An Ordinary BetrayalChapter 2 free porn video

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John closed his eyes. It didn't matter. This snapshot would be in Sasha and Peter's brain for the rest of their lives. If there was anything to say to them, it would have to come later.

He didn't want to look at Elaine. The only thing he had for her was anger and all she had were trite words. If he could get past his feelings and ... the matter-of-factness of her infidelity what was left?

The door slammed behind him without a sound. The clicker on his chain didn't beep, but the car door opened up and the interior lights came on anyway. He turned the key in the switch. As always, the idiot light on the dash warned to check oil. Vibration passed through the steering wheel to his fingers.

No, not, John, not perfect John and perfect Elaine.

How could Elaine have done it and done it so casually that -- except for a condom wrapper -- it hadn't left a ripple in her composure? How could she not have looked at it as a throw of the dice wagering a romp on the couch cushions against their future?

At work, life streamed by avoiding him. Lemmings came to his office and quickly left. He said yes or no, handing them pamphlets and referring them to sections of company policy hoping that one of them dealt with whatever they might be complaining about. Twice department heads entered his office. He nodded, said "yes" and "right away" and looked thoughtful when appropriate. He must have guessed wrong a few times. One department head stomped out while the other stared at John as if he was a lunatic.

After five he closed his door.

He'd almost hit Elaine. In front of his kids he'd almost pounded his fist into her face. They just loved to hear about this kind of thing in custody hearings.

He wouldn't go home until he had gotten a polygraph and a trained operator to grill his wife. Elaine had said it ended two weeks ago, but she never mentioned when or how it started. No, she did, she said they started out using fingers.

In his mind he pictured Elaine and her lover kissing, the man's hands burrowed under her skirt, while she ran her fingers through his hair and he vigorously jerked his cock.

All sorts of feelings clawed through his brain. Impotence turned to anger and anger to sadness in an endless biblical begatting.

The story of horny teenagers prompting the handjob had to have been a lie. The inspiration had been her first encounter with HE WHO. It was so stupid. She probably had done it as a way of saying I'm sorry. It had been so dumb from the beginning. He had seen it in her, even when she was supposed to be sad, that tidbit of satisfaction that she had fulfilled a fantasy and for a while had gotten away with it. As smart as she was, she bought into the illusion. But Elaine the unfaithful wife wasn't the role of a criminal mastermind. That was the problem, infidelity was not like plotting a bank heist. It was getting excited over switching lipstick shades when your spouse was color blind.

A twitch in his back announced the loosening of clenched muscles. He heard the air-conditioning kick in, a muted, far away car honking and the distant but annoying car alarm.

He'd almost hit Elaine. If he had almost done that to the woman he loved, what would he have done to HE WHO? John stared at the hands that despite his sedentary job were still strong and calloused from weekend carpentry. Nine hours ago his fingers would have been around the guy's neck.

It was Monday and Elaine's turn to pick the kids up from daycare. Normally he would have made a grocery run, but those plans were scuttled when he saw that it was already 6:30. Luckily Peking Garden had his order ready and waiting and had even put in the extra duck sauce this time. He got home a half hour late clutching two greasy paper bags that dripped onto his tie. He smelled pizza as he opened the door.

"DADDY!" Sasha screamed and dashed across the room, hugging herself around his right leg.

Elaine watched them from across the room. Peter glanced up and then stared the pizza boxes on the table.

"You bought dinner?" he said, making it an accusation.

"I tried to call you. When I couldn't reach you ... It's not a problem, we'll just box it up and eat it tomorrow night."

"You've already gotten the Parmesan and the crushed red peppers out. Besides Chinese tastes just as good the next day." The words sounded normal in his head, but his voice was flat.

John looked down at his daughter and he felt the father in him break free of indifference. He stroked the top of her head awkwardly with his forearm. "Sasha, can you carry one of the bags?"

She shook her head and stayed sucked onto him. "Daddy?"


"Bet you don't know what we did in school today?"

"Wait ... let me think." Hampered by his daughter suctioned to his leg, he limped in the direction of the refrigerator. "You went on safari? Made sculptures of your little brother out of bologna?"

"No! We did finger painting."

By the time they made it the refrigerator, she let go of his leg and was proudly pointing at a pink piece of cardboard on which a three-legged something with a horn stood among dark green streaks. Sasha went on to tell him just what her unicorn ate and liked to be called. She paused occasionally to take a bite of pizza, but held his hand even then so he wouldn't think of starting a new conversation. Peter listened to everything his little sister said. When John asked if unicorns really ate peanut butter cups, Sasha let Peter confirm this with a nod. Elaine stayed quiet nibbling at a single slice that she didn't even finish.

It got awkward after the extra pizza was wrapped in foil and fitted into the freezer.

Sasha looked back and forth between her mother and father. She hugged her mom and then came back to John. Without a word, he took Sasha's hand and led her upstairs. He checked her homework as she doodled on a piece of paper. Afterward he helped her with her picture, until they had populated a vast plain with three-legged unicorns and hedgehog sized hippos and giraffes with such long necks that their heads didn't appear on the paper. Without meaning to, he felt content.

At bedtime, he watched Sasha brush her teeth and then tucked her in.

"Don't yell any more."

He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "I won't."

She wouldn't let go of his hand. The frown on her face had no part of the little girl in it anymore. Her friends had told Sasha all about separation and divorce and supervised visitation. "You're telling the truth?"

"I won't yell anymore, baby."

She nodded. "Cross your heart all the way promise. And promise to remember too?"

"No taking back. All the way. So help me God." At his words, she settled herself under the covers, but her eyes followed him as he left.

John could tell from the light under their bedroom door that Elaine was inside. She avoided his gaze as he walked into the bathroom and began packing toiletries in his travel bag.

He looked over his shoulder at her. "I'm sleeping on the love seat."

His eyes showed chilly impatience as Elaine's lips twitched.

She finally got her mouth to push out words. "We can't talk about this?"

Nothing about the short nightie she wore or the redness around her eyes moved him. "We talked about getting your parents to babysit the kids this weekend, so let's stick with that plan. You'll be okay dropping them off by yourself."

Elaine clutched her hands about herself almost as if she were giving herself a hug.

Tuesday morning John was up and out of the house before Elaine woke. It was going to be a hard slog at work and he suspected there would be a line outside his door of people waiting their turn to yell at him. If he waded through yesterday's emails, he could head off some of the reprimands. Of course beyond any of the day-to-day management, he needed to give he-said and she-said their second official reprimand and he'd promised to do research on adult care facilities for Janet in tech support.

The day went as horribly as he thought it would. The only thing that kept him from staying late was that it was his turn to pick up the kids from daycare.

Sasha was a chatterbox. She hugged John frequently and without warning. Peter looked sullen and didn't nod when prompted for agreement by his sister.

Elaine was already home and busy in the kitchen preparing paella along with a side dish of asparagus in a garlic, soy, and sesame oil marinade. It was her "impress the guests" meal and it took a couple hours prep time. It also happened to be Peter's favorite. He had no doubt that there was gelato in the freezer.

He distracted himself by helping Sasha get started on her homework and then went outside. He tossed a football and Peter fetched it back. But John couldn't keep himself insulated from the anger that had been breaking through the ice since he saw Elaine cooking in the kitchen.

By the time he sat down at the table he was seething. Elaine moved around the table setting bowls in front of them as a first course and this departure from the make hubby happy menu distracted him. In the bowl was a blackened tuna caesar salad so good that Peter gave up his no unbattered fish stance and ate it. John could manage only three bites before putting his fork down.

The paella and asparagus were more delicious than usual. John had missed breakfast while lunch had been a diet soda and an eighty-five-cent bag of over salted pretzels. Despite this, he ate the meal with a regular gnashing of teeth imagining he was chewing sand.

After tucking Sasha in, he passed by the master bedroom and heard Elaine crying through the closed door.

Wednesday went along to the new quiet routine. At work he finally handed he-said and she-said their second reprimands and got a rough draft of his vacation property proposal ready for corporate. He made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Just as he was clearing the plates, the phone rang and picked up. Her face grew stony as she listened to the speaker on the other end of the phone go on for a while. She whispered something and then her eyes squinched and she rasped, "No. Don't do it." She glanced nervously in John's direction. "I'll have your number blocked." Her face grew twitchier as she listened until she slammed the receiver into its cradle.

Elaine looked up, but John was already taking Sasha and Peter upstairs.

"It's not who you think," Elaine said when he finished up with the tuck ins.

His stare gave nothing away.

"It wasn't him."

John nodded and moved past her.

Thursday he got up as normal and he and Elaine got through their morning pre-Peter and Sasha coffee in a halting conversation about the weather and the direction local home prices.

At work he was on the phone half the morning. In a couple cases he played contrite yes man agreeing with department heads and going through another round of apologies for dropping the ball on Monday. Just before lunch his phone rang and he picked it up without looking at the extension.


"What?" A familiar sounding voice asked.

"Human Resources, how can I help you?"

"John, this is Stan. I wonder if you had a moment to talk?"

John took a deep breath and grabbed his stress ball. "Maybe ten minutes at most. I'm at work. If you're going to talk about what I expect you will ... it would be better if you didn't. I don't like the fact that you know about this and God knows what version of the truth you got."

"I understand."

John crushed the stress ball. "No, Stan, you really don't."

His father-in-law cleared his throat to cover the silence. "You're right about that, but no matter what happened, my little girl loves you."

John switched the speaker phone function and began squeezing the stress ball with his other hand.

"You still there?"

He considered pressing the disconnect button, but resisted. "Yes."

"I don't mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but the idea of letting this destroy all of your happiness..."

John squeezed the stress ball with both hands. "It's easy to say that from where you stand."

Stan interrupted. "I never played the gruff father-in-law because from the first time my daughter talked about you, I knew that it didn't matter what I said. When she brought you over the first time, deliriously happy, like our over mature Elaine was suddenly a five-year-old, full of joy and curiosity and trying to get her mommy and daddy to see this precious thing that she has just discovered. John, you've made her so happy, given her two wonderful children..."

John drummed his finger on the table. "From the delicate way you've been creeping around the corners, it's obvious you know what Elaine was doing."

His father-in-law's voice fluttered. "Some."

"I've got to get back to work."

There was a snort on the speaker and the sound of rustling fabric. "She's always crying." Stan choked on the last word and he took a deep steadying breath. "She calls her mother four times a day and all I hear from Rachel is, 'He loves you, Ellie. It will work out. You have to be strong for the children.' Time after time. John, no matter how terrible the thing she did was, you have to find forgiveness. Ellie needs you and you need her."

John wanted to feel sorry for his father-in-law, but he didn't have room for it. "I have to leave for a meeting now."

"Elaine will do anything for you. If it doesn't seem that way..."

John held the phone away from his ear for five seconds. " ... what do you think will happen to Sasha and Peter? It will be a tug of war with them in the middle..."

"Stan. Enough!" He slammed the phone into the cradle three times before letting it settle. Looking up, he noticed a suit rapidly retreating from his office door. God damn it, now he was going to have to organize an anger management seminar for himself.

Most of the day he sorted resumes and set up interviews. He had to wait until Tuesday to fire he said and she said. Why couldn't today be a nice big round of firings? Today, he had fantasies of hiding behind the door and once the firee stepped in his office, he would spring out in front of them and holler, "You're fired."

He found a stopping place in his work at five, but didn't get out of his chair. He picked up the phone and punched in his home number.

"Elaine, I'm playing catch-up here at the office. Why don't you and the kids eat the Chinese food? It'll be late when I get back, so you might as well tuck Sasha in. Bye."

He was amazed how easily the lie had come to him. If he had thought about it, he would be tongue tied and taking long pauses that would have given away. But the rest of his mind had been quiet and a hidden part, the department of lies, grabbed hold of his tongue and bullshit flowed.

Maybe that was how it was with Elaine. There was no doubt she was smarter than he was, so how much bigger would be her department of lies?

Why had he set up the melodrama of the big talk this weekend? Maybe it was because his department of lying was still in charge, but he could see how the talk would go. When push came to shove, Elaine was a survivor and she would do what was needed to get past this. It was self preservation and, no matter how remorseful Elaine was, her over riding concern was not to let this event destroy her marriage and turn the kids into timeshares.

She would tell him they'd had two to four encounters and she had felt guilty from the first, but couldn't stop herself. Her lover's dick would be about the same size as his, probably slightly smaller, or, if she were really selling it, she'd say it was a bit longer but not as thick.

If he'd cheated, he'd have the same story, except that the questions about cock size would be replaced by if the other woman was prettier and maybe if she had bigger breasts. Oh and Elaine would ask if he loved the other woman. It was strange that he never thought to ask her that.

Was it that if a wife cheated, she couldn't love him? If a man cheated, the assumption was that he was greedy and looking for easy pussy? Maybe men were wiser. There was no good answer to the love question.

He stepped into Marty's office. As John expected the guy had been in such a rush to get out, he hadn't even locked the door. In his top drawer, John found a 24 pack of condoms. He didn't let himself think about why he had grabbed two condoms. In any case it was already over, there was nothing to feel guilty about. He was just going to get drunk and that was all there was to it.

The Hilton was next to the airport and most of the people staying there were either in transit or in the city for multi-day conferences. The bar was only half full, mostly with red nosed, fat, white men. There were two thin black men sharing a table in the corner but based on their dynamic, it didn't look like they were fishing in the same waters as John was. Ten or fifteen women were in the bar, most herded together.

One woman was flirting and soaking up free drinks from a trio of admirers, but the aura of the bar was boredom and sexual desperation. There were three mid-thirtyish, attractive brunettes across the way from him. He glanced at them out of the corner out of his eye. Occasionally, one looked in his direction, but they were looky-loo cattle buyers just checking over the stock. Several times they waved away drinks that were offered. They nodded polite no-thank-you's in the direction of the would-be breeding stock. They were here to make themselves feel attractive. On the last couple glances he noticed that two of the women wore wedding rings.

A human tide flowed in to grab a drink and flowed out to more exotic locations. John had sipped his way through three light beers while staring up at a Mexican league soccer game. It wasn't clear whether he was drinking light beer because it was a slower road to drunkenness or whether he was trying to make his taste buds as miserable as the rest of him.

He was getting more looks from the attractive brunettes including the one without the wedding ring. Twice when he sensed they were watching, he motioned over the bartender and asked a bullshit question while fluttering a hand in their direction. Both times they looked surprised when the bartender didn't start making a colorful drink with a parasol in it.

The brunette without the wedding ring wasn't stunningly beautiful, and her drunken giggling didn't have an off switch. But she had nice, store-bought tits and long hair that she swished about like women in hair commercials. Most would find her quite a bit prettier than Elaine. It didn't hurt that her outfit showed of bare shoulders and the occasional glimpse of frilly green bra cups.

John got a scotch and downed it. The department of lying was getting him ready while the rest of his brain mulled the same damn thoughts. No matter how much he teased, he hadn't gotten up except to pee. It was all harmless.

The unringed brunette saw he was staring at her and made a production of adjusting her bra, in the process bending over and giving him a full flash of cleavage. He adjusted his hard on to stop the painful kink as it poked into his pant zipper.

"It doesn't look like I ruined you for women after all." He recognized the woman's voice, but didn't turn around. His prick shriveled. Her presence should have shocked him, but it felt almost destined. You see a spring trap; you expect a rat.

He heard the stool beside him being pulled out and smelled that light jasmine scent that was like so many perfumes, but still Sophie. It was the perfume with which she'd doused him, not just as ego castration, but as a signal to her sorority mates that Sumptuous Sophie had tamed the beast.

It was a measure of how deep the shit was around him that he didn't care. He turned his head so that she was a blob of color in his peripheral vision. "Are you stopping by or are you sticking around? If you're here for a drink, move down the bar. Otherwise, I'll leave."

He tried to end with a hateful glare, but despite everything, he was affected by her beauty. Her high cheekbones and pale skin, just led the gaze in to be captured by her soft violet eyes. Her dress showed off her sculpted shoulders and lean muscular arms.

"You're still upset?" she asked and he heard maturity in her voice. It was almost like she was upset at his words and not the cutesy pretend hurt.

"My life is swirling around the toilet as it is. No need for you to give it a flush. If you're in the mood for castrating, there's a room full of idiots who will happily volunteer."

Sophie gestured to the bartender and ordered a Manhattan. She looked back, but John's was watching a replay of a missed shot on goal on the tv. "That was a long time ago."

"Does that mean anything? It did happen though, didn't it? It wasn't something I made up. You think because the memory isn't fresh, it's forgivable?" His voice kept creeping up as he talked and he could feel people taking notice. He took a breath and lowered his voice. "Catch me in a thousand years and let's check."

The bartender looked over at his outburst, but Sophie waved her hand in dismissal of the attention. He put down her drink and retreated.

Sophie's eyes drifted down his body taking him in. "But you've moved on. Isn't there a statute of limitations when it came to apologies ... no matter how badly deserved?" She brushed her hair out of her eyes. "It shouldn't have gone as far as it did and it did happen in college. From the stories my sorority sisters told me it sounded like you deserved it."

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My Journey

Having been disowned by my parents, told to leave and never to darken their door again, I had very few possessions and even less money. With tears in my eyes, I stepped through the door. Looking back, I now see it was not the exit door which I thought it was at the time. It turned out to be the entrance to the life and love I so desperately needed.I had no idea where I was going, nobody seemed to care. This was a Friday afternoon. I took the train to the next city, disembarking, I wandered...

2 years ago
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Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the

TMy wife decided to take our youngest daughter with her to a seminar she was going to. That left me with our oldest daughter Amy. Amy was in her late teens and quite a looker. Not that I really looked at her that way, but, she had inherited her mothers best assets.At five foot four, with an exceptionally well structured female body, she looked much older. Her red hair, freckled face and hot teen body was extremely exotic. She had perky 34-B cup breasts, I knew this, because I always took the...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 6

Renee was agitated again by the time they got to her house. That was because Bobby ignored her for the whole trip. He responded to her comments, but didn’t drive the conversation forward. He almost acted like one of the men her father would have had drive her here or there, doing his job, and not attempting to mix with his betters. Why that bothered her, she didn’t explore. All she knew was that it did. She didn’t think about the fact that she had rebuffed him, earlier ... had rebuffed him...

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Felicity Ch 61

I was a regular at a small club that was known to be a ‘meat market.’ Women of a certain age, divorced and horny were there often. I was there every Friday night and the occasional work week evenings but mostly on Fridays. I knew who the regulars were and their preferences. I knew who the witches, the desperate, the players, and the losers were. There was a smattering of women that were there just to dance and a smattering of people that did not seem to belong. I was one of those. I was too...

3 years ago
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My slaves at a sub party i wish i was at one of

OOh look! I though excitedly as i led my slaves along behind me. We were at a bondage party every guest had to bring a bondage-fied freind/relative/partner/ random person who wanted tieing up. I'd brought all 30 of my slaves captured as c***dren from the streets of russia,india,africa,packistan and aisa. i had men and women behind me attached to one big lead through all of their collars. "Now remember," I said as we got to the door "You are to do as you are told is that understood?" A chorus of...

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The Stalker

As I came out of the elevator I saw him again. He was sitting on a bench in the lobby of my office building reading a newspaper. That made the third time in a week that I had seen him around or near where I worked. The first time I saw him he was getting out of his car in the same parking lot I used and the second time he had been talking to the 18th floor receptionist in the office complex where I worked. He looked to be around 40 or so, tall with sandy brown hair. He was in good physical...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 75

Steve Ah, Wednesday morning! I was still half-asleep, but knew something was happening today. I sat up straight and said, loud enough to disturb the sleep of the ladies next to me, "We're going sailing today!" Mercy rolled over, looking up at me while stretching, and said, "Only because Chuck is back." I asked, "He is? Did he call last night?" "No, Silly, he came home while we were playing up at the hot tub. His girls should have called, and may have tried, but I think they were...

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A Job Like Any Other

She carefully avoided the looks of the receptionists, who were too busy to pay her any attention anyway. There seemed to be a slight traffic jam in front of the elevators and she wished she could have taken the stairs. If only she knew where the staircase was without having to look for it and so drawing attention to herself. The security guard standing in the corner next to the huge leaved plant scanned her with his eyes and then looked away. Zoe sighed in relief. Of course employees...

4 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 4

Christopher Louis Phelps was being extraordinarily cautious. He had followed her to church that morning -- on foot -- after observing from a discreet distance her departure from the house. Her church was less than two blocks from her home, where, he now was certain, she lived alone. Well away from the church, he waited until, a little over an hour later, she emerged, spoke briefly to a few people, and walked home. At 2:30, he followed her when she left by car, drove to the center of the...

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One summer while at the beach in San Diego. I went late to the old resorts beach showers to get the sand out of my ass and hopefully jack off with or suck my friend Scott. His place was dark like most of the rooms on a Sunday night in June. Only my sister was sharing the room with me and our parents were gone for two days. I pulled on the door but it was locked but I heard water and a few lights. As I turned to my room, the door cracked open and a guy I recognized signalled me in. Completely...

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You decide the title

Hi, ISS readers, my story which am goin to tell you has no Title as I didn’t know what will be apt so left it to u all to decide. I think my life story had very unique Incestism in it and even you feel the same. I just request you to please follow my timeline i.e my age as the story proceeds, coz you may be confused later. I divided my story into three parts, i.e. Past, present and future. My name is Mohan and I loved a girl called praneetha when i was 20years, during pursuing my diploma. I...

3 years ago
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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 18

Our shower before we left was spent very quietly as we both thought of the ramifications of beginning to live together. She had about 3 months left on her lease, which had an option to buy with her payments counting as part of the down payment if she chose. She knew that if she gave that up and then we didn't work out she would lose over 10K and with her just getting on stable ground financially and within a few months of making an offer as planned to become a financial partner with Mary,...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 6

“How long has it been?” The woman before me asked softly. “You have grown into a fine young man, Davik.” My eyes narrowed, “It has been ten years, but this is not possible. You were not Voguel, nor should this be able to occur like this. I have dreamt of my mother often over the years, but you are nothing like her. So, end your mindless tricks and show me who you really are.“ The woman’s eyes twinkled, a small amount of pride appeared in her eyes and she shook her finger at me. “Ahh, ahh,...

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A Trip Down Memory Lane

Susanna let out a long sigh and shook her head, damp brown hair falling into her eyes as she looked at the terracotta pot on the windowsill. The seedlings inside were wilted; their tiny, delicate leaves curled in a mockery of her tender care. She brushed the hair out of her eyes slowly and rubbed one hand across them, defeated. Plants just did not like her, she thought as she drifted out of the kitchen and went back to her computer. Sue's husband snored upstairs. He worked night shift, which...

3 years ago
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Aunt Julias Bad Day

Beginning With Nick The day, that horrible day, began with her nephew Nick. He and his Mom, Shawna, Julia Williams’ younger sister, were living with Julia, and Julia was providing the bulk of the money for Nick’s university education. It was an uneasy mix at best but Julia was determined to try to make it work. She hated to admit it but she didn’t trust Nick. He seemed to be always there, no matter what was happening. The thing, of course that Julia didn’t know was that Nick was going to...

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Vanna White Meets Jake and Bud

Vanna White was lost, sort of. The 47-year-old beauty, star of Wheel of Fortune was on a lonely Nevada road looking for any kind of road sign. She gave a heavy sigh thinking back on how she got into this predicament. She was looking for a house away from the public eye, a place she could bring her children for some peace and quiet sometimes. She was on the summer break from Wheel of Fortune shooting and her friend Amy said she had a good friend that was a realtor in Nevada. She had mentioned...

1 year ago
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Friend Request Accepted

One day as we were talking, Sarah told me that she went to her cousin sister’s place (who just got recently married) and her cousin sister was talking to Sarah about her first night experiences. Sarah told me that the way her cousin sister described it was awesome and it made her really horny. “If your feeling that horny, why don’t you start fingering yourself now,” I told her and started laughing. “If you are ok with it, then ya sure,” she replied with a giggle. This made me really hot and I...

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wife likes

My name is Chris, this is a true story that happened to me and my wife Maria a little while back.I had a few friends due to arrive one day to watch football, the normal kind of thing , a bit rowdy and a few beers.Maria has no interest in football, so she arranged to meet a friend to do a little shopping and have lunch and a few drinks.I was on the balcony just as Maria left, and my friends arrived loaded with beer cases just as she was walking down the driveway to her car.My friends didn't...

2 years ago
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Love Making In The Forest 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of “love making in the forest part 1”. Finally after eagerly waiting the days away, the weekend finally had arrived. I got ready at around 5.00am and drove to Deepa’s place to pick her up. She was ready as well, she got into the car and we headed to our destination, a relatively small home-stay, located in the Western Ghats about 4 hours drive from Bangalore. While driving she mentioned to me that she told her husband that she was going out for the weekend with her...

3 years ago
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21st Birthday Ecstasy Pain pt one

I was in my Father’s restauarant/wine bar, allegedly celebrating my 21st birthday. I had split from my girlfriend about a month before, and had only had sex once since. I wasn’t sure if dumping her had been the right thing to do, and was not in the mood to party. Standing at the bar with a few friends from out of town, I had noticed a very hot woman sitting on a stool at the end of the bar. She was French. Six years of studying the language hadn’t gone totally to waste! Stood next to her was a...

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Amys Honeymoon

It was just past noon when Eric took my hand and led me out the rear screened door of the bungalow into our stone walled courtyard.  Overhead palm branches filtered the sunshine, providing protection for our already naked bodies, as did the eight-foot height of the privacy walls. I sensed what Eric had in mind for me as I watched him turn on the water for the outdoor shower.  Turning and tipping my head back under the stream of cool water, I ran my hands through my very sun-bleached, blonde...

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Ninas Hand Punishment

Nina had been looking forward to going back to work this evening because there was the presentation to clients to see close-up the products they produced for sale. She had been a little upset, but clearly not surprised, when she was told she couldn’t take part in setting up the displays because she was known to be careless and her bosses didn’t want to risk a display being messed up with the clients about to arrive.Nina was forty-one-years-old and while she had previously held senior positions,...

1 year ago
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I tried something new last night

I have experimented with inserting things into my urethra for some time now. I've inserted sounds designed expressly for that purpose. I've inserted knitting needles, and cock plugs with a hole drilled through them so that you can piss through them. I've even played with catheters. Last night I happened upon something new... Ear plugs.. The foam kind. I found that if you rolled them tightly between your fingers you could create a small sausage that could be inserted into the urethra. The...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 6

In February, Jill suddenly stopped flitting around like a butterfly and started going out exclusively with a boy named Langston Carter. He was a senior and they went out somewhere about every other week. The rest of the time she'd go to his house, or he'd come to hers. If there was a dance, they went together. But she never talked about him. I saw him at the house several times, and he seemed like a nice kid. He didn't paw Jill, or act territorial around her. I asked Lynne what he was...

2 years ago
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Secret Insemination Clinic Ch2

After a short break, Jay's brother Jack emerged from a side door in his normal clothes and took questions from the students about his job as a paid sire for women who've paid for his semen.  Within 15 minutes, Jack received a signal from someone standing at the door and told the students that the next pair of participants were preparing to start.  Jack explained to the students that what they were about to see was a 'special case insemination', where the government steps in and requires...

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Pretty in Pink

Kerry didn’t like Mr Harding, she thought he was a letch and she hated lecherous men. She had to start wearing looser tops just after she joined the company because he was always looking at her breasts, small as they were, and she could never wear short skirts or tight slacks. Strangely enough most of the other girls liked him. They found him jovial, well mannered and a kind and considerate boss. No one in the company had a bad word to say about him. She suspected however that a lot of the...

Office Sex
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Interview with Caroline Laurence translated on h

Interview with Caroline Laurence on filming "La Vénus á Lulu" - 1991 Dir: D. LossetInterview with Michel Legrand - "Le Filme" magazine... August 1992.ML: How did you get the role as Venus in this film?CL: My agent phoned me & said there was a role in a TV film calling for a slim Nordic-looking girl.... BUT...........I'd have to be naked through most of it & have to act with little boys, no sexual bits, very tasteful & directed by Daniel Losset as a 'Jacques Tati-style' comedy, just...

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Best Bitch In Town

It is every man's dream to meet an uninhibited, gorgeously attractive woman who is so hot you need gloves to handle her, a woman that would do anything to satisfy her man from simple sex to getting screwed by every male in Wembley stadium on cup final day. Very few manage to meet this dream woman, but I did, I was sixteen and she was thirty-six, she was everything a man could wish for, gorgeous beyond belief with a body to die for and a face that made the infamous Helen of Troy seem like an...

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Dadme and best friend

Fictional storyAs a teenager my parents where very liberal, I could talk to them about anything from what happens as you grow up to boys including sex, we where very free living people and often heard mum and dad having it off, if it got to loud as mum used to I used to shout keep it down as I used to hear them laugh after. They had been together since high school as dad got mum pregnant at 17 but he stood by her and as soon as they finished education and got jobs they got married, I often saw...

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RosemarieChapter 5

We were happy. At least, I think we were happy. The emaciated, shy girl I'd met back in December and fallen in love with, had become a lissom sylph and gained confidence. There were still moments, though, when she slipped back into uncertainty and I enjoyed convincing her of my opinion that she was beautiful. From time to time, though, she became very quiet and I noticed her looking strangely at me when she thought I wasn't aware. I had an internal battle too. Perhaps 'confusion' would...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 65

Helen walked into the General's suite, accompanied by his wives. Seating themselves quietly, they waited for the machine to finish with Arlene. As the hood was removed, Arlene blinked and looked around, "What happened? I thought we were ready to go." Jeff chuckled. "It's done, Baby." "But ... but, he just put the hood on my head..." "Ten minutes ago," Jeff injected. "Well, I surely don't feel any different. Are you sure it was ten minutes? Are you sure it took?" It was...

1 year ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 34

“Joan, we need to pack up to leave the motel. We are through with this base of operations. We are going to have to find another temporary one. So why don’t you look on google and find somewhere within twenty five mile, more or less, of here. We might only be there a day or two, or maybe a week or two. Just depends on how it plays out with the FBI. “I can’t work for the FBI. I work for Durham County Film Coop,” Joan said. “Just do it hon, you aren’t working for the FBI, I am but our job is...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 23

2400 hours. Air Force Sergeant Paul "The Swede" Ryerhold sat up straighter in his command pilot's chair. He was flying a drone on a routine training mission over south New Mexico. The ostensible purpose of the mission was to help the Border Patrol keep America safe from dangerous immigrants crossing over from Mexico. 'Dangerous immigrants' like his own great-grandparents who had jumped ship, from Sweeden, in New York harbor before World War I, and swam to New Jersey. The real reason was...

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Siennas Seduction Part II

It had been six weeks since Sienna’s near death experience at the top of the club’s stairs and the subsequent encounter with the enigmatic bouncer who had since haunted her thoughts, both waking and unconscious. In that time she’d ditched the wannabe player who’d nearly caused her demise, aced her end of year Anthropology exams and reconnected with her friends. What surprised her, though, was the effort it was proving to reconnect with her pre-Adam self. She’d avoided THAT Sydney nightclub in...

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Fairy Gobblers

“Be careful,” she told me, “when you’re trekking through the foothills in France. There’s a legend of fairy gobblers that goes back centuries and I would hate for you to come across one unprepared.” She was old and was starting to lose her senses so I didn’t think much of the story she told. She explained to me that the fantasy tales of fairy godmothers were twisted by Hollywood into something cute and sweet but that the true legend came from the legends of fairy gobblers. She told me...

4 years ago
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Payment in full

Fantasy only. I would never force someone...but this one is one of my favorites! This was written for a group thread on here that asked us to share our darkest fantasies... A debt must be paid and the poor guy has nothing to offer except his wife as payment. On the date that was set, the couple shows up at my door, accepting the price that is to be paid. 9 pm sharp. They come inside. To set the mood, I command the husband to strip his own wife naked...tear the clothes off of her...nothing...

2 years ago
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Apni Badi Behan Ko Choda

Mera name S K hai. Main Bihar ka hu aur avi out of Bihar rhta hu. Ye kahani aaj se 2 month pehle ki hai. Main ghar gyahua tha to apni behan se bhi milne gya. Uski age avi 36 hai. Main usse 7 saal chhota hu. Jab uski sadi huyi thi tab mai lagbhag bachcha hi tha. Aksar main uske sath hi so jaya krta tha. Ek rat jab meri nind khuli to maine dekha ki meri behan mere chhote se lund ko apne hath me lekar sahla rhi hai. Mujhe gudgudi ho rhi thi, isi wajah se meri nind khul gyi thi. Magar mujhe achcha...

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