A Cloak Of LiesChapter 8 free porn video

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"What the hell goes on?"

Brick ran from the cabin yelling the words with gun in hand. Niko didn't take time to explain. He could hear the big man's footfalls behind him, keeping pace on the narrow path.

"Stop, God damn it," Brick yelled, grabbing Niko's arm from behind. "What's going on?"

"It's Camille," Niko said, panting. "She got upset and ran off."

"Fucking women," Brick muttered. "Ain't she got a brain? I told you idiots not to wander off. The whole place is wired to blow."

"I know, God damn it! Why do you think I'm going after her?"

"Christ, let's go--"

An explosion rocked the mountain, sending a plume of debris and smoke over the trees. Niko flinched, staggering back a step as he looked in the direction of the detonation. With a roar of feral emotion, his feet took flight only to be stopped by Brick's big arms surrounding him and holding him fast.

"Get hold of yourself," Brick ordered. "Did Camille take the path?"

Niko fought him, even trying to use the back of his head to smash Brick's face. The giant was impossible to overpower.

"Which way did she go?" Brick demanded again.

Finally calming enough for the words to register, Niko stopped struggling. "The path."

"Your woman may be fleet-footed, but no one's that fast," Brick said. "That explosion was about a half mile down stream from where the path ends. Either she sprouted wings, or..."

"Or we got company," Niko finished as Brick turned him loose. "Jesus. I have to find her."

"I ain't leavin' Lorette."

"You see to her," Niko said. He pulled his gun from its holster at the small of his back. "I'll find my wife. Get Lorette out of here."

Brick headed back to the cabin with a speed that belied his big frame. Niko didn't take time to think about it. His mind centered on finding his wife and protecting her from whatever was out there. Years of experience and training in stealth tactics came to the surface. He made his way at a fast clip, his feet making almost no sound on the narrow pathway.

There was a second explosion, this one from somewhere on the other side of the cabin. With a quick glance over his shoulder, he picked up the pace. He had little doubt they were surrounded. Fearing discovery, he left the path.

A twig snapped to his left. He took cover in the undergrowth, careful to avoid what appeared to be one of Brick's traps. The small mound of dirt looked as if it might be a landmine. Crouched near it, he could see the shadow of a man as it wound its way through the forest.

Holstering his gun, he drew a knife from his boot. He let the man pass by his position before standing. Quick as lightning, he grabbed the guy from behind, clamping a hand over his mouth and dragging the blade from beneath his left ear, across the jugular vein. Blood sprayed the side of a tree as the man dropped the gun he carried.

Niko let the man fall to the ground. He paid no mind to the twitching, gagging body as he bent to take the M-16 the bad guy had dropped. Examining the assault rifle, he discovered that it was a military weapon, made in the good old USA. He took a moment to look at the dying body at his feet. The guy definitely didn't look like military. His hair was too long and his style of dress was anything but government issue.

After searching the body to find two extra clips in the man's pockets, he once again set out to find his wife. A picture of Oleander formed in his mind, of the man taking Camille again, of her being hurt. There was no question to whom these men belonged—and they made enough noise to wake the dead. He could hear another one crashing through the brush at some distance to his right. A rabbit darted in front of him, heading away from the sound.

He was near enough now to hear the babbling of the stream. Another fifty yards, he knew, and he'd find her—if he could just get there before they did.

"Let me go!"

Her scream was full of terror, eating into his brain like acid.

Brick made it back to the cabin just in time to hear the detonation of one of his many traps out front. The scream of its victim was cut short, much like a flame being snuffed out. He heard Lorette's cry a second later and kicked through the door to the cabin. She was alone, her arms protecting her head as she ducked in the far corner.

He ran to her only to stop short of touching her quivering form. "We gotta go, Angel."

She launched herself at him, reaching up to throw her arms about his neck. Her frame shivered against his, seeking something he didn't understand. What he did understand was the soft feel of her body and the scent of her that filled his mind. She smelled of wild flowers and mountain rains. It was enough to make a man forget his life was in danger.

A distant gunshot snapped him out of his reverie. He forced himself to set her away, to take her hand and head for the door. That was when he saw Rafe at the edge of the trees, his hackles raised, his posture defensive. Brick's senses—honed from years of surviving the hell of the path his life had taken—told him exiting the cabin now would be suicide. They were trapped.

Emitting a shrill whistle, he called the wolf inside before forcing the broken door shut and pushing the table in front of it. Lorette shivered near the fireplace, her eyes wide and unseeing with terror. After shuttering the two windows, he moved the narrow cabinet at the back of the cabin, dragging it off a trapdoor in the floor.

"Angel," he said as he pulled the door open. "Angel, listen to me."

She didn't respond, only continued to stare into space, seeing nothing. He could only guess she was reliving the nightmare of her life in captivity. Thinking of his own experiences, he knew she had been through hell. If she had been anyone else, he'd let her rot, but the need to protect her out-weighed his need to save his own skin. In three short steps, he was in front of her, taking each of her fine-boned arms in his hands.

"Lorette," he said. He gave her a gentle shake and watched her eyes slowly clear. "Angel, you gotta get in the cellar. Do you understand me?"

She nodded slowly, looking at him with such torment that rage flared in his chest. He wanted to tear apart any man who had ever hurt this woman, every man who would even think of causing her harm. She was as gentle as a newborn fawn and deserved only the good things in life—the things he would never be able to give her. But he could give her life by stopping whoever was out there from getting her. If he had to die in the process, so be it.

He lowered Rafe into the hole first, dropping the three-legged wolf as gently as he could. Then he grabbed Lorette under her arms, letting her go only when her feet touched the bottom. The cellar was shallow enough that she could still see over the top while standing. She would have to bend down for him to shut the door.

When he tried to close it, she put out her hand to stop him. Her eyes were pleading, her chin quivering.

"Aren't you coming?" she asked softly.

"No, Angel. I'm going to stay up here and stand guard. You'll be safe down there."

"No," she said with more determination than her expressive face allowed. She tried to haul herself back out, but he pushed her down again. "I won't stay here without you."

"You gotta stay there, Angel." He grabbed a bucket of water from the hearth and handed it down to her. "Rafe will protect you. Just stay down there and don't make a sound. I'll come get you when they're gone."

"Please, Marion. I want to stay with you. Please, I can't stand the dark."

That name he'd hated all his life, the cause of childhood torment and misery, sounded like honey on her lips. He'd never heard it spoken like that, never felt so affected by its sound.

Grabbing a lantern and a box of matches from the mantle, he shoved them into her hands. "I'm sorry, Angel. I can't protect you if I have to worry about stray bullets. Keep your head down and use this if you have to."

He held out a handgun, waiting for her to put down the lantern to take it. When she only stared at him, he shoved it at her again.

"I never shot a gun before."

"Take it, Angel. If they get to you, it's because I failed. Don't let them take you alive."

She nodded, understanding his grave meaning. As she took the gun, there was a noise near the front of the cabin. He pushed her head down, dropping the trap door in place. He could hear the footsteps of someone on the boards outside the door. Snatching the AA-12 from its resting place in his munitions trunk, he slapped a twenty-round drum magazine into place and grabbed the other two loaded magazines from the trunk. He dropped his big frame into a chair in the corner of the room and waited with the shotgun leveled at the door.

When she ran, Camille had no idea where she was going, nor did she care. No matter how hard she ran, she couldn't escape the image of a man dying by her hand. What had she become? All she believed, all her life had stood for was gone in the rage of hatred and terror.

Doug's face flashed in front of her eyes, his mouth dropping open as blood squirted from his chest. It was ghastly. Stream after stream of crimson poured forth like so many spouts on a fountain as each bullet slammed home. He was dead and she had killed him.

That he would have killed Niko didn't enter into what she was feeling now. He'd intended to shoot the only man she had ever loved—her very reason for living—but that wasn't her only motive for shooting him. It wasn't even the main reason.

The man known as Gerhardt had lied to her. He had created a false foundation upon which she had so carefully constructed her future. He had come to her with promises to fix everything, to put her back together and plan a life with her.

Niko had also lied. He was supposed to have been dead all those years—all those long, empty years. Without even thinking of the commitment they had made to each other, he had disappeared and left her without a word.

The police and the government had lied. They blocked her every effort to discover what had happened to her husband. The FBI, Senator Hyde's office—even the Social Security office—had forced her to accept Niko's supposed death.

All the lies weighed upon her like a heavy cloak—suffocating and debilitating. She stumbled under the burden, falling to her knees beside a babbling water fall. She wanted to shriek, to drown out the sound of the happy stream and to silence the screams of death in her head.

Rage, impotent and devastating, filled her to the point of choking. With that rage came hatred. She hated them all, those men who thought they could rule the world, and her husband wasn't immune. Niko was worst of all. He was supposed to have been her partner in life, but he'd taken off for parts unknown and had left her to her fate. If she ever got out of this mess, she was going to send him packing. She had lived the last eight years without him; she could certainly manage the rest of her life alone.

So lost she was in her inner turmoil, an explosion some distance downstream barely registered on her consciousness. She was still mentally processing the sound when something in the underbrush caught her attention. Maybe it was a rabbit or some other small animal. She was just about to brush it off when the feeling of danger came over her.

There seemed to be a heightened sense of awareness after all she'd been through. Her instincts were sharpened after coming so close to dying, or rather, being murdered. Was she any better than those who had sought to take her life though? She had become like them, willing to kill without thought.

Whatever was in the brush was moving closer. Glancing at the smoke still filling the sky from the explosion, she came to the realization that it wasn't the animals of the forest that lurked about. No birds were singing, nothing stirring but the creature that watched her from cover of trees. She wasn't alone.


Shaking her head, she almost laughed out loud at herself. Of course it was Niko. He was skulking around, watching to see what she'd do next. Remembering how he had been lurking in the grass that day after they had found Olan so badly wounded, she suspected he was doing the same thing now.

Well, he could sit and rot if he thought she was going to put on another show in the water for him. How could he be so callous? Didn't he care about what she was going through?

Rising to her feet, she turned her back on him and folded her arms across her chest. Still, that nagging feeling of danger wouldn't go away. What had caused the explosion? Was it some hapless woodland creature tripping a wire, or was something sinister going on?

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She was certain she was being watched. If it was Niko, why didn't he make his presence known?

Since coming to her rescue on that hated island, Niko had shown her nothing but kindness and concern. After making love that first night on board the ship, he hadn't pressed her when she'd needed her space. Although he was never far away, he didn't go out of his way to touch her or make her feel like she had to bed him. Why would he be acting like a lascivious peeping tom now?

The answer was he wouldn't. The way she had run away, he would have come after her immediately, yelled at her for not stopping when he ordered it and dragged her back to camp. Suddenly, the presence in the trees became far more menacing.

She'd done it again. By not thinking, she had put herself and everyone else in danger. Where was Niko? Had he already been killed while he was trying to go after her? Dear God, she thought. Please, no.

Another explosion split the air in the distance. It seemed to come from somewhere near the cabin. She thought of Lorette and Brick, of Niko—they all had so much to live for.

The presence in the woods was drawing closer. She could feel it more than hear it—although whoever it was as noisy as a herd of buffalo. That could only mean the person wasn't afraid of being discovered, maybe even wanted to be found and confronted.

A shudder passed down her spine. How could she have been so stupid? Had she not learned anything after what happened in Missouri? Well, this time would be different. She was going to be ready.

As quickly and casually as possible, she bent low to pick up a fist-sized rock at the edge of the pool. She gripped it tightly, gauging its weight in her hand. Strolling slowly and keeping her back to the presence in the forest, she worked her way downstream to where the underbrush came to the edge of the water. Her intent was to dive for cover until she once again remembered the warning about explosive traps. With a sigh, she turned to survey the possible hiding place even though she was unsure of what to look for.

That's when she heard the footsteps running across the dried leaves and loose gravel. She watched from the corner of her eye, keeping her sad little weapon hidden at her side. The man coming at her was armed, dressed in black and moving fast. With nowhere to run, all she could do was wait and pretend not to notice him.

He was on her in an instant, grabbing her from the side, tangling his hand in her hair. Slamming her booted foot down on his instep, she swung her arm around, aiming her rock at his face.

"Let me go!" she shrieked, the rock opening a gash on his left cheek.

He let out a grunt of shock, tearing out some of her hair when he flung her to the side. She didn't take time to think about the pain, only blinked back the tears and ran into the bubbling brook. She tore headlong down the stream, stumbling and feeling the slap of cold water when it hit her face.

The next thing she heard was a single gunshot echoing through the trees. She froze, waiting for the pain and the eternal blackness of death.

It didn't come. Everything was silent except for her own panting breath. Taking a quick mental inventory, she discovered she was unhurt. On her feet once more, she started to run only to feel a large fist wrap about her arm. She whirled on her captor, lashing out with the claws of her free hand. An arm came up to block her assault; in its hand was a huge gun. She stared at it, terror coursing with the adrenalin in her veins.

"Agapi mou."

"Niko," she whispered as she tore her eyes from the gun to see his face. Collapsing against him, she fisted her hands in his shirt and held tight.

"You're safe now, love," he crooned, hugging her fiercely. "But you won't be for long. We have to go."

Nodding, she uncurled her fingers from the fabric of his shirt and slipped her hand in his. He led her through the trees, side-stepping areas and pointing out things to be avoided. Remembering the explosions, she pulled up short.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I heard ... Did the cabin blow up?"

A smile, cynical and yet endearing, lifted his features, somehow putting her at ease. She had a sudden urge to wrap her arms about him, to feel his flesh against hers.

"No, love. What you heard was Brick's own brand of burglar alarm."

"Was anyone hur—Never mind. What do we do now?"

"First, we're going to get Brick and Lorette and get the hell out of here. Then we'll figure out the next step." He released her hand to strum his fingers down her face. "I need to know that you'll do exactly what I say, Camille."

She nodded, brushing her hair back with a shaky hand. Suddenly, the past didn't matter. The cloak of lies could be forgotten if only he would always look at her that way.

"Yes, Niko. I'll do whatever you say."

"I mean it, Camille. I have to be able to trust you in this."

She pressed his hand to her face. Tilting her head, she nuzzled against his palm as tears filled her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Niko. I haven't made things easy.

"No, but I had it coming. You were right, you know. I should never have left you behind, no matter what the risks were. I did this to us and I promise—when this is all over—I'm going to make it right again."

She smiled through her tears, pulling his hand from her face. "I thought you said we were in a hurry. Let's get out of here."

"There's the smile I missed all those years, baby." With a light chuckle, he pulled a gleaming revolver from the small of his back. "Take this. You got six shots."

She didn't argue as she took the weapon. Curling her fingers about the grip, she tested the weight before nodding her readiness. It was cold and heavy and gave her a sinister rush of power she wasn't sure she liked. A vision of Gerhardt's dead body flashed before her eyes once more. Shaking her head in an effort to banish it, she fell into step behind her husband.

There was a sound somewhere to the left. Niko shoved her down into the bushes before disappearing from sight. It was against her nature to lie waiting, but she did just that, counting the moments in her head. Time ticked slowly by, the forest around her as still as death.

Images of things too horrible to comprehend filled her mind. She found herself clutching the revolver to her chest, feeling the bite of the steel against her breast. Forcing herself to take a deep breath, she let it out slowly and waited.

She waited for what seemed an interminable time. Sweat began to form on her upper lip while she schooled herself to remain motionless. Her shirt, still damp from her fall in the creek, clung to her skin, making her feel all the more confined in the clawing bushes. Still, she waited.

A small flock of birds broke from the trees, taking to the air in a flurry of screeches and flapping wings. Camille let out a gasp, clamping her teeth down on her lower lip to keep from screaming. The birds disappeared, plunging the area into silence one more. She scarcely dared to breathe when she heard the sound of a struggle nearby.

It took both her thumbs, but she managed to pull the hammer back on the large handgun. Taking a deep breath, she eased herself up just enough to see Niko over-power another man. He clubbed the guy on the head with his rifle, and when he was down, hit him a second time. There was a sickening cracking noise, like a melon being squashed.

Camille dared not look at the result as she gently eased the hammer back down on her gun. Her stomach was having a hard enough time reconciling the situation. She turned away, averting her eyes while Niko wiped blood and gore from the butt of his rifle. When he was finished, he gave her arm a reassuring squeeze and pulled her along behind him.

They approached the edge of the clearing with great caution, each surveying the area while keeping low behind the undergrowth.

"This is where it gets tricky," Niko whispered. He gave her a long, hard look before glancing at the cabin. "We have to move quick. I don't suppose there's any way you'll wait here?"

"Hah! Besides, I'm faster than you and you know it."

The face he turned back was grinning. There was fire in his eyes, enough to heat her to the core.

"Stay with me," he said. "Stay low and do exactly what I do."

She gave him a curt nod. "Ready."

Before they could make a dash from the cover of the forest to the cabin, there was a flurry of gunfire, followed by a bellow of rage. The voice could only belong to Brick, a sound loud enough to shake the entire forest.

"Nothos," Niko hissed at the unseen attackers. He turned to Camille, giving her a grim expression that chilled her to the bone. "This is going to get a whole lot bloodier. Stay close to me."

Taking a deep, shaky breath, she followed him, keeping near-silent pace across the rocky ground between the trees and the cabin. She found it difficult to run bent over with her head low, but still she managed to keep up.

It wasn't until they plastered their backs against the back wall of the building that they heard sounds from inside. Through the shuttered window they could hear the sound of fist on flesh and the grunts of the victim. The voices were angry but muffled. It was impossible to tell what was being said, but it was certain they wanted answers.

"Christ," Niko hissed.

"What are we going to do?" Camille asked. "They're going to kill him. And what about Lorette?"

"You can't kill someone like him." Niko spied through a chink in the wood shutter, sizing up the situation. "I don't see her," he said. "Oleander's in there. He's got three guys working Brick over."

"Why won't he leave us alone?" Camille's whisper was broken and shaking. "It's never going to end. I just want my life back. I want peace."

"Me too, agapi mou." He ran the knuckles of one hand down her cheek, bringing her eyes up to meet his. "We have to end this, Camille. Do you know what I'm saying?"

She nodded, her heart turning cold. "Take no prisoners."

"Oleander still wants that fucking box. I say we give it to him."

"You mean that thing you showed me on the ship? I thought you said you were going to throw it overboard."

His face split with a grin that was anything but warm. The light in his eyes was sinister, giving her cause to shudder and feel the need to celebrate that he was on her side.

"Stay here," he said. "I mean it, love. Stay here and don't move. I'll be right back."

She saw him dash across the clearing to the tent they had been sharing. He disappeared inside, making the walls shake as he rummaged for God-knew-what. When he emerged again, it was to run for the edge of the woods with a small pack in his hand. Camille could only speculate about what he was scratching from the dirt. When he was done, he put whatever it was onto a tree stump. It looked as if he was building something—or taking it apart.

Beads of sweat on her forehead turned to tiny rivulets, streaming down her face as anxiety mounted. She wished he would hurry. He was only partially hidden by brush, leaving him exposed to whoever might decide to take a shot at him. The whole business was making her a nervous wreck.

The sounds from the room above were terrible. As frightening as the old wolf was, Lorette stayed close to him. He seemed to take a protective stance in front of her with the fur on his back standing up in a most threatening manner. His low growls were enough to make her quake.

Even scarier was the gun she cradled against her chest. It was cold in her hands, matching the fear that ran so freely in her veins. Tears flowed down her face to splash on the blue steel. More than once she thought of putting the end of the barrel in her mouth. Only the pained grunts of Brick above caused her to hesitate. She had the feeling if he heard the report of a gunshot, he would give up.

He couldn't give up. She wouldn't let him. The man had done so much for her, had saved her when she thought she would never survive. He insisted on helping to find her father and rescue him, and with a bullet lodged so close to his heart. Even though she could understand why others feared him, he had only been kind and thoughtful to her. There was a kind of gentleness in him that he worked hard to hide, but she saw it clear as day. She could feel his pain, his loneliness. It was a reflection of her own emptiness.

This was a man who could fill that void in her soul, a man who she trusted, and he was suffering to protect her. She had to do something—anything—to stop what they were doing to him up there.

The ugly old wolf hobbled as he paced under the trap door, raising his muzzle to sniff the air. He wanted to get up there, that much was certain. If only she could figure out how to get him out. Striking a match, she lit the lantern and raised it to illuminate the damp crawlspace.

In one corner was a pile of old wooden crates. When she started to move toward them, the wolf let out another low growl.

"It's okay," she whispered, her voice soft. "I won't hurt you. I'm trying to help."

The animal seemed mollified, went back to pacing under the door. Each time Brick let out another grunt or a voice of one of his tormentors spoke, the wolf raised his head again.

Lorette could only hope the men above were too busy to hear the noise she was making as she pushed a crate across the dirt floor. It was hard work. The box was heavy and she had to position it while on her knees. She moved a second one in place before putting out the lamp again.

Rafe had already perched himself on one crate by the time she climbed on the other. Saying a quick prayer to whatever saint might be listening, she lifted the door a mere two inches to peek at the world above. What she saw had her biting her lower lip to maintain silence.

Bloodied and defiant, Brick was shackled and tied to the heavy wood chair in which he sat. Three men pounded on him while he glowered at them with pure hatred. Oleander was there, standing out of range of the splattering blood, asking questions in between punches.

The only sounds coming from Brick were grunts and the occasional seething growl. Lorette knew he'd die before saying anything. She had to do something. Lowering the trap door, she went in search of the gun he'd given her. She found it lying next to the lamp after igniting a match. She singed her finger before making it back to the trap door and dropping the match.

"Okay, boy," she whispered. "Time to help your master. You up to it?"

The wolf growled low in his throat, dropping his head in warning. Lorette lifted the door just in time to see the butt of a rifle collide with Brick's skull. A man stepped between her and Brick, his back to the cellar door. She lifted the door higher, rising to her feet on top of the crate. She hoped she was doing the right thing.

Raising the gun, she pointed it at the broad back in front of her. It took all her strength to pull the hammer back. With a deep breath and a silent prayer, she squeezed her eyes shut and yanked back on the trigger.

The report was deafening, still ringing in her ears when she landed on her backside in the dirt below. There was shouting above as the door flew back against the cabinet. Rafe, with a strength that contradicted his handicap, bounded through the opening, neatly ripping out the throat of the first man to reach the cellar opening. The man's twitching body rolled forward through the opening. It landed on the dirt in front of Lorette, wrenching a scream from her frozen lips.

It was hard to imagine a gunshot could startle her at this point, but Camille hit the dirt when a weapon was fired inside the cabin. A second later, she heard Lorette scream, followed by another gunshot, and then another. There was another sound, a pained yelp that could only be the cry of a wounded animal. Brick's voice followed, giving a ferocious howl that would rival the fury of an enraged grizzly.

All this took place in the matter of moments, allowing little time to interpret the actions inside the cabin. Niko had heard, too. He ran across the open yard to pull Camille back to her feet. She could see her panic reflected in his eyes.

A fourth shot split the air inside, echoing out through the chinks in the log walls. It was followed by the sound of splintering furniture and Brick's feral howl. Someone was dying hard in there.

Same as A Cloak Of Lies
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 7 Innocence Lost

Wayne was puzzled. More than puzzled. He was a little pissed off. They were supposed to have a date. Judith canceled. She said she’d just started her period and felt crappy. Well, she’d certainly been acting crappy all week. Not that he’d been great company to be around. There was all the excitement surrounding the cast being invited to England to perform, but people were just beginning to realize how much work was going to be involved. Wayne had to draw up plans for the set that the...

3 years ago
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Angelas Back Orifice

I’ve got the kind of sex drive which means I often end up doing things I shouldn’t do. When I get the horn, nobody is safe, including my sister’s boyfriends, my female friends, my neighbours… the list is pretty extensive for an 18 year old. I do try and steer clear of married men but sometimes I really can’t help myself. That’s what happened with Dick, my latest boss. Perhaps it was his name: although he liked to be called Richard, I thought of him as ‘Dick’ and his less-than-complimentary...

Office Sex
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The Road to Self Discovery

It was a longer drive than I anticipated, some road construction, crazy drivers and a dead zone almost the whole way, so when I reached Bly, I was over an hour late and somewhat a wreck. When my truck pulled up, you were waiting in the open doorway. I don't know if you meant to show it, but I could see the relief in your eyes seeing me in one piece. You walked out to meet me, told me I was late and took my bag in the house. I knew what being late meant. Every minute I was late meant one more;...

1 year ago
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A Night To Remember Part 2

Removing my hand from under her boobs, I let it lie down against her other one. I would be back to explore them later, but now other parts of her body were beginning to capture my attention. A certain part of my body was also starting to demand attention. I slid my hand down over her slim waistline, marveling at how smooth her skin was. It felt as soft as silk. Continuing down over her hip, I couldn't help but notice that along with her large boobs, she had the perfect hourglass figure. Her...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Story CompetitionChapter 10

Diary entry 10 Three weeks later and Ben and I are still an item. We discussed the story and Ben asked if Leonard was modelled on him. Probably he was, both were proving to be good Samaritans and I knew I was falling for Ben in a big way. Perhaps I should fall for Leonard too? The lowly maid becomes the lady of the Manor? Maybe but the way would have to be full of unexpected setbacks. Again my plans for the story headed in a slightly different direction to my original scheme. Chapter ten. A...

2 years ago
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Mothers Favorite Son

Copyright© 2006 SexyBeast "To you, the best mother a guy could ever ask for," Erik said, chinking his glass against his mother's in a toast. They were both drinking mimosas, as they were at brunch. "Thank you, sweetie, you're very nice," Rita answered. She leaned over and kissed her son on the cheek after sipping her mimosa. They were sitting at a small wrought iron table outside in the sunshine at one of their favorite restaurants. They were in a small, secret garden in the rear, which...

1 year ago
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The Legend of Zelda

"Link,...get up, Link....Link!" Link awoke to Navi floating in front of his face yelling for him to rise from bed. Link blinked the sleep from his eyes and stood up. "What is it, Navi?" Navi regarded Link's body before answering, her eyes lingering on his morning erection before answering him. She made a habit of eyeing him like this, as except from within about a foot the glow generated by her lithe body made it impossible for one to follow the direction of her eyes. She also made a habit of...

3 years ago
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DanicaPart 3C

Danica spent most of the remainder of the week in her lab. She delved into her library, testing spells she knew, learning new ones from various volumes, and carefully comparing their effects. Her every thought turned toward determining what magic would best suit the item she wished to create. The research for this item followed a very similar path to the last one, so she was able to use much of what she had done previously to her advantage. She felt prepared to begin at the end of the...

3 years ago
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Another Step Further Down the HotWife Path

The next time my husband shared me after our Tahoe first was after my work’s Christmas party. During the party he asked me who I thought was handsome. I have no problem pointing out other good looking men, or men that I’d like to fuck. As it happens there was one guy at the party I was very interested in, Andre. When I pointed him out, my husband immediately chimed in that he thought Andre was a candidate. Andre was in his early twenties, tall, fit, and black. At first I was a bit concerned...

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Sethy Part Twelve Hiro

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-11 before this part. The main characters, Sethy and Shinny, are based upon the real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the true women. The photos included in this story of Sethy and Shinny are of the real women and are here with their permission. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without...

2 years ago
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My Mothers SonChapter 12 Hangingout Saturday

Dear Diary, A little hard to describe the exploring we have been doing, C and I. We've had a couple days of giggling together, but I guess he wouldn't like me describing it in that girlish term. He gets more masculine every day, more grown up. I'm so proud of him. And Mame said a funny thing to me. I guess you don't have many secrets from a perfect sister who you shared a room with all during childhood and adolescence. Even without words, she seems to know what I am thinking, what I am...

2 years ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 38

Amanda looked thoughtful as she chewed a piece of fruit. "I think this evening we'll continue with some more geography. You seem to be picking that up really well, probably because you already know the names of most of the major countries and just need to know where they are. Considering it's only been three days since we started, that's pretty good." Sirinna nodded absently, though she prompted herself to speak when Amanda offered no follow-up. "Master Roquan mentioned many of them at...

3 years ago
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Lost Empire 74

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

2 years ago
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I would love to have you shower with me

We hold each other close for what seems like an eternity. Just feeling the water, feeling the warmth, feeling the friction building between our legs,. My cock has slid now perfectly between your legs, and your slit is now gliding over top. You feel how amazing my cock is beneath your pussy, you start to rock back and forth, moving up it's length. You can feel me flex my cock, almost trying to push inside of you. You grind your clit hard against the top of my cock just as I lean into kiss you....

1 year ago
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My wife is kinkier than me

Since I convinced my wife to have sex outside of our marriage she has become very creative in how and where she gets her eggs scrambled. For example, one fall night she and I were in the den doing nothing , she left the the room and returned wearing her long winter coat. I asked her where she wanted to go. She opened the coat to show me she was completely naked under it, she said let's find me a cock to fuck. I grabbed the keys to my four wheel drive and we headed to the power line trail....

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Love Aint Nothin but TroubleChapter 3

Sam's mother, Carolyn Lewis, was just getting out of the shower at her house when Sam used the house key to slip inside. She still had her towel on, but she was so startled at seeing him that she accidentally dropped her towel. She froze as she realized that her son saw her naked. She couldn't even bring herself to cover up. She didn't do a thing until Sam closed the distance and planted a kiss on her lips. Carolyn drew back for a second, not believing that her own son had just kissed her...

1 year ago
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Mature Shushila Ki Chudai Ghar Pe

Yeh kahani meri aur mere ghar main kaam karne wali 40-45 saal ki naukrani ki kahani hai. Uska naam Sushila tha. Woh hamare yahan saaf safai aur ghar ke choote mote kaam karti thi. Dekhne main kuch khas nahi thi, rang kala tha, jism motapa liye hue tha par bahut moti bhi nahi thi, hamesha thik thak saree, jhumke, churi pehenti thi. Jab usne mere ghar kaam karna shuru kiya to uski taraf koi akarshan nahi hua. Ghar main patni aur baache bhi the to zyada dhyan uski taraf nahi diya. Ek din meri biwi...

1 year ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 45

"So there's no practical way to get her powers back?" I asked, a lump in my throat. I knew what Megan had said about giving them up, but I also knew it wouldn't be that easy for her. Eric smiled happily at me. "I never said that," he stated. "But... but you said the only way she could regain her powers was if I gave mine up; she refused that. I don't understand," I said, confused. Eric laughed. "No, actually, that's not what I said. I'll wait a minute while you replay the...

2 years ago
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Its good to be a pirate Chapter 1 The maid

I grew up on boats so when my c***dren had grown and started their lives it was my turn to follow my dream of sailing the caribean. I cashed in my nest egg and some cash I had been socking away and purchased a 55 foot cruising yacht. I had been researching and planning this day for years. I had everything needed to check out of the rat race that I had been running for years. Mortgages, car payments, tuition.. I paid it all and worked my ass off to do it. I'm a tall, attractive guy but my...

3 years ago
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BEST ADULT BOOKSTORE VISITI've been married for almost 20 years now and for the past 5 or 6 years I have had yearnings for something different in the sexual department. So to make up for the wife not putting out as often as I would like, I started to look for something new without it causing a divorce. The answer was found in an adult book store in a town close to my home.It started innocently enough, looking at heterosexual material, books, magazines, and movies. This particular ABS offers a...

4 years ago
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Aternoon Play with Daughter

I started to replay yesterday’s events in my mind, hoping that I could figure things out. I remember lying in bed, stretching, looking at the clock that read 10:30 am. The day was wasting away, as the morning sun cast a window-shaped slash of warmth across the sheets. I turned over, and there was Madison, lying next to me, still lost in her own sleep. A lock of brown hair lay across her cheek, and I gently tucked it behind her ear. The sheet silkily molded to her curves. My feelings for...

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RARBG Masturbation

Nothing says classic porn like your favorite movies and free unlimited downloads. So when did all of this streaming shit take over? Has the art of watching and keeping classic films died? I still own thousands of movies across over 50 laptops. I do what I can to ensure you fuckers are always getting the best value, and I think I found an excellent secret stash to share with you. Most of these videos are chicks rubbing their pussy, but if you're like me, this soft shit is like background music....

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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The Lost One Ch 0102

Author’s Notes: Hello everyone. For those of you who are reading my other story, don’t worry, I am still working on it. This story here is actually completed and someone wanted to read it on here. Because it has no sex scene in it, I figured I should put it here in the non-erotic section. This here is my baby for it’s the first story I fully completed (as in written and typed). I would like to thank blackstallion21 for editing these chapters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Chosen Path ...

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fun with mom

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see top rated story like theseIt was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We'd spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake.... most times without seeing another...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 22

I was waiting outside the classroom when the bell rang for the end of fifth period. Mr. Walker had let me out a few minutes early. The door opened. Allie was the first one out. Her face looked horrible, worse than Peter's yesterday. Her makeup had streaked and run down her face. Her face was puffy and her eyes red. She saw me and ran straight toward me, ignoring the looks she was getting from other kids streaming into the hall. She grabbed hold and buried her face in my chest. I could feel...

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Salamander 2Chapter 16

(Mandy) I woke up relatively early on Sunday. Gwen had to work today so I would have to fend for myself. I decided to try out the recipe book and cook dinner for her when she got back. I checked the fridge for ingredients, there was very little, a few bits and pieces but not enough to do anything I fancied. I had some money left over from what Gwen had given me yesterday. I looked through the recipe list for something that looked easy and didn't require too many fancy ingredients. I...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 7

[Julia] Late May "What we're talking about, here," Gerald Magnuson said in his most forceful manner, "are kids who would not fall under the legal definition of abuse, but whose home situations are intolerable." He was addressing a group that included Julia, two other local psychiatrists, the director of County Children's Services, a lawyer for the county, and two counselors from regional school districts. One of the counselors spoke up immediately. "Mr. Magnuson has identified a very...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 16

It took ten minutes for Becca and Kim to bicycle to where Jane's team was working. They both clocked in with her. Kim went off to start work and talk to Penny and Anita. Becca asked Jane if she could borrow the van for a couple of hours. She did not explain why. Word would soon get round the girls and she did not want to keep Nicky waiting. She also borrowed the house keys from Anita. Becca was home again as promised within half an hour and found Steven and Nicky chatting happily at the...

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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 6

Thursday December 11, 2014 “Kate Brice! Kate Brice! My name is Kate Brice! My mother is Paula and my father is Tom and my little brother was ... is Peter and I ... I ... can’t remember ... what they look like...” Her voice trailed off as choked on her tears. Those tears soon turned to sobs as she leaned against the side wall of the restaurant where this had all began just a few days before. The predawn darkness hid her from the truckers and other early morning travelers who entered and left...

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Pay For Play CheerleadersChapter 8

Nancy was in her cheerleading uniform for a big game. She looked luscious in the dark-blue skirt, the white pleats, her white vest full of her teener tits. Her tanned legs looked delicious, encased in the blue-knee sox, the blue-and-white tennies. She had her hair in double ponytails, parted in the middle, bangs on her forehead. She met Chrissie after class. "You ready to go turn 'em on again?" Chrissie asked. "Sure." "Let's really be sexy today, okay?" "You wanna?" "Yeah, I...

4 years ago
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Her First Time at a Nude Beach Part 2

From Part 1: “No, YOU made the mess,” I chided. I giggled back. It was only then that she kissed me – just a quick peck on the lips. She pushed me over backward and leaped up, running for the surf. I watched her go, amazed again at the natural wonderfulness of her. At the water’s edge, she turned quickly. “You coming?” she called. Yes. Yes, I was. We splashed in the surf like kids. We wandered up and down the beach. We sat and talked until mid-afternoon. By mutual, unspoken agreement, we...

Straight Sex
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TimeChapter 23

I woke up the next morning in sweat. It was not from a dream but the fact that I had both Helen and Laura holding me tight to them. Besides the heat, the position would have been quite comfortable. The bathroom was my goal and I got there first this time and was out soon. The long procession started and I saw the Linda had not recovered as much as I hoped; even Valerie seemed to be suffering more than usual. Over our breakfast I saw that the others had seen the problem themselves. I managed...

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Arthur Part 2

I was a privileged son of wealthy parents in St. Louis. My father was the head of a Fortune 500 Corporation and my mother was a former beauty queen. During my colleges days at Yale University, I had become addicted to cock and cum to the point that I neglected my studies and flunked out. Returning to St. Louis, my father kicked me out of my home and cut me off from all financial support. Sitting on the banks of the Mississippi river contemplating suicide, I was rescued by an older gentleman and...

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Enigmatic Rendezvous

Her breasts jiggled, quivering with excitement as she slipped tacitly from her revealing robe. The pink of her nipples, having been exposed to the cool night air, quickly became rounded nubs. The woman smiled coyly as her dark red hair fell languorously around her chest. The curled crimson framed her breasts as she sauntered over to the bed. Her legs moved with a certain grace that caused his jeans to tighten. His bulge was prominent even in the low light and her lips were a full red in...

1 year ago
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The Lover Ch 03

As Stefan and Eve drank their wine at dinner they told one another where they were from and all of the interesting things they had done in their lives. They found that they had quite a bit in common and knew that they were going to be friends for a very long time. Stefan looked into her eyes and saw the lust. He asked her if she was comfortable in their booth and she told him that she was but she was getting a little lonely, after all he was way over there. They decided to move themselves...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 10

One of the most annoying things that I remembered of that stay on Staten Island was the hordes of mosquitoes that descended on us at night like we were a late-night snack for them to munch on and suck our blood with the impunity of superior numbers. I must have terminated hundreds, if not thousands, of the insects with a vengeance unmatched since my gory days with General Sherman on his march into Atlanta and across Dixie like the mighty hand of God almighty seeking justice for the brave...

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Jessica gives it up for fame

I shuffled slightly forward and, fisting my cock, presented it to the pretty wannabe starlet. I brushed her long hair away from her face and with a twist of my wrist, I wiped the swollen mushroom head slowly under Jessica’s nose, forcing her to take in the pungent male scent of my knob-musk. Jessica gives it up for fame. I've seen them all come through my office in my time. All the wannabe's desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. And with my position in the talent company deciding who we...

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EssChad ProjectChapter 14 The Great Swamp

"Quiet! Keep your head down!" They crouched in the shadow of an empty hut that slumped against the outer wall of the village. Pete's voice was barely loud enough to carry over the chorus of shouts and screams that echoed between the walls of the village Ul. A fight seemed to have broken out between the Thantans and the lizardmen, back by the ruins of their workshop. A squad of lizardmen ran past, their guttural cries adding to the din. As soon as they were safely past, he scooped up a...

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Prissies Sissy

Prissy's Sissy Chapter I Portland, Oregon, January 5, 2005... "I'll take this one," Alexandria del Torez said, looking at the profile of Randy Grey. "I think, this one will do fine." Miss Fredericks, a kind tanned lady, scrunched her eyes, doubtful. Tired of Mz Torez, she still asked, "Are you sure, Ms. Torez? We have no references on him, and he comes from the south, so, no offense, he's probably stupid." She winced at herself for saying that, but wasn't it true? Alex, as she...

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Veiled SecretsChapter 2

April 1, 2007 Philip reached for the phone and pulled it up to his ear. "Yeah?" he asked in a sleep filled fog. "Philip." He sat up and looked at the time. "Hey Janie, what's up?" He looked over to the figure in his bed and sighed, wondering what her name was again. "It's mom. His heart caught in his throat and he felt his world tilt. He swallowed, almost afraid to ask what was wrong. He didn't need to, his sister, 14 years his senior was answering the unspoken...

2 years ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 21

Gloria quietly backed back to the living room and sensed the silence between her and her husband. Jim looked hurt and confused. She owed him an explanation but wasn't sure where to begin. "Jim, I have to tell you something, but please just listen first before saying anything OK?" Jim stood in front of his wife looking at her closely. Gloria took a deep breath not really knowing what her husband's reaction would be. "Well Friday, that same blonde girl came telling me she worked with...

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Second ChanceChapter 19

Nicole and Leslie enjoyed sharing me between them, and I enjoyed their company at night. The two women couldn't be any more different, and I shivered sometimes, when I thought about how different. Leslie was all in. She loved getting on her back and pulling me down on top, and inside of her. We were gymnasts at times, as she pushed, pulled, and demanded more. It never seemed to matter how deep I got, or how hard Mr. Johnson hit her cervix. She wanted it harder, faster, and deeper. When she...

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Amazing blow job with ass play

Last night I was so horny after a few sexy phone sex sessions. I called up a dear friend of mine. I met him a few months back. I had attended a formal bachelor auction. The last gentleman was a fireman. Mmmm I realized my ex was a fireman, but I never wanted him like this. I placed an ad for a sexy fireman and this sexy guy was nice and answered my ad. I love how sexy his pictures were. Tall and suck an awesome strong man that could carry you away from danger or into his amazing bed. We...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 23 Senior High School

My lips were so close to Cathy’s; I could feel her breath on me. Her eyes looked directly into mine, and I felt a huge yearning. I was about to pull her to me, letting my lips lock on hers, wanting to feel her tongue against mine, when I stopped myself, realising what was happening. “Think, William Morris, use your head, don’t blindly rush in!” I heard a voice in my head. “Don’t you remember what you told yourself, what you told Lori? You know what will happen if you give in to your desires,...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 8

I think I gave a sigh of relief when school started, and my days were no longer interrupted by girls who wanted to get naked with me. Plus the weather got cool, and with the wind that's constant in Oklahoma, it felt even cooler. Everybody started wearing clothing that covered them up, including Emma and Ashley. I had about a month of relief until they showed up one night asking if they could do homework at my house, because there were too many distractions at their own homes. What they...

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Twos Company

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative aswell as any ideas and thoughts for stories. If you wish to email me direct please do so on [email protected] This is a fantasy story of a 16 year old twin brother and sister. Both are sexually inexperienced and keen to learn and who better to learn with that your sibling. Especially when one of them has a very unique skill. Two’s Company Sally skipped up the path to her house and having fished the door key from...

2 years ago
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Being Neighborly

Being Neighborly Being Neighborly ??????????? Sarah Price was a knockout.? She was tall, buxom, and from her physique you could tell she was heavy into aerobics or the like.? Her hair was strawberry blonde and when she jogged kept she them in the cutest pigtails.? I had moved into the house next door to her place about a week ago, and at first I simply enjoyed watching her go by on her morning runs, but upon learning that she was divorced and living alone I decided to make my move.? I...

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Be A Diva Booker

Well this is just an introduction explaining what this is about really. You take control of the brand new WWE writer, Mike Jones, that has been given sole control of the divas division and how the storylines will go, you will get the choose what timeline you want(well anything post 2002 since really pre it there was only one or two divas that wrestled). However this is part like booking storyline and part erotic stories as I don't want just sexual storylines for the actually booking, you don't...

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The club

This is an open story so if you want to add your own characters and chapters just send them in and I'll add them. You are a wealthy man who's made his money in some questionable ways but that's not something you've really cared about now your rich you can spend it however you like. You now are the owner of a private club which men can go to service their needs. You own many slave girls all are talented and very attractive. Benefit of owning club is that you can use these girls whenever you want.

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MILF magic 3

Jumping ahead a little after I had taken a shower, it was now pass midnight and veronica was getting into one of my mom’s pajamas while I stood at the door chatting and getting to know each other a little bit more. It turns out that she and my mom still fuck each other quite frequently and this was one of her regular visits, it appeared that my mom had told her a lot about me but never mentioned that I would be staying for the weekend as well. We continued to talk while my mom came up the...

1 year ago
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MaquisChapter 10

Hyde Park, London. March, the same year. “WE WANT WORK ... WE WANT WORK ... WE WANT WORK...” The chanting had been going on for what seemed like hours to the small contingent of police officers designated to marshal the peaceful protest as it wound its way around central London. Similar protests were taking place in a number of other towns and cities around the country, but most of the protesters had made their way to London to join the main march. Although they had hoped for more, the...

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