Here pussy pussy pussycat
- 5 years ago
- 39
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November 6, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
It was a bit weird having Inez naked at the table, but we all had a good time talking over Dad’s scrumptious breakfast, although we had to hustle to get to school on time. We regulars were surprised when all five seniors joined us at lunch.
Brett cracked, “You’re all going to lose your senior cred if you keep fraternizing with freshmen.”
There was much chuckling.
Hope riposted, “Without practice today, we had to come here, else we wouldn’t get to hang with our favorite boy.”
There was much laughing ... and Brett blushed.
“She got you, there, Brett,” laughed Heather. She turned to Hope and asked, “I thought he was our favorite boy. When did he become the seniors’ favorite boy?”
Hope looked around, then leaned toward Heather and whispered, “You girls and Meka were right about him. He’s respectful, not an asshole, and is funny.” She turned to face Brett and said, “We appreciate all three of those features, Brett, so please don’t change for the worse.” She then looked at Cera sitting next to him and said, “Give him a kiss on the cheek for us.”
Brett blushed again as Cera fulfilled Hope’s request.
Meka guffawed briefly, then cracked, “That makes at least two, Brittany and Cera. Have any of the others kissed you at this table, Brett?”
Brett went scarlet, though kept his head up as he answered, “No. For some reason, these freshmen girls don’t do that unless one of you seniors orders it.” He turned to Cera and said, “Thanks. That was nice.”
Cera ducked her head and was probably blushing, but her dark skin hid it.
Rhee put her left arm around Cera, then said, “You’re so lucky. I sure hope one of those seniors orders me to kiss him.”
There was much laughing.
After a couple seconds, I responded, “Hey! I’ve known Brett longer than anyone else here. That should get me some sort of priority. Shouldn’t it?”
I followed that with an over-the-top pout. I held it for a few seconds, then laughed; the rest of the girls followed suit.
Without practice, the four of us had to take the bus home. Heather was naked less than 30 seconds after I closed the front door, and the rest of us were not far behind. The voice was a bit of a surprise for all of us.
“You girls really like the clothing policy. Don’t you?”
Liya was the first to recover, replying, “We do, Mom. Gracey and I are very happy that you and my first mom have instituted the same policy. We’re also very happy that we no longer have to hide our sexual lives from you two. We both felt that we had to do it, but neither of us were happy about it, particularly as our mother-daughter relationships changed to become what they are now.”
Inez stepped over to Liya and hugged her as she responded, “I appreciate the openness, too.”
Liya came back with, “Where’s Gracey?”
Inez replied with, “Bathroom. That’s her stuff on the ... What did she call it?”
“Yes, that’s it,” she said, then gave hugs all ‘round.
We heard the toilet flush and Gracey exited with crutches from the bathroom shortly thereafter, saying, “Hey. Do you guys have as much homework as I do? I got some from every teacher!”
“Ugh,” Rhee exclaimed. “I think all our teachers knew we didn’t have practice today!”
“That was my thought, too,” answered Gracey.
Inez responded,”Well, you should get to it, as I’d like to spend a nice evening with my various daughters and their other parents.”
Liya replied, “We’d already decided on that, Mom. How long have you been here? Have you been naked the whole time?”
“We got in about an hour ago. I felt a bit weird stripping down and walking around nude in someone else’s house, but I’m getting over it.”
Four of us proceeded to put our clothes in our rooms, grabbed various homework needs, and headed back downstairs. Gracey was on the Monstrosity with her back to the wall, her history book cracked open in her lap, her mom’s left arm around her back, her hand hooked onto Gracey’s right shoulder.
Liya glanced back at me, then asked, “Inez-Mom, would it be okay with you to take a photo of you two? You look precious, a loving mom sitting quietly with her daughter doing homework.”
Inez laughed nervously, replying, “And without a stitch of clothing between us. I don’t know...”
Gracey looked up and turned to her mom and said, “It’s up to you, Mom. We have photos of various of us in situations such as this: homey sorts of photos of our sisters and parents. For some reason, the lion’s share have Heather in them. It wouldn’t be because she’s just so godawful cute. Would it?”
Inez responded, “She is incredibly cute. I’ve also seen her with her soccer face on, but I can certainly understand that she might attract the odd camera or two.” She turned her head from Heather and looked at Gracey, asking, “What ... I mean, how do you keep them? I would think you’d all be nervous about photos like that getting out.”
“Oh, we are that,” replied Liya. “Our rules are that all in the photo have to agree, and we have an agreed-upon system. We store such in password-protected folders and delete them from phones as soon as possible. We also insist on transferring such photos from phones via wire.”
Inez seemed to ponder for a short time, then said, “I would be okay with that, although the moment is gone, now.”
“Yes. But if you’re willing and I see another precious setting, I’d like to take the photo.”
“If it happens, feel free.”
We all dove into our homework while scattered around the living room. As per usual, various of us had questions for others of us in the same class, and we wound up changing locations to quietly discuss particular topics, although we never made Gracey leave her perch on the Monstrosity.
Carol came in a bit after 4 and quietly said hello to each of us, then climbed onto the Monstrosity to sit next to Inez, who was still next to Gracey, although Gracey was in her math workbook. I was lying on my front on the Monstrosity reading the history text that Gracey had read earlier.
Quietly, Carol asked Inez, “What do you think about the girls’ homework ... methods?”
Equally quietly, Inez replied, “I sure wish I’d have had such a comfortable group of friends at their age. I’ve been sitting her marveling. One of them interrupts another to ask a question, and the two of them get together to discuss something, then keep working, either returning to where they had been or staying where they wound up. Everyone else works on their own subjects through the quiet discussion. Except for Gracey, I’ll bet every one of the girls has moved three times in the ... hour or so they’ve been working. It’s like ... they’ve been doing this all their lives, but I know they haven’t. They really fit incredibly well together. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“I had the same response with my first experience with this when your two girls were here in September. That’s what completely sold me on their avowed sisterhood. I’ve never before seen a set of friends like this, and you picked out the single best descriptor: comfortable. They really are all very comfortable with each other. They really know each other very well. It’s amazing.”
I broke in with, “It was this summer. Our friendship was strong before, but all the time we spent together this summer allowed for this, created this. It could have done the opposite, but it did this. I wouldn’t trade any of my sisters for anything.”
Carol and Inez sat there for a bit, then agreed with each other to get started on dinner. We girls worked on. Dad got home shortly after 5, after which he and Heather went upstairs to work through her Calc II recitation. Mom arrived a bit after 6, when we all quit for the evening and set the table. The evening was enjoyable, all of us sitting around in the living room having a wide-ranging discussion.
Near the end of the evening, Sandy asked Inez, “You’re all moved out?”
“Yes. I put the rest of our clothes and other stuff in Gracey’s and Liya’s room. Are you three still okay with me staying here until I fly out on Thursday?”
“Absolutely, Inez. We enjoy having you here. Besides, it makes it easier for you to spend more time with Gracey before you go gallivanting across the country for a couple weeks. You’re welcome to stay here or with Meka at our other house anytime and every time you’re back in town.”
“I greatly appreciate that, as it will make all the travel to museums to study specimens less taxing to have short breaks here with my daughters and my friends.”
Carol said, “And feel free to leave your car here, as we can almost always arrange for one of us to be able to take you to or pick you up from the airport. In fact, I’ve cleared Thursday afternoon, so I can take you this time.”
Inez closed her eyes, then inhaled and exhaled loudly.
“I would greatly appreciate that, over and above saving the expense of airport parking. While I could get at least some of it reimbursed, this would save me the hassle. I just wish it didn’t cause you hassles.”
Dad replied, “You’re our friend, Inez, and these are the sorts of things friends do. Don’t think of it as a hassle. Think of it as your friends getting to see you more often.”
“With that little problem solved,” Sandy said, “it’s time we were getting to bed. I haven’t gotten to enjoy my husband and wife in the Biblical sense since this morning, and I find myself in need.”
“You really do want him all the time. Don’t you?”
“I do. But I also want my wife all the time, too. The three of us are well-matched, and my life now is better than it’s ever been. I’ve had more and more-wonderful sex in the past four months than, probably, any set of two or three previous years. In fact, we’re closing in on 100 consecutive days of Charlie cumming in at least one of his wives or girlfriends. It’s been glorious!”
“Oh, pooh, Charlie. Inez certainly knows we have an active sex life, a very active sex life, and she knows that you make love with your girlfriends. In fact, Inez, you’ll be here for day 100 ... on Wednesday.”
Silence reigned for some time, until Inez exclaimed, “Wow. That’s ... umm ... amazing; crazy.”
Carol inserted, “And you’ll be here for my birthday ... tomorrow.”
“Oh, that’s interesting,” Inez responded. “I can imagine what you want for your birthday.”
“If you’re imagining me having Charlie cum in me shortly after midnight tomorrow night, you’d be right.”
Inez shook her head for a while, then said, “This is the aspect of this whole thing that has surprised me the most. You’re all very open about your sexuality. You discuss things like this in front of our various daughters, and they don’t seem at all fazed. Of course, that stands to reason given that the actual sex is often in the open. This would not have worked for Gracey before this summer. She was ... reserved, but now she takes part in sex with various of her ... lovers in front of some or all of the others without any qualms, apparently. This family has been so good for her. I was so concerned that her father would have a lasting negative impact on her sex life.”
“Mo-ommm,” Gracey complained only a bit seriously.
Dad and the Moms headed to bed, but we girls stayed and chatted a while longer.
Inez said, “After last night, I thought there might be another live sex show tonight.” When Gracey began to respond angrily, Inez cut her off, saying, “I didn’t mean that I would have objected. This is not my house. I would simply have wished everyone a good night and then gone upstairs. I’m not part of this ... whatever we want to call it, and it would not be right for me to object or, more importantly, insist on taking part. None of them or you are my lovers. I was surprised at the sex show last night and the lack of such tonight.”
“Ah,” Gracey replied. “Dad is somewhat shy about this. Sandy pushes him a bit beyond what we assume is his comfort zone. However, he ... Beth, you were here; I wasn’t. If you’re comfortable explaining, would you?”
I inhaled deeply, held it, then exhaled, and nodded my head.
“Dad finally admitted recently that he really loves this ... whatever we want to call it. I don’t know if he’s always been the one to provide constraint or if getting involved with Sandy caused him to be more conservative to counteract Mom’s ... full-steam-ahead approach to things such as ... this. However, he admitted this weekend that he truly loved this life. He vowed that he would try not to be a stick in the mud, but he’s still going to be more conservative with this than Sandy might want.
“Mom would not have had any qualms about instigating sex with him or Carol with you in the room. She also would have encouraged him to have sex with any of us, whether you were in the room or not. I think that Dad must have told her that he was not going to do such. Mom knows him very well and knows when to push and when to back off. I suspect that if you’re here often enough or long enough, you will see more ... live sex show. I suspect that Dad will hold the line on sex with any of us girls in front of you or Nira, particularly with your respective daughters, but I’m less certain of that after Dad came clean with us recently.”
“Oh. I don’t want to be in the way. Perhaps...”
“No, Mom. You’re staying here. We won’t feel like we’re missing out if Dad puts the brakes on things. We’ve got each other and we can keep it in the bedroom. Or in the Monstrosity. So don’t be surprised if you come down here tonight and find me making love with whichever sister-friend-lover will be spending the night with me. While Liya and I are a couple and the other three are a triple, the intervening lines are faint and blurry.”
Inez looked at Gracey for a while, then around the room at each of us.
“That is part of why you’re all so comfortable together. Isn’t it?”
Gracey furrowed her brow, and I could see Liya considering a response, but Heather beat all of us to it.
“It’s certainly part of it, and possibly a sizable minority of it. We know each other well and have few secrets from each other. I know that there are aspects of my life that I haven’t shared, not because I don’t want to share them, but simply because I haven’t known them all that long and just have not had sufficient time. Gracey shared the secret about her father, and I doubt that she’s got any other secret of that magnitude bottled inside. As Beth said, the closeness that we developed this summer seemed to play a large part in the changes in Gracey’s psyche, demeanor, and confidence. She knows we’ve got her back, so she’s been willing to open more completely to us.
“Had you known me prior to June or so, you would think that I’m a doppleganger, as my psyche, demeanor, and confidence saw even greater change than did Gracey’s. I was shy and scared. Having this set of friends has made me over completely. As Beth said, I would not trade any of these girls for anything, and I would do anything for any one of them, much less all of them. The sex ... with them and with Dad ... is pure icing – admittedly very tasty icing – on the incredibly marvelous cake that is our five-way friendship.”
Rhee stood from the love seat that I shared with her and stepped over to Heather, sat next to her, and wrapped her in a Rhee hug. After a few seconds, she released, and looked at Inez.
“Heather nailed it. I’ve had a strong friendship with Beth for more than five years. I used to think that it was really strong. After this summer, though, not only is that friendship even stronger, but the friendships I have with the other three are stronger than the friendship I had with Beth even this spring. Sex was part of that change, too. While I think that Heather is right about the proportions involved in empowering the Go5 relationship, I think the sex was critical, despite being a minority. At least, it seems to me that one cannot have a strong sexual relationship without opening oneself further than for any other sort of relationship, as that requires trust, and trust requires openness.
“Look at Dad and Sandy’s marriage. When my mom came to Sandy to admit that she was in love with Charlie, Sandy had to trust in Charlie that adding Mom to their marriage would not cause problems between Charlie and Sandy. Charlie had to trust Sandy that she truly wanted my mom in their marriage. Then, Charlie, Sandy, and Carol had to all trust each other when the Moms wanted to add Beth and me as Charlie’s lovers, and then, further, with the other three. I’ve thought about this a lot, and I have a hard time imagining most men managing to keep their wife or wives first in their lives when their wives permit them to have loving, sexual relationships with a bunch of attractive teenaged girls. Charlie had to trust that what the Moms wanted was truly what they wanted and that they would not turn those relationships against him. The Moms had to trust Charlie would be faithful to them heart and soul despite allowing him something that he’d always wanted. That’s the kind of trust that we girls have seen and learned. That’s the level of trust that we’ve employed with each other. I, too, would not trade any of my sister-friend-lovers for anything. I would do anything for any or all of them.”
Inez stared at Rhee, as did we girls, for quite a while. Again, Heather beat us to vocalizing thoughts.
“Rhee has this façade she wears of the shallow-thinking, null teenager. However, she’s as deep a thinker as any of us. I learned about Rhee when my mother agreed to allow me to live here and told her on that day that I wasn’t falling for that façade anymore. However, this little expostulation has surpassed what occasioned my previous comment. Beth and Liya are our two acknowledged social-situation experts, but neither of them could have done a better job of explaining what Rhee just explained in two paragraphs. She has surprised me again. I love you, Rhee.”
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Straight SexDani’s New Life Ch. 5 (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4a, and Part 4b. This will make much more sense if you do…) After forty-five revitalizing minutes spent soaking in Sasha’s in-room Jacuzzi and a soft, sensuous orgasm brought on by the Russian’s talented tongue, Daniella Evans, the twenty-eight year old beautiful, blonde lawyer and corporate officer and the ‘darling’ of Wall Street, fell blissfully asleep in the beautiful...
This was written years ago before we got serious about things... Did you ever have one of those nights where everything you planned went exactly the way that it should have? Well I did, and it was more amazing then I even imaged it could be. Of course it didn't go the way my husband had planned it, but oh well... I didn't hear any complaints!My husband had been dropping some subtle hints about wanting to spice up our sex life. Usually his hints involved me being with another man or another...
Hi frnds , main rahul kumar , dhanbad jharkhand se , meri age h 20 yrs , graduation kar raha . Ye incident mere ar meri naukrani ke bch ki jo mere hi age ki thi , ar ye bat h karib 4-5 mahine pehle ki jab maine uske sath pehli bar sex kiya , wo mere lyf ka bhi pehla sex tha . Mera naukrani jiska nam dimple h usne hmare yha kam karna suru kara tha 1 sal pehle ke karib . Jab wo aai to maine uske traf jada dhyan nahi diya tha , kyuki main bzy the apne pdhayi me ar apna family business bhi dkhta to...
My Mom, Yamini and Brinda were best friends even before marriage. Mom is the only daughter of the village head. My dad’s father is a wealthy landlord back in the day. Dad knew Mom through his sister Brinda, who schooled together with Mom. Dad was the first graduate in the village. The village head is more than happy to wed his daughter to Dad. After Dad took Mom to the city, his link to the village was limited. Brinda stayed looking after the family lands and farms. She married at the age of 21...
LesbianThis is a TRUE genuine account ! Before I relay my account I will start off with a short introduction and some background information. I am a mature male in my late fifties and are one part of a married couple together with my big breasted wife newbie member ‘Denise44F’ who is in her mid fifties. Denise can be seen exposed stark naked all over the internet baring all! She has also been seen naked by tens of thousands of men on her own ‘tumblr’ site where she can be seen undressing slowly. ...
Freshly out of the shower Latina step sister Serena is out looking for her older step brother Ramon to satisfy her daily needs with his hard cock. Ramon feels she is getting carried away and tries to slow her needs down for another day. But as she shakes her big juicy sweet ass on his meat, he quickly lifts up her skirt, bending her over in the hallway and slipping his cock balls deep inside her soaked hot pussy. Now in the room she can suck down all his hard inches and putting her ass in the...
xmoviesforyouHi every 1 there…m Aryan Raaj from Lucknow/Delhi. I’m 24yrs 6ft tall with a well toned six pack physique..I’m fair in color with dimple in my cheeks and curly hairs. I own a gym and I work for a MNC too. Money was never a problem for me now I heard about this site few days back n I thought y not share my experiences with my you net mates if I have them countless in numbers in almost every category of this site…now any lady or gal interested in having a confidential, sexy, rocky and thundering...
Hi friends ,i’m a great fan of iss , i go through this site daily,im very decent guy shashi age 20 yrs with 5’7″ height with 6 inch cock and 2 m in diameter,im from hyderabad native from hyderabadpls forgive me if have make any mistake in my conversation.This is my true experience happened . So now i wont waste time ill come to story friends,this was have happened when i was in my 11th class my neighbor was in 12th class ,her fig 34-28-32 She has a very sexy pair of boobs friends i was shocked...
I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed working for Mage Roxanne whilst Morgana and Arch were tutoring Róisín in higher plane magic. I didn't enjoy the endless rounds of soothing various civil servants fears over what Mages might be up to, which was mostly stuff that had nothing to do with Mages and more to do with UFO spotting and conspiracy theories. What I did enjoy though was being Roxanne's assistant when she visited other worlds and their representatives. Mage Roxanne had opened...
Sony Smile just can’t keep her hands off her tight little body as the Russian teen gets ready for bed. When her boyfriend Kunimen finds Sony in bed, she’s already got her fingers buried in her greedy twat. She’s got plenty of passion to go around, so it’s not long before Sony is gobbling Kunimen’s cock and then drawing him onto the bed so they can indulge in a lusty 69. Sliding down Kunimen’s body, Sony hops onto his stiffie and starts riding him as she moans...
xmoviesforyouAs my parents were abroad and not expected for another 15 days, I went to spend the first 15 days of my vacation at my Aunt’s place. I was then 18 years old She is my Mom’s youngest sister She was 30 years then. and was living alone as her husband was not in the country at that time.After dinner, the first night Aunt told me to have a bath and get to bed while she closed and secured her apartment. Coming from a boarding home, the big tub in Aunt’s bathroom was too tempting for me not to indulge...
When Penny walked into the Jasik's kitchen Sunday morning, she found Lee's mom and dad sitting with her mom and step dad, but she didn't see who she wanted to see. Last night she had walked with him in the cool fall night, with Lee's arm holding her tight. The ranch was so far from the lights of the city that the stars seemed close enough to touch. She didn't remember her feet touching the ground as they had walked back to the house. She had dreamed about him all night and longed to see...
Blow Bang Girls! Where should I cum? It's an age-old question with as many answers as grains of sand on all the world's beaches. While men may not have as potent of orgasms as women do, we get the gift of cum. We get to see our nut fly out of our body, travel through the air, and land on the object of our choosing. Our cock doubles as a paintbrush, and everything around us is a canvas.Cum Where you AreI can tell you my favorite three places to cum without even thinking about it. Give me a...
Premium Facial Cumshot Porn SitesWINNERS AND LOSERS by Throne I'm a man in his early 30s, with an attractive wife and enough money that I'll never have to worry about anything as mundane as a paycheck. My bride Laurie is several years younger than me and quite a beauty. I have the time and money to indulge my hobbies, which include collecting antique art prints, fine dining, and the occasional concert of light classical music. But I also have another avocation, which is a longstanding and deeply ingrained interest...
cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim...
Sharry heard the noise in the driveway before I did. She stopped sucking my cock and rearranged herself so she was on all fours. ‘That’s my husband’s car!’ she said, ‘Shove your cock in my ass! Quick!!’ She was a Reubenesque brunette, with eyes so brown they gave the impression of being black. Her tits were massive globes of eager, hungry flesh and her ass was as broad and generous. Everything about this woman radiated positive sexual attitude. Some men would dismiss her if they saw her on...
“You totally pushed me into that rock!” Rebecca shouted as she floated in the calm eddy, with her life jacket making her bobbing head a buoy in the river.“Girl please, that kayak is no good on the river and you know it,” I protested, hiding the fact that it was my bow that moved her away from the channel and into the rock.“Well, ugh,” she said, struggling to get back into her vessel.“I’ve never had a problem with it before,” she argued as her small impish body flopped back into the boat, giving...
SpankingCHAPTER 1 I had been unemployed for nearly six months after being made redundant from my IT job. There were no real problems with paying the bills Penny my wife was making good money in a solicitors firm. When the offer of a job came I should have jumped at the chance, but it came from such a strange source and at such a strange cost. Penny and I sat at the kitchen table one morning. Despite me not working I was always up to make breakfast and see her off. I would then spend the...
Goddess Terrie’s Tea PartyI can tell by the way she is humming Goddess is in an exceptionally good mood. She smiles at me as I arrive home from various errands she sent me out to accomplish. She walks over to me – one hand cups my crotch as she squeezes my balls through the fabric of my pants while the fingers of her other hand frame my chin as she gazes into my face. She smiles as she feels my cock swell and grow responding to the ministrations my testicles are experiencing. She leans and...
When the side door opened and out walked the sexy MILF office chick. Long black hair, glasses, purple blouse, black pants holding an umbrella. She walked away and had a phone call and just when I was about to go back inside she yelled for me to join her under the umbrella. She asked how my day was going and we complained about the rain and then she got to what she really wanted to ask me. Do you know who I could borrow $100 from till Friday? She asked softly. I was busy staring down her...
When I arrived home that afternoon, before I went to Keiko's apartment, I cleaned up the mess we had made the previous night. The towels we had come on and peed into were still a little damp. I noticed a little odor as soon as I walked in the door. I threw open the windows and balcony door to air the place out, then I grabbed the towels off the sofa and put them in the laundry basket. Rummaging under the kitchen sink, I found a can of disinfectant and deodorizing spray and gave the sofa a...
I called to the ladies in the house to come out and assist the slaver with the sliced leg and bring some rawhide to tie up the one that was knocked out. The rest I was sure were dead or almost dead. Kira brought me my scabbard and some bread. I pointed to the unconscious slaver; "Thanks. Make sure that you tie his wrists and his ankles tightly, if he starts to wake let me know if you haven't finished tying him up yet." I walked over to the slaver with the massive gash across his left leg....
Some time back I was sent down to Southern Alberta because of work so while I was down there I decided to drop in on my aunt and cousin to see how they where doing. When I got there it was later in the evening (around 7ish) and my aunt answered the door, she was shocked to see me and asked me in. I asked how everyone was doing, my aunt told me about the divorce of my uncle (my moms brother) and that she was doing good but lonely not have a man around for friendship, she also told me the my...
Chapter 1: The Letter “Like, right here?” she said. I nodded. Mahika looked a bit confounded. She could see people both to her right and left. The parking was busy as we had just finished our accountancy classes. “You must be crazy”, she said. “You know me well”, I replied. She looked around again, “But where?”, she asked. I was just waiting for it. “I know a place, come on along.” We waited for the crowd to dissipate and found ourselves a secluded corner at the side of the parking. She knelt...
Introduction: Our baby girl is four months old, and finally sleeping through the night.. Bruce and i needed some time alone together. The last few months has been difficult. I have been very tired and an emotional wreck. My nipples were sore and sex was the furthest thing from my mind. Bruce was feeling neglected. We would occasionally have a quickie, but nothing like it was before the birth os our baby. He understood my lack of interest in sex, but he still wanted it and sometimes needed to...
River was lying on top of his covers naked with his door closed. This morning had been the last day of high school, ever, and he was celebrating by himself by jerking off. Being a lefty, his left hand was pounding furiously on his 7 incher, while the nails of his right slid up and down the light brown dusting of hair connecting his happy trail to his chest. River climaxed pinching a nipple and imagining Hox leaning over him biting his neck with his dick inside River’s ass. River jumped...
I didn’t sleep at all that night, I was just so nervous. Just a few short months ago, I was a shy schoolgirl, yet here I was devising the boldest, riskiest plan of my life. I knew the implications if it failed—I could lose my best friend forever. Even success had profound implications. Would our relationship ever be the same? Could we still be friends? All those thoughts kept racing through my mind. For some reason, the boys didn’t want to get out that day. When I opened the door, they would...
Penny Wishes was Captain Webster's creation carved out of the Spells 'R Us universe. And J. Pennington Pennyworth was his character. I can only hope I do him proud. There is no overt transformation in this story, but it is something that I wanted, perhaps needed, to write since I heard of the Captain's passing. This story is for the Captain. And for JDG. And also for my father, who lost his fight with lung cancer. Penny Wishes: Time of Sadness By Bill Hart J. Pennington...
Hi this is Pabby again with my 1st experience with my classmate and her elder sister If any gal, lady or group of females or any couple want to be in touch with me my e-mail id In the college we have to take up project work to gain experience in handling realistic projects. A major part of this involves doing literature research and writing a thesis. Our project team had two members that included a girl classmate, Penny. We were writing the report and for this we decided to work undisturbed at...