BethChapter 84 free porn video

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November 6, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

It was a bit weird having Inez naked at the table, but we all had a good time talking over Dad’s scrumptious breakfast, although we had to hustle to get to school on time. We regulars were surprised when all five seniors joined us at lunch.

Brett cracked, “You’re all going to lose your senior cred if you keep fraternizing with freshmen.”

There was much chuckling.

Hope riposted, “Without practice today, we had to come here, else we wouldn’t get to hang with our favorite boy.”

There was much laughing ... and Brett blushed.

“She got you, there, Brett,” laughed Heather. She turned to Hope and asked, “I thought he was our favorite boy. When did he become the seniors’ favorite boy?”

Hope looked around, then leaned toward Heather and whispered, “You girls and Meka were right about him. He’s respectful, not an asshole, and is funny.” She turned to face Brett and said, “We appreciate all three of those features, Brett, so please don’t change for the worse.” She then looked at Cera sitting next to him and said, “Give him a kiss on the cheek for us.”

Brett blushed again as Cera fulfilled Hope’s request.

Meka guffawed briefly, then cracked, “That makes at least two, Brittany and Cera. Have any of the others kissed you at this table, Brett?”

Brett went scarlet, though kept his head up as he answered, “No. For some reason, these freshmen girls don’t do that unless one of you seniors orders it.” He turned to Cera and said, “Thanks. That was nice.”

Cera ducked her head and was probably blushing, but her dark skin hid it.

Rhee put her left arm around Cera, then said, “You’re so lucky. I sure hope one of those seniors orders me to kiss him.”

There was much laughing.

After a couple seconds, I responded, “Hey! I’ve known Brett longer than anyone else here. That should get me some sort of priority. Shouldn’t it?”

I followed that with an over-the-top pout. I held it for a few seconds, then laughed; the rest of the girls followed suit.

Without practice, the four of us had to take the bus home. Heather was naked less than 30 seconds after I closed the front door, and the rest of us were not far behind. The voice was a bit of a surprise for all of us.

“You girls really like the clothing policy. Don’t you?”

Liya was the first to recover, replying, “We do, Mom. Gracey and I are very happy that you and my first mom have instituted the same policy. We’re also very happy that we no longer have to hide our sexual lives from you two. We both felt that we had to do it, but neither of us were happy about it, particularly as our mother-daughter relationships changed to become what they are now.”

Inez stepped over to Liya and hugged her as she responded, “I appreciate the openness, too.”

Liya came back with, “Where’s Gracey?”

Inez replied with, “Bathroom. That’s her stuff on the ... What did she call it?”


“Yes, that’s it,” she said, then gave hugs all ‘round.

We heard the toilet flush and Gracey exited with crutches from the bathroom shortly thereafter, saying, “Hey. Do you guys have as much homework as I do? I got some from every teacher!”

“Ugh,” Rhee exclaimed. “I think all our teachers knew we didn’t have practice today!”

“That was my thought, too,” answered Gracey.

Inez responded,”Well, you should get to it, as I’d like to spend a nice evening with my various daughters and their other parents.”

Liya replied, “We’d already decided on that, Mom. How long have you been here? Have you been naked the whole time?”

“We got in about an hour ago. I felt a bit weird stripping down and walking around nude in someone else’s house, but I’m getting over it.”

Four of us proceeded to put our clothes in our rooms, grabbed various homework needs, and headed back downstairs. Gracey was on the Monstrosity with her back to the wall, her history book cracked open in her lap, her mom’s left arm around her back, her hand hooked onto Gracey’s right shoulder.

Liya glanced back at me, then asked, “Inez-Mom, would it be okay with you to take a photo of you two? You look precious, a loving mom sitting quietly with her daughter doing homework.”

Inez laughed nervously, replying, “And without a stitch of clothing between us. I don’t know...”

Gracey looked up and turned to her mom and said, “It’s up to you, Mom. We have photos of various of us in situations such as this: homey sorts of photos of our sisters and parents. For some reason, the lion’s share have Heather in them. It wouldn’t be because she’s just so godawful cute. Would it?”

Inez responded, “She is incredibly cute. I’ve also seen her with her soccer face on, but I can certainly understand that she might attract the odd camera or two.” She turned her head from Heather and looked at Gracey, asking, “What ... I mean, how do you keep them? I would think you’d all be nervous about photos like that getting out.”

“Oh, we are that,” replied Liya. “Our rules are that all in the photo have to agree, and we have an agreed-upon system. We store such in password-protected folders and delete them from phones as soon as possible. We also insist on transferring such photos from phones via wire.”

Inez seemed to ponder for a short time, then said, “I would be okay with that, although the moment is gone, now.”

“Yes. But if you’re willing and I see another precious setting, I’d like to take the photo.”

“If it happens, feel free.”

We all dove into our homework while scattered around the living room. As per usual, various of us had questions for others of us in the same class, and we wound up changing locations to quietly discuss particular topics, although we never made Gracey leave her perch on the Monstrosity.

Carol came in a bit after 4 and quietly said hello to each of us, then climbed onto the Monstrosity to sit next to Inez, who was still next to Gracey, although Gracey was in her math workbook. I was lying on my front on the Monstrosity reading the history text that Gracey had read earlier.

Quietly, Carol asked Inez, “What do you think about the girls’ homework ... methods?”

Equally quietly, Inez replied, “I sure wish I’d have had such a comfortable group of friends at their age. I’ve been sitting her marveling. One of them interrupts another to ask a question, and the two of them get together to discuss something, then keep working, either returning to where they had been or staying where they wound up. Everyone else works on their own subjects through the quiet discussion. Except for Gracey, I’ll bet every one of the girls has moved three times in the ... hour or so they’ve been working. It’s like ... they’ve been doing this all their lives, but I know they haven’t. They really fit incredibly well together. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I had the same response with my first experience with this when your two girls were here in September. That’s what completely sold me on their avowed sisterhood. I’ve never before seen a set of friends like this, and you picked out the single best descriptor: comfortable. They really are all very comfortable with each other. They really know each other very well. It’s amazing.”

I broke in with, “It was this summer. Our friendship was strong before, but all the time we spent together this summer allowed for this, created this. It could have done the opposite, but it did this. I wouldn’t trade any of my sisters for anything.”

Carol and Inez sat there for a bit, then agreed with each other to get started on dinner. We girls worked on. Dad got home shortly after 5, after which he and Heather went upstairs to work through her Calc II recitation. Mom arrived a bit after 6, when we all quit for the evening and set the table. The evening was enjoyable, all of us sitting around in the living room having a wide-ranging discussion.

Near the end of the evening, Sandy asked Inez, “You’re all moved out?”

“Yes. I put the rest of our clothes and other stuff in Gracey’s and Liya’s room. Are you three still okay with me staying here until I fly out on Thursday?”

“Absolutely, Inez. We enjoy having you here. Besides, it makes it easier for you to spend more time with Gracey before you go gallivanting across the country for a couple weeks. You’re welcome to stay here or with Meka at our other house anytime and every time you’re back in town.”

“I greatly appreciate that, as it will make all the travel to museums to study specimens less taxing to have short breaks here with my daughters and my friends.”

Carol said, “And feel free to leave your car here, as we can almost always arrange for one of us to be able to take you to or pick you up from the airport. In fact, I’ve cleared Thursday afternoon, so I can take you this time.”

Inez closed her eyes, then inhaled and exhaled loudly.

“I would greatly appreciate that, over and above saving the expense of airport parking. While I could get at least some of it reimbursed, this would save me the hassle. I just wish it didn’t cause you hassles.”

Dad replied, “You’re our friend, Inez, and these are the sorts of things friends do. Don’t think of it as a hassle. Think of it as your friends getting to see you more often.”


“With that little problem solved,” Sandy said, “it’s time we were getting to bed. I haven’t gotten to enjoy my husband and wife in the Biblical sense since this morning, and I find myself in need.”

“You really do want him all the time. Don’t you?”

“I do. But I also want my wife all the time, too. The three of us are well-matched, and my life now is better than it’s ever been. I’ve had more and more-wonderful sex in the past four months than, probably, any set of two or three previous years. In fact, we’re closing in on 100 consecutive days of Charlie cumming in at least one of his wives or girlfriends. It’s been glorious!”


“Oh, pooh, Charlie. Inez certainly knows we have an active sex life, a very active sex life, and she knows that you make love with your girlfriends. In fact, Inez, you’ll be here for day 100 ... on Wednesday.”

Silence reigned for some time, until Inez exclaimed, “Wow. That’s ... umm ... amazing; crazy.”

Carol inserted, “And you’ll be here for my birthday ... tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s interesting,” Inez responded. “I can imagine what you want for your birthday.”

“If you’re imagining me having Charlie cum in me shortly after midnight tomorrow night, you’d be right.”

Inez shook her head for a while, then said, “This is the aspect of this whole thing that has surprised me the most. You’re all very open about your sexuality. You discuss things like this in front of our various daughters, and they don’t seem at all fazed. Of course, that stands to reason given that the actual sex is often in the open. This would not have worked for Gracey before this summer. She was ... reserved, but now she takes part in sex with various of her ... lovers in front of some or all of the others without any qualms, apparently. This family has been so good for her. I was so concerned that her father would have a lasting negative impact on her sex life.”

“Mo-ommm,” Gracey complained only a bit seriously.

Dad and the Moms headed to bed, but we girls stayed and chatted a while longer.

Inez said, “After last night, I thought there might be another live sex show tonight.” When Gracey began to respond angrily, Inez cut her off, saying, “I didn’t mean that I would have objected. This is not my house. I would simply have wished everyone a good night and then gone upstairs. I’m not part of this ... whatever we want to call it, and it would not be right for me to object or, more importantly, insist on taking part. None of them or you are my lovers. I was surprised at the sex show last night and the lack of such tonight.”

“Ah,” Gracey replied. “Dad is somewhat shy about this. Sandy pushes him a bit beyond what we assume is his comfort zone. However, he ... Beth, you were here; I wasn’t. If you’re comfortable explaining, would you?”

I inhaled deeply, held it, then exhaled, and nodded my head.

“Dad finally admitted recently that he really loves this ... whatever we want to call it. I don’t know if he’s always been the one to provide constraint or if getting involved with Sandy caused him to be more conservative to counteract Mom’s ... full-steam-ahead approach to things such as ... this. However, he admitted this weekend that he truly loved this life. He vowed that he would try not to be a stick in the mud, but he’s still going to be more conservative with this than Sandy might want.

“Mom would not have had any qualms about instigating sex with him or Carol with you in the room. She also would have encouraged him to have sex with any of us, whether you were in the room or not. I think that Dad must have told her that he was not going to do such. Mom knows him very well and knows when to push and when to back off. I suspect that if you’re here often enough or long enough, you will see more ... live sex show. I suspect that Dad will hold the line on sex with any of us girls in front of you or Nira, particularly with your respective daughters, but I’m less certain of that after Dad came clean with us recently.”

“Oh. I don’t want to be in the way. Perhaps...”

“No, Mom. You’re staying here. We won’t feel like we’re missing out if Dad puts the brakes on things. We’ve got each other and we can keep it in the bedroom. Or in the Monstrosity. So don’t be surprised if you come down here tonight and find me making love with whichever sister-friend-lover will be spending the night with me. While Liya and I are a couple and the other three are a triple, the intervening lines are faint and blurry.”

Inez looked at Gracey for a while, then around the room at each of us.

“That is part of why you’re all so comfortable together. Isn’t it?”

Gracey furrowed her brow, and I could see Liya considering a response, but Heather beat all of us to it.

“It’s certainly part of it, and possibly a sizable minority of it. We know each other well and have few secrets from each other. I know that there are aspects of my life that I haven’t shared, not because I don’t want to share them, but simply because I haven’t known them all that long and just have not had sufficient time. Gracey shared the secret about her father, and I doubt that she’s got any other secret of that magnitude bottled inside. As Beth said, the closeness that we developed this summer seemed to play a large part in the changes in Gracey’s psyche, demeanor, and confidence. She knows we’ve got her back, so she’s been willing to open more completely to us.

“Had you known me prior to June or so, you would think that I’m a doppleganger, as my psyche, demeanor, and confidence saw even greater change than did Gracey’s. I was shy and scared. Having this set of friends has made me over completely. As Beth said, I would not trade any of these girls for anything, and I would do anything for any one of them, much less all of them. The sex ... with them and with Dad ... is pure icing – admittedly very tasty icing – on the incredibly marvelous cake that is our five-way friendship.”

Rhee stood from the love seat that I shared with her and stepped over to Heather, sat next to her, and wrapped her in a Rhee hug. After a few seconds, she released, and looked at Inez.

“Heather nailed it. I’ve had a strong friendship with Beth for more than five years. I used to think that it was really strong. After this summer, though, not only is that friendship even stronger, but the friendships I have with the other three are stronger than the friendship I had with Beth even this spring. Sex was part of that change, too. While I think that Heather is right about the proportions involved in empowering the Go5 relationship, I think the sex was critical, despite being a minority. At least, it seems to me that one cannot have a strong sexual relationship without opening oneself further than for any other sort of relationship, as that requires trust, and trust requires openness.

“Look at Dad and Sandy’s marriage. When my mom came to Sandy to admit that she was in love with Charlie, Sandy had to trust in Charlie that adding Mom to their marriage would not cause problems between Charlie and Sandy. Charlie had to trust Sandy that she truly wanted my mom in their marriage. Then, Charlie, Sandy, and Carol had to all trust each other when the Moms wanted to add Beth and me as Charlie’s lovers, and then, further, with the other three. I’ve thought about this a lot, and I have a hard time imagining most men managing to keep their wife or wives first in their lives when their wives permit them to have loving, sexual relationships with a bunch of attractive teenaged girls. Charlie had to trust that what the Moms wanted was truly what they wanted and that they would not turn those relationships against him. The Moms had to trust Charlie would be faithful to them heart and soul despite allowing him something that he’d always wanted. That’s the kind of trust that we girls have seen and learned. That’s the level of trust that we’ve employed with each other. I, too, would not trade any of my sister-friend-lovers for anything. I would do anything for any or all of them.”

Inez stared at Rhee, as did we girls, for quite a while. Again, Heather beat us to vocalizing thoughts.

“Rhee has this façade she wears of the shallow-thinking, null teenager. However, she’s as deep a thinker as any of us. I learned about Rhee when my mother agreed to allow me to live here and told her on that day that I wasn’t falling for that façade anymore. However, this little expostulation has surpassed what occasioned my previous comment. Beth and Liya are our two acknowledged social-situation experts, but neither of them could have done a better job of explaining what Rhee just explained in two paragraphs. She has surprised me again. I love you, Rhee.”

Same as Beth
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I met him at a bar. Dark hair, piercing sky blue eyes, and a bit of a scruff; shading his chin slightly. Now he's in my apartment, just snuggling against my pecs. He has a nice build, strong arms and some nice perky nipples, which he let me pinch a little bit. Further into the night, he started dozing off, but I didn't want him to sleep just yet. For I was majorly aroused, but I don't want to go all the way since I only met him tonight. Maybe he wouldn't mind me getting him off a bit. But would...

2 years ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Part 8 Taking it Up the Arse

Back from our visit to the cider farm, I left my mum and dad to look after our purchases, and went back towards my room. I was feeling a bit sticky between the legs after my impromptu fuck, and felt the need to wipe myself down a bit, especially the trails of pussy juice down my thighs. But I didn’t actually make it, since as I was turning the corner I bumped into Abi coming out of her room. “Mmm, hello gorgeous,” she said, putting her hand round my waist and squeezing my bum. “Been out...

4 years ago
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I had been playing with my young niece for some time now, she had always been reluctant to my advances, being a good little Catholic girl and very virginal, first I would pull her into my lap and hug her, letting her go as she started to struggle, then I held longer squeezing her more tightly. Before letting her go. Then I tried kissing her, she resisted, turning away, and only offering me her cheek to kiss, if she would let me kiss her at all. Then I started being a bit more demanding, and she...

2 years ago
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Double TakeChapter 6

“Panic will kill you—and make you look like an asshole in the process.” —David Pedreira, Gunpowder Moon PHYSICAL THERAPY with Nurse Molly was simultaneous pain and pleasure. Everything she had me do hurt somewhere. She’d get me standing up and help me keep my balance while I did toe-rises on my left leg. Then she’d have me sit on a chair and lift my cast-encumbered leg horizontal so she could put a stool under it. This was the position she wanted me in to work on keeping my shoulders...

3 years ago
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Din Rat Mousi Ko Choda 8211 Part III

Hello friends,aunties,bhahies and women’s My name is Devandra and i am back with my new story with din rat choda mousi ko 3. thanks for reply ladies some ladies asking me we r waitting for your next part when u write ? so aunties this is for u who love my story any aunty ya bhabi want sex with me plz don’t hesitate to contact me my mail id is hai . Now I am starting story In last story u read Maine door lock kiya aur meri room main aa gaya aur mousi ke upper se chadar hatai aur unke chhuchi ko...

3 years ago
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Roll in the Hay

Hearing the doorbell ring, I feel a surge of excitement and nerves rush through my body. He's here! I can't believe I am actually going on a date with Erik! It all happened so fast after all, living in a big city the odds of us bumping into each other several times over a week was just crazy. The first time he almost stole my cab, next we bumped into each other, literally at a small hole-in-the-wall café, and finally at a large art exhibit opening at a museum. That's when he asked to bump...

1 year ago
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Tag Alina Instrument of RevengeChapter 5

"Why did you do that?" Heather paused and looked at her. She was in the middle of setting up a tripod. She'd already set up the lights and Alina had obediently helped even though all the lights pointed down at the bed and she knew what that meant. "Why did I do what?" "Tucker isn't a part of the Game!" Alina said, near tears. "You said you were only mean to me to help make sure the guys would count because you said they liked that. And ... and I get that. But Tucker isn't in the...

1 year ago
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Im Mittagszug

Es war ein heißer Mittag, an dem ich in die Regionalbahn einstieg. Meine Sitzung war früh geendet und nun fuhr ich nach Hause, das schöne Wetter zu genießen. Mit mir stiegen einige lärmende Schüler, ein paar Hausfrauen mit ihren Einkäufen und vereinzelte andere Fahrgäste ein. Alle aber stiegen bald wieder aus. Es blieb außer mir noch ein Mädchen mit schulterlangem blonden Haar, das wohl gefärbt war: Ihre Augenbrauen waren dunkel. Es trug ein blaues, in der Sonne glänzendes Neckholdertop, das...

4 years ago
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Carol Alicia

Frank had been seeing Carol for about six months, and during that time, they'd had some great times. Carol was a lovely brunette with pale blue eyes and a penchant for oral sex. Frank loved the way she looked up at him with those soft blue orbs when her mouth was full of him. She often smiled around his shaft, an impish delight shining in her eyes, while she worked her mouth up and down. Carol's figure is nice too. Slender, yet filled out with the curves of a mature, sexy woman. Her breasts...

1 year ago
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MommysBoy Jupiter Jetson Keep It Down You Two

Tyler Cruise has an important test tomorrow, so he REALLY needs a good night’s rest. Unfortunately, that’s not happening… because his stepparents, Jupiter Jetson and Clarke Kent, are having loud sex in the other room! Tyler pounds on the wall and tells them to keep it down, but they don’t seem to be stopping. After some tossing and turning in bed, poor Tyler still can’t get any rest, so he resolves to do something about it and marches out of his room. Tyler barges...

3 years ago
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A Husbands Education

“I know just the woman,” I said.“Good. Good.” Kim replied. “Do you mind if I meet her first?”It was ever thus with Kim; a veneer of quiet tact masked steel. This wasn’t a request, it was a demand.“Of course I don’t,” I said.We’d met up for lunch, me and my best friend’s wife. I didn’t know if she’d told Pete we’d be meeting, but then I didn’t care much either. It wasn’t as if we’d be having a quickie in the toilets afterwards. I was helping her with her husband’s education, true. It was also...

3 years ago
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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

2 years ago
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Anonymously Fucked in Showers

In the steamy shower, under the hot water, a hand grabs your speedo clad ass and pushes you against the cold tile wall. You can't see who it is on account of the steam and they surprised you! You can tell that He is big, in more ways than one... and strong. He is holding you to the wall by your neck with one hand while his massive tool is grinding into your crack, rubbing the fabric of your suit against your hole. You can feel the smooth fabric of his suit grinding against the fabric of yours....

Gay Male
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Cocklust Ch 14

That week, we put our other sex toys to good use.  Chad was partial to the anal wand; he made me fuck him with it a half-dozen times, in a half-dozen different ways.  Personally, I was more into masturbators myself, especially when used in conjunction with a cock ring.We both liked the dildos, which were still getting plenty of action.  We especially liked to do what we called an instant flip. I would bottom for Chad while at the same time fucking him with his dildo, or vice versa.  It was...

Gay Male
5 months ago
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Mom fucked by autodrivers

This is the story of my mom getting banged hard by group of auto drivers in a middle of forest. Hi this is raju am 22 years old and am from Bangalore.My dad is working as a mason in Dubai.My mom name is Velamma she is a house wife.My mom is 38 years old and she is from a village in kerala and she is a traditional women wears saree and nightie mostly and she is very fair skinned and her curves are so hot.She had long dark hairs and pink lips.Her boobs are huge and round and her curvy fatty navel...

3 years ago
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Kya Aap Meri Biwi Ko Try Karoge 8211 Part II

This is the part II of my story read first the first part, me thodi der baad bathroom janeka bahana karke ghar ke pichhe gaya to aur dustbin me dekha to dustbin me vesi hi pink color ki reciept fati padi thi mene uthaya aur dekha to same receipt thi uncle ke naam wali aur likha tha 1 bra set 750 Rs. me sochne laga ke ye sab kya hai fir mene socha chalo thik hai bad me pata kar lenge aur me meri biwi ke sath Sex karne andar chala gaya vo mas saj dhaj ke bethi thi bra and panty me mera lund ekdum...

3 years ago
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City LimitsChapter 6 Overdose

“This is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, broken for our sins. And this is his blood, shed for their remission,” Pastor Beck intoned. The elements sat on his desk as he blessed them. He stirred the cup, adding a measured amount of Lustre Plus to the grape juice. His use of drug variations over the past ten years had greatly enhanced his ministry and his success rate in taming the wild and undisciplined children who were sent to him. The weekly communion service with a trace dose left his...

2 years ago
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Der Einkauf

Der Einkauf Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Es war drei Uhr nachmittags an diesem sonnigen, warmen Fr?hlingstag. Peter stand vor seiner Haust?r und f?hlte sich ?berhaupt nicht wohl in seiner Haut. Genauer gesagt f?hlte er sich sterbenselend. Am liebsten w?rde er sofort im Boden versinken. Wie jeder vern?nftige Mensch wei?, tut uns der Boden in den meisten F?llen nicht diesen Gefallen. Er klingelte, klopfte. "Nun hau' endlich ab, du m?sstest dich doch ganz ...

3 years ago
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A Woman In Full Sharons Journey Continues Part 4 Unthinkable

A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part IV - Unthinkable By the weekend, Sharon had shed some of her sense of unease. Saturday morning found her in Gramercy Park, sitting with Julie and Amber while the children played. Julie's Megan and Amber's son, Jason, seemed to be spending a lot of time together. "I think he's smitten," Julie said. "And he's such a little gentleman about it." "He wouldn't dare not be," Amber said with a grin. Little Bryan began to toddle away,...

3 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 29

Roland's presence didn't interfere with Kim's golf game -- if anything, he was a good-luck charm for her. She finished the first two rounds at a combined six-under par 138, and was tied for the lead. It was a three-day tournament -- Friday through Sunday -- so everything would depend on Sunday's final round. Tess did less well, but made the cut Saturday at one over par. On Sunday, however, Tess' back went out on the fourth hole and she was forced to withdraw. I took her back to the...

3 years ago
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Keeping A Secret

The drive home from the Cities was always long. After work I had stopped at Kim’s to change and emerged as Samantha. I drove to the meeting and then went out for a drink (or maybe two) with some of the other ‘girls’. By the time I was half way home my eyes just wouldn’t stay open any longer. I decided to pull over in a secluded wayside rest area. If I could just catch a little catnap I knew I could drive the rest of the way. I wanted to be back at Kim’s to change before it got light so her...

1 year ago
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Pool Party

I love that little ding sound I get when a new email arrives in my Inbox. There's a satisfying feeling that comes over me when I feel like someone thought of me and sent me a message. Sitting at my desk, working out the available flow increase in a pipe network, I barely heard the ding of an arriving email message. I finished my calculations and did a quick gut-check to decide whether my calculation yielded an acceptable result, then turned to my computer and clicked on the Outlook button on...

3 years ago
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VacationsChapter 7 Family Fun

Back at the house, Frank took Taylor and Harry Junior out on the boat for some more skiing, then after lunch the three settled around the pool to sun themselves. Taylor wore her black bikini again, and she promptly laid down on a towel and untied the string bra. “Can you guys oil my back?” she asked. Neither her uncle nor her brother knew who she was referring to, so both approached her. They looked at each other in confusion briefly. “Come on, please?” she said. “I am going to burn...

3 years ago
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A Wee Bit O Seasonal Fluff

"A Wee Bit O' Seasonal Fluff" By Kelly Blake Foreword: This tale was inspired by "Les Joyeux" by...who else...Drea. Therefore this tale is dedicated to her. The holidays suck major league AND big time. It's always the same thing; I'm alone. True, it is mostly my own doing. I have this little intimacy problem with people; I'm scared to the point of panic whenever I'm in a one on one with someone and it's NOT in a professional situation. I'm a G.A. student at a...

4 years ago
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Daughter Managed Me For Mom Part I

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

2 years ago
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The ProdigalTwentyeight

AWARDS WERE DELAYED because of the length of our match. There were still two pro matches to be played, but the crowd was already thinning. At seven we were called to the podium. We joined a bunch of other players, coaches, and fans to have a victory dinner and dragged ourselves to the hotel. I’d been drinking water from the moment I got off the court and now I had to pee about every five minutes. At least that meant I wasn’t still dehydrated. I was exhausted, though. I hardly kept my eyes...

3 years ago
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Passionate Picnic

"Well, I'm going to get up," she said, pushing the sheet back and throwing her legs out of bed onto the floor. She sat there for a minute, rubbing her nose and eyes, staring out the window at the day."Goodness, just look at the time. We've been in bed all day. I'm off for a shower".He didn't answer, it wasn't necessary. Rather he lay there relishing the afterglow of what had been an extraordinary twenty-four hours.They had met at a party and got on pretty well, right from the start. The talk...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 58

Brock found playing left field behind a ground-ball pitcher like Udo Jergens to be one of the least interesting things he'd ever done in his life. He didn't have a ball hit to him in the first five innings. In fact, he barely moved at all. He jogged forward a couple of times to back up grounders in the infield and moved to his left a couple of times on fly balls to the other outfielders. But mostly, he stood there. His highlight of the first half of the game was getting to play catch with...

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Carla Chapter 2

I was hiding behind a pepper pot. The frog in the chair facing me asked me how I felt but I wasn’t going to hold a conversation with a frog. The problem with frogs is they can turn into Princes. Hallucinations are a consequence, I learned, of morphine use. As my pains, various, reduced so did the morphine and eventually the weird and wonderful tricks my mind played. I was left with the need to recover. A bullet can pass through you without doing much damage and mine had at least missed all...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 601

This is compliments of Rob C. Little Johnny is outside sitting on the curb, playing with his toy semi truck, every once in awhile he pops an m&m in his mouth, grabs the cat and bites it, and moves down the curb a bit. His dad is watching this thru the window, wondering what he’s doing. Johnny pops an m&m in his mouth, bites the cat and moves down the curb again. So dad goes out to see what he’s doing, Johnny tells him he’s a truck driver, dad asks him what he means, Johnny says “ You...

3 years ago
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Valentines Lingerie Gift part 1

Valentine’s Day was approaching, and my husband didn’t know what to get me. I had gone through a weight loss and was feeling confident enough to start showing off my body a bit more. His gift to me was handing me the credit card and telling me to go pick out some new lingerie. I could get whatever made me feel sexy. He gave me the name of a small boutique that he had been to and had several things he would like to see me in, but he wouldn’t tell me what they were. Credit card in hand, I headed...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 520

We women were put in two Range Rovers at the direction of Andy, with the men leading the way in another. The hotel was bad and it was easy to tell the rooms had not been used in months; dusty, dirty, stale. The water had to run for thirty minutes before the yellow rusty color went away. Well, we are not drinking that stuff without putting in sanitizing pellets or boiling it. We had brought plenty of bottled water and MRE’s so we would not have to venture out. There was a sign in the lobby...

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