibitzing. They had all known each other forever. It was always a friendly game; no one got in too deep and the stakes were kept low. They knew that the police wouldn’t be busting this illegal gambling game. The fifth...

1 year ago
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Tribal Calls

Tribal Calls“Honey, can you hear me?“ Michelle’s voice sounded out of Bastian’s laptop.“Yeah, darling, I can hear you perfectly,” Bastian answered, waving back at his young wife on the screen before him.“We’ve finally arrived in the village, and everything is set for the wedding the day after tomorrow. Two weeks are over, only two more to go until you’ve got me back in good old Germany!”Bastian smiled at her and once again he became painfully aware that Michelle had been gone for 14 days...

4 years ago
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After office hours

This is an incident in which I was a participant. I have changed the names as she still works with us and we have great fun once in a while. I hope she doesn't read this! Those of you who are familiar with India and it's style of dressing will know what a 'saree' is - as for the others, go look it up in the dictionary! It took only a moment for the pill to react. As Reema sipped her Coke, she felt her world beginning to spin around her, gathering momentum, till the can slipped out of her hands...

3 years ago
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LAQUIFA bungled butt plug

As I marveled at the CyberSkin horse cock and the gargantuan butt plugs that were hanging on the walls, I came across a latex ass. The strange sex toy was reportedly shaped and molded after the buttocks of a well known porn star. Next to this forged ass were shelved all sorts of vibrating mouths, rubber vaginas, and enough fabricated penises to fill every nook and cranny of a seventh grade girls’ locker room. I was quite amazed at the size of many of the dildos, some of them being greater...

2 years ago
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Shooting Blanks Plentyofcupid

I sat on the toilet, trying to get his cum out of me. How could I let this happen? I was going to get pregnant! A couple of months previous... I finished my profile on PlentyOfCupid and reviewed it: Female, 35 years old, of average build, brunette, no kids, doesn't smoke, looking for a short- or long-term relationship with a 30-40 year old male. Hobbies: camping, card games, movies. God, I hated trying to sum myself up with a page of words. It was like writing up a resume to apply...

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Helen has a bad week

Helen White sat at her desk in the empty classroom mildly irritated with herself for not grading the papers in front of her earlier in the week. Here she sat on a Friday evening, the only one left in the school, trying to get them graded so her weekend would be free for the trip to her parents she had planned. It was already after eight o’clock and she probably had another hour of work to do. As she finished grading Ian’s paper she thought she heard a noise in the hallway. Remembering she was...

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Bhabhi Ko Kese Pata Ke Choda

Hi friends mera name Raj he me Ahmadabad ka rahne wala hu and me 3rd year me study krta hu meri age 20 years he muje to nahi pata but ladkiya bolti he ke me bhot handsome hu nd me jab chodta hu to ladkiyo ko jannat ki sher kara deta hu or 1 ya 2 gante tak ladki ko 6odta nahi hu. Jab tak usko pura satisfaction nahi milta bus chode hi jata hu aaj tak jitni bhi girls ya bhabhi ya aunty ko mene kiya he vo aaj bhi muje yad kiya krte he. My penis size is 8 inch 3 inch mota he or ya ye meri 1st...

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Chithi Ponnu Katrina

Hi I am Karthi from Madurai Tamil nadu. My mail id is ()Katrina is hot. She is 5ft 10 and built like a supermodel. Her body is well proportioned and she swims regularly and does yoga daily. Because of this, though she is tall, she is well maintained, with a flat stomach and developed breasts. Her perky nipples sit proudly on her C cup breasts. Her 36 chest tapers to a narrow 32 waist, she is proud of her hips, 34inches and a nice firm round but, that she pays lots of attention to. Regular...

1 year ago
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Looking Out For Anna

Looking Out For AnnaIn appreciation for the many dinners Anna and her husband Allan had given Jim, a single male friend, he offered to take them out for a special dinner, drinks, dancing. Anna was overjoyed at the chance to go out for a change, and really dressed to the nines, wearing her best slinky black dress, long black lace stockings, high heels, and her special expensive uplift bra that showed off her full breasts and cleavage to the max.The couple and their friend enjoyed a good meal,...

4 years ago
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The HealerChapter 3

For Jane, the next hour was a living hell, There was her 19 year old daughter, what was she doing home from school? She wasn't supposed to see, be here, now ... She started to pull away from Paul. "Stop, everybody stay in place!" Jane had never heard that command tone before, she froze and looked as she realized her daughter was locked in place by the same command! Paul was starting to get that weird stomach and mind sensation. His first thought was of that airport experience ... oh no...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Candice Dare Blonde8217s Sodomy And Enema Date

Gorgeous, all-natural blonde Candice Dare is in dire need of an intense anal pounding, and well-hung director Mike Adriano is happy to oblige! Candice peels off her skin-tight, booty-packed jeans to pose and spread for a rectal tongue-fuck from her freaky stud. Her nipples swell when Mike worships her anus, and she thanks him with a slobbery, throat-cramming blow job. Candice rides cock anally, deep-throats dick ass-to-mouth and expels enema fluid from her fully fucked sphincter. She guzzles...

2 years ago
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Margos Neighbor

“Seems like you’ve got this down,” I said. I unclicked my pen and started putting away my things. “Your parents getting home soon?” “Umm, lemme check.” She took out her phone. “If not,” I said, “maybe we can talk about what we talked about before.” She smiled as she constructed her text. Like Margo, Julia had a sarcastic undertone to her demeanor. She was hilarious, but she rarely let you see it on her face. She had bright green eyes, but they were masked by heavy eyelids. A minute of fervent...

4 years ago
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Trick or TreatChapter 2

Tyrese is to arrive shortly. The Student's Committee members are to pack and store the equipment. Every time my eyes close Tyrese is with me. My woody is ready for her to walk through the door. There is a commotion in the driveway. They have arrived. I can hear Tyrese's voice. Watching her through the window, my stomach feels squeamish. Tyrese is wearing body molding jeans and a T-shirt. She looks ravishing. 'Hurry up and get done' is a thought running through my mind. I am hard in...

1 year ago
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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm

Rather than spend the weekend in your dorm room with your moronic roommate, you decide to visit your good friend Ellen at her college. You've known her since junior high school, and she's been one of the primary objects of your masturbatory fantasies ever since. Ellen is about 5'6", with short, shoulder length blonde hair the color of corn silk. Her skin is a creamy pink, free of any blemish. She has piercing blue eyes and a dazzling smile of perfect white teeth. And she is built! With a large...

3 years ago
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Hours of Sex at House Party

We had been smoking green quite a bit throughout the night, it came to around 12 when I had ended up in the garage alone with him, to me he was beautiful, 6ft with medium length brown hair. We sat there together and discussed the night whilst passing the joint, when we fell quiet and he asked me ‘Would it be okay if I kissed you?’ I accepted gladly, I had been attracted to him all night and had wanted nothing more than his attention, after the joint went out we rejoined the party together...

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ALMOST A FANTASYThis is a real story. Well almost. It’s 80% true, 20% fantasy. You figure out which is which. It was during a summer. My husband was away at work and our black neighbor was helping me with one thing or another, and my own salaciousness was taking the best of me. This being a hot summer day, he was shirtless and wearing thin sports slacks. His abs were fabulous. I had on pair of tiny white cotton athletic shorts that were a size to small fitting my ass tightly. My inner labia...

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It All Started With A Question Chapter 8

We last saw Jillian being treated like a baby let's find out what's going on I woke up hearing someone calling my name. It was Rose, and she was saying, "Come on Jilly it's time to get up." As my eye came into focus I felt nanny Rose taking the headset off my head. After she put them to the side Rose lowered the railing and leaned in over the crib. She was placing her hand under the edge of my plastic panties & into the diaper. I heard her say, "Well someone has a wet diaper...

1 year ago
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A Bachelor of Laws

“Something wrong little man?” Ashley asks in a mocking voice. “Getting a bit nervous? Chilly?” “Just show your hand,” you sneer. You would give anything to wipe that arrogant smirk off her face. “Damn,” you think to yourself, “how can anyone so annoying be so smoking hot.” As one of your Marine friends use to say, “the pretty ones are always the evil ones.” It is inconceivable that this spoiled, pretentious, tree-hugging, air-head, feminist, might actually beat you in poker! The cards don’t...

4 years ago
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Tracy My Sister in Law Introduces me to BDSM

“So, something new”. “For you maybe. I’ve been a naughty girl. Been with a couple other guys who introduced me. Don’t worry, I won’t be gentle”. We went down to the basement. Tracy threw open the door. “Prepare to suffer in ecstasy”, she said, with an evil smile. I’d never seen anything like it. The first thing that caught my eye was a giant wooden X cross with chains. A stainless steel table with restraints. On the wall, whips and chains, ball gags. A stock for head and...

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Morning surprise

About a year ago I met a woman via the chat function of one of those mobile games. We started chatting about the game we played and told each other more and more about ourselves. As dull as the game was, we kept coming back, only to chat with eachother.Our chats slowely evolved from casual chit-chat into more serious conversations about our family life (both married with c***dren), about the ups and downs and what we were missing, which in turn turned into some very explicit conversations. At...

3 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 36 Shooting Star

The scene at Smith Park, when we pulled in around noon, was rather astonishing. The light scaffolds loomed over the stage, and for a long moment I stood by the car door in complete shock. We’re going to be playing on that... ! “Are you coming, lad?” Tommy asked, having already seized his guitar and equipment bag from the trunk. I snapped out of it and went to grab my own things. “Yeah. It’s just that ... it looks pretty damn neat, man.” He grinned. “I’m sure it does. Now let’s go set...

1 year ago
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Marathon Sex Sessions

I rented an apartment in one of the small towns near the university, under an assumed name, and placed an ad in a local gay publication for uninhabited sex. I was taken aback by the large number of replies that it manufactured. You would think that in a small town not many guys would be looking for sex with another guy. I went through all the request and chose those that were not near any of the other applicants nor close to the same age. Some white, Black, Mixed Race, and other. Some that was...

2 years ago
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The Wedding PlannerChapter 6

As Jake's tongue slid into her pussy she lay there looking up at the ceiling and thinking of the last forty-eight hours. Saturday she had been wined and dined and then taken to a luxury condo on Steven's Lake and thoroughly fucked by Harvey (Dan's friend) and then on Sunday she had hung on Harvey's arm as he visited the Museum of Modern Art and then the Museum of Natural History. On the way back to his condo Harv had had the limo driver put up the partition and then he had taken her on...

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Sex With Bed Students 8211 Part 2 Bhabhi Aur Choti Ke Saath Threesome

Hello friends, aaj main apko apne ist incident ki age ki baat batane ja raha hoon. As told earlier bhabhi to raat ko mere saath sex karte aur mast hote choti ne deka tha aur voh bhi yeh mazaaa lena chahti thi . To usne bhabhi to kha ki apne jo maza vicky ke sath liya vaise hi mujhe bhi karna hai to bhabhi mere paas aayi aur sab bataya to maine bhahi to poocha aapko mazza aaya raat ko ? She said yessss. Phir kya tha maine unhe kaha ki choti se main baat karoonga for threesome aap time le kar...

3 years ago
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My name is Rick, and this is my story. I hope you like it, and if so please tell me as this is merely the first installment. I am a 15 year old school student, and I live with my mom, Tanya, who is a hot, sexy 34 year old (let’s face it, stories like this do not have the same effect if they feature fat, ugly, bush pigs do they!) The third player in this story is my 13 year old sister Rebecca, who will not make her entrance until chapter 3 or so.My Dad is no longer around, since mom came home...

1 year ago
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Mind Games

Authors Note: New story series, hopefully itll be better than my last series that kinda stalled. A little about me before the story starts, my name is David, Im 16, 5 foot 6 inch, with jet black hair, hazel eyes, and thin build but not lanky, I do have some muscle definition, a feel-able 6-pack and strong for my size. I found out about my ability, or power or what ever you want to call it when I was 10. At first it was just being able to read minds, which overwhelmed me at first but I learned...

3 years ago
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Housewife Trapped

Hello to all readers…this is my first story on net so forgive me if any spelling mistakes are there.. this is really true will feel the reality in this story.. this story is about a housewife seduced and trapped by me and my friend Rohit helped me in doing this. My name is Sazy , im 25 year old doing job.this incident is about 4 years back. Rohit is one of my best online friend i had,we chatted for around 3 months before trying this.Rohit likes to chat about his wife Sunita.According...

1 year ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 36

Tess had real dread, about telling Mama and Daddy about the magazine, and the pictures. Especially Dad, though. I suggested she just tell Mom, and let her pass the news on to Tess' father in whatever way Mom saw fit. Tess, as cowardly as the next person, thought that was a splendid suggestion, and, with only minimum foot-dragging, headed for the house. "What about my brother?" she asked. "How shall I tell him?" "No need," I told her. "He's the one who told me. He got the news first...

4 years ago
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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 3 Males in Government Classification 1

William Johnson or Bill was a first term Senator in the Emmeline Watson’s first term as President. Since the reelection of President Watson and the further erosion of male rights, Bill was forcibly removed from his position of power within the New America Government. As with all males, he felt and seemed powerless to stop the passage of the laws that took his rights and his elected position. He knew under the new classification system for males, he had to either conform to retain the highest...

1 year ago
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 16 Monday Afternoon 126PM

They parted, each to her own vehicle. Alaina shoved her wallet into her school bag. If I’d known I was going shopping, I would’ve brought my hoodie so I had a pocket. Or at least a smaller bag. I hate having to bring this giant thing in with me. The mildly-annoyed girl saw a light blinking on her phone. Probably just Ay. She checked her messages. Handsome Asshole: Hey, everything okay? Handsome Asshole: You need help? Handsome Asshole: Alaina? Ay: ur bf is soo cute when hes worried abt u...

1 year ago
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Wifes Plan Creampie SnowBall Cocksucker

My wife and I were getting hot and horny and tired of the same old routine, so we devised a plan to have a fun night out. We went out with two other couples who we know well, and have actually had a three way with one of the females, and her husband didn't know about it. We went to a concert at a large pavilion, a band we have all seen together before, so it was business as usual. The only difference is this night, my wife, while getting dressed tells me this will be a night we will never...

3 years ago
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My trip to Austin Texas Part II

It was never my intention to take unfair advantage of a young college coed, but I couldn’t help but fantasize what might lie underneath Chris’ seemingly tough exterior. She had just wrecked her sports car, and I felt bad, because I was playing a cat and mouse game with her, going down the interstate towards Austin from Dallas. I’d follow her for a while and then she would follow me, at break-neck speeds between ninety five and one hundred mph. Miraculously, she escaped injury as she spun out...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Tuition Friend And Me On A Cold Day

This is not one of the quick wank off and get on stories, please proceed accordingly. Your views and comments are welcome on and I’d be waiting to hear them. The people in the story are of legal age and everything happened with mutual consent. I live in Chandigarh and this story is based in my city itself. After my +2 exams and before college’s admissions, I took various crash courses for the sake of AIEEE, I knew i never was IIT material and didn’t want to waste my time and resources so I...

4 years ago
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A Fling Before the Ring

Den should have checked before she opened her hotel room door; looked through the spy hole in the door; left the security chain on, if nothing else, but she assumed it was one of the girls from the hen party. Den just grabbed her white silk dressing gown and held it against her naked body as she opened the door. She got quite a shock when a tall dark-skinned man walked past her with a tray containing two glasses and a bottle of champagne. “What the ................?” she shouted. He just...


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